#i.. am never giffing again this took too much of my brain power to try and figure out
wen-kexing-apologist · 5 months
Thoughts on Last Twilight Ep. 5
Okay so a tell tale sign of a really good show for me is when I am rendered incapable of talking about it, which is why you’ve never seen a single analysis of I Told Sunset About You or I Promised You the Moon out of me, because if I think about that show too hard the bees return to my brain. And I’m having that problem with Last Twilight too where my chest feels absolutely bursting with feelings but I do not know that I am capable of writing anything about this show that is structured or coherent without prompting. So, here’s some incoherent ramblings I guess. 
First off, Aof is fucking brilliant and I am really desperately in love with the way that Mhok and Day just so beautifully complement each other/round each other out. I love that they have two completely disparate backgrounds and yet they can relate to one another so well. 
Mhok was literally imprisoned, and with the ankle monitor and very likely under some form of house arrest or curfew. Mhok walked through the world after his release from prison completely branded as a criminal, and unable to maintain his career because people always took him at face value. Day lost his career because of his blindness, and then willfully imprisoned himself in his own room because of how heavily he was grieving. 
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Mhok knows what it is like to be looked at and judged, and I really loved earlier on in the show how confused he was at why Day would be bothered by that, presumably because he got used to being stared at himself. And I love that Mhok learned his lesson about that by trying to understand Day in a way no one has really taken the time to do for Mhok himself. I love that Mhok is able to take his own experiences of being stared at as a comparison for what it is like to not know if you are being looked at and judged. 
Rung lost her life, and that has fundamentally impacted Mhok and Mhok’s relationship to his sister. Similarly, Day lost (or at least thought he lost) the life he had which has fundamentally impacted himself and his relationship to Night. I don’t know that I have enough information yet to definitively declare how Rung’s death has impacted Mhok’s behavior and approach to life, but I do like to think that Mhok’s experience around Rung’s death, the fact he wasn’t there for her, the fact that he had to go through his first year of life without her imprisoned, may have been a contributing factor to how and why Mhok is so determined to get Day to live his life again. 
I don’t know, I was just thinking about Mhok’s suggestion that Day does his normal thing and goes to Gee’s game immediately following a conversation about Rung’s death and how he thought he would be able to make her False Rice again some day, just felt so clarifying to me as to how and why Mhok approaches Day the way he does. Because Day and Mhok both understand the meaning of “I thought I had more time” so well, for such fundamentally different reasons. 
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gif by @casualavocados
I love that Mhok is starting to open up more to Day. Which, when you think about it, Mhok has been pretty private about his life despite knowing so much about Day’s life right out of the gate. I personally read this as a strong indicator for Mhok’s feelings for Day and how he is making a concerted effort to move from caretaker to lover. And there are so many fun layers to that relationship because their current relationship is not balanced. There is a bidirectional imbalance in the caretaker and client relationship. Mhok has power over Day’s daily life and if he wanted to he could have radically more control over Day’s autonomy. As Day’s caregiver, Mhok inherently has access to much more personal information about Day than Day would have for Mhok. Yet Day is still his employer, still his boss, working for Day is still what pays Mhok’s bills. So in order to sort of bridge that divide, Mhok needs to start working to shift their balance. Mhok already balances the physical caretaking elements of his relationship to Day rather well, and has let Day determine what he can do on his own and what he needs help with, so he isn’t stripping Day of his autonomy. 
If Mhok really wants a chance with Day, then the needs to reciprocate the personal information, and I love how smoothly everyone handled the scene. I think Sea did a phenomenal job with how he had Day react to Mhok’s story, as if some things started clicking in to place for him. Day and Mhok have never talked about Mhok’s background, at most Day has brushed aside the information about Mhok having assault charges. I don’t know yet that Day understands just how much Mhok is capable of relating to Day’s feelings and experiences, because he’s been so busy in the past few episodes focusing on how much Mhok is incapable of relating to Day’s feelings and experiences. 
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I am not the first, nor will I be the last person to say that I loved the allusions to Day and Mhok’s relationships to their siblings. Once again there is some commonality between them there, in that their relationships are complex. We currently have a very limited view of Rung. As far as we know she was ambitious and hopeful, and then she hit a really bad low after her nail salon failed and ultimately completed suicide. We haven’t seen any indication from flashbacks or the like of Rung’s flaws, we haven’t actually seen her fail Mhok, or be heartless to Mhok. Yet Mhok agrees with Day’s initial comment that the hydrangeas means heartless. Because Mhok is still mad at Rung for leaving him, he is still stuck in his grief. We haven’t seen him put in any time or effort to process his own pain, instead Mhok is doing what grieving people do, and helping someone else instead. 
I am sure Rung was not a perfect person, I am hoping we get more flashbacks of her and get to see more of her flaws, more of the relationship she and Mhok actually had. I am hoping we get a change for Day to help Mhok navigate his own pain, just like Mhok has been helping Day. But it was certainly interesting to see the parallels between Day saying that Mhok has fallen for Night’s act, thinking him nice while Mhok has associated his sister with heartlessness. 
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gif by @casualavocados
And I don’t know that I have the energy to get in to it right now in any further detail (hey look at me, trying to keep things short), but I do just want to acknowledge the fact that Mhok has really committed to giving Day as much of a sensory experience as he can. When Mhok took Day out on the practice date, he wore perfume so Day could smell him (and as an aside I love that Mhok puts effort in to making himself look good even though Day can’t see him). When Mhok took Day out on the walk to cheer him up, he brought him to a bridge on a public road, where there are sounds, and there is a fence that Day can feel; he brought him to a flower shop where Day can smell and feel the flowers and where there are bright colors that might register within Day’s limited vision. 
Mhok was constantly touching Day in so many different ways. Casual/platonic touch when he’s performing his duties as caregiver; quickly and playfully when he’s trying to get Day to chase him; heavily and intentionally when he’s both comforting Day and when he’s turning up the charm. One of my favorites is honestly the moment that Day lets his fingers curl around Mhok’s hand when Day switches to using August as a guide. 
Anyway, I love this show so much, it is quickly climbing the ranks to become one of my favorites of 2023.
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jinna-aka-ninja · 11 months
Calling Of The Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 7
A/N: So I was asked by someone to be put on a taglist? I've never done that before, and I am HONORED! Thank you! I'll be honest at this point I'm just sprinkling in gifs I think are funny.
I made a Masterlist for this though!
Word Count: 2,433
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“She’s not a... what?” Michael asked flabbergasted at the mere mention of this. Star had wanted to remove what she believed to be a curse so much, it was the one thing that she wished for help with. Hearing Y/N say that she wasn’t a vampire was too much for his muddled brain to handle at that moment.
“Michael. I just said it more than once! If I say it again I will be upset with you!” Y/N said to him with a sigh, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mad at you. I am, I am very mad at you; but I shouldn’t be. It’s not your fault you’re still human enough to fall for the effects of a succubus. She’s not the strongest one, but that is what she is. Vampire blood forced her powers out too early so she’s weak compared to most.”
It made perfect sense to Y/N; it was hard to believe that anyone else was not able to comprehend this information. “She wants to be human again when she never had been human to begin with. Her abilities are like that of a vampire... except she doesn’t feed on blood.” With the last few words she looked at Michael thinking that he should obviously know exactly what that meant.
Michael stared at her, open mouthed, making Y/N believe he was trying to come to terms with the information he gathered...except.. “What’s a succubus?”
“Michael. Have you ever been curious about the occult? Ever just looked into a random book in the occult section of the library? You really just don’t know the signs of things that are laid out in front of you? The moment you laid your eyes on Star, what led you to her? Your heart or your second head?” Y/N asked him feeling like she was talking to a child learning of the dangers of the world when it had already been far too late for them to save themselves.
“... You don’t understand Y/N. When I first saw Star that night, the way she moved to the music. When our eyes met and she looked away from me, playing hard to get. There was something that made me want to go closer.” His attempts to reason with his decision were failing him. The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt. “I felt a pull to you too when I first saw you!”
A hiss came from Y/N as she took a sharp breath at his words, “Do not compare the pull of a bond to that of a half-assed Succubus’ lure.” She said to him feeling hurt and offended all over again. The nerve of this guy to compare the bond of a mate to something that was just pure carnal.
“How do you know about this stuff, Y/N? I doubt you just so happened to look at a book randomly to learn.” Michael said wanting an explanation to her knowledge.
“You were brought into this world of monsters you believed to be in stories and nothing more; I was born into it, raised in it. I know this stuff because it was taught to me from a very young age and through my years I have been learning more and more.” It was the honest truth, “You can’t tell the boys I know yet! I need to be the one to tell them now. If you just go and say it then they might think that I’m planning something..I just needed to come to terms with it too.”
“Come to terms with what? You didn’t drink from the cup, you aren’t a half vampire.” Michael groaned feeling like he was at a loss, and he was correct. He was at a loss.
Y/N felt sympathy for Michael. “I did try to stop you, but no, you had to be a part of the boys and just do what you could to fit in. Face it Michael, you’re more in love with the guys than you were Star.”
Maybe Michael hadn’t quite realized his own feelings yet because the look he gave Y/N was one that showed he was clearly not amused. “Don’t say that.”
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“It’s 1987 Michael. There’s nothing wrong with it.” She said to him rolling her eyes. “Go home Michael. The sun is up and you’re going to pass out from the exhaustion. Don’t you dare let me find out you’re trying to find a way to break your being a half vampire. You were selfish enough to go through with something without thinking it through, don’t make the mistake of ruining the lives of others by trying to change fate.” 
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With that, Y/N turned and walked off. Leaving Michael behind to go home and sleep. With this outcome she knew she had to tell the guys that she knew, but now how could she explain to Tyr that she had more than one soulmate? Worse so, that one of them wanted to try to break this being a half vampire.
From the distance she could hear Michael’s bike start up and speed off to go home. Y/N didn’t get far though. The sudden feeling of being spun around, hand in another hand, coming face to face with Tyr had her surprised.
“You’re awake. I thought you needed more sleep?” She asked him watching as the smile on his lips turned into a grin.
“I had enough sleep. You really think I’m going to let you wander around with vampires for long?” Tyr teased but that just made Y/N think of one thing. It’s freaking Daytime!
Y/N watched him, a trace of irritation flashing in her eyes. “So you showed up after the sunrise, to what? Protect me while they sleep?”
“What makes you think I showed up just now? I’ve been hanging around you since the diner.” The words Tyr spoke shook Y/N. If he had been around since the diner then he knew that she wasn’t with Michael, the half vampire, she was with four full vampires. “Did you know.. that when a human becomes a vampire, their soul dies. Not entirely, but most of it does. I told you they are dead souls Y/N. So why was it you were with four vampires and a little half vampire.. and then another half vampire showed up?”
There was no anger in Tyr. He was curious, worried maybe, but there was definitely no anger. It was wrong hiding something from Tyr. It felt so wrong, her heart felt like someone had placed weights on it and thrown it to sea.
“Because ... I think that I have more than one soulmate.” She said to him speaking the full truth, he deserved to know it. “I feel the things I feel to Michael to David, Paul, Dwayne and Marko. I don’t know why I do, but I do. A part of me thought I was wrong about it, but after tonight I know it’s true. I feel it.” Y/N was sure that he would deny this. That he would insist it to not be real.
“And the Succubus? Any chance she enchanted you into thinking they were your soulmates? Their power over the heart is strong.” Tyr was trying to find reasons to not believe her; knowing that Y/N wouldn’t tell him a lie straightforwardly. If she believed them to be her soulmates then that was what she really did feel.
This form of not believing it was better than him instantly trying to take her away from here. “No. I know how it feels to be enthralled by a succubus and an incubus. This isn’t that.” She assured him as they walked, hand in hand back to the home. “Will you meet them?”
“I have to meet them! How else will I see if I should kill them or not?” Tyr said to her, Y/N laughed thinking he was joking, but he didn’t join her making her laugh fade away.
“Tyr...” Y/N spoke looking at him with worried eyes as they reached the door.
He just opened the door and led her inside, “I’m not going to let you be placed in danger after everything I’ve done to keep you safe Y/N. If they kill you, if they hurt you... I’ll destroy everything.” The violence of an angry demon was unmatched by most, except perhaps a devil.
The only thing that Y/N could do was silently enter the home. She was sure that they wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. It would be unnecessary for her to mention this to him. “Tonight then, after you feed.”
Tyr shot her a grin as he went off to rest some more. He hadn’t fully recovered, but it was clear he didn’t want her out there on her own. Not when he was so sure that something dangerous was lurking in the dark. There always was, but this was something so close. Unavoidable. “Wait... WAIT TYR THATS MY ROOM! INSTIGATOR!”
Why was he an instigator? Because that made her have to sleep in his bed. Freaking Demons and their need to constantly create chaos in everything that they happen upon.
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When the next night had approached Tyr was up before even she was. Tossing her clothes over her sleeping body. “Wake up! It’s time to make some vampires angry!”
“You know for someone who thinks they are the ones with dead souls, so far I think you have been instigating them more into showing their fangs.” Y/N said with a groan as she got up from the bed. “I’m not wearing this!” she said tossing the clothes to the floor after seeing what he threw at her.
“Good luck with that because I hid all your other clothes!” Tyr sang as he made his way out of the room. It was like living with a child sometimes. There were times Tyr had been sophisticated, walking with his head held high like the aristocrat he had pretended to be so long ago; but then there were the times he acted like a spoiled brat!
However, no matter how annoying he may be, Y/N would never trade him for anything in the world. He was her annoying demon.
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The clothes he had picked up was a skirt and a sleeveless blouse, and his own coat. Simple but it was a freezing night out there and she would have to wear his coat if she was to stay warm. Or so he HOPED. She was going to freeze. Leaving the coat on the bed as she marched out of the house, Tyr hot on her trail behind her.
“I didn’t get to enjoy this place! I want to go to a concert!” He said to her taking a hold of her hand and rushing off. Y/N did not fail to notice him wearing the coat he had left for her now.
The walk to the boardwalk was uneventful. It was just a simple walk, when they did get there had been a concert playing. The entire time Tyr would not let go of her hand. Y/N had a suspicion that he was afraid she would run off on her own to find the vampires and he wasn’t wrong.
“You didn’t get tired of waiting for us to show up, did you?” a voice spoke from behind her making Y/N turn to see David looking at Tyr with what seemed to be anger.
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“David...” The name came out sounding as if Y/N had been holding her breath and finally was able to breathe again. “No.. this is Tyr. My roommate.” She said to him trying to remove her hand from Tyr’s ironclad grip to no avail.
“Ah the one who has been sick.” Marko said walking up from behind David, Y/N watched as these guys seemed to almost appear out of thin air from behind David to stand behind him. “So he’s all better, more time with us now.” He said holding his hand out to Y/N, but as he did so his eyes never left Tyr.
She had told them before that Tyr was like family but with how he had been with her right then, they weren’t sure that Tyr had the same sentiment. Marko wanted her by their side before he felt he had no choice but to make a move against Tyr.
Y/N reached her free hand to hold Marko’s when she was pulled up against Tyr’s chest. Her eyes wide as she looked at him. “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked him.
Tyr wouldn’t have hidden his smirk if he could as he looked at the guys. Their faces seemed to grow dark with anger at the movement. “This is my first night up and about, I want to spend it with you Y/N. After spending all day in your bed, might as well spend all day out with you.”
“Bastard.” Y/N whispered under her breath in shock. He was really trying to provoke them. The four vampires’ nose twitched as they took a quick sniff. Sure enough, Tyr was coated in her scent, and she was covered in his. “I wasn’t in the bed! I was in his bed!”
“Is that any better?” Tyr asked her laughing at her attempt to keep things from escalating.
“Let go of me Tyr.” Y/N spoke quietly to him hoping to get him to listen to her before the guys felt the need to step in. Pushing him away from her, this time he did let her go as she fell into the arms of Marko. She had expected him to hold her back so she pushed more than she needed.
Marko’s arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her to his chest as if he was afraid Tyr would rip her from his grasp. “Thought you were just friends?” Marko whispered to her.
“Seems like he is a bit more than a friend.” Paul spoke out in a hiss, eyes still locked onto Tyr who shrugged his shoulders, that dashing smile still on his lips.
“Are you okay?” Dwayne asked Y/N, the only one who had not had his eyes locked in on Tyr but looking at her instead, concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine really. Tyr just likes to start trouble I promise.” Y/N said not wanting any misunderstandings, but it looked like it was all that Tyr wanted.
“Y/N please, undead blood suckers are not worth it.” Tyr said without a care in the world that he had just told them that he knew what they were, but in turn either she had known or she knew now.
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I hope I am doing this right... TagList: @simplyreading96
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ygodmyy20 · 7 months
Okay I finally am getting around to this post! It's the 'Fuck how can mob psycho help me in so many ways god damnit I hate and love this show' post!
Shigeo joining the body improvement club, and everything about this part of his story is so personal to me. I just have to talk about it.
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So as we all know at the start of the story, Shigeo joins the body improvement club to impress Tsubomi. Thats it. Thats the goal. He also joins because he wants to get stronger and not rely on his psychic powers but really like...the main reason is to impress her.
And this isn't new. A character wanting to get fit, lose weight, change some physical part of themselves for a crush is SO common in stories that you barely notice it.
But what I love, what I ADORE is how this progresses and changes.
This gif from an amazing AMV by @thekagepro24 and it just UGH hits me so hard it is so perfect!!! I could watch this 5 second gif over and over and over again
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I just am. I just am dying while running, I just am making progress, I just am enjoying this because I really like it.
This puts everything I feel into visuals (it's so gooooood watch the AMV!!! DO IIIIIIT)
So many times society tells us to change something about ourselves, or we tell ourselves to change for the appeal of others.
Lose weight so people think you're pretty.
Get fit so you can get into clothes that make you look hot.
Get swol to make a person think you're attractive.
You are the one and only you, this is your one and only body. So why are you working out, why do you WANT to get "swol" who are you trying to impress. Is it for yourself? A crush? Society?
I have battled with the above for so long. I come from an athletic background, and did a lot of sports growing up, but I have never been small. I have battled with weight my whole life and had my own shitty bouts with ED.
I have been in therapy, I have read books, I have watched videos, I've been in and out of PT for nearly 5 years because of a lower back and hip pain that NEVER went away.
I never figured out WHY i wanted to exercise. It just always was "To lose weight" because I couldn't get that goal out of my head for years and years and years.
But then I watched mob psycho 100.
And I started a new type of physical therapy.
And was it mp100 or was it the therapy finally working, who can say which did it—probably both—but one day I thought...
....maybe I should just go for a run...for 5-10 mins. Just to see how it feels. It went against all parts of my athlete brain (because 10 mins is too short to see "gains"....which is dumb but whatever)
I thought of Shigeo and how he basically passed out every time he ran for like 2 mins, but he got better. He had to start from 0, well...kinda like negative 5 really. But then he was doing so much not even a few months in!
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35 pushups is so hard!!! You go my boi.
Shigeo started off doing it all for Tsubomi, for others, and even if he really wanted to do it to improve himself I think it was a secondary goal initially. Main goal was to impress someone. Secondary was to get stronger.
But then the marathon happened. And those goals SWITCHED! DURING THE RACE! just....man it hit me. It hit me hard. THAT WHOLE EPISODE IS JUST A LOT FOR ME GOD DAMN
He ran for her initially but he continued running for himself. He continued working at it because he wanted to and in the end, after everything, after confession arc, after all that
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This scene!!! makes me cry happy tears!! look at how happy he is UGH IT JUST IS SO UGGGHHHHHHH
Anyway if you made it this far, know that everyones journey through their body improvement, mental improvement, emotional improvement is different. We all have to tackle it in the way that works for us.
It took me nearly 10 years to start again because of this beautiful anime connecting the right dots in my brain.
Every journey is different, but just keep fighting on and you'll figure it out!
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matan4il · 1 year
Sooooooo from someone who spends too much time researching name meanings before naming their characters to someone who knows too much about names (jk, you can never know too much, I just thought using superlatives would be fun, and yes, I know "too x" isn't even a superlative, just let me have this 🤣):
Thoughts on the naming of 911 characters? And skdhflsdhf if you wanna add some shippy thoughts to it, go ahead😂💕
LOL Hon, can I just mention how much I love that we have in common the whole spending too much time researching name meanings before naming a character thing? XD And you know you can always consult me whenever you want to! My brain is full of redundant information and someone should take advantage of that!
I wanted to do this properly, so I ended up making a whole goddamn post about name meanings for 911 characters, including a few gifs. Sorry that means it took me a bit longer to reply, and thank you so much for your patience! xoxox
My thoughts on these name choices by 911, wow... OK, so can I mention that the most heartbreaking one to me is the naming of Daniel? As you can see in the post, Daniel means "God judges me" which is basically a sentiment expressed by religious Jews, an accepting of God's judgment and an expression of trying to do right in his eyes. But when someone passes away, in Judaism we say, "Baruch dayan ha'emet," meaning 'blessed is the judge of truth' to express an acceptance of this fate, too. Considering how young Daniel was when he passed away, the choice for his name just sends a shiver down my spine.
Evan meaning 'God has graced' gets to me, we just have the irony of this boy who grew up feeling like he was nothing in the present, that he could only hope to be someone in the future (as he tells Maddie in 405), this boy who was only brought into the world for God's grace to be directed towards saving his older brother, and he doesn't see, he doesn't realize just how much grace there is in his own existence! Once again, breaking my heart...
Another one that gets to me is Eddie's name meaning 'rich protection', when he's a dad who has dedicated himself to protecting his son and doing everything in his power to making Christopher's life as good as it can be, sparing no expenses on it, working twice as hard to be able to take good care of him, all while barely spending any money on himself (as his bedroom shows in 204). I also really like that he and his dad Ramon share the 'mund' part in their original Germanic names, meaning 'protection.' They are both devoted father, looking to protect their kids! They just go about doing it in very different ways...
And of course there's an interaction between their names. While Buck has trouble seeing his own grace, and is reckless and de-values his own life, Eddie is also protective of him, doing everything he can to make it clear to Buck that he is not expandable, and that there is no one Eddie trusts in the world more than him. Their love story is coded into their names, for heaven's sake!
Athena's name meaning might be unknown, but the connection between her and the Greek goddess of just, brave, smart war always got to me! Athena is opposed in Greek mythology to Ares, the god of bloodthirsty, treacherous, destructive war. It's just so fitting for a character whose whole essence is to be a warrior for good. And in that instance, the show even made explicit reference to this, saying Beatrice didn't choose her daughter's name randomly.
I like that when David was brought specifically to be Michael's love interest, he's given a name that is the ultimate one for lovers. David (spelled in Hebrew דוד) comes from the Hebrew word 'beloved' (pronounced 'dod' and also spelled in Hebrew דוד). Not only is that a very fitting meaning, but in the biblical book The Song of Songs, you'll find the verse, "Ani le'dodi ve'dodi li" which means "I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me," considered by many people familiar with the biblical text to be the ultimate expression of a lovers' bond there. That THIS is the name chosen for the character brought in to be a part of the first proper mlm couple 911 has featured makes me happier than I can explain!
I can talk about other notable choices (naming probably the biggest villains on the show with names that refer to 'peace' or imply it by meaning 'dove'), but I don't wanna overburden this post. I do think some of the names, when the origin is unknown / uncertain, and when some have very little connection (if any) to their characters, are a reminder that TV show writers don't always do the research. Sometimes they just like a name! Or select one randomly! Or have personal associations that play into choosing a name, that have nothing to do with the "official" name meaning. In other words, we (as fic writers) allowed to ignore this, too. ;) I personally like having intention behind my character's name, as an extra layer of meaning, but it is 100000% okay not to pay it any attention! *hugs*
Hope you have a wonderful day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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julie and the phantoms appreciation week ☆ day six: play it on repeat
↳ the boys poofing in and out
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callme-barnes · 3 years
Drunk Crushin’
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*GIF is not mine*
Summary: You have a night out with the girls to get your mind off of your ex. Now your in the tower confessing things you wouldn’t be if you were sober.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader (with powers)
Word Count: 1,842
Warnings: None
A/N: Please do not repost my work anywhere! I wrote it for Tumblr so it stays on Tumblr. I’m trying to get back in the swing of writing things because well, I love writing. It’s been literal years since I’ve written anything so please be kind. I kind of just put this out as it goes. I don’t want to think about it too much or I will never publish anything. Anyways, for this pic I gave the reader the ability to manipulate nature but it doesn’t play a huge part in it. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy otherwise!
The euphoric feeling of the satin dress on your skin was mixing in nicely with the feeling of too much alcohol in your system. The alcohol heightened the smooth sensation on your skin and the music caused you to sway from side to side to the rhythm, flashing lights dancing across the exposed skin of your legs, arms, and chest. Natasha and Wanda surrounded you, the pair of them a lot more sober than you were.
“Y/N/N...how are you feeling?”
You managed to open your eyes at hearing your name, although it sounded muffled due to your intoxication.
“I feel...amazing! Who...who needs men. Right? Right!”
Wanda couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips at your response
“Babe maybe we should have you drink some water. You’ve been on the dancefloor for hours” she mentioned in slight concern but also was amused at how carefree and happy you were in that moment.
“I’ll take...I’ll take another shot” you said blissfully, looking at Natasha and Wanda before you reached over and moved your arms around each of their shoulders
“Thank you guys so much...I...I needed this so much. I can’t believe...believe he would do something like that. I mean...what...what the fuck was he thinking?! And in my bed for fucks sake”
Wanda and Natasha moved to walk you towards a small corner booth, Wanda excusing herself so she could get you some water.
“Don’t worry about him babe. He was a fucking asshole. I couldn’t stand him. If I had a chance to cut his head off I would”
Y/N laughed to herself as she leaned into Natasha, resting her head on her shoulder, her own head spinning.
“I love you Natasha. And you Wanda!”
Wanda laughed at your coo and she slipped into the empty seat next to you helping you get your water bottle open
“I love you too babe. Now, let’s get you sobered up just a little and get you back to the compound”
You don’t even know how the conversation was started due to your head not really remembering any complex thoughts, but your mouth was running as if you knew exactly what you were talking about.
“He’s...holy fuck, if I could get my hands on that man. He is probably...probably the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. I’m glad he managed to get into this era because...I mean, the 40’s didn’t appreciate him much”
Natasha had her arm wrapped around your waist, your heels clacking on the hardwood floor and your dress had ridden up dangerously short above your thigh. You were smiling to yourself as images of Bucky Barnes flooded your mind, your intoxicated brain flashing the most sinful, perverted thoughts.
“Have you seen the man workout...when he’s all sweaty and...out of breath”
Wanda set your stuff down on the counter with a small smirk on her face as she listened to you go on about the super soldier, having known all this by now. She had always agreed not to read your mind but you didn’t exactly make it hard to notice sometimes. She was pretty sure everybody in the tower knew about your crush on Bucky.
“Sorry Y/N, you’re the only one who has noticed that I’m afraid”
Natasha set you down on one of the stools, Wanda moving to stand next to you to keep you upright. You swayed a bit to yourself, looking around in a haze.
“Oh come on! Don’t tell me. We’ve all been in the same room with the guy! He once took his shirt off during a sparring match with Steve and I haven’t stopped...thinking about it since. But you gotta....you gotta shhh because my boyfriend would get mad if he knew”
Natasha laughed slightly as she took some snacks from the cupboard noticing Bucky walking into the kitchen Before he got a chance to ask what you guys were up to, you let out a scoff as you looked over drunkenly at Wanda
“Oh wait….I almost, forgot! I don’t even...have a boyfriend! Not anymore. Fucking bastard. He...you know what. Fuck that guy. I think I’m pretty hot, I am a...I can make life grow with these hands!” you say as you hold up your hands in front of both you and Wanda, Wanda reaching over and grabbing onto them causing you to lean into her chest, your eyes looking up
“You think...you think I’m hot don’t you Wanda?”
Bucky watched the display in front of him, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge then looked over at Natasha
“What’s all that about?”
Natasha ate a chip and looked over at Bucky speaking quietly, “She found Leo in bed with another woman this morning”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up, a bit in surprise but more so in disdain. He figured that’s how that guy would go out. Bucky would constantly see his wandering eyes when you would bring him around, even go far as catching up all up on some girl once. Leo had just laughed it off and said it wasn’t what it had looked like before before walking back to you. Since that day Bucky made sure to keep a close eye on him, which put Leo on his guard and just made it harder to catch him
“Asshole. How did she take it? Why didn’t she tell me?”
Natasha looked at Bucky with a knowing stare, “You know why she didn’t tell you. She hasn’t exactly been that open about her relationship since that day you told her you caught him on some girl at the BBQ last year”
Bucky drank more of his water and sighed, his gaze moving up to see you interacting with Wanda. He couldn’t help the slight smile that was on his lips as Wanda pushed hair from your face and spoke to you in a quiet, calming voice.
“Whose Natasha talking to? Hey Nat! I’m the drunk one here you’re not supposed to be the one talking….to yourself”
Natasha smiled in amusement as she ate more chips from the bag, “I’m not babe, I’m talking to Bucky”
Your eyes widened immediately as you straightened up from Wanda’s body and fumbled around with your hair, “Holy shit! Why didn’t you...tell me. Wanda how do I look?”
Wanda let out a laugh and shook her head as you loudly whispered to her, her hand going to hold onto you and smooth out your hair
“You look lovely Y/N/N”
You looked in Bucky’s general direction, a smile on your face at his words. You brought your chin to rest on your open palm on top of the counter, your eyes closing and opening so you could try to focus
“Y/N, Wanda and I are going to get out of this clothes and we’re going to bring you a change of clothes. Are you okay with Bucky for a few minutes?”
You let out a soft grumble in agreement, your eyes now just staying shut.
“Yeah. I mean as long as...he doesn’t take off his shirt because I wouldn’t remember it in the morning and that would be...a waste of a strip tease”
Bucky laughed a bit as he walked over and stood next to you to keep you upright, “Don’t worry doll my shirt will stay on”
Wanda and Natasha laughed to themselves before making their way to their rooms to change. Y/N felt her body sway to rest against Bucky’s torso, her head on his chest before Bucky moved to rest a hand on your waist
“Come on Y/N we should get you in a more stable seat”
You groaned as Bucky helped you up off the stool and made his way to the couch
“Bucky, you were right. I’m sorry, I should have...listened to you”
Bucky moved to set you down on the couch, taking a seat next to you “Right about what sweetheart?”
“About Leo...he was, he’s an asshole. That day at the BBQ, I knew...I knew you were telling me the truth. I just..do you know I had caught him talking to other women all the time? On his phone, when we went out. I just...I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want it to be true”
You moved to lay your head down in his lap and sniffled, “I tried everything, he just...I should have accepted that he didn’t want me”
Bucky moved his hand to push your hair out of your face, his other hand resting around your form “Don’t beat yourself up Y/N/N. He never deserved you. He’s an idiot if I’ve ever met one. And I’ve met many. If you want I can go scare him for you. You know, rough him up a little bit”
You laughed softly and shook your head, “It’s okay. Thank you though”
Bucky looked down as he continued to run his hand through your hair, watching as you held up one of your hands, “I should’ve choked him out with a vine when I had the chance”
He let out a loud laugh at this, his hand reaching up to take yours and set it down on your hip, “Calm down there Little Shop of Horrors”
Nat and Wanda entered the living area, clothes in hand, “Alright little lady let’s get you out of these clothes. Thank you Barnes”
Bucky helped you sit up, getting up when Wanda and Natasha sat down,“Bucky can’t leave. He smells nice, and he’s comfortable”
“Bucky can’t watch us change you sweetie. Remember, waste of a strip tease?”
Bucky smiled and turned around as Nat and Wanda helped you out of your dress and into a large t-shirt and shorts, “It’s okay I’d strip for that man any day”
Wanda scoffed with a laugh, Bucky’s smile growing into a happy little smirk at your words
“He’s still in the room lady behave”
“Oops, sorry”
You let out a drunken giggle as Wanda and Nat finished up, “Alright Bucky you can turn around. You’re welcome to join us. We’re just going to pop in a movie so we can keep an eye on her for the night”
Bucky nodded as he took his seat next to you again, letting you get comfortable in his lap again, his hand finding a comfortable spot on your waist.
“Psst...hey Nat you think I...got a chance with Bucky?”
Bucky looked down with a small smirk since Natasha was on the other sofa turning on the TV, “Absolutely doll”
You let out a content mumble of ‘thank god’ before stretching out your arm across Bucky’s lap.
“You know she’s not going to remember any of this when she wakes up right?”
Bucky looked up at Wanda before looking back down at your form
“Oh I know. That’s what’s going to make my days so much better for what I have planned”
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avnkin · 4 years
Shake On It [ 2 ]
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Author’s note: I was really in my harry feels whilst writing this so sorry about that lmao also I proofread this so many times and it still SUCKS ASS. I posted this entire thing earlier from my phone but tumblr deleted everything except the title so yeah I’m sorry if there aren’t italics and bolds on some of the words where they should be but i’m just to lazy to go through the entire thing and find them all again, maybe i’ll do it later but who knows. I do not own harry potter or the storyline/characters they are the intellectual property of J.K Rowling. (not my gif)
Word Count: 5.9k
Summary: There’s little to nothing Draco values more than his reputation so when he sees it slipping, he’ll do anything in his power to catch it.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader / Platonic!Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, foul language, asshole!draco and daddy issues lol
This is an AU so all the information doesn’t exactly line up with the HP storyline for example Voldemort hasn’t returned but still exists so little from Harry’s history changes but Dumbledore’s still alive.
After yours and Draco’s interaction the other night you’d strongly begun reconsidering his offer to accompany him to the ball, maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought, I mean what’s the worst that could happen? So many things your anxiety was quick to answer, the most important one being that Harry and Ron would probably never speak to you again.
“Y/N are you even listening to me?” Hermione’s voice snapped you out of your trance, her blurry hand waving in front of your face, you quickly began blinking in an attempt to bring your surroundings back into focus, “sorry” you then muttered sending her an apologetic smile before gesturing for her to continue with whatever she’d been talking about.
“As I was saying, I need a cute date for the ball, who do you think will annoy Ron the most?” you were about to answer when a voice from behind you beat you to it.
“Annoy who the most?”
You rolled your eyes having a pretty clear idea of who it was, you reluctantly turned around your eyes immediately locking onto Draco’s who stood there in all his glory a smug smile plastered onto his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Excuse me who invited you to this conversation?” you retorted before turning back to Hermione who had an amused grin on her face causing you to lightly kick her from underneath the table, you didn’t want Draco putting two and two together and realizing you’d talked about him with Hermione.
“I was just wondering if you’d changed your mind about going with me to the ball” Draco cajoled causing your eyes to widen realizing you still hadn’t told Hermione about the fact he’d asked you in the first place.
You sent Hermione an an ‘i’ll tell you later’ look before twisting your body to face Draco’s who now had his hands placed in his robe pockets, his self assurance radiating off of him despite the fact you’d rejected him only days before, the boy had clearly never been told ‘no’ his entire life.
“No and I won’t be, so run along” you stated before making a shooing gesture with your hand which only seemed to have the opposite effect you’d intended it too, since he began to take a few steps forward, licking his lips as he looked you up and down.
“Yes you will” he stated matter of factly and it took all self control you had not to smack him right across the face, who did he think he was?
“Is it really that hard to get it into that tiny little brain of yours that there are girls alive who don’t like you” you practically growled missing how Hermione’s attention had drifted away from the scene unfolding before her and to the two figures who had begun making their way towards you.
“Yes because there aren’t an-”
“Malfoy find someone else to bother can’t you see she’s not interested” Harry cut him off as him and Ron now fully came into view, the two of them standing tall behind Draco whose attention had now shifted from you to them.
“Oh look who it is, dumb and dumber” chortles could be heard from the Slytherin table at Draco’s words causing you to roll your eyes, it was pathetic how they would lick up every single thing he did.
“Offers still there Y/L/N” Draco turned to you before he slowly started to ascend back towards the Slytherin table where he was greeted with numerous pats on the back as he squeezed himself in between Crabbe and Goyle.
“What a slimy git” Ron huffed as he took the seat next to yours, immediately beginning to scoop all the food in view onto his plate.
“What did he want anyways?” Harry asked resting his elbows on the wooden house table as he sat down opposite you.
“He asked if I wanted to go to the ball with him” you feigned disgust as you shook your head, hoping he would drop the subject, you’d never been a good liar and if anyone could see through you it would surely be your best friend.
“Just tell him you’re going with me if he asks again, then he’ll leave you alone” Harry suggested, Ron nodding along with him as he stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth.
“Yeah- yeah ‘course thank you Harry” you scratched the back of your head cringing at the obvious hint of disappointment lingering in your words which thankfully no one but Hermione seemed to notice since she reached her hand out across the table and laid it gently atop of yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You gave her a small smile before your eyes began dancing around the Great Hall somehow coming to a halt on Draco’s figure, he had his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he engaged in conversation with Blaise.
No one could say that Draco Malfoy wasn’t handsome, rude and a prat? Sure, but unattractive no. He was the only boy you’d ever seen who was able to pull of such a hair color and as your eyes travelled along his sharp jawline up to his chiseled cheekbones you felt the uncontrollable feeling of heat rush up to your face as his eyes met yours.
He sent you a wink before turning back around, you mirroring his actions the feeling of butterflies swarming your stomach slowly melting away as you pushed any remaining thoughts of him aside.
The ball was only a few days from now and you and Hermione had decided to take a trip down to Hogsmeade in an attempt to shop for dresses, not wanting to repeat what had happened last year when you both had made the mistake of trusting your parents with your attires, the dresses they’d choosen had arrived the same night as the ball and you had been forced to show up in matching bright pink gowns since it had been too late to go and buy new ones. You’d been the laughing stocks off the school for a couple months after that, never again.
You cringed at the memory that would surely be edged into your mind forever but as you pushed open the wooden door that led into Gladrags Wizardwear you found yourself entranced with all the beautiful dresses littered around the shop.
“Have you decided who you’re gonna go to the ball with?” Hermione hummed as her fingers trailed over a blue gown that hung along with hundreds of others at the front of the store.
“Yeah I think I’m just gonna go with Harry, I don’t want to risk my friendship with either him or Ron by going with Draco” you sighed not feeling the need to hide your disappointment in front of her.
“I get that but if you really do like Malfoy you should just ease Harry and Ron into the idea of you two being together” Hermione shrugged in response before removing the dress she’d been looking at from its hanger and placing it into her arms as you continued browsing.
“How am I supposed to do that you know how much they hate him” you sighed as you lightly dragged your hand over the multiple fabrics that hung on the clothing rag next to you.
“You could dance with him at the ball” Hermione suggested, you nodded silently in agreement before coming to an abrupt halt as a certain dress caught your eye. It was champagne colored and made out of silk with a thigh high split running down the side of it, not the type of dress you’d usually go for but nevertheless you carefully placed it into your arms deciding their was no harm in seeing how it looked on you.
“Who are you going with?” you changed the subject not feeling like talking about Draco anymore, it was really killing your mood.
“Hero Finnigan asked me” your eyes widened at Hermione’s words. Hero Finnigan was in the year above you and was quite the heartthrob around school, he’d been known for having a new girl underneath his arm every week and it seemed that this time around it was going to be Hermione, much to your surprise.
“Please tell me you said yes, if anyone’s going to make Ron jealous it’s definitely him” you assured her, looping your arm with hers as you continued skimming through the store.
“Of course I said yes, I’m not that daft” she shook her head before continuing, “I don’t know though I-I guess I was just hoping that in the end Ron would ask me, but apparently he’s going with Lavender” her nose scrunched up at the mere mention of her name as she let out a heavy sigh.
Your heart ached for your best friend as you put an arm around her shoulder giving her a tight side hug, a subtle way of letting her know you were there for her no matter what.
“Enough about that let’s go try on our dresses and we can tell each other what we think” Hermione was obviously trying to distract herself but you didn’t feel like pressing the subject any further so you only nodded in agreement as you started searching for the changing rooms, it was a surprisingly big shop compared to how small it had appeared from the outside.
Once you’d finally found them at the far end of the shop you both entered separate rooms, simultaneously pulling the curtains shut shielding you from the watchful eyes of the other customers, although there weren’t that many.
You took one last look at the dress letting your fingers wander down the silky fabric before carefully removing it from its hanger and slipping your legs in between the opening.
Once you got it on, you weren’t able to reach the zipper on the back, no matter how hard you tried so you stealthily peeked your head out behind the curtain and seeing no one you began to make your way towards Hermione’s changing room hoping she could be of some assistance.
“Need some help with that?” a voice stopped you dead in your tracks, swiftly turning to see Draco standing there, a mischievous smirk resting on his lips as he took a step closer to you.
“Are you stalking me or something?” you shook your head, furrowing your brows once you noticed how his eyes weren’t meeting yours, instead they were trailing up and down your body, devouring every inch of you.
“Eyes up here Malfoy” you teased which made him finally look up at you, but instead of replying with a snide comment of his own he threw the suit he’d been holding onto a clothing rag nearby and slowly began to stride towards you.
You weren’t able to get a word out as he tenderly placed his ring clad fingers on top of your bare shoulders scanning your face for approval witch you granted by carefully nodding your head taking in a deep breath as you felt him begin to slowly turn you around.
You shivered once the cold metal wrapped around his fingers began to run down your arms, his fingertips then gently dancing down the small of your back in a painfully teasing manner.
You couldn’t help but let out a breathy sigh as he took a step closer to you his lips ghosting over your ear as he began to pull the zipper upwards causing you to almost involuntarily lean into him. As soon as you did his scent consumed you, he smelled of expensive cologne and spearmint, even better than you could have ever imagined.
He stopped as the zip reached the bottom strands of your hair, he thought for a moment before he carefully wrapped his hand around your h/c locks, twisting them gently around his fingers before letting them fall over the side of your shoulder, the tips of his fingers ever so slightly running across the side of your neck as he moved them back down to where he’d stopped.
You gently tilted your head, closing your eyes in content once you felt his hot breath fan over your neck, you leaned your head back at the sensation resting it atop of Draco’s shoulder, shivering once you felt his lips ghost over the sweet spot just behind your ear, one of his arms finding your waist as the other continued to work its way up your back.
Once you heard the faint sound of the zipper click as it reached its closing you slowly opened your eyes feeling him take an impossible step closer to you, your behind now pressed into his front as he trailed his hands down to your hips.
“You clean up quite nice Y/L/N” he breathed out as he began running his hands up to your stomach before finally reaching your waist where they abruptly stopped so that he could turn you back around, you let out a gasp at the sudden forced movement your hands clinging onto his shoulders to prevent you from falling.
You opened your mouth but no words came out as you were consumed by the feeling of his fingers digging into your sides, his lips mere centimeters from yours you almost unknowingly began to lean in.
He mirrored your movements but just before your lips could meet someone cleared their throat from behind you causing you to jump away from him, frowning at the sudden loss of contact.
Once your eyes met Hermione’s you quickly cleared your throat acting as if nothing had (almost) happened, she raised an eyebrow obviously confused at the scene unfolding before her.
You turned back towards Draco who was looking at you almost expectantly, “I’m going with Harry to the ball” you suddenly felt the need to tell him, hoping he wouldn’t get the wrong idea from the little moment you had just shared.
“Potter seriously?” Draco scoffed in return before making his way around you and Hermione, your eyes following his figure and as soon as he was completely out of sight you finally felt like you could breath again, staggering backwards into Hermione who quickly put her arms up to catch you.
“Oh I’m in trouble”
You’d decided to buy the dress you’d tried on in the store, even though every time you put it on you couldn’t shake away the feeling of Draco being pressed against you as his lips hovered dangerously close to your neck.... You shook your head in hopes that it would toss the memory out of your mind, you couldn’t be thinking about Draco right now, not when Harry was standing just outside the Gryffindor common room patiently waiting for you to get ready.
“Can you zip me up?” you turned your back to Hermione who quickly rushed to your side swiftly beginning to pull the zipper on the back of your dress upwards. As you closed your eyes you got momentary flashes off Draco’s ring clad fingers wrapped around your body and you tried with all your might to shake the tingling feeling you got away, but nothing seemed to be working.
“Okay do a little spin for me” you let out a laugh at Hermione’s words but nevertheless you began spinning around your dorm playfully, letting your hair fall across your shoulders as Hermione threw her head back in laughter.
“You look incredible” she complemented as you engulfed each other in tight hugs mentally preparing yourselves for the night ahead.
“Oh please, I’m nothing compared to you” you stated linking your arms together before the two of you began to make your way to your awaiting dates.
Once the door to the Gryffindor common room opened the first thing you saw was Harry engaged in conversation with Hero, you could tell by his uncomfortable shuffling that the exchange had been awkward causing you to let out a small giggle which captured the attention of the two boys.
Harry’s mouth hung open as he let his eyes wander all over you, from the thigh-high front split on the front of your dress to your flawless makeup and perfectly styled hair, he was speechless, if you two weren’t best friends he’d probably be tripping over his own two feet by now.
“Well this is certainly an upgrade from last year” Harry let out a teasing laugh as he bowed down to take your hand in his.
“Oh shut up” you feigned annoyance as you stood beside him, feeling goosebumps run up your arms as his hand came to rest on your lower back, leading the two of you towards the Great Hall.
“In all seriousness Y/N, you look amazing” Harry gushed as he pulled you into his side. An uncontrollable blush creeping onto your cheeks at his words as you let your head fall on his shoulder.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Potter” you teased, the two of you letting out simultaneous fits of laughter as you followed closely behind Hero and Hermione.
After a moment of silence Harry suddenly spoke out, “Ron was going to ask her you know” the two of you shared knowing glances at his words, it was so painfully obvious that your other two best friends were head over heels in love with each other but neither of them dared to make the first move, either to scared of being rejected or ruining their many years worth of friendship.
“Figures” you shrugged a comfortable silence overtaking you as you walked over to one of the many rows of couples stood in front of the entrance leading into the Great Hall.
As the doors begun to open you excitedly smiled up at Harry but before you were able to move forward another couple had harshly pushed their way in front of you and you were immediately able to identify the mob of platinum blond hair.
“Excuse me” you rolled your eyes causing the two of them to turn their heads towards you, you couldn’t hold in your scoff once you saw who he’d decided to bring, Pansy Parkinson of all the people in this bloody school.
“Don’t start anything Malfoy” Harry warned before either of them were able to get a word out, it looked like Pansy was going to throw a snide comment your way but stopped as soon as her eyes met Draco’s, she let out a huff before reluctantly turning back around.
“You look dashing” Draco complimented, you could feel Harry tense up beside you and you snaked an arm around his waist in an attempt to calm him down, the last thing you wanted was to cause a scene.
“Shouldn’t you be telling that to your date?” you retorted gesturing towards Pansy who seemed to be strangely quiet, usually she couldn’t keep her mouth shut no matter the circumstance, but you weren’t complaining.
Draco didn’t respond instead he just shrugged his shoulders before turning back around his arm slipping down towards Pansy’s lower back, you felt the inkling feeling of jealousy begin to form inside you but you forced yourself to push it away giving Harry’s bicep a reassuring squeeze knowing it had taken all his might not to hex Draco then and there.
As soon as Draco and Pansy had left you two be you quickly pulled Harry along with you into the hall so you wouldn’t get trampled by the entourage of students crowded behind you who were also squeezing their way through the double doors.
You intertwined your fingers with Harry’s as you took in your surroundings. It looked even better than last year, snow was falling from the starry black ceiling stopping just a few feet above you, mistletoe’s and every traditional Christmas decoration you could think of were littered all across the hall and instead of the usual house tables there were hundreds of smaller silver ones, each having it’s own floating candle above them.
Once you spotted a decent place to sit you tugged onto Harry’s arm gesturing for him to follow you towards the table your eyes were set on, somehow along the way you managed to spot Hermione and you threw your arm up gesturing for her hand Hero to come sit with you and Harry.
It wasn’t long until the chair beside you was being pulled from underneath the table and Hermione placed her self atop of it along with Hero, you happily greeted both of them but all joy inside you seemed to fade away once you noticed Ron and Lavender heading your way.
Oh please no
Ron placed a chaste kiss on Lavender’s cheek as he pointed towards your table.
Don’t sit here
Lavender eagerly began to nod following behind Ron as they inched closer and closer.
Anywhere but here
Despite your silent praying Ron was now pulling a chair out for Lavender before taking a seat himself and as soon as he did an awkward tension filled the air. You grabbed Hermione’s hand from underneath the table giving it a reassuring squeeze noticing how she’d tensed up once Lavender had bitterly greeted her.
“Whose this then?” Ron could be heard from the other end of the table, you rolled your eyes at his tone, how did Hermione not realize he was jealous hell even Hero seemed to notice it as his eyes uncomfortably shifted between Hermione’s angered expression and Ron’s annoyed one.
“Hero Finnigan, and you?” he reached his hand out over the table and for a split moment your eyes had widened thinking Ron was actually going to sit there and ignore him but thankfully the ginger haired boy reluctantly reached over the table and connected his hand with Hero’s.
“Ron, Ron Weasely”
“Weasely, eh? could have guessed, I’m good friends with your brothers” Hero attempted to make conversation but Ron didn’t seem all to keen on it only muttering a “whatever” underneath his breath causing you to kick him from underneath the table, you gave him a warning glance to which he replied by throwing a small ‘piss off’ in your direction.
Before you could begin to scold him for his rude behaviour Dumbledore’s voice tore throughout the Great Hall preventing you from doing so although you had a feeling that if it hadn’t had been him it probably would have been Harry.
“Welcome students to our annual Jingle Ball, may I say you all look wonderful tonight” Dumbledore gingerly smiled, his wand lightly pressed against the side of his neck as he gestured towards the numerous students all dressed in their finest attires.
“We’ll start the evening with a three course meal prepared by our lovely house elves” claps begun to sound around the Great Hall which you quickly joined in on, smiling brightly once you noticed the numerous elves clumsily standing up from their seats and waving at the students.
“Once you’ve finished eating a band will be preforming for us and I hope that you and your dates will be joining me and McGonagall on the dance floor” laughter sounded around the hall at the last part of his sentence but instead of joining in like you usually would you found yourself draining out all noise as your eyes met Draco’s.
He’d already been looking your way and you couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips as his icy grey eyes burned through yours, you felt like there was some type of force drawing you to him and you couldn’t do anything about it, even though your head was screaming at you that shouldn’t be developing feelings for someone as arrogant and cruel as Draco Malfoy your heart seemed to be having trouble following.
Once everyone had finished eating you were eager to get away from your table, somehow Hero and Ron had begun a full blown argument which you and Hermione had to quickly shut down by asking Lavender to take Ron somewhere else until he’d calm down, that boy could not control his temper if his life depended on it.
You’d managed to cheer Hermione up after the entire ordeal telling her that she should focus on herself for once and have fun, thankfully she’d listened and you couldn’t help the giddy expression overtaking your facial features as you watched her and Hero sway together on the dance floor.
“Care to dance M’ lady” Harry merrily bowed down in front of you reaching his hand out towards yours, you placed a hand on your chest in feigned surprise before gently laying your hand in Harry’s palm.
“Why, I would be delighted to” you attempted a posh accent unable to contain the giggle that fell past your lips as you let Harry lead you to the dance floor.
As soon as his arm had wrapped around your waist and the other intertwined with your hand another slow song began playing, most of the students were still digesting their food so their weren’t many on the dance floor, it was only you and Harry, Hero and Hermione and about six other couples.
You leaned your head on Harry’s chest letting him slowly sway you to the soothing melody of the song. “You know I love you right?” Harry mumbled as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
“I love you too, silly” you brightly smiled up at him, you both knew there weren’t harbored feelings for the other hidden behind those three words so you had no trouble voicing it to each other.
You tightly wrapped your arms around his waist continuing to slowly move around the dance floor. You knew how hard his life had been leading up to this point, losing his family, Sirius, and then Cedric he always had the inkling fear that one day he’d lose you or Ron or Hermione so you wanted to make sure he knew you weren’t going anywhere.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words and you knew you were saying everything you needed just by being there with him, it felt like hours that you’d stayed that way wrapped in each others arms but soon students begun to make their way to the dance floor so you and Harry decided to take a short break, heading hand in hand back towards your table.
Unbeknownst to you whilst you and Harry had been in your own world gently dancing with each other for all eyes to see, Draco had been enduring pure torture over at his table.
“I can’t believe she choose Potter over you”
“That’s gotta sting”
“How’s it feel being the second choice”
“Hope you’re ready to do my homework for the rest of the year”
Was all he had heard for the last hour as he’d watched you and Harry dance with one another. No matter the threats he threw their way and menacing looks they just wouldn’t stop, he felt as if his power of being crowned the Slytherin prince was slipping away from him, since in his world losing to someone like Harry Potter was as low as you could get.
Then and there Draco decided he wasn’t going to endure it anymore he was making his move tonight no matter the circumstance.
“You know Ginny’s been eyeing you all night” you wiggled your eyebrows nudging Harry’s shoulder who awkwardly began shifting in his seat as he mumbled a ‘really’ in response to which you nodded.
“Go ask her too dance!” you stood up so you could force him out of his seat along with you, you subtly pointed towards Ginny’s direction who had swiftly looked away as soon as her eyes had met Harry’s.
“But what about you?” Harry frowned realizing you didn’t have anyone to spend time with if he’d leave since both Hermione and Ron seemed to be preoccupied with their dates.
“Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine! now go” you ushered him forward giving him a reassuring thumbs up as he began to walk towards her.
“You’re quite the matchmaker aren’t you?” Hermione had suddenly walked up behind you and you both watched in amusement as Harry almost fell over twice before he was able to reach Ginny who had happily agreed to dance with him.
“Where’s Hero?” you asked as you turned to face Hermione eyes wandering around the hall in an attempt to spot her date, “oh he’s just gone to get us some drinks, you’re welcome to join us if you’d like” Hermione offered but you shook your head.
“No its okay honestly I’m fine” you assured her, you did not want to spend the evening third wheeling your best friend and her date.
Hermione began opening her mouth surely to convince you to join them but stopped once her eyes landed on something behind you or rather someone behind you.
“Care to dance?”
You swiftly turned around to see Draco with his hand reaching out towards you, you tried your best to contain the smile that was so desperately gnawing at the sides of your mouth as you turned back to Hermione who was giving you knowing smile.
“Find me if you need anything alright?” you eagerly nodded at her words only turning back to Draco once Hermione had fully vanished into the crowd.
“One dance, that’s it” you attempted to sound serious but it came off in a more teasing manner as you let your hand fall into Draco’s.
As soon as you’d reached the middle of the dance floor, Draco’s arm had snaked around your waist pulling you into him whilst the other intertwined your fingers. You let out a giggle as he began twirling you around, gracefully catching you back in his arms as both his hands moved to rest on your lower back.
“You’re quite the dancer” you complimented, without a doubt boosting Draco’s already large ego, “I know” he had replied with a knowing smirk, twirling you around one last time before pulling you flush up against him your noses bumping together since you’d already been looking up at him. You’d held the eye contact for a minute as you brightly smiled at each other before you gently let your chin rest on his shoulder as he slowly began swaying you from side to side.
As your eyes began dancing over the students you didn’t think anything could burst your happy bubble until your eyes found Harry’s who had a look of disappointment edged onto his features as he pulled away from Ginny who had frowned at his sudden dismissal as she watched him begin to make his way out of the Great Hall.
You cleared your throat as you uncomfortably began shuffling away from Draco who gave you a look of confusion as he watched you pull your hand out of his and back away from him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry I can’t do this” you muttered before hurriedly turning around and squeezing your way through the crowd of students all huddled together on the dance floor, most of them giving you annoyed glances as you pushed them out of the way but you didn’t care all you wanted to do was find Harry. You couldn’t imagine how he’d felt once he saw you his best friend, dancing with someone who’d made his life a living hell ever since the first year.
Once you’d exited the Great Hall you frantically began looking around the empty corridors in an attempt to find Harry who’d stormed out here only moments ago.
“Y/N!” you heard Draco call from behind you but you ignored him, picking up your pace once you heard his nearing footsteps echoing around the empty hallways.
“Y/N please wait” you felt him grab ahold of your wrist swiftly turning you back to face him, his grip only tightening as you began attempting to pull your hand away.
“No! You can’t treat my friends like shit and then expect me to give in on whatever the hell you’re trying to do” you finally managed to rip your hand out of his grasp as you turned back around but he quickly ran in front of you placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place.
“Listen I’m sorry alright, bloody hell I just- I can’t stop thinking about you I don’t know how to explain it but I think I might-” he cut himself off hesitating to speak his next words unsure of how you’d react since he didn’t want to return to his friends with yet another failed attempt.
“You think you might what?” you crossed your arms over your chest glaring up at him as you watched his mouth open and close again.
“Fancy you” he finally let out, your eyes widening as you let your hands fall down to your hips. You took a few steps back until you couldn’t move any further the tall walls of the castle preventing you from doing so.
“You what?” you barely whispered and Draco took that as his chance to walk towards you placing both his hands on the wall next to you.
As you looked back up at him he slowly started to remove one hand from the wall so he could place it onto your cheek and just like he’d done in the store, he began leaning in until his lips were barely hovering above yours, you so desperately wanted to close the gap between you but a part of you was screaming to push him away and never look back, but as your eyes met his once more you couldn’t bring yourself to do it your heart taking control as he pressed his lips against your own.
Your lips continued dancing with each other at a normal pace until he’d moved to deepen the kiss swiftly wrapping his arms around your waist so you were able to loop yours around his neck, he pushed you even tighter up against the wall causing you to let out a gasp allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You ran your fingers through his hair gently pulling on the strands on the back of his head before letting your head fall to the side as he began leaving kisses down your neck his hands trailing down your sides until they wrapped around your hips pulling you even further into him.
You gently blinked your eyes open as you pulled away from him, your lips undoubtedly swollen and your lipstick smeared but you didn’t care.
“No one can know about this, not until I talk to Harry” you breathed out leaning your forehead against his as you attempted to slow your heart rate by taking deep breaths in and out.
“Of course I won’t tell anyone” he lied, he’d gotten quite good at that after having to continuously lie to his father ever since he was a child, one particular incident that he would never forget was when he’d accidentally let one of the house elves go because he didn’t know that to free them they had to be granted an item of clothing and on a particularly cold night he saw no harm in granting the elf his jacket since it had been shivering beside him and when his father had barged into his room later in the night furious at his son’s stupidity Draco had lied and told him that the elf had tricked him into doing so and upon hearing this his father had tracked the elf down and casted the unforgivable curse onto him, after that Draco lied to his father about almost everything he did to ensure something like that would never happen again.
Amongst his peers he was powerful and feared but when it came to his father he was nothing, never good enough and always in the way. School was the only place he felt he was more than his father’s words so he knew that as soon as he would make his way into the Slytherin common room the first thing he was going to do was tell his friends that he’d done it, that you were slowly but surely beginning to fall for him, which put him right back on top. 
@itzsoff @multiversegalaxygirl @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @awkwardnesshabitat @tiredplier @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @macheregrace @dobreesersei @voidmalfoy @lana-isabelle @fangirlyah @dracomalfoyswifey @lonely-kermit @mrsmyamalfoy @fuzzy-panda @sluthug @urbankaite2 @chickeebabe @classygirlything @dark-night-sky-99 @ranialih @pillowjj @im-a-stranger-thing @christinechickiee @imstillhere-butallislost @spencerreidisbootiful @hip-hopphile @justmesadgirl @gia-kerks @lilxnvm @kelly182001 @moonbug26 @gabiconstellation @sleepinmoonbean @mautand @oldschoolkiddo @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @dreams-in-blxck @stalker83005 @criesinlies @sxlted-carxrmel @moonjooniee @maskd-hearts @little-honey-bear @dobreesersei 
Let me know in my inbox or asks if you’d liked to be added, much love <333
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frogecstacy · 3 years
Hi! I really love your writing! My favorite is the one where the brothers don’t notice MC’s lipstick. Could I request you continue it with the newdateables (minus Luke) or just do Barb if that’s too much
OOf course lovely!!!
I’m so happy you liked it!
I’d be happy to do the new dateables (except Luke of course because I consider him my son)
For anyone who sees this first here are the brothers
Part 2 of the new dateables not noticing they are wearing MC’s new lipstick (except Luke)
Reader is gender neutral 
Hope you like it
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Your relationship with Diavolo had to be very appropriate and mature when addressing the public and attending meetings
Never really getting to fool around (if you know what I mean)
However while still dating a royal Diavolo always made sure he had time for you and that your relationship was fun
He had read somewhere in a human world magazine that keeping you partner happy and living life to the fullest was how a relationship lasted
He vowed to live by that. I kid you not if not for Barbatos this man would have pledged his life to make sure your every need was acquired 
Diavolo had been very busy recently and you thought maybe this new lipstick you had bought would spark his attention
He wanted you to paint a picture on his face
Your lips and the brush and the lipstick as the paint
Sadly you two were in a meeting regarding a new lunch menu, but the only thing this man had on his mine was eating your lips
His brain going BRRRRRR
You quickly picked up that his attention for this conversation was dropping quickly and was trying to end the conversation
As soon as the chef that runs the cafeteria left, Diavolo gave you no chance to say goodbye
His lips were on your quickly grabbing your cheeks so you could face him
“Now darling I must say this new lipstick of yours is quite tempting” Diavolo was smirking giving you a teasing tone
“Is it a crime to want my boyfriend’s attention” you loved giving him those innocent puppy dog eyes
“Why yes it is my dear, I’m afraid your punishment will be giving me more kisses” 
How you loved Diavolo’s “punishments”
This led to a quick make out session but it was cut short as Barbatos called reminding Diavolo he had a meeting with elderly demons regarding some RAD students getting out of hand
“We’ll continue this later my love, I hope you’ll be reapplying the lipstick. It tastes amazing.”
As you looked over at Diavolo you saw the lipstick marks on his face and was going to tell him but he was already gone
You were a bit worried but thought that Barbatos would remind before he entered the meeting
You were wrong Diavolo had quickly ran into the meeting and was met with wide eyes
“I’m sorry I am late I had... ugh, some important matter to attend to” he had thought maybe they were mad that he was late but Barbatos had quickly pulled him aside for a private chat
“My Lord I believe you have MC’s lipstick all over your face” Barbatos was smirking
He could have stopped this but I mean who doesn’t love a bit of excitement 
Diavolo looked at himself through his camera phone and turned bright red
He just walked in to a meeting with a bunch of elders lipstick smudged all over his face
I mean the man jinxed himself, he wanted you to paint a picture
He quickly than realised something, why be embarrassed, these geezers should know he’s in an active relationship and he doesn’t care for their opinion
He wiped off most of the marks but left one on his neck for them to know he enjoyed himself, reminding them they took him from his enjoying moment
He walked right back into that board room with his signature smile and laugh and continued with pure confidence
You later found out and was so embarrassed but that thought was quickly swept away and Diavolo said he wanted to wear your love all the time
Damn sorry I got carried away with Diavolo’s
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They should seriously make a UR+ card of this man ASAP
Okay Barbatos is 24/7 butler so you don’t always get time with him
BUT... you had a plan to get his attention today
You had bought a new lipstick that you knew would be to Barbatos’s liking
You had went to the castle for tea but you just wanted to get Barbatos (Sorry Diavolo we kinda used you as pawn today)
You had come to the castle in a new outfit that made you look stunning 
You already are stunning lovely this outfit just made you God’s competition. Simeon have to step up his game
Okay so you enter the castle giving a small kiss to your boyfriend and saying Hi to Diavolo
Barbatos quickly saw your new lipstick and outfit and man had to hide the small blush on his cheeks
I mean he could’ve known you were going to do this but he still would be blushing 
Your chit chat with the two was small as you could Barbatos was watching the way your lips moved or the way you sipped on your cup of tea
He was not subtle in any way today
Wanting to feel your lips on his he reminded Diavolo of some work he had to complete
Barbatos insisted in guiding you to the door and for Diavolo to return to his studies
As Barbatos was leading you out he put his hand on your lower back and said “I see what you’re trying to do my dear. You want me to give you some attention” 
Now at the door and facing him you said shyly “Is it working?”
“Mhm” as Barbatos hummed his answer he leaned into you and kissed your lips
But one kiss wouldn’t suffice, he need more
Now pining you against the wall he was holding you
Your kisses started to get more desperate and Barbatos was addicted to to your lips
You were kissing all over his face
His neck, his lips, his forehead, his cheeks, he was lost in the feeling
Being so lost in your loving lips he didn’t hear Diavolo walking down the hallway to ask a question 
You both froze when Diavolo stopped talking and was staring at you two
Barbatos quickly pushed you outside and closed door
Was calm and neutral Barbatos embarrassed
He didn’t hear the end of it from Diavolo
However the prince was now reminded he assistant was in a loving relationship and need to give him more time off
Barbatos was trying to explain himself but Diavolo cut him off laughing and saying “Barbatos you should wash your face first before you explain yourself”
He left to wash his face confused but knew why when he saw himself in the mirror
He was tempted to walk out and enter a new timeline
But how could he leave you, he loved you more than any teasing Diavolo could give
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I could not find a good gif for him so I’ll have to get one of my own for future posts
Okay I know everyone thinks this man is Holy as hell but I think NOT!!!
I mean look at him, look at his angel outfit you can not tell this man isn’t a tease 
If he asked I would give him all the kisses he wanted
Okay so you and Simeon were going to go on a nice date in the DevilDom and you decided to wear a new lipstick
I think sometimes this man just throws out all levels of holiness when it comes to your hotness 
I mean who would be able to resist your beauty. No one bam!
You and Simeon were going to Ristorante Six for a well deserved date
You two had agreed to meet there, but Simeon had the wind knocked out of him when he saw you
He seriously had to have conversation with Micheal asking why you weren’t an angel
I mean your his angel though soooo
Okay so not only is your outfit jaw dropping he can’t get his eyes of your lips
While you two are eating dinner you remind him that his eyes should be up here, looking at your eyes
While dinner was nice all Simeon wanted to do was kiss you lushes lips
He watched you reapply the lipstick before leaving
He burned the brand name into his head and made sure he would but it again
When finally reaching the house of Lamentation he couldn’t leave without a kiss
So when he received a kiss from you he couldn't get enough
Your small kisses quickly became long and needy
Simeon had you pushed up against the door and was kissing you like there was no tomorrow
You both making sure no spot on your faces were unkissed, the moment had to come to an end as you could someone approaching the door
One last kiss and whisper of a goodbye before Simeon left to go back to Purgatory Hall 
When he got home Luke screamed
Poor baby probably doesn’t even know how to make out with anyone
Soloman was smirking and suggested that Simeon go look in the mirror
When he saw himself and he blushed 
He had to admit though he looked good wearing your lipstick
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Okay so this man loves getting handsy and intimate at random moments
Like you could be walking together at RAD and then he’ll just start kissing you and go into an empty classroom
He loves keeping the name of the sneaky and mysterious sorcerer 
But behind his little act he just loves kissing you
So when he sees you wearing a new lipstick at RAD he pulls another one of his stunts
However maybe it kinda backfired on him
So you two are talking about a new spell you were working on
I mean the two most powerful sorcerer’s dating makes the most powerful power couple
While you’re talking about one ingredient you can’t seem to prepare right you find yourself suddenly pinned against a classroom door
His hands are at your hips and his lips are mere inches away
He’s looking at your lips and asks “Is this a new lipstick”
“Ugh, yeah it is. Do you like it?” 
Solomon wasn’t usually this bold or so revealing in the halls 
He responds with the gears in this already wanting to kiss you “I love it”
He already has his lips on you and he’s hoisted your legs around his waist
Opening the classroom door and closing it behind him, he places you on the desk turning your light kisses into a hard make out session
Your lips trailing everywhere from his lips to his neck to his forehead
After almost trying to see who could go without air for the longest you two heard the bell rings and quickly separated going to your different classes 
Solomon had ran into Asmo and he got a handful of questions from him
Solomon was confused but than it him, he must be wearing MC’s lipstick all over his face
“Ahh, you and MC getting real bold at school Solomon” Asmo loved the tea on your relationship 
Solomon’s pride didn’t falter and just said “We did an experiment and that was it”
He walked away smirking
What a sneaky bastard
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: N/A, just fluffy! Summary: While away on a mission, Bucky finally decides to learn what Skype is. A/N: i know this account started with star wars writing but i do also write marvel stuff (if you’ve ever checked out my ao3 thats super obvious lmao) so yeah i’m gonna incorporate that work onto here because why not? i write for a few fandoms here and there and enjoy it all very much! this was originally posted on an older blog but i’m working to transfer stuff here!
You adjusted your laptop screen and glances back at the little clock in the corner. It was almost 2 AM for you, but Bucky assured you it was morning by him. You didn’t really know where him and the team were (sometimes stuff was just too sensitive of information and you, the resident nurse for the team, didn’t have approval for it) but it didn’t really matter, as long as you could finally see your loving, smiling boyfriend’s face.
Days, almost weeks, passed since you last saw him and while texting and phone calls were adequate, there was just something so special about getting to face him to talk about your days.
However, convincing Bucky to actually use Skype was a challenge all in its own. He had just began to understand the "moving pictures" (Gifs. Gifs they were gifs) you liked to send him so conducting a video chat felt out of his wheel house.
But once you promised him it was safe and the rest of the team offered to help with any technical difficulties, he agreed to give it a try.
"If I don’t like it you’re just going to have to stick to sending those — oh, what are those called? Selfies?" Bucky had told you after linking your Skype accounts.
"Selfies, yeah," You chuckled. "You’re such an old man."
Your stomach fluttered at the memory remembering how certain he was to show you he was anything but an old man after saying that.
The familiar dinging of the Skype ringtone brought you out of your scandalous daydream. Your heart jumped — he had actually figured it out (or, at least someone with him had).
Excitedly, you clicked ‘accept’ and within seconds you were greeted by a very scruffy, tired looking Bucky. His hair was an absolute mess and bags were starting to form under his eyes, but nevertheless he had the biggest smile when he saw you.
"Hey, doll," He greeted you with a little wave, as if not really believing you could see him.
"Bucky!" You exclaimed, unable to hold back the wide smile creeping on your lips. Bucky blushed ever so slightly at your excitement. "How are you? How’s everything going?"
"We got some intel today, but stuff’s moving slowly," he explained in the most boring way possible. You learned to get used to this when talking about any mission. He liked to say so little yet so much at once. "You can really see me on this? This is odd."
You chuckled, "I don’t know why you’re so amazed, you guys use video chat all the time."
"Well, yeah," Bucky shrugged. "On super fancy military-grade devices. Didn’t know a civilian laptop had all this power."
You couldn’t help but let a laugh out at that one. The terms and silliness of his statement  was just too adorable for you to take him seriously. Watching a hundred something year old in a young adults body maneuver life was something else.
"Were you able to get it working okay?" You asked. Bucky immediately started shaking his head before you finished the question, which made you shake your head, smiling.
"No way," He said. "Steve helped. Somehow that punk knows way more about computers than me."
"We’re gonna have to pay him for lessons," you joked, trying to suppress your laughing but failing miserably. Bucky just playfully rolled his eyes as your antics.
"If you’re done bullying me about my lack of technological skills, I would like to hear how your day way,"
You readjusted on the bed, getting comfy under the duvet you two usually shared. You were occupying his side of the bed currently, something you did without realization when he was gone.
"It’s not much work when you guys are gone," you said, trying not to show any longing in your voice. Maybe phone calls were better — when facing you, Bucky could always pick up on any little thing wrong with your demeanor. "I caught up on some paperwork and continued my research. Never realized the number of species this universe could have."
As the resident nurse, you took it upon yourself to learn about any and all species that may roam out there just because you never quite knew what the team could come back with. One day you could be patching up a secret agent and the next it could be a god. You liked your brain to be ready for anything.
Bucky scoffed, "You’re telling me! Feel like it’s something new everyday."
You gave him your warmest, understanding smile. "You know, it is just really good to see you."
"It’s great to see you too, doll," he said, softer than normal. "You know I’ll be home soon, right? Gonna be waiting to patch me up?"
You sighed, knowing the super soldier was reading you once again. Sometimes you hated how he could recognize everything that was wrong and this was one of those times. You didn’t want this to be sappy — in fact, you though this could be less depressing than texting — but really seeing him there and not in bed with you made your heart sigh.
"Of course," you nodded. "Always going to be there for you."
As Bucky was about to make another comment, a yawn you had been trying to suppress made itself known.
"Someone getting sleepy?" Bucky chuckled as you scooted down in the bed, engulfing yourself in more duvet and pillows.
"Me?" You asked, yawning again. "I’ll be up for hours."
Your boyfriend shook his head, a sly smirk resting on his lips. He shook his head, "You should get to bed, honey."
"No," you protested. "We just got on!"
"I can call you later, honey," he assured you. "We have some work to get to anyways."
You groaned, not wanting to go back to the reality that you’re alone in a normally shared bed, gripping his pillow and side of the duvet as if your life depended on it. It was almost pathetic, but you couldn’t help yourself. You missed him dearly and every mission there was a chance he may not… No, you stopped your brain, you weren’t thinking about it. You would go to bed thinking about what you two would talk about in the morning.
"Okay, babe," you sighed. "I love you. I can’t wait for you to be back in this bed."
He chuckled and nodded, "Trust me, there’s nothing more than I want to be holding you tight. I love you too, doll."
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Can you do a scenario where reader (male pronouns) kind of outs himself as bi and then hides for a while since it was an accident and he wasn't actually ready and after some time bakugo finds him and they end up awkwardly confessing to each other? Bonus points if you can do ComfortingTM class 1A (also I just really want bi representation 🥺)
BRO BRO ur reblogs and replies always make me BAM BAM
(Also y’all ik that gif is huge but it had denki AND baku in it and i felt compelled to use it bc kamis kinda important in the story NSNDNEKWK)
Bakugou x reader - How to Out Your Classmate
⚠️warnings - being outed by your classmate (denki) (I’m sorry denki stans), bakugou kinda bulling kami at the end kdnfjekfj
Pronouns - male, he/him
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It was something he didn’t mean to say.
Rather, it just slipped out.
“Ne, (L/n)-kun, don’t you think Yao-momos hair is kinda sexy today? Her hair down plus that hair clip is FIRE dude!”
Kaminari slung a arm around (Y/n’s) shoulder, while Mineta smugly grinned from his seat. He wiped away a line of drool dripping from his mouth.
“Oh oh oh, her hair falls over her boobs so perfectly! I just wanna touch them at least once, ehuheuheu...”
Sero sighed from his seat. “Dude. You really are a scumbag. Stop that.”
Mineta, not missing a beat, turned to Sero with a shit-eating grin. “Oh? Why’s that? Are you gay or something?”
(Y/n) visibly stiffened from under Kaminari’s grasp. Kaminari however, didn’t notice and played along into Mineta’s joke.
“Yeah dude, kinda sus. Don’t go perving on me in the locker rooms now, haha!”
Sero sighed once more, this time with a playful smile. “Shut up, your probably more sus than I am-“
He was cut off when (Y/n) started wriggling out from under Kaminari’s arm. The three looked at (Y/n) quizzically, while (Y/n) awkwardly coughed. “I’m...leaving.”
“Why? What happened?” Kaminari leaned on the back of Seros desk.
“Well-you guys are...loud and I’m going to my desk.” Even the dumbest person could tell how tense (Y/n) was. Though, Kaminari was as dumb as he was oblivious. He scoffed, but it sounded more like a chuckle.
“What? I don’t get it, man. We were teasing Sero, not you.” Kaminari’s teasing tone felt like heaters blasting full power through (Y/n’s) body. It was strange. You always felt kind of hot when you get a little flustered. “So what part of what we said bothered you?”
“N-nothing!” (Y/n) cursed at the way he raised his voice, cursing even more at his small stutter.
“Then why are you panties in such a twist? I’m just making fun of Sero bein’ sus.”
“W-well how fun! Move, class is starting.” Truth be told, class didn’t start until 10 minutes later. When (Y/n) tried to subtly push past Kaminari, he grabbed him by the arms and blocked his way out. “No way I’m moving! You’re mad for some reason, and I just wanna know why!”
“So what exactly did we do?”
Sero rested his chin on his palm. “Yeah if you can tell us we can stop doing it, (L/n)-kun. I gotta agree with Kami on this one.”
An irk mark appeared as (Y/n’s) face flushed a darker shade of pink. Not in the good way though. He struggled helplessly in Kaminari’s stronghold, before tching and looking away.
“There’s nothing more to say-! You’re just-starting to get on my nerves and I wanna leave-!”
“Really? That’s it?” Kaminari looked at (Y/n) skeptically, before his face lit up. “Oh wait!”
“You started getting all pissy when we were talking about Yaoyorozu...and you also got mad the other day when she was talking about Bakugou...”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“..So you like Yao-“
“I don’t fucking like Yaoyorozu!”
Now Kaminari was starting to get antsy. “Then what! Why are you mad! Is it because Mineta and I were ‘perving’?!”
“I’m not fuckin’ mad about you drooling over Yao-momos boobs! I’m not mad at all!”
Students started to gather once Kaminari and (Y/n) started to raise their voices higher and higher. Kaminari’s grip on (Y/n) was long gone, though (Y/n) was too upset to notice.
“If you weren’t mad about that, you were obviously mad about that time Yao-Momo talking about how Bakugou was attractive. So what? Do you like Bakugou or something? Are you gay?”
(Y/n) paled and grit his teeth. He was full on yelling now. “Stop saying that, damnit! I don’t like boys! Y-you know that!”
Kaminari gasped comically. “Oh my god! You totally avoided my question, dude!”
“Yeah! Now I get it! That’s what’s bothering you so much! It all makes sense!”
Kaminari’s mad expression morphed into one that you make when you solve a difficult question. It felt like all the blood in (y/n’s) face was drained, yet all the blood rushing to his cheeks burned like fire. Sero stood up from his chair and placed a hand on Kaminari’s shoulder. “Dude, uh-I think that’s enou-“
“Your confused because you’re straight but now you’ve started to like a guy, right?! Bakugou, right?!”
Seros warning went over Kaminari’s head completely. (Y/n) dug his nails into his palm while Kaminari pried into (Y/n’s) mind with his eyes.
“I’m not confused! I’m pissed. Very, very pissed at you!”
The blond haired boy slammed his arms down on Seros table and leaned in uncomfortably close. (Y/n) wanted to step back, but if he did, he’d run straight into Sero.
“Ok. If you answer this compleeeetely honestly, I’ll let you go. Swear! And we’ll never talk about this again! Just say yes or no! Nothing else!”
Sero glanced around the room. Everyone was staring, some had their hands over their mouths, and some were whispering and asking what was going on. Sero nervously tugged on the fabric of (Y/n’s) blazer. “U-um...yo... (y/n)...Kamin-“
“Do you like Bakugou?”
“And don’t say you don’t like boys or you’re not gay, we ‘know’ that!”
“Just say yes or no!”
“Are you ga-“
“I’M BI!” (Y/n’s) sudden outburst silenced the classroom. It was like a blow from a king to shut up the commoners. “I’M BI, SO SHUT UP! ARE YOU HAPPY?! I’M NOT GAY AND I DON’T LIKE BAKUGOU! I DONT! I-I DONT. I don’t. I...”
Stagnant air flooded the 1-A classroom. Almost immediately, (Y/n) slapped both his hands over his mouth, eyes blown wide. Kaminari awkwardly chuckled. “Uh...”
(Y/n) took a tentative step back, bumping straight into Sero. He reflexively grabbed onto (y/n’s) forearms, stabling him.
“Are you oka-“
“Don’t touch me!” (Y/n) pushed off of Seros body and stumbled over a desk. He crashed onto the ground and fumbled onto his bottom. Students upon students neared towards him, all their face and voice blending together into one big, muddy pile. Their voices eventually turned into ringing, louder and louder until-
“SHUT UP!” (Y/n) rose to his wobbly legs, half running and half crawling towards the door as fast as he could. He could hear the protestant shouts of his classmates, or even the sleepily confused expression of his teacher as as flew by him in the hallway.
He guessed he was skipping class that day.
40 missed calls from: Mina-San domoo-!!
125 unopened texts from: Mina-San domoo-!!
23 missed calls from: Kamiii ⚡️
45 unopened texts from: Kamiii ⚡️
12 unopened texts from: Iida Tenya.
5 unopened texts from: ura-chaaaan 💖
1 unopened text from: Bakugou
(Y/n) turned off his phone. He knew if he kept it on, Mina would keep spamming his phone with text messages.
It’s been about a few days since his whole freak out happened. He’d bolt out of class the second it was dismissed, and he kept himself either locked in his room, or out of the dorms as much as humanly possible. He wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet.
His phone buzzed again. He sighed, half expecting it to be another spam text from Mina. What he didn’t expect, was to see Bakugous contact photo on his screen, with the big green words “Incoming call-Bakugou” blaring at him so intimidatingly.
Something made him want to answer.
He pressed the phone to his ear.
Bakugous gruff voice sent chills down the boys spine. His voice seemed to lock itself inside his throat, refusing to come out his mouth.
“Say something, dumbass.” Oh boy, was he trying. Everytime he opened his mouth, his throat closed up and refused to open again. Bakugou sighed harshly through the speaker.
“Stop being stupid and avoiding us-“ (Y/n) absentmindedly pressed the red “end” button. If Kaminari or Kirishima or whatever convinced Bakugou, to convince HIM to stop avoiding them, just because he ‘liked’ him, (and he totally did), he’d rather not hear it.
(Y/n) went to crumple up a piece of paper he was scribbling on, and drop it into the trash can, when it bounced on top and rolled away pathetically near his feet. His trash can was overflowing. Well, it was expected, since he was deliberately missing out on trash days just so he didn’t have to leave his dorm. (Y/n) swiped up the piece of paper, along with the trash bag lining the bin.
A few seconds outside couldn’t hurt. No one will see him. He’ll just...throw the bag in the dumpster, and slink back in before anyone knows he’s there.
(Y/n) hauled the trash bag into the dumpster, throwing it from out over his shoulder. He dusted off his hands and wiped forming sweat off his brow. The trash was out, no one saw him, all he had to do was slip back in his room before anyone sees him.
He huffed and turned around, immediately being smacked by a spiky tuft of blond hair. All the color drained from (Y/n’s) face. Bakugou turned his head and spat onto the dirt, clicking his tongue in the process.
“Figured you’d be here.”
”...there’s no way you could’ve-“
“It takes about a couple days for a small trash can to fill up. And knowing you, shit-for-brains, would come and take it out when no one was really watching. 5 pm, when everyone’s getting ready for dinner. You really do have shit-for-brains, shittyass.”
Bakugou may seem like a meathead, but the times he showed he was observant and intelligent made his heart tie knots around itself. (Y/n) bit back a stutter and a blush.
“W...ell, how-how’d you know I was going to take it out today? A-and to this dumpster, instead of the one on the other side of the dorms?”
Bakugou scoffed loudly, stalking closer to him. (Y/n) gulped. “This ones closer to your dorm room, even I know that, loser.”
Bakugous voice dipped, suddenly becoming uncharacteristically quiet. “...and I’ve been coming here everyday at 5 pm...shittyass...”
Bakugou was really dedicated to his scheme, huh. Just so he could see him? (Y/n)? He should be the LAST person Bakugou would want to see. Especially with what Kaminari was blabbering about. Still...It made (Y/n) feel a bit special.
But knowing Bakugou, he was just probably here to tell him how disgusting he was. Maybe he’ll start calling him ‘dick-for-brains’ instead of ‘shit for brains’. Or just plain on ‘fag’.
“Oi-stop spacing out and fucking listen to me! And don’t you dare run away until you hear me the fuck out!”
Bakugous palms flashed white, generating small blasts and he pointed an agitated finger at (Y/n). He stepped back reflexively.
“Um...well...what did you want then?” (Y/n) awkwardly fumbled with his hands behind his back, trying to keep still as much as he could. He wanted to disappear.
“Is it true?”
(Y/n) looked up. Bakugou was staring dead on, with his hands shoved stiffly in his pockets and sporting the faintest blush on his face. It was so unnoticeable, you could blink and miss it. That, and the trademark scowl, you could hardly tell if his face was red because of anger or something else.
“What is?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, fuckass! Do you like me or not?!”
(Y/n) opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Bakugou grunted and stepped closer. “Answer me!”
“S-so what if I do-?! You gonna call me a fag?!” (Y/n) was sweating bullets. He hoped Bakugou wouldn’t see how utterly nervous he was. Fake it til you make it. Though, he doesn’t know what he’d do once Bakugou goes flames blazin’ on his ass. He could all ready see his reaction-
Bakugou smirked. “Knew it.”
Knew it? (Y/n’s) nerves temporarily fizzled down, a wave of confusion washing over him. “...What?”
“God, do you need me to spell everything out for you? It was obvious. To me at least. Everyone was probably too fuckin’ dumb to notice.”
(Y/n) fell silent. He could speak if he wanted to, his throat wasn’t closing up, but he chose to keep silent. It’s not like he knew what to say, anyways. He was stunned into submission.
“-so I was right. Now, go out with me, Bitch.”
“Thanks. But I’ll pass.”
“I-“ Bakugou made a sputtering noise. (Y/n) wasn’t sure if he was caught off guard or sputtered out of sheer anger. “What?! Why the fuck not?!”
“Dude, how do I know you aren’t like, I dunno, being bribed by Kaminari or something to try and ‘prove that I’m bi’? Or that your just mocking me?”
“Idiot! Why the fuck would you think I’d listen to a dumbass like dunce face?! I fucking like you, you like me, I don’t see the problem here!”
(Y/n) knew he wasn’t lying. Bakugou was many things, a shithead, a piece of angry trash, but he wasn’t a liar. Still, he sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Dude, as much as I’d love to go out with you, there’s too much cons to it. I mean-first off, I don’t want people calling you a fag or anything because you’re with me...second, I’m...scared of how the class’ll take it, especially for someone like you-“
“Eh?! What’s that supposed to mean?! Are you fucki-“
(Y/n) pushed past him, accidentally brushing his shoulder in the process.
“...And third, even if I’m too scared how the class would react, I’m too prideful to let Kaminari ‘predictions’ win.”
He was gone before Bakugou could turn around.
(Y/n) was late to class on purpose that day.
He didn’t want to risk it with Bakugou, Kaminari, anyone. He’s more afraid of the class than he is of getting scolded by Aizawa. And that was saying something.
So when he walked in the door, Bakugou gripping Kaminari’s tie and releasing small blasts in the air with his wound up hand, he didn’t know if he should replace ‘Getting Scolded By Aizawa’ with ‘Getting Murdered By Bakugou’ in his worries for today.
“Fucking idiot!” Bakugou growled, spit flying onto Kaminari’s face as he set off another blast. It was small enough not to cause damage to any desks or chairs around them, but it was close enough to Kaminari’s face to make him yelp. “I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Ow!” Kaminari half yelled-half whimpered. Bakugou’s hands heated up, glowing orange from under Kaminari’s chin. “Hey-HEY! Chill-!W-what did I even do?! OW!”
Bakugou slammed him against his desk by his blazer. “It’s your fuckin fault that shit-for-brains won’t go out with me!”
Another blast. This time, fired in the air but much bigger than before. Kaminari flinched. “Ah! S-shit-for...(L/n)?! How is it my fault?!”
“It’s your fault because you made him all scared and shit to go out with me! With your stupid prying ass! Now he won’t go out with me until I get you to apologize! So apologize so I can have a fuckin boyfriend! Go die!”
(Y/n) looked around the room. No one was trying to stop Bakugou from literally roasting Kaminari alive. Not even Iida. Everyone stood there, eyes locked on Kaminari or recording them while stifling snickers. (Y/n) walked up to Mina, who was recording and whispering commentary near the speaker.
“Uh...what’s happening? Why’s no one stopping Bakugou?”
Mine looked up. “Well-he kinda deserved it. I mean, he did act like a dick to you a few days ago. Bakugou’s just givin’ him a piece of his mind.” She fixed her angle on her phone, hunching down slightly in the process. “Also, glad to see you talking to us again, (L/n)~”
(Y/n) glances around the room once more. Everyone seemed to silently agree. Though, Iida looked like he was going to explode in his seat. Poor Iida. Poor Kaminari.
(Y/n) was brought out of his mind when Mina slowly panned her phone over to him. He was about to question her, when Kaminari was thrown carelessly at his feet. Bakugou kicked at Kaminari’s hunched figure, stepping on his back with his hands clenched in his pockets.
“Say it.”
Kaminari made a wheezing noise.
“I-I’m sorry for outing you in-in front of our classmates...”
Bakugou dug his foot into Kaminari’s back. “LOUDER!”
Bakugou gave Kaminari a look saying to ‘keep going.’ Kaminari shot back with a face that said ‘dude. What you want me to say is fucking stupid.’
Bakugou snarled and fired another mini explosion into the air. Kaminari squeaked and looked up at (y/n), who had the most confused look on his face. Kaminari sighed.
“And...totally I don’t think that you and Bakugou are gonna get together...totally unexpected...”
Kaminari, even if he was about to be best to a pulp, couldn’t help the snicker from leaving his mouth. Bakugou, you dumb fuck. He was probably thinking back to the time (Y/n) said ‘I’m too prideful to let Kaminari ‘predictions’ win’. Even so, that was just dumb. Even for Bakugou.
Bakugou huffed contently, while Kaminari shakily pulled himself up. Bakugou thunked him on the head again. “There. Now you have no fuckin’ reason not to be my boyfriend. If you don’t I’ll kill you.”
(Y/n) hummed out of hesitation. “Ehhhh...but...”
“We allowed Bakugou to rough up Kaminari, which is a CLEAR violation of the rules, the least you could do is say yes, (y/n)-kun! Though I do believe Bakugou should be punished for his harsh actions.”
Iida jutted out from his seat, swinging his arm in the air. Everyone stayed silent for a second, until Tsuyu stepped forward. “I agree with Iida-Chan, kero. You two would look nice together.”
One by one, the class started saying how ‘cute’ they’d be together or that they didn’t care that (y/n) was Bi, much. It was different from when the class was clamoring around him, instead of all their voice blending together in one big ring, he could hear every single persons song of praise. He supposed it was alright. It wouldn’t hurt as much as he think it would.
(Y/n) sucked in a breath, and turned his head to Bakugou. He looked at (Y/n) almost expectantly.
“...fine....you win...you better take care of me, Bakugou.”
He turned his head and scoffed. “Idiot. I was gonna do that regardless.”
Mina started clapping and wolf whistling. Eventually, everyone started to clap and ‘aww’ed, before quickly rushing to their seats once they heard groggy footsteps approach the door.
A man with shaggy hair walked in. The class sat silent, staring at Aizawa. He sniffed and trailed his eyes around the room.
Setting his sleeping bag behind his podium, he pursed his lips. “Where is Kaminari?”
Kaminari was laying on the floor next to (y/n’s) seat, smiling dumbly with burn marks. He was pumping his fists with his thumbs sticking out. Everyone broke into a cold sweat.
“Would anyone like to tell me why Kaminari is out of his seat?”
Oh fuck.
Bakugou got 3 days house arrest.
Jdjdjejejc this was real fun to write HAHAHAHA I’m lowkey proud of it
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azaleavi · 3 years
Woman like me - Part 3
Summary: Y/n and Bucky get a little closer while in Latvia
Word count: 2.8k
Warning(s): language(?)
Author’s note: Part 3 is finally here! I hope you’ll like reading as much as i liked writing it. The text in italics are y/n’s thoughts. Also I changed from “she” to “you” I hope you guys don’t mind.
Feedback is always appreciated and don't forget to reblog and like if you liked it and want to see more. Thank you!
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(gif is mine)
The four of you were sitting in the private plane, going wherever Zemo was taking you. Bucky was sitting across from you, cleaning his vibranium arm. You were watching him intently, fascinated by the arm. Your had heard stories of the man of course, but he seems so much different just sitting there than what you were told about the ruthless assassin. Bucky noticed you watching, but he didn’t let you know. Instead he flexed his hand and because of that you slightly moved in your seat, feeling weird inside. You want to touch the metal and run your finger along it. You grabbed your own hand instead as if to physically stop yourself from moving. Bucky stopped and looked up at you.
“You okay?” he asked. You panicked for a second and tried to come up with something normal to say. You didn’t understand why you were feeling this way around the man but you needed to stop.“Yeah, it’s just…” you went silent for a second, eyes going down to his arm then continuing much quieter “it’s just cool” your eyes widened. You didn’t want to say that out loud. I’m supposed to be a super-soldier for god’s sake how can’t I just keep my mouth shut around him! 
“Cool?” Bucky leaned forward, thinking he heard you wrong “You think my arm is cool?” he was trying to hold back a laugh. He must be thinking that you are an idiot. You cleared your throat and tried to change the subject.
“So where did you get it from? In the older pictures I think it was silver” seriously that’s the best thing you could come up with? You scolded yourself. Bucky was still trying to hide his smile.
“They gave me a new one in Wakanda” he answered. Your eyes lit up.
“Wakanda? Isn’t that where the Black Phanter is from?” you smiled, scooting forward in your chair with child-like wonder clear in your eyes. You loved the stories about that part of the world and the technology they used, and to get a chance to talk to someone who has seen it in real life was truly amazing.
“Yes, T’Challa.”
“Oh, you know him?” your smile became brighter at the mention of the king. Bucky decided he loved to see your smile so he told you about the king and the people. He liked to talk about his stay there because he never was so peaceful in his life like he was in Wakanda. You hung onto every word he said, giving him your full attention. Sam watched the two from where he is sitting with a smile on his face. He has never seen his partner this talkative but he was glad Bucky finally has some normalcy in his life. Even if it’s with another super-soldier.
“It must have been so nice to live there” you mused. Bucky was looking at you with a small smile on his lips. Talking about Wakanda always lift his mood and to have someone who is is excited to hear about it makes him so happy “So they gave you the arm as a gift?” you went back to the original topic of the conversation.
“More like to fight. You know the whole Thanos situation” he thought back to those times. It hasn’t been that long ago for him, but for the people who stayed behind it had been more than five years. You faltered a little at that.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked” you said looking down. you didn’t want to bring up bad memories.
“No, it’s okay. It already happened, we can do anything about it” he reassured you. You looked up into his eyes, just now noticing how beautiful they were. Funny enough, Bucky thought the same about yours. Averting your eyes, they landed on his chest. The jacket he had on looked way too good on him and you could see the outline of his dog tags under his shirt. You moved in the seat again. You have never even kissed a man but here you were wanting to jump his bones. You suddenly stood up.
“I- I need to use the bathroom” stuttering you walked away as the men watched. Sam looked at Bucky and raised his eyebrows knowingly.
“What?” Bucky asked, not understanding why he was looking at him like that.
“Nothing” Sam said, turning away so the other man didn’t see his smile.
Meanwhile you were in the bathroom, splashing your face with water. You need to get it together y/n. He is just a man. A very sexy man and I would do anything to have his di…  you shook your head, leaning against the sink. Okay we are not going there while he is right outside! Why were you so obsessed with him? Yes he was handsome but it’s not like you haven’t seen handsome men before. He was the first to be this nice and make you feel like a normal person though. Maybe that was it. But it doesn’t matter because he would never look at you like that and you really didn’t have time for feelings. There were super-soldiers on the loose, who needed to be stopped. You shook your head again and dried your hands. This would be a long journey if you couldn’t keep your emotions in check around him.
The four of you were walking in the streets of Latvia when you noticed Bucky looking on the ground for a brief second. Following his line of sight you saw a little silver ball. You opened your mouth to ask him about it, but he spoke up first.
“I’m gonna go for a walk” he said as you stopped in front of a pretty old building. You furrowed your eyebrows, feeling like something was wrong. The other two men walked up the stairs while you stayed in the same place, looking at Bucky with worry in your eyes. He looked back at you and smiled a little.” It will be a few minutes, you can go up with them” he tried to reassure you. You nodded and walked after Zemo. Those little balls had to mean something, you just hoped it was nothing bad. You walked into the nice apartment that Zemo had, deciding to wait for Bucky on the couch. 
You listened to Sam and Zemo argue about the serum when Sam brought up the man who has been occupying your mind for the last two days.
“What is taking Bucky so long?” he spoke up from where he was sitting at the bar and just like that the mentioned man walked through the door. You let out a quiet laugh which made Bucky look at you. 
“The Dora Milaje is here and they are looking for Zemo” he walked over to you and sat down on your right so close that your thighs were touching. You stiffened and you were sure he felt it because he turned to you. You thought he would move away but instead he put an arm on the back of the couch behind you so he basically had his arm around your shoulders, all while looking straight into your eyes. You could feel your cheeks heat up, but couldn’t move your eyes away. He continued talking while keeping the eyecontact.” I bought us some time, but we need to be quick” Sam cleared his throat which broke the two of you out your haze. You turned around to him, only to see him smirking at you. You looked down, embarrassed that they both saw that. Tuning out their conversation you leaned back, forgetting that Bucky’s arm was still behind you so you accidentaly put your head on his arm. He didn’t seem to care so you tried to act like you didn’t either and closed your eyes. You were tired from all the fighting and flying.
A few minutes later you felt the arm under you move and you opened your eyes. What you did not expect to see is Bucky’s face a few inches from yours. His right hand was almost touching your cheek. Your eyes widened, but you were frozen in your spot. Why was he always so close to me? Your eyes moved down from his beautiful blues to his invinting lips. Oh god, he was so close. If I leaned forward a little I could kiss him. Before you could continue that thought he backed away from you.
“We need to go” he cleared his throat, his voice a little raspy. He stood up, pulling his arm from under you and started walking to the front door. You followed suit after him.
Meeting John Walker was not something that was on your bucket list. The dude was an asshole and the way he ordered around everyone was making you quickly irritated. You lied about being a super-soldier, to him you were just a friend of Sam’s. Him not knowing about your powers meant you couldn’t help the boys when everything went south. Bucky told you to stay back, but you needed to help in some way after all they had done for you. They saved you from Madripoor after all and even if the codes were still in your head they trusted you enough to keep you around. 
You met up with Sam and Zemo back at the house, Zemo looked like he got a pretty bad headache. Most likely deserved. When you couldn’t find Bucky anywhere in the house you started to panic. Sam saw it and calmed you down, saying that he could be here any minute. After a few minutes Bucky walked through the door, taking his gloves off.
“Something is not right about Walker.” he said as he walked over to the bar while taking off his jacket. Why was that black shirt so tight?
“You don’t say?” Sam answered him, a smirk evident on his lips.
“I know crazy when I see one, ‘cause I am crazy” Bucky opened the cupboard and took out a whiskey bottle.
“Are you trying to get drunk in the middle of the day?” you asked, standing up from your seat, walking over to him and sitting on a bar stool.” Is that what crazy entails?” you joked. He lifted the glass to his lips while looking at you.
“We can’t get drunk darling. The serum prevents that.” he drowned the drink in one swift motion and poured himself another one. ”you want some?” he motioned towards the empty glasses.
“S- sure” you stuttered, brain going into overdrive from the pet name he just called you. You definitely wanted some, but it wasn’t the whiskey you were thinking about. His black shirt was not helping either. Bucky seemed to notice how your mind was somewhere else and he walked around the counter to stand next to you. He lifted his glass that had already been refilled by him, and tapped the edge of the glass to your lower lip. You stared at him, eyes wide, your mouth slightly open. 
“So are you gonnna drink it?” he smirked, clearly seeing the effect he had on you. In your hazy mind you didn’t register that you should lift your hands and take the glass from him. Instead you put your lips around the edge of the glass and waited for him to tilt it while still looking into his eyes. He stared at you for a second, swallowed and then tilted the glass so the liquid reached your mouth. You took a sip. It did not taste good so you grabbed his hand that was still holding the glass and pushed it away.
“This definitely won’t be my favorite drink” you coughed a few times. Bucky let out a little laugh, putting his hand, that wasn’t being held by yours, on your thigh. Is he trying to kill me? You gulped, your grip thightening on his hand. He leaned closer to you, the smirk still evident on his lips. The lips that were once again very close to yours. You could feel his breath on your face. If he doesn’t kiss me right now I will lose my mind. You didn’t know what Zemo and Sam were doing but at this point you didn’t care. You just wanted his lips on yours. Something about this man made you very needy and as the day progressed it got harder to hide it. His sight slipped down to your lips and just as you thought he might do exactly what you wanted John Walker burst through the door. Bucky backed away immediately and you looked down clearing your throat, blush tainting your cheeks. 
“All right, that’s it, let’s go” John said as he and Lemar walked to the middle of the room. “I am now ordering you to turn him over” he pointed at Sam while Bucky walked to the chair next to you and sat down.
“Okay slow your roll. Shield or no shield, the only thing you are running in here is your mouth.” you turned away from them and towards Bucky so John wouldn’t see you laughing. Bucky on the other hand had a clear view of your joy. “Now I had Karli and you overstepped” Sam continued “He has actually proven himself useful today” he pointed at Zemo who walked towards the two of you.” And we’re gonna need all hands on deck for whatever is coming next”
John put down the shield and started running his mouth again and the next thing you knew there was a spear lodged inside the wall next to him. A woman in wakandan clothes was standing in the room and other two walked in through the front door. You raised your eyebrows impressed. That was cool. Bucky sighed next to you. The one who seemed to be the leader started speaking wakandan to Bucky. You didn’t understand a word of it but it must have been nothing good because he looked down like a child who was being scolded. 
“Release him to us now.” she said in english. John couldn’t keep his ego in check once again and Sam tried to get him to back down but it was no use. As soon as John touched the woman he found himself on the ground. These women are amazing. They started fighting and you just looked around, unsure what to do. Sam walked closer to you and Bucky stood up, making you look at him.
“We should do something” Sam said to him as you walked over to them.
“Looking strong John” Bucky shouted at the man still getting his ass beaten. You snorted. Sam called his name in warning so Bucky intervened, grabbing the woman’s spear. “Ayo, let’s talk about this” Sam went to the other side of the room, also trying to stop what was happening. You were still standing in the same place, still not knowing if you should help or stay out of it. Your problem was solved when a spear flung at you and you had to step to the side and catch it with one hand. The wakandan woman studied you for a second then ran towards you, clearly wanting to fight. You flipped the spear around in your right hand so the sharp end was aimed at the ground. You didn’t want to harm her but that didn’t mean you would let her beat you. She threw a few punches at you, but you managed to block them. You tried hitting her with the spear, but she caught it, making your faces get close to each other. She pushed against you but she wasn’t stroungh enough to get you on the ground. You saw the realization in her eyes at your strenght. She tilted the metal so it hit you on the head and you stumbled backwards in pain. You heard something heavy hit the ground next to you but you didn’t have time to look as the woman came at you again, now with the knowledge that you were a super-soldier. She fought harder and faster than before, but still couldn’t hit you hard enough. You grabbed her weapon again, pulling it with all your strength. When she couldn’t hold it anymore you lifted your right leg and kicked her backwards. She fell over and you pointed the sharp metal at her neck, panting. You looked up just now noticing that everyone in the room was looking at the two of you. Sam was on the ground while John was pinned to a table by a spear and Bucky was holding his metal arm in his right hand, eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite place. You dropped the weapon, realizing your mistake. No one should know that you are a super-soldier, especially not John Walker and he was looking right at you with wide eyes. 
Oh no.
Taglist: @geek-and-proud @ferxaniti
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darthkruge · 3 years
Could you do an imagine where Anakin comforts an insecure reader
Anakin Skywalker x Reader ~ Insecurities 
Summary: Anakin comes home to find the reader drowning in their own insecurities and does everything he can to make it better.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: Heavy talk of insecurities, including the reader feeling insecure about their body, personality, relationship, basically themself in general. A little bit of blood and some injuries but nothing major. Angst to fluff, I’d say?
A/N: Hi anon! First off, I hope you’re okay. Secondly, thank you for requesting! And ofc I’ll write this, comfort fics are my shit! I tried to get this request out as quick as I could and it did take a tiny bit longer than I wanted, but I wanted to do it justice. Also, y’all are beautiful and perfect and I love each and every single person reading this. If anyone ever needs anything, I’m here always. If you wanna talk or vent or just share some of your thoughts, I got you. 
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(not my gif)
It was just one of those days. You weren’t a stranger to them but, nonetheless, you always felt unprepared when they hit. The feeling where you wanted to crawl out of your own skin, your own mind. Where regardless of what clothes you wore, you hated how you looked. The thoughts were the worst part, telling you lies that felt terrifyingly like truths. 
You’re worthless. You’re unlovable. You’re ugly. Everyone else can see it. They all know. No one really wants to spend time with you. You’re annoying. You’re stupid. You’re a bad person. 
The thoughts spiraled and spiraled and spiraled until you were lost in your own head. When it came to this, you frequently fell. It was too painful to hold onto your consciousness and fight it, so you let go. The thoughts continued as you curled back up in your bed, in the apartment in Coruscant that you shared with him, the one that normally brought you such comfort, and stared blankly at the wall. Tears streamed down your face and you didn’t even have the energy to wipe them away. 
Truly, the worst part was feeling so defeated. You were a strong Jedi and you took your training seriously. You’d fought in countless battles, you should be able to handle one in your mind. You wished you were strong enough to fight against these thoughts. The shame you felt around your insecurities only made you feel more alone. Instead of reaching out on days like this, you just forced yourself into silence. 
You were especially afraid to tell Anakin. Your beautiful, perfect, kind, loving boyfriend. He didn’t deserve to deal with you. He had enough on his plate, it wasn’t his job to comfort you because you weren’t strong enough to deal with your own shit. You were scared that once he saw how you viewed yourself, he would come clean and admit to seeing you the same way. I mean, you were so obviously hideous, how could he not see it, too?
Meanwhile, Anakin was finishing up a training session in the Jedi Temple. Normally he’d train with Obi-Wan, but today he wanted to focus on himself. Honestly, he was a bit distracted. Since he had a busy day today and you had the day off, he had to leave before you woke up, which he absolutely hated. He loved being there when you woke up and cooking breakfast for the two of you. You’d been dating for a few months and he was truly shocked that you’d kept him around for this long. You were everything he’d ever wanted. 
He realized he was smiling as he thought of you and decided to reach out with the Force to be reminded of your presence. He knew it wasn’t what the Force was supposed to be used for but he honestly couldn’t help it, he missed you. You were a comfort to him and he liked to check and make sure you were alright. 
Anakin’s brow furrowed as he searched for you. Normally, you were meditating at this time and he could feel a sense of serenity and contentment around you. Today, however, he was met with pain. Pain, and fear, and hatred, and sadness, and anguish, and loneliness. Anakin braced himself against the wall, stumbling back at the severity of your emotions. Right after, he composed himself and took off in a run, trying to get to you as quickly as possible. 
“Y/N? Y/N?!” Anakin yelled, bursting through the door. He was immediately taken aback when he noticed that all the lights were off. Walking quietly, he heard your sobs coming from the bedroom. He went in and felt his heart shatter. There you were, his angel, curled under the blankets, sobbing. He looked around and noticed the mirror in your room smashed. He walked over and gently placed a hand on your back, trying not to startle or upset you more. 
You looked up at him and started crying even harder. He pulled you into his arms and noticed how you fell limply into his chest. The fight seemed to have extinguished from your eyes, causing him to hold you even closer. Your arms weakly surrounded his middle as his hands stroked your back and gently combed through your hair. 
You felt lost and trapped, the world around you fuzzy and distorted from the tears. Even so, you felt him. You breathed him in, inhaling his comforting scent and feeling his warmth. He helped you ground yourself, the broken wails eventually quieting into soft cries. Anakin didn’t try to shush you, he just whispered reassurances into your hair, let you get it out, and held you. “I’ve got you, love. It’s alright, get it out. I’m here, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you.”
You listened to those affirmations as you sagged into him, taking a few more minutes to just lay there. Softly, Anakin pulled you away from him so he could study you. You saw his face contorted with worry and immediately felt guilty. Great, Y/N, now you’ve made him upset. Fuck, he doesn’t deserve this. Why did I have to be so fucking needy?!
Your thoughts were interrupted by him. “What happened, angel?”
“I-” You trailed off, not sure what to say. “I just had a shit day”
You could tell he knew it was more and, feeling vulnerable under his intensely caring gaze, brought your hand to move the hair out of your face.
Quickly, you heard Anakin take a sharp inhale of breath before grabbing your hand. Ouch. You looked down and noticed the cut on the back of your hand. It had mostly dried by now, thankfully, but the pain from punching that mirror earlier was definitely still registering. 
He wordlessly went to the bathroom and brought out some gauze and anti-bacterial medicine. When he returned, his eyes drifted to the mirror and you saw him putting the pieces together. He spent a few moments in silence, his expression downcast. He worked quickly, bandaging you up and collecting his thoughts. “Why?” He asked, softly.
“I don’t know. I couldn’t stand to look at myself anymore” You whispered, wiping away some residual tears from your eyes. 
“Y/N, you’re gorgeous, love. Please, angel, please look at me.” He cupped your face and moved you so you were in his lap, making sure you heard every word. “You are truly the most breathtaking person I’ve ever met. You’re ethereal.”
Anakin’s voice was quiet as he told you these things. Quiet, yet powerful. Almost as if it was the gentle caress of his innermost thoughts. Completely honest and raw, yet too intimate for anyone to hear except you.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry your brain is lying to you. That must be so hard, fighting against your own mind. Baby, you’re brave. You’re so, so brave.”
You were shaking your head, “Ani, no, no I’m not. I’m not brave, I didn’t fight. I let them consume me. I was drowning and I couldn’t breathe until you came in. I couldn’t anchor myself at all, I was so weak” You said, disgusted with yourself. 
“Shh, shh, Y/N, listen. You are strong because even though you felt the weight of everything on your shoulders, you didn’t drown. I know you felt like you would, but look! You’re here. You didn’t drown.” He took a second to pause, kissing your forehead lovingly. “Do you want to talk about what brought this on?”
“If I tell you, promise you won’t think differently of me?”
“I promise. Nothing could change how I feel about you.”
You inhaled deeply, hands shaking slightly. Ani took them in his own, steadying them while looking at you deeply. “I’ve been dealing with some shit for a while and I think it all kind of caught up to me today? I hate how I look, Ani. I look in the mirror and I can’t handle it. That’s why I broke it, I just, I couldn’t. And then I was just thinking of how you don’t deserve to deal with someone like me. You shouldn’t have to come home after a day of training and deal with my breakdowns. I know I should have told you I’ve been feeling like this. I just was terrified. I was terrified you’d agree with me. I’m terrified you’ll leave me. I’m terrified you’ll wake up and see how you deserve so much more than the shitty fucking messed up person I am.” You trail off and meet his eyes, tears glistening in both of yours, “Ani, I’m so terrified” You finish, voice wavering. 
Anakin rests his forehead against yours, pressing kisses to your hands. He lets his eyes close and tears fall down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe you were in this much pain and he never noticed. You were the love of his life and he felt like he’d failed you if you feel like this. 
“Y/N, I’m not gonna leave you. I’m not going anywhere. You are the best person for me, hell, you’re the best person in the entire fucking galaxy. Everyday I wake up and think about how lucky I am to call you mine. You’re smart, you’re kind, you’re compassionate. You’re stubborn as hell and I love that about you. You challenge me and you’re a damn good Jedi. You’re strong, stronger than anyone should ever have to be. Your heart inspires me everyday. Simply, you’re good. And I know I said it a bit earlier, but I’m gonna say it again. You are stunning, love. Truly.” Anakin said, pulling away so he could really see you. 
“Look at your legs! They’re so pretty, baby. Especially when you jump up and wrap them around me after I get home from a mission? That’s the best feeling in the freaking world! And your stomach! You always let me rest my head on it when I’m tired and I know you think it’s weird but it’s such a good angle because I can lay there and play with your hands. And, baby, your arms!! You give such good hugs and you when wrap them around me?? It makes me feel safe in a world full of chaos. And at night when you use them to curl into me, or when we’re dancing together? Fuck, I just love them.”
Anakin trailed off for a second. He held your face in his palms and you leaned into their warmth. “And you’re face, Y/N. It’s just so perfectly you. When I look into your eyes, I know I’m home. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say. I don’t understand how you can hate your body when it's the body that makes me feel like I’m going to be okay. You make me feel like I’m going to be okay. I’ve always felt so out of control, so lost. But you ground me. Please, come to me if you ever feel like this again? You are not a burden or a messed up person. You’re everything. I’m here for you. I know my words won’t fix anything overnight. Even so, I promise you, I will repeat them everyday until you believe them and, after that, I will continue to remind you until my last breath.”
You hugged him and nuzzled into his chest, overcome with emotion. “I’m trying Ani, I’m really trying. It’s not easy for me to come to people when I feel like that but I promise I’ll try.”
His arms tightened around you and he placed a kiss on the top of your head. “That’s all I could ever ask of you, love. Thank you for being willing to try”
“Thank you, too, for talking me down today. It doesn’t normally get that bad. Some days are worse than others, you know? But you really helped me. I love you more than anything. I love you for loving me when I feel unlovable” 
“I will always be here to remind you how deserving you are of love, happiness, and every other positive thing in the universe. I love you, too. I’ve loved you for years, I love you now, and I’ll love you forever”
Anakin hadn’t really let you go since he returned to the apartment. He was naturally a protective person and hated to see you hurting. He was so soft, so comforting. Although vulnerability is always hard, he made it so much easier. You knew he would always validate you, comfort you, and be there without judgement. He was everything you could possibly need and more.
Eventually, your breathing evened out as he rocked you in his arms. Anakin layed you back under the covers and went to pull away to sweep up the broken mirror’s glass. As he attempted to release himself from your arms, you whined and only tightened your grip on him. Anakin smiled and chuckled quietly, laying down and pulling you on top of his chest. You hummed contently and he placed a few more soft kisses onto your hair, your forehead, your shoulders, everywhere. You were his top priority always and he wanted to keep you safe physically, mentally, and emotionally. He could never deny you comfort, especially not in this state. After waiting a few more moments to ensure you were truly at rest, Ani closed his eyes. The glass could always wait until tomorrow...
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 3 years
Sunrises, Waffles, and Weddings ii
Pt.1, Pt. 3
One Shot Mini Series Au (No Powers) 
Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader
Word Count: 2651 (Not My GIF)
A/N: Hey Guys! Thank you for reading and liking this story. This part Is a little more background. There will be two more parts in this mini series, I hope you enjoy it. <3
Tag list: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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It's at times like this that you wish you couldn't read people so well… Although it wouldn't take a genius to know that Pietro wasn't happy. No, you'd just have to be insensitive, and you were anything but. "Alright why are you looking at me like that?" You ask calmly and he shakes his head. "No… no this is just all of a sudden." He tries to dismiss it. Now it's your turn to give him a look. "We've been honest with each other thus far… let's not change that now." You state firmly.  "I don't… like change I-i don't do well with it." You nod. He looks at you and smiles sadly. Slowly he finishes his beer and sighs heavily falling back on the couch next to you. "Everything is changing now… Paul and Sarah are married, and now you're leaving."  You nod, getting exactly where he was coming from and sigh. Tonight felt like one of those nights… long and sleepless. You take the beers and make your way to the back porch. "Change is scary." You admit turning slightly to see him. "I lost my parents too…" you mention quietly. Pietro looks at you surprised, noticing the pained expression in his eyes. "It's not what you went through, but still… My parents were great, loving, and so kind." A small smile grows on your face.
 "They walked out the door one day… and they never got to come back." The tears welling in your eyes. "I hated them for the longest time… I didn't understand that 'they're gone' meant they were dead." His eyes refused to meet yours. "I felt so guilty when I realized… but I was still so angry, so mad at them for having left that day." You sighed. "Are you still angry?" He asks, looking at you, tears threatening his eyes. "No, I'm sad… I'm sad that they missed all of it … Sarah's wedding, everything I guess." You look at him and ask him the same question. "I miss them all the time… and it makes me mad… guilty that I'm forgetting them." He answers. You sighed, taking a deep breath. "Are you mad at me?" You questioned. He shakes his head. "No… I-i I'm proud of you." He states. After that you both reached an understanding. Unspoken nonetheless you'd reached an understanding. Sitting in quiet contemplation you watched and enjoyed what would be the last time you did this. Reaching out for your hand he nods and gives it a good squeeze before letting go. 
Quiet chuckling knocked you out of your trance. Looking at Pietro he gives you a playful smirk. "You made quite the impression on my sister." He chuckles. "She will not stop talking about you. I think she likes you." He mentions. Your cheeks burn at the insinuation making him chuckle even louder. He gets quiet again lost in thought. "What if this week… we spend it like the old times? We can go to the lake, stay up all night and tell scary stories. The whole shabang!" You suggest watching his eyes light up. "For old times sake." You add making him laugh and nod. “That sounds amazing, you know what else would cheer me up?” You shake your head, telling him to continue. “If you would be kind enough to hook me up with that cute cousin of yours… What's her name? Martha? Mary? M…” You burst out laughing knowing exactly who he’s talking about. “Cousin May is a complete stick in the mud… She’s a stick with a stick up her ass!” You laugh at your own joke. He chuckles. “Not with me…” He states smugly, which completely shuts you up leaving you speechless. 
“As much as I love you Pietro you are not getting her number.” You say quickly. “You are better off without her, trust me.” He laughs nodding his head. “Fine then we’ll do your thing, a whole week of drinking and laying around sounds good.” He sits up quickly. "On one condition… Wanda gets to come." He states. "Of course she can come! " You say. "But only if she wants to come… you got to stop forcing her to do things." You state seriously. "oNLy iF sHe wAntS tO coMe" He mocks you. "Of course she'll want to come." You laugh, raising your hands in surrender. “Speaking of where's your lovely sister?” You ask curiously. He shrugs. “You know what would cheer me up?” You ask smugly. You burst out laughing watching as Pietro spits his beer out, coughing and trying to breathe. As soon as he calms down you pat his back, and look at him. “So what are the digits?” He shakes his head. “Right… I’ll just ask her myself then… I made ‘quite the impression’ Didn’t I?” You tease using his own words against him. 
The rest of the night was exactly as you had predicted. You drank yourselves silly, soon you found your way inside and crashed on the couch. “You’re sisterrr is um- she’s ah really perty.” You slur out looking directly into Pietro's eyes. He’s quiet for a long while, before he belches startling you. You stare at Pietro in astonishment looking at him like he was a god. “That’s- that’s gotta be a world record.” He states. You nod and lay back down. Staring at the ceiling in the room you hear Pietro begin to shuffle. “I think that I’m Wanda’s ‘Shawn’ and I-i just don't know” He says as he rubs his temples. “What do you mean?” He sighs deeply. “I feel like I’m cutting her wings. She’s always wanted to leave this place.” You nod. “I-i She just wants to make sure you’re okay.” You state confidently. He scoffs. “No offence Y/n but how could you know that?” You shake your head in denial. 
“I know more than you’d think… I stayed here for so long because I wanted to take care of Sarah.” You reveal making him look at you curiously. “I-i uhg. I don't need her to take care of me…” You hum. “Then tell her… It’s not going to hurt her feelings, and you’ll feel better about ‘setting her free’. I feel like she’d appreciate it.” You answer simply deep in thought. You didn't even notice when Pietro took off with his phone in hand making a beeline for the back porch. “I did it! I AM THE MAN!” He yells through the house triumphantly. You only nod your eyes heavy with sleep drifting off. You dream of everything, being together with your parents and Sarah. It was truly saddening you were happy as could be until you looked up and their faces were blank and devoid of any facial features. “Y/n?” You hear a soft voice calling your name. You jump up in a cold sweat, tears already forming in your eyes. You feel hands cup your cheeks forcing your eyes to look at them. 
You’re slightly surprised to see her intense green eyes looking back at you. Disregarding anything else you wrap your arms around her back and cry. She stiffens slightly in your hold but eventually hugs you back and rubs her hand on your back. “What did you dream about?” She asks carefully when you calm down. “I can’t, I can’t… I can’t remember them.” You pull away abruptly trying to calm your breathing. “You can’t remember who?” She asks. That's when Pietro walks in. “Y/n… What's happening?” You rub your face with your hands meeting his worried gaze. “I can’t remember them Piet…” Realization flashes his face. “Do-do you want to talk about it?” He questions softly. “No, no I just got really scared for a while back there.” Your breathing steadies and you begin to take in your surroundings. Your eyes suddenly land on her and you make a double take. “Oh God, I’m so sorry you had to see that.” You say apologizing for the scene. She chuckles slightly at our embarrassment. “It’s fine. I promise I wont think any less of you.” She teases. Gratefully you take the change in subject and stand. “What are you doing here anyways.” You ask. 
“Pietro Invited me late last night and said, and I quote ‘you should totally stop by, I set you free’ weird right?” She reflects. “No, not really It’s Pietro.” You state calmly. She nods. “But, we did want to invite you to hang out this week before I leave.” You say. She almost chokes on her own breath as her brain processes your words. “Wait… You’re leaving?” She questions softly. You nod a little concerned by the lack of reaction. “Uhm, Yes I’m leaving. You know I don’t have Shawn dragging me down anymore… And Sarah well she’s all taken care of now. There's nothing really left for me here.” You say honestly gauging her reactions. She seems hesitant, when her eyes meet yours a smile forms on her face. This made you really look at her… your eyebrows furrow trying to place it, the difference. This was not the smile that you saw all those weeks ago, this one seemed forced, dare you say fake. “That’s great, amazing really… You finally get to leave this place behind.” You grimace at her words and their harsh double meaning. The flash of hurt that passes in your features makes her stop in her tracks. She goes to say something, but you change the subject before she could. 
“So, are you spending the week with us… It’s going to be fun.” You ask, completely avoiding her gaze as you stand from the couch. Suddenly feeling the effects of your poor decisions last night, you rush towards the restroom and basically bury your face into the toilet. You hear shuffling and then your hair is out of your face. As you were about to say something another wave of nausea hit. As soon as you're done she pats your back. “Thank you.” You say sincerely. Changing the subject you notice her hand in yours. A small smile passes through your features, when you notice you give it a squeeze before letting go. You could have sworn she was blushing, but before you could make sure she was out of the room. Deciding to give her some space you get ready for the day, and most likely the week. After you’re ready you go down stairs, and find the siblings on the couch watching something on the Tv. “So… what are we watching?” You ask into Pietro's ear. You and Wanda share a laugh watching as Pietro screamed and jumped in his seat. “We were watching reruns while we waited on you.” Wanda states simply.
Pietro clearing his throat knocks you both out of the daze you were in. “Alright now that that’s over…” He says referring to the intense eye contact, he continues. “You two ready to go to the lake?” He asks with a smile forming on his face. You nod and smile when Pietro extends his hand towards you.  
Flash Back
“Hey, Y/n Is it okay if Paul brings his friend over?” You hear Sarah ask as she nears your door, leaning on the frame as she waits for your answer. “Yeah of course, but why are you asking me? This is your house as much as it is mine.” You state confused. She chuckles and shakes her head. Leaning closer to you she whispers in your ear. “Paul seems to think you two will hit it off.” She smiles as she pulls back a smug smile on her face as she watches your reaction. Blushing and stumbling over your words you manage to compose yourself before making a complete fool out of yourself. “Need I remind you that I am still dating Shawn?” You ask rhetorically, to which your sister immediately rolls her eyes at his mention. “Well, I don’t like him and neither does Paul. His friend's name is Pietro, I expect you to play nice.” Your sister warns before she wanders off into another part of the house. 
Hours later you heard the door open and the sound of laughter grew louder. Sighing internally you made your way towards the dining room where they were all apparently waiting for you. “Hi, I’m Pietro. It's really nice to finally meet you and put a face to the name.” You smile politely and take his hand. “Y/n, Likewise although I have only just heard of you?” You state glaring lightly at both Paul and Sarah. He chuckles nodding, but nonetheless he still pulls out your seat for you. Not long into that dinner Paul gets a ‘call’ informing him of an “emergency” that both he and Sarah had to tend to. After sitting in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like hours you both look up at the same time. Looking at each other for a moment you both break out laughing. “This is extremely pathetic even for Sarah.” You state chugging the rest of the wine in your glass. And to your surprise he nod s and agrees with you. So to pass the time you actually got to know each other, and by the end of it you were practically best friends.
Later Paul would grow to regret his decision to try and set you and Pietro up. You matched each other's energy, and you somehow just understood each other and clicked. A week after that disastrous first encounter you had, formulated and perfectly executed your special hand shake. “If I'd have known you’d steal my best friend I never would’ve introduced you two.” Paul states bitterly as he watches you greet Pietro. At that moment you saw the glint in Pietro's eyes and with the ghost of a nod you both proceeded to walk past him like he didn't exist. The foundation of your friendship with Pietro was your unrelenting desire to make Paul tick. Eventually you both ‘grew out’ of that phase, but still you remained best of friends
End Flashback 
Cutting back to present time here you were making a complete fool out of yourself in front of Wanda. You felt so accomplished the first time you and Pietro completed the hand shake, which at this point was not a handshake but a whole two minute choreography. You both had that ‘too much’ gene and you just kept adding to it throughout the years. You felt so badass, as you pulled off each of the steps, but are suddenly brought back to reality when you see Wanda laughing. You both stop and glare at the girl, still laughing. “You look like fools… Oh god and that little thing with the feet, and who thought it was a good Idea to sing that song?” You and Pietro both look at each other, it was a drunken addition of Singing We will rock you. “Don’t mind her Y/n, she lacks any class, and taste.” and easy as that the tables turned. You looked at Pietro and laughed. After that Pietro excused himself and made sure everything was ready for the trip. Before he actually left the house he yelled. “You only hate us cuz you aint us… Keep your jealousy in check.” You chuckle, shaking your head. But promptly stop when you realize Wand wasn't laughing with you.
In that moment realization hit you like a truck and you almost couldn't believe it. “Oh my god, you ARE jealous!” You stated as an amused grin found its way to your face. “Oh, shut up!” She didn't contradict you, but you could tell she was getting a little uncomfortable so you turned it down. “We can make a handshake if you want?” You state looking at her. She smiles and finally that beautiful, real, and truly breathtaking smile shone through. You could’ve died right then and there and you’d die happy. “I’d really like that…”
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elfwoodfae · 3 years
“Nightcall” Harrison Eo Wells x reader.
Chapter 4
Summary: Dreaming about a certain speedster will leave you on edge, complications were coming your way if you didn’t control yourself soon enough.
Warning: Explicit scenes, please don’t read if you are under 18.
Author’s note: Let me know what you think so far! Suggestions are always welcome. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know in the comments if you want to be tagged in the story. Big thank you to @twilightlover2007 for giving me suggestions and ideas for this chapter!!
Gif credits to the owner, I found this one on google.
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That night you didn’t sleep, or at least your brain didn’t sleep. As your body rested after such an intense day, your mind took you to a land of dreams. Where you dreamt of him.
You dreamt of him at night, crawling through your window, cradle in yellow, big, powerful and hard. He was a sigh to behold.
You dreamt of him walking over to you, grabbing your leg and pulling you to him and in a second he was over you. Looking at you with those red glowing eyes that lighted your soul on fire. Burning you from the inside out.
He grabbed your face, softly but showing the dominance a man like him possessed. He tangled a hand in your hair and kissed you hard, licking your mouth open and praying inside as if it was a home he was always welcome to.
You ran a hand through his hair, pulling at the nape and he growled in your mouth, bitting at your bottom lip and pulling it until you moaned for him to stop. He moved the hand on your face to your thigh, running it up, feeling your skin as he murmured how soft you were. How much he needed you. Your eyes snapped open as you felt him vibrate on top of you, hitting all the right spots to make you yearn for him, to make you feel all of him.
All the lighting in the world came to give his eyes life, and when he looked down at you right into your soul, you felt yourself breath out and moan his name trying to move closer to him, to bury him so deep into your skin you wouldn’t know where you ended and he began.
“Harrison,” you murmured over his lips, touching his face softly.
“Y/n” he growled.
“Y/n” he shook you by your shoulders.
“Y/n” he shook you again. Why was such a bright light being pointed at your eyes?
“Y/n!” You woke up with a start to Caitlin’s face hovering over yours. Concern on her features.
“You were dreaming” she told you as you took a deep breath. Remembering exactly what that dream had been.
“Did… did I say something on my sleep?” You nervously asked her, hands shaking as you ran them through your forehead.
“No, but you were turning and tossing around, I couldn’t get you to react.” She responded.
“I think I was having a nightmare I can’t remember.” Liar, liar, liar, liar. Of course you remembered it.
“I would like to go home and shower and get a fresh pair of clothes. I will come back in a little.” You added.
“Okay. I will let the rest of the team know you are feeling better.” Caitlin said as she moved to the side to let you move through.
Once in your apartment a cold shower was exactly what you needed. As the water ran down your body you recalled your dream. Every moment of it burned into your memory.
You were losing your mind. That was the only explanation. You had lost your mind. Why would you dream that? If you had dreamed of him as he was before you found out his identity that would be understandable because you had developed more than a crush for the man. But to dream of him in his full glory was something else. And you wished you could dream it again.
God he was corrupting you.
In a fresh pair of clothing you made it back to Star labs. Caitlin and Iris were in the cortex while the rest were no where to be seen. Wells was probably in his hole in the wall.
“Y/n, how are you feeling?” Iris questioned you, concern in her voice.
“I’m feeling fine, I feel fine really, it was more a scare than anything.”
“Yes indeed, Miss y/n gave us quite a fright” You almost jumped up in your sit at hearing his voice, you hadn’t heard him roll in and when you looked at him to reply and keep up the appearances , the moment your eyes met, you felt your face turn red, blushing as he only started at you, almost telling you with his eyes that he knew your little dirty secret. But he didn’t. There was no way he could.
Iris and Caitlin noticed right away of course. The way you tensed up and blushed. Evading his gaze and nodding shyly. You had never been the shy kind around the team.
Exchanging glances in between them with a knowing smirk that said we will talk later, Iris excused herself and left with the excuse of being late for work. Caitlin caught on to her hints and excused herself too.
Wells was not a fool. He knew something was up.
“A word please?” He asked you as he motioned with his fingers for you to get closer and follow him to his office.
Once inside he turned to you.
“What was that about?” He said as his eyes bore into yours.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You said as you looked to the floor avoiding him.
“I will ask you once again, and I want an answer better than I don’t know what you are talking about. ” he said as he got up from the chair and closed the distance between you two.
“I promise you is nothing.” You tried to convince him in vain.
In a second his eyes ignited red and his face came close to yours, so close you could feel his breathing over your lips.
“I am hoping for your own good that you haven’t spoken about our agreement.” Oh God flashbacks from your dream played behind your eyes. He was so far off track and he didn’t even know it. He was adding fuel to the fire.
When you didn’t reply he grabbed your face to make you look up.
“Don’t think that because I can’t kill you doesn’t mean I won’t make you wish I had.” He threatened you.
“I swear is nothing, is a stupid thing between Iris, Caitlin and me that doesn’t involve you.”
“Can…” you had to stop and clear your throat, moving your eyes to the floor again.
“Can you please move so I can leave?” You asked him avoiding his gaze.
Lowering his hand and walking to his chair he moved to the side to let you go free.
Letting a sigh of relief and with speed impressive even for a speeder, you left the room.
Something was different. You were suddenly so shy around him. You had never showed shyness or fear around him. Rubbing two fingers over his lips in thought he made his way out to the cortex too.
Once he made it over, he could see from the corner of his eyes at Caitlin gushing over you and trying to discreetly look at him.
“What happened out there?” She asked with a gentle smile.
“What? What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened.” You replied defensively.
“Mmm, okay if you say so.” She replied knowing better than to push the issue right away.
“By the way, Iris and I were saying that it would do us some good to go out and have a few drinks, us girls only. What do you say?” She continued.
A distraction would be nice, but a distraction involving alcohol was a risky risky move. You had two very important secrets you couldn’t let out and alcohol was known to make you a babble mouth.
“I am not drinking too much lately but I’ll go with you both. It would be fun to get out and change the view for once.” You told her not completely sure of yourself.
“Great! We will go after work. We can carpool if you want.” Caitlin offered she was not a heavy drinker she was fine with driving.
“Sounds perfect, thank you very much.” You told her as you touched her arm in appreciation.
Being honest with yourself you were actually getting excited about going out, it had been a while and who knew, the night could bring a lot of surprises.
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lazypeachsoul · 3 years
i chased you all the way to Riga - h.z.
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Request: by @alekssmorozova “Could i request Daddy!Zemo + spanking pretty please ? Have a good day/evening. 🎇❤️”
Warnings: +18. Minors DNI. daddy kink, spanking.
Word count: 2k.
A/N: i'm so incredibly sorry I'm posting this at 2 am. my computer in playing dumb with me. hope you enjoy it 🌼 Gif by @h-zemo
Translations: "Gutes Mädchen" means "good girl"; "gelb" means "yellow"; "rot" means "red"; "Schatz" means "treasure (pet name)".
To be added to my taglist use this forms or write me an ask!
Waving goodbye to the security man you finally got out of the office building after an exhausting day at work. Meetings seemed to be a constant nowadays. Working for one of the biggest law firms in times when tensions are high and disputes seem to be more common, work was never scarce. But that meant free time was.
Normally you would have paid more attention to your surroundings, but the ache in your head and your heeled feet prevented you from really observing the environment. It wasn’t until you were unlocking your car that you felt someone behind you.
Turning around ready to disarm any potential attacker, you were stopped by a hand grabbing your arm. Expecting an attack you tried to free your arm to be able to defend yourself, but the attack never came. Looking up you found a man not much taller than yourself, covered with a long coat and a purple balaclava. It wasn’t until you found a pair of deep brown eyes looking at you that you understood who your “attacker” was.
Shaking off his hand you took a step back, trying to understand what was going on. He couldn’t be here in Riga. Last thing you knew about him he was in a high security prison in Germany, locked in solitary confinement. “Zemo?” Was the first thing that came out of your lips. It wasn’t loud but you knew he heard you when he moved to take the covering off.
"Schatz.” He spoke, accent heavier than you remembered. Probably the result of only using german to communicate during his years in prison.
His hair was still fairly intact for having been covered and his face, although sunken in from lack of normal nutrition, was still as handsome and mysterious as ever.
“You haven’t called me that in a long time Helmut.”
“I would’ve, if you had called or visited me in my imprisonment.”
His voice sounded strained and you then realized he must have not been allowed many visitors during that time. And even if he was, nobody would visit him after what he had done. Well, nobody except old Oeznik maybe.
“You know I couldn’t do it, if they had known we were involved in any way my life would have become hell.” You tried to excuse yourself, even if it was the truth. “how are you here anyways? Not that the visit is not a nice surprise but-”
“I escaped.” He answered but you know that was not the entire truth. Zemo was intelligent enough to know escaping would not grant him the kind of freedom he wanted. “Well, somebody got me out because I was needed in a mission, and now we are here following a lead. It’s a long story and one I don’t think we should have out in the open.”
He was looking around now, confirming his runaway status. He probably shouldn’t even be in the parking lot of one of the biggest office buildings in the city. You unlocked your car and moved to get inside of the car. Helmut stayed still, probably expecting you to run away, but you just pointed to the passenger seat with your head.
Once he was inside you started the car and tried to exit the parking lot as if a wanted criminal wasn’t sitting next to you. Once you were crossing the gates you took a deep breath and you felt your muscles relax. You could feel Zemo’s gaze on the side of your face, clearly not expecting this turn in the night.
“If I hadn’t left the lot Arnis would have come looking for me, he worries.” You tried to explain while keeping your eyes on the road. “And I imagine you don’t want to be seen.”
He nodded and moved his gaze from your figure and looked outside the window. From the small peeks you took, he looked to be deep in thought. You didn’t really understand what possessed you to make him get in your car, or to take him to your house. Maybe it was the past you shared or the remorse of not seeing him in the last years. Maybe even the remorse of not being there to stop him from committing those atrocities.
You parked your car on the street right in front of your apartment building. The less distance you had to travel the less of a chance of being caught. And even with all the precautions you didn’t feel completely safe until you closed the front door of your apartment and locked the door.
Seeing Baron Helmut Zemo standing in your tiny rented apartment felt silly. This man who had grown up close to royalty, who had lived in the best houses and schools in Europe, now stood next to cheap Ikea furniture and bad room decorations.
“Nice house.” He tried to break the ice but it only made you want to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“Not all of us are born into nobility Baron. Now, are you going to tell me what is going on? I have the feeling that whoever broke you out might have no idea where you are right now.”
“Always so intelligent, schatz.” He smirked taking off his characteristing long coat and elegantly draping it over the sofa.
The scene reminded you of the last time you two were alone together, and how the night ended. He started rolling the sleeves of his red shirt and you started to see the old Helmut Zemo. The one who didn’t have to be worried about the world trying to catch him and could be his enchanting self. The Helmut Zemo who knew how to get the attention, born to be a leader.
“I’m not supposed to be here. I suppose James and Samuel are running around the city looking for me. But I’m in the best company I could imagine.”
“And I suppose what your entire mission is, right?”
“Again, so intelligent. You know what would happen if you were to be associated with me. You said so yourself.” He was looking at every detail of the room, but you especially you. “I did not come as a runaway looking for shelter. I came as a...friend.”
The tone he used to describe your relationship hurt but told you more than the rest of the conversation. It was true that you never used another label other than friends, always good friends and friends with benefits sometimes.
“Is that all we are, friend?” You couldn’t hold your tongue, the situation bringing you back to the dynamic you had before everything went to shit.
“Well, a few years ago you used to call me a different name, didn’t you?”
You were too worried about the situation to realize how close Zemo had gotten, making you jump slightly when you felt his hand in your shoulder. Softly moving it up and caressing your skin the hand found a home pressed against the side of your neck, lovingly but with authority.
“I spoke to you, my love. Don’t tell me you have forgotten.”
“I haven’t.” You spoke quickly almost as if your entire body knew what to do without needing orders from your brain. “Daddy.”
The smirk that spread through his face ignited every memory in your brain that included Zemo. From the first time you met back in Sokovia to the many nights spent together as young adults, including the years spent apart when he married and the reunion after disaster struck.
Without realizing you moved your entire body forward, pressing yourself against the man and your lips to his. The moment your lips touched it felt electric, like a current that had been dormant came alive again.
The kiss became ravenous, teeth clashing and hands pawing at each other's clothes. The small apartment felt immense when thinking of moving to the bedroom staying as close together as possible.
Breaking the kiss you looked at him and saw his usually expressive eyes were clouded with determination. You knew Zemo enjoyed the chase, and you were going to give it to him. Moving your face closer to him as if to kiss him again gave you the best distraction you could imagine.
Pushing Helmut back you started running towards the bedroom, moving furniture on your way to make the chase more thrilling. You tried to close the door behind you but he had reached you easier than you believed, as if he had never lost his military training.
“Why are you running away? Is it because you know you were bad?” His sweet voice a contrast to his authoritative figure.
Helmut Zemo was not the tallest or strongest man, but he had an air of power around him that the strongest men on the planet would want to have for themselves. And you would relegate all your power to this man, trusting him blindly.
“No daddy. I know you enjoy chasing me.”
“I do. I chased you all the way to a parking lot here in Letonia, didn’t I?” He was walking towards you until you hit the back of your knees against the mattress making you fall. “But I do think you need a punishment. You did forget about me.”
Your heart was beating loudly inside your chest and your entire body felt hot, the situation was familiar to you but that didn’t make it less exciting. He lowered his face to your now lower position and kissed your forehead softly, a silent question about what was going to happen next.
You grabbed his dominant hand and kissed the palm softly, granting him permission to carry out the punishment. You could tell what he was about to ask and responded before he could even get the question out.
“Gelb means uncomfortable. Rot is stop.”
“Gutes Mädchen”
His hand snaked its way to the back of your head, intertwining with your hair. Pulling softly he moved your head back, giving him access to your entire neck. His kisses were soft and almost ticklish. But you knew the softness would be gone soon.
He sat down on the bed, making himself comfortable before parting his legs and gesturing with his hand between them. Quickly standing up you stood in between them, allowing his hands to run through your hips until they found the belt of your work dress pants. He worked the fabric with confidence until you felt it slip from your frame.
His hands directly against your skin seemed to ignite every nerve in your body and when they moved to work the buttons of your shirt your breath caught in your chest.
“My sweet girl. I have missed you.” He whispered before kissing the skin of your hip that was revealed by the lack of clothing. “You are just as soft and warm as I remember you. I almost feel sorry for having to punish you.”
You had to suppress a whine at his words but he seemed to hear anyway. He was a natural speaker and hearing him speak that way too you made you warm and the heat seemed to pool in your lower belly.
“Please, daddy. I can’t wait.”
He chuckled softly, chucking the clothes far away and moving back to allow you to drape yourself over his lap. And that’s exactly what you did. You found your position so quickly that it almost felt like no time had passed since the last time.
His calloused hand caressed the back of your thighs moving closer and closer to the sensitive skin of your butt,causing goosebumps to raise on your skin. You rested your cheek against the comforter, humming as a sign that you were ready.
And suddenly the hum became a surprised moan when you felt the crash of Zemo’s hand against your skin. He soothed the skin and started muttering in german. “Let’s count to 6 and see if you learned, okay?” You nodded and another spank resounded around the room. “I need you to speak, beautiful.”
“Yes daddy, 6.”
He started soothing the skin again before you felt another shocking spank against your bottom. Every single strike made you moan and groan louder, and you weren’t the only one. Helmut was groaning not only because of the effort but at seeing your reactions and the probably very went patch on your panties.
You could feel how excited Helmut was getting against your belly that was carefully pressed against his groin. Even through the thick trousers the erection was more than obvious and only made you more excited for what was about to come.
Any thought of crimes, sentences, escapes from prison or other people were buried deeper in your mind with every moment that passed.
“Six.” You moaned when the palm crashed against your now sore bottom for the last time.
The entire room was buzzing with excitement, you bottom sore in the best way you could imagine and the hands of your past lover caressing the reddened skin.
“You did so good, beautiful. But I’m not letting you go now.”
“Please daddy...don’t stop now.”
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Taglist: @teenwonder @sky-writes-stuff @kyli314
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F!Reader
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gif by @pascalsky​
Summary: Marcus Moreno, head of the Heroics, meets Missy’s new teacher.
Word Count: 1,881
Rating: G
Warnings: None, it’s a meet cute! 
A/N: @creativekat​ and I came up with the idea to write a story together and see how it went. This is the result. We really enjoyed ourselves and will definitely be doing it again! 
You stood at the small mirror above the sink in your classroom, double checking your appearance. You were dressed professionally but comfortably in a pair of fitted trousers, sweater, and ballet flats. Your hair was pulled away from your face, though you toyed with the idea of taking it out of its ponytail. You did that, but then decided it looked more “put together” pulled back. So, you gathered it at the back of your head and secured it once again.
Once you were satisfied with your appearance you took a deep breath and began to run through your motivational mantras, “You can do this. Sure, you aren’t a Heroic … but, that doesn’t make you’re unimportant. You have skills. You’re smart. You deal with kids five days a week. What’s a few meetings with their parents?” With a sigh, you added, “Their Heroic parents.” 
Marcus was nervous for this meeting. Not that he thought Missy was doing bad in school or anything. He was nervous about meeting a new person. He didn’t exude the confidence that the other Heroics did and part of that was because he had been out of the game for so long. His retirement was forcibly ended but now that he was back in the field, he found his newfound fame a bit intimidating.
Getting out of his car, parked just out front of the new school Missy was attending, he smoothed his hands over his hair and pushed his glasses further up on his nose. He turned to check his reflection in the window of the car before pressing the key fob to lock it.
Walking in, he was greeted by someone with a name badge. Harriet. She asked the last name of the student. “Moreno,” he said as confidently as he could, flashing a small grin at her. The woman pointed down the hall and told him which door led to your classroom. The door was open but that didn’t stop him from pausing at the doorway and knocking gently with his knuckles. “Um excuse me?” His voice pulled you suddenly from your pep talk and with wide eyes you turned toward the open door of the classroom. 
Your eyes widened when you saw Marcus Moreno standing in your doorway. You’d seen him on television, of course, but seeing him in person was altogether different. He was larger than life on the screen, but here and now he was … normal. There was no sign of the fact that he was THE Marcus Moreno, leader of the Heroics. Standing there in his shirt and tie, eyes outlined by a pair of black framed glasses. If anything he was more handsome in person. Your cheeks warmed at the unprofessional thought and you cleared your throat, “Mr. Moreno. You’re … uhh, you’re early.”
Marcus shifted his weight a bit when you turned and spotted him. He swallowed hard and attempted a smile. “Yeah,” he said shyly as his hand came up to rub at the back of his neck. His hand paused and he looked up at you with a bit of sorrow in his eyes. “I can- I can come back if you-” he started, his hand now gesturing to the hall behind him.
You realized he’d misunderstood your surprise for … something else. “Oh no! That’s not what I meant. I was just surprised.” You gestured at him, indicating he should come inside. Marcus gave a tight-lipped grin, nodding slightly when you waved him in. He felt like you were a bit nervous too but it was probably just him projecting. You rushed to your desk at the head of the class and began to rifle through the files until you found Missy’s. “Please, close the door behind you and we can begin.” You sat down and tried to settle your nerves so you didn’t come across as a lunatic. 
Marcus closed the door as he stepped in, watching you rush to your desk, digging through some papers. He walked slowly, one hand shoving into his pants pocket, hoping to keep his breathing steady. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed how you looked dressed like that. It wasn’t anything inherently sexual. Just that you looked put together enough to do your job well. He sat down in the student desk that was placed directly in front your desk, facing you. His hips were a bit snug but he made do, his long legs stretching out to the side.
You take a moment to read over the talking points you wanted to cover with Missy’s father, which wasn’t really much. It’s not like Missy gave you much reason for concern. When you looked up you saw that Marcus had made himself comfortable, well, as comfortable as he could be, at one of the student desks. “So, Mr. Moreno…” He cut you off to say “Marcus, please.”
You took a moment to consider that before nodding and replying, “Okay, Marcus, Missy is doing very well in school and she gets along well with her peers. Her leadership skills are very strong.” Marcus let a proud smile flash across his lips at that. He had seen it first hand but it was good hearing from someone else that his daughter was a natural-born leader. You took another pause before continuing, “I do worry that because she is the only student in the class without powers that she might begin to feel … left out, in the future.” It wasn’t something you’d seen. In fact the other kids in your class have always been very good about including Missy Moreno. But, sometimes, you could see that there was a certain amount of wistfulness on the girl’s face when her classmates were showing off.
Marcus’ face dropped a bit, a heavy sigh leaving his body and you couldn’t help but feel a bit heartbroken for the man. It wasn’t easy to know that your child was different especially in this way. And you knew, first hand, how that felt but you weren’t about to divulge your entire life’s history to a man you barely knew.
Marcus drew his lips and crinkled them to one side before looking at you. “Is there- is there anything you think I could do to help that?” His voice carried a tone of concern that had you knitting your brows together slightly. He pushed his glasses up his nose a bit and you found your breath hitching slightly at the use of his hands. You knew he was powerful, he had shown it time and time again when he would save the world but seeing him in this light, this vulnerable light was something entirely new. You thought back to when you were a kid. You’d been the odd one out in your family. The only one without powers. Thankfully you’d been sent to the regular school, rather than being forced to sit with the other Heroics’ kids. But, at home you had felt like a disappointment. Leaning forward you placed your hands face down on the desk.
For the first time, you gave Marcus a focused look, your passion overshadowing your previous nerves. “Give her support. Even if she never develops powers, you have to make sure she knows she’s loved as she is. That she’s not letting you down.” 
Marcus was just staring at you, trying to take in everything you were willing to give him but he wasn’t expecting those last words to hit him so hard. His face became a bit more solemn, brows turning down a bit as he looked down at the desk in front of him, nodding slowly, trying to agree. Realizing the intensity with which you’d spoken, you leaned back, taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry if I overstepped. I am sure you don’t make her feel like that.” Marcus looked back up at that and gave a tight-lipped smile.
“I sure hope she knows how much she’s loved. I definitely haven’t been perfect especially since her mom-” he cut himself off and cleared his throat. “Sorry I just uh,” he looked down at his hands that were wringing together. “Missy is my world, you know?” He sounded so fragile, like if anything were to pop his bubble right now he would break. You didn’t expect such a strong Heroic to be so soft for his daughter but it made you smile warmly in his direction. It tugged at your heart in a way that was not appropriate as his daughter’s teacher.
You could see that he was different from your family and suddenly you were far less concerned about Missy’s well-being. If she ever needed someone to talk to about being different, well, you could step in at that point and let her know you understood. Until then, you’d done your part. Again, you leaned forward, a soft expression on your face instead of the intensity you had before, “Thank you for listening to my concerns, Marcus. Clearly you aren’t like … well, I’m sure you are doing a great job … I mean... “ You were beginning to babble again and everything just sounded worse, so you shifted gears, “Did you have any questions for me?”
Marcus’s brows knit together slightly from watching you babble but he was actually taken back by your question. He straightened up and wracked his brain for anything that might have stuck out as needing to be answered. His hand instinctively came up to his jaw to rub at it as his eyes glanced around, trying to grab a clue from the room to ask you a question.
“Hm, I uh-” he started before his eyes scanned over your desk and saw a picture frame. It was at just the right angle to see a family. He assumed it was your own but he didn’t want to pry. But his eyes found that he was looking at the face of a boy he had been to school with and suddenly his mind was reeling. He didn’t know how it was possible given your absolute opposite demeanor but Marcus swallowed hard and looked back to you within a moment.
“I, uh, I don’t think I do,” he stumbled, trying to keep himself in check. “Is there um, well I just-” he was mumbling, fumbling over his words, trying to figure out how to bring up the important question on his mind. He caught your gaze, noticing how soft and warm it was and it made his heart skip a beat. A new feeling. One he hadn’t felt in many years. 
It was strange to see Marcus Moreno stumbling over words, but that was exactly what had happened and it made you wonder why. Biting your lip for a moment you thought about what could have caused his sudden awkwardness, but you couldn’t come up with anything. You had nothing more to add to the meeting and clearly he didn’t either, so you stood. As you led him to the door, you softly said, “Thank you for coming in today, Mr. Moreno… ahh, Marcus. Let me know if you do think of anything you want to ask.” As soon as he was out the door, you leaned against the wall and sighed. One meeting down, several to go. 
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