#im going to tag this as
talesofthedm · 7 months
House of Healing
Play through #2, I'm 100% taking notes for fanfic writing purposes (the NOTES are 10k words. I love this game), and I just got to the House of Healing in Act 2 again. Love that area, demented as hell. Anyway, here's that section with some minor artistic liberties (I have to make my Tav a MC somehow, plus we need more soft Astarion).
Tav is Freya (she/her), Gloomstalker Ranger/Assassin Rogue who's traumatized as hell. There isnt any physical description for her in this section.
Goes without saying major spoiler warning for Act 2.
The leathers of his gloves were soft and warm—thrumming gently with magic—as it cupped either side of her face. “Darling, look at me. Can you look at me?” He pressed his forehead to hers, making sure she had no place to look but his eyes. “Love.” Something about that name startled her, broke her out of whatever trance she was bound to just long enough to focus. He dragged his thumbs across her cheeks, smoothing away tears. “We’re going to get you out of here, alright? We’re going to get you out of here. We’re going to get you someplace safe and we’re going to get you cleaned up, alright? Can you say something, do something, anything so I know you can understand me?”
TW: Violence, body horror, PTSD, mentions of self-harm, death
“The objective of the scalpel, sisters, is to soothe. For the scalpel, indeed, is an extension of Shar.” The dull light glinted off his mirror and lenses, the purple sheen of them not dissimilar to the mirrors they found in the Sharran temple. A means of reflecting Shar’s radiance—of allowing her to watch such a blessed performance in her name. He was the priest. He was the clergy. He was the prayer and the offering itself. Malus was the altar, the operating room the church.
“See how the patient reacts when I but stroke the right nerve. Hear its comfort. Hear the very melody of mercy.” He raised a clawed hand—a contraption of bloodstained bronze or rusted metal. Repurposed forceps that had been turned and ruined and bastardized from a tool of healing to a cause for pain. Even to him—his hands sawed clean off below the wrist and metal rods forcibly drilled through the bone and into both his radius and ulna. Without medication, if the surgeon’s logs Freya had found previously were anything to go by. “Pray, sister, show us the extent of your beneficence.”
The man—it, as the surgeon had called them—gritted their teeth but could do nothing to stop the pain. Wrists bound in metal and legs held firm in stirrups. Bound and useless and forced to endure such pain as a dull blade ripping across blood spattered skin from hip to naval without so much as a splash of ale.
“Stop. Stay your hand,” Malus corrected with all the gentle, loving kindness of a grandfather. “For it slaps where it should stroke. We can hardly hear the patient’s sighs of solace.”
Freya should have punctured her ears when she had the chance.
A joke—a horrible horrible joke by a handful of bastards who had seen her fall apart once upon a time that now left her laughing and sobbing all at once. The bastards had seen her freeze. They had seen her crumple to the ground. Useless. She was then as she was now.
What they hadn’t seen was Thomas cart her off, all the patience in the world as she shuffled away with frozen limbs on uneven cobblestones. They hadn’t seen the way he nestled her into a corner where she would be safe and protected at his back while he took the time to rip through whatever made that noise that sent her spiraling in the first place… she couldn’t even remember. The bastards had only seen the she was helpless, stuck back in a distant moment as her partner did the job they were both to do.
And she was back there again, stuck in the furthest recesses of her mind. Frozen and cold and crying. The smell of burning oil. The sickening, glowing heat of the oven at her back. The screams—gods the screams. Incoherent and mindless and and—deafening— and— trapped.
Within her own body.
She was trapped within her own body in the worst way. Not there, not present, but stuck watching and suffering as her mind split in two and forced itself to watch two separate scenes unfold. One of past, one of present.
And Thomas wasn’t even there to console her.
“Perhaps it is our unexpected audience that makes you quiver.”
The pieces of her that remained in the present, stuck watching the scene unfold, could feel the others at her back. Waiting. She was a leader and one that should charge forward and command the room and stop this madness—either by blade or equally sharp tongue.
“Come. Step forward. You are no sister, but that matters none. Every student is welcome.”
She could hear Astarion’s voice, a long off echo drowned out by the ringing of her ears. There was anger. Disgust. A familiar voice that parts of her fleeting sanity hung on to for comfort despite every primal part of her whispering of the danger. She could feel the way the darkness shifted—the way her partner’s body shifted. Shoulders hunched as if to lunge forward with claws and teeth like some sort of wild, desperate animal. “He’s just as mad as Cazador,” he whispered.
The warm leather of his glove wrapped around her arm, forcing his way forward. She was staring at his back, blocking the image from view. His broad shoulders tensed—but not the way she would associate with a desperate animal. The side of his boot slid into hers, forcing her to take a step backwards and away from the scene. Protective.
“In my experience,” he spoke in careful, even tones. “Torture is usually more pain and less proselytizing.”
“Behold, sisters, the very face of ignorance—one who mistakes tenderness for torture.”
She could hear him swallow—his pride or his fear, she did not know.
“Go on. Acquaint the face of ignorance with the true object of our studies.”
The sisters stepped forward, one foot stomping along the broken tiles of the operating room as if it was more dead than the rest. “Absence,” she drawled, as if deep within a trance. Broken and lost—something Freya understood too well in the moment.
“Absence,” Malus praised. “No other word captures the heart of Shar so very perfectly.” He bent down, low over the operating table and out of Freya’s view. “It is the scalpel-led journey that leads from pain—” A single bronze finger crested over the top of Astarion’s head, the dull light of the operating lamp providing an exaggerated, eye-catching gleam. The tip of it drove down, sharp as any scalpel. “—to peace.” Again, the curved tip of what could only be called a finger raised up only to be brought down.
It wasn’t Astarion’s fault—he didn’t know. It wasn’t the sight, or the blood, or the horror, or anything that was within his control to stop. It was the sound. The sound of screams. Of blade delicately slicing through skin. Of talon-like claws teaching in and popping out the eyes of a hapless victim. If he had known, perhaps he would have commanded Shadowheart to curse her with deafness. Or punctured her eardrums himself.
“See?” Malus called. “What is the light of eyes but the cancer that causes one to witness the laceration of being.
“If light is the symptom, then darkness is the cure. For in light there is presence, but in darkness there is absence.”
“In light is presence; in darkness, absence,” the sisters echoed.
“But you: look how the succor of Shar eludes you. See how painfully present you remain… We do not wish to see you suffer so. Let us cure you. As the very presence of Shar has cured your friend.”
Astarion was slow, careful. Another press of his boot, another hobbled step back. Freya felt her back warm as she was pressed into Karlach. What would have otherwise been a comfort from the gentle giant only made it worse.
She was warm. Burning. Stuck listening and melting behind the stove while echoing screams filled the room and cooking oil filled her nose. Stuck behind a burning over in the dusty corner of a kitchen trying to hide.
There was a long silence, the rogue weighing his options. How many could he take? How many could he slaughter before they even blinked? How long until they went after Freya and deemed her in need of a cure that only they could administer? To be down one was one thing… but for her to be helpless was another. “The sisters aren’t ready.” A hint of desperation. A hint of fear. He couldn’t hide behind flippant remarks or alluring charm—that wouldn’t work here. “They’ll make me sick instead of curing me.”
 “Their incisions are, as yet, still streaked with imprecision—that much I must concede.” Malus’ words were laced with sorrow—disappointment. Not in the sisters, but himself. His own teachings had yet to fail, but had not yet succeeded. “How to steady their hands, I wonder…”
“They need a better subject to practice on first.” There was a calmness to him, Astarion. One she hadn’t heard, not in this way. A sickening, stomach curling, fantasy that had yet to come to life but he would take it where he could get it. “Not a student, but a master.”
“Yes… Yes. I see now. By example I must edify and quell the light that blinds us.” There was no malice in his actions, only name. Not even as his claws reached once more over his head and tore down into the man’s chest. A single incision, a single strike that pierced the heart and left it spurting in a final attempt to save its own body’s life.
Freya saw the body roll from the operating table, dull and lifeless and still in the most unnatural of ways.
“Come, sisters,” he commanded. “Soothe me.”
Her only saving grace was that there were no screams. A cure where there was no ailment, only the driving grunts and tearing of skin with dull blades that she could pretend was not there. Only a fountain of blood, spraying and spurting and decorating her hair in a delicate veil.
And then it was quiet.
She wasn’t sure exactly when she had crumpled to the floor, or when Astarion had taken a knee at her side, or when Karlach had lovingly rested her hand against her shoulder.
“Freya,” he whispered. “Freya, darling. It’s over now.” She was stuck staring into empty space—his shoulder, she thinks. Not that she could tell, the world was shifting sideways and upside down and right side up and mocking her with its summersaults and backflips—it could move, but she could not.
The leathers of his gloves were soft and warm—thrumming gently with magic—as it cupped either side of her face. “Darling, look at me. Can you look at me?” He pressed his forehead to hers, making sure she had no place to look but his eyes. “Love.” Something about that name startled her, broke her out of whatever trance she was bound to just long enough to focus. He dragged his thumbs across her cheeks, smoothing away tears. “We’re going to get you out of here, alright? We’re going to get you out of here. We’re going to get you someplace safe and we’re going to get you cleaned up, alright? Can you say something, do something, anything so I know you can understand me?”
It was an eternity in and of itself, fighting herself. In the end, all she could manage was a few stray tears and rapid blinking of her eyes and a hard swallow.
He pressed his lips to her forehead in something that couldn’t quite be called a kiss, more of an acknowledgement. “Alright, I’ll accept that.”
Astarion stood, slowly and carefully as if any sudden movement would startle her and send her reeling back into whatever distant thoughts had her trapped there. He looked down, offering both his outstretched hands. “We’re going to stand and we’re going to walk out of here, alright? All of us.”
Freya’s arms felt limp and swollen and useless, as if they were replaced in some hack surgery by a pair of sausages. Still, she managed to raise them, to put her hands in his. She managed to stand, albeit with all the grace of a drunken fawn. She managed to take a few, shaky steps on her own, too, even if she was leaning all her weight on her new hunting partner.
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formulapisces · 6 months
idk, I don't know. it's just speculation but the car is demonstrably worse now than it was at the start of the year (that mid-season td killed this car off) so he's gone from struggling in a good car to struggling in a bad car. he had a problem with the brakes yday I think, in practice. not sure what happened today :(
idk I just don't like seeing him (or logan) be sad
bummed lando ran out of time and got 4th there. I have a feeling he believes this one slipped away from him :/ 🦇
i’m going to split this into sections to make this a bit easier to read 😅
lando could win a gp and he’d still beat himself up over it. i feel like he does it so if anybody does criticise him he can just say “i know”. like, it’s his way of protecting/defending himself from any hate and that SUCKKSSSSS. - but that’s just what i think because i used to do something similar to that at school, in groups, etc. it’s a nobody can point out my ‘flaws’ if i can point them out first type of thing. then if someone does criticise him he can just laugh along 🤷 that’s just what i think though, i cant look into his mind. he does have a real problem with self criticism/ imposter syndrome though 😓 self criticism isn’t valiant or honourable! shut up! i hate it, it makes me so sad :(
lance and logan are under the cut because it’s a bit of a long post without it~
with lance its like he went from bad to worse mood wise and (i’m sorry) performance wise and it’s so upsetting to watch. i feel like i’m just watching someone on a downward spiral, it reminds me of checo post-miami gp. i remember thinking at bahrain he actually did quite well with his hand being in the shape it was, but apart from maybe spain that was probably his peak point in the season and it’s just gone downhill from there 😕 it’s really sad
i feel the same about logan too! i’m really rooting for him to be honest, i want him to at least have one good solid race and i feel so frustrated for him. i feel like he’s got good support at williams though if we’re looking for a positive :/
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callisteios · 1 month
i made a character uquiz. i 100% promise you that you will get a character you know AND like
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recents · 5 months
idk i think what is interesting about astarion to me is the fact that you have a guy who started out an asshole (normal type) and then spent two hundred years in a very carefully and specifically crafted (by the writers of the game) Become A Terrible Person Or Die nexus. like it wasn’t just a Torment Nexus, he wasn’t just in hell, i feel like this is very important not to forget, he was in hell but it was specifically a hell designed to, over time, kill the empathy of anyone trapped in it, kill their brain’s ability to prioritize other peoples’ survival, to numb one’s conscience.
and then he gets yanked directly out of that nexus and despite that the fact that he spent, again, two hundred years in a situation that was sort of a rock tumbler for the human soul, there’s still a pebble left in there. and it’s a pebble that can be grown if placed in the right environment and provided with a support network.
so i think it becomes interesting because it really does i think force you to start thinking about the limits of free will even on as basic a level as the human personality. i think the fact that he becomes such a different character based on player choice, that his end morality is so hugely dependent on player choice, is uhhh. a big part of what the devs were going for probably.
it makes a lot of people really uncomfortable to acknowledge some bad people would be good people if literally nothing changed except they had a good support network and different circumstances. especially because it means the opposite is also true. which is even more uncomfortable.
you know that part in the beginning of fellowship of the ring where gandalf is talking about how gollum is ultimately only like that because of the ring and gandalf thinks his story is sad? astarion is kinda like if they sexualized gollum.
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gibbearish · 6 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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etchif · 1 month
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chikinan · 6 months
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I'm sentimental about them. & about camcorders. [twt + insta + ptrn on bio]
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the-holy-ghosted · 7 months
Girls will say "this is my beautiful wife" and their beautiful wife is just a weird looking man
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itsadancingdinosaur · 6 months
I'm so glad the fnaf movie just kept Balloon Boy as this creepy mf. No explanation. Why is he here. Who is he. Who cares? All the jumpscares with him were great
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toyducks · 2 months
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made my own prefall/angel lucifer design
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aroacedavestrider · 7 months
bonjour girl is that a rodent in your pocket or does y,our penis know how to make ratatouille
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stoopidstapler · 9 months
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bamsara · 2 months
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what the dog doin
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lancteu · 2 months
this has drained me of my will to live
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shadow-bender · 18 days
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Please pray and raise awareness for Cole Brings Plenty, a Lakota actor and student. He was found on april 5th. This is such an awful and cruel act of violence, im having a hard time finding the words.
April 8th Rising Hearts has organized Braids for Cole, so please wear your hair in braids and bring awareness so that Cole and his family can get justice.
*edited to correct information*
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