#in which the tension™ is in the air
TMA fears as ASMR concepts
Disclaimer: I wrote this months ago in my notes app. This is not proofread in the *slightest*. So. It's gonna be shit. Lol. Enjoy, ig.
Also not canon compliant whatsoever so don't complain about that because I know.
-Michael Distortion: (POV: you're in the spiral) it's just 15 minutes of Michael whispering the same "baby sharchivist dododododo" tune and then him getting killed by Helen in the last minute.
-Nikola Orsinov does your skincare routine but it's just a direct parody of the Victor Van Dort does your Nails video where instead of the bts poster, the "blanket" is a black and white circus poster (see: Danny Stoker) that crumbles to ash when he puts it on. Also at the end she tries to do a "chemical peel" she found on "the internets". Michael comes in at the end and PRESIDENTIAL ALERT THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINNGGG.
"Why are you screaming? that's very rude, you know. Especially after I talked to your BOSS for you. And that was NOT an enjoyable experience. He's such a tool >:(("
"Spill the tea, archivist" "oh sorry, did you want some? Sorry ...too bad. You can't have this :33" "WHERE ARE MY MANNERS??" *sticks pinky finger out* "there! Much better"
-Jane Prentiss' GRWM but she doesn't have any other clothes so it's just "time for the fit check!!" *Camera cuts to her dress for one (1) second* then her makeup is just dirt, dirt, and "the worms love you."
-Simon Fairchild and Michael Crew giggle with each other while huddled together and whispering/gossiping and asking "should we do it, should we do it?" "Yeah yeah let's be bad" while shushing each other while occasionally interacting with the listener for 5 minutes and then the rest of the video is just them torturing them via the ocean (them holding you underwater for 2 minutes with muffled gurgling bubble noises accompanied by underwater ocean sounds and silent panicking), throwing you into the sky at extreme velocity (sounds of air blasting your eardrums for a solid 3 minutes before an airplane hits you full force and you fall back into the ocean...which is another whole minute of falling and panicking.), and then the rest of the video is just them laughing while basically using your limp, dazed body as a kite.
-Elias Bouchard beats you with a metal pipe ASMR.
-POV: Gerard Keay breaks into your house at 2:27 AM and ransacks it looking for a LEITNER "WHERE TF IS I- oh. You're awake..Hi." before leaving through the window but he can't make himself fit through so it's just a full minute of him struggling and awkwardly laughing while apologizing over and over. All this time, he's wearing so much eyeliner, he looks like Jeff the Killer. You point this out and he just goes "Oh! Thank you! :D"
-"Buried Alive ASMR: You Get Buried Alive. You are getting buried alive. Someone is burying you. Alive. It is peaceful." (Unnecessarily long, redundant title for what's just screaming that gets slowly muffled as the video goes on and more dirt is piled on top of you before you start to sound content and just. Go to sleep. At that point. Snoring.)
-The Vase eats your boyfriend in the other room. It's just sounds of porcelain and snoring and fleshy eating sounds with ear eating but it slowly progresses to sounds that make less and less sense until it's just the skeleton sound effects from Minecraft.
-POV spiders crawl all over you. They have covered your door in spiderwebs. You fall asleep crying but wake up to being choked to death via spiders crawling inside you and blocking your windpipe.
-Jared Hopworth, the Boneturner, turns your bones with sounds of squishy flesh moving around in the background. At the end, you get eaten by The Monster Pig™ and meat (lol) the body of the missing clown.
-You get sacrificed to The Desolation. Sounds of distant screaming is heard in the right ear while sounds of maniacal/pained laughter is heard in the left. Fire crackles throughout the woods.
-You are getting chased by something. You get stalked with a lot of tension at the beginning; sticks cracking, creepy giggling, devious sounds all around. Your breathing is uneasy, but then the sounds stop and you breathe a sigh of relief and go back to stoking your campfire. Something growls and finally says "evening" and starts counting down. From 5. You bolt away from your campsite downhill for 2 minutes breathing heavily and fast before you trip on a stick and tumble down the mountain getting hit by trees and sent over rocks. You're about to pass out, but then you hear sniffing and growling in your direction and you get back up with an "o shit" and hide in a tree. When the monster sniffs out your hiding spot, it can't reach you. The rest of the video is slightly muffled Gangnam Style.
-POV: Peter Lukas kidnaps you, throws you in a sack, and you are put on a ship to a deserted island. This part is just sounds of boards creaking and boat rocking sounds while you fall asleep to the sounds of Peter's VERY heavy snoring. You're both startled awake by distant "land ho!" And a very gruff Peter's voice talking to himself going "I'm up I'm up ugh". Rustling of the bag is heard while he picks you up and fumbles around with you. You're getting passed around and jostled a bunch. At one point he burns his toast. Sounds of intense crunching can be heard from this along with him saying "elgh" as if disgusted. Finally, he brings you to the deck and throws you overboard onto a deserted island (your bones break and you scream "MY LEGS") before you can hear him far away saying "alright, set sail, we're done here." You manage to get out of the bag (you are wincing, the drop heavily contorted your body) and the sun shines at you while birds squack above and the coast crashes onto the shore. You slowly lose your mind.
-POV you're in the War™ and get shot in the arm and fall into a cave with one of your comerades. You guys shakily and awkwardly attempt to make small talk as you both bleed out on top of several hundreds of other corpses. The Piper is heard in the distance getting louder. When he finally gets to you after taking your friend, you fall into a bottomless pit while he's up there yelling "OH FUCKING COME ONNNN." When you get out on the other side after a minute of silence with faint sounds of "I will remember you" plays quietly through the silence. When you get out, Mike and Simon are snickering before you cough up blood when they start bursting out in laughter being like "I'm sorry I'm SO sorry really but it's JUST. SO FUNNY."
-POV: Robert Montauk is preparing to kill you, sharpening his tools and humming and whatnot before Julia comes in and asks what her dad's doing. While he's distracted, you escape the shitily tied knots and run through pitch dark while he chases you with an axe. "COME BACK. COME BACCKKK. YOU FUCKER I NEED YOU. FUCKER." You run into a church. Manuela Dominguez tries to apprehend you. It doesn't work. "Where the hell's Fairchild when you need him?"
Robert bursts through the church and gets pissed at you for making him scream curse words that his daughter could hear. Throws the axe at you. He misses. Now you have a weapon. You charge at him but fall through another pitch black hole where none other than yours truly are on the other side of it laughing their ASSES off just DYING. "OK. OK Whooooo. We SWEAR that was the last of it hahaha" "haha yeah just some guys bonding over a good laugh, you understand."
-The End. Just. An end screen.
You're dropped into Season one Jon's office and they (annoyed) take your statement. Typing sounds are heard while you frantically go "then the old guy..a-nd then the other old guy then the 2 old men and. And. Worm lady. Skin. Chemical peel." As they mumble "uh huh, yeah. Heh, heard that one before. No go on, go on." When statement ends, you leave but stay at the door to eavesdrop while they skepticize like "this man needs some antispychotics and he needs them NOW. Ugh. My job is utter buffoonery. MAHTIN."
You turn to walk away but get ambushed by Elias Bouchard. The last sound of the video is just a metal pipe hitting you over the head.
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elbiotipo · 1 month
The sound of the bioalarm clock woke Marcos up. It was time to go to the bioclub. Marcos was a biopunk, which meant he had a cool tattoo that could read and modify genomes, but instead of having like cool superpowers he just made like fruit and weird flowers because superheroes are an imperialist fantasy and I don’t want to write about them.
Marcos washed his teeth with the biotoothpaste and ate biofruit he biomodded himself with his biotattoo on the local bioforge. He read the bionews in his biosmartphone and then went away. He went to the biotoilet which recycled his poop into more bioinfraestructure because that's how it is in the future. Marcos lived in a barrio made of container boxes because the world was fucked up because of The War and it was all the Argentine goverment could give him. He put on his Official AFA Argentine National Football Team jersey and went away.
Marco turned on his Yamaha™ Old School motorcycle. You should keep in mind that it’s weird that it uses gas because it’s The Future and nothing uses gas anymore because there was an Oil Crisis that created an Neo-Inca Civilization I'm not talking about here. But Marcos is relatable so he goes everywhere in motorcycle.
Buenos Aires was a cool city. It was very much buenosairean, with old buildings in the uhhh porteño style, and new buildings that looked like DNA and molecules and all that stuff I should be studying instead of writing this. The city was green with plants and everything was shiny… Except for the places that were fucked up by bioweapons and war that nobody should go into, so pretty much like today.
Helicopters that were ripped off Neon Genesis Evangelion or perhaps Half Life 2 flew over the city. They were part of the Genendarmería, the Argentine Genetic Police, which were asshole cops just like the gendarmería but with talking dogs. Their mission was to provide dramatic tension and show that behind all the wonders of technology this is a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by The War.
“Hmm, che the fact I live in a post-apocalyptic world is kind of a bajón” Marcos thought in Argentinean. He was Argentine by the way.
Marcos arrived at the Mariposa Tecnicolor bioclub. It was like a huge tree with buildings stuck on it, or a building with trees growing out of it, I don’t know. It was cool, but it had Seen Better Days.
Marina opened the door. She was reading a book. She was always reading a book. Paper books are a hipster thing in The Future but don't tell her.
"Olá, Marcos." she said in Brazilian (she's from Brazil)
Marcos smiled.
"What are you reading, Marina?" "Oh I'm reading Borges." Borges is an Argentine author. "Wouldn't you say this tree is kind of like a Borges story?" Marina said an awkward literary reference. "I sure would!" Marcos answered happily, because she was her crush. "In fact, it reminds me to a Julio Cortázar story!" Marcos said another awkward reference. "I like literary references!" Marina said. They also liked each other, because books. They didn't say it, because Sexual Tension.
They entered the tree. Inside there was a messy laboratory that I would describe in more detail but since I'm lazy think about it like some sort of art school classroom mixed with a cheap university biolaboratory all made in wood. In The Future, biological laboratories are biological, but not in the gross usual biopunk way, they are made of wood and look like trees, because trees are the best laboratories and can make drugs, you should know this if you're learned plant physiology.
Marcos friends were there. They were drinking mate, because this is set in Argentina. They were six in total, because Friends.
Then, a cyborg dolphin spoke:
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phdmama · 1 year
On a Wednesday, In a Café
(For @phoebe-delia who puts up with me and lets me pop in to ask things like WHO INSULTED TAYLOR SWIFT’S SENSE OF HUMOR?? This is just a tiny little vignette inspired by Start Again. I think this also fits for @drarrymicrofic and the prompt “hope” - in a way.)
The café is weirdly busy for a Wednesday morning. 
Draco is moderately disgruntled. He’s used to having the place to himself — his Wednesday mornings are sacred. It’s the one day of the week he can sleep in, as he doesn’t have to be at work until after lunch, and he loves coming to this small, cosy coffee shop. He always gets the same thing, the largest café au lait they serve with two shots of vanilla and whatever savoury scone they’re baking that day, and he always sits in the same place, one of the big comfy overstuffed armchairs in the corner by the fireplace. He reads whatever journal he’s brought along and he eats his scone and he drinks his coffee and it’s just. Really nice. That’s all. 
Okay, at least today, no one is in the other armchair, so when Draco sits down and pulls out his journal, maybe it’s a little louder than usual, but things are still fine in his world. He’s managed to tune out the sounds of the people around him, reduced them to background white noise as he reads up on the latest innovations in cauldron technology (spoiler alert: InstantCauldron™ is a misnomer because it does not, in fact, do all the prep work for you even if it does brew in less than half the time a standard cauldron takes, so there’s really nothing Instant about it, not that Draco is bitter). In any case, he’s focused on what he’s reading which is why at first he doesn’t really register the words that he’s hearing.
“Did you hear about…”
“I read that…”
“Did you know he…”
And Draco doesn’t even have to look up to know what’s happened.
Potter is here.
Draco slowly lowers the journal to his lap and learns that he is, in fact correct. Standing at the counter in a pair of ratty jeans and a giant hoodie is one Harry James Potter. His hair is ridiculous and his trainers have seen far, far better days, but he is, as always, infuriatingly handsome.
Except for the tension that Draco can read clearly in his shoulders, the way his eyebrows furrow in a frown, and the way he’s glaring suspiciously at the cashier. He has his reasons, Draco knows.
Late last year, some eight months ago now, Potter had come home from a mission to find his live-in lover in bed with not one, but two young men. Not just any young men, it turned out, but two young men who were high on the Ministry’s Most Wanted List.  Potter had arrested them all on the spot (Draco has to give him credit for a cool head under what had to have been rather stressful conditions). When the now-ex was out on bail, the first thing he’d done was go to the press and air all of Potter’s… Well, not dirty laundry exactly. None of what Potter gets up to in his own bed chamber is particularly sordid or shocking (some of it sounds like great fun, actually) but it is, well, private. 
And privacy is a luxury Harry James Potter has had very little of. 
Potter accepts his drink, and turns around, eyes scanning the room as if searching for the knife he knows is aimed at his back, but then he catches sight of Draco and something very strange happens.
Potter’s shoulders drop, the lines in his forehead smooth out, and then, shockingly, he smiles.
Draco blinks in confusion but no, his eyes are not deceiving him. Potter is raising his cup to his lips and taking a sip, never breaking eye contact, and then, after he swallows, that smile still playing about his beautiful lips, he starts walking toward Draco.
“Anyone sitting here?” His voice is low as he nods towards the empty chair next to Draco and for a moment, all Draco can do is stare at him, dumbfounded.
“Malfoy?” Potter prompts and Draco shakes his head.
“Oh, sorry. No. No one’s sitting there,” and to Draco’s deep astonishment, Potter sits down.
Potter leans back, cross one leg over his threadbare knee, and takes another sip.
“So,” he says, “how have you been?”
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trashlie · 10 months
Love your thoughts on ep 231 ohmygod you (and poisonheart) summed everything up perfectly! What I would like to add for your consideration is that it feels like Nol indirectly projects his own fears about his situation with Shin-ae when he talks about Dieter. And it doesn't take away from his empathy for Dieter or his guilt, it's another layer for us readers to pick up on. "Those feelings take forever to vanish" and "it doesn't help that you spend time with him" and "all [stringing him along and being wishy-washy] does is prolong the pain" -- Nol fears this might happen to him if Shin-ae keeps insisting there's nothing between them, or if she rejects him and wants to stay "just friends". And it's obvious that he is absolutely not willing to go through that, not on top of everything else he's already dealing with. Dieter might be okay with being "just friends", that's his choice, but Nol knows he cannot take that same route. He doesn't have the willpower to swallow all his feelings and pretend like he's fine with being "just friends", especially when all the signs that she has similar feelings for him are there. That would be unbearable. I believe that is where, maybe just subconsciously, part of his frustration and this urgency, but also his resolution and "all in"-mindset come from. His options are just really limited.
Also. It needs to be said that Nol pushing Shin-ae to find the answer on her own instead of giving it to her was probably the best thing he could do. He gave her a lot to think about and evaluate when he implied that their shared moment was romantic and that Dieter also thinks that, and pointed out that it's him who she has a special connection with and not Dieter, that "because we're friends" doesn't explain her actions and behavior (and feelings) anymore. And then he topped it all off with the "convince me" and The Look™ (which I believe was a calculated move) that made her blush and avert her eyes for the 274th time in the past couple of hours, to really drive home that whatever this is, it doesn't fit the term "platonic" anymore. What is it then, to her? That's something she has to realize herself. It's not for him to tell her, to explain it to her. It's actually crazy that by rejecting her "we're friends" answer and kicking her out, he essentially said "come back when you've figured out that you're in love with me" LIKE. SCREAMS. People are saying he should've just told her how he feels, but... Time and place. What good would that even do when she's mad at him and still so stuck on the friendship thing? She's in no way prepared to hear a confession from him. It'd overwhelm and confuse her. And what kind of response would she even give in the state she's in, realistically? That'd be so messy and YELLS some people simply cannot appreciate the TENSION THE ANGST THE SUBTEXT ALL THE THINGS UNSPOKEN IN THE AIR BETWEEN THEM like come on we can have lil a miscommunication as a treat, especially when it fits the narrative… Y'all are gonna get your fluffy moments soon enough, let us enjoy the PAIN so that the payoff is much sweeter. GAH.
YELLS some people simply cannot appreciate the TENSION THE ANGST THE SUBTEXT ALL THE THINGS UNSPOKEN IN THE AIR BETWEEN THEM like come on we can have lil a miscommunication as a treat
YOU GET IT ANON YOU GET IT YOU ABSOLUTELY GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am screaming from the roof I am hanging off the gutters screaming YOU FUCKING GET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
Like, on some level I understand why people want to rush to a certain point want to jump to confirmations but to me IT'S NOT READY WE'RE NOT READY. I am into PINING I am into YEARNING I need a man to become VERY PATHETIC about the girl he likes I need him to writhe in agony over what he wants I need conflict I need the embarrassing realization about a character's feelings i need them blushing in the dark all alone with their stomach twisting up their heart rustling with all the butterflies trying to break out of their rib cage. I need them meeting and averting gazes and feeling so on display and so vulnerable and RAW i need them EMBARRASSED that they have feelings GROSS EWW HOW DID THIS HAPPEN i need subconcious dreams i need toes curling i need the want the want the WANT holding back bUT BARELY HOLDING BACK
I need tension SO GOOD SO DELECTABLE i'm bouncing off the walls and ceilings like a todder who just ate their way through all the sugar in the house. i need LOADED moments that make me throw down my phone i need the subtext!!!!!!!! I need to inject it in my veins and shriek like a banshee WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE WANT TO SKIP THIS PART WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO JUST JUMP TO THE NEXT PART THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF THIS IS! WHAT! ROMANCES ARE MADE OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the things that lead up to it, it's the build up, it's the WANTING to crush them together the DYING FOR IT TO HAPPEN.
but anyway
lemme pretend to be normal about this for a bit
I think what's soooooo good about the subtext is YES all those things unsaid. That as much as Nol is speaking on Dieter's behalf - he speaks on his own. It's not that Shinae needs to figure out her feelings for Dieter's sake but for his own, too, because RIGHT because she is too important to him now THIS is too important it means too much and he WANTS IT TOO MUCH to be wishy wash to be half-assed to be either or not. And that's what is SO GOOD to me. He IS scared. He needs her to come to the realization, to face the truth and embrace it because he needs it to be true. He needs to know what he suspects is true.
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He doesn't have the willpower to swallow all his feelings and pretend like he's fine with being "just friends", especially when all the signs that she has similar feelings for him are there. That would be unbearable.
Nol has spent so much of his time trying to close himself off, to isolate himself and to just seal himself away and then here's Shinae, mirroring him, chasing him down and trying to pull him out of every hole he tries to hide himself in. She is beating down his doors she is telling him at every opportunity that she loves him that he is important that she can't throw this all away.
And we've established before: Nol can't resist her. At all!!!!! He tries and he fails at every time. He tries to block her away but he still leaves her these openings. Like, he blocked her number but he STILL LOOKED AT HIS SPAM knowing what kind of message would be in there.
He tells himself he doesn't want it doesn't deserve it but he DOES. He LIKES that she cares. He LIKES that she sees him. He tried to make himself not care, but he wants it. He WAS disappointed when Shinae left after the dance - because he pushed her away again, because her hurt her again. He's so afraid of losing her at this point (I'm sure that's part of why he couldn't look at her at the time - not just that he was crying and doesn't want to be seen like that, but he must be scared, afraid that after he leaves this will all disappear she'll change her feelings it won't mean anything anymore) and when he pulled off the blindfold she was gone.
It's like.... kind of like Shinae says - they've been through so much together. But because he's aware of those feelings now - because he knows what she means to him, he CAN'T go back. Going back to just friends? After she's pushed for him after she's fought for him after she's boxed down his walls?
How can he go back to it? HOW?
Shinae made him open up, too. He has revealed so much more to her than I think he's revealed to others. Alyssa probably knows more about his life than Soushi and Dieter, but I think he's revealed more to Shinae. She made him care and how can go back to being "just friends".
Usually I hate that argument but in his case, I get it. Shinae is so important to him, means so much (HE LITERALLY IS ALIVE BECAUSE OF HER AT THIS POINT) and to go back to just.... not feeling this? To being just friends? We've watched him reach out to her SO MANY TIMES and deny himself. And now that he has? Now that he's reached out now that he has felt these things? It would be so unbearable!
What is it then, to her? That's something she has to realize herself. It's not for him to tell her, to explain it to her. It's actually crazy that by rejecting her "we're friends" answer and kicking her out, he essentially said "come back when you've figured out that you're in love with me" LIKE. SCREAMS.
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I LOVE that he's leaving it to her. I fully think Shinae has been, partly, influenced by Dieter's feelings for her. Would she have started to feel anything for him if she didn't know he already likes her? Would she have seen anything in the way he looks at her if she didn't know it already? And I FULLY think Nol confessing at this time would have made things worse - it would confuse her! And I think it would probably make her avoid him. I don't think she'd be able to handle it if he confessed because she doesn't even know her own feelings, let alone how to handle his. And BECAUSE his feelings are intricately tied to hers in relation to what Dieter oversaw it would absolutely influence her own feelings.
She's got to be able to come to this realization herself because, frankly, she's been confessing to him ALL fucking night long. She keeps telling him how important he is to her, what he means to her! But she doesn't understand WHY he's important to her. She doesn't understand WHY she's putting all her energy into hanging on to him, into tethering him to her. And as much it's not fair to Dieter, it's also not fair to Nol, either, for those confused feelings to go on all tangled up. But likewise, Nol IS telling her how he feels, too - just, you know. Subtextually.
Comparing their relationship to Dieter's to illuminate just how different they, how much more intense theirs is compared to what she has with Dieter. That fucking LINE the "not even as friends" ;______; It's about the way she elevates Nol above him, the way she will drop everything for him. He knows it! Dieter can see it! But she can't see it for what it is yet and he needs her to. He keeps showing her what he feels by telling her what Dieter saw. That it wasn't just platonic - not from him. She's so insistent it didn't mean anything that it's not romantic even though HE WAS LOOKING AT HER LIKE THAT. HE WAS COMMANDING HER TAKE OFF HER SHOES LIKE THAT. She was getting SO WORKED UP about that moment!!!!!! THIS MAN ASKED HER TO DANCE IN THE MOST INTENSE FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHE IS CONVINCED IT'S SO PLATONIC JUST
Thinking about it from Dieter's POV is really NUTS, too, because he sees the things Shinae doesn't know how to identify. Even before the whole dancing thing (the idea of DIETER seeing the Shinae that Nol didn't, seeing how happy she was, how much fun she was having), thinking about like.... it really starts when Shinae gives him her gift, right? She gets SO EMBARRASSED - SO SHY about him seeing it and she thinks it's so simple and that it can't compare bUT IT DOES. It's a call back to their early days, the whole "you don't suck that much" akjakfkafkjafjkafkjfkjfa THE WAY WE DON'T SEE HIS EYES WE JUST SEE HIM LOOK OVER AT HER SO SHY TRYING NOT TO TAKE NOTICE and then suddenly he's just. OVERCOME. He's reaching out he's touching her hair!!!!!!!!!!! She isn't even pulling away!!!!!!!! He's leaning in they're so close they're just IN EACH OTHER'S SPACE and imagine it from his POV, how he's seeing it, that chemistry that just EXISTS between them, that intimacy and tenderness that's just LOADED and how he can probably feel it so heavy in the pit of his stomach because could he ever be so bold? No, never. Could he reach out and touch her like that? Encroach on her space? Sit so close to her? The flirting with the finger dancing and their giggles and the ease they're just SO EFFORTLESS and he doesn't have that and he knows it and he's known all along but now he has to ACCEPT it now he has to face the reality that everything he worried about everything he feared is true that there's no room for him in between them there and LJFAKKFKAFLAFKJAF
There's nothing "friends" about that babes and Nol knows it and Dieter knows it and we know it but SHE needs to come to the conclusion. She needs to wake up and realize that oh my god that's why it all matters that's what it all means that's why she's fighting so hard that's why he's so important. And then being able to see all the things he said to her between the lines, what it meant for Dieter to oversee that I just
I'm SO glad Nol hasn't confessed! It would be SO messy! It would make things so much worse it would hurt so much for EVERYONE. She's gotta sort out her feelings! Nol is really good at reading her, and he knows how to push her in the right direction. It's not the right time. I think maybe people who want him to confess don't see it that way - that it would be so overwhelming and probably scare her off. i mean, even coming to the realization on her own will probably give her a scare, but it's different when she realizes that oh, I'M in love with him AS WELL as oh god HE'S IN LOVE WITH ME? compared to him confessing and leaving her feeling even more confused
like don't get me wrong there's a part of me that likes to imagine him just BREAKING and bursting out that "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY! IT DIDN'T MEAN NOTHING TO ME" but I do prefer the canon. That's just good for a nice moment of imagined dramatics, you know?
But also. YEAH. We just. We need to RIDE OUT SOME NICE YEARNING AND FEELINGS AND ANGST FIRST. I'm pretty sure it won't last. Quimchee doesn't like drawing these things out and Shinae's confused feelings are a clear subversion of "girl does not realize she's in love" so I am confident the truth is going to hit her, but until then I want to enjoy the writhing and the ache!!!! Because that's what makes it SO MUCH BETTER when they can finally admit it!!!!!!! Where's the fun in jumping right to it? I want to SAVOR this so that when they can admit it, when they can say the words, when they can face the reality, it feels SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! There's so much RELIEF!!!!!!!
I'm fully certain we'll see that before Nol goes to jail - the whole of this confrontation would mean NOTHING if he leaves while things are unresolved. The entirety of this whole ovearching arc of his return would be undone and leave us right back where we were, with no resolution, no one knowing where they stand. So like. Come on guys, it's coming just sit back and enjoy this ride a bit. When you think about it we haven't even been in this stage long! Like WE've been watching them fall in love this whole time, we've been watching them find a home in each other, we've been watching their souls come together intertwine and connect and imprint but THEY haven't sat with this long at all. Nol ONLY JUST REALIZED he has feelings.
I need Shinae to have an awakening dream about all the subtext all the things unsaid all the subconscious feelings she isn't aware of creeping in and if involves them kissing then WHO AM I TO SAY NO?
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neverevan · 6 months
see the thing is i want to know everything about all your wips but i'm supposed to CHOOSE? how's that fair?
anyway i'm cheating and i wanna know about screaming universe AND eddie gets engaged pls
It's not even cheating at this point, we both know I can't say no to you 💛💛
Okay so first the screaming universe wip: it's a 5+1, where the universe is trying to give buddie the push to make the right decisions throughout their relationship, from getting together to getting married and some of it is silly and fluffy and some of it is just pain™
It is also what this sentence was from hehe
Here's a tiny tease from part 1, where Chris asks some tough questions:
Buck couldn't spit or swallow at gunpoint right now. Jesus Christ.
It was still at least 20 minutes before Eddie would be home and this conversation was probably only second to the sex talk on the list of conversations that Buck did not want to have with Chris without Eddie – or frankly, at all.
Eddie gets engaged is a little bit of a fuzzy thing and mostly just vibes at the moment BUT it's obviously angst, because it's me hah but of course there is a happy ending 🫶
Eddie gets engaged and asks Buck to be his best man, which... well he's not taking it as well as he thought he would and it comes to the point where he just snaps and tells Eddie how he feels (about him and the wedding and all of it) and maybe even kisses him a little (or more who knows)... then Eddie runs away because he is engaged and his whole family just came down to LA for the engagement party and he just can't deal with this right now.
Anyway here is a bit from like the angstiest scene so far:
"So." Buck broke the silence, helping none of the crackling tension in the air. "What does this mean for us?"
"Us?" Eddie's laugh was ugly and sharp, snapping right through Buck's spine. "There is no us, Buck. Not the way you want it anyway."
Buck clenched his jaw, using all of his strength to not shout as he spat: "Because you don't want it or bacause you wanna punish me?"
"Can't it be both?" Eddie sighed in resignation and for the first time since they've known each other, Buck felt like Eddie has given up on him.
"Could be." Buck gave it to him quietly. "It isn't though, is it?"
Ask me about my wips
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fic rec friday
saw this going around for the last few weeks and wanted to join in, so thanks for the open tag @welcometololaland!
this week's theme: a fic that lives in your mind rent free
the rules: tag the fic that lives in your mind rent free and describe why it's so good / how it has a hold on you. then tag some fellow associates to see what everyone else is reading. spread the love!
going to sort of cheat with this one and go with two (in no particular order) because i thought of both of them and why not spread the love to two authors instead of one!
the byline by @rosetintednerdglasses
alex just absolutely comes alive on the page with rose's casting of him as president luna's charismatic press secretary in this fic! i hadn't given much thought as to alex's path in politics beyond him becoming a representative or senator, maybe president one day, but this incarnation of press secretary!alex now lives in my heart as canon™. the first prince banter and dynamic is wonderful, especially as we find out more about henry's backstory. this fic carries much of the optimism of rwrb in its view of politics and the world, which is a breath of fresh air in today's political climate, even amid situations that at first appear hopeless. do yourself a favor and add it to your tbr list if you haven't read it already!
a delicate balance by @orchidscript
i will never be over how orchid characterizes alex and his relationship to his race in her fics, and this one is a great example! the tension of alex feeling passed over in the industry because of his race pitted against newcomer henry with legacy in theatre is absolutely delicious, including how it all blows up in one particular confrontation. and seeing henry's side of the story, including his journey with grief, will make your heart ache. the journey of seeing them not only make peace but begin to fall in love on set is beautiful, especially cast against the period drama they're starring in. cannot stress how highly i recommend this fic!
what fics live rent-free in your minds @rosetintednerdglasses @orchidscript @jazzerdoc @indomitable-love @cheesecurdsgravyandfries (plus open tag as always)?
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beansterpie · 1 year
For the character bingo: Griffith, Farnese, The Fool, aaaand your favourite Eyeshield 21 character, whoever that may be.
<3 <3 <3 tyyy for the ask! most of which I will putting under a cut because this is quite long lol so GRIFFITH:
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Oh were to start <3
Griffith is such a wonderful character who's been living rent free in my brain for the past? Several years?? But I also haven't encountered a character who incites quite so much vitriolic hatred like he does, especially considering that he's written to be quite sympathetic imo. The amount of terrible takes out in the wild web is bonkers, thus the 'everyone but me (and my friends) are wrong about him' and 'done dirty by the fans'. Regarding being done dirty by the creators, that's still up in the air-- depends on how his arc ends. But seeing as the whole moonbaby thing uh exists, I think my choice is valid.
I love Griffith and Guts equally, in large part because of the way they orbit one another, so they both work better as a dynamic (which each other <3) and he's one of the two best characters in the work imo. There's so much wrong with this boy, but I'm adamant that he's never done anything wrong ever in his life, and this opinion really IS like swinging a bat at a hornet's nest lmfaooo. Fight me about it!!
That being said though, in large part because of his Issues™ and Actions™, no I would not want to meet him irl. Even if the eclipse didn't happen, he's just too intense and messy man, I don't wanna deal with that. I just wanna watch and poke him from afar.
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Farense is one of those characters where I really like her potential as a character, but I'm largely disappointed with how she turned out lol. I think her initial character traits were really fascinating, and quite unique! Plus her complicated relationships with her half brother is also really frought with tension, but then halfway through her personality basically does a 180 and all the things that were interesting about her mostly up and disappear. AND, so far anyway, the issues between her and Serpico have just been left hanging. So yeah, loved when there was something deeply wrong with her, and never want to meet her because of it, so I like the version of her that I wish she had been.
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It's them!! I love the Fool (or Beloved, his true name), he is so precious. He is put through so much shit, though that isn't the reason why I think he was done dirty (well, not the only reason). That's for lack of follow through with FitzFool as a ship lmfaooo I just wanted them to be happy together and I was so mad to learn that doesn't actually really happen. I would love to see the Fool in every book in the series, and to be more prominant in the ones that he IS in because he's great and that's that. And he really DID nothing wrong ever in his life, and I'm not even being all that tongue and cheek about it lol. Usually characters who are just Good™ can be a bit boring, but he's just such an endearing mix of mischevious, mysterious, and genuinely kind, that I can't help but love him.
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I've been rereading es21 lately and ugh, I love him your honor. He's kind of a strange character to describe, because in a lot of ways he starts off less as a character and more just this narrative force of nature that exists to make crazy, badass things happen since our protagonist is like, the meekist of meek in personality, and nothing would happen if it was left up to him lol. But as the series progresses you do see glimpses of his humanity, and he loves football!! and his friends!! And he's just UGH so over the top but so relatable and inspiring? Weird combo but there it is.
But yeah he is a difficult character to capture I think, because bluffing is like breathing to him and he's also at least half a loonytoons character. (He and Bugs Bunny should really hang out) So while I have definitely seen good depictions of him in fic and art and stuff, I also see looootsss of stuff where I'm like 'he would NOT say/do that' hfhfh. Plus I have specific hc's about him that I'm pretty adamant about. Also he's the fandom bicycle, and I think the ships are all fairly valid, but the really popular ones are the ones that I actively don't ship so.
He is such a fun character, but I would hate to meet him in real life because he'd probably blackmail me into doing menial jobs for him with no reward soooooo that is also why there are many things wrong with him lol. He's the kind of character that works because the story he's in is also really over the top-- if you met him in real life, he'd just be in jail.
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pacoslimee · 1 year
General 3 am Ramblings About the Showtime Series “Dexter”
Ok so I never watched this show as it was airing. I know my dad was and due to cultural osmosis I knew some things about it going in: 1. It was about a serial killer who went after other serial killers.
2. Season 4 is considered the best.
3. The “Surprise Motherfucker” meme is from this show.
4. People don’t like the finale to either Dexter nor it’s 2021 revival Dexter: New Blood.
Earlier this year I felt a compulsion to start the show and see for myself what all the fuss was about. I am currently on the last episode of Season 5 and I have Some Thoughts™ and felt like getting them out now. I’ll go into detail under the cut.
Season 1: From the get go I enjoyed this show. The cast was good and the premise was interesting. While I knew Dexter was a serial killer I didn’t know he worked as a forensics expert for the Miami police. Which immediately throws in a neat twist to the formula. I enjoyed the season long mystery about the Ice Truck Killer and the tension between Dexter and Sergeant Doakes. Satisfying season with a good story and good characters.
Season 2: I don’t know if I like it as much or more than season 1. The stakes have been raised so high and the tension was palpable. I honestly don’t have anything interesting to say about it other than it was a great continuation and I enjoyed it.
Season 3: The introduction of the potential new ally and Dexter grappling with breaking his moral code was really good stuff. Nice character development all around. I would say I don’t like this season as much as 1 or 2 but it is still more of a show I like so I can’t complain.
Season 4: I can see why this is the fan favorite season. A very memorable villain and it just feels like the show has entered its stride. Excellent character development for Dexter especially considering his complicated relationship that develops with the Trinity Killer. I will say that this was the first time with show that I personally felt uneasy watching death scenes. I am already squeamish but for some reason prior to this season the macabre aspects didn’t get to me.
Season 5: This is where my thoughts get complicated. I had heard that starting with season 5 there is a decrease in quality. And for a solid two-thirds of the season I felt that people were maybe judging it too harshly. But then halfway through episode 11 of the 12 episode season it hit me. An entire storyline had been entirely dropped. A new character had been introduced throughout several episodes and then had been added to the homicide team. And then they just didn’t show up again for the rest of the season. Another character’s motives and personality completely shifts with very little explanation. I still find myself intrigued with the main murder case. But I can’t really ignore all the little cracks every where else in the season. I have yet to finish episode 12 so maybe it sticks the landing and ties everything together. So far this is probably my least favorite season but I still like the format of the show and most of the cast.
I may do a second post once I finish the series but this is what I got so far.
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stevecarell600 · 11 months
Aviation High Speed Motor Market Growth, Analysis, Size, Trends, Emerging Factors, Demands, Key Players and Potential of Industry Till 2028
The global aviation high speed motor market size is projected to reach USD 3.74 billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.62% during the forecast period. According to a recent report by Fortune Business Insights™, titled “Aviation High Speed Motor Market, 2023-2028”, the value of the market was estimated to be USD 2.33 billion in 2023.
Information Source:
The sudden arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented upheavals in the aviation industry, shocking the aviation high speed motor market growth. The principal factor for the negative impact of the pandemic on this market is the revenue shortfalls experienced by motor manufacturing companies when major economies, such as India and Japan, underwent lockdowns from March 2020 onwards. Siemens, for instance, witnessed a 59.5% in its third-quarter earnings in 2020, triggered by the shutdown of its factories and plants.
List of Key Players Profiled in the Aviation High Speed Motor Market Report:
MGM COMPRO (Czechia)
H3X Technologies Inc. (The U.S.)
NEMA Ltd. (The U.K.)
Allied Motion Technologies (The U.S.)
Meggit PLC (The U.K.)
Pipistrel (Slovenia)
Xoar International LLC (The U.S.)
EMRAX d.o.o. (Slovenia)
Windings Inc. (The U.S.)
ARC Systems Inc. (The U.S.)
Siemens (Germany)
Safran Electrical & Power (France)
MagniX (The U.S.)
Sydney Seaplanes, Dante Aeronautical, and MagniX Announce Exciting Partnership
Dante Aeronautical, Sydney Seaplanes, and MagniX announced a path-breaking partnership in December 2020, under which the companies will co-develop the world’s first-ever Electric Cessna Caravan Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) program. Leveraging MagniX’s aviation high speed motor propulsion system, Dante and Sydney will convert the Cessna Caravan into a fully-electric aircraft that will be certified by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority. Set to be completed by 2023, the STC will position Sydney Seaplanes as an undisputed leader in electric aircraft operations, and Dante as the technology integrator, across Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific.
Increasing Deployment of UAVs for Military Operations to Fuel the Market
Aviation high speed motors are the most important components in powering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These aerial machines are being increasingly deployed by armed forces around the world for military operations in the context of national security, cross-border tensions, and growing terrorist activities. For example, in March 2021, the Indian Army leased four Heron UAVs from Israel Aerospace Industries to counter aggression by Chinese troops along the India-China border. Furthermore, defense agencies are also collaborating with aviation companies to build next-generation drones to enhance their defense arsenal. In February 2021, for instance, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded contracts to Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and General Atomics to craft air-to-air combat drones under its LongShot program. Such prolific progress in UAV technology will spawn incredible opportunities for players in this market and elevate its potential.
Commercial Aircraft Segment to Occupy Commanding Position
In terms of platform, this market has been divided into commercial aircraft, general aviation aircraft, business aircraft, electric aircraft, UAVs, and helicopters. The commercial aircraft segment led the market in 2020 with a share of 22.50%, owing to the soaring demand for commercial aircraft worldwide. As a consequence, domestic airliners are rapidly procuring commercial airplanes from aviation companies. For example, in March 2021, United Airlines placed an order for an additional 25 jets from Boeing’s 737 Max fleet to prepare itself for a rebound from the coronavirus crisis.
By type, the global market has been segregated into AC motor and DC motor. Based on application, the market has been segmented into propulsion system, flight control, and fuel management system. On the basis of geography, the market has been classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
North America to Emerge as the Most Profitable Region for Market Players
North America is expected to lead the aviation high speed motor market share in the forthcoming period owing to the consistently high demand for domestic air travel in the US and Canada. This will make the region highly profitable for market players throughout the forecast period. In 2020, the region’s market size was at USD 0.61 billion.
The market for aviation high speed motors is anticipated to enjoy excellent growth prospects in Latin America due to the increasing tourist activities in Brazil and Argentina.
Partnerships with Startups by Key Players to Energize Market Competition
The leading competitors in this market are actively partnering with startups to develop and deploy aviation high speed motor units to power electric aircraft. These collaborations are significant as they are enabling key players to expand their product portfolios as well as solidify their presence in the market. Moreover, such partnerships are facilitating technology exchanges that can rapidly enhance the growth potential of this market.
Industry Development:
December 2020: MagniX was selected by the UK-based startup Faradair to power its proposed fleet of 300 electric aircraft. The startup aims at releasing its 18-passenger airplanes by 2026, which will be built in the UK itself.
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refrigerantgases · 1 year
Important Tips to Choose the Right Refrigerant Gas
Assuming you are a HVAC&R expert, how would you pick the right refrigerant when you administration your refrigeration hardware?
A great many people will say that it is shown on the nameplate of the refrigeration hardware.
Indeed, truth be told, however why pick this refrigerant over different kinds of refrigerants like Freon™ MP39 (R-401A)?
How could a cooler, climate control system, or unit maker not pick another refrigerant?
gorakhram haribux, as an expert air conditioning provider and maker like hfc refrigerant  , let me let you know the response today.
There are various sorts of refrigerants and various names in various business sectors, yet the job that refrigerants play in HVAC&R frameworks is practically something very similar.
The synthetic and actual properties of refrigerants decide the plan thoughts and development kinds of HVAC&R hardware.
These different Research and development thoughts produce various sorts of refrigeration gear, like forced air systems, fridges, cold capacity units, and so forth.
This shows that the course of refrigerant advancement is a fundamental subject.
We currently examine the properties of refrigerants according to the perspective of thermodynamics, material science, and financial matters.
Refrigerant Gas Thermodynamic Prerequisites
⦁ To get lower vanishing temperature and higher solidness, we require the limit of the refrigerant to be at the standard worth (as low as possible conceivable), on the grounds that it can cause the refrigerant framework to get more effective fume pressure.
⦁ The refrigerant working tension ought to be higher than the barometrical strain, on the grounds that, higher refrigerant tension can really diminish the air content in the refrigerant.
⦁ The basic temperature ought to be high and the inactive intensity of vaporization ought to be huge.
This point is chiefly founded on the working expense of the refrigeration gear.
This is on the grounds that high refrigerant basic temperatures and high refrigerant vaporization values can diminish the running proficiency of refrigeration gear.
⦁ To get a more modest HVAC&R copper pipe width and lessen the establishment cost of refrigerant hardware, the refrigerant with an enormous refrigeration limit for each unit volume ought to be chosen.
The adiabatic of refrigerant ought to be sensible and the warm conductivity ought to be great.
Prerequisites of Refrigerant Physical and Compound Viewpoints
⦁ The refrigerant thickness and refrigerant virtue ought to be focused on while choosing refrigerants.
The refrigerant with low consistency and high virtue can lessen the obstruction and water assimilation of refrigerant in the HVAC&R framework.
This can guarantee the activity of refrigeration gear in outrageous conditions.
⦁ The warm security of the refrigerant ought to be great.
The principal justification behind this prerequisite is the point at which the refrigerant rushes to the blower.
Because of the fast climb of temperature, the refrigerant with unfortunate warm strength will meld with the oil in the blower.
Consequently, the progression of the refrigeration pipeline will erode the copper pipe.
⦁ The refrigerant ought to have a specific protection capacity.
In semi-airtight consolidating unit and the airtight gathering unit.
The engine twisting inside the semi-airtight blower is in touch with refrigerant and greasing up oil.
In this way, it is expected that the refrigerant most blower engine ought to be protected.
The Security Execution of Refrigerant
⦁ Refrigerant ought to be difficult to consume and detonate inside the plan range
⦁ Refrigerant ought to be carried out as per global guidelines (non-poisonous and innocuous)
⦁ Pick the refrigerant which is not difficult to track down the spillage issue
⦁ In the event that the refrigerant is utilized in the food business, more consideration ought to be taken while choosing the refrigerant.
The main point is that the releasing refrigerant won't enter into the food and won't cause food decay and produce harmful substances.
According to the perspective of refrigerant security, we suggest you the fireless association innovation.
This fundamentally diminishes the gamble of fire-welded associations in refrigeration gear lines.
Which Refrigerant Gas is Utilized in Refrigeration?
Refrigeration is a cycle that utilizes specific refrigerant gases out of a large number.
These gases ordinarily incorporate smelling salts, freon, R-22, and R-32.
A portion of these gases might be burnable, while different gases might be fairly more secure.
For example, freon isn't ignitable, yet R-22 might be. Thus, forever be careful about a potential gas spill.
The refrigeration interaction utilizes various gases including alkali, R-12, R-22, R-32, R-134A, R-290, R-407, R-600A, smelling salts, and endless others.
For instance, cooler frameworks use R600a refrigerant.
Cold capacity frameworks use R290, R22, refrigerants.
Cooling frameworks use R32, R290, R404a, and so on.
Which Refrigerant Gas is Utilized in AC?
With regards to utilizing refrigerant gases, there are various gases that can be thought about.
On the whole, you ought to realize that Climate control systems and coolers don't utilize similar sort of gas.
Which gas you really want at last relies upon your financial plan and individual inclination.
Presently, your climate control system might have the option to take care of various gases.
You can see this as such by review the sticker that has been put on either the evaporator or the blower.
The sticker would assist with demonstrating which refrigerant would turn out best for you, be it Freon or R-32.
With everything taken into account, you must try not to utilize some unacceptable kind of refrigerant since this would bring about your framework getting harmed.
In the event that you don't know concerning what refrigerant to utilize, you can likewise reach out to the specialists in order to try not to wreck your refrigeration framework.
Which Refrigerant Gas is Best for Refrigerators(Fridge)?
A cooler is the most pragmatic domestic device throughout everyday life, you appreciate cold beverages, frozen yogurt whenever while the fridge makes an incredible commitment.
So what makes the fridge can cool it?
The response is refrigerant, fridge refrigerant sort is rich, including R12, R134, R600A, etc.
Under the activity of the fridge blower, the refrigerant inside the cooler framework is packed and conveyed to the fridge condenser device.
Then, at that point, the water in the framework is sifted through the copper channel.
This is a long way from the end, the refrigerant has an extremely lengthy line inside the fridge, so the refrigeration needs to travel quite far.
Fridge refrigerant streams out of the cooler channel and afterward goes to the fridge evaporator.
This part is significant in light of the fact that this is where the virus air is delivered.
Various refrigerants will have various exhibitions in the refrigeration cycle and accordingly the energy utilization of the fridge will shift, you can contact Supernatural occurrence architects and we will furnish you with proficient exhortation.
What is the Reason for Refrigerant?
Refrigerants represent various purposes.
Refrigerants have many applications in refrigeration frameworks, central air frameworks, cooling frameworks, transport refrigeration, and cold stockpiling.
Their fundamental design is to chill off the framework inside the whole interaction.
Refrigerant is a compound that is in many cases viewed as in both vaporous as well as fluid states.
The reason that they give, much of the time, is the ingestion of intensity.
Refrigerants should be matched with unused refrigeration gear to accomplish the refrigeration capability.
For instance, in the air conditioning field, central air blowers, air conditioning units, evaporators, and condensers are utilized.
In the refrigeration field, refrigeration blowers, refrigeration development valves, refrigeration evaporators, refrigeration condensers, refrigeration units, and so forth are utilized.
Whether it is a refrigeration framework, cooling framework, or air conditioning framework, exact computations are expected to make the framework plan more sensible.
You can contact gorakhram haribux HVAC&R framework specialists for proficient central air administrations.
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oxkitty59 · 1 year
Heating and Cooling Syracuse Can Be Fun For Everyone
Proudly Supplying Quality Heating and AC to Rockland County Since 1976 We've set the requirement for home heating and cooling down service since 1976. Our consumers are zealous about our company. We make every effort to preserve our high top quality. Along with your support we can easily offer a wonderful take in for all members of the Rockland County Family so that they can easily receive the greatest of Rockland County. The City of Rockland County will continue to keep our high quality specifications, also when our home heating and cooling down capabilities break down. When you work along with Clarkstown, you can always expect honesty and integrity. We have a wonderful personnel and an outstanding area. This new space is a fantastic victory for the organization, for the community, and for the citizens. I am delighted about the new space for the upcoming three years," Clarkstown head of state Bill Heim said in an email. Consult with Us Clarkstown HVAC customer review scores as of 7/15/21 Always keep your house wonderful and amazing in those hot summertime times with one of our high-efficiency air conditioners. The unit has four shutoffs which make it possible for you to cool your property with a mix of air (moisture, sky tension) and water (humidity and water temperature). In enhancement, these low profile page sky hair conditioners are constructed with reduced power performance and excellent top quality air movement for an unequalled cost. Provide your family members the comfort they are entitled to. When I obtain right into institution along with my kids, they take a look at our class to view what is at our leading edge.". The previous headmaster of St John's Catholic High in Dublin City-Derry mentioned she was saddened through the recent decision of the college to shut down. "It has been an unfavorable decision by the school that has affected the lives of our instructors," she stated. Our specialist NATE certified specialists are all set to mount, repair service, or service your sky conditioning unit to always keep you running awesome while keeping your power bills down. It is highly recommended by our accredited technicians that homeowners with health care problems who desire to prevent too much heat energy and air conditioning should take up to two months to acquire a 2nd unit. It is highly recommended by our accredited professionals that citizens along with health care health conditions who prefer to prevent too much warm and air conditioning should take up to two months to acquire a 2nd unit. Get in touch with us today to discover even more concerning all of our sky conditioning companies. In addition to the basic service, we give the complying with upgrades that will certainly further boost your convenience and sky conditioning and lower your maintenance costs: Upgraded cooling down options: The Pause™ unit makes it possible for you to sleep comfortably longer through using modern technology made for easy-to-understand airflow and cooling. Each moment of use will definitely lessen the warm and exhaust discharges that raise the possibility of concerns. Are you all set for those cool Northeast winter nights? Listed here's some fantastic tips for what is for little ones this summer months. Kids Are Being Amazing While these pointers all seem quite harmless, there are a couple of things that adults can perform in purchase to help make the the majority of of winter months's cool temperatures. First off, find some opportunity to consume, walk, and rest effectively in the open. In the Northeast, kids invest an standard of 24 hrs a time in parks and public areas.
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austinlutz · 1 year
Microbial metabolosomes: brand-new experience inside their construction and bioengineering.
05) along with NT-proBNP (non-significant) have been diminished. Echocardiography revealed constitutionnel invert re-designing together with significantly diminished quit atrial size and LV end-systolic dimension, as well as substantially greater LVEF. These effects were consistent in a subgroup regarding sufferers along with significantly reduced LVEF (EF Twenty-three +/- 2%; n Equals Twenty five). Thirty-day fatality rate ended up being A couple of.9%. Conclusion Percutaneous MV repair using MitraClip (TM) is really a secure approach within high-risk surgical people, triggering substantial One year lowering of MR which ends up in architectural heart failure opposite re-designing with an improved LVEF. The existing CCX168 data inspire percutaneous MV fix throughout cardiovascular malfunction sufferers.Acetate is often a primary inhibitory metabolite throughout Escherichia coli growing which is damaging for you to microbe expansion along with the development of sought after products. It is usually based on acetyl coenzyme A through the phosphotransacetylase (Parent-teacher-assosiation)-acetate kinase (AckA) pathway. Within this study, the actual fermentation qualities involving Parent-teacher-assosiation mutant tension E. coli TRTH Delta parent-teacher-assosiation have been in comparison with that relating to the actual control strain E. coli TRTH within a 30-L fermentor. The effects associated with carbs and glucose attention and wiped out fresh air (DO) level have been investigated, and also the outcomes declare that Carry out as well as carbs and glucose concentration are crucial impacting variables for your creation of L-tryptophan. Based on the experimental final results, only then do we tested a new DO-stat fed-batch fermentation method. Whenever Accomplish had been manipulated around Twenty per cent throughout L-tryptophan fermentation within the DO-stat fed-batch system, the actual pta mutant could keep a greater rate of growth in the exponential period, as well as the final bio-mass as well as L-tryptophan manufacturing were improved to Fifty-five.3 g/L and 35.Only two g/L, respectively. Concomitantly, as the power of acetate diminished to be able to Zero.Seven g/L, the buildup of pyruvate and lactate elevated inside the mutant stress compared with the particular handle tension. This characterization of the recombinant mutant pressure offers useful information for your logical change involving metabolism fluxes to improve tryptophan generation.The end results of various antihypertensive medications upon bone tissue vitamin denseness (BMD) as well as micro-architectural changes in ovariectomized (OVX) mice have been looked at. Eight-week-old female C57/BL6 rats were utilised because of this examine. 72 hrs following ovariectomy, these animals ended up taken care of intraperitoneally with nifedipine (15 mg/kg), telmisartan (Five mg/kg), enalapril (Twenty mg/kg), propranolol (One mg/kg) or perhaps hydrochlorothiazide (14.Five mg/kg) for 35 consecutive days. Uterine wither up coming from all mice ended up being established to gauge oestrogen lack point out. BMD and also micro-architectural analyses were performed about tibial proximal finishes by simply micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). While OVX rats along with uterine waste away ended up in comparison with mice with out waste away, BMD diminished (R < 0.001). There were considerable variations BMD reduction between different antihypertensive medicines (P Is equal to 3.005). Enalapril as well as propranolol increased BMD decrease in rodents along with atrophied uteri in contrast to control these animals.
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dollarriddle6 · 2 years
The Main Principles Of Paintless Dent Removal
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Miranda x Abigail ----The Song of the Crow Ch. 5
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4
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The notion that Miranda and she are birds of a feather was plain ridiculous to her, at first. Monsters though they both were in her eyes, she failed to see any similarities beyond that.
Time changes things.
Abigail hates to admit it, but she gradually starts to see what she once scorned;
Miranda and she have lost the most precious thing in her lives –it was taken from them in the worst way, stolen— and are clinging to the traces of what's left of it now. They would both be drifting and aimless without their goals, though others may call them obsessions...
And perhaps they aren't entirely wrong.
Either of them is willing to tear the world asunder to make their vision a reality, no matter how much blood ends up staining their hands, how many piles of skulls they ultimately stand on.
“Whatever good I may have had in me, it died with Eva.”
It has been a while since Miranda said it, but the words have stuck with Abigail, resonate with her still.
Whatever good existed in her died with Alex, too. For years she tried denying that. She even died to prove it false. How delusional.
Glancing at her left arm now, Abigail no longer hates the sight of it, not even for all the pain and sleepless nights it has brought her. The parasite has put things into perspective and torn down all illusions she may have nurtured about letting go.
There can be no moving forward when your heart lies with the past. She understands now.
Will her vengeance bring Alex back? No. It will only give her the closure she needs.
But Miranda can have Eva with her again. Abigail cannot imagine what that must be like. The yearning alone would drive most people mad.
Then again, maybe Miranda and she are a little mad.
“Today will be your most difficult test as of yet.” the blonde announces in place of 'goodmorning'.
“Joy.” Abigail keeps her face and tone flat.
She doesn't even want to guess what the test could be, so she simply follows Miranda to a corner of the lab, where the mysterious woman keeps all her tomes and files.
The priestess directs her in front of the modest table there, atop which lie...
...several small cubes.
“You're joking, right?” Abigail chuckles.
Miranda, now permanently off her mask and veil in the lab, gives her a smirk. “Too easy?” she asks, like she is privy to a joke Abigail is not. “Stack them up in a straight line for me, then and you get the rest of the day off.”
The brunette shakes her head and reaches for the first cube with her dark hand. She aims for the surface of another...
And her whole arm shakes as she tries to lower it. “What the hell...” escapes her in a whisper. She hasn't felt this uncoordinated and clumsy since the first days.
“Child's play, right?” Miranda prods.
“What's going on?” Abigail glares daggers at her.
“You have gotten very good at transforming your arm at will, to any shape you wish. However. Combat is what it's made for.” Miranda explains. “Now you have to will it to do whatever you want, outside of its intended purpose. And that, you will soon find, is far easier said than done.”
'Easier said than done'? This will be hell! There are a dozen cubes she needs to align and she can't even pair the first two together.
“Have fun.” The blonde pats her on the back...
And leaves her there to suffer.
By the time night rolls, Abigail has barely made it to four cubes and even that is probably out of sheer luck.
Any higher than that and she ends up knocking the whole thing over, not to mention the structure is never aligned well to begin with.
She is forced to stop when sharp, electric shocks of raw pain wrack her left side, the telltale sign something has been screwed between the connection of her mold and human halves.
Miranda is there to catch her before she doubles over.
“Sit down.” she orders but Abigail's head is pounding and she cannot comply.
She can hardly make sense of what's happening, to her, around her, until she feels Miranda's clawed hands press her backwards, against the lab counter.
“Breathe in and out, Abigail. It'll be over soon.”
Abigail focuses on the sound of her voice and the scent of her perfume to brave through the episode. Meanwhile, her skin grows uncomfortably hot, as though she's being submerged in boiling water, the steam clogging her lungs –and she's never had that happen before.
Miranda's fingers freeze in comparison when they come under her chin, to angle it in a way that bears a specific spot on her neck. A needle pushes carefully into her skin. The substance that enters her body has an immediate calming effect.
“Shh, you'll be fine.” Miranda's breath graces her cheek like a lover’s caress. Abigail didn’t realize how close she stands, until that moment.
With the symptoms receding, other sensations take their place. Like the fabric of the blonde's robes, softer than it looks, tickling the back of her fingers. Like the weight of her presence practically between Abigail's legs, or how her sharp claws graze at her ebony shoulder, in a way that makes the skin there beg for more.
The brunette doesn't want to acknowledge the ocean current of sensation that runs down her stomach at their incriminating proximity.
At the same time, though, she's too weak and relaxed to fight it off...
“Miranda, what the hell did you give me...” she slurs, eyelids growing heavier by the second.
“Don't fight it, Abigail. Trust me.” the woman coos. “Just trust me.”
She doesn't want to. But she doesn't have another choice, as her vision grows gradient black.
It is fascinating. Truly fascinating.
Abigail's Cadou works unlike any she's ever seen. Normally, most parasites have adapted into the host's body perfectly by this timeframe, yet this one is still shifting. Still evolving.
Just how powerful will it turn out to be? How resilient?
It has no apparent weakness thus far –the strange matter it consists of resists frost, cold, electricity and toxins— other than the rest of Abigail's body not withstanding its sustained use.
Should she push herself beyond what her human half can bear, the results may be catastrophic. Her limits are yet unclear and Abigail is notorious for not properly respecting them.
Which is why Miranda didn't take any risks earlier, with the cocktail of painkillers she delivered, before the brunette could do anything stupid and potentially damage precious cells like the last time.
Abigail groans and turns in bed, blinks her dual-colored eyes open. “Oh, what... Where am I...” she whispers.
“My stronghold.” Miranda replies from her seat at the edge of the mattress. “Just go back to sleep and you'll be fine in the morning.”
“I'm fine...” Stubborn even when high on drugs, this one. “Can't believe I was reduced to a mess by cubes...”
“I told you it's the hardest test yet. You are putting to use entirely different synapses in your brain through the arm.” She expected the toll would be great but so will be the fruits of her progress. “You may as well be starting from square one.”
“No, nooo, don't science me right now.” The whine is so uncharacteristic it's almost comical, if a tad endearing.
Miranda looks down at her strangely, a silent observer in Abigail's following struggle to disentangle herself from the sheets.
“I'm burning up...” she complains, sitting up a bit. Then, using just her human hand, she tries, unsuccessfully, to rid herself of her shirt.
Miranda takes pity in her losing fight against fabric. Without much thought, she reaches forward and hooks a golden talon where the material kisses flaming skin on each side, guiding it the rest of the way up.
Abigail's soft hiss –the way her lips part, it has no right looking so sensual— at the drag of her rings isn't something she expects, though. Neither is the little candleflame of interest it sparks in her own stomach.
She's seen the brunette's body before. Her shirts always pull just enough in certain spots to hint at contours built from years of training... but only now does she really look at the fine lines laid bare, made even more prominent in the highlights and shadows cast by the pale moonlight.
“You should lay back down.” Miranda suggests.
Abigail gives her a dopey little grin under her tousled hair. “You should make me.”
It's more a reflex than rational decision on her part when Miranda presses her down with a palm to the sternum. For a moment, barely half of a second, she entertains the idea of pinning her with her full weight rather than just her hand.
Miranda leans closer to her pretty face, studying it like a scientific oddity. “Be careful what you wish for, Abigail.” she says.
“Or what?” the brunette husks back. For once in her life, she’s not fighting against Miranda.
And the blonde won't deny it; there's something about the notion and visual of having Abigail submit to her that's... tempting.
“You're so very...” Miranda whispers, mouth hovering an inch above hers. “... very...” Claws toy with the idea of digging just a little harder in, of marking taut skin. “...high.”
She pulls back with that, cutting any sort of contact clean with the retreat. She hasn't wanted for anything physical in dozens of years and having that human urge now is both a surprise and a nuisance.
Whether it is best for her to satiate it or ignore it is up for debate; but this is not the right time, either way.
Abigail can't tell up from down at the moment and she would probably have trouble recalling her own name. No reason to give her more things to regret tomorrow , should she even remember the night at all.
Normally, it's not like Miranda to think about others.
And she doesn't care about Abigail, not really –she lacks the capacity for it, she's convinced— but the sight of her doesn't leave her as stone-cold as that of everyone else's.
The blonde finds her important for what she represents; a perfect mix of human and mold cells not too far from what she is trying to create as Eva's new body.
And if the other woman can manage to make those two worlds harmonize together under her will, then Miranda's theories will be proven correct before the ceremony. She can guide her daughter to achieve the very same.
Abigail’s very existence is a sign; a message, a light at the end of a very long tunnel Miranda has been walking for years.
The brunette doesn't take long to fall back to sleep.
Eyes blue as the moon cast her one last look over a black-clad shoulder. Then, Miranda leaves for her own chambers, shedding accessories as she goes.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 2 years
Arcane Background Lore/Easter Eggs (Episode 9)
Welp, that’s it for now, all 9 episodes down. Guess I gotta find some other way to spend my evenings instead of obsessively pouring over background details in Arcane. Note to self: for season 2, do a post every other night instead of every night.
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In League, steam coming out of Vi’s gauntlets mean she has armed (get it) her “Relentless Force” ability, which makes her next attack deal more damage and send out a shockwave behind whoever she hits.
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It’s a bit hard to tell at this angle, (it really is the clearest frame I could find), but like most noxian soldiers, this guy has 3 circular indents in his armor, representing the 3 principles of strength (the pillars of Noxian philosophy).
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I feel like a lot of League fans were waiting for a moment like this. In League, Vi has 5 abilities, 4 of them are some variation on “punch people real hard” the last one is her “Blast Shield”, so it just makes sense to find a way to include it; though in League it doesn’t have the weightlessness effect, it just protects Vi.
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In a manner of speaking, this is how most League games end...
Let me explain: In League, Caitlyn and Jinx are both classified as “carries”, which means they start out weak, but the longer the game goes on the stronger they become. If a match goes long enough, it tends to turn into just a fight between the two carries with each of their teams just standing by on the sidelines cheering them on.
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Jinx’s sudden rapid movement could arguably be a reference to her “Get Excited” ability, which makes her move and attack very quickly for a few seconds (though in League it triggers whenever she kills an enemy player, not at will).
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First of all: fucking called it, way back in episode 4 that this was how Jinx would end up weaponizing the hex gem.
Okay I’m getting ahead of myself: In episode 4 we see Jinx use all the weapons she has in League, except for “Fishbones”, her rocket launcher, which she in Leagues uses for among other things her ultimate ability. And wouldn’t you know it, that’s a really big rocket. Also, in the “True Genius” cinematic, Jinx steals a hex gem from Heimerdinger and tries to use it to build a rocket launcher (which doesn’t work). I fucking adore how effortlessly this show adds these callbacks without ever sacrificing dramatic tension.
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Speaking of effortless callbacks that add to the dramatic tension: The way the hextech rocket, for lack of a better word “unfolds” is a reference to how, in League, Jinx’s ultimate ability (“Super Mega Death Rocket”) significantly increases in damage after its been in the air for a while – it even does a similar (though less detailed) animation when it reaches top speed.
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This shot is, if you squint a bit, a reference to one of the first scenes in the “Get Jinxed” music video (shown below).
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In a way, its showing her character arch leading up to the events of LoL: When she was first introduced in League, she was firing rockets at Piltover, and here she is at the end of Arcane, firing rockets at Piltover. 
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I feel like a lot of people already picked up on this moment with Mel’s tattoos reflecting a lot more light than normally just before the impact of the hextech rocket. It might just be artistic liberties, but that is also a thing magical items made by the Solari sometimes do; and without just copy pasting what I wrote about the dress™ for episode 8: there is some evidence that Mel knows about and has engaged with the Solari people before.
I have one last background element to highlight, but that’s probably going to be heavy spoilers for season 2, so putting it after my usual signoff and below the cut (even though that keeps breaking tumblr) just to make extra sure nobody gets accidental spoilers.
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I saved my favorite character for the final shoehorn: Rell, the human embodiment of the “mom and dad, I’m gay and stronger than both of you so don’t try any shit” meme.
Around the same time as Arcane takes place, a young girl in Noxus, probably 6 or 7 years old, is going to discover that she not only has the gift of magic, but is the first ferromancer (metal mage) in literal centuries. Her mother will soon bring her to a secret school for mages, hidden in the mountains far from the capital’s prying eyes. Within the walls of the Black Rose Academy, Rell will be forced into magical combat with her classmates, for every battle she wins another sigil is inscribed on her skin, while her opponents are never heard from again. In 10 years Rell will discover that each of her sigil contains the soul of one of her classmates, ripped from their bodies and added to her own magical potential. After this discovery, Rell, now one of the most powerful living mages, will tear the academy apart in anger, before setting off like Jinx’s rocket towards the Noxian capital.
Yes it’s super YA-esque, and I fucking love it. She’s a woman driven by anger, not quiet feminine anger, pure, worldshattering, screaming at the top of your lungs anger. And also she’s a horse girl.
If there’s anything I missed please let me know, and thanks for sticking with me along the way, it’s been a joy ♥
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Last chance to avoid spoilers...
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See this figure hanging in Singed’s lab? Notice the hair, elongated fingers, and syringes pumping a green liquid. That’s Vander.
I’m getting ahead of myself, this:
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Is Warwick, aka. the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun. He’s been in League right from the beginning, but all we have ever known about him is that, one day he broke out of Singed’s lab and started hunting down chembarons and the like. However, right from episode one, people have theorized that Warwick is what happened to Vander after he spends who knows how many years under Singed’s care. Besides them just flat out showing Vander hanging in Singed’s lab, here are some of the clues I managed to pick up on
- Back in 2017, Warwick was given a bunch of new voice lines including some that triggered in relation to Jinx and Vi, which didn’t make a lot of sense at the time, but now seem distinctly Vander-like (e.g. telling Jinx: “You were there!” and Vi: “Zaun needed you.” not to mention asking Vi who taught her to punch.)
- Vander is called “hound of the underground” by those two smugglers in episode 1
- Deckard’s (the fuckboy who attacked Vi and the gang in episode 1) post-shimmer introduction is very evocative of Warwick, with the terrified screaming and mix of neon green and blood red being stables of media involving him. Perhaps meant to indicate that Deckard was a prototype of what Warwick/Vander would become?
- While strapped to a chair in Silco’s warehouse, and again after the explosion, Vander is bathed in neon green light (a color symbolic of both Zaun and Warwick).
- After taking shimmer, Vander begins to snarl and growl in a distinctly wolf-like manner, his scream of “Silco!” even sounds similar to how Warwick speaks in League.
- Also, not directly a Vander hint, but Sevika’s arm looks pretty similar to Warwick’s claw, notice the semi-exposed syringes in both designs, and that Sevika’s extendable sword is somewhat similar to Warwick’s extendable claws.
See you for season 2!
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clovermarigold · 2 years
Daggers and Daffodils Chap.7
Dagur x Reader
Hey everyone! So, for this chapter there's going to be our first, time skip. I apologize in advance if I confuse you at any point. Just wanted you to know so you understood why the last chapter is referenced to have happed a while back.  This time skip will take place in the beginning of the first movie.
I am on a motivation high, and I am going to milk it for all its worth before I have another writer's block.
Also want to apologize for any grammar mistakes, I had to write the majority of this from my phone on a family camping trip.
-Clover/Peachmilkbard (AO3 account name)
Narrator POV
Over the years the Berserkers would come and sign the treaty, Dagur always in tow. While the announcement of your betrothal was sudden and there was little about it you understood, you saw Dagur as a friend (possibly more). However, with each passing visit you noticed Dagur was beginning to change. His once weird behaviors and loud tantrums had turned into straight up insanity and bursts of rage. This paired with him earning a proper mark two years after you resulted in him earning the name Dagur the deranged. You still remember the year Dagur had arrived on berk, rushing towards you to present you proudly with the Monstrous nightmare horn of his first kill (After he had thrown you in the air a few times of course). Dagur's relationship with Hiccup however had remained stagnant, as well as the other children your age. With each visit alongside spending as much time as possible with you, Dagur made it his personal mission to terrorize Hiccup. He had also grown a habit of chasing Fishlegs and ignoring/forgetting Snotlout (honestly you don't even think that one was on purpose). Dagur had come to be rather cold when dealing with Astrid, the first time he had become aware to how close you were with her his usual (TM) deranged grin had fallen and for a while you had almost begun to think he might have been jealous.  
However, despite his change in behavior and actions towards others he always looked at you with the same. Actually, over the years Dagur had become very possessive of you. Whenever you were together (which was nearly all the time) he kept an arm, or a hand wrapped around your waist. He would also act especially violent 'Jealous' when others would act in a 'more than friendly' manner. One such time was one of the few Dagur acknowledged Snotlout's existence. Snotlout had gotten too close for Dagur's comfort, and as a result he found himself upside-down trapped in a hay bale on the edge of the village, just out of screaming distance, for several hours.
But in-between moments of terrorizing others and 'protecting' you from other possible suitors, Dagur made sure to get his point across that you were his everything. The usual tradition of the Berserkers bringing gifts had exploded. Dagur bringing an average of 10 for you and a gag gift for Hiccup, safe to say after the third year of Hiccup being jumped at by an eel in a chest Oswald stopped placing Dagur in charge of Hiccups gifts.
Speaking of Hiccup, he had grown skilled in his job at the forge. In the words of Gobber, "The boy might not be able to pick up an axe, but he can sure make one". Criticisms of Hiccups supposed 'Hiccupness' had sprouted shame and fear in the village at their future chief. You would be lying if you were to say you weren't at least a little concerned for your brother, but you had promised to always stick by his side, and you intended to keep this promise. However, you found yourself constantly tested as tensions began to rise at home. Every dinner was silent and awkward as you tried and failed to get the two to connect, or at least have one normal conversation. Your father trying not to make you feel like he was ignoring you would change the subject, it inevitably turning to you. While you knew he was just trying to compliment you, the conversation would end up turning into your father using you as an example for Hiccup. So, after a while of this pattern repeating you would either shut it down the moment you were brought up or eat in silence.
That wasn't to say you weren't doing well yourself though. Within two years you had finished memorizing the entire dragon book and learning basic defensive maneuvers. And to top things off you as well as Astrid and the other's your age (minus Hiccup) were given the job of damage control. This mostly involved putting out fires, evacuating the young and sick, and supply runs. Thanks to both your training lessons and sparring with Astrid, you were both seen as the most likely to come out first (number 1) in dragon training, which was right around the corner. When you were younger you and Astrid had promised to stay friends and help each other no matter the results. But you could tell the pressure to prove herself to everyone, specifically her family was making her more competitive, and slightly cold.
It was the middle of another dragon raid; they were becoming even more frequent. You groaned angrily as you saw a Zippleback blow up a house you and Fishlegs had spent at least 20 minutes trying to put out. "Fishlegs fall back to the others I'll handle the rounds" you told him. "Are you sure you can do it by your sel- AHH" he screamed as a Gronckle spit a magma ball a little too close for comfort. Due to your similar calmed nature during raids (A front obviously, you would wait till no one was watching before you slipped into any empty streets or allies to have your panic attacks) you were constantly compared to Stoick.
"Go!" you ordered fishlegs. When you saw him turn the other way and begin running, you yourself took off. Avoiding fire and herds of dragons to get to the most crowded battle zone. "SUPPLY RUN!" you yelled out calling towards the engaged Vikings. A narrow path was created between them as they swung their weapons. "Ugh, why do I always get the jobs no one else wants" you ran through the path, half melted swords, maces, and broken shields being tossed to you.
After securing the load of damaged weapons you hauled as quickly as possible to the forge. "Gobber, 9 swords, 2 maces, a shield, and as many ball Barings as possible" you said dropping the collected weapons. "On it" he called to you with his usual unnatural optimism taking said cargo to the forge.
"Oh, nice of you to join the party. I thought you'd been carried off" Gobber greeted to Hiccup as he rushed into the forge. You chuckled as Hiccup replied with his usual sarcasm, "What who me? nah, come on I'm waaay to muscular for their taste".
"Where you been little brother? You're late" you teased, even though years had passed since your first encounter with the Berserkers, you still stood above Hiccup by about half a sheep's hoof.
"Oh, the usual, avoiding death, getting yelled at by dad" he replied lifting the broken head of a war hammer onto a workbench. "Hurry up on that supply run Y/N" Astrid called to you as she and the others filled their pales with water. "I'm working on it Astrid" you watched as she threw the water onto a flaming building, only for it to explode once she turned her back. This caught Hiccups attention who was now openly gawking at her, you rolled your eyes with an exhaled chuckled. You had watched your brother fawn and crush on your best friend for years now, so you were used to it. But it didn't make it any less funny how often he would walk into walls or trip when he saw her.
Your attention was drawn back to the battle at hand when Gobber dropped the mended cargo, 'Back to work then'.  Running down your practiced paths you returned to the heated battle front distributing the weapons.
"Ok, done with the supply run, now I just need to regroup with the others" you said trying to distract yourself enough to give you a few more minutes before your panic attack. You were about to leave when you heard a familiar high pitch screech growing closer. "Night fury!" "Get down!" you crouched to your knees with your hands blocking your face when a flash of purple flew overhead destroying one of the watchtowers, along with a catapult. After a few moments the beast seemed to disappear, you lifted yourself running towards the water cart hoping the others hadn't moved on to another section of the village yet.
Once again you heard the high screech, you looked to the sky to see the beast's shadow in the sky leaping into its own fire. It leaped into its fire one last time before suddenly disappearing, with a faint painful howl. 'Where'd it go?' you wondered.
"No time to think about that!" you scolded yourself continuing your sprint to the others. That it until a street to your right you saw Hiccup being chased by a monstrous nightmare. "Hiccup!" you chased after the two. The dragon hopped from building-to-building shooting at Hiccup. He ducked behind one of the torches as it released a large exhale of fire. The pole protected Hiccup from the immediate flames.
Running towards him as the monstrous nightmare moved around the torch to stand in front of him you grabbed a half-broken shield from the ground. Ramming it into the beast's face, you were able to knock it away from Hiccup. You felt your heart hammer in your chest as it recovered and turned to look at you. Your breath turned ragged, and eyes wouldn't blink. 'Oh no. No No No No! Not Now' you felt the familiar signs of your panic attacks begin to take hold, and struggled to keep your mind from  falling back into the memory of your first encounter with a dragon.
The brief relief Hiccup had from you stepping in evaporated when he saw you begin to shut down. Throughout your many panic attacks Hiccup and on the rare occasion Astrid, had remained a constant through them, often coaching you through breathing and calming you down.
Before the monstrous nightmare could launch itself to attack you, your father threw himself at it, punching it square in the face. The dragon realed, trying and failing to shoot him with a blast of fire.
"You're all out" in a series of haymakers Stoick punched the beast shooing it away with a final kick.
You cringed as the torch fell, tumbling down the stairs. Stoick turned to Hiccup, 'this isn't gonna end well'.Hiccup started to plead his case saying that he had shot down the night fury, only to be met with your fathers anger.The adrenaline and final bits of your control broke like a dam as you felt your stomach turn. Using the last bit of strength you had, you snuck away from the crowd into an Alley way, throwing up.
"Need a hand?" It was Astrid. "No. I think the worst of it's over" you rose to your feet, Astrid holding a mug of water. "Thanks" you took a sip.
"Sometimes I can't believe you two are related, then I see you like this and can".
"Rude" you elbowed her. "I'm just kidding. But really, tonight was embarrassing for everyone, it's gonna take us weeks to repair that torch" Astrid said.
"He's trying his best, Astrid" you tried, though she remained unconvinced. "Well, if his best gets in the way, he shouldn't do it. If I had it my way you'd be future Chief, but I don't,. Luckly with how weak he is all I have to do is wait" you felt your face heat, but not like it usually did when you were with Dagur,with rage. Where had this come from, you knew Astrid didn't care for Hiccup and his antics, but she never went as far as to say it aloud.
"Never say that about him again, Astrid!" You yelled. She sighed, "Fine. I'm sorry" you could tell she didn't mean it. Noticing you still seeming she showed slight regret "We ok" she asked. "...yeah, sure. Just give me some time to cool off" In truth you were livid, but enough time seeing Dagurs outbursts thought you not to do anything rash when you're angry. "I'll see you later" you excused yourself heading home, with only a small goodbye from Astrid.
You returned home to a quiet house. Stoick likely went back to the front to assess damages. "Hiccup?" You knocked on his door "you awake?" You opened the door to see him sitting at his desk drawing. He had a habit of designing and tinkering things you didn't understand when he was upset.
Realizing you had entered he stopped. "... I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to put you in danger it's just- I-". "Think about what your gonna say first" you teased trying to lighten the mood. He looked at you irritated before softening, "I just want to be normal. It I can just kill a dragon, my life will be infinitely better" you watched in amusment as he paced around flailing his arms and he talked about "The woes of Hiccup", he was always such a drama queen, but you guess that was just what made Hiccup... Hiccup.
He sighed (for the umpteenth time), "I really did hit that night fury. You believe me, don't you?" Honestly you didn't know, it was highly unlikely. But you didn't think he was lying, maybe he was just mistaken.
"Of course" you said. After all, you made him a promise. One you intended to keep.
Hi guys thank you so much for reading this chapter. As I said in the begging of this chap. I'm on a writters high, this paired with the fact these next two or three chapters will mostly be world building (so not much Dagur) I'm going to try and get them out as soon as possible so you can get what you came here for; that sweet sweet Dagur content. So expect these next few chapters to come out really soon.
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