#if someone gets mad bc i use the word queer i SWEAR TO GOD
lovely-v · 3 years
sorry not sorry but I am always going to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to queer inclusion
Like if you say you’re bi but you’ve only dated people of the opposite gender? you’re bi as hell i don’t care.
If you tell me you’re trans but you haven’t transitioned yet or don’t want to undergo certain aspects of transitioning? you are trans! I’m gonna call you by the name and pronouns you tell me to use
what if someone looks feminine, is afab, and uses she/her pronouns but identifies as nonbinary? what if someone looks masculine, is amab, and uses he/him pronouns but identifies as nonbinary? both of those people are nonbinary because they said they are!
if you’re asexual or aromantic but you’re still hetero in the sense that you experience attraction of some sort to the opposite gender and that gender alone? you’re still a part of the community babe! Aros and aces have always been queer.
If you don’t know if you’re queer or not? you’re certainly welcome to be a part of our spaces while you figure it out!
if you don’t wanna use labels? dont! that’s it! never let anyone pressure you into labels if you’re not ready to define that part of yourself.
if you use labels/pronouns that are uncommon and/or perceived as strange? that’s your label! those are your pronouns! who am i to tell you you can’t use those words to describe yourself??
basically fuck all the debates about the nuances of this stuff. if you tell me you’re queer, you’re fucking queer. I have no right to start discourse with people about their own identities and neither does anyone else.
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octothorpetopus · 4 years
spence and derek are together and the team doesn't know but then one of then gets mad bc they are tired of hiding, so angst w happy/fluffy ending
Give A Little Bit (Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid)
After six months of dating in secret, Spencer is ready to tell their friends. Derek isn’t quite so sure.
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this one, especially Derek’s introspection towards the end. I hope you like this!
Tags: @thebostonreaper @criminalminds-world @agenthotchner @rxseinbloom @cha0ticbisexual @starsandsupernovae
“Coffee. Now.” Derek paused in the doorway to the round table room. “Uh, please.” Emily looked up from where she stood by the coffee machine, arching her eyebrows.
“You look awful.”
“I feel awful.” He slumped into his chair, accepting the styrofoam cup gratefully when she offered it to him. “God, why does no one remind me not to drink too much?”
“You’re a grown-ass adult, Morgan. At this point, if you’re hungover on a work day, that’s on you.”
“Yeah, that’s not helpful. Coffee is helpful.” He chugged the entire cup in one go, wincing at the bitter taste.
“Man, what did you do last night?” He shrugged, and the rest of the team filed in. Spencer sat down next to him, his eyes curious.
“I went out.”
“Hot date?” Derek smirked.
“I guess you could say that. We were clubbing for awhile, then went back to my place for a nightcap, things got out of hand, and now…” As if to prove his point, he knocked his sunglasses over his eyes, blocking out the brilliant overhead fluorescent light.
“Wait, wait, wait. This is the fifth night in like, two weeks you’ve had a date. Derek Morgan, do you have a girlfriend?” He laughed easily, but shifted in his seat.
“Come on, Em, I-“
“Who is she? Come on, tell me.”
“You don’t know her.” Spencer cleared his throat, smiling flatly.
“Hey, guys?” He gestured to the front of the room, where Penelope was waiting patiently.
“If you guys would please stop flirting, I’d like to start the briefing.” Sheepishly, Derek waved a hand.
“My bad. Proceed.”
“Thank you. Now, if you’ll look at your tablets, you’ll see- oh, god, I didn’t mean to look at that…”
It was a local case, and as it turned out not one that they could be helpful in, so Derek went home to his little house in Arlington, flopped down on his sofa with his German shepherd’s head in his lap, and flipped on a cooking show. He was ready to doze off to Rachel Ray’s pickled onion recipe when his doorbell rang.
“I swear to god, if you’re a Jehovah’s Witness or someone trying to sell something, I will throw you into the Potomac!”
“It’s me.” Derek’s mood brightened. He raced to the door, skidding on the hardwood floors. and threw it open.
“Hey there, pretty boy,” he said, leaning against the door frame as nonchalantly as he could.
“Hi.” With the awkward sweetness Derek had grown accustomed to, Spencer leaned in to kiss him quickly, his hands wrapped tightly around the strap of his messenger bag.
“Oh, come on, you can give me more than that.” Derek seized Spencer’s face firmly in his hands and kissed him, really kissed him, long and slow and sweet and warm. The beginnings of rain floated through the air. “Come on in,” he said, holding open the door. Spencer stepped inside, but didn’t go straight to the kitchen like he almost always did (Derek always had a steady supply of baked goods from Penelope, most of which Spencer ate). Instead, he stood in the foyer, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“What’s up, Spencer?”
“Uh, can we sit down?”
“Yeah, sure.” They sat down in the living room, and that’s when Derek knew something was happening, something big. Spencer always sat on the floor in front of the sofa, for some reason, and despite Derek’s protests that it was bad for his back. This time, however, he sat in one of the soft but rarely used leather armchairs, his fingers tapping out a nervous rhythm on the stiff black leather.
“Spencer, baby, talk to me.” Derek absentmindedly scratched the top of Clooney’s head.
“Do you remember our first date? Like, our first real date?”
“Sure. It was about a month before Emily came back.”
“That was six months ago, Derek.”
“Yeah. Wow. Spence, what’s your point?”
“My point is that it’s been six months, or actually six months, two weeks, and four days, and we haven’t told a single member of our team.”
“...Spencer, we’d lose our jobs. We could face legal repercussions. We’re government agents.” Derek leaned back, smiling, but his stomach turned. This was more serious than he’d thought and he knew it.
“Derek, you know Hotch wouldn’t report us. Penelope and Kevin make it work. Why can’t we? Tell me, why can’t we make it work?”
“Look, I don’t want to argue about this tonight.”
“Derek.” Spencer clutched his hand, pleading. “I need to tell my friends- our friends- our family.”
“Why? Why do they need to know?” Spencer got to his feet, stammering and starting to pace.
“I don’t know, Derek, maybe because I’m sick of hearing you talk about all the girls you go out with when I know damn well that at the end of the day, I’m the one you come home to. I don’t want to have to hear you talk about your ‘girlfriend’ who doesn’t exist just so you don’t have to tell Emily. What is going on with you? I understood not wanting to tell people for the first few months, but we’re six months into this thing. Do you… do you not want to be with me?”
“Spencer, of course that’s not it.” Derek stood up and took Spencer’s hands, but Spencer ripped them away.
“Then what? Are you embarrassed of me? Of how young I am? Or is it just because I’m… odd?”
“No. Never, ever think it’s because I’m ashamed to be with you.”
“Then why?”
“I just want some damn privacy! Don’t you? We let these people into every little nook and cranny of our lives whether we want to or not, and I want- no, I need something that they don’t get a say about!”
“They don’t get a say, but I sure as hell should.”
“I’m doing this for us! I’m doing this for you, Spencer!”
“I- what?” Spencer stepped back, puzzled.
“Look at us, kid. You were a child prodigy and had three PhDs by the time you were twenty-four. And me, well… you know me. What are they going to think?”
“They’re our friends, Derek. They’re our family..
“Friends don’t always have the response you want them to. Come on, you know that.”
“So, what? You don’t want them to know about us because if they know we’re queer-” Derek flinched at the word, but Spencer didn’t seem to notice. “-then they’ll think I’m even weirder than they already think I am? I don’t care about that, and I honestly don’t really think you do either. I think this is about you. You don’t want them to view you as any less of the alpha male hypermasculine son of a bitch that you try to be.”
“Don’t you dare profile me, doctor,” Derek snarled, and even though they were the same height, Spencer seemed tiny by comparison. “You know, I thought you were different than them. I thought you were willing to give me a little privacy. Our fourth date, we made a promise not to profile each other. Ever. You just broke that promise, so I don’t think you get to tell me anything about our relationship right now.” Spencer bit his lip, still obviously angry, but he couldn’t seem to come up with anything else to say. “Why did you have to do this, Spencer? We have a good thing going, don’t we?”
“Sure. But what’s the point of a good thing if it never sees the light of day?” Before Derek could respond, both of their phones buzzed.
“New case.”
“New case.” They stared at each other for a moment.
“We should-”
“I think I’ll take my own car.” Spencer pressed his lips together until they disappeared in a thin white line, and Derek couldn’t tell if he was trying not to scream or cry. “I’ll see you there.” Without waiting for a response, he left, slamming the front door behind him and abandoning Derek, who stood quiet and helpless in the living room, Clooney whimpering at his feet. He was so tired of fighting, but something in him wouldn’t let him tell them. Something in him screamed YOU CAN’T YOU CAN’T YOU CAN’T over and over and over again, bouncing around his head like an echo in an empty cathedral. But if he didn’t, he would lose Spencer. Those two things weighed in the scales of his mind, but he pushed them aside. They had a case, and he didn’t have a choice.oice.
At some point while they were arguing, the light mist had turned into heavy rain, and by the time Derek made it into Quantico he was soaked from head to toe. He dripped water on the round table room floor. Spencer was already there when he arrived, folded into his chair, his expression not angry but sober, introspective. When Garcia started the briefing, his head snapped up, as if waking from a dream.
“Last week in Harlon, Kentucky, three former inmates from a federal penitentiary were found stabbed to death and buried in shallow graves in a park. They were found by a woman walking her dog, who used to be a K-9.”
“They were killed fairly close together, that means this unsub isn’t hesitant,” Rossi mused.
“We should be looking at other released inmates.” Hotch set his tablet down on the table.
“Victims and families of their crimes, too,” Emily added.
“Could be a corrections officer gone rog-“
“We should be looking at everyone working in the criminal justice system when they were put into prison,” Spencer said, interrupting Derek without a second thought or glance.
“Uh, yeah.” Hotch’s eyes flirted back and forth between Spencer and Derek. “We’ll do a preliminary profile on the plane. Wheels up in thirty.” Everyone stood to leave, but Hotch didn’t move. “Morgan, stay behind for a minute.” He paused halfway to the door, briefly considered making a break for it, but stayed. When he turned around to look at Hotch, Hotch was more concerned than anything else. “What’s going on with you and Reid?” Derek shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
“Really? He seems upset. Specifically at you.”
“I don’t know, Hotch.”
“Morgan, if there’s something going on with you two-“
“Hotch, I promise. Everything’s fine.” Hotch didn’t look as if he believed Derek, but he didn’t press the issue further.
“Fine. Grab your go bag, let’s get this show on the road.”
That was how it went. It was another short case, not a hard one either. Spencer ignored Derek, Derek let him, and the rest of the team stood by in awkward silence, unsure what was happening but not willing to say anything about it. That was how it went. At least, until the plane ride back to Washington. They sat at opposite ends, instead of curled up next to each other like they always slept, like they had always done even when they were just friends, or at least before they realized that they were anything more than that. Derek watched Spencer turn the pages of his book absentmindedly. He knew that Spencer couldn’t be reading, because it was taking him far too long. Hesitantly, quietly, he got up and crossed the plane to sit across from Spencer, who pointedly didn’t look at him. Everyone else was dead asleep, but Derek couldn’t and he could tell that Spencer couldn’t either.
“Talk to me,” he whispered, fighting the urge to reach over and squeeze Spencer’s bony knee like he always did when they were making up from a fight.
“About what?” Still, Spencer didn’t look up.
“Spencer, goddamnit, I can’t see why you’re so upset with me.”
“Really? You really can’t see it?”
“If anyone has a right to be upset, it’s me. I told you, I’m not ready.”
“And that’s exactly it. You’re thinking about how this affects you. ‘I’m not ready.’ I am. We have to make these decisions together, and you’re not even considering-“
“I don’t need to consider anything,” Derek hissed, trying to keep his voice low but failing. “I’m not ready, and it’s not fair of you to expect me to-“
“No, you know what’s not fair?” Spencer wasn’t thinking anymore, and his volume was increasing steadily. Out of the corner of his eye, Derek saw JJ start to stir. “What’s not fair is for you to expect me to not tell my friends about our six-month relationship. What’s not fair is that even though neither of us has been out with another person in those six months, you refuse to let me call you my boyfriend.”
“Keep-“ Derek’s head darted around. Everyone else was still asleep. “Keep your voice down.”
“Yeah, I’ll keep my voice down,” Spencer said, very much not keeping his voice down. “Fine. But I’m sick of you telling me that I have to pretend like everything’s normal when it’s not.” JJ was fully awake now, and Derek could see her gently shake Emily.
“Spencer, I have my reasons. But I also need a certain amount of privacy, even from you. I have things I need to work through and frankly, I need more time!”
“You’ve had six months! Six months to work through these things! What am I supposed to think, Derek?”
“Guys, I-“ Spencer waved a hand to silence Hotch, who stepped back, stunned.
“You act like I don’t get a say in this. Like your feelings and whatever the hell you’re going through only affects you. I’m tired.” Spencer bit his lip. “I’m so tired.”
“I’m tired too, kid.” They stood, just staring at each other. Derek felt the weight of everyone else’s eyes on them.
“So that’s it, huh?” Spencer asked, and in the crack in his voice was everything that wasn’t said. As angry as he was, he would not do to Derek what Derek would not do to himself.
“Yeah, kid. I think that’s it.” Derek had to lean against a seat in order to keep from falling to his knees.
“Morgan, go sit down,” Hotch said firmly.
“I’m gonna go- I-“ Derek gestured vaguely towards the bathroom and stumbled away, his breathing choked and heavy. He hardly closed the door behind him before the first sob racked his body, and he clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. His shoulders heaved and tears began to surge down his cheeks, but he endured it all in as much silence as he could, curled on the floor of the BAU jet bathroom. Outside, he could hear soft, unintelligible whispering, but no one came after him. They all knew better than that, and anyway, the one person he actually wanted to see right now was the last person who would want to talk to him. He briefly considered calling his mom, or even one of his sisters, but he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t be pushed away from the few people on this earth who knew everything about him- well, almost everything. Slowly but steadily, Derek got to his feet. His entire body felt heavy, like he was trying to walk through water. When he opened the door, everyone tried very pointedly not to look at him. He sat down across from Rossi, who flinched but didn’t look up from his magazine.
“You okay, kid?” He asked, so quietly Derek almost thought he imagined it.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Okay.” Still not looking up, Rossi pulled a magazine off the seat next to him and tossed it to Derek. It was a Newsweek from two weeks ago, but Derek still felt a surge of gratitude. Not enough to dull the sensation that his heart was quite literally breaking in two, but it was something. No one else spoke, not to Spencer, not to each other, and certainly not to him. They might not have had any idea about what was going on (if they did, they didn’t show it), but they got the idea that it didn’t involve them. Maybe it should, Derek thought to himself. But if he told them now, any of them, what was any of it for?
The little house in Arlington was the same as he’d left it, except that Clooney’s water dish had been refilled by his friend who dogsat for him whenever he was out of town. Stopping only to scratch the elderly German Shepherd behind the ears, Derek headed straight for the living room, collapsing in a heap of limbs on the sofa. He couldn’t deny that it was his fault anymore, could he? Spencer really hadn’t been asking that much, when it came down to it. Just that they could be together in public, in the eyes of their friends. Because that was what you did when you were with someone. Only they had never really been together, because Derek had always laughed it off when Spencer had asked if they were boyfriends. Why was that? Why couldn’t he get up the courage to be something with someone? Not even just someone, but someone he thought he maybe loved.
So, it was love. Then why couldn’t he ever bring himself to say those words, or any like them, out loud? It wasn’t like he had never been in a long-term relationship before. It wasn’t like he had never been someone’s boyfriend, or like he’d never said “I love you”. All the dates he’d been on, the late nights shared on this same sofa, dinners with his family, introductions to his friends passed through his head like the old-school viewmaster he had loved to play with as a kid. It took him a moment to realize why this was so different than all of those other times, and when he did, he fell off the sofa onto the floor, knocking his head against the coffee table as he tumbled down. He had been a boyfriend, he had said “I love you”, he had been out in public and met the parents and the friends before.
But he had never done it with a man.
Why it had taken him this long to figure that out, he didn’t actually know, and kind of wanted to smack himself for, but then he noticed the blood dripping from his head where he had hit the coffee table, and decided he’d probably injured himself enough for one night. While he was getting up to find the first-aid kit he kept in the hall closet, he looked back, incredulous. Sure, figuring out he liked men had been a fairly recent development, but he honestly didn’t see it as life-changing at the time. No, he hadn’t told anyone, but that was because it wasn’t anyone else’s business… right?
No. That wasn’t right.
In the dim light of the bathroom, Derek inspected his injury. It wasn’t a super deep cut, but it would take a while to heal, and he’d probably have a scar for a while. Watching his blood dilute and swirl down the drain, he remembered a specific day from his childhood he hadn’t thought about in years. He had only been twelve, maybe thirteen, and playing basketball with a few friends after school when they heard yelling from around one side of the community center. That had been the first hate crime he had ever seen- a gay kid got beat up simply for being gay. And as a Chicago cop, and an FBI agent, it was not the last. It wasn’t the last time he heard slurs tossed around like they bore no weight, casual ignorance from the coworkers in the locker room or friends on the street. If they’d known about him, would they have stayed quiet? Would they have kept their vitriol to themselves until he was gone and then let it spew, melting the world around them like acid? Or would they have done to him what they did to that kid that day at the community center? No, he was too big and too strong for that. Being big and strong was what protected him, from fists and rage, but also from prying eyes. No one ever expected that the 200 lb former linebacker and Judo black would be the one with the dirty little secret. Maybe if they did, it would be easier. Maybe if he thought it would surprise everyone less, it wouldn’t be quite so hard. When Spencer had come out to the team a few years ago, no one had seemed surprised. It wasn’t hard to see how the skinny kid with the messy hair, who’d never really had a girlfriend, who wore sweater vests and sneakers everywhere, who could carry a conversation with only his endless fount of knowledge, could be different from the rest of them. Only he wasn’t that different, was he? No, his coming out had been what sparked Derek’s journey of self-discovery, so they weren’t as different as they seemed. What he truly couldn’t endure was the surprise. He didn’t want to be seen in a different light- he was just Derek Morgan, same as always. But that was never really the case with a bomb like this. No one ever just took it without flinching, without questions that demanded answers he couldn’t give.
The scales in his mind, which up until this point had been weighted so heavily towards that one side, that side that said everything would go wrong and his life would change forever, began to tip now. Because now he was in his home office, staring at the bulletin board over his desk. His office was the one place no one else ever went in his house (his bedroom was almost his own, except the time he’d let Emily sleep in his bed after getting a little too wasted at the FBI Christmas party). But no, his office was his and his only, so that was where he kept all the reminders he needed for himself, without anyone else’s input. A signed puck from a Chicago Blackhawks game he’d gone to with his father before he died. A dried flower from the bouquet his mom had sent him when he was accepted into the FBI academy. But he wasn’t looking at those things right now, right now his eyes were fixed on the photo that had taken a prominent position front and center. If he’d been profiling himself, he would have said that the reason was that that photo had some kind of importance. It was him and Spencer, about three months earlier, at a Washington Wizards game, basketball being the only sport he could convince Spencer to go to. The picture was a close-up of the jumbotron, during the third-quarter Kiss Cam (he had paid the guy working the Kiss Cam twenty bucks for the footage). In it, Spencer was wearing one of Derek’s old Wizards jerseys, and he was still in the middle of saying something when Derek had kissed him. His wide eyes made it obvious it had been a surprise, but his smile and the hand resting on Derek’s backwards baseball cap gave him away. Derek loved that picture, that’s why he had put it on the board right where he could see it as he worked. He wanted to go back to that, to the quiet ease and the loud feelings, to blending into a world that told them they had to stand out.
The scales were tipping. On one side, there was the world. On the other, there was Spencer. Spencer, who loved brownies and foreign films. Spencer, who wore his sneakers to The Capital Grille. Spencer, who should have been jaded and cynical but still had an optimism about the world Derek couldn’t quite refute. The scales were tipping, and Derek made no effort to stop them. With every minute he stared at that picture, every minute he thought about the last six months, they tipped further and further until there was no denying that one outweighed the other. With a little resignation, a little relief, and a lot of apprehension, Derek got up, turned off the office light, and went to bed.
The round table room was dead silent when he walked in, not that anyone had been talking before he’d arrived. Rossi and JJ were watching everyone with wide, wary eyes. Emily was staring into her coffee. Garcia bit her lip, her nerves obviously getting to her. Hotch was scrolling through his tablet. Spencer sat in his chair, staring off into the near distance. His hair was more of a mess than normal, his tie was crooked, and his eyes were heavy-lidded and red, like he’d stayed up all night.
“Garcia.” Hotch nodded. “Let’s get started.”
“Okay, well-” Penelope’s voice wobbled, and she started suddenly as Derek raised his hand. “I- what?”
“Can I say something before we start?” Confused, a little freaked, she looked to Hotch for confirmation. Hotch looked equally as confused, but nodded.
“Go ahead, but try to make it quick.”
“I will.” On shaky legs, Derek stood. Everyone looked at him, their interests piqued, except Spencer, who continued staring off at some point Derek couldn’t see. “Six months ago, I met someone. Well, no. I already knew them. Six months ago, I saw someone I knew in a different light. And for the last six months, I’ve been falling head-over heels in love.”
“Derek, how come you never told me?” Penelope gently squeezed his hand. “Whoever she is, I’m sure we’d love her.” He smiled, shaking his head.
“That’s just it. You’re not going to love her, because there is no her.” Confused, the team glanced at each other, but remained silent. “He is so incredibly special to me, and I’ve wanted to scream it from the rooftops for six months, but I just… I couldn’t.” Now, for the first time, he turned to Spencer. “Spencer Reid, I love you.” Spencer’s head snapped up, his eyes wide like he’d just woken up. His mouth opened and closed a few times but he didn’t say anything. Derek wasn’t watching anyone else, but he was sure they were wearing identical looks of shock. “I’ll never be as sorry for anything else in my life as I am that I never told you that, and that I made you keep this secret for so long.” He crouched in front of Spencer, taking his hands. “I had to think. I shouldn’t have had to, I should have just let myself be with you, but I did. I’ve seen a lot, Spencer, a lot of myself and a lot of the world. And I hate to say it, but I’ve got way too much fear for my own good. But I realized that if I weigh whatever fear I have against you, it’s no contest.” He cleared his throat and straightened, facing his startled friends. “I’m bisexual. It took me a while to figure it out, and even longer to come to terms with it, but it’s who I am. Six months ago, about a month before you came back, Em, I asked Spencer to go to the movies with me. We’ve been together ever since. Last week, he asked me if we could tell you. I let my demons get the better of me. I’m not gonna do that anymore. Spencer.” He held out a big, weathered hand, pleading silently for Spencer to take it. Spencer stares up at him, clearly hesitating. But then he blinks, and whatever reservations he had disappeared. He took Derek’s hand and let himself be pulled into a hug. Derek felt his narrow, bony arms wrap around his shoulders and his head bury into the crook of his neck. “I’m so sorry,” Derek whispered, knowing the rest of the team was still watching, not really caring.
“I forgive you,” Spencer murmured.
“I love you.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Derek frowned. “Sorry. Love you too.”
“Ahem.” Hotch cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, I’m very happy for you guys, but can we finish the briefing first?” Derek and Spencer untangled their limbs, both grinning sheepishly. They sat back down, an awkward but cheery silence sweeping the room.
“Wow. Uh, okay.” Penelope wiped her eyes and Derek realized she was crying a little. So was he, just a few little happy tears in the corner of his eyes. In fact, it looked like there wasn’t a dry eye at the round table. “So, yesterday in Sacramento, one Mr. Paul Young was found in a dumpster with his hands cut off- ew.”
“Morgan. Reid. Hang on a minute.” Hotch beckoned for them to stay as the rest of the team headed to the jet. Derek winced. He’d known there would be something, but he’d hoped rather foolishly that Hotch would give them a few days. Nope.
“Hotch, listen-“
“Guys, just… hold on.” Hotch scanned them both with those dark, analytical eyes. “I won’t tell Strauss if you don’t want me to, which I’m assuming you don’t. I’m guessing you two know that this isn’t going to be easy.”
“I’m not done. You cannot have anything happen like what happened on the plane yesterday. If you do, I will tell Strauss. I’m not threatening your jobs, and even if I do tell Strauss, I will fight for you to keep your jobs. But that can never, ever happen again. Am I clear?” Derek nodded vigorously, and out of the corner of his eye saw Spencer doing the same. “Good.” Hotch remained serious for a moment, then broke out smiling. Derek couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Hotch smile so brightly. “I’m happy for you guys. Really.”
“Thanks, Hotch.” When Derek glanced over at Spencer, he was flushed bright red.
“Alright. Get your stuff, get on the jet. I’ll see you there.” He pushed between them, leaving them alone by the round table.
“I’m sorry too, you know,” Spencer said, turning to face Derek.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“Neither do you, really. You needed to process things I didn’t even know you were thinking about. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like those feelings weren’t valid, or if your feelings weren’t as important as mine.”
“No. Never.” Derek took Spencer’s face in his hands and smiled, feeling the happy tears resurface. “It all worked out in the end.”
“No. Not the end. The beginning.” Slowly; hesitantly at first, Spencer leaned in and kissed him, and Derek let him, pushing back with more fervor.
“We should go,” he said quietly, breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against Spencer’s. “Hotch’ll be pissed if we’re late.”
“Let him.” Spencer grabbed the collar of Derek’s t-shirt with one hand, the back of his head with the other, and pulled him in for another kiss. When he broke the second kiss, he held out his hand, which was soft and bony in comparison to Derek’s. Derek took his hand and let Spencer lead him out of the room. He was right, really. This wasn’t the end of a secret not worth keeping. It was the beginning of a real love story.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
Good morning! Whats your favorite show/movie? Who are your favorite characters? Why do you like them so much? Also!! Did you have a good sleep?
Okay so I was a film major for a while, and I have opinions. 
Penny Dreadful 
I love this show. Like, so much. I adore it. I can not get enough of that show. Just all of the imagery, and the fantastic writing and acting. The episode intro alone is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Eva Green is a goddess and I love everything she’s been in. The take on classic horror stories is So Good, and it actually became the inspiration for my Gay Frankenstein story! (Started as a stitch AU, and then went completely OC after I had Ideas) but the show itself is so intimate? I think it’s largely that the period they’re in, everything was so repressed and restricted. So when the characters break out of those moments, it’s more meaningful. And the love-hate relationship between Ms. Ives and Malcolm in season one? Exquisite.  I could literally write essay’s about this show, but I’ll restrain myself and just say: it’s the best ensemble show I’ve ever seen. The characters come together, but they also each have their own distinct lives that sometimes intersect, but in s2 especially, are quite separate. They are constant with one another like ensemble shows usually portray. Also gothic horror and romance? My absolute favorite. 
Anything by Guillermo del Toro
This man Owns My Entire Soul. I’m not even joking, everything he writes and directs is perfection. Crimson Peak is probably my favorite (I have a stitch AU for this too ;) ) because again, Gothic horror and romance. I’m a slut for that shit. Also Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain? Delightful casting. I think it’s obvious by now that I love tragic relationships, so their dynamic is *chef’s kiss* amazing. they’re so damaged. And this quote right here is one of the BEST things I’ve ever read: 
“But the horror... The horror was for love. The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret. This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out. It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all.”
Engrave that on my headstone, please?? I’ve got a sort-of Dorian Gray AU (it’s delightful) that’s basically built on this entire premise. Mitch makes the mistake of falling in love with Stiles, and does many terrible things because of it. Mostly to himself, at least. 
I think my love of Crimson Peak is very closely tied with The Shape of Water. another beautiful movie, I could wax poetic about this forever. it was beautifully written, and such an artistic movie. I love the way it was filmed, and the set design, and all of the subtle imagery. Such as Elisa’s apartment being cast in cooler tones, it always felt very damp and had evidence of water damage, compared to Giles’, a mirror image of her own, in more warm tones. This is another one I could (and have) write essays about. There is so much packed into this movie, from the themes on toxic masculinity and entitlement, to the conversation on queerness and race and disability, and how all the various relationships are portrayed. Like. there is so much to pick apart in this movie. 
Aside from that, ofc Hell Boy deserves an honorable mention because i grew up on those movies. I’m pretty sure the Golden Army especially is responsible for who I am today, given all the lore on the fae in that universe. Wow, that explains so much about me... Also one of my first WoW characters was an elf named Nuala xD I still have her, too, and it’s been like 12 years lol
Near-Future Sci-Fi
Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres, I am a huge nerd for theoretical and astrophysics. But my favorite kind of sci-fi is the stuff that still takes place on Earth, rather than epic battles in space. Ex Machina and Annihilation are at the top of that list. Alex Garland is another writer/director that I love. He has the same kind of approach as del Toro, where he puts a lot of fine details into his work. And I love that it’s very cerebral; there are so many layers to Ex Machina. My English 101 prof actually refused to analyze it in class when I suggested it to him, because he didn’t think my class could. Basically handle? Dissecting that movie? Because a lot of it comes across as very surface level, but in some cases when you look deeper, it’s actually suggesting the opposite of what you might think at first glance. (And he was right, my fellow students were awful. I miss that class though, it was one of my favorites T_T Mr. Ryder was an awesome dude and super chill.) 
Morgan is another good example. As you can see, I fucking love androids lol. Which brings me to another of my all time favorite movies: Cloud Atlas. I could literally watch this movie endlessly, I love it so much. The acting, the writing, the filming, all of it is top notch. And one thing they did in the movie that didn’t come across in the book, was reusing the same actors through the different eras in the book. That was just so neat, because it really encapsulates how connected these souls are, as we follow the threads of their story throughout time. If you haven’t seen the movie, I can’t recommend it enough.  
Another one I always think of alongside Cloud Atlas, even though they aren’t related at all, is Predestination. It’s a great movie that explores the idea of fate and free will in a really clever way, utilizes time travel in a very organized way that I think was neat (think Umbrella Academy. They even use briefcases! As you can see, I love sci-fi bureaucracy, it’s fun. In fact The Bureau is another movie I enjoyed) and the main character is actually, explicitly trans, which was cool. You basically get to see the entire story of their life, and I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s just. So good. Mindfuckery galore. 
Shoot, and I almost forgot! Arrival! That is one of the best movies, and another one I could watch nonstop. It focuses on mathematics and linguistics and I swear to god, I almost altered my entire college course because of this movie. Amy Addams is brilliant, Jeremy Renner is so soft and nerdy, and again, it has an amazing take on time travel. I am very particular about how time is handled in Sci-fi, and this portrayal was one of my favorite. (Most of my physics studies have been dedicated to the theory of time, so like. Strong Opinions.) 
Stardust! It wasn’t until Good Omens can out that I realized Neil Gaiman is responsible for most of the stories I loved as a kid lol, and I had no idea he wrote stardust! But that is such a beautiful movie (I have a Stardust AU lol) and it’s definitely one of my comfort movies. Captain Shakespeare is one of the best characters ever, bless Robert de Niro. I would die for him. Fun fact, i had no idea Ipswitch was a real place until like. 2019. I 100% thought it was made up for the movie 😂
Alongside Stardust, I’ve always loved The Golden Compass. It’s fantasy, but also with that old-timey steampunk science feel, which is so fun and surprisingly difficult to find! 
Mortal Engines also has the same kind of feel, and it was such an epic movie in every sense of the word. I’m a little sad that after all the work that went into it, it didn’t get a dedicated following or fan base, because I feel there’s so much potential in it. But at the same time, fandom tends to gather around media that has plenty of flaws for us to repair with gold, and there wasn’t much room for that in Mortal Engines. 
I’m going to put Jupiter Ascending here even though it technically fits with the sci-fi, because that section is long as fuck and also this movie has such a fantastic feel. Mila Kunis? beautiful. The CGI? beautiful. Eddy Redmayne? One of the best villain portrayals i’ve ever seen. The whole oedipal vibe he had was immaculate, as was their portrayal of reincarnation, and just. The world building. GOD. I get so weak for through world building. Also the fkn intergalactic bureaucracy when they’re basically at the space DMV? One of my all time favorite scenes in movie history. 
I have very little room in my life for horror. As I said, I have strong movie opinions, especially when it comes to horror movies. I don’t like how most of them rely on cheap jump scares and overused gore and gratuitous rape scenes, instead of, y'know, actual good writing. 
Which is EXACTLY why I adore It: Chapter 1 & 2. It has none of those things, but still manages to be so terrifying. They are my favorite horror movies, and I’m saying this as someone who has genuine childhood trauma bc of the novel. Like. I couldn’t shower/take baths alone until I was almost 10 T_T When I was 6-7 and saw kids play by storm drains, I would run over screaming about how Pennywise was going to get them. Like, I had issues man. I was terrified to see the first one, and wouldn’t go until I could go with my best friend after she had already seen it, so she could warn me when something scary was about to happen 😂
And, one of my favorite aspects of the movie, and the thing that gave me Mad Respect for Any Muschietti? The way he filmed Bev and her father. They have a character who is literally being molested, but they never once have to show it. And yet their interactions are still so viscerally upsetting to watch. Sexploitation puts me off of most horror, and the fact that Muschietti doesn’t use it here, even when it would be actually somewhat justified? *chef’s kiss*. I love him. 
I love horror as a concept, I’m just really picky about it because I expect the writing to be good. I don’t like short cuts. But in a lot of cases, even if I don’t enjoy the movie itself, I love to watch analysis videos on youtube! I love to see the philosophy and symbolism in different horror movies, even if i don’t like to watch the movies themselves. It’s a fun hobby. 
Then in general, some other stuff I love in no particular order:
The Internship (Bless Dylan, Stuart is such a bitch and I love him) 
American Assassin (ofc. The writing itself is eh, but Mitch is my man) 
Dylan’s episode of Weird City. (I actually have a lot of feelings about this one. Jordan Peele is another amazing writer/director, I really need to catch up on his works.) 
Dorian Gray (*chef’s kiss*)
Rogue One (Makes me cry every time) 
WARCRAFT (Obviously this is a fav. It made me so happy, words cannot express.) 
Coraline and most other stop motion animation. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for that. 
Literally anything associated with Tim Burton. Fun fact, when I was 12 and in middle school, I planned to decorate my future house inspired by tim burton. Like, i had Plans. 
Most adaptations of Alice in Wonderland!
So! this got long as fuck! But you said you like that kind of thing lol 😂 I had kinda Eh sleep since I was up so late lmao, and I kept waking up (as usual, rip). And I’m so mad I go up for nothing! The dude I was supposed to show my listing to never showed, and is refusing to answer my calls >_> It’s been 2 hours now, and I still haven’t heard from him. But whatever, I already have a full price cash offer on the house so who cares. And that means I can play WoW all day, now! 
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 6: the One Where LWJ is Drunk and Gets Married
Okay, to set the scene, we’ve got JC, NHS and WWX having a sneaky drinking party with Forbidden Alcohol
Obviously, LWJ can spidey-sense when a rule is being violently broken so he appears at the scene of the crime to BREAK UP THE PARTY (or possibly a threesome?? He’s not sure but he’s gonna put a stop to that immediately)
WWX: *bounces right into lwj’s space* join us for a drink lan zhan!! We earned it after defeating the Haunted Water!!
LWJ: *stares over wwx’s shoulder* alcohol is forbidden in the cloud recesses
WWX: chill out dude *playfully tugs on lwj’s sleeve*
Oh man, the glare that lwj shoots at wwx’s hand here could have started a fire. I mean, it must have at least burned a little with how quickly wwx lets go
LWJ: Report to the Punishment Chamber
Did they have to call it ‘punishment chamber’??
It sounds like some kind of kinky sex dungeon, which, like, to each their own,(i’ll read some kinky sex dungeon fic every once and a while, myself)
But this is Ancient Fantasy China summer school…seems a little inappropriate in context
WWX again tries to coax LWJ in to having a drink with them. He doesn’t understand how someone can just…not drink alcohol. Oh wwx, you budding alcoholic you
And here WWX nobly sacrifices himself to save his drunk buddies by distracting lwj (who was about to call for backup, like a narc) and pins some sort of mind-control talisman on him
Wwx: sit and have a drink with me!
Lwj: *sits down and takes a shot*
Lwj: *passes out*
Wwx: *proceeds to gently guide lwj onto the bed*
You know after that initial panic, wwx looks too damn pleased with himself, especially after he gets lwj to call him wei-gege
Wwx suddenly notices that lwj’s ribbon is off kilter and informs him of it bc that’s what friends do
Wwx: your ribbon is crooked
Lwj: *scandalized gasp* crooked??
Wwx: i can help!! 
Lwj: *slaps wwx’s hand* Go Away
Wwx: you’re making it worse!!
And now we have a way to measure their queer queer love for each other without making the censors mad
How does this show do it?? This is gayer than most of the stuff aired in the US and the US doesn’t even have that kind of censorship laws media producers here are a bunch of COWARDS, disney i’m looking at you
Wwx: lol, significant others, really?
Lwj: what’s so funny
Wwx: nobody’s gonna marry into the lan clan with your thousands of dumb rules and chronic allergy to fun
Wwx: nope, you are gonna be Forever Alone
Lwj: …that’s fine
This is actually kind of heartbreaking tbh
He’s so resigned and pretending so hard not to care!!
Idk how the actor did it bc lwj still has a very placid expression on his face but it somehow manages to convey like, a sense of loneliness while still looking adorably drunk?? Idk man, i think black magic might be involved
Wwx is so incredulous at this response. Like he totally believes lwj would be okay staying alone forever but he doesn’t understand it
Bc wwx is a dumb teenage boy who doesn’t yet have the emotional intelligence to see that lwj is just saying that bc he’s scared and hurting
Now we get to see an acute case of Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome like we did back in episode 2!
Wwx: your mother must be so bored here all the time
LWJ: i don’t have a mother 
He says flatly HIDING HIS SORROW
WWX: you can’t not have a mother! Somebody gave birth to…oh.
There’s a crack vid somewhere on youtube with this scene voiced over “it was at that moment he realized…he Fucked Up”
And it’s true
Dumb boy
Here WWX makes up by sharing his sad orphan story with LWJ. it’s so sweet
WWX: my parents died when i was four and I can’t remember their faces–but i do remember getting chased by feral dogs
OH, but we do get to see Actual BB!wwx in a brief flashback (within a flashback, remember this summer school business is not present time, how weird is that) and he’s riding a donkey while his mama and papa walk beside him. It’s adorable.
And after all that Emotional Vulnerability, he’s like “i’ll drink to that bro!” and makes a toast
I actually kind of like the toast he makes here with lwj tho
He tells him “may we never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is worth forgetting”
Idk if that’s like, a traditional toast or something he made up on the spot, but i like it
We get a brief moment of plot development here. 
So some Lan SNITCH barges into the room where lqr and lxc are at and is all “we caught wwx drinking Forbidden Alcohol!” and lxc’s expression is all gently amused
but then Lan Snitch continues “LWJ was with him!!” and lxc’s amused expression quickly morphs into Very Alarmed
(right before that all happened tho we get to see lwj fall out of bed, still passed out drunk and wwx laughs at him. I can’t even hold that against him bc i totally laughed at lwj too)
The camera now shows us some frankly HORRIFYING beating sticks (paddles?? Do they qualify as paddles?? THEY’RE HUGE AND SCARY AND MADE OF NIGHTMARES)
And bc LWJ is too honorable for his own good
Lwj: i am at fault and accept my punishment!
And goes on his knees to willingly get beaten. STOP THAT LWJ
WWX IMMEDIATELY steps in to take the blame, like no, it’s actually my fault bc i forced him to drink when he didn’t want to. LAN ZHAN SHOULDN’T GET PUNISHED!!
LQR: (proving that lans are all Dramatique) ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN CLOUD RECESSES??
Take a chill pill, old man. A teenager getting drunk is not gonna start the apocalypse (probably)
And here lwj completely ignores wwx’s attempt to absolve him and is all no, I Made a Mistake and Must Get Punished 
So the punishment is kind of…harsh, but also lol bc as soon as wwx sees lwj take the beating without flinching or even staggering under the strength of the hits (lwj is truly a stronger man than i; one look at those Nightmare Sticks I would’ve run for the hills), he grits his teeth and forces himself to stay steady
Wwx: *internally but you can totally read it in his face* i’m not gonna let that bastard one-up me!! I have WAY more experience taking punishments. I am the punishment KING.
Okay so that all happens and afterwards WINGMAN LXC STRIKES AGAIN
LXC: wwx, you should definitely visit the family’s private cold spring
LXC: you know, so you can heal faster and not miss class
LXC: not for any other reason
Wwx: *leans coquettishly against a tree thing and pouts* why didn’t you tell me about this spring? Friends don’t keep secrets from friends!!
wwx, you’re so clever, how can you be so stupid – boy is flirting at max level and doesn’t even realize it???
Lwj: HOW ARE YOU EVEN HERE *frantically robes up like some virginal maiden which he kinda is*
Wwx: your brother told me!
Lwj: *internally* brother why
And here wwx gets into the cold spring
Wwx: so cold so cold, let me get close to you where it’s warmer~! *dives right into lwj’s personal bubble*
Lwj: *takes a HUGE step back*
Wwx: *pouts* you know i didn’t like you much before but after our Romantic Moonlit Sword Fight and our Sword Fight By the Waterfall, i’ve decided i like you a lot and we should definitely be friends forever
Lwj: *doesn’t even look at wwx* That’s Not Necessary
Wwx: before you reject me, let me show you all the ~benefits~ to being my friend! *starts to strip*
LWJ *is Horrified in a Repressed Gay Way* WHAT ARE YOU DOING
WWX: getting naked?? To heal better?? I thought this was obvious???
LWJ: *determinedly walks away*
WWX: wait don’t leave!! I’ll keep my clothes on! Anyway you should definitely visit me in yunmeng and i can pick lotus seeds for you. That’s totally what i meant about benefits.
LWJ: no
WWX: i can also introduce you to all the pretty girls there!
Then it turns out the cold spring is actually Haunted Water 2: This Time It’s Personal and tries to drown them
See this is why i don’t trust any bodies of water
They’re all out to get us
AND NOW WE GET TO THE  CAVE OF WONDERS (or cold pond cave, whatev)
Wwx: what is happening
Lwj: *is fascinated by the cave of wonders*
Lwj: *internally* ooooh Magic Guqin!! (BECAUSE HE’S A NERD LOLOL)
Magic Guqin: NOT TODAY SATAN *attacks wwx*
brief pause here to point out that we meet the bunnies now!! Hello bunnies!!! Everyone in the fandom loves you~!!! 💗💗💗
Okay so Magic Guqin continues to attack wwx but wwx is a Clever Boy and figures out that it’s only attacking him because he doesn’t have a sacred lan ribbon
Wwx: lwj, quick, give me your ribbon!
Lwj: *FLIES RIGHT OVER TO WWX and proceeds to bind their wrists together with the SACRED RIBBON ONLY FAMILY ANd S.O.’s CAN TOUCH*
Then the camera zooms in on the metal piece of the ribbon that is now swaying gently between them like, Subtlety? Never heard of her!
Camera: yep, this is totally a straight thing that straight bros do together
So now that they’re bound together for eternity the boys approach the Magic Guqin
Lwj slaps wwx’s hands away from the guqin here – just bc i let you touch the sacred ribbon doesn’t mean you can touch the magic guqin that tried to murder you
LWJ proceeds to reverently play the Magic Guqin and we have this moment where he’s like, floating in space surrounded by glowy blue lights??
Idk man, it’s weird but we’ll roll with it
This is the first time we see him communicate with spirits using music, btw. 
Now we meet Lan Yi!! Who is a badass and important for plot reasons but the Valid Reason she’s mentioned here is because SHE OFFICIATES THE WANGXIAN WEDDING (bc we’ve already established that we’re not here for the plot lol)
the boys are tied together with the sacred ribbon and then they bow to a clan elder. How is that not, bare minimum, a handfasting??? 
Okay, technically, lwj bowed to the elder first to show respect while wwx stood there all stunned until lwj reminded him of the Importance of Manners. Then wwx bowed. But I’m pretty sure that still counts.
“You two being here must be destiny!” lan yi says, “i’m gonna do some plot exposition so pay attention.”
Thankfully we are not lwj or wwx so we don’t have to pay attention at all!!
At some point, wwx makes a clever comment and lan yi is all “wwx you’re as smart as i thought!! 
Yes yes i definitely approve of you marrying my great great great grand-son/nephew/whatever the heck he is, idk i’ve been in this cave too long with only bunnies for company" (🎶bunnies are better than people, buns don’t you think that’s true~?🎶 I AM SO SORRY FOR THAT REFERENCE, DISNEY YOU STILL SUCK I JUST HAVE POOR SELF-RESTRAINT)
Okay, she for real complimented wwx’s intelligence (bc I guess everyone’s hot for WWX’s big brain? Idk) but i’m pretty sure she was thinking the rest of that really loudly in her head
Then more plot stuff happens and the episode ends!!!
Beautiful, phenomenal episode. One of the MOST IMPORTANT Wangxian episodes we have!! 100/10 stars, would watch again.
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
GIFTENING Bonus Rounds
For each category, I included a “bonus round” question. YOU GUYS KILLED IT. I loved all the answers, but listed below are some of my particular favourites.
Haruka Tenoh is trapped in the wrong anime! Which would you have her visit next?
I want her to earth shake Kyubey out of existence, please and thank you
My bride is a mermaid. She can relate. :P
i think she would THRIVE in bodacious space pirates. gay teenage space pirates whose job is to dress up, be Dramatic, and rob the wealthy??? that shit is RIGHT up her alley
Princess Tutu - where the world is finally as dramatic as her
PGSM (and Michiru is trapped with her, for REASONS)
Pokemon because everyone deserves to be happy
Any moe-style series so hijinks can ensue at her being baffled by everyone's ages
1960's Speed Racer
is is this a captcha or something i missed oh god
Free! so she can be indifferent to all the hot men and slightly uncomfortable because she still can't swim. 
Stick Haruka in a Gundam!
Dump her in Pretear or one of the Precures! It would be hilarious! She's never in the genre she wants to be!
Revolutionary Girl Utena, so she can be offended by misuse of roses.
Initial D, she will out-drive and out-drift all those guys and steal all their girls.
Evangelion. I would feel bad to watch her suffer, but it would be so, so funny for her to be the comparatively most normal person around.
The Holograms or the Misfits? DISCUSS
both? both. BOTH IS GOOD
misfits bc Evil Ladies Hot
Steven and the stevens
Misfits.  How dare you make us try to think about anything in our lives.
Both, you mad fool. Those combined songs were the best.
The Misfits, their songs are better
The Misgrams: A group of girls who form a singing telegram start up company, but constantly deliver the telegrams to the wrong people.
kimber & stormer
Neither. Limp Lizards all the way. BROKEN GLASS.
I do not know what these things are
Misfits because guitar motorcycle
The Isle of Misfit Holograms
Holograms is just arguably better
I mean, I’m told the Misfits’ songs are better, but my true answer is the band Kimber and Stormer made in that big gay episode you liveblogged (checks) almost four years ago.
I've no idea what these words mean and I hope this does not make me TOO uncool.
this is about jem, right? right?? im hip i swear
Misfits, because Jasper is a member apparently
I don't know from Jem, but I mean...I certainly prefer holographic material to Glenn Danzig? So I guess there's your answer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Stingers
Senshi Band
You can make me liveblog a full series of any show you want! You also hate me. What do you have me watch?
Pick a GoT rip-off, any GoT rip-off
The Bachelor?
The Bachelor :(
depends on how much i hate you, but....probably the bachelor. quantity AND lack of quality
Critical role, it would take forever
If I were a horrible person who sought only malice?  Big Bang Theory.  Entire series.
Toddlers and Tiaras
The Mandalorian - Disney would come after you and kill keyofjetwolf just as dead as keyofnik.  We would all be very sad, you would have to go through a second round of restoring things to a new tumblr account, and your organizational heart would weep over adding yet another hosting site out of chronological order.
You are liveblogging Eva, and must discuss in full detail Shinji's emotional state at all times.
Hannity & Colmes
The Kardashians. And all of their spin offs. *kisses*
The price is right
the bachelor
Probably something with lots of romance and no friendships. Soap operas are like that, right? My college roommate used to watch General Young Light Restless Hospital of Our Lives (which one had Like and Laura?) And it was torture.
One Piece, because it's over 900 episodes so you could maybe do 10% before you die, also you will hate how the women are treated most of the time.
Fushigi Yuugi. Not only do you hate it but it also comes with you squirming when you admit to watching the whole thing. ;) 
Plus belle la vie. It's an ongoing French soap opera that has been airing five days a week since 2004, they're nearing their 4000th episode and there's no end in sight. Imagine all those hours upon hours submerged in French drama, mwahahaha!!
The Bachelor.  Or the Bachelorette, maybe - more straight dudes in that.
The entirety of the Bachelor franchise.
You can only play one game for the rest of your life. Which game would it be and why?
Kingdom Hearts Complete Collection. A) I love them. B) I beat the system and get like 10 games instead of one.
Gemcraft. This game actually takes a lifetime to finish.
Hatoful Boyfriend. It is the best game ever created. Feel it in your heart.
that's a mean question and you can't make me answer it
Pathfinder, which you could play for the rest of your life and still never finish.
Civ VI , so I can rule the world without leaving my house.
I am legitimately perturbed by this question and refuse to answer it.
Pokemon Go. I would have nothing else, but I would catch them all.
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: I'll never run out of side-quests.
Mass Effect--it's the only way I'll get full completion. 
The dinosaur game on Chrome when the internet doesn't connect because my life is monotonous and it's a welcome relief. 
Stardew Valley. Peaceful farmer life and turning my children into doves when I'm bored with them.
Crabs Adjust Humidity
Oh my! A number of things come to mind, not one of them fit for print. Just, you know...*gestures vaguely* sex shit. 
I can't even stick to the ones I play now.
This is the worst of all possible things and I refuse to answer. 
Monopoly, I hate myself :(
Probably Minecraft! I haven't gotten into it because I know if I start I will NEVER STOP. Who would do things like build a hundred foot tall statue of Mako-chan? A-THAT'D BE ME.
the game. Of LIFE! *shrug emoji*
I don't believe I'll tell you, because I AM a salty little fish and it was HARD to cut that 11th choice off my vote.
Holligay and I are going to be the leads in a new buddy film. What's the premise? How does it end?
Be gay do crimes. Thelma and Louise. Duh. :P
I have no idea but only just surviving disaster is how it ends.
You break down in a small town during a roadtrip- your stay is full of hijinks and ends with you teaching the townsfolk the true meaning of friendship.
Doctor Holligay, Esquire, PhD, renowned Jewish femme of many talents, is assigned one Operative Jet Wolf as her bodyguard on a foreign diplomatic mission/vacation/culinary tour of the world ("same difference, shut up, narrator"). One problem: Operative Wolf needs a bodyguard herself, as the good doctor discovers when in one night her toilet is destroyed ("IT WAS A SECURITY THREAT") and Operative Wolf nearly breaks a leg falling down a small set of stairs ("THEY PUT A CLIFF OUTSIDE THE DOOR"). Worldwide shenanigans ensue as Holligay and Operative Wolf learn the true meaning of friendship, and also how to take care of themselves... by taking care of each other.
I’m not sure about the premise, but DEFINITELY it ends in murder.
Someone posted a major spoiler during one of your liveblogs. The two of you track them down seeking revenge. It turns out it was the original creator of the series trying to stop you. For some reason Holligay is a CGI badger.
It's clearly a buddy cop movie, and like all good buddy cop movies, it ends with Doc almost dying, and you saving her, and slapping her wound in the hospital as the credits roll.
It ends as it began: with Holligay roasting you.
A straight detective and her lesbian partner have to solve the case of the missing cinnamon buns.  It ends with nobody getting the guy OR the girl and you drive off into the sunset together, perps behind bars sans cinnamon buns.
I don't know what it's about but I know it will be the only movie that ever existed. 
Holligay is the lesbian chief of staff to you somehow being elected President and she's basically running the country while you're the charming face of the administration
Nerd and cowgirl meet at a bar, justifyingly murder some gross dude, go on the run from the law and have a life-changing road trip, on the way Nazis are punched
carrying a delicate object through a forest after your helicopter goes down
Thelma and Louise, but instead of dying, your deaths are clearly faked and you live on a ranch in Montana with your respective spouses and animals. One time a cop comes by the restaurant/bar you joint own with Doc and says, "You look familiar." Doc, in perfect lesbian, answers, "Jet's just got that criminal look, on account of how much she'd love to steal my cheesecake recipe. More pie?"
Queer Eye with a Straight Goy. The two of you do the show but in your own special ways.
Doc Holligay is the wild-west no-nonsense sheriff. Jet Wolf is the all-fun cyberpunk cop from the future. They punch nazis and argue about food. It ends as a tv series ala B99.
Your lives are already a buddy film, don’t get greedy.
Hands and socks.  You know how it ends.
See Grumpy Old Men for details.  How does it end?  Badly.
I can't imagine the premise, but I'm pretty sure the planet explodes.
A Coen Bros film. It ends poorly.
Wait? You're not already living this now? 
Sure. Why not?
Rei who? ;)
Plush Is being hugged by Zoisite in your banner.
The best
It's time tooo.... REI! THAT! HINO!
sponsored by Here! curry
Isn't how you spell Makoto Kino!
In conclusion: Rei Hino
Rei Hino is giving this Giftening finger guns
Hot stuff, lights my fire, blazes it regularly. I am out of fire jokes.
These hot feelings are C'EEEEEST LAAAAA VIIIIIIE c'mon rei-chan why aren't you singing along
IS THE BEST (I know who I'm talking to)
If Hot Pocket were to plan One Last Heist, what do you think would be his objective? What would be Mina's role in his master plan?
Master Hot Pocket seeks BREAD. His friend and loyal companion, Mina-pup, acts as a distraction, as he has learned the humans are easily distracted by cute. While she does her sworn duty as Best Friend and Cutest Goodest Girl, probably with lolling tongue and glee at all the pets she receives, he picks the locks on the newly childproofed pantry, and Master Howard H. Pocket FEASTS AS NO CAT HAS BEFORE.
Every bag of flour in Montana; Mina runs distraction with her adorable puppy eyes
Open every container, leave none unmarked. Mina is the lookout who greets whoever comes and is completely ineffective at her job.
TAKE ALL THE FLOUR. Do it straight from the source: FlourCo Inc. What does a 10-pound cat do with eighty thousand tons of flour? If you can't figure that out, there's a reason he's the brains of this outfit. Mina would obviously be the bumbling lovable distraction to security or other people.
Bread.  Mina is The Face who provides distraction to the Keepers of the Bread by walking up to them and being herself.  Mina has absolutely no idea that Hot Pocket is using her in this manner because Hot Pocket is that Machiavellian, but Mina is a pocket full of sunshine in canine form and probably would just be happy to help out.
Hot Pocket knows that no mammal of the floor believes in flour anymore. It went away a long time ago. It doesn't exist. But what he also knows is that they're wrong. A lack of opposable thumbs won't hide the truth from him. He'll find the stash, and when he does, he'll stick his paw in it. Mina, with her limited climbing skills, will lick its remains from his claw and prove his discovery. As well as provide a warm place to curl up on for the aftermath of their adventure.
His goal is to sample every edible thing he can get his teeth on. Mina pulls triple duty as step stool, distraction, and scape goat
The Silver Crystal. Mina would play the role of Sailor V.
He is getting ALL THE FLOUR. Mina is a lovable distraction.
Looting all the carbs in the pantry. mina is distraction.
mina's role would be the "dopey" but talented best friend who it looks like HP is going to betray for the sake of the plan but then it all comes together when HP mounts a dramatic rescue. i dunno i'm still in film mode from that last one.
The Holy Bread Locked Within the Cupboard.  Mina would be the distraction, but she'd forget what she was supposed to be distracting from and end up leading you to him.
I am the Void. I am the Night. I am the Darkness with no hope of dawn. The Flour trembles before me in it's bleached fluffiness. It shall not escape my chaos, which will descend upon it like the Terrors of the Deep, claws and teeth and gnashing. It will howl at my claws. It will scream for my teeth, sharp and white, stars in the night of my fur. I shall tend and tear and -- Dammit, Dog-thing! How am I supposed to be terrible and terrifying with you wagging your tail and panting at me!? Oh, you found a good warm sunbeam? I guess I can stalk stuff later. I am the Void. I shall absorb the Sun's light and warmth and bring it into my Darkness where it cannot escape...
I'm new here and don't know all the complex lore of Jetwolf(fairly sure Mina is dog), so I'm going to assume that Hot Pocket is an actual hot pocket and his heist is robbing Fort Knox using Mina as his loyal stead/get away car. Then he explodes a microwave or something.
i lik the bred
Mina as the distraction while he takes one last tastes of EVERYTHING 
objective--stealing more chips; Mina--surprise betrayal 
The scene: Mama Jet's pantry The Objective: the bag of cake flour Aunt Doc made Mama Jet buy but she's never used Mina: confused but excited escape vehicle and/or scapegoat
RAIDING THE KING ARTHUR FLOUR FACTORY. Mina is of course adorable and keeps everyone's attention while Hot Pocket swan dives into the flour like Uncle Scrooge
Hot Pocket would definitely try to steal a monument, Carmen SanDiego style. Mina, of course, is the multi-talented and super cute face of the operation.
I have no idea who Hot Pocket is
HP would try to scale the tallest building in the world. Not to steal anything, just to be up there. Mina would be the adorable diversion.
It would be to get whatever food you've left on the counter. Preferably bread. He would tell Mina that he'll give her some of she acts as a distraction. She's a good dog so she does. He's a cat so she gets no food.
Truly, truly, THE GIFTENING winner is us all.
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Yet Another Chatfic pt 5
part 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
this is a long chapter! and im posting it ahead of schedule! bc I love yall!
please leave comments! likes! I love feedback!
Also! this chapter has a peek into sarah, finch, and alberts groupchat
Queens of New York
santagay: say yeet if you made it home alive
DJacobs: Yeet!
SJ420: yeet
richbitch: yeet
Spot8365631: yeet
respecs: yeet
albiehadalittlelamb: yeet
WhereforeArtThou: yeet
noteventhatshort: yeet
SJ420: wheres finchy boy?
littlebirdie: still at their apt
littlebirdie: oh right
littlebirdie added crispycrutch to Queens of New York
PM with albiehadalittlelamb
santagay: al, finch slept over
albiehadalittlelamb: yeah ik?
santagay: i hate to say this and be that guy, but al, he slept in crutchies room
santagay: ik whats its like to be cheated on, and i never thought i would be having this conversation about finch but I dont want you to get hurt.
albiehadalittlelamb: ill ask finch, im sure nothing happened
PM with littlebirdie
albiehadalittlelamb: did my fake bf cheat on me?
littlebirdie: …
albiehadalittlelamb: GET SOME BOIII
littlebirdie: lmao so your not mad?
albiehadalittlelamb: why would I be mad? even if we were dating id be chill about this, ik you have a huge thing for crutchie and lord knows youd never get any action from me
albiehadalittlelamb: the only problem is that jack thinks your cheating on me
littlefinch: ok so should we fake-break up? cuz i kind of dont want to, but if jack thinks im cheating on you…
albiehadlittlelamb: i have a plan
albiehadalittlelamb: does crutchie know that were fake dating?
littlebirdie: ye, theres no way i would even be allowed into his room if we were actually dating
albiehadalittlelamb: ok but heres the thing, if jack thinks you cheated on me, then race probably thinks the same
littlebirdie: oooHHHHHH
littlebirdie: so now im also fake cheating on you so that race will feel bad and fall for you and your sad situation
albiehadalittlebird: exactly!
littlebirdie: nice! what could possibly go wrong
Queens of New York
respecs: so why is this chat called queens of new york
inyourFACEtrack: well you see…
inyourFACEtrack: twas all hallows eve 2017
inyourFACEtrack: and 7 of us showed up to kaths halloween as drag queens completely independantly
noteventhatshort: and sarah kath jack and i were dressed as disney princesses
respecs: thats beautiful
respecs: and here i thought it was bc ?everyone? here is lbgtq
santagay: well if you think about it, its both
richbitch: when was the last time we even had a straight in this chat?
crispycrutch: i think  we had morris in the chat for a week when he was dating romeo
santagay: oh god i forgot about that
SJ420: does he even count as a straight?
inyourFACEtrack: well there was a reason he was only in the chat for a week so…
santagay: true, speaking of which
santagay: specs, if you ever hurt romeo, we will find out where you live and steal all of you soap lest you ever get a date again
respecs: noted?
SJ420: he gave me the same threat when I started dating kath lmao
santagay: it worked didnt it?
SJ420: im hate you
santagay: you loved me once loser
WhereforeArtThou: oh shit he went there
inyourFACEtrack: oooooooooooo
crispycrutch: ??????
SJ420: once upon a time i thought i was a het, and then i dated jack for like 2 months
SJ420: and 90% of our relationship was checking out pretty girls together
SJ420: so i figured i should date those pretty girls
noteventhatshort: BIG MOOD
SJ420: for the record the other 10% of the relationship was jack checking out “cute” boys and me being like eh
santagay: and herre i thought you were just trying to stop me from being jealous
SJ420: jack at one point i kissed another girl in front of you and you did not care
noteventhatshort: AHHH
inyourFACEtrack: OOOF
richbitch: AN ICON
santagay: ok well
SJ420: don’t even try bud
DJacobs: That’s my sister!!!!!
santagay: but at least you didnt hide it
santagay: at least you werent kissing people behind my back like SOME people in this chat
SJ420: ????
Spot8365631: i thought you were over that
santagay: i am i just need to have moral high ground over someone
inyourFACEtrack: wait what
noteventhatshort: is this chat just stories of jack getting cheated on now?
richbitch: im living for this
richbitch: jack cant keep a man nor woman
noteventhatshort: but whats this about spot cheating on jack?
santagay: he BROKE my FRAGILE 15 y/o HEART
santagay: but spottie was too cool, lived too fast, couldnt be tied down to one man
Spot8365631: also david was a much better kisser
richbitch: CALLED OUT
inyourFACEtrack: 911? theres been a murder?
DJacobs: This…. is true.
respecs: i am living for the drama in this chat
crispycrutch: were kind of a mess tbh
respecs: i understand and completely respect that
inyourFACEtrack: you reSPECt that?
respecs: haha very funny not like thats my goddamn username or anything
Spot8365631: roasted
inyourFACEtrack: bitch
santagay: fuck offfffff
WhereforeArtThou: this bet is unfair
WhereforeArtThou: im only attracted to one gender, thats less than half the people to ask
santagay: dude ur still winning
WhereforeArtThou: yeah but its a lot more work
inyourFACEtrack: i only have 1 girls number, i think its p even
santagay: this seems like something you should have considered when we started
WhereforeArtThou: ok but consider this
WhereforeArtThou: i didnt
inyourFACEtrack: ok but consider this
inyourFACEtrack: ur a dumbass
WhereforeArtThou: strong words coming from a guy who threw a wii remote out the window
noteventhatshort: fight fight fight fight
inyourFACEtrack: my embarrassments are not ur entertainment smalls
noteventhatshort: ur embarrassments are my only entertainment what r u talking about
Spot8365631: also everything you do is embarrassing
inyouFACEtrack: i feel betrayed
santagay: you should
santagay: i once saw u put hot chocolate mix in oj
inyourFACEtrack: it tastes like a terrys chocolate orange i stand by my choices
crispycrutch: you snorted mr noodles seasoning bc spot told you to
inyourFACEtrack: and i got 20$ for it
Spot8365631: u didnt “””get”””” 20$ ur debt to me was just slightly reduced
inyourFACEtrack: EITHER WAY
crispycrutch: once i watched u drop a spoon into a pot of boiling water and stick ur hand in to get it
inyourFACEtrack: i think ur point has been made, thnk u crutchie
Spot8365631: please do not stop, hes had it coming
crispycrutch: i will stop only bc i value my safety and so i still have receipts for the future
inyourFACEtrack: oh god
inyourFACEtrack: why did i think it was a good idea to live with you
crispycrutch: bc you love me and i contribute to the rent
inyourFACEtrack: touche
crispycrutch: besides, i would have dirt on you regardless
crispycrutch: i have seen each and every one of you do stupid stuff, no one is safe
inyourFACEtrack: mooooom crutchies being meannnn
DJacobs: Crutchie, please delete your blackmail.
crispycrutch: how can i delete it when its in my brain
santagay: i have never been more scared of crutchie
SJ420: crutchie is my idol
crispycrutch: that does not make you safe my friend
SJ420: honestly at this point you could reveal anything about me and i would not care
SJ420: i have reached a god status where nothing you say could possibly embarrass me
richbitch: im so in love with you
SJ420: love you too babe
PM with SJ420
richbitch: ik youre in the next room but i dont want dave to hear, but I got a dinner reservation for two tomorrow at 7 and was wondering if you would like to join me
SJ420: i mean of course, but why are you asking me like this
richbitch: because
richbitch: also you should wear that dress you got for christmas
SJ420: ok?
More Than Just Cigars
SJ420: kath is acting weird
albiehadalittlelamb: what kind of weird
albiehadalittlelamb: like “i just lost a lot of money” weird
albiehadalittlelamb: “i just took a bunch of acid” weird?
littlebirdie: oh no is it “i just slept with jack” weird?!
SJ420: oh god no
SJ420: she texted me and asked me on a date
SJ420: i asked her why and she said because
littlebirdie: !!!!!!!!!
SJ420: ye, a dress from christmas
albiehadalittlelamb: OH MYYYYY GODDDDDDDD
littlebirdie: GIRL
SJ420: what????
littlebirdie: jfc ur blind
albiehadalittlelamb: if u havent caught on yet we cant morally help u srry
littlebirdie: nope
albiehadalittlelamb: have fun on ur date tho
PM with santagay
albiehadalittlelamb: oh yeah finch did not, in fact cheat on me
albiehadalittlelamb: he was just making up with crutchie last night, they had a fight
santagay: and u trust finch in this
albiehadalittlelamb: ofc, ive known finch a long time, he would never
santagay: ok if you insist, i just dont want you to get hurt
albiehadalittlelamb: thanks jack
Queens of New York
littlebirdie: anyone else just, super glad that theyre gay?
littlebirdie: bc thats such an important feeling
DJacobs: Me too, Finch
Spot8365631: rt
SJ420: rt
noteventhatshort: rt
WhereforeArtThou: rt
albiehadalittlelamb: rt
santagay: rt but bi
inyourFACEtrack: rt but bi
richbitch: rt but bi
respecs: rt but bi
crispycrutch: rt but pan
littlebirdie has changed Queens of New York to Queers of New York
inyourFACEtrack: helllllll yeah
Spot8365631: no cussing, my mom checks my phone
inyourFACEtrack: oh my goodness im so sorry spot
inyourFACEtrack: ill delete the message right away
DJacobs: What?
DJacobs: Why does your mom check your messages, Spot?
DJacobs: You’re 23 and moved out?
DJacobs: Also I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you swear in this chat.
DJacobs: This is a meme, isn’t it?
santagay: u got there on ur own!
santagay: im so proud of u!
DJacobs: Thank you, Jack.
inyourFACEtrack: why does it feel like everyone is in loving and healthy relationships except me?
PM with inyourFACEtrack
Spot8365631: wow rude
inyourFACEtrack: were not in a relationship remember?
Queers of New York
DJacobs: Jack and I are not dating.
santagay: dude, were mom and dad, i think that’s close enough
respecs: question, in this mom/dad thing, who is everyone else
santagay: kath and sarah are the aunts obvi
inyourFACEtrack: smalls, romeo, crutchie, al, and i are their kids
inyourFACEtrack: finch used to be one of the kids but now hes dating al so that seems weird
inyourFACEtrack: i guess hes sarahs kid now?
SJ420: awwww i love my new son
respecs: what about spot?
santagay: hes kind of… his own entity… like an estranged uncle or neighbor that spends more time in ur house than his own
Spot8365631: rude but accurate
santagay: thats my name dont wear it out
Spot8365631: i hate you sm
santagay: then y r u always in my house???
Spot8365631: this metaphor has gone to far. blocked deleted and unfollowed.
santagay: honestly? thats fair
santagay: i respect ur choices
Spot8365631: sounds fake but ok
PM with Spot8365631
inyourFACEtrack: in a beautiful twist of fate, crutchie jack are going to see a movie with davey and kath, and im home alone with a meat lovers pizza on its way
Spot8365631: ok?
inyourFACEtrack: would you care to join me?
Spot8365631: no, sounds too much like a date, and were not in a relationship right?
inyourFACEtrack: dude, were friends, sharing a pizza, and maybe having anal sex
inyourFACEtrack: thats not a date its just what we do
Spot8365631: still no, i have to finish a foreign policy essay for tomorrow
inyourFACEtrack: oh ok
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