#insert -> ‘you don’t have enough hatred sasuke’
maoam · 2 years
I like to read manhwas sometimes (not as much because so many are just wish fulfillment for self insertion) and something that always pisses me off is when you have an FL (female lead) who is so in love with a guy that started in childhood and persists into adulthood but the guy doesn’t return her feelings, and the comments are filled with absolute hatred and vitriol for him. Because how dare he not return the feelings of this obsessive chick who’s only personality trait is to be make him happy. Or even if the FL isn’t interested in the guy, but the guy also doesn’t worship the very floor FL walks on, he gets hate. Because to so many readers, the FL is supposed to be the center of love and affection if everyone, and anyone who doesn’t instantly fall head over heels for her, is the enemy. It really made me think about Sakura’s fans who hate Sasuke because he had the audacity to own autonomy and not like her back. It is such en embarrassing, cringey, and immature mindset. If you need to self insert that hard, you need to go out and touch some grass. Don’t women hate when men act entitled just because they are nice to us. Why is this mindset excused when exhibited by female characters? It’s so goddamn weird
This is the general mindset of the Naruto fandom in many places. Many of them insert into characters like Naruto, Sakura and Hinata while hating characters they see as being more popular or skilled or whatever, or think their faves "deserve" this and that. Some of them even hate Sasuke for getting screentime and thus robbing Naruto (the main character) of his main character priviledge. Sakura fans tend to hate all the other female characters, especially if they ship SS.
I literally once saw a guy explain why he hates Sasuke and he said he's that guy you hate in middle school/high school (I do not remember which it was) and it just shows again how Sasuke hate is often about some personal grudge in people's life they project onto him. Men hate him because all the chicks want to bang him, and women hate him because he doesn't want to bang any of the chicks.
And before anyone comments on this with something like "I hate Sasuke because he's an asshole!!!" sure sure. Just say you didn't bother to try to understand him, to understand why he became like that, and that he repeatedly got re-traumatized through his whole life, because he doesn't exhibit any traits you can relate to. If people just said they don't like him, fine, but repeatedly drawing him getting choked and beheaded and having to make up lies like he didn't win any fights or he committed war crimes (lol?) just to bring him down because he triggers some insecurity in you is honestly go outside and touch grass moment. It's time to move on from middle school/high school phase. But I feel this is especially hard for Naruto fans, and not just about Sasuke, but about the series in general. They are so stuck in their interpretations that they aren't even ready to listen and open their eyes and ears when people try to explain. Naruto was their childhood and their vision of it can't be touched.
What you mentioned is actually pretty common, some people hate Light more for not liking Misa than for killing countless people lol. Meanwhile, characters like Vegeta get a pass for everything because they do their job on liking the female character back. Some fangirls are ready to forgive a male character an awful lot as long as they can slap a romance narrative on his character.
That girl who drew the art of Sasuke being beheaded by Sakura is a Reylo fan and considering all the things Kylo Ren has done it's clear Sasuke not wanting to fuck Sakura is what pissed the artist off enough to draw that picture. I mean Kylo did kiss Rey at the end willingly so he did his duty. Who cares if he's a fascist who killed innocents and also killed his father. She likes zutara. Zuko burned a village and send an assassin after the Gaang and helped Azula almost kill Aang, but it's okay because he never rejected Katara (well Katara never made a move on him like Sakura). Sakura aggressively trying to climb on Sasuke's dick while being repeatedly rejected and unwanted makes women feel embarrassment, so they redirect the embarrassment as an anger towards Sasuke. Thus they can pretend Sakura is not responsible for not taking no for an answer and repeatedly embarrassing herself. This way people can pretend rejection is actually injustice towards them and not something they just need to get over it because they're not entitled to anyone.
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jacarandabanyan · 3 years
📚for the fanfic plot ask thing!📚
Okay so- plot of one (of many) fanfic I haven't written (because to be honest, I don't have the skill to pull this off yet) but often daydream about:
I would love to write a This-Is-How-You-Loose-The-Time-War-inspired spy-vs-spy KisaIta fic. It would feature baby ANBU Itachi trying desperately to find a solution to the tensions brewing between his family and the village (massacre was still a few years off when he first joined ANBU, I believe). This eventually leads to him hunting down all reports/intelligence related to the night of the Kyuubi Attack and finding a few small scraps of information that hint at the existence of the Masked Man.
(He is a pre-teen, so he doesn't really *get* that finding a different scapegoat/"revealing the truth of what happened that night" probably isn't going to fix issues that are rooted in three generations of Village Policy and History, because he may be a genius at killing people but his education has not emphasized critical thinking)
He eventually tracks what little (extremely scant) evidence he has to Kiri, where he comes to believe the Masked Man is operating.
He gets himself sent on endless missions to the Land of Water in pursuit of his pet project, gaining himself a reputation in the process. There are no shortage of missions- the Land of Water is rapidly devolving into three different simultaneous civil wars, and resentment over the last Great Shinobi War lingers enough that Kiri and Konoha will likely never be friends in Itachi's lifetime.
(This is gonna get really long, so here's a read more)
At the same time, recently-made-ANBU Kisame has been mostly assigned to intelligence-related missions, as in canon. However, over the course of his first few months worth of missions, he comes to suspect that there's a leak in ANBU, and he sets about trying to find it and silence it. He slowly develops a reputation for ruthlessness even among ANBU, a cut above the normal Kiri ruthlessness, as he secretly works to get his fingers into every hidden nook, cranny, and conspiracy until he finds the disloyal one.
(And maybe he's projecting his issues/self-hatred related to killing other Kiri ninha just. a little bit. on this mysterious leaker. How dare this person sell out the Village? How dare they give out the information that gets other Kiri shinobi killed? It's easier to hate the faceless traitor than it is to hate himself. And at least he still *has* values. He killed the Few to protect the Whole.)
Over time, as the two develop their reputations, their respective villages start pitting them against each other in the field. Konoha has an unofficial policy of trying to off Seven Swordsmen hopefuls before they can get powerful enough to actually get a blade, and Kirigakure knows that the unstoppable Konoha operative is a Sharingan-user, and Obito-controlling-the-Mizukage is always down to take down his estranged family members.
Danzo is less eager to have Itachi take care of the Uchiha for good, not out of any particular maneuvering on Itachi's part, but because he also remembers the last Great Shinobi War, and how brutal Kirigakure was during it. He sees their ongoing civil strife and fears that one faction will eventually WIN and turn their attention on their neighbors. Itachi has made himself the best operative at getting into and out of Kirigakure- if he wants to interfere from the shadows and keep the civil strife going, he needs to keep Itachi in the field. (Don't worry, he finds other ways to be awful/keep the pressure on).
Itachi and Kisame are a good match-up. Itachi might be a natural genius with a fancy kekkei-genkai, but Kisame has way more experience than him. Also, unlike laser-focused Itachi, Kisame is actually keyed into the intelligence world, so he always has more information than Itachi.
They clash over and over again over several years, and slowly learn more and more about each other. They mature into seasoned ANBU operatives, have epiphanies about themselves and their villages. And slowly come to like each other.
Itachi has his sexual awakening when he sees Kisame rise up out of an ocean of blood, shirtless, effortlessly hoisting a struggling Jonin one-handed over his shoulder, big tooth-filled grin on his face.
They infiltrate each others' villages and insert themselves into each others' missions in disguise. Itachi genjutsus a Kiri team to think he's one of their teammates, whom Kisame secretly has orders to eliminate. He feels a surge of relief when the teammate he'd known since his Academy days dissolves into a murder of crows moments before his sword pierces their chest- his teammate is still dead, but at least this time they were killed by an enemy, not Kisame himself.
Kisame knows his mysterious counterpart is a Sharingan-user, so he infiltrates the Uchiha compound to tease out what the situation is with the clan in Konoha right now (and maybe see if he can figure out who his counterpart is).
While he's in the village, tracking kekkei-genkai users, he discovers Root and exposes it. This is both a huge win for Kiri Intelligence and put Danzo in a tricky situation, since he supposedly disbanded it.
Eventually Kisame figures out that some of the leaked information is making its way to Danzo, so he goes to kill Danzo and try and figure out who he's getting his information from. This is right around when Danzo's started making threatening noises towards the Uchiha again, since Root was just rediscovered (by foreign intelligence, no less!) and he needs to redirect attention off himself and onto the Uchiha. He's even considering the total elimination plan again- Itachi's work in the Land of Water is valuable, but not more valuable than consolidating control over the Village.
(Or perhaps he doesn't need Itachi for this- Shisui is also a talented ANBU operative, after all. Sasuke was originally supposed to be the spare Uchiha left alive in the village, so they wouldn't loose the precious Sharingan, but it's becoming increasingly clear that while he's good, he's not as good as Itachi. Why keep the subpar tool and throw away the masterwork?)
Itachi develops a humorous problem where he's leading three different fake lives, and is covering up with by genjutsu-wammying anyone who might notice anything suspicious in the timing of his long absences. He's infiltrated Mei's rebellion as a spy who needs to disappear a lot to go do spy stuff, while at the same time pretending to be an official in the Water Daimyo's court, while also posing as a regular Kiri Jounin.
His Regular Kiri Jounin act is so solid, they give him a genin team. One of the genin is related to the civilian official he's impersonating in the Daimyo's court, and she constantly comes to see him and tell him all about her sensei. On of the other genin on the team is related to a the Mizukage, and Mei orders him to kidnap that genin away from their sensei, which is also him, so that he can be used as leverage. The third genin turns out to be a secret kekkei-genkai user, and actually wants to be kidnapped away to the rebellion so that they won't have to live in fear of being discovered, and also because they hate the current government. This genin who wants to be kidnapped is constantly fighting with the genin he's actually supposed to kidnap, and whines that "Sensei, you're not supposed to play favorites! Why do they get to get kidnapped but I don't? They don't even want to get kidnapped!"
(Itachi the Regular Kiri Jounin, who is Unquestionably Loyal and Totally Not a Radical Who Would Join the Rebellion, ends up dating Kisame, whose identity as an ANBU is technically a secret. This relationship runs on willful ignorance.)
Kisame and Itachi would end up taking each others' places at some point to take down each others' mentors- Kisame walks right into Danzo's office looking like Itachi, and no one blinks when they sense the genjutsu because Itachi is always casting genjutsus. No one even realizes anything's wrong until Danzo's dead and "Itachi" is making his getaway.
Itachi would be approached by Fuguki at some point with an offer to sell information, and immediately realizes that this is Kisame's leak. He argues to Danzo's replacement that the value of Kiri's ANBU turning on each other is greater than the value of having someone willing to sell the occasional nugget of info. He has to work not to laugh behind his ANBU mask, because Konoha nin just don't get how down Kiri nin are to turn on each other at the drop of a hat. "Turning Kiri ANBU against each other" please, as if the Seven Swordsmen don't regularly train their own murderers. As if one of the fastest ways to gain cache isn't by offing your superiors. It's like Konoha Intelligence knows nothing.
He wins his case, and reveals what he knows to Kisame, who goes and kills Fuguki like he did in canon. Obito reveals himself, same as in canon, and Kisame immediately knows how he's going to pay Itachi back. He's still disillusioned with the Shinobi world like in canon, but he had his initial Pit of Despair moment years ago, when he figured out there was a leak in ANBU and that truly there were lies everywhere. He's learned how to compartmentalize since then.
He pretends to join Obito so that he can feed Itachi information. Together they take down Obito, revealing his crimes to both Kiri and Konoha.
It should be over then- Kisame found the leak, Itachi cleared his family's name- but it's been around a decade at this point. Both of them have played so many roles as spies that they don't know how to go back to who they were before.
Itachi's almost spent more of his life in the Land of Water than in the Land of Fire at this point, and he certainly knows more people there than in the Land of Fire. He's passed his twentieth birthday by now, and he's no longer a pre-teen with no concept of the world and his place in it outside of Konoha Propaganda/Brainwashing. He doesn't know how to relate to Sasuke's fierce, uncomplicated desire to grow up to be the best Shinobi, because how can he think that's a good thing at this point?
Meanwhile, Kisame still kind of hoped that killing the liars/traitors who had sent so many Kiri-nin to their deaths would make him feel better about all the comrade-killing, but it doesn't. He can't seem to reconcile his absolute loyalty to the Village and its ideals with his disgust at everything they do.
For a brief while, he and Itachi join Mei's rebellion for realsies (Itachi still as one of his undercover roles) and help her topple the Bloody Mist government and install a new one, but it's not enough. What she's proposing is still a Ninja Village. It's better than what there was before, but that's not really a ringing endorsement.
Itachi's the first one to decide to walk away. He lets Kisame "kill" him on a random mission in a way that doesn't lend itself to a body being returned or retrieved, then settles down and builds himself a life as a secret kekkei-genkai child who grew up hidden like Mei, but never learned to be a proper shinobi. He spends his days at a quiet house outside Kiri proper gardening and making jam by the side of a lake Kisame made during one of his fights with Itachi. There's a ghost town near the lake, emptied during the Civil War years. He develops a reputation as a ghost.
Kisame walks away not long after. He can't really leave, of course- unlike Itachi, he has no desire to settle down in a foreign country, and too many people know him here- but he does step away from active duty. He "kills" Itachi The Regular Kiri Jounin-Sensei and takes his genin team for himself. The kids know something's up because their Sensei still visits them sometimes, though he half-heartedly tries to convince them he's a ghost. They help spread the story about the ghost living by the lake anyway, just in case anyone starts investigating.
Kisame quietly moves out of his shitty Kiri apartment to join Itachi by the lake. Some of the seven swordsmen do come investigating then, but when they discover that Kisame's just moving in with his squeeze who he really sexily fake-murdered, they decide not to do anything about it. Besides, they like Itachi and don't want to have to write up a report about how dangerous it is to Kiri security that he lounges around a lake all day, drawing birds and cooking elaborate meals in an attempt to blend the comfort food of his youth with the produce and spices native to Kiri that are honestly more familiar to him at this point than the ones that grow in the Land of Fire.
Itachi sometimes goes and visits Sasuke and Shisui back in Konoha, but mostly he hangs out in his new home and lives out his soft, domestic, non-violent dreams with Kisame and his cute little genin. It's a sappy ending.
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oddone95 · 3 years
The Cycle of Hatred in Naruto fandom.
Ok, so I just wanted to write a little post on why this fandom (Naruto fandom that is) needs to chill and stop hating on each other so much. But first, let’s get clear in our minds that “Naruto” is a business franchise, and the goal of any business venture is to earn 💰. Earn money by evoking emotions in you. Now that this is clear, let’s move on. This will be a short (not rant) but rather advise to the various “camps” in this community.
1. To the remaining NaruSaku bunch:
Yes, I get it, you’re disappointed with the ending. Yes, you wanted Naruto with Sakura and apparently you cannot see how in the world NaruHina even happened. But if you took your bias out for a bit, you would see that pairing Naruto with Hinata was THE ONLY positive outcome for Naruto romance-wise. Or did you really want Naruto to end up with a “prize” that never even ONCE expressed her desire to be with him romantically in any way, shape or form. And don’t bring up the fake confession because this is all that is. FAKE. To save the love of her life from sinking into darkness. And how can you go around Hinata’s heartfelt confession during the Pein arc? So, please STOP insulting Hinata and her fans - let people enjoy the canon pairings that were planned from the beginning of serialisation of the project.
2. To the very vocal SNS community:
I’ll just keep it simple. If Masashi Kishimoto wanted this manga to be shonen-ai or yaoi, he would’ve acted on it. Editor or not, Kishi stands behind his story. He always has. And please don’t bring the supposed “homophobia” into this. Homophobia is a very serious rl issue that affects millions of people worldwide and you’re NOT helping the cause by insulting and hating on people enjoying the het canon pairings of Narutoverse. You do realize that your rants about it only trigger more hate towards yourselves and the cycle of hatred goes on. So we all end up bashing real living breathing humans “for the sake” of inked characters.. Let it sink in.
3. To the die hard SasuKarin minority:
Bruh.. There’s so much I’d like to bring up here but I’ll stick to basics. Firstly, your claim to be Sasuke fans is ridiculous because you seem to view him as a mindless, powerless beta male that was harassed by a woman SO HARD that he decided to give it to her.. really?! Is that who you think he is? Because that’s what you all seem to claim by saying that “Sakura chased after him”. You take that line from Gaiden and take it completely out of context. Do you know ANYTHING about Sasuke? Anything at all? If there’s anything manga taught us about his character is that Sasuke Uchiha acts as he pleases. He did so when he first left the village, he did so when he killed Orochimaru, he did so when he fought with Naruto, he did so when he willingly gave up his old worldview, and he did so when he married his wife. And you bring up “rape” into the matter. Seriously?! Do I need to bring up the sweaty t-shirts, licking somebody all over and ravaging them in their sleep? Do I? Thankfully, Karin redeemed herself by worrying about Sasuke’s wife well-being enough to deliver her baby and by thinking about HER happiness in Sasuke Shinden. She clearly cares about the Uchiha family wellbeing more than you do. She moved on!! So should you.
4. To NaruHina and SasuSaku respectively:
There is NO popularity contest. Man, I can’t believe we’ve got to this. There is absolutely NO popularity contest between Sakura and Hinata, neither there is for their romances. They’re different, just as the girls are different, and the boys are different. There is no such thing as a cookies cutter perfect romance. They’re written differently and I’m thankful to Kishimoto for that. I wouldn’t want every couples way to the altar copy-pasted. SS is angstier and more complicated. Their history is different. Yes. NH has been more subtle during the Shippuden but both pairings came together as was planned and we should feel proud and victorious that our ships made it to canon. But that’s too boring I guess. I guess tearing each other down is the new sport. So please tell me: what has Sakura ever done to Hinata except for being a good friend?! Same goes for Hinata. Can you put away your hate for Sakura/Hinata for one minute to appreciate the fact that the girls are ACTUALLY HAPPY! The way it was planned from the beginning. They’ve both suffered, ached and spilled tears for the men they love SO MUCH. And now they’re happy! Can’t we celebrate that?! This brings me to my next and final point.
5. To Sakura haters:
I’ll keep it brief. I honestly really truthfully DO NOT get WHY you hate on her so much.I REALLY DON’T.
5.1. For those of you who hate her for getting in the way of your ship, please see above. You really must either not have read the manga, or fanfiction.net is your source of truth. Hating her for being paired with Sasuke is same as hating Kishimoto for making Naruto a jinchuuriki because both canon facts were pre-planned by the author.
5.2. If you hate her for being mean to Naruto, then I suggest reading the manga past chapter 3 because this misconception gets debunked really quickly. You should stop refusing to accept the fact that Sakura really cares about Naruto as a friend and a precious teammate.
5.3. If you hate her for being “useless”, I don’t even know what to tell you because.. you know.. you don’t know the content of the manga called “Naruto” so why don’t you put away your bias for a minute and try to see what I see? All you have to do is clear your mind of all misconceptions and just read the manga with, you know, open mind?! To see how many lives she saved, how much of strength she has considering her humble beginnings, and how much valued she is in the village.
To the rest of Naruto fandom that gets swayed in every direction influenced by reviewers on social media, extremist shippers or even have trouble realizing that characters are fictional and nothing really happens to them unless it’s written into the canon verse by the author, I have one advice to you: please don’t let anyone’s opinions affect your judgement. YouTube reviewers are PAID to provoke and trigger you. They earn money by imposing THEIR ideas and theories onto YOU. Some of them bring their own life experiences into the discussion which only causes you to self-insert.
Naruto is an awesome manga! It deals with such important issues and carries such a positive message! Please, STOP ruining it by pointless wars that only fuel more hate!
Now. Going back to my first point about the money. Anime production studios have a huuuge interest in you staying glued to the screens. They’ll do anything to provoke you to talk about whatever happens on screen. They will bring their own bias into the mix, and fuel this madness even more. For the anime only fans I will say that you’re doing a huge disservice to yourself and to the work of art that “Naruto” is by only watching anime. It adds another layer of interpretation thus confusing you even more. Please, read the manga! It’s so worth it!
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ryodan · 7 years
Hey I don't ship sns so I don't really know what goes on but what do you mean by sns = sasuke exclusion and naruto wanking? Just a curious person over here 😅
I didn’t say SNS = Sasuke exclusion and Naruto wanking, I said it’s based off a lot of that. More so the shippers than the ship itself (But that’s really the case with sasuke in a lot of ships and that is why I don’t particularly associate with any shipping fandom..but sns takes the cake lol) . The fandom consists of mainly naruto uzumaki stans (and i love him!! I love the sunshine boy but no fav is perfect) with a blind sense of hero worship. They view Naruto as this untainted perfect guy who can do no wrong, that saved~ sasuke using the power of 
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Like sasukes entire existence revolves around him, like he begins and ends with him, like he is the only thing that matters to him, like he is obsessed with him
(no matter how unhealthy that sounds lol), like sasuke as an entity can only exist codependent to naruto. It’s hard to articulate what point i am trying to get across but some examples I can think of at the top of my head 
-Something they bring up a lot ‘sasuke cared more about naruto than itachi in the reunion arc’ and it’s literally???? Sasuke, was of course worried to hear his best friend is target to a man who murdered his entire family but the entire volume (17) was filled with flashbacks of the time sasuke’s entire family was murdered. He headed towards itachi with his sharingan activated because of the sheer emotion caused by ‘that man’ being there. When he saw itachi it was blind rage and hurt because after all this itachi ignored him…and ofc we all know what happened next. It gets annoying seeing such a massive sasuke moment get turned into hE lOveS nAruTo sO mUCh. I don’t see Sasuke stans attempt to make Narutos rasengan scene about Sasuke?? Why is Sasuke getting mentally tortured turned into lOvE??
-They praise Naruto for the first fight and it’s like? How can you sleep on the fact that Naruto just told sasuke he would break every bone in his body to make him understand his feelings of wanting to bring him back…but it’s okay because he said he’s doing it beCauSe HE’s A fRiEnD. 
-’Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto because he is his oNLY frIEND the ONE he CaRES ABOUT THE MOST’ Naruto is Sasukes best friend, given fact. But Sasuke never showed any discrimination in how much he cares about the members of team 7..he loves all of them..any of them would have awakened mangekyo for him as shown when he awoke kagatsuchi during his Bee fight and the fact that whenever he thinks about team 7 he always thinks about all them is further proof. It’s like they are forgetting Sasuke just intended to leave the village quietly but both Sakura and Naruto chased him and he initially told them the exact same thing. ‘dont mind me anymore’ when Naruto attacked him first, sasuke was like ‘i have no choice do i, naruto?’ and bitch punched him into the valley. The fight at first was just a petty sasuke goading his strength to Naruto bc of Itachi’s ignoring towards him..and then escalated to his manipulated past leading him to want to kill Naruto bc the way to awake mangekyo (as he knew at the time) was to ‘kill your best friend’..something he didn’t do because ‘i will not be your puppet’ ‘i didnt want to obtain power doing it the way he told me to’ but nO it’s because he LoVes nAruto MorE tHan AnyThInG THats WHY he ChidOriED hIM and AlmOSt RyukA JUTsud HiM. I do think some factor of it was at the end he couldn’t kill his best friend while he was helpless, but sasuke doesn’t really lie about his feelings- he is pretty straight forward usually.
-They also praise naruto for the land of iron arc but that is arguably his worst moment. Sasuke having just fought danzo made the source of his distress very clear: the massacre’s truth, the massacre being thrown at his beloved older brother, and the way the Uchihas were treated in Konoha prior to the massacre. The moment I knew how much pain it was giving him was when he was shouting ‘how many uchihas did you kill in order to get that right arm?’
and here is where the issue comes in. Naruto knows the truth, Obito told him. Yet, when he seeks out Sasuke he tries to make the issue of genocide #relatable. oh sasook ik about loneliness too, did i tell u about the time i was sO alone??? Haha i could have been like u, nvm that ik about the curse of hatred and watch me not mention the issue of the mass genocide!11! Youre just angry bc u LOVE ur family : )
And his ass gets praised for it??? it’s so confusing??? He just ignored a national crime on behalf of his village (as an institute) and he gets away with it bc yOu are My fRiend
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These are a few examples but I could go on. Idk if they self insert into sasuke, or use him to blindly wank their fav but it’s annoying enough to make me step away from the fandom. Like, chill mate its not that deep. it’s just anime, you don’t have to lie to yourself and keep saying sasuke/naruto hate _ and only love each other!11!! it’s very transparent and almost pathetic. No one ever choked from swallowing their pride and facts are facts even if you turn a blind eye. 
I still ship SNS by the way, it gets a pass because Naruto always tirelessly wanted to understand sasuke..he also wanted to end the cycle of hatred and stop history from repeating itself which is pretty noble. In terms of sasuke, growing up and seeing naruto trying to bond with people gave him hope and I think thats beautiful. The bond they share represents so many themes of the story, it’s kind of like they are a ‘it all leads to this’ type thing. Their dynamic is also hella cute and they had some cute ass moments as kids.The bond is also real deep, its like soul deep. The relationship itself is very unhealthy because theyre both insisting they are right and one of them tries to shove his opinion down the others throat and the other reacts violently to it. After it’s resolve its great tho so there we go it was worth it. I love sns despite how messy it is but the fandom has it’s hand far up it’s own ass and feeds itself its own bullshit. They claim they are ‘real’ fans and pretend they own this fictional ass guy yet use him to wank their fave..yet erase some of his most important bonds and character arcs to wank their fav. It’s ugly and i want no part of it.
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