aykutiltertr · 3 days
Ne Senin Aşkına Muhtaç - Candan Erçetin ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik ...  Ayrıcalıklardan yararlanmak için bu kanala katılın: ( Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join Şarkının Orijinal Versiyonunu Linkten Dinleyip Ritim Karaokesiyle Çalışabilirsiniz. ✩ https://youtu.be/nfFVjXbsfUw Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Kanalıma Abone Olun Beğenip Paylaşın. Ne Senin Aşkına Muhtaç - Candan Erçetin ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Kürdili Hicazkar TSM KORO) Eserin künyesi Bestecisi: Muzaffer İlkar Güfte şairi: Erol Sayan Makâmı: Kürdîli hicazkâr makâmı Usûlü: Aksak usûlü Formu: Şarkı formu Sözleri Ne senin aşkına muhtaç, ne esirin olacağım Öyle bir sevgili buldum ki seni unutacağım Yeni aşkın kucağında yeniden doğacağım Öyle bir sevgili buldum ki seni unutacağım KÜRDİLİ-HİCAZKÂR كرديلي حجازكار Türk mûsikisinde bir makam. Müellif: İSMAİL HAKKI ÖZKAN Bestekâr ve hânende Hacı Ârif Bey tarafından terkip edilmiş olan bu makamı kullanılış yönüyle şed ve birleşik olarak ikiye ayırıp ele almak gerekir. Makam, dört şekilde kullanılmıştır. 1. Şekil. Arel-Ezgi nazariyatına göre kürdî makamı dizisinin rast perdesindeki inici şeddinden ibaret olup dizisi, rast perdesi üzerindeki kürdî dörtlüsüne çârgâh perdesinde bir bûselik dizisinin katılmasından meydana gelmiştir. İnici bir makam olduğu için güçlüsü tiz durak gerdâniye perdesi, yedeni acem-aşiran perdesidir. Durak perdesi üzerinde bulunan kürdî dörtlüsünün simetrik olarak tiz durak üzerine göçürülmesiyle makamın genişlemesi yapılır ve böylece giriş seyrinde gezinilebilecek bir seyir alanı temin edilmiş olur. Ayrıca güçlü gerdâniye perdesinde kürdî çeşnisiyle yarım karar yapılır. Arel-Ezgi sisteminde makamın bu şekildeki tarifi bir basit makamın basit bir şeddinden ibarettir. Halbuki Hacı Ârif Bey tarafından “hicazkâr-ı kürdî” veya “hicazkâr kürdî” adıyla anılan bu makam bizzat mûcidi tarafından bileşik bir makam olarak ve birkaç şekilde kullanılmıştır. 2. Şekil. Hicazkâr-ı kürdî adına daha uygun olan bu şekil, hicazkâr makamının tiz ve orta bölge dizilerine veya bütün dizisine rast perdesindeki incici kürdî dizisinin eklenmesi ve rasttaki bu kürdî dizisiyle karar verilmesi suretiyle oluşur: Bu şekil kürdili-hicazkâr makamının güçlüsü gerdâniye perdesi olup bu perdede hicazlı veya bûselikli yarım kararlar yapılır. Zira hicazkâr makamının güçlüsü üzerinde bu iki çeşni bulunmaktadır (bk. HİCAZKÂR). Kürdili-hicazkâr makamının bu ikinci şeklinde kullanılan asma kararlar ise hicazkâr makamının asma kararları olan nevâda hicazlı, çârgâhta nikrizli, bazan segâhta hüzzamlı asma kararlarla makamın diğer yarısını oluşturan rasttaki kürdî dizisinin asma kararları olan acemde bûselikli, nîm-hisarda çârgâhlı, nevâda kürdili, çârgâhta bûselikli, kürdîde çârgâhlı ve acem-aşiranda bûselikli asma kararlardır. 3. Şekil. Arazbar makamının tiz ve orta bölgelerine yine rast perdesindeki inici kürdî dizisinin eklenmesiyle kullanılmıştır. Bu şekil, nevâ perdesi üzerindeki inici uşşak-bayatî dizisiyle çârgâh perdesindeki rast beşlisinden ibaret olan arazbar makamının tiz ve orta bölgesine rasttaki inici kürdî dizisinin eklenmesi ve bu diziyle karar verilmesi suretiyle meydana gelmiştir. Bu biçimdeki bazı eserlerde karşılaşılan, gerdâniyede uşşak dörtlüsü ve hüseynî beşlisinde ısrar etmemek gerekir. Aksi takdirde makam rast perdesine göçürülmüş bir muhayyer-kürdî makamına dönüşebilir. Bu şeklin güçlüsü diğerlerinde olduğu gibi gerdâniye perdesi olup bu perdede bûselik çeşnisiyle yarım karar yapılır. Asma kararlar ise nevâdaki uşşaklı ve çârgâhtaki rastlı kalışlardır. Ancak bu biçimde nevâ perdesi üzerindeki uşşak-bayatî dizisinde, yerindeki bayatî makamında olduğu gibi dördüncü derece üzerinde hicaz, üçüncü derece üzerinde de nikriz geçkileri yapılırsa buna tekabül eden gerdâniye perdesinde hicazlı, acemde nikrizli ve dik-hisarda hüzzamlı kalışlar yapılabilir. Diğer asma kararlar ise yukarıda zikredilen rasttaki inici kürdî dizisinin asma kararlarıdır. AKSAK Türk mûsikisi usullerinden. Müellif: CİNUÇEN TANRIKORUR Dokuz zamanlı ve altı vuruşlu, sekizlik birimle yazılan bir küçük usuldür. Şematik gösterilişi şöyledir: Aksak usulüne bu isim, çift zamanlı olmayışı ve 2 + 1 şeklinde bitişi dolayısıyla verilmiştir. Daha çok aruzun hezec bahrinde yazılmış güftelerin bestelenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca remel bahrinde ve hece vezniyle yazılmış bazı güftelerin de bu usulle ölçülerek bestelendiği görülmektedir. Şarkı, türkü, oyun havası ve ilâhi gibi küçük formdaki eserlerde sıkça kullanılmıştır. Aksak Usulü Aksak: Bu usul dokuz zamanlıdır. 9/8 ve 9/4’lük mertebeleri vardır. 9/4’lük mertebesine Ağır Aksak denir. Bu usulde hemen hemen her formda eser yazılmıştır. Örnek eserler: Ada'nın yeşil çamları aşkımıza yer olsun (Hüzzam) Ay gülsün ufuktan sana sen bak ona gül de (Rast) Bahar çiçek çiçek gelince güzel (Kürdilihicazkâr) Bahar pembe beyaz olur güzeller neşeli olur (Mahur) Baharın zamanı geldi a canım (Hicaz) Benzemez kimse sana tavrına hayran olayım (Bayati) Biz Heybeli'de her gece mehtaba çıkardık (Sultaniyegâh)
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ginesciudadreal · 4 years
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El objetivo del inglés en primaria es que los alumnos alcancen destrezas comunicativas, hay que valorar el desempeño adquirido a lo largo de cursos anteriores como parte del listening y el speaking. Eso te dará una visión integral de la interiorización de los aprendizajes.
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ayanampa · 3 years
Rahatsiz oldugum icin geldim. Oncelikle eksisozlukte suan inanilmaz garip basliklar var incicilere noldu, asil eksiciler incici miymis falan bilemiyorum
bir baslikta ozgurluklerini dileniyorlar :ddd
bir baslikta kadin filozof “olmayisini” (?) tartisiyorlar.
Arkadaslar oncelikle cahilsiniz. Felsefe sizin icin Platon-Devlet’te akademik uc bes isimde kalmis. Utanmasaniz Nice “nize” bile sallayacaksiniz, ki cok seviyorsunuz... (bkz. mom issuesu olan koskoca bir cografya xd) Bari bilmediginiz alanlarda konusmayin anlam ifade etmiyorsunuz. Yapabildiginiz ulkeden haber getirmek. Gundemi tasisaniz yeter yani :D ugrasmayin bu kadar cool olmaya .d
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dahafazlacizgidizi · 4 years
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İncici seni https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sn2vslVRL/?igshid=1nm44hpfukxxu
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mymemetransferpage · 4 years
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İncici olamaz hayır hayır via /r/TurkeyJerky https://ift.tt/2HijWu5
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nairoquinha · 4 years
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🌿 24.12.19 🌿 Ciclos Em dezembro de 2018, quando essa foto foi tirada, em #Lisboa, por um amigo que mora em #Portugal com sua linda #família, os meus planos eram para que neste #Natal de 2019 nós estivéssemos por lá, de vez, com a nossa família. Aí, o ano de 2019 veio e com ele um turbilhão de coisas foram acontecendo, como #lições que tivemos para não confiar profissionalmente em uma pessoa só por ela ter um "nome forte" no mercado, ela também é capaz de dar voltas em pessoas de bem, e deu. Aprendemos também que muitas vezes nós temos um #planejamento que não está para rolar no #tempo certo. Não adianta bater com a mão na ponta da faca, vai machucar. Então aprendemos que o melhor era recalcularmos a rota e seguir o plano incicial, mas agora no tempo certo. Escolhi essa foto para o #desafio #MinhaGratidão2019 pq ela tem um #simbolismo muito #forte pra mim, é exatamente a tradução daquilo que a gente #acredita muit o que vai realizar, muito mais que um #sonho, um #propósito de #vida. E atenção, 2020 tá chegando só pra me levar até lá. Feliz Natal pra você! . . 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 . . . #ressignificar #vemcomigo #poraí #pelomundo #inspiraçãododia #ação #escolhasuavida #desafiodagratidão #leidagratidão #leidaatração #inteligênciaemocional #cadaminutoimporta #xmas #merrychristmas #feliznatal (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6c_VVYHjDn/?igshid=c6e405z33vbt
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inovaniteroi · 5 years
Em atitude inacreditável, Thyane Dantas, atual esposa de Wesley Safadão pede desculpas a Mileide
Thyane Dantas e Wesley Safadão (Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
A esposa de Wesley Safadão, Thyane Dantas, tem seu nome atrelado a diversas polêmicas desde o inicio de seu relacionamento com o cantor. A primeira delas foi o flagra no motel pela ex-esposa, Mileide Mihaile. Nesta quarta-feira, 14 de novembro, a loira usou suas redes sociais para esclarecer algumas dessas questões, e em atitude inacreditável, pediu perdão a influencer.
+Atriz mirim global, Mel Maia, choca ao fazer post considerado racista e se desculpa
“Existem situações deste passado que ainda precisam ser ditas para que esse passado seja enterrado definitivamente. Eu sou da mesma cidade que o Wesley, e quando ele me conheceu, é claro que eu sabia que existia um relacionamento. E ele deixou claro que não estava mais neste relacionamento. E essa história se confirmava com as atitudes dele e com o fato dele também ter se relacionado com outras meninas”, inciciou ela.
+Após climão com Raul Gil, Maisa desconsidera criticas: “Muito feliz (…) e vocês achando que eu vou me preocupar com o que falam de mim”
“Outro ponto que eu quero tocar é sobre quando ela [Mileide Mihaile] falou do flagra do motel. Gente, alí, de flagra não teve nada. Talvez da parte dela tenha sido surpresa, mas do lado de cá, o que existiam eram duas pessoas namorando. O que existiu ali foi um encontro de duas pessoas que estavam apaixonadas, que já estavam ficando, e a partir desse dia, minha família ainda não sabia de nada, mas Wesley pegou o telefone e falou com os meus pais, e me pediu em namoro para a minha mãe”, disse Thyane.
+Famosas fazem campanha contra Silvio Santos após episódio de assédio envolvendo Cláudia Leitte
Ao final do pronunciamento, Thyane pediu perdão a Mileide. “Eu declaro esse perdão sobre avida da Mileide. Eu peço perdão a você, Mileide mais uma vez por todo sofrimento causado, pelas suas dores que só você sabe o que você passou”, disse ela, que declarou paz.
Thyane Dantas, Wesley Safadão e Mileide (Foto: Reprodução)
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Thyane Dantas, esposa de Wesley Safadão, resolveu pedir desculpas para Mileide! Chocado
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A post shared by TV Foco (@tvfoco) on Nov 14, 2018 at 5:07pm PST
  O post Em atitude inacreditável, Thyane Dantas, atual esposa de Wesley Safadão pede desculpas a Mileide apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa https://ift.tt/2S0nfcT via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2QJ2VMK
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gazetadalapa · 5 years
Em atitude inacreditável, Thyane Dantas, atual esposa de Wesley Safadão pede desculpas a Mileide
Thyane Dantas e Wesley Safadão (Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
A esposa de Wesley Safadão, Thyane Dantas, tem seu nome atrelado a diversas polêmicas desde o inicio de seu relacionamento com o cantor. A primeira delas foi o flagra no motel pela ex-esposa, Mileide Mihaile. Nesta quarta-feira, 14 de novembro, a loira usou suas redes sociais para esclarecer algumas dessas questões, e em atitude inacreditável, pediu perdão a influencer.
+Atriz mirim global, Mel Maia, choca ao fazer post considerado racista e se desculpa
“Existem situações deste passado que ainda precisam ser ditas para que esse passado seja enterrado definitivamente. Eu sou da mesma cidade que o Wesley, e quando ele me conheceu, é claro que eu sabia que existia um relacionamento. E ele deixou claro que não estava mais neste relacionamento. E essa história se confirmava com as atitudes dele e com o fato dele também ter se relacionado com outras meninas”, inciciou ela.
+Após climão com Raul Gil, Maisa desconsidera criticas: “Muito feliz (…) e vocês achando que eu vou me preocupar com o que falam de mim”
“Outro ponto que eu quero tocar é sobre quando ela [Mileide Mihaile] falou do flagra do motel. Gente, alí, de flagra não teve nada. Talvez da parte dela tenha sido surpresa, mas do lado de cá, o que existiam eram duas pessoas namorando. O que existiu ali foi um encontro de duas pessoas que estavam apaixonadas, que já estavam ficando, e a partir desse dia, minha família ainda não sabia de nada, mas Wesley pegou o telefone e falou com os meus pais, e me pediu em namoro para a minha mãe”, disse Thyane.
+Famosas fazem campanha contra Silvio Santos após episódio de assédio envolvendo Cláudia Leitte
Ao final do pronunciamento, Thyane pediu perdão a Mileide. “Eu declaro esse perdão sobre avida da Mileide. Eu peço perdão a você, Mileide mais uma vez por todo sofrimento causado, pelas suas dores que só você sabe o que você passou”, disse ela, que declarou paz.
Thyane Dantas, Wesley Safadão e Mileide (Foto: Reprodução)
View this post on Instagram
Thyane Dantas, esposa de Wesley Safadão, resolveu pedir desculpas para Mileide! Chocado
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A post shared by TV Foco (@tvfoco) on Nov 14, 2018 at 5:07pm PST
  O post Em atitude inacreditável, Thyane Dantas, atual esposa de Wesley Safadão pede desculpas a Mileide apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa https://ift.tt/2S0nfcT
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bleak-midwinter1 · 6 years
Bıyıklarından tek şikayetçi ben değilmişim xd
İncici uyur mu len mq
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motasgameplay · 7 years
Como instalar WUP GX2 no menu incicial do Wii U - Motasgameplay Fala galera, no #tutorial de hoje nós vamos aprender a como instalar o canal de atalho do #WUPInstallerGX no menu do #WiiU, então já deixa aquele LIKE no vídeo, vlw. Aproveitem e não se esqueçam de curtir e compartilhar esse vídeo. ======ASSINEM O NOSSO CANAL NO #DAILYMOTION, PQ VAI QUE O YOUTUBE EXPLODE====== http://www.dailymotion.com/motasgameplay ======POSTEM SUAS DÚVIDAS NO GRUPO DO CANAL NO FACEBOOK====== https://www.facebook.com/groups/Patot... ======SIGA NOSSO SITE PARA FICAR POR DENTRO DAS NOTÍCIAS DO MUNDO GAMER====== www.motasgameplay.com.br ======Junte-se ao exército #Motasgameplay !====== Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/motasgameplay Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/motasgameplay Instagram - https://instagram.com/motasgameplay Tumblr - https://www.tumblr.com/motasgameplay Snapchat - motasgameplay ======INSTALE NOSSA EXTENSÃO DE NAVEGADOR PARA SEMPRE SER AVISADO SOBRE NOVOS VÍDEOS====== http://myapp.wips.com/motas-gameplay www.youtube.com/motasgameplay?sub_confirmation=1 LINK PARA DOWNLOAD DOS ARQUIVOS https://www.4shared.com/rar/dBHeU1jDba/WUP_Installer_GX2_-_Motasgamep.html
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expatsecuador · 4 years
3 Ways to Get a Driver’s Licence in Ecuador (2020 Guide)
Unfortunately, getting a driver’s licence in Ecuador isn’t as easy as just turning up to the issuing authority and transferring your existing licence. But, the process isn’t terribly painful either - once you know how...
I’ve covered the 3 main pathways most expats use to obtain their Ecuadorian driver’s licence below. There is also an Appendix at the end that includes useful law extracts and downloads. 
Disclaimer: This is NOT legal advice. The laws in Ecuador at relatively elastic, so you may have a different experience. If you think this is complicated or have special circumstances, then I would suggest hiring a facilitator to help you through the process. 
Before we dive into the 3 licence options, ask yourself:
Do you actually need an Ecuadorian driver’s licence?
You may be able to save yourself the hassle of getting a drivers licence. 
Visitor visa
If you’re on a visitors visa, then your existing drivers licence is valid to drive or rent a car, so you’re all set without an Ecuadorian licence.
Temporary and permanent residents
As a holder of an Ecuadorian temporary or permanent residency visa, you can legally drive in Ecuador for 6 months upon entry. As it’s 6 months upon entry, my interpretation of this is that it resets every time you enter Ecuador. 
Leave Ecuador every 6 months -> No licence required
So, if your lifestyle has you leaving the country every 6 months, I don’t see any legal requirement for you to get an Ecuadorian licence. 
I’ve looked through the transport laws and I can’t see anything that obliges a temporary or permanent resident to get their licence within a certain time period within the granting of their visa. 
This covers my personal situation. Which meant for a long time I just kept putting off getting a local licence. I really couldn’t see the benefit of it. 
I finally decided to get a licence simply because I thought it was time. More to do with belonging to my adopted homeland and building community than anything else.
The only real practical benefit for me is having easier conversations with traffic cops that decide to play around a little in an effort to extract some extra cash for themselves. 
Stay in Ecuador 6 months at a time -> Licence required
If you plan on staying inside Ecuador for more than 6 months at a time, then yes, you’ll need to get your licence in order to legally drive. 
So, now you’ve worked out if you need a licence, let’s dive into the 3 different options. 
Option 1: Transfer Your Foreign Licence (Canje)
This is the easiest option in that it allows you to bypass the practical driving components.  
But, it’s also the option that requires more planning because you need an apostilled copy of your foreign driving record - which takes time and money. And, then you need that translated and notarized by an authorized Ecuadorian entity. 
The process for transferring an existing foreign licence to an Ecuadorian is:
a) Driving record
Order an official driving record from your home country. Cost varies by country. 
b) Apostille 
Have the driving record apostilled in your home country. Cost varies by country
c) Translate & notarize
Translate and notarize the apostilled driving record into Spanish by your closest Ecuadorian Embassy or an official translator (and notary) in Ecuador. 
d) Evidence of education
This isn’t listed as an official requirement in the official ANT documentation. But each of the driving schools we spoke to required some type of proof that you’ve passed high school (up to the 10th grade). 
You can argue that it seems a little ridiculous that you’d be granted a licence in your home country if you didn’t have some level of education. 
But remember, this rule applies to every foreigner applying for a licence, so they are trying to protecting themselves from an influx of drivers from countries that perhaps don’t have an education requirement. 
You can satisfy this education requirement by providing:
Cedula indicating level of education; or
Apostilled diploma
In an ideal world, your level of education would be indicated on the back of your cedula. Driving schools generally accept Basica level or above. 
Unfortunately, a common practice is for expats to be issued their first cedula with the Incicial level of education. Be very careful if this is you because Inicial is not sufficient to transfer your licence. You will be denied. 
This happened to me. Even though I applied for the Professional Visa that requires a university level degree, my initial cedula still said Inicial. 
My visa facilitator explained that it was done this way to expedite the issuing of the cedula. Waiting for SENESCYT to authorize my university degree would take a while. So, I could either have my cedula that day, or wait weeks/months for SENESCYT to authorize my degree and then have the proper education level printed on my cedula. 
I opted to have the cedula that day. It turned out to be a good choice because it took around 6 months and many emails between my university, SENESCYT, my facilitator and myself to finally have my degree recognized with SENESCYT.  
Apostilled diploma
If you don’t have a cedula with the required level of education, you’ll need a diploma from your home country that has also been apostilled. The higher the better. But anything 10th grade or above should work. 
You may also need to have this diploma translated into Spanish and notarized. You may already have this if you included it in your visa application.
e) Blood card
You need a certificate showing your blood type. Many get this from the Red Cross for around $5. 
f) Psychosensometric examination at driving school
You’ll need to contact an authorized driving school (list here) to complete this at a cost of around $20. This test covers reflexes, dexterity, vision and hearing. Most people don’t have a problem passing it. 
Take evidence of your education and driving record with you as the driving school will need this. 
g) Get payment slip from ANT & book test
Once you’ve got all of your documents, including original:
ID (cedula) 
Blood type certificate 
Driver's license from home country
Evidence of education
Driving record certificate from home country (translated, apostilled & notorized) 
Psychosensometric examination certificate
Color passport photos x 2
Then you can head on down to your closest ANT to obtain a payment slip and book an appointment for the multiple-choice test. Remember, you’ll likely need a few days to study for the test. 
You can also generate the payment slip and appointment online, but you may have to wait longer for the appointment. Applying for this licence via the transfer option seems to be somewhat fast-tracked. But, this only happens if you apply in person (not online).  
h) Pay $142 at a bank
Take the payment slip generated at ANT to a bank so you can pay the $142. There’s probably banks within walking distance. Read our guide on transferring money into Ecuador if you’re unfamiliar with getting this. 
i) Take the multiple-choice test (study required)
At your test appointment you’ll need to undertake a multiple-choice test. You’ll need to answer at least 16 out of 20 correctly in order to pass.
The 20 questions are taken from a pool of more than 300 questions. We’ve included the multiple-choice questions below for you to download and study. When ready, you can complete practice tests at the ANT site. 
Once you pass the test, you’ll be issued with your licence. Yay! This generally happens on the same day. 
If you fail, you can book another appointment for 8 days. Go and study! If you fail a second time you can try again in 2 months. But, fail a 3rd time and they’ll make you start the process all over again. The psychosensometric exam certificate is only valid for 60 days. 
The full list of documents for this type of licence (Canje) can be found on the official website and in the Appendix below.
Option 1 - Transfer: Pros and Cons
Avoids driving tests
Need driving certificate from home country. 
Transferring is the best solution for those wanting the least amount of time at a driving school. But, the additional burden of the driving certificate from your home country requires a lot of organization. 
Option 2: Driving School - Driving Test Only
This is the best option if you don’t want the hassle of getting your driving record certificate, and then having it apostilled, translated and notarized. 
I chose this option precisely because I didn’t want to have to deal with this. I was already in Ecuador too, so sending this via DHL adds to the total cost. 
The process for obtaining your licence through this option:
a) Evidence of education
Either a cedula indicating Basica or above, or an apostilled diploma for year 10 or higher. See above section for full details. 
b) Blood card
You need a certificate showing your blood type. Many get this from the Red Cross for around $5. 
c) Driving test
Find an authorized driving school that will evaluate your ability to drive and provide you with a certificate. Some driving schools to start with are ANETA, Practi-Car &  A Conducir (Cuenca)
Take originals of your evidence of education, blood type and ID to the school. 
Practical driving exam
This is a fairly straight forward driving exam lasting 20-30 minutes. The driving school will take you in their car and provide instructions on what you need to. It’s likely the car will be manual, so I’d definitely check with the driving school if you only know how to drive an automatic.
Psychosensometric exam
This is the same as detailed above and includes reflexes, dexterity, vision and hearing. The combined cost of the practical driving and psychosensometric exams is around $47. 
Once you’ve passed the two exams, the driving school will send the certificate within 2-3 days. 
Once you have your certificate, the rest of the process is very similar to the transfer option. 
d) Get payment slip from ANT & book test
Once you’ve got all of your documents, including original:
ID (cedula) 
Blood type certificate 
Driver's license from home country
Evidence of education
Practical driving & psychosensometric exams certificate 
Color passport photos x 2
Then you can head on down to your closest ANT to obtain a payment slip and book an appointment for the multiple-choice test. Remember, you’ll likely need a few days to study for the test. 
Apply for Driver’s License For the First Time (Type B)
At ANT, you’re going to want to apply for the ‘Tipo B Primera Vez’ (Type B First Time). 
The full official requirements are included in the Appendix below.
e) Pay $68 at a bank
Take the payment slip generated at ANT to a bank so you can pay the $68 (it’s cheaper than the transfer licence). 
f) Take the multiple-choice test (study required)
Exactly the same testing process as detailed above. The only difference is that if you fail the test just once, then you will not be able to take it again. You’ll need to go to driving school. 
Actually, if you fail any test throughout this process - driving, psychosensometric or multiple-choice, then you’ll need to go to driving school. This is the biggest downside of this approach. There are no second chances. So, make sure you’re comfortable driving with a stick and have studied the multiple-choice exam well. 
If you pass, you’ll be issued with your brand new Ecuadorian licence. Congratulations.
Option 2 - Driving Test Only: Pros and Cons
Cheapest option if pass all tests
Less paperwork than Transfer
No extensive driving school required
No second chances at any test. Fail and go to driving school.
This is the quickest and cheapest option if you're already in Ecuador. But, make sure you study for the multiple-choice test as there's no second chances. 
Option 3: Driving School - Full Course
This is generally the least preferred option because it requires a significant time commitment. The courses offered by each driving school vary a little, but you can expect something along the lines of:
Theory: 10 hours
Practice: 15 hours
Mechanics: 5 hours
Psychology: 2 hours
First aid: 2 hours
Some schools also offer flexible arrangements to complete the course full time, part time or even weekends.
The courses include the psychosensometric exam and certificate of approval. 
The cost will be around $170. 
The full process for obtaining your licence through a driving school:
a) Evidence of education
Either a cedula indicating Basica or above or an apostilled diploma for year 10 (or higher). See above section for full details. 
b) Blood card
You need a certificate showing your blood type. Many get this from the Red Cross for around $5. 
c) Driving school
Register with your driving school of choice. You should be able to make an initial enquiry online, but always best to phone them to confirm beforehand. 
Take your Cedula, evidence of education, blood type certificate and a passport photo with you to the driving school.
Complete the full course (34 hours!) to obtain your certificate of approval and psychosensometric exam. Note, it can take 3-4 weeks for schools to send these documents to you. 
d) Get payment slip from ANT & book test
Once you’ve got all of your documents, including original:
ID (cedula) 
Blood type certificate 
Evidence of education
Practical driving & psychosensometric exams certificate 
Color passport photos x 2
Then you can head on down to your closest ANT to obtain a payment slip and book an appointment for the multiple-choice test. Remember, you’ll likely need a few days to study for the test. 
Apply for Driver’s License For the First Time (Type B)
At ANT, you’re going to want to apply for the ‘Tipo B Primera Vez’ (Type B First Time). 
The full official requirements are included in the Appendix below.
e) Pay $68 at a bank
Take the payment slip generated at ANT to a bank so you can pay the $68 (it’s cheaper than the transfer licence). 
f) Take the multiple-choice test (study required)
Exactly the same testing process as detailed above.
If you fail, you can book another appointment for 8 days. If you fail a second time you can try again in 2 months. But, fail a 3rd time and they nay make you start the process all over again. The psychosensometric exam certificate is only valid for 60 days.
Option 3 - Driving School: Pros and Cons
Learn local driving rules and customs
It’s what the locals do. Make some Ecuadorian friends
More than one chance to pass multiple-choice test
Less paperwork than transfer option
34 hour time commitment
More expensive than driving test only option
If you have the time and open to new experiences, the driving school option might be best for you.
Can I just buy a licence instead?
Facepalm. No. Don’t do this. Morality issues aside, you can lose your licence and get fined.  Or worse, have your permanent residency visa declined when it comes time to apply.
How old do I need to be?
From the age of 18 you can apply for a licence. I’ve seen you can also apply for a ‘minor adult permit’ from the age of 16, but the driving school may require a significant guarantee. 
Ecuadorian Licence Exam Questions
The multiple-choice exam consists of 20 questions randomly pulled from the database of over 300 questions. You need to answer 16/20 correctly to pass. 
The full list of questions can be downloaded here or accessed from the official ANT website. Note, the answers to each question are highlighted. 
Once you’ve reviewed the questions a couple of times, I strongly recommend taking some online practice exams. 
Good luck!
Traffic Laws
Article 137
Article 137 says that:a) Tourist Visa: You can use your foreign licence for as long as your Ecuadorian visa is valid. Up to 6 months. 
b) Residents: Migrants (ie temporary and permanent residents) can use your foreign licence for up to 6 months upon entry to Ecuador.
Print the below extract and keep in your car with you in case you need to argue your point with a police officer that is after a little ‘lunch money’. 
Reglamento a Ley de Transporte Terrestre Transito y Seguridad Vial 
Art. 137.- Los extranjeros que ingresen al país con visa de turista, o al amparo de cualquier visa de no inmigrante, podrán conducir con las licencias emitidas en sus países de origen, durante todo el plazo de estadía que su condición migratoria se lo permita, pero en ningún caso por más de seis meses contados desde su ingreso al país.
Los extranjeros que ingresen al país con visa de inmigrante, podrán también conducir con las licencias emitidas en sus países de origen, hasta por un plazo máximo de seis meses contados desde la fecha en que hubieren ingresado al país.
--- English translation ---
Regulations of the Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety Act
Art. 137.- Foreigners who enter the country with a tourist visa, or under any non-immigrant visa, may drive with the licenses issued in their countries of origin, during the entire period of stay that their immigration status allows, but in no case for more than six months from their entry to the country.
Foreigners who enter the country with an immigrant visa may also drive with licences issued in their countries of origin, for a maximum period of six months from the date they entered the country.
Download the full traffic regulations from ANT here or directly here. 
Authorized traffic schools 
The full list of schools authorized to conduct driver training for cars (type b) can be found at the official ANT website - or download directly here. 
You’ll need to contact one of these to complete the required tests like Psychosensometric, practical driving test, or arrange a driving course. 
ANT Licence Requirements
1. Transfer your foreign licence
The list of requirements for transferring a licence from your home country to an Ecuadorian one. 
Canje licencia de conducir extranjera por ecuatoriana
Canje de licencia de conducir extrajera por la ecuatoriana para ecuatorianos y extranjeros con visa superior a los 180 días
Original del documento de identificación.
Original del certificado o carné de tipo sanguíneo emitido por la Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana.
Original de la licencia de conductor profesional o no profesional del país de origen vigente.
Original del examen psicosensométrico, realizado en una de las Escuelas de Capacitación autorizadas por la ANT. Recuerda que el certificado tiene una vigencia de 60 días.
Original del certificado de la licencia de conducir extrajera vigente, emitido por una de las siguientes instituciones:
Misiones Diplomáticas de los países de origen en el Ecuador, en español.
Misiones Diplomáticas que no se encuentren en Ecuador, en español.
Entidades de Tránsito del país de origen, el mismo que en caso de no estar en español deberá ser apostillado o consularizado, y la traducción del mismo deberá ser autenticada por un Notario, Cónsul o Juez de lo Civil en el Ecuador.
Entidades de Tránsito del país de origen, debidamente apostillada en el caso de ser emitida en español.
Cancelar el valor del trámite directamente en el banco.
Solicitar turno en Atención al Usuario de la ANT.
Validación de documentos y pagos.
Actualización de datos.
Evaluación teórica en español.
Entrega de la licencia
Certificado del movimiento migratorio.
USD: 142,00
*El documento original extranjero no será retenido.
*La licencia será emitida por el plazo de vigencia de la visa o tiempo por el cual se ha otorgado el carné de refugiado.
*En caso de tener carné de refugiado, cancelar el valor del trámite en la cuenta corriente #7347243, del Banco del Pacífico.
*En caso de tener cédula de ciudadanía, la vigencia de la licencia será de acuerdo a este documento.
--- English translation ---
Exchange of a foreign driver's license for the Ecuadorian for Ecuadorians and foreigners with a visa greater than 180 days
Original identification document.
Original of the blood type certificate or card issued by the Ecuadorian Red Cross.
Original professional or non-professional driver's license from the country of origin in force.
Original of the psychosensometric examination, carried out in one of the Training Schools authorized by the ANT. Remember that the certificate is valid for 60 days.
Original of the valid foreign driver's license certificate, issued by one of the following institutions:
Diplomatic Missions of the countries of origin in Ecuador, in Spanish.
Diplomatic Missions not found in Ecuador, in Spanish.
Transit Entities of the country of origin, the same that in case of not being in Spanish must be apostilled or consularized, and the translation of the same must be authenticated by a Notary, Consul or Civil Judge in Ecuador.
Transit Entities of the country of origin, duly apostilled in the case of being issued in Spanish.
Cancel the value of the procedure directly at the bank.
Request an appointment at the ANT User Service.
Validation of documents and payments.
Data update.
Theoretical evaluation in Spanish.
Delivery of the license
Certificate of the migratory movement.
USD: 142.00
* The foreign original document will not be retained.
* The license will be issued for the period of validity of the visa or time for which the refugee card has been granted.
* In case of having a refugee card, cancel the value of the procedure in the current account # 7347243, of the Banco del Pacífico.
* In case of having a citizenship card, the validity of the license will be according to this document.
View directly on ANT website
2. Apply for a licence for the 1st time
The list of requirements when applying for a licence for your 1st time (not a transfer). 
Licencias de conducir tipo B por primera vez
Certificado de conductor NO profesional tipo B, emitido por una Escuela de Capacitación para Conductores no profesionales autorizadas por la ANT.
Original del acta de grado del curso.
Original del permiso de aprendizaje.
Original del resultado del examen psicosensométrico, vigente y aprobado.
Original de la cédula de identidad y/o ciudadanía.
Original del certificado o carné de tipo sanguíneo extendido por la Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana.
Original del comprobante de pago.
* Única y exclusivamente se podrá emitir licencias por primera vez en la misma provincia donde el usuario realizó su curso de capacitación.
Genera una orden de pago Aquí.
Paga el valor del trámite con la orden de pago (Conoce los Puntos de Pago autorizados).
Una vez realizado el pago, obtén un turno para la emisión de licencia (Aquí).
Acercarse a la Agencia que consta en tu turno, 15 minutos antes de la hora asignada.
Espera que llamen a tu turno y entrega los documentos que constan en los requisitos, adjuntando el comprobante de pago original.
Realiza la evaluación teórica. Puedes revisar el Banco de Preguntas y Simulador de Examen.
Recepción y validación de la documentación y pagos realizados.
Espera la entrega de tu licencia.
USD 68,00
*En caso de ser persona natural extranjero deberá presentar el Certificado de haber culminado la educación básica, el mismo que deberá ser apostillado, traducido al español y notarizado.   
En caso de no realizar el curso de conducción se deberá presentar el certificado de aprobación de evaluaciones: psicosensométrica y práctica emitido por las Escuelas de Conducción no profesionales autorizadas por la ANT.
Haber aprobado la educación general básica, verificando a través de información que conste en la cédula de ciudadanía o mediante certificado de haber aprobado la educación básica general o título de bachiller.
El examen psicosensométrico tendrá una duración de 60 días calendario desde la fecha de emisión de la Escuela de Conducción autorizada por la ANT. Este exámen se debe efectuar en la misma escuela donde el usuario realizó el curso.
Cancelar el valor de las multas e infracciones pendientes, caso contrario no podrá realizar el trámite.
Las licencias de conducir para conductores profesionales y no profesionales sin excepción tendrán una vigencia de cinco años, contados a partir de la fecha de su expedición.
--- English translation ---
Type B driver's licenses for the first time
Certificate of NON-professional driver type B, issued by a Training School for non-professional drivers authorized by the ANT.
Original of the degree certificate of the course.
Original of the learning permit.
Original of the result of the psychosensometric examination, current and approved.
Original identity and / or citizenship card.
Original of the blood type certificate or card issued by the Ecuadorian Red Cross.
Original proof of payment.
* Only and exclusively licenses may be issued for the first time in the same province where the user completed his training course.
Generate a payment order here.
Pay the value of the procedure with the payment order (Know the authorized Payment Points).
Once the payment is made, get a turn for the license issue (Here).
Approach the Agency that is on your shift, 15 minutes before the assigned time.
Wait for them to call your turn and deliver the documents that appear in the requirements, attaching the original proof of payment.
Perform the theoretical evaluation. You can check the Question Bank and Exam Simulator.
Receipt and validation of documentation and payments made.
Wait for the delivery of your license.
USD 68.00
* In the case of being a foreign natural person, you must present the Certificate of having completed basic education, which must be apostilled, translated into Spanish and notarized.   
In case of not taking the driving course, the evaluation approval certificate must be presented: psychosensometric and practice issued by the non-professional Driving Schools authorized by the ANT.
Have passed basic general education, verifying through information on the citizenship card or by means of a certificate of having passed general basic education or a bachelor's degree.
The psychosensometric examination will last 60 calendar days from the date of issuance of the Driving School authorized by the ANT. This exam must be done at the same school where the user took the course.
Cancel the value of pending fines and infractions, otherwise you will not be able to carry out the procedure.
The driver's licenses for professional and non-professional drivers without exception will be valid for five years, counted from the date of issue.
View directly on ANT website
from Expats Ecuador https://expatsecuador.com/drivers-licence/
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ginesciudadreal · 7 years
Actividad para trabajar la ESTIMULACIÓN COGNITIVA palabras-compuestas
La estimulación cognitiva engloba todas aquellas actividades que se dirigen a mantener o a mejorar el funcionamiento cognitivo en general mediante ejercicios de memoria, percepción, atención, concentración, lenguaje, funciones ejecutivas (solución de problemas, planificación, razonamiento, control…), praxias, funciones viso espaciales, etc., por medio de programas estructurados de estimulación.
View On WordPress
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seteji1377-blog · 4 years
Uludağ Sözlük Zamanında İncici tayfa, Ekşici tayfa diye ayrımların oluştuğu sırada kendilerini farklı bir kulvardayım abi  benim tek rakibim Türk Hava Yolları’dır edasıyla çıkmış bir sözlüktür.  Kaliteli mizahın döndüğü ve ortamda “Ben Uludağ sözlüğü yazarıyım.” Dediğiniz anda ayrı bir hava kattığınız bir sözlük platformudur. Kendinizi aşırı kaliteli ortamda bulabileceğinizin garantisini veriyorum. Burada bel altı muhabbetleri sadece kendi kesiminde yapıp yabancı birisi geldiği zaman “şiiissst ayıp oluyor.” Diyebilecek kadar efendi bir grup mevcut. Bilgi, genel kültür, spor, müzik, a dan z ye her şeyi bulabileceğiniz eşsiz bir sözlük. Eğer ki Uludağ sözlüğe yolunuz düşerse elinize kolanızı çekirdeğinizi alın ve müthiş bir şekilde kendinizi evinizde hissedercesine muhabbetin doruklarına ulaşın.
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berk abim yeşil gözlüydü. berk abim dövüşürdü. berk abim köpeklerden korkmazdı. her köpek gördüğünde yiyecek verirdi onlara. berk abimin mert adında bir kuzeni vardı. berk abim incici olduğunu söylerdi. berk abim mercedesleri severdi, özellikle de AMG’leri. berk abim hristiyandı. berk abim bir gün bana “Cemil Akkuş-Ölünce Sevemezsem Seni” parçasını dinlememi söylemişti. berk abim kaslıydı. berk abimin anonymous ile bir alakası vardı. berk abimi bana hatırlatan şarkı NF’den Notepad. berk abim lazanyayı çok severdi. berk abim bana üzgün emojiler atmamı yasaklamıştı. berk abim hep amq derdi. aklımda kalanlar bunlar.. aklıma geldikçe yazarım.
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incici olmak suc değil
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ribesorg · 7 years
Arriba el programa de cribatge de càncer de còlon a Sant Pere de Ribes, Canyelles i Olivella
Comença el programa de detecció precoç de càncer de còlon i recte que impulsa el Departament de salut de la Generalitat i l'ICO. La població de 50 a 69 anys pot fer-se una prova gratuïta i senzilla per detectar possibles lesions precanceroses o un càncer en fases incicials, el que facilita el tractament de la malaltia.
The post Arriba el programa de cribatge de càncer de còlon a Sant Pere de Ribes, Canyelles i Olivella appeared first on Canal Blau.
from ribes.org http://bit.ly/2qHuOHh
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