#idk why I think it’s her hair thingies
redrobber13 · 2 years
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Happy gay month baybe! Redraw of that one sonic render but I added a some friends!
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drawlody · 3 months
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Finally an official ref sheet for my SWAP!designs>:D (Drawing chibi is much faster lol)
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•Ice Lady💙 -Really like her design I think I did a pretty good job:D - Trynna make her make her more like Evergreen with the hair swoop thingy and the way he wear the top -Dont have a beard so have a make-shift one(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ) -Kidnaps wizards instead of princesses -IDK why people like to make her wear glasses since Ice King didnt wear one but anyway she only wear glasses when in Simon presence after their date in "Bespoken for"
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•Magic Simon❤️ -Stuck on whether or not should I make him let himself go the way Betty do since I feel like he value his image way more (wear suit throughout the war and such) -A bit of facial hair and grey streaks👏 -Betty lost her glasses when go mad in this ver so he is keeping it as well as their pic -This is just a pet peeve but again with the glasses thing why do people draw his eyes inside the lens, cause to like to me eyes in lens is a Betty thing while eyes above lens is a Simon thing u get me?
In "Bespoken for" Simon try to get Ice Lady to wear the glasses just to ya know get a glimpse of the woman he loved SM. She did but then take it off immediately saying it make her "look like a nerd" but once seeing him being upset she make "a cooler ice one" and wear it around him
She also give him a matching pair of Gunter slipper in the date💙❤️ ( I will draw this later dw)
Here r some of the design sketches:D
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donquixotehomura · 2 months
Valentine's Day with One Piece Boys
Master List
W.C:3295    so uhhhhh my hand slipped oops... I took some assumptions here and I changed some things that are common about these characters in Fanfic writing, my brain couldn’t come up with a lot for Law I’m sorry about that, Crocodile and Doffy can be read as pre or post becoming Warlords, some might be OOC but IDK I wrote this in about a day lol (my eyes fingers and back hurt I need to correct my posture lol) sorry if I didn't write for your favorites, have fun and lemme know what you think I love feed back It took two and a half fucking hours to put the gifs in, cause the line thingy where you add stuff only showed at the very bottom so I had to keep editing and dragging shit around, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, also I had to look up all the gifs here even tho I have tons cause for some reason "something goofed" .... end my suffering also I wrote this on word and then brought it here so if formatting gets weird that's why, even tho I spent hours on making sure everything is good shout out to my inspo who also encouraged me to write it @cinnbar-bun
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Dracule Mihawk, Roronoa Zoro, Portgas D. Ace, Donquixote Doflamingo, Eustass "Captain" Kid, Charlotte Katakuri, Massacre Soldier Killer, Sir Crocodile, Trafalgar Law.
Dracule Mihawk:
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Mihawk and Y/N prefer intimate celebrations for Valentine's Day. They often opt for a quiet evening together at their secluded castle, away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. 
Despite their stoic exteriors, Mihawk and Y/N are surprisingly sentimental when it comes to expressing their feelings. They exchange handwritten letters on Valentine's Day, pouring their hearts out on paper in a way that words spoken aloud cannot convey. 
Instead of extravagant gestures, Mihawk and Y/N prefer to exchange gifts that hold sentimental value. Mihawk might gift Y/N a rare book on something she likes, while Y/N might give Mihawk a custom-made piece of simple jewelry like a small bracelet she personally crafted for him. 
On Valentine's Day, Mihawk surprises Y/N by offering to cook dinner together. Despite her lack of culinary skills, Y/N appreciates the bonding activity and enjoys spending quality time with him in the kitchen, even if it results in a few culinary mishaps. 
After dinner, Mihawk and Y/N venture out into the castle's courtyard to stargaze. They lie side by side on a blanket, Y/N pointing out constellations and sharing stories about their significance, reveling in the peaceful solitude of the night, Mihawk just listens to her with a small fond smile. 
Throughout the day, Mihawk and Y/N take time to reflect on their journey together, reminiscing about cherished memories and shared experiences that have strengthened their bond over the years. 
As a romantic gesture, Mihawk and Y/N share a midnight dance in the castle's grand ballroom. Lit only by candlelight, they move together in a graceful waltz, lost in the magic of the moment and the timeless beauty of their love.    Going To Sleep Cuddling: Mihawk and Y/N will go to sleep in the end of the day holding each other, Y/N would curl up into his arms, burying her face into his chest while he wraps his arms around her his hand going into her hair to play with the soft strands.  
As Valentine's Day draws to a close, Mihawk and Y/N exchange a few hushed words as they cuddle, reaffirming their commitment to each other and the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures together. 
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Roronoa Zoro:
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Despite his tough exterior, Zoro secretly spends weeks planning the perfect Valentine's Day surprise for Y/N. He meticulously selects a secluded spot on the island they're docked on, where they can enjoy each other's company away from the hustle and bustle of the crew. 
Y/N, appreciative of Zoro's efforts, prepares a special gift for him on Valentine's Day. Knowing his love for swords, she surprises him with a beautifully crafted sheath for one of his blades, personalized with intricate designs that reflect their shared journey together. 
Zoro and Y/N spend Valentine's Day evening taking a leisurely stroll along the shores of the island. With the sound of waves lapping against the shore and the moonlight casting a soft glow, they share quiet moments of intimacy, lost in each other's company. 
During their stroll, Zoro and Y/N encounter a group of wild creatures roaming the island. With their swords drawn, they effortlessly dispatch the beasts, their synchronized movements a testament to their unwavering bond as swordsmen and lovers. 
As the night progresses, Zoro and Y/N build a campfire on the beach, the crackling flames casting flickering shadows around them. They share stories of their past adventures and dreams for the future, their laughter mingling with the sound of the ocean. 
Under the starlit sky, Zoro finally opens up to Y/N, expressing his gratitude for her presence in his life. He admits that he's not good at expressing his feelings, but Y/N's unwavering support and love have changed him for the better. 
Moved by Zoro's vulnerability, Y/N wraps her arms around him, offering him comfort and reassurance. She assures him that their love is enough, and she wouldn't have their Valentine's Day any other way. 
As the night comes to an end, Zoro and Y/N make a promise to each other to continue facing life's challenges together, hand in hand. They vow to cherish every moment and celebrate their love not just on Valentine's Day, but every day. 
As they watch the sun rise on the horizon, Zoro leans in to press a gentle kiss to Y/N's lips, sealing their promise with a silent vow of devotion. In that moment, amidst the beauty of the dawn, they find solace in the certainty of their love for each other. 
As they return to the ship, hand in hand, Zoro and Y/N share a knowing smile, their hearts full of love and gratitude for each other. Though their Valentine's Day was unconventional and filled with unexpected adventures, it was a testament to the strength of their bond and the depth of their love. 
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Portgas D. Ace:
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Y/N wakes up early on Valentine's Day to prepare a special breakfast for Ace. She arranges heart-shaped pancakes and fruit on a tray, leaving a note with a playful message for him to wake up to.  Ace spends weeks leading up to Valentine's Day working on a handmade gift for Y/N. He creates a personalized necklace with a small pendant in the shape of a flame, symbolizing their fiery love and passion. 
Y/N organizes a scavenger hunt around the Moby Dick for Ace. Each clue leads him to a different part of the ship, where he discovers small gifts and love notes hidden by Y/N. 
Ace surprises Y/N with a romantic beach picnic at a secluded cove. They enjoy a delicious meal together as they watch the sunset, the sound of the waves providing a serene backdrop to their intimate celebration. 
As the night falls, Ace and Y/N gather with their friends for a bonfire on the beach. They roast marshmallows, share stories, and cuddle close under a blanket, basking in the warmth of their love and the crackling fire. 
Y/N sets up a telescope on the deck of the Moby Dick, and she and Ace spend the evening stargazing together. They point out constellations, make wishes on shooting stars, and share dreams for their future, Y/N certainly tries to find constellations that match Ace’s freckles.  Ace surprises Y/N with a makeshift dance floor on the deck of the ship. He puts on her favorite song, and they dance together under the moonlight, lost in each other's arms. 
Y/N leaves little love notes for Ace to find throughout the day. Each note expresses her affection and gratitude for having him in her life, reminding him of the depth of her love. 
Ace and Y/N spend the afternoon cooking a special Valentine's Day dinner together in the kitchen. They laugh, tease each other, and steal kisses amidst the preparation, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together. (Marco is on standby with a fire extinguisher) 
As the day comes to a close, Ace and Y/N exchange heartfelt declarations of love. They express their gratitude for each other, promising to cherish and support one another for all the days to come, both of them yelling it at the top of their lungs of the railing of the ship and the crew is so done with them lol 
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Donquixote Doflamingo:
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Doflamingo, despite his intimidating persona, secretly enjoys the sentimentality of Valentine's Day. He's known for surprising Y/N with extravagant gifts, ranging from rare treasures he's acquired during their travels to personalized items he's commissioned just for her. Y/N, in turn, cherishes each gift as a symbol of Doflamingo's affection, even if she's not one for material possessions.  On Valentine's Day, Doflamingo arranges a private, candlelit dinner on the deck of their ship or a secluded spot on the island they're currently exploring. He spares no expense in ensuring the evening is perfect, with gourmet cuisine prepared by their crew's skilled chefs. Y/N appreciates the effort he puts into creating these intimate moments and enjoys the opportunity to spend quality time together away from the chaos of pirate life. 
Instead of focusing solely on lavish gifts and grand gestures, Doflamingo and Y/N often reminisce about their shared adventures and memorable moments throughout the years. They spend Valentine's Day reflecting on the challenges they've overcome together, the laughter they've shared, the tears they’ve shed and the unbreakable bond that has formed between them. 
Despite their often intense and tumultuous journey as pirates, Doflamingo and Y/N also value quiet moments of affection. They may spend Valentine's Day simply enjoying each other's company, whether it's lounging on the deck, stargazing, or taking a leisurely stroll on the beach hand in hand. It's in these peaceful moments that they feel most connected. 
Doflamingo and Y/N have a deep understanding of each other, and Valentine's Day serves as a reminder of the unspoken bond they share. They may not always verbalize their feelings, but their actions speak volumes. Whether it's a knowing glance, a comforting touch, or a gentle smile exchanged between them, they both know that their love is unwavering.
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Eustass "Captain" Kid:
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Despite her tough exterior, Y/N secretly enjoys the romantic gestures she receives on Valentine's Day. Kid, though he may not admit it openly, takes great pleasure in surprising Y/N with small gifts and tokens of affection, leaving them anonymously for her to find.  Kid's idea of a Valentine's Day gift may not be traditional, but it's always heartfelt. He might present Y/N with a custom-made weapon, intricately designed and tailored to her unique fighting style, or a rare treasure he stumbled upon during their travels, symbolizing the adventures they've shared together. 
Y/N, with her artistic flair, expresses her love for Kid through her creations. She might spend weeks crafting a personalized piece of jewelry for him, incorporating elements of his Jolly Roger or symbols that hold significance to their relationship, showcasing her devotion in a tangible form. 
Amidst the chaos of their pirate life, Y/N and Kid cherish the quiet moments they steal away together on Valentine's Day. They might escape to a secluded spot-on deck, watching the stars and sharing stories, finding solace in each other's company amidst the vastness of the sea. 
For Y/N and Kid, Valentine's Day is not just about romantic gestures, but also about embarking on new adventures together. They might set sail to explore uncharted islands, face formidable foes, or discover hidden treasures, strengthening their bond through shared experiences and thrilling escapades. 
Despite their differences, Y/N and Kid's relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding. They may not always see eye to eye, but they know how to support and uplift each other, especially on Valentine's Day, when they take the time to appreciate the unique qualities that make their bond so special. 
Y/N and Kid's Valentine's Day celebrations may not be conventional, but they're uniquely theirs. They might indulge in a feast of their favorite foods, engage in friendly competitions and challenges, or simply enjoy each other's presence, knowing that their love transcends traditional expectations. 
As they spend Valentine's Day together, Y/N and Kid exchange promises for the future. They may vow to stand by each other through thick and thin, to continue exploring the world and facing its challenges together, and to cherish the love they share, knowing that their bond is unbreakable.
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Charlotte Katakuri:
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Despite their tough exteriors, Y/N and Katakuri secretly enjoy showering each other with romantic gestures on Valentine's Day. Y/N surprises Katakuri with handcrafted doughnuts with many flavours, each one meticulously made with love and care. In return, Katakuri presents Y/N with a beautifully crafted box of her favorite sweets, a testament to his thoughtfulness and affection. On Valentine's evening, Y/N and Katakuri escape the chaos of Totto Land for a private dinner date on a secluded beach. They indulge in a feast of their favorite dishes, sharing laughter and intimate conversation under the twinkling stars. As the night deepens, they dance together in the moonlight, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. 
In the days leading up to Valentine's Day, Y/N and Katakuri exchange heartfelt love letters, expressing their deepest emotions and gratitude for each other. Y/N's letters are filled with poetic prose and declarations of undying love, while Katakuri's letters are eloquent and sincere, revealing the depths of his affection for Y/N. 
As a special Valentine's Day surprise, Katakuri whisks Y/N away on a romantic getaway to a secluded island paradise. They spend their days exploring pristine beaches, indulging in couples' massages, and savoring gourmet meals prepared by a private chef. It's a blissful escape from their duties and responsibilities, allowing them to focus solely on each other. 
On Valentine's Day, Y/N and Katakuri reminisce about their favorite moments together, flipping through photo albums filled with snapshots of their adventures. They laugh at candid shots of themselves and smile fondly at pictures of special milestones they've shared. It's a heartwarming reminder of the bond they've built and the memories they've created together, a few of them are pictures taken by Y/N of Katakuri throughout the day, in some of them his scarf is hiding a smile or a blush a reason as to why she took the picture (yes she walks around with a Visual Den Den Mushi.. At least that’s what I think the picture taking ones are called)    Y/N has been joining Katakuri during his Meriendas for years now and same as rumors spread about him meditating and talking to gods of battle during them rumors spread about her as well (I read a fic about this before where Y/N was considered his oracle and it’s an amazing one I’m trying to find it again) what they don’t know is that these two are being very sappy idiots, cuddling sharing kisses and laughs and stealing each other's sweets, especially on this day, the others just think that they’re doing some sort of ritual about devotion to Gods of Battle only lol. 
As the night falls on Valentine's Day, Y/N and Katakuri retreat to a secluded hilltop, where they lay beneath a blanket of stars, hand in hand. They share stories of their hopes and dreams, tracing constellations with their fingers and basking in the quiet beauty of the   night sky. It's a moment of perfect serenity, a reminder of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead for their love.
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Massacre Soldier Killer:
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Despite their tough exteriors, Killer and Y/N secretly enjoy surprising each other with small romantic gestures on Valentine's Day. Y/N might leave a heartfelt note tucked into Killer's pocket, while Killer might craft a makeshift bouquet of flowers from materials he finds on their travels. Valentine's Day is a rare opportunity for Killer and Y/N to spend some quality time together away from the chaos of pirate life. They might steal away to a secluded spot on the ship or find a quiet beach where they can enjoy each other's company without interruptions. 
Killer and Y/N reminisce about their favorite moments together, cherishing the memories they've created during their time as partners in crime. They might exchange stories about their most memorable adventures or laugh about the mishaps they've encountered along the way. 
Despite their limited resources as pirates, Killer and Y/N find creative ways to exchange gifts on Valentine's Day. Y/N might fashion a piece of jewelry from shells she finds on the beach, while Killer might carve a wooden trinket with his expert craftsmanship. 
Killer surprises Y/N with a romantic candlelit dinner, showcasing his culinary skills with a delicious meal cooked from scratch. Y/N, in turn, appreciates the effort and thoughtfulness behind the gesture, and they enjoy a quiet evening together under the stars. While they may not always express their emotions openly, Killer and Y/N show their love and affection for each other in subtle ways. A gentle touch, a lingering glance, or a reassuring smile speaks volumes in the language of their relationship. 
Valentine's Day serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bond between Killer and Y/N. They reaffirm their commitment to each other, promising to stand by each other's side through thick and thin, no matter what challenges may come their way. 
As they bask in the warmth of each other's love on Valentine's Day, Killer and Y/N discuss their hopes and dreams for the future. They envision a life together filled with adventure, laughter, and unwavering support, knowing that as long as they have each other, anything is possible. 
Overall, Valentine's Day is a special occasion for Killer and Y/N to celebrate their love and appreciation for each other, strengthening the bond that binds them together as partners in both love and piracy.
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Sir Crocodile:
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Crocodile and Y/N aren't ones for grand gestures, so their Valentine's Day celebration tends to be understated. They prefer spending quality time together rather than getting caught up in the commercial aspects of the holiday.  Crocodile surprises Y/N by preparing a simple but delicious meal for them to share. Despite his gruff exterior, Crocodile has a surprisingly deft hand in the kitchen, and Y/N is touched by the effort he puts into making the evening special. 
Instead of extravagant gifts, Crocodile and Y/N exchange meaningful tokens of their affection. Y/N gives Crocodile a handmade leather-bound journal, knowing how much he values knowledge and planning. In return, Crocodile presents Y/N with a rare seashell he found during one of their adventures, a symbol of their shared experiences. 
After dinner, Crocodile and Y/N enjoy a quiet evening together, lounging on the deck of their ship and gazing up at the stars. They talk about their hopes and dreams for the future, reveling in the simplicity of each other's company. 
Despite their tough exteriors, Crocodile and Y/N share a passion for Planning and Conquest. They spend the evening poring over maps and planning their next expedition, excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.  While they may not be overly demonstrative, Crocodile and Y/N show their love for each other in small, subtle ways. A gentle touch, a knowing glance, or a shared smile speaks volumes about the depth of their bond.   As the night draws to a close, Crocodile and Y/N express their gratitude for each other, acknowledging the strength and support they provide in each other's lives. They may not say "I love you" in so many words, but their actions speak louder than any declaration of affection ever could.
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Trafalgar Law:
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Y/N is bubbling with excitement as Valentine's Day approaches, eager to celebrate the occasion with Law despite his usual reservations about the holiday. She takes the lead in planning the day, organizing a romantic dinner aboard the Polar Tang complete with candles, rose petals, and Law's favorite dishes. Law, although initially hesitant about the festivities, appreciates Y/N's enthusiasm and decides to go along with her plans, wanting to make her happy. He surprises Y/N with small but meaningful gifts throughout the day, such as a locket containing a picture of the two of them together or a handwritten note expressing his love and gratitude. Y/N showers Law with affection, peppering him with kisses and hugs as they spend quality time together, enjoying each other's company in the privacy of their quarters. They share stories and reminisce about their favorite memories together, laughing and smiling as they bask in the warmth of their love. Law surprises Y/N with a heartfelt gesture, such as letting her cuddle with him instead of working or giving her a massage to help her relax and unwind. They exchange promises of love and commitment, reaffirming their bond and promising to stand by each other through thick and thin. As the day comes to a close, Law and Y/N cuddle up together under a blanket, content in each other's arms and grateful for the love they share. 
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neonlight2 · 10 months
Marauders era Headcanons
I’ll be adding to this throughout the storyline
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Sirius Black:
- Partially Deaf, because there is no way he came out inbred and totally unscathed.
- Genderfluid because he’s an indecisive bitch
- Loves when his hair is braided no matter how much he says otherwise (also likes his head scratched)
- Paints his nails just to chip them cause he thinks it looks hot (same thing with smudging eyeliner)
- Calls Lily ‘Evans’, until she and James get together then he calls her ‘Mrs. Potter’
- annoyed he has to share James
- Fidgets with his hair and finger/rings constantly, because he definitely had ADD
- Makes this claw thingy with his hand when he’s nervous (if you know where this is from ily)
- Can dance REALLY WELL (ballet), because of that pure blood privilege, and does the stance naturally
-Can play the violin but is embarrassed so learns guitar so if someone asks him if he plays an instrument he can just say that instead
- Sexuality = Hot people aka Remus Lupin ( he’s just a whore idk what else to say)
-Touch starved/attention whore
- Such a fucking G, this man would riot for anything his friends ask
- If you walked into his closet you would think two people put their stuff in there, no, just him
- Speaks French
Remus Lupin:
- Poor boy is depressed
- And actually poor which is why he sells weed or other muggle things (he hustles the shit out of the students at Hogwarts by saying everything is ‘exotic’ and they believe him because everyone thinks he’s smart)
- Touch starved but doesn’t like to be touched (if you know you know)
-Bisexual panic. All. The. Time.
-Oblivious as hell to the fact everyone wants him— I mean everyone
- Loves tea. SO. MUCH. TEA.
- Has a book club with Lily
- Got a ton of piercings and tattoos over fifth year’s summer, but people rarely see them cause he’s always wearing sweaters or covered up some how
-His whole closet look like it should belong to an old man, yet he still slays
- Bites his lips and inside of cheek a lot, so James carries around lip balm for him
- When he’s high he’s chill
- But he’s hysterical when he’s drunk
-Can read multiple languages, but his pronunciation is god awful (Sirius makes fun of him for it)
-Has Chocolate on hand at all times because once he didn’t and he threw Snape across the classroom
-Man is an uncoordinated tree
James Potter:
- Both the Mom and child of the group somehow
- Takes lots of naps
-Sorry to say but Gryffindor is his personality
- Foot taps
- Holy shit this guy is ADHD
- ‘Bambi’ is his other nickname, and he thinks it’s cute until he watches the movie
- The healthiest mentally of the group
- Golden retriever vibes
- If James hasn’t seen Sirius within 30 minutes and he doesn’t know where he is, he gets panicked
-Has a thing for Youngest siblings apparently (Lily and Regulus)
-Obsessed with Babies
- Definition of himbo sometimes
- He’s good at every sport he tries
- Queer
- Trained Sirius not to say Mudblood throughout first and second year
Peter Pettigrew:
- Trans (I’ll go more in-depth later)
- Ace
- if Social anxiety was a person
- Bakes like an absolute KING
- Chews fingernails, so Sirius got him leather gloves to matches his own to get him to stop
- Knows random shit/facts
-also knows everyone’s business because no one pays him any attention
- Short king
- Hilarious, practically makes the group piss themselves when alone in the common room
- Loves everything fuzzy
- Has been in love with Mary since third or fourth year, but hasn’t said anything because he knew about her and Lily
- Has family trauma too, but he doesn’t thinks it’s enough to complain about because of what he’s seen with Sirius
- Was the first to master turning into an animagus
-As bad as Sirius and James with worrying about his hair, just less loud about it
-He knew about wolfstar before James
Lily Evans:
- Politics Queen
- As sassy and sarcastic as Sirius
-Stress cleans
- the Left corner of her forehead twitches when she’s mad
- Thick girl (her thighs are HUGE and James practically drools over them 24/7, respectively ofc)
- Short 5’
- the others have to keep her within arms reach because she gets lost easily in crowds, her hair is the only thing that helps
- Human calculator (she gets perfect marks on every subject EXCEPT DADA, which is the class Sirius and James do; it annoys her to no end)
- Most likely to actually throw hands
- Fangirls openly about book characters (with Remus)
- Can’t sing to save her life (poor babe just wants to sing abba, but she just ends up being made fun of)
-Vowed to not cut her hair until she graduated, so around sixth year she had to start braiding it because if she didn’t she’d sit on it
- Can forge a signature/handwriting very well
- Is actually really insecure about her magical abilities because of the rift it caused between her and Petunia
Marlene McKinnon:
-The only person to actually make her question her sexuality is Remus, and that’s because it’s fucking Remus Lupin
- During fourth year when her and Sirius were ‘dating’, they were just teaching each other how to flirt with girls/guys and they’d kiss just to practice
-Obsessed with Piercings (begged Remus to give her a couple after he told her about how he had the supplies)
- One of the best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team/ uses it as anger management (Beater position)
-Her and Sirius have an agreement to tell each other the weekly outfit plan so they don’t wear the same thing or color (red or black mostly)
- Roasting people is her platonic love language
-Can play every band instrument
-She looks like a tough, rocker chick but is a softie for Dorcas
- Intimidates everyone because she’s low key buff (can bench more than James and Sirius combined) and super tall (looks like a giant next to Lily)
-Can’t speak in front of Dorcas at first, yet Dorcas understands her
-Big on PDA which leads to Sirius gagging obnoxiously
-Her and Sirius “fighting” is for show so people stop shipping them together/ teasing them
- Dyslexic so Lily and Dorcas read to her if there’s anything important (which leads to them doing it even if she’s not around)
-Simps for James Mum (but who wouldn’t)
Dorcas Meadowes:
- Part of the Slytherin skittles
- Non-binary
- Dark humor and it’s worse when she’s around Regulus and Barty
- Nyx is her first girl kiss in my oc story (Marlene probably was for every other story)
-Big softy when it comes to Marlene
-Resting bitch face
- Amazing artist/ sketching Marlene constantly
- Makes jewelry (Marlene and her matching rings, and friendship bracelets/ necklaces for the others that they can never take off— she warns them before hand)
- Will go batshit crazy if she stays up after 12 am
-Gets super competitive when playing Quidditch
- Rants about how much she loves pockets every 20 minutes
- Instinctively moves closer to someone she knows when she’s in public
- More introverted than the rest, would rather stay in the common room and chill
-makes a ton of your mom jokes
Mary Macdonald:
- Pansexual or Polysexual
-She loves to embroidery/making clothes, so if anyone needs something made or tailored they go to her
-Hypes everyone up all the time, ‘don’t disrespect yourself’ vibe
- Has the best alcohol tolerance in the group
-James potter triggers her for a multitude of reasons; they have a banter relationship
- She always has what you need in her bag— like Mary Poppins
-Lily was her first love and friend
- SUCH a good listener (like I know canon Remus and Lily would be the best listeners, but I think it’s Mary)
- Both her and Remus had a glow up fourth year and everyone wants to either be them or be with them
- Loves dancing, will do it randomly while doing absolutely anything
-Hates cold weather, she’ll literally wear five jackets DON’T play
-Has had or does have a eating disorder because of societal pressure of internal judgment; not to mention people definitely paint her out to be a ‘slag’ because she happens to be more open about her sexuality (and they don’t do it to Sirius because we live in a fucked patriarchy)
- Will scream “fuck the police” or “fuck the Patriarchy” when running away from an authority figure (or just Lily/Remus)
-Extroverted (loves to be around people/hates being alone)
Regulus Black:
- Asthma (again, can’t escape inbreeding completely)
-Has permanent dark circles, yet he still looks beautiful??? Looks like eyeshadow to be real
- Demisexual
-Scratching his knuckles is a severe nervous tick of his
-Writes poetry and short stories
- Plays the piano
-Started playing quidditch to interact with Sirius more and to impress him (but as he got older he didn’t really give a shit anymore)
-Speaks French and Reads Latin
-Really into Astronomy
- He had a crush on James in fifth year but didn’t pursue it because he still somewhat resented him for having Sirius all to himself (and he knew Sirius would get mad)
-Cusses a lot when around his friends
-Best poker face, could lie to anyone and get away with it
-Photographic memory
-Nice to all the House elves (and all the Marauders except Sirius and James)
Pandora, Evan, and Barty
Evan and Pandora are siblings
Everyone in the Marauders and Slytherin Skittles have agreed that Pandora has to be protected at all cost
What they don’t know is that this girl is lethal (Carries around potions she’s created that could burn through steel)
Barty is hella gay, psychotic, and a bit of a pyro
Barty is also low key obsessed with Regulus
Evan is in love with Barty
Rosekiller is a thing, and it is toxic (don’t we just love it)
I’ll probably add more for Barth, Evan, and Pandora later
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rowretro · 4 months
Running from riki
Just a lil fluff imagine I wrote on wp
Warnings: none rlly just a bunch of cuteness<3
also im new to writting on here so idk how to make it pretty pls help
"Baby, listen, the whole time your hand will be in mine hmm? I don't want no running off kay?" Niki asked in a soft yet stern tone as You smiled nodding. Within the 5 seconds in which you entered the mall, your feet were itching to run to the nearest store, your mind already running from store to store as your eyes scanned the whole place.
"Baby- remember what I said-" Riki added, his eyes narrowing to the littlun beside him "Of course baby I will- OOH CLOTHES-" There you go, running to the clothing shop but Riki was quick to act...
In one swift move, he pulled you into his arms, hugging her securely as he stared down at your slightly flustered figure "What did I tell you, princess?" Riki asked as you hid your face in his chest.
The male smiled at this action, softly letting go, his hand still gripping onto yours as they walked through the mall. Yet again, your feet were taking you to all kinds of stores, Riki being quick to act, pulling her back, cautiously not wanting to injure her arm.
His eyes suddenly fell on a running toddler, the toddler's parents' holding the toddler on a leash "Babe- I think we need to go to a store that sells those leashes-" Riki pointed out as you giggled, mischievously.
"why? are we going to have a baby???" You asked giggling at the way his expression changed "WHAT- EH- NO- ONE BABY Y/N IS ENOUGH FOR ME-" Riki defended himself as you just laughed more at the poor boy.
"So what if I can't get a kids leash thingy- I can always get a dog leash- Im sure it'll fit around your neck-" Riki said as y/n kicked his ass. "OW-" Riki yelled and within seconds she ran off in a random direction.
"She a runner?" A man randomly asked, sighing as Riki noded, with a sigh "She's a runner she's a track star-" he replied "Mine too- so I put her on a leash-" the male said, pointing at his daughter as Riki simply walked away, searching for You.
"There you are, princess- I swear we're going to have to do online shopping from now on if you keep running like this-" Riki sighed as you giggled "But babe that's boring-" You whined as Riki placed a soft peck on your forehead.
His hand held onto yours again as you two left the store. Was it annoying? yes, was it exhausting? yes, but either way it made him happy.
It made him happy to see his beloved giggle and run happily when with him, and on top of that, it gave him a reason to hold your hand more often, he loved the thought of everyone in the store knowing he's your boyfriend and you're his girlfriend.
And overall, he loves you, the most important reason why he tolerates your chaos. "BABY BABY BABYYY- SCREW MC DONALDS IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE- LET'S GO WINGSTOP!" You squealed as Riki snickered, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"As you wish princess~" The boy smiled, his hand firmly holding yours, as he matched your speedy pace, the 2 of you walking to the food court as you ordered your food.
Poor Riki was met with an empty space beside him when he got the food, the male sighed as he looked around, only to see you sitting by an empty table, cleaning off the crumbs from the people before.
He walked over to you, hurriedly, hoping to not lose you again, he placed the food on the table and hugged you tightly. "You really are a runner- you scared me for a split second I thought I really lost you-" Riki mumbled as you blushed at his words.
You kissed his lips softly as you looked up at him "You know- you're really cute when you're shy- and worried- but don't worry- Im not going to disappear that easily-" You smiled as Riki ruffled your hair.
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neymiiie · 3 months
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Eyes of the SEES members ~
I’ve always admired artstyles where every character has super unique and recognizable vibes, so decided to try it with the gang. Super fun, highly recommend!
In the process of designing these I developed headcanons for each of their eyes, kind weird but if you want to read me ranting about why I drew Yukaris pupils a certain way or whatever, feel free to click read more lol.
Makoto: I wanted him to look tired, so a lot of his eyelashes go downward instead of upwards, also eye bags because he has insomnia and you can’t convince me otherwise. I didn’t want his eyes to look hollow/empty, but I didn’t want to put super obvious highlights and I think it works? Idk. Also drew his eyes in a way that reminds me of the ocean at night (Atlus gave me a ocean/water motif and I run with it ok?). His eyebrows are kinda “messy” in comparison to the others but I think it makes his eyes prettier so it is in character to me.
Yukari: I wanted her eyes to look a little more intense and turned them a little to give them a slightly “angry look”. Yukari should have a light case of rbf imo. I feel like Yukari puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and she probably wears more makeup but I cannot draw that to save my life lmao. Her eyebrows are probably the least messy other than Mitsurus, for the same reason as the previous one. Also hard to tell, but I put hearts in her pupils because it’s cute. Really proud of these ones, they read like hers so well to me.
Junpei: Junpeis eyes were so fun to draw! I feel like he’d have pretty short lashes and slightly smaller eyes, but still very vibrant! I really wanted his eyes to look full of life but still pretty simple, and I think I did pretty well! They feel very expressive to me. Also I feel like he’d have naturally very thin eyebrows, so gave him that lol.
Akihiko: idk how I feel about these, but I guess they’re alright? Gave him a kinda intense stare ig. I gave him really long natural eyelashes because I feel like he’d have them (canonical pretty boy that he is) and I’m somewhat proud of them because I stuggle with making longer eyelashes look masculine so guess this is a win. Gave him an eyebrow slit because I was so sure he had one in p4arena only to find out he didn’t even have eyebrows in it. What.
Fuuka: I feel like Fuukas neutral expression would still look slightly confused/concerns so her eyes are a little droopy. Gave her short but thick eyebrows because I thought it would be cute. Her eyes kinda remind me of rain and I like that! Also sidenote love the fact that official art draws fuuka with teal eyebrows. The implication that she was either born with teal hair or is so dedicated to the dye job she even dyed her eyebrows is hilarious to me. I know blue is treated as a normal hair color in persona-universe but Fuuka is literally the only one with teal hair how is it not dyed but yosuke and chies is??
Mitsuru: I wanted Mitsuru to be pretty. I gave her thinner but crisp eyebrows and eyeliner. I was a little worried because before I started shading her eyes looked kinda evil?? Lol but they turned out better in the end. Didn’t do a lot of details in her eyes because it felt like it worked better that way, but gave her bright highlights in her eyes to make up for it.
Aigis: These are my least favorite, and the first ones I did. Not sure if thats awful, because I wanted them to be very different from the rest. I feel like Aigis doesn’t actually have this wide eyes but willingly widens them so you can see the whole iris. I feel like her eyes would look more normal at a distance, and most of her classmates just assume she’s got weird eyes because they’re an uncommon eye color (major “give her brown contacts please” energy). Made her eyes look like does target-thingys and slightly plastic-y.
Ken: I didn’t want his eyes to be to bright, but still lively and childish. I gave him round wide eyes + smaller and thicker eyebrows to give a more childish feel. His eyelashes are pretty short but made them point more downwards since they looked too cheerful when turned upwards.
Shinjiro: dunno how readable these are as shinji, but theyre fine. Made his eyes very dark and put bright highlights cause I thought it looked better than the grey he actually has. Also gave him major eyebags because man has not had a good nights rest since like. Last October (sorry)
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ccbunnv · 1 month
idk how these ask thingys work, so bare with
i was thinking of a bill and tom x fem!reader who both share an interest with her and take her to a hotel room, kinda based on Reden?
Could u do it with Bill n Tom when they were both 19? tysm <33 🤍🎀
i daydream abt this sometimes >.<!!
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐 kaulitz twins x fem! reader smut
"are you sure I should do this?" you ask your friend nervously, playing with the hem of your bebe shirt.
"duh!" your friend replies enthusiastically, "they gave you the room number, what else?!"
"I'm not sure," you sigh, "I'm not a groupie and all that, I..."
"just a night won't deem you as a groupie, y/n," she sighs, pushing you over to the lobby door, "c'mon, it'll be fun!"
well, you won't deny the excitement in your heart. you purse your lips before mumbling, "okay, fine! I'll do it!"
"atta girl!" she cheers, "okay, hold on a minute..."
she reaches into her purse and pulls out a lip gloss, and an atomizer with her favourite perfume. she says softly, "pucker up..."
you do so, and she helps you apply the lip gloss. then, you press your lips together to spread the gloss better. she then sprays the perfume all over you, making you cough.
she looks around you for a little bit, before snapping her fingers and handing you a hair tie. she says, "tie your hair up."
"what? why?" you ask, clearly confused.
"it's more sexy that way!" she giggles, "just do as I say!"
you sigh and do so, pulling your hair back and tying it up. you leave your bangs aside to avoid looking like an egg, clearly you wouldn't want to look like that when you're meeting your idols.
she squeals excitedly and says, "go! tell me how it was, okay?!"
you inhale and exhale, before entering the hotel. the inside is lavish, filled with ceramic pots that look like it could cost you an arm and a leg, decorated with faux flowers.
your feet take you to the reception counter, and with almost zero confidence in your voice, you ask, "hi, um, do you know where room 483 is?"
"hm? oh, yeah. it's to your left, down the hallway and take the elevator to the eleventh floor." the receptionist answers with a smile.
you nod your head as a form of thanks before following her directions to the room. you reach the elevator and press the eleventh floor.
it takes you a little while, but you soon reach. standing before the oak wood door with the numbers '483' hanging there, menacingly, your heart quickens its beats.
there's light seeping through the gap of the door, so there should be someone inside...hopefully. swallowing your anxiety, you ring the door bell to the room.
"Bill! Geh und hol die Tür! (Bill! go get the door!)" a muffled voice calls out from the other side.
"Du bist näher an der Tür, Idiot! (you're closer to the door, idiot!)" another refutes.
"Ja, aber ich bin gerade erst aus der Dusche gekommen! Ich kann die Tür nicht öffnen, während ich nur ein Handtuch um die Hüfte trage, oder? (Yeah, but I just got out of the shower! I can't open the door with just a towel around my waist, can I?)" the voice scowls.
"Du hattest vor ein paar Monaten kein Problem damit! (You had no problem with it a few months ago!)" the other one grumbles before opening the door with a huff.
upon seeing you, his face drops from an annoyed on to a smirk. he mumbles, "well, well, look what we have here."
his eyes scan you up and down, making you feel a tad bit bashful. his eyes settle on the cleavage that's exposed by your v-neck shirt, and he giggles.
"Tom! Sieh dir das an… (Tom! come look...)" he says aloud.
"Was? ist es ein Groupie? deins oder meins? (What? is it a groupie? yours or mine?)" Tom says, walking over with a lousily worn baggy shirt and a pair of sweatpants. upon seeing you, his face turns into a smirk just like his twin's.
his tongue plays with the cold steel piercing on his bottom lip, his eyes studying your body. he eventually says, "you wanna come in?"
"uh, sure!" you respond, trudging in after Tom. Bill shuts the door and locks it once you enter.
"so, uh..." you look around the room. it's relatively messy, but it's not like you mind it.
"sit, sit." Bill says softly, sitting onto one of the two beds and patting the spot beside him.
"you want something to drink?" Tom asks as you sit next to Bill.
"um...what is there?" you ask apprehensively.
"cola, sprite, the works...there's wine, if you drink." he grins.
"oh, I'll just take a cola..." you say quietly.
he reaches into the minibar refrigerator and brings out a can of cold cola, opening the tab and pouring you a glass.
you take the glass when he hands it to you, and drink it down. the carbonation fizzes in your throat as it grows awkwardly silent.
"so, what's your name?" Tom asks, sitting on his bed.
"it's y/n, uh...y/n l/n." you smile at them.
Bill chuckles, "aren't you cute?"
"don't scare her, Bill." Tom snickers, "I suppose you already know us?"
"um, yeah!" you laugh a little.
"so, y/n, what do you think about our concert today?" Bill asks softly, "was it fun?"
"yeah! it's actually my first concert, I'm glad I got to come..." you respond as he stands and sits next to Tom.
"oh, we're stoked to be the first band concert you attend." Tom says with his signature smile. you can't help but grow shy.
"so, do you have a favourite song?" Bill asks softly.
"I like Reden." you say, shrugging.
"it's a fan favourite isn't it?" Tom chimes, looking over at Bill.
Bill grins and says, "well of course it is."
Tom turns his head back at you and it takes him a while before asking, "do you have a favourite member?"
"me...member?" you repeat.
"yeah. among the four of us, who do you like the most?" Bill explains.
"I guess, um..." you look at your thighs, your hands turning the cold glass of cola in your hands.
"is it Gustav?" Tom asks, and you shake your head no.
"Georg?" Bill follows up, and you respond with a head shake as well.
"hm..." they smirk, "well it's either one of us."
you keep silent, not knowing what to say.
"come on, don't be shy." Bill says softly, walking over to you and tilting your head upwards, "it's okay, I know Tom can deal with a rejection."
"what makes you think you're her favourite, huh?" Tom comments snarkily, sitting next to you and bringing an arm protectively around your waist.
"well it's up for her to decide." Bill grumbles, "who do you like the most?"
"I don't know..." you finally reply after a little while, "I like both of you...?"
this renders them silent, before Bill finally cracks up. as he wipes away his tears of laughter, he says, "we were just playing with you, y/n! it's okay."
Tom sighs and pats your head, while Bill looks around. he then snaps his fingers, "hey, how about we play a game?"
"uh..." you bite your lower lip as you think of an answer to the question the twins thought up of.
the game went like this: they gave a question and if you couldn't answer, you had to strip a piece of your clothing.
you had taken off your bracelets, your kandi, your socks...almost everything off. now you're left in your bra and panties.
Tom and Bill on the other hand...Tom had his shirt taken off and Bill had both his jacket and shirt off.
"three," Bill starts a countdown, his voice nonchalant.
"two..." Tom continues, staring at you up and down.
"one!" Bill cheers, "take off one thing."
you blush, panicking rather silently on the inside.
"c'mon, don't be a quitter." Bill giggles, sitting upright.
you think of a way to maneuver your way around the consenquences, and you eventually succeed in doing so. you take off the hair tie keeping your hair in a high ponytail, letting it fall onto your shoulder.
"hey! that doesn't count!" Bill huffs.
"it does! it's a piece of my clothing!" you chime playfully.
"hey, how about instead of clothes, it's a kiss instead?" Tom asks, smiling, "everytime you can't answer, you have to give us a kiss."
you narrow your eyes at Tom and he shrugs, smiling. thinking about it, a kiss is better than stripping bare, so you nod in agreement.
"alright then, next question!" Bill says, "y/n, do you have a favourite subject?"
absolutely not. you cannot answer this because truth is, there is not one single subject you like other than after school. you find yourself unable to answer the question.
the countdown begins again, this time much faster than the last. Bill cheers, "you didn't answer! now you have to give one of us a kiss."
"on the cheek?" you ask nervously.
"on the lips." Tom chides.
you bite your lower lip, wondering if you should do it or not. positive side is that, these are your idols and you'd definitely kiss them. negative side is that, you have no kissing experience.
so you decide to stomach your shame and crawl over to Bill. you lean in close and give him a quick peck to his lips, which makes both twins pause in their spots.
they never actually thought you'd do it. after all, you were so shy around them, it was probably a 20% chance of you thinking about kissing them and a 10% chance of actually kissing them.
as you pull away shyly, Bill's hand grips your forearm and he, with a dangerous glint in his eyes, says with a smile, "that can't be all."
he stands and pushes you against his bed, and your stomach churns as you realise what's about to happen. you feel a familiar sensation in your lower abdomen, your body shaking with excitement.
Tom snickers and says, "you don't mind me joining in, right?"
you stammer, "y...you? two of you? I don't think I can..."
"oh, hush." Bill smirks, lying down next to you on his side, "you'll do perfect, I know you will."
he slowly presses the pad of his thumb against your cunt, feeling it seep through the fabric of your panties. he leans down and captures your lips in a soft, comforting kiss.
Tom's hand reaches in and they wrap themselves around your soft, plush thighs, spreading them open to reveal the wetness in between.
"eager." he comments, licking his lips. this draws a blush to your cheeks, your mind twisting and turning with embarrassment as he says so.
you really felt dirty from how easily you were letting them fuck you, but c'mon, who wouldn't?
Bill removes his hand from your pussy, and with a swift tug, he somehow managed to unclip your bra and tear it off your body. he doesn't even hesitate in throwing it on the floor.
the cold air stiffens your sensitized nipples, and without warning, Bill wraps his lips around one of them, his tongue brushing against the bud while his other hand draws circles around your areola.
you whimper softly while you feel Tom tug your panties off. before you know it, he had gotten in between your legs and delved straight into your cunt like a man starved.
his tongue delves into your entrance, his nose nuzzling into your cunny, eliciting a moan from you. he ate you out like he had been depraved for so, so long.
his hands grip your thighs, digging into the flesh and leaving dark red, crescent-shaped marks onto your skin. he pulls away from your entrance, a string of your nectar and his saliva connecting his tongue to your hole.
his eyes stare upwards at you, and your breath hitches. he dips back in between your thighs and wraps his lips around your clit, suckling on it and pressing his tongue against it.
you gasp and reach down, grabbing his dreads that was pulled up into a ponytail...but without his usual cap and headband. meanwhile, Bill had his attention focused entirely on your tits.
he's an ass person, no doubt, and as much as he'd love to fondle that butt of yours, your breasts just looked too good to not be pampered.
his tongue presses against your nipple, while his other hand squeezes the bud and tugs on it, which just makes you confused from the pleasure. it's just your tits, so why the fuck do you feel so good?
the contrast of the cold hotel room and the warmth of his mouth was making you dizzy. plus the fact that Tom was eating you out like an all you can eat buffet just made you feel overstimulated.
your legs trembling as you grip the bedsheets harder, your head tilting backwards and your back arching off the bed was a tell-tale sign that you were about to cum.
Tom moans in satisfaction, sending a vibration of pleasure coursing through your veins. you buck your hips upwards, trying to get more but he settles you down via pulling them back down against the bed.
Bill leaves your nipples alone, grinning as he sees them all puffy and wet with his saliva. his teeth begin to nip at your breast, his hand groping your other breast and squeezing it.
he bites and licks, sucking on your flesh until it left a fresh purple bruise there. he seems so proud of his work that he decides to leave a couple more on your tits.
Tom's tongue finds its way back into your pussy and that was the last straw. you let a string of whines leave your lips as you squirm around in his stern grip, your orgasm washing over you while he drinks up every last drop you could offer.
once you had come down from your high, the twins pull away from you. just when you thought it's over, they prove you wrong. they begin to undress, agonizingly slowly.
you can't handle another minute more, but they seem to enjoy teasing you. they finish with taking off the basics, but you're too impatient for them to take their underwear off.
you quickly scramble to sit upright, facing the tents in their boxers. the saliva accumulating in your mouth is quickly swallowed down while you processed the sheer size of their restricted cocks.
Tom had a toned body, fit with a slim waist, broad shoulders, and a happy trail that lead down to the treasure within his underwear. Bill on the other hand, he was more lean but god, that v-line could kill.
you know for a fact someone would be paying to be in your place for even a second right now. Tom grabs ahold of you and spins you onto your tummy, making sure you're in a comfortable position. you watch tentatively as Bill slides his thumb into the rim of his boxers, his hands pressing against the front while he shimmies the underwear off his hips in an agonisingly slow motion.
you can't help it anymore. you needed it, and badly.
Bill's dick juts out of his boxers, hard and leaking with pre cum. each vein crawls to his tip, glossy with his own arousal. your tongue finds it place on the underside of his shaft, licking upwards kittenishly which elicits an erotic moan from the back of his throat.
you soon feel something hard press against your lower back, in between your ass. it slowly glides up and down, and a soft groan exits from behind you. you crane your head slightly to find Tom's dick already out of his calvin klein, and him teasing himself on your skin.
you swallow thickly, wondering if you could take him in. but you digress and move your attention back onto the leaking cock right in front of your face. you lick your lips to wet it, before propping yourself on your hands and knees.
Bill's hand ventures to your hand and he whispers, "alright, you ready, good girl?"
you nod, excited yet anxious. he prods the tip of his cock against your lips, drawing it along the slit. slowly, he pushes only the tip in, just for a little taste.
you press your tongue against his manhood, licking upwards and pulling away just to suck on it briefly. you look up at him, expecting praise, but the expression on his face is enough for your own warmth to pool into your lower abdomen.
he hisses, his perfectly manicured hand running through your hair before settling on the back of your head. before you had a chance to retaliate, he shoved his dick into your mouth.
the head of his cock hits the back of your throat and it makes you gag, your throat convulsing. he only moans louder, throwing his head back. your moans and pants send vibrations along his veins that simply bring him more pleasure.
slowly, he pulls back and thrusts it back in once more. your tongue lies dormant on the bottom of your mouth while he fucks your face, finding pleasure in seeing your eyes roll back.
but you're quickly brought back to reality when you feel something enter you. you were so wet, Tom didn't need any extra lubrication to simply shove it in.
a moan tears through your throat, which in turn makes Bill grunt in delight. you feel something in your stomach, a hardened tip prodding at your womb whilst it enters and exits as it wills.
the sound of wet skin slapping against eachother is doubled as Tom fucks you from the back, enjoying the image of your ass shake as he thrusts into you roughly.
you can't keep up with the pace, your hands are growing sore, and you're sure you're sinking into the bed. your body feels hot and your heart thunders within your chest. your jaw aches from Bill continuously fucking it with his girthy length...
you've never really taken into account on how big they could be. was it even human at this point?
well, whatever. who cares, right...?
it's been three hours. condoms litter the floor but the twins have yet to be tired out. your body is sticky with both their and your fluids, and you've lost count at how many times you've cum already.
the bed sheets below are absolutely soaked, but the twins don't even care about that. your hands wrap around Tom's cock and lazily, you stroke him up and down. the gloss of your cum and his mixed together froths at his base, creating a white circle.
you swallow thickly as your hands loses its rhythms from Bill's fervent fucking into your spent pussy. your cunt ached from how much it was being stretched, and you were sure that your insides had already memorised each and every vein of the twins' cocks.
Tom hisses and grasps your head, pulling it back so you can face him. his face holds a devilish grin as he asks, "keep going, pretty girl."
you seal your lips and continue your handjob, but once more, it loses rhythm as Bill hits a spot within you. Tom sighs softly, slowly combing your hair back and reaching it to push back the wet strands that stick to your face.
"again, go on." he says with a smirk.
Bill snickers and you jolt awake when you feel his hand smack against your already red ass. the pain is short-lived, and what follows up is a warm pleasure on your skin.
you continue stroking Tom while Bill fucks you, and your hands grow frantic as you near your own climax. your hips jolt and your insides squeeze Bill, as if milking him for his own cum.
"relax girl...we're on our last condom. don't wanna break it now, hm?" he jeers at you, but you're too fucked out to give a damn.
you whine softly, swaying your hips left and right for him. he only laughs and spanks you once more, and a groan leaves your kiss-bitten, red lips.
Tom tilts his head back, his own groans and grunts growing louder by the minute as he nears his orgasm. his cock twitches in your hands, his chest heaving up and down fervently. his arms flex while he grips the blanket, about to accept his climax.
you're close yourself too, the motion of your hands tell you that much. your spine curves, as if welcoming Bill for a deeper position as if he wasn't already balls-deep inside you already.
your insides squeeze him as much as you can, your thighs tremble as it grows stickier from the juices that leak out of your cunt.
Bill moans softly as he nears his own. each thrust of his hips only grows even more frantic while he fucks deeper into you, as if desperate to get you pregnant.
his hands grip your ass even tighter, his teeth grinding against eachother as his pretty black eyeliner run down his gorgeous, pleasure-filled face. it's almost unfair how hot he is.
with a loud scream, you ride out your final orgasm as Bill's ragged thrusting brings you to a pleasure so intense that your entire vision blackens. white spots slowly appear and it's a short while before you finally regain your senses.
by the time you did, Tom had already came. ropes of his thick cum leaks out of his tip, slowly running down his cock and in between the seams of your fingers. the viscous liquid covers his dick in a sheer gloss.
you feel Bill pulling out with you and he sighs tiredly, pulling the condom off his dick slowly so it doesn't spill everywhere. your legs wobble before you completely fall, but Tom's there to catch you.
he pulls you into his arms and his voice coos gently, "that's a good girl...mhm, it felt good?"
you nod tiredly.
Bill smiles as he ties the condom, and throws it onto the carpeted floor for the maid tomorrow morning to clean. he climbs next to Tom and slowly, he strokes your thighs in hopes of soothing them.
you're exhausted, you can barely even support your head upwards for even a minute. Tom's smile is just like Bill's as he supports your head for you. he kisses your forehead, "just go to sleep, pretty girl."
"don't worry," Bill adds, "we'll be here till you wake."
and with their softspoke words, a sort of warmth courses through you and before you even know it, you've passed out in Tom's arms.
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ganondoodle · 5 months
you know what i just saw some more of that weird ass reward for getting all shrines in totk, and tbh im still so
what is that?? there are no dog like sentient species in this version of hyrule?? the most is the sonau themselves but they got no tails??? i dont think anything in this hyrule has a tail like that? and sonau legs are pretty normalish human too areant they? they dont even have proper claws, just veguely longer fingernails- i guess there are the statues in the underground that kinda look like it (they dont got tails either tho do they??) but like ,,, theres nothing you can learn about them right? its never mentioned or even hinted at despite there being so goddamm much of the sonau still just up and functioning- their lil "material deposits" in the depths arent even withered beyond some plants growing on them, all their 'tech' (isnt it just .. magic tho? where the mechanism actually? its usually just some stone animated by green swirlies ... but ill mention that in another post) just runs perfectly like it was made yesterday
where does that thing come from?? and its supposed to the the HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? huh????? and its decked out in sonau clothing head to toe with clear gerudo refs too?? that so weird bc youd feel like there would have been some mention of this, especially considering that that thing is on the tapestry and impa(was it her? or purah?) RECOGNIZES ITS THE HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? like, CASUALLY even?? like a well known fact ?? did i miss some big lore part somewhere that talked about that dog gerudo sonau thing?? and if its on the tapestry that means it wasnt that long ago really (i mean ... all the sonau shit is still pretty much fully intact so arguing that they came and went in the time between totks past and botws past isnt that plausible either imo ..??) o how come you never see anything from that and yet its somehow completely known for them, and you cannot tell me she saw the abstract version of the hero and then looked at that armor and went thats the same bc two colors veguely matched or what?!! also given that its fully clothed in sonau stuff .. like the arms are literally raurus bracelets .. thingies, but then the sonau where supposedly a complete and unknown mystery until it suddendly came all raining from the sky and revealing its been there and EVERYWHERE the whole time apparently? with the most we knew was some flimsyly made stereotypical barbaric armor set in faron in botw? which i guess is also fully undone by totk since it shares absolutely zero in desing to the 'actual' sonau stuff we got in totk
and if it where some sort of descendant from the mix of kids rauru and sonai kinda .. must have had (unless they did away with zeldas bloodline stuff too .. which .. why even call it zelda anymore at this point lol) then again, where did those features come from (like the tail and red hair, the strange googly eyes? is there a mix of goron in there too??) and how was it then not documented or seen anywhere else?? youd imagine the mutant kids of the first tragically dead king and queen of this hyrule would be known in some way .. that is assuming it was that, but given the weird features no other species has still is ... it just doesnt add up
(i had the awful thoguht for a second that it might supposed to mean the gerudo came from that but .. the gerudo are already there LITERALLY the 1:1 same as in the present, just like all the other species ... which is also disappointing as hell, like seriously? not even different feather colors for the rito? literally the same clothing for the gerudo as in botw but white with golden stuff instead?? some vaguely different zora features? idk ? anything? also the hero would never be gerudo, we know only evil comes from that *explodes*)
if its supposed to be a mystery then they absolutely failed in making it any interesting or intriguing but still something that feels like its part of the world, like botw was very good at giving you mysteries you wanted to talk and theorize about that still felt organic, harmonic with the world, but in totk its all either boring answers or just ... completely out of nowhere and just kinda stumps you (in a bad way)
*sighs* yet antoher ramble rant, this game could have had it all, it was right there on the plate in front of them all they needed to do is grasp at it, why wouldnt you ..
totk will never not frustrate me huh ಠ_ಠ
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dracoslittleangel · 1 year
(un)happy ending (draco malfoy)
a/n: although this exactly wasn't the idea, this was still inspired by @just-another-godless-god and i want to thank you for that. also, idk how i went from wanting to write a cute proposal thingy to this. but enjoy, i've written after so long.
pairing- draco malfoy x female! reader
genre: angst
summary: y/n and draco are ex-lovers. y/n gets invited to draco's wedding. what happens when the memories of the past ghost her present?
All the voices faded out in the background when I looked at him. There he stood at the altar, in all his glory, a ravishing tuxedo hugging his body perfectly with his hair styled just the right way-neither too messy, nor too combed. His smile took my breath away, his dimples prominent and his eyes crinkled at the edges. But, as much as I wished he was, I wasn't the one he was smiling at.
Draco Malfoy stood there, stars shining in his eyes as he smiled at his witch. By the radiant smile he had on his face which could light up an entire room, no one could tell he was nervous. But I could. I have known Draco for enough time to tell when he is nervous, or happy, or sad. I could decipher all the emotions which swarmed through his mind and heart at any point of time, yet, it wasn't my place to do so anymore. No, it was Astoria's, who was currently walking down the aisle, arm looped in her father's and eyes drowned in all the emotions a bride would feel- happiness, nervousness and love. She looked utterly beautiful in her gown, like a goddess sent straight down from heaven.
As she reached at the altar, Draco helped her up, kissing her hand and whispering something in her ear which made her cheeks turn red. A sad smile made its way onto my lips. Oh how many times had I dreamt of this exact moment, wishing upon the stars, praying to the almighty, hoping that Draco and I had been the endgame. But, we weren't, and there was nothing I could do about it. I tuned everything out as the ceremony began, my thoughts taking me back to that one night when it all changed.
It takes years to build something, but it takes only one moment to ruin it, destroy it to pieces. In this case, it was my relationship and trust with Draco that took years to build and one simple sentence that destroyed it all-"I love you, but I am not in love with you anymore."
I looked at him in shock, my mind a whirlwind of emotions and questions. We were at the astronomy tower where Draco had called me to have a talk. I thought it would be our regular stargazing sessions where we ended up gazing at each other, however, little did I know, it was going to lead to something which wouldn't let us even look at each other anymore.
"Y/N, say something", he said, making me snap out of my thoughts. I looked at his pleading and tear-welled eyes, still not able to comprehend anything.
Then, out of nowhere, I spoke the one question that had been bugging my mind since that day, the day when they met, "Its Astoria, isn't it?" My question seemed to take him by surprise and for a moment I thought maybe I was wrong, until I saw the guilt settle in his eyes.
"Y/N, please believe me, nothing happened between me and her. Never in a million years would I even think of cheating on you. You are the perfect woman anyone could ever ask for, I-", I cut him off, my voice a breathy whisper.
"If I was so perfect, why did you even think about it? Was I not enough, Draco?". The droplets of grief and sadness had started making their way down my face.
"You are enough, Y/N, more than enough, so don't you even dare think for even a fraction of a second that it was your fault.", his voice wavered.
I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Then why? Why, Draco? Where did I go wrong? What is it that she has that I don't?"
He tried to reach for me but I took a step back. I didn't need him touching me. His face fell and the the tears finally started flowing down his eyes. Even in this situation, it broke my heart to see him cry. He looked down and closed his eyes, trying to get a hold of himself.
"I-I guess the flame doesn't burn anymore", he exhaled.
My breath hitched for a second, before I let out a breathy chuckle which seemed to surprise Draco. "I think I knew this was coming, deep down somewhere. I saw the way you looked at Astoria the first time you met her, like she was magnificent. But, I always pushed that feeling away. You know why, Draco? Because I trusted you, I trusted you my with life but I guess I was wrong, so so wrong.", The silent tears had turned into sobs, both his and mine.
"I am sorry, Y/N, so fucking sorry. I never meant for her to affect-", I cut him off yet again by shaking my head, speaking between my sobs.
"You are not sorry, Draco. You are not one bit sorry for liking her, you're only sorry because we are ending and honestly, I don't trust you enough now to know that you are sorry in the first place." I can tell the words struck Draco right in his heart and I almost apologized. He opened his mouth to say something but I didn't let him. I couldn't handle anymore of it.
"Leave", I whispered. "I need some time alone". He began to protest but I held my hand up and looked at him. "Please." I guess he could tell by my expression that I couldn't stand looking at him anymore, hence, he nodded and headed down the stairs.
flashback ends
As much as I wished to forget it, I still vividly remember the following weeks. Endless nights of crying in my bed, wondering where I went wrong. Endless days of looking in the mirror wondering if I wasn't pretty enough. Endless questions that rotated in my mind like a tornado. How I spent days, weeks, months even, wondering what would have happened if she hadn't been there, if things went differently. I still wonder what would happen if that night never happened. Would it be me instead of Astoria at the altar?
Suddenly, as if remembering the ceremony, all the voices started coming back in. I watched as the priest asked him that one question, "Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Astoria Greengrass to be your lawfully wedded wife, to stand with her in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honor her in all days of your life?"
Silver eyes meet mine and the world ceases to exist. I give him a small smile and a nod. He smiles back and looks at his witch, "I do." Tears start welling up again, and I try my best to not let them flow. Tears are a mere tool that indicates a person is grieving, however, it fails to tell you how much the person is grieving. I can't begin to even fathom the load that rests in my heart, yet, I can do nothing but deal with it.
The priest then turns to Astoria, "Do you, Astoria Greengrass , take Draco Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband, to stand with him in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honor him in all days of your life?". She doesn't spend a moment to answer," I do".
"By the power vested in me by the god, I hereby pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
It takes years to build something, but it only takes one moment to ruin it. This time, it was the walls that I had made which took 6 years to build and the image of Draco kissing his wife to crumble it down. All the pain, the sadness, the heartbreak, the feelings I tried to numb came crashing down, the only evidence being the tears which descended down like a river. I closed my eyes in order to stop them, but to no avail. I needed to get out of here.
third person pov
She made her way out, thinking no one would notice as she was standing at the very back. Oh how she was wrong.
She went out in the gardens, needing fresh air. She looked around, hoping no one would be there to see her in this miserable state before she completely broke down. She held onto the fence for support as she sobbed and sobbed, that was until she heard footsteps. She stopped crying altogether.
"Y/N.", she could recognise the voice anywhere. How could she not?
"Draco", she breathed while hastily wiping off her tears before turning around and giving him a fake smile, which he could see right through.
"Are you alright?", he ran a hand through his hair.
She chuckled and said ,"I guess?"
He took a deep breath and took ahold of her hand. They had become good friends eventually after the breakup. Even before their relationship, they had been in each others life for so long that the thought of not being there didn't sit well for both of them. He then began, "You were the first person who I ever felt anything for."
Before he could continue, Y/N shook her head and cut him off. She did not need this today, or ever for that matter, "Draco, stop.", her voice a whisper.
"You were there for me at all steps of my life", Y/N looked at their joint hands and tried to make him stop once more, "Draco-", to only be cut off.
"No, look at me", and so she did and then he began again.
"You were there for me in my best times and worst. You were there for me when I got the dark mark, when I was sick, heck, you were there for me even after I betrayed you! You took my broken self and made me a better version of myself, and I will always be grateful for that, even after my death. And most of all, I will be grateful because you chose to love me even at my lowest point, even after we ended things. You were there to hold me and make me stand on my feet even after the breakup. You could have simply walked away after what I did, but you chose to stay, and for that, I don't know how to thank you.", he took another deep breath before continuing, "You were my first everything, Y/N. My first kiss, first one to see me, the real me, and the first one to explore me in ways no one had ever before. You were my first love. You made me what I am today. You were the first person I ever fell in love with. A-and I think I'll always be a little in love with you no matter how much I try. There's a part of my soul that will always be yours. I knew this from the day we met, I will love you till the day I die, I will love you for an eternity and more and I wouldn't want it any other way. You are a part of me and always will be, whether you like it or not.", neither him nor Y/N realised what a teary mess they were by now.
"I think a part of me will always belong to you too, Draco. You were my everything, and even though we broke up, you will still remain a little something in my heart, no matter how much I try to suppress it or numb the feeling. And I guess this is our closure, the one we never got and never knew that we needed.", Y/N managed to choke out.
Draco just nodded and wrapped his arms around her, her head resting on his chest, right next to his thumping heart. He kissed her head and tightened his arms around her, trying to shush her sobbing self. "Y/N, as much as I enjoy this hug, you are ruining my shirt.", he joked, trying to lighten the mood, which only earned him a slap on the chest, which he sadly chuckled to. As much as he hated seeing her cry, he didn't tell her to stop. He knew she needed this, to let out the emotions and hence he patiently stood there, holding her.
After sometime, she calmed down and broke apart from his arms before looking at him and taking a deep breath. "We should go in there now", she nodded towards the gate.
He nodded and gave her a little smile which she returned with a genuine, sweet one. This in turn made Draco smile larger. Both of them then walked inside again, their hearts lighter and smiles bigger.
One thing both of them learnt is no matter how much you want it, some stories just don't end the way you want them to. That no matter how much you desire something, it doesn't always happen. Y/N wished upon the starts that Draco and her end up together. Draco wished he would've never fallen for another. But wishing is praying for something to not happen that you don't want to happen. The stars she wished upon had no choice but to kneel before destiny. And as much as Draco didn't want it to happen, his fears did come true and he ended up betraying Y/N. They may blame themselves all the want, but it wasn't their fault. They didn't want it to happen, but it did however. And that's the part of life. You just have to accept it and move forward because you don't always get your way. That's what makes living hard. What they had was beautiful, and what they never had was even more tempting, but even things as good as their love had to end because it just wasn't there in their stars.
Healing is a part of moving on. Some people like Draco do it faster than others, however, a part of them never moved on from each other, never healed, and honestly, they didn't want it to for they were a part of each others existence.
As for Astoria, she knew a portion of Draco's heart will always belong to Y/N.
tags: @you-bloody-shank @sabbynlee @niktwazny @slyth3rin-princess @thehalfbloodedwitch @johannelis2302nely @siriusblackstwin @just-another-godless-god @lazydreamer19
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honeylations · 1 year
- Let Me Be Your Edward Cullen -
Prompt: Being a total book nerd, you wanted to spend your entire day off finishing the entire Twilight novel series but it results in a sulky/jealous Huh Yunjin who tries her best in gaining your undivided attention…Even if it meant becoming your Walmart Edward Cullen.
Warning(s): swearing, jealous/sulkyYunjin, bookwormReader, comedy, puppyvibesYunjin
A/N: Idk how this suddenly came into my mind one day but I couldn’t stop giggling to myself at how cute this is😭
Manifesting YUNJIN CULLEN!!
It felt like ages since you and the girls finally had a day off without constant interviews and photo shoots so you decided to cozy up in your shared room with Yunjin and read your Twilight sequels.
The day you and Yunjin met was your first dance practice. You somehow arrived at the studio early so you sat down by the mirror and buried your face in your thick novel, trying to pass time until your members arrived. Yunjin was the first to walk in, absolutely mesmerised how angelic you looked with your metal frame glasses, long hair and bare face. Long story short, she fell in love with you and confessed her feelings a day after you debuted and you were happy to say you felt the same.
Since then, she knew your love for books. Romance ones especially.
She even gifted you a whole bag of romance novels for your birthday and you managed to read every single one within a few weeks. And you were down to do the same to the Twilight sequel Eunchae bought you recently when her and Kazuha stopped by a book store during their snack errands.
Here you were on your bed, legs warm under your quilt and the book resting in your hands, already half way through the story. Yunjin walked in wearing her own glasses which you twinned with after she begged at how cute it would look. She bent over to kiss your lips before sitting next to you.
“Hey baby” she greeted softly.
“Hi” You responded quickly before resuming your reading.
Yunjin’s brows furrowed as you didn’t use your usual nicknames for her but she shrugged it off. “Whatcha reading, pretty girl?”
“Oh is that the Vampire thingy?” Yunjin asked while peeking over your shoulder as if she was actually interested in reading such a boring novel.
“Oh I’ve watched the movie. It’s kinda cringe, don’t you think?”
“It’s romance! And plus, vampires are so hot” You commented, eyes never leaving the page.
Yunjin pouted cutely. She never thought she’d get jealous over a vampire. She pinched your cheek. “Can I have more kisses? It’s our day off, you know”
“After I finish this novel, babe. You’ll get all the kisses you want”
“But that’s gonna take forever! Look how thick that book is!” She threw a tantrum next to you.
“If you somehow magically became Edward Cullen, then my attention is all yours” You chuckled, flipping to the next page.
Yunjin sat up quickly and squinted, an idea forming into her mind. “Ok then. I’m gonna go and…do something BYE BABE LOVE YOU!” She kissed your temple before bolting out the door.
As she exited the room, she ran to Eunchae who was snacking on sliced fruits at the dining table. “Manchae!”
“Oh hi Unnie. Want some apples?”
“No thank you. You still got that glitter you used for your poster the other night?”
“The silver one? Yeah, it’s under my bed. Why?”
“Y/n won’t give me her attention unless I’m Edward Cullen” The 01 liner frowned and crossed her arms.
“Edward Cullen from Twilight? Im pretty sure she was joking Unnie” Eunchae giggled but Yunjin was serious.
She was gonna die if she didn’t get your loving soon. “Im willing to do anything for her affection, man. I need to find my light brown contacts too, for fucks sake”
“Language, young lady” Chaewon appears, slapping the back of Yunjin’s head before taking one of Eunchae’s sliced apples and popping it into her mouth.
“What’s wrong with you this time, Huh Yunjin?” The leader asked, Sakura and Kazuha coming in and sitting down.
“You look stress, Unnie” Zuha commented.
“Hey relax guys, I’m just trying to fulfil my nerd of a girlfriend’s dreams, okay? If she wants Edward Cullen, then I’ll be her Edward Cullen”
The other members giggled before cheering her on. “You go Huh Yunjin! We’ll help you out” Sakura smiled, making Yunjin’s eyes go wide.
“Yeah! It worries me when Y/n spends the entire day reading a book. She needs to go outside sometimes” Chaewon said, a hand on her hip.
“What’s your plan?” Eunchae asked Yunjin who took a deep breath in.
“Well for starters, I’ll do my makeup and have my light brown contacts in. Then I’ll just cover my body in glitter and recreate that scene where Edward let’s the sun shine on his tiddies and shows it to Bella”
“I don’t think that’s how the scene went but I get the drift. Let’s go to the bathroom!” Kazuha laughed, the 5 girls running upstairs, ensuring you didn’t hear their plan.
An hour and a half later…
The other girls decided to go out and eat ramen after helping Yunjin who gulped and peeked through the door, seeing you still in the same reading position.
“Babe” Yunjin whispered.
You hummed in response, not bothering to look up.
“Remember how you said you’d give me attention if I became Edward Cullen?”
You hummed again.
“Well. Here you go” Yunjin sighed and walked in, standing in front of the window where the sun shone through brightly.
Hearing those words, you finally looked up and your eyes widened as Yunjin started unbuttoning her long sleeve, her light brown eyes looking deep into yours.
‘Oh she did not…’ you thought, trying not to laugh.
Finally popping the last button, she stripped the top off and threw it aside, exposing her shining, glittery body. Your eyes scanned from her shoulders down to her gorgeous abs that sparkled from the light. “Holy…”
“Is this good enough to get your attention yet?”
You smiled and set your book down. “Hmmm, I don’t know. Are you able to carry me on your back while running?” You asked as a joke.
But of course your girlfriend didn’t take it as a joke so she snatch you up and gave you a piggy back before running out the room and attempted to go down the stairs. Seeing where this was going, your eyes widened and you jumped off Yunjin’s back who missed a step and fell down the rest of the stairs with a loud thud.
You gasped. “OH MY GOD, YUNJIN!” You screamed as you ran downstairs and saw your topless girlfriend sitting up, rubbing her head.
“For god’s sakes, ‘Jin, everything I said was a joke!” You said with worry, rubbing her slightly bruised head.
“I was just jealous you were reading that book more than spending time with me. I’m sorry” She pouted.
You sighed and pressed your lips softly against her’s, running your fingers through her long hair. “No don’t be sorry. I should’ve been reading that book another time. I’ll give you all the attention now, baby”
“Was I a good Edward Cullen?”
Chuckling, you cupped her face and squished her cheeks together. “You’re way better than Edward Cullen. My gorgeous vampire”
Feeling proud, she leant in and connected your lips again before pulling away.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You asked with love in your eyes.
“Of course! As long as it’s not Twilight though..”
You laughed and gently slapped her shoulder. “You can choose whatever movie you want, my love”
Yunjin jumped happily to her feet and dragged you to the couch where you spent the rest of the day in each other’s arms.
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kkml225 · 2 months
Smiling Critters Scents
Okay, so From my Poppy playtime AU, I mentioned how the toy prototypes of CatNap and DogDay smelled like Lavender and Vanilla. DogDay is the only one that canonically emits a smell, and I thought that their first designs, hints to the 'prototype' label, were like that and here is what I imagine each character smells like and why.
DogDay = Vanilla (cannon)
CatNap = Lavender (because it helps you sleep, the natural 'red gas' if you will)
CraftyCorn = Cotton Candy (idk why, her hair reminds me of it so thats the only reason why)
PickyPiggy = Birthday Cake (because her thing is food and I remember hearing that PinkiePie from My Little Pony smells like birthday cake and since their themes are both kinda food related I decided why not)
Bobby Bearhug = Strawberries (Strawberries are kinda heart shaped, and thats her locket-shape-thingy and because strawberries are common to give to someone you are about on valentines day, at least it is where I live)
Bubba Bubbaphant = Cool Breeze or the 'ocean' (just the classical smelly-good flavors that you get for your house, I had a few teachers in the past use it in the classroom so, yeah... idk how else to explain that)
KickenChicken = Banana (more specifically, the banana flavored laffytaffy smell because its a liked smell where I'm from and they both are that annoyingly bright yellow color)
Hoppy Hopscotch = Green Apples (this is based off of the first time I met a bunny in real life, there was an artificial green apple smell in the air and sometimes my brain thinks I smell it whenever I see a bunny, idk why my brain does that it just does)
PickyPiggy was the hardest to choose a smell for, since she is about food and I spent an hour trying to come up with what she would smell like. I only decided on it because I was scrolling through the channels on tv and came by My Little Pony and remembered the whole PinkiePie thing.
What do you guys think? Let me know if you come up with some better ideas.
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walrus150915 · 7 months
Since you liked my rambling abt my random Nimona headcanons, here's part 2
- Starting off with the queen (rip), I think her white hair is actually a wig and she has some gorgeous greying tight curls under it
- There was a thingy "the Boldheart project" which was created when Bal got accepted into the Institute's knight program. "The project" followed his progress in training to figure out if commoners were able to train as good as nobles. If he completed the course successfully, the reform would be set (sry I like talking abt fantasy politics- yea, putting responsibility on a literal child to become a figure of "equality" is... Sure a strategy)
Let's stop with the politics amirite
- Ambrosius sings in the shower. First it was like quiet humming n stuff but when him and Bal start living together this guy's shower was akin to opera (hah- soap opera- get it-)
- Ambrosius would be a type of a rich dude who fantasizes about living on his own and providing for himself and having this sweet humble suburban way of life with his husband until he actually starts living this way (he's a literal nepo baby- cmon the habits will be there even if he tries being independent)
Ambrosius: Bal, I don't get why I keep burning my bread! It's the second time I fail!
Ballister: Practice makes perfect, darling
Ambrosius: But these KitKoters make it look so easy😭😭
- He catches up gradually tho. Bal is very understanding, Nimona is having a lot of fun with this
- Does fun include bullying Ambrosius for not knowing how to remove plants to the bigger pots?. Yea kinda
- Nimona's hanging out with the kingdom's kids from time to time. She goes out of her way to make them laugh or make them feel happy in general. It heals her inner child, in a way
- Even though she hangs out with them from a perspective of a cool older shapeshifting punk sibling, she still feels like their peer and can't help but transform into her child form sometimes
- idk I think Nimona shapeshifts into a child pretty often if she feels overwhelmed or emotionally devastated or just wants to be taken care of
- Ballister does take care of her
Wow this got sad fast. Anyway
- Ambrosius is left-handed but was forced to relearn because the perfect descendant of Gloreth cannot be left-handed, it's abnormal🤓
- Ballister can't help but go 😬 when either Ambrosius or Nimona take food with their left hand while eating. Yeah technically eating with his flesh hand would be easier for him. No he won't do that for the life of him (saying hi to all Muslims out there)
- Ballister decides to grow out a real beard and Nimona thinks it's the coolest thing ever to play with during their family quality time. Ambrosius also likes this change in his looks but for rather uh... gay different reasons😁
If we're talking about gay stuff I might just as well talk abt some Goldenheart hcs
- When they've only started dating Ballister had a really difficult time with the eye contact bc Ambrosius's loving gaze was too much to handle for him. He'd see how gentle and soft his eyes are and how they're filled with complete adoration to the top and just look away all blushy and smitten
- I think we as a fandom agree that Ambrosius's love language is arm chopping physical touch. Have you considered how important kisses can be to him in expressing his love tho
- Ambrosius LOVES kissing Ballister. He's probably kissed him everywhere if you think about it-
- But yea. He steals kisses from Bal as often as he can. Boo goes to work? Kiss him goodbye. Boo gets back? Kiss him goodhi - doesn't matter where😉
- His favorite place to kiss is probably Bal's neck bc he just likes nuzzling into it and making him all flustered
- Ballister loves kissing Ambrosius as well. His favorite thing ever is press kisses into Ambrosius's hair while they're lying down on the couch, Ambrosius's head on Ballister's chest n his arms around Ballister's torso. It makes them both feel very soft and warm and safe❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
- (teenage years) You know this type thing when kittens playfully fight each other and jump onto each other and bite and stuff? Yea that's teenage Goldenheart
- (a little older than teenage years) current sparring trend in the writer part of the fandom. That's it. You know damn well what I'm talking about
- At some point their private training sessions became the reason they succeeded in combat and got the highest of marks
Okay gay stuff is over
- Nimona has some pretty dark humor but draws the line at the things that could really trigger her or other people. Joking about burning everything down? Of course. Joking about... Well... The act 3 of the movie? Nope, never
- Nate Knight (do ya remember him?) does drag in his off-duty time haha RuPaul hi
- Ballister snores in his sleep bc he's a dad like that
- Ballister also is a type of dad to sleep on the couch while watching TV, and when you turn it off he wakes up and tells you he's been watching it this whole time
- Both Nimona and Ambrosius encourage Ballister to speak his mother tongue more often bc he used to hide it at the Institute
- Nimona scrunches her nose when she tries to remember things
- Ballister snaps his fingers while remembering stuff, especially in "Huh... What's the word for..." situations (he just like me fr)
- Nimona loves biting pencils and pens but sometimes she bites too hard and they break in half or something
- I feel like her stomach is iron. This punk can eat an eraser or swallow a knife or drink lava-hot water and all she'll do is burp maybe
- After leaving the Institute Ambrosius would have one hell of existential crisis. All he's dedicated his life to for all these years were lies and propaganda, what's the purpose of his life now? He tries out as many new things as he can - baking, painting, singing, playing musical instruments, photography, even science (with Bal's help ofc) my dude has tried it all. He sometimes felt worthless bc his life had no greater purpose but Bal and Nimona would reassure him that living happily with people who love him is more than enough and that you don't have to be the greatest person ever to live the best life. Find joy in the smallest of things n stuff😌
- Ballister has found ways to renovate his arm and made a bunch of new prosthetics for different purposes. I feel like he'd use a hook as well sometimes (as I've heard from the disabled community, hook is a very comfortable aid). No I'm not talking about that one post about his prosthetic's... renovations (😳) from the fan acc I follow
On this quite interesting note I'll end the post😁
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stars-n-spice · 7 days
Thoughts on s3 ep 13!
fucking hell ya'll,, we're almost at the end of this and I simply can't believe it and don't want to believe it simply because I don't want it to end and I don't see how the fuck they're going to tie up all the loose ends in just the next two episodes.
This time around I recorded my reactions to it and it was a lot of yelling and making really weird noises,, but uh, y'know the drill!
Incoherent screaming (this time for real) and spoilers under the cut!
Click here for the audio recording of my initial reaction
i forgot they had that baby up in there,, omg
FUCKIN' WAAGHHh why didn't omega try to like access that hatch thing at night?? wouldn't that have been less risky??
this episode stressed me the fuck out,, I have a headache rn holy fuck
wait how the fuck are they going to get that baby through the chute thingy??
Eva is so precious :( I love her so much
Omega has been in there for like probably a day or something and is already making plans to escape, I love her so much
"That's okay, I like a challenge" AAAAA WRECKER WOULD BE SO PROUD!!
Question: why the fuck do they keep taking samples if they know her blood is compatible??
I better see more of Phee somewhere, anywhere, please, I love her so much your honor
Echo!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!! ECHO <3!!!!!
I missed Echo so much,, this episode really just showed that they couldn't have him in it because he would've gotten things done like five episodes ago because he's just that good
Them keeping Rampart is so funny to me idk
He was such a throw away character to me in the other seasons so I this is so hilarious to me, what a silly, pathetic man I need to see him get chewed up by a space animal or something idk
after all this time it was strange to see Crosshair in the background of things but he was still shoving Rampart around and I loved it
Rampart is basically Walmart Kallus
I swear to god, Hunter is getting shorter
Also looks like Crosshair is filling out :( He's finally getting to eat now :((
Crosshair's helmet ESPECIALLY, it looks super cool
Felt like I was watching an episode of Rebels due to how they were infiltrating the place
How the FUCK did nobody like,, notice?? insane. imperials are so fucking stupid I love that so much.
"Where is your captain?" - "Uh, captaining?" WRECKER MI VIDA!!!!
I've said it 100 times and I'll keep fucking saying it,, everything Wrecker does in this season is pure just,, everything he does is amazing, I love him so much, even in the background, him simply breathing?? Iconic. He better stay breathing.
I know Rampart is stressed out of his mind LMAO bro is getting out of this with gray hair
"It's the only chance we have of finding Omega and freeing those clone prisoners" WHHHATTTTT HUNTER FINALLY THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN OMEGA??? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
Crosshair and Echo dynamic my beloved
last stretch of the episode had me so fucking stressed
i'm not ready for the next ones
"Negative" and all the Hunter girlies fell to their fucking knees
that was HOT
and stressful as FUCK
losing my mind
Music was insane, omg loved it
makes me fucking sick
they need to give us a whole ass season of all of them together being happy on Pabu I swear to god
this episode made me fucking sick ugh
everything sucks man oh my god
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pixiestein · 9 months
my first meowlody & purrsephone designs vs my second designs
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i usually don’t like to post my drawings but idk i just rlly enjoy the progress btwn these two designs. im gonna explain my thought processes but im sooo sleepy so bear with me & my rambling or scroll on if u want :3
at first i thought- they’re tuxedo cats, it would be cool to incorporate tuxedo jackets into their outfits! but yeah, i couldn’t figure out how to integrate fancy suit jackets into the casual styles that i wanted for them. maybe i’ll do a formal design w tuxes later but it’s jus not working for this one. most of my version of monster high is based mainly on gen 1 with aspects of gen 3 & ofc my own thoughts. so that’s what i’m going for here. i love meowlodys hair buns in g3 so i wanted both of them to have buns, one up & one down. g3 also inspired the doc martin style boots & using the yarn as shoelaces. i wanted to keep the stripy hair from g1, as well as have them wear the same skirt in different colours like in g1. & ofc the tuxedo jackets styled differently w different tops. as for the tops themselves idk…purrsephones was a bit thrown together based on the tuxedo theme, but for meowlody i knew i wanted a mock neck bodysuit, which didn’t work well w the tux look bc there wasn’t room for a tie. so i gave her a bolo tie type thing w yarn but ehhh. it doesn’t look right. i also knew i wanted each girl to have a different cat toy accessory, & a feather toy seemed like a good choice but i couldn’t think of another. so purrsephone ended up with those like, tube thingies that have holes for cats to play in? those weird things? she has one of those as an arm cuff & at the top of her boots. yeah idk why i thought that would look good. but anyway, i wanted more yarn in the outfits so i gave them yarn belts but it just looked weird!! i made the ball of yarn the belt buckle but it looks so clunky right there in the middle of the waist. they also needed to share more of their colours to look more cohesive w each other.
so for the second design i put the ‘ball’ part of the belt on the side so that the string is hanging down around the hips. & i thoughtit was important for the belt yarn to match the shoelace yarn bc it looks wrong for ver1 meowlody to have orange yarn in her belt & tie but black+red yarn on her shoes.
i eventually decided the structure of their outfits would be bodysuit + partial skirt with different clothes on their limbs. they have silver bands throughout both of them (main belts, boots, meowlodys collar & purrsephones bracelets) each band having studs that match their respective yarn colours. again, i wanted them to accessorize with different cat toys, but looking at the g3 designs i remembered about bells! duh. so i gave meowlody little bells-on her collar, earring, & hanging from her belt- because meowlody is the more mischievous sister & generally when a cat is too mischievous they put a bell on their collar to make it harder for them to hunt. idk why that’s what i thought of but it’s funny to think her parents made her wear bells bc she kept sneaking up on ppl & scaring them or smth 😭😭 meowlody is the softer sister so she got the feathers :P on her belt & earring.
they each have a silver earring & a fish skeleton earring, meowlodys black & purrsephones white. the soles of their shoes also have the design of ribs on the sides, which would extend with the rest of the fish skeleton on the bottom of the boot. the soles are opposite colours to the fish earrings & match their hair, with meowlodys white & purrsephones black, so the very top of their heads match the bottom of their feet. the toes of the shoes also have the shape of the top of a cats head. the fish imagery is also in the centre of purrsephones mock neck bodysuit, with a zipper down the fish spine.
as for the main pieces, both wear short bodysuits. purrsephones is a sleeveless high neck, with her arms covered by detached arm sleeves. meowlodys is a scoop neck with a high neck long sleeve shrug overtop leaving just a bit of space btwn the bottom of the shrug & top of the bodysuit. purrsephones bodysuit is orange with her sleeves & tights being white with black stripes. this is reversed in meowlody, who has a black bodysuit with white stripes with orange sleeves & tights. so their bodysuits+sleeves+tights are different but balanced. one has patterned bodysuit & solid coloured limbs, while the other has solid coloured bodysuit with patterned limbs. i try to avoid using a lot of patterns, bc i find too many patterns esp when they’re close together is just annoying to my eyes & makes everything look super busy. i think one of my mistakes with ver1 was not using any patterns though. i think the mirrored stripe patterns on ver2 are one of the things that rlly brings it together, both individually & as a pair.
+ just extra thoughts, ik their official designs have white stripes on their limbs, but i wanted them to look like real tuxedo cats, whose white patches are usually on the tips of their paws, tip of their tail, & the centre of the face extending down their chest. so those are the markings i gave them even tho it’s hard to see w their feet being covered & most of their hands being covered. also just wanna say!!!!! i just love designing monster high characters!!!! i’ve been doing it most of my life & it’s so incredibly important to me!!!!! that’s why i don’t usually share them lol, it feels like sharing part of my soul. but it brings me so much joy even tho my hand hurts & im sleepy, i rlly need to get better at digital art so that i can post drawings that don’t get ruined by my shitty phone camera😭😭 speaking of which here’s a terrible terrible guy who interrupted the photos:
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rockintapper · 14 hours
the um
ok so basically i say whar i think about rhythm heavem chatacters. starting with Tengoku brcuase why nawt
readmore ebcuase this posr long as hell!!!!! please work this time
karate joe: hi kasper the he <3 i wana hug him,
hair vegetables: what Thr fcuk
sarge: idk. attention march
squadmates: petar
air batter AIRBATTERR 💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕💞
space umpire: perpetual smiler
the clappy trio: your sequel stinks!!!! /sillay i love your wigs
sneaky spirits: get bow and arrow'd l plud ratio /j
samurai steve: hes really cool actual6 #chilling
yokai (the thingies the samurai slices): pe uliar little cratures. up to no good
rats: thr cheese
ms. whiskers: THE FIRST CAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
sick beats doctor/dr. cutlery: hes vibing ong. why do you hsve an endless game
thr viruses: leav that litlle guy alone >:(!!!!!!!
yellow organism (sick beats): little guye :) dj yelo
the donpans: theyre all dating your honor
yagura-chan: spiteful luttle child i love her. may she grow up and pan
mahou tsukai: hi rocket The WIZARB!!!! magic autism
ojou-chan: flowers autism
the monster (wizard's waltz): STOP EATING MY PLANTS
pengiuns (showtime): yhe dillays i love them they deerve the worl
monkey (showtime): i just read about him. gonna make him explode now
rabbit: boing boing boing boing boing b
tram and pauline/poline: hi cheese THE FOXES the foxes ever hth foxes ever the
space gramps: i widh he was my grangpa 💔 /j
space dancers: pa-pa-pa-PUNCH! put some respect on my boys plea
q maou: AAGH. AAH. AAHHG. AG
contestant: hi 56 hes. hes jist like me frfr /hj
play-yan: hi sunny i really liek. his uh level. minigame. wharever it s called its like. really calming. unless im Going for a Perfect!
mini chounin (power caligraphy): the dancing dancers
akai mono (polyrhythm): i uh. i dont have anything about these thangs. what
urakata aki to ki (bouncy road): my children. i love them. i would Kill for th
spheroids (bouncy road): you have a page? on the rh wiki? what?
ninja and the lord (ninja no shison/ninja bodyguard): augh
toss boys: hi ninety The toss bous. they hehheeh3he hugs ao-kun
yuka: YIPPR YIPEEE YIPEE YIPEEEE YIPEEEOEIRIRJ HI T YUKAIEJEBE ^_^ totally isnt dating a tall tapper shes totally not dating a tall ta /lie
giraffe: dont fucking look at me like that
kanojo: ypure in good hands. mostly. (cant get the fast part of ninja reincarnate)
waru mono (ninja reincarnate): w,,ario?? w
cosmic girl: Rude™ (/hc). may also be the commander in amrching oerders 2,
cosmic dancers: space dancers HATE THEM! /silly
MAN-K: mN i lovr him hes so cool dud e whaha
biribiriuo (night walk 2): STOP ELECTROCUTING PLAY YAN 💔💔💔💔
usamimi maki sensei: i love the face she makes whe n i press a button too earlu/late. may also be cosmic girl
space rabbits: ive seen you in waroiware.... pets yu
buta-san (tengoku remix 7): pigy :]
barista: i hc his voice is jasmine wright's from the rh iceberg
people at the café: only (canon) black person in the entire series helooo
neko machine: meow. meow. meow.meow owah owah mah? mah? o-mah? m
honse machien: wha,
love-san: suki (cheering)
mr. upbeat: hi tomano tucking him in giving him a goodnight kiss and a glass of milk <3
mannequin; i wonder what game yoyll be in the futue
anata: hi 56 i love his goofy ass smile go girl give us everything
drum girls: wait whered they come fro
samurai drummer: no way. it Tsunk
samurai drummer's band: i did not know you existed hello??
oba-chan: protect. protect. protect.
pwner: Kill. Kill. Kill Kill. Kill. Kill. Ki
producer: who tf are you? what? wait lemme rrad about yo7 furst
im back. music autism
ok thats all the characters in rhythm tengok!!! thanks for Did yiu read all of tjis? zamn!! congrats dude /gn
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thesilvershire · 3 months
hi! idk if youre still doing the character ask thingy but 12 and 15 for amy/viola if youre cool with it!
12: I’ve got a couple headcanons to share!
Between Soulcaliburs II and III, Amy and Raphael switched the main colors of their outfits: Amy went from wearing green to wearing purple, and Raph went from wearing purple to wearing green. So I like to think this was a result of their fashion senses rubbing off on one another.
Also on the subject of color: Viola and Ivy have the same purplish-silver hair. In Ivy’s case, that’s generally assumed to have been inherited from Cervantes, but my theory is that it’s actually a result of using alchemy, and that Viola’s orb is therefore alchemical in the same way as Ivy’s sword. That would explain why they both wear metal claws on one hand—that’s probably a way to safely handle alchemical materials.
And here’s a bonus headcanon that has more to do with Raph than Amy. We know from Talim’s Soul Chronicle that vampiric monsters are a thing in the Soulcalibur universe, and if you believe the Tekken / Soulcalibur shared universe theory, Eliza proves the existence of traditional vampires. So my theory is that one of Ralph’s ancestors was a vampire, and Souledge activated his latent vampire genes or whatever, which is why his Malfestation is so different from most.
15: I don’t really have any ships for Amy, but once she’s Viola, I ship her with Z.W.E.I.. We don’t see much of their dynamic, but I like the idea of two outcasts who rely on each other when the whole world seems to be against them.
Thanks for the ask!
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