#ignore my crappy writing
greybugg1864 · 1 year
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Trying to get items at night be like
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anonymouscheeses · 9 days
No post ☹️😔😔😔
Itdsss uhhh a. BIG project so have a small snippet (whatever that means) 😈
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Light In The Darkness - Joel Miller
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Amy O'Leary has a grudge with Joel after he failed her before, but a forced scouting party and a rainstorm later and they are brought together closer than Amy ever could have imagined.
Author's Note | Wow. Pedro Pascal really out here reigniting my need to write steamy fanfics. We love him over here.
Pairing | Joel Miller x OFC
Warnings | Violence, blood and hella smut.
Word Count | 4.8k
Read on AO3 here.
The sun was high in the sky, warming Amy’s skin as she turned the soil over in her small vegetable patch. She made small holes in the dirt with the handle of her trowel and dropped some seeds into the holes before covering them up. Once all her seed packets had been emptied, she took her watering can and drenched the soil in the rainwater she had carefully been collecting over the past months. 
“What are you growing?” Came a voice from behind her. 
Amy turned around and saw Ellie stood near the back porch of her house, “Well, I’ve planted a bit of everything,” She answered, “Whether any of it grows remains to be seen.” Both girls chuckled a little at Amy’s admittance that the past two attempts at growing anything had failed miserably. 
“Did people do this a lot before?” Ellie asked. 
“Of course,” Amy replied, wiping her hands on her jeans, “My grandad had a garden the whole town envied before all of this happened, but I have to admit I was more than happy to get what I needed from the store.” 
Ellie was quiet for a moment, fiddling with the gardening tools that Amy had set out on the porch steps, “Did you need something?” Amy asked. 
“Joel and Tommy wanted to see you,” She replied, “Something about a scouting trip.” 
Amy sighed and pinched the top of her nose, “I told them before I wasn’t going out again.”
“That’s why they sent me I think,” Ellie answered, “They knew you’d explode if one of them came to speak to you, all they want is to talk to you about it.” 
Amy’s mind flashed back to the last scouting party a few months back. It had been the first time she’d gone out in years because Steven had twisted his ankle following a particularly strenuous attempt to dance with one of the girls in the bar. Amy could handle herself and had managed to keep herself alive on a cross-country trek much like Joel and Ellie had, but all she really wanted was peace and quiet. 
It had all started well, a few days hiking through the mountains to a small town that was known as a bandit camp. It usually had good pickings once the gangs realized there was a hoard of infected just outside the walls and left as quickly as they could. One of Tommy’s scouts had let them know it had been empty and it fell to Amy to pick up her gun and head out with the two brothers to collect what was left behind. 
To be fair to them, they had found aa huge amount of stuff on the raid – canned food, a cache of ammunition and most importantly, medicine. As they were strapping up their horses to head back to Jackson, Amy noticed another smaller group of tents and camp beds at the end of the street. She suggested to the brothers that they check it out before leaving but both were hesitant – that close to the town perimeter and they were risking waking up the hoard of infected. 
“Just cover me then.” Was Amy response as she took her gun and made her way to the bottom of the street. 
There had been a hoard of more ammo and medicine that she was stuffing into her backpack when she heard a low whistle behind her. She looked up and saw Tommy motioning to the fence in front of her. A single infected was making its way towards the fence. She held her hand up in acknowledgement and hurried to put the last few bottles of pills in her bag. And that’s when it all went to shit. 
Out of nowhere, a clicker came storming out of one of buildings to her left, catching her off guard. She let out a high-pitched scream and in one movement the clicker had her on the floor. She struggled with one arm to keep the clicker as far away from her skin as she could as she fought to get the knife unsheathed from her belt loop. She was kicking her legs and trying as hard as she could to get the clicker off her enough to stab it, but in the end settled for sinking the knife right into its face several times. 
By the time it had stopped moving and she’d thrown the body off her, she was covered in blood but thankfully no bites. It wasn’t until she stood up that fury flowed through her blood. Tommy and Joel were stood, exactly where they had been before, not even a gun cocked. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” She spat as she made it close enough for them to hear you. 
“It wasn’t a clean shot.” Joel had countered. 
“I don’t give a fuck if it was a clear shot or not, asshole,” She shouted, “I needed fucking help.” 
“You seemed to handle it pretty well.” He said in that annoying Texas drawl he had. 
“No thanks to you two,” She spat out as she walked to her horse, “Were you just going to watch that thing rip me apart? Thought you’d break into some of these crackers to watch the show?” 
The two brothers were silent with a response, “That’s what I thought,” Amy huffed, “Get on your fucking horses, I want to go home.” 
As they’d neared the gates at Jackson, Amy had made it clear she had no intention of going out on a scouting party with the two of them, and that had been that for the past few months. Tommy had sought her out to apologise for not stepping in and she’d accepted his apology, but she and Joel had given each other a wide berth, avoiding each other where they could. It didn’t help for Amy that she thought he was quite possibly the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, even if he was single-handedly the most irritating person she’d also met. 
“All Tommy asked was that you go to his and hear them out, you can still say no.” 
Amy sighed at Ellie’s insistence. She couldn’t help but feel fond of her, she reminded her of her own sister, lost to her many years ago. “Fine, I’ll go.” She relented. 
“They’re waiting at Tommy’s now,” Ellie said, as Amy turned away, “Oh and Amy?” 
“Yeah kid?”
“Will you finally teach me how to make a pie with that fruit you grow?” 
Amy let out a chuckle then, “Of course kid, if I can keep the plants alive.” 
“Absolutely fucking not.” 
“Amy please, we need you to do this.” 
Amy, in an attempt to keep her cool, pressed her palms into her eyes and took a deep breath. 
“The last time I went out with him, he did nothing to help me when a clicker almost ripped out my jugular.” 
“Hey, neither did Tommy!” Came Joel’s angered reply. 
“At least he fucking apologized, unlike you.” Amy retorted. 
“Alright, lets calm down a little,” Maria, Tommy’s wife said, stepping into the conversation, “Amy, this is only a trek up to the lodge and back, we’re not talking days away and we really need the supplies up there.” 
“You know if I could go I would,” Tommy spoke, “But my back’s been done in for days, and everyone else we could spare is helping to fix up the dam and we need that done just as much as this.” 
Amy took a second and noticed everyone, including Joel, were looking at her. 
“Son of a bitch,” She hissed under her breath, “Fine. But, I swear to god if you pull anything like that shit again I will cut off your balls, you understand me?” She pointed to Joel. 
“Loud and clear, ma’am.” 
“Could you hurry it up a little bit?” Joel shouted over his shoulder. 
“You have way longer legs than I do,” Amy countered, “So no, I cannot just hurry it up a little bit.”  Joel stopped at the top of the hill and waited for Amy to catch up. As she rounded the brow of the hill, Amy took a second to catch her breath before taking a look at the view down into the valley below. 
“I never get tired of that view.” She mused out loud. 
“Well, can you maybe get tired of it now, I’d like to be in and out and back down that hill before that rainstorm hits.”
Amy rolled her eyes but agreed that she too wanted this to be over as soon as possible. There was only so much more walking behind Joel and freely looking at his ass that she could take before she went mad. 
It was a simple job, into the lodge to collect some supplies and then straight back down again. They’d found what they had needed and filled their backpacks in no time.
“We’re gonna have to haul ass back down to avoid the rain.” Joel said as they left the lodge and started the slow descent back down to Jackson. 
Amy cursed her damned knees the whole way down for not being what they once were, they made her slower than Joel once more and as soon as the rain droplets started, she thought she might cry. All of a sudden, the heavens opened and both she and Joel were drenched. 
“You run on ahead!” She cried out to him as she tried his best to shelter under a tree. 
“Does that count as an offence that’ll get my balls chopped off?!” He shouted back. 
Amy moaned as she looked to the sky, rain drenching her face, “It’s just my knee’s Joel, I can’t go much faster than this.” 
Joel looked at Amy as she walked closer to him, clothes already soaked through. Amy could see there was a moment where she swore she could see the thoughts whirring in his brain, before she found herself being unceremoniously swept up into his arms bridal style. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” She asked as a crack of thunder bellowed through the woods. 
“You’re already drenched,” Joel spoke, “Stay out like this for much longer and you’re gonna get sick, and I’m worried for my balls.” 
As he made his way through the woods, Amy couldn’t help but be in awe of his strength, being able to carry her and continue walking at the pace he’d set. And not to mention the way he smelt when she rested her head on his shoulder. Musky and manly, the scent of sweat for the exertion mixed in with whatever he used to wash his clothes in, and Amy was ashamed to admit to herself that a burning sensation had started in the pit of her stomach. 
Once someone had let them in through the gates, Joel rather unceremoniously dropped Amy to the floor. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the loss of his body against hers, but she quickly felt him grab hold of her wrist, “My place is just over there, let’s wait the rain out there.” 
“Here, change into these.” Joel spoke quietly as he threw a shirt and some jeans that were no doubt going to dwarf you. 
“You don’t have to dress me,” Amy spoke, “My house isn’t even that fair, I should just go.”
“Amy,” Joel spoke in what was something akin to a growl, “You are soaked through and it is torrential out there, dry yourself off and put the dry clothes on before you get sick.” 
Amy gathered the clothes and the towel he had given her previously and walked down the hallway to the bathroom he’d pointed out before. 
Once she had peeled her soaked clothes off Amy threw on the plaid shirt Joel had given her. As expected, it dwarfed her and looked more like a dress than anything else. Deciding the jeans would make her look like a clown, she looked at herself in the mirror to make sure her ass wouldn’t be on show in her underwear and left the bathroom, squeezing her auburn hair with the towel. 
“You got something against trousers?” Joel mused, sat on his couch. 
“I appreciate the gesture Joel, but they would have fallen to my ankles as soon as I moved.” 
A loud crack of thunder echoed through the house, followed by the sound of the rain getting heavier outside. Looks like she was stuck here for a while. 
Amy sighed and took a seat on the other side of the couch to Joel. 
“Ellie not here?” She asked. 
Joel shook his head, “I asked Maria to watch over her whilst I was gone, she’s probably got the girl working somewhere.” 
“She’d a good kid you know,” Amy offered, “She wants me to teach her how to bake pie if I can get those fucking seeds to grow.” 
Joel snorted a laugh from his nose, “Hey, I don’t need your judgement thank you, Joel Miller.” 
“From what I’ve heard, you’ve tried growing every year since you arrived and have yet to pick anything.” 
“No harm in trying again.” Amy retorted. 
A silence hung in the air for a while as Amy worked her damp hair back into a braid down her back, then another sigh as the thunder and rain continued outside. 
“Do you remember rainstorms before all this?” Amy asked, trying to fill the silence, “I remember about a year before the outbreak our entire street flooded, you should have seen my dad, running around the whole house, grabbing anything he could find and shouting at us to get it upstairs,” Amy was laughing at the memory it brought forward, “My mom said there was no way it was going to rain enough to flood the house and she was right,” another sigh, this time tinged with sadness, “She was always right.” 
Joel didn’t offer a reply, she just watched as he looked intently at the wall across from them. The room was silent for a few minutes until Joel broke the silence. 
“You want a drink?” 
Amy looked at him intently, “Depends what’s on offer.” 
Joel stood from the couch and went to the kitchen, she heard some banging about before he reappeared with a brand new, unopened bottle of whisky and two glasses. 
“Where the fuck did you get this?” Amy exclaimed, picking up the bottle, “This is seriously good stuff Joel.” 
He took the bottle from her hands and unscrewed the top, “Tommy has a stash of the good stuff, he gave me this one on my birthday, just never had a reason to open it.”
Amy looked him dead in the eyes for the first time since she’d been in his house, “And I’m good enough a reason to open it?” 
Joel just scoffed as he poured the amber liquid into the glasses, handing one over to Amy. She took a small sip and coughed as it burned down her throat. 
“I haven’t had alcohol in a long time,” She tried to explain, “This isn’t the stuff you usually find in a bandit camp.” 
“S’alright,” Joel spoke, “Not everyone can handle their whisky.” 
Amy sat open mouthed at his cheek, “I could drink you under the table, Miller.” She said, draining her glass in one gulp. 
He looked directly into her eyes and did the same to his glass, “Prove it, O’Leary.” 
Amy couldn’t tell how much time had passed since they’d opened the bottle of whisky, but it was sitting on the table, half-empty as the two of them swapped stories. 
“You know what I miss?” Amy asked, whisky flooding through her veins. 
“I am sure you’re about to tell me.” Joel answered, moving positions to look at her a little better. 
“I miss dancing,” She answered, “My friends and I used to go to this club all the time before the outbreak, Friday night, we’d drink tequila, and we’d dance with boys and it was like nothing bad could ever happen to us.” 
“You were old enough to go to clubs before the outbreak?” Joel asked, eyebrow raised. 
“Fake I.D. my friend.” Amy sang back, moving to refill their glasses. 
“And these boys?” Joel coughed a little, trying not to make it awkward, “You ever go home with them? 
Amy threw her head back in a chuckle, “You’re such a dirty old man,” She replied, “I never did, but some of my friends did.” 
“Ahhh, a good girl then?” 
Amy stopped dead as she lifted her glass to her lips, “What did you just call me?” she asked, testing the waters. 
“I think I called you a good girl.” Came Joel’s challenging reply. 
She took a deep breath, trying to decide if she was going to take the next move. She didn’t know if it was the whisky or the way he was looking at her but something broke in Amy’s brain. 
“You should be careful throwing that phrase around so easily.” She warned. 
“And why would that be?” Joel asked. 
Amy scoffed and thought about replying, but instead, she pushed herself up from where she had been lounging on the couch, moved as close to Joel as she possibly could, took his face in her hands and planted a kiss right on his mouth. 
It was a soft, barely-there kind of kiss, she wanted to test the waters, but as soon as Joel’s warm hand slinked around her waist and pulled her into him, she was gone. Joel pulled her into his side and moved so he could press his lips harder into hers and before Amy knew what had happened, their tongues were entwined and the sheer joy of finally feeling what it was like to be touch by Joel Miller was enough to set Amy’s skin on fire. 
She pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, searching for a sign to stop, but she didn’t find one. Nothing in his deep eyes told her to stop, in fact, it was as if there were coaxing her to go further. 
“Joel,” She breathed, “If I go further I don’t think I can stop.” 
“I don’t want you to stop.” Came his simple reply. 
All of sudden, something animalistic took over Amy’s brain and whilst her lips were moving against Joel’s, her hands were pulling at his shirt collar in a demand that he take it off. Just as his hands moved to undo the buttons keeping his skin from hers, there were footsteps running up the decking and the front door flung open. 
Amy flew away from Joel as if he’d burnt her, cradling her knees to her chest as Ellie flung her backpack onto the floor and turned to see them. 
“Oh!” She exclaimed, “What are you doing here Amy?” 
“We got caught in the rain coming back from the lodge so I just dried off and waited it out here.” She explained, “Although you look dry so maybe I should head home.” 
As she darted from the sofa, down into the bathroom to put her own clothes back on, Ellie shot a knowing glance at Joel who was stuck to the sofa, “Seriously dude?”
“What, kid?”
“Nothing.” she drew out the end of her sentence, winking at him before she headed down the hall to her own room. 
When Amy came out of the bathroom, Joel was nowhere to be seen, so she emptied her backpack of their loot onto his kitchen, slung it over her shoulder and made to leave. 
Joel was stood on the porch as she closed the door. 
“I, um, I left the stuff from the lodge on the table in the kitchen, and your shirt is in the bathroom,” She spoke softly, “Thanks.” 
Joel turned around to look at her, leaning himself against the railings. In the dusky light he looked absolutely devastating to Amy and all she wanted was to wrap her legs around his waist and kiss him until the world melted around her. 
He reached out a hand to her, which she gladly took, letting him pull her body towards him. Joel leant down and whispered in her ear, “Let me get her to bed and I’ll come to you?” 
Amy’s breath hitched in her throat as she looked into his eyes, “I hope that’s a promise, Texas.” She spoke, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek before walking away. 
The sun had set long ago and Amy had been trying to suppress the butterflies in her stomach by wiping down all of the surfaces in her home. Twice. She had set a pot and some coffee she had managed to find at the back of her cupboards onto the kitchen side to at least look like she knew how to host a man she had spent the last year pining over. 
She had started to worry he wasn’t coming when she heard three soft knocks at her door. She took a deep breath and smoothed over the clothes she had changed into when she got back, before opening the door. 
“I was beginning to think you’d forgotten me.” She spoke softly. 
“Forget a kiss like that?” He raised an eyebrow, walking into her home and closing the door behind him, “Not a chance.” 
Before she knew it, Joel had taken her hand and spun her so she was pinned by his body to the door. She slowly wrapped her arms around his shoulders whilst Joel’s hands found home on her hips. With very little effort, he picked her up and just as she’d imagined earlier in the day, her legs were wrapped around his hips whilst his mouth was trailing soft kisses from her ear down her neck. 
“Bedroom?” He whispered into Amy’s ear. 
Amy let her legs drop from his hips, taking his hand in hers she walked slowly down the hallway into the room she used for her bedroom. 
She stood at the foot of the bed, watching Joel move towards her, “Be a good girl and lie down for me.” 
His words made pleasure bloom in her abdomen and Amy couldn’t help but rub her thighs together as she made home on her bed. Once she was led down, Joel made a point of slowly unbuttoning the shirt she had been so desperate to take off earlier, throwing it to the floor once it was off. 
Amy marvelled at his broad chest, peppered with hair and scars, that only added to her desire to take more of his clothes off. He slowly lowered himself onto the bed, moving to place himself between Amy’s thighs as they kissed once more. 
Amy let her hands wander over his shoulders, drug them down his chest as she moved to lightly nibble at his lower lip. Her hands rested on his belt but Joel took both her wrists and pinned her hands above her head. 
“Good girls are patient.” She growled into her ear. 
“But Joel,” She groaned, bucking her hips into his, feeling his hardening cock through his jeans, “I want you so badly.” 
“And you’ll have me, but you need to let me have my fun too.” 
He slowly moved to pull at her wrists to sit her up slightly, making quick work of pulling her t-shirt over her head. A low whistle left his lips as he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. Joel couldn’t really believe his luck – the most beautiful girl in town, with her auburn hair and milky pale skin, was underneath him, grinding into his hardening cock, begging for him to touch her. He felt like all his Christmas’ had come at once. 
Joel used his deft fingers to roll her nipples, earning a heavy sigh to escape from her lips. Once he’d toyed with them, he dipped his head and took one in his mouth, continuing his ministrations with one hand, whilst he rolled his tongue over the other, earning a moan from Amy’s throat. 
“Fuck Joel,” She swore, running one of her hands through his hair, “I swear if you don’t take my jeans off I’m going to die.” 
He chuckled against her skin, deciding he needed it just as much as she did, he sat back on his knees and made light work of unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them off her legs.  “Tsk, naughty girl, no bra and no panties, what are we going to do with you?” 
“I’m hoping that you’re going to bury your face in my pussy and eat me out like it’s your last meal.” 
There was a moment where Joel looked straight into her eyes, chest heaving and then he slowly put his hands behind her knees and pushed them up, exposing her already soaking pussy to his mouth. He bent his head so his mouth was a whisper away from her core, breathing his hot breath just onto her slit. 
“Joel I swear to fucking god, put your fucking mouth on me already.” 
As if he needed any encouragement, he used his tongue to lick from her dripping entrance all the way up to Amy’s clit, letting the tip of his tongue move over the little bundle of nerves. She let out a gasp as she grinded her pussy up into his mouth, wanting as much friction from his tongue as was humanely possible. 
It didn’t take Joel long to bring Amy to the edge of oblivion – choosing to switch between using the tip of his tongue on her clit lightly, to licking the sweet juices that were flowing from her pussy. He had her exactly where he wanted her, writhing under his mouth, cursing him under her breath and grinding her pussy into his mouth wherever she could. That’s when he pulled out his wildcard. He pushed two of his fingers into her slick entrance as he closed his lips over her clit and sucked. 
It took all of ten seconds for Amy’s orgasm to slam into her. Her thighs clenched as tightly as she could get them around Joel head as she called his name into the darkness. He worked her through the aftershocks of her pleasure and then quietly, as she was catching her breath, kicked his shoes off and shucked his jeans off. 
Amy had barely caught her breath by the time Joel was pressing a kiss to her lips, letting her taste herself on his mouth. She idly moved her hand down to take his cock in her hand, pumping him a few times before he settled between her thighs and in one swift thrust, he was inside of her. 
“Fuuuucking hell, Joel,” Amy moaned, he had stilled to get her used to his size, “Move, please.” She begged. 
Joel was only too happy to oblige and was moving in and out of her at a slow and languid pace, every time he pushed his cock into her dripping pussy, she would grunt or sigh and 
Joel thought if he wasn’t careful, this would all be over far too soon for his liking. 
“Honey, it has been a long time and those sounds your making are bringin’ me to the edge.” He managed to growl into her ear. 
Amy silently placed the palm of her hand on Joel’s chest, pushing him back just enough for him to slip out of her pussy. He watched as she flipped herself over onto her hands and knees, moving so her chest was against the bed and her supple ass and pussy were offered up to him. 
“I’ve already had my fun Texas,” She spoke over her shoulder, “Fuck me until I scream and then you’re free to do whatever you want.” 
Joel almost had to pinch himself and was thankful that his brain was working ahead of him. He didn’t need telling twice. He slammed his cock back into her pussy and set a punishing pace, using one hand to hold her hip with the other grabbing a handful of her beautiful hair to pull her even closer onto his cock. 
Joel was hitting a spot in Amy that she didn’t even know she had, all thoughts had left her mind and all she could do was cry out every time Joel’s cock hit her walls. All she could hear from behind her were grunts and moans and she could tell form the pace of his thrusts he was close. 
Wordlessly, Joel pulled himself from her pussy just before he came undone, fisting his cock a few times before letting out what Amy could only describe as a roar as thick ropes of cum hit her ass. 
She let herself flop onto the bed as Joel walked silently to her bathroom, coming back with a towel to clean her off. Once he was satisfied she was clean, he crawled back onto the bed and pulled Amy to his chest, placing a chaste kiss to her forehead.
“I’ve missed this,” He mused quietly, as Amy ran circles on his chest with her fingers, “From before all this, fuckin’ a beautiful girl, that’s something that’s not happened in a long time.” 
“You best believe it won’t be the last time either Texas, that mouth of yours was magic.”
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Ty @phanboyo for the tag!
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
“Because every time you say being with me is “logical,” all I can think of is how many things I hate doing but do anyways because of logic, like being civil instead of punching jerks cause I don’t wanna spend a night in jail! I just worry…that you secretly resent being with me…”
(Oof, I am not going to be able to tag that many people but I’ll give it my best shot)
@warlock-pan-astronaut @pandorasparad0x @asterism343 @lenacraft @roundaboutnow @charmps-you-grickly @hopeful-bat @kelpeigh @zephyrwrites @dyinggirldied @ghostface3100 @daxsleftshoe @zero-way-out @chickenlover-19 @vivacia-18 @reveriewings @madametamma @magicalprofessorsludgedeputy @reckless-desire-to-live @bllbabaggins @kaisspamblog @mystic-fairy-tame @auroraborealis95 @harley-rose25 @mango-meister @candyheartdoe @ghospectr @easilydistractedandamused @ashoutinthedarkness @quetzalrofl @screamingrunawayzombie @they-meme-well (giving up here cause I’m a quitter 😭😭😭)
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perlen-gold · 2 years
A fenhawke inspired poem
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Once upon a night ashore
In the dunnest of the dark
The moon in shroud, its glance so bore
No silver arch upon its spark,
Gloom’ness veiled its eye so bright
In the darkness of the night.
  Shadows roamed the air around,
Ghostly wraiths upon my heel
Hieing swift, obscured, unbound,
Thralls to blackness’ endless weel.
Thus I stumbled sought of sight
In the ponders of the night.
  Sudden, as of lightning clapping,
As of thunders whispering far
Came a rustling, raking, racking,
Embers written into scar –
this I harkened, stone and bite,
In the pitches of the night.
  Wary closer drew my soles,
Coal-cool curtains slith’ring by
T’where midnight deeply spun its shoals,
Threads to strings to noirest dye,
A tipping, tapping, recondite
In the silence of the night.
  Halting twixt the webbing woven
Stepped I stepping into nil
To behold gloom all but cloven
By a knife-beaked pennon will,
He whose wings the skies would smite
In the fetters of the night.
  As in shattered minds I stood
The ink-glossed bird with flaming coin
Released its stare, seared down its hood
Where forging sun and waters join
For fell and beaut’ous deadal light
In the trembles of the night.
  Fending I recoiled, for light
And I had parted paths, and sworn –
Thunderstrokes, of theirs and mine, despite,
Grazing each embowering thorn –
Thus I stumbled but in fright
In the irons of the night.
  Yet, as soon his spear of gold
pierced my lashes’ blinking flight,
His wings began to beat the hold
Against dark knots and not a mite!
Near I stepped his bonds to fight,
In the velvet of the night.
  Yet, asudden, just as my
Obisidian hand would touch his prison
He burgeoned wild and with a cry
His wings in hurricanes had risen –
Gasping I beheld his flight
In the spirals of the night.
  And then, as flotsam floated onto
Shore in night-tide, pitch-tormented
Surf-shade-scented sea, he, drawn to
me, my right arm, fluttered,
Flew the hawk, to settle tight
In the tossing of the night.
  To my skin his talons clasped,
His eye of auric keenly set,
Flinching did I view what grasped
This brazen bird for me to fret,
And flung my arm to hurl his might
Into the blackness of the night.
  His claws but held, his hold unbroken
No matter how I fought to free
From his grip, his gilt-etched token,
Furnace, fire, jesting me,
And in his gold my scars burnt bright
In the tempest of the night.
  Last, at last my strength prevailed
And I flung it from me wide
Up the eesome peril sailed
Into depths’ and darkness’ hide!
Running ran I from its sight
– The foeman of my heart, abide –
In the pursuit of the night.
  Long I wandered, night ashore,
Soul, mine seared with gold and ghost,
Ever, anon, shadows bore
A feather’s shadow at the most.
Till finite, ignite, to aright
In the blindness of the night
  Did rise through midnight’s sea my hand!
And swift, so swift he came to me,
Caressed his gilt-gold my maimed land.
And we wandered, firm and light,
In the darkness, waning night.
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octos-ootings · 1 year
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this is my fancy way of saying “write this story before you die or else you’ll regret it when you’re dying and your life will be for nothing”
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leejiieuns · 1 year
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GET TO KNOW THEM → The Park Family of Seoul
Park Jiho (Jun Ji-hyun)
It should come as no surprise to anyone who know the family that the eldest daughter would be just like her father: intelligent, business-savvy, cutthroat. And yet, when Jiho was named COO of the Park Enterprise, questions about her competency were raised, but time and time again, she squashed any doubts about her like a bug with her five inch heels. She’s been credited a lot for the recent successes of the Park Enterprise, and anyone who works for her knows she runs a tight ship. Her marriage to Captain Shin Suhyeok and the birth of her twins have made her quite an interest to the general public, but very little is know about Jiho as she keeps her private life, well, private. She’s ruthless, when she wants to be, and is perhaps the least forgiving out of all the Park children. 
Park Jiseok (Ahn Bo-hyun)
Perhaps one of the more famous of the Park children, and sometimes not for the right reasons. His party boy reputation definitely precedes him, and it seems he has no care whatsoever what that entails. Jiseok has been named one of South Korea’s most eligible bachelor, but if the tabloids are any indication of his dating life, he doesn’t exactly have the makings of a reliable boyfriend. But he’s charming, and has a way with words, and he owns the most raved about members-only night club in the city, Neverland. Fitting for a boy who does not seem to want to grow up. While it may have come as a surprise to some that the Parks’ eldest son did not follow his father’s shiny footsteps, Jiseok has never had any interest in the family business, and he looks quite content with running his club, and jet-setting around the world.
Park Jitae (Kim Jae Young)
A sharp contrast to most of his siblings (except, perhaps, Jiseok), it seems Jitae has no interest in the family business, or any other kind of business for that matter. Despite being a business major in one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul, his interest is seemingly limited to five-star restaurants, expensive bottles of wines, and of course, his impressive vintage car collection. But he’s definitely the easiest Park to get along with, as long as you don’t piss him off. His time abroad in exclusive boarding schools has gained him some friends with equally impressive last names, but unlike most of them, Jitae is content with being away from the public eye. He probably should have a record in a precinct or two, but he’s always had daddy’s money and lawyers to help him make sure nothing ever tarnishes his reputation.
Park Jihwan (Joshua Hong)
A modern contrarian, a disapproving frown is almost always present on Park Jihwan’s face. Don’t say anything stupid in his presence, for he’ll definitely call you out on it, and then lecture you some. He loves being the smartest person in the room, and loves making people feel uneasy in his company. With his looks, however, he can easily be charming when he wants to be, but he rarely wants to be. Older twin brother to Jin-ah, there’s always been a certain closeness to the two of them that he doesn’t have with his other siblings, but who can blame him? His two older brothers are idiots with no ambition, and he puts his eldest sister on a pedestal. He’s cunning, definitely, and he’s not above using what he has to get what he wants.
Park Jin-ah (Kim Doyeon)
She became a household name at 11, when she first won her gold medal at an international figure skating competition, carrying with her the flag of her country. Jin-ah then became a force in the figure skating world, winning one grand title after another, and with every win, her popularity grew. With her show-stopping routines and off-the-rink fashion choices, the public was quick to take an interest in the youngest Park heiress, and she easily became the favorite of a lot of brands for whatever she was seen buying, so would a lot of people. No one exactly knows if Jin-ah loves the limelight when outside of the rink (she does) for she’s always seen with her trademark ‘cold expression’, but she’s a darling in the way she welcomes the attention of the press, and she’s surprisingly easy to get along with, too. Or so would others think.
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birdiewriteslit · 4 months
omg omg i would LOVVVEEE if like [reader] and luke were dating behind percy’s back cuz of how sassy he would be n stuff but after like a date or kiss from luke the reader would gush about it to either annabeth, grover, or clarisse and one of them tells percy by accident during a convo and then percy like goes up to reader and confronts the reader about it and like scolds the reader and give them a whole lecture about how luke isn’t the right guy then luke overhears and like joins in <333
i love this idea!!
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: persassy (once again), fluff, mention of kissing, ignorance of the plot of the show for the sake of my happiness
nobody: me gaslighting myself into thinking i could fix luke:
You and your boyfriend had an agreement. Your relationship was private. It wasn’t necessarily a secret, but it was private.
This was a conclusion you came to before Percy arrived at camp, before you knew you had a brother. At first, you didn’t care much if he figured it out.
That was until you realized what a sassafras he was.
Percy was always sassing you about chores, about activities, and especially about camp boys.
You thought it was cute in the beginning, your little brother being protective over you, but then it became a real nuisance.
“Y/n, stay away from the Ares boys, I don’t like them.”
“Y/n, don’t date an Apollo guy, he’d write you some crappy poetry.”
“Y/n, for the love of gods, stay away from the Dionysus twins, I never want to have Mr. D as a relative.”
These were the types of things you would hear throughout the day as Percy got to know the other campers better.
You thought it better if you kept a low profile when you were around Luke, at least until Percy calmed down a little.
Most of the older campers knew about your relationship, but they were used to it and rarely talked about it.
“Having marriage problems?” Annabeth asked you one day during arts and crafts, where you were both about to give up on your ugly collaborative birdhouse.
“What? I’m not married,” you said, trying to fix a particularly garish looking bird.
She set her paintbrush down, officially proving she was over it. “Obviously. I mean Luke. I noticed you haven’t been around each other as much.”
You could tell she was a little worried. She wouldn’t be asking if she wasn’t. Annabeth had known you and Luke longer than any other campers, and she looked up to both of you. Plus, she always wanted to know about your experience with romance.
“It’s not what you think, Annabeth. We’re really fine,” you said. “In fact, just last night, he took me out on the dock.”
Your nightly meetups with Luke had always been a thing, but had become more frequent as of late.
“And?” Annabeth prompted.
“And, we hung out.” You were now furiously painting over the entire bird you failed to fix.
“You mean you made out,” she said, giving you a knowing look.
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t think you were interested in that part,” you said. “Now pick up that paintbrush, missy. I’m not doing this whole thing myself.”
Annabeth reluctantly dipped the brush in some blue paint, looking like she wanted more details about your date.
Private means private, you thought dismissively.
At campfire, you discovered that private didn’t mean private. You were sitting alone when Percy plopped down next to you. You frowned because you were saving that spot for Luke.
“Annabeth has just told me something very interesting,” he said, glaring at the spot where Luke stood, talking to one of his brothers.
“What would that be, Perce?” you said absentmindedly.
“Apparently Luke was macking on you last night.” He made a sound to imitate vomiting.
You grimaced. “Please never say that word again.”
“So? Is it true or not true?”
You sighed. No point in denying it now. “It’s true.”
Percy somehow managed to look even more disgusted. “Ew, why him?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe because I’ve known him for years, he’s kind, strong, and handsome. Wouldn’t you think that had something to do with it?”
“Oh, gods, forget I even asked,” Percy said, retching. “I just think you could do better. Look at all of these lovely candidates. Apollo guys are poets.”
“I thought that was too cringe for you.”
He ignored you and went on, “A Hephaestus guy could forge you some nice jewelry, and Athena guys are smart. You deserve a smart guy. Not Luke, no, he doesn’t have any good qualities like that.”
You noticed a figure approaching you over Percy’s shoulder, and you tried your best to hide the amused smile threatening to break across your face as Luke came to a stop behind him, waiting for the right moment to interrupt.
“All in all, Y/n, I think Luke’s a pretty bad guy for you. You should really reconsider.”
“Oh, I’m a bad guy, am I?” Luke finally spoke up, smirking as Percy slowly turned around to see him peering down at him.
“Not like a bad guy- just, you know, not right for my sister,” Percy said, his confidence leaving him.
“What makes me not right for her?” Luke asked, clearly loving the reaction he was getting.
“I- uh- you know,” Percy stammered.
“Oh, knock it off, Luke. Leave the poor kid alone,” you said, failing to hide your laughter.
“That sound is music to my ears,” Luke said seriously. Jeez, he was really laying it on thick.
Percy’s face returned to the look of disgust. “I’ll be leaving now,” he excused himself, hurrying off to where Grover and Annabeth were sitting on the other side of the fire. You could still see him glaring at Luke as he sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You leaned into him, relishing in the combined warmth of the fire and his body heat. “What do you think? Am I getting sassed out tomorrow?” Luke asked, looking down at you.
“No, he looked pretty grossed out. I’m hoping he just avoids the topic altogether,” you said, trailing your fingers over the fabric of his shirt.
“We both know that’s not going to happen,” he concluded, smiling as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
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ervotica · 4 months
Breathlplay with poly!rafebarry 🥹🥹
warnings; breathplay, choking, manhandling, brief mention of daddy kink, smut, p in v, 18+ ONLY
a/n; i'm so so inlove w rafebarry x spoilt princess reader (I fear they will become my new thing) n this made my heart (and pussy) happy to write! hope you enjoy lovely nonnie & thank u for the request! I apologise for the crappy writing :(
The hand clasped around your throat is a cruel one, an almost bruising grip around the delicate flesh of your windpipe. Rafe's cock drags against your gummy walls, squelching wetly as his hips rut and your hole drools against the trimmed pubic hair above his pelvis. Barry's fingers never loosen around your previously marked throat, blooming in dark spots where the boys have touched you with tongues and teeth.
You wheeze, limp fingers coming up in a half assed attempt to claw Barry away but he only sneers, stopping you short on your mission as he loops both of your hands in one of his larger ones and grouses meanly.
“'m not stopping, so fuckin' quit it.”
The rhythm in which Rafe's fucking into you is a great juxtaposition to Barry's lazy, languid movements; he's enraptured, utterly entranced as he tightens his fingers experimentally to watch your eyes roll; you fall lax against his chest and Rafe locks your flailing leg against the side of his pelvis, scoffing as you blink up at Barry with wide eyes until he takes pity and drags a messy kiss across the curve of your jaw.
"Daddy's girl," he gripes, pinching at the exposed flesh of your inner thigh as Barry's thumb coasts the hollow of your throat, pressing into the dimple beneath your chin until you're panting, nails pushing into the skin of his forearm in a desperate plea for a break.
"Ah- shit. Do that again," Rafe gasps, almost doubling over where he has himself perched back on his heels to watch your cunt part as he bullies his way into your guts. "She gets so tight when you choke her."
He rolls his eyes when you choke and sputter, curling in on yourself, muscles seizing and vision starting to tunnel. You're thumping at Barry's leg with as much force as you can muster, frustrated tears tickling at your waterline as he lets up but ignores your petulant whines, pushing his nose into the column of your throat to sink his teeth into the balmy flesh.
"Hey! That hurts," you warble wetly, but preen nonetheless when he soothes the bite with the pillowy flesh of his lips.
"Brat," Barry twines when you let your head roll onto his lap where you're situated between his thick thighs.
"Can barely keep your eyes open, kid," Rafe drawls, his body folding downward at the hips to smear a wet kiss across the crown of your skull. "Few more minutes 'nd then Barry 'll let you suck his cock, alright, princess?"
"Mmph," comes your garbled response, aching limbs stretching to wrap yourself around Rafe until he's got a lazy hand pressed to the base of your spine and you're lifted upright into his lap, arms thrown haphazardly over his broad shoulders. His cock nudges its way deeper in this new position, mushroom head nestled snugly against your cervix in a way that has you clinging white-knuckled to the taller boy's frame.
You let your head drop and tuck beneath Rafe's chin before you feel a tug and a sharp pull, the harsh motion dragging a soft whine from the base of your throat as Barry digs his chin into the juncture of your neck. Rafe mouths at the exposed skin, planting his feet to piston his hips up into you.
"Tell me how good it feels," he croons. "Tell me how fucked stupid the kook princess is."
He fucks up harder in to the sticky warmth of your pussy when Barry curls his fingers round your column once again and you droop and go soft like putty; Barry is forced to hold the weight of your torso, teeth bared in a grin when Rafe flips your pliable body, settling you neatly with your face in the dark haired boy's lap as he spreads your tired limbs to spear you deeper onto his dick.
"'s good," you slur, all words fucked out of your brain.
"I know, princess," Barry coos. "You just lay still and let country club do the work, yeah?"
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theemporium · 5 months
Hiii!!! This is my first request but I love your writing so I know you won’t lead me astray!! Im thinking about 💰 with sugar daddies Charlos who maybe find out reader has needed something really badly (maybe something like school textbooks or the like) and instead of asking them, she has been saving up and stressing about it or even looking for grants/scholarships and they find out and are like ☹️ “why didn’t you tell us???” And it’s just really fluffy and sweet!!
(ALSO,,, pleaseee when the proper time comes and if you want to, write the werewolf!lestappen request!! It sounds so good!!)
Thank you loads xx
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
You were going to turn yourself grey with the stress this paper was giving you.
The whole class had been taking over your life in the worst way possible. It had a low pass rate, the paper was worth a majority of your grade and the professor that already seemed like a dick seemed to have it out for you—or at least that's what it felt like with all the feedback you received from her.
It was overwhelming and frustrating and it seemed like no matter how hard you tried, it wasn’t getting any easier.
Your tipping point had been when the professor announced a massive essentials reading list that you had to complete before you started the paper, along with the announcement that she expected to see each one in the reference. The kicker? None of the papers or textbooks were available in the library or free online. It seemed like you had to pay for it. 
And if being a student with crippling debt wasn’t enough, the price of academic textbooks could have sent you to an early grave. 
You had resorted to picking up a job with crappy shifts at a bar on campus. The hours were horrible, the manager was an asshole and the customers were anything but polite (mostly consisting of cocky frat boys and trust fund babies who flaunted money like it was enough to look past fake IDs). Between the hours you were pulling and the hours spent studying in the library, you barely had time to sleep—let alone keep a thriving social life. 
You hadn’t even realised you had been ignoring Charles and Carlos’ messages until you opened the door to your flat and found them waiting inside.
“Oh.” Your eyes widened, a feeling of dread washing over you. “Did I forget something? Is there a gala tonight?”
Carlos frowned, a hint of concern in his eyes. “You weren’t answering our messages.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, your cheeks flushing a little in embarrassment. “I didn’t take my charger to the library and then it died during my shift—”
“Your shift?” Charles repeated, his brain wracking around to figure out if he was misinterpreting your words. “What shift?”
You fell quiet, realising you had slipped up.
Carlos stepped forward, his fingers pushing your chin up when you tried to look away. “He asked you a question, amor.” 
“It was just a few shifts at the campus bar,” you murmured with a sheepish expression on your face. “It was no big deal. It was just so I could buy–”
“If you needed to buy something, you tell us,” Charles said, almost looking like a kicked puppy when he spoke. “That was our deal, cherie.”
“Yeah but,” you started but even you weren’t sure where it was going. “I thought that was for gifts and stuff…like materialistic things.”
“Whatever you need, we want to provide,” Carlos corrected you, his large hands cupping your face whilst you stared up at him with wide eyes. “Whether it’s textbooks or vacations or a car.”
“Please don’t buy me a car,” you murmured. 
Charles snorted. “We won’t, but we can. If you need it, we will.” 
“I just feel bad asking,” you admitted shyly. “It’s different when you give me things compared to when I ask.”
“Well, get used to it because I don’t want a repeat of this,” Carlos said with a frown as his eyes glanced over your face. “You look exhausted.”
“It’s been a very stressful few weeks,” you told the boys and you watched Charles’ frown deepen a little.
“Then let us help you destress,” Charles said before nodding towards your bedroom. “Go get changed. We are taking you out.”
“Charles—” You started but he cut you off.
“You’re ours to take care of, physically and financially,” Charles said, taking one of your hands in his as he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “We will call your job and tell them you’re quitting.”
You rolled your eyes. “Please don’t say anything stupid or dramatic.”
Charles grinned. “Me? Never, cherie.”
“I’ll make sure he behaves,” Carlos told you with a smile. “Now go get ready, amor. Let us take care of our pretty girl.”
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void-wolfie · 11 months
summary: Jenna helps you through an asthma attack. [request]
pairing: Jenna Ortega x gn!Reader
words: 1.5k
tw: asthma attack (is that something that needs a warning?), mentions of smoking, my crappy writing
a/n: hope this lives up to your expectations anon, (totally not inspired by that video of Jenna smoking)
*I don't have asthma myself so this is based on the little research I did, if it's not accurate I apologize
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"Rough day at work?" You asked, watching as Jenna hurriedly put her cigarette out. Ignoring how you could already feel your lungs tightening with the smoke in the air.
"Jesus, y/n, you scared me."
You'd just gotten home, wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed and fall asleep between the warm sheets. But you couldn't help but spot Jenna on the balcony, watching the bustling city below.
"Those things will kill ya, you know," You said, referring to the cigarette still burning in the ashtray.
"They'll kill you long before they kill me," She sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "You know you shouldn't be out here when I smoke."
"Yeah, yeah..." you scuffed your shoe along the ground, avoiding eye contact with the actress.
You hated being babied over your asthma, you hated Percy for getting her addicted to those stupid cigarettes, but most of all, you hated how the past week you've been so busy you've barely been able to see your girlfriend.
"Come on, let's go inside," She nodded her head to the door, but you made no indication of moving.
"I want to stay out here a little longer with you." You gave her those big puppy dog eyes, the ones you knew she couldn't deny. "It's nice out and I miss you."
"I don't want to trigger your asthma though,"
"Just for a little while, please?"
Part of you knew it was a bad idea, sitting in the chilly air where she'd been smoking only moments ago. But you didn't want to go in just yet. It was nice out, the cool breeze felt good against your skin, even though it pierced through your lungs. It was fairly quiet for once, despite the city below and the soft hum of Jenna's music in the background.
She sighed and her shoulders dropped. How could she ever say no to those adorable eyes? "Fine, but the minute you start coughing we're going inside,"
You weren't going to tell her how you'd been battling your asthma all day, nor how the second you stepped outside you could feel your chest tighten, your breathing becoming just a tad more labored. All that would do is make her worry more, and she worries about you enough already.
You leaned against the railing next to Jenna, taking in the scenery below. She took the blanket that'd been wrapped around her shoulders and draped it around the both of you, cuddling into your side.
"How was work?" she asked, breaking the silence.
"Annoying." You scoffed, "My producer was in a bad mood all day, it was like trying to work with an overgrown toddler."
"And the new album?" She pushed herself into your side, wrapping herself around you. You could make out the smell of smoke on her and the blanket, which your lungs were not happy about.
"It's coming along, still has a long way to go," a small cough wracked your body and you could make out the worried look on her face from the corner of your eye.
You went to take a deep breath, to steady yourself, only it was like your lungs couldn't inflate. You'd had asthma attacks before, but this one felt different, worse. It was like breathing through a paper straw with an elephant sitting on your chest.
You could barely hear her call out to you through the coughing and the dull ringing in your ears.
No, no, no... Not now...
"I- I can't-"
Jenna's whole attention was on you now. You were putting almost all your weight on the railing in front of you, not having the strength to hold yourself up at the moment. You started wheezing in-between coughing, the look on your face told her all she needed to know.
"Shit." She ran inside, racing to the bathroom to grab your spare inhaler.
When she got back, you were sitting on the floor, your back against the railing.
You weren't coughing much anymore, mostly wheezing, possibly on the verge of hyperventilating. You couldn't think straight, the lack of air and the onset of panic muddling your thoughts. All you could focus on was the rapid rise and fall of your chest, how your lungs didn't feel like they were inflating at all, or if they were even working. It was hell.
Jenna was doing her best to stay calm. Panicking right now would only make things worse for you, but she was worried. She hadn't seen you have an attack this bad in a while.
She shook the inhaler before popping the cap off. She kneeled in front of you and slid the inhaler into your hand, guiding it toward your face.
It took you a moment to figure out what was happening. There was an inhaler in your hand, inches from your face, and Jenna was kneeling in front of you looking terrified.
You did your best to take a deep breath, it was almost painful, like trying to break through your ribcage from the inside out. You pushed the inhaler to your mouth and pushed down on the top. There was a rush of cool air as you inhaled. Your lungs were burning, aching for any sort of air they could get, your chest rising and falling faster as they started bringing in more air.
It took another puff from the inhaler before you finally started to settle. Your breathing finally slowed to a semi-normal pace.
"Talk to me, love," Jenna was hovering in front of you, concern etched into her features.
"Inside, please," You managed to get out between heavy breaths.
Jenna helped you up. Slinging one of your arms around her shoulders as she helped you inside and onto the couch.
Your chest still ached from all the coughing, and your throat felt like it was on fire. You could already feel the medicine kicking in, your chest wasn't nearly as tight, and your hands were starting to shake.
"How can I help?" Jenna asked, cupping your face in her hands. You'd barely noticed the tear tracks streaming down your face, the way your vision blurred from unshed tears. But it didn't escape Jenna's attention. She wiped away the tears with her thumbs, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
"Of course," She had to stop herself from sprinting to the kitchen, settling instead on a fast-paced walk so she wouldn't look like a madman running off.
You gave her a weak smile, gratefully taking the water from her. It felt like magic against the back of your throat, like rain in the middle of a drought.
"Anything else?" she asked, a little less worried now that your breathing had mostly returned to normal.
"Cuddles?" You asked, making grabby hands toward your girlfriend, wanting nothing more than to forget about your shitty day and fall asleep.
She giggled, grabbing your hands and intertwining your fingers with her own, placing a gentle kiss on the back of one of your palms.
"Ok, but let me shower first." You pouted, not liking the idea of having to separate from Jenna, "I'll only be a few minutes. I just want to get the smell of smoke off me."
Normally, Jenna liked to take scalding hot showers, bask in the warm water and let the day's worries melt away. But not tonight. She took a shower as quickly as she could, not wanting to leave your side for very long, not when it wouldn't take much for you to have another episode.
When Jenna got out of the shower, she found you still in the living room, sprawled out across the couch asleep. You still had your inhaler clutched in one hand, holding it close to your chest as if you were scared to have another attack in the middle of the night.
She hated seeing you like this, and she hated not being able to help you even more. One of her greatest fears was you not being able to get to your inhaler in time, essentially dying from suffocation. The idea scared her half to death and put an ache in her heart she never wanted to feel again.
She didn't want to move you, you looked too peaceful on the couch, but she didn’t want to leave you alone either. So she settled on the idea of sleeping on the couch with you instead.
She went into your bedroom, yanking one of the blankets off the bed, and carrying it into the living room. She gently took the inhaler from your hand, making sure to set it within arm's reach on the coffee table.
You woke up to the feeling of her hands in yours. A feeling you adored, "Cuddles now?" You asked, trying to fight off the urge to fall back asleep.
"Sure," She laid down with you, letting you get comfortable between her legs as you laid your head on her chest. She covered the both of you with the blanket, making sure you were cozy.
"Love you," You mumbled, barely awake as you let the sound of her heartbeat lull you to sleep.
"I love you too," She whispered, gently brushing a few strands of hair from your eyes.
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imbadatwrighting · 10 months
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SUMMARY: Tim Drake was never know for being the most attractive brother, but you always found a way to make him think he was…even if you did it in a unusual way with your weird staring problem.
WARNINGS: Artists are attractive troupe, hinted that reader can be mean to others, hinted autistic reader, Tim Drake in love, gn!reader, masc! Reader, reader being called “boyfriend”, blunt!reader, crappy writing bc I wrote this half asleep, reader wearing a tie, ooc Tim, short
PAIRINGS: Tim Drake/Reader
Tim Drake had a lot of things: brothers, computers, coffee. But he only had one boyfriend. A mean yet sweet boyfriend who apparently was having a major staring problem.
It wasn’t hard for Tim to realize you were staring him down from across the couch while he was trying to finish long past due work.
Your eyes seemed to be roaming all over his body as if you were trying to memorize his figure’s pose.
Tim let out an almost inaudible sigh, turning his body to face you. "Can I help you?"
"No,” you breathed out, not removing your gaze from your boyfriend.
"Ok then," Tim whispered, moving his body to fully face his Mac book once again. Sure, he was used to you staring at him almost all day while he talked to his brother or was working, but you never made it this obvious. He was used to you looking away when you suspected that he would turn to look at you. He always found it a cute little quirk of yours, but it just felt different this time. In a good way of course, but still.
Tim took in a deep breath, looking at you from the corner of his eye. He could see the way your finger tapped along the table next to you in a rhythm only known to you and how your hair was slowly falling into your eyes. It didn’t falter your staring problem however.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
You hummed, “looking at you.”
Tim let out another sigh, closing his Mac knowing that he won’t be able to concentrate on it for much longer. He would get back to it later when your asleep or fixating on something else. “I get that.”
“Then why’d you ask?” you questioned.
Your boyfriend made a sound unfamiliar to you. “I meant why are you staring at me?”
“Because I want to remember you.” A look of confusion washed over Tim’s face.
“I have a feeling you won’t be forgetting me soon, unless you know something I don’t.”
“No?” he repeated. Usually by now you’d be getting to your point, leaving nothing in the dark. It was like your T.M.I button was disabled. Not like Tim cared, he loved to hear you ramble on about something while he’s doing work, it brings him a peace of mind.
“You look good.”
There it was.
Blush started to form on Tim’s checks along with a small grin. “Do I?” Tim smiled. He noticed the look of pure adoration on your face, it always made him feel good about himself.
“Yes, you look very attractive. I'm trying to enshrine this into my mind to draw later,” you stated like it was nothing. To you isn’t wasn’t, you were just being honest, but to Tim it made him feel butterflies all over again.
He wasn’t used to it. His family never said things like that to him, barely praising anything he did. You didn’t either, not in a bad way, you showed your love in a different way.
“What got you thinking on that?” He assumed it had something to do with his brothers that you talked to earlier this day.
“Your brothers,” you told. Of course it was his brothers. “Damian said that you were a bad muse but I don’t think so. You’re plenty attractive, making you a perfect muse.”
Tim felt like his face was turning into a tomato because of you. Trying his best to ignore it, he looked down at his dirty shoes. They were covered in coffee stains at least a couple weeks old.
“Do you think that the artists are attractive too? Because I think the artist right next to me is very attractive.”
Tim noticed that your fingers stopped tapping on his stained coffee table and you turned yourself to be facing Tim.
His face moved in your direction, blush even more distinguishable.
Your eyes looked almost doe-like when looking at your boyfriend and your lips were pursed in a straight line.
“What? You have anything to say?” Tim asked. His nerves were getting to him. He knew perfectly well he had no reason to feel this but his brain was fighting against it.
“I wouldn’t say all artists are attractive, like Van Gogh! He was labeled as ugly, ungracious, impolite—” you rambled getting cut off by your boyfriend pulling you into a quiet kiss, his warm lips on yours.
Slowly pulling apart, Tim stared at your glistening eyes. “I wasn’t talking about him, I was talking about you.”
“Oh.” Not wanting to mess with whether you get another kiss, you ignored the confused thoughts in your head, leaning back into Tim.
He smiled at the expression on your face. Anyone else would be dead before they saw it, but he wasn’t anyone else. He was the one that could break down your walls like you did to him.
Tim inched away, his hand still gripping onto your tie. It seemed like every time you leaned in, he leaned further away.
“Let me kiss you,” you whined. A bigger grin appeared on your lover’s face.
“I have work to do,” he hummed, fully pulling away from you. You grabbed onto his arm dragging yourself closer to him.
“I’ll make you coffee. The good kind too,” you grinned. Tim faked thinking it through, pushing you gently off the couch.
“Fine, but be quick.”
You laughed, dragging Tim up and to the kitchen while he let out complaints about how he shouldn’t be the one getting up to go to the kitchen.
You pushed him into the counter, lips chasing after his. “You know, the deal was meant for you to make me coffee then we kiss,” he said in between breaks for air.
“That’s stupid. I have stuff to do.”
“Oh yeah that drawing is super important,” he laughed, his tone lost in your ears.
“Exactly,” you huffed, continuing to pepper kisses along Tim’s face and neck. His hands trailed down you arms, enjoying the break your giving him from work.
His artist always knew how to make him feel good.
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spnexploration · 4 months
A Christmas Case
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Dean drags you out of bed to go to a case, ruining your Christmas plans. But does he have a plan to make up for it?
Words: 1.1k
This is my submission for @spnfanficpond Secret Santa 2023 (ignore the fact it was posted in Jan 2024...) and is a gift for @apocalypseornaw ❤ Sorry for the delay!
Supernatural writing masterlist
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“Come on, we’ve got a case,” Dean said, shaking you awake.
“Fu’ offfff,” you grumbled at him. “You’re not allowed in my room.” What you’d really like was Dean to stay in your room permanently, maybe some ravishing… But that was never going to happen.
He chuckled, “Just channel that energy to the monster. We leave in twenty.”
You sulked in the backseat. It was December 23rd, why the hell were you off on a case? You’d put in a little bit of effort at the bunker, getting a tree and some dollar shop baubles. That was all for naught, now.
Dean caught sight of you in the rear-view mirror. “What’s up with you, princess? We interrupt your beauty sleep?” You didn’t appreciate his teasing.
“I don’t see why monsters couldn’t give us the bloody holidays off.”
“It’s just another day in our line of work, don’t know why you got your hopes up.”
You glared at him. “Yes, how could I, when known Scrooge, Dean Winchester, was going to be trawling for cases at 6am on Christmas Eve Eve.” It was his own damn fault he wouldn’t be getting the present you’d spent a lot of time choosing for him.
“Hey! I didn’t even find it!”
You turned your glare to Sam, “Got anything to say, Second Scrooge Winchester?”
“I just have some google alerts set up, sorry.”
You crossed your arms.
“You might have been expecting a bit too much from a Christmas at the Bunker anyway,” Dean said in a tone of voice as if he was trying to make you feel better. “We’re not very good at Christmases.”
You rolled your eyes and looked out the window. The boys decided to let you be.
You decided to keep a tally of how many people said something about the FBI making you work so close to Christmas: you were already up to 4 and it was only mid-afternoon on the first day. Happily the drive hadn’t been too long from the bunker to the crappy town where the case was, so you’d been able to get started straight away.
There was a giant Christmas tree in the main street of town. You felt like it was mocking you.
You dragged your feet as you followed the boys into the library, conveniently still open. You wondered if Dean even realised everything was going to be closed on Christmas Day. Serve him right if he couldn’t get pie that day.
You half-heartedly trawled some books, not really contributing to the research effort.
“Sorry,” Sam said quietly as he came to sit by you. “I didn’t mean to ruin your holidays.”
“It’s alright,” you said, not really feeling it but not wanting to sound petty, either.
“I can tell you’re upset. Hell, even Dean can tell you’re upset.”
“You know, Dean’s better at reading people than people give him credit for,” you said, always quick to defend inappropriate criticism of Dean.
“Ok, you’re right, that was a low blow. But you’re still upset, and I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, well, solve the case fast enough and maybe we can do Christmas on Boxing Day at least.”
He gave your arm a friendly squeeze before standing up again and heading back to the shelves.
“I think I found it!” Dean called from somewhere. You stood to go find him.
It turned out to be a very quick case, over by late evening Christmas Eve. It was late enough that ordinarily you’d all head back to the motel room and go home early the next morning, but Dean suggested something different. “How about we head back to the bunker tonight, I’ll drive.”
“It’s pretty late,” Sam said, nursing a couple of injuries.
“You can sleep in the backseat until we get there. Won’t it be better to get to sleep in your own bed?”
“If you’re doing this for me, you don’t have to,” you said. “It’s fine, it’s just a stupid day. You don’t have to kill yourself driving late at night just for me.”
“No, come on, it’ll be nice to be back home.” He gave you that beautiful smile and you couldn’t help but melt.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. Sam mumbled agreement and so you all piled into the Impala, Sam stretched out on the backseat. He was asleep almost instantly, and you weren’t too far behind.
“Hey, hey,” you woke to Dean whispering your name and gently shaking your shoulder. “Wake up.”
You looked around blearily, this wasn’t the bunker. It looked like the middle of nowhere. You started to ask Dean, but he held up his hand.
“Shh, don’t wake Sam,” he said, still whispering. “Come out of the car for a sec, I’ll explain it all.”
You looked at him quizzically but followed, closing the door as quietly as you could behind yourself. Dean took your hand and pulled you around to the front of the car. Your heart was racing; this was different…
“I’m sorry Sam and I ruined the Christmas you had planned,” he said, standing very close to you. You looked up into his stunningly gorgeous face wanting nothing more than to kiss him, but knowing that he saw you like a little sister. “But I thought we could look for Santa delivering presents,” he said, gesturing to the huge expanse of the night sky you could see.
You laughed, “What am I, 7?”
“Well, ok, it doesn’t have to be Santa. But it’s a nice night for stargazing, and I wanted to make it up to you.” He reached up and brushed his thumb over your cheek. This was definitely new. You nodded in agreement and he took your hand again, pulling you up on to the top of the bonnet.
He scooted very close to you. You could feel his body heat, which was good in the freezing night air. You felt a wave of goosebumps break out over your skin, but you weren’t entirely sure if they were because of the cold or the proximity of Dean.
He reached behind him and grabbed a blanket you hadn’t seen was there, then put his arms around you and draped it across your shoulders. He was so close, so beautifully close. And yet, always so far.
He didn’t put his arms back down, like you were expecting.
He put a hand on your shoulder. What was he doing? He put his other hand on your cheek. So warm, so close. So... intimate.
You looked up into his big, green eyes.
He leaned in close.
Oh. Oh! This was happening!
His soft, Adonis-like lips were suddenly on yours. You closed your eyes and leant into the moment.
He pulled away, “Merry Christmas. Hope this makes up for having to be on the road.”
“Oh, this definitely makes up for it,” you said before capturing his lips again.
The stars looked down from above, forgotten.
Dean Winchester tag list:
Everything Supernatural tag list:
Spnfanficpond Dean Winchester x reader fluff tag list:
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soulrph · 2 years
a wonderfully patient and creative nonnie asked for a list of prompts based on interactions between two good friends in the aftermath of a trauma that happens to one of them, and i’m nothing if not a sucker for angst and deeply emotional connections! so here we go! i’m hoping these will be up to the nonnie’s expectations! have a wonderful day, my lovelies, and DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST !!
“ i really hate seeing you like this... “
“ why don’t we hang out tonight? like we used to, you know? order in cheap take-out, watch crappy movies, go for a walk... whatever you want, right? “
“ please say something... anything. even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone... just say something. “
“ i really miss you, you know. “
“ i’m here. you got that? i don’t care if you never say anything to me ever again. i don’t care. i’m not going away, and i’m not going to stop being here for you, no matter how long you glare at me or ignore me or pretend that you’re okay. because i know you’re not. i know. “
“ talk to me. i don’t care what we talk about. it doesn’t have to be anything big. we don’t need to talk about whatever happened to you, not unless you want to. i just... just talk to me, will you? “
“ you know, i talk to a lot of people every single day. i hear all their voices telling me all kinds of stuff; i hear it all. and the only voice i really wanna listen to is yours, you know? even when you’re driving me crazy. so come on. please... just drive me crazy again? “
“ ...seriously? no come-back? no witty retort? no... sarcastic shot at me? come on, i... i know we never ask these things, but, honestly, i’m worried about you. what’s going on? “
“ penny for your thoughts? hell. a dollar? ten? fifty? my whole life-savings? damn, at this rate i’d give away everything i own just to hear your voice again. “
“ this is like, the ninth voicemail i’ve left, and i know you hate voicemails, so i’m thinking this might be the one that pisses you off enough to pick up the phone and talk to me. because despite the number of times i’ve told you to shut up, i’m actually begging you to say something, now. weird how things work out, isn’t it? anyway. pick up your freaking phone, moron. please. “
“ will you please talk to me? please? “
“ i have exhausted every single topic that i can think of to get you to open your mouth and say something to me. all of them. you leave me no choice... how are you? “
“ listen, we’re all really worried about you. okay? and we wanna help you, but we don’t know how. so how about you write us a note, or something? maybe just, open the door, huh? i just wanna know that you’re okay. “
“ you’re not alone, you know. you’ve got people who love you. who care about you. you’ve got me. and i’m not going anywhere. “
“ look, i don’t know what happened to you. and i don’t need you to tell me, okay? i don’t... i just want you to know that i’m here. i got you. no matter what. and if you need some space, then... then i can leave. just tell me what you need, okay? “
“ i don’t need you to say anything. you don’t even need to open the door. i’m just gonna slide this paper under the door, okay? you tell me what you want for dinner, and i’ll bring it up. “
“ i’m sending you on a list of therapists and group support meetings in the area, okay? you don’t have to go, but... promise me you’ll take a look at the list, right? “
“ listen, i know you gave me a copy of your key for emergencies, and this feels like an emergency, but... if the silent treatment is part of you trying to get some space, then i don’t wanna intrude. you know? so just text me if that’s what this is, and i’ll leave you alone. “
“ i know, i know. you asked me to leave you alone. but that was two weeks ago, okay? and i haven’t heard from you. you aren’t answering my texts, you aren’t even reading them. nobody’s seen or heard from you, and... and now i just want to know that you’re okay. so please, open your door, and let me make sure that you’re safe, will you? “
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winns-stuff · 4 months
Okay I’m back again and it’s only to say this.. The comments on the new fastpass are genuinely disgusting. I don’t care how you put it or feel about both characters it’s absolutely deranged to ship or want a redemption arc for a rapist, maybe I’m being too harsh but I can’t find soft words to use for this. The fact that there’s so many people girlbossing this entire situation as a “I got the entire lineage on my shoulders!!! I slept with the brothers and the father!!!!” thing is weird to me because these fans are all missing the point of Hera’s entire story and it makes no sense that as I’m ALWAYS saying these fans are quite literally shipping rapists with their victims when the entire point of Lore Olympus was to shed light and bring awareness to Sexual Assault that is not violent or gruesome in physical action.
And we all know why this is happening, Rachel doesn’t know how to properly handle this situation and it’s clear that that’s how this is coming across to her fans. They don’t see this as a rape survivor story they see this as another dark romance since she doesn’t bother on actually addressing the assault in a respectful and dignified way, every single time she adds another sexual assault in her story she’s always glamorizing it or diminishing it whenever she gets tired of writing about it and it’s infuriating. Your fans should know better than to ship victims with their abusers and you wanna know why? Because you pride your comic on healthy relationships and mental health talks, you use the sexual assault as some kind of badge to show everyone that you know what you’re talking about when it’s clear that you will abandon all real representation of a situation that affects millions of people around the world just for crappy fan service.
Lore Olympus fans are groomed to dismiss these arcs since they’re not even treated like they’re serious and it doesn’t seem like Rachel takes it serious as well, she’s never taken any advice from survivors who aren’t pleased with how she portrays SA and she completely ignores the feelings of those truly affected by the traumatic events that she shoves into her webcomic just so it’ll stay “interesting”. I’m tired of Rachel getting away with drawing absolute trauma porn and I’m sick of her sexualizing every single woman we come across, how many times do we have to continue this long and excruciating pattern of giving the women of your comic terrible consequences and make them suffer just for drama and nothing else. How many other situations are you willing to completely spit on just to look self aware?
This is honestly the last straw because there’s been so many people genuinely shipping Hera and Kronos and also saying borderline disgusting things just to defend stuff like that. Rachel needs to say something, you cannot just sit back and be quiet while your fans openly admit to wanting to see a rapist and his victim together for the sake of your own comic and “beloved” main character hell even for a lot of your fans you need to speak up about this and address it letting a mindset like that fester in a fandom probably filled with survivors of assault is a disservice to them and it’s a slap in the face to the comfort that your webtoon gave them.
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modelbus · 8 months
Ahem- hey- uh- I-
also I am gonna try and be more active on tumblr now so like- yey.
ALSO ALSO, I may sometimes send in requests of my silly little ideas cuz like chaos cut fed my soul and I am now the ✨ H a p p e h ✨
ALSO ALSO ALSO, part three of chaos cut???, we are at home and get messages asking like “Yo we good now? You forgive us for being assholes??” and we say smth like “you gonna respond to my messages? Then sure” some kind of tweet is made could be as vague as “shes gonna be in videos again yayyy” or could be the group admitting to what happened?? *eyes* maybe responses from other friends?? Ofc that is a suggestion for if you decide to further continue.
wether you decide to continue it or not or you decide to use this or not, thank you so much, chaos cut was all I wanted it to be and more.
-All the love, ✨🌌🌙 Annon.
You live!! And I’d love to receive more of your amazing little ideas :) honestly, I’d write 500 parts of Cut Chaos
I probably formatted this weird because of the messages part and the Twitter part but Oh Well.
Pairing(s): cc!Ranboo, cc!Tubbo, cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Cut Chaos Part 3
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The day you spent with Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Tommy after the store might’ve been the best day you’ve ever had. You’re finally able to breathe again, to laugh again. Smiling had started drifting away from you, but suddenly you were smiling so hard your cheeks hurt.
You almost don’t go home. It’s tempting to stay with Ranboo when he offers up one of their many spare bedrooms (and you do mean many), but you decline. Heading back home, closing the door to your bedroom is easier than it’s ever been. Just living is easier than it used to be.
Collapsing onto your bed, it only takes you a second before you start grinning like an idiot to yourself. Things are back to normal, back to how they should be. Sure, you could still be mad at them for what happened, but you were tired of not being around them. Tired of people being pissed off.
It takes you a full three minutes before you roll onto your side and unlock your phone with Face ID. There’s a plethora of notifications waiting for you, from a group chat that you thought was a ghost town. It makes you grin all over again.
Wilbur so we’re all good now?
Tommy yeah, u forgive us for being assholes??
Tubbo Becuase we r super sorry
You You guys gonna respond to my messages from now on?
Ranboo I promise on Tommy’s life
You Then yeah
Tommy HEY
Laughing to yourself, you swipe out of messages to open Twitter and scroll on it. You aren’t afraid to open it, not like you used to be. Random tweets would remind you of what you lost, of the various people confused why you lost it, but now you’re just giddy. Overjoyed.
Part of you wanted to announce the plans you made with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. Scream from the (metaphorical) rooftops of Twitter that you were back. The chaos squad was back.
But, as it turns out, Tommy beat you to it. Of course he did, he can’t keep his mouth shut for the life of him. In a loving way, of course.
tommyinnit ﹫Tommyaltinnit guess who is BACK in the NEW VLOG
|_ You ﹫Yourusername me BITCHES
You grin, scrolling through the replies to Tommy’s tweet—including Tubbo and Ranboo’s—then realize the group name is trending. With wide eyes, you switch what you’re scrolling through to read the new tweets.
Annon ﹫StarStarMoon Anyone know what happened between the chaos squad??? Like they all drop her and now she’s back?? Something definitely happened…
|_ Real Person ﹫RealpersonIcreated THIS! Why did nobody talk about it. I wanna know fr fr
|_ Max ﹫Myfriendsnameisbeingused I think they all dropped her over those rumors ages ago. Makes sense to me tbh
|_ Charlie ﹫Myotherfriendsnameisbeingused Totally on her side if something did happen honestly lmao
Oh, fuck. You hesitate, not sure what to do, then ignore the tweet and its replies. Things were good, you didn’t need to dwell on when they were bad. Let people be people and let them speculate all they want.
This was your life and your happiness. Returned, at last.
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