#im not immune to anime man chopping wood. it's about the strength...perhaps even the exertion gasps...
actualbird · 3 years
// lost gold event spoilers-ish
it amuses me, the whole resource collection game mechanic in this event. like it's similar to resource requisition game mechanic at the nxx hq but in that the one the ingame logic is rationalized as like, mc is sending out emails/requests asking for resources. in this event DAVIS says "ur friends can collect stuff for you!!" and each of the boys has a specific resource that they bring mc.
we're sending these men out to get the groceries basically. but everybody's items are pax products (packed food, medicine, bottled water) which i assume can be easily be found at pax basecamps.
everybody but LUKE. who is collecting LUMBER. the image for this item is WHOLEASS WOOD not sticks. that has been cut from TREES IN THE FOREST OF NOSTA.
so luke pearce is chopping wood out in the forest. is he goin out there with an axe? is he goin out there with his strong strong physical build chopping wood??? is he being hot while doing this????????
i have very important questions, as you can see
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