#idk why the beginning is a POV thing lmao
maah-long · 1 year
I read TSaTS, and loved every second of it
I disappeared from social media to do that, and seeing things now, apparently people are hating on the book??? I honestly have no idea why, and honestly, it makes me sad. I wrote those notes as I read it, and never felt the book was weak or messy, and I'll stand on that boat, 100%. I LOVE this book with my entire existence now, and what people are thinking about it won't affect that, I truly hope.
And I've been binge reading all of Riordanverse in the last month, so everything is fresh on my mind.
Anyways, I'll just leave the notes I did here while I read it. Of course, SPOILERS! I read it without getting even one spoiler, and that made the experience unique and much more enjoyable than others I had in the past.
• I LOVED the silly star war discussion in the beginning, even not quite understanding it xD It was so cute and genuine, maybe with some probably thinking it’s cringy!
• WILL TALKING ABOUT HIS PAST 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I really wanted to see more of him and his story, so they just there, chilling and talking about things, forgetting, even if for only a few seconds, how their situation is so cruel… It made me really happy! Hope they’ll be back soon to just relax and be cute… (haha...)
• I hope the tiny snippets about the water Nymph will have its own scene!!! I was dying to know how their love story start, so it needs its own full chapter!!! (now finishing it, that didn't happen, but the scenes got longer!!! So, victory!!!)
• Now the first POV switch (ch 10) …. Sus. Is pretty weird that the what they see does not seem reliable, and right after it each one of them shares a vision were they’re suffering, but the other one is being kinda “selfish”, and not like themselves. I totally think what they’re “living” is not true, but I don’t know when they stopped seeing things right, or what happened to them. Where? Weird. I do know Will wouldn’t just give up, “I can’t be here”, or Nico going “Coward!”. The POVs don’t match, and I’m CONFUSED.
• Of course it’s a demon! And I do think it hilarious how they’re discussing gender norms while the demon is trying to strangle Nico…,,, normal day, I guess? And Will immediately saying sorry to them like, LMAO
• Man, playing Hades and seeing Nyx like this on the Riordanverse is PAINFUL. She’s so gorgeous (STUNNING), calm and mother-like there. And she always has this kinda insane-y vibe here.
• Ah, “‘I’ll always be here”. There it is, they’re getting separated.
• AGAIN? “if Nyx wants your darkness so bad, you can just leave some of it with her! That wouldn’t be so bad.’”. IDK man, I’m thinking this will be more true than they think, I just feel it 😭😭 And more literal than that, too. (here I was thinking about Nico leaving his powers there. I was pretty wrong on that xD)
• I think that addressing Will’s irk towards the underworld is pretty important. I really like how both of them are on different, but pretty understandable sides. After everything we know about the UW, it’s hard to be open and accepting to it. Nico is super related to it, and he knows his father’s palace, so he has a completely different view of it. Will is all about life and light, so it should be even less appealing to him. Man, he NEEDS sun to live, it's literally part of his being. It’s easy to understand his side. But there are good people and beings living there too. It’s almost another universe. It’s Nico home, past, family and history. It probably hurts a lot to see his boyfriend being so contrary to it, basically negating a part of him, and kinda making his thoughts of Will “ignoring the “””bad and scary””” “ parts of him to be able to accept Nico hold place. It’s sad, hope this will get a good development and closure. Too bad I’m pretty sure it won’t be soon….
• Okay! The farm commentary! That made me sad. I think here Nico was a tiny bit too much. I felt the “People farm here?” from Will was genuine confusion. I would picture on my mind automatically growing crops underground. Hey, I killed (and it still saddens me) succulents by keeping them inside my no-that-sunlit bedroom. How would people grow things successfully on the underworld? That totally very much probably is not included in common sense! Will most certainly was not trying to stab Nico or the UW life, just would like some explanations.
•The Mythomagic story in Nico’s past 😭😭😭 The feels, I swear. It was pretty relatable, poor boy. And that was on the last century, too, and I can't imagine how hard it would be to deal with being queer at that age.
•But hey, is Will talking about Hermes’ card there? Does he play Mythomagic?? Do they together?? That would be cute as hell, I hope they do.
•The canoe scenes make me so happy! I loved SO MUCH how they put them in between some painful scenes. It made it easier to breathe and take on the hard parts. One of the things I wanted the most was the backstory of their relationship, and being given ALL the details like that was definitely not what I expected. They’ve been amazing, super super cute.
• And hey, Paolo is queer?? He’s one of my fave background characters, and I really liked that 🫶🫶 Nice rep for us Brazilians, I really appreciate that, lol Really missed seeing more of him! Seeing a mention on this book was unexpected, but nice! Hope he’s getting better at communicating with everyone, hahah
• I LOVE MENOETES! The way this book is showing the nice parts of the underworld too, on contrary of house of hades that was pure hOrOR and pAIN. It was not what I was expecting, and I totally appreciate it, it’s cute. And wait does he grow the nectar and ambrosia? That’s genuinely impressive. He's a pretty cool guy.
• BUT HEY, GERYON? Sorry friend, I’m judgin here. Do hope you’re right saying he’s a changed man……,,,
• Now Persephone’s Garden…. One more time, they’re showing the nice parts of the underworld, and that’s super interesting.
• And the Persephone’s scene? I LOVED it, I think it was so necessary. My image of her was kinda bad ngl, remembering about her older appearances. She seemed a little crazy. But at that scene, the way she spoke with fondness and clarity… It was exactly what Will needed to hear, and it makes me happy to see that she’s much more accepting of Nico. Good times.
• But Anphistemis? That was one hard scene. They getting separated and all, but the worst part was the chaos when they reunited, and how the poor guy was used. I totally see why Will did that, hell, I’d do the same or worse, when it comes to surviving. I just hope that that was not the last time we see Amphitemis.
• COCOA PUFFS!! I love them too!! I kinda thought they were cute since they first appeared, and that made me feel weird. Good to see that they really are nice and petable!!
• The last fight made me so anxious. I'm just happy it's over. I really wanted for Nyx to chill and find some other purpose at the end, but I don't think that would be believable. Kinda sad. And I always liked those children of hern on their other book appearances too!!! Especially Nemesis.
• Bob, oh Bob. He's precious. I truly like this crew SO MUCH. Him, Small Bob, Nico, Will and and the Puffs. They just finally relaxing, free. Oh, that was so rewarding. Good for them!
• I CRIED with Nico's dream. All of his family... That was so warm. Nico deserved that, I really loved it. And good to know Amphis was not forgotten!!
• Nico hugging Chiron!!!! Mr D. being actually super nice!!!! Aw really, I loved this entire ending too. Everyone happy, talking, healing. Endings make me worried, sometimes my judgment of the work changes completely if the ending is bad. This one? No. It was a super nice wrapping.
• PIPEEERRRR!!!! Nico and Piper friends ? I'm super behind that, I love them a lot. I missed Piper! And her talk was so genuine. Full of worries that are pretty relatable too. Very sweet, wish the best to her too. I thought it was me expecting too much to see Piper, but I'm glad to be proved wrong.
• I'm sad Bob already left... I hope it'll still be possible for them to meet sometimes, Bob deserves the best in this new chapter of his life!! While writing this I noticed I didn't mention anything about the trogs. I guess my main impressions about them happened already on Apollo Trials, hahah. But I like them a lot too!!! I was very happy to see they're happy building their little world and society, and making even tastier dishes. Hiss-Majesty is amazing too, and I loved their closure working at the farm xD
• Plus Nico and Will at the ending. Very heart warming moment. Their relationship is super healthy, and I do NOT believe in anyone who says the contrary. Both of them clearly saw where they failed, communicated about that, and deeply, honestly, said that they would seek to do their best. Isn't this the most important thing of it all? They're super happy together, love each others' presence, and looking at their future together fills them with hope. Man, they just left TARTARUS. And now they're stronger, filled with joy about what is to come.
And that's it. Been reading through some other people's thoughts, and well. Sometimes I even wonder if we read the same book. Like people saying the writing is the worst thing they ever read. I literally spent the last 3 days finishing the 3 last ToA books and this one. My friends, it was NOT that different. In particular, comparing to HoO, of course, because of the third person narration.
The only thing different for me was the direct approach about feelings, and about being queer too (probably thanks to Mark Oshiro), and I definitely enjoyed those. Probably because of seeing myself in them too.
I think people are being way too judgemental of Will. You can for sure say he was too impulsive when he was so determined and stubborn about going to a place that would be literally poison to him. But people complaining he was already drained before getting to Tartatus, as going though everything he did was easy? That place was his antithesis. I was actually shocked he didn't crumble at the first step into the Underworld. But he went through it, with Nico always on his mind. I don't know, I can't understand the hate. And of course they would not be bubbly and fun, they were going though HELL. Did anyone really expected them to be on their best there?
And I think both of them are very misunderstood characters. I was in the fandom for like, almost no time, thus, idk much about the fanon interpretation of them. But after everything I read about Nico and Will on the books, nothing felt out of place here, no. And it reminded a lot of ToA too.
All in all, awesome book, was even more awesome than what I was expecting, and I was totally not disappointed. I will hold this book dear, close to my heart, and I wish people were more accepting of it. There's even an anti tag for it? I made the mistake of scrolling through it (I'm the type of person that gets sentimental when people attack something I love), and yes, people definitely have different experiences while going through works.
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
hi again!
maybe im being paranoid but idk who else to ask, so hear me out plz.
if i remember correctly i think you play using the ero labs version n the store one too. like, so many players use both an ero labs account n an appstore/playstore one to play, n that confuses n worries me. why is that?
is it from fear or concern that one of the versions will go down or sth so if they use 2 accounts theyd be safe cuz if one version goes down then the other'd still be there just in case?
cuz if thats it then im fucked. like i cant think of another reason n thats not cool for me to think abt cuz im only playing one of the versions, so pls tell me im just being paranoid abt this lol.
idk all i know is that im curious about this playing-two-versions thing and that it worries me (unless ppl only play both to try their luck in getting S or L grades on 2 versions, so like if they dont get them in one version they could get them in the second?)
Hi hi, 🕷!! So I'm only speaking for myself here. But I have both versions on accident lol. I really wanted Erolabs in the beginning and my stupid iPhone wouldn't install it correctly so I was like fed up with trying over and over. Also by the time I decided to create the Erolabs account, PB had given everyone those rewards for all the bugs and such and all of those were on my Appstore account...in conclusion, I figured I'd end up keeping both. I think PB will do whatever they can to make sure the other versions don't get shut down only because some players don't have access to Erolabs at all for a platform based on their location. So sadly they are missing out on the R18 content that doesn't get shared on social media. Let me tell you though, as someone who has ADHD...play two versions at the same time is rough because I'll forget, get burnt out from playing the minigame for each platform, and then having to keep track of the materials I have. (on top of redoing ALL the battles in Erolabs until I'm caught up) The good side of this though is that I have 3 Levis on my Appstore and 3 Mammons on my Erolabs, so I get to see their abilities and their Unholy stories. Mammon refuses to show up on Appstore for me though lmao. I have the full crew in Erolabs. The only stupid thing I did was redeem my merch code from that limited edition package on the Appstore version...so I have Gaberiel (his S card) on that account instead of Erolabs ;.; I did email PB about what would happen if the Appstore/Gplay versions happened to get shut down due to content and or continued complaints and annoyingly they haven't answered me for nearly a month now so I'm guessing I just ain't getting an answer on that unless I'm one of their favorites /half-joking because it's starting to seem that way when it comes to getting stuff addressed from my pov
So, for now, unless you were really really wanting to see that juicy R18 stuff, I wouldn't worry about getting the Erolabs account alongside the Appstore/Gplay account. Though if there is a worry about the future of the censored platforms...hopefully PB will address it to everyone before anything bad happens.
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jtl-fics · 10 months
omg wow. the new chapter wow WOW. WHERE DO I START OMG. jsjdjdjsjs i absolutely want to reread this chapter again after this bc omg the BUILDUP WAS SO INCREDIBLE WOW SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS CHAPTER I HAVE NO WORDS SERIOISLY OMGGGGG
the talk with ichirou and our boy ff is so funny in sm ways holy shiet and i loVED that it was feom ichirous perspective like ff is one incredibly hot mess but only we (and ff and nicky and gs know that of course) but literally everyone else including head of the mafia (or yakuza?) think he is the most competent incredible and coolest person to ever exist like ajdjhdjsjjs
and omg neil <3 we love to see neil eating and being surrounded by the love and family he deserves <3 and im really loving aaron in this fic like ik he was an asshole in the books but u can also sorta understand it and i love how ur portraying him just like idk how to explain it but yas <3 i feel like hes always so overlooked and forgotten so im really glad that he has his moments here (esp love it when hes bickering w the other monsters so it feels so real i luv it)
grandma smith is a gem as always and i find her and kevins relationship so hilarious and cute
the mix of povs was so cool i loved it, the way it flowed & the suspense!!!! so good omg. esp when it finally jumped to ff at the end LMAO GETTING THE REAL INFO!!!!!!!! damn smithy did so well especially him thinking he was talking to the police!!!! like sm could have gone wrong & his thoughts at the end PLS SO FUNNY!! no smithy ur not racist <3 but omg pls hes so cute i love him so so much
i cant wait for the next chapter thank u so much for writing this ahsjdjsjja
Real tears at this comment! This was such a nice thing to wake up to!!!!!!
I keep thinking that when I get around to properly writing this in not draft form (looking at you earlier chapters) I'm going to write some scenes from other character's POV (Grandma's whole 48 hours with the monsters from her POV and FF's POV as he talks to the nice FBI agent Iruma Matsumoto). Writing from Neil's POV inbetween helped me a lot in keeping this chapter from being too heavy. (Also snuck in a bit of the Neil & FF friendship)
Ichirou's POV and like turning the shit that FF WOULD SAY into stuff that Ichirou could misinterpret took me sooo long it's why the chapter came out so much later than I wanted it to (that and I spent most of my weekend building that link tree for the AUs)
Lol I just said this in a conversation I was having on here but YOU READ THAT ONE POST ABOUT NEIL'S GLOW-UP FROM THE BEGINNING OF HIS FRESHMAN YEAR AND YOU NEVER RECOVER. He's still too skinny!
Aaron is one of my favorite characters who does not get used enough IMO. Like he's fucking funny! Yeah he's kind of an asshole Neil's freshman year but like he's a STUDENT ATHLETE in PRE-MED dealing with THE MAFIA. Also I really love writing the Monsters as just like...normal guys. Like it's not all overwrought conversations sometimes it's "No Kevin, putting vanilla protein powder in chicken stock is not 'Like Chicken and Waffles' it's a CRIME."
I do feel bad about how GS is just constantly like dogging him but in a voice that makes him preen but like to be fair.... vanilla protein powder into her sweet grandson's soup.
FF is always worried about the most important things when faced with a situation. Like 'At least it's a beautiful day I can cloud watch as Captain Neil and Andrew murder me.' , 'I hope there's a bathroom in this torture chamber' , 'Oh gross he didn't wash his hands before he left the bathroom to go murder Captain Neil', and 'Oh no I WAS racist and RUDE. Why the fuck didn't I ask for his name BEFORE I had that conversation. GS raised you better!'
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fearowkenya · 4 months
Winds of Change
Chapter 4: Stemming the Tide
It’s hard to hold onto hope when panic and fear take root and start to spread, climbing the notches of his spine and weaving back and forth between his ribs. But Ryo knows now, that hope and fear can both exist at once—he’s seen it for himself.
The group witnesses something that looks a lot like a miracle, but it's still not enough to chase away everybody's fears. Ryo and Shuuji each find themselves with separate demons to battle as they resist the pull of despair.
ao3 link in source, extended end-of-chapter author's note below!
editing this chapter took WAY longer than usual. I do two proofreads per chapter before i post, and if i edit more than a couple of sentences at any point, i start the entire proofread over. needless to say, i did a LOT of editing and rereading before finally making it to my posting checklist. ultimately though im pretty happy with it. mostly im just so glad to have finally posted the scene that was jokingly titled "labramon the egg wizard" so i could talk about how much I enjoy the title "labramon the egg wizard". jokes that are for me
anyway, "labramon the egg wizard" is one of the first parts of this fic that i wrote! there's a skeletal outline of the events in that section in my replay notes, though a lot about that scene has changed since then. it was always going to be labramon who was gonna help out though! why labramon..? … … well she's a dog , and it made me go 'heheh' to think of her doing pointer behaviors. no other reason (:
i know we get renamon egg in moral, but i don't actually remember much of what that looked like because it lasted like 2 seconds. thats absolutely NOT what i wanted for shuuji - i wanted it to be a scene that completely bodies him, where hes got this unexpected second chance hovering just beyond his reach, but he has to confront exactly what he's done in order to get it. i dont remember a lot of 02, but that one episode where ken goes looking for wormmons egg has this very specific vibe where its like, "here's some hope for you when youre at your lowest but never forget that you seriously fucked it up". it was brutal but beautiful and then i cried a bunch i think. idk it was a long time ago. maybe im completely misremembering that scene, who can say. thats how it lives in my memories tho
in any case, i definitely wanted it to be from ryo's perspective for the same reason that the aftermath of wendimon was from his pov. he's so much more observant than shuuji, who would not take notice of what the others are doing and saying while he's in the middle of getting pingponged between hope and gut-wrenching remorse.
the middle section, titled in the draft as "mcfreakin losin it", was a lot of fun too! the Plan(tm) at the beginning was something i edited in pretty late in proofreading. having an itemized list like that might feel more like a "shuuji thing" than a "ryo thing", but i think ryo's active effort to take responsibility and try to help kunemon with what hes stressed about would lend to him trying to come up with something a little more concrete. unfortunately for ryo, he has no backup plan for when the first one is turned upside down, and we all know what happens when something catches him off guard lmao. it was actually really interesting to write ryo in a position where he's witnessing more or less what he himself is like when he shuts down. being the one who has to snap shuuji out of this state has ryo realizing that this is what takuma and kunemon have to deal with when he's the one freaking out. i think that's kinda fun.
the last section has what feels to me like the most editing. it really wasn't a section that i spent a lot of time fiddling with until now because the bulk of it was quoting or paraphrasing existing dialogue from the start of part 6 for context, then diverging into what that scene looks like in a world where lopmon isn't around to be unable to explain what happened. like i said on ao3, as i was reading over the canon dialogue in truthful for reference, i realized i really just…didn't like it much. the argument escalates and de-escalates several times but never to a degree that feels all that extreme, and ends up feeling like it's just dragging out for no reason. people make their points at times that feel WEIRD, particularly ryo. lemme see if i can explain this.
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so ryo doesnt say this til the latter half of this argument, and i HATED THAT because it's like… after everything he's been through with kunemon, it doesn't feel right that he's having those doubts. but i thought about it and i actually think it makes sense for him to have a momentary lapse where he slips back into old habits - letting fear take over and pushing away anything and anyone that has even the slightest chance of hurting him. he spent a LOT of time in that mindset, and even though he's working on reversing it, it's not gonna happen in a day. that said… the placement of ryo's doubts in the canon dialogue still feels super weird. i think it makes a lot more sense for him to panic at the very beginning of this argument, and then calm down as he remembers how solid his bond with kunemon is before sticking up for the digimon a little more aggressively. it just feels so passive in-canon when i think he would have taken a much more active role in defending falcomon and the others once 1) he remembers the context surrounding what happened in the waterway, and 2) he's reminded of how kunemon has helped him change.
i know some of the weird pacing of this dialogue is because the player needs to have input at some point, but i think takuma could've been much more powerless during this argument - the game has no problem taking away agency, since saving ryo is the only thing that will save shuuji, no matter what the player does. maybe im nitpicking, idk.
regardless, minoru's dialogue makes the most sense, but i still think it could have been condensed into a much sharper and more sudden escalation. it keeps being like "(minoru voice) IM MAD IM MAD" "(takuma voice) chill" "(minoru voice) oops sorry. … … … IM MAD IM MAD IM MAD" "(takuma voice) calm down" "(minoru voice) oops. … … … IM MAD IM MAD" etc etc etc. it just made the argument feel weak and drawn-out instead of intense and explosive.
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i did keep some of it though! i thought that minoru's paranoia and sudden fear of trusting his partner was pretty compelling, which is why i kept those doubts in and quoted the lines about him wanting falcomon to prove his loyalty.
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i chose those lines specifically because they say a LOT about minoru once you connect this argument with what i think is the root of his insecurities - his parents' divorce.
it's funny because as far as im aware, The Divorce doesn't even come up unless you choose an INCORRECT ANSWER in an OPTIONAL affinity event with minoru. im not 100% sure thats the only mention though! im currently at pt8 of my replay where the goal is to see every bit of truthful route dialogue possible. if it comes up in other routes, i managed to miss it lmao. anyway, because of that, for the longest time i thought The Divorce was just a popular headcanon, and didn't actually see that dialogue until recently. but as soon as i did i started looking at the stuff he does and says through the lens of somebody who was affected extremely poorly by his parents divorce, and it contextualized A LOT for me. suddenly the way he reacts in pt 6 makes so much sense, because imo falcomon turning around and killing him isn't his only concern: he's also terrified that he was vulnerable in front of someone who doesn't actually care.
pre-game minoru lacks a support system, and is afraid to rely on a new one. im not going to go on about it for too long because we'd be here all day, but im pretty sure that his parents divorce was MESSY, and he witnessed all of it. that same event where he mentions to takuma that his parents are divorced is also when he says that he doesn't think his mom has noticed that he's missing, even though at this point the kids believe that they've been gone for several days. he doesn't see his mother as support because she's too busy working, and since he doesn't even know where his father currently lives, clearly he doesnt get much if any support from his dad. the difficulty minoru has in shedding the goofy exterior and being genuine and vulnerable in front of people makes me think that he never found a support system to replace the one that he watched crumble in realtime when his parents split.
prior to part 6, we can assume that minoru started to see falcomon as someone that he could allow to see his insecurities. i also believe that minoru understood that shuuji and lopmon's relationship was supposed to look a lot like his and falcomon's, or like anybody else and their partner's. minoru could see lopmon trying to be supportive, so the dysfunction only seemed like it was on shuuji's end. so when lopmon flies off the handle and tries to murder shuuji, one of the things that minoru gets from it is that, no, actually, the trust and support that the digimon have for their partners is NOT unconditional. i think that watching this happen looks exactly like how it felt when the support system he'd had in his parents completely fell apart, except the lopmon situation comes with a fun extra "I'm going to kill you" sort of vibe that tells minoru that his relationship with falcomon is just not safe.
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or worse, maybe that support system was never real in the first place. what if there was something darker beneath the surface that he just couldn't see?
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now, as dracmon says, all we gotta do is hurry up and wait. well. you do. i dont, im gonna be editing chapter 5 til the cows come home. im getting the distinct impression that it's gonna require even more reworking than this chapter did.
but that's neither here nor there - id love to hear your Gamer Theories about what im cooking up. there are a few things that are still going unaddressed after four chapters, and i wonder how much of it can be puzzled out based on what i've said so far. obviously im not able to see the story from a reader's perspective, so im not really able to gauge if the stuff that's being foreshadowed or otherwise implied is starting to become clearer. so please consider leaving a comment with what you think, or your favorite part or anything else that stood out to you! I'd much appreciate it. thank you for reading, and see you… mm… nnnnext…week…? ideally.
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alienssstufff · 9 months
Does anybody know what is going on with ElQuackity? Like… Is he also Quackity or a totally separate entity? I missed most of Q’s POV, but I remember on day 1 he said his character had a “split personality thing going on”. In clips I saw of him talking with Cucurucho, when he spoke in English he seemed less familiar with Cucurucho, but when he spoke in Spanish it felt like they knew each other more? Maybe I’m misreading that, or it’s just a coincidence. Idk. It seems like people most often talk about ElQ and Quackity as totally separate characters, but that raises a lot of questions as to why there would be two Quackitys. Like, would he be a clone created by the federation, or…? Anyway, all the kidnapping/presidential stuff going on has me all the more confused yet intrigued.
Word of mouth cc!quackity says they’re different-but not twins anymore like at the beginning days
He hasn’t been live as ElQ recently only for the election debates (I’m always watching Gegg’s pov so i not entirely sure lmao)- but the lack of appearance outside business in itself is smth to raise an eyebrow at too
It does look like that reveal is put on the back burner while the elections are going ,, wonder what’s happening to Q
That being said….. when the Fuck does voting start I’m getting nervous >_<
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hello!! I love your writing, the soft vibes are exactly what this fandom needs after seeing all the horrific shit that's happened in the recent chapters. I saw your requests are open so may I ask for a gun x reader where they're just relaxing together? maybe a teeny tiny bit suggestive?? no pressure though, I know he can be difficult to characterize. thank you and have a good day <33
nighttime (gun park x reader)
details: oneshot, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while already, i guess you both live in a house together ?? idk dont think too hard about it its only briefly mentioned in beginning
warnings: suggestive; sorry i think i went over mild because the ending has a heavy implication of how the night ended 🙏
summary: gun gets a day off tomorrow and tells you about it. also, he spends the night with you.
a/n: thank u for the request!! and sjdhshd im glad my writing's helping u cope(?) 😭😭 ngl im not caught up on latest ch since i read from webtoon only but ive seen some vague spoilers and yeah things arent looking too good 💔 especially gun's fashion LMAO
i'd agree gun is a bit difficult to characterize;; for me tho i just try to follow canon him but like... slightly more normal ??? i hope it works for u/isnt too ooc in ur eyes so this oneshot can still be enjoyable !! also i hope u have a good day too <33
btw shoutout to this post ; listening to the song they associated with gun helped me write this ^_^
Gun was more than happy to return home to you with the good news that he had no work for tomorrow. And once he told you, he was pleased to see your shared excitement.
"We should plan a date for tomorrow," he suggested, "What would you like to do?"
He listened intently as you described the activities you had in mind. Whether they were staying at home all day or venturing off into the city, he didn't care as long as it was quality time spent with you. He couldn't wait to devote himself fully to you tomorrow, but for now he had other ideas.
Before he could say anything, you lead him right to it by asking, "What about you? Anything you want to do tomorrow?"
"No, your plans sound just fine. But, I was thinking that for tonight we do what I had planned ever since I got the news that I'm having tomorrow off."
"And that would be...?"
Gun held up a keyring with his car keys, dangling them. "A late night drive around sound good to you?"
"Why not?" His smile reflected yours as he began to lead you out of the house.
Dirving around Seoul and seeing all the night lights was beautiful. The hushed bustling compared to the loudness during the day was also refreshing. Not to mention, the general dark blanket that came with nighttime--it was all relaxing to Gun, and even more so with you by his side.
Not much talking happened throughout the ride, but it wasn't awkward at all. Just a peaceful silence as you both enjoyed the cool air that breezed through the open windows of the car. Of course, the occasional conversations did take place but they were more like lighthearted smalltalk if anything.
While driving, Gun didn't have a fixed destination in mind, but when his random turns lead you both to a quieter part of Seoul, he slowed down and looked for a place to park. It ended up being the parking lot of some abandoned store, or at least it looked like it.
"Late night drive over?" You turned to him as he finished up parking.
He nodded. "Let's stargaze."
"On what grass? I'm not laying on the asphalt floor," you semi-joked, looking around at the street.
Gun just rolled his eyes in amusement. "Who said we're even leaving the car?" He got up with a bent back as to not bump his head on the car's roof before stepping over the car's controls. He then sat down on the second row seats and reached an arm up, grabbing a handle on the roof and pulling it back to reveal a glass roof.
Your jaw dropped momentarily.
"Come on." He waved you over and watched as you moved from your seat to join him in the second row. Once you did, he adjusted the seats so they laid parallel to the floor and you both flopped down at the same time. The two of you glanced at each other for a moment before softly laughing together.
After that came more peaceful silence as you both stared up at the stars. At some point, Gun moved his attention from the sky to you, and he was reminded of another reason why he preferred nighttime over daytime--it was the way moonlight shined on you, the way it added a special charm that highlighted your features.
"I want to show them my appreciation," he thought, hands suddenly aching to touch you. If he wasn't showing you love through gifts, it was definitely through his touch. He figured he might as well express the latter since there were no gifts around to give. Plus he was going to be free tomorrow anyway, why not stay up a little later with his lover?
Gun turned to lay on his side and put an arm over your abdomen, hand resting on your hip. "Hey."
"Mm?" You didn't turn to look at him, too busy admiring the stars. Not for long though, because the words he whispered in your ear made you jerk your head his direction and made your cheeks hotter than the sun. "Gun, we're in public," you practically hissed.
"This is a pretty secluded area. And I don't see anyone around. Do you?" He smirked when you couldn't reply. It only widened when you didn't stop him from sliding his hand up your shirt. "I need your vocal consent before I continue, dear."
Your breath hitched, and slowly you murmured, "By all means, Gun."
Nighttime sure was alluring to Gun, but not as much as you.
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buckysgrace · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @jozstankovich
1.how many works do you have on ao3? 18!!
2. what's your total ao3 word count? oh boy.... 1,225,652
3. what fandoms do you write for? Stranger Things and Fargo currently! Although am wanting to write more of joe and dacre's characters i just need more content hehe.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cruel Summer, Dancing in the Dark, Friendly Competition, Midnight Hours, Just the Two (Ok maybe four) Of Us
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not? YES!!! I love responding to comments literally will talk about my work forever so beware lmao (tho it's harder for me to keep up with comments on tumblr??)
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I'm really not an angsty ending person I need my happily ever afters lmao. Maybe Friendly Competition via Steve's pov (so sorry Steve)
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Cruel Summer I guess? All of them sort of have a happy ending in a round about way?? I am a softie, I have no shame.
8. do you get hate on any fics? Mhmm I don't believe I have. Although I have been called a pedo idk if that counts. Have had some comments about Kim being annoying but don't think it's hate just more so an opinion?? Honestly surprised i haven't gotten more hate about the stepcest but i see you freaks out there lol.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? THE NASTY KIND! Haha love it being carnal and needy but also soft???
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one you've written? I have never wrote one but... who knows maybe some day in the future lol. I do dream about Billy as a Targaryen prince so....
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes but once I spoke to them they took it down right away :)
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Not any current fics but I do have some former 1D fics that may still be out there translated (god i hope not)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh yes with my love @sadhours one published many wips
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? Listen... Dramione is all time favorite. Also love percabeth now that percy jackson is out and reminding me of my childhood.
Ya know I also gotta throw in Kimgrove (Kim x Billy, thank you @cassandracorvo ) my babies
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh boy where do I even begin lol. I have a few threesomes (BillyKimSteve and BillyKimTommy and BillyKimAdrian) I have a few Harringrove ones I just cannot get to. In the end I guess the one I'd want to finish is this AU where Kim is married to Tommy but can't let go of Billy hehe
16. what are your writing strengths? imma say... smut. and making realistic ocs... idk lol maybe dialogue? At least I hope so I have mini conversations with myself when I'm writing out characters talking so fingers crossed lol.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? commas...i love commas... too many damn commas everywhere (but i love them). Anything involving fight scenes or angst.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think it's fine? no real opinion I guess? I just would not try because I do not speak other languages and it makes me too anxious to trust google translate in case it's wrong lmao
19. first fandom you wrote for? One Direction omg... Zayn girlie lol.
20. favorite fic you've written? Cruel Summer for sure. Got me back into writing after a LONG pause. I'm just very happy with how it turned out too.
tags!!! (sorry i only speak to like 2 people so please if you see this and wanna do it I tag you too mwuah) @sadhours @floredaqueen @destroya-hargrove
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argcicle · 10 months
Ayo, I saw you saying that you're scared to start watching Hermitcraft, and I wanted to say that starting in the middle is extremely common and you usually won't get too lost! A lot of hermits videos consist of them just continuing to make progress on their megabases with other interactions and side plots sprinkled throughout, and they explain what they're doing in the video! If you're really lost nonetheless, you only need to watch one POV to get caught up on that hermit's business!
So you're good to just jump into the latest episode of whoever you choose, but if you really want to, you can optionally start from the beginning of the current season! Each season they start from complete beginning and the plotlines very rarely if ever carry over!
ah, thank you so much for letting me know!! that helps a lot, idk why I get so anxious about seeing things in order lmao
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toburnup · 1 year
Slams into your inbox and throws a candy heart at your face. 
1. I have had "but he doesn't classify eddie as an ex so that just makes it weirder (whereas eddie definitely would, oof)..." stuck in my head ever since I saw that in my inbox and the things you've done to my heart w that sentence….. it's So Good. If (!)you ever wanna expand on that, I'd be stoked.
2. Is there's anything that you're particularity pleased with re: the last few (delightful) iYLO chapters? 
3. It's Vday so it's Vio Day which falls on a Tuesday of all things so it's just me saying that you always make me laugh BC you're a absolutely charming gremlin and you do a lot to be like, mindful of the people you interact with (even if you're looking at things differently). Plus, I'm so glad you're sharing your stories (your writing, your take on things when asked) bc I've had an absolute blast seeing what you've created/changed/shared along the way. So idk have a good week raisin nerd 💙
VIO DAY? 😭 oh my. i love this. i love all of it. and i adore the questions!!
i ended up writing more than i planned, so - iylo meta below!
1. "but he doesn't classify eddie as an ex so that just makes it weirder (whereas eddie definitely would, oof)..."
ahhhh, the issue that is, in a lot of ways, at the crux of their issues. eddie seeing the thing between them one way, steve seeing it another. for eddie, it was the closest thing he'd had to a relationship so he had nothing much else to compare it to, whereas for steve, it was ? hooking up? oh-so casually. even though the depth of his feelings obviously push past fwb.
it really comes down to this moment from eddie's pov:
"Maybe you thought of me as your boyfriend, or something."
Eddie didn't know shame would fill him with an icy dread. And Steve keeps glancing around the empty trailer park when it's just them. Just Eddie.
because that says that steve never thought of eddie as his boyfriend. but eddie definitely, definitely thought of steve as his (omg, why am i so mean to eddie 😭)
2. Is there's anything that you're particularity pleased with re: the last few (delightful) iYLO chapters? 
i'm so glad i finally, FINALLY was able to post eddie's birthday party scene! it's one of the scenes from the original oneshot draft, so it's always nice to see something i wrote 6 (!!) months ago finally being read. like i've been holding onto these fun scenes for SO LONG and god, it is so satisfying to put them out into the world.
and. for 3.
RAISIN NERD? wow, say you like raisins once (ONCE) and apparently you're branded for life.
i really do like them though.
i feel like all the moments you've pointed out eddie's most gremlin-y moments are when i write him doing things that i've done at some point (the wine cork thing, the button thing, lmao). so, i will take it on the chin. i am a gremlin 🥰
and i'll just say, i appreciate you saying that i'm mindful. i feel like i was overly concerned about being interpreted 'correctly' at the beginning, but now i'm like. getting better at being open to all interpretations and also knowing that i'm bringing my own bad habits and biases to my work, so everyone else is doing that too. we've all got our shit. and i love that!
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Any recs where the heroine where reviewers on GR are like “god I couldn’t stand her she was a bitch”?
I'm pretty selective about reading GR reviews (because they annoy me... so much) but I think these have those comments for sure:
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole. Always and forever The Example. And like, does Sabine deceive and sexually torture Rydstrom? Yes. But her behavior does not top Lothaire's, and Lothaire is like, one of the most popular heroes in the series. She's also like, very confident about her appearance, and spoiled, and I imagine that affects things.
Neomi from Dark Needs at Night's Edge gets shit from IAD fans too. She's one of my favorite heroines ever; I have to think that a lot of the hate comes from her being a massive flirt who loves sex and is actually motivated to get out of the house she's trapped, tbh. Like, oh no!!! A woman being mildly self-centered!
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean. I personally find Mara sympathetic (she fucks up, don't get me wrong, but I get why everything that happened... happened). But she's definitely MacLean's most hated heroine, mostly because she makes controversial decisions.
Melanthe from Laura Kinsale's For My Lady's Heart gets a lot of shit from readers for being cold and unfeeling... And it's like lmao dude she was given to an old guy in marriage as an actual child and targeted by a predator since then. She's political as hell and put walls up emotionally because she is so hurt. But yeah sure, I guess she's just a bitch.
I've been thinking about this book a lot lately, but Priest by Sierra Simone. I see Poppy, the heroine, being dragged down as like "shallow"--and the vast majority of the book is from the hero's POV, so that might affect things. But if you pay any attention to Poppy at all, she's got an internal life that's just as complex as Tyler's in many ways. She's also very conventionally hot, unabashedly sexual (flirts shamelessly with a Catholic priest even before he reciprocates lol), and was a stripper and didn't feel all this natural shame over it. Poppy owning her sexuality is a huge issue for readers, imo.
Similarly, a lot of readers of New Camelot are very dismissive of Greer and try to paint her as two-dimensional and whiny... compared to her two male lovers, of course, who are so deep and MUST truly just love each other, not Greer... It's both misogyny and a discomfort with the fact that a poly romance is in fact about a polyamorous triad, lol. And what I love about Greer is that she is a little frosty and removed, but her vulnerability is really revealed when she's alone with Ash and/or Embry. Like Poppy, she's very naturally sexual (and submissive) and she's not ashamed of it; she's very carnal. And she's also like, so good about expressing her emotion through sex? (The "IS HER PUSSY SWEETER THAN MINE???" rant at Embry is one of my favorite "oh wow they are really doing this" moments in a romance novel.)
I see a lot of people hating on Olivia from Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway. Again, it's less her being a bitch and more her being a young woman who loves sex. I see a lot of "Oh, how could she be turned on by seeing the man she's into fucking another woman (before he even knows Livvy is an option for him)". Idk, because it's hot? There is soooo much kink-shaming in certain subsets of romance readership, gotta say. If it's not perfectly vanilla, they don't see it as "loving" lol.
Lol everyone hates on basically everyone outside of Valentine, the more strait-laced of the two heroes, in Alexis Hall's Something Fabulous. I think it's honestly such bullshit--like, yeah Valentine is not a bad man, but he is very closed off and self-centered in the novel's beginning. Also, it's an Alexis Hall romcom, everything is heightened and that means he has to go throoough it. Bonny is another hero, not a heroine; but he is very femme-coded in a way a lot of heroes in m/m books aren't, and it doesn't miss me that his more "straight-coded" counterpart gets a break where he doesn't. People get very uncomfortable with a lot of queer heroes in m/m romances who don't present as super masculine, or as fetishized hypertwinks. Bonny is lovely and funny and frivolous and flamboyant but he's also kinda bratty and not at all simpering.
People either act like the heroine of Sherry Thomas's Private Arrangements is a total cunt or an innocent totally wronged by her evil husband. There is no middle ground. When I'd argue that a point of the book is... middle ground.
Most Scarlett Peckham heroines get shit from readers, but especially the heroine of The Rakess (sex positive lady who has a fling with a kind single father widower architect) and The Earl I Ruined (flighty gossip who ruins the life of uptight dom earl, then decides to try to fix it).
People haaaate the heroines of Ruby Dixon's Sworn to the Shadow God (crime: being a kind of ditzy gamer girl who doesn't adjust to a parallel universe easily) and Wed to the Wild God (crime: is practical when the hero is a hedonistic airhead who needs her to think for him).
What a Rogue Desires by Caroline Linden has a heroine who grew up poor and has become a conwoman. Naturally, when she cons the rakish hero who was a total dick in the previous book, she is totally evil, I guess.
Roxanne from Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopex. Oh shit, she does all the stuff billionaire heroes do... Horrible...
Lol Florence from The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe gets so much shit because she wants to run a casino and doesn't want to have babies. She's a total anachronism, apparently, all women wanted to stay home and have babies in the Gilded Age, nobody wanted otherwise.
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
Sharpe's Eagle Daily Book Report
(I have finished listening to The Flight of the Heron which was super gay and fun! But i am so eager to return to the sharpe universe, i have missed it!)
🥹🥹🥹🥹 me when sharpe's eagle starts with talk about harper and sharpe being inseparable and hogan declaring that wellesley is fond of sharpe. fantastic start, love it, A+
wellesley making sure sharpe is safe by giving hogan command over him :3c god what a special boy
HOLY SHIT THE INCIDENT WITH GIBBONS IS 10X BETTER THAN THE SHOW. fucking yeeting him off his horse, amazing. and hogan walks up all 😃
"harper saw his job as keeping sharpe alive and amused" oh, amused you say :3c. god this is great, i love paragraphs of harper thinking about how much he likes sharpe hfhhdhss good fucking food
wait hgwb wait originally harper was 24???? i ..no. i refuse. like... god, no.
yaaaaay lawford is back! i've missed him! :D. hgsgsggsgs him looking at sharpe and literally saying "you're an idiot (affectionate)"
hhhh harper knowing sharpe's tells for when he's nervous. cornwell stop i cant love them any more ;u;
dad!sharpe when it comes to baby pendelton (sp?) heheheh very good.
hogan and sharpe yelling across the broken bridge all "haha simmerson is arresting us. i cant wait for wellesley to punch him." imgnshnim gonna cry with gibbons asking for the sword across the bridge and sharpe looks down at the river like "... come get it?"
idk why but lenox's death seemed more impactful in the episode? like i feel he and sharpe shared more Secret Exasperated Looks or something.
but anyway the interrogation in front of wellesley is about to begin and i'm SO excited for emotional vindication. especially since sharpe got arrested this time teehee :3c
HEHEHHEHEE oh yes that was enjoyable. love the extra of lawford smiling happily at sharpe after playing up being cold towards him
i cant believe hogan forced money on sharpe and told him it was so he'd have a chance to fuck a girl. what a wingman.
it also feels like wellesley is... not exactly friendlier here, but a bit less, like, violently cold. which is fun! or maybe it just comes mostly from getting a bit more of his pov for things? hmm dunno. but i'm loving eagle! more than rifles, actually, oddly enough. it is still funny to see harper go from "i'll kill you" to "i'll kill for you" lmao, though that effect also happened in havoc
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aquagustd · 2 years
was wondering if you dislike any book/film tropes or character dynamics then also what ones you really do like ?
oh also which one do you consider yourself a sun/moon/eclipse person
hope you’re doing well :))))
hmmm for tropes i dislike:
bully to lovers 😐 like i’ll never understand why some like this trope. it doesn’t sit right with me on so many levels. like especially if the character that’s being bullied is a female & the bully is this asshole who would go to lengths to make the mc’s life a misery and then they back it up with - ‘but he secretly liked her the whole time that’s why 🥺’ NO i know they say that “oh if a guy is mean to you he likes you” it’s not always the case 👏🏻 & that’s why we go for toxic guys 🫠 (sometimes enemies to lovers can go too far when it comes to hurting each other) ig i dislike this one bc i was bullied throughout primary & high school
brother’s best friend - no wait hear me out !! i know i wrote two brothers best friend fics lmao. BUT when the mc has like no life? it revolves around the brother & his bsf. AND the absolute worst is when you get the brother’s pov & he infantilizes her 🤢 & when that’s the whole hurdle they need to cross for the sister and his bsf to be together? i immediately stop reading. like he just sees her as a child and not a woman.
& another thing i don’t like is when it’s a romance. the couple is supposedly in love but when we get his pov - he immediately sexualizes her and most of his thoughts are centered around her body & appearance :/
for tropes i love:
enemies to lovers when they don’t go too far with hurting each other in the beginning 🤩 like they don’t put each other in life & d3ath situations lmfao. the tension is top tier.
best friends to lovers i just. the bickering? the banter? the secret feelings? the pining? the confessions?😩🤌🏻
unrequited love. idk this hits different for me. loving someone who doesn’t feel the same. but you still choose to love them? i find it beautiful ig lmao maybe i’m crazy. loving them without wanting/getting anything in return :( the same reason why i like hanahaki aus plus i love flowers
neighbors au & they fall in love 🥺 idk i just want to experience this irl maybe that’s why i like it so much lmfao. they’re right there. whenever you need them & whenever they need you. the friendship you never knew you needed
when they’re stuck together? ig that’s a trope. like they can’t leave the house or room. eg. they get snowed in. they’re forced to be together & talk & get to know each other & realize that the other person is actually pretty cool & fall in lurrrv
i’m not sure if this is a trope but when the female mc is so in love with the dude, it’s starts off as unrequited love au but by the end he starts to like her back, but by then she realizes that she’s all she needs. and in the end she’s alone but comforted in her own solitude yk? i wanna write something like this (like little women)
& im a moon person !! what about you ?? <3
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abruisedmuse · 2 years
I’m glad you’re doing good!! Thank you for thinking about me🫶
There were many things I didn’t like in ACOSF, I didn’t like some things cassian did, they were uncalled for and he was far from the character I got to know in the first trilogy, I still liked him of course, but I started liking azriel equally
As for KOTC, I liked Emilia up until half the book, but then she was… idk her inner monologues were a bit cringy at times. But wrath… wrath and pride are my favorite brothers atm,
Spoilers for those who have not read KOTC yet
I’m glad she accepted to marry him, HONESTLY I would have caved way earlier than she did
Also I did not expect him to be the devil, but I had the suspicion in KOTW when his tattoo was the snake, I remember thinking why give him the snake if he’s not the devil
I did not expect vittoria to be alive like… what is she that she has wrath unable to talk about it to Emilia? Like what is the curse
Is there bonus content? Because I’ve seen someone talking about how wrath has to always find new reincarnations of emilia and is cursed to fall in love with her and then lose her and then find her again and so on, like it was canon, and it would make sense but I’m unsure whether it is actually canon from the bonus chapters or it’s headcanons and theories
- stellestreghe
Yeah, I love Cassian. He's my fave bat boy, but when it came to acosf he seemed kinda off. I like to think he was in a mindset of desperately wanting to help Nesta. No matter what it meant, she was in a bad place and he'd do anything that he thought would work. You know like a tough love kinda deal. But the exchange with Mor in the beginning I didn't like. There wasn't really any development in Cassian. He was basically a supportive horny bat boy with allergies and that was it. It was a little disheartening because we all know there are so many layers to him and he loves fiercely and wears his heart on his sleeve. I wanted him to defend Nesta more in front of the IC. Like when Rhys says, "Get her out of this city before I kill her." and Cassian is pissed with Nesta. Are you serious right now? Rhys was in the wrong. DEFEND YOUR MATE. But we did get that beautiful scene of them by the lake so I guess it worked out.
Azriel.....I don't like him lmao. I was never on the Az hype train, to begin with. As much as I appreciate a few moments of him in the books and his bond with Nesta. I think he's selfish and obsessive and I just don't care for him. His bonus pov which I have linked below further proves why I just don't like him. Honestly, if he didn't show up again I wouldn't be upset about it.
It's so funny you say that about Pride cause yeah. He's such a cunning asshole but I dig it. He's a fun one. Wrath of course has my heart I love that demon. Me too, Emilia babes he literally killed a man for disrespecting you, treats you like a Queen, loves your cooking, and is fine af what exactly is there to debate? MARRY HIM.
I do see your point on Emilia btw. I think that's an issue with a lot of books the internal dialogue of the whole push and pull. It's great here and there but sometimes and in this case, it was a lot and tiring and at one point you're like omg just pick. Then the whole ordeal of stealing from Pride, being cursed and not telling Wrath who could probably have helped and you would've gotten your powers back. She's a mess sometimes. I love her but yeah
I too had suspicions he was the devil since kotw. There were so many connections and it just made sense. I was more than thrilled to see that as the outcome. It's always a great feeling when your theory is correct.
Vittoria! talk about a plot twist! That shocked me! I gasped when I read that and I can't wait to find out more about her and what her deal is. What was she really doing before her "death"? we all thought she was conspiring with the wicked. Maybe she was? Maybe there's betrayal coming from one of Wrath's brothers. Or maybe she discovered something else and is seeking vengeance. I do know that Wrath is cursed and just can't speak on it. There's a block and he literally can't say. (I believe that's mentioned in the book. I don't remember but I'm doing a reread here soon.)
I love the whole reincarnation aspect! The whole thing on Wrath finding Emilia again and again though, I don't think is confirmed. It's just a theory for now. In the books, you can gather that yeah, they're reincarnated lovers. We know that. but this continuing loop Idk about. From what I gathered reading it, they were starcrossed lovers, it didn't end well obviously and Wrath has been locked away in hell ever since which defeats the whole constantly finding her and falling in love only for it to end again. If Kerri confirmed this it would be news to me. I don't read all the excerpts she posts cause I don't wanna be spoiled.
all the bonus stuff is below for you to enjoy! just click the links and they should work!
Wrath goodies
Acosf- Azriel pov
Acosf- Feysand pov
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Last chapter I was all like omg ruthless lord taehyun might not be that sexy I'm scared af but nowww I see things coming to light 🤔🤔🤔 Now we know his motives and I feel like I understand him more... he won me back I'm soft hearted like that 😭 I loved every scene he had with reader, I think he would be so good to her if they do get to be together ❤️ I'm rooting for them
I see that reader might be in such a troubled and worried state of mind she had that nightmare and that line "I told you I'd come for you. I'll always find you" girl I'd be scared to death !! Also they say that dreams are messages/desires of the subconscious and that would make sense because she got so compliant to him even if she was very needy after being thwarted by lord taehyun but i was like no girl stop and think about the situation for a second ✋️ or could it be that she would really let the same happen in real life..? And honestly that forced impregnation thing felt like something beomgyu would do...
Now, that last scene was something to think about.....I don't think jaeyun is working for beomgyu and is gonna kidnap her, I think it's something else (I don't know what tho..) but it's cause we've been told we were getting some spicy scenes with Lord taehyun in chapter 7 so I think reader will stay in the castle 👀 but also I knew this chapter we were going to get a scene with gyu and I was like howw is that possible 😪 alright now I know, things can get really unexpected so who knows
I didn't even realize that it was supposed to be months of reader being in taehyun's castle, maybe cause I thought beomgyu would get desperate enough to try something a bit crazy within a few days to get to her. But now it makes me think if maybe he's had some time to plan something great (greatly horrifying) and is acting discreetly. But idk actually at this point of the story it's hard for me to predict something and I also have no idea of how things will end, I think it would be a surprise for me either way. I'm sooo invested in this fic! Absolutely fantastic 👏 You must have a billion dollar worth of a mind to be able to write something so good like that ❤️❤️
also it doesn't hurt that he had his sweet moments. it's always heart fluttering to see the tsundere character be soft for you 🥺
gyu is always on her mind and she feels guilty for considering the marriage proposal even if she knows she should accept it but she can't just abandon the love of her life that easily. a marriage would just be setting in stone that she really won't go back to him and that's hard on her. plus yeah she is pretty horny AND he keeps sending her threatening messages so it's a wonderful cocktail that lead her there
yeah like i could have something up my sleeve where she gets kidnapped AND gets to have sex with tyun too so you never know after that dream sequence. but you guys are overlooking one important detail. y'all have guessed some things so accurately it's freaky (one that i never even hinted at and i'm usually so obvious with my hints lmao) so i'm surprised. i guess now you're gonna figure it out lol
yeah i kept going back on forth about the duration of her stay in the castle and originally her and tyun were supposed to get married while on the run and have sex there there where gyu finds them 😵 but i decided to give oc some time so she can get to know tyun and make a well informed decision and also give tyun time to see if she is who he thinks she is so yeah.
gyu definitely tried to do a lot to get her back from the beginning you just didn't hear about it because it was all thwarted by the king and this story is from oc's POV and he definitely has something cooking up his sleeve and that's why it's taking so long
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rambunctious-cr0w · 29 days
Reread Thoughts: Acts 1-2
I'm doing a homestuck reread! Yay! I'm writing down things I notice as I go (in an attempt reduce the amount that I spam my friends with messages), so here's a loosely organized collection of some of those thoughts for acts 1 and 2. I'll keep posting these as I get further as well.
Overall reflection that maybe only makes sense to me:
Homestuck charades as a cookie-cutter text-based fantasy adventure game, both from the POV of the reader actually reading the comic because of its visual style, writing and construction; and from within SBURB from the POV of the characters. The kids aren’t introduced as real people per say, but flat characters as if from a shallow, short, text based adventure. The characters don’t engage with the ridiculousness of their situation or the contrivances that make it happen, and that’s ok for the reader because they are introduced as characters, not as people who happen to be characters. They aren’t really introduced as being meant to be interrogated or conceptualized as real people. The plot is a too-obvious chosen-one, call to adventure, save the world type pattern. The subversion is when, on these incredibly shaky and thin foundations, all of homestuck happens. The characters continue to be exposited and explored beyond their formulaic introductions and become deeply three-dimensional. The plot is scaffolded on top of the mechanics of SBURB, not within them. This is the fundamental joke of homestuck.
Other random bullshit:
I forgot they said this in the first 40 pages lmao
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I understand why people say the artstyle is difficult to like. Like yeah this shit a little bit sucks.
I somehow didn't realize start of act 6 was an explicit reference
Its crazy how every joke in the first few hundred pages is expanded upon for hundreds of pages in the later three quarters. It really seems like they were just writing random bits at the beginning then later they turned them into plot points. I love this.
No one talks about how there are other SBURB sessions that are implied to have like, worked, with players entering the medium. Are a lot of universes are being created I guess? Is that the implication? But if Karkat is right that he "gave the whole universe cancer," then would those also be unwinnable sessions? But they don't produce Bec Noir so idk.
I found this funny. They convey the tone of Rose's writing so well.
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Hey! It's the guy this blog is named after!
The pages here and a few after are actually the funniest in the comic
Jk maybe this is the funniest exchange
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Space player moment
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WV: Ascend is really the page that makes me go ok I'm invested for real now. Like sure we were having fun up until this point but now we're locked in.
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ljbrary · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now ive been writing for the last of us but most of my fics are star wars (specifically most of them are the clone wars) and i have one six of crows fic
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
all of them are star wars fics
lean on me (but let me laugh, first)
don't fix it if it's not broken (but broken's only a point of view)
fill the hollow space with silence (and other words of comfort that aren't so comforting)
it's a process (you wouldn't understand)
it's not good grief (but it's better)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i think i get to most of them and i seriously try my best to but like i struggle with replying to even my texts irl and i have no concept of time at all (the adhd is adhd-ing unfortunately) but every single one literally makes my life
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think either the love only lasts so long (the grief lasts longer, the guilt never leaves) or this silence hurts worse than the truth (if only you would tell it) which are quite literally the same exact situation just from different povs because i have never had an original thought in my life. it's post-mortis arc in the clone wars with anakin and ahsoka and the transparently trauma-shaped elephant in the room between them.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i honestly have no idea? so im just going to say my tlou fic statistically significant because although its bittersweet it ends with joel and ellie together and thats literally all i need to be happy at this point in my life.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, but i probably should.
(that was a joke. but like if i did its fine bc i have 3 brothers who've already found my ao3 and bullied me for it so the hater would prob need to get real creative after all that lmao.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no i dont have the executive functioning skills necessary to plan one of those out but they sound interesting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
guys my fics aren't that good. if someone stole it they'd just return it no worries.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no i haven't but that would be sick.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
like ab said in her post, ab, ash, and i tried but it just never came to fruition but it was a fun attempt
also my older brother and i when we were younger tried to write a percy jackson fic together.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i like found family more than romantic stuff, but if i have to choose definitely percabeth because they are the reason i have unrealistic expectations in life.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
thats so funny lmfao
okay but self deprecation aside idk maybe like imagery or metaphors sometimes? also apparently writing emotion ig? my english teacher in high school told me i was good at the psychological aspect of understanding a character and their actions/emotions but i don't know man
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
for starters, starting. im supremely bad at starting things. i always struggle with intros/the beginning of writing pieces. and i struggle with plotting/planning things. i also am incapable of writing genuine dialogue, every conversation i write sounds so disjointed and awkward. i also tend to focus too much on the introspective aspect of characters and forget about that irrelevant little thing called a "plot."
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i made up my own language for a few star wars fics and it was so atrocious that i can't even bring myself to reread them again so i think i'll be staying away from that one for a little while.
however if i was smart or savvy enough to pull it off i would totally do it that would be sick.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson when i was 10 years old on wattpad. my older brother and i co-wrote the fic and then i made my friend at school edit it on the computers in the library. still have yet to live that one down.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
weighted words hurt more than loaded fists (if you know how to use them) i have a soft spot for it even though it's one of my least popular fics in terms of like hits and kudos. its just a found family (shocker, i know) modern/foster care au with rex and ahsoka. i like the imagery, metaphors, and just the vibes overall.
okay leaving this open to anyone who wants to do it!!
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