#injury treatment
whumpdaydreamerx · 2 months
After Whumpee goes unconscious from initially getting injured. When they come to, with a grimace they try to writhe or get away in response to the immediate pain.
Caretaker having to put a hand on Whumpee’s shoulder or leg, quieting them. Making sure they stay still and remain calm so they don’t make it worse for themselves.
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foundfamilywhump · 6 months
A being badly wounded and B having no option but to cauterise it to stop the bleeding.
B apologising the whole time, feeling awful and guilty and just as bad as the whumpers. A understanding why it’s necessary but can’t hold back a scream.
Particularly delicious when one or both of them has trauma around burns/fire.
oh cauterization, an eternal whump favourite for a reason!!! that's prime 'have to hurt them to help them' territory. the guilt, how hard it is at the time. having to hold A down while doing it, even. maybe it's B by themself, so they have to hold A down and cauterize the wound at the same time, or maybe there's other people around to help. no matter what, it's awful, and sure to haunt both of their nightmares for days to come.
thinking about A asking for B's help caring for the wound after. maybe it's an olive branch to B to show 'really, truly, i don't blame you, i know you didn't want to hurt me, i still trust you.' maybe there are no other options, and they both have to figure out how to
and boy, if there wasn't trauma for one or both of them around burns/fire before there sure is now!
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hookaroo · 5 months
Laden of the Torn (21 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3
Awash in a sudden, palpable gloom, Killian lurched to a dazed halt. Either he had missed the entire transition from dusk to night, or blood loss and dragon venom were affecting his vision in a most unnerving way. Or perhaps he'd lost consciousness and now lay hallucinating the sensations of standing. The throb of an uneven pulse in his ears drowned out any hint of background noise as he struggled to catch his breath and decipher his current situation. He caught a whiff of wood smoke. Blood. Dampness and animal musk. 
A gentle tickle below his ribs caused brief confusion until he remembered his important passenger. Puzzle stirred again, underneath his shirt, more excited than scared this time. And as faint chattering began to filter through the static in his ears, a torch flared to life only a few paces away, and Killian's confusion cleared just enough to recognize the interior of the First Clan’s cave. He had no memory of approaching the entrance, nor of much of the flight before that. But apparently that did not matter, and he had made it. Somehow. And not a moment too soon, either. Intense vertigo dropped him to his knees then, with the distinct possibility that he would never rise again.
Puzzle was nearly frantic now, caught in the folds of his shirt like a nightmare victim entangled in bed sheets. Killian lifted a trembling, heavy hand toward the v-neck but could not move any of his fingers, so he made do with painfully slipping the mangled digits beneath and peeling blood-caked cotton away from skin. The miniature princess bolted without a moment's hesitation, and all Killian saw then was a streak of red-gold as she leapt into her father's waiting arms. Reluctantly mesmerized, Killian watched the reunion in silence, frozen there on his knees. The gestures of simian affection were perhaps somewhat alien in detail, but recognizable enough as the very thing he longed for most. The cold emptiness at the crook of his elbow spread upward to envelop his cursed heart, smothering all but the barest hint of shared rejoicing that should have been the natural response to the tender moment.
Lost in emotion, the duo had no thought to spare for the rest of the clan celebrating their princess’ safe return, and Killian found he could not reproach Favor for that. His focus was right where it should be. 
It should have inspired hope, this hard-fought victory… 
Some hazy span of time had passed captive to that poignant scene when, between soul-crushing pangs of longing, Killian sensed that he was no longer quite so alone. He swiped at his eyes with his sleeve and turned to look, immediately regretting both actions as the worst of his injuries flared to a more scorching level of intensity. Throughout the cave, additional torches were being lit as joy returned to the clan. Killian caught a bleary glimpse of Blackbeard against the back wall, gagged and glowering, but he was too exhausted to even feel like relishing the other man’s plight.
Then he caught sight of the gray stripes of Mandible, approaching on all fours, watching both his princess and the bloodied pirate who had rescued her. Mandible settled himself at Killian’s side, studied the touching sight one moment more, then looked up. He rested a gentle paw on Killian’s forearm. 
“Thank you,” said Mandible quietly, and Killian saw more empathy in those non-human eyes than he would have thought possible. He swallowed hard and flashed a wan smile.
“You lot arrived just in time.” His voice sounded feeble even to himself. “Thank you for the navigation assistance.”
“The Less have lost many warriors today,” Mandible said bluntly. “They will not try anything like this again. Puzzle is safe, thanks to you.”
Knowing better than to nod, Killian merely sat silently, watching as Favor meticulously groomed his restored child. When he glanced back down, it was to see Mandible studying the wounds on his neck, obviously concerned. Killian sighed and grimaced.
“I hope you’ve built up an appetite for those bloody ants.”
Mandible’s expression did not change. 
“The First will feast in your honor tonight,” he said, and Killian couldn’t tell whether he was trying to be humorous or not.
“You’ll have to pass along my regrets. I have a pressing duty to be comatose for at least the next fortnight. That’s assuming the Mire Dragon bite doesn’t finish me off in the meantime.”
Though Mandible seemed to understand the sarcasm, the concern did not fade from his demeanor. “Can you make it to the back of the cave?”
Killian had his doubts, but he gathered his strength for the attempt.
“Aye,” he grunted, “but keep the transporter magic on standby.”
The cave went black again, and not for lack of torches this time, but Killian managed to drag himself along after Mandible, past revelers and wavy shapes that squeaked their thanks as they passed. Killian’s limbs felt as if they were coated in iron, and his toes, ears, and cheeks had gone numb. A part of him longed to inquire after Mandible’s progress in developing a cure for his heart, but he was too close to oblivion, and he needed to save his breath for the mere act of limping onward. Still, any good news on that front would go a long way toward bolstering his strength for the torturous healing soon to come. Because while the rescue of Puzzle had provided a small amount of satisfaction, watching the reunion had only served to highlight his whole motive for enduring all of this brutality. And so far, he could not say whether it had been worth it, especially while still suffering the worst of the battle’s effects. Especially not knowing whether his hand was now permanently damaged, or whether he would succumb to venom, blood loss, or infection despite Mandible’s best efforts.
Killian shivered, suddenly massively disoriented, and it was only a stroke of good fortune that kept him from reeling into a nearby wall. He stopped to get his bearings, cold sweat prickling at his temples. The healer monkey swam into view, as unsteady as the rest of his surroundings, and urged him forward.
“Nearly there,” he promised, sounding much farther away than he appeared. Killian reached out his scarred wrist to steady himself against the stone. Just a few more steps. He’d made it this far; it wouldn’t do to lose consciousness now. But bloody hell, he’d rarely been closer.
Warmer light up ahead. 
Killian stopped when the wall stopped. It took him a moment to recognize the alcove as a refuge rather than an empty void. Those inviting animal skins could have been damp straw and still been just as tempting.
He landed a little too heavily; there was still a rock slab beneath the bedding, after all. Groaning, he managed to kick off his boots before stretching out on his side, not waiting for instruction. He’d just saved their princess. They should be able to forgive a bit of blood on their linens.
Through half-lidded eyes, he watched Mandible giving orders to his assistants. Quite a demanding creature, that monkey.
“This’s the part where you supply enough rum to get me through, right, mate?”
Golden-furred Aura cringed back from the unfamiliar rasp in Killian’s voice, but Mandible nodded at another healer carrying a small wooden bowl, which he took possession of before leaping up onto the bed.
“This will take the edge off,” he promised. “But it will also make you feel quite ill for the next several days, so use it sparingly.”
Killian planned to be asleep for the next several days; to hell with sparingly. “Cheers.”
Having been prepared to administer the draught himself, Mandible wasn’t expecting Killian’s torn hand to come crashing in and splashing the bowl’s entire contents--which wasn’t much more than a single mouthful anyway--past parched lips. Killian swallowed, winced, and fell back. He opened one eye to find an affronted monkey puffed up in a defensive reflex.
“That’s got nothing on Gentleman Starkey’s grog,” Killian slurred. “I’ll take my chances with the hangover.”
Mandible had no response for him; neither did he feel the need to force-feed Killian a purgative, so the dosage must have been safe enough. 
And even that wasn’t much once the healers got started in earnest.
Killian hadn’t had time for more than a breath of preparation, and certainly not enough for Mandible’s concoction to have had any effect, before a soaking wet rag was draped over his neck and shoulder. It was soothingly cool at first, but apparently dripping with an antiseptic of some sort that soon had the bleeding tooth marks blazing with anguish. Killian sucked a desperate breath through his teeth, praying for the impending darkness to hurry it up already. But alas, relief remained out of reach for the time being.
Mandible’s other minions were occupied with cutting away the remains of Killian’s clothing, peeling off strips that were stiff with his blood. And even though it was one of the last outfits he owned and could scarcely afford to replace it, he couldn’t exactly rebuke them for their destructive methods. He sure as hell could not provide much assistance and was in too damn much pain to even try.
Then Mandible was reaching for Killian’s hand, holding another rag dripping with liquid agony. Killian squeezed his eyes shut as every other muscle tensed in dread. 
“Careful,” he hissed, shuddering. “I was hoping to retain some semblance of function in that hand.”
Mandible made no assurances. Wordlessly, he wrapped the rag around the back of Killian’s hand, and that part wasn’t even so bad until the antiseptic got to the swollen knuckles, but when he began to gently straighten each mutilated finger to ensure the palm was doused in the stuff as well, that was when Killian had to fight back the desperate urge to pull away. Tears stung his eyes and he growled through gritted teeth. 
Go to a happy place, he would have urged Alice. And even though she had never been anywhere but her tower, her imagination was always up to the challenge and she would be off with her animal friends, bravely stoic as he washed a scraped knee or abraded elbow, and the encouragement of loved ones real and imaginary was enough to see her through. The trouble was, his happy place was also so, so sad.
“The… cure,” he hissed. “Tell me--”
His breath caught in his throat as fresh flames engulfed his arm where claws and teeth had savaged the final barrier between the attacking Less and their prize. He could feel himself trembling. He opened his eyes and was met with a confusing clash of color and shadow, flickering torchlight, alien furred faces with impassive eyes. A futile search for Mandible among those images only erased the question he’d been about to ask, and it didn’t seem to matter anyway, for the hoots and chattering he’d understood just seconds before was now as incomprehensible as the day he’d first been magicked into this bloody cave.
Breaths came and went, marked with the crashing of boiling waves in unpredictable patterns, and though he experienced each sensation as sharply as the next, he had started to feel disconnected from it all, suffering and not particularly caring as creatures with monkey paws and ant heads swarmed him from head to foot. Closing his eyes did not help in the slightest, for the visions continued either way, equally as unsettling. So he stared, unflinching though parts of him were being gnawed, other parts tangled in Dreamshade vines complete with thorns, and he lacked all fear and demanded no explanation.
His happy place may well be lost to him forever. What were a few hours of torture in comparison to that?
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redfeatherdaemon · 1 year
Kiss Me Better, Hold me closer
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/Midoriya Izuku
Tags: Fluff
Wordcount: 2025
Izuku Midoriya goes on a dangerous mission, and Hitoshi Midoriya is left to worry about his husband's absence. It turns out it was warranted as his husband walks through the door wrapped in bandages and covered in bruises. Hitoshi knew when they said "I do" that he was signing up to be his personal nurse, but that didn't stop him from feeling helpless to help him.
Thanks to  Evilkat23 for giving me the idea!
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glaucous-seas · 2 years
Two Seekers ~ Joongdok/Dokhyuk
(Part 4 of ?)
A soft, damp, and warm washcloth was pressed against Kim Dokja’s nose with a gentle press. And Kim Dokja awoke to the soft sigh of someone. 
His eyes felt as though they were glued together, but in a coat, that was strong without force. When he opened them, he was greeted by a dull sight. A black blanketed mattress, black and white walls with fitting decor, and dull orange light.
It smelt like air conditioning and the hint of expensive cologne. He blinked a little, letting his eyes adjust, and moved his arm a little, only to have it pinned down on the mattress again. He tried lifting his head, but the hand against his nose pushed him down again.
He was pushed back into the plushy pillow. “Yoo Joonghyuk,” Kim Dokja groaned out. 
He was originally lying on the bed, with— he caught the sight of his jacket folded and placed on the bed edge, while his shirt had been left with only one hand in one sleeve, showing the injury that had caused him to lose consciousness. Other wounds such as reddened skin that hinted at future bruises and scratches with scabs or swollen lifts of skin.
They were all exposed to Yoo Joonghyuk. 
It was confusing, yes. Why was this bastard helping him? Yoo Joonghyuk was supposed to leave him to bleed out and flaunt away in his sleek and pretty car. Not be tending wounds and making him overthink.
Kim Dokja scrunched his eyebrows, reciprocating a little and considering his physical condition. The pain in his face had reduced considerably till the point his eyes didn’t water every now and then. He could move his ankle and hands meaning that his motor actions were mostly delayed due to exhaustion.
He curled his toes and moved his fingers. It confirmed the reason for his ill coordination. Plus, if he thought about it, he was hit mainly in the face, chest, torso, and calves, and all. 
He was suddenly hyper-aware of his uneven breathing. And the touching that pressed around for any broken bones sent sparks down his spine. Kim Dokja had to admit, this was for the first time in a long that he felt restricted to motion without any body part being bound. 
He bit down on his scabbing lip.
The touch on his body was tantalizing and he couldn’t even see the tantalizer, hidden behind the washcloth. The touch was weird, it made him seek it, addicted. In lieu of this sensation, he should’ve recoiled, pushed away, and generally acted out through flight. 
The jarring yet soft touch kept him grounded.
His heartbeat was hardly still, not wanting to lower its guard.
“You need to be careful.” Yoo Joonghyuk muttered. It irked Kim Dokja but also consoled that words were spoken. His arms now trailed at the bones along his waist. “Did you even bother to check the security? Gwan Li Bin is a trickster. He’ll definitely have people around.”
This was perhaps the longest Kim Dokja had heard Yoo Joonghyuk say in one go.
However, the words made him open his mouth to retort, but winced at Yoo Joonghyuk’s fingers pressing on a bruise. Yoo Joonghyuk glanced at him, and licked his lower lip.
Kim Dokja’s lower lip twitched. He was so open, so vulnerable to anything. Yoo Joonghyuk could just… kill him. “Joonghyuk-ah,” he began to irk the latter despite his condition. “My client wanted the money by tomorrow—akgh!” He gritted his teeth in pain. “It’d only delay shit.”
Yoo Joonghyuk titled the cloth as if finally allowing Kim Dokja to see Yoo Joonghyuk. 
The man sat on a stool, close to him in a neck closed tank top and the same leather pants. He shifted the stool a little so he could eye Kim Dokja better. 
Despite knowing how little the latter speaks, Kim Dokja felt as though Yoo Joonghyuk wanted to say something more.
~ to be continued ~
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online-medical-clinic · 3 months
How to Treat a Common Leg Injury
Leg injuries can occur when you least expect it. They're common in children and active adults, but even those who lead a relatively safe or sedentary lifestyle can experience injury from a sudden fall.
There are many different types of leg injuries you can encounter. Some require more urgent care than others. Knowing what to do and how to provide injury treatment makes all the difference. Here's a quick breakdown of common leg injuries and what to do if you or a loved one experiences them.
A fracture is a broken bone. In the leg, the bone most likely to break is the tibia. Fractures can vary in severity, but they typically cause intense pain. In most cases, you can hear an audible break, and the injured person cannot walk or put weight on the leg.
Broken bones need emergency attention. Get to a hospital immediately for treatment and much-needed pain relief.
A sprain is a less severe injury you can usually treat at home. Sprains refer to stretched or torn ligaments. Sprained ankles are a common leg injury that often occurs when the ankle turns inward suddenly.
Typically, sprains cause moderate pain and swelling.
To treat a sprain, apply ice to address inflammation. Then, wrap the injury in an elastic bandage to limit movement and promote rest. For 24 to 48 hours, you must rest the leg, apply compression, use ice and keep the injury elevated.
Apply cold packs frequently and administer acetaminophen or ibuprofen to address pain.
Muscle Pulls
A pulled muscle, or muscle strain, occurs when the muscle stretches and tears. These injuries are mild but can be painful and worsen if you neglect to treat them. Fortunately, injury treatment for pulled muscles is simple.
The first element is rest. Overuse can lead to greater problems. Next is cold and heat. A cold pack will address swelling and soreness. Meanwhile, 10 minutes of heat can increase blood flow and promote healing.
Use pain medicine as necessary for comfort, and continue to apply cold and heat until the injury heals.
Read a similar article about family doctor in Scottsdale Arizona here at this page.
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The Role of Chiropractic Care in Auto Injury Treatment
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In the blink of an eye, an auto accident can change your life. The immediate aftermath often involves a whirlwind of emotions, medical appointments, and insurance paperwork. Amidst this chaos, one form of treatment stands out for its ability to provide holistic healing: chiropractic care. In this blog post, we’ll explore the invaluable role of chiropractic care in the rehabilitation process after an auto injury.
Understanding Auto Injuries
Auto accidents can range from minor fender benders to severe collisions, but one thing they all have in common is the potential for bodily harm. Common auto injuries include whiplash, concussions, herniated discs, and soft tissue injuries. These injuries often result in pain, limited mobility, and a diminished quality of life.
Limitations of Traditional Medical Approaches
While traditional medical treatments play a crucial role in treating auto injuries, they often focus primarily on pain management through medications. While medication can provide temporary relief, it doesn’t address the root causes of the pain or promote long-term healing.
Chiropractic Difference
Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to auto injury treatment. Chiropractors are trained to assess the entire musculoskeletal system, looking for misalignments or subluxations that could be contributing to pain and discomfort. They use precise spinal adjustments and other manual techniques to restore proper alignment, relieve pain, and promote healing.
Immediate Pain Relief
One of the first things individuals notice after a chiropractic adjustment is a reduction in pain. By realigning the spine and addressing musculoskeletal issues, chiropractors can alleviate the discomfort associated with auto injuries, allowing patients to regain a sense of normalcy in their lives.
Restoring Mobility and Functionality
Auto injuries often lead to stiffness and a limited range of motion. Chiropractic care helps restore mobility by addressing the root causes of these issues. By loosening tight muscles and improving joint function, patients can regain their ability to perform everyday tasks.
Addressing Whiplash Effectively
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Reducing Inflammation
Chiropractic care can help reduce inflammation in injured areas. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, but when it becomes chronic, it can hinder the healing process. Chiropractors use various techniques to reduce inflammation, such as manual adjustments and soft tissue therapy.
Preventing Long-Term Complications
Left untreated, auto injuries can lead to long-term complications, including chronic pain and reduced quality of life. Chiropractic care addresses these injuries promptly, helping prevent complications and ensuring a smoother recovery.
Collaborative Approach
Chiropractors often work in tandem with other healthcare professionals, including medical doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists, to create a comprehensive treatment plan. This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive the best possible care and support for their recovery.
Education and prevention
Chiropractors not only treat injuries but also educate patients about injury prevention. They provide guidance on ergonomics, posture, and exercises that can help individuals strengthen their bodies and reduce the risk of future injuries.
When it comes to auto injury rehabilitation, chiropractic care plays a pivotal role in promoting healing, reducing pain, and restoring functionality. It offers a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of injuries rather than just masking the symptoms with medication. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, consider adding chiropractic care to your recovery plan to maximise your chances of a full and lasting recovery. Remember, your well-being is worth the investment in your health.
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markadam129 · 11 months
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whumpacabra · 3 months
Sometimes you look something up for medical accuracy, understand the topic entirely, and then choose to ignore everything you just learned.
For the ✨drama ✨
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Seeing the right specialist for your condition provides for a timely, cost-effective diagnosis and pain treatment without the need for long waits or secondary specialist referrals. MidAmerica can help you get started. Make an appointment online or by phone today!
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whumpdaydreamerx · 7 months
Burnt Money (2000)
@of-wounds-and-woes has a lovely gifset of this here!
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Brisbane Northside Emergency
Receive immediate medical attention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at Brisbane Northside Emergency. We're located near St Vincent's Private Hospital.
Website: https://www.emergencybne.com.au/
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avephelis · 2 years
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golden hour
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dairyocchi · 9 days
i desperately need knb (kuroko’s basketball) to get a popularity resurgence 😕 like where are all the haikyuu and other sports anime girlies at you’ll love knb trust
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glaucous-seas · 2 years
Two Seekers ~ Joongdok/Dokhyuk
(Part 5 of ?)
Kim Dokja had studied Yoo Joonghyuk a lot. Ranging from meetings and to occasionally just following the latter. Kim Dokja knew he wasn’t the only one who did that, he had caught Yoo Joonghyuk four times in the same day once. 
They had studied each other as if it were their final exam from college. Yoo Joonghyuk might’ve repeatedly licked his upper lip, indirectly telling Kim Dokja that he was waiting to say something but wasn’t. 
He had seen that behaviour when they had gotten stuck in an elevator. Another incident of both of them stalking each other. The latter man had a weird habit. 
If Kim Dokja considered it, then Yoo Joonghyuk had that look far too many times when he was yelled at or insulted/mocked by people. 
Kim Dokja took a shallow breath, “say if u have to.” His voice came out less rude than intended. “If you have to say something, then just say it! Dammit. Yoo Joonghyuk—nghh-” his ribs flooded with pain. Kim Dokja’s Adam's apple bobbed again, and he knew keeping anger and annoyance was better than answers and confrontations.
He hissed in pain as Yoo Joonghyuk pressed again. If this bastard wanted to shut him up, it worked. 
There were so many wounds and injuries worse than this. WHY? Why did it ache so much? Yoo Joonghyuk had undeniably landed worse injuries. None of them ached this badly when he was in his bathtub, still in clothes and letting himself heal by the hot water. 
Kim Dokja shivered, the air conditioning hitting him again. 
Yoo Joonghyuk pursed his lips and blinked, picking up bandages and picking up Kim Dokja’s arm. “Do you think earning these many wounds is worth the job?”
“You think.” Kim Dokja nit-picked. 
Yoo Joonghyuk spared him a glare before continuing, “at least got what you were assigned?”
“You know what I was assigned.” 
“I’m asking, did you get it or not?” Yoo Joonghyuk’s grip tightened warningly, as if reminding Kim Dokja that he was still at Yoo Joonghyuk’s mercy.
Kim Dokja looked away, closing his eyes, “I did. I was promised 47% of it.”
Yoo Joonghyuk glanced up at him. “How much?”
Kim Dokja hesitated in responding, but replied, “126500000 won… around that much.”
He waited for a flicker in Yoo Joonghyuk’s eyes, something that spoke, I’ll steal it now.
However, Yoo Joonghyuk nodded and looked down. It was confusing once again, in the past Yoo Joonghyuk had effortlessly stolen Kim Dokja’s stash, taking advantage of his injuries. 
Kim Dokja noticed the reddened knuckles of Yoo Joonghyuk. It was so damn confusing. The latter put adhesive and closed the bandages on his arm. 
Yoo Joonghyuk’s common remark should’ve been. “Give me the money and go untouched.”
And it’d be not many punches and hits after Kim Dokja would be almost staggering as Yoo Joonghyuk walked away, a somewhat emotionless triumph on his face. 
Now, Kim Dokja noticed Yoo Joonghyuk’s adam’s apple bobbing at times, indicating he was either pissed off or disgusted with what he was presented. And that would be Kim Dokja’s bloody torso and bruising chest.
Kim Dokja wanted to roll his eyes. “You have no right to scold me, bastard.” He spoke, glad that his vocal cords added the desired roughness to his voice.
Kim Dokja bit his lip. Why was he making that face? Yoo Joonghyuk’s brows were the slightest knitted, and he closed his eyes for longer time intervals than needed. 
It almost looked like…
Kim Dokja shook his head in denial of the thought. 
He let out a staggered breath and decided to inwardly focus on Yoo Joonghyuk. Upon the latter’s arms, multiple jagged cuts splayed here and there. His fingertip was surely bleeding but it seemed to be overcoated in Kim Dokja’s own blood. 
Other than that, the latter also had a busted lip. Blood seemed to seep out at random times. But despite being injured enough himself, Yoo Joonghyuk was focusing on Kim Dokja. Tending his wounds with a soft look in his eyes, something so different from the primal and dangerous glare that he usually wore.
It drove him mad. Maybe taking both definitions of American and British. Angry and crazy. 
Why was Yoo Joonghyuk looking at him as if he were a thing of affection?
Kim Dokja scrunched his brows, pursing his lips before speaking slowly, his rasp had returned, “don’t look at me like that.” He knew that indirect anger had slipped into his voice—
Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja knew the latter didn’t mean it. How could Yoo Joonghyuk believe nother one of Kim Dokja’s filthy lies when his gaze was the reason the latter was calm. “I’ll look at you however I want.” Yoo Joonghyuk leaned his figure over Kim Dokja to speak clearly. 
Why bother with secrets when you’ve stalked answers out? 
~ to be continued~
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