#in my mind she sounds just like starfire
orphyd · 2 years
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Broke: NSB Founders being humans with dyed hair... Woke: NSB Founders being mint-colored aliens <3
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
RobStar Week 2023, Day 1 - Interstellar Politics
(Set sometime early in my headcanoned Robin and Starfire's pre-Titans Tower shared apartment days.)
Robin stared at the door to her bedroom for a long moment, listening to the sound of the shower going in her separate bathroom.
How long could a girl wash her hair, exactly? Starfire had told him she would only be "a few minutes" but it had been at least fifteen now and he was beginning to wonder if her internal Tamaranian-to-English translator had a different definition of "minute".
He sighed, and just turned away to go sit on the couch. Morning sunlight was slowly filtering into the room; their apartment faced west towards the ocean so they could only get ambient light through the windows.
Robin flipped open his red cover laptop. While he was waiting he might as well take care of a few things.
Specifically something that they probably should have done that first day. It had been complicated enough just getting Starfire signed onto his lease with the complex, moving him out of the single bedroom to the two bedroom, that all the other legal paperwork they had to take care of had completely slipped his mind.
He downloaded one of the basic forms he knew they needed before remembering they didn't have a printer. Giving a groaning sigh he copied the document to a USB drive before accessing the secure encrypted messaging program on his desktop.
It took a moment or two to connect to the other end.
The program opened a video call window. A green humanoid face greeted him.
Red eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then delighted affection. "Hello Robin," the person on the other end greeted. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"
Robin let a smile ghost his lips. "Hey J'onn," he said. In spite of the current tension between him and Batman, the rest of the League had been nothing but supportive and concerned about him since his move. He'd had the access codes to the Watchtower's frequency since day one, though he had never used them. Robin tried to think how to begin. "Um... We had a Code 5 over here in Jump, alien warship. Turned it back with a bit of help," he explained.
"I know. We were monitoring the situation," the Martian Manhunter told him, tapping at something on the keyboard on his end.
"Yeah I'm sure you were," Robin muttered under his breath. Still the League's baby kid brother, he supposed. He took a breath, drawing up his composure. "I need a favor. Well," he amended, "a few favors, actually."
J'onn leaned forward, attentive and listening.
Starfire exited the car with much nervous trepidation. Her fingers wrung together in front of her as she tilted her eyes up towards the austere-looking government building.
The Lantern that had been driving, a stern-looking man with dark skin and hair, shut off the engine and exited the vehicle, while Robin scooted down the seat and came out the same door she had, taking up a place by her side and touching her elbow in a manner she found quite reassuring.
She turned towards him and managed a smile.
"I apologize," she said, stumbling over the contraction of the word in her head but managing to pronounce it well enough. "We do not have procedures like this on my planet."
"Well," Robin said, beginning to lead her up the stairs towards the door, "it's not for the whole planet, just this particular country." He alerted to something, eyes jerking up towards the sky, breaking into a wonderful smile. "Right on time," he said.
Curious, Starfire looked up, gasping softly as with a whoosh of cloth and displaced air, a flying man in red and blue came down from the sky to join them.
Starfire stared with a bit of awe at the human-looking man, who had a kind face and warm blue eyes, and whose whole demeanor put her at ease, confident and open and friendly.
"Hello Starfire," he said to her, smiling broadly. "They call me Superman. I'm an alien too." He gestured up the steps, towards the oaken doors. "Let's get you all registered and squared away, shall we? I promise, it won't take that long."
Heart thudding, Starfire just followed him and the Lantern up the steps, staying close to Robin's side. All her nerves felt like thin wire fire, but Robin's friends seemed assured and calm so she supposed she could be too.
"What planet is he from?" she whispered at Robin, as the one called 'Superman' held the door open for them.
"Krypton," Robin whispered back.
"Oh... our tutors spoke about the disaster..." she said, eyes pinching with sympathy. "The records claim there were no survivors."
Robin chuckled, and the sound was delightful music to her heart. "Not quite," he told her.
They had passed through the entrance lobby and made it to the service desks now, a wide, open space filled with partially divided offices, and Starfire couldn't help but notice the strange bewildered looks they were getting, people staring at them openly as they made their way through to a particular desk.
The attendant manning it hung up from whatever phone conversation she'd been having, brightening and turning a beaming smile up at them.
"USCIS of Jump City, my name is Sandra, how can I help..." She trailed off, apparently suddenly realizing who was standing before her. "...you?" she finished, much more timidly than before.
The Lantern, the Superman, and Robin all looked back at her.
Swallowing, Starfire found her voice.
"I wish to... declare asylum?" she said, hesitant. She glanced aside questioningly at Robin, checking with him.
He nodded, smiling encouragingly.
The clerk looked the group up and down, gawking, wide-eyed like she was staring down a charging Ragthok. "Uhhhhhhhhh..." she drew out for a long... long moment.
Starfire flushed a bit, embarrassed.
After a minute or two the clerk seemed to kick herself back into operation. "Sure. Okay," she said, sounding not especially confident. "Do you have a Form I-589?" she asked.
From somewhere on his person, the Superman produced it.
"Right here," he said. Not missing a beat he added, "We're also going to need an I-718. And the DHS is going to want to file their own report, possibly conduct a remote interview." He withdrew a scrap of paper, handing it to the bewildered clerk. "I have the contact information for an agent in the Outworlds Threats department right here."
Reeling slightly, the woman could only mutter a soft, "Okay... one moment please," before turning and getting up from her desk on wobbly legs, going over to what Starfire could only assume was a superior and conversing with him seriously.
Starfire's face flamed hot and she ducked her head, embarrassed to be causing such a problem for the nice young woman.
Robin noticed, and his hand found the small of her back, gloved fingers touching there with reassurance.
Starfire's spine flared with warm tingles, and she couldn't look at the boy, her heart turning in funny flips inside her.
She was so grateful to him for doing this. She wanted to stay on this planet, at least until it might be safe to return to Tamaran, and he had been so kind and understanding and diligent to make that happen. She was utterly lost as to what the correct procedure was, how best to respect the laws of the country she'd landed in, and Robin had been ever-present at answering her questions, explaining things to her with magnanimous patience.
She wished she could repay him.
"Hey," he said, and she glanced towards him from the corner of her eye, "don't worry. The League will take care of everything. They've done this a bunch of times before." Robin nodded towards the Superman. "Heck, Superman helped invent half of these procedures."
Tension in her back eased out, the girl relaxing slightly. "That is good to know," she admitted.
The clerk wandering back to the desk drew all of their attention, and Robin's hand dropped away from her back, to Starfire's slight disappointment.
"Okay!" the clerk said breathily, voice slightly strained, holding out a stapled stack of papers to the adults. She still looked out of her depth but her tone was nothing but professional as she instructed, "Please complete the I-718 to the best of your ability while we wait to get in touch with the agent at the Outworlds Threats Department." She slid another paper off her desk, glancing first towards Starfire and then each of her three escorts. "Is there anyone willing to fill out an Affidavit of Character for you?" she asked.
"I'll do it," Robin immediately volunteered, stepping forward and taking the form at once.
From then there was a bit of rustling for pens and the scratch of ink on paper. Starfire nudged Robin for clarification on a few items, and he whispered explanations, as the Lantern leaned against the desk, and Superman chatted up the clerk's superior.
The quiet hum of the office and soft muted voices were a pleasant white noise, until the phone on the clerk's desk startled them with a sharp ring.
"Let me get this straight..." sighed the DHS agent on the other end of the line. They were in a backroom now, the video conference call with the government office in Washington D.C. piped in on a large projector screen from the computer. The graying older man rubbed his temples wearily. "You helped an alien prisoner of war escape custody and blew up the ship transporting her, stranding about thirty hostile alien soldiers on Earth?"
"They were taking her to be a slave!" Robin burst indignantly, visibly fuming.
"And we didn't strand the Gordanians," Green Lantern said, as stern and unflappable as ever. "The League rounded them all up and delivered them back to their homeworld by eighteen hundred hours after the incident."
"So all we've risked is pulling Earth into the middle of some far off intergalactic war," grumbled the agent.
"The Gordanians started it when they threatened to blow up the city!" Robin protested. "That's an act of aggression against a neutral party!"
Starfire watched his agitated gestures as he defended her with mixed amusement and appreciation. She still couldn't wrap her head around him. How could he be so certain about her that he'd risk his planet's safety? Why was he just so nice?
Superman gently put a hand on Robin's shoulder, nudging him aside. "What Robin means," he corrected indulgently, "is that The Citadel provoked hostilities first. Earth is protected under the Sector 23 Neutral Act. By setting foot on the planet, the Gordanians forfeited any legal protection against retaliatory self-defense actions undertaken by any parties on Earth."
"I know what the act says..." the agent grumbled.
"Then you'll remember that Earth is sanctioned as an asylum world under the jurisdiction and enforcement of the Guardians of Oa," Green Lantern told the government agent calmly. "If The Citadel wants to beef with Earth, they're going to have the entire Lantern network unilaterally declaring war on them."
The agent accepted that with a tired sigh. "What about this... Tamaran?" he asked, now sidling a suspicious look towards Starfire. "What's to say the Citadel won't resume hostilities against the planet? My understanding is that Starfire here is part of a ceasefire truce."
Robin was stepping forward again, but Starfire preempted him, secretly thrilling at his gumption. "If I may?" she said. She clasped hands in front of herself, respectfully. "The ceasefire may not have been legitimate anyway. The one who negotiated it was not the heir. My people have held the Gordanians at bay for over five years. I am certain they would not hesitate to fight back should the Gordanians break their agreement."
"I see." The man shifted back in his seat. "Well, let me inform the Secretary of Defense and we'll see what he says."
The screen blipped off, going black.
"This could take a while," Robin admitted, turning to her. "Want to get some ice cream?" he offered.
She tilted her head. "What is ice cream?"
Starfire and Robin looked up from their cups of delightfully sweet strawberry cream as the doors squeaked open. Starfire stuck her spoon in the little cardboard bowl and rose from the steps, eyes anxious as Superman and Green Lantern exited.
The Kryptonian smiled. "Well, they have some paperwork to finalize and a few processing fees they'll bill to the League treasury, along with the ASC fingerprinting appointment, but it looks like you're squared away. Your asylum request has been rubber stamped."
Light and firecrackers bubbled inside her chest. "I may stay?!" Her feet left the steps as she squealed happily, whirling around towards Robin. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cried, throwing her arms around him and scooping him up, hugging him tightly as she lifted him.
"Hhnhh!" was all Robin could manage, teeth locked in a grimace and face turning purple.
"Uh, careful," Superman cautioned her, quickly taking her arms to get her to set the Boy Wonder down and release him.
Confused, Starfire stepped back, looking with some alarm as Robin doubled over, heaving and holding his stomach. "Robin?" she called in concern.
"I'm okay!" he managed to strain, voice wheezing. He gave a couple harsh coughs, which seemed to belie that.
Superman patted Starfire's shoulder. "Pull your strength," he told her. "Something I learned very quickly living here is that humans are very fragile."
"Ohhh..." Starfire said, putting embarrassed hands over her face. She immediately rushed over to Robin's side, checking him over for injuries.
Green Lantern watched her fretting, Robin waving her off, still heaving for breath, and let his face crack with a smile. The Tamarian princess fussed like a worried girlfriend, and the blush on the Boy Wonder's cheeks as she touched him all over was undeniable.
"Ah, young love," he commented, thoroughly amused.
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pinkthick · 3 months
Just answer Via
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Summary: "I understand you're upset, Octavia. But I love you more than anything. Please don't shut me out like this. I'm begging you."
Notes: Mind you, I didn’t watch Helluva Boss yet. (Just watched 3 episodes but the Goetia family got my heart so I needed to write something. 😭) Again, there is a bit of self-harm so um yeah. Enjoy
Warnings: Blood and Self-harm(cutting), Hurt No Comfort
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A Octavia lay on her bed, ignoring the incessant buzzing of her phone. Messages and calls from her father flooded her notifications. She couldn't bear to listen or respond; the pain was too fresh. Stolas, on the other hand, found himself alone in bed, tears streaming down his face as he sent desperate apologies to his daughter.
He was drowning in regret. His perfect starfire, how could he hurt her? Tears cascaded down his face as he lay in bed, haunted by the distance between him and his beloved daughter. Desperation fueled his fingertips as he composed messages, pouring his heart out in a digital plea for forgiveness. The room echoed with his cries as he poured his emotions into each desperate attempt to connect with his daughter.
Octavia, however, was resolute in her decision to shut him out. She couldn't bear the disappointment and pain that seemed to accompany Stolas wherever he went. And fuck him. She didn’t need him. And dad Stolas sure as hell didn’t need her.
"Via, my love, please hear me out. It's all a terrible misunderstanding," Stolas pleaded in a shaky voice through a voice message, his vulnerability exposed.
But Octavia just tossed and turned in her bed, drowning out the incessant buzzing of her phone with a pillow over her head as more of his messages were coming in.
"I understand you're upset, Octavia. But I love you more than anything. Please don't shut me out like this. I'm begging you." He clutched his phone tightly, fighting back his own tears, but to no use. "I know I've been a fool, but you are my world. I would never willingly hurt you. And Blitzo—he doesn't mean more to me than you do. I never left you for him," he sobbed into the phone as he fervently composed one apology after another.
She didn’t want to entertain his attempts to explain himself. That was what she was telling herself over and over. In truth, she knew that if she allowed herself to listen, she might be swayed by his words. That were probably lies. All he did was lie.
Stolas' voice cracked with emotion as he spoke “You're my little girl, and I can't bear the thought of losing you. Please, let me make things right. I don’t want to spend an eternity without you, Via.” I’m so sorry my baby.
Stolas continued to call, each ring intensifying her frustration. Unable to endure the constant intrusion any longer, she seized her phone and, fueled by anger and disappointment, hurled it with all her might against the wall. The shattering impact silenced the incessant ringing and buzzing, providing a momentary respite.
The room fell into an eerie quiet, broken only by the sounds of her sobs. Her chest was heaving with a mixture of anger and relief as she glared at the broken pieces scattered on the floor.
She just..stood there. Breathless even. The moonlight streamed through the shards, casting an eerie glow that seemed to mirror the shattered fragments of her own emotions. She couldn’t take her eyes off the glinting shards—they suddenly seemed sharper, more defined.
The pain sometimes provided a twisted solace. Not always. But sometimes it did.
She bent down to pick up the scattered remnants of her phone. As she started to gather the broken pieces, a small shard embedded itself in her hand. There was a brief pause, but Octavia's expression remained stoic. It didn’t feel bad. It didn’t feel — enough.
Examining the shard in her hand, she felt an odd sense of detachment and she calmly removed the shard, and a slow trickle of blood began to stain her hand. The black droplets fell, but she continued cleaning up.
The room felt colder and despite the discomfort, a strange tranquility settled over her as she gazed at the glistening blood on her hand.
But it wasn’t enough. She needed more.
Stolas paced around his trashed room, frustration boiling over. "Damn it, Octavia! Why won't you let me explain?" he muttered to himself, fists clenched. The shattered remnants of his belongings lay scattered on the floor. His attempts to reach Octavia only led to the voicemail now "Blocked me, hasn't she?" Stolas seethed, resentment simmering beneath his feathers. He felt abandoned, misunderstood.
Stolas couldn't contain the turmoil within him any longer. With a guttural scream, he hurled a crystal vase across the room again, the shattering sound punctuating his frustration. “Satan forbid I try to be happy for once!” he growled, his fists now indiscriminately demolishing everything in his path. He knocked over a grand bookshelf, sending leather-bound tomes crashing to the ground.
His anger manifested in every strike, every shattered item a reflection of the shattered connection with his daughter. Stolas grabbed another vase, memories of happier times with Octavia flashing before his eyes. With a furious yell, he sent it flying, watching it disintegrate against the wall. "Stella, you wretched fiend!" he spat, resentment fuelling his rampage. He tore down curtains, the rich fabric torn to shreds in his hands.
The contents of drawers spilled onto the floor as Stolas overturned a dresser, the crash punctuating his fury. He kicked at the debris, uncaring of the damage inflicted upon his once-stylish attire.
Why wasn’t he allowed to be happy?
Stolas's rampage came to a sudden halt as his eyes fell upon a small, damaged frame. He bent down, trembling hands carefully picking up the remnants of a drawing — Octavia’s drawing. "No—no, no, no!" Stolas gasped, horror etched across his face as he cradled the fragile piece in his hands. The once-pristine frame lay shattered, and the drawing bore the scars of his unchecked fury.
A choked sob escaped him as he traced the lines of Octavia's childish strokes. "Not this drawing—oh, fuck," he whispered, guilt and regret intertwining in his voice. Stolas hastily searched for tape, his hands shaking as he fumbled through.
With a watery chuckle, he found the tape and delicately began piecing the frame together, his movements careful, as if mending this small drawing could somehow mend the larger wounds. As the drawing took shape again, albeit marred and fragile, Stolas looked at it through tear-filled eyes. The crayon depiction of a happy family seemed to mock him as he gently wiped away a tear that threatened to stain the paper.
I would never hurt her.
But you did.
Stolas settled onto the debris-laden floor, clutching the repaired drawing against his chest. Tears welled in his eyes as he gazed at the innocent depiction of a happier time. Silent sobs racked his frame as he whispered to the drawing, "My baby... my starfire," with a trembling hand, he reached for his phone.
He scrolled through his messages and soon the cruel reality struck. Octavia's name remained devoid of any response — what did he expect really?
Desperation etched across his features, Stolas dialed Octavia's number once again. The familiar tone of voicemail filled the air, echoing the emptiness of his heart. He clutched the phone, tears streaming down his face, as he whispered brokenly, "Please, Octavia, just talk to me." Stolas pressed a hand to his chest, as if physically trying to ease the ache within. "I've messed up," he admitted through choked sobs, his vulnerability laid bare. “I know I did, Via.”
Gasping for breath between sobs, Stolas's trembling hands scrolled through his contacts. After a moment of hesitation, he scrolled down to 'Stella.' A deep inhale preceded the press of the call button, the phone ringing.
Then, against his expectations, a begrudging voice answered on the other end. "What do you want now, Stolas?" Stella's tone dripped with irritation, a testament to the strained dynamic between them.
Stolas hesitated, his voice catching in his throat before he managed to stammer, "Stella, please, it's about Octavia. I need to talk to her." His desperation clung to his words.
A heavy sigh on the other end hinted at Stella's exasperation. "How many times do I have to say it? Octavia doesn't want to talk to you. Is that so hard for you to grasp?" The blunt truth struck Stolas like a blow, and he felt the weight of his actions press down on him.
He didn’t know what to say but Stella's voice turned colder, cutting through the strained air. "Was the sex worth it?" she asked as Stolas felt a knot tighten in his stomach.
His words stumbled as he tried to justify himself, "It wasn't just about that, Stella. I needed something more, something that made me feel alive."
A bitter laugh escaped Stella's lips, a sound tinged with both anger and disbelief. "Alive? You chose momentary pleasure over your daughter's happiness. What kind of father does that?"
A simmering anger brewed within Stolas as he clutched the phone as he retorted, "What kind of mother does what you do? All you ever did was show her off to your friends—you never cared for her! I don't even know if you love her!"
Stella's voice, now laced with a mix of anger and hurt, responded, "Don't turn this around on me. You're the one who shattered our family for some demon's affection. I did my best for Octavia, and I won't let you blame me for your mistakes."
Stolas, undeterred, retorted, "Your best? She needed both of us, Stella. We both failed her. You were more concerned with appearances than being there for Octavia. Don't pretend you're innocent in all of this."
A bitter laugh echoed through the phone as Stella responded, "But where is she now, Stolas? Is she staying with you?" The question hung in the air, a cruel reminder that Octavia had chosen to distance herself from her father in the wake of his mistakes. Stolas felt a lump forming in his throat, the weight of the truth pressing down on him. He glanced around the shattered room, now devoid of any semblance of the life he had once known. "No, she's not with me," he admitted, his voice carrying a defeated tone.
Stella's laughter persisted on the other end, a sound that grated against Stolas's ears. "Of course she's not with you. Why would she want to be? You've made your bed, Stolas, and now you have to lie in it."
A heavy silence settled between them, and Stolas struggled to find the right words. "I... I messed up, Stella.”
No shit.
"I'm going to check up on my daughter since you probably disturbed her night with your calls," Stella declared, her voice stern and resolute. The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, leaving Stolas with a sinking feeling that he had pushed Octavia further away.
"Stella, please—" Stolas began, his plea interrupted by the decisive click of the call ending. He stared at his phone in silence, the dim glow of the shattered room casting shadows over his disheveled appearance.
Octavia stealthily made her way to the kitchen, ensuring that her mother or uncle were not present. And they weren’t, thank Satan. She cautiously opened drawers, her search focused and deliberate. Her hands sifted through the utensils until she found what she was looking for – a cold, gleaming knife tucked away among the ordinary cutlery. Octavia's gaze lingered on the blade, reflecting the moonlight that streamed in through the window.
Via found herself descending onto the cold kitchen floor, the knife held loosely in her hands. Conflicted emotions swirled within her, a storm of pain, anger, and confusion. Her own mind was a battleground, torn between the yearning for control and the dread of succumbing to old habits. She traced the edge of the knife with her fingers, contemplating the scars that adorned her past.
The temptation to cut again clawed at her again. It would be so simple. Peaceful even.
She closed her eyes, taking a shuddering breath. She just felt numb thinking about her insignificant existence. Her parents didn’t want her. They needed a heir and they got one. She realized that no matter what she’ll do, her life will atone to nothing. The only time the emptiness was filled was when the slits from her wrists were open and blood poured down her arms.
Memories of Stolas flooded her mind. She couldn't escape the vivid recollections of his face, a mix between concern and disappointment, every time he discovered the evidence of her self-harm. His eyes mirrored the pain he felt for her, a silent plea for her to find solace without resorting to self-destruction. My beautiful girl. My beautiful miracle girl. Why would you do that to yourself?
He always asked the same questions.
Octavia could almost feel Stolas' gentle touch as he cleaned her wounds, his hands moving with a tenderness that belied the frustration and sorrow etched on his face. His gentle touch, the careful application of bandages, his tears for her.
Lucifer knows, one of them had to pretend to care .
The knife felt heavier in her hand for some reason. She didn’t.. set out to do this tonight. Gripping the knife tightly, she steeled herself for the familiar dance with pain. She held her breathe as she pressed the blade against her skin, tracing lines that mirrored the scars of her past.
It was always fascinating. Hypnotizing. And before Octavia really understood what her body was doing, the knife was squeezed tightly in her fist and was cutting again. The pain was sharp and sudden, but faded as soon as the beautiful red started to run. She never realized how beautiful blood could be. The color was bark and painful but soothing at the same time. Stunning.
It’s scary. She shuttered to think of what Stolas would think of her if he knew she had intentionally cut up her arm again. Blood isn’t comforting, she knew that.
What did she really do?
Stolas summoned a hologram of a little Octavia. The ethereal form glowed softly, capturing the innocence and purity of his daughter in happier times. The miniature figure stood before him, her eyes wide and curious.
"Why are you crying, Daddy?" the holographic Octavia asked, her voice a sweet echo from the past. Stolas looked up, his tear-streaked face met with the spectral image of his daughter, a painful reminder of the joy he had inadvertently traded for fleeting moments of pleasure.
He struggled to find words, the lump in his throat making it difficult to speak. "I'm sorry, my starfire," he whispered, reaching out as if to touch the hologram, only to grasp at the emptiness.
The holographic Octavia tilted her head, her innocence contrasting starkly with the broken reality surrounding them. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked, confusion clouding her ghostly features. Stolas shook his head, his heart aching at the notion of his little girl blaming herself. "No, no, my love. Daddy made some mistakes, and I hurt you. I hurt us," he confessed, his voice trembling.
"Can't you fix it, Daddy?" she asked, her small form glowing with hope.
"I'll do everything I can to fix it, my precious. Daddy promises," he vowed to the ethereal image.
A gentle, playful giggle emanated from the holographic Octavia, her form shifting to mirror an older version of herself. "You're still embarrassing as fuck, Dad," she quipped, her tone filled with a teasing familiarity that sent a wave of relief through Stolas.
He was stunned and looked up from his tear-stained hands, and his eyes widened at the sight of the hologram transforming into an older, more mature Octavia. The glow of the projection illuminated the room, casting an ethereal light on the wreckage. A tentative smile played on Stolas's lips as he took in the image of the holographic Octavia, her features reminiscent of the daughter who had distanced herself from him. "Via, my dear, I... I miss you," he admitted, his voice carrying a mix of longing and regret.
The holographic Octavia, now resembling the older version who had grown distant, rolled her eyes playfully. "You've got a lot of making up to do, old man," she said, her tone softening as she reached out, the glow of her hand brushing against Stolas's cheek — but he didn’t feel it.
He wished he could feel it.
"I'm so sorry, Octavia," Stolas began, his voice heavy with remorse. "I never meant to hurt you. I've made terrible choices, and I've hurt you. I just want you to know that I love you, more than anything."
The holographic Octavia regarded him with a mixture of warmth and skepticism. "You messed up big time, but you’re lucky I love you too." she responded and Stolas melted before her.
As their interaction deepened, Stolas found himself immersed in the illusion, the holographic Octavia's laughter and responses feeling so authentic that, at times, he forgot she was merely a projection. So Stolas allowed himself to believe that the hologram before him was his actual daughter.
Stella burst into the kitchen, her eyes widening in shock as they fell upon Octavia, blood running down her arms. Anger and concern clashed on Stella's face, her expression darkening. "What the fuck, Octavia? You're cutting yourself again?" The words were sharp, a mix of frustration and worry. Octavia felt a pang of guilt and shame. She stammered, searching for words that could explain the inexplicable.
"Mom, I—" but before she could finish, Stella's voice cut through, more forceful this time. "I can't believe you're doing this again. Fuck, we need to clean up before anyone sees, especially my brother." As Stella moved towards Octavia, a mix of urgency and irritation, Via instinctively tried to shield her actions. "No, I can handle it myself," she protested weakly.
Stella, however, wasn't having it. "Handle it yourself? Look at you, bleeding all over the damn place. We don't have time for your bullshit. Now, give me that knife, and let's clean you up." She hesitated but she did give the knife to her mother.
As Stella examined the wounds, Octavia winced, and a cry escaped her lips. "It hurts!"
"Stop acting like a baby," Stella snapped, her tone harsh. "This is your mess, and you're going to clean it up.” Her mother retorted, her voice stern as she led Octavia towards the sink. The moonlight painted a macabre scene as Stella started cleaning the wounds, Via started to watch as her blood fell to the bottom of it and mixed with the water until it turned pink and pooled around the drain.
Stella, frustration etching her features, demanded an explanation as she asked, "Why did you do it? You stopped doing this awhile ago." Octavia, still sniffling, looked up at Stella and whispered, "You know why." Her mother’s eyes softened briefly, a mix of sympathy and exasperation in her gaze. "He's not worth it. Doing this to your body isn't worth it." she insisted, reaching for a cloth to start cleaning Octavia's wounds.
Via, her voice shaky, responded, "I can't... I can't get his face out of my head.” As Stella dabbed at the cuts, Octavia winced "Why can't you see that you're worth more than whatever he did?" Stella pressed, frustration tingeing her words. "Cutting yourself won't make the pain go away. It only adds to it." Octavia, tears streaming down her face, struggled to find a response.
Stella, her hands continuing to move methodically to clean Octavia's wounds, couldn't hide the frustration in her voice. "Now stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can't waste a pretty face like you have," Stella remarked, her words sharp and tinged with frustration. "You can't be pathetic like him."
Octavia, still sniffling, met Stella's gaze, her eyes reflecting a tumultuous sea of emotions. "Why did he choose him over me?" she asked, her voice tinged with a vulnerability that echoed through the room. "The Imp?" Stella clarified, pausing for a moment. Octavia nodded, prompting Stella to scoff. "Because he's a fucking moron who gets crazy over a dick," she retorted, her disdain evident in her tone.
The truth in Stella's words hung heavy in the air, a bitter acknowledgment of the absurdity that had fractured their family "You're better than this, Octavia. You're worth more than someone who would choose... that, over his own daughter. Don't let his colossal mistake define your worth."
Octavia, her voice heavy with pain and resentment, confessed, "I hate him. He promised he would never leave me, but he didn't even bat an eye when he had the chance."
Stella, finishing up and turing off the water, frowned at Octavia's raw confession. "As I said, he's a fucking pathetic old gay—"
"Mom," Octavia interrupted, her tone pleading. "I just wanted him to love me more than he loves Blitzo."
Stella's expression hardened briefly, a flicker of anger in her eyes. "His name doesn't even deserve to be in your mouth," she asserted as she continued "You're his heir, Octavia, and he should have put you first. I don't care about his reasons; abandoning you was inexcusable."
Octavia looked down, her mind a battlefield of conflicting emotions. "I thought I meant more to him," she admitted, her voice a mere whisper.
Stella's tone grew more unbearable as she patted Octavia's head with a forced semblance of affection. "You're a fool for thinking that," she remarked, her words a cold reminder of the harsh reality they were grappling with. Octavia, looking up at her mother, felt a surge of frustration and yearning for understanding.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Stella cut her off. "Now, we had a great heart-to-heart talk, but you need to clean up here. We'll talk tomorrow," she declared, her abrupt shift in demeanor signaling the end of their conversation. As Stella stood up, leaving Octavia on the kitchen floor, she stopped in the doorway, her gaze lingering on her daughter "I don't think I need to tell you that you need to wear shirts with long sleeves the next few weeks?" she remarked.
"No, Mom," Octavia replied, her eyes downcast as she reached for a towel.
“Great! Now chop-chop," she declared as Via nodded, her movements mechanical as she began the task of cleaning up the blood from the floor. The room seemed to blur as a vivid memory transported her to a moment years ago, a time when Stolas had bandaged her wounds.
Octavia sat on the bathroom floor, tears streaming down her face, her arms marked with fresh cuts. Stolas knelt beside her, gently cleaning the wounds with a tenderness that seemed incongruent with the pain etched on his face.
"I'm sorry—" Via began to apologize, but Stolas, his eyes welling up with tears, cut her off with a quiet intensity. "You don't need to apologize for this," he insisted, his voice a mix of sorrow and genuine concern.
He pressed his forehead to hers, a tender moment that spoke of a father's love grappling with the pain of seeing his daughter in such a state. "I just wish you'd stop doing this."
She just continued to scrub at the floor.
The holographic Octavia, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, suggested, "How about we go to dinner this Friday at that new local place? Just you and me, Dad." Her proposal hung in the air “Just like old times.”
A surge of joy mixed with sorrow filled Stolas's heart as he tried to reach out and touch her, only to be met with the intangible glow of the hologram. Frustration etched his features as the realization dawned upon him. "You're not... real, Via," he admitted —to himself.
The holographic Octavia simply smiled, her expression retaining a gentle warmth. Which wasn’t real. It was only in his head.
A profound sadness gripped him as he realized that this connection, no matter how comforting, was merely a mirage—a fleeting illusion that couldn't replace the tangible presence of his estranged daughter.
In a moment of despair, Stolas clenched his fists, his vision blurred by fresh tears. "I'm so sorry, Via," he whispered, the sincerity of his remorse echoing in the quiet room. He raised his hand and swiped through the holographic projection and the radiant image flickered, and Octavia's form began to dissipate like mist in the wind.
Stolas cried out, a raw and anguished sound as he sank to his knees, the weight of the real world crashing down on him once more. But the sudden ring of Stolas's phone shattered the heavy silence in the room, jolting him up. Hope flickered in his eyes as he fumbled to retrieve the device, a desperate anticipation that maybe, just maybe, Octavia was reaching out.
However, as he glanced at the caller ID, disappointment and frustration welled up within him. It wasn't Octavia; instead, the name "Blitzo" blinked on the screen. Stolas hesitated, his thumb hovering over the answer button.
He chose to not to answer though, letting the call go to voicemail.
Oh, Via..
As he glanced out of his own window, the moonlit sky seemed empty. Stolas knew, more than ever, that he needed Octavia.
Octavia, sat by her window and her arms now bandaged, her gaze was fixed on the distant horizon. The city lights twinkled below, reflecting in her eyes, yet the flicker of resentment lingered. She convinced herself that she no longer needed Stolas. The night sky stretched above her, mirroring the vast expanse of the void that had replaced the warmth of their connection.
Separated by physical and emotional distance, father and daughter found themselves gazing at the same sky, yet the chasm between them seemed insurmountable.
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clericofsune · 2 years
Dimensions & Demigods: Building Raven at Level 40
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For those not in the know, I’m currently playing in a campaign that’s basically Descent into Avernus stretched out to include all Nine Circles of the Nine Hells, followed by a detour through Into the Abyss, and then running out to Barovia for some milk, pack of smokes, and bullying the local goth shut-in. This campaign is designed with the players intended to fight Archdevils, Archdemons, entire armies, and a hyper roided-out Strahd. As such, the DM has told us ahead of time that our level cap will be level 40. I have dubbed playing at this level “Dimensions & Demigods” because by level 40, a mere dragon in a dungeon is child’s play. And as part of a little treat, I’ll be building the ENTIRE Teen Titans for a Dimensions & Demigods level playstyle. But, I am starting with Raven because in case you’re new to my page, she isn’t just my favorite character in the show, she’s my favorite superhero PERIOD. DC, Marvel, or otherwise. So, it would be an insult to my queen to not give her the honor of being first.
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Before we get into actually building Raven herself, I need to talk about how the Teen Titans fares as a party. Broadly speaking, there are 5 major roles that need filling in a party: DPS, Tank, Healer, Blaster, and Stealth. For the Teen Titans, Raven is not the “Blaster”. That role belongs to Starfire. Starfire is the damage-heavy “black mage” of the party, while also being somewhat of a secondary Tank alongside Cyborg/Blue Beetle and Beast Boy. Raven, by contrast, is what’s called a Utility Caster. A Utility Caster is someone who can use their spells to get the party around tricky situations, such as using magic to open a locked door, scout ahead, disarm traps, help the party get past obstructions in their path, and more. However, there’s a major role that the party lacks: Healer. Whenever one of the Titans gets hurt, it’s usually Cyborg who looks over the team member in the sick bay, but Raven has displayed the rare occasional ability to heal wounds, but only ever by touch. This means that the role of Healer is split between Cyborg and Raven. Neither is a dedicated healbot. However, Cyborg is an Artificer, which is a half-caster, whereas Raven is a full caster. As such, more of the responsibility would fall on her. Furthermore, if you’re going by the DC Animated Universe team composition, Cyborg is technically in the Justice League and not even in the party. While he’s with the team in the first movie, he’s completely absent in the Judas Contract. Thus leaving the entire burden of Team Healer on Raven. Yes, Beast Boy is a Druid, but he has no magical powers. While someone could build a fantasy counterpart Beast Boy that is a dedicated team healer, we can’t rely on a Beast Boy player to want take up the mantle of healer because Beast Boy does not canonically have magical powers beyond his wild-shaping. As such, someone wanting to play as Beast Boy may not want to take any spells, and might even dump his Wisdom stat just high enough to qualify for the Druid class. So, we need Raven to fulfil the Healer and Utility Caster roles for the party.
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Raven Roth is the half-fiend daughter of Trigon the Terrible and the mortal woman, Arella Roth. Arella was lured into a demonic cult where she was chosen to lay with their demon lord to conceive his heir. Afterwards, Arella and the unborn child were spirited away by Azar and the Monks to the plane of Azarath, where Raven was born and raised. From a young age, Raven was taught to conceal and control her emotions, focusing her mind to accomplish great psionic abilities.
On paper, Raven sounds like a perfect Tiefling. She’s a humanoid with fiendish ancestry, and it’s not a bad choice. However, I feel there’s a stronger choice for Raven’s race: Fallen Aasimar. Tieflings get Fire resistance which, near as I can tell, Raven is not particularly fireproof in the slightest. Whereas Fallen Aasimar lets Raven unleash her Dark Side. Starting at 3rd Level, Fallen Aasimars get Necrotic Shroud. As an action, they can take on a dark and frightening form so horrifying that all nearby creatures have to pass a saving throw to avoid being scared of her. For the next minute, she adds her level in Necrotic damage to one attack damage roll per turn over the course of 10 rounds. I don’t know about you, but to me, that reads like she’s tapping into Dark Raven, or even Red Raven. Plus, Aasimars get Healing Hands, a feature we can see that Raven obviously possesses. They still get Dark Vision just like Tieflings, and get two resistances instead of one: Radiant and Necrotic, which in DnD, are often used to signify Holy and Unholy magic, tying Raven closer to her brand of demonic magic.
Raven is an extraplanar visitor from Azaroth, which I would most likely call the Astral Plane, though the Upper Planes would also make sense. A DnD counterpart to Raven could have also been raised by her father in the Nine Hells or the Abyss. Regardless, Raven is a newcomer to the Material Plane having come from another plane of existence. I would label her a Far Traveler, giving her proficiency in Insight and Perception. Two skills which are very important for an empath like Raven.
For Alignment, I believe that Raven is Lawful Good, though she can veer into Neutral Good when necessary. Raven has a strict moral code and enforces mental discipline on not only herself, but those around her. When her teammates react emotionally, Raven reminds them to apply logic, even to the point of suppressing and denying her own feelings on the matter. When Robin appears to have become a full-fledged supervillain, Raven is the first Titan to say that they have to stop him, no matter how they might feel about it. Their duty as superheroes comes before their feelings about it being Robin. Occasionally, Raven will stoop to less Lawful actions like convincing Gizmo to help the Titans fix Cyborg by scaring him with something horrible under her hood and being thrilled to tease Beast Boy about his real name being Garfield, stating that she’ll ‘get a lot of mileage out of this one’. However, by-and-large, Raven puts her beliefs, duty, and discipline before anyone and anything else, so long as it serves to benefit the greater good.
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While I am aware that Concentration is one of the best saving throws in the game, I’m also aware that a common weakness of Raven is that it’s very easy to break her concentration on spells. She’s often interrupted, loses focus, or even becomes weak and enfeebled after using a lot of power, especially in the DC animted films where she faints often after using a lot of magic. So, for accuracy’s sake, we’re starting Raven as a Fiend Warlock because they get proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. As a Warlock, we’ll Give Raven proficiency in Arcana and Intimidation skill checks. If you’re trying to Power Build, by all means, grab Sorcerer at level 1, but I’m trying to also stay true to Raven as a character. We want anywhere from 2 - 20 levels in Warlock. This is really a build-your-own-Raven because between the three subclasses I’m showing you, there’s not really any wrong way to go. Having Raven Hurl Through Hell her enemies is just as in-character as being a heal-bot. So cater to what the party needs. For her familiar, go with a spectral raven.
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No matter what kind of Wizard we choose to build, we’re going to want at least 14 - 20 levels in Wizard. It will be our primary class for building Raven. There’s a lot of good choices for Wizard subclass, but the main thing we’re here for is that massive spell list. Raven’s psionic powers translate well to a wide variety of spells, and Wizard really lets Raven do a lot of the more interesting things with her spells. The 18th level feature also lets Raven cast any 1st and 2nd level spell indefinitely. Throw Shield and Blur on her, and she has a permanent +5 to her AC and enemies have disadvantage on hitting her. Choose Detect Magic and Detect Thoughts, and she’ll be able to really flex her extrasensory perception.
As an Abjuration Wizard, Raven becomes a shield maiden for her team, able to protect herself and others with her forcefields. While her forcefields are by no means her main method of combat, she uses them often enough that the School of Abjuration feels like a good fit for Raven. Plus, in the early levels, having a little extra Temporary HP on a Wizard is extremely valuable. At higher levels, she can protect her friends with her Arcane Ward which you could flavor as her sending out her astral raven to guard them, projecting her soul as a shield. And by late game, she becomes resistant to all magic damage, showing her to be a true master of magic.
For anyone familiar with Raven from the comics, the School of Enchantment is very fitting for Raven. Dealing with the manipulation of emotions, senses, and mind control, the School of Enchantment would let Raven summon two demons and be able to cast Dominate Monster on both of them. Twin casting enchantment spells is extremely good, and on brand for the types of things we see Raven do in the comics. She doesn’t do this sort of thing as much in the show or movies, but emotional manipulation is a part of her empathic abilities.
To this day, I am salty that this subclass was never formally published, but Psi Knight and Soul Knife were, because it basically screams ‘Raven’ at the top of its lungs. If I were to pick the perfect wizard subclass for Raven, this would be my first choice. However, because it never made it past the Unearthed Arcana phase, some DMs might not allow it. Granted, this is a build for a level 40 character, so your DM is probably going to allow UA. I’ve never had a DM that didn’t allow UA. But, those DMs do exist, so I have to put a little asterisk next to this subclass, even though it’s the best choice for Raven. As a Psionics Wizard, Raven can cast Friends without enemies turning hostile, turn into her astral raven form, add her INT mod to Force and Psychic spell damage rolls, can cast Telekinesis, Scrying, or Dominate Person once without using a spell slot, and at later levels, her Astral Form can move through solid objects, letting her fly through walls. Also worth pointing out, Eldritch Blast is a Force damage spell. So a Fiend Warlock with Agonizing Blast, Empowered Psionics, and has maxed out both INT and CHA is rolling 4d10+40. At least, so long as all four beams are aimed at one enemy. Empowered Psionics only works on one enemy per turn. Still, dealing 44 force damage at bare minimum is going to really help elevate Raven from out of the Utility Caster role to let her do a bit of Blasting, helping her to feel more useful and powerful in combat encounters. I’ve never gotten to really use a Raven build for a full campaign, but the few times I’ve tried to build her in a campaign, she lagged a bit behind in the combat department due to her squishy hit points and abundance of utility and support spells. So, this combo really turns Raven into a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. And you can get both features as early as level 12, so it comes on relatively early as well, at least for a level 40 build.
The only reason you should grab this subclass is because you need a healer, but you also want all of the Warlock levels. If you want to build a pure Wizlock, but also be a healer, then this subclass will be a good fit. Similar to Psionics, this subclass never made it past Unearthed Arcana, so you will need your DMs approval to use this subclass. You also get to pick features from a Cleric Domain. Life, Grave, and Knowledge are great choices for Raven, though even Peace can fit her. If you choose Knowledge, Raven gains Expertise in Arcana and either Religion or History. Since Arcana was a skill we chose as a Warlock, if you’re planning on taking the Knowledge Theurgy route, take Intimidation and either Investigation, History, or Religion as your second Warlock skill.
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There are two reasons we want these Sorcerer levels. Firstly, it’s a way to give Raven healing spells without being a Cleric and splitting her casting stat focus between three stats. The second is that it gives Raven access to Sorcery Points and Metamagic Options. Lorewise, this is the most accurate way to build Raven. Her powers stem from her demonic heritage, though they are also a gift from Trigon. Her powers are also tied to her emotions, so connecting her powers to the emotion stat is very appropriate. I count Trigon as working for the Divine Soul Origin because he maps very easily onto Asmodeus, the King of the Nine Hells, who is also a Greater Deity. You don’t need to take any Sorcerer levels if you only want to build a Wizlock, but if you only want 2-4 levels in Warlock, you can take 18-20 levels in Wizard and 18-20 levels in Sorcerer. This is why I haven’t really given any hard numbers for this build. If all you want is 8 levels of Sorcerer, 14 levels of Warlock and 18 levels of Wizard, by all means. Again, the main reason we’re here is metamagic and healing spells. If your party is set on healers and you don’t care about metamagic, you don’t need it.
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Agonizing Blast
Armor of Shadows
Ascendant Step
Chains of Carceri
Devil Sight
Eldritch Mind
Eldritch Sight
Gaze of Two Minds
Gift of the Ever-Living Ones
Grasp of Hadar
Maddening Hex
Repelling Blast
Visions of Distant Realms
Careful Spell
Empowered Spell
Heightened Spell
Twinned Spell
Quickened Spell
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I want to point out that these are merely suggestions, and you do not have to grab all of these feats to build Raven properly. This is merely a masterlist of all the feats I feel are appropriate for Raven.
Alert: Raven uses her extrasensory empathy to sense incoming lifeforms.
Eldritch Adept: For when you want more warlock in your warlock
Fey Touched: Just call it Devil Touched for flavor.
Linguist: Raven is a polyglot, speaking multiple languages
Magic Initiate: For when your Wizard wants to learn Cleric spells
Metamagic Adept: For when you want more sorcerer in your sorcerer
Observant: Your an empath that can sense the locations of people. High passive perception is never not good.
Prodigy: Expertise in Perception or Insight goes a long way to turn Raven into a living lie detector or the ultimate Hide-n-Seek champion.
Resilient: Give Raven proficiency in a necessary saving throw like CON, WIS, or DEX.
Shadow Touched: For the goth palette swap of Fey Touched
Skill Expert: Same as Prodigy, Expertise in Insight or Perception is very good on Raven.
Telekinetic: Raven has Psychic powers.
Telepathic: What did I just say?
Toughness: How to stop your Wizard from crying after being hit once in an encounter.
War Caster: Opportunity attacks with magic and advantage on concentration saves is always useful.
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Arcane Grimoire (+1, +2, +3): Higher wizard spell DC and attack roll bonus.
Bloodwell Vial (+1, +2, +3): Higher sorcerer spell DC and attack roll bonus.
Rod of the Pact Keeper (+1, +2, +3): Higher warlock spell DC and attack roll bonus.
Cloak of Protection: The cloak’s not just a fashion statement
Astral Shard: Raven teleports after every use of metamagic
Far Realm Crystal: Raven creates dark tendrils that attack, deals extra Psychic damage, and enemies might become frightened of her.
Heart Weaver’s Primer: Wizard Spellbook for the School of Enchantment.
Mantle of Spell Resistance: Raven’s cloak repels enemy magic.
Outer Essence Shard (Evil): Enemies take extra necrotic damage when Raven uses her metamagic. Perfect for Raven’s forehead gem.
Shadowfell Shard: Enemies have disadvantage on a saving throw of your choice until the end of your next turn.
Wings of Flying: A magic cloak that lets Raven fly. Useful for limitless flight/levitation.
Ring of Telekinesis: Permanent Telekinesis is very on-brand for Raven.
Grimoire Infinitus: The ultimate wizard spellbook
Robe of Stars: A black or dark blue robe that lets Raven teleport to the Astral Plane.
Robe of the Archmagi: White robes on Raven usually signifies that she’s older, wiser, and more powerful. So these legendary white robes that boost her AC so high are a very fitting high level item for her.
Book of Vile Darkness: Trigon’s unholy doctrine is fitting for Raven.
Demonomicon of Iggwilv: A Pokedex for Demons.
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While Raven is not strictly-speaking a Cleric of Trigon, her mother was in his cult, and she does owe some of her power to Trigon granting it to her, though he does not seem to be able to take her powers away from her. Piety was a system introduced in Mythic Odysseys of Theros. However, while it is not a “core” mechanic, I still enjoy it enough that I thought I’d take a crack at giving Raven her own Piety for serving Trigon.
EARNING PIETY -Destroy your enemy ruthlessly, especially if you land the killing blow. -Learn knowledge you were not meant to know -Outsmart Devils and intimidate demons into obedience -Give in to anger, hatred, jealousy, and vengeance -Gain and maintain power through domination, fear, and control
LOSING PIETY -Show mercy to those who have wronged you -Failing to seek out knowledge and expand your mind -Falling for the tricks of devils, or dominated by demons -Refusing to give in to hostile emotions -Allowing yourself to be subjugated through domination, fear, and control
3+   You learn Hellish Rebuke 10+ You learn Summon Lesser Demons 25+ Fiends summoned by you that are CR 1 or lower are friendly towards you. Furthermore, when a Fiend type creature summoned by you makes a saving throw to stop obeying you and turn hostile, the saving throw amount rolled by the fiend is reduced by half your level rounded down. 50+ Increase your Charisma or Intelligence by +2 to a maximum of 22
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Due to the fact that the Warlock and Wizard spell list overlap quite a bit, I aimed primarily for spells Raven can only grab as a Warlock. However, since Wizard is the primary class for this build, 
C Eldritch Blast, Friends, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Prestidigitation 1 Arms of Hadar, Hellish Rebuke, Hex 2 Darkness, Flock of Familiars, Shadow Blade 3 Enemies Abound, Fear, Hunger of Hadar 4 Blight, Shadow of Moil, Summon Greater Demon 5 Dream, Enervation, Far Step 6 Circle of Death 7 Etherealness 8 Maddening Darkness 9 Psychic Scream
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C Guidance, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Toll the Dead 1 Cure Wounds, Inflict Wounds 2 Lesser Restoration, Warding Bond 3 Spirit Guardians, Spirit Shroud, Speak with Dead 4 Control Water 5 Commune, Mass Cure Wounds 6 Heal, Planar Ally 7 Regenerate 8 Divine Word 9 Mass Heal
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Wizards can learn 44 spells by level-up, but they can also learn any spell on the wizard spell book by purchasing a spell and recording it in their spellbook. So, I’m going to put more than 44 spells in Raven’s wizard spellbook, because these are more-or-less every spell on the Wizard Spell List that can work for her, and I’ll leave it up to the player to shape her spell list how they want to. Obviously, there’s going to be some overlap with the Warlock spell list, though that’s fine if you prioritized Divine Soul over Fiendlock.
CANTRIPS Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Friends, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Mind Sliver, Mold Earth, Prestidigitation, Shape Water 1ST LEVEL Catapult, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Tenser’s Floating Disk 2ND LEVEL Arcane Lock, Augury, Blur, Borrowed Knowledge, Crown of Madness, Darkness, Flock of Familiars, Gift of Gab, Hold Person, Knock, Levitate, Mind Spike, Misty Step, Nystul’s Magic Aura, Phantasmal Force, Shadow Blade, Suggestion, Tasha’s Mind Whip,  3RD LEVEL Bestow Curse, Blink, Clairvoyance, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Enemies Abound, Fear, Fly, Gaseous Form, Magic Circle, Protection from Energy, Spirit Shroud, Summon Lesser Demons, Summon Shadowspawn, Tidal Wave 4TH LEVEL Arcane Eye, Banishment, Charm Monster, Confusion, Control Water, Dimension Door, Divination, Edvard’s Black Tentacles, Locate Creature, Otto’s Resilient Sphere, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, Summon Greater Demon 5TH LEVEL Bigby’s Hand, Contact Other Plane, Dominate Person, Dream, Enervation, Far Step, Geas, Hold Monster, Infernal Calling, Legend Lore, Modify Memory, Negative Energy Flood, Planar Binding, Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Synaptic Static, Telekinesis, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force 6TH LEVEL Arcane Gate, Eyebite, Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Globe of Invulnerability, Mass Suggestion, Mental Prison, Move Earth, Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise, Summon Fiend 7TH LEVEL Etherealness, Forecage, Plane Shift, Symbol, Teleport 8TH LEVEL Demiplane, Dominate Monster, Feeblemind, Maddening Darkness, Telepathy 9TH LEVEL Astral Projection, Gate, Imprisonment, Psychic Scream, Time Stop
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As stated before, I feel the most accurate way to start Raven at level 1 is to start as a Warlock, proficient in saving throws to control her willpower and her emotions. Raven should spend the first 4 levels as a Fiend Pact Warlock, picking up the Pact of the Chain for a shadowy raven familiar. From here, what you choose to focus on first is entirely dependent on what you think is more important to pick up around the level 20-ish midpoint of the campaign. If you focus on getting Wizard to level 18 first, Raven will be able to cast a single 1st and 2nd level spell at their lowest levels at will, which can be extremely useful for a lot of utility spells like Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Hellish Rebuke, Hex, Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Shield, Blur, Hold Person, or Suggestion. However, by taking Sorcerer early, you could have limitless flight and Unearthly Recovery for most the campaign, which is very useful on a squishy caster, but trades off having a wide array of powerful spells by the midgame for being a powerful healer for most of the game.
Ultimately, I believe the best use of Raven is to give her 4 Levels of Fiend Warlock, 18 Levels of Wizard, and 18 Levels of Divine Soul Sorcerer. However, if you’re not interested in all those high level Cleric spells, Raven could also work with 14 Levels of Fiend Warlock, 18 levels Wizard, and 8 levels of Divine Soul Sorcerer. Depends on how badly she needs to be the healer, and how fast she needs to get good at providing that service to the party.
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Again, this build is for the ultimate Raven. The Raven who can fight Trigon. The Raven who can fight off a demon invasion and stop apocalyptic-level threats. Obviously, not every DM is going to want to run a Level 40 campaign, the Dimensions and Demigods play style is not a common thing. But, if you get lucky and your DM wants to challenge themselves and the party, this can be a great example of what Raven can do when she’s fully realized. And like I said, I’ll be building the whole Teen Titans team so that Raven doesn’t have to face the armies of Trigon alone. Together, they might just be strong enough to bring down a god-tier foe.
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fancyfade · 3 months
hi i really like your in-depth comic read-throughs! i was perusing one of your NTT posts and if you don't mind an anon about this, i wanted to say i found your reaction to the arranged/political marriage subplot really interesting. i feel like i had the completely opposite view on the conflict: this was a time where i entirely sided with nightwing over kory because i couldn't see how nightwing could accept kory going back to do the bidding of the parents who had abused her so much and even sold her into slavery as a child. tbh maybe i'm biased because i'm not white american and i come from a culture where arranged marriages are still extreeemely common today, but it's impossible for me to not view it as intrinsically archaic and abusive system that's used to treat women and children as vessels and assets :/ so i was really mad at any implication in the comic that it's just a cultural difference that nightwing should've gotten over. especially because kory was the princess of the whole planet, so any kids she'd have either with her arranged match (or honestly even with nightwing) would undoubtedly be called back to serve the planet and be forced to fight in the gazillion wars that tamaran seems to have - after all, tamaran's royal family seems to have no issue calling kory back when they need her even after selling her into slavery :/ and i felt really gross watching kory and karras have sexy times (xD) for their wedding night or whatever even when she and nightwing still loved each other it was so...bleh. i think this was one of the many times where the 2003 cartoon had a way superior version of a plotline over NTT, i was happy when they explicitly made starfire's arranged match a really ugly alien thing because even though it was on-the-nose, it really showed you that what was happening was completely wrong and not just a cultural difference that people should accept (which is an excuse that a lot of people use to justify abusive treatment in different cultures imo). but also i think wolfman might not have treated the concept of arranged marriages with the gravitas it deserved, being a white american himself, so that's why i feel more strongly about this since it's so personal (and i think a lot of MENA/south asian women would agree) - and tamaranean culture kinda makes me really uncomfortable anyway with how it's emphasized to be extremely "war-like," and violent or whatever. if it really was supposed to be a nuanced conflict and not just "kory is repeatedly pulled into doing the bidding of her evil abusive family" then wolfman should've made tamaran far more sympathetic imo. sorry for all this text, i'm not trying to change your opinion or anything - it's more like i'm one of those fans sending in mail to DC's "letter to the editor" columns :D
I'm guessing this letter to the editor is in resposne to this post? (link) Specifically this bit?
Dick acts selfishly, and does not understand Kory’s situation with her planet (the complex political situation, doesn’t like her having tamaranean morals even though she doesn’t kill people on earth, her just saying she would be OK with it is something he hates) and generally focuses on himself when he apologizes rather than on her,
Which I did sound kind of 'it's just a cultural difference' thing, but that really wasn't my intention, especially since earlier in the post I mentioned that she was forced into the position. His problem is the fact that he doesn't seem sympathetic at all to her being forced in this situation.
(like specifically these panels):
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None of that interacts with Kory being in an impossible situation or her parents being abusive. Dick's just treating it like she personally betrayed him.
Anyway, so like... I agree that kory being pushed into an arranged marriage is awful but I don't see how dick being the biggest jerk ever about it is helpful? Like I don't think I ever said the arranged marriage is a good thing (and... I don't think the plot of the TV show was an improvement for reasons I'll get into soon) but if your gf is being treated badly by her family treating her badly yourself and telling her her culture is savage (after dick himself has acted wary of kory herself and said she's too bloodthirsty, so the judgment clearly is of her herself and not the practice of arranged marriage) is not gonna help. It would just make her feel like you don't understand and she can't be open with you. Like how is Kory supposed to separate Dick's judgmental-ness of she herself as a person and Tamaranean from his feelings towards her arranged marriage? She already canonically felt as if she was being asked to hold herself back and could not be herself.
So I'm saying... I totally get why you don't like the arranged marriage and why it has bad real world context. I'm just also saying that dicks actions are still terrible boyfriend material, he seems more worried about her being non-monogamous from his perspective than her being forced under the thumb of her parents who signed her up for abuse. Like, we see a scene where he compares a woman who's husband wants to kill her because she cheated on him to him and Kory. That doesn't strike me as "Dick understands this practice is abusive". it strikes me as "Dick views this as cheating and blames Kory for her parents putting her in this position".
Getting into the toon: i think that making the arranged husband an ugly alien just correlates beauty to goodness and it seems as if the general idea is not "its awful she's being forced to marry someone she doesn't love", but " oh no she has to marry an ugly thing". Like, going into the issue with arranged marriage: it's the forcing the marriage itself, not the 'the person might be ugly'. If I recall correctly for the toon (It's been a while since I watched) Kory also still was going to go through with it, before her friends revealed that the invasion fleet was a scheme, so it's not really she got a chance by the writers to actually say no or have agency herself, it was just her friends vs blackfire.
WRT Your assessment of Wolfman: I definitely do think he wasn't intending to portray it as a terrible thing, since many people besides Dick seemed chill with it (and like I said earlier - a lot of Dick's complaints seemed to be that he viewed it as her betraying him, not 'she's going back to people who hurt her and ruining her own happiness'. IIRC he said something about her parents like. Once. But his general angst, especially once the marriage goes through, is about the non-monogamy). I think Woflman was playing it up for cheap drama, rather than treating it with the appropriate gravitas, as you said. (and in general, yes, Wolfman does stereotype the Tamaraneans a lot).
I think the plotline could really have benefited from having people besides Dick and Joey there. I think Donna could talk some sense to Kory without lashing out at her like Dick did, and Kory might feel more supported.
Anyway TL;DR: Sorry if it was unclear, I'm not saying my analysis of the arc in a pro-arranged marriage thing. (I didn't realize I had to clarify that was something I was against). I still think that Dick acts like the world's least helpful, worst boyfriend in the arc, and due to the previous way he treated Kory, it's not really read as something to help her or as him understanding why it would hurt her to be in this position. He mostly seems to be focused on how it hurts him, especially once the arc's over.
Thanks for sharing your perspective, though! It was interesting to read and food for thought and definitely made me think to be more clear in what I'm critiquing
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undertsums · 11 months
A new kiddo on the farm
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Original base: https://www.deviantart.com/starfire-vega1/art/Draw-the-squad-sleeping-821487820
Today was a busy and hot day, FarmRoman and FarmShadow were swamped with work, making sure the crops were properly watered and keeping the animals cool. It was finally nearing the evening and the hot air becoming cooler, but the animals were refusing to enter the barn.
Most likely a fox or a snake may have wandered into the barn...Could also be a wolf but it's less likely. FarmRoman and FarmShadow entered the barn and realised why instantly. Joyce and Neela had drifted off to sleep, they were staying in the barn avoiding the heat. But then their eyes landed on a small skeleton sleeping right next to them like they always belonged there.
"Aww, Shadow you got us a new child" FarmRoman cooed, FarmShadow instantly had to make this right "no Roman, two is more than enough I told you this." "But it's my birthday?" FarmRoman asked, begging and pleading, FarmShadow was finding it VERY HARD to say no to his sister. "Sorry miss but that's my kid" a new voice sounded from the door, the two turned and spotted a small skeleton. He had a rounded skull, a pink hoodie and lavenderish top undeneath the hoodie with shorts to match. Then he was wearing pink slippers.
FarmRoman frowned "awww...They're such a cutie" she said, FarmShadow only just seemed to notice something as he looked at the child skeleton then to his sister "you know...She looks like a mini you" FarmShadow stated. FarmRoman only just seemed to notice too "huh your right" she said only then to look concerned and stared at the other skeleton "so...Who's the mother?" She asked expecting the worse.
The skeleton chuckled "ah well...Technically no one...But sometimes when she wants to celebrate Mother's day she'll look to Papyrus. Even if he isn't a female but that doesn't matter" he replied. FarmRoman let out a sigh of relief "I'm sorry...I had to make sure" she said.
"Of?" The skeleton asked "well...Our mom she's a skeleton of great standing and she wants nothing more than a child to carry on her legacy...I wouldn't be too shocked of her remarrying and having another child after we left" FarmRoman replied. FarmShadow carefully picked up the child skeleton, trying not to wake up Joyce and Neela.
It felt odd holding her...His mind flashing back to when he held FarmRoman as a baby. It was almost like... FarmShadow smiled softly "she looks like she's being well taken care of...Thanks" he said as he handed her over to the other skeleton. FarmRoman smiled "you should come back to visit us, I'm sure our kids would enjoy playing" she said, the skeleton chuckled "sadly we won't be staying...This was accidental" he replied.
FarmRoman frowned "aww...Well be safe" she said, the two waved them off. FarmShadow sighed "did you not notice sister?" He asked, FarmRoman picked up Joyce and Neela carefully "hm? Notice what?" She asked.
FarmShadow smiled, he decided it would be best to keep what he knows to himself, he took Neela from FarmRoman's arms "nevermind...Let's get these two inside and then back to work" he said.
It was nice to see another Roman had a happy ending. Just like he and his sister.
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obito76 · 1 year
[Closet Secrets]
Chapter 17 : Returning home.
You can read my full work here on AO3.
Dick sighed as he stepped quietly down the stairs and started for the front door, putting his coat on and moving out onto the porch. He felt like he needed a cigarette and he hadn’t smoked in years. Rubbing the back of his head, he stared out into the street, trying to understand what it was that was churning inside of him. Something felt sour and tight and brutal, as if there was an animal clawing at his chest, inch by inch until his heart was left open and exposed, completely raw with torture.
He leaned against the porch railing trying to decide if he wanted to go back up and finish his night with Starfire and head to his room, or just head to his room, he was exhausted after his mission. His time with Starfire had been good, she was a fun, receptive partner, with bright eyes and excited about their time together. If it had been just a few years ago, before he had even met Raven, he would have considered himself lucky. It was rare that he had a girlfriend who was not crazy, kind of cute, and actually like to talk about what was happening between them. He should have felt happy that he actually had a wife who cared, and yet… he was completely broken inside.
Well, that was the only way to describe himself – broken.
Sighing, he glanced at his watch and chewed on his lower lip. He didn’t know if Raven had returned from her party yet, and he didn’t really want to think about it if she did. Truthfully, he feared the idea that she would be in the room next to him, hearing every little thing between Starfire and himself, making the assumption that he had just been doing his job with her in the same way that he did with Starfire. That thought made him even sicker to his stomach. Raven was not, and would not, ever be a job.
But still…
“You’re going to catch cold if you stay out too long.”
Dick lifted his head to the sound of Raven’s voice, feeling his lips curl up at the edge in a smile.
“Awe, come on, I’ll be fine, little bird.”
His smiled fell as he realized she was still with Jason. Right. He had been her date for the evening, and Dick was assigned to a mission by Justice League. That was what all of this was about. His hands gripped the porch railing tightly and he leaned out over the edge of the porch to see them both standing in the shadows, Jason’s arms wrapped tightly around her waist and his nose brushing against her neck.
“I have your jacket.”
“Keep it, it gives me a reason to come back.” His chuckle was slowly muffled as he pressed his lips against her neck.
Raven laughed and pushed at his shoulders. “You know you don’t need a reason to come back.”
“Does that mean you’ll hang out with me again, Little Bird? For more than just books?”
There was a heavy pause, and Dick practically sneered as he watched their shadows move in the darkness. He knew exactly what that meant. It meant that Jason had played his little games with her tonight. If Dick knew anything about him, he had probably started off easy, with just a little tying up and denied orgasms, that kind of guy he was. But, Jason was also smart and talented, and it would undoubtedly happen that he would teach her all the little tricks and secrets hiding inside him.
“I think I might… I didn’t mind the rope.”
“Oh?” Jason’s voice was genuinely curious. “Would you be interested in trying something different next time? I don’t want to push you if you aren’t ready to… explore just yet. What I do isn’t always for the faint of heart.”
Her chuckle was low, a little fearful, but mostly curious. “No, I… I think I might like to try. That is if you are willing to teach me.”
“Anytime. All you have to do is ask.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Now, Little Bird, it’s time to go back to your bed. It’s getting late and you have a full day of work tomorrow.”
Raven nodded, but she didn’t move. Instead, she stood there and fidgeted with her purse. “Did you want to come up tonight?”
Jason laughed. “Oh? Ready again? The Wayne family gallery wasn’t enough?”
Jesus. Dick bit back a growl and continued to stare at his shadow, feeling his breath become heavier and heavier with each passing moment. He had taken her at the party, and in the Mayne manor. Did he have no fucking tact? His anger bubbled up from the pit of his stomach, thick and sour, but somehow he managed to keep himself sealed up and under control.
“T-that’s not it! I just-“
“Well, you should enjoy being pinned to the wall, Little Bird.” Jason’s voice dropped low and he stepped closer to her. “You are, after all, a work of art.”
Jason really needed to be punched in the face.
“S-stop it, Jason.” She fidgeted again, lifting her face to his. “I… I just thought if you were willing to teach me how-“
“Ah-ah.” Jason placed a finger on her lips, silencing her request. “You’re still new to this, and I don’t think rushing into it is the best idea yet. You need a little rest before we go diving head-first into play, okay?” He waited for her nod. “Next time though, I won’t be so gentle with you.”
Raven visibly shivered. “That was you being gentle?”
“Oh, Little Bird… you have so much to learn.” He kissed her forehead. “There’s a lot of pleasure to be had in play, you just need the right person to bring it out.”
“And you’re the right person?”
He shrugged. “I’m the best there is. Am I right for you… well, that depends on your willingness to learn.”
Even in the shadows, Dick could see her blush, her stare never leaving Jason’s. Closing his eyes, he tried to let go of the railing, but something kept him pinned there. There was something about the interaction that he couldn’t let go of yet, and he felt as if he needed to torture himself until the very end. Biting back a curse, he stood there and listened to the rest of their interaction.
“But, not tonight. Tonight you rest, and put a little lotion on your wrists, it’ll help ease the burn, alright? And next time, don’t lie to me when you’re in pain. That does not make for a happy partner.” He kissed her again, lingering a little longer than he should have and did Raven. “If you want to have fun again, give me a call.”
“O-okay… and I’ll see you…?”
“Next week. I’ll put you on the schedule, Little Bird.”
She pecked his lips again. “Thank you. I’ll see you soon.”
“Not soon enough.”
Dick heard him walking away, and his eyes shot open to see Raven slowly approaching the steps to the porch, Jason’s suit coat hanging from her shoulders. She stilled as she took the first step up to the front door, her eyes locking with his own. It felt like an eternity passed between them, and they just stared at each other, never saying a single word.
Finally, Raven cleared her throat and looked away. “D-Dick… I didn’t know you’d still be here.” She took a few more steps up the stairs, her hands shaking as they moved up the railing. She finally came to the edge of the stairs and met him. Licking her lips, she met his eyes again and forced a small, polite smile. “How was your night?”
Dick cringed at the question, and he pulled back a little, trying not to show his disappointment. Out of all of the questions she should have asked, why did it have to be that one? How his night was shouldn’t have mattered because it wasn’t with her. He cleared his throat and shrugged. “It was fine… I guess.”
“Just, fine?” Raven seemed genuinely curious.
“What do you want me to say, Raven? That Starfire is a good la-“ He barely managed to stop himself from being crass, knowing his anger was getting the better of him. She always had some way to bring out the best and worst of him, and he needed to learn how to control himself around her, no matter the situation. He continued to look into her eyes and collected his thoughts slowly, trying to keep himself in check. “It was fine, Raven… but…”
She raised an eyebrow. “But?”
The words came out before he had a chance to stop them. “It’s… not the same, as with you.”
To his surprise, she actually laughed, her expression softening. “I appreciate the sweet words, Dick, but you don’t have to try and protect me from the truth.” She moved closer to him, a smile playing across her lips, still swollen from Jason’s kisses. “I understand, she is your wife, this is what she expects from you, and I’m just an affair.”
Except she wasn’t, not to him.
“Outside of the bedroom, we’re not even close. Hell, we’re barely even interact. I understand that. I really do.” She reached out and patted his shoulder. “So, if you want to tell me that Starfire was the best lay you’ve ever had, I don’t mind. That’s… who you are and it’s what you do. You don’t owe me anything.”
No. He felt his hands shake at his sides as he looked into her eyes. No, that wasn’t who he was. He wasn’t just some stupid husband who bedded anything who asked and open legs for him. He was so much more than that, and this relationship between them was unlike anything he had ever had before. He wasn’t the kind of person who could just walk away from a girl like Raven because she was trying to put distance between them. He couldn’t. He couldn’t give her up. Not now, not ever.
Something inside him snapped and he surged forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. Her heart fluttered against his chest, and he could hear her shocked intake of breath, but it didn’t phase him in the slightest. No, instead, he dropped his mouth down to her own and he stole another soul shattering kiss from her. He tasted her surprise and cherry lipgloss as if it were fine wine. He drank in every bit of her essence with slow, heavy bites and licks and kisses until her body was sagging against his own, her hands tightening in his shirt. He took everything from her that he had ever wanted, and then some.
All because he wanted her.
Pulling back, his lips hovered just above her own, gasping for breath as he realized his soul was no longer his own. “Raven… I…”
‘I’ what? What could he possibly tell her to make everything alright after this? What could he say to make this pain in his chest go away, and the shock in her eyes transform into joy? He was, first and foremost, still someone's husband. He was an asshole – no. He was just a toy, used only for pleasure, and she probably knew that… but he didn’t.
Stealing one last peck from her lips, he pulled back and forced a bright, seductive smile, the one he used when he was trying to earn a few extra minutes from her. It felt sick to use himself like this, but if it blinded her to the truth, then that was that he needed to do. “I want to fuck you again.” He curled his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up to meet his. “I missed our crazy sex sessions, and I know you have too.”
He watched her cheeks darken. “I… I should be thinking about saving some time for my program.”
He slapped on the charm as thick as he could, and leaned forward, nudging his nose against her own, letting her feel his breath dance over her lips. “But?”
He breathed an inward sigh of relief. “Good. I’ll see you then…” He leaned down and stole another kiss from her lips. “And I hope you have a late mission the next day, because I certainly hope you don’t think you’ll get to go to bed early.”
She made a very strange, uncharacteristic whimper, and Dick chuckled.
It wasn’t enough, but it would suffice… for now.
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curveybay · 5 months
It took Glenn a solid hour to dye his curly, back-length hair orange and at least two to fit his bottom-heavy figure into a tight purple miniskirt, but all that effort was worth it to attend the convention he'd been waiting all year for! Sure, some of the guests he'd taken pictures with got a little grabby, but so what? He didn't mind the attention one bit. Still, after a long day of soaking in the stares from the crowd, Glenn had gotten pretty hungry, and no sooner did he step into the center's food court did he spot a familiar figure at one of its tables: "Georgia! Hi girlie, how're you doing?" He chirped with a smile, waving and running over to the short and curvaceous lady sat at the food court in a black leotard and cape that strained and struggle to contain the stunningly generous curves of her pear-shaped physique - almost as much as Glenn's did to contain his massive bulge and asscheeks, which bounced heavily with each loud, thudding step that he took towards the table. Utterly oblivious to the lewd display he was putting on, he hurried over to his friend and took her hand: "Omg our costumes totally match! Yours looks great, too, you're just rocking that leotard."
He smiled, absent-mindedly bouncing his backside for all there - including Georgia - to see.
"I was just about to get some snacks, no problem if I sit with you, right?"
Georgia had been picture-perfect with her cosplay, designing the perfect wig and painstakingly crafting her own unique leotard, thick blue cape and black leather boots. Georgia refused to go half-measures for one of her great and powerful passions. Curvey Bay Comi-Con was the biggest nerd event of the year and she was going to attend dressed as her favourite hero! She enjoyed the photo ops, getting her things signed and patronising artists all over. She had been so popular that she had been groped and fondled by other con-goers, photographers and even the artists who complimented her on her cosplay. It was all in a day's journey through the convention. Georgia decided to take some time for herself as she felt her belly grumble as she hadn't eaten since she had came in to the convention this morning. As she settled at a table she came face to face to a familiar face from St. Glutea's.
"Glenn! I'm doing great, check out my haul!" Georgia gestured to the bags and bags of art, hentai, cosplay building materials, and anime she had been buying with her parent's money. She watched the utter bottom-heavy blond practically skip toward her; each bounce strained his Starfire cosplay to the max. the purple skirt was practically worthless as it couldn't cover Glenn's massive ass or ginormous cock. Georgia felt her face go a little flushed at the display; but knew that Glenn had no idea how lewd his bouncing cock or clapping ass cheeks were as he came to her table.
Not that Georgia had any room to argue; her leotard looked like a tank from the back with how massive her own ass was and whenever she moved, her fat cheeks bounced and clapped together.
"We do, your cosplay looks great, r-really brings out your best qualities... O-oh yeah! I built it myself, all hand-made to fit me perfectly." Georgia grinned as she tried to ignore the heat rolling off of Glenn's barely contained cock or the sight and sound of his fat bouncing ass cheeks. Each clap only made Georgia more aware of a deep, depraved hunger in her belly; as well as the fact she had purchased a massive doujin The Massive Ogre Queen and her Effeminate Big-Cocked Elf King and that Glenn was a shoe-in for the Elf king.
"O-oh no! Not at all! Go get your food and we can continue the con together. I can't imagine how many photo ops we could get as a duo." Georgia grinned at Glenn, but her mind was on all the dirty things she had read from her new favourite doujin. And how she could get around to doing those things to Glenn.
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oldfangirl81 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@sugdenlovesdingle this seemed to fun to pass up.
And I'm procrastinating writing.
How many works do you have on AO3? 50
What's your total AO3 word count? 115,555 (lots of wips)
What Fandom do you write for? Marvel, 9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS, Teen Wolf, Top Gun, DC comics, RWRB, Prodigal Son, Doctor Who, BtVS, Eureka, Due South and some SPN.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? High Flying Adventures in LA (Top Gun/911), 5 Times Tony Stark Did Not Want The Evil Person To Flirt With Him and 1 Time He Did Not Mind (Marvel/SPN/Doctor Who/True Blue), Walk Me Home (911/Eureka), Buster The Gay Dog (911), In The City (Top Gun/911/SWAT)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try but sometimes it does feel silly to just keep saying Thank you if there isn't anything else I can respond too.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? If I Fall (BtVS/Doctor Who). Look I was reading a lot of a certain kind of BtVS fic so this one has Xander deciding to join The Master.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Maybe Buster the Gay Dog (911) or A Thousand Good Stories (Top Gun/911 Lone Star). The first Eddie & Buck get together at the end. And the second Bradley & Jake are engaged by the end.
Do you get hate on fics? Rarely. But the funniest one to me was on the 5 Times Tony Stark fic. I was called both a misogynist and homophobic.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? I very rarely write true smut. I do fade to black often. I did write a fic once where Starfire gave Jason a blowjob in an alley. And I swear it isn't exactly what it sounds like but it is at the same time. She was trying to make him stop risking his life by giving him something to live for. Look there is a reason I don't write much smut in over a decade.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes, I write crossovers. It's kinda my thing really. As for the craziest one? I honestly don't know because a bunch are probably considered odd. Maybe the Marvel crossover with Red White & Royal Blue. Or maybe 9-1-1 and Eureka. Or maybe 9-1-1 Lone Star & Marvel. Or 9-1-1 Lone Star & DC comics. Or maybe my recent Danny Phantom and 9-1-1.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yup. It was copied word for word. But it was so long ago I couldn't actually tell which of my fics it was. It might even be one of the ones I orphaned in the years to follow because I don't touch that fandom anymore, nor do I want it associated with me.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I don't think so. I'm not against it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. The closest I've come was Tumblr RP over a decade ago now.
What's your all time favorite ship? I can't really pick. I rarely abandon ships for good. I still love Benton Fraser/Ray K, Blair Sandburg/Jim Ellison, Xander Harris/Spike, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Stiles/Derek Hale, Steve McGarret/Danny Williams, Danny Messer/Mac Taylor, Danny Messer/Don Flack, Kaylee Fyre/Simon Tam and most of those have been off the air for years and years now.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Something About That Boy (Marvel/BtVS) or Where Me Demons Hide? (Marvel/BtVS)
What are your writing strengths? I'd like to say my dialogue. And ridiculous chaotic plots in a fun way.
What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing a story before starting ten more. The non dialogue parts.
Thoughts on writing dialouge in another language in a fic? Be careful there be dragons there. I know I've done it in some fics. And a sentence here or there isn't the worst if you aren't fluent. But be open if someone ever corrects you. And more than that maybe find a beta that is fluent in whatever language you are hoping to add to the fic. I know google translate can be rough.
First fandom you wrote in? Ugh, I don't want to answer but if googling my penname is accurate it would have been May '05 so it appears to have been a Harry Potter and BtVs crossover.
Favorite fic you've written? Toss up between Won't You Come See About Me (Top Gun/Marvel) or Wild Angels (9-1-1 Lone Star/DC Comics). Both are WIPs that are NOT abandoned in the slightest.
If you read all this thanks for supporting my procrastination. And feel free to answer these questions yourself.
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pynkgothicka · 2 years
Can I have a yandere dark Nightwing x shy hero reader x yandere dark Jason nsfw
Where they reader a nice hero she like starfire and is very shy to boys and innocent
But they boys want her so they share her and one day she goes over to Jason house to ask about human culture and they take advantage of her in this please and make her there even if they have to fuck her and fill her up all night long and make sure she is only there's.
and thank you
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Dark! Yandere! Jason Tood x Fem! Alien! Reader x Dark! Yandere! Dick Grayson
a/n: I've written once more!! I have a lot of requests lined up so please give a minute when getting to yours
Tags/Warnings: DUBCON, pregnancy, breeding, creampies, STALKING, GASLIGHTING, KIDNAPPING, SLIGHT AGEPLAY????, GUNS, double penetration
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
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Jason and Dick had been watching over you for weeks. Of course they lied it off that they were making sure you weren't a threat to Gotham. You had crashed in the middle of Gotham City, confused and scared. And Bruce, instead of dealing with having to rehabilitate you, put you under Dick and Jason's custody. In reality though they were stalking you, learning everything they could about you. One of their favorite things was how you tried to disguise yourself but each time they tease you about something your undertones in your skin changed to the exact color of the emotion you felt.
It was strange how new you were to everything, it was like teaching you the bare necessities of life. One time you called and asked Dick, mid mission, if lifting a car would cause it to explode. And Dick once again, mid mission, had to explain physics and how it wouldn't work like that. It's not like they minded but still, it was very inconvenient.
So why not force you to live with them?
Of course they hadn't actually gone through with their plan just yet, but they already had everything they needed. Dick and Jason were chilling out in the apartment he has recently bought for the three of you. They were just putting in the furniture, the last of it until they heard the sound of the window opening and shutting quickly. Then a loud crash and rustling.
"Go see who that is." Dick said nonchalantly, taking a sip of a bottle of water. Jason held the gun he had holstered to his side, making his way to the bedroom they'd yet to set up. He made sure his steps were quiet as he heard more moving and noise echo from within. Jason whipped around the corner, gun in hand to see you, trying to untangle himself from the mess of blinds you found yourself in. Your head whipped around as you made direct eye contact with Jason's gun barrel.
"I'm sorry if I came out of nowhere, I’m so lost and confused and-" You said really quickly, starting to stand up but falling on your ass. Your undertone was yellow, and Jason started to calm himself down.
"Slow down, come on, let me help you out." Jason came behind you pulling out a knife and sliced at the string on the blinds. He pulled back the string and watched as it all collapsed in on itself. You smiled and got up dusting off your clothes. "Come on Dick is in the living room." You followed behind Jason as he told Dick what happened to you.
"So why are you breaking into our apartment, it's kind of weird." Dick jokes plucking you in the forehead. You held your head looking away from them two. You turned pink, and they both noticed.
"That's the thing, I want to be a better vil…vilgil…"
"Yes!" You said much louder than what you intended. "But I don't know anything about being human. It's not that you guys are doing a bad job, like teaching me, but I accidentally gave someone a hug and I don't think they were too happy. Should I just go back? I don't think I belong here. The doub-"
"Hey, calm down." Dick went over by your side and ushered you to the couch. He sat down on your right and Jason on your left. You crowded in on yourself as they took up most of the loveseat.
"How about this? Tell us whatever you want to know." Jason asked, leaning back into the couch pillows. “And we can answer it to the best of our abilities.”
“You'd do that for me, I just feel like such an inconvenience??? Is that the right word?"
"Well, first of all, yes. Second of all, of course you're not, we are here to help, always." Dick added patting your back. He kept his hand there, rubbing small circles into your skin, calming you down. Jason rubbed your thigh in the same motion as Dick, both all the while talking to you in the softest of voices to try and not startle you.
"Well I'd like to learn, um… some customs of your culture. Like what do you guys do that's like, second nature."
"Well your English has gotten a whole lot better." Dick jokes keeping you close to him.
"Mhmm…" you said quietly.
"Well I can show you one thing." Jason snickered to himself. He used the side of his hand to tilt your head up towards his. You pointed out all of the imperfections, from scars all the way to his white streak. He leaned in and pecked a kiss on your lips, ever so softly and comforting. "We do that all the time and even we can take it further. Try with Dick over there."
You leaned in Dicks direction and he kissed you as well. He groaned in disappointment whenever you pulled away, the quick kiss not satisfying his hunger at all. "Does everyone do that??"
"Nope, just people who have a super close bond."
"Wouldn't you say that we have a super close bond?" Dick adda to Jason's previous statement. His hand made its way to your ass and was gripping it tightly. You looked at him in confusion as Jason draped himself across your back. He kissed at your neck, peppering kisses at your shoulder blades.
"I guess…" You finally said watching as Jason's hand pulled up your hoodie, ruffling your hair up. Dick pulled you in by the back of your head and kissed you, resting his hands on your shoulder. Jason unhooked your bra, the one that they had practically begged Barbra to give you. Jason leaned down peppering more kisses along your shoulder blades, down the expanse of your back. You jumped at every move and wet kiss Jason laid on your skin. The boys praised your body, and you turned around quickly as Jason planted a finger into your sweats. Dick groaned out in aggravation, he turned your head using his finger to get you to look directly at him.
"Are you supposed to-"
"Shh we are teaching you, baby. Are you doubting us?" Dick asked, resting his hand right above your breast. His index finger trailed along your valley, making small patterns into your skin. " Are you trying to teach us about how we act?" Jason started to pull them down without any question. Truth was they both knew what you were going to say.
So why bother waiting.
Dick picked you up slightly as Jason worked to get your panties and sweats off quickly. Both of them smiled, glancing down at how soaked you were. You felt your breathing pick up as they stood up in front of you on the couch. They started taking off their down clothes, their shirts sticking to their sweat covered bodies. Then it got to them taking off their pants. You turned around trying not to make eye contact with them. You heard whispers but you let them fall in deaf ears as you covered your ears with your own hands. The more they progressed with this the more wrong it seemed. A hand pulled you down exposing your ear to the world.
The entire time you were a mixture of blue, green, and pink, and Dick couldn't be more turned on.
"Baby don't you want to understand us?"
"But… I don't think I can, I… I don't like this."
"You came to us asking, don't you think that means you want to learn more? This is something we do okay?"
Dickw words comforted you as your eyes became softer yet still closed. A hand pulled yours to something else, something hard and wet. They guided your hands up and down in a slow motion, groans sounding out around you.
"Open up."
You slowly opened your eyes to see that you were stroking Jason's cock, and his eyes were out of it, completely lost in bliss. He let out a mantra of yeses, and his head cocked back. Dick guided your hand up and down, smiling at you the entire time. He sped your hand up not flinching one bit as you tried looking away from him, only for him to snap in your face to bring you back to his attention.
"See it's nothing to be afraid of. Look at how happy he is. Can't you see it's a good thing?"
Jason was completely zoned out, thrusting shallowly into your hand. It was like a contact high with you, he was completely fried. Dick stood up after reassuring you and instantly put his own erection in your face. He motioned at you and you just stared at him in confusion. Dick sighed before grabbing your hand and placing it on his own cock, making it to where you stroked them both. Now they were both gone, your touch getting them both off.
"Put your mouth on Dicks." Jason mumbled out for the first time in 5 minutes. He moved your hand off him, your palm coated in his arousal. Jason gently held the back of your head and moved you forward to where you were sucking Dick off. He wasted no time grabbing at the back of your head and forced you forward to choke on his length. "Calm down, we wouldn't want to break her." Jason taunted. Dick let go and let you suck at your own pace. Jason opened your legs and got down eye level with your clit. Jason wasted no time and instantly dove in, your moans feeding into Dicks pleasure.
Jason absentmindedly moved your hands to tangle within his hair. He mumbled a small tug against your clit. You listened and pulled him closer into you. Jason growled and ate you out with vigor, starving for just a taste of you. He inserted two fingers into you, trying to stretch you open for later. All the while you slobbed around Dicks cock.
When Dick finally pulled away, your face was flushed and you were already sex drunk. You had the most fucked out expression on your face, and nothing has really happened yet. "I think she's ready." Dick said, tapping Jason's shoulder. Jason rolled his eyes, getting up from on his knees.
"You still tryna do what you said earlier?"
"Why would I ever let you down?"
Jason smiled picking you up as Dick sat down and reached out for your hips. Jason slowly sunk you on Dicks cock, stretching your walls. Jason leaned over you as you tried to accommodate his girth. “Shh, this is going to hurt.”
Then you felt it.
Jason placed himself in the same hole as Dicks.
And you screamed.
Dick kissed you feverishly, taking in your cries and whimpers. They wasted no time and immediately got to work on fucking and streching your holes. They groaned and Dick kept kissing you and nails digging into your back. They were drowned out in pleasure, completely ignoring anything you said in protest.
“Shit, this feels heavenly…”
“Look at her, she's already come on us twice.”
“Little baby was a virgin.”
They kept going back and forth finding new ways to insult and taunt you. They sped up pounding into you more and more. They were about to cum and breed you deep, they didn't even care who made you pregnant, they just had to knock you up enough to keep you there.
“Want to knwo something else thats natural in human nature, women like you carrying our fucking child.” Jaosn hissed into your ear, cumming deep inside you. Dick wasn't far behind him, filling you up. Cum oozed out of your hole, Jason and Dick pulling out to see the damage they'd done. Dick rubbed at your back kissing along your neck. Jason fell back onto the couch and leaned on Dicks shoulder, eyeing you lovingly.
“Your Pink baby…”
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
RobStar Week 2023, Day 7 - Safe
(Aaaaand done.)
Even though their rooms were next to each other and she was not a particularly heavy sleeper, waking to Raven knocking on her door in the middle of the night and directing her towards Robin's room was not an uncommon occurrence.
This time Raven was barely awake enough to mumble, "Nighmare." at her, blinking blearily and already swiveling around to go back to her own room and bed, knowing that Starfire would take care of the Boy Wonder's distress, so that both she and he could sleep.
Starfire sighed, closing her door and heading the opposite direction from the empath. She did not begrudge Raven her mind bond with Robin but at times she thought it would be more convenient not to have to go through a third party in order to comfort her own boyfriend.
Perhaps when they were older, she could convince him to begin sharing a room.
Starfire hit the button for Robin's door and stepped in over the threshold.
He wasn't moving, but she could still tell whatever unpleasant dream had hold of him was a very bad one; he was visibly grimacing even in his sleep, curled up tight, hunching into his shoulders and knees.
She approached carefully, and gently lay a hand on his shoulder.
At the warm contact he startled awake.
His eyes were wide with heartbreaking fear for a moment. But then they flickered with recognition as he saw her, soft shape silhouetted in the moonlight from his window, and he deflated with relief.
A faint apologetic smile crossed his lips. "Hey," he breathed. "Sorry."
"There is no need to apologize," Starfire told him, sitting down on the edge of the bed as he leaned up. "You know I am here for you."
He nodded, scooting closer, wrapping his arms around her and settling into her embrace. For several moments they just breathed together, existing in the silent comfort of the hug. His breath whistled through the strands of her hair and he was warm in her arms, as she pressed her palms softly to his back.
"Do you wish to talk about it, or do you wish for me to distract you?" she asked. She'd had much practice at gauging how to calm and comfort him.
"Um..." Robin considered for a couple seconds, then began to pull back. "Distract, I guess. I can't really remember it right now."
Starfire smiled. Sometimes she was lucky and was able to wake him in a fashion that his nightmares slipped right past his short term memory and were at once forgotten. She wound an arm around his waist, snuggling into his side. Reaching up she turned his chin towards her and kissed him, lips pressing warmly and firmly against his.
He blinked a bit dumbfounded when she pulled away. "What..." he asked, "...was that for?"
She giggled. "That was my distraction. Was it effective?"
From the disorganized look in his eyes she knew it had been. He shook himself, chuckling shortly. "You'd think I'd be used to kissing you by now," he said.
"Should we do it again?" she asked cheekily.
"I kind of wanted to just talk."
"Oh?" she said, surprised.
His smile was shy as he said, "I like hearing your voice. It's... soothing." He reached for her hand, clasping it. "How excited you get when you're talking about things always puts me at ease."
Heart warming, she smiled. "You are sweet," she told him. "I also feel relaxed in your company." She squeezed his hand, leaning into him. "I am running out of stories about Tamaran to tell you, however," she confessed.
"Heh. Okay, well... how about I talk this time?" he offered. "I know I haven't told you half the adventures I've had with Batman."
"Please," she said.
She pulled her feet up onto the bed and they leaned up against the pillows together, watching the moonlight creep across the wall. Robin talked and talked and she listened, comforted by the sound of his heartbeat and the feel of his skin against hers.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I’m Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 7
Batfamily x Batsis Story
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author’s Note: Anyone order a part seven? Cause I got a part seven for y'all. Enjoy! -Thorne
Ever since the meeting that night, she’d gotten more letters from her family than she’d ever received in twenty-one years. Not that she decided to read them. The first line from Dick’s letter was, ”I never wanted you to leave because of me. If only I’d known…”. She couldn’t keep reading, and she wasn’t sure if it were from guilt, sadness, or anger, but there was something there that she didn’t want to face.
It didn’t stop there though. They kept coming even if she tacked a return to sender on it and sent it back. She’d even labeled one and written, ”Stop writing me.” but that didn’t stop them. Wally texted her every other night on top of the letters and she wanted to strangle him through the phone.
She knew though, that if she could keep holding out for three more months, she’d be home free. Wherever home was at this point. Every city she kept thinking about had some type of vigilante and there was nothing that didn’t; eventually she decided on Coast City. Somewhere warm and sunny, and as far from Gotham and Central as possible.
Of course that little voice in the back of her head just kept telling her to talk to them, but she was going to be as stubborn against it as possible—but time was dwindling, and so was her resolve.
“Ophelia, have you seen the extra bag of espresso beans? I can’t remember where you put them the other week.” She waited for a response. “Ophelia?” she turned and frowned. “Why did I accept the manager’s position when I can’t even round up my workers?”
She walked out of the storage and wiped her hands on the rag at her waist. “Ophelia?” A giggle sounded at the counter and when she walked out, her eyes went wide at the sight.
Jason was leaning against the counter with that smile he used to use on the models at the galas. He smiled at Ophelia. “Tell me, what do you make better, the cappuccinos or lattes?”
“Well, I make a —”
“She makes a mean ‘get in the back and find my espresso beans’,” she grunted and both of them jumped.
“Melisandre!” Ophelia stuttered, pale cheeks flushing pink. “I thought you were in the back.”
“I was. Think you can go find the coffee beans you put away?” She shot Ophelia a stare that screamed ‘scram’ and the girl nodded, hurrying to the storage room.
“Aww, why’d you run the cutie off, Melisandre?” Jason queried. “I was going to ask her out on—”
“Can I talk to you?” she interrupted, voice barely containing her seething rage. “Outside.”
Jason shrugged and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. “Sure, but be careful, people might get suspicious.”
She grunted and walked outside, listening to him follow and when the door shut, she turned around and hissed, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just getting coffee.”
“Oh, don’t play dumb with me, Jason. We both know that’s a load of bullshit.”
His eyes narrowed and he noted, “You’ve really gotten comfortable using foul language. You know that, (Y/N)?”
She glared at him. “What. Do. You. Want.”
“You won’t answer our letters,” he shrugged. “Didn’t have a lot of options to talk.”
“And showing up at my job is the better option?” she griped.
“It was that or your house, (Y/N). Take your pick but you can’t have both.”
“Well, maybe my silence is supposed to be the answer to those letters. Did you think about that?”
“I did,” he nodded. “But after the third letter being rejected, I decided to go big or go home.”
(Y/N) growled. “Go home.”
Jason smirked. “No.”
“I’m not fucking joking here, Jason. I don’t want you coming here. Ever.”
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn,” he retorted then stepped forward and grabbed her wrist. “You don’t wanna talk willingly, fine. I’ll make you talk to me. And if I have to show up here every day, I will.”
“No, you won’t.”
Jason cocked a brow and tightened his grip. “You wanna bet? Because I’m not Dick and I’m sure as hell not Bruce. I don’t have a day job to get to.” He smirked. “I can do this all day.”
(Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek and thought for a moment then sighed and yanked her arm away. “Fine. Come to my apartment after five. We’ll talk there.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” she interrupted coldly. “I’m agreeing for one meeting and then you fuck off back to Gotham City and leave me the hell alone for good.” She spun on her heel and started back for the door when his voice reached her, tired and pained.
“Do you really hate all of us? Do you really hate us like you make yourself think you do?”
(Y/N)’s feet felt like lead and she stopped, gazing at the glass door. “I don’t know, Jason.”
“Then let me help.”
“You can find the apartment on your own. I know you’re good at looking for homes.” She slipped in the café door, leaving him standing there shocked and hurt.
Sure enough, a minute after five o’clock, her doorbell rang and she called, “It’s open.” The door opened and shut, and she looked up from the little kitchenette, watching the way Jason walked into her apartment, gazing around the empty living room.
“Shit, do you live in a home or a prison cell?”
(Y/N) grunted. “Nice quip. Come up with that by yourself?”
He wandered into the kitchen, leaning back against the counter as she prepared dinner. “What’re you making?”
“Chicken marsala,” she replied. “You’re here to talk. Start talking.”
“Are you going to be a bitch like you were the other night or can I ask about life in Central the last three years?” she shot him a glare, warning him, but he paid it no mind. “You going to school?”
(Y/N) nodded. “I go to Central City Community College. Take classes all week at different times.”
“What are you studying?” he asked.
“For now, general studies, but I’m minoring in political science.”
“Planning on a four year after you graduate?”
She shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not.” Her hands stalled for a moment. “I don’t have the money for a big school to get a bachelors.” Shaking her head, she chopped up the vegetables. “Figure if I can get a job in the area, I can scrounge up enough to start the process though.”
“Might take years,” Jason noted, and she nodded.
“Yeah, hard work usually does.” (Y/N) glanced at him. “What’s Cassandra like?”
He blinked, evidently not expecting that, though he recovered and smiled. “She’s great honestly. Kicks ass better than anyone I know.”
“Even Batman?”
Jason huffed a laugh. “I’m sure she could wipe the floor with each of us if she decided to not hold back. Her mom’s Lady Shiva and her dad’s David Cain.”
“I don’t know who they are but I’m assuming from the tone that they’re not exactly the best parents in the world.”
“No…they’re not.” He agreed. “David didn’t teach Cass how to speak so she’s been mute all her life.”
“I’ve heard the few interviews she’s given,” (Y/N) replied. “She’s very eloquent when she does.”
“Shakespeare’s influence. And probably Emily Dickinson.” He smiled. “I leave her a lot of books to read so I can be her favorite.”
She snorted. “Yeah, that sounds like you.” Sliding the cast iron skillet into the oven, she sat at the crappy metal dining table, Jason taking the seat on the other side. (Y/N) scratched at the table. “Does Bruce like her?” she questioned lowly, and he nodded.
“Loves her like she’s his own.” He her with cautious eyes. “Just like he loves you.” Jason watched the emotion flash across her face, quick as lighting, a deep sorrow, then she was humming.
“Well, that’s good then.” She cleared her throat and looked at the clock. “How’ve you been? I hear a lot about Outlaws.”
Jason chuckled. “Yeah, that’s my band of renegades. Me, Roy Harper, and Koriand’r.”
“Remind me, those were Speedy and Starfire, right?”
He snorted. “Arsenal and Starfire. But yeah, close enough.”
(Y/N) got up and pulled two glasses from the cabinet before going to the refrigerator and getting the lemonade. She poured them both glasses and sat back down. “How’d you manage to wrangle two of the Titans into your posse?”
“Kori willingly tagged along, and Roy won’t leave me alone,” he griped, sipping his lemonade.
“Mmm…and how does Dick feel about you stealing two of his exes?”
Jason choked on his drink, spilling it on the table and down his chin. “That’s not—” he coughed. “That’s not what that is.”
“Uh huh, sure it’s not.”
“It isn’t,” he glowered.
“Riiiiiiight,” she drawled out with a grin, then took a sip and set her glass back down. “Figured you’d get Cass along with you. she seems like she’d be fit for Outlaws.”
He shook his head. “Nah, she’d be better off with Tim and his Young Justice weirdos.”
“She non-lethal?”
They dwindled into silence until the timer went off on the oven and she pulled the skillet out and set two plates on the table. “You’re gonna feed me?” he asked as she handed him a fork.
(Y/N) scoffed. “Duh. I’m a bitch, but I’m a bitch with manners.” She smiled sweetly. “But you have to leave afterwards.”
“Mmm…can I crash on your couch?”
He shrugged. “Figured I’d try anyways.”
They ate in silence, occasionally speaking about their lives the last three years, and when the food was all gone and the lemonade drunk, he sighed and reclined in the chair.
“What?” (Y/N) questioned and he shrugged.
“Dunno…I’d like to do this again soon.” His teal eyes found hers. “It’s been too long since we were together.”
“Tread carefully,” she murmured, looking at the wall and he sighed.
“Sis, talk to me,” he begged. “Even if it’s just to tell me how much you hate me, just talk to me.” She didn’t respond and he sighed again, standing from the table. “Thanks for dinner.”
“…I hate that you all put Gotham and every civilian before our family.” Jason stopped dead in his tracks and turned, gazing at her, though she didn’t tear her eyes from the wall. “I hate that the only time I felt like anyone paid any attention to me was when we were at galas and even then, the attention was just for show. It didn’t matter because all anyone wanted to do was get the hell out of the manor and go on patrol. It didn’t matter because I wasn’t like any of you. I wasn’t a part of the real family.”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “I hate that I spent more nights sitting in a dark and silent manor than spending them with my family. I hate that I never had a normal family growing up where we’d go for ice-cream after school and attend school performances. I hate that I got stuck with a bunch of siblings hellbent on giving every piece of themselves to the world and they couldn’t take one night off to have a family night to save their lives. To at least pretend to be normal.”
(Y/N) finally took her eyes from the wall and he felt his heart tighten as the tears slipped down her cheeks and she breathed, “I hate that I was born Bruce Wayne’s biological daughter and I’d give anything and everything I have to be someone else’s daughter and sister.”
Jason’s mouth felt dry, and he didn’t have single thing to say to her and she whispered, “Is that what you wanted to hear, Jason?” she blinked. “Because that’s what I feel every morning I wake up.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, and she cleared her throat, wiping her cheeks.
“Yeah well, I’m three years passed sorry.” (Y/N) nodded to the front door. “You should leave now.”
Jason nodded but his feet didn’t move. For a moment, he couldn’t move them, then he sucked in a breath and started edging back to the door. When he neared the door, he pulled it open and paused, looking back at her. “(Y/N)?” she didn’t answer but he said it anyway. “I love you. More than you’ve ever known.” He sighed and stepped out, closing it behind him.
(Y/N) buried her face in her hands and sobbed alone at the dinner table.
Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy @foreverthefloor @natatawa-ako @impactshawol @bethabear12 @adazzlingsakura @kimhanbiin @thatanonymouschocolate @mischief-writter-24-7 @lostinwonderland314 @elz-zalarrr @lady-of-the-abyss @peqchynero @d3m0n8ch1ld @goldenguki @fallen-wolf22 @battlenix
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Sisters- Teen Titans x Aquagirl Reader
Summary: You don't get along well with your own siblings, but maybe you'll get along well with Starfire's super-cool, definitely-not-evil sister!
Pairings: Platonic! Starfire x reader
Word Count: 3575
A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry for posting this so late I just did this one a lot slower lol. Unfortunately, school's starting soon so I won't be able to write as often. I'm still working on 2 fics so keep that in mind if you want to request!
Carnivals were the best invention in the world, you decided. The rides, the food, the games, and you only get to enjoy it a few times a year. So when the carnival does come to visit, you always make sure to enjoy it as much as you can.
“Don’t you just lovvvveee carnivals?” You say, walking next to Raven.
“Well, Beast Boy and Cyborg have been trying to win an animal from a single game for the past hour and Robin and Starfire are probably making out on the ferris wheel, so not as much as you.” she says, staring straight ahead. The others had paired up and set off when you first entered the carnival, so that left you with Raven. And as much as you love Raven, you love her in a “meditating/book club” way, not a “fun adventure” way. You approached the two boys as they finally won their carnival game prize.
“Told you we’d win a prize” Beast Boy grinned at Raven, holding a toy chicken to her face.
“A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world.” She said sarcastically.
Suddenly, Robin jumped in front of the four of you.
“Titans! Trouble!” He yelled, standing up from a crouching position.
“Where’s Starfire?” Cyborg asked.
“That's the trouble,” Robin said, then promptly took off. The four of you followed him close behind. He brings the four of you to a dock, where you finally see the “trouble” Robin was talking about. Starfire was being chased by a flying, squid-like space robot with tentacles and everything. She flies past the five of you, the flying machine doing the same.
“Who’s her new best friend?” Beast Boy asks, staring at the scene before you.
“Don’t know, but I can’t wait to meet him,” Robin said.
Starfire hid behind you as the flying machine continued to follow her. Beast Boy turned into an alligator and tried to attack the robotic squid, but missed. You tried to hit it with jets of water, but it bounced off of its exterior. Raven threw a hot dog cart at the machine with her telekinesis, but it simply tore straight through the cart. Cyborg grabbed onto the tentacles and strained as the machine tried to get away.
“Don't know what you did to make this thing mad, Star, but it couldn't hurt to apologize!” Cyborg yelled, trying to keep a grip on the tentacles.
“I am… sorry?” Starfire apologizes confusingly, taking shelter behind a grimacing Robin.
Cyborg loses grip on the mysterious space squid as Robin jumps forward. He hits the machine hard with his staff and it falls into the water. A moment of silence falls onto the six of you.
“So, did we just win?” Beast Boy asked.
His answer came in the form of the machine crashing through the floor and back into the sky. Robin jumps onto it.
“Don’t see an OFF switch,” He yells. “Guess I’ll have to make one!” He punches into the side of the machine. The machine goes haywire, and Robin jumps off of it before it flies crazily into the sky and blows up. Since there were already fireworks, any regular citizens could have easily mistaken it for one of the big finals. You turned your attention to Starfire.
“Starfire, are you alright?” you ask. She nodded with a small smile.
“Whatever that thing was, it can’t hurt you now.” Robin said, now next to her again.
Starfire frowned. “But… why did it wish to hurt me at all?”
You found yourself back in the tower after such an eventful night. Despite being attacked by some alien machine, Starfire seemed to be in a cheery mood.
“I shall thank you for my rescue by reciting the Poem of Gratitude, all six thousand verses.” She said, a giant smile on her face. You and the others stopped dead in your tracks, not excited for how the rest of the night will seem to go.
“I think ‘thank you’ cuts it,” You say.
Suddenly, you hear a voice. “I see you haven’t changed a bit.” The voice belonged to a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Starfire. She had long, black hair, and wore a black outfit similar to Starfire, except hers had more metal components. The mystery girl continued.
“When we were little, I was always rescuing Starfire.”
“Sister!” Starfire squealed, running to hug her. Starfire’s sister smiled, holding up a necklace with a large green gem as the pendant.
“A Centauri Moon Diamond?? Where did you get-”
“On the Centauri Moons of course.” the sister said, fastening the necklace around Starfire’s neck. “Oh look, it matches your eyes.” Starfire smiled brightly. You remember that you’ve been staring at the two of them interacting when she turns to the five of you.
“I wish to introduce my big sister,” Starfire said. Her sister stepped in front of her.
“Blackfire,” she said. “ And since Star told me all about the Titans in her transmissions, let me guess.” She walks over to Cyborg.
“Cyborg,” She guessed correctly.
“Pleased to meet you little lady,” Cyborg says, holding out his hand. She takes it and you hear the sound of metal bending. Cyborg holds up his hand, now bent out of shape.
“Little lady, big handshake. Well alright!” he says with a smile. Blackfire moves on.
“Raven. I like that gemstone on your Ajna chakra,” Blackfire says.
“You know about chakras?” Raven asked, mildly impressed.
“I got way into meditation on Altara Prime.” She says casually. She then turned to you.
“Aquagirl. Oh my god your outfit is soooo cute! And your hair, how do you get it so healthy?” She said, clasping your hands. Her voice was nothing like Starfire’s; it was much smoother, and more confident, not to mention she had the American accent down.
“Mix of coconut oil, avocado, and a cabinet full of hair ointments” you wink.
“You’ll have to give me tips.” she winked back.
She continued her introductions, finally getting to Robin. She was all over him, complimenting his outfit, calling his mask ‘mysterious’, etc. You saw Starfire steaming with anger, even if she didn’t show it. She intercepted them as Blackfire got close to his face.
“So beloved sister, what brings you to Earth?” Starfire asks, an annoyed grin spread across her face.
“I was in the quadrant. Thought I'd see if Earthlings like to party.” She said, hopping onto the couch. “Besides, I needed a rest. Nearly got sucked into a black hole on the way here.” Immediately, the three boys rushed over to her, the three of you girls still behind them. You rolled your eyes at the sight of the three teens crowding around Blackfire.
“Black hole?”
“No way!”
You could feel Blackfire’s smirk as she began her story.
“Okay. I’m cruising through Draconis Nebula and-”
Starfire interrupted. “Sister! That nebula is full of black holes! You know travel there is forbidden.” The four teens on the couch stared at her.
“Most fun things in life are. Now be a sweetie and bring me one of those sodas I've heard so much about.” Blackfire waved at her and turned back to the boys. You heard her continue the story, but all you could focus on was Starfire grumbling towards the fridge. You look at Raven; your way of saying Ill go after her.
You find Starfire taking a soda can out of the fridge, talking to herself.
“Starfire?” you ask. She flinches at your approach, almost dropping the soda in her hand.
“Oh! Aquagirl. You have caught me off guard, my apologies,” she rubs her neck, blushing.
“You alright? You seemed a little worked up back there,” you say as the teen straightened herself up.
“Oh it's nothing, it's just that…” she sighed, closing the refrigerator. “My sister has always acted in such a way that can cause me to feel… annoyed.”
“Oh well, if you ever want to talk about it, I’m always here.” She hugs you, still holding the can of soda.
“Thank you my friend”
The next day, You were sitting in your room. Starfire barged in while you were rubbing the water from your head with your towel.
“Oh hey Starfire! What's up?” you smile, putting the towel onto your bed.
“Aquagirl! Have you seen Blackfire?” she asked. You noticed that she seemed distressed, but decided to answer her question first.
“Oh! We just went surfing! She crushed those waves!” You say, reminiscing. She was surprisingly good at surfing, especially since she told you it was her first time. Starfire frowned.
“Oh. alright.” you frowned back at her answer.
“Well, I think she might be with Robin right now. Is everything alright?” you ask. Her face turns bright red at the mention of Robin’s name.
“N- I mean, yes! Everything is alright. I must go.” She slammed the door before you could say anything. You wanted to go after her, but you figured since she left so quickly, she's probably not in the mood to talk. You went about your day, still a little worried about her.
Nighttime fell, and you sat on the couch with the other Titans, relaxing after an uneventful day. Starfire skipped in holding popcorn, candy, and a bunch of CDs.
“Friends! I invite you to join me in the togetherness of a stay-home movie night. I bring you popcorn and non-cotton candies. Tell me, what sort of movie shall we view?”
“Action,” said Robin.
“Romance!” you cheered.
“Comedy.” spat Beast Boy.
“Sci-fi” Cyborg offered.
“Horror.” Raven said flatly. Starfire drops her goodies.
“Perhaps a double feature?” she asked.
“Forget the flicks, kids.” You looked up to see Blackfire, now dressed in Starfire’s clothes. “We’re going out!”
“We are? Where did you- How did you-” Starfire stuttered, obviously confused by her sister’s new look.
“Heard about a party downtown,” Blackfire continued, ignoring her sister. “Cool crowd, hot music”
“Sound’s nice!” you say.
“Yeah!” Beast Boy agrees.
“I’m in!” Cyborg says.
“Why not?” Robin smiles. Raven kept looking at her book.
“And it's in an abandoned warehouse,” Blackfire adds. Raven looked up from her book, her way of saying that she's in. You all began to leave. You noticed Starfire still standing where she was, looking a bit sadder.
“Starfire? you coming?” you asked, walking by her.
“Oh um, I guess I will go,” she said, hanging her head a bit. You looked at her but she didn’t meet your eyes. Maybe she’s tired, you thought, walking to catch up with the other titans.
You entered the party, taking in the colorful lights and dancing teens. You followed Blackfire onto the dance floor, who seemed to already be dancing.
“Step aside Earthlings, the queen of the galaxy has arrived!” she cheered, swaying her hips with the other teens. She looks at the rest of you, a smirk on her face.
“Now don't tell me you big tough superheroes are afraid of a little dancing.” she says, beckoning you to do so. The boys joined in, and you noticed that Raven left the dance floor with a boy. The only people who weren’t dancing were you and Starfire. Starfire looked scared, she was clutching her new necklace, and you swore that she said something about shovels. You came up to her and took her hand.
“Let’s go Starfire, I think you need some air.” you say, leading her to the stairwell.
You sat next to her on the roof, both awkwardly silent.
“So, what's wrong?” you finally say.
“It’s my sister again,” she sighs. “It feels as though she has stolen you all from me, and I don’t know how to keep that from happening.”
“Hey. we’ll always be your friends, just as you’ll be ours. And she didn’t steal us from you, we just thought she was cool and all-” you were cut off by a yell from the part below.
“YO A.G.!!! YOU GOTTA COME DOWN HERE!!!” Cyborg yelled. You looked at the direction of the sound and then back at Starfire, who was staring at the ground.
“Oh- uh they probably need me, I’ll be right back,” You say, rubbing her arm. “HANG ON I'LL BE THERE IN A SEC!”
You race down to the dance floor and see Cyborg dancing.
“YO THEY’RE TOTALLY PLAYING YOUR SONG!” he yelled. Ugh I should get back to Starfire but they are totally playing my song, you thought. You look at Cyborg again, who was waving at you to join him. You see Robin next to you and pull him aside.
“Hey Aquagirl! Where’s Starfire?” He asked. You cross your arms.
“She’s upstairs on the roof. Listen, she’s super down in the dumps right now, I think you should talk to her.” You say. He nods and leaves, heading towards the stairs. You sigh as you go back to join your other friends. You bump into Blackfire, who was now sporting a neon pink wig.
“Um, nice wig,” you say.
“Thanks hot stuff. Where’s Robin? I saw you with him earlier.” She asked, still dancing. You weren’t sure if it was the best idea to tell her.
“He’s uhhhhhhh….” you try to stall.
“... with Starfire.” she finishes. You turn to see her staring through the glass roof, where you could see Robin and Starfire sitting together. She turns to the rest of you.
“One sec guys!” She winks. Less than a minute goes by and she reappears with Robin. You make eye contact; he seemed annoyed by being back here.
“We HAVE to dance to this song!” she says, starting to dance again next to Robin. He steps away from her.
“Sorry, but I’m going to check on Starfire again.” Robin says, heading to the stairwell again. Blackfire follows him, trying to get him to return, leaving you with Cyborg and Beast Boy. They continue to dance and you roll your eyes.
Suddenly, you notice Starfire fighting something. You squint at her location, then realize that what she's attacking is one of the robots from yesterday. You look at the two boys who’ve quite literally been dancing the whole time.
“Cyborg! Beast Boy! Starfire’s in trouble!” You yell, already running towards the exit. Suddenly, another of those robots appears out of nowhere.
“What the- AHHHHH!!!!” you scream as the robot latches onto you and drags you away. The two boys try to follow you but a third robot attacks them, leaving you to still be stuck in the clutches of the space robot. You see Raven hanging out with the boy from earlier (they’d be a cute couple huh) and she spots you. She flies after you, flinging two robots towards the machine as you finally break free. Starfire crashes into the room through the ceiling and lands in the crates, Cyborg and Beast Boy still taking on the other robot.
All three of the robots start chasing Starfire, and she flies around the room trying to lose them. Cyborg knocks into them and lays some punches, you trying to short circuit them by spraying them with water. One of the robots hits Cyborg, sending him flying into a wall. Another one sends Starfire flying into a different wall, and she lands in a dumpster. You run to the hole in the wall to find the aliens trying to bring the whole dumpster into the air. You were about to try to strike them when you saw a flash- the flash of a birdarang. It cuts into the arms of the robot and drops the container. Robin joins the rest of you.
“Titans Go!” Robin yells, but Blackfire flies out in front of you. In a matter of seconds she demolished all three robots. You all surrounded her as she stood victoriously.
“Aw yeah! Good times!”
“Nice shot, Tex!”
“Very nice.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself!”
“How did you know where to hit them?” Robin asked.
“Lucky guess,” Blackfire shrugged. Cyborg stepped forward.
“We could use luck like that,” he said. “Maybe you oughta join the team.”
“Me? A teen titan?” Blackfire asked, obviously flattered. You couldn’t help but notice Starfire looking away, a defeated look on her face. I should talk to her again, you decided.
You and Robin found Starfire standing on the roof of the Titans Tower. You found out that you both had the idea of finishing up your conversations, but it seemed that Starfire had different plans. You reach her as she floats into the air.
“Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?” Robin asked, causing her to whip around to face the two of you.
“A little rude if you ask me,” you tried to joke, but she didn’t laugh. Her head hanging, she slowly landed back on the roof, taking off the backpack she was wearing.
“Aquagirl, Robin, I- '' She began, but was cut off by the sound of a spaceship coming towards you. One of the aliens on board unleashes its arm, which is a tentacle much like one of the robot’s, and slashes you and Robin, sending you both to the ground. It then wraps around Starfire, pulling her into the ship.
Robin runs towards the screaming Starfire and jumps from the roof and towards the ship. You watch in horror as he misses, and begins the fall towards the ground. The ship continues its ascent into the air.
“ROBIN!” you scream, running towards the edge of the Tower’s roof. You can do this, you can do this, you can-
You focused hard, and raised your arms above you. A geyser of water shoots up from the shore and catches Robin. You raised the geyser up towards the hull of the spaceship, allowing the Boy Wonder to grab onto the bottom and make his way up. Seeing that he made it safely on board, you dropped the geyser of water.
You fell to your knees, breathing heavily. You haven’t made such a strong geyser in, well, never! Your vision was blurring as Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven all rushed onto the roof.
“Aquagirl! What happened?” Cyborg asked, helping you up.
“Starfire… Spaceship… Robin… I helped…” you huffed, pointing towards the spaceship, which was now far away from the tower.
“We gotta catch up to them. But how?” Beast Boy said, staring at the silhouette in the distance.
“Follow my lead.” Raven said, grabbing on to Beast Boy and Cyborg, who was holding into you. You watched as she made a dark portal in front of you. She pulled the three of you through it and you found yourself in the outskirts of the city, next to mountains and a river. You see Starfire and Robin up ahead, in front of a now toppled over spaceship.
“Starfire! Robin!” Beast Boy yelled as you caught up to them.
“Are you alright?” Cyborg asked. Suddenly, you see two aliens emerge from the shipwreck.
“Titans! Get ready!” he said, assuming a fighting stance, which you follow. You wait tensely as the aliens approach you.
“In the name of the Grand Centauri Empire, you are all under arrest.” one of the aliens says, showing off a professional looking police badge. You stare at it. If they're police, why are they arresting us? And why are we fighting them?
“Uh… you can’t be the good guys. We’re the good guys.” Beast Boy says, just as confused as you are.
“And we are the Centauri Police,” the second alien repeats.
“The Tamaranean girl is a liar and a thief.” the first police alien says, pointing at Starfire. “She's committed high crimes throughout the entire Centauri system.”
“I have never even been to the Centauri moons!” Starfire pleaded.
Suddenly everything clicked. The necklace, the events at the carnival, the events at the party. All evidence seemed to have pointed to Starfire, but they actually pointed at another person.
“But I know someone who has.” you and Robin say at the same time. You look at each other, obviously aware of who the other was thinking.
Robin took off Starfire’s necklace for her and threw it aside. He faced the police aliens.
“You’ve been chasing the wrong girl. Where’s Blackfire?” Robin says. Before any of the other Titans could answer, you saw a figure flying through the sky.
“That Bitch!” you yelled, watching Blackfire make an escape.
“Don’t worry Star, she won't get away with this,” Robin says to Starfire, but her eyes are already glowing.
“No she will not!” she yells, and shoots off into the sky. You couldn’t see much, but there were flashes of bright green and purple in the sky. The Centauri police calmly rebalanced their ship and restarted it, its engine humming to life.
You then watched as they proceeded to fly up into the sky and capture Blackfire, similar to how they initially captured Starfire, and fly off into the night. You stared dumbfounded.
"What just happened?"
The next morning, you stood in front of the kitchen, making pancakes with Cyborg.
“Crazy what happened last night, huh?” you yawned, watching the pancakes sizzle on the stove.
“No kidding,” he said. “She would’ve made a great addition to the team, except for the intergalactic-criminal part.” You laughed, flipping the rest of the pancakes.
You climbed up to the roof, finding Robin and Starfire sitting together. God they’re probably being cheesy together you thought. You cleared your throat, the two of them jumping at your presence.
“Hey you two,” you winked. “Breakfast is ready!!!”
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Hi can I have a daughter version of yandere Bruce and Tim please you know the ones where the reader has there lovers get away
Of course and after I do these two I'm going to do a couple more I got in my request and then I am making it a book. But I am not going to do Tim I don't really do him good.
Bruce Wayne
Cat women pov
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I sigh looking at the one of the fake portal my daughter made to make Bruce and her brothers come to me next. Starfire,raven,Roy there have been hit frist but I do not know who alive and who not.
But we all think the same thing we must keep our kids and grandkids safe even if we die~
My bruce my bat the one I used to love is no longer there but this man of anger darkness and obsession
But then I realized something this is the true Bruce he would do anything for his family.
My daughter ( reader) my precious diamond is a victim of Gotham and so is my grandbabies
Her brothers and father and Grandpa are Yanderes of the night
I rember when I was giving birth to her and when I frist saw her in my womb but what shock us was she wasn't entirely human. But then I rember the book my mother gave me of our family.
Funny enough on my side of the family there was magic users and it been dormant for a long time but my daughter got it and I am so proud.
Bruce was so protective of our little one and when she was born as well.
But when he wouldn't take her as Robin like her brothers I put my foot down and told him to make her a robin or I will become a hero and make her my sidekick.
And I did just that and she became a great hero
Her hero name is catbat women
Because of her gift she has magic but also a mix of a cat bat and human and oh so beautiful.
And The love she has found he cares for her and is kind like her just on the magic side but he loves her.
But Bruce and the family hated him
I remember I had to make them feel bad to let her date him
But I never thought they would make something so wonderful that the bat man Dems a threat.
Falsh back
(reader) hi mom I am home where dad?
Selena you know where he is and Don't Tell me you brought shade
I don't want him to hurt him. And ready for our movie night!
(reader) no I didn't know dad does not like . And mom I am not here for moving night there something you need to know.
I remember crying when the one thing I was trying to deny was true Bruce my Bruce is a yandere for me and our child but I don't know if he is for me anymore but I know he is for our daughter.
And no he not romantic for our daughter but platonic.
(reader) and mom I am scard for my husband dad still doesn't know we mated and got merrid his way and sniff I am with kitten's
I am shock and hug her understand what she means I know he won't let her have this baby and stay with her lover.
But I trying to tell her maybe he will let her keep my grand kittens but when she tells me another shocking thing when she went invisible her father's say I know now I must keep her safe.
And when she tells me she scared for her sister's truns out the her sisters are in the same place.
Yes her nices are like sisters to her and her to them because she is the youngest out of the bunch.
Which I don't mind. But she did not tell them but when I hear that the other are going to have a family I know it time so me and my daughter make a plane.
There a world where they are welcome it where her husband from and his brothers.
So we plan I tell the others when over in code the boys thought it was us talking about them in embarrassing times but it was not.
(reader) mother if it a girl I am namein her after you.
She crying whily hugging me and I do as well
Darke : time to go I promise to keep her safe
I wacht them go though the the portal and it get suck in a mini black hole that my daughter made
I hold on to the picture of me and her holding it to my chest and walk to the fake portal
Flash back over
I hear foot steps and they sound very panicked
Catwoman: you did this Bruce made your path do not blame me for final doing what right for our daughter.
I slowly trun around and I now know my answer he no longer loves me nor his sons but what shock me the most is he holding the gun that killed his father and mother
Bruce: you took everything from me and my son's
And I don't regret what I am about to do
Next thing I know is a shot to my heart but knowing my daughter and granddaughters and great grandkids are ok I am ok with this especially the face he makes when he realizes the portals fake and explodes.
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In the other world
Reader pov
Me and my older sisters hug and hold each other tightly
I will keep them safe and our kids with our husbands
But I know we are not safe not for a long shot so we all make planes and agreed to tell the kids when they're older. About our family
For now we can only do so much and we go to our New home. To prepare to keep our family safe
I hope you guys like it this is one of the post I be doing today!
Have a wonderful night and day 😘
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junipernight · 3 years
First Impressions/Foreign Tongue
Chapter 3: Smorgasboard/Sobremesa
Summary: Starfire tries Raven's way.
Most of the time, they spoke English, of course. It was the team’s lingua franca, and the language Star came to understand Earth in. Latin simply didn’t have the words for skyscraper, or pizza, or chronoton detonator - though it did have the word for mustard.
Sometimes, however, the two girls still spoke to each other in Latin. They’d become very close in spite of their rocky start, and they found that having a language all to themselves was useful for secrets, and side comments, and shouting “distract him while I come up from behind!” without letting an enemy know that you planned to distract him and then come up from behind. It was also just a very logical language, and sometimes Starfire appreciated that after a long day of struggling with the inconsistencies of English.
“[Why Latin?]” Star asked one day, apropos of nothing.
“[You and the boys were speaking English the night we first met, and your native language is Azerathian... yet when I kissed you, the first language I found on your tongue was Latin. Why?]”
Raven was blushing. It was a very subtle blush, one that Starfire had only recently come to notice; just a faint grey-lavender dusting on her cheeks, like the shadow of a passing cloud. Starfire supposed she had embarrassed her by bringing up the kiss.
In fact, Raven was not thinking about Tamaranean lip contact at all. She was considering whether there was any way to say what she was about to say that didn’t sound ridiculous. She came to the conclusion that there was not, and came out with it:
“[I was trying to guard my thoughts, just in case any of you were mind-readers,]” she said.
Starfire blinked. Then she giggled.
“Vere?” she asked in disbelief.
“[It’s been known to happen.]”
“[Have you successfully confused any mind readers?]”
“[Two or three, I think,]” Raven said solemnly. “[But it’s hard to know for sure.]”
“[Well, I am glad.]“
“[Because you got to] smooch [me twice?]”
The warm feeling that coursed through Starfire’s expansive aura couldn’t be explained by mere amusement. “[Because you speak more freely with me in Latin.]”
Well, shit. Raven hadn’t expected a sincere response. She probably should have, with Starfire.
“[... I’m glad you speak Latin, too.]”
Starfire got her first exposure to the earthly way of learning languages when Cyborg asked to learn hers. It was a short-lived affair; Cyborg was jacked up on the Maximum-7 in a way that wasn’t sustainable, and Starfire didn’t know the most basic things about what made up a language, let alone how to teach one to somebody. In the end, Cyborg learned a couple hundred random words and phrases, and Starfire learned about the basic parts of speech - adjectives, and verbs, and word order - and they never really got to a point where they could speak the language together, but they did have fun peppering Tamaranean words into everyday conversations.
Teaching was one thing, but Starfire didn’t try to learn another language the earthling-way until Mas y Menos joined the team.
Cyborg was determined to learn Spanish properly (his two years of half-forgotten high school Spanish were mierda, he said, and didn’t count) and Raven—lover of language and purveyor of fine words—decided to join him.
“And this is how you learn?” Starfire asked. “From books and practice and regional cuisine?”
“And people,” said Cyborg, biting into a taco.
Starfire hopped into a seat at the table “Perhaps I will try it! Conceivably, it could be fun.”
“Like our old Tamaranean lessons!” Cyborg agreed. “Except this time we have textbooks to keep us from kører ikke på skinner.”
Starfire giggled.
Two hours later, the three of them were still sitting around the table, with textbooks and workbooks and empty paper wrappers strewn between them, and Starfire was miserable.
“How does anyone learn anything like this?” She cried in dismay.
Raven didn’t reply. She was painstakingly working her way through a book of Spanish poetry, mouthing the words as she went and stopping every two or three words to look something up in a dictionary.
“All of these irregularities and extra verb conjugations are brutal,” said Cyborg, rubbing his good eye. “But you know, I feel like I actually remember more than I thought I did!”
“Deben hablar en español si quieren practicar,” a voice chastised.
Starfire whipped her head around to see who had spoken. The motion caused her fiery long hair to smack Raven in the face. Cyborg snickered as Raven sputtered and tried to claw the hair out of her mouth, but Starfire didn’t even notice.
Robin was in the kitchen, dressed in shorts and a sweaty tank top. He was clearly back from one of his long runs, but instead of being tired out, he only seemed more energized, the bastard. He poured himself a glass of orange juice. Then, soundlessly, he sprung up, vaulted the counter, and flipped onto the top of the fridge so fast that centripetal force kept his drink in his cup. Parkour.
“Robin!” she said in surprise. “You speak the Spanish?”
“Sí,” Robin said unnecessarily, slurping his orange juice from atop the fridge.
Star practically vibrated into the airspace over the table. “Can I learn it from you?” she asked hopefully.
Raven harrumphed. “Et tu, brute?”
“What happened to learning with us!” Cyborg protested.
“Aren’t you always asking how the Earth could have over 6,000 known spoken languages?” Robin said cheerfully. “I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your personal discovery.”
Starfire slumped back down into her seat and groaned.
Robin smiled and sipped his orange juice. And then, inexplicably, he winked. Furthermore, he appeared to have winked in Raven’s general direction (though it was hard to be sure with the mask.)
¿Porque? Raven thought to herself, using her 2 hours of Spanish. She flipped back a few pages. ¿Por qué? She corrected herself. And then she answered herself: yo no sé. And then she thought, I need to learn more Spanish, cuz this is getting on my nerves.
Starfire remained slumped against the table, los dos otros returned to their work, and another 20 minutes or so passed in peace.
“Hey dudes! Are you doing something fun?”
“We’re learning Spanish,” Cyborg explained.
“Soooo no, then,” Beast Boy answered his own question.
“It can be fun!” Cyborg protested. “You should try it sometime, broaden your mind and all that.”
“Man, I bet I know more languages than you!”
“That would require you to know more than one language,  BB.”
“I do too know more than one! I speak English and Xhosa, plus enough Swahili, Lingala, and French to get around. That’s, like, 2 and 3 half languages.”
Cyborg’s eyebrow shot up. If BB had claimed to speak Italian or Japanese, Cy would’ve called bullshit in a heartbeat. But the languages he’d just named were obscure enough that Beast Boy (who’d learned most of his social studies from movies) probably wouldn’t have known they existed unless he actually spoke them. Plus, Cyborg knew that all four languages were popular in sub-saharan Africa (thank you 8th-grade Geo Bee) and that Mr. and Mrs. Boy had traveled around a lot, which all lent credence to Beast Boy’s claim....
On the other hand, this was Beast Boy.
“Prove it,” Cyborg challenged.
“Ndithe kuwe ndithetha isiXhosa,” Beast Boy said in a clicking, lilting language. “Ndingazenza njani ezi zandi ukuba andisithethi isiXhosa?”
Cyborg’s jaw dropped.
“Na zali kitoki makasi,” Beast Boy said, switching to a different language, and looking supremely smug.
“How do you do that with your tongue?” Starfire asked in wonderment. Never, in a life that had spanned three galaxies, had she come across a language like this!
Beast Boy shrugged in poorly feigned nonchalance. “It’s a skill,” he bragged.
Raven could already tell where Star’s head was going.
“[How often do you think he brushes his teeth?]”
Starfire shuddered and returned to her textbook.
Authors Notes
Disclaimer: Of the *counts on fingers* eight? possibly nine? languages that will make an appearance in this fic, I only speak like four, and I don't speak those four particularly well. If you speak Lingala, Xhosa, Spanish, Danish, Esperanto, Ancient Latin, or Romanian reasonably well and notice that I've made a mistake por favor, tell me!
Disclaimer 2: I don't own the Teen Titans lol. Have I said that yet for this fic? It's no longer a habit I have. It's no longer a habit most of us have hahaha
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obito76 · 1 year
Chapter 39 : Guilty Pleasure
“So, Star is going to be out tomorrow since it's her turn for night patrol, do you want to do something?”
“Hmm, like?” She asked as she put her hands on his chest to increase the speed of her riding.
“I don’t know.” He put his hands on the back of her thighs and raised his upper body to cover one of her nipples with his mouth. She moaned, hugging his face against her breast and making him chuckle.
“What?” She asked stopping a little, savoring the feel of his cock inside her.
“You are so hot when you moan like that.” He pinched the nipple he was ravishing and she closed her eyes. “I love how your pussy is completely melting in my cock.”
“Well it's good since i keep myself tight and hot just for you.”
“It's fucking amazing.”
“So is your cock.” She put her hands behind herself, on his legs, and moved her hips until only his tip was inside of her. “Now I’m curious, what were you saying earlier.”
“We can cook, watch movie, or I can do this.” He put his hands on her back to hold her and his feet on the bed to raise his hips, entering her again. Raven moaned, hugging him.
“K-Keep doing this. It feels so good.”
He laughed and cupped her face to kiss her. Raven sighed, kissing him back and biting his bottom lip.
“So, what are you suggesting?” Raven hid her face in his neck while they fucked slowly, nibbling his skin with her lite biting game.
“We can cook together or watch movie or we can simply skip those steps and fuck all night.”
“Now! I’m interested.”
“Are you going to behave now, though?”
“What do you mean?” She smirked and pushed him to make him lay down on the bed. “Do you think I'm not behaving?”
She licked her lips and smirked.
“Maybe you will have to punish me th- AAH! ” She screamed when Dick turned them. Raven gasped when her back hit the mattress and he made her intertwine her legs around his hips.
“How about I just make you cum now, and we can think about tomorrow later?”
Raven laid on her back. Her legs were wrapped around him with intention of not letting him go until she feels satisfied and make him cum. “Sounds like a plan to me,”
This feeling of guilt and pleasure, and the fact that his girlfriend was out there thinking her boyfriend went to do some work, turned Raven on even more, she absolutely loved this feeling.
“So are you going to fuck me already?” Raven asked biting her lip as she grinned at him. She needed his cock inside her and now!
Dick positioned himself to push in and when his cock was only halfway through Raven grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him all the way in. She moaned as she felt her walls strech and her clit tickled by the familiar feeling as his cock suddenly hit her g-spot.
“Fuck,!” Robin muttered.
“M-hmm,” Raven moaned in a reply “I know”.
The pleasure built. Her heart started to speed up and her mind was focused only on the feeling of his cock pushing in and out of her. Her hips bucked every three or four humps, sometimes at two sometimes at five.
Then there was a knock on the door.
Dick stopped. Raven’s heart raced. Had she been screaming or moaning at such a level that she actually woke someone up?
“May I speak with you a moment friend Raven?” Came Starfire’s voice.
Raven looked at Robin wide eyed. He had an expression of fear on his face.
“Uh sure Star, just.. just a moment,” Raven called back before she turned her attention towards Dick and whispered.
'I will take care of it, you just keep yourself hard, Ok?'
Dick nodded and rushed beside the door. Raven went and got on the night t-shirt she was wearing earlier, which barely covered her bottom anything any way. She opened the door slightly, she peeked though the crack. Opening more would cause them trouble.
Does she know? Raven thought. She can’t. I hope she doesn’t.
Starfire fiddled with her thumb and Raven decided to get this over quickly, her pussy was aching for some attention.
“What is it Starfire?,” Raven asked, trying to keep her voice as normal as possible, after all she was moaning her boyfriend's name few seconds ago.
“Friend Raven,” Starfire said a little nervous, “I-i know what's happening..”
Raven’s eyes widened and so did Dick's. “W-What's happening?, I don't understand.”
“I want some advice,” Starfire said.
Raven said nothing as she watched her best friend looking down, She wasn't ashamed to admit she was really scared, she almost thought Starfire caught them. Raven felt her heart race..
“Are you free, friend Raven, can i come inside?” Starfire asked.
“NO!,” Raven said, rather too loudly than she intended. She cleared her throat and continued “No, i mean I'm doing something really important. And i would like to be alone,”
“Raven I- um…” Starfire couldn’t think of the right wording to use.
“We can talk here, though” Raven said.
“I would like to know the correct method to please your boyfriend...” Starfire said quickly.
Raven didn’t react at first. She felt absolutely lite. Starfire was still naive, and Raven released the breath she was holding, for who knows how long. She felt like smirking, here Starfire asking her about how to please Dick, who was right there beside the door, currently playing with Raven's ass.
Raven smiled widely. “Um, Starfire I’m grateful for you choosing me, but sorry.”
“But friend Raven!” Starfire whined.
Raven almost moaned as she felt his breath on her ass. They were assholes, they were erotic, they were Dirty for doing it in front of his girlfriend, but Raven Loved every single moment of it. Raven stopped for a moment and pushed her ass out more towards him, shooting him a quick smirked she continued to talk Starfire “I don't think, i will be much of help.”
Robin just grinned and delivered a hard smack on her ass. He grabbed her ass cheeks with his both hands and parted them as far as he could. Raven bit her bottom lip hard, keeping herself from making any noise as she felt his warm fingers teasing her butthole, between heavy breathing she managed to choke out her words “Don't you think others like Karen or Jinx will be good at this?,”
“He is your boyfriend, you should know what he lik…Fuck” Raven continued her conversation and moaned suddenly as entered her with a sharp thrust, she turned her head to glared at him. Robin just smirked as he started to move steadily. The wet slap resounded throughout the room, but surprisingly his girlfriend hadn’t heard a thing.
“Maybe i should talk to cyborg and beast boy too since they are Boyfriend Robin’s best friends ?”
Raven closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip grinning “M-Maybe yo…Fuck…you should.” Raven half moaned half replied too busy focusing on the pleasure she was feeling, she was getting fucked in front of her best friend, and none other than from her boyfriend .
Robin lost track of the their conversation the minute she buckle her hips, meeting with his each thrust. This was dangerous; they both knew it. At any moment, they could get caught, Starfire could figure out what her boyfriend was really doing with her best friend or what her best friend is doing with her boyfriend and then they would well and truly be fucked. But that was half the fun.
When Raven gave a particularly devilish twist of her hips, Robin jerked up into her, shaking himself out of his pussy. there’d be no way he could keep the strain out of his voice as she started to move her ass to meet with his each thrust , her inner muscles contracting around him, so tight, so wet, so fucking hot.
She almost released another moan, one that would’ve surely gotten them both caught. Figuring that she needed something to preoccupy her mouth with, she paused her movement a little.
“Wait Starfire,”
Raven smirked and left the door, arching her back fully to kiss him. Their tongue met and Raven shivered with pleasure. This feeling it was amazing, She resisted an urge to slam her door open and show Starfire, she was talking really good care of her boyfriend's cock.
'I'm really loving this, Dick' she whispered against his lips.
Deciding she had enough talk about orange girl’s boyfriend problems who was currently destroying her pussy she leaned forward to talk, “You know, Starfire, i really don't think i will be able to help you, uh…could you leave me alone?,” she stammered.
“Oh, okay friend Raven,”Starfire replied clearly disappointed. “I shall talk to friend Bumblebee or friend Jinx then.”
“Ok, good night friend Raven,” she told her.
“It really is good night,” Raven bit back a moan as he hit the right spot, “Yeah, see you.”she replied shortly, immediately closing her door and turned her head to look at him. Her hand travelled up to grab back of his neck, pulling his head in crook of her neck before she moaned.
“Dick, i want to taste you cock.” As she kneeled in front of him and took him in her mouth.
“Take it all,” he growled and pushed her down on him. In his lustful haze, he pressed her down as far as she could go. She made a few gagging sounds, which only served to arouse him more. He held her there for a few seconds, before allowing her to come off him for air.
“Asshole,” she said, squeezing his balls a bit harder in retribution. He gasped, and the smirk reappeared on her face. “Although, I suppose if that turns you on, them I'm all for it.” She leaned down to start sucking again, but he stopped her, and she gazed at him expectantly.
“Fuck,” he said, still catching his breath. “I’m close. Where do you want it?” Of course, he had his preferences, but being a gentleman came first.
She smiled. “On my tongue.”
“You are fucking hot.”
“I know. Though i still prefer you cumming on my face,” she said, fondling his balls lovingly. “And besides…” She wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked him a bit. “I have a feeling that’s what you want.”
“Suck on it, Raven,” he said, half commanding and half pleading in his lust. She bent over again, sucking on the tip and looking at him while doing so. He felt more pressure build up in his cock as he stared at her face. She looked down again so she could increase her pace, taking more of him every time she went down. He grunted and started breathing more irregularly, the feeling of it all electric to him. She must have sensed he was extremely close, as she went even faster, sucking and now stroking the base of his shaft with the same vigor. He groaned loudly, shutting his eyes and focusing on nothing but the insane pleasure of it all.
Dick came, letting out another groan as he felt his release. He shot it all in her mouth, emptying himself as she held her face there. She gagged a bit and some of it fell out of her lips, running down his shaft, but she took the rest of it, cleanly getting the last few spurts in her mouth. After another moment, he picked his head up and put his hand on her chin, tilting her towards him once more.
“Show me,” he urged. She stuck her cum-covered tongue out all the way, grinning. He fumbled around for his phone for a second, before she brought it into his hands with her powers. “Oh, fuck,” he said between ragged breaths as he snapped a few pictures. Then, she withdrew her tongue, and swallowed the load she’d held in her mouth.
“I love this taste,” she admitted. “Though, i dought your girlfriend will like this.”
He sat up, smiling, and pulled her close, kissing her on the forehead above her chakra. “You’re fucking hot.”
“How many time are you going to say that.” She pulled him into a kiss on the lips, then parted his lips with her tongue, sticking it in his mouth and eliciting a muffled moan of protest from him. After circling her tongue around for a few seconds, she broke from his lips and sneered. “Now taste yourself.”
He stuck his tongue out in disgust, more at the prospect of it than the actual taste, which was just a slight aftertaste of what she had had. “Fuck, what the heck,” he mumbled.
She leaned in again, until their faces were almost touching. “Well, there is one way you can get rid of that taste quickly…” she said, flashing a suggestive smile.
Dick grinned, and flipped her on her back. She let out a yelp from the suddenness of it, and in an equally fast motion, he spread her legs and dipped his face into her core, his tongue already running over her sensitive spots. She let out a drawn-out moan as he began to return the favor.
After all, they were just getting started.
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