#icons hazza
gangstersmoll · 8 months
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Harry and Ricky; The JDs of Las Vegas now on Wattpad
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thewildseuphoria · 2 years
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Late Night Talking wallpapers. 🧦
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catrrylt · 2 years
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music for a sushi restaurant…🥢🥡
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sweet--creature · 1 year
if you ever think I'm talking about someone who is really handsome and just an amazing person in general, I'm talking about harry styles. or Liam Payne. or Zayn Malik. or louis tomlinson. or Niall Horan. I've got no one else
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oii cah vim aqui mandar meu pedido pros concepts pq esperei tanto por isso, esse é meu momento kkkk então, queria que você fizesse um baseado nos números 15 e 17 (smut), pode ser? obrigada desde já amoree ❤️❤️
• Frases: "Meu namorado nos mataria se nos visse agora." // "Eu não consigo parar de imaginar você chupando meu pau como aquele picolé"
• NotaAutora:Isso ficou enorme para um Concept mas tudo bem kkkk Estou realmente muito feliz do meu primeiro pedido ser o seu, adoraria saber sua opinião depois♥️ | Faz tempo que não escrevo em 1 pessoa, adoraria saber a opinião de vocês!🥺
• Avisos: +18, sem romance, hot bem explícito,linguagem imprópria, sexo oral.
Masterlist ✨
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Harry Concept #1
O dia nunca pareceu tão quente como naquela tarde de julho em Lós Angels, o sol brilhava e o céu parecia não ter uma nuvem sequer. Eu por outro lado nunca estive tão feliz pelos pais da minha melhor amiga terem viajado no fim de semana e ela dar uma de suas icônicas ‘festa na piscina.’
"Baby, o resto das bebidas estão no porta-malas, você pode pegar para mim?" Com um lindo biquinho que meu namorado amava, pedi em uma voz manhosa.
"Claro, minha bebezinha." Ele agarrou minha cintura após sair do carro, me deixando um beijo molhado na bochecha antes de mover-se para a traseira do veículo.
Ele era tão fofo.
"Oie." Jess diz com sua voz aguda abraçando-me. "Vocês são os últimos a chegar."
"Oi Jess!" Retribui o abraço, com um peek de cerveja nas mãos. "Bem, você sabe como Kevin é! Você pediu mais cervejas e ele comprou quase o comércio todo."
"É porque ele ama a irmãzinha dele, mas que você ." Disse convencida, vendo-me revirar os olhos. "Você está maravilhosa." Ela deu um de seus elogios frequentes.
Eu não podia negar que me sentia assim, eu estava vestindo meu biquíni branco favorito, tão pequeno que valorizava meu corpo perfeitamente e ainda coloquei uma maquiagem à prova d'água para finalizar o visual.
"Você que está!" Dei um sorriso ao ver seu biquíni vermelho era tão atrevido quanto o meu. "Onde estão todos?"
"Espalhados por aí, mas principalmente no jardim e na piscina."
"Ok, vou levar essas cervejas para a cozinha e já apareço por lá."
"Fique à vontade e não quebre nada que se não meus pais vão me matar, eles ainda se lembram do incidente no Natal." Disse ela antes de desaparecer pelos cômodos.
"Pode deixar." Com cuidado andei pelo corredor da casa que dava para enorme cozinha branca com mararmores escuros.—literalmente um sonho para qualquer um.
"Belos seios." Harry Styles, o namorado da Jess estava sorrindo para mim recostado em um dos armários, os olhos nunca deixando meu corpo desde que entrei no local.
Aquele idiota achava que tinha alguma chance?
"É porque nunca os viu por baixo disso." Sorri de forma arrogante enquanto, seus olhos iam seguindo meu dedo que brincava com a alça frontal do top do biquíni.
Obviamente entrei em sua provocação esperando que ele ficasse surpreso e parasse, mas não foi bem o que aconteceu.
"Mal posso esperar para o dia que eu possa vê-lós."
Harry Styles, o canalha do namorado da Jess está mesmo flertando comigo descaradamente?
Oh! Ele só podia estar louco...
Ele só era o idiota que fode minha melhor amiga, mas ela ainda insiste em chamá-lo de namorado, afinal. Se não gostasse tanto de Jess e não namorasse o irmão dela, eu já teria terminado nossa amizade só por conta desse babaca.
"E a Jess?" Questionei com uma carranca, o lembrando que sua namorada era minha melhor amiga. "O que ela acharia de saber que está flertando comigo?"
"E seu namorado?" Ele revidou com um sorriso.
"Não sou eu que estou flertando aqui, Harry." Defendi-me colocando as cervejas no congelador dando uma bela visão de meu traseiro que provavelmente tinham os olhos fixos de Harry sobre eles.
"Não está?" Ele ri em sarcasmo. "Você é uma péssima mentirosa."
"Oh! Cala a boca." Bufei pegando um picolé no freezer.—o de melancia um dos meus favoritos.
Estava quente e precisava de algo para me refrescar, sai batendo os pés nem olhando para trás.Na piscina, metade da turma se divertia, o som alto, todos pareciam estar alegres ou bêbados o suficiente para esquecer que os deixava tristes. O ar cheirava a protetor solar, cloro e cerveja barata, essa, sim, era uma clássica festa na piscina de Jessica.
"S/n! Você precisa entrar." Jess gritou quando me viu. "Água está ótima!"
"Ei!bestie, eu vou entrar mais tarde." Sentei-me com os pés na água, perto de onde ela estava, também perto da porta da cozinha que dava para o jardim. "Deixe eu só terminar com isso."
Desembalei meu picolé antes de colocá-lo na boca e começar a chupar, a doçura frutada se infiltrou em minha língua, junto com a sensação refrescante que tanto almejava, eu estava completamente alheia e feliz enquanto o picolé deslizava em vai e vem deixando meus lábios umidos e rosados.
Dando uma longa lambida na lateral do picolé vermelho, sem total intenção avistei Harry, do outro lado da piscina um pouco mais afastado, parado na patente da porta da cozinha, me observando atentamente como um pervertido.
Harry devia estar a procurar sua namorada, mas ficou distraído em seus pensamentos pecaminosos logo que olhou para mim. Eu sempre soube que Styles só pensava com seu pau mais do que tudo, porém isso era novo, ele estava duro?
Eu deixei ele duro?
Tentando ser indiferente, dei os ombros enquanto retirava o item congelado da boca. — A cor rosada brilhando sob meus lábios, voltando a colocar tudo na boca, só para repetir o processo mais uma vez.
Eu iria provocá-lo para ver até onde isso iria dar. Pude vê-lo segurar um suspiro, seu calção começando a ficar menor quando seu pau começou a se contorcer endurecido. Mais uma vez, meu picolé se acomodou por inteiro na minha boca, enquanto meu olhar estavam fixos nele. Ele agiu como um adolescente não conseguindo controlar seu pau duro com a visão da melhor amiga da sua namorada chupando um picolé.
Olhando para ele, estava irritada, com as sobrancelhas arqueadas, distraída demais com seu atrevimento para perceber que o picolé que segurava perto de minha boca estava pingando em meus seios e biquíni.
"Merda!" Levantei às pressas.
Passei por Harry com o picolé entre os lábios, deixando uma piscadinha, logo indo até o banheiro para me limpar, terminei o picolé e joguei o palito na lixeira, olhei para o espelho, a mancha vermelha em meu biquíni branco e desesperadamente tentei limpar com a primeira tolha que vi.
"S/n?" Ouvi três bativas na porta. "Precisa de ajuda?" Essa voz rouca era perceptível em qualquer lugar.
"Você não tem mais o que fazer, não?" Abri irritada vendo o sorriso malicioso de Styles.
"Deixe-me entrar." Harry diz, sua voz profunda e suave. "Eu sou bom em limpar coisas."
"Você só pode estar louco." Tentei empurrá-lo para sair, mas seu corpo forte me impediu.
E então ele entrou sem minha permissão fechando a porta atrás de si.
"Harry! Abra essa porra de porta."
"Não." Ele riu de mim. " Sabe, eu percebi você me provocando lá fora."
"Jura? Eu só percebi seu pequeno problema aí em baixo, além do seu olhar de pervertido." Comentei olhando para sua ereção que insistia em ficar aparente em seu short de banho.
"Então por que você não faz algo sobre isso, querida?"
"O quê?"
"Você tem noção de como me deixa S/n?" Ele se aproximou e eu mal podia respirar. "Sabe como é foder com Jess e só pensar em você? Sabe como é ter que ouvir Kevin dizendo o quão boa é sua boquinha?" Ele tinha um maldito sorriso quando me encorralou na parede.
Meu coração pulou uma batida, minhas coxas estavam tremendo.
"Você está sendo inadequado." Mal conseguia pronunciar. "Você nem deveria estar aqui, se Jess ou Kevin nos pegar! Estamos ferrados!"
"Então, me diga para parar." Harry sussurrou, brincando com a alça do meu biquíni decidindo se vai abaixá-la ou não. "Diga-me que você não quer isso."
Eu perdi a voz, incapaz de falar alguma coisa concreta ou impedi-lo, quando Harry se inclinou, parando seus lábios do lado do meu ouvido.
“Eu não consigo parar de imaginar você chupando meu pau como aquele picolé."
"H-Harry" Engasguei, prendendo minhas coxas.
"Sim." Ele resmungou. "Você gosta dessa ideia, não é princesa? Mhm? Gosta de me ver desejando você." Styles sorriu e segurou meu rosto entre as mãos.
"Talvez..." Finalmente disse olhando em seus olhos.
Eu estava me sentindo estranhamente quente.
No instante seguinte ele se afastou, minhas bochechas foram ficando coradas, ao vê-lo apressadamente desfazendo o nó de seu calção de banho que se acumuou em seus pés em menos de um segundo, o pau totalmente ereto saltou na minha frente, Harry apenas sorriu pegando seu pau na mão, sem nenhum constrangimento ou culpa de suas ações, eu assisti com os olhos dilatados enquanto ele movia o punho por todo o seu pênis, não pude evitar prender o lábio inferior abaixo de meus dentes.
"É só para você, gatinha." Ele começou a acariciá-lo novamente como se ele estivesse me provocando e instigando a isto. "Ele fica assim todas as vezes que estou perto de você."
"Não faz isso…" A leve culpa de trair Kevin e Jess estava me fazendo hesitar. "É injusto."
Mas antes que pudesse pensar, senti seus lábios vindo de encontro aos meus em um beijo que rapidamente se tornou faminto e intenso, tenho que admitir que não odiei, a sensação dos lábios dele, tinha gosto do picolé de melancia que havia chupado, suas carícias estavam me deixando excitada.
"Nós realmente não podemos fazer isso." Afastei-me, balançando a cabeça. "Meu namorado nos mataria se nos visse agora."
"Pare de falar."Styles me cortou antes de me beijar novamente. "Ninguém saberá se isso for nosso segredo, certo?"
"Se me pedir com jeitinho?"
Se ele podia fazer joguinhos, eu também podia.
"Ah, você quer que eu peça com jeitinho?" Ele se sentiu ofendido.
"Sim! Se quer que chupe a porra do seu pau, seja mais cavalheiro."
Harry me puxou fazendo que enrolasse minhas pernas na cintura dele, sua língua explorou minha boca em um beijo mais selvagem enquanto às mãos fortes apalpam minha bunda.
"Tudo bem, se é o que você quer." Ele deu um aperto mais forte colando nossos corpos ainda mais na parede. "S/n, seja uma boa menina e chupe meu pau e eu te darei o melhor orgasmo de todos."
"Não faça promessas que não poderá cumprir Harry." Dei sorriso um pouco zombeteiro.
"Eu sempre mantenho minha palavra." Ele disse um pouco mais ríspido.
"Tudo bem, eu acredito em você, agora me coloca no chão para poder fazer meu trabalho." Revirei os olhos.
Harry me pôs no chão e observou enquanto eu lentamente passava a mão livre pelo peito dele, descendo cada vez mais antes de segurar sua protuberância, caindo de joelhos, ele não pôde segurar um sorriso no rosto enquanto me tinha exatamente onde ele queria.
"Abra, língua para fora." Ordenou agarrando seu pau latejante e bateu a ponta contra minha língua. "Boa menina." Ele revirou os olhos ao me ver sorrir com malícia.
Eu gostava de um bom elogio, não podia negar.
"Agora chupa."
Como uma garotinha obediente, meus lábios envolveram a cabeça de seu pênis, usando minhas mãos para acariciar onde minha boca não chegava.
Jess tinha tanta sorte...
"Porra, baby, sua boca é uma delícia."
Um gemido engasgado passou por meus lábios quando senti a mão de Harry se enroscar em meu cabelo, puxando-me ainda mais para seu pau, meus lábios deslizaram ao redor da ponta sugando, as veias de seu pênis deslizavam contra minha bochechas, no ritmo que balançava a cabeça, para cima e para baixo.
Era notável que Harry tentava suprimir seus gemidos, mas falhou todas ás vezes, ele era do tipo escândaloso e eu estava gostando. Ele empurrou seus quadris para frente, forçando-me a levar ainda mais do seu pau, quando sua ponta atingiu o fundo de minha garganta, ele mal podia raciocinar direito.
"Porra, Kevin tinha razão, você é boa demais nisso." Ele gagueja, jogando a cabeça para trás.
Era quente pra caralho, ver seus olhos fechados, sua boca aberta ansioso demais para ter tudo de mim.
Isso também estava errado.
Mas ele estava perto.
Ele abriu os olhos, eu sabia que ele precisava olhar para mim, precisava olhar para a doce melhor amiga de sua namorada engasgando em seu pau. Eu dei meu melhor sorriso enquanto o masturbava para respirar.
E merda, isso foi um erro, me senti culpada por estar gostando tanto, eu provavelmente estava jogando fora minha amizade com a Jess e todo meu namoro Kevin.
"Onde você me quer?" Ele perguntou com polegar esfregando carinhosamente em minha bochecha. "Eu me pergunto o quão bonita você ficaria com meu esperma em todo o seu rosto." Styles diz me trazendo a realidade.
Por um instante toda a culpa pareceu sumir .
"Onde você quiser." Respondi com uma voz manhosa que o arruinou.
Aquela voz me causava arrepios.
Obedecendo a ele, ergui o queixo, abrindo minha boca colocando a língua para fora esperando seu gozo. Um sorriso atrevido surgiu nos lábios de Harry que segurou meu rosto, batendo seu pênis pesado algumas vezes em minha língua.
Eu nunca senti tanto prazer ao ver alguém gozando como eu senti ao vê-lo, suas mãos grandes tocando seu próprio pau em busca de seu máximo, seus lábios rosados gemendo coisas obcenas só para mim, seus olhos verdes que não desviaram dos meus enquanto sua porra quente se espalhava por todo meu rosto.
Essa seria uma cena que não sairia tão fácil da minha mente.
Com meu olhar ainda fixos no dele, sorri e lentamente usei o polegar para limpar o sêmen de minha bochecha, trazendo para boca começando a chupar.
"Baby" Chamei ao vê-lo paralisado na minha frente.
"Sim?" Ele sussurrou, ainda meio aéreo.
"Nós temos que voltar para a festa" Pronunciei me levantando. "E tente parecer que não acabou de ter seu pau na boca da garota de seu amigo."
"Se você prometer não deixar transparecer que acabou de deixar o namorado da sua melhor amiga foder sua boca pelas costas dela."
"Pode deixar." Concordei limpando meu rosto e pisquei para ele através do espelho. "Ah! E sobre aquela sua promessa, espero que valha a pena porque eu não vou deixar de cobrar! Você me deve um orgasmo." Arrumei meu biquíni e cabelo não olhando para trás quando sai.
Muito obrigado pela leitura! Se você gostou, por favor, considere deixar algum feedback, opinião, sugestão, idea AQUI isso significa muito para mim.💕
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mirrs-ball · 11 months
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mariih-mccall · 1 year
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New pack. 💛
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the-forgotten-lily · 1 year
y'all we got so much harry content all in one Late Late show.
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rockaesthetic · 1 year
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Hazza 🥺💖
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Snack Wars.
my masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here!
authors note - niall and louis have done it, now it’s time for hazza to take part.
word count - 2.6k
in which, on this episode of snack wars, we sit down with a certain curly headed lad who goes by the name of harry styles who happens to be comparing british and american snacks.
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"Hi, M’Harry Styles, and this is Snack Wars: Britain versus America on LADbible."
He was sat at a small table, wearing an open buttoned black blouse revealing his swallow tattooed partially, and a matching pair of black trousers, with a black version of his satellite stompers.
The scene cut to a moment of anticipation as Harry, a playful smile on his face, leaned forward to lift the silver cloche that concealed the surprise snack showdown. With an air of curiosity, he wondered aloud, "What ‘ave y’got for me, huh?”
With a theatrical flourish, Harry unveiled the hidden treasures. His eyes widened as he beheld the items laid before him.
"Well, this is intriguing," he mused.
On the British side, there sat a classic bone china teacup, adorned with delicate floral patterns. Steam wafted from the cup, carrying the unmistakable aroma of freshly brewed English tea. A smile tugged at the corners of Harry's lips as he appreciated the comforting sight.
Then, on the American side, he found a tall Starbucks cup, its iconic logo staring back at him.
"Hot chocolate, huh?" Harry noted, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. The rich, velvety beverage was topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate syrup—a quintessential indulgence.
Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the contrast before him.
"A classic cup of English tea versus a Starbucks hot chocolate," he said with a playful grin. "S’like comparing tradition with a bit of modern comfort."
As he picked up the English teacup, Harry took a contemplative sip and savoured the warm, familiar flavour.
"Y’just can't beat a good cuppa," he admitted with a nod of approval.
Turning his attention to the Starbucks hot chocolate, as he brought the cup closer to his mouth and took a sip of the Starbucks hot chocolate, a warm smile crossed his face.
"Y’know," he mused, "S’m’son Jude's favorite drink at t’moment."
From behind the camera, the producer, Becky, chimed in with a playful tone.
"Well, Harry, you might have to take it home with you then," she suggested.
Harry turned toward the camera, a twinkle in his eye, and replied,
"Yeah, I might have to," adding a soft chuckle. The idea of bringing a taste of the challenge back to his family seemed rather appealing.
"N’this s’like a cosy hug in a cup," he quipped.
With both cups now in hand, Harry found himself in the middle of a delightful dilemma. He was torn between the classic cup of English tea and the comforting Starbucks hot chocolate. He took another sip of the hot chocolate, the rich cocoa flavour lingering on his taste buds, and then turned to the English tea, its aroma inviting him back to tradition.
With a playful frown, he mused aloud, "S’a tough decision, isn't it?"
The camera captured his contemplative expression as he hesitated. Finally, he extended his index finger, pointing toward the cup of English tea.
"Y’know," Harry said with a hint of hesitation, "y’just can't beat a bit of tradition."
As he made his choice, he looked into the camera, a mischievous glint in his eye, and added, "But don't get me wrong, s’hot chocolate s’fantastic too."
The crew behind the scenes chuckled at Harry's charming indecision, understanding the difficulty of choosing between two beloved beverages.
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As the scene wrapped up with Harry having chosen the English tea, there was a moment of transition, and another producer, Sarah, stepped in, placing a fresh cloche on the table.
Harry, ever the showman, decided to play along. He feigned excitement, clapping his hands together as if he were a kid about to open a birthday present.
"Ooh, S’under this one, ey?" he exclaimed with playful enthusiasm.
The crew behind the camera burst into laughter at Harry's antics. It was a heartwarming moment of genuine amusement, and it made Harry feel happy that he could bring a bit of laughter to the set.
Sarah joined in on the fun, making a dramatic reveal as she lifted the cloche, unveiling a new surprise snack.
With the producer, Sarah, excusing herself to organise the next set of snacks, Harry turned back to face the camera. He couldn't help but maintain his charming grin, fully embracing the fun and spontaneity of the Snack Wars challenge.
With a sly wink to the camera, he reached forward, once again lifting the cloche. The reveal this time brought forth a quintessentially British delight – a plate of buttered crumpets. The golden-brown crumpets glistened under the studio lights, promising a warm, comforting taste of the UK.
As Harry lifted the cloche to reveal the buttered crumpets, he couldn't quite hide a slightly disdained expression. The golden discs of toasted goodness sat there, tempting, but his reaction was unmissable.
Producer Becky, who was watching closely, couldn't help but notice Harry's reaction. She raised an eyebrow and said, "Not a fan of crumpets, Harry?"
Harry chuckled, his signature honesty shining through.
"Y’know ‘hat?," he began, "M’not exactly t’biggest fan f’crumpets, t’be honest. S’the texture, y’see."
He leaned forward, elaborating, "M’don't really like how they feel in t’mouth. S’a bit... spongy f’m’liking." He demonstrated by pressing a finger into one of the crumpets, watching it bounce back. "But ey’, s’just me."
With the crumpets before him, Harry Styles decided to give them another chance. He leaned forward, picked up one of the buttered crumpets, and took a cautious bite. However, as soon as he tasted the spongy texture, his face contorted in discomfort.
He chewed for a moment, but it was clear that the texture didn't sit well with him. Harry quickly reached for a napkin and discreetly spat out the bite he had taken. He shook his head, a look of mild frustration on his face, and simply said, "I can't do it. I can't."
The crew around him chuckled, empathising with his culinary struggles. Harry Styles may be an international superstar, but even he had his food preferences.
Harry, ever the trooper, decided to set aside the crumpets and turned his attention to the colourful box of Lucky Charms. With a playful glint in his eye, he grabbed a bowl and poured a generous serving of the whimsical cereal. The rainbow-hued marshmallow shapes and toasted oat pieces tumbled into the bowl, creating a delightful medley of colours.
He then grabbed the jug of cold milk and added a generous splash, watching as the cereal pieces began to bob and soak up the milk. With a cheeky grin, he couldn't resist poking fun at his previous crumpet encounter. He turned to the camera and quipped, "Anything's better than those crumpets, am I right?"
The crew burst into laughter, sharing in his jest. Harry then picked up a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of Lucky Charms, and brought it to his mouth. As the sweet, crunchy goodness met his taste buds, his eyes sparkled with delight. He savored the delightful combination of textures and flavors, nodding approvingly.
With a mouthful of cereal, he gave a thumbs-up to the camera, clearly enjoying the contrast between the playful sweetness of the American cereal and the earlier challenge of the British crumpets.
“One point to America.” He grinned after he swallowed the mouthful.
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The scene transitioned smoothly, and as the camera focused on the table, another cloche awaited Harry’s playful curiosity. With a grin, he leaned forward and lifted the cloche to reveal a Greggs bakery wrapper and a McDonald's wrapper neatly placed side by side.
Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Well, well, well," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Can't go wrong with either of these, can ya?"
The crew laughed, understanding the dilemma he was about to face – a classic choice between the savoury delights of a Greggs bakery treat and the fast-food comfort of McDonald's.
With a mock-serious expression, he picked up the Greggs wrapper, his anticipation evident. "S’what we've got here,ey?"
As Harry pulled the Greggs wrapper open, he was met with a surprise – a vegan sausage roll neatly nested inside. He leaned forward, his curiosity piqued, and brought the roll closer to his nose to take in its scent.
He gave it a tentative sniff and then grinned.
"Interesting," he mused, before taking a hearty bite out of the vegan sausage roll. His eyes twinkled as he chewed, clearly contemplating the taste.
After a few moments, Harry swallowed and offered his verdict.
"Well, I like it," he said with a nod. "S’got that sausage taste, y’know?
With the taste of the vegan sausage roll still on his palate, Harry shifted his attention to the McDonald's wrapper. He couldn't help but smile as he pulled out a Fillet-O-Fish box. The familiar golden arches symbolised a comforting fast-food favorite .
The producer, who had orchestrated this surprise, chimed in, "We thought you might enjoy that, Harry, considering you're pescatarian."
Harry's eyes brightened as he looked at the Filet-O-Fish box.
"Well, thank y’for thinking of me," he replied warmly. "S’always nice t’have options."
With gratitude in his voice, he proceeded to open the box, revealing the crispy fish sandwich inside. The delightful aroma of the fish and tartar sauce filled the air, making him even more eager to take a bite.
With a grin of anticipation, Harry took a big bite of the Fillet-O-Fish. The moment the flavors hit his taste buds, his eyes closed in pleasure, and he let out a satisfied hum. It was clear that the familiar taste brought him genuine delight.
He tilted his head back slightly, savoring the moment, and the producers couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiastic reaction. It was a simple yet heartwarming display of food appreciation.
As he finished that delicious bite, one of the producers asked, "Harry, do you have McDonald's a lot?"
Harry shook his head, his mouth still full. He chewed and swallowed before answering,
"Not really, but it does hold a special place in m’heart."
He continued,
"Y’see, it was actually mine and m’fiancée's first takeaway together, about six years ago. So, s’got some sentimental value." Harry's eyes softened as he reminisced about that memorable moment.
The crew smiled, appreciating the personal touch Harry added to the Snack Wars challenge.
So it was safe to say that McDonald’s got the point for that one.
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As Harry lifted the next cloche lid, he uncovered a delightful surprise – a Victoria sponge cake and a Twinkie side by side. The contrast between the classic British treat and the iconic American snack was evident.
Harry couldn't help but smile at the sight of the Victoria sponge, its layers of sponge and sweet jam filling beckoning to him.
"Now, this looks promising," he remarked.
However, his gaze lingered on the Twinkie, and he let out a small chuckle.
"Ah, Twinkies," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "V’actually had a bit of a... bad experience with these."
Producer Becky, always curious, couldn't resist asking for more details. "Oh, really? What happened, Harry?"
Harry leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Well, when I was around nineteen, I was touring in t’States," he began, "n’someone dared me t’eat a whole box of Twinkies in one go." He paused, his eyes crinkling with a mix of nostalgia and humor. "I took up t’challenge, but let's just say it didn't end well. I ended up... well, throwing them all up."
The crew burst into laughter at Harry's candid confession. It was a tale of youthful daredevilry and the consequences of overindulgence, and it added another layer of charm to the Snack Wars challenge.
Harry couldn't help but be drawn to the sight of the Victoria sponge cake. Its soft layers and sweet jam filling were a comforting temptation. With a subtle smile, he slowly pushed the Twinkie away from him, turning all his attention to the British delight that made his mouth water.
Without hesitation, he picked up the entire cake with both hands and, with a mischievous glint in his eye, took an enormous, unapologetic bite. The sweet icing smeared all over his scruff and lips as he indulged in the delightful treat.
Amidst Harry's enthusiastic cake-eating, the crew couldn't contain their laughter. Icing adorned his face, and the scene was a humorous mix of sophistication and playful indulgence.
With his mouth full of cake, Harry attempted to speak, his words muffled as he declared, "Britain... takes the point on this one!" His sentiment was clear despite the sugary obstacle, and the crew erupted into even more laughter at his charmingly messy verdict.
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As the Snack Wars challenge continued, the next cloche was unveiled, revealing yet another intriguing matchup. On one side of the table sat a bottle of Pimms, accompanied by a glass of lemonade, and on the other side was a shot glass with a bottle of bourbon beside it.
Harry, ever the adventurer, leaned forward to examine the options before him. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he took in the contrasting beverages.
"S’a fun choice," he remarked with a grin. "We've got a taste f’British summer with Pimms and lemonade on one side, and a good old American bourbon on the other."
With a thoughtful nod, Harry decided to start with the Pimms and lemonade. He picked up the bottle of Pimms and carefully poured some into the glass of lemonade. The vibrant red and orange hues mingled with the fizzy lemonade, creating a refreshing blend.
He brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip. His eyes lit up as he savoured the harmonious combination of flavours.
"S’good," he declared with a contented smile.
Harry leaned back in his chair, gazing into the distance with a nostalgic glint in his eye.
"Y’know," he began, "s’actually reminds me f’when I go back t’m’mum's house in the summer. S’her favourite drink."
After enjoying the Pimms and lemonade, Harry turned his attention to the bourbon, a drink he admitted he hadn't had much experience with. He picked up the shot glass, inspecting the rich amber liquid within.
"V’not really had bourbon before," he admitted with a curious expression.
Undeterred, he decided to give it a try and threw the shot down the back of his throat. The moment the bourbon hit his palate, he grimaced as the fiery liquid burned its way down his throat. He shook his head, trying to soothe the sensation.
The crew watched with amusement and sympathy, realising that bourbon could be quite the intense experience for a first-timer.
After his adventurous sip of bourbon, Harry Styles placed the shot glass back on the table and looked between the two drinks before him – the Pimms and lemonade and the bourbon. His expression conveyed a sense of contemplation as he considered the flavours and experiences each beverage offered.
With a thoughtful nod, he finally made his decision.
"I think," he began, "I'll give the point t’Britain on this one."
His choice was clear, as he favoured the refreshing blend of Pimms and lemonade, a taste that held sentimental value and fond memories for him.
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With the Snack Wars challenge completed, Harry still faced the camera, a contented smile on his face after the culinary adventure he had just embarked upon. The table before him held remnants of both British and American treats, a testament to the diversity of flavours he had experienced.
Becky, one of the producers, couldn't resist the opportunity to share the results. She leaned in and asked, "Harry, would you like to know the final result?"
Harry turned toward her, his curiosity piqued, and replied with a playful grin, "Yes, I'd love t’know!"
Becky beamed and announced, "Britain won!"
Harry chuckled and nodded in approval.
"Ah, y’can't go wrong with t’British," he quipped, showcasing his patriotism with a touch of humour.
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porcelainmortal · 18 days
Several Sentence Sunday
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Thank you to @iboatedhere @itsmaybitheway and @getmehighonmagic for the tags!
I did a ton of writing for The Big Sad yesterday but it's either really smutty or really spoilery, so here is a bit from Handyman!Alex part 3, coming soon to an ao3 near you.
When Alex gets to the kitchen, Pez is already there, sipping coffee in a colorful, floral, silk dressing gown. “Good morning, Mrs. Roper,” Alex grins. “A fashion icon if I ever saw one. I’ll take that compliment,” Pez says cheerfully. “You’re awfully energetic this morning.” “I don’t get hangovers,” Pez says simply. “Of course.” Alex shakes his head. “Is there more coffee?” “But of course, Alexander.” Pez moves around the island, giving Alex access to the French press. He doctors it up with his cinnamon and sugar and takes a big gulp, sighing in relief. Pez watches him carefully over the rim of his mug. “What?” Alex asks, feeling self-conscious. “You know, before I met you, I wasn’t quite sure you were good enough for our dear Hazza.” “Oh?” He asks nervously. “Hm. I only had his stories to go by, you understand. I had to meet you for myself.” Pez places his mug on the island, tapping his silver fingernails against the ceramic in rapid succession. “I’m sure you’re aware by now that Henry is one of the best people on this planet.” It’s the most serious Alex has seen Pez and it jolts him awake more effectively than any amount of caffeine could. “I am,” feels like all he can say. “Good. Then you know that he deserves someone who is deserving of him. Someone who will love him the way he deserves to be loved. Openly and wholly.” Alex’s breath catches in his throat. “He’s found that in you.”  It’s not a question.  “Oh, well… we haven’t said– ” he chokes. “I mean– I haven’t. We–” “It’s okay,” Pez smiles. “He doesn’t seem to know. But I hope you’ll tell him soon.”
That was a lot of sentences! But I couldn't resist the opportunity to share a bit of Pez, the best best friend anyone could have. I just need to finish editing this beast and it will be live sometime this week!
Some no-pressure tags: @anchoredarchangel @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @firenati0n @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @myheartalivewrites @orchidscript @three-drink-amy and an open tag for anyone who wants it!
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gangstersmoll · 6 months
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Paradise, a wild book now on Wattpad
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lfcthelovesofmylife · 2 years
My Opinions on the England NT players
Luke Shaw - 
literally looks like he’s 15 and 35 at the same time in some pictures. To this day I don’t know how old he actually is. Have not seen him play a single Man U match this season (i don’t like Man U so i don’t watch their matches but still). Does he still play football? I don’t know. Good goal against Italy so i have to give him some praise for that but i genuinely don’t know anything about him. 
Mason Mount - 
I cannot lie, I think I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. If love at first sight exists I think this is it. I would do anything for this man. He looks like he’d sit with you on a bench in your school gym and let you cry on his shoulder (defo not based on real life experiences). What more can I say about him? I would burn the world down for him and then jump off of a cliff if he asked me to. 10/10 especially after missing his pen in the FA cup final. He did that for me xx
Trent Alexander-Arnold - 
Also the sexiest mf I’ve ever seen. Assist king. He seems like a bitch sometimes but I still love him. Does look like if you were nice to him he’d be nice back. Very proud of his achievements. Do just want to find him and give him a massive hug sometimes. I like the new haircut much more. It’s grown on me, he better not change it or some sorry words will be said. Hope he gets picked for the next England matches but I don’t want him to get injured because I’m not mentally stable enough to deal with that.
Tyrone Mings - 
Literally the height of a fucking tree. He’d absolutely destroy me and my five foot two self with just a push. Quite scared of him but at the same time he looks like he’d invite me in for a cuppa and a few biscuits if I was walking past his house in the pouring rain. Probably has a kind soul but I wouldn’t want to get on the bad side of him. 
Kyle Walker - 
Kind of reminds me of a pigeon. I don’t know why, he just seems to have that familiar blank stare. Looks like he’d bark at you for stealing his sandwich in Tesco’s which he never actually bought. Do find him quite funny but that might just be when he’s with John. Overall I wouldn't particularly want to be besties with him.
Jesse Lingard - 
Absolute icon. JLingz. Has the most adorable daughter, she’s so precious. Easily one of the funniest players in the game. I can already tell we’d be best friends. Especially love him after the reports that he got into a scrap with Hazza Maguire. Deserves the world. I hope I get to meet him one day. 
Marcus Rashford - 
Looks like a kind man. Don’t know if we’d get along because we’d fight over who’s Jesse’s better friend. Can already tell he’d try and make me a home-cooked meal if I ever said I was hungry. Would no doubt constantly try to give me food. I’d have to convince him he’s actually a good footballer because Ralf never plays him in matches. Looks like he’d get very emotional sometimes.
Jack Greasy…I mean Grealish -
Don’t like him because he’s a bit of a bellend but I have to admit he’s extremely funny. Doesn’t seem like he has a single brain cell left so it would probably be very difficult to have an actual conversation with him. I salute his girlfriend for putting up with him. I could probably drive better than him. I don’t have my driver’s licence. 
Hazza Maguire - 
Absolutely terrified of him. Would probably tell me to go back to my own country. If I saw him begin to walk towards me I’d run the other way. He’d try and fight me because I’d tell him he’s a shit footballer. Nothing more to say. Traumatises me just thinking about it. 
Jude Bellingham - 
Absolute sweetheart in my opinion. Looks like he’d protect you from all those creepy guys at a house party or club. Would definitely cover your drink if you had to go somewhere for a quick second. Seems like a lovely guy. Want to see more of his personality on the England youtube channel. 
Jordan Pickford - 
Hate him but at the same time I love him. He’s so funny and for what. Suddenly manages to bring out all the skills for England but he’s horrendous for Everton. Might just be because it’s Everton. I do want to punch him sometimes. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone from the team already has.
Phil Foden -
Looks like a prick. He always looks like he’s going to complain about something. Would not be able to stand the guy for a single second. He just looks annoying. I see him on my tv and immediately change the channel. Every time I see his face I want to punch it. 
Jordan Henderson-
DILF. He is the definition of a gentleman. Looks like he’d hold the door open for you if he saw you walking down the corridor. Just seems like the best person to work with. Has an absolute heart of gold. Would sell my soul for him 100%. The best captain in the Premier League. In my opinion he should be captain of England but Gareth doesn’t like Liverpool players. I know he’d give me a whole motivational speech if I told him I was going to give up on my education. He’d 110% hold you in his arms while you cried for a whole hour. 
Ben Chilwell - 
Looks a bit like a Lego man. He has a very square head and I don’t know how to feel about it. He has some of the stupidest tattoos I’ve ever seen but in all fairness he’s a good player. Just don’t support some of the things he’s done (but I won’t go into that). Does look like a massive weirdo. Would probably be a bit scared of him when he’s drunk.
Raheem Sterling - 
Runs a bit like a dinosaur. Very good player just don’t like the fact he left Liverpool for City. The only good thing about that is the fact that he’s managed to get a decent trim now. Arguably one of the best players in the England squad but i’m still holding a grudge against him. 
Hazza Kane -
Looks like he might call me a racial slur. I would 100% be able to absolutely hammer him in a fight. Don’t really like him at all. How are you captain of your national team if you can’t even be captain of Spurs. SPURS. It’s just a bit embarrassing on his behalf. 
Reece James - 
As I said previously, he looks like he’d absolutely batter you in a fight but he’d also give you a really good hug if you were sad. Reminds me of a teddy bear. Seems like he’d have a bit of a short temper, but as long as you were his friend you wouldn’t be in danger. If you weren’t, good luck to you (RIP). 
Jadon Sancho - 
Proper joke man. Again, I’d be best friends with him because I think we have a very similar sense of humour. Would no doubt annoy every single member of the team. We’d be banned from seeing each other because we’re too annoying together. Is he okay? I haven’t seen him play in a long time. 
Declan Rice - 
My boyfriend’s best friend. We’d also be best friends. There are too many funny players in this squad, but this guy is my absolute favourite of them all. His rendition of ‘Ice, Ice, Baby’ brought tears to my eyes. Should be the new national anthem. Extremely happy he’s got a much better trim now. Does need a bit of a tan though, he looks ghostly white sometimes. He should ask Mason where the best tanning beds are. 
Kalvin Phillips and Kieran Trippier - 
Had to put these two together because I genuinely have no opinion of them. Literally who are they. 
Bukayo Saka - 
Looks like such a nice guy. The type of guy you’d bring home to meet your parents. Would offer you popcorn if he saw you around, and would always ask how you’re doing and actually mean it. Wins the award for ‘Nicest Guy’. Don’t understand how anyone could not like him. Would probably cry with you while you’re crying. 
John Stones - 
Perfect name for him tbh. Looks like he’s stoned half the time. He’d probably punch the Hazza’s for calling you a racial slur. Would be the best person to get drunk with, he’d probably try and give you (really bad) relationship advice and then convince you to sing Valerie by Amy Winehouse with him. Overall a decent guy, only downside is that he plays for City. 
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telltalesonline · 3 months
40 Fun Facts About Harry Styles
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Heartthrob, Harry Styles blessed everyone’s screens in 2011 when he participated in The X Factor and quickly became one of, if not the most popular One Direction boy.  
Over the last decade, this trending celeb has gone from an adored young boybander to a bona fide pop superstar right in front of our eyes.
Now one of the most influential male solo artists around, as well as fashion icon and inspiration to many, Harry actually has a lot about him behind closed doors that even his biggest fans don’t know about.
So, if you ever needed more reason to fall in love with the pop idol some more – continue reading these 40 fun Harry Styles facts below…
1. He Wanted to Be a Lifeguard
In another life, Hazza would’ve been riding the waves instead of rocking the stage. 
Believe it or not, singing wasn’t always in the pipeline for Harry. Before auditioning for The X Factor, the popular star actually applied to become a lifeguard. Harry didn’t make the cut, so he pursued his dreams of becoming a pop star, instead. 
2. He Was the First Man Featured on Vogue’s Front Cover 
If you didn’t already know, landing the front cover of Vogue is huge. And it’s an even bigger deal when you’re the first man to do so. In December 2020, Harry Styles became the first man to appear solo on the front cover of Vogue magazine.
For his cover shoot, the singer famously sported a blue dress paired with a black blazer, a look that expressed his love for fashion…but also had him accused of queerbaiting.
3. Harry Has Dated Many Famous Women
Ever since he stepped into the limelight, Harry Styles’ dating life has been scrutinized and publicized.
Over the years the superstar has been linked to models, actresses, and fellow singers, including Caroline Flack, Kendall Jenner, Taylor Swift, Nicole Scherzinger, and Olivia Wilde, among many others. 
4. He’s Never Labeled His Sexuality
While Harry’s been with various women, he’s never publicly labeled his sexuality. After starring as a gay man in My Policeman; having a gender-fluid fashion sense, and being an advocate for the LGBT+ community (e.g. frequently waving pride flags during concerts), many fans accused Harry of queerbaiting and not being honest about his sexuality.
“Sometimes people say, ‘You’ve only publicly been with women,’ and I don’t think I’ve publicly been with anyone. If someone takes a picture of you with someone, it doesn’t mean you’re choosing to have a public relationship or something,” he told Rolling Stone.
“It doesn’t matter, and it’s about not having to label everything, not having to clarify what boxes you’re checking,” he continued.
5. He Burst into Tears When He Went Solo 
After leaving One Direction and embarking on a solo career, Harry apparently burst into tears. The singer told Better Homes & Gardens that he cried when signing his solo contract, because he “felt free.”
When recalling his time in the band, Harry explained that he was always cautious about his behavior and the image he portrayed, and “terrified” about voiding one of the cleanliness clauses in his contracts.
“In lockdown, I started processing a lot of stuff that happened when I was in the band,” he said, noting that he had “to get people to engage with you, to like you.”
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sweet--creature · 1 year
"look what you've done to me"- One direction
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oii cah,adoro os seus imagines!
vc poderia fazer um com angust: 10 e 12 e fluff: 1 e 15
seus imagines são perfeitos! <3
Pedido— Angust.
Frase: Talvez devêssemos nos beijar só para saber como é/ Você é bonita. | Você está bêbado.
NotaAutora: Muito obrigada pelo elogio, amei seus pedidos e espero que goste.😍
Masterlist ✨
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Harry Concept #9
Você já nem se lembrava a quanto anos era amiga de Harry, mas foi bem antes dele ser o popstar do momento e quase não ter uma vida pessoal, Harry sempre tentou o máximo manter o contato com seus amigos mais próximos e você era um deles. Quando ele chegou em Londres para uma pausa da turnê, você foi uma das primeiras pessoas que ele ligou, então ele lhe convidou para um jantar, no outro dia para sua casa, dois dias depois para um passeio no parque e então quase se tornou uma rotina vê-lo e essa noite você o convidou para sua casa.
Incrivelmente esse tempo com harry fez parecer que ele nunca havia saído de Londres por todo esse tempo em que ele viajou o mundo. Vocês estavam tão confortáveis um com o outro e às vezes ele era só um homem normal fazendo coisas normais, como agora quando ele estava sentado no chão da sua sala, enquanto jogavam banco imobiliário.
"Cansei desse jogo." Ele bateu em suas coxas fingindo estar bravo por perder para você. "Que tal jogarmos algo mais legal."
"Tipo o quê?"
"Verdade ou desafio."
"Verdade ou desafio Harry? Isso é coisa de colegial."
"Verdade ou desafio, mas para ficar um pouco mais divertido, que tal adicionarmos tequila." Ele ergueu as mãos. "Com certeza você tem tequila aí?"
"Eu tenho no armário de cima, mas isso não quer dizer que é um sim."
"Vamos por favor, vai ser divertido, eu prometo."
Alguns minutos depois, lá estavam vocês envolta da mesinha de centro com dois pequenos copos para doses e uma garrafa de tequila entre os dois.
"Então você sabe como funciona né? Eu te pergunto verdade ou desafio, mas caso você não queira reponder ou fazer você bebe uma dose."
"Eu começo." Ele sorriu. "Verdade ou desafio."
"Já traiu algum namorado?"
"S/n!" Ele colocou a mão à boca fingindo surpresa.
"Não haja como se nunca tivesse feito isso."
"Eu nunca."
"Ok! Espertinha, sua vez, faça sua pergunta."
"Verdade ou desafio?"
"Com quem se arrepende de já ter namorado?"
"Eu não posso dizer." Ele riu, pegou a garrafa de tequila colocando sua dose e tomando em um gole só. "Verdade ou desafio?"
"Mande uma mensagem ousada para algum contato do seu celular aleatoriamente."
"Oh! Você é sujo." Você riu pegando o celular.
"Você vai mesmo fazer isso?" Ele correu para o seu lado vendo para qual número iria mandar mensagem.
"Quem é esse tal de Marlon?"
"Um cara do trabalho que provavelmente agora me acha louca por eu perguntar se ele estava afim de pegar nos meus peitos." Você riu.
"Ou ele ache excitante, seus peitos são lindos."
Certamente você estava corada depois disto.
As rodadas, foram passando, eventualmente vocês já tinham um grau um pouco acima de álcool em seus corpos.
"Verdade ou desafio, S/n?"
"Dance comigo."
"O quê? Por quê?"
"Levante-se e dance comigo, uma música lenta."
"Mas não temos música."
"Não importa."
Ele a puxou para cima pousando sua mão em sua cintura, seus corpos lentamente dançando, olhos um no outro, tão perto que a respiração quente e o cheiro da bebida nele podiam ser sentido por você.
"Você é bonita." Ele disse, sentindo-se ousado.
"Você está bêbado."
"Estou, mas eu sempre te achei realmente muito bonita S/n."
"Verdade ou desafio Harry?"
"Você já quis ficar com um amigo ou amiga?"
Você tentou não transparecer nenhuma reação, mas a mão dele apertou sua cintura e foi difícil não sorrir.
"Sua vez."
"Verdade ou desafio?"
"Talvez devêssemos nos beijar só para saber como é." Ele a aproximou um pouco mais.
Você congelou por alguns segundos, mas no instante seguinte seus lábios estavam colados aos macios e quentes labios de Styles, ele a beijou de volta, mais fundo desta vez, suas mãos foram para o cabelo dele, enquanto seus braços estavam volta do pescoço dele para puxá-lo cada vez mais para perto.
E nesse instante você percebereu que talvez você não quisesse ser apenas mais uma amiga, afinal.
Muito obrigada por ler até aqui!
Se gostou considere deixar um fav, reblogue ou uma ask isso é realmente muito importante para mim.🥰🥺
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