#in a way that cog doesn’t Immediately reject out of hand. good luck bitch.
bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
Cog explaining why she’s Anti-Valentine: He’s manipulative and self-centered and vile!! Every good thing he can get his fingers into he twists for his own purpose, and breaks! He wants to unite the world under one leader, and that would strip so much culture and freedom and autonomy from people!! That’s evil!! He’s evil!
Valentine’s dumb, smug ass: Ah but see........the people I want to put in charge........are you and your friends >:3ccccc
Cog: That doesn’t make it any fucking better you sentient piece of shit! Oh my god!!!!! Did you even listen to what I said!!! I hate you so much!!!!!
Valentine: Come on, be reasonable.........if you saw a dying comrade on the battlefield and you knew there was no chance of saving them.......wouldn’t you do the kind thing and put them out of their misery? That’s what this world needs: to be put down, and rebuilt. It’s the only way to save it.
Cog, who is literally a cleric in all but name: If I saw someone hurt on the battlefield I would use my fucking MAGIC or medical supplies to heal them! What the fuck are you talking about??? This is a bad metaphor for so many reasons I don’t have time to tell you how stupid you are!!! Huff my ass!!!!!
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