startrekvsfaceapp · 5 months
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philosophybits · 3 months
In the face of the impossible ... they submit themselves at once. The impossible – meaning the stone wall? Which stone wall? Well, of course, the laws of nature, the conclusions of the natural sciences and mathematics.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground
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ohnoidontexist · 3 months
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thirdity · 7 months
Faith is, at one and the same time, absolutely necessary and altogether impossible.
Stanisław Lem, The Star Diaries
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Et je comprenais l'impossibilité où se heurte l'amour. Nous nous imaginons qu'il a pour objet un être qui peut être couché devant nous, enfermé dans un corps. Hélas ! Il est l'extension de cet être à tous les points de l'espace et du temps que cet être a occupés et occupera. Si nous ne possédons pas son contact avec tel lieu, avec telle heure, nous ne le possédons pas. Or nous ne pouvons toucher tous ces points.
- Marcel Proust, À la recherche du temps perdu
Richard Burton and Sophia Loren at Brockenhurst railways station, England, in 1974, for the re-shoot of the classic film of star-crossed lovers, ‘Brief Encounter’.
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poligraf · 11 months
There are many things that seem impossible only so long as one does not attempt them.
André Gide
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dreams-of-mutiny · 2 months
The sense of impossibility is the beginning of all possibilities. Because this temporal universe was a paradox and an impossibility,
— Sri Aurobindo
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euesworld · 2 years
"Magic.. your smile is a magical creature from the realm of complete mysticism and impossibility."
Your smile is so beautiful that I sometimes wonder if it is even real, it blows over so quickly.. beauty there, then I am left in wonder - eUë
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yeesiine · 1 year
I am in love with the impossibility of us.
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year
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fabien-euskadi · 1 year
Our stillborn son (a love that was not)
Long-gone long-before having even been alive, our stillborn child Is the son - the sun of a love that could not be loved, lived, smiled. Star dust is all that remains, and we, tender mourners at the burial Of no one, knew from the inception that our fall would be a funeral For an infant (oh!, so sinless) that ought to slay for him to be alive. Thence, one remains one - not two, never! - for five to remain five. Brothers three, sister one, they all waltz around a tomb made of air: A reverie so pure, so ours, that, to be solid, would simply not be fair.
                                                                         Fabien Euskadi
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[...even a Maine lobster roll. Impossibility is attractive. In Slidell, Louisiana...]
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friend-crow · 1 year
I know that some magic (such as flying or becoming invisible) is only possible in fiction. But do you know where the idea that magic can allow you to do the impossible comes from? If you could also link me to any resources on this matter, that would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm... that's a bit broad, which makes it hard to answer/provide resources on.
The thing is, what people believe is possible still varies quite a bit from person to person. Some people believe in astral projection, others believe that's basically just imagination. Some of us believe there are spirits that can be communicated with, others call that wishful thinking, confirmation bias, imagination again, and/or mental illness.
As for your examples, I know one theory regarding the European belief in witches flying on broomsticks is that it wasn't about literal flight but rather psychedelic plants allowing for "spirit flight" (see also: flying ointment).
I know people who currently do invisibility spells -- the idea isn't that you literally become transparent, but that you simply go unnoticed.
But, non-literal interpretations aside, for much of human history most people didn't know shit about things like physics. Having no access to information on how things work and what is possible opens up a whole lot of room to believe in all sorts of things. Sometimes people have weird experiences, for whatever reason, and they explain them in whatever way they can, with the information they have access to.
Those of us who work with magic today generally draw a line somewhere, on the other side of which are things we don't believe are possible. As I mentioned, where we draw that line varies greatly from person to person. Some of us will be wrong. To people who don't believe in magic at all, we're all wrong.
So you see what I mean when I say that your question is a bit broad and hard to answer. If you want concrete answers about what is possible, a witch might not be the best person to ask. Blurring those lines kind of comes with the territory.
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calsuwabe · 2 years
All this impossibilities..
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elizabethanism · 2 years
“I wanted to create a little possibility for us within our big impossibility.”
—Ilana Shmueli on Paul Celan; tr. Susan H. Gillespie.
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fierifiction · 1 year
...even a Maine lobster roll. Impossibility is attractive. In Slidell, Louisiana...when the town began receiving complaints from voters, it was to the tune of $10,000,000. We all agreed it was time to stop using that money. It was time for us to stop. We never would have had the money to do this without all three of us working and living. We weren't just a team.
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