#im not a wilbur appologist. i do not forgive him
Wilbur Soot was/is a victim of circumstances and an absolute tragedy. He was hurting and no one knew, no one recognized it before hd started spiraling. He was in desperate need of help, he deserved help. He was unwell, it's a fucking tragedy.
Even now his philosophy is one of self destruction and he's building up walls to protect himself from the sufferin he had to go through. It's so clear he's hurting and he doesn't know how to trust and hes given up on hope and it hurts to watch. He's a victim of circumstances, of power,of his past, of illness. Hes hurting
Wilbur Soot stood for everything I disagree with. His politics were built on nationalism and seeking power, and he dragged people into it without ever fully explaining what he was doing it all for. He pulled people into his stories and then self destructed without caring who it hurt. The way he treated Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Quackity, Techno and even Phil in the few moments they had, all echo on in their stories inescapably. He created wounds that never healed and I don't trust him as far as I can fucking throw him. He hurt so many people and I don't forgive him.
I hope he learns that there are better ways to be, and the world isn't a cruel aa he thinks it is. I hope he learns that love can exist without it being betrayed, I hope he learns that people can be kind and that there are things worth saving. I hope he heals.
I want him to be okay. He deserves to be okay
None of these are contradictory!! None of these out weigh the others, none of these are more real, none of them counter each other! Its and not but
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