#idk the name
quiniiby · 1 year
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ldr :3
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royalarchivist · 11 months
[Takes place after Roier sent a message in chat calling for help claiming Cellbit was working for the Federation and had kidnapped them]
Etoiles: Hello! Is everything fine?
Cellbit: Yeah yeah yeah it's ok, it's ok. Just- it's Roier being stupid, it's fine.
Roier: [Pretends to be gagged]
Cellbit: Most of the times you can't believe Roier, yeah. YOU'RE NOT BEING MUFFLED stop pretending you're being muffled!
Bad: Hey, Roier, are you ok? Are you ok?
Jaiden: He's tied up!
Bad: Cellbit, why did you tie him up?!
Cellbit: I didn't do anything, he's just pretending!
Bad: Here, let me help you out. Alright, I'm- I untied you Roier, I untied you. Are you ok?
Roier: [Shakes his head 'no' still "muffled"]
Bad: Oh, oh yeah I forgot. No, actually, I sorta like you like this, keep the gag in, keep the gag in.
Jaiden: You- what, wait, what, what? What?
Roier: [Complains while muffled]
Bad: No, this is way better. This is way better.
Cellbit: Did you know Roier actually wants to build a sex dungeon in his- in his castle?
Etoiles: Hello! Is everything fine?
Cellbit: Yeah yeah yeah it's ok, it's ok.
Roier: Yes.
Cellbit: Just- it's Roier being stupid, it's fine.
Roier: [Pretends to be gagged]
Etoiles: Ok ok... Oh, ok? Ok ok ok alright, are you scared?
Bad: You are a bad person, Roier.
Cellbit: I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry.
Roier: [Still pretending to be gagged]
Cellbit: Most of the times you can't believe Roier, yeah. YOU'RE NOT BEING MUFFLED stop pretending you're being muffled!
Roier: [Keeps going just to spite him]
Etoiles: You're not- you're not- he is-
Bad: Hey, Roier, are you ok? Are you ok?
Jaiden: He's tied up!
Bad: Cellbit, why did you tie him up?!
Cellbit: I didn't do anything, he's just pretending!
Jaiden: Oh my gosh!
Bad: Here, let me help you out. Alright, I'm- I untied you Roier, I untied you. Are you ok?
Roier: [Shakes his head 'no' still "muffled"]
Bad: Oh, oh yeah I forgot. No, actually, I sorta like you like this, keep the gag in, keep the gag in.
Jaiden: You- what, wait, what, what, what?
Roier: [Complains while muffled]
Bad: No, this is way better. This is way better.
Cellbit: Did you know Roier actually wants to build a sex dungeon in his- in his castle?
Roier: [Muffled protest]
Bad: Alright, see you later.
Cellbit: He told me all about it, ok.
Roier: WTF CELLBIT! Wtf!
Cellbit: YOU TOLD ME THAT ONE, you're the one that told me!
Roier: Man, wtf!
Etoiles: No- no kinkshaming man! It's ok. It's ok.
Cellbit: You're the one who told me that.
Roier: No no no. Ok, for now it's not a sex dungeon, but maybe tomorrow or another day-
Cellbit: HEY wtf!
Roier: Oh, yeah now? Now- now what man?
Etoiles: Ok ok, but- but do you have XP if you farm in this sex dungeon?
Roier: Yes.
Etoiles: Ok ok.
Roier: You want- you want to go to my sex dungeon later?
Etoiles: Um, if- if we can have experience-
Cellbit: HEY! I'm right here! WTF!
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groeegr · 1 year
I hate this
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I drew this. Ugly wood. shitty Minecraft log. Ugly planks. Fuck this wood I hate her so much fuck her
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krchov · 1 month
Shocking! Local man finds out that to get to the end of the game he is actually going to have to play it
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vyacinths · 1 year
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posting evelyn and my hc clawthorne-wittebane children before canon expires them !!
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headless the hunter lmao
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sublimeaether · 2 years
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hubert finds out shez is the emperor’s babygirl, more at eleven
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robo-drake09 · 8 months
Hey so like in theory if I posted my short BeaRosa fic here nobody could stop me
Just gotta do a quick lil design for Monster Bea but 👀👀👀 BeaRosa fans I've got a short one shot for ya in the monster school verse coming soon
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mr-cactis · 1 year
my multishipper ass
so briefcase x warren
I like to imagine that before he was fired, Warren went to give one of the talks at the Briefcase company, and since it's a mandatory talk, nobody really pays attention, but oh wait, but BC is paying attention (and even az questions and comments after the end) and Warren is on his ass nervous. and ok, warren thinks a lot about the conversation they have, but they never see each other again until they meet again, Warren is like "OMG IT'S HIM!!" And BC is "mm???? what?", ok then BC remembers (vaguely) Warren and idk he's nice ok? treat him well, idk, like
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craznex · 8 months
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Draw Square 3 and Square 4 (Objects next Door objectified by Kids next Door)
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Added hair for fun, they kinda look like Gelatin and Firey^^
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bigender2 · 4 months
Invent and name a non-carbonated mocktail.
uhmm uhmmm i dont know... i am the not knower. i can ask strider though. hold on
strider says flat rootbeer. thats it. she calls it hit by a semi truck
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adapotata · 10 months
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Hehehe, spidersona
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femcelhood · 6 months
Hate it when people ship an established sadperson deadspouse with a living character…sorry they’re only allowed to wallow in grief and regret forever. It’s called enrichment.
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noblehcart · 7 months
HC. all i'm saying is when october hits liesel rewatches POTO. all month long.
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yanderecandystore · 9 months
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I should NOT be allowed to name characters but y'all gave me that power and I won't stop now-
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glorified-red · 9 months
your majesty,I require a second opinion
box braids or passion twists?
~knight anon
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