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Todos hemos sido
durante un instante.
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Enamórate de un escritor
y nunca morirás,
pero no es cierto.
Seras verdaderamenta inmortal
cuando un escritor se enamore
de ti...
Pura maldad ❄️
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jorgema · 2 years
Todos somos mortales, hasta coincidir con esos ojos que nos vuelven eternos.
• Inmortal por ti
— Micropoema || @jorgema
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anthonyconh · 1 year
Cualquier día puede ser un buen momento para recodar quien eres
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jeandejard3n · 22 days
Lestat the Immortal
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caostalgia · 2 years
Inmortal, así se siente tu recuerdo.
Alexander Alay.
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yourhellcatt · 5 months
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Born again
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witchy-shortcake · 7 months
The bridge theory
TW: Suicide, Major character death, spoilers for the book I fell in love with hope.
So, hear me out, in the scene where they are trying to run away from the hospital for the first time Sam has a flashback of their late boyfriend's ( the first Sam) suicide and starts halucinating that the Bridge thei're about to cross, the Bridge where he killed himself and where Hikari would later try to do the same was the Gate between life and death and by going to the other side their friends would instantly die.
Sony, Neo and Coeur (Who later died days apart from eachother) crossed the Bridge completely and stayed in the other side until they Saw Sam run away.
Hikari attempted to Cross too but stayed behind to help Sam when they started to look scared (She attempted suicide multiple times but was either unsuccesful or was stopped by Sam just before she could do something serious to herself)
Sam never crossed the bridge in the first place, instead, they ran on the opposite direction, almost being hit by a car.
What if Sam was not halucinating? What if they were genuinely seeing the future?
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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cerebrodigital · 3 months
Expertos descubren la genética que hace a este animal INMORTAL por primera vez desde que se está estudiando.
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kev-n-ube · 15 hours
Lo único bueno de tener vecinos chamos, es que a veces me salen con su Can Can Can Cancerbero a todo volumen 🎵🎶
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liza-roy · 10 months
El amor es vida
Y la vida inmortalidad ❤️
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ethersoul · 1 year
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Ephemeral immortality
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lyon-amore · 2 months
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Something original that I've been correcting, connected in some way to the original story I uploaded to Wattpad. I hope you like it.
CW: Dismemberment, blood, death.
The smell of wet earth filled the garden.
The rain fell softly on the man's brown hair with dark eyes furious, watching as his two subjects dug the grave.
He took a quick look at the limp body of the young woman with reddish hair. Other white locks had appeared after her death.
Her purple eyes had lost any kind of shine they had once had. A little more. He just had to have waited a little longer and he would have gotten it.
He could hear his killer crying, being held by two other subjects. Next to them, a woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun was also watching the scene, covering herself from the rain with a black umbrella. In her expression, there was only pain. She had not only lost a friend, but also someone she had considered a daughter.
“Please, my lord!” The man pleaded, with blood stains on his shirt “I didn't want to do it! She forced me!”
"Shut up," the man of the house replied, looking at him with disgust, "you had no right to touch her." His Italian accent stood out in his tone full of rage.
The woman closed her eyes tightly. She understood from those words what she meant.
“B-but sir—” his voice was heartbreaking. He had no regrets about having killed the young woman, he was afraid of the man. Of the destiny she could choose for him.
The frightened man fell silent, but continued crying.
In the windows of the great mansion, thousands of luminous eyes watched the funeral. The blood was too tempting, but they resisted so as not to have the future fate of their lowly companion. In their minds there was only the thought that they should have been quicker to get a small drink of that blood that had intoxicated the room of the deceased young woman.
“What do we do with him?” The woman looked at the back of the owner of the house who was looking at the grave.
The stone was old, with Nuriel's name written on it. It didn't matter how many times she had been buried, it always hurt him.
"Tear him apart and burn his limbs, so that nothing remains of him," he answered without having thought too much about it. “He knew perfectly well what punishment there would be if someone hurt him.”
“My lord Morelli! I beg you! Have mercy!”
No matter how much he screamed, the men holding him didn't listen.
His arms were ripped off as fast as a human eye could have seen. He screamed in pain as blood stained the ground.
The woman stood in front of him, leaving the umbrella on the ground. She watched as he cried to her now. She didn't feel sorry for him at all.
“Rose! Please! Do not do it!”
"You shouldn't have hurt my little one." She placed both hands on his head, twisting it until she pulled it.
The blood mixed with the rain, but luckily for him, no one was going to want to drink it. The blood of a traitor was not allowed. It wasn't too delicious. On the contrary: it disgusted her.
“Take his legs off at the crematorium, please,” she handed his head to one of those holding him, avoiding looking at the second corpse they had.
"Yes, Miss Rose."
They walked away with The parts of the body and with elegance, the woman bent down to pick up the umbrella.
She turned on her heel seeing how the tomb was almost finished.
“André, we should go in.”
“No, I'll finish burying her.”
She didn't know if it was pain in his voice or anger. She never understood how important Nuriel was to him. They didn't even talk about it or he had ever shown it.
“How long do you think she will take to return" he asked in a low voice, still torn by seeing the body on the ground, as if she were a doll.
“How long did she take the last time?”
“She was poisoned, so it took her seven years to come back.”
“This time she has a stab wound in the back” André began to think, looking at the dead young woman. Her lips were already blue and her skin pale. “Let's assume that it won't take long because the organs are not contaminated, about three or four years at most.”
Rose nodded. A race like Nuriel's was somewhat unpredictable. The only acquisition of hers.
"Let's hope so." Despite not needing air, she let out a sigh. “I'll try to rest a little. Don't stay out here, remember that they still need you.”
"I won't be long." He turned his head to look her in the eyes. Rose had gotten used to the fact that whenever he got angry, his eyes were like a dark pit without a soul. Although as if he had ever had it since they met “Please clean Nuriel's room and take the crib out of the attic, we have to prepare it for when she is reborn.”
"Yes, André," the woman nodded delicately, letting the drops fall down her face.
The brunette signaled to the two vampires to leave along with Rose.
He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and carefully picked up Nuriel's body, observing her face. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, if it weren't for the smell of blood giving away that she was dead. He wrinkled his nose, preventing himself from feeling out of control in the face of such an exquisite aroma. It was a much better smell than any human. Next, he saw the Triqueta symbol on her neck, a reminder of the last time she died.
He didn't mind getting mud on it, he had buried it so many times that he was used to it.
Gently, he placed the body in the grave, arranging her wet hair and clothing so that it did not appear to be in a bad state. He couldn't help but caress her cheek gently, as if it were going to break into pieces.
“Why do you always end up leaving?” He asked her in a whisper “You always end up leaving me alone.”
He took out a dried flower from his pocket, a bell. He placed it on her chest, putting her hands on her side. He wanted it to help, even if it was impossible for a dead person.
He made an effort to bury the body, but why was he crying? No. It was the rain, it had to be the drops falling on his cheeks.
He slipped, managing to hold on to the tombstone, he was grateful that there was no other vampire nearby to see his clumsiness, as if he were a human, until he realized that there was only the first date from the day he had arrived home until his first death: 1872-1885. It was Rose's thing to want to have a grave for herself. It was a very human feeling for someone linked to death.
“In the end everyone ends up wanting to want you more than using you, right, Nuriel?” He murmured to the tombstone “I wonder if this was what you were looking for.”
And he was never going to know it. Those of her race had the habit of writing down all their memories, but they hid it so that no one would know what they felt or thought. It seemed like a defense mechanism against others. He had tried to find that diary as if it were a treasure, he needed to know her thoughts, why she always decided to leave. Was it that the life it gave her wasn't enough?
He had to change for her next life. Again. Use other methods to make her stay with him. So that she would not choose death. And if to that end he had to put an end to those who desired her blood, then he would do it to have her by his side.
“Good night, Nuriel, we will be waiting for you.”
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 year
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Me has recordado que hay gente... por la que todavía vale la pena luchar.
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myforestandlake · 1 year
Yo sabía que agarrarías mi corazón y lo tirarías al piso, pero tranquilo… ya estoy practicando mis reflejos para agarrarlo antes de que llegue a romperse.
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Ser inmortal es baladí; menos el hombre, todas las criaturas lo son, pues ignoran la muerte; lo divino, lo terrible, lo incomprensible, es saberse inmortal.
El Aleph, Jorge Luis Borges.
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