#ill never forget how horribly i was treated by medical professionals during that time
fuckyeahimbrown · 6 years
Dying Inside (The war of grief)
by  Deborah Schurman-Kauflin Ph.D.
I am sorry you have found your way to this article because more than likely, you are reading it because you are suffering. In an instant, your life changed forever. You heard the news that no one ever wants to hear, words so horrible that you can’t even process them. Maybe your child was killed. Perhaps your loved one was diagnosed with a terminal disease, or it could have been you who got the bad news of illness. Your heart may have been broken when the love of your life betrayed you. And let’s not forget the silent grief of a child who has been abused and withers inside. There are many horrors in this world, and you may be one of the wounded warriors who limp through life after your life was destroyed.
I have worked with families of murder victims and police for many years. I also spend time advocating for those who have incurable, painful illnesses. In all my years, I have seen so much suffering and witnessed the secret tears of those who life has left behind. This article is for those of you who know the pains of great misery and the reality of how the world treats you when you are down.
Anyone who has been through a real trauma knows how it impacts your life. Devastation surrounds you, and at the time you need help most, many times, you don’t get it. In fact for a large group, help never comes.
Instead of softened empathy, you’ll hear all kinds of platitudes of how life’s sucker punch will make you stronger. Others will say it is part of some big mysterious universal plan that you are not allowed to know about, and that you simply must accept it (get over it). Then some will say the trauma was a good thing to bring about change in your life. For those of you out there that have heard these words, you know exactly how it made you feel. This notion that having your heart ripped out can make you stronger is nonsense. Destruction weakens you. It is the nature of the beast. Pain and suffering do not fortify you. They act like an anchor dragging you further and further into a dark pit. At best, some days all you can do is survive.
The raw nature of true trauma goes much deeper than societies will allow. What I mean by that is those suffering indeed suffer alone. In our world, people are not interested in hearing about the horror stories of others’ lives unless the stories are packaged into neat one hour television shows. To say that modern society is shallow is terrible understatement. People have become quite psychopathic in their lack of empathy.
Truth is very ugly. Anyone who has lived through or is living through hell knows what a horrific event can do to you. It ruins who you once were, and you know you will never be the same again. When your life has suffered a fatal blow, there is no coming back from that. You can’t be who you used to be. That simply is not possible, and for people who surround you, such a notion is unacceptable. People want you to be the sister, the wife, the brother, the husband or whoever they once knew. But how can you be who you were before that horrible event? After and during trauma, you are damaged. You change inside which is difficult for others. This can result in abandonment by people you thought were your friends. So many times, a husband will leave a sick wife or vice versa. ‘Friends’ slowly migrate away. Thus the hurt individual gets a double whammy.
There are many theories about grief, and people are not shy about telling you how they think you should be coping. However, there is no guide book for how you must respond to tragedy. Having worked with parents of murdered children and advocating for those suffering from incurable illnesses, I have seen what the war of grief does to human beings. They become battered as if combat veterans. They take one ‘punch’ right after another while doing their best to stay standing in a world that just doesn’t care about them. People will say that they care, but when you look at their behavior, it tells a much different story.
Sufferers are told hope is frail but difficult to destroy. They are lectured about how they must ‘get over’ the tragedy because it weighs them down. This advice is particularly cruel to those who lost a loved one or those enduring a horrible illness. There is no getting over having your life shattered into little pieces. Reality doesn’t work that way. Sure it reads well in books and sounds good in classes, but real life is very different from the world of ideas. If you have endured such things, you won’t get over it. You can integrate it into who you are, but you won’t forget.
Society in general has become quite indifferent to suffering of others. We have been so desensitized by the world’s traumas that our fellow man has become an object to be ignored. Anyone who has had the misfortune of being diagnosed with a bad illness knows how the medical system treats those who are suffering. Beyond the misdiagnoses and incorrect labels, patients suffer almost every indignity. When doctors cannot figure out what ailment patients have, patients automatically get labeled as head cases. Imagine what that does to someone suffering from a painful incurable disease that has been undiagnosed. Or take the example of the mother whose daughter had been murdered and her case botched by officers who were overly anxious to go off the clock. As she cried for justice she was told that this is the way things are, and she needed to pick up a hobby to distract her. One therapist told her to pick up a musical instrument, and she could strum her pain away!
So many parents of murdered children or those who are sick have had ‘friends’ slowly slide away as if no one will notice their absence. The fact is such people don’t want to see what could happen to them. The suffering is an ugly reminder to everyone what can happen in life, and for the shallow, walking away is easy. Then they don’t have to see the ugliness and can walk through life with their blinders on. And it isn’t just friends who jump off the sinking ship. Family members scatter as well. These fair weather relatives slink away when the going gets tough, but should there be any improvement, they come trotting back as if nothing ever happened. Yet the person who was going through the trauma knows exactly what transpired and what their fickle friends and family really are. There is no forgetting that.
Life destroying trauma is not something that the sufferer can get over. It bores into their souls and creates a new worldview where people become the enemy because frankly, they are. Few truly understand them which leads to isolation and an increasing inability to relate. If people are kicked when they are down, the injury sticks.
I know this sounds so ominous. Real life is messy and complicated and many times cruel. How many times have you gone through something so unbelievably horrifying that you can’t understand how it could have happened? You become lost in grief, almost as if in a parallel universe where everything seems backwards. Nothing is right, and without fail, when you are at your lowest point, bad things keep happening.
However, you are not alone.
There are others like you out there. There are walking wounded all around you who have learned to keep silent about their suffering. The pain you feel can be lessened. I’m going to be honest with you and say that your pain will never fully go away. Your loss will always be there, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot have a life after a trauma. It won’t be the life you planned, and I know how painful that can be. Just getting out of bed can be the best you can do in a day. If you think that is not big deal, then look at it another way. If you got out of bed, consider a victory. You did something, and that can be a first step. However, it will not be easy to find a new way of living. There are many obstacles in your way. Yet just trying can help build your self esteem.
I met a woman who was the victim of two attempted sexual homicides. Yes, you read that correctly. She was the victim twice in her life. The first time she was in her late teens, an attacker broke into her home. He raped and beat her, leaving her for dead. She was crippled physically and emotionally from the attack. Almost twenty years later, she was attacked again. Raped and strangled and left for dead, she somehow managed to survive. She does volunteer work for victims when she can and has managed to find some happiness in her life by helping others. However, she was very clear to me that the pain of the attacks is with her every day. It is not something she forgets, and she is very angry with her family and the mental health profession.
Her family left her one by one as time went on. They uttered such phrases as ‘you are too bitter for me’ or ‘you need to move on’ when she was suffering from the long term physical effects from the attempted murders. Professionals were no better. Doctors told her she shouldn’t still be having such horrible headaches years later and that she should just get used to the pain that went along with her traumatic brain injury. They told her not even to ask for any pain medication because they weren’t going to give it to her. She went to a balance disorder specialist who was rated as being compassionate. He gave her one heart medication for her dizziness which didn’t work. When she went back, the doctor said he didn’t want to try anything else, and she should just learn to live with her condition. Doctors failed her and treated her like dirt.
Counselor after counselor dropped her when she wasn’t progressing the way they wanted. She didn’t fit neatly into a box, so they didn’t know what to do with her. The first therapist wanted her to take a nerf bat and hit the wall when she got angry. When this didn’t help her, the therapist suggested blowing bubbles to reconnect with her childhood. Needless to say, this didn’t do the trick. So off she went to counselor number two. Number two wanted the victim to explore how she played a part in causing the attacks. What did she do in her life that drew these killers to her? When she reacted badly to this, the therapist dismissed her saying that she couldn’t heal until she owned up to her role in the attacks!
Number three simply refused to take her on as a client because she was seen a trouble maker who had already been to two professionals. Number four wanted her to journal her feelings. She said that just upset her more, and the psychiatrist gave her heavy doses of antidepressants. This improved her mood slightly but did nothing to help her work through her grief. When that doctor had nothing more to offer, the victim kept moving to find someone to help. It took seven professionals before she found one who was sympathetic, didn’t suggest that she was at fault, and took the time to simply listen. The victim said the best thing anyone did for her was to listen. The bad advice just made her angry and did nothing to heal her.
What those who are on the outside looking in don’t understand is that trauma becomes a part of who you are and colors how you view life. There is no magic pill to make it go away. There is no one with an enchanted wand to set this right. It is on the shoulders of those suffering to make a decision to live. I know how this sounds, but it is true. You must decide that you want a life. It won’t be the life you imagined, but you can find something better than the misery you live in. Those who have been through a deep trauma understand that the happiness will always be tempered by a hint of sadness. Yet there can be something better for you. When you are in the depths of despair, it seems impossible. But if you try to find something that gives you joy, you can find yourself actually laughing and smiling. I know your heart has been battered, and you will always be guarded. This is part of who you are now.
I can’t say what will do the trick for you. Only you can find what can make you happy. All I know is that the best thing you can do is try to find something that you love to do. Try to find someone who is sympathetic who can help point out resources which can be more tailored to you. Someone who is suffering from your illness or someone who has lost a loved one may know a good therapist or group that can help you. Just the thought of reaching out can be traumatizing, yet taking control of your life by stepping out can be helpful.
Don’t give up. You can find your spirit again. Keep looking for something you can love. Only you can do that, and the good news is that you don’t need someone else to take that first step. You have the power to do that. Give yourself the gift of easing your pain by doing something just for you. And keep trying. Reward yourself for taking the baby steps because you deserve every reward.
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autolovecraft · 3 years
Birch glanced about for other possible points of escape.
In time the hole grew so large that he ventured to try his body in it now and then, shifting about so that the narrow ventilation funnel in the top ran through several feet of earth, making this direction utterly useless to consider. Birch were sure—absolutely sure—of the identity of that top coffin of the pile; how he had been certain of it as the Fenner coffin in the dusk, and how he stepped on the puppy that snapped at him a year ago last August … He was the devil incarnate, Birch, and I don't blame you for giving him a cast-aside coffin!
He gave old Matt the very best his skill could produce, but was thrifty enough to save the rejected specimen, and to let no other doctor treat the wounds. He confided in me because I was his doctor, and because he probably felt the need of confiding in someone else after Davis died. Well enough to skimp on the thing some way, but you got what you deserved. He was curiously unelated over his impending escape, and almost dreaded the exertion, for his form had the indolent stoutness of early middle age.
Birch that night he had taken a lantern and gone to the old receiving tomb.
He changed his business, but something always preyed upon him. In another moment he knew fear for the first time that night; for struggle as he would, he could not shake clear of the unknown grasp which held his feet in relentless captivity. You know what a fiend he was for revenge—how he ruined old Raymond thirty years after their boundary suit, and how he stepped on the puppy that snapped at him a succession of shuddering whispers that seared into the bewildered ears like the hissing of vitriol. Birch, and I don't blame you for giving him a cast-aside coffin! His questioning grew more than medically tense, and his aching arms rested by a pause during which he sat on the bottom step of his grim device, Birch cautiously ascended with his tools and stood abreast of the narrow transom. He would not, he found, have to pile another on his platform to make the proper height; for the hole was on exactly the right level to use as soon as its size might permit. His drinking, of course, only aggravated what it was meant to alleviate. Clutching the edges of the aperture, he sought to pull himself up, when he noticed a queer retardation in the form of an apparent drag on both his ankles. He confided in me because I was his doctor, and because he probably felt the need of confiding in someone else after Davis died. It is doubtful whether he was touched at all by the horror and exquisite weirdness of his position, but the bald fact of imprisonment so far from the tomb.
He was just dizzy and careless enough to annoy his sensitive horse, which as he drew it viciously up at the tomb neighed and pawed and tossed its head, much as on that former occasion when the rain had vexed it.
Just where to begin Birch's story I can hardly decide, since I am no practiced teller of tales.
Only the coffins themselves remained as potential stepping-stones, and as he considered these he speculated on the best mode of transporting them. To him Birch had felt no compunction in assigning the carelessly made coffin which he now pushed out of the way in his quest for the Fenner casket. But it would be well to say as little as could be said, and to let no other doctor treat the wounds. Armington helped Birch to the outside of a spare bed and sent his little son Edwin for Dr. Davis. His day's work was sadly interrupted, and unless chance presently brought some rambler hither, he might have to remain all night or longer.
Steeled by old ordeals in dissecting rooms, the doctor entered and looked about, stifling the nausea of mind and body that everything in sight and smell induced. Well enough to skimp on the thing some way, but you got what you deserved. The moon was shining on the scattered brick fragments and marred facade, and the company beneath his feet, he philosophically chipped away the stony brickwork; cursing when a fragment hit him in the face, and laughing when one struck the increasingly excited horse that pawed near the cypress tree. When he perceived that the latch was hopelessly unyielding, at least to such meager tools and under such tenebrous conditions as these, Birch glanced about for other possible points of escape. Certainly, the events of that evening greatly changed George Birch. The wounds—for both ankles were frightfully lacerated about the Achilles' tendons—seemed to puzzle the old physician greatly, and finally almost to frighten him. The narrow transom admitted only the feeblest of rays, and the company beneath his feet, he philosophically chipped away the stony brickwork; cursing when a fragment hit him in the face, and laughing when one struck the increasingly excited horse that pawed near the cypress tree. Great heavens, Birch, but you got what you deserved. It may have been mocking. He was the devil incarnate, Birch, and I believe his eye-for-an-eye fury could beat old Father Death himself. He would have given much for a lantern or bit of candle; but lacking these, bungled semi-sightlessly as best he might. Birch were sure—absolutely sure—of the identity of that top coffin of the pile; how he had distinguished it from the inferior duplicate coffin of vicious Asaph Sawyer. He would not, he found, have to pile another on his platform to make the proper height; for the unexpected tenacity of the easy-looking brickwork was surely a sardonic commentary on the vanity of mortal hopes, and the latch of the great door yielded readily to a touch from the outside. In this twilight too, he began to compute how he might most stably use the eight to rear a scalable platform four deep.
Most distinctly Birch was lax, insensitive, and professionally undesirable; yet I still think he was not perfectly sober, he subsequently admitted; though he had not then taken to the wholesale drinking by which he later tried to forget certain things.
Clutching the edges of the aperture, he sought to drain from the weakened undertaker every least detail of his horrible experience. The moon was shining on the scattered brick fragments and marred facade, and the emerging moon must have witnessed a horrible sight as he dragged his bleeding ankles toward the cemetery lodge; his fingers clawing the black mold in brainless haste, and his aching arms rested by a pause during which he sat on the bottom box to gather strength for the final wriggle and leap to the ground outside. On the afternoon of Friday, April 15th, then, Birch set out for the tomb with horse and wagon to transfer the body of Matthew Fenner. But it would be well to say as little as could be said, and to let no other doctor treat the wounds. He had even wondered, at Sawyer's funeral, how the vindictive farmer had managed to lie straight in a box so closely akin to that of the diminutive Fenner. He was a bachelor, wholly without relatives. Sawyer in their last illnesses. He changed his business in 1881, yet never discussed the case when he could avoid it.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
© 2011 – 2014 All Rights Reserved
Affiliate Click Here!      Affiliate Agreement      Term of Use
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
© 2011 – 2014 All Rights Reserved
Affiliate Click Here!      Affiliate Agreement      Term of Use
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
© 2011 – 2014 All Rights Reserved
Affiliate Click Here!      Affiliate Agreement      Term of Use
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
© 2011 – 2014 All Rights Reserved
Affiliate Click Here!      Affiliate Agreement      Term of Use
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To understand breeding behaviour
How to find the right veterinarian
What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
How to understand breeding behaviour
When the breeding season occurs
How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree FrogOver the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
© 2011 – 2014 All Rights Reserved
Affiliate Click Here!      Affiliate Agreement      Term of Use
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
© 2011 – 2014 All Rights Reserved
Affiliate Click Here!      Affiliate Agreement      Term of Use
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/red-eyed-tree-frog-secrets/
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    World Renowned Red-Eyed Tree Frog Experts Say…
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs or head
Has difficulty breathing
From the desk of Chris Johnson Date :
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eyed Frog Enthusiasts!
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?
You Could Not Be More Wrong!
I personally love Red-Eyed Tree frogs. I think they are the most amazing little creatures on the planet. I have raised and kept Red-Eyed Tree frogs for many, many years. Therefore, I have come to be somewhat of an expert on the subject of keeping these little guys happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, not all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners have the knowledge and experience that I and other experts possess. These people just go out to the local pet store or herp shop and expect to purchase a Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is just as easy to care for as the common goldfish. As a result, these inexperienced owners make mistakes that are detrimental to the health of their cherished Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
In order to fully understand and care for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs properly, it is important to learn about not only the history of frogs, but the anatomy and physiology of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog as well. Over the past sixty years, the frog population has been declining. Over a third of the frog species in the world are at a risk for extinction, and at least 120 species are thought to have vanished from the earth within the past thirty years. Therefore…
A Number Of Captive Breeding Programs Have Been Created In An Effort To Rescue These Endangered Species!
As a result, a breeding revolution has begun! However, only recently has captive breeding reached an acceptable level of success for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Although successful captive breeding has led to a somewhat brighter future for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, their endangered status puts them on the list in many states for restricted or licensed collection, transportation and ownership. Be sure to check with the United States Department of the Interior, or local game and fisheries commissions to gain knowledge of any restrictions in your area.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is indigenous to Mexico and Central America, and a few may be found in Northern Columbia. Like other tree frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs generally thrive in tropical forests near water. Just imaging tearing a Red-Eyed Tree Frog from its natural habitat near natural rivers and lakes where the temperatures and humidity levels are just right…and putting them…
In Your Backyard!
Unless you live in a tropical rain forest, it is doubtful that your backyard has favourable conditions for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog…meaning you must create an artificial environment similar to the frogs natural habitat.
Do not expect to just through the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a cage with a little food and water. It is just not that simple!
This is where many frog lovers run into trouble. Most people are clueless when it comes to raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and are oblivious to the related expense. Because of everything you need to build an appropriate habitat…owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog can be quite costly!
Luckily, over my several years of raising Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, I have discovered quite a few tips and tricks that you can use to save money…while still providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with a top-notch, luxurious habitat!
Sure, you could spend countless hours on the Internet reading webpage after webpage about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs; however, you still may not know everything you need to provide your beloved pet with the best possible care. The reason for this is that many of the people who write the articles on these websites do not have a clue how to take proper care of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog!
It is like Helen Keller helping Louis Braille across the street!
Why in the world would you want to waste a moment of your time trying to learn from such newbies when you can have the advantage of acquiring knowledge from a seasoned Red-Eyed Frog enthusiast?
Do not hope you are doing everything right…know the exact techniques for caring for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Introducing my book…
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“Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”
Professional breeders and pet shop owners do not want you to learn all the secrets in this exceptional book. The reason for that is once you hear what I have to say about taking care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…
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You will know
how to determine if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is healthy or needs to go to the vet right away
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You will know
the proper foods to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog happy and healthy
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You will know
the warning signs of common health problems that plague Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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You will know
what to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has any type of infection
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You will know
how to treat abrasions, wounds and even trauma
I could have tried to sell my book in pet stores, but shop owners seemed to…
All Have A Lame Excuse About It Being “Too Informative” for The Common Pet Owner To Comprehend!
Therefore, I have decided to make this information directly accessible to your via the Internet…making it available for immediate download. No matter if you are considering owning a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, or you already have one of these lovable creatures at home…you will be able to refer to this book time and time again to ensure you are treating your Red-Eyed friend properly.
“I Own 3 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs… This Book Taught Me Things I’d Never Heard Of!”
I am the proud owner of three healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs that are absolutely adorable! I thought I was taking proper care of them, but after reading this book, I realized I was making several horrible mistakes! I recommend this book to all Red-Eyed Tree Frog lovers!
~ Beth Soupton, OK
“I Am So Glad I Read This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
I searched on the Internet for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs and I found this awesome book. I am so glad I downloaded this book. Following the wonderful advice contained within these pages, I was able to avoid being ripped off by a number of local pet stores…who were trying to sell unhealthy frogs. Finally, I was able to find the perfect Red-Eyed Tree Frog just by following the steps in this book! Thank you!
~ Todd Anderson, NC
“The Local Pet Store Is Furious!”
I followed the simple steps outlined in this book and went to the local pet store, where I pointed out the problems with the Red-Eyed Tree Frogs they had for sale. The owner’s facial expression was priceless, when a customer who ALMOST purchased a sick Red-Eyed Tree Frog decided to take his business elsewhere, as did I. Many thanks!
~ Jillian Fuchs, NY
After you have chosen the Red-Eyed Tree Frog that is right for you, it is crucial that you learn how to communicate with your new little friend. Unfortunately, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not talk; therefore, you must rely on body language to determine if your frog is happy and healthy.
Learning to understand the body language of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog is very important to ensure your beloved pet has everything it needs!
“This Book Was Exactly What I Needed!”
I am beyond pleased with the “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” book. I just bought it, expecting to read information I was already aware of as an experienced frog owner. However, one page was spot on with a problem I have been having with my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. My frog is happier and healthier than ever! Thanks a bunch!
~ Amy Swindle, CA
By reading this book, you will learn:
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The first sign that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is in need of medical attention
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How to tell your frog is unhappy with its habitat
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How to maintain a hygienic enclosure that is safe for you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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How to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting the proper amount of light and heat
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How to ensure your frogs’ skin stays nice and moist, especially during the daytime
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About the proper diet for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, including supplementation of minerals and adequate consumption
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To overcome the challenges of breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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To understand breeding behaviour
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How to find the right veterinarian
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What to do when faced with common problems, such as stress, obesity and poisoning
“My 10-Year-Old Loves Her Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
My 10-year-old daughter wanted to get a Red-Eyed Tree Frog for Christmas so bad. However, my husband and I were concerned that she would not be able to take care of such a delicate creature properly. So, we downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and read it together before agreeing to buy her one of her own. We are proud to report that she is following all of the steps that she learned in the book and taking very good care of her new best friend. She has even impressed friends and neighbors with her knowledge!
~ Jill Thompson, NM
“Now I Can Take Better Care Of My Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!”
I have been breeding Red-Eyed Tree Frogs for a number of years, so I believed myself to be somewhat of an expert. That was until I came across this book online. Now, I know how to take the best care of all of my Red-Eyed Tree Frogs!
~ Tomas Gonzales, TX
One of the most important things that you will learn about in this book is creating the proper environment for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Keep in mind that in order for your frog to thrive, you must mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Some of the things you will learn about include:
Cages and Enclosures. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs require an adequate amount of ventilation. These active creatures need plenty of space, both vertically as well as horizontally. You cage and enclosure options include glass aquaria and the like, plastic storage containers, screen cages and several custom made options.
Substrates. The problems you are having with your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be related to the type of material that you are using to line your cage. Your frog needs something that will retain moisture and help to keep the habitat humid. Avoid any substrates that may cause abrasions to the underbelly of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog. The substrate that you choose should be easy to keep clean and harmless if accidently ingested. The best options for substrates include a bare cage bottom, paper towels, foam rubber, reptile carpeting, coconut husk fibre, soil, moss, bark, mulch, gravel and stones.
Water Sources. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians, which means they do not drink water the way mammals do. Instead, they absorb moisture through their skin. Therefore, they need a fresh container of water for soaking.
Heating Options. These cold-blooded amphibians require an ambient temperature of air in order to maintain a healthy body temperature. In addition to an accurate digital thermometer, you will also need to learn about alternative ways to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog warm and healthy, including light bulbs, hot rocks and reptile heat pads.
Furnishings. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog spends most of its time in the wild resting on leaves or branches high above the ground. Proper furnishings are crucial to the health and happiness of your pet.
Maintaining Proper Humidity Levels. If your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is not getting the humidity that it needs, its skin may dry out. The humidity level in your frog’s enclosure should stay between 60% and 90%, which is much higher than most homes. A humidity gauge is crucial to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog stays moist and happy.
Lighting Options. Unlike many reptiles, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog does not require special ultraviolent light. The incandescent light you are using for a heat source may be sufficient.
And Much More!
In addition to providing your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the right enclosure, you must also learn the proper way to handle your pet. You have probably noticed how at ease expert owners are when handling these delicate creatures…this is because they know exactly what they are doing as well as what NOT to do!
“I Am Having A Blast With My Red-Eyed Tree Frog!”
Before I read “Red-Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I was nervous about taking my frog out of his cage. Now, by using the tips I learned in this book, I am able to handle my Red-Eyed Tree Frog comfortably. Thank you for making me a happy frog owner!
~ Edison McCormick, MD
A proper diet is essential to raising a happy Red-Eyed Tree Frog that will be around for many years. If your frog is fed properly, it will grow properly and live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, a number of pet owners are not aware of the foods that they should be feeding their Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
“This Book Saved Me From A Huge Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Thor, was not eating like I thought he should…I was just about to take him to the vet, which would have cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Before I packed Thor up for a trip to the vet, I downloaded “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” and boy am I glad I did! In just a few short days, he was back to eating like his old self. Thank you so much for the help!
~ Emily Candovar, GA
Get ready to learn:
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What to do if your frog is off colour and not the beautiful specimen it once was
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The best way to make sure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is getting all the vitamins and supplements it needs to thrive
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What to do if your Red-Eyed Tree Frog has a decreased appetite or refuses to eat at all
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10 types of insects that you should feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Why you should never try to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog freeze dried or pre-killed food
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The best time of day to feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog to ensure it stays happy and healthy
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The best way to ensure your Red-Eyed Tree Frog is neither overfed or underfed
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A number of tips for “gut loading” the insects that you feed your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
If you have made it this far and you are still interested in hearing what I have to say, you know the abundance of valuable information that I am willing to reveal to you in order to keep your Red-Eyed Tree Frog looking and feeling its very best. In fact, your veterinarian may not even know as much about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs…just because he or she is not a Red-Eyed Tree Frog expert!
In this book, you are also going to learn about several advanced topics related to the proper care of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including:
How To Breed Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Like A Pro!
Obviously, successfully breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. However, breeding these fine creatures can be quite a rewarding experience…if you know what you are doing!
Through my book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets”, I am going to teach you everything that I have learned from my personal experience with breeding my own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
You can expect to learn:
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Things to consider before you get started breeding your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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How to determine if you Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are ready to breed
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Why Red-Eyed Tree Frogs call and when they are most vocal
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The difference in size and shape between male and female Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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What nuptial pads are and where you can find them
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How to understand breeding behaviour
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When the breeding season occurs
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How to simulate the rainy season of Central American forests, when the weather is warm and rainfall is unceasing
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Precautions you should take to ensure competing male Red-Eyed Tree Frogs do not harm one another
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Red-Eyed Tree Frog eggs and what you need to do to take care of them
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What to do during the tadpole stage, including housing, water quality and filtration, feeding, anatomy and physiology, metamorphosis and problems that may arise
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Housing and feeding juvenile Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
To put it bluntly…
You Cannot Find The Same Quality Of Information Anywhere Else… Unless You Personally Are A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Expert!
None of the many tips and techniques that you find in “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” are based simply on theory, as is the case with many publications on the subject. The information contained throughout this book is based on many years of experience as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner and breeder.
This is what I do, so you can rest assured that I know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.
Stop spending every waking moment worrying whether you are doing what is best for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with this handy guide that tells you exactly what you need to do is every situation.
This book is written for you the home Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner, so you can bet that it is 100% practical and does not go into sophisticated detail.
I want to make taking proper care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog even easier, so I am going to include these awesome bonuses:
BONUS #1: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners. I have found that all of the questions that they ask are somewhat similar when it comes to caring for their pets. It is likely that if you were to have a sit down with me, you would be asking many of these questions yourself.
Therefore, I have compiled all of the most challenging questions about Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, including my answers to them all!
Have no fear; I am not a vet just trying to make money off costly medicines and unnecessary treatments. Nor am I a pet store owner selling Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. So, you can trust me to provide you with honest answers to even the toughest questions…
Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs carry any transferrable diseases?
Is it safe to catch a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in the wild and keep it as a pet?
How do healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frogs act?
What is the best type of cage for my Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
These are just a few of the questions that you will find answers to in this amazing special report.
BONUS #2: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Shopping List
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Have you ever wondered if you have all of the right equipment and supplies that you need in order to provide your Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the best possible care?
I have created for you a life of
everything you need for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, from enclosures to water bowls, including details.
Print a copy of the list and take it with you on your next shopping trip…so you will not be rushing out for important supplies while your pet rests in a plastic cup.
This special bonus is a must-have for all Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners!
BONUS #3: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Handling And Sanitation
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This is another valuable resource you will not want to be without as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner. I recommend this guide to all frog owners new and old!
This handy guide walks you through all the steps to
properly handling your Red-Eyed Tree Frog and keeping the experience safe for you and your froggy friend.
So What Is This All Worth To You?
Think about this – The average lifespan of a healthy Red-Eyed Tree Frog is around five years. If you are already an owner or considering purchasing one of these fine animals…you need to plan to spend the next five years of your life caring for it.
During that time, you need to make sure that your Red-Eyed Tree Frog as a comfortable place to live and you carry out your duties as a responsible pet owner. Now, we are all aware this is not something that is going to come easy…or inexpensive. In fact, just creating the habitat alone may cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to ask yourself how much money you plan to spend on…
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An enclosure for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog
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Supplies like heat rocks, light bulbs and other necessities
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Breeding supplies, if you plan to breed your own Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
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Food for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, as live insects tend to be kind of pricy
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And much, much more…
It goes without saying, owning Red-Eyed Tree Frogs is not the least expensive hobby. However, if you follow the methods and techniques presenting in this book, you will be able to find everything you need to keep your pet happy.
How can this knowledge alone save you money?
The proper care and handling of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog will save you hundreds of dollars per visit in veterinarian fees, not to mention the heartache of losing your beloved pet because you did not give it proper care.
I have made it my mission to help as many Red-Eyed Tree Frog owners as I can. My book, “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” is available for you to download for a low, low price, and you will be able to read it immediately or print it out so you can refer to is at any time.
You read correctly. You can own your very own copy of “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for less than the cost of a month of supplies. Say goodbye to feelings of worry and frustration and hello to the confidence of knowing exactly what to do.
Still not convinced it is worth it! What if I though in a…
100% Money Back Guarantee!
I believe that every Red-Eyed Tree Frog owner should read this book because the information that you learn can greatly improve the life of your pet.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure that you and your Red-Eyed Tree Frog are going to benefit from this book that I am willing to offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Download “Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets” for a full 60 days and try the techniques for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied that you have become a better owner for your Red-Eyed Tree Frog…let me know and I will refund every last cent of your money.
In addition, the book and all of the bonuses are yours to keep for FREE, just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, this book is for you.
Get your copy today!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Right Now!”
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It is my understanding that if I act right now, I will gain access to an immediate download of this eBook full of tips that I will not find anywhere else for taking better care of my Red-Eyed Tree Frog. In addition, I will also learn valuable information on the proper food and supplies I need to keep my Red-Eyed Tree Frog healthy and happy.
I also understand that if I am not completely satisfied with this eBook, I will be granted an unconditional 100% refund, allowing me to keep all three special bonuses just for trying the book.
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As a valued customer, your privacy is my utmost priority. Your information is always encrypted and will never be shared with 3rd parties.
NOTE: Your Copy Of Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets Is Available For Instant Download Anytime Night Or Day!
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Chris Johnson Author, Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets http://www.RedEyedTreeFrogSecrets.com
P.S. Let me just say this. If you are not willing to pay this small price in order to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and eliminate frustration and worry from your daily life forever, you should NOT own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Otherwise, reserve your copy of this wonderful book right now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Red Eyed Tree Frog Secrets by Axon Media
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