#idrelle says stuff
I think for you, it's your atmosphere? There's such a unique and lovely way you pull your setting, action and dialogue together to create something that has a distinct feel to it. It's dreamlike, sometimes wistful, romantic and just really beautiful!
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What’s my writing trademark
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idrellegames · 2 years
for the last couple days i've been obsessing over the optimal rona walkthrough (completionist pain 😔) to get the most of the 1 chapter, and let's say my respect for you grew to the gigantic proportions, because i can't imagine coding all this. idrelle, if it's not too much to ask, in what order best visit rona's locations? i know it can be subjective, but still
It completely depends on what you want most out of Chapter 1 and going into Chapter 2. This game is probably a completionist's nightmare because there are intentional trade-offs to keep the routes balanced (or to give some kind of benefit to cutting the player out of certain content).
Under the cut for spoilers:
The Fast Route
The fastest way through Chapter 1 is to do Route A. Route A is accessed by ignoring Luthais, going to the Docks, meeting Zenaida, and accepting her contract (you will also have to pass a Persuasion check with Aeran; if you fail, you'll get shifted over to Route B). With Luthais, there is one check where he steals from you and runs all the way to Rat Alley, so if that happens, you'll want to reload your check and try again.
Route A is linear until you reach the Count's villa. It doesn't matter whether you go to the Cove or Edgewater first (there will only be some flavour text changes).
Route A may be ideal if you want:
250 crowns
High(er) rapport with the Order of Lethalis (there are still some things in the end of Chapter 1 that can affect Lethalis rapport, but this is generally the best way to get high rapport with them)
Full access to all of the shops to prepare your supplies/consumables for Chapters 2 and 3
You can leave Emari and Myn's shops and come back later (if you want to check their wares and then decide what you want)
You can only visit Thelkar's shop once, so if you want the grappling hook, I would prioritize that over Emari and Myn's stuff
Only the thunderspheres can be used in Chapter 1 Route A (in the fight at the Count's villa)
The grappling hook will be useful at the end of Chapter 3
If you want an opportunity to snoop on Aeran's stuff in Chapter 2
You also get 3 pieces of random jewelry from Drakehand that you can sell later in the game (not in Chapter 1). You cannot get the Faran Idol you can get in Route B.
Money + Route B Content
If you want the 250 crowns and you want to do the town investigation (Route B), you need to ignore Luthais, go to the Docks, talk to Zenaida, decline her offer (or fail to convince Aeran). Visiting Zenaida eats up 2 action points, so you will only have 2 action points to work with afterwards. If you want to find the chalice, you'll have to be specific about where you go.
Declining Zenaida's contract will give you a massive hit to Lethalis approval. So if you don't want them to start Chapter 2 pissed at you, don't do this.
If You Want to Find the Chalice
Do not go to the Cove (it doesn't give you any information about the chalice). However, you will miss the chance to get the Faran Idol.
Prioritize the Viridian Lady and Edgewater
If Luthais stole your shit, you'll have a chance to resupply in Edgewater. Take that route (Aeran will talk to Madam Grey on his own). You'll be able to snoop on Aeran's stuff, which foreshadows later events. You will also automatically get the correct hints out of Edgewater since Aeran is more successful in talking to Madam Grey on his own than the MC is.
At the Viridian Lady's villa, do not fall off the cliff/do not fail your checks with Starling at the gate (i.e. don't piss them off). If you end up alone in the atrium with the Lady, you'll miss Hera.
If you meet Hera, you'll be able to get the bronze sphere.
If you missed Hera, Aeran will give you the bronze sphere afterwards if you have high approval with him.
If You Don't Want to Find the Chalice
Go to the Cove and spend your money to prepare for Chapters 2 & 3
Only the grappling hook, the thunderspheres and the dreamweed can be used in Chapter 1
Grappling hook and dreamweed can be used in the Viridian Lady's villa; thunderspheres can be used at the Count's villa
Grappling hook is important for the end of Chapter 3
Be an asshole to Drakehand to get the Faran Idol (you cannot get the jewelry he gives you on Route A)
If you want the bronze sphere, go to the Viridian Lady's villa (and pass your checks)
If you want the chance to snoop on Aeran's things, go to Edgewater. You can only do this if Luthais stole from you.
If Marshwall is an option, go to Marshwall. When you get to the second floor, investigate the weird sound/device first. Take the cube. Don't give it to the Count later.
The incident with the Duchess' killer will track over the game; there's something happening in that house that may show up again later and the MC will recognize it.
Route B + As Many Inventory Items As Possible + Setting Yourself Up for Later Chapters
For this, you'll want to follow Luthais to Rat Alley. If you want to unlock the chance to snoop on Aeran, you'll want him to steal from you and get away with your stuff (however, you can permanently lose your Wayfarer pendant this way, see below). If not, get your stuff back.
Make sure you don't get injured in the Kane fight. If you get injured in the Kane fight, you'll lose 2 actions points. You can get one back by going to Edgewater and resting (and thus visit 3 locations), but you won't be able to go to all four places.
Because you didn't meet Zenaida at all, your Lethalis rapport will start neutral (50) until you encounter her at the end of the chapter.
This route prioritizes setting yourself up for later chapters (either with information that will be referenced later, items for your inventory, etc). If you don't care about following the chalice storyline to the end, this is a good route.
Kane fight (don't get hit!). Or climb the tree and escape over the rooftops. This will automatically unlock Deadwood.
Go to the Cove first. Convince Thelkar to give you the grappling hook. If you're polite with Emari, you may be able to get dreamweed from them. You may also get an item of your choice from Myn (thunderspheres can be used in the chapter).
Be an asshole and get the Faran Idol from Lars Drakehand.
Go to the Viridian Lady's villa. Meet Hera, get the bronze sphere.
Go to Edgewater. If you're injured or missing your stuff, go home and snoop on Aeran's things. If you're injured, you'll get +1 action point after you rest.
Go to Deadwood. Meet Aegineta. Unlock the Marcian Conspiracy codex entry (this will unlock automatically in Chapter 2 if you don't get it here).
Go to Marshwall instead of Flotsam Grove. The incident with the Duchess' killer will track over the game; there's something happening in that house that may show up again later and the MC will recognize it. Get the cube.
Notes for the Chapter 1 Endgame
On Route B, if Luthais stole your stuff and you don't go to Flotsam Grove, you'll lose your Wayfarer pendant and won't be able to get it back. Aeran may give you his in the future, depending on his approval. You can also miss this option if you assault Luthais/use him as a hostage at any point in the Flotsam Grove sequence. On Route A, you always get your pendant back at Runes & Relics.
Aeran will remember if you killed Marea.
There are fewer opportunities to gain/lose rapport with Lethalis if you get knocked out during the fight at the end of the chapter.
If you end up in the town square fight, Aegineta can die if you don't do things in the right order. His death will be referenced later, though you won't know who he is if you didn't go to Deadwood.
Killing the basilisk gives you a +1 to your beast kill count, which will affect what abilities you can unlock later (there will be other monster fights, so don't sweat about it too much)
Killing the Count in a duel (only possible on Route A) will add +1 to your successful duel count, which will affect what abilities you can unlock later (there will be other duels)
Killing Rhodarth, letting him die, OR leaving him employed by the Count means he won't show up in the game later. His role will be replaced by Iaera Amatheia (his former Brightblade commander). You cannot have both characters in a playthrough, it's one or the other. Both characters are secondary romances.
If you want to prioritize your MC's romantic feelings for Aeran, get knocked out during the Count fight. This will automatically give you +60 to his romance stat. This will be important in Chapter 2.
For optimal pain, do Route B, be snarky with the Count, get inside the villa and then let Aeran shoot you by accident. This event will track over the game. This will be important in Chapter 2.
If you get the confession out of Aeran after you wake up (only possible on Route B), this event will also track over the game. This will be important in Chapter 2.
Aeran will remember if you killed Rhodarth.
If you want to manage your Lethalis rapport, be attentive and polite to Zenaida when she explains what she wants. If Aeran is present, you may lose a few points of approval with him, but it's nothing too serious.
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thevikingwoman · 3 years
AO3 bookmarks
Tagged by @galadrieljones to say what my ao3 bookmarks tell about me as fan. 
Thanks, friend!
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My bookmarks shows that I really really like Solas and Solavellan. It also tells that I came to ao3 for Dragon Age, and not for earlier fandoms. I’m also a bit stingy with my bookmarks! (note the OC / OC is also Dragon Age)
I noticed that this only shows the first 10, I have several more pairing of which I only have one bookmark - it’s a little annoying as many of these are doubles (eg female lavellan and female inky - it’s the correct way to tag, imo, but less fun for a meme like this.) For singles I have fun stuff such as Lavellen/Ameridan, Lavellan/Mythal (that’s you @galadrieljones haha), and items from fandoms I’m not really reading a lot in, but I found a fic I liked. 
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I guess my bookmarks also tells i’m horny
tagging: @ma-sulevin @wickedwitchofthewilds @redinkofshame @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @idrelle @bearlytolerant​ @luzial @buttsonthebeach @beaubashley and anyone else who wants to! 
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roguelioness · 3 years
fic writer meme
I was tagged by a bunch of lovely people including @wardenari, @thevikingwoman, @kemvee and @galadrieljones - thank you so much! ♥
Name: Roguelioness here on Tumblr and on AO3 as well. I usually go by RoLo though :)
Fandoms: Dragon Age (mostly Inquisition), Mass Effect, and The Wayhaven Chronicles
Most popular oneshot: This is a tough one to say, because most of my one-shots end up on Tumblr first, where they seem to get more attention than they do on AO3. So I’m going to cheat a bit and use the data from tumblr to say that it’s Perseverence (DA:I, Solavellan)
Most popular multichapter: A Whole New World (Dragon Age, Solas x OC). I’m not surprised, this beast has been plodding along for... four and a half years, holy shit.
Actual worst part of writing: I want to say everything, but in reality it’s being unable to tone down the many (many, many) ideas I have. I lean heavily towards multi-chapter fics, and more often than not my ideas tend to be incredibly grand and all-encompassing... which is great if I’m daydreaming about them, but it makes it near-impossible to actually sit down, write, and finish them. The hardest part for me is getting an idea that I’m super excited about, but realizing that it’s just going to be way too long to write out. 
Have to give a shoutout to that writing wall, though. Sometimes I start off with a sprint and lose steam mid-way through and boy is it the worst to have to pick up that flopped-out horse and drag it to the finish line (while still keeping it alive).
How you choose your titles: I legitimately loathe having to come up with titles because I’m not clever at them at all. In some cases I luck out and the title will come before I start the story, but most times I have to nearly pull my hair out to come up with something clever - this is successful about half the time. 
Do you outline: Yes. I was never in the habit of doing so, but outlining helped me with several things: 1. I had a clear idea on how I was going to start and end the story, which makes all the stuff that comes in between a little bit easier, 2. it helps give me an estimation of how many chapters I can expect the story to be, and 3. provides me with a general roadmap in case I get stuck. Sometimes I won’t necessarily use what’s in the chapter outline, but having it there means that I won’t have to worry about not knowing how to keep the story going.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to: Several, though i hesitate to say never. I had an idea for a The Mummy-based AU with Solas playing the part of Imhotep and Cullen as Rick, but it rapidly spun out of control into a love triangle that just was very messy and... nope. That’s not going to happen. There’s that fic I have in mind for Astrid Hawke, who joins Alistair and the Warden in Lothering in exchange for safe passage for the rest of her family - it would’ve been a Hawke x Zevran romance, but again... it would have been long and I didn’t/don’t have the spoons for that. I had the idea for a Krem x Maryden fic - I did start one, but it stalled and I never started it up again.
Callouts @ Me: WORD COUNTS DON’T MATTER. God, I am so guilty about freaking out over not having enough words in a chapter, or just having fics with too-few-words (don’t ask me how many words are good enough, because I sure as heck don’t know). More words does not equal better writing, and yet it’s the one thing I consistently fail at. Also, aspiring to be a better writer is one thing, but comparison is terrible and will only get you down. 
Best writing traits: I’m not very good at boosting myself up, so I want to say... I’m decent at dialogue, and I try to write unique stories. Not sure how successful I am at either!
Spicy Tangential Opinion: Stories with overpowered characters aren’t necessarily bad, Mary-Sues are not bad, self-inserts aren’t bad, and more people should indulge themselves in writing them.
Tagging @kagetsukai, @idrelle, @ma-sulevin, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @laraslandlockedblues, @shannaraisles, @redinkofshame and anyone else who wants to do it!
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eveninglottie · 3 years
30 questions
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (lol absolutely not) you are contractually obligated to know better tagged by the ever wonderful @heysales
name/nickname: charlotte but I go by charlie on the Net
gender: female???
star sign: aquarius
height: 5′7″
birthday: 02/15
time: 12:30am
favorite bands: I mean I don’t have favorites as much as I have bands I find and listen to over and over again, right now that’s Nothing But Thieves and Sleeping with Sirens and a channel on yt called Cryo Chamber that does weird ambient mixes with titles like Songs for a Broken World and Dystopian Ambient and they have a series of videos with music for eldritch gods and Hastur is my faaaaaaave
favorite solo artists: evelynn from kda (don’t come for me)
song stuck in my head: right now it’s Unperson by Nothing But Thieves or Devil’s at Your Door by SWARM because of an animatic I saw about mollymauk and had to go walk around for a while because I Felt Things
last movie: just watched die hard with the fam
last show: the latest season of gbbo
when did i create this blog: 2015
what do i post: good question
last thing googled: I just looked up who forthright was because I saw their book on amazon and I wanted to see what fandom they wrote for 
other blogs: a lot but mostly to save titles I like sdkvjbad
do i get asks: I dooooooo and it’s always nice people telling me about my fic and I don’t deserve it truly
why i chose my url: I was originally eveningshadowrising (from the waste land I’m SO CULTURED) but I didn’t like it and I realized I had missed an amazing opportunity for chucklottie as a username but I didn’t want to confuse people by totally switching (which is also why I haven’t changed my icon in 5 years) so we get eveninglottie, which I do like because it sounds like “yes this is the evening version of charlie a chill version who is in pjs and drinking hot chocolate”
following: 132, which I should probably go through and cull because I keep seeing people pop on my dash like “I don’t want this”
followers: 988, which is hilarious to me because I have been in the 960s-980s for like two years, no kidding, despite the fact that I usually get a new follower once every week or two I don’t know what’s going on
average hours of sleep: 8 but it feels like 4
lucky number: 42. I’m basic.
instruments: a tiny violin for me tragic life
what am i wearing: a neon yellow nasa shirt from walmart and a flannel and leggings I’m very Streamer Chic rn
dream job: to write :/ but like, get paid to do it. or honestly at this point I would pay to be able to write again SO
dream trip: scotland and then I would never leave
favorite food: uuhhhhh idk...gnocchi?
nationality: american
favorite song: maybe Dante’s Prayer by Loreena McKennit? her music makes me cry
last book read: currently reading Vengeful by ve schwab but I’ve been reading it for three months because I no longer have the ability to do anything I once loved
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: UUGGGHHHH I’m gonna steal kel’s answer and say Howl’s Moving Castle, really just the ghibli extended universe WAIT NO I WOULD live as a borrower. I wanna live as a very small person. so either Epic or the Secret Life of Arietty slash that stuff, I was also about to say zootopia but I don’t like what that says about me so I won’t. idk why but the world from the web comic from eliza’s monsters. I still think about that book/world a lot. right now I’d like to be able to live in a universe that lets me write so maybe the sims so I could just sit at my desk all day and fill in the bubble over my head.
I tag @idrelle, @luzial, @esssteee, @salexectria, @swiftofhearts, and @evilbunnyking because I have no idea who else is active on here anymore skadvlhj
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I was tagged by @joufancyhuh @natsora and @rpgwarrior4824 Thank you! <3
Tagging: @ellstersmash @thevikingwoman @roguelioness @idrelle-miocovani @ma-sulevin
favorite fic you wrote this year: Miles To Go Before I Sleep. Emma and Jaal have become my favorite pairing and are my OTP. I also finished it this year and I am super proud of myself. 
least favorite fic you wrote this year: I haven’t written many, but I have to say I’m not unhappy with anything I’ve done this year. 
favorite line/scene you wrote this year: I have written a lot of lines/scenes in MTGBIS that are my favorites, I hate choosing just one. A recent one:  Jaal’s free hand moved to cup the back of her head. His fingers sank into her hair to press into her scalp with a gentle pressure. “You have many gifts, Emma,” he teased, tilting her head back to place a small kiss to her jaw. “And I am thoroughly bewitched.”
total number of words you wrote this year: I have no idea, but I know its a lot
most popular fic this year: Miles To Go Before I Sleep
least popular fic this year: I would think my MERweek stuff, but in terms of short/long fics it would be The Hollow Planet
longest completed fic you wrote this year: Miles To Go Before I Sleep I didn’t start it this year, but I did finish it and its over 250k
shortest completed fic you wrote this year: The Hollow Planet
longest wip of the year: MTGBIS
shortest wip of the year: THP
favorite character to write about this year: Emma <3
favorite writing song/artist/album of this year: The Into The Spider-verse soundtrack. Almost every song ended up in a playlist. (This was already here and I heavily agree, I have songs from it in pretty much every playlist) Also K-12 by Melanie Martinez that will inspire a fic I’m writing next year.
a fic you didn’t expect to write: THP I had gotten so excited about IT chapter 2 coming out that I told @natsora that I wanted to write something with that same energy and her and I tossed ideas back and forth until I was happy
fic(s) you completed this year: 1 long fic, 1 short fic, and about a handful prompts.
fics you’ll continue next year: While MTGBIS is wrapping up, I have 4 works planned in the Project Olympus series. So-Hee’s story is up first, then Maggie, then a secret fic, then Emma’s sequel. I’m also hoping to get my Blood Queen rewrite planned out. 
current number of wips: One that I’m currently working on and several in planning stages
any new fics to start next year: Send the Pain Below (So-Hee’s story) is the only confirmed fic I will be posting next year. I am unsure about when I’ll have other fics ready to publish. 
most memorable comment/review: Anyone that commented on any of my fics is loved and appreciated like you guys don’t even know. Getting comments make me feel a little less lonely. But one of my favorites and I consider a compliment is from @shayshaymonyou “I did not see that coming.. Do you play chess? Your writing is like a chess game.. I read something and go "huh thats pretty cool" then later something happens that makes me go "wait a second.. but when did.. HUH?" and then later again the next puzzle piece falls into place and I feel like I should have seen that coming but it still hits me like a freight train.Also, with the introduction of the new OCs, I'm sitting here wracking my brain for what it's reminding me of and BAM! Did you ever watch a series called Dark Angel?”
events you participated in this year: MERweek and NaNoWriMo (and I finished both!!)
fics you wanted to write but didn’t: I wanted to work on Blood Queen and my DBH fic, but I prioritized MTGBIS. 
favorite fic you read this year: Anything by @natsora seriously, check out her work, especially if you love whump and angst.
a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read: See Above
number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year: This year? I don’t know, not that many honestly. At least, I don’t think so. 
favorite fanfic author of the year: @natsora once again. Not only one of my favorite authors, but an awesome friend. 
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 5 years
Oc voice claims/accents
@heraldofwho tagged me!
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Emma Sparrow - Noomi Rapace
Emma’s speech is a magnificent clusterfuck of influence from the people she grew up speaking to the most: her adoptive father Rémy Sparrow, who’s Orlesian (his voice and face claim is Rufus Sewell, but obviously with a French accent), her tutor and employer, Professor Callum Mayhew, who’s from Starkhaven, and her estranged mentor/biological father Isalas, who is Rivaini Dalish. She ends up sounding almost exactly like her voice claim, except it’s slightly heavier on the Scottish bit. People can usually pick out that she’s from Starkhaven if they listen to her for a while.
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Lux - TJ Ramini
(Anthem spoilers btw!!!) Accent and mannerisms are actually...pretty much spot on, really. Except...obvious things that Lux would never do. <.<
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Eren Lavellan - Devon Terrell
Eren has only a very slight accent, but it’s something of a rarity among Lavellan to have actually ever heard him speak. Those who have say it was the most beautiful way they’ve ever been told to piss off and stop touching someone’s stuff.
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Tasalin Lavellan - Daniel Henney
His accent is only a bit thicker than Eren’s, but you’re definitely going to hear it more often, and he’s loads more charismatic with how he uses it. Even his dad jokes sound lovely.
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Rexus Leventis - Simon Pegg
Fun fact: Rexus’s voice was Emma’s favorite thing about him, is my favorite thing about him, and probably the only reason she bothered spending any time around him at all.
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Silver - Jude Law
Yeahh. All I hear when I try to think of Silver talking is Gigolo Joe, so...yep. Just like that, but with the tiniest hint of an accent like Atilia’s, since he grew up in the same general area she did. He does his best to sound like he’s never set foot outside of Minrathous, but it slips through sometimes.
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Isalas Telahsalin - Taika Waititi
He’s from a reclusive clan in Rivain that’s devoted entirely to the twin gods, Falon’Din and Dirthamen, and they all have this kind of New Zealand accent.
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Atilia Curio - Shohreh Aghdashloo
Rexus’s mother is an unholy combination of Chrisjen Avasarala and Olenna Tyrell, so this was kind of a no-brainer. She’s originally from Qarinus, so I headcanon her accent being like this, too.
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Falani Lavellan - Ayelet Zurer
Falani still has some of her native accent - she’s originally from a clan in Nevarra, but she’s been with Lavellan since she was seventeen.
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Aelon - Graham McTavish
...Listen, I just wanted a villain character with a god damned sexy voice, okay? What else was I supposed to do??? Erik Dellums??? Huh?????
;) I WILL TAG: @bladeverbena for totally not duplicitous reasons at all, @ourinquisitorialness, @saphyremelodies, @lavellanlove, @thereluctantinquisitor, @chaitea09, @lyriumsings, @sunshinemage, @fleshwerks, @idrelle-miocovani, and anyone else who wants to do it! No pressure if you don’t want to or don’t have any, as always. <3
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allaganexarch · 5 years
Dragon Age Meme!
OMG I left this in my drafts for weeks, oops!  Tagged by @idrelle-miocovani 
Tagging @rocket2saturn @artwaffle142 @butchmoira @takingtheuniverse @thevikingwoman @blessedrighteous @mirandaputsherbestbuttforward @thewindysideofcare uhhhhh idk also if you wanna do it tag me back I love to know abt people’s DA experiences!
01) favorite game of the series?
02) how did you discover Dragon Age?
DA:O was free on Origin right before Inquisition came out, and I’m a sucker for a free thing--then the Inq graphics and also Cassandra drew me into the void and now I live here.
03) how many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve done uhhhhhhhhhhh 4 full playthroughs of DA:O, plus a smattering of others mostly just for the origin stories and then I abandoned them around ostagar
I’ve done 2 full playthroughs of DA:I, plus a couple of others I abandoned at various points
I’ve done so many playthroughs of DA2 I honestly have no idea LOL I love that trash game w my entire soul.
04) favorite race to play as?
Gotta love that Elf lore!!!!
05) favorite class?
Mage!!!  Though I do like two-handed warrior in DA2, because a. it’s basically auto-aim and b. Bethany is my child
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
In DA2 and Inq I make a lot of the same decisions because they’re things I care a lot about, eg. saving certain characters or getting the content I like best.  With Origins I’ve varied my major choices a little more, but a lot of the time it comes down to me being lazy and not wanting to do a lot of extra leg work for people I don’t even care about LOL.  I feel a little more comfortable making different choices in DA2 because the game is low-time commitment so a. I don’t mind replaying sections to change things and b. I really love the game and I know I’ll play it again
07) go-to adventuring group?
DA:O -- honestly if I can get away with Morrigan, Wynne, Leliana I will
DA:I -- Cassandra and Solas are standbys and then I change up the third companion
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Honestly even though I use the default Hawke design and name I feel like I’ve put the most thought into her character hahaha like I’ve fleshed out Warden Ivana and Elonaya Lavellan for writing purposes, but I’m not super attached to very much about them besides basic look and disposition.  Specifics change by story and it doesn’t really affect how I play the game.
09) favorite romance?
DA:O -- I don’t romance anyone because I have problems(TM) with all of them LOL
DA2 -- Fenris
DA:I -- Solas
I always prefer the slow burn/angsty option, and I get uncomfortable when romances are too overtly sexual lol
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
I’ve only read The Masked Empire--couldn’t get into any of the others.  I liked some stuff about it--fast paced and a lot of plot twists, but like,,,,,,,,,,,,,i showed up for the lesbians and I did not care abt anything else.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
12) favorite DLCs?
I haven’t played them recently enough to remember which I liked better, so I’mma say Descent and Trespasser!!!!  But I’ve still yet to play most of the Origins DLCs
13) things that annoy you.
Unnecessary fetch quests and the way a lot of the romances feel very weird and too fast  (((though to be fair I am an emotionally stunted goblin)))
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Gotta go with Ferelden man---they have doges!!!
15) templars or mages?
Definitely pro-mage, but I support Meredith throughout most of DA2 bc I’m trash
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
Different universes I guess--that’s not the kind of thing I devote much thought to.
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I usually name DA:O doge Bertholt and DA2 doge Logan Handsomepants
18) have you installed any mods?
I’ve used romance mods for Morrigan and Cassandra, and mods that removed some of the aggressive make-up, but that’s about it.
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
The Circle is all Warden Ivana has ever known, and she doesn’t relish the thought of leaving, but at that point she basically has no will of her own and trusts her life entirely to the established authority, so she doesn’t really possess the wherewithal to resent the choice made on her behalf.
20) hawke’s personality?
Purple with a side of Red or Blue depending on playthrough
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
Nah I’m lazy as fuck
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Ivana Amell: being more emotionally present and aware of her friends in the Circle
Marian Hawke: Hawke’s whole life is a swirling mass of regret; she wouldn’t know where to start
Elonaya Lavellan: Often very much wishes she had never left her clan in the first place.
Taman Adaar: She’s a no-regrets kinda gal--can’t change the past, and the past made you who you are.
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
My fave headcanon, which I use in most of my DA2 stories, is that Hawke is a mage who disguises herself as a warrior/whom Varric paints as a warrior to protect her.  She is surprised and very concerned when Meredith doesn’t call her on it, since templars are supposed to be able to tell.  Meredith doesn’t call her on it until she snaps.  For me it adds a more believable layer of why Hawke would be afraid of/beholden to Meredith when she has status and influence of her own, and if she’s already lost her sibling.  Plus I love to suffer LOL
There are also a few very weird companion conversations where there’s not really a satisfactory response because the dialogue is so pointed, and we just pretend those didn’t happen.
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone?
25) who did you leave in the Fade?
The first time I played I left Stroud in the fade--I didn’t know who Hawke was, and it was default man Hawke with like a red personality I think?  But everyone seemed to love Hawke on the internet so I was like well I should save him lol.
The second time I engineered it so I had Alastair and saved him over Hawke, just to see what happened, but every other time I’ve saved Hawke.
26) favorite mount?
I remember getting really into collecting mounts my last playthrough but I don’t remember caring that much about the actual mounts lol it was just the act of acquiring them
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kagetsukai · 5 years
Mahanon Lavellan
Tumblr media
Screenshots by @idrelle-miocovani
Face claim: Rick Mora
NAME: Mahanon Innanisleas Lavellan
AGE: 38 at the Conclave, 42 at the end of Trespasser
PROFESSION: Clan Lavellan’s tracker and scout. Dual-wielding rogue with minor bow skills.
Mahanon has been born into the clan Lavellan and has lived with them his entire life. Very early on his interests put him on the path of a hunter, but while his peers excelled with the bow, he did not. Thankfully, he was able to try out of a few other weapons and settled on daggers, which lent to his natural agility. Through long years of study and practice he became an excellent scout, who once caught a scent of prey, he never faltered in his pursuit.
He met Adahleni when he had just turned 18. Their clans met up as part of spring festival celebrations and the two of them became inseparable at once. When the other clan left after a month together, Adahleni stayed with Mahanon. Their romance was an explosive and passionate one, but once emotions calmed, they found they truly cared for each other. Less than a year after they met, Adahleni gave birth to their first and only child: Leena. Unfortunately, their bliss didn’t last long. The clan ventured too close to a Deep Roads entrance and was ambushed by darkspawn. The raiding party was small, and the entrance swiftly barred afterward, but there were several casualties in the scuffle, one of them being Adahleni. Mahanon mourned her for a long time, but he also had a young child to care for. From that day on, Leena became the most important part of his life.
When the rumor of the Conclave reached clan Lavellan, his Keeper did not hesitate to ask Mahanon to go and spy on the shemlen; he was the lightest on his feet and it was crucial to understand what the next step of the war would be.
Body type: Lean, but muscular
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown, almost black, straight, thick and heavy
Skin: Tan brown
Height: 5′7
Weight: 155lbs  
Strength: 6/10. He’s not a weakling, that’s for sure, but strength is not his primary ability. He’s one of those men who are wiry and can get shit done, but in head-on fight, he’d be mediocre.
Perception: 8/10. He is a rogue and the clan’s tracker so he is hyper aware of his surroundings. He’s more effective when out in the field, since the cities have too much stuff going on in them and the noise distracts him. He’s pretty good at noticing people’s reactions and emotions, though he still struggles with human ways.
Endurance: 8/10. He’s a durable fellow, that’s for sure. He’s also capable of trekking through some rough terrain and surviving it.
Charisma: 7/10. He’s not an ugly man, but most of his charisma comes from intimidation, aka his Resting Bitch Face™. He’s not particularly statuesque, but among the Dalish, he was on the bigger/wider/taller side of things. He employs a Stony Face™ in order to intimidate people into doing what he wants. He was somewhat popular with the ladies among the clans (Lavellans interacted with multiple clans, of course), but he didn’t care for it, other than the occasional tension release.
Intelligence: 7/10. He’s not book-smart, but he’s not dumb either. Being with the clan for so many years - and helping his daughter in her studies - introduced him to books, so he is able to read and write sufficiently. His mind is adaptable, though he will occasionally struggle with more abstract concepts.
Agility: 8/10. You could say he is made of rubber. He has always had an affinity for agility, but the fact that he’s rapidly approaching 40s has slowed him down a little. Still, he keeps himself limber through daily exercise and he’s still capable of giving ‘the young ones’ the run for their money.
Luck: 5/10. He doesn’t have particularly good or bad luck. Life has given him both ups and downs.
Magic: 1/10. He is NOT a mage. There have been magical ancestors, but he himself is magic-free. The only magic he has is the one of The Anchor.
Colors: He doesn’t care about colors, but if pressed, he’d say green. Makes him think of the woods.
Smells: Forest and wildflowers
Food: Spiced meat and grilled root vegetables
Fruit: Dried cranberries
Drinks: Black currant black tea.
Alcoholic drinks: Mead, esp. elvhen-made.
Smoke: He tried once, but he hates it. Tabacco makes his mouth taste weird.
Drugs: He will occasionally smoke elfroot to relax.    
Driver’s license?: He can stay upright in the saddle, since he had to learn while with the Inquisition, but he’s not a particularly skilled rider.
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armor-goblin · 6 years
first line meme
@idrelle-miocovani tagged me!! 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 published stories. Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Tag up to 10 friends! (because i post stuff chapter by chapter i’m just...gonna go through and find the last 10 things i wrote lol)
1. chapter 27 of someday (the miri longfic)
Mireille looked up at the red banner hanging over the doorway and said, “Really?”
2.  leap of faith (a sera/tabris heist au meet-cute)
 The note had said here, this alley, this day, this time, and there was nothing here but a couple of crates and a cart of dry brown leaves.
3. reclamation (miri and then vivienne)
There was a red banner hanging in the hall outside her chambers.
4. bad night (just miri, chronic pain)
Green light bounced fitfully off the stone ceiling, skittering into the corners, and Mireille rolled her shoulders back into the mattress and squeezed her eyes shut and tried to remember how to breathe.
5.  “things you said after you kissed me” (miri/cullen)
 When she was knocked onto her ass for the fifth time in a row, Mireille dropped her head back against the flagstones and said, “All right, I get it. I’m not ready to siege a fortress.”
6. convergence, chapter 13 of when the sun comes (modern au)
“So,” Brynn said, tapping both hands on the steering wheel.
7. “a we might get caught kiss” which became ch9 of when the sun comes (modern au miri/cullen)
The noise dimmed as Mireille padded into the kitchen, and she drowned it out a little further by rinsing out the beer bottles before dropping them into the recycling bin.
8. red jenny (9:31 dragon) (prelude to the heist au)
They left her home that night.
9. “tending an injury” (miri/cullen)
Healers, Mireille had explained to her advisers long ago when Haven still stood and things seemed simpler, were relatively rare.
10. the continuation to star’s amazing mage mythbusters post because i can’t resist miri and cullen arguing but i have to rewrite it because i forgot some extremely pertinent details, namely that this does actually exist
The door to the war room is only mostly shut. 
you know, i thought i started a lot more often with dialogue, but turns out i mostly just start off with short sentences to establish a basic detail about setting and they’re usually not standalone; there’s usually a most of a paragraph behind it. also i seem to really like the construction of action action action something happens and then someone says something. i seem to like setting/physical details more than exposition, that’s kind of a relief. also oh my god i should write more and post more because i had to go back to almost last year to get 10 things haha. 
i’m gonna tag.........god who’s already done this??  @kagetsukai​ @puddle--wonderful​ @shannaraisles​ @skyholdherbalist​ ?? anybody else feel like doing this? you’re tagged too if you like.
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Thirsty Thursday (on Saturday)
@galadrieljones tagged me to share some thirsty Thursday WIP stuff. This is from the beginning of my new chapter of Cullen and Lydia’s modern day shenanigans, and hey it’s kind of thirsty so...
“I can’t believe you let Lydia drive off without a license.”
Sitting on the porch’s stairway, Cullen reminded his mother that Lydia a mage that escaped the Circle, and driving without a license was practically negligible on her list of illegal activities. Besides, she drove at least half of the journey to South Reach. He trusted her.
He slumped against the porch’s stair step, resting his hand on his cheek like Lydia often did. He trusted her, thought he knew her.
When he asked, he believed she would say yes.
It was funny. Cullen never thought of proposals before he asked, . He often heard tales of grand surprises, taking a sweetheart down along a bed of rose petals to a grotto where violins played, where a partner got on one knee and asked for the honor of marriage. Maker, he didn’t even get on one knee. He simply said marry me, turning it from a question and proposal to a grand plan of course she would follow, because it was such a grand plan and why would she ever answer with anything but a yes.
“I did something stupid Mum,” Cullen said. “I asked Lydia to marry me.”
The weight of his defeat numbed him, and Mum blinked once, then twice, before surmising that his proposal was “one way” to ask her if she wanted to just forget the ruse and start a real relationship.  
tagging @ma-sulevin @idrelle-miocovani @zuendwinkel @lechatrouge673 and anyone else to share a WIP (thirsty or otherwise) if ya’ll want :D
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elevanetheirin · 7 years
I was just sitting here thinking about the ask @idrelle-miocovani sent me awhile back that said I have my opinions/ideas and I stick to them and then I realized there is a lot of shit I see on my dash that I want to say stuff about and don't because I just know it will start some discourse for one reason or another
Like sometimes I think if I give.my opinion on something I'm going to get so much unwarranted hate that I don't bother. I just sit here and bitch at my screen lol
Obviously I haven't been to sleep yet lol
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roguelioness · 6 years
Writing Process Meme
Writing Process Meme
Tagged by @ladydracarysao3 - thank you boo! ♥
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Short stories, especially drabbles, though I have a hard time sticking to it. I have a need for details, so something will start out small and just... get out of control. My long-fic seems never ending, and that’s okay - but I hate the fact that I can’t work on anything else when it’s hanging over my head, lol.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Adventure-fantasies, mysteries, stories with magic in them.
What genre do you prefer writing?
I have no idea what genre I write. Fantasy? Desperate Escape From Reality? I’d like to write more adventure/thriller stuff but I don’t know if I have the brain for it.
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
I had some plans for AWNW. I didn’t write anything down until much later though, and even then my ideas kept changing. So I think I’m bit of both - I have a plan, but it tends to be flexible.
What music do you listen to while writing?
I don’t listen to anything while writing. I usually listen to music before writing, usually songs I feel fit the general mood of the chapter.
Fave books/movies?
It never fails that each time I get a question about “favorites” my mind goes blank. Sorry :/
Any current WIPs?
[I feel called out] There’s A Whole New World and it’s sequels. Then Code:inquisition, and that The Mummy AU that keeps drifting in and out of my interest zone. I’d love to finish When We Two Parted as well, though I fear at this time it’s well on its way to the grave :/
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Jeans and maybe a plaid shirt? I wear jeans a lot, like everyday.
Create a character description for yourself:
RoLo has no idea who she is or what she’s doing in life, and copes with self-deprecating humor and puns. She thinks and feels too deeply, and sometimes the depth of her emotions scares others - and herself. She has a tendency to be a little clingy, especially with people she cares about.
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
I don’t know, honestly. I feel like I’ve more inserted my feelings as opposed to my traits. (maybe the people who know me and read my fic will be able to answer this better, lol)
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Not really, though sometimes I’ll admit I’m tempted.
Coffee or tea while writing?
Nothing, usually. If I’m thirsty I’ll go for something weather-dependent. I’m not going to chug coffee when it’s 100 outside!
Slow or fast writer?
Fast, I think. When I go slowly I second-guess myself a lot, and my mind tends to wander - it’s all very frustrating. When I’m in the zone, I work out a chapter of several thousand words. My editing, however, is slow - and repetitive!
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Music, books, games - the usual. The shower seems to be a place I get many of my ideas, though. That, and just as I’m about to fall asleep.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
I would probably be NPC #85 who dies when a horse sits on them, or something.
Honestly, I have no idea. I feel like I don’t know myself well enough to say where or how I would fit in.
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
Most: Two people who are deeply in love with each other, when Bad Things Happen, and they’re separated, but overcome their hurdles to Be Together Forever. 
Least: People dying/being killed off for no reason whatsoever. And stories without happy endings. Gimme my happy endings!
Fave scenes to write?
Dude, I don’t know. I sit in front of my laptop and sometimes stuff falls out onto the screen.
Most productive time of day for writing?
Varies, but usually the evenings.
Reason for writing:
Because I might choke on my ideas and my words if I didn’t have an outlet?
Tagging @ma-sulevin, @kagetsukai, @rawrzimon, @long-liv-prairies, @idrelle-miocovani @ladynorbert, @empresstress13, @katalyna-rose, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul, @lonely-spaghetti, @trewestriandta, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @shannaraisles, @thevikingwoman
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galadrieljones · 4 years
Describe Your Blog
tagged by @a-shakespearean-in-paris. thank you!!
1. Icon: My icon is a commissioned portrait of my Lavellan, Sene, by the lovely artist @nipuni. I have had this icon for a couple of years and have gotten very used to it. It feels synonymous with me and my blog at this point.
2. Content: Most of the content I create is fanfiction, and also fan art. Not as much lately, as the pandemic has but a damper on my creative life. (I’ll bounce back! I can just tell I need a bit of a break to refocus my creativity. It feels a little like shrapnel right now.) I built my blog around the Dragon Age fandom, mostly as a Solavellan writer, so I still reblog a lot of Dragon Age content, particularly Solas; however, this is essentially a multi-fandom blog at this point. I’d say the majority of my reblogged content is Red Dead Redemption 2, with a lot of DA plus some stuff from other fandoms I like: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Skyrim, Life is Strange 1 and 2, Until Dawn, Buffy, X-Files, and Twin Peaks. Plus a lot of art and random silly and aesthetic posts that I like on this website. It is a multi-purpose blog at this point that is probably more just about me and my bullshit, rather than a single fandom.
3. Letter color: I change my mobile colors a lot because I get bored. Currently though it’s a combination of burgundy, pink, and white.
4. URL: galadrieljones, which is just the name of an original character of mine from many years ago.
5. Header: The header on my mobile theme is a harvested cornfield in the middle of winter, from my husband’s family’s farm in Illinois. 
6. Blog title: Smoking Cowboys. There’s not a lot of complex analysis behind this lol. I am a simple girl. I just really like me some smoking cowboys. 
tagging @thevikingwoman @shallow-gravy @ma-sulevin @prairiemule @ladylike-foxes @roguelioness @idrelle-miocovani @segadoraa @midnightprelude @pikapeppa @littleblue-eyedbird @hidinginthehinterlands ^.^
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badpoetwithdreams · 7 years
The Meme Thing
Thanks for the tag (again!), @idrelle-miocovani
Star sign: Sagitarrius
Height: 5′4″
Time Right Now: 8:47 PM
Last thing you googled: “gypsy cart stardew valley” because my boyfriend finally started playing it, but expects me to be an encyclopedia for it, and keeps asking me things over skype while he’s playing (and I couldn’t remember for sure what days the travelling cart appears).
Last book you read: Bazaar of Bad Dreams -- a short story / novella collection by Stephen King. Okay I have like 2 more stories to read before I’m finished but the whole thing has been so good so far. The stories have a great range of styles and topics, and there’s a short intro for each written by king with some glimpses of biographical info that I find really interesting.
Favorite music artists: It changes frequently, but these have been holding true for a while lately -- A Fine Frenzy, Florence + the Machine, Of Monsters and Men, Steam Powered Giraffe
Last TV show watched: Just started (finally!) season 3 of BBCs The Musketeers. Just finished watching the 70s Roots (wasn’t sure if “last thing I saw and episode of” or “last thing I watched entirely” was a more appropriate answer)
What are you wearing right now: A blue t-shirt with a stylized-sketch rabbit on it, purpley-paisley-ish pajama bottoms, and blue and white Disney’s Cinderella socks. (AND a blue bathrobe... I have quite the color scheme going on right now... and I am quite comfy!)
When did you create this blog: Spring 2013, apparently. I vaguely remember starting it during my last year at college mainly to supplement a Wordpress Blog (now long gone) that I had at the time. It’s gone through a ton of changes, and I didn’t even get into the Dragon Age games until a while this blogs very first start, so the place is pretty hugely different nowadays.
What kind of stuff do you post: (((OOPS I accidentally stole Idrelle-Miocovani’s answer here because I copy/pasted the full post for the questions and then somehow overlooked changing this one. Noticed it right after (*cough* after) bedtime so I will answer this one when my brain works tomorrow....)))
Do you have instagram: Yes! badpoetwdreams.instagram.com -- It’s only set to private because I got tired of combing through bots in my notifications, please feel free to follow!
Do you have snapchat: Nope.
Do u get asks regularly: Aaahh.... no. 
How did you choose your url: I’ll spare you the really long drawn out saga of my obsession with finding the right urls/internet-handles and never being satisfied and tearing my heart out with frustration around the time I was coming up with my current one... and just say: It’s from my favorite book, The Last Unicorn. “I’ll turn your heart into green grass, and all you love into sheep! I’ll turn you into a bad poet with dreams.” - Schemdrick, the Magician.
Gender: F
Favorite color: It bounces back and forth between either purple or a blue-green/teal/green kindof color.  
Average hours of sleep: I guess somewhere between 6 - 7.5 on normal days. I oversleep loads on the weekends and try not to look too closely at the clock when I wake up, so I’m not sure how embarrassing those days are.
Favorite characters: So we’re just going to call this a “first to come to mind” sampling and not indicative of overall favoritism -- Solas, Dorian (DA:I), Zevran, Morrigan (DA:O), Zuko, Toph, Sokka (ATLA), Kaylee (Firefly), Willow, Oz, Tara, Spike (BTVS), Fred (Angel)
How many blankets do you sleep with: All of them. But seriously -- last night I had my comforter, my giant warm fluffy winter blanket, and a smaller lighter blanket. Tonight will be a warmer night but I’ll probably still just risk sweating, lol, I like to cuddle up in a big pile of blankets and pillows.
Dream job: Oh boy. Had dreams of screenwriting for a long time but I’m not sure I want that as a steady job necessarily. Hell, a truly *dream* job would be, I write whatever I want (novels, scripts, etc.) and somehow manage to publish the things regularly enough that I don’t need to have a “regular” job. Alternatively, I’ve been improving in web design and social media management with my current office job, and might like to expand upon those skills (learn more code, etc.) and do my own mix of writing and design freelancing.
Random: I am in the early stages of looking-for/buying my first home and it’s super scary and crazy but I might be A Real Adult™ this year and that is terrifying exciting!
I tag: @keirametz @mehofkirkwall @lead-them-or-fall @lead-them-or-fall @pandaspwnz @sumomoblossom77 @elainevdw @thecalicotabby @changeling-fae @teklacat @panimauser @merchantfan
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 5 years
22 Questions
@idrelle-miocovani tagged me! Thank you!! I’ll tag just anyone who wants to do it.
Nicknames: Leo, or Andi.
Zodiac sign: Scorpio, clearly the best one.
Height: 5’6”
Last movie I saw: In theaters, Into the Spider-verse. At home, Wreck-It Ralph 2.
Last thing I googled: The answer to a question on a test my husband was taking, haha ;)
Favorite musicians: God, I am all over the place here. Amon Amarth, Hozier, Sleeping At Last, Nine Inch Nails, Sigur Ros, Kalmah, Explosions in the Sky, Apocalyptica, Imogen Heap, lots of stuff. Lots of movie and game composers - Gareth Coker and Jo Yeong-wook have practically nothing I don’t love.
Song stuck in my head: It’s a tie between the Anthem loading screen music and Sylvain Cloux’s cover of the MacGyver theme song. Yeah. I know.
Other blogs: @chargenovasmash was my ME:A blog, but I haven’t used it in some time and I likely won’t again. I have blogs for both of my multi-chapter fics but never use them, although I might actually write the stories if I did, and a couple others I don’t share publicly for stuff I don’t want to lose because I (*gasp*) hate Pinterest.
Following: 94
Followers: 161
Do I get asks: Sometimes, from ask memes! I’m usually slow af at answering though. Sorry :(
Lucky numbers: 3, 11. Idk, those were just always my numbers playing softball growing up.
What I’m wearing: Black shirt, black leggings, fluffy socks.
Dream job: I...kind of have it? I’m doing important, globally known rare disease research using techniques I enjoy doing and I learn new things all the time. I don’t really think I could ask for much more than that.
Dream trip: Somewhere I can see the northern lights. Also to visit lots of online friends. :)
Favorite food: Bibimbap. It’s so FUN and GOOD.
Instruments: I played cello for a long time, mediocrely taught myself piano, played bass guitar in a band when I was a teenager.
Languages: English, obviously. I speak passable Spanish, can read and pick out some conversational Russian, tried and failed miserably to learn Finnish, did some Latin in college and LOVED it, and I’m currently working on Hebrew because probably 3/4 of my lab is from Israel and they’re great.
Favorite songs: Rebuild, Renew from Fallout 4, Gymnopedie by Erik Satie, Between Sheets by Imogen Heap, Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky, the entire Ori and the Blind Forest soundtrack, Two by Sleeping At Last, The a la Menthe by La Caution. LOTS.
Random fact: I haven’t had Subway in years because my MS thesis advisor always used to say the bacterial culture media we used smelled like it.
Aesthetic: God, idk. Blankets, coffee, tea, scarves, cold weather, fluffy socks, fluffy hair.
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