#injun <3
127luvr · 1 year
currently going through terrible post concert depression so can you maybe write smth where renjun and reader spend some time together after the tds2 berlin concert ended. maybe exploring the city a bit, but ik not everyone knows a lot about berlin so them spending time together in the hotel is also fine :')
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Huang Renjun x Male Reader
“I don’t know how the fans do it Renjun.” You rub the dark birthmark on his hand, counting the tiles on the floor as you walked side by side. “I mean… seeing you one night in concert and then having to go home… back to seeing you on a tiny screen. I don’t know how I’d survive like that. It’s a miracle we made it through quarantine.”
He pushes you with his shoulder, scrunching his nose in fake annoyance as he comes to a stop. It’s hours after the concert ended—the venue sits empty and silent compared to the ground shaking music and lively screams from fans that leaked from it just a while ago. It’s still ringing in your ears, not quite registering how different the Renjun you had by your side was from the Renjun that performed on stage. You watched him from your peripheral vision, how he kicked rocks and moped around the entrance of the venue, scared of exploring a city so unfamiliar.
“I booked us a food tour for earlier, but you got too busy and it’s far too late to go now—” You catch the frown growing on Renjun’s face, quickly spinning him around to face you. “Hey, it’s okay. I wasn’t done with what I was saying. Anyway—I was thinking since we can’t do that we could either join Jaem and Jisung at the East Side Gallery or we could walk to the Oberbaum bridge. It’s just a few minutes away but it’s so worth it.”
“I think that you’ve had to share me with enough people tonight, let’s go to that bridge.” You smile from ear to ear, offering him a small peck before following the address you typed in on your phone.
The walk is mostly quiet. The only noise that reached your ears was the sound of Renjun’s puffy sleeves clashing on the side of his jacket as he swung your hands together. The two of you ogled at the empty streets, letting it slip your minds that it was past midnight and you were lucky to see two people outside in this weather. You keep your eye on the river next to you, smiling at the lights that bouncing off of it. You couldn’t think of better person to experience it with other than Renjun. There was nothing he loved more than being a tourist in other cities. He was so curious about everything—the park the two of you passed—the gallery that was just down the path—down to the lively club that sat on its lonesome. There were questions even you didn’t know the answer to—not that he cared. He was mostly asking just to ask, not looking for a real response.
Once the two of you reached the bridge you were breathless. You let go of Renjun’s hand, racing him to one of the many window-like openings that overlooked the river. You looked far into the horizon, taking in the sights as Renjun came up behind you. His footsteps echoed around the corners of the empty deck.
Your (e/c) eyes reach the moon, a soft smile settling on your lips. “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”
Renjun’s arms find their way to your torso, his head resting on your shoulder as he balances his body weight on you.
“I think that phrase only works if it’s in Japanese.” He pinches your hip, too comfortable to move from his stance behind you. He can’t think of a better way to spend his night. Watching the lights reflect off the river underneath you. Watching as your (s/c) complexion glows next to the orange architecture of the bridge. He is glad he agreed to this—adding a simple, yet significant memory with you here was a reason to come back and explore more of the city with more time. “But yes, the moon is beautiful, (Y/n/n).”
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zmeiso · 2 months
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Sylvanian families x NCT
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creamycamelliasblog · 8 months
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
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21.05.22. | BEATBOX | SUGAR POP STAR ♡
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renjunplanet · 7 months
| Flume... Huang Renjun
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notas. segunda parte daquela one shot com o injun... acho que vai acabar tendo uma parte 3 😶
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— Menino Jun, me espera!
Verão de 2010, a casa de sua vó cheia de primos e tios, todos parentes distantes que só via em feriados de fim de ano e raramente lembrava os nomes. A casa de veraneio com os quartos de hóspedes cheios, as caixas de som enormes de um de seus tios tocando o álbum América Brasil do Seu Jorge e a mesa posta com variados pratos do jeitinho que sua vó gostava.
Do jeitinho que você gostava de visitá-la.
Na tarde da véspera de Natal, com seus primos e os netos da Dona Lili – a vizinha mais querida que sua vó poderia ter –, aquele verão parecia mais mágico do que nunca.
Por alguma razão desconhecida, os adultos que aproveitavam o samba que ressoava pelas caixas de som prateadas estavam mais bonzinhos aquele dia, deixando você e as outras crianças brincarem na praia, acompanhados de Kun o primo mais velho de Renjun e Chenle — as casas também eram de frente para o mar, estavam sob boas mãos e bons olhos.
E agora estava você e o menino chinês fofinho, escondidinhos atrás do muro de madeira da casa da vó dele, planejando como tirar Chenle e Ricardinho da prisão sem serem pegos pelos policiais.
Para brincar de polícia e ladrão era necessário ter bastante QI e agilidade, porque aquelas crianças de 8 à 14 anos pareciam máquinas ao ponto de nem cogitarem a ideia de ter café com leite na brincadeira.
— Ei, Alfajor. — Renjun lhe chama pelo o apelido estranho.
— Hum? — você o observa se aproximando de você, confusa.
— A Clarinha e o Kun não estão por perto, se a gente ir direto agora e correr até sua casa acho que a gente despista eles e consegue tirar o Lele e o Dinho da roda. — ele diz, bem pertinho de você, apontando para cada ponto de referência do plano.
Renjun cheirava tão bem.
— Conseguiu entender, Alfajor? — o chinês chama sua atenção mais uma vez.
— Hã? — acorda dos próprios devaneios — Entendi sim. — concorda com a cabeça apressadamente; mente.
— Tá bom. Então eu vou e você vem atrás, tá legal?
— Uhum. — você faz joinha com os dedos, ainda fingindo que entendeu.
Após seu sinal, você vê e o menino magrelo correndo pela a areia com rapidez, puxando o primo dele pelo pulso e fugindo para sua casa. Depois de vê Renjun fazendo isso, você tola percebe que tem que fazer o mesmo então sai disparada na direção de Ricardinho.
Puxa ele para fora do círculo e saem correndo, entretanto as outras crianças pegam vocês no flagra bem na hora, o que faz com que você esqueça totalmente a estratégia que antes discutiu com Renjun.
Você e seu primo saem correndo em direção a beira-mar, gargalhando e gritando, fugindo dos policiais da brincadeira.
Ficaram dando voltas e voltas, tentando não serem pegos.
Ricardo, por pura sorte, escapa das mãos de Clarinha e você, azarada que era, acabou tropeçando nos próprios pés e foi carregada no colo por Kun até o círculo da prisão.
Foi largada na areia fofinha, sendo abandonada ali sozinha pelo mais velho assim que ele avistou de longe Chenle correndo entre os adultos.
Sentada com os braços abraçando os joelhos, esperava os parceiros de crime virem ajudá-la.
5 minutos...
O primeiro a tentar vir foi Chenle, que foi preso novamente — Kun estava em cima dele, era presa fácil. Sentou-se ao seu lado, aceitando a derrota e com os pulmões ardendo de tanto correr.
8 minutos...
O segundo a se aproximar foi Ricardo, que desistiu na hora ao ver que Clarinha rondava a roda.
17 minutos...
— Pois é, Lele. Parece que ninguém vai vir nos salvar... — sua voz sai emburrada depois de esperar vários minutos no sol quente.
Parece que foi só reclamar que Deus atendeu suas preces.
Uma mão pequena com uma manchinha roxa surge do nada, entrelaçando em seus pulsos e te puxando para fora do círculo com uma rapidez sem igual.
Sensação estranha, não sabia dizer se era por conta da pressão que havia aumentado por ficar exposta tempo demais de baixo do sol das onze horas, ou pela fome, ou pela forma como os cabelos negros e os olhos brilhantes e pequenininhos — que você gostava tanto de admirar — chacoalhavam seu coração.
Sentiu o rosto arder de vergonha.
Sentiu a timidez subir, arrepiando a espinha assim que Renjun se escondeu com você no mesmo lugar que estavam antes.
Ouviu seu próprio coração palpitar ao ver o sorrisinho torto do chinês abrir depois de o ouvir dizer baixinho "Alfajor bobona, era pra ter ido onde a gente planejou".
Sentiu o rosto desenhar um sorriso e escapar uma risada fraca, totalmente dispersa e desconectada da realidade.
E a sensação do ventinho batendo contra seu rosto e seu vestido florido parecia preencher ainda mais os sentimentos que seu corpo pequeno havia descoberto.
Foi no verão de 2010, escondida atrás do muro de madeira de Dona Lili, que sentiu como se as estações repentinamente tivessem se invertido.
Foi no verão de 2010 que sentiu a tal da primavera florescer em seu peito e as belas flores da amada estação entrelaçando seu coração num abraço gostoso e bonito.
Foi no verão de 2010 que pela primeira vez recebera um sorriso, cujo qual despertou o desejo de poder conquistá-lo mais uma vez; colecionar.
Foi no verão de 2010 que você descobriu o amor.
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— Menino Jun? — a voz ressoa rouca, se fundindo ao som das ondas e ao cenário cinzento — O que faz aqui tão cedo?
Você vê a figura masculina bonita virar o tronco em sua direção, assustado.
As bochechas e lábios estavam vermelhinhos assim como o nariz delicado. O frio da manhã de outono havia o beijado nos lugares que você tanto desejava.
— Alfajor? — o tom doce tímido lhe faz se aproximar dele.
Você o fornece um sorriso açucarado para o chinês, que sorri de volta envergonhado.
— Bom dia!
— Bom dia...
— O mar parece agitado hoje... — você diz, vendo a força da água batendo contra as pedras do costão lá de longe.
— Acordei no susto por causa do barulho das ondas.
Você franze o cenho, olhando para ele confusa. Ele retribui seu olhar com uma expressão neutra.
— Tenho o sono leve... — conclui.
— Ah... Entendi.
Muito silêncio.
— Pensei que eu nunca mais iria te ver, Jun... — sua voz sai num murmuro.
— Eu também pensei o mesmo... Pensei que nunca mais voltaria para cá e veria esse mar de novo...
Ele suspira pesado, vendo mais uma onda grande se quebrar e fazer um som estrondoso. Você acompanha o rapaz, admirando a cena.
— Quando sua vó disse pra mim, no ano que você foi embora, que você nunca mais passaria um verão com a gente foi tão doloroso pra mim...
— Sério? Doeu tanto assim? — Renjun ri sem graça.
— Não tanto quanto o gelo que você me deu ontem de tarde. — parecia impressão sua, mas as bochechas dele estavam ainda mais vermelhas e não era por causa do frio — Mas eu senti meu coração se partir em vários pedaços, Menino Jun. — seus olhos se encontram com o dele — Saudades mata e rasga o peito. Não é nada legal.
Trocam olhares, tentando se reconhecerem, ou se conhecerem novamente. Eram pessoas totalmente distintas do que um dia foram, a amizade que possuíam antes havia se esfriado.
As coisas pareciam estar desencaixadas.
Renjun não tinha mais aquele sorrisinho torto que você tanto gostava. Renjun não tinha mais 18 anos.
Renjun deixou de ser aquele rapaz que você dividia sorvete e histórias de terror; aquele menino que jogava com você no Nintendo velho do seu pai.
Renjun, por conta da constância do tempo, foi deixando de ser seu amigo.
E saber disso doía ainda mais do que as duas vezes que ele foi embora sem se despedir ou cumprimentar você.
— Merda, tá chovendo! — ele exclama algo em mandarim, quebrando a troca de olhares.
Você o observa confusa mais uma vez, tentando entender o que ele está dizendo, até sentir os pingos gelados em seu rosto.
Quando volta a ter noção do que está acontecendo, vê um Renjun a uns dois metros de distância, com as mãos sobre as sobrancelhas tentando impedir a chuva de atrapalhar a visão.
— Alfajor! O que você está fazendo?! — ao perceber a sua falta, ele se vira para você te procurando em meio aos vários pingos de chuva.
Você vê ele correndo em sua direção afobado, sente a mão fria abraçar a sua e corre junto a ele em baixo das gotas cristalinas que caíam sem parar.
Parece que repentinamente você volta no tempo.
A mesma praia, talvez a mesma pessoa. As estações trocadas.
Mas a primavera sempre lá.
O sorriso que tanto amou agora diferente, talvez mais bonito — ainda preferia os dentinhos tortos —, era a mesma coisa e de repente a sensação de tudo estar fora do lugar desapareceu.
— Por que você é sempre tão lerda, Alfajor? Podia ficar doente...
A primavera fez questão de florescer na estação errada mais uma vez...
E você boba caiu nos encantos dela sem pestanejar.
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tinieji · 1 year
🫧 renjun as a little:
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• aged 3 - 4 ( tinie 🥺 )
• pretty much always regressed because his members love to baby him even out of little space
• but the babying always leads to..
• “aww is that my little injun?”
• *little nod* 🥺🥺
• the most polite little guy !
• he’s nonverbal at least 70% of the time
• but the other 30% is just him humming, gasping, crying, babbling etc.
• moomin jammies, moomin stuffies, moomin plates
• watches moomin on his daddies phones before bed
• baby injun loves all of his daddies but has a soft spot for haechan
• not really into toys
• but loves to paint !!
• especially finger painting ^^
• injun loves to be fed ( chopsticks make him angy >.< )
• more than two people being in a room with him overstimulates him
• that’s why it’s usually just him nd his caregiver in his room whenever he’s little
• pacies only for bedtime
• he sucks his thumb when he’s watchin tv 🥺
• obsessed with baby sensory vids ( safe link ! )
• mini pancakes nd cinnamon sticks are a must for little injun
• usually wearing jeno or jisungs hoodies cus he likes to drown in them
• veggies r a big no no !!
• but fruits r acceptable lol
• little mermaid nightlight is needed for bedtime !
• must sleep with moomin stuffie nd a daddy
• nd baby blanket
• or else no sleepies for injun !!
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neechees · 1 year
do you have any strong thoughts/feelings about the spirit sequel/spinoff movie and tv show? especially with how you're native and the original had a very strong native storyline
I haven't watched it, don't plan on watching it, but I HAVE seen several reviews from hard-core Spirit (2002) fans, & just based on the info I've seen from them, it ain't good. Some essential info is that the setting is AFTER the original Spirit film, it's set in the early 1900s (which personally I think is inaccurate to the timeline of the first movie & there's no way this could be right, but more on that later), the horse featured is actually Spirit and Rain's SON, and the setting is a town next to a railroad (I initially thought that presumably this is the same railroad Spirit deliberately sabotaged to stop them from invading his home, which means they eventually succeeded, but the show seems to either retcon this or introduce ANOTHER railroad called "JP and sons Railway" and that it was built just pre-early 1900s, but if that's the case then that doubly makes the timeline make no sense. Either there's 2 railroads and the time periods is fucked up, or the show is completely disregarding the films canon and saying there's only one and its the JP & sons one & moves up the timeline for. some reason.).
The timeline is relevant because it plays heavily into both the plot and the themes of the film: the original Spirit film from 2002 takes place sometime between 1863-1865, when the transcontinental railway was being built. The realization that the railway is going to endanger Spirit's herd, as well as the fact that this is partially why they were attacking Little Creek's village & trying to kill everyone is what motivates Spirit to try stop it, he literally sabotages one of the major efforts of settler colonialism alongside a Native man. His son in the spinoff sequels being very happy friends with a girl from a town directly next to the now built railway ENTIRELY misses the point and themes of what the original film was trying to say and completely disregards the history of this railway and how many Native Americans were killed and displaced for it. But, transcontinental railway or some other fictional railway or not, the first film both literally and symbolically showed why this train was bad and the effects it had on the Native wildlife and Native people. But again, the show seems to have changed this to dodge the original film's plot points that were clearly critiques of Western Expansion and settler colonialism in order to make the setting of the spinoffs more palatable.
One rater from Common Sense Media (which reviews & gives appropriate ratings & info for children's media) themselves even stated that both the show & the new movie "does not substantially confront the actual history of westward settlement", presumably because it's aimed at a young audience, but this is stupid either way because that was literally the ENTIRE point of the first movie (which didn't hold back in its depiction of racism & colonization) & was also aimed at a younger audience. I watched that movie when I was 6. I was able handle it and understand what was going on
& whats interesting is that, while I could be wrong, but I actually don't think the White characters EVER call Little Creek a slur (like "Indian/Injun", "redskin", "savage" etc) once in the original Spirit film, & he straight up refers to him by his tribe (Lakota)? Because they didn't need to. They showed how these characters were racist & settler colonialism is bad by every other action they do. Compare this with Pocahontas where you hear pretty much ALL those slurs, her people's tribe/s of the Powhatan confederacy are never mentioned (which would be the Mattaponi, Patawomeck, & Pamunkey), & ends with a lukewarm "racism is bad & both sides are wrong, don't be mean to white ppl even if they want to kill you <3"
There is also a Native character named Mixtli & is of the Atakapa/Ishak people, but as far as I know "Mixtli" is a Nahua word, and the Ishak people were a southwest woodland tribe and a language isolate. His design also moreso looks like a Little Creek ripoff rather than anything similar to other depictions of traditional Ishak clothing/people. AFAIK he's also mostly a side character as well. And again, this goes back to this new show seemingly ignoring the history of racism in the early 1900s: Mixtli is 16 and "considered an adult by his tribe", which seems to be the show's way of dodging the fact that in this era he'd otherwise be forced into an Indian boarding school or have just left one recently (since many left in between the ages 16-18, but some managed to leave earlier if you got married). Most tribes even by the early 1900s were starting to live in more European styled houses like cabins, and wearing European/White American clothing (or incorporating them a lot more) and were forced to keep most of their traditions in hiding because they were made illegal, but this doesn't seem to be illustrated for the show. Call me hardass and a stickler for historical accuracy, but I feel like if you're going to adapt a film set in any point in history, you should do your best to make it historically authentic in tone even if not everything is 100% accurate, and do so with the appropriate target audience in mind. Spirit 2002 did that, the show has not.
Below is just some proof & history nerd stuff & expanding on how Spirit 2002 takes place during the mid 1860's & how we know this, as well as why this decision is stupid as hell. But otherwise I feel like I'm gunna have to stop for now because this is getting long and I'm not quite articulating as well as I'd like.
Remember when I said that The Colonel's look was probably based on General Custer? That's the most obvious in his uniform and attire, compare his character design with that of this photo of Custer in 1865. While the designs in 2d animated works tend to be simplified, this still possibly gives us an idea of what time period the first movie is supposed to be in. I think I saw someone also say that in an early draft of the film, the Colonel was named "Colonel Custer", meaning he might have straight up meant to be Custer originally
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Spirit being forced to work on a railroad also lets us know that this is specifically the transcontinental railroad, which was started in 1863 and finished in 1865, so the original movie takes place in between this time, and again going off of the above mentioned point, Custer was also still alive by this time.
So if we go with the idea that Spirit 2002 does in fact take place in 1863-1865, and that the spinoffs take place in the early 1900s, this could not work because Spirit and his son would not be alive. Horses have a lifespan of about 30ish years. MAYBE Spirit Jr would be alive, but he'd be an old ass horse, but he doesn't look very old in the show at all. I think partially the reason for the time jump would be because maybe they thought the fashion for the show characters could be more easily modernized (which, they are VERY modernized with the female characters wearing tshirts and skinny jeans, when they should be dressing like the characters in Anne with an E), or maybe they thought that the racism by this point "wasn't as bad". You COULD make the case to say that the series retconned most everything in the original film and is saying the first railroad was in fact, the same one as in the show, and the movie's timeline was moved upward to be at a later date, but this also retcons the original setting completely and makes no sense. I'm not sure why they decided to do a spinoff of fucking SPIRIT of all things, but whatever.
See Mixtli in the center, and two drawings of Ishak people on either side. Like I guess I can see why they'd not want to animate their traditional clothing, but they really couldn't incorporate ANYTHING? Not even the traditional designs or hairstyle or the breechcloth?
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greatwesternway · 7 months
Traintober Day 3: Twins - 9901 and 9902
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An excerpt from the upcoming installment of The Future is Still Silver and Black:
I hesitate to guess at what 9901 would say to being told he was special for not having a name though. I suspect his manners would have failed him.
He and 9902 were a little unlucky to be built when they were. They weren’t first so they didn’t get the benefit of it that I did and they came too early to be themed the way The Mark Twain Zephyr was. Then they got bumped from their route by Pegasus and Zephyrus’ larger, themed trains. Those two became the New Twin Cities Zephyrs and the original twins were given their own separate routes. 9901 wasn’t very happy about it because while he was getting his own route, this was also just after my train had been given our new name. I think most engines would be satisfied to have a named route at all, but with us Zephyrs and how many names we’ve all been given between us, it becomes a sticky subject if you’ve come out short. 9902 was just happy to be able to accommodate his demand again. He was always the more sensible of the two of them.
They were twins, but I do not think this is similar to having a B-unit. 9901 and 9902 only ever operated together on exhibition runs before they entered revenue service. The day before their christening, they did one with forty-four sets of twins riding their trains to Chicago, one half of each pair on each train. Once they were in service though, I don’t imagine they saw much of each other. They’d run the route from opposite ends twice a day, so they’d only have had brief passings.
After Pegasus and Zephyrus took over The Twin Cities Zephyr route, 9901 was sent to Texas to work on the Burlington-Rock Island to pull their Sam Houston Zephyr. From what I heard, he became much less crabby about names when he was actually working a route of his own. You’d hope it’d be the pride of having a named route all to himself that turned him around, but I wonder if it wasn’t actually because he got that special nose herald that said “Sam Houston Zephyr” instead of “Burlington Route”. You know how important identity is for us Zephyrs, after all. 
9902 got an “Alton-Burlington” nose herald for his Ozark State Zephyr in Missouri until they sent him down to the B-RI too. He and 9901 had to share routes again, but they had two between them so it wasn’t such a debacle as it had been when they were both The Twin Cities Zephyr. One of them would be the Sam Houston Zephyr and the other would be the Texas Rocket, with nose heralds to show which.
Unfortunately, the B-RI wasn’t taking as good care of them as Burlington itself would have. From what I gathered over time (because you know how cagey our people can be when things go wrong), 9901 had a lot of oil build-up under his trucks and something set it on fire. They couldn’t get the blaze under control and 9901 was burnt inside and out, completely irreparable. I mentioned before that this was right after that FT smashed into my observation car 570. Because 9901 had to be stricken from the roster but his cars were only a little burnt, they thought to replace my observation car with his. They decided not to do that in the end and instead his cars were kept in storage in case I, 9902, or Injun Joe might need them on our trains.
After all that, B-RI ended up giving 9902 back to Burlington to replace 9901. And ironically, he ended up with a route named just for him! No one ever mentions it really, but he was given a route between Chicago and Ottumwa, Iowa and they called it the Zephyr 9902. When they moved him to the Chicago-Hannibal route, they renamed it Zephyr 9902 too so it was almost like it was his train that had the name. I think if 9901 had still been around for that, he’d have been so jealous he’d have gone up in flames again. But they also sometimes nicknamed 9902 the “Baby Zephyr” because of how big the Denver and California Zephyr trains were by then so maybe not!
I am being told that I have gone on very long about 9901 and 9902, but I almost feel obliged. They get overlooked, but how would we have known we needed a train as grand as yours for that route without their shorter trains on it first? They had the same problem I always did, that our train became too popular to fit everyone who wanted to ride.
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yeritos · 21 days
hii can you do a renjun or jisung mb please ? :3
anon did u watch me or how did u know that i’ve been itching to post this one injun mb.. !! sobs jisungs selca is all crusty cs all his quality ones have the snow filter LEAVE IT ALONEEEEE JI
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐊ᵃ𝐫𝐦𝐚. | Season 2
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synopsis; park areum is a journalist who happens to get her life involved with the mafia leader war and havoc, lee jeno. areum’s brother was kidnapped by the japanese mafia na yuta and areum was able to successfully get jisung back— however with a price that she betrays lee jeno by selling out important information of his base whereabouts. it’s been a year ever since that day and areum happens to get involved in the mafia world again.
warning: mafia au/theme, thriller, action, romance, smut!!, lots of fighting here and mentions of blood, park areum is a bad bitch ykyk, dreamies are here for plot, love triangle!!!!, angst.. massive angst, death mentions of characters, alcohol mention, guns mention, switch!areum, switch Jeno!, rough kissing, gripping, degrading, praising, love scenes, unprotected seggs [wrap your willys sons pls, use it 😃], slowburn romance, prepare for a long ass ride.JEALOUSY, Exhibitionist scenes (almost caught etc) semi public scenes with sexual tension. PLOT TWISTS AND CLIFFHANGERS <3 THIS IS SEASON 2, CHECK SEASON 1 OUT BEFORE READING THIS SEASON PLSSSS.
PART 12 / 25. PART 13 LINK.
striking light of guns being shot in the warehouse, constant rushed footsteps overlapping each other, yells of dead fallen soldiers and innocent life’s being took…
jaemin hates to see it. the lives he took will eventually eat him up where there will be no going back for him. he knew that hell had a special place reserved just for him.
renjun quickly slides down the pole on the side, lifting the entire body mass and weight to curve to the edge, where his right dominating leg powerfully hits the japanese mafia soldier pointing gun at jaemin from behind. the japanese soldier yelled in surprise of the coming harsh kick from renjun, jaemin turning around in shock.
that was close. the japanese soldier falling off the edge into the middle pit, squashed, beaten and stamped over by the korean and japanese mafia fighting to the death and to live.
jaemin looking at Renjun, giving him a righteous path. “thanks injun. Did not see that one coming.”
the Chinese scoldingly glared at jaemin but nodded. “be more aware next time. we need you the most.” renjun admitted before leaving. jaemin glancing down reloading the gun.
‘come out yuta, you’re the one who needs to die in order to stop this war.’ jaemin spat.
“boss! boss!” haechan runs towards the taller male with a serious expression. “we overtook the best soldiers he sent, however the bastard yuta didn’t come along. we have the other soldiers hand cuffed to the front lines, waiting for the police to come.”
“areum contacted the information and roots to this whole building already, we need to leave now before they arrest us too.” haechan continued as jaemin nodded, no mater if the Korean police are also against the japanese, they will eventually be against them too; the police are not people you should trust.
especially if you’re a mafia. it’s a doomed friendship from the start.
“okay, gather renjun’s tropes and your tropes back to the base safely, take the wounded too.” jaemin pauses, saddened expression to the half dead soldiers on their side. “we can’t leave our wounded brothers when they sacrificed so much for us already.”
Haechan understood what he meant, the group aren’t like the other mafias that stereotypically do illegal work and cause violence. yes, jeno lead them with violence and with an iron fist but this was against the bad mafia groups who hurt others for the fun of it. jeno strongly wanted to do the right thing by using violence back, but now, if only he were alive he would’ve changed his ways.
park areum was the sole reason for this transformation. the woman did not only change jeno but she possibly changed everyone in the mafia. haechan gained a best friend for life out of the change along with maturity, he was able to become sensitive and show it. renjun wasn’t okay with allowing women in the training, he had strong values of them being weak— but when areum joined he was quickly proven wrong. he holds admiration for the journalist. jaemin learned to love again, haunted and trapped by his ghost ex lover, he was finally able to love and be happy with life.
she holds everyone accountable for their happiness. every soldier under jeno wants to protect areum, not just because she’s with his child now, but because they all look up to her as a role model.
the police were quicker than they thought, rushing from the entrance of the front as the tropes escaped to the back door entrance, hopping into the cars. detective baekhyun and detective chanyeol screaming with their guns aimed in the echoing warehouse. “it’s the police get on the flo- holy shit they’re escaping out the back door, go get them!” baekhyun ordering the men behind him to start chasing cars honestly.
chanyeol dropping the weapon once the men have been handcuffed on the floor with their ankles tied too. he sighs, “man we’re late again! fuck.”
Baekhyun rubs the back of the head, embarrassed. “why do i think our badge means nothing when the mafia are better at arresting than us? are they looking down at us?” baekhyun said again in disbelief.
were they being underestimated? perhaps…
areum pushes the laptop away as she munches on the donuts on the side with tea, renjun really hooked her on sweet pregnancy tea, somehow it enhanced the taste buds to her cravings.
it’s been a few weeks ever since the news of jeno being dead.
she won’t lie, it really did effect her but also the mafia group itself. jaemin was overworked and determined to find yuta, he was practically sniffing him out like a dog ready to bark and chew more than it can handle. areum helping out with gathering the morse codes and secret locations, as of right now she found five of their locations in the span of the few weeks.
jaemin and haechan were just as impressed as she was with herself because apparently, finding out japanese riddles and morse code was easy to areum! the woman carries knowledge in her blood at this point.
haechan swore that the pregnancy made her smarter. on the other hand, jisung was able to take a liking to renjun and kun, jaemin was also quite obsessed with jisung due to the cuteness he projected.
jisung taking gun lessons and how to shoot, it was kinda like call of duty for him but make it real life.
arriving back home the tropes were quick to scatter themselves around; some people went immediately to find themselves water bottles that were prepared by the people who did not go out to fight today, the soldiers that stayed in the base prepared food and water in the middle. kun was also there with medical equipment for the people that were unfortunate today.
jaemin seeing areum helping out with the soldiers water and food now, he approached forward with a tired smile.
areum smiles back, passing the water bottle and large cup of warm spicy noodles and chopsticks with side dishes on the side. “eat up. today was a success.”
jaemin takes the bottle and noddles, sitting down on the chair. clothes roughed up, hair messed up as well, blood on the sleeves and dirty hands. but he ate anyways, they were starving. dirty hands were the least on their mind right now. “not entirely success. yuta wasn’t there, so he survived yet another day.”
he sounded bitter, areum’s lips falling. he was right. but no one died on their side today. she sits nearby jaemin, watching the man eat the noddles finally. Haechan joining areum’s side.
“hey, did you eat?” hyuck spoke upbeat, dancing around as he chews on the noddles. nothing makes life more better than eating spicy noodles after fighting in the war. “i ate nonstop as i helped you guys. i was able to check everyone’s cameras attached to their clothes as well as the vitals of our team. no one died, only massive injuries.”
“i know, you were great help. thank you.” hyuck chuckled. jaemin sighs, “i did say not to get involved anymore but even my words didn’t stop you.”
areum shrugs. “you should know me by now, when did words ever stop me?” she’d cheekily say and jaemin grins, she was right. jisung came down running the large stairs, skipping as he then stole the warm new noodle box next to haechan.
the tan boy looks over seeing the boy eat heavily, “yah…park jisung…that’s my second batch of food.” he points out, jisung pulls away chewing and swallowing before replying.
“hyung just make new one later.” jisung simply told, haechan’s jaw dropping, sarcasm leaking out the tone. “yeah thanks so much, you solved my problem park jisung!”
areum glares at the two boys, scowling. “can you not argue at least for one day?”
jaemin shaking the head. “i think we found the new Tom and jerry.” he pointed out as hyucksung kept on bickering in their own world.
areum turns around to the boy, brushing down jaemin’s hair. the man felt quite safe around her so he didn’t bother flinching or moving away in surprise, allowing her fingers to lightly pat the hair down as he kept on eating. stomach going full in a minute.
“areum,” his dark voice trails. “i have favour to ask of you.” he’d tell. areum raising eyes as she nods, “yeah?”
he puts the empty cup down, sipping from the water bottle before turning his entire attention to the journalist next to him. admiring the beautiful face he’s met with. “why don’t you go back to the cabin for a little bit? it might help you relax and stay in jeno’s presence more. i just, don’t want you stressed with police and mafia world. i need you away for a little. can you do that for me?”
the cabin was something areum rather avoided— not because she hated the place, she absolutely loves the cabin. it holds so many fun memories of her and jeno, it was the day they really started clicking emotionally and making them understand each other. but areum is scared that she will break down when she goes inside the cabin, only thing she will be reminded of is jeno itself.
she doesn’t know how to deal with this emotional and physical pain absence of the man, in fact, the only thing areum does to avoid feeling the reality is by working.
jaemin saw the uncertain expression falling, he was quick to gently hold areum’s hands in his. hiss like breathe coming out, deeply resting the forehead onto areum’s shoulder. areum was silent, but she was thinking about it. “i know this might be hard for you but..”
“i’ll do it.” areum mutters catching jaemin out midway, he pulls away with wide eyes. “you mean it?” he trails, areum nodding slowly.
“the bed sheets are losing his scent, they only smell of me now, hopefully the cabin bed will be different...” areum mutters looking down. jeno’s presence is slowly leaving and she still wasn’t ready to let go. jaemin squeezed her hands in his hands tightly, whispering. “i’m so sorry areum. i’ll try to spray all his perfumes he wore often on them to make you happy.”
areum embarrassed, she laughs gently. “that’s kind of embarrassing now, don’t worry about it.” jaemin let’s go off the hands, smiling. “it’s not. i completely understand it, when you really love someone you can’t help but like their smell.”
it somehow made areum realise that when you really care of someone, you become attached to the slightest things that reminds you of them. jaemin was similar to areum, he used nayoung’s perfumes on his clothes before.
jisung hums slowly joining in, “i agree, mina wears my hoodies ever since we are doing long distance. i guess it helps you feel more closer to them when they’re not around you as much.”
Haechan gasps, “you have a girlfriend? You?” the younger boy scrunching the nose up in an upset pout.
“yeah and you don’t? shocking, right.” jisung shot, haechan’s expression falling. “bro don’t even test me today, i told you i have girls!”
jaemin did not waste the time putting areum to the cabin, in the next few minutes after travelling for hours she will arrive at the cabin completely. It’s late going nightfall.
the car stopping at the front, areum taking the large bag that she packed, she were first to get out soaring a glance to kun and renjun.
“thanks for the ride. I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.” areum tells, renjun nodding at the passage seat. kun spoke out sternly, “remember that you’re entering your tenth week in the pregnancy soon, so don’t over work yourself.”
areum shortly smiles. “i know, don’t worry about me. keep an eye on jisung and update me on the situation.” they nodded before the car drove off reversing and then leaving through the wood path for the vehicles. everyone seemingly to be asleep except for animals that are nocturnal.
the women made herself go inside with the spare keys jaemin gave, as she enters with the door closed, the memories flooding areum’s brain haywire. the way jeno stumbled down the stairs worried areum was possibly kidnapped or left without a word, the way she came home drunk and he had to take care of her.
mr and ms Kim’s twins were here playing with him on the ground, the sweet lingering memory came with a hint of sadness. she purses a deep breathe that left her shaken, walking upstairs.
creaking left and right until she arrives to the top of the open bedroom, large wide windows allowing the starry sky overlooking the clean bed. the times where they shared it for the first time…
areum wasn’t sure how to feel other than needing to cry out, maybe it’s the pregnancy making it even worse with her amount of mood swings. she’d put the bag down on the bed, sniffling the wet nose.
the door slowly swung open, a heavy slow motion movement of the door she swore she closed. it did not take her a moment to realise because it was already telling her intuitively, that someone was standing behind the door ready to launch at her.
the woman grabbing a gun that she took with her, turning around with eyes darkly eyeing the person who came out at the same time. Door opening to reveal.
the person who was behind the door, had their own gun ready to shoot the person but they stopped lowering it a little. their mouth was about to open until a shot was heard, making the person flinch scared for their life.
areum tightly holding the shaking gun when she accidentally shot out of nervousness and amount of shock running down her body, freezing it. skin going deadly pale as her eyes wide in disbelief, tears streaming, heavy hot breathe exhaling out, hands turbulence in front.
the man was quick to relax his stiffen body as thankfully the bullet missed the body by an inch, quick to realise that the woman was simply scared. the relaxing soothing voice, he couldn’t grasp why areum was so shocked as if she saw a ghost.
little did he know he was presumed dead to areum. he didn’t realise it sooner, but areum was shocked unable to figure out if this was her delusional mind playing tricks or if it were reality.
“areum, hey, slowly lower the gun.” jeno soothingly told approaching very cautious and on alert, areum’s wet pupils shaking when the man came closer slowly. areum gulping, “stay back- you’re supposed to be dead.” she spat.
jeno quickly stops, mind going blank. “what?” areum stuttering, “you got shot and died. everyone came back except you. this is my mind playing tricks on me.” the words were fast paced, jeno gathered so much info in just a small amount of sentence. he shakes his head. “areum, listen to me..”
the voice felt so real to areum so comforting, she longed to listen to that voice for weeks, but it can’t be reality can it?
“please, i promise you I’m alive. i survived.” jeno quietly told coming to the front again, this time areum staying quietly as she sobs gently. she felt a hand finally lower the gun and take it from her own grip, dropping the gun to the floor.
her lungs largely inhale as she looks up, jeno eyeing the woman with kind eyes, his body engulfing her close to his chest. “see, i’m alive..?” it was almost a question rather than a statement.
areum only sobbed harder shaking her head, hitting his chest the more he pulled areum closer, mumbling words of hurt and sadness as well as relief too. everything was high on emotion, jeno unable to say anything but take whatever areum was giving him.
she hits his chest as her hiccuping voice from roughly crying, “you got shot! do you wish to die?!” she grabs the collar, upset that jeno ended up getting hurt but at the same time this was out of love and relief. jeno knew this. he looks at the woman who pulled him down by his collar.
he couldn’t lie but areum scolding him will always have him on his knees melting, he somehow found it even more attractive. areum awaiting an answer in small silence.
“did i ever tell you that you’re hot when you are angry?” jeno whispers with half smirk lips, areum biting the bottom lip, stale voice speaking. “lee jeno i’m serious.”
“areum.” jeno spoke out again wiping those crying eyes that sparkly whenever she’d sob, areum had him under her spell. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for scaring you, for making you believe i was dead.”
the woman wasn’t expecting jeno to go on his knees in front of areum, holding her legs with his veiny hands. she gulps at the sight of jeno being the submissive one. no arguing, just him accepting that he was in the wrong, that areum was scared and that she really loves him for being depressed for these weeks. jeno understood everything.
he didn’t need to be in his ego for areum. she had no other way but to no longer stay upset, as her hands grab a hold of jeno’s jaw pulling the man up.
jeno on the knees with his face stretching forward into a longing deep kiss, areum passionately putting in the emotions on something she desired to do for so long. the man melting in the action his face following the woman’s dominating loving side, as his jaw was still held by areum.
areum breaking the kiss, jeno dimming down watching the woman pull with a breathy intake. she murmurs softly, “I’m…”
“pregnant, jeno…”
everything felt surreal to the man when hearing those words come out of his loved one. jeno looking at areum before standing up, looking at the stomach as he came forward with his hands lightly perking on the top.
the clothes made it seem like there was no bump, but there most definitely was a little one forming. jeno felt it, the round shape above in his palm. his eyes twitching in excitement and sparkling as if he were the most happy person on the planet. areum watching the reaction, jeno spoke first.
“areum, how many weeks..?” jeno trails, happily smiling. areum was really in awe at the positive reaction. “nine weeks, jeno are you…not upset?”
the man shaking his head quickly. “areum, i love you. a baby with you won’t change my love for you, in fact— it only increased my love for you.” he slowly trails, going on his knees as he slowly hugs the little bump.
in such gentle manner, areum couldn’t help but smile like a giddy idiot.
“i’m going to be a dad.” jeno softly tells, looking up to the woman who nods softly. “mhmm, so don’t get shot again.” she’d bring up again, he couldn’t help but think her stubbornness was always going to be hard to look past.
but he loves her, he deserves to be told off for his off guard actions. “you really won’t let go off it will you?” jeno whines.
she still is his karma for sure, but this time, areum is his good karma.
@onyourhyuck please refer from copyrighting and translating my work!
Y’all take a guess if it’s a boy or a girl or how many, because i have that already planned out 😳😳…
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moonlezn · 6 months
beeeemm resumidamente, oq eu achei de tsou(não falei sobre todos os capítulos pq não pensei muito kkkkkkk)
Caramba... Eu acabei de ver o segundo ato do 5° capítulo de tsou e eu tô chocada. O jae foi tão babaca mano, eu realmente fiquei triste pela pp
Aliás, sou só eu que não odeio a pp?? Eu já vi todo mundo falando mal dela, mas eu entendo ela. Ela foi machucada tão novinha, e a ideia de deixar alguém se aproximar dela ser difícil, é super compreensível para mim. Eu não odeio ela não, ela só tem dificuldade em entender os próprios sentimentos.
Agora, o noivinho da pp, se não for o nana ou o injun eu choro, sério.
Eu não superei e nunca vou superar o capítulo do nana izzy!! Não sei se é pq tô numa fase do Jaemin mas sério, que depressão. Na minha cabecinha a ideia da pp ter começado sua vida amorosa com o jaemin e terminar também com o jaemin é simplesmente incrível, sem contar que foi um dos capítulos que mais me tocou, o jeito que eles simplesmente fizeram tudo um pelo outro e também a forma como terminaram tão levemente me deixa doida e eu preciso do Jaemin sendo o noivo dela
O renjun, também um dos que mais me tocou, ver toda a confiança que rolava entre eles e como eles se sentiam bem um com o outro </3, fiquei tão tristinha vendo as discussões e o término
Enfim, apenas deixando minha opinião aqui
se vc pudesse ver o meu sorriso lendo isso, sério. vc fez o meu dia! obrigada de vdd por ter dito isso tudo, eu tô aqui parece que to no ceu!!
q bom q vc decidiu comentar cmg pq eu concordo com vc em mts coisas, vou tentar n dar spoiler. vamos lá!
sobre o jaehyun, eu já disse algumas vezes aqui q ele foi o primeiro roteiro/enredo q eu escrevi e terminei em prantos. ele, desde o início, era p ser o pior ex de todos msm por causa da pachorra q ele teve de simplesmente der mau caráter.
jaemin: quando eu o escolhi pra ser o primeiro amor, td fez MUITO sentido. acho que o segundo ato dele foi um dos mais difíceis de escrever pq eu não queria acabar com a magia que eles tinham, sabe? foi tão inocente, tão intenso, tão certo... ter de fazer ele ir embora mesmo sem querer foi terrível.
renjun: foi ele quem tirou ela de um buraco q ela tava se metendo, né? ele foi tão especial q fez ela tomar coragem pra fazer o q era necessário em vários aspectos. no segundo ato, meus planos eram completamente diferentes, mas enquanto eu escrevia TANTA coisa mudou... a essência é a mesma, só q as personagens meio que tomaram vida e eu tive q seguir um caminho novo.
ainda temos mais um ato com o kun... e vamos ver como todo mundo vai se sentir em relação a pp, e aparentemente vc é a única (junto cmg) q não odeia ela. eu tb acho q as atitudes dela são mt comuns, além de compreensíveis. td mundo erra.
eu tenho uma surpresa pro final de tsou. vai dar um nó na cabeça de vcs! hahahah mas q bom q eu tenho leitores tão dedicados, sem ngm pra ler e pra interagir com essa fic NADA teria graça.
obrigada por tudoooo
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timelesstimesgoneby · 6 months
Tumblr media
Season 1
S01E01 movie pilot Little House on the Prairie 1970
S01E02 A Harvest of Friends 1970
S01E03 Country Girls 1970
S01E04 100 Mile Walk 1970
S01E05 Mr. Edwards' Homecoming 1970
S01E06 The Love of Johnny Johnson 1970
S01E07 If I Should Wake Before I Die 1970
S01E08 Town Party, Country Party 1970
S01E09 Ma's Holiday 1970
S01E10 School Mom 1970
S01E11 The Raccoon 1970
S01E12 The Voice of Tinker Jones 1970
S01E13 The Award 1970
S01E14 The Lord Is My Shepherd (120 min) 1970
S01E15 Christmas at Plum Creek 1970
S01E16 Family Quarrel 1970
S01E17 Doctor's Lady 1970
S01E18 Plague 1970
S01E19 Circus Man 1970
S01E20 Child of Pain 1970
S01E21 Money Crop 1970
S01E22 Survival 1970
S01E23 To See the World 1970
S01E24 Founder's Day 1970
Season 2
S02E01 The Richest Man in Walnut Grove 1970
S02E02 Four Eyes 1970
S02E03 Ebenezer Sprague 1970
S02E04 In the Big Inning 1970
S02E05 Haunted House 1970
S02E06 The Spring Dance 1970
S02E07 Remember Me (1) 1970
S02E08 Remember Me (2) 1970
S02E09 The Camp-Out 1970
S02E10 At the End of the Rainbow 1970
S02E11 The Gift 1970
S02E12 His Father's Son 1970
S02E13 The Talking Machine 1970
S02E14 The Pride of Walnut Grove 1970
S02E15 A Matter of Faith 1970
S02E16 The Runaway Caboose 1970
S02E17 Troublemaker 1970
S02E18 The Long Road Home 1970
S02E19 For My Lady 1970
S02E20 Centennial 1970
S02E21 Soldier's Return 1970
S02E22 Going Home 1970
Season 3
S03E01 The Collection 1970
S03E02 Bunny 1970
S03E03 The Race 1970
S03E04 Little Girl Lost 1970
S03E05 The Monster of Walnut Grove 1970
S03E06 Journey in the Spring (1) 1970
S03E07 Journey in the Spring (2) 1970
S03E08 Fred 1970
S03E09 The Bully Boys 1970
S03E10 The Hunters 1970
S03E11 Blizzard 1970
S03E12 I'll Ride the Wind 1970
S03E13 Quarantine 1970
S03E14 Little Women 1970
S03E15 Injun Kid 1970
S03E16 To Live with Fear (1) 1970
S03E17 To Live with Fear (2) 1970
S03E18 The Wisdom of Solomon 1970
S03E19 The Music Box 1970
S03E20 The Election 1970
S03E21 Gold Country (120 min) 1970
Season 4
S04E01 Castoffs 1970
S04E02 Times of Change 1970
S04E03 My Ellen 1970
S04E04 The Handyman 1970
S04E05 The Wolves 1970
S04E06 The Creeper of Walnut Grove 1970
S04E07 To Run and Hide 1970
S04E08 The Aftermath 1970
S04E09 The High Cost of Being Right 1970
S04E10 The Fighter 1970
S04E11 Meet Me at the Fair 1970
S04E12 Here Come the Brides 1970
S04E13 Freedom Flight 1970
S04E14 The Rivals 1970
S04E15 Whisper Country 1970
S04E16 I Remember, I Remember 1970
S04E17 Be My Friend 1970
S04E18 The Inheritance 1970
S04E19 The Stranger 1970
S04E20 A Most Precious Gift 1970
S04E21 I'll Be Waving as You Drive Away (1) 1970
S04E22 I'll Be Waving as You Drive Away (2) 1970
Season 5
S05E01 As Long as We're Together (1) 1970
S05E02 As Long as We're Together (2) 1970
S05E03 The Winoka Warriors 1970
S05E04 The Man Inside 1970
S05E05 There's No Place Like Home (1) 1970
S05E06 There's No Place Like Home (2) 1970
S05E07 Fagin 1970
S05E08 Harriet's Happenings 1970
S05E09 The Wedding 1970
S05E10 Men Will Be Boys 1970
S05E11 The Cheaters 1970
S05E12 Blind Journey (1) 1970
S05E13 Blind Journey (2) 1970
S05E14 The Godsister 1970
S05E15 The Craftsman 1970
S05E16 Blind Man's Bluff 1970
S05E17 Dance with Me 1970
S05E18 The Sound of Children 1970
S05E19 The Lake Kezia Monster 1970
S05E20 Barn Burner 1970
S05E21 Enchanted Cottage 1970
S05E22 Someone Please Love Me 1970
S05E23 Mortal Mission 1970
S05E24 The Odyssey 1970
Season 6
S06E01 Back to School (1) 1970
S06E02 Back to School (2) 1970
S06E03 The Family Tree 1970
S06E04 The Third Miracle 1970
S06E05 Annabelle 1970
S06E06 The Preacher Takes a Wife 1970
S06E07 The Halloween Dream 1970
S06E08 The Return of Mr. Edwards 1970
S06E09 The King is Dead 1970
S06E10 The Faith Healer 1970
S06E11 Author! Author! 1970
S06E12 Crossed Connections 1970
S06E13 The Angry Heart 1970
S06E14 The Werewolf of Walnut Grove 1980
S06E15 Whatever Happened to the Class of '56? 1980
S06E16 Darkness is My Friend 1980
S06E17 Silent Promises 1980
S06E18 May We Make Them Proud (120 min) 1980
S06E19 Wilder and Wilder 1980
S06E20 Second Spring 1980
S06E21 Sweet Sixteen 1980
S06E22 He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (1) 1980
S06E23 He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (2) 1980
Season 7
S07E01 Laura Ingalls Wilder (1) 1980
S07E02 Laura Ingalls Wilder (2) 1980
S07E03 A New Beginning 1980
S07E04 Fight Team Fight! 1980
S07E05 The Silent Cry 1980
S07E06 Portrait of Love 1980
S07E07 Divorce, Walnut Grove Style 1980
S07E08 Dearest Albert, I'll Miss You 1980
S07E09 The In-Laws 1980
S07E10 To See the Light (1) 1980
S07E11 To See the Light (2) 1980
S07E12 Oleson vs. Oleson 1980
S07E13 Come, Let Us Reason Together 1980
S07E14 The Nephews 1980
S07E15 Make a Joyful Noise 1980
S07E16 Goodbye, Mrs. Wilder 1980
S07E17 Sylvia (1) 1980
S07E18 Sylvia (2) 1980
S07E19 Blind Justice 1980
S07E20 I Do, Again 1980
S07E21 The Lost Ones (1) 1980
S07E22 The Lost Ones (2) 1980
Season 8
S08E01 The Reincarnation of Nellie (1) 1980
S08E02 The Reincarnation of Nellie (2) 1980
S08E03 Growin' Pains 1980
S08E04 Dark Sage 1980
S08E05 A Wiser Heart 1980
S08E06 Gambini the Great 1980
S08E07 The Legend of Black Jake 1980
S08E08 Chicago 1980
S08E09 For the Love of Nancy 1980
S08E10 Wave of the Future 1980
S08E11 A Christmas They Never Forgot 1980
S08E12 No Beast So Fierce 1980
S08E13 Stone Soup 1980
S08E14 The Legacy 1980
S08E15 Uncle Jed 1980
S08E16 Second Chance 1980
S08E17 Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow (1) 1980
S08E18 Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow (2) 1980
S08E19 A Promise to Keep 1980
S08E20 A Faraway Cry 1980
S08E21 He Was Only Twelve (1) 1980
S08E22 He Was Only Twelve (2) 1980
Season 9
S09E01 Times Are Changing (1) 1980
S09E02 Times Are Changing (2) 1980
S09E03 Welcome to Olesonville 1980
S09E04 Rage 1980
S09E05 Little Lou 1980
S09E06 The Wild Boy (1) 1980
S09E07 The Wild Boy (2) 1980
S09E08 The Return of Nellie 1980
S09E09 The Empire Builders 1980
S09E10 Love 1980
S09E11 Alden's Dilemma 1980
S09E12 Marvin's Garden 1980
S09E13 Sins of the Fathers 1980
S09E14 The Older Brothers 1980
S09E15 Once Upon a Time 1980
S09E16 Home Again (120 min) 1980
S09E17 A Child with No Name 1980
S09E18 The Last Summer 1980
S09E19 For the Love of Blanche 1980
S09E20 May I Have This Dance? 1980
S09E21 Hello and Goodbye 1980
DISC 1 red pink
S0E01 The Little House Years (180 min) 1980
S0E02 Look Back to Yesterday (120 min) 1980
S0E03 The Last Farewell 1980
S0E04 Bless All the Dear Children 1980
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termiteterraceclub · 7 months
Termite Terrace Club - September 20th
Pronoun Trouble.
1941 - Notes To You - Dir. Friz Freleng 1952 - Rabbit Seasoning - Dir. Chuck Jones 1969 - Injun Trouble - Dir. Robert McKimson (Last WB/Cool Cat short)
TV 1990 - Tiny Toon Adventures Season 1: “The Buster Bunny Bunch” (Buffed Bunny / Squish / Born to Be Riled)
1991 - Tiny Toon Adventures Season 2: “Playtime Toons” (Happy Birthday Hamton / Fit to Be Toyed / Strung Along Kitty)
1993 - Animaniacs Season 1: "Flipper Parody" / "Temporary Insanity" / "Operation: Lollipop" / "What Are We?"
1994 - Taz-Mania: "Not a Shadow of a Doubt" / “Nursemaid Taz"
1997 - Pinky & the Brain Season 3: "A Meticulous Analysis of History" / "Funny, You Don't Look Rhennish"
1997 - The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries Season 3: "Is Paris Stinking?" / "Fangs for the Memories”
2002 - Baby Looney Tunes Season 3: "Time And Time Again" / "May The Best Taz Win"
2003 - Duck Dodgers Season 1: "I'm Going to Get You Fat Sucka" / "Detained Duck"
2011 - The Looney Tunes Show Season 1: “DMV” / Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote: “Remote Out of Control”
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girlhoods · 1 year
just went thru a whole rollercoaster today. i watched cbc trickster for the first time just to see joel oulette before he pops up on the 2023 atla remake, ended up liking the whole show, discovered it was cancelled because of a faux native controversy, and then i found an old post of yours under the joel oulette searches about him following some redpilled account on ig? 😭 many things are happening
WHEGJEFJDHFG injuns just can't have anything </3
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xxdeadkittenxx · 1 year
TW//Mention of SA
DGNA IS ON PEAK TIME I REPEAT DGNA IS ON PEAK TIME!! I literally started this show cause Moonbyul was going to be a judge and after starting episode 1 I was curious if I knew any of the contestants so I went on the wiki and I saw Injun, Jay, and Karam we’re listed and I’m bawling 😭 Even if they don’t win PLEASE support these boys! They came from Open World Entertainment and for those who don’t know the significance back in 2010 the company was in a huge scandal because the CEO SA a bunch of female trainees multiple times and forced the male trainees to harass them as well. DGNA was NOT a part of this. This is a really important opportunity for the boys, and though it’s only 3 out of the 5 original lineup, I hope everyone can give them the love they deserve.
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kyuzuberri · 11 months
Kyu the hardest question of all:
Huang Renjun or Renjun?
i'd chose injun instead <3
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