#i've been cruelly left to die by disney
cityoftheangelllls · 1 year
If Disney had made a movie based on Struwwelpeter, what do you think it would be like?
Oh wow, I've never thought of that before. But anyway, that could be plausible! Struwwelpeter is considerably dark, but Disney is known for taking on some pretty dark stories (e.g. Pinocchio, Snow White, and Hunchback of Notre Dame), while of course toning down the more gruesome bits. So, in the case of a Disney adaptation of Struwwelpeter, Pauline would not burn to death, Augustus would not die of self-starvation, and the boy who gets his thumbs hacked off (I forget his name if he has one) would not get them cut off. But the overall cautionary theme would still be around, and it would be great if some of the dark stuff, such as Frederick being attacked by the dogs he abuses, Pauline accidentally lighting herself on fire, and the scissors-man trying to cut the thumb-sucker's thumbs off, were kept in. Disney isn't entirely lighthearted and cheery, after all. Furthermore, all of the children will be shown to have survived, been left unmaimed, or done away with their bad habits. I could see some potential for this movie also communicating positive or important messages that I think are valuable for children of this day and age to learn, such as awareness for eating disorders, the dangers of playing with fire and matches, the importance of maintaining personal hygiene, and the consequences of behaving cruelly to people and animals. I'm unsure how they would weave the story of the three racist boys who are dipped in ink into this version, however. While it does display a solid anti-racist message, I'm not sure if Disney would worry about being faced with controversy by including it.
Another idea I have is that the children could all know each other or meet in a room to tell their stories, which would all be told in flashback format.
Oh, and of course, Pauline would have her talking cats!
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