#instead of lonely eyes divorce... now we have lonely eyes wedding...
chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
Will You Take What’s Left of Me?
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand
Summary: “T.K., you have to understand,” he says, clinging desperately to his fiancé’s hands, as if holding him there will keep their relationship from falling apart. “I didn’t think I would ever be in love. I didn’t…T.K. I didn’t think anyone would ever want me. It seemed so impossible and I was scared of losing the love I did have from my family, my friends. I never imagined…I didn’t know love could be like this. I didn’t know it was something I was allowed to want. I didn’t know I could have you.”
A/N: Hi, hello, this is me trying to make sense of the mess Tim left us and honestly I'm not sure I figured it out because WOW it's a real big mess this time. I was going to write a Valentine's Day fic, but you get this instead so...sorry about that lol. I know there are probably several dozen of these out there, so if you're taking the time to read mine, I really appreciate it! Enjoy!
Read on AO3
Carlos can’t remember the last time he threw up, but standing in the fire house, waiting for T.K. to get back, he thinks he might today. His stomach has been tight and pinched ever since the phone call from the venue and his mouth tastes coppery. He’s shaky and nervous, fingers playing with the buckle on his belt as he waits and waits and waits.
His anxiety only worsens when T.K. finally steps out of the rig, all smiles and sunshine, his hair damp from the freak storm that just blew through. Carlos is going to hurt him, he’s going to wipe all that happiness right off T.K.’s face, and the knowledge has bile climbing up his throat. 
He follows T.K. up the stairs and into the bunk room, away from the prying eyes of their friends who are probably joking about a lovers spat over wedding planning. If they knew the real reason, he’d probably be run out of the firehouse and told never to return.
“What’s wrong?” T.K. asks as soon as the door is closed, eyes searching Carlos’ frame for any sign of injury. “Are you okay? You’re supposed to be at lunch with your mom. Is she—“
“We’re both fine,” Carlos assures him.
“Okay.” T.K. looks at him curiously. “Then why do you look like that? Did something happen on a call?”
“No I—“ The moment is here, but the words stick in his throat. He doesn’t know how to say this.
“Hey.” T.K. moves into his space looking really worried now. He moves his hand soothingly up and down Carlos’ arm. “Take a breath.”
Carlos inhales, shaky and sick feeling, then takes T.K.’s hand, leading him over to one of the beds. It’s probably better if they’re both sitting down for this. 
T.K. sinks down onto the mattress while Carlos settles onto the divider.“I have to talk to you about something,” he manages. “And I need you to just listen and know that I am so sorry.”
“Okay.” The look in T.K.’s eyes has grown wary. “Carlos, you're scaring me.”
He can’t put it off anymore, so he takes another breath and forces the words out. “T.K. I’m already married.”
He watches as the statement sinks in, sees the surprise and confusion play through T.K.’s eyes. He blinks a few times. “What?”
“I’m already married. To a woman.”
T.K. draws back, face darkening as he processes the news. He stands up and walks a few steps toward the bathroom before turning around to face Carlos, hands on his hips. “I don’t understand.”
“It was long before I ever met you,” Carlos says quietly, as T.K. starts to pace back and forth. “I got married to someone, a woman, and never filed for divorce. And we can’t get married until I do. I should have told you a long time ago and I am really, truly sorry that I didn’t.”
He expects T.K. to walk out, even though they’ve worked on the way they fight over the last few years; he wouldn’t blame his fiancé if he threw all their progress out the window and went storming down the stairs to complain to everyone within earshot how much of a hypocrite and an asshole Carlos is as he haltingly tells T.K. the details of why he’s messing up their marriage before it even starts.
But T.K. stays, thank god he stays, and they talk, and there is forgiveness and love on his face and then brilliant joy when Carlos tells him about the venue. And by the time Carlos is walking back out to his cruiser they still have their relationship and a deposit down on the venue.
He should feel free, but he doesn’t, because saying it out loud has made him realize that what he’s done is even worse than he’d thought in his head. How hard would it have been for him to get in touch with either of the Blake sisters over the last few years? Why couldn’t he have picked up a damn phone and texted or called?
And then there’s T.K. Their discussion had ended well, and T.K. had seemed okay, but what if it’s made him start to rethink things? They’ve worked so hard on their communication since the loft purchase, but what if T.K. feels like Carlos has broken all of that down again? What if he’s decided he can’t trust him anymore? Honestly, Carlos wouldn’t blame him. He’s not sure he can even trust himself right now.
The thoughts spin over and over in his mind, twisting and turning, and never resolving themselves. It’s exhausting and by the time his shift is over he feels completely wrung out. Raw. Like if someone even looks at him the wrong way right now he might break.
T.K. is cooking breakfast when Carlos trudges through their front door. “Oh,” he says in surprise. “Hi.”
“Hi,” T.K. responds amiably as he drops something into a skillet.
Carlos searches his face for any storminess. “I um, I thought you might be sleeping already,” he says.
Sometimes they wait up for each other after an overnight shift, but even then it typically results in whoever gets home first being passed out on the couch by the time the other person walks through the door.
“And I thought you might be hungry,” T.K. says, stirring what looks like a pan full of eggs.
Carlos sets down his bag and slips off his shoes, putting them away neatly before slowly walking over to the counter and dropping down onto a stool. He massages his forehead in an attempt to remedy the throbbing headache that has bloomed behind his eyes.
Without him even asking, T.K. opens a cabinet and takes out a bottle of Tylenol, then fills a glass with water and slides both across the counter to him.
“Thanks,” Carlos says gratefully, swallowing two pills and then fiddling with the now half full glass in his hands. 
“Do you want a shower before we eat?”
He shakes his head. “No, I might workout later.”
“Okay. How was the rest of your shift after the carnival?” T.K. asks instead.
“Fine,” Carlos tells him automatically. “Yours?”
T.K. shrugs. “Nothing else out of the ordinary, thank god.”
He dishes up eggs and a side salad and Carlos follows him to the table. 
T.K. takes a couple bites while Carlos sort of swirls the eggs around his plate. He doesn’t feel like he can eat right now. “Are you not hungry?” T.K. asks when he notices.
Carlos shakes his head. 
T.K. sets down his fork. “Do you want to talk about it now? So you can feel better and then eat?”
Leave it to T.K. not to miss a trick. Although honestly he’d rather not talk about it ever again if he can help it. “Was breakfast just a ruse to soften the blow when you tell me you’re mad and we should cancel the wedding?” Carlos says, having to clear his throat that’s thickening with tears. He wouldn’t blame T.K. in the slightest.
“What? No,” T.K. says, looking horrified. “Breakfast was because I know you, and I know you spent the rest of your shift castigating yourself about all of this. I thought it might be good for you to come home and relax.”
“Oh,” Carlos says, feeling lost in that.
“Carlos, I want to marry you. Okay? Nothing about today changes that,” T.K. tells him, reaching across the table to hold his hand. “But I am definitely…having some feelings about all of this and clearly you are too. I think we need to talk it out.”
“So you are mad,” Carlos says quietly.
“Maybe a little?” T.K. admits. “But I think I’m more…hurt I guess. Surprised. Disappointed that you waited so long to share something so huge with me.”
“I’m sorry.” The words are hardly more than a whisper, he can’t say any more because of the awful feelings that are rushing through his blood right now.
“I know you are. You apologized like four times before you even told me about Iris.” 
Carlos wants to sink through the floor, he wants to turn back the clock to that day all those years ago when he made such a dumb choice. “Everything you’ve told me, everything we’ve promised to each other and I just…I fucked it all up.”
“Well, you’re about to marry the king of fucking it up, so I can relate,” T.K. says, quirking half a smile as his thumb brushes back and forth over Carlos’ knuckles. “It was a long time ago, Carlos. We all do stupid things when we’re young. I did way stupider things than jump into marriage with my best friend.” 
“I married her when I was young and stupid,” Carlos says. “I lied to you when I was old enough to know better. What’s my excuse for that?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
He can’t. He doesn’t know how. 
T.K. gets up and moves to the chair next to Carlos’, his hand finding Carlos’ thigh. “Hey,” he says, trying to catch Carlos’ gaze. “Tell me what’s going on in your head.”
Carlos hesitates, trying to pin one down one of the anxious feelings swirling around in his gut and attach it to a rational thought. “I don’t think I knew how to tell you. I’m embarrassed and ashamed that I ever tried to be that person. I wish he didn’t exist. And the longer I put it off, the easier it was to pretend it didn’t matter. That it wasn’t even real.”
T.K. nods. “I can understand that.”
“I mean, when we first started dating you were ready to run at the drop of a hat. If I had told you then, do you really think you would have stuck around?”
“That’s a fair point.”
“And then we moved in together and things were just so…good. I didn’t want to mess that up, and for all I knew you didn’t even want to get married and it would never matter. And then the fire and I bought the loft and made you feel so awful and I…” he feels terrible bringing that up again, but he can’t seem to stop the flow of words tumbling out of him. “I didn’t know how you’d react. And then your mom died and then your dad got hurt and then we were engaged and you were just so happy, and this is all one giant excuse after another, and I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I should have just told you.”
T.K. moves again, sliding into Carlos’ lap, one hand cupping the back of his neck, the other coming up to brush a tear from his face. “Breathe,” T.K. says quietly. “You’re safe. You’re here with me.”
Carlos sucks in a shuddering breath, focusing on the comforting feel of T.K.’s body against him, the soothing sound of his voice. “Better?” T.K. asks after minute.
“Come here.” T.K. takes his hand and walks him to the couch so that they’re more comfortable, legs pressed together, hands entwined. He looks at Carlos for a long moment, eyes searching him, like he’s trying to peek inside of Carlos’ head. “Tell me everything,” he says softly. “The whole story.”
When Carlos hesitates T.K. reaches up and runs a thumb across his cheekbone. “You can trust me with this. I promise.”
And then he waits, giving Carlos time, not pushing, not demanding, just letting him gather his own thoughts and feelings. 
“Iris and Michelle lived down the street from us, so we’d been friends basically our whole lives,” Carlos says softly, not meeting T.K.’s eyes. “Birthday parties, church stuff, the Blakes were always around. Iris was the first person I told about maybe being gay and she just said ‘cool’ and then pulled out a magazine and made me point out all the guys I thought were hot.”
T.K. smiles at that and it encourages Carlos to keep going. 
“I was nineteen,” he says. “And I was…so lost T.K. You have no idea. You have to understand, I didn’t know a single gay person. Not one. Austin is pretty progressive but it’s still Texas. Figuring out I was gay was terrifying, and I had no one to talk to about it, no example to follow, or anyone to ask questions.
“I had told my parents about being gay, but not the rest of my family. And I was constantly being bombarded by them and everyone else in our community to date, to find a woman, to talk about my future, my plans.”
He feels tension creep down the back of his neck and into his shoulders as the memories come back full force. He can hear and see them so clearly it’s like he’s living them all over again.
“So Carlitos, are you seeing anyone?”
“What about that nice girl Iris you’re always hanging out with?”
“A real man gets what he wants.You just have to put yourself out there and not take no for an answer.”
“I have a friend who has a niece, you two would be so cute together!”
“You know your cousin Eduardo was engaged by the time he was your age.”
“Now why can’t a nice boy like you find a sweet girl?”
“I’m sure all the girls at school were just falling all over themselves to get at you.”
“That sounds really tough,” T.K. says. 
Carlos nods. “The pressure was unbelievable. I would sit in church between them every weekend, watching them all nod and agree with everything the priest said and I felt so small. Wrong. Like I was hiding something dirty and awful and I just couldn’t…I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Iris and I were drunk one night,” he admits, another twinge of shame squeezing at his gut. “I was bitching to her about it. And she grabbed my hand and she said, ‘maybe you and I should get married.’ She’s always been kind of impulsive, but I thought she was kidding. She wasn’t. We went down to the courthouse the next morning.
“I thought my mom was going to kill me when I told her. And then I thought Michelle was going to kill the both of us, but Iris somehow smoothed it all over. We moved in together, got a two bedroom place, and,” Carlos shrugs, “that was it.”
“So what happened after that?” T.K. asks. “How did you get from being married roommates to where you are now?
“It was good at first but then Iris got a boyfriend, started staying over at his place more. She ended up moving out and then a year later things started to go off the rails for her. She wouldn’t come over, wouldn’t answer my calls, and I just kind of…let her go. If I’d known she—“ Carlos shakes his head. “I should have tried harder.”
“You had no way of knowing she was sick,” T.K. says gently. “Friends drift apart. It happens.”
“When she disappeared and the months went by, I was sure she was dead T.K. I know the statistics. The odds said that if ever did find anything, it would be a body. I had reconciled myself to that and then when Michelle found her, I just…I don’t know. It was like I had already closed the door on that part of my life and I didn’t know how to deal with it being open again. The longer I put off trying to figure it out, the easier it was to pretend it didn’t matter. That it wasn’t even real.” 
He takes a shaky breath and looks up, meeting T.K.’s eyes, searching them for love and safety. “T.K., you have to understand,” he says, clinging desperately to his fiancé’s hands, as if holding him there will keep their relationship from falling apart. “I didn’t think I would ever be in love. I didn’t…T.K. I didn’t think anyone would ever want me. It seemed so impossible and I was scared of losing the love I did have from my family, my friends. I never imagined…I didn’t know love could be like this. I didn’t know it was something I was allowed to want. I didn’t know I could have you.”
He sniffs, a tear slipping down his cheek and T.K. moves immediately, pulling Carlos into a hug. “You have me,” T.K. whispers to him. “I promise you have me. You’re not alone anymore.”
He lets himself be held for a minute, soaking in the warmth and security, even if he doesn’t deserve them. “I don’t even know who I am right now. I’m such a coward,” he says wetly when he pulls back.
“You’re not a coward,” T.K. tells him firmly, running a hand through his curls. “You were protecting your heart. Sometimes that makes us do crazy things. Like storm out of romantic dinners or break up for four months because of a spontaneous home purchase. And you do not need to apologize again for that either,” he says quickly when Carlos opens his mouth to do just that. “That one’s in the past. And soon this one will be too.”
His eyes turn serious. “Baby, sometimes you try so hard to keep everyone happy that you end up coming around the other side and hurting people instead, yourself included. We have to find a way for you to stop doing that.”
“I know,” Carlos says, the truth of those words hitting him in the center of his chest. “I will.”
“We will,” T.K. corrects. “It’s you and me Carlos Reyes. We’re in this together now. Well, you, me…and your wife.”
Carlos looks up to find him smirking, pleased at his joke and the pressure inside him lifts a little. “Not funny.”
“A little funny,” T.K. says, holding up his thumb and forefinger an inch apart before he leans in and kisses Carlos. “Are there pictures from this wedding? Does your mom have an album? Can I see it?”
“I told you, my mom wasn’t there. It wasn’t a real wedding T.K. I wore a button up that was too big and an old pair of my dad’s dress shoes.”
T.K. runs his fingers through Carlos’ curls. “Not this time,” he says. “This time it’s going to be real.”
Carlos finally touches him back, resting his hand on T.K.’s bicep. “Please tell me you understand that you didn’t do anything wrong in this. That I fully recognize that I screwed up and I take responsibility for all of it.”
“Oh I’m aware,” T.K. says with a laugh. “This one’s all on you and your people pleasing tendencies. Honestly, this whole thing is so Carlos Reyes I’m shocked I didn’t see it coming.”
He mindlessly toys with Carlos’ earlobe. “I forgive you Carlos. For all of it.”
Carlos heaves out a breath, finally feeling relief after so many hours of stress. “Thank you. I—just thank you.”
T.K. presses one more kiss to his lips, then pats him on the cheek. “Come on. The eggs are cold. I’ll make you new ones and you can watch and complain about how egg prices have skyrocketed.”
He follows T.K. into the kitchen and watches him work, just as sweet and wonderful as always. He’d once told T.K. that he wanted all of his pieces, and that was true. He does. He just hadn’t thought that T.K. would want all of his own messy pieces in return. It turned out he was wrong. If there was anyone he could trust with the parts of himself he’d tried to hide away, it was Tyler Kennedy Strand. 
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noraestheticart · 2 years
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an unwanted guest
(original minicomic idea given by @lady-dmaris)
601 notes · View notes
maemelany · 3 years
Fixing the Broken (Part 3)
Summary: People say that time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worse.
You’ve been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you’ve decided that you’ve had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn’t want to let you go; he doesn’t want to give up on your marriage.
Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken?
Warnings: Angst, tiny tiny mentions of sex
Word Count: 2.6 k
Pairing : Chris Evans x Reader
A/N: I hope you like this one. I can’t wait for your reactions about this one. I can only imagine what @fallenoutofrose will have to say about Chris’s behavior in this part 😂
Enjoy and let me know if you want me to add you to the tag list
Love x  Mae ❤️
Prologue , Part 1 , Part 2 Part 4 
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“It is better to hope than despair.”
-Lailah Gifty Akita,
You finally knocked. After standing in front of that door for what felt like an eternity now, you finally knocked. Your legs felt like jelly, and your heart was pounding in your chest. You were feeling more anxious than the day of your wedding, and the irony of the situation made you almost laugh. Almost, but not quite. You were about to when Lisa opened the door.
She was as radiant as ever, a big, warm smile on her face. Honestly, it surprised you. You knew that she knew. Now that Chris was back, there was no way Lisa wouldn’t know what was going on. That man told everything to his mother.
Lisa let you in, and you followed her into the living room. The house felt like a second home to you. Actually, it felt more like home than your place with Chris sometimes. There was always something happening here. When you left your house, you almost came here. But you felt like it was unfair to Chris. Lisa was his mom, and her house was his safe place, not yours.
“Chris told me everything. How are you holding up honey, are you okay?” Lisa asked you
Her kindness broke your last defence. Her genuine, motherly concern about you made you feel guilty that you didn’t come to her sooner. Lisa had always been so kind to you, taking you in as her own daughter from the moment Chris introduced you as his girlfriend. Your lips started to shiver as you were trying your best to hold the tears back.
“Oh, honey… please don’t cry.”
She took you in her arms, and you broke into tears. It may have lasted five minutes or an hour; you weren’t sure. These days you were crying so much it was just the new normal.
Your best friend had been a great support to you, but she had to. She was your best friend. Chris’s mom was supposed to be on his side, defending her son’s best interest. Not yours.
“Why didn’t you tell me things were that bad, Y/N?” Lisa asked you
You looked away. Somehow ashamed that you thought Lisa would reject you.
“I … I don’t know. Chris is your son, and…”
“And you’re my daughter. Y/N, you’re family. We all love you!” Lisa said, taking your hands into hers. “Plus, I bet some even love you more than Chris,” Lisa joked.
You laughed, feeling a little bit more at ease now. “I’m sorry…” you whispered.
“Don’t be. I am sorry we didn’t see anything,” Lisa said
You shook your head. It wasn’t their fault. They weren’t responsible, Chris and you were. It was your marriage, after all.
Lisa asked for your version of the story, and you could tell she was trying to be as partial as possible. You hated that you had to put her in that situation. She cringed when you told her Chris didn’t notice you were gone until he went to Carly’s place.
“That boy…” she said, shaking her head. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she said, a sad expression on her face.
“It’s not your fault Lisa. Actually, it’s not even Chris’s fault. I can’t force him to stay married to me,” You said
“You think he feels… forced to be with you?”
You shrugged. “I mean… why else would he be as far away from me as he possibly could?”
Lisa watched you closely. You could tell she wanted to say something but was refraining herself.
“You two should talk. Maybe you could solve this…” Lisa said
“I don’t think us talking would do any good. We tried that yesterday; you should have seen how shi… messy it was”
Lisa tried to hide her smile when you stopped yourself from swearing. “If talking to each other doesn’t work, maybe you should try talking to someone else…” Lisa suggested
You frowned. You didn’t see how Chris and you talking to Lisa would help. Yes, Lisa was a wise woman, but as she said herself, she was your mother both. Knowing Chris, he would take it personally if his mother called his shit out about his marriage. You still remembered what happened the last time Lisa agreed with you instead of Chris. He was salty for days.
“I love you, Lisa, but I don’t think talking to you would fix this,” you gently said
Lisa laughed. “I wasn’t talking about me, honey. I meant a therapist.”
“A therapist? Like couples therapy, you want us to go to couples therapy?” you asked.
Lisa nodded. You never thought about that.
“I thought couples therapy was supposed to happen before couples decide they want a divorce.”
“Not necessarily. It could help you express your feelings in a safe place. And, you decided you wanted a divorce, honey. I don’t think Chris agrees with you.”
You frowned. If Lisa thought the warm smile would help you accept the subtle criticism easier, she was wrong. You were even worse than Chris when it came to being right. 
You loved being right and hated being told that you could have done something wrong, especially in that very particular situation. You were right. You had to be right. It would kill you to realize you were wrong and left the man you loved for nothing.
“Do you think I went too far…” You said, the tears resurfacing
“Oh no,” Lisa immediately told you. “You did what was right for you, and that’s the most important. I can’t even imagine how you must have felt, alone in that big house.”
A huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Secretly you thought people didn’t understand you. You were married to Chris Evans, living what they thought should be a fairy tale. 
Even though you and Chris were what people called a private couple, he would sometimes tell things about you or express his love for you when he was being interviewed. When those things happened, your friends would always send you messages, reminding you how lucky you were. 
They didn’t know how far they were from the truth. Most of the time, you were alone in your bed when you were reading their messages. Alone and lonely. 
People think they know things about your life, your marriage, but they don’t. They would have to walk in your shoes, feel what you daily felt to actually understand.
When you left Lisa’s house, she had convinced you. She made you realize that even though things between You and Chris were pretty bad, your relationship was worth saving, or at least you owed it to Chis and yourself to try. Even if therapy didn’t work, you still owed it to yourself and Chris to end things the most peacefully possible. Before being your husband, he was your friend. You needed at least that friendship to be saved.
Instead of going back to your best friend’s place, you went home. It wasn’t even a conscious decision. You started driving and found yourself taking the way home. Instead of turning back, you continued. You realized waiting wouldn’t help. You’d waited so much already, now was the time to act.
As you opened your front door, you felt submerged with that particular sent. You were home. Despite what you told Chris yesterday, this house was your home. You chose almost every piece of furniture.
 Chris was more than happy to leave it to you; he didn’t understand why you needed so many pillows on the bed or a particular shade of beige for the dining chairs. Instead of explaining everything, you would just ask for his opinion when it was absolutely necessary. Plus, it was hard to decorate a house via FaceTime. 
Thinking of it now, decorating this house helped you manage your loneliness for some time. You were proud of every single room, from your bedroom to the laundry room.
You found Chris and Dodger sleeping on the sofa. You weren’t surprised. The couch was probably Chris’ favorite spot in the whole house. You had your office, and he had this sofa. 
You were tempted to lay next to them. They felt like home. But you didn’t want to wake Chris up. If there was one thing Chris was lacking, it was sleep. You also noticed the dark circles under his eyes yesterday, and the current situation was not helping his sleep deprivation.
When you noticed a few takeout boxes in the room, you knew exactly how to occupy yourself. Chris used to love your cooking. Your skills were definitely better than his, but as your husband liked to say, one cannot be good at everything. You smiled when you remembered how you would tease him about his horrible cooking skills, and he would remind you how messy you were.
Even now, after thirty minutes of cooking, the countertop looked more like a war zone than a kitchen island.
“It smells good.”
You jumped. You didn’t see Chris coming, and now you had tomato sauce all over your blouse.
“Chris! You scared me!” you said, looking at him.
He was leaning against the opposite wall, observing you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
You looked at him with more attention. He looked less tired. You wanted to say something, but Dodger was all over you before you could open your mouth.
“Hey, baby. I missed you so much,” you said to your dog.
Dodger started to bark. The high pitch he usually reserved to Chris when he was coming back home after long periods of absence.
It broke your heart.
“He missed you,” Chris finally said
You didn’t know what to reply. You didn’t want to say something that would create a hostile environment for the rest of the evening.
“I need to change myself,” you said, showing your now stained blouse.
You were gone before Chris could even blink. Once in your bedroom, you found everything exactly as you left it. You rolled your eyes, mentally asking yourself how Chris could be so organized. And then you realized he wasn’t that organized. It wasn’t just the bedroom that was exactly as you left it. The walking closet and the bathroom were too.
Chris wasn’t sleeping in your room, and you wondered why.
When you went downstairs, you found him making the table.
“I thought I’d made myself useful,” Chris said when he saw you.
You smiled. That was the kind of evening you used to dream about. You and your husband casually sharing dinner together.
Chris was very attentive, serving you wine, asking you if you needed anything. You wished you could be so relaxed. You wished you weren’t about to drop a massive bomb on him.
“Why aren’t you sleeping in our bedroom?”
Your question surprised you both.
“I… I don’t know. It doesn’t seem… right.”
You looked at each other, your eyes saying more than a thousand words. Again, you were reminded how easy it would be to just give in, to just come back. But it would be a temporary relief, one you would only enjoy until he’d decide to leave again.  
It took you the whole dinner, and filling the dishwasher, and watching the first part of a show to gather enough courage and tell Chris you two needed to see a therapist.
It happened before he was about to kiss you. You could feel it in his eyes, the way they became darker, and the way his body leaned closer to yours. You could feel your heart beating faster and the room suddenly feeling hotter than before.
You wanted to give in, you missed his touch, you missed his kisses. You missed sex with your husband. But you knew it would make things more difficult. Sex had never been a problem in your relationship. Actually, it made you forget about the problems. You couldn’t remember how many times you were on the verge of telling Chris you weren’t happy with the situation and totally forgot about it the minute his hands were on you.
“No,” you said, standing up.
You started walking around the room, trying to compose yourself. It was frustrating how all your perfect, well-prepared plans got ruined the second you were around Chris.
“Y/N,” Chris whispered.
“No, we are not having sex!” you half screamed.
You needed to convince not only Chris but yourself that you were not having sex tonight. But looking at him, looking at him, looking at you made things very hard, literally and figuratively speaking.
“We’re going to therapy,” you quickly said
Chris blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”
You cleared your throat. “I said, we are going to therapy.”
You could tell he was surprised. You didn’t know if it was good or bad.
“Y/N… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
It was your turn to be surprised. You opened your mouth but closed it immediately after. You wanted Chris to explain himself before jumping to conclusions.
“With how public we are and…”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you said, anger quickly possessing your whole body.
“You’re worried about your reputation? Do you even want us to be together, Chris?” you asked him.
“I’m not worried about my reputation. I’m worried about… our privacy.”
“Chris, therapists have a duty of confidentiality,” You said, raising your voice.
“Well, you won’t believe how many people would break it given the right sum,” he screamed back.
You wanted to scream, anything that would release the frustration you were feeling inside.
“Do you even want to fix this?” you ask, as calmly as you were able to
Chris huffed. “I was begging you to come home with me yesterday. Of course, I want to fix this.”
You crossed your arms. “me coming home right now would not fix things; it would bring us back to this,” you said, throwing your hands up.
“And this is so bad, right?” Chris asked, bitterness in his voice.
“No, this is perfect. This is what I want permanently. It will kill me to come back to this if this is not forever.”
The room went silent. So many emotions went through Chris’s eyes, and you were trying to decode them all.
Chris finally drew a long breath. “I am not going to couples therapy.”
His words stung more than you could have imagined. They also unleashed the silent anger that was rising inside of you since the beginning of that conversation.
But instead of screaming and crying and pleading with Chris, you reached for your handbag. You were done trying to negotiate with him. You were done trying to spare his feelings.
You removed the divorce papers that had been sitting in your bag for days now. You threw them on the coffee table near Chris and waited for him to look at them.
You could see him become very pale, and if you weren’t that angry, you would be worried.
“Are they…” He started
“Yes. Divorce papers. We go to therapy, or you sign them. It’s your choice.”
Chris was startled. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I’m more than serious. I have a pen if you want to sign now.”
You looked serene, but inside, your heart was dropping lower with every second Chris wasn’t doing anything. You knew you were forcing his hand, but he left you no other choice.
“So, what is it going to be, Chris?”
Chris took the divorce agreement into his hands, and you held your breath. Your heart started beating again when he tore them in half.
He gave you a deadly stare, but at this point, you didn’t care anymore. He could be angry, scream at you, even hate you, as long as it meant you were doing something to try to fix things, you could take it all.
“Text me when you find a therapist you can trust,” you said before taking your bag to leave.
If he thought you’d be the only one sweating for this, he couldn’t be more wrong. It takes two to tango. It was about damn time for Chris to act. Because you were sure that this time feeling sorry or even good sex wouldn’t fix things.
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
Newly Added Fics 5/16
Hello everyone, sorry again for the slight hiatus! I’ve replied to all the messages in my inbox (at least the ones that were sent to me before this past friday), so if you asked me something before that, be sure to check out my replies!
As usual, I’ve emboldened the fics I really liked and italicized the ones that are incomplete.
Looks Like Love by luvkurai [words: 5,987] — (AU)
After his sister's wedding, Will kisses his childhood housekeeper (and first love).
Betrothed by slashyrogue [words: 3,932] — (AU)
In one month he would marry a total stranger.
Titan Arum by ProxyOne [words: 64,614] — (AU)
Will is a botanist, working in the greenhouse of the local Botanical Gardens. He is getting his life back on track after his divorce, but he can't help but notice someone who keeps coming back to his greenhouse to draw, day after day. A man who seems to have been paying very close attention to him...
Find Me In The Dark by Rising_Phoenix [words: 40,131] — (AU)
After a fateful accident, the marriage of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter has reached its end. Grief and the inability to stop them from falling apart has brought an irreconcilable distance between the formerly deeply devoted couple. While Hannibal is apathetic towards his husband, ignores him, and is withdrawn, Will has started an affair with fellow teacher Francis and drowns his desperation in more and more alcohol. 
Light of All Lights by whiskeyandspite [words: 20,377] — (AU)
Dracula-like fic without any of the vampires
The Stage Just For You by CarnivalMirai [words: 6,494] — (AU + Age Gap)
Will has landed himself the role of Odette for world-famous choreographer Hannibal Lecter's rendition of The Swan Lake.
There Will Be Bells by Entropyrose [words: 36,639] — (A/B/O)
In Georgian England, male omegas are very rare diamonds. Baron and Baroness Graham have a plan to build their wealth and social status by offering their son Will's hand in marriage to a mysterious older Duke, an Alpha named Lord Hannibal Lecter. Will's personal feelings need not apply.
Alpha Mart by slashyrogue [words: 63,164] — (A/B/O)
Will needs an alpha. After years of fake knots, half-assed suppressants, and his own damn hand during heats he’s reached the end of his rope. He doesn’t do dating so he decides to waste his life savings and hype with the current trend. Alpha Mart.
Enchanted By Your Name by CarnivalMirai [words: 9,207] — (A/B/O + PWP)
“Now, my husband would prefer it if I got the job done quickly.” He says, slashing down the back of each gag as he passes each man, watching as the silk falls gracefully to the floor. “However, I want to have some fun. Considering you’ve troubled my husband so much… it’s only fair, right?” One of the men whimpered fearfully. Or: The name "Will Graham" is a name you'll only ever hear once.
I've Been Building Black Ships by cloudsarefluffy [words: 8,116] — (A/B/O + AU)
Alpha Hannibal moves to the States with his sister Mischa after being overtly done with the fancy life of a count, and his blind omega neighbor gives him an insight into love that he never quite expected.
A Rare Find by hit_the_books [words: 5,379] — (A/B/O + AU)
Life as an omega bookseller can be quite lonely. However, as the owner of Graham’s Books, Will Graham is reasonably content. That is until he meets—long-time customer and crush—Doctor Hannibal Lecter in person for the first time. Attraction blossoming between them both, Will agrees to a dinner date with the good doctor.
We All Have a Hunger by 1ntothew1ld [words: 12,260] — (A/B/O + Age Gap)
Hannibal will ensure a properly slow and painful death for an alpha who allowed a beautiful young omega to go to waste as this one has. Too skinny for his own good, a stuttering and humble mess. The likes of the omega in front of him belonged at Opera houses and in million-dollar mansions, not scrounging for his next meal. Meek and afraid in some disheveled row house. When he finally looked back up the alpha had to conceal the utter punch to the stomach that meager glance was, blue eyes full of innocence but also hunger.
The Doctor Is In by Kummerspeck7 — (A/B/O + PWP)
Will nearly scoffed. "You can't expect me to believe you'd want anything other than a delicate flower to adorn your side, keep your ostentatious home, bare you the exact number of children you want--No more, no less-- all while being available at your whims." "Not at all." Hannibal disagreed. "I would no more put a wilting flower in my home than in a bouquet given as a gift. Tell me, Will, is that how you are treated? Forbidden from work, cloistered inside and used at Mr Brown's discretion?" "My Alpha's discretion." Hannibal looked pointedly at the curve of Will's neck, free from a single scar. "Not yet he isn't."
Teenage Wildlife by writtenbyizzy [words: 10,163] — (Age Gap + Sugar Daddy)
While reluctantly prowling Grindr for a sugar daddy to pay for his dog Bean's vet bills Will comes across Hannibal, and gets far more than he bargained for.
Just As Poised As I Remember by CarnivalMirai [words: 5,721] — (Age Gap + School)
When Will was in high school he had an incredibly handsome psychology teacher-- tall and sharp with a thick European accent. And now, a decade later, said psychology teacher-turned psychiatrist... just swiped right on him.
We Can Chase the Dark Together by K_R_Closson [words: 16,615] — (Fantasy)
Will tips him and Hannibal off the cliff. Instead of hitting the water, he wakes up in his bed, several years in the past. His first, and only, priority is to find Hannibal again.
We Killed a Dragon Last Night by inameitlater [words: 88,150] — (Fantasy)
Will remembers falling. He wakes up months before Jack got him to work for him. Months before he met Hannibal for the first time. Free from his past he decides to change events and meet Hannibal again.
My Only Constant Is You by TheSilverQueen [words: 25,369] — (Fantasy)
Hannibal Lecter is an immortal who can never die. Will Graham is a time traveler who can never stay in one place. Perhaps that is why they are perfect for each other.
Motinos Kalba by Lyla_Joy [words: 6,040] — (Fluff)
Five times Hannibal Lecter spoke Lithuanian on accident and one time he meant too.
You Make Me Feel (Good) by sourweather [words: 7,190] — (Fluff)
Will Graham has sensory issues. The world gets too loud, he gets overstimulated easily, but most of all he hates being touched. He never expected someone to work so hard to make him comfortable, to be so patient with him.
Pick Me Up by sourweather [words: 6,053] — (Fluff)
Will doesn't go to bars much. He doesn't end up needing a ride home much. But when he does get drunk, he always wants to ask Hannibal to pick him up.
Hard to Get by JSinister32 [words: 5,561] — (Jealousy)
Will and Hannibal had been broken up for six months. When confessions are made during a work function, can they find it within themselves to forgive?
Polar Opposites by Lyla_Joy [words: 19,513] — (Kidnapping)
“Says the cannibalistic serial killer who knocked me out and is now holding me hostage,” sassed Will. The Ripper didn’t smile but his eyes crinkled in the corner. “Please call me Hannibal.”
Fate Is A Keen-Eyed Hound by LydiaFearing [words: 5,890] — (Mischa)
Hannibal may be a successful, charming psychiatrist but Mischa worries that her brother is lonely so she gifts him a puppy. Hannibal reluctantly falls for his little dog but wants to get involved with time-consuming FBI work and not just anyone can be allowed to look after his pet. Luckily, Alana can recommend a boarding kennel in Wolf Trap.
The Significant Other: The Will and Hannibal Edition by house_of_lantis [words: 18,431] — (Murder Husbands)
After their terrible and abrupt break up, Will and Hannibal attempt to maneuver through their social circles, side step ongoing gossip, and deal with the fact that Will knows the truth of Hannibal. Through impossible odds, Will and Hannibal do find their way to each other again.
Dancing with the Beast by proser [words: 86,347] — (Murder Husbands)
In order to catch a mediocre serial killer, Will must pose as Hannibal's date for a series of pretentious social events. Hannibal is dramatic and jealous as ever, and Will is having a great time without the encephalitis. Of course, it's a love story.
Arriving at the Crossroads by HigherMagic [words: 7,558] — (Mpreg)
"You haven't been my psychiatrist for a long time," Will echoes. "But you've been my friend. You've helped me. With…" He gestures vaguely to his head. "When my brain was on fire. On consults. When it's dark and I need a guiding light." "It pleases me very greatly to be a source of comfort and reassurance for you, Will," Hannibal says. "I have wanted to be that for you, for a long time."
The Hanged Man by justhavesex [words: 13,076] — (Mpreg)
Will Graham had never wanted children before, but he had never considered it to be a consequence of his omegan brain not finding anyone worthy, but the moment he had met Hannibal Lecter he had been filled with want. In which a dinner party one-night stand results in a pregnancy that changes Will's entire life.
I Don't Even Like Lana Del Rey by perpetuallycaffeinated [words: 4,328] — (PWP)
The tension and low thrum of arousal were making Will speak impulsively. He knew this, but he’d just finished his drink. There was nothing he could use to stop the question, blunt and presumptuous and rude. “So, what, you’re my daddy?”
A Bad Combination In The Dark by perpetuallycaffeinated [words: 1,957] — (PWP)
When a nerve wracked Will Graham accidentally cuts his hand on Dr. Lecter's letter opener, things quickly get out of control.
The Best Bait by sourweather [words: 3,327] — (PWP)
Will is a good fisherman, he knows which bait to use for his catch. Will seduces Hannibal at a party by being sexy.
Whimsy by justheretoreadhannibalfics [words: 3,001] — (School)
Doctor Hannibal Lecter is standing in as a teacher while Professor Graham is out of town on a case. The students start to kind of like him, and become very invested in his love life.
Callipygian by ProxyOne [words: 2,260] — (Season 1)
Hannibal has a lot of sketches of Will, which he normally keeps safely away. One day though, Will shows up unexpectedly and Hannibal is caught unawares, and unprepared.
L'appel Du Vide by sourweather [words: 5,413] — (Season 1)
Will is hiding things from his coworkers. From himself. But Doctor Lecter knows.
Friends Don't Frame Friends: A Lesson for a Clueless Cannibal by LadyFelixTristis [words: 5,041] — (Season 1)
Ear? What ear? Will Graham doesn’t try to thwart Hannibal Lecter’s plans for him. He just does. By accident. And then on purpose.
For All My Pride, You Were the Fall of Me by nobetterlove [words: 13,212] — (Season 2)
After being released from the BSHCI, Will grabs the dogs he can't live without and leaves without a trace
Letters to God by CarnivalMirai [words: 4,698] — (Season 3+)
Will writes letters to Hannibal every day after his incarceration. But they never make it.
Blankets, Coffee Cups, and Christmas Morning by sourweather [words: 6,352] — (Season 3+)
Hannibal wants to enjoy the domesticity. The love, the closeness, the being Known. But something about his life with Will makes him want to lash out.
All These Fictionary Tales by ProxyOne [words: 18,492] — (Season 3+)
After the fall, Hannibal is presumed dead. Will has been declared dead. But Will isn't willing to believe that Hannibal would just abandon him like that 
Seduction by BloodunderMoonlight [words: 7,086] — (Season 3+)
“For fuck’s sake, Hannibal.” Will glared at him, brimming with wrath he had only seen behind Will’s gun. He had no doubt Will would draw out a knife from beneath the duvet or pillows, but clearly words were enough to make him gobsmacked—“Are you a fucking virgin or monk? If all these can’t get you to bed then I don’t know what can.” Hannibal stood gaping at Will.
Blood, Cedar and Dog Hair by sourweather [words: 3,351] — (Season 3+)
Something terrible happens while Hannibal is in prison. Something he never prepared for.
Hidden Potential by sourweather [words: 20,789] — (Soulmates)
The first time you make eye contact with your soul mate, you see a vision of their greatest accomplishment. They call it your Peak. Unfortunately for Will Graham, his soul mate's Peak is a vision of blood and horror. Fortunately for Hannibal Lecter, his soul mate's is too.
Karoliai by slashyrogue [words: 4,577] — (Sugar Daddy)
Will works at a jewelry store. He has worked there for three months and sold less than any other person there. His boss tells him to sell something by the end of the day or he may not have a job tomorrow. If there was one thing Will hated more than having to talk people into buying jewelry they didn’t need, it was trying to do it two days before Valentine’s Day.
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the-modernmary · 3 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (prologue)
Tumblr media
Summary: When Aaron Hotchner ended your affair with him, saying that a serial killer was going after him and his family, you were content with the idea that you'd probably never see him again. Two years have come and gone since then, but when you get dragged into an FBI investigation as a key witness, you and Hotch are forced to come face to face with all the things left unsaid.
Warnings: Age gap (15-ish years), smut, degradation, unprotected sex. This story is 18+ older. This is not a story for minors.
A/N: Hello, hello!! I figured that since I've made a writing tumblr, I should post my story on here!! This is a multichapter story, so I am very excited to go on this journey with y'all!! I already have multiple chapters written and published, so these should be coming out VERY quickly. If you don't want to wait to catch up, you can read everything I have on ao3! This chapter starts as a flashback, and then the next chapter and the rest from here on out will be actual plot!
masterlist || read on ao3
“If you were waitin’ on the sunshine, blue sky
Cheap high, lullaby
Then my best habit’s letting you down”
- The Maine, “My Best Habit”
Two years earlier
Your eyes scanned the University Ballroom, your champagne glass practically ignored in your hand. You hated all these alumni networking galas and avoided going to them as much as possible. Old, sleazy lawyers with much younger women on their arm reliving their best cases with each other and expecting all the new law students to laugh when they were able to get their defendant acquitted because of some dumb technicality. It made you sick.
It didn’t help that you were already going in with a bad attitude. Your ex-boyfriend had dropped by your apartment that morning to pick up the rest of his stuff, and he decided that the best person to help him with that was the girl he had been cheating on you with. You caught them together three weeks ago, and you had been so stressed from midterms that you hadn’t even had the chance to go out, get drunk, and have wildly irresponsible rebound sex.
But you had to suck it up for the night, at least until you were able to get the answer you came for. After that, you could go back to your apartment, replace your too tight and too short dress with some nice pajamas, and watch trashy reality TV until you passed out on your couch.
You scanned the room a few more times until you caught sight of a tall man in a dark suit leaning against the bar. Bingo. You set your champagne flute down and ran over to him as fast as your heels could take you. Once you were just a few steps away, you quickly composed yourself and walked straight into his line of sight.
SSA Aaron Hotchner rarely came to alumni events here at George Washington Law School, citing that he wasn’t even a prosecutor anymore and had much more important work to do back at the BAU, but he was going as favor to his old law school buddy. Plus, it was either coming to this or going out to the bar with the team, and seeing as he had just signed the divorce papers with Haley, he wanted to be somewhere he wasn’t going to be profiled all night. The free champagne was also a bonus.
When you saw that his name was on the RSVP list, you knew that you had to go.
“Agent Hotchner?” you asked, giving him your best straight A student smile.
He refused to look up right away, not giving you the chance to charm him. “I’m not currently on duty. If there is a case you would like the BAU to look over, that’s handled by our media liaison,” he said absently, taking another sip of champagne.
You frowned but kept your hand out for him to shake. “That’s not what I’m here for, I-” You took a breath to compose yourself. “My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I’m a first year here- getting a joint JD and masters in forensic psychology. My goal is to become a prosecutor,” you pressed, and you were rewarded when he perked up in interest. He slid his drink on the table.
“Most law firms don’t usually want a prosecutor who’s going to empathize with the person you’re prosecuting,” he mused, and shook your hand, his grip just tight enough to pass as faux politeness.
You shook your head and clasped your hands behind your back, trying to ignore how warm his hands were. “I think the best prosecutors empathize with the defendants,” you admitted. “Isn’t that how you succeeded as both a prosecutor and as a federal agent? That’s actually why I came to you, I wanted to ask you a question... about my thesis,” you added quickly, figuring that the best way to get him to talk to you.
Aaron’s posture changed from half asleep to maybe listening, and your face went red. Sure, you only came to the event to talk to him, but you never thought that you’d actually get Aaron Hotchner to pay attention to you. “I didn’t empathize with the people I was putting in jail,” he told you, his voice ice cold. “That didn’t come until I worked in the BAU, and even now, I wouldn’t call it empathy. Just understanding of how they became the type of person they are.” He leaned sideways on the bar counter and you felt yourself shrink under his gaze. You shifted slightly and felt the hem of your dress move up your thighs ever so slightly. Aaron noticed too, if the lick of his lips was anything to go by.
You took his silence as your signal to ask your question. “You offered Jessica Michaelson a lesser sentence that had her released in just three years despite the fact that she murdered her brother in cold blood in his sleep. You had the evidence, why didn’t you push for premeditation?” you asked, and his eyebrow quirked upwards. “In the case The People vs. Michaelson,�� you added unnecessarily, trying to break the silence.
“I know the case you’re referring to. I was the lead on it,” he reminded you, his voice edging on dangerous. “You know, most people aren’t interested in my days as a lawyer.”
You shrugged, hoping to appear more confident than you felt. “I’m not most people,” you agreed, biting down on your lower lip. His gaze was so intense, and it was affecting you in ways you couldn’t have imagined. It was turning you on, you realized with a start. It had been a while since you had last had sex, and it was driving you only slightly crazy. “But that doesn’t answer my question.”
Aaron grabbed a champagne flute from a server walking by, and shoved it in your direction. You grabbed it cautiously. “Did you read the police report on the case?” he asked, and you nodded wordlessly, taking a sip of the champagne. The alcohol was making you bolder, and you stepped towards him. “Then you’ll know that there was very little physical evidence tying her to the muder. We chose to offer the charge that would have stuck instead of risking her being found not guilty.”
You gritted your teeth together in an effort to calm yourself down. “She murdered four people within the six months after she was released from prison,” you reminded him.
That seemed to have struck a chord with Aaron, and his steely persona seemed to fade ever so slightly. He sighed exasperatedly; you were obviously getting on his nerves. “The prints and DNA that were collected and put into VICAP when she was in prison are what got her caught in the end, and that was the evidence needed to lock her away for life. We wouldn’t have gotten those prints without her original charge. It all worked out.”
You groaned and threw your hands in the air. “You couldn’t have predicted that, though,” you argued. “And people have been found guilty with way less evidence than you had in the original case. I think you just felt bad for her, considering her brother was a real piece of shit.” You were being difficult now, you knew that. But there was something about Aaron Hotcher that was pulling you in, and you wanted to see how far you could push him.
Aaron gave you a predatory grin and he stepped towards you ever so slightly, finishing his drink. He must have had multiple drinks too, judging by the soft flush on his face. “Oh, you do?” He seemed amused now. He slowly raked his eyes from your face, down your neck, and down the rest of your body, and you forgot how to breath. You knew that it was inappropriate and that he was a highly respected FBI agent, even if he was kind of an asshole at the moment. You also knew that the two of you were crossing lines that neither of you should have even been close to, but you shivered under the weight of his gaze all the same.
You shifted back and forth, your brain trying to process what was happening. “Yeah, I do. And I know that you transferred to the FBI after Michaelson was arrested again, which makes me think that this case was your breaking point,” you ranted, your hands becoming more and more animated.
Aaron chuckled, but there was very little amusement behind it. “Are you sure you want to be a lawyer?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. “Because you’re starting to talk like a profiler.”
You arched an eyebrow at him. “No thanks,” you said firmly, and he just shrugged before making a move to walk past you. You sidestepped in front of him, effectively blocking him from going anywhere. But it was obvious that he was done talking about this.
In your mind, you had two options now. You could keep pushing him about a case that he obviously didn’t want to talk to you about, or you could switch gears in your brain and have him help you solve your... other problem. Aaron was attractive, and you were getting tired of guys your age. You noticed the distinct lack of a wedding ring on his finger, but there was still a tan to show that it had been there. So either he was recently separated or just trying to cheat on his wife. You wanted to not care whichever it was, but a pang in your heart told you to be considerate. Besides, you did not want to get involved with another cheater.
“Must be hard to be at these events without your wife here to scare off all the lonely female law students,” you mused cautiously. You didn’t want to come on too strong, but the alcohol in your system was slowly clouding your ability to be subtle.
Aaron cleared his throat, obviously taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation. “I’m not married,” he said, too quickly and too defensively. So he’s separated, you thought, and you stepped closer to him.
His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out your endgame. “Well, I would love to discuss your work as a prosecutor more when there are less… distractions around,” you whispered, your words breathy. “Tell me Agent Hotchner, do I make you nervous?” You sounded a lot more confident than you felt.
Aaron just smirked and grabbed your free hand, covering it in both of his, and the action was surprisingly soft, even if it was way too late for him to try acting suave. His eyes, on the other hand, told a whole other story. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes were practically black. “I face the worst people in society on a daily basis. Desperate law students don’t make me nervous. In fact…” He stepped towards you, looking around to make sure nobody else was looking. Aaron leaned in close, his lips brushing against your ear with every word. “I think that I make you nervous. And more than nervous, I make you very excited.”
Your breath hitched as he pulled back, a smug smile gracing his lips. You yanked your hand back to preserve what little dignity you had left, but it was too late. “Now, if you would like to discuss my prosecuting career more in depth, then you can set up a formal meeting with me at the BAU,” he continued, obviously proud of himself and the effect he was having on you. He pulled out a business card and upon further instruction, you realized that it wasn’t even his. Jennifer Jareu the name read. “Our media liaison will be able to help you organize that. Now if you don’t mind, I am going to retire for the night.”
Aaron finished the rest of his drink and brushed past you while you were still trying to get your thoughts under control. “Oh, and you’ll make a wonderful lawyer someday, I’m sure of it,” he called over his shoulder, and that snapped you back into action.
You followed, running around him and cutting him off. “And if I don’t want to discuss your prosecuting career?” you asked, batting your eyelashes at him. “What if I was interested in a… less formal meeting?”
That was all the permission he needed. Aaron grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the ballroom, the two of you moving so fast that nobody in the room even had a chance to put two and two together. There was an empty hallway just next to the entrance of the room and Aaron pulled you in that direction, pressing you against the wall and kissing you fiercely the second the two of you were alone.
There was nothing gentle about the kiss, but in a strange role reversal, he let you take the lead. It’s certainly not what you expected from Aaron Hotchner who, until now, had been controlling every aspect of your meeting. You realized then that this was his way of making sure you were okay with what was happening- giving you a chance to back out and change your mind. You just answered by tangling your hands in his hair, pulling so that he was at just the right angle to kiss you.
Aaron dug his fingers into your hips, hard enough to make you gasp out. You were definitely going to have bruises the next day, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. He shoved his leg in between yours and tugged on your lip with his teeth, which made you whimper involuntarily. He smirked against your lips, obviously proud of the noises he was drawing from you. You pulled on his hair harder as a sign of irritation, but that seemed to only make him more amused as he pulled away to laugh into your neck.
“Are we just going to make out against a wall like we’re back in high school, or are you going to actually do something worth my time?” you breathe, fighting to keep your voice even and light. It only halfway worked as he dragged his tongue up your neck to your pulse point. And then he bit down, hard.
It took everything in your power to stay quiet, especially as he softly kissed the newly forming bruise. His attack on your neck was relentless as he pulled your hips and back forth against his thigh. You whimpered as you desperately tried to get any friction from the simple movement. Your skirt was now dangerously close to being pushed so far up your legs that you would be completely exposed.
You pulled away first- you had to or your legs were going to completely give out from under you. You desperately tried to get your breathing under control and, to your annoyance, he looked perfectly composed. The only thing giving him away was his slightly swollen lips.
His fingers trailed up your thigh, getting so close to where you want him. “What would you like me to do then?” he asked easily, his voice almost sounding bored. You were speechless, like your brain had just short circuited. There were a lot of things you wanted him to do, but the words were lost on the tip of your tongue. “If you want something, you have to ask for it.” That was a demand, and he punctuated it by pressing his thigh further into you. You were sure he was going to have a wet spot on his slacks. He took the hand not in between your legs and grabbed your jaw forcefully, his thumb resting on your bottom lip. “Use your words, little girl.”
You realize that the two of you were standing on the edge of a cliff, and you had the power to decide whether or not to jump over. It gave you a strange sense of power. Logically, you knew it was a bad idea. He was too old for you, obviously going through some sort of relationship trauma, and wasn’t somebody you could talk to your friends and family about. But the less rational side wanted him so badly it hurt. You wanted him more than you’ve wanted anything or anyone in a long time.
You noticed your strawberry colored lipstick was smudged ever so slightly on the corner of his mouth, and that’s all it took for you to jump off the side of the cliff. “I want you to drag me into the empty classroom just down the hall and fuck me senseless. I want you to use me,” you moan before taking his thumb into your mouth and sucking.
The look on his face is something you’ll never forget. There was a mix of shock and arousal, but also something primitive; His eyes darkened when you told him to use you, and there was a fluttering in your stomach. You couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or dread. Maybe even both.
He removed his hands from your mouth and legs, only to place his hand on the small of your back. He began walking towards the classroom you had pointed out, much too slow for your liking, but he knew exactly what he was doing. “You’re going to regret asking me to use you,” he practically growls in your ear, each word increasing your arousal. “Are you one of those lonely female law students you warned me about? So desperate and needy for a real man to bend you over a table and fuck you until you can’t walk straight? Ready and willing to whore yourself out for the first man who gives you a second glance?”
Your breath hitched as you stuttered out your answer. “Y-yes, Agent Hotchner,” you whispered as he opened the classroom door and guided you in.
As soon as the door was shut and locked, he was back on your lips again, lifting you so that you were sitting on one of the desks with your legs wrapped around his waist. “Call me Aaron,” he mumbled in between kisses, and you were all too happy to oblige.
You were a moaning mess at this point as his hands pushed your dress up to your waist. His hands and lips were somehow everywhere at once and you were so hot and all you could think about was getting your damn dress off, but Aaron seemed to have other plans.
He ran his fingers up your lace covered slit and he just chuckled into your lips. “You’re so wet for me, already,” he groaned and you let out an embarrassingly loud moan. “And I’ve barely touched you. Do my words really have that much effect on you? Do you like it when I call you a whore?”
He hooked his fingers under the waistband of your panties and quickly pulled them down. You could feel his bulge pressing against you and all you could think about was how badly you wanted it. How badly you wanted him. Your hands moved down his chest to make quick work of his belt, and his pants followed after.
“Please, please Aaron,” you begged, desperately trying to create some friction against him. His fingers tangled in your hair and he pulled your head back so that you were looking at him.
“You’re so pretty when you beg.” His fingers slowly ran up your slit, not enough to give you any pleasure. He was teasing you and enjoying every second of it. “And I wish I could take my time with you. The things I want to do to you…” Two of his fingers entered you and you cried out loudly. “But somebody could walk in on us at any second. I’m sure they can all hear you moaning like a dirty whore, all for me. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you? So desperate for my attention and approval.”
His words turned you on more than you would have liked to admit. “Yes, Aaron yes. Please-” you were cut off by Aaron curling his fingers, hitting that spot that made you want to scream out in pleasure. But all too soon, they were gone.
He inspected his fingers, which were now covered in your juices, before bringing them to your mouth. “Suck,” he ordered, and you eagerly complied, wrapping your lips around his fingers and moaning at the taste of yourself. “I’ll just have to fuck you quickly here, and then you’ll be begging for more next time,” he groaned and finally- finally- entered you.
He didn’t give you time to adjust to him, thrusting roughly into you. He removed his fingers from your mouth and brought his hand to your neck. He didn’t put any pressure, but he wanted you to know that he could and would if you decided to get mouthy with him.
Your hands gripped the edge of the desk you were sitting on, your knuckles turning white. Your eyes started to close in pleasure as his hips slammed into yours, but they shot open as he tightened his grip on your throat. “Look at me. I want to see you when you cum,” he ordered, and you nodded the best you could.
“Yes sir!” you cried out, unsure of what else to say.
Seemingly satisfied with your answer, Aaron released your throat and moved his hand down so that he was stimulating your clit. You could feel the coil in your stomach tighten as your legs started to twitch. Aaron took this as motivation to slam into you even harder, relishing each time you gasped out his name.
His pace was unforgiving, leaving you gasping for air. Keeping your eyes open was a challenge, but you were able to do it with his soft mutters of praise. “Even brats like you can be good girls,” he groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic. “You just need somebody to fuck it into you.”
You were unable to respond coherently, so you just settled on begging even more, although you weren’t sure what you were begging for exactly. Aaron seemed to know, and he sped up his fingers against your clit. You wanted to scream out for him, but your voice wasn’t working. “What did I say before?” he asks roughly. “If you want something, ask for it.”
“Please… please can I cum?” you cried out, feeling yourself getting close to the edge. “Please let me cum around your cock!”
He nodded in approval and you had to muffle yourself in his neck to keep quiet. He fucked you through your orgasm, the overstimulation almost too much, but it wasn’t long before he was moaning your name, and you felt him fill you.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments, both breathing heavily as the situation started to sink in. You just let a guy almost 15 years older than you that you just met fuck you in an empty classroom, and you really enjoyed it. Aaron, on the other hand, looked like he was going through a full crisis.
He pulled out of you slowly, and you winced at the feeling. He pulled up his pants quickly. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, looking around the empty classroom. “I don’t have anything good to clean you up with.” A box of kleenex caught his eye and he grabbed a few tissues. It was better than nothing.
You chuckled nervously and waved it off. “It’s fine,” you promised, your voice coming out shakier than you expected, but he ignored you. He wiped the mess dripping down your thighs. You were cold. He must have noticed, because he took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders.
“Are you okay?” Aaron asked softly, and it was a full 180 from the way he had just been talking to you.
“I’m great,” you admitted honestly. “Seriously, that was… great.”
Aaron smiled at you- the first real smile he had given you all night. “It wasn’t too much?” he confirmed, and you suddenly remembered what he had said to you earlier. ...then you’ll be begging for more next time. Was he planning on a next time? You wouldn’t have minded it.
You shook your head and slowly slid off the table. You took one of the tissues and wiped up the mess that was left on the table. “Not at all. In fact, I could take more. Next time.” Your voice was light and airy. Aaron watched as you picked your underwear off the floor. There was no way you were putting those back on, not when you had no idea when the floor was last cleaned.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” he teased, eyeing you carefully.
“Well I can’t keep it if I only have your media liaison’s number,” you reminded him, your eyebrow raised. Aaron chuckled and pulled out another business card, except this time it was his. You plucked the card out of his hands and inspected it carefully. “I’ll call you sometime. You can do all those other things we didn’t have time to do.” You were on your tiptoes now, whispering in his ear. “You know… my mouth can do a lot more than just ask for things.” As you spoke, you slipped your panties into his back pocket. You just laughed as you heard a soft gasp escape his lips.
You made your way towards the door, your legs wobbling dangerously underneath you. You were sure that you looked like a mess, but you didn’t care. All that mattered to you was Aaron Hotchner’s eyes glued to your ass. “Get home safe,” he told you and you let yourself smile. Maybe it was a bad idea to start sleeping with a recent divorcee, but the sex was great and you both knew where you stood with the other person. No feelings, just fucking out your frustrations and stress.
Oh yeah, coming to this event was definitely a good call on your part.
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gravegroves · 3 years
“11. Billy” seems mysterious ! pls I must know more
11. Billy
The actual fic is named so too, as that's the way Billy signs all his postcards. The fic is about Claudia Henderson giving Billy a lift from the hospital to the airport and about the postcards he sends her from his trip. It's eventual Harringrove, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Here's a weird assortment of snippets from the fic:
As they pass the turn-off for Hawkins, the road Claudia would have originally taken to get home, Billy sinks down into his seat beside her, turning his head away from the town sign to stare straight ahead, jaw clenched.
"You from Hawkins, too, Billy?" Claudia ventures, curiosity and concern competing for first place.
"Not from that shithole," Billy mutters. Claudia frowns. "Lived there until yesterday."
"Oh, you're moving?"
Billy barks a harsh laugh and Claudia flinches a little in surprise.
"Got a bedside visit from the old man to tell me not to bother coming back to get my shit. After everything and he's the one that gets to slam the door in my face--" Billy's voice cuts off, his breathing harsh and uneven.
Claudia tightens her hands on the steering wheel.
"Help yourself."
Billy gives her a look that tells her he doesn't have much confidence in her taste, but he opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box of tapes. She can hear the click clack of him looking through them all, reading the labels and discarding them one by one before he stops.
Curious, Claudia looks over. In his hand, Billy holds a familiar, well-loved tape.
"Oh, I haven't listened to them in a while. Pop it in!"
"You like Led Zeppelin?" Billy asks, choked, like his whole world is turning upside down.
Claudia laughs, "Oh yes. I wanted Stairway to Heaven played at my wedding, but my husband wouldn't allow it."
"And you still married him?" Billy grins, somehow brighter and more real than any he's given up so far. Claudia feels a little proud of it somehow.
"Well, he's now my ex husband, if that helps."
Billy's grin only grows wider. None of the usual averted eyes and condolences Claudia typically prepares herself for. It's refreshing. "Good for you."
"You call me when you get where you're going, alright honey?" She says, "Let me know that you're not dead in a ditch somewhere."
Billy nods, folds the paper securely into his threadbare wallet. He looks back through the window at her.
"You're the only person worth anything in that fucking town, Ms Henderson."
She smiles, "Oh, I think we both know that isn't quite true."
His face goes distant. Claudia watches him, silently.
He hesitates again. 
"Thanks, Claudia." He slaps the edge of the open window, straightens up with an air of finality and adjusts the duffle bag on his shoulder.
"You take care, Billy." 
She watches him walk into the airport. He never turns to look back.
Steve is sleeping on the couch when Claudia gets home. The boy is sitting in the sofa chair in front of the muted TV, neck bent at an odd angle, mouth open and drooling on his own shoulder.
She wakes him gently, coaxes him half asleep out of the chair and down the hall into the tiny guest bedroom.
He collapses onto the bed, out like a light before she can bid him goodnight. The boy never seems to get enough sleep, so she's happy to leave him there instead of sending him back to that lonely, empty house of his. She throws a blanket over him, knows it's not her place to pet his hair and give him hugs unless he asks it of her. So instead she makes sure his feet are covered, knows by now that if Steve's feet get too cold that it'll wake him and keep him up until they're warm again.
Before going to bed herself, Claudia checks on her son. She notices the light coming from under his door and sighs a little before she gently knocks. There's no reply. She cracks the door open and peers in. Dustin is tucked into bed, his bedside lamp on and a book collapsed over his face.
With a small smile and a shake of her head, she moves into the room. Gently peels the book away, marking the page with a bookmark before placing it on the bedside table. She tugs one stray arm down -- knows her Dusty has a tendency to sleep with his arms above his head and wakes up with them half numb and hurting -- before she tucks him in and kisses his curly head.
She turns off the light and closes the door on the way out, ready for bed herself and happy knowing her boys are safe and sound and close.
The last time Claudia cried herself to sleep was the day she accepted that Mews wasn't coming home. She's an easy crier, it doesn't take much. She'd cried as she picked up Tews from the shelter and again the first time she woke up with him sleeping at the foot of her bed. 
This time is different. When the first sob escapes her, it feels like it's being wrenched out of her by force, like a cork out of a bottle, leaving her helpless to stop the grief from pouring out. She feels like she might explode from the emotions if she doesn't let it happen, so she just… lets it all out. Bawls into a pillow, hugs it to her chest when she can manage to breathe without great heaving keens and stares into the dark.
She cries for Dustin, her darling boy who's been so brave for so long, for Steve with his absent parents and desperate need for company, for Billy and the kind of life that leads a boy to wherever he is now. Maybe even a little for herself.
Being a single mother hasn't always been easy. Claudia has gone without more times than she can count, but that's on her. She brought Dustin into this world and for that she owes him the best life she can give him. Even when that means divorcing her no-good husband. Even when she struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table. Things are okay now, but there was a time not too long ago when her tiny family had been one injury away from losing everything.
Even then, she knows things could've been so much worse.
She imagines Gene doing to Dustin what she suspects Neil Hargrove has done to Billy. Or abandoning him to a lonely hell like the one Lorne and Kate Harrington have left Steve in and she buries her face into the pillow yet again.
Claudia is definitely not the only good person in Hawkins, but she thinks there are far fewer than she might've once thought.
Billy doesn't call. 
Claudia knows there could be a multitude of reasons for why that is, the most likely of which being that Billy simply doesn't want to. She still feels a little ball of worry forming in her stomach.
The first post card arrives two months later. It's short and to the point, but Claudia feels such immense relief that each word feels precious to her.
Not dead yet. Prague is nice.
Claudia clears the cork board she has up for reminders and shopping lists and pins the picture of a beautiful European town where she can see it every day.
Karen Wheeler is someone Claudia knows by association. They've exchanged the usual niceties while picking up their kids from each other's houses and should they pass on the street they smile and nod to each other at the very least. Claudia knows Karen Wheeler, but they aren't friends and they certainly don't frequent the same social circles.
Claudia likes her book clubs, her cats, her knitting. She enjoys a quiet and comfortable existence after a life of too much family drama and financial strain.
Karen Wheeler likes… well, none of those things. Which simply means that conversation doesn't exactly flow between them unless they're talking about their sons.
Today, talking at length seems unavoidable. Dustin and his friends are insisting that they need another fifteen minutes to finish up their English presentation and Karen is standing at the front door looking done up and impatient.
Claudia, of course, invites her inside for a cup of coffee while they wait for the children to finish up.
It's as they're both sitting at the dining table that Karen spots the cork board.
"Is that Billy Hargrove?" She points to the latest photo he'd sent her, tacked over the letter that came with it. Claudia opens her mouth to respond, but instead watches, speechless as Karen gets up and untacks them both before bringing them both back to the table.
Claudia swallows down an annoyed comment and smiles politely.
"Yes, that's Billy." She says, before going on to explain how she came about meeting the boy.
"He sends you postcards?" Karen's eyebrows shoot up towards her hairline, corner of her mouth twitching and giving Claudia a look she can't quite discern.
"It's more of a favour to me," She laughs "I asked him to let me know if he made it safely so I didn't have to worry and since then he's been nice enough to keep my mind at ease. You do hear about such awful things happening to young travellers, it's good to keep track."
"That's… that's very sweet of you, Claudia."
Claudia wraps her hands around her mug and frowns a little. "Someone needs to care about that boy."
"Oh, of course." Karen says, looking slightly taken aback.
"If his parents won't, then that someone might as well be me."
Karen hums and goes back to looking at the photo. "He's rather good looking, don't you think?" 
Frowning at the incredibly odd change in subject, Claudia opens her mouth to answer when the words really begin to sink in. She closes her mouth and stares. 
Unaware of Claudia's scrutiny, Karen continues. "Did he send other photos? I'd love to see them."
Claudia opens her mouth again and knows she's about to tell a lie. She's interrupted by Mike sulkily appearing in the doorway to the kitchen.
Karen gets up. "All finished?" She asks and doesn't seem bothered at all when Mike ignores her and disappears out into the hallway to put his shoes on.
"Thank you so much for the coffee, Claudia. Please, don't get up, I'll let us out."
She rummages around her purse before she takes out a pen and piece of paper. She scribbles something Claudia quickly realises is her address and phone number before she slides it across the table. She clears her throat.
"You're right to be so worried for Billy, he needs all the support he can get. Maybe… maybe I could write to him as well? The more people that care, the better."
It's only when the front door closes that Claudia realises that the photo is gone.
There is a moment where she stares at the spot where the picture should be, right beside the letter, completely dumbstruck by the sheer audacity of Karen Wheeler. And she might have let it go under different circumstances, but Claudia has been on this earth long enough to know when to trust her gut, and her gut is telling her to not let Karen get her hands on any piece of Billy Hargrove, no matter how small.
Emboldened, she snatches the piece of paper off the kitchen counter and runs to the front door. When she steps out onto the driveway the Wheelers have already gotten into the car.
Claudia marches up to the car without hesitation and knocks on the window. Karen looks surprised for a second, then rolls it down.
Without a word, Claudia sticks her hand in, palm flat and face up.
They stare at each other.
The other woman tries for confusion for a few seconds, before she, rather guiltily, reaches into her purse and takes out the photo.
Claudia snatches it out of her hand before she can give it over and the woman flinches slightly.
"I don't think this will be necessary." She tosses the crumpled piece of paper through the open window, turns about and marches back up to the house without a backward glance.
She doesn't miss Mike's "What just happened?" Drifting out into the evening air, but she's too angry, too… something to care in that moment.
When she's back in the kitchen she calls Steve and invites the boy to dinner with her and Dusty.
I have much more, but I don't want to flood peoples feed. So I'll leave it at that.
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petri808 · 3 years
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I1+Nalu Only one bed @thegalilea3 request
The wedding of Laxus and Mirajane Dreyar was a cozy affair attended by only close family and friends. Neither had really wanted a lavish event, so a simple morning ceremony and luncheon in a beautiful garden was perfect. The bride and groom instead funneled the majority of their budget into food, drinks, and overnight lodging for the guests at a small nearby hotel. Lucy Heartfilia was happy to see her friend finally married and settled because Mira deserved it.
Though there was one odd thing about the luncheon— assigned seating. With only 21 people including the bride and groom, it seemed unnecessary. Plus, everyone except Lucy and one other person were a couple anyways. Maybe it was to ensure everyone was accounted for, only Mira knew. As it was, it also meant Lucy was sat next to the only other single... Natsu Dragneel. It was a bit weird, but not a big deal. Natsu was her close friend after all.
The day was perfect in every regard. Clear skies, light breeze with warm sunshine, great food, and jovial company. It was a nice reprieve from Lucy’s job in the city. She missed spending time with her friends, especially Natsu and this provided a perfect couple of days to relax in the countryside. They were best friends, her unrequited high school crush until adulthood sent them onto different paths. University, then careers. The pair stayed in touch as often as possible, but both were busy in their endeavors.
“How has it been at the magazine,” Natsu questioned Lucy. “I see you’ve made it to junior editor.”
“Oh,” she laughed, “yeah, but it’s still a glorified title. I’m really just my bosses assistant.”
“It’s still a big step,” he smiled back.
“What about you?”
“They’re sending me to EMT training next month. So, I’ll be a specialized firefighter.”
“That sounds exciting.”
“I guess,” Natsu shrugged, “I prefer the action.”
Lucy chuckled, eyes crinkling in a smile, “same ‘ole Natsu.”
“Hey you two,” Mirajane waved as she walked over. “How is everything?”
“Hi Mira! Everything is perfect, you did a fantastic job planning it.”
“Aww, thanks Lucy.”
“I was surprised that Laxus finally caved.”
Lucy slapped Natsu’s chest for the comment, but if only made Mira laugh.
“I threatened to leave if he didn’t just get this over with. Anyway, the reason I came over is I just received a call from the hotel and it seems they made a mistake in my booking. Instead of 11 rooms, they only booked 10. Unfortunately... they’re also full.”
“So, what does that mean?” Natsu questioned the woman.
“Well, as singles I had booked you guys your own rooms, because the couples have theirs, which means one of you now doesn’t have one.”
“Oh. It’s okay Mira, I can try and find a room elsewhere for the night,” Lucy chimed in. “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Why don’t we just share it?” Natsu then suggests to Lucy. “When we check in, we’ll just ask for a room with two beds.”
“Are you sure,” both Lucy and Mira questioned at the same time.
“Why not? I mean, I don’t mind.”
“Lucy would you be okay with that?” Mira questioned her friend. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Lucy looked at Natsu, then back to Mira. “I’ll be okay. I mean, he’s not a stranger to me.” She laughed although inside she was a bit nervous about sharing a room with him.
“I won’t bite,” Natsu put his hands up in defense. “I swear.”
“Weirdo!” Lucy laughed.
Mira laughed as well. “Great! I’ll let the hotel know the room will be a double occupancy. You guys enjoy the rest of party. Check in is anytime after 4pm.”
“Thanks Mira. And congratulations again!”
Everything will be fine, Lucy assured herself. It’s just Natsu. She knows Natsu. He’s harmless. Spending one night alone together won’t kill her. Just think of it as more time to catch up. Maybe find out why he’s still single. ‘Stop that!’ Lucy chided her mind. She is not asking him that kind of question! Even though she is curious... more so now after having spent the last 4 hours being reminded of what a great guy he was. All the reason she’d crushed on him, his warmth, oof, his smile...
“Wait what?!” Lucy shrieked at the hotel receptionist. “There’s no rooms with two beds?”
“I’m very sorry ma’am, but we only have a few of those and they’re all taken already.”
“What about a roll-away?”
Again the woman shook her head. “We’re just a small country inn. We don’t have those.”
“Oh... my god...” Lucy breathed out. She’d have to share a bed with Natsu?!
Speaking of the man, at that moment, he gently coaxed Lucy away from the receptionist. “We’ll make it work, don’t worry, she’ll be fine,” he assured the woman. “Just give us the keys and we’ll be on our way.”
Once inside of the hotel room, Lucy surveyed their predicament. It was a king sized bed. Great, at least it provided a decent amount of space between them, and it was a very nice room... a bit too nice compared to a standard hotel room. Strange, but maybe it was the only option left because of the full capacity. Well, guess it wasn’t such a bad thing. She could think of it as a sleepover, like the kind they would have when they were teenagers.
The first thing Lucy did was change out of her formal party attire into something comfortable. When she exited the bathroom, Natsu was lounging on the bed, looking through the pamphlets the hotel left on the nightstand.
“What’re you reading?” She questioned him.
“It’s a pretty small hotel, no services, but they do have a restaurant open for lunch and dinner... oh and a pool.”
Lucy hadn’t brought a swim suit, so the pool was out of the question. “What time is the restaurant open till?”
“Um... 9pm.”
“Good. I’m not hungry yet, but in a couple of hours I will be.”
For the rest of the evening Natsu was weirdly quiet. He talked as needed, but it almost felt to Lucy as if he was trying to avoid something. Or maybe it was all in her head. Maybe Natsu was just as nervous as she was about arraignment and was doing his best not to make it uncomfortable. Their conversations were pleasant enough, catching up on their lives, their families, any new interests they may have developed. They’d become functional members of the community in careers they enjoyed. For all intents and purposes, their lives were normal, happy on the surface.
Around 11pm the pair agreed it was time to get some shut eye. It had been a long and contented day, but tomorrow they’d return to their own lives. They chose their respective sides, turning off the light and settled into bed facing away from each other.
As Lucy lay there, she reflected on how things had turned out and of their day. The thoughts in her mind loud against the silence of the darkened room. It felt weird, knowing Natsu lay less then two feet away. Or maybe it was simply weird sleeping in a bed with another person. It had been a couple years since her last failed relationship, so she wasn’t used to this feeling anymore. She didn’t know how many minutes had passed by when she’d heard Natsu shift in the bed and his voice, soft and hesitant cut through the inky blackness.
“Do you ever think about... us Lucy?”
What does he mean? “Us?” She parroted.
“I do sometimes,” Natsu continued. “I think about, what our lives would be like if I’d grown some balls and asked you out years ago... where would we be today?”
Lucy’s breathing slowed as she processed his words. Had she thought of it? Moisture slowly filled her eyes. Yes— yes she had, many, many times over the years. Every time a relationship failed, she thought about it. But she never blamed him because she was just as guilty for not saying something sooner. Yet here he was posing such a question.
Her eyes closed as she spoke. “What are you trying to say Natsu?” She felt him turn over and shift again, then a hand pulling, coaxing her to face him. Once she’d switched sides, Lucy could see his shadowed face, oozing with regret.
“I’m saying...” Natsu reached out and took her hand. “I wish we were an us. I’m saying I want to lay like this every night next to you, to wake up beside you, come home to you. Im saying... I don’t want this to end.”
Lucy squeezed his hand back. “Idiot!” Tears prickling the corners of her eyes. “Why didn’t you say something sooner!”
“I was afraid! Okay?! I thought you deserved better than me and I’d just hold you back!”
“Better?! It was always better together! All these years I’d been lonely and miserable cause no one could replace you!”
“I’m sorry!!”
A few seconds after the last words are screamed, laughter broke out from the two. Unrefined laughter at their own stupidity. They’d both been pining all these years and it took being stuck in a room together for it all to come crashing out.
“Natsu...” Lucy squeezed his hand again, “I’d really love to be an us too.”
He reached over and caressed her face. “I’ve always loved you Lucy, and I wanna make up for all the years we lost. But I have a confession to make.”
Oh, god what the hell now?! “What are you, actually married? No, divorced? Secret kids?! What?!” Lucy trembled as her euphoria threatened to crash down again.
Natsu scratched the back of his head nervously. “No! Nothing like that. The hotel didn’t make a mistake. Mira and I set this up so I could confess. I’d planned to do it earlier but couldn’t work up the nerve until I realized I was running out of time again...”
“Ohhh! Is that it?!” Lucy’s head lolled as she groaned. “You damn goof! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Im sorry!” He chuckled. “I just didn’t want you to find out later. And don’t blame Mira, it was my idea. I’ll make it all up, I promise. I’ll make you forget about those years of loneliness. I’m gonna make you so happy you—”
Lucy sighed. “Natsu?”
“Huh, yeah?”
“Just shut up and kiss me already.”
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fafulous · 4 years
Take Me Home (1/5)
Andy Barber x Reader (Post!Defending Jacob)
Summary: After the unfortunate events of the trial and after, a depressed Andy Barber decides to call it quits and start a mundane life far away from Newton. He decides it is best to have a fresh start away from prying eyes and alone, but he never thought his caring neighbor (and her son) would change all of that.
Themes: MAJOR D.J. SPOILERS ((The series is following the BOOK ENDING and not Show)), Sad and soft Andy Barber, Single Mother Reader. Cursing.
a/n: I hope you guys like it. We all know Andy deserves some softness :’)
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The one thing you cherished about your neighbourhood was its calming silence.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the 21st century fast pacers. It did not give you any force to lead a rush life. No matter how hard life was you enjoyed this serenity, just like your neighbours.
You were the only one relatively younger in your neighbourhood, for this place was normally owned by retired elderly after experiencing everything life had to offer. But for you and your three-year-old little son, it was a second chance at life. All your neighbours except for that one loner house beside you was occupied by retired veterans and war heroes.
But that soon changed.
A man by the name Andrew Barber had moved to the house beside you. You got to know one day when you saw a huge truck with people going in and out of the house with clean and neat furniture.
Seeing all that, your vivid imagination went running and tried to picture how this man would look. Judging by the furniture (which made no sense), you thought your new neighbour was someone who would be simple and felt it wasn’t going to be someone who was, you know, old.
Oh boy were you right.
Once those packers went by, you saw him.
Andrew Barber was nothing what you thought out to be. Tall and broad, his back muscles would tell you its own tale. From afar you noticed his biceps never failed him too, for his arms screamed whenever he went in and out with a huge piece of cardboard boxes. His facial hair was a bit messy, like he is just moving into his new abode right after a sloth nap. You weren’t sure but his blue eyes had a dull finish that were deep embedded in his sunken face.
You also took notice of his sleek black Audi A6 which was parked by his driveway; It was not easy to peel your eyes away from its beauty.
This was wrong. You’re a single mother with the most adorable kid you could’ve ever asked for. After a struggle of six months your son Nikolai and you have found a hint of stability; single parenting is never easy unless you get the hang of it.
And you did.
Before you could offer any refreshments, your neighbours beat you to it. They were too kind. They were the elderly parents whose snobbish kids only visited once a year. Hence you decided to fill the gap in their lives. They loved you and you loved them back.
So now you decided that maybe when the time is right, you could meet him in a day or two and get to know each other.
This was new for Andy. Very foreign too.
To live a life without Laurie and Jacob was something he never expected to happen after the trial. It’s been a good handful of weeks since it happened. He did not even have the heart to think more about his son. His eyes would cloud with tears and the whole day would go wasted in drowning himself in sorrow and liquor.
He was still mourning after all.
So he decided to move. Move away from his house that reminded of his 17 years of a marriage that only seemed successful, only for it go wrong in an impulse. Move away from all of the local tabloids that hinted at himself being a next murderer. 
Move away from his unsuccessful lineage.
Scattered around him were boxes of his stuff at his new house, his stuff alone. Laurie’s stuff was nearly packed and sent away to her parents’ home, the last time he’ll ever associate himself with her family.
Yes, her family.
Andy did file for a divorce while she was in prison, but that was a long procedure until it became official. However hard it was to sign those papers; it was as hard to let go of Laurie. Because if he lets her go, he has nobody.
A lone sunken soul.
The packers truck got in half of his belongings, the remaining which will come tomorrow. It was difficult moving especially with one single person. His neighbours were all elderly, so surely, he could not ask anyone for help. Also, it was another reason he chose this locality, he could be alone while he knew he lived in a tightly knitted community filled with respected war veterans. 
He was extremely taken aback when many of his neighbours offered him freshly cooked food and refreshments to get over the day. He was thankful. They knew about his past and still they accepted him and asked him to reach out if any help was needed.
Andy’s day went ahead unpacking his clothes first, which took his time. He wondered if he’d ever need the fashionable suits and ties, he wore to work. There was a job opening at a swimming instructor at the local community gym; all he needs are those Speedos. But nevertheless, he kept then all back, trying to keep his mind preoccupied in cleaning.
But all that effort seemed futile for every memory crashed down when he unpacked his wedding tux.
He felt too claustrophobic, buried his hand in his face. He no longer had a marriage. He no longer had anyone to look after.
He no longer had anyone to look after him.
But amidst all this chaos in his foggy mind, he hears a lovely toothy giggle of a child. 
He peeks out of his window to see a young mother and her small son sitting in their backyard with a picnic spread in front of them, while the little boy kept tripping over the grass purposefully just so he could laugh and make his mother laugh too. Andy had no idea he had a middle-aged family living nearby.
Seeing you and the son spread this familiar warmth inside Andy, reminiscing how he had this. It reminded Andy of a happier time. 
Soon to be replaced with anguish. He would never have that again. He missed feeling the warmth of family, the love of a wife. Life never really gave second chances he believed.
He noticed you, a caring mother placing the little one on your lap while you fed him all the scrumptious food. He didn’t fail to miss how your eyes shined with happiness. A happy woman is always a pretty woman at heart; it is something he used to tell himself. A soft chuckle left out of Andy’s lips as he saw the boy eat the food messily, but you seemed to be patient, responding lovingly towards his naughty antics. 
Her husband is one lucky son of a bitch.
He could watch you two all day, but that would be extremely inappropriate. Right now, Andy wanted his newfound house to look like a home.
Next day went by and it didn’t seem like he was getting anywhere near getting his house ready. He was waiting for another truck to get more of his stuff while he sipped on some bear till the movers arrived. They unloaded most of his stuff at his lawn and went away.
“Need a hand moving those boxes?”
Andy turned around to a gentle voice of the same woman who had he had seen yesterday with the small child.
A chilly afternoon, he wasn’t surprised you sporting a loose, fluffy knitted woollen pullover with black leggings. Your hair was tied up in a bun and then noticed that he was probably staring at you for a long time.
“Uh- No. I’m fine, thank you.”
But you kept standing there looking at him smirking. He was literally struggling to carry all those boxes “Your body language says something else.”
When he looked up you saw his sunken eyes with even more detail as though the man hasn’t slept in days, “Would I be desperate man if I said yes?”
You chuckled, “Not at all. I’m Y/N Y/LN.”
“Andrew Barber”, he stretched out his hand for a warm greeting with a firm handshake. The feeling of his rough palms sends small jitters to you, but you ignored it; and just like that you resumed. 
You helped him lift the bigger boxes to his house even though you knew he carried most of the weight. Two could always get the work done sooner. Both of you didn’t talk much for these 20 minutes but it was a comfortable silence while both of you took sneaky glances at each other’s features.
When you neared him, you realized he was lot more than just handsome. Sunken face was holding two blue eyes that would be enticing if he had put any effort to put any life in them. His beard was neatly trimmed although scruffy, just like you saw yesterday.
Andy on the other hand was just too despondent to, you know, check you out. He thought you to be a beautiful woman with a kind heart, especially after seeing you and your son yesterday.
He even thought of asking you about your son and family, but that would be too intrusive he wondered.
Andy thought you’d leave after moving the boxes but you insisted you’d stay to help unpack his stuff and maybe cook some lunch for him since he didn’t even unpack his kitchen utensils out. He was ready to accept the help only for a second.
The Andrew Barber he knew before the events of the trial would have gladly accepted, maybe even made lunch for the beautiful lady, instead of you, who graciously offered him help. He was divorced now so there was nothing stopping him.
But do you really deserve a fresh start with a lady Andy?
Would she be here if she knew who you really were?
His mind was plagued. He moved here with the intention of a fresh start but, he wondered if anyone would actually accept him. He decided for himself that they wouldn’t.
“It’s alright Y/N. Thanks for your help.”
There was no way a man could set up his home all alone you thought. “Mr. Barber, are you sure? I really have no problem. I’m completely unoccupied at the moment. Besides Nikolai-”
You blinked at his curt reply.
“I’m good Y/N. I can take care of the remaining stuff here. You can go now.”
Looking at him made you realise how conflicted he was. His words likely meant that he didn’t require your presence but his whole demeanour looked like just wanted some god damn company. He didn’t mind your help at first, but at the same time now he was pushing you away. What changed?
So much for making acquaintances with the new neighbour, you thought.
Without saying anything you stiffly nodded, Andy realizing the offence written all over your face, and saw you walk away from his abode closing his door politely.
It was probably for the best to keep distance from a kind woman like you. He knew you were trying to get acquainted with him like any normal person would, but Andy was firmly grounded that he and normalcy would never go back again.
The minute you left he opened another beer bottle to sink himself. This fresh start for Andy was just bullshit.
You rushed back the minute you closed Mr. Grumpy Cat’s door and made a beeline to your home, only to see your son playing on the countertop with one your elderly neighbour. 
“Thank you, Mr. Arthur, for taking care of Nikolai. I hope he didn’t cause much trouble.”
“I’d do anything for you sweet pea, Nikolai was a sweetheart.” The old man chuckled and turned to leave, “By the way last weekend’s pot pie was delicious. I had to make it up to you.”
Returning a hug, you thanked your neighbour again and leaped your son in your arms, attacking him with kissed while he spurted giggles. “Mommy it tickles!”
“Guess what happened peaches? I met our new neighbour”
Nikolai clapped his hand “Mista Wandew Bahhba?”
Your son was hell bent on knowing the name of the newcomer after he laid his eyes on the stylish black Audi. Boys always know their toys.
You nodded, “He’s a grumpy man peaches. I have no idea what to do with him.” And just like that you began speaking with Nikolai. He was your only company to talk. He never really understood anything, but your talented son did a fairly good job of putting up a pretense to hear.
“I offered him help and he says yes. Then I kindly ask him if I can help him more, you know like cook homemade spaghetti. But instead he becomes snippy with me?”
“Woh no,” your son whispered to your exclamation, which in reality was for his superhero figurines falling on to the floor. “I like his cahr mommy.”
“So do I Niko, but I so do not like him,” you paused and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Guess we’re the only sunshine in this neighbourhood peaches.”
Days went by and you rarely interacted with your new neighbour.
Oh and when it did, it really never went well for you.
The first time was when a few standard posts under the name of Mr. Barber arrived at your doorstep, since he wasn’t available at his house. Like any other hospitable neighbour, you signed the post and made sure to drop it by him when he gets back.
"Uh Mr. Barber the post man dropped this by at our doorstep since you weren’t available. I thought I should give it to you.”
Andy opened the door with a few knocks and saw you standing with a few posts in a fluffy cable knit sweater. He took the posts from you, gently brushing over your hands. He perused through them quickly and gave you that conflicted stern look.
“I appreciate it Mrs. Y/L/N, but next time I’d like to collect my own posts irrespective of its nature. You can tell them I can collect it from the post office”
Was this man for real?
You crossed your arms and gave him back that stern look too. He wasn’t going to get away without you throwing shade. “Oh you know Mr. Barber I was just trying to be a good neighbour. It’s not like I’m dying here to get associated with you.”
He gave you a nasty grin which triggered you to make you leave away from his threshold.
Andy thought for a moment that he already crossed the line with the wrong woman.
The next time you met him was probably the last time you would ever meet him.
Your shift at the library got too late, for you were the Librarian of the local Library. You didn’t have to worry much about picking up your son late for he was at Mr. Arthur’s.
But coming home realising that he was sitting on the front porch of Andrew’s house made you park your car haphazardly in your driveway and run up to your child, ignoring Andrew’s presence.
“I’m so sorry sweetie. What are you doing here Niko?”
Andy interrupted, “Mr. Arthur had to visit the hospital. He was catching the flu and he didn’t want to give it to Nikolai here.”
You didn’t want to meet his gaze, but you forced yourself for you were grateful for this kind gesture. Maybe this Grumpy Cat has a kind heart after all.
“Mr. Barber, thank you so much for taking care of Niko. My phone must’ve been on silent if Arthur wanted to contact me.”
“Oh, don’t thank me Mrs. Y/L/N. I am just filling in the gaps of irresponsible parenting.”
It felt like a blunt hit to your heart. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, you heard me.” he whispered so closely that you could smell his musky deodorant with a hint of beer. Your son was out of earshot, sipping on a glass of lemonade that was probably offered by this man. “Trust me I know what happens to a child that is always kept away from their caretakers.”
He quickly went on to say how Nikolai was a special child when your son came near you both and how your family should take more care in your child. You never really listened for your eyes threatened to pierce with tears. No way were you going to cry in front of this man.
“Thank you Mista Wandi.”
“Anytime buddy.”
He went up and shut the door, like it was a personal aimed at you.
And you just stood there feeling numb while Niko tugged on your work coat.
“Let’s go home Mommi.”
The audacity to tell you how to be a parent. Did he even have a child? Does he even know how to it is to take care of a child single handed?
But those questions never mattered. No matter how positive you are in life, its never nice to hear someone spew your flaws on to your face.
Meanwhile minutes passed when Andy soon realised how he had royally fucked up. Everyday around 5pm you and your child would come along to the backyard and have a snack ritual while both of you played or read story books. For Andy, though he chided himself for his stalking behaviour, it brought him a sense of peace to see your son scream with shrills of laughter when he ran around the lawn.
He had nothing against you, yet he was being selfish.
I be mean to her; I stay away from here. Simple.
Today however, Nikolai sat facing away from his ypu munching on freshly baked cookies while you sported a tear stained face. He felt a twinge when he saw you staring straight ahead with a blank stare while tears rolled down. His heart successfully sunked when he saw Nikolai trying to wipe your tears and hug you. Andrew then sat down dramatically on his chair when he saw you breakdown into your son’s fragile shoulders.
Apologies wouldn’t fix this. It would, but Andrew Barber the resilient thought that being obnoxiously rude to someone he wants to be close to will make them hate him.
He never thought it would hurt you.
He decided not to take any efforts in an apology; or it could take more than an apology.
A few weeks passed by and you tried your level best and succeeded in avoiding banters with Mr. Grumpy Cat. Whenever you saw him, a flurry of rage fell over you. Was it your mistake you were trying to be friendly to your only attractive neighbour?
Strike out attractive. A mean soul was never attractive.
Andrew Barber on the other hand dreaded what had happened; he was a little too late to the party to realise that your house had no male inhabitant, except for that one man who had made a visit.
He soon deduced that you were a single mother.
Too late rather Andy.
And when he recalled what he had said to you, he wanted you to slap him in the face. Hard enough to have a bruise that lasted for a year.
Nikolai and you always woke up late on a weekend morning. Both of you always shared and slept in the same room for Nikolai had regularly occurring nightmares.
You never realised but you and Niko woke up a small commotion outside your house, or probably his house.
Plus, the other day it so happened Nikolai’s father paid a terribly long visit, pleading you to take him back into your life. He felt apologetic for what he did. But that lingering memory was soon cut off by Grumpy Cat’s voice.
Knowing his tendencies to irate his neighbours, (or maybe just you exclusively) you ignored it and began serving late breakfast pancakes for your son. But you soon stopped when you heard a loud, hoarse bellow.
You looked outside of your window to see a bunch of vans and the reporters standing outside Andy’s lawn. Niko ran up to you and carried him over your hip for the little one heard the scary yell too.
Andy’s car was parked haphazardly on the pavement. A pair or more of reporters were taking pictures of him and his vandalised garage door.
“Oh my god.”
You put down Niko and asked him to play with his toys. Yes, you hated Andrew but what you saw on his now tainted garage door made you want to retch. It was such a distasteful thing to do. It appeared as if a spray can paint was used to write whatever it was on the door:
Andy crouched down on his knees, his hands covering his face and ruggedly running his hands through his hair, while he kneeled down in front of the vandalism.
The very reason he moved away from Newton was now on his garage door.
You wanted to go out and help him, but your ego wouldn’t let you. Why should you help a man who was nothing but mean to you all this while?
Luckily enough you saw Mr. Arthur and a couple of his old friends admonishing the press. They threatened that this community was filled with retired war veterans and that they would charge them for community trespassing and disrupting the lives of people who have lost a limb and more for this country.
Hearing that threat made the desperate amateur reporters leave from the vicinity as soon as possible.
Andy stood up and tried to process this whole situation, looking around for any sort of help, only to lay his eyes on the faint image you from your window.
You expected him to shout and rage and ask you to fuck off from staring at his pitiful state. But he didn’t. You would never forget those embarrassed sunken eyes, silently pleading for help.
He didn’t deserve this. You have no idea about his past or who he was to garner such attention, but this was just cruel. He soon averted from your gaze and went on to thank his fellow elderly friends and made his way inside home.
Later in the evening, you caught Andy scrubbing the ugly writings with cloth and soap water. After a while, he took a few steps behind and saw that they words were still there but faded.
“I had some grey paint for Nikolai’s nursery, but never got the chance to do it.”
Andy turned to that sweet voice of yours and hesitated in meeting your gaze. He was embarrassed, for you stood there, giving out an arm to help him again despite his foul behaviour. He saw little Nikolai standing behind you with his shabby brown hair that reminded him of Jacob, clutching onto your legs while he peaked at him. He didn’t understand what you mean by the whole nursery thing, but he stood up and finally, both of you took in each other’s gaze.
Andy’s eyes were even more sunken than he had when he arrived, his blue orbs sunk in a sea of red. He must have been crying. He saw you were missing your feisty eyes that you always sported. Maybe it’s because you despised him so much.
“It’s not the exact colour of your garage door but it can do the trick I suppose.”
The second you handed over the paint to him, you quickly turned around to head towards your home. But Andy didn’t want to push you further anymore by being a dick. He was ready to apologise.
“Hey please listen up! I really am s- “
“No no no,” your voice trembled; this habit of crying while you were angry was just exasperating you wondered, “I think its best we don’t hold conversation Mr. Barber. This will be probably my last interaction with you; what happened to you was horrid and ugly. You don’t deserve that. That much I know”
Andy was hesitant, embarrassed. “Mrs. Y/L/N- “
“Quit calling me a missus! I am not even fucking married anymore-” you said drawing quotes in the air, to be interrupted by a little tug at your coat. You realised that your kid was standing next to you. And you swore in front of him. Great parenting.
“Oh Niko,” you picked him up and peppered him with a few kisses, “Sorry for that language. Mommy won’t swear again okay. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah”, the kid nodded and buried his head into your neck and hugging you tightly.
"Let’s go, sweetie. I’m done with this man.”
As you went away the little boy who was wrapped around over your shoulder waved with his short hands to Andy. To Nikolai, Andy was the one who had the coolest car and made the best lemonade (which he had when he was made to wait for his mom). He never really understood the intensity of adults’ arguments. He was just a grateful child.
It was only then Andy realised he had to make it up to you by any means for he stood there alone feeling like a real douchebag with a paint can in his hands.
Part 2
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hd-wireless · 4 years
Welcome to our H/D Wireless Anon Set List Masterlist!
With this we want to say THANK YOU to all the creators, readers, and lovers of H/D Wireless! We're overwhelmed by your creativity and support for everyone! We had a mind blowing year with:
33 Days, 50 Fics, 8 Artworks, 6 Art and fic combos 64 WORKS IN TOTAL!
Which makes this the largest H/D Wireless Fest EVER! We are just blown away by all the musically inspired creations people have made this year.
Take this week to catch up on the creations, listen to the playlists, and just generally dance around your living room to your hearts content!
🎙️ Check out the Playlists:
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 Stuck on the Bridge Between Us (G) 
🎵 Song prompt: Talk Me Down by Troye Sivan
🎵 Summary: finding the courage within themselves to be vulnerable, so they can stop hurting the other and start loving each other as they so deeply want and need to
📻  So Let's Dance, Take a Chance, Understand Me (T) 
🎵 Song prompt: T.Rex, Get It On
🎵 Summary: The War is over and everything has changed.
After a few of years of travelling around the world, Harry decided to move to Muggle London, looking for peace and a place where the scar on his forehead doesn’t have a meaning. His new flat is in a perfectly normal neighbourhood close to the centre, quiet during the day but full of students at night. He really likes the small bar down the road, a place that serves cheap, awful drinks and plays good old classics. It’s always crammed with people talking, laughing or dancing along with the riff of electric guitars. From the first time he crossed the threshold, Harry thought it was perfect, the right mix of noise and warmth to be alone without feeling alone. Just what he needed. He couldn’t imagine that someone else was there for the very same reason, looking for a place where the Dark Mark was only a tattoo. Blame it on the alcohol, on the music or whatever you want, but when Harry’s eyes landed on Draco’s slim figure, swaying on the dancefloor, something warm and inexplicable possessed him. 
📻  The Pass (T) 
🎵 Song prompt: Prompt 98: The Pass, by Rush
🎵 Summary: Draco, lost in darkness, seeks a guiding light.
📻  If you knew… (T) 
🎵 Song prompt: Young Folks from Peter Bjorn and John
🎵 Summary: The war had left scars on all of them. Some were obvious. Some only if they looked closely. But the worst ones were those they couldn't see. Those that were hidden inside.
📻  an ode to the boy i love (G) 
🎵 Song prompt: Animal - Troye Sivan
🎵 Summary: an evocation of vulnerability, trust and tenderness
📻  Home Sweet Home (G)
🎵Song prompt: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
🎵 Summary: In the middle of a Zombie apocalypse Harry made it his main goal to find a safe home for Draco and himself.
📻  Turn back time (T)  
🎵 Song prompt: If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher
🎵 Summary: Draco's had a rough few years, if that's what you call falling in with a bad lot, attempted murder and a close brush with death. Now facing the weight of his misdeeds, Draco tries to pinpoint when it all went wrong.
📻  Time to Get Out (T)  
🎵 Song prompt: My House - PVRIS
🎵 Summary: A few years post-war, Pansy convinces Draco to go on a night out at a muggle club. They run into some familiar faces.
🎶 H/D Wireless Art and Fic 🎶
📻  A Different Kind of Meaning (E, 17k)
🎵 Song prompt: Outnumbered - Dermot Kennedy
🎵 Summary: The ceiling doesn't hold any answers, but there are cobwebs scattered across the corners with shadows tangled in their threads. The rug against his back is rough and scratchy, threadbare and devoid of colours other than various shades of brown. Harry takes it all in, absorbs the dingy and depressed state of his home. There's a pointed moment of decision, a note about to be played, a silence about to end, and then he rolls to his feet and sets to cleaning.
It's the first constructive thing he's done in years. 
📻  Keep Holding On (M, 33k)
🎵 Song prompt: Welshly Arms - Sanctuary
🎵 Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco both fall into their own battles with their mental states. Draco is sent to Azkaban, and Harry turns to drinking, hoping to forget.
Months later, Harry visits St Mungo’s new ward on request of a friend, only to find Draco in a deep vegetative state.
Not willing to give him up, Harry stays by his side, while simultaneously dealing with the Ministry's newest grand idea to make everything worse.
Making new alleys, and losing old ones on the way, would hopefully be worth it in the end.
📻 Fic : Modern Love (E, 61k)
📻 Art : Our Love Song (G)
🎵 Song prompt: Modern Love by David Bowie
🎵 Fic summary: Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.  
🎵 Art summary: Harry and Draco enjoying a Sunday morning bus ride in London.
📻  For the Thousandth Time (T, 14k)
🎵 Song Prompt: Lucky by Aurora
🎵 Summary: When Draco's wand refuses to work after the war, he turns to Harry for help. 
📻 Fic : Returning Tides (E, 24.5k)
📻 Art : Love Will Tear Us Apart (G)
🎵 Song prompt: Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division 
🎵 Fic summary: Is my timing that flawed? Our respect run so dry? Yet there's still this appeal That we've kept through our lives
🎵 Art summary: Art piece to accompany the fic ‘Returning Tides’, based on the song claim, 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' by Joy Division ***** Harry's brooding while straddling a motorbike. Need I say more?
📻  That Sweet Sweet Craving (E, 33.2k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons 
🎵 Summary: Harry is miserable living a lie because he thinks being a gay role model is wrong. Fake dates raising money for a charity that ends up putting him in a situation he had never expected. Draco Malfoy appears back in his life by some odd chance trying to flip his world upside down and he isn't sure it's a good thing. Malfoy always worked that way to him. Mental health issues, sex, escaping, and that sweet sweet craving of happiness.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻  Follow the Water (T, 38.2k)
🎵 Song prompt: “Follow the Water” by Calexico/Iron & Wine
🎵 Summary: Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends. Maybe a summer outdoors is just what a former hero needs to bring some zest back into his life.
📻  Life goes not backward (T, 8.8k)
🎵 Song prompt: Daughter by Loudon Wainwright
🎵 Summary: Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different.
A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
Leaving one life behind isn’t always a sacrifice, and sometimes the greatest good comes from embracing the people you love. 
📻  The Way We Used To Love (E, 5.3k)
🎵 Song prompt: 'Used to Love' by Martin Garrix & Dean Lewis
🎵 Summary: Is there hope when what is not enough for the one happens to be too much for the other? 
📻  but if you close your eyes (T, 3.3k)
🎵 Song prompt: Pompeii by Bastille
🎵 Summary: The New Magic Order is trying to take over Wizarding Britain. They're not the Death Eaters, but they're not any better either.
The lines of alliance have shifted, but Harry is still on the front lines working tirelessly to stop them.
📻  Haunt the corner of my eye (T, 23k)
🎵 Song prompt: Echoes of You - Marianas Trench
🎵 Summary: Harry’s life is very much on track. After a successful career as an Auror, he’s set to become the youngest ever Minister for Magic. But strange things are starting to happen at Grimmauld Place. Items he doesn’t recognise are appearing left and right, and somehow he never feels quite alone. There’s only one thing Harry knows for sure: it has something to do with Draco Malfoy.
📻  Lookalike (M, 1.4k)
🎵 Song prompt: 'Lookalike' by Conan Gray 
🎵 Summary: When you look in his eyes, Do you think of mine? And when you look at that smile, Do I cross your mind? I know in your head You see me instead 'Cause he looks a lot like I did back then Baby, don't lie, He's just a lookalike... ©
📻  Now that the spring is in the air (T, 5.7k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Seasons in the Sun by Westlife
🎵 Summary: A surprise attack in Diagon Alley leaves Draco struggling to make peace with the fact that he won't live long enough to experience his own wedding.
📻  Seven Days to Monday (M, 11.7k)
🎵 Song prompt: Say Something - A Great Big World
🎵 Summary: There are seven days before Harry has to meet Draco for the final signing of their divorce papers. It's been months and the surprise at finding nothing but more cold sheets and an empty pillow next to him still catches Harry unaware. He doesn't know where they go from here. Whether it's possible to go anywhere after everything that's happened between them.
📻  Blond Brew (E, 30.4k)
🎵 Song prompt: “Blondes” by Waterparks
🎵 Summary: A blond roast with soy milk makes Draco's morning, but a pair of green eyes makes his week.
📻  A Series of Nonsensical Events (T, 12.8k)
🎵 Song prompt: My Gospel by Charlie Puth
🎵 Summary: Malfoy is up to something. When Harry and the other Aurors are called into a Gringotts break-in and find him the culprit, Harry’s at a total loss. But things only get weirder from then on.
📻  Ignore the Truth (E, 2.6k)
🎵 Song prompt: Dangerously - Charlie Puth
🎵 Summary: "Longtime on-again-off-again lovers Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were caught in a compromising position in one the Ministry's lifts yesterday evening. While fans of the couple are optimistic, there's still doubt as to whether or not this particular reconciliation will last. When asked directly about the nature of his relationship with Draco Malfoy, the Boy Who Lived had simply this to say, 'Fuck right off, we're busy.'"
- The Daily Prophet, "Love Is In The Air," 28th Oct. 2005.   
📻  Your Daddy Knows (You're A Flame) (E, 27.8k)
🎵 Song prompt: Babyfather by Sade (2010)
🎵 Summary: It's just over a week until Draco's twenty-fifth birthday party and Harry Potter is a busy wizard. Amongst all the excitements of fatherhood, work and friends, Harry realises something special about his husband Draco. He is pregnant with their second, much wanted baby.
There's only one problem: Draco is entirely oblivious to the fact and seems determined to remain so. 
📻  Don't search me in here (E, 6.7k)
🎵 Song prompt: Gone - Charlie XCX & Christine and the Queens
🎵 Summary: Draco spotted him in a corner, crowded by Ministry employees. He looked like an animal, trapped in a cage. He had a strained smile on his , and his eyes were looking everywhere else than on the people in front of him.
Draco can’t quite help himself, watching Potter from afar. Just out of curiosity, of course. He’s happy with his life, nothing is missing, and if he’s lonely it’s entirely by choice. 
📻  I Can Be Your Lighthouse (T, 4k)
🎵 Song prompt: The Lighthouse by The Used
🎵 Summary: When Harry gets called to investigate reports of Dark magic, the last thing he expects to find is an almost unconscious Draco Malfoy. After multiple instances, he resolves to find out what's going on.
📻  Drop Everything Now (T, 21k)
🎵 Song prompt: Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift
🎵 Summary: After accidentally bonding himself to Malfoy, Harry finds himself in an utterly precarious situation… 
📻  No one fucks with us (T, 3.3k)
🎵 Song prompt: NFWMB by Hozier
🎵 Summary: Draco Malfoy wonders for how long has Harry Potter been a terrifying force of nature. Harry Potter thinks Draco Malfoy has been a badass MF all along. If the world has to end so they can have some peace and quiet, be it. They'll set it on fire.
📻  Will You Stay with Me? (M, 10.2k)
🎵 Song prompt: ‘Run’ - Daughter
🎵 Summary: Ten months ago, Draco had found none other than Harry Potter blindly drunk and bleeding outside a Muggle pub. He'd brought him home and hasn't left his side ever since. He looked after him, took care of him when yet another nightmare plagued him. 
Harry is sure that Draco will leave him at some point, and he can’t let it happen. He can’t have another person leaving his life unexpectedly. So, Harry forces him to leave — after they spend one last night together.
📻  until the sun has changed the colour of my hair (T, 4.9k)
🎵 Song prompt: Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre - Melissa Horn
🎵 Summary:  Draco's life has been one big mess ever since Potter broke up with him. He doesn't want to see his friends, he's too ashamed to see his parents, and his apartment is one giant mess. He's constantly prepared for disaster, and spends his time either alone in Muggle parks or in his apartment. But one day... One beautiful day... He will forget Harry, surely.
📻  Love Found (E, 7.5k)
🎵 Song Prompt: I Found, by Amber Run
🎵 Summary: During Harry’s sixth year, Draco Malfoy joins the Order as a double-agent and continues with his task to get the Death Eaters into the castle as assigned by Voldemort. Draco succeeds with his mission the evening Harry returns from the caves with Dumbledore. The boys reunite on the Astronomy Tower and, with the Death Eater’s arrival, are forced to engage in a fight, driving Harry to come to terms with his feelings about true friendship and romantic love.
📻  On the Third Day He Took Me to the River (M, 14.4k)
🎵 Song prompt: 'Where the Wild Roses Grow - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds ft. Kylie Minogue'
🎵 Summary: This is a story of two lonely young men falling in love.
This is a story about dreams and duty, about witches that give purpose to the one and doom the other.
You think you know how the story goes, but this is a different story, and it doesn't end well. 
📻  (When They Only Hear You Whisper) I'll Be Loud For You (T, 2.8k)
🎵 Song prompt: There for You - Martin Garrix/Troye Sivan
🎵 Summary: Potter must have been having nightmares again. He was restless in his bed across the room. Moonlight shone through his open bed curtains and highlighted the contours of his body, the grimace on his face blatant. His thick blanket was kicked down, one leg still covered by his twisted sheet, the musk of his sweat pungent in their small dorm. Low grunts accounted for the majority of the noise he made, but it was peppered by the occasional groan or unclear shout of words. However, ‘No,’ was always clear. Draco hated it. 
📻  The Interview (T, 17.3k)
🎵 Song prompt: Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol
🎵 Summary: One interview had Draco realizing how naïve he was for thinking he deserved Harry. 
📻  As Fascinating As a Slap Bracelet (T, 13.2k)
🎵 Song prompt: Have It All - Jason Mraz
🎵 Summary: Who would have thought that a wacky little Muggle toy would lead to an unlikely friendship between Harry and Draco? Not Harry, certainly.
Who would have thought that this friendship would bloom into something more? Well, Ron, for one. 
📻  If Sex Is the Drug, Then What Is the Cost (E, 3.8k)
🎵 Song prompt: I Almost Told You That I Loved You - Papa Roach
🎵 Summary: For quite some time, Harry has been seeing Malfoy. Well... Actually, he's hired Malfoy, to keep him company, in his bedroom. It's only sex — honestly — and since Malfoy is the best, he's the only person Harry wants. That's all it is, right? 
📻  I Grow Fonder Every Day (M, 21.6k)
🎵 Song prompt: One and Only by Adele
🎵 Summary: Draco still doesn’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse, sharing a flat in Muggle London with Harry Potter.
It’s all Draco’s ever wanted — more than he’d ever wished for. And if it entails suppressing his inconvenient feelings for the man, so what? He’s perfectly happy with his life as it is, perfectly content with just having Potter close and enjoying his company.
That is, until one Friday evening at the beginning of April when the end starts. 
📻  How Can I Live Without you? (G, 2.2k)  
🎵 Song prompt: "So Far Away", by Avenged Sevenfold
🎵 Summary: After Draco's death, Harry wonders how can he live without the one he loves when he's so far away.
📻  Following the Arrow to Your Heart (E, 10.9k)  
🎵 Song prompt: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran
🎵 Summary: After the war, Draco is recruited into the Department of Love (aka Cupid's Arrow). His job is to bring together witches and wizards whose magical signatures are only compatible with each others' (essentially soulmates). As they all learned during training, Cupids are chosen because they do not have soulmates.
Six years later, Draco's convinced himself that he's perfectly fine with not having a soulmate. But his latest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and he's forced to reconsider in light of his old feelings.
📻  cos I only need your name to call the reasons why I fought (T, 6.6k)  
🎵 Song prompt: War, by Poets of the Fall
🎵 Summary: Ron and Hermione leave the Horcrux hunt, leaving a hurt Harry behind.
But at least Draco is still there with him.
📻  Madness (M, 10k) 
🎵 Song prompt: House of Fun by Madness
🎵 Summary: A desperate search for contraception all around Diagon Alley.
📻  Between Myth and Man (E, 16.2k)   
🎵 Song prompt: Why'd you only call me when you're high? - Arctic Monkeys
🎵 Summary: Draco, lost and a little broken, navigates post-war reality convinced that people like him should not be allowed to make their own choices. To solve the problem of his self-sabotaging tendencies, he starts taking a few drops of Veritaserum every morning.
A story about the complexity of choices, repressed desires that come to the surface when we least expect them, and the utter hopelessness of truths built on a foundation of lies.
📻  stay awhile (stay here with me) (T, 3.1k)
🎵 Song prompt: I like me better - Lauv
🎵 Summary: "Then when?" Harry tries again. He's not sure if he really wants to see the photo or if he just wants to keep talking to Malfoy. This Malfoy, who is so different from what he was expecting. In his Muggle jeans and smartly pressed sweater, with an air of vulnerability around him that Harry isn't used to seeing, Malfoy looks approachable in a way he never has before.
Harry stops his fidgeting as Malfoy looks up to meet his eyes. Through the hum of the crowded pub, he has to strain a little to hear him. "Maybe," Malfoy starts, hesitating a little but never breaking eye contact, "one day?"
📻  All it needs is messing it up and stars (G, 5.9k)  
🎵 Song prompt: Tongue Tied by Faber Drive
🎵 Summary: After the war all the Malfoy's came off with light sentences. Now during 8th year Draco is finally free to be himself and date his crush; Harry Potter. Or at least so he thought..
A letter from his father rips that happiness away.
But maybe in the end it will take just a bit of messing up and some stars to get that happiness back.
📻  I'm gonna let it happen (E, 12.3k)  
🎵 Song prompt: Florence + The Machine - Shake it out
🎵 Summary: And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat 'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me Looking for heaven, for the devil in me Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me
📻  I feel it in my bones (M, 6.3k)  
🎵 Song prompt: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
🎵 Summary: Harry’s heartbeat is loud in his ears as his heart pounds in his chest. His lungs burn as he pants for air. His legs are screaming in protests as he continues to push them to their limit, forcing himself to run ever faster.
📻  Born in the U.S.A. (M, 9k)
🎵 Song prompt: I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen
🎵 Summary: “You need to come home, Draco.” “What? Why? What’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong, I just have an opportunity for you, and you need to come home to take it.” When Draco's mother insists he comes home, he drags his feet and convinces his friends to take a road trip.
📻  just tell me when it's alright (E, 23k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Teeth, Lady Gaga
🎵 Summary: Harry’s been fighting tooth and nail for any bit of normalcy he can get his hands on. He’s sick of feeling like something’s wrong with him, tired of feeling different. He thinks he’s finally gotten to the root of it, and has settled into a routine that makes him happy. Naturally, that’s when Draco Malfoy walks back into his life and upends it once again. Has Harry bitten off more than he can chew with his former rival?
📻  The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth (T, 19.4k)
🎵 Song prompt: Cupid - Amy Winehouse 
🎵 Summary: Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship.
(An unnamed ginger bastard can be heard yelling from afar: “This is actually a detailed guide on how not to court someone!”)
But who cares about the opinions of redheads? Literally no one.
📻  What Will We Do With a Drunken Harry? (E, 4.9k) 
🎵 Song prompt: "Drunken Sailor" by The Irish Rovers
🎵 Summary: A victorious Quidditch match, a claimed Quidditch Cup, and a wild House party can mean only one thing. Will the aftermath lead to one excruciating hangover in the morning, or will it perhaps lead to something more?
📻  Though Your World Is Changing, I Will Be The Same (E, 15.9k)  
🎵 Song prompt: Slave To Love by Bryan Ferry 
🎵 Summary: “I shower after work,” Harry had told him once when Draco had asked what cologne had such longevity as to be effective after a full day of gruelling Auror work. 
“For me?” Draco had asked. Teased, just a little. There had been a smile lingering on the edges of his consciousness, threatening to traipse onto his mouth. 
“For Ginny,” Harry had said, voice flat. “She hates it when I come back sweaty and crackling with other people’s hexes. Did you know magic has a smell? I didn’t until she told me.” – It's all fun and games, till somebody falls in love. Given his luck, it's obviously Draco who has to go and do it.
📻  I Can't Help Falling in Love with You (NR, 4.8k)
🎵 Song prompt: I can't help falling in love with you - Elvis Presley
🎵 Summary: Harry stood up and set his hand out to Draco. “Dance?” “I didn’t know you danced, Potter.” “Hm, I’ve danced a lot in my time," Harry replied smugly. “How do I know you won’t step on my feet?” “You don’t, but I think the risk will be worth it.”
📻  Searching For a Place to Hide (T, 12.5k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Love Will Keep Us Alive - The Eagles
🎵 Summary: After the war, there were threats against the Malfoys. Needing them kept safe until the trials are over, the Ministry puts them in protective custody but a murder attempt proves there’s a Ministry leak. Desperate, the Ministry decides a safe house is best, but who to trust to keep it secret and keep them safe? Narcissa calls in a life debt, the Minster calls in a favour and Harry Potter wonders why his life continues to hate him. 
Along the way, the Malfoys learn how to be a family again, Harry learns that some things are not how he thought and maybe never were, and the touch-starved boys discover that they may be each other's forever answer.
📻  Isolated Thunderstorms and Scattered Showers (T, 21.3k)
🎵 Song prompt: Iris - the GooGoo Dolls
🎵 Summary: Post-war, Harry needs space. Everything is too much all at once, and time and time again, he finds himself pulling the invisibility cloak over his head, just for a bit of peace.
Returning for eighth year is hard, especially when you're considered a war hero, and your name is Harry James Potter. It's just that things go a little wonky when Harry starts following Malfoy, and finds that he can't (or doesn't want to) stop.
📻  Kiss It Better (E, 1.5k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Kiss It Better by Rihanna
🎵 Summary: When Harry's injured, Draco knows there's no place he'd rather be than by his side.
📻  (shut up and) dance with me (T, 7.9k)  
🎵 Song prompt: Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
🎵 Summary: Four dances Harry and Draco share.
📻  In Love with the Ferret (E, 21.9k)  
🎵 Song prompt: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
🎵 Summary: Harry has never been the most observant bloke. Sometimes to the point of him not realising his feelings for a particular pointy, pale git. And it's not his fault if literally everyone else knows about said feelings except for Harry and the git in question. So it's really not his fault, when faced with the scope of his feelings, he suddenly has a hard time talking to one Draco Malfoy. Or looking him in the eye. Or not being a total weirdo around him.
There's nothing to do but take the advice of his friends and try to woo Draco over dinners with friends, Ministry cases, and an unfortunately named Italian restaurant.
Harry just can't stop the flutter in his chest when he sees Draco smile.
📻  Dance with me? (M, 8.2k)  
🎵 Song prompt: I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston
🎵 Summary: Draco had given up on love, until one day sitting outside the usual gaudy cafe he frequented 'people watching' he spotted Harry Potter lurking, a suspicious Draco investigates and a series of events ensue.
📻  The Cupid Incident (E, 12.6k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Can' Get You out of My Head - Kylie Minogue
🎵 Summary: Draco gets into the way of a potions attack and can't get Potter out of his head.
📻  Carouse (E, 19.9k) 
🎵 Song prompt: Dead by Madison Beer
🎵 Summary: Carouse (verb): To drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way.
Harry finds himself using alcohol in increasingly dangerous ways to cope with the stresses of life. When he is put on leave from work to sort out his issue, he instead falls head first into a lively club scene where he can drink and fuck his worries away. That is, until a certain blond from his past reappears and throws off his entire routine.
Again, thank you to everyone who’s been involved this year, and there’s still time to get out on the dancefloor before the final reveals (although of course the dancefloor will always be open in your heart and in processor of your chose electronic device)
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snapdraqons · 4 years
lonelyeyes 31 lonelyeyes 31 🤲
Give me a prompt+ship and I'll write a short fic/drabble
31- "Are you drunk?"
“Are you drunk?”
It’s a stupid question really. Elias is a professional, dignified man who wouldn’t be caught dead sitting in his ex-husband’s lap at an Institute fundraiser. And yet here he is, nursing what must be his fourth or fifth flute of champagne, doing exactly that. His face is pink, flushed from the tip of his nose all the way up to the ends of his ears, and is buried in Peter’s collar, his breath hot and shaky against his neck.
“No,” he answers, sounding far too cocky for a man who’s got himself drunk at a formal event that he’s hosting. Peter sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Can you at least get off my lap?” he asks, this time adding a forcefulness to his voice that he doesn’t usually use lest his (for now) ex-husband use his horrible Beholding powers in retaliation, “People are staring.”
Elias snorts at this, incredulous, then lets out an extremely unprofessional, undignified giggle. “No, they’re not, darling,” he drawls, “And even if they were, is that really such a bad thing?”
“I didn’t finish, Peter,” he interrupts him, “Even if people were staring, is it really such a bad thing? It’s perfectly normal for a man to show his husband affection, is it not?”
Peter opens his mouth to respond, furrows his brow, then closes it again. There are several things wrong with Elias’ statement - which is odd, because Elias hates being wrong. First of all, people are staring; a woman whom Peter vaguely recognises as an Institute receptionist (Rose? Rosa? Rosie? He never was good with names) and a man who, according to Elias, will almost definitely be joining the Archival team soon, are struggling not to laugh as they, too, down their fourth or fifth glasses of champagne. Secondly, nothing about Peter and Elias’ relationship is normal. From the three separate marriages and divorces to the whole “Servants Of Evil Fear Gods” thing, they’re not exactly your typical married couple. And finally, and most importantly, the two of them aren’t married. After a minute or so silently deliberating with himself, Peter decides to address the latter of the three inaccuracies in Elias’ statement.
“Elias,” he tells him, picking his words carefully, “We got divorced two years ago,”
His ex-husband seems surprised at this, pulling away from his neck and furrowing his brow in confusion. “Wait, what?” he says, hiccups, then, “...Oh, you’re right.” He sighs sadly, downs the rest of his champagne, then lays his head back on Peter’s shoulder. “That’s a shame,” he muses, “I like being married to you.”
This makes Peter chuckle and he raises an eyebrow in amusement. “Do you now?”
“Yes,” Elias replies, indignant, “I like being with you, I think. Just because you never used to put your mugs in the dishwasher or you’re awful to have a conversation with, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” He sighs, and this time he sounds positively miserable. “But I like spending time with you. Plus, you’re handsome. I like men with facial hair.” He punctuates the end of his sentence with a laugh, but his voice falters and breaks at the end and within seconds Peter is finding himself desperately shushing his ex-husband as he drunkenly sobs and snivels into his jacket. 
“-I can’t stand you,” he laments, “I hate you so much because I love you and I hate being away from you. I didn’t think I’d still have these emotions after so long, I hate it and I… I just… I wish I could stop.”
Peter wants to give him fake, sugar-coated support. He wants to pat him on the head and tell him it’s okay, he’s just drunk too much and needs to get to bed. He wants to put on a sickeningly sweet show of affection just to embarrass him and rub it in his face when he sobers up. But he can’t. Instead, he finds himself swallowing down the lump in his throat, nausea swirling in his stomach. If he’d been drinking, Peter would have tipsily let slip that he feels the same, that the Loneliness he feels when he’s away from him is just as painful as it is delicious. But he hasn’t been drinking, and he’s not about to be vulnerable like that - not with so many people watching. So instead, he waves over the receptionist (whose name he’s still not entirely sure of) and politely asks her to call a cab, rubbing his ex-husband’s back as he does.
By the time the taxi pulls up outside Elias’ apartment building he’s already asleep, Beholding powers and 200 years experience doing nothing to hinder the effects of the alcohol currently running through his veins. Peter pays for the cab, for once deciding against sending the driver to the Lonely,  then picks his ex-husband up and carries his sleeping body to his flat. 
As he enters the apartment, Peter pauses to look at himself in the hallway mirror. Elias is curled up in his arms, bridal style, face buried into his neck and arms slung haphazardly around his shoulders. As they’d left the taxi, the driver had innocently commented on what a doting husband he was, and looking at their reflection Peter can see why. He curses himself and silently says asks his god to forgive him to leaning into such… romantic gestures, before carrying Elias Bouchard to his room and tucking him - three-piece suit and all- into bed. He hesitates before he kisses him on the forehead, mutters a soft ‘I love you’ that’s heard by him and him alone, before finally retreating to The Lonely.
This is the last time he lets Elias get drunk - until their next wedding, that is.
This was longer than I intended oops
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mahsamarauder · 3 years
16 years
It had been years since Lily had seen James. 16 years to be precise. 17 years ago Voldemort came into their house and killed Harry, which killed himself as well. A year after that Lily and James finally gave up. That year was the most painful time they had felt in their entire lives. At first they comforted each other, they were the only ones who truly understood. But after a while they started fighting. The Potter household was not a happy place anymore. Vases flew around the house and plates were thrown on a daily basis. They had become so unhappy that they had gotten a divorce. Now, nearly 16 years later they both here, at Rumus’ wedding to Sirius’ cousin. Lily had gone off to France after the divorce. She couldn’t bear to be in England. It felt empty and sad. With the people who knew how her son’s death had ruined her marriage in every corner, she felt so desperate that she went to France. She supposed she always wanted to go there but then again, not like this.
James Potter had not seen his ex-wife for 16 years. He thought she wouldn’t come. He was sure that she hated him enough not to come the same country as him. Isn’t that why she left? He went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He didn’t know why but he wanted to look good. He supposed it was a habit, wanting to look good for her. He had strands of grey in his hair. The hair he loved and admired so much when he was young. Now it was lying flat on his head because of the sleazy hair potion but it used to be messy and standing up in every direction. Surprisingly he had had the grey hair since he was 22. Harry’s death hit him hard. And then the divorce…..Well it was enough to age him a few years in advance. His eyes were tired and sad, the glint of mischief completely gone. He had dark circles under his eyes. He hadn’t been able to sleep much. The nightmares kept awake at night. The nightmares weren’t just about that night when…..They were usually Harry all grown up and handsome, telling him that he didn’t do his best to save him. That it was James’ fault that Harry was dead. Besides the nightmares, he didn’t leave much time for sleep either. He was head auror and kept himself so busy sometimes he would be at work for more than 48 hours. He drowned himself in his work after Lily left. He lived at Potter manor alone. He did not have the heart to live in the house he was supposed to live in with his wife and son. Sirius lived in his own flat. He kept visiting James but he didn’t live with him. After the divorce, James had made very clear that if Remus and Sirius take pity on him and come to live with him he will kill them. So that’s why no one could make James eat more than three bites or make him come back from work or even make him go to sleep. He didn’t have wrinkles yet but he knew that soon they would join in. James was living his worst nightmare for the last 17 years and he knew wrinkles were the least of his worries. A man of 37 would look so much younger than he did but when you have little to live for you don’t really stay young and cheerful and perky. His purpose of living was to make sure Sirius doesn’t kill himself because of depression. He was told the beat the way to get better was to marry and have kids again. But every time he tried to talk to a girl he would hear Lily’s voice: “James, by Merlin, if you ever cheat on me I will cut off your testicles. I promise.”
Even though they were divorced, he felt like he was cheating on her. He knew when he still loved her he couldn’t go out with any other girl. He knew until he was over her, even flirting felt like cheating and wrong. And on some level he knew that Lily was the only one, that no matter what he did, it will never be over. And it wasn’t fair to any girl to be his rebound girl. So he gave up. Then he considered adoption and he still regretted the fact that he had EVEN considered it. He had wanted to go and see little andy one day, but the night before going, he had had a dream. It was Harry. He was all grown up. He looked at James with a face like his own but with Lily’s eyes. He looked at him and said:
“Are you replacing me?? How can you? After I die, you try to replace with another boy???”
And that was the end of it. The reason he never moved on. He ruffled his hair but it stayed flat. The potion was really good apparently. And then he smiled sadly at himself.
Lily went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She knew James was doing the same thing. She saw him go the bathroom and she knew him well enough to know what he was doing. Her hair was thin, so very thin. It wasn’t the thick, wavy beautiful Auburn hair she once had. It was now thin, almost straight and not very beautiful and it looked more brown then red now. It was like that even her hair dreaded being alive. Her eyes did not shine or smile anymore, they were dead and sad. And she looked 43 instead of 37. So that was that. She had tried to move on but no man could be James. James who doted on her every move, James who chased her for 7 years, James who would gladly walk the gates of hell with her, James who loved her even before he knew what love was, James who made her laugh when she was crying, James who she loved with all her heart. Of course no one could be him. She had tried, she really did but no matter how dates she went on, there was never a second date.
James was her standard. Men were nothing compared to him. Lily had tried to adopt a baby or use a sperm donor but she couldn’t. Every time she came close to doing so, she felt like she was betraying Harry’s memory. After her divorce, she had moved to France and had started working in a hospital. She was a head healer now. But she wasn’t happy. How could she be? But she had survived, somehow.
One last look in the mirror and he thought why did he agree to the divorce when he knew how miserable he would be? On elook in the mirror was enough for Lily to ask herself why had she suggested the divorce when she knew she was never going to be happy without him?
Because we kept fighting. They both thought at the same time.
But why? They asked themselves.
Because we missed Harry and anger was the easiest emotion to let out.
They both headed outside, deciding that they shall be nice to each other.
They went to the ceremony and sat in first row, seeing as Remus had no family and James, Sirius and Lily were closest thing had to one. James sat at the beginning of the bench than Sirius than Lily. There was space between Lily and Sirius and they didn’t talk. After that, they all went to the reception. Remus and Tonks came and Lily went to talk them after the first dance.
“Oh Remus, Dora, it was a lovely service. Congratulations.” She kissed Remus’ cheek and gave Tonks a tight hug.
“Thank you. Where is your plus one?” Remus asked.
“Well, I didn’t bring one.”
“Oh. Is there a reason?”
“No. It’s just no one seemed……..you know what? This is your wedding. Let’s stop talking about my love life. It feels as if all we’ve ever talked about was that!”
After that she sat down at the table, looking at the couples dancing and smiling. She smiled sadly and remembered her own wedding. She was thinking when she a hand extended in front of her.
“May I have this dance?”
Lily looked at the man in front of her. She smiled warmly at Sirius.
“I thought you’d never ask!”
As they danced, Sirius started talking.
“How is France?”
“Not so bad. It’s lonely but I’m used to it.”
“Lonely? You’ve been there for 16 years! How is it lonely? Haven’t you made any friends?” He twirled her.
“I have but they are not really close and I don’t mind. I don’t trust anyone enough to have them as my close friend. Trusting is proving much more difficult than I expected.”
“From what you say about trusting, I assume there is not a man in your life either, correct?”
“Well yes, but not for that reason. You see I tried dating but none of them made it to a second date.”
“Why not?”
Lily smiled but the sadness was visible in both her smile and her eyes. “James. The bloody prat practically ruined everyone for me. No matter who they were or what their traits was, they were always nothing compared to him. There was something they lacked that he had. He has become my standard, a standard no one can ever reach.”
“Merlin knows he would kill to hear those words.” Sirius laughed.
“There was time he would have done so, yes, but not now.”
“Oh Lily, you never change, do you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You sound like seventh year.”
He started imitating her voice.
“Oh Sirius, give up. James doesn’t like me like that anymore. He just wants to be friends.”
“Well that’s rude. What gives you the right to imitate me this poorly?”
“I did it fantastically and since I was trying to prove a point, I had a right.”
“And what point is that, pray?”
“That no matter what you do, where you are or what you say, James Potter will always be in love with you and that will never change. Not in seventh and definitely not now.”
“Don’t be stupid, Sirius. It’s been 16 years.”
“And you think that’s enough time to get over you?” He smirked at her and started clapping because the dance had ended.
“I should think it is.” Lily shouted as she saw Sirius moving away without even listening to her. She scoffed. The bastard was exactly the way she left him: rude, considerate, kind, loyal, sometimes mean and brotherly. She sat down. She was rather confused after that conversation. Did James really….? No. She shouldn’t. She would destroy herself thinking about that. He had moved on. He had brought a plus one. He must have a wife and a few black haired devils.
She was walking when she heard a girl talking to her friend loudly.
“See James Potter? He is still as hot as he was in Hogwarts, isn’t he?”
“Well he has gotten a little bit old. He was a few strands if grey but yeah still hot.”
“I cannot belive he is still single. No wife no kids.”
“Well maybe he’s waiting for 21 year old girl like Remus did.”
“Maybe. Hey! maybe we can get a one night stand out of him tonight.”
“Oh no I work with him and believe me you won’t.”
“Oh damn it.”
No wife? No kids? He hadn’t moved on either? Now that was something she hadn’t expected. She couldn’t believe that James was single. After all this time? She went outside and looked at the beautiful summer sky. It was so beautiful. All the stars were visible. As she was looking up a man’s hand went up to the sky to point to something next her head. She didn’t need to turn her head around to know who’s hand was beside her.
“That’s Sirius.”
“Merlin. I’ve been looking at the stars all night trying to find it.”
“You always did.”
An awkward silence filled the space between them.
“How are you?” James asked.
“I’m alright. You?”
“Yeah. I’m alright too.”
“Wouldn’t your date worry about where you are?”
“I’ve got no date. Wouldn’t your date worry about the fact that you’re talking to ex-husband?”
“No. Since he doesn’t exist, I don’t think he minds.” She smirked.
“Always so bloody cheeky.”
“I thought you liked it.
I did. But that doesn’t mean.....Lily what are you doing?”
She had her hands in his hair so suddenly he was completely and utterly shocked.
“It’s true then.”
“What’s true love?” Damn it. He hadn’t meant to call her love. It was out of habit. She would kill him.
“Your hair, it has grey in it.”
He smiled sadly. “With a dead son, a divorced wife and a very busy auror office can yoo blame me?”
“No. No I can’t.” She ran her hands through his hair and it slowly lost its stiffness and become messy. She suddenly realized what she was doing and dropped her hands. They started walking side by side.
“So how’s Sirius?”
“Well he’s alright I gusse.”
“You gusse?”
“Yeah well we’re not as close as we were.”
“Why not???” It was true that Lily Potter was surprised. These boys were always together. What had happened?
“Well after you left I kind of kept distance with everyone. I do go to the full moons and stuff but......we’re just not ss close as before.”
“I see.”
“So any friends in France????”
“Yes. Only one. We’re not really close. She likes her last name and has asked me to call her miss Bunnting so you can see how close we are.” She laughed lightly. “She calls me Mrs. Potter”
“Mrs. Potter????”
“Yeah I didn’t change my last name.”
James stopped in his tracks. He turned to his side and looked at Lily. Lily slowly turned he head in his direction so that they were facing each other.
“Why not?”
“I think you know why.”
“James, I’m so sorry for all the trouble I caused you, the sadness, everything. I’m so terribly sorry. I......”
“It’s my own fault too. I was so drowned in my own sadness that I didn’t realize that I’m not angry at you and you’re not angry at me. We were just frustrated and sad and the easiest way to free ourselves was to yell and shout and scream and throw stuff. I should’ve fought for you instead of just letting you go.”
“I should’ve thought harder before I asked you for the divorce.”
“I gusse we both made mistakes then.”
Lily was silent for a moment. She looked into James’ hazel eyes but she didn’t see the spark that used to be there.
“When did you regret it James?”
“The moment I signed. You?”
“Life’s funny huh????”
“Really funny!” She sighed deeply.
When they got back inside, it was the last dance. The song was the “Sleeping Beauty Waltz”. As Lily and James danced around the ballroom to the song the hit married with, they kissed. The kiss was tender, sweet and short. As Lily looked into James’ eyes she found she was the happiest she had felt in a long. James’ eyes shined with a glint of mischief and love. His sad and tired eyes looked happier. His hallow cheeks that begged for more food were gone and the dark circles had suddenly disappeared. He was grinning. The 37 year old tired man was gone and the 21 year old James Potter was back. He looked liked he was he was on the moon.
James’ eyes found Lily’s and he was overjoyed. Her green orbs were smiling. Her face looked younger and her hair was somehow shining. Lily hugged James and slowly danced with him.
It took work and patience because no couple can get back together for the sake of only one night. It took one year and many cries, laughs, screams and kisses but after a year Lily and James went to the ministry and got married. They only asked Sirius, Remus and Tonks to be there. They didn’t need anything else. Six months after that they discovered that Lily was pregnant. They both wanted this. They both decided that having a child was not betraying Harry’s memory so they had decided to get pregnant right away because Lily was not getting any younger. Lily gave birth to twins. Emma Lily Potter and Ethan Sirius Potter.
They were both a mixture of James and Lily. Emma had Lily’s flaming hair and nose and James’ deep hazel eyes and horrible eyesight. Ethan on the other hand had the same messy black hair and the same eyes as his father. Only thing he had that was like his mother was his manner of speaking.
Five years after that Lily was surprisingly pregnant once again with a baby girl. She was named Felicity Rose Potter.
The Potter household would always send their childer away on Halloween. Lily and James mourned the loss of their first child every year. They would go into Harry’s nursery and cry for the little boy they had lost. It was ritual. It went on for many years. Until one day, Lily Potter found herself stumbling towards that room without her husband.
The kids were all grown up and had jobs now. Ethan and Felicity were married and both worked for the ministry. Emma was a professional quidditch player and was engaged. Ethan had had a four year old son named James and Felicity was pregnant.
However, even though Felicity had told her the good news that morning, Lily was not happy. This was the first Halloween she was spending alone as James had passed away seven months ago. She started humming “good old-fashioned lover boy” by Queen band. James loved this song. He always said that song was about him and Lily always laughed when he said that.
Lily thought about all those years of fun and happiness. It was 2036 and Lily Potter was tired yet she still mourned her son after 55 years. She was 76 now and so tired.
Sirius was dead. He had died on a mission about ten years ago. It almost finished James.
Remus was also dead. He died about twelve years ago. He was seriously hurt during one of his transformations and when he was found it was too late.
Tonks was aloof and distant and only talked to Teddy.
Lily had no one left. She sat down by the crib and let her tears come as she hummed the melody. She kissed the crib and closed her eyes and fell asleep.
After 76 years of hard work Lily Potter finally fell asleep. After 55 years that night as she closed her eyes and drew her last breath peacefully while asleep, she saw her son.
Lily Potter finally saw her son!
She saw her best friends and brothers after twelve and ten years. She saw her husband after seven months. She saw them and knew that she was finally at peace.
I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
I'll hold the world to its best
And I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath
And I'll do better
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Pro Hero!Deku x reader angst As the number one hero Deku is really distant as a husband and it starts to become straining on their relationship. Maybe scandals made up by the media surround him? And then theres a fight between the two but at the end they decide to come to a positive decision of some sort? Like, they wish to continue their relationship? -Gingy :))
[This sounds awesome, I hope I did it justice!] 
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Izuku sighed as he laid on the bed in the hotel room, his phone in hand as he stared at the screen. He had been trying to text you but you had refused to talk to him, despite his best efforts to convince you the media was only lying. He didn’t kiss that fellow hero, much less bring them to his room. But the media had a way of stretching the truth and it was currently ruining his life. His fingers worked across the screen as he tried sending you another text. [Baby, please. You know I would never do something like that, I’m your husband. I would never hurt you.] but once more he was left on [Read] and he sighed again. 
You knew what you were getting into when you married Izuku, as the number one hero, he was bound to be busy. But you never thought it would get this bad, at first everything was fine with your marriage. Izuku would go out on missions and return home, sometimes with a couple bruises and scrapes. But overall, he was fine and he would always pull you close and give you a kiss. But then more missions came, he began coming home later and later. Then days passed without hearing a word from him and finally, you were home alone for months at a time. You knew that a hero’s job was hard, you knew it took up time. 
But it was hard, you missed him in bed next to you. Missed the way he would always wrap his arms around you when you were making dinner. Just missed his presence overall and those stupid media stories didn’t help. But you weren’t sure what to believe, part of you knew Izuku wouldn’t hurt you but those pictures and rumors. They got to you and it was driving you mad and it would always end up with you texting Izuku wild accusations of him cheating or kissing other people. He would always act surprised and calm you down, promising that everything was okay and that he couldn’t wait to see you again. 
But lately, you had been getting sick of the rumors, of being so alone. You had tried to fill the gap by spending more time with your friends, occasionally reconnecting with your old teachers, and having a conversation over coffee. But nothing seemed to be working and you were beginning to feel as though you were alone in this relationship and that led to dangerous thoughts. The thought of divorce had crossed your mind, but it made your heartache. Then again, if you were alone all the time anyway did you really need a husband? If he was really your husband, he would make time for you. He would never make you feel this alone, he would tell the media he was happily taken. 
But Izuku never did. He never shooed the media away, he never put a stop to those rumors and you couldn’t help but think that was because he enjoyed the idea of others thinking he was single. Sighing, you looked back to your phone. The texts between Izuku and yourself are still on the screen and you frowned, hovering your fingers over the screen. What the hell could you possibly say? This feeling has been eating at you lately but you couldn’t just fight over text, Izuku at least deserved that much. Instead, you typed, [WHENEVER, you happen to appear before me again. We ….need to talk okay?] you pressed send and sighed before collapsing onto the bed. 
You closed your eyes, feeling your heart sink further despite how fast it was beating. You didn’t know how you would bring it up, Izuku knew how you felt about the media stories but you didn’t exactly tell him how lonely you were. Sure a few times you mentioned how you missed his warmth at night or that you wished he was here. But nothing past that, but the truth was going to come out either way and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You turned on your side, bringing your hands up to your chest. The empty spot mocking you which caused you to growl. “Stupid …stupid Izuku …” you said, feeling your eyes water over. 
You sniffled and wiped your tears away, before turning away from your phone. You heard it vibrate but you paid it no mind. Instead, you pulled the covers over your body. Another cold night all alone in bed, how pathetic. The next few days passed by slowly, you felt sluggish and you kept in little contact with your husband. You couldn’t help it, a part of you hated not talking to him but another part was still angry at him. So you let it be and texted him once, maybe twice a day, and left it at that. However, the next day he surprised you. “He’s coming home?” you said to yourself as you lowered your phone. 
You couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered, but at the same time, you were dreading his arrival. You knew what was going to happen and you had to put on a brave face. You knew it would take another few days before he arrived back at home, which is why you took the liberty to rehearse what you were going to say, what points you would make, and what possible reaction he would have. You knew your husband better than anyone or at least you thought you did. But everything you had spent days on, all your thoughts left your head the moment you heard the front door open and that voice call your name. 
“Y/n?!” you felt a shiver run down your spine. Your feet were frozen to the floor, unwilling to move as you heard Izuku close in on your location. Poking his head into the living room, he glanced around before eventually setting his eyes on you. Izuku had grown over the years, though he wasn’t as muscular as his mentor All Might. He did have impressive muscles nonetheless and he had grown in height, easily towering over crowds. His hairstyle had changed a bit, he preferred the back and sides shaved and the messy crop of hair still on top. Scars covered his body, but he never seemed to pay mind to them. 
“Y/n …” he repeated your name as he entered the living room, his phone in hand. “I texted you, but you didn’t respond. I know I’ve been away but …you could answer.” he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head and your head tilted down. Eyes slit into a glare, your hands curling into fists. “Oh? You mean like the way you answer me when you’re off doing your hero work? Oh, but are you!?” you snapped and Izuku’s eyes widened before a sigh escaped him. “I …I try to answer when I can, are you still mad about that? I told you that those are just rumor-” you interrupted him. 
“Rumors, yeah the rumors that you always say never happened. But you never talk about us to the media, you just …” you sighed, this wasn’t the kind of greeting you wanted to give him. You swallowed and reached up to run your fingers through your hair, “you never tell these goddamn reporters that you are taken. You don’t even talk about me, you don’t tell them to back off. You don’t say anything, are you even wearing your ring!?” you accused as you grabbed his hand, your chest felt heavy as you noticed there was no ring on his finger after all and you roughly threw his hand down. “I see …you d-don’t wear your r-ring because …” you felt your eyes watering, yes you were being pathetic. 
“Y/n! I-It’s not what you think!” he tried to reassure you as he stepped forward and laid his hand on your shoulder but you smacked it away. “Why aren’t you wearing your ring!? Why don’t you tell those people you are taken!? Are you ashamed of me?” you cried, tears streaming down your cheeks but they were long overdue anyway. Izuku frowned, shaking his head violently. “Of course I’m not ashamed! I love you y/n!” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Sure you do.” you replied before reaching up to try and wipe your tears away. “You still haven’t told me why you aren’t wearing your ring.” you commented as you turned to look at him. 
Izuku sighed once more and looked at his hand, the spot where his wedding ring was supposed to be was indeed empty. “I …” he began and closed his fingers around his hand, as if trying to hide the obvious fact he didn’t have the ring on. “I …this is going to sound silly, but I don’t want to lose it. So whenever I’m on missions, I take it off.” he explained and you sniffled, unsure if you could believe him or not. “You’re not on a mission right now.” you commented and Izuku looked down, his cheeks the faintest red color. A clear sign that he was getting a little annoyed. Deciding to change his tactic, he looked back up and tried to smile. 
“I missed you.” he said, his arms wide as he took a step towards you. “Yeah well, that’s very funny you say that. If you miss me then maybe you should be here more often.” he dropped his arms and reached up to run his fingers through his hair before grabbing a piece of it. “I try.” he said with a growl before dropping his hand. “But missions get tricky sometimes. I love being a hero and I love you and if I can’t be a hero and support us then, what good am I? Don’t you understand I want to provide you with everything!?” his voice raised, which surprised you but you weren’t backing down and crossed your arms. Tears still sliding down your cheeks. 
“Is loneliness part of that? I spend days …months alone Izuku! Do you know how much that hurts?! To come home to an empty house!? To know your husband is out there somewhere, trying to get himself killed!” Izuku stood there, his jaw hanging open as he tried to understand where all of this was coming from. You sniffled again, covering your mouth before squeezing your eyes shut. Trying to choke down the sob you felt coming. “I can’t take this anymore.” your voice cracked as you spoke and Izuku took a step back, “W-What do you mean?” he replied, fearing the worst. “Y/n, please don’t say what I think you’re about to say. I’m your husband, I can’t let you go please …” he begged as he reached over to grab your shoulders again. 
You reached out, trying to push against his chest. “This strain is too much Izuku! I want a husband that is there for me! I want …I want to come home to the person I love, to a home I love …m-maybe even a child!” you said, though you hadn’t put much thought into the topic of starting a family. But the more distant Izuku became, the more desperate you were for any kind of companionship. Izuku’s breathing became heavy and you saw tears form in his eyes, he dropped to his knees and grabbed your hands, squeezing them tight. “Please …” he begged, “I am here for you! I am here as often as you need me, you don’t think I’m not lonely without you? I am! But I know not to give up on us! You have to have the same opinion.” he sobbed and hung his head. 
“You have to.” he whispered, his heart racing violently in his chest. He couldn’t let this marriage end, but you seemed to think otherwise and forcibly pulled your hands away from his. “Then maybe we’re just damaging each other too much! This can’t be fixed just by you saying it can, how to expect to fix anything if you’re away for months. If you just go back to your hero work.” you growled before stepping away. Izuku looked at you and it almost pained you to see those tears, the proud hero on his knees begging and crying for you. “I …” you clenched your jaw and turned your head away. “I want you out of this house by tonight!” you snapped, feeling your heart shatter all at once. 
“Y/n …” Izuku whispered your name as another sob came and he watched you shake your head and leave the room before he collapsed onto the floor. One hand to his chest as he continued to cry, creating a small pool of tears that soaked into the carpet. He remained like that for hours before stumbling back onto his feet, his eyes bloodshot as he tried to navigate to the house. You had locked yourself in the bedroom, after having thrown Izuku’s things out into the hallway. You were sitting on the bed with your head buried in your knees.  
You jumped when you heard Izuku rummage through his things and tried your best to choke down a sob. You didn’t want it to end like this, but if you felt so alone in your relationship you might as well let it go. You just hoped he listened and that you didn’t see him in the morning, you wiped your nose and turned the television on for some background noise before you crawled under the covers. Your head nestled against the pillow and your knees still pulled up to your chest. You wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight, that much you knew. But you tried, eventually drifting to sleep to the sound of the television. 
Waking up in the morning was hard, you could feel the bags under your eyes and your arm shook as you pushed yourself up. You looked around the room, your eyes stinging as you did so. Memories of last night, the small fight with Izuku flashed in your mind. You told him to leave …did he? Your chest ached, you weren’t sure what you did was the right thing or not. But either way, you forced yourself up and stumbled to the door. Pausing just before your hand reached the knob, once more the doubt in your head spoke and you growled. “N-No …I did the right thing.” you took a deep breath and made your way to the kitchen, pausing when you heard a noise. 
You stood frozen a minute, did someone break-in? No …was Izuku still here? Your jaw clenched, what the hell? Your feet stepped lightly across the floor and you peeked your head into the kitchen, there you saw the one you dreaded. Izuku was standing in front of the stove, an apron tied around his waist and you noticed there was food on the table. But the food didn’t lessen your anger and you growled as you entered the kitchen. “I told you to leave!” you snapped as Izuku turned around, a smile on his face. How dare he smile at you, bastard. “You did.” he replied and you looked at him with narrowed eyes. 
“So why aren’t you gone?” you inquired, but you should have known Izuku wasn’t that easy to shake. He wiped his hands off on his apron before walking over to you, “Because I know how much it hurt you to say those words and I know how much I hurt you, even if the distance put a strain on me too. I thought about it, how to fix this and I came to a conclusion.” you looked at him as though he were crazy, your glance turning suspicious as you looked him over. “Which is?” you questioned as he smiled and leaned over, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Well, I pulled some strings and went through all the mission statements within Tokyo and I settled an agreement with the police force and my Agency.” he explained and you blinked. 
“What?” you didn’t exactly follow what your husband was saying. He chuckled at your confusion before reaching down to grab your hands, his palms were so warm. “I’m only going to take missions within the Tokyo area and some of the nearby cities. But I won’t be spending months away from you anymore. I’ll be here almost every day for you.” he explained and you felt your eyes widen. He …did that for you? “I …” you turned away, almost feeling guilty. “A-Are you sure that’s what you want?” you refused to look at him for the moment. “Well, it’s what you wanted right?” he responded to your question with one of his own before reaching over to gently turn your head to face him again. 
“Y/n, when you said you wanted this relationship to end. It broke my heart, I want to be your hero forever. I didn’t realize that I created such a burden on our relationship and …what do you say? Will you give me another chance? I promise I will make this marriage work and you’ll be happy to call me your husband.” he said before lifting his hand, you saw something sparkle and you quickly realized it was his wedding ring. “Y-You put it back on?” he laughed at your question. “In my heart, it’s always on.” he replied before leaning close and pressing his lips against yours. 
“I took the day off today, I told them I needed a break. So how about I start by spoiling my beautiful spouse so you never feel alone again?”
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abuttoncalledsmalls · 4 years
Take A Giant Step - Chapter 8
Warnings: Alcohol, Angst, Anxiety, Anxiety Medication, Language, Mention of Death, and Panic Attack (sort of) 
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!OC
Word Count: 2.0K
A/N: Here is Chapter 8! If you would like to be tagged (or un-tagged) in upcoming chapters, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Shout out, as always, to the AMAZINGLY LOVELY @yespolkadotkitty​ for beta-ing this and for my banner! Please enjoy. <3
 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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“Please print,” I mumbled to myself as I clicked the command screen on my computer. I was at the Gallaway working on last minute pre-production tasks for our next show Measure for Measure. By the first rehearsal I needed to have contracts drawn up for the entire company, designer budgets finalized, scripts obtained, and parking passes ready to go. Thankfully, it was Wednesday afternoon and I had until Friday to make sure everything was taken care of.
I was just the production manager this time around. It would be a lie if I didn’t say that I was relieved. I wouldn’t have to attend every single rehearsal, schedule said rehearsals, schedule fittings, and be accessible 24/7 for actors. I only needed to be physically present for production meetings and tech week. Which meant that I was able to take off that weekend and miss the first rehearsal that was scheduled for Sunday.
Frankie and I had planned to drive up to Jefferson State Park and go camping for the weekend. He wanted to take me camping - especially when he found out that I had never been before. The trip was all he could talk about for the past week and a half. His eyes lit up every single time he spoke about hitting the trails. He’d get a dreamy look on his face talking about building a campfire. The moment that he was the most excited for was us sleeping under the open night sky. Together. Whenever he talked about that particular topic, he made sure to wrap his arms around my middle, pull me in close, and whisper “under the stars together” in my ear. The opportunity to share one of his favorite hobbies with me made him absolutely glow.
As I was drifting off into a daydream where Frankie and I were sharing a sleeping bag, my phone’s text alert went off. I looked down to see that Jeff had sent me a message. It wasn’t unusual for him to send me text messages or emails from his office. He was a big proponent of energy conservation. In his mind that consisted of sending me texts instead of walking 20 feet to my office to talk. I opened the message and read “Please come into my office”.
Those five words seldomly were followed by good news. Especially from Jeffery Rogers. The last time he said that phrase, the two of us had to confront and terminate a box office associate for stealing from the cashbox. I rose from my chair and made the short trek to Jeff’s office. As I entered the space, he asked me to close the door in a soft voice. I did so and in the process noticed that his “emergency whiskey” bottle was out. Opened and obviously drunk from. This clearly was not a Gallaway related situation and not a good one.
“Hey Jeff. What’s up?” He looked up at me with puffy red eyes. It was evident that he had been crying.
“Do you remember my nephew, Jack?”
“Tall, skinny, and with a mass of wild curls? Yeah.”
“My mother just called to let me know that he passed away this morning. Lately he was having complications related to a seizure disorder he had. The issues were getting progressively worse and he was having to go into the hospital more frequently. He just couldn’t make it through this last time.” Jeff started to tear up again.
“Jeff, I am so sorry. How’s your family?”
“Really, Maggie? A twenty-two year old with his whole life in front of him died. How the fuck do you think they are?”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. That was a stupid question.” I went over to hug him and he fell apart. He shared with me about the time that he first held his nephew. How he swore that Jack looked up and smiled at him. He then talked about how Jack was the best man at his wedding. As each memory came out, he cried harder. The only time I had seen Jeff in this much pain was during his divorce which took place the year before.
“The funeral is this weekend. I know that the first rehearsal for Measure is on Sunday. I also know that I need to be there and do the schmaltzy thing. I can’t miss this though. My sister and niece are devastated. We all are. We need to be together right now.” I nodded my head. He picked up the bottle and took a giant swig of whiskey.
“Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll stick around this weekend. I’ll be on-call on Saturday in case anything goes wrong. On Sunday, I’ll give the whole Gallaway welcome speech and let them know about the gala. I’ll also stick around for the reading. Just concentrate on you and your family.”
“Thank you, Mags. I think it may be best if I left for the day.”
“I would agree. Go home and rest up. I’ll call an Uber for you.”
“One last thing - you could please not tell anyone about this? I don’t need people getting worried and asking questions.”
“You have my word.”
Once Jeff was picked up by his Uber, I pulled out my phone. I wasn’t looking forward to telling Frankie that I was going to have to cancel our trip. He was going to be so upset. On the other hand, he was a reasonable man. He would understand that things come up and sometimes plans have to change. 
“Hey babe. What’s up?” I texted. He responded quickly.
“Not much. Thinking about you. You?”
“I’m gonna have to bow out of the camping trip this weekend.”
“An emergency came up at work and I need to stay in town this weekend. I’m really sorry.” 
My phone began to ring and I picked up. It was Frankie.
“We’ve had this planned for almost two weeks, Maggie. Can’t you get Jeff or Alexis to cover for you?”
“I wish I could, honey. That’s just not possible for this situation. Someone from staff needs to be there. Jeff is unavailable.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Frankie. You know that if I could get out of this, I would.” A brief silence took hold.
“Fine. You can’t go camping this weekend.” The disappointment dripped from his voice.
“I promise that I’ll make it up to you. We can go next weekend.”
“Okay. I’ve gotta go. I’ll talk with you later.” 
He hung up. My instinct was to text him right back and to continue the conversation, but I didn’t. Whenever I let someone down, my compulsion was to fix it at that moment. That response had been hardwired into my brain since childhood. I felt that if I didn’t make things right at that exact moment then the person I let down would write me off forever. The very real fear that Frankie would be angry and leave me began to turn into a serpent of anxiety. I fished for my bottle of Xanax in my grey backpack. Opening the amber prescription bottle, I took one pill out, placed it on the back of my tongue, and washed it down with a drink of water.
I got home around four-thirty. I checked my phone for what felt like the seventeenth time to see if Frankie called or texted. He didn’t. I decided that I’d call him around seven. Every weeknight he would watch reruns of Cheers from seven to eight o’clock on the local CW station. I knew that he would be home then - sitting on his couch with an open beer, laughing at the shenanigans of Sam and Diane. 
The next two and half hours were agonizing. I tried to read, but I couldn’t concentrate on the words in front of me. I was too wound up to nap and too unfocused to listen to the radio. The best thing I could think to do was to take a walk. I got changed into my black shorts and threw on an old grey shirt that read CAT HAIR IS LONELY PEOPLE GLITTER. I put on my sneakers, put in my earbuds, and headed off.
I walked around my subdivision for an hour. I would stop every now and then to look at my neighbors’ blooming flowers. After stealing a sniff or two, I would continue on my way. Although the beautiful and hot afternoon was helping ease some of my anxiety, Frankie was still on my mind. I hadn’t figured out what I was going to say to him exactly. The only thing I knew for certain that I was going to tell him was that I was sorry. That I didn’t mean to hurt him. I turned onto my street. As I got closer, I saw what I thought was Frankie’s truck in the parking lot. I walked over to the truck to inspect it. It was indeed Frankie’s, but it was empty. He wouldn’t just leave his truck in a random parking lot.
I pulled up his number on my phone and tapped it. The phone rang, but there was no pick up. I figured that I would return to my townhouse, take a shower, and then try to call him again. Walking up to my stoop, I was surprised to see Frankie sitting there. He was looking down at his hands.
“Hey.” He looked up and gave me a small smile. 
I walked over to him. “Hi.”
“I just tried to call you. I saw your truck but no you. I got worried that someone may have taken it for a joyride.”
“No joyride. I didn’t want to talk on the phone. I wanted to see you.” 
I felt my stomach drop. Was this it? Was he going to break-up with me? Why else would someone want to see me after I disappointed them? 
I braced myself for his goodbye and started to tear up. “I’msosorryaboutthetrip!Ididn’tmeantomakeyouupset.Nowyou’regonnahatemeandleave.” I couldn’t contain my tears anymore. They came pouring out with my jumbled words. Frankie had a confused look on his face.
“Huh? Baby, I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. You’re my Maggie May. I’m not going anywhere. Where did you get an idea like that?” He pulled me onto his lap and kissed the side of my head. He held me close.
“Because I had to cancel the trip this weekend and you were upset. You sounded really bothered on the phone. I have to stay in town this weekend. There was a death in Jeff’s family. So I am stepping in and doing some things for him over the next few days while he goes back home. He asked me not to share what was going on. I’m really sorry and I promise that I’ll make it up to you. I know that you were really excited.” 
Frankie nodded. “I was a little let down, but that’s no reason to throw away a relationship. Remember when you told me that you were in this for the long haul? I am too. I care about you too much to let you go without a fight.” He kissed me and gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek. “I came over because I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had.”
“You have a backyard. It’s not the great outdoors, but we could set up the camping equipment out there. We’d still be able to grill, make s’mores, and sleep under the stars.”
“Together..?” I coyly asked.
“The only way I’d want it.”
“That sounds like the best way to spend a Friday night.” I gave him a long and tender kiss. Any and all fear that I had vanished instantly. I reveled in the security of our relationship as I ran my fingertips over his whiskers. When I arrived at one of the bare patches in his beard, I lightly grazed the area with the pad of my finger. 
He let out a contented sigh. “We’re good then? I’m not upset with you, I’m not going anywhere, you can do your work thing, and we still get to spend time together.”
“Mmm-hmmm. Francisco?”
“I know Cheers starts in like an hour and a half. Could I persuade you though to stay for dinner? I’m thinking pizza with copious amounts of making out?”
“I’d love that.”
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ladyblastexecution · 4 years
Track 1 from the “Lost on You” Songfic Collection
Inpired by the album Lost On You by LP.
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Wordcount: 3,9k
Genre: Angst, fluffy ending
Warnings: Mentions of adultery, implications of nsfw. 
A/N: For the lovely @tamcitrus​​ whose love for Kirishima is as big as my thirst for angst. <3 ily
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We are kneeling at the river’s edge and tempting All the steps to follow closer right behind Is it only when you feel a part is empty That it’s gnawing at the corners of your mind
Your ringtone filled the apartment.
Kirishima’s Hands itched to grab his phone from the nightstand. No matter how hard he tried to ignore it, his soul was begging him to answer your texts.
Even though you were probably having dinner with your husband, you still stole a few of his moments and gifted them to Kirishima. A sick sense of pride swelled in his chest and he felt sick to his stomach.
He made a promise to himself when you vanished from his apartment the morning after without even a “good bye”, leaving him full of shame and regret for the few hours of your attention.
He had set his mind; he was no longer going to meet up with you in the middle of the night, when you were lonely and desperate for affection, to soothe your hurt soul with his gentle fingertips and soft praises. It wasn’t fair for him or your spouse.
It didn’t matter to him if the relationships was forced upon you for a publicity stunt and financial convenience, you still had a compromise with your partner, Kirishima knew him personally and he didn’t deserve the infidelity both of you were bestowing upon him. That’s what he repeated in his head like a mantra.
But the Hero had a soft spot for you.
Ever since you both attended the UA together, he was always infatuated with your pretty, dazzling eyes. His luck, however, was always a penny too short.
With you hopelessly pinning after Bakugo, he was pushed to the Friendzone with a force that made his head spin and he could only watch from the sidelines as your heart was shattered when his friend rejected you over and over again. You only saw him as nothing more than a friend and another Call Of Duty player to team up with, and he continued that awful vice of grabbing any little piece of affection he could get from you.
Years went on and the relationship you two shared got fondler, with never-ending sleep over and hang outs. When he was finally ready to confess hi feeling to you, after he had etablihed himself as a known Hero just like you, you came barreling into his house eyes moist and shaking shoulders.
“I’m getting married Kirishima...”
Those four words were enough to give him nightmares for months.
Just like that, his chances were gone, as if they were a candle someone blew out.
He was afraid he might lose you. The new domestic life you now had left little to no time to spare with him, and at first it was like that. The wedding was grand, and you looked beautiful in a wedding gown you did not choose yourself, and in a grand Hotel that didn’t fit your style. The publicity stunt was huge, and the attention both of you and your husband’s company got was incredible, borderline ridiculous.
It wasn’t even after three months of almost complete silence from you, when the affair started.
An ugly fight with your manager had broken out and you found yourself in his doorstep instead of your big comfortable home, with your loving spouse. Kirishima was shocked when you entered and started going off about everything.
“Then... why don’t you jut divorce?” He had said trying to make the thrill he got from the idea unnoticed.
“I can’t do that to Michael... The idea wasn’t mine, and I woudn’’t have married him on y own accord, but he’s just so nice to me, and I think he loves me... Maybe with sometime I Can love him too.”
He had loved you for longer than your spouse. And yet, no matter how angry he was at the situation, his despise could never be directed thowards you. Kirishima knew everything could be so much easier if his stubborn heart could just give up on the hope it had on the possibility of being with you in a future.
He had to do a 180°, if he kept this up for much longer who knew how long his heart could take it.
He might lose you, but the words Bakugo said to him, kept replaying into his head.
“Start loving yourself a little bit more, Shitty hair. This chick is going to be the death of you.”
His friend was looking out to him in his own way, the harsh words he used were hi way of telling him what he needed to hear. If the grumpy Katsuki, who always stayed out of other’s business, was snooping around in Kirishima’s love life then he noticed something was seriously wrong.
His mind was set. When you entered through his door, he would tell you it was over. On behalf of his mental stability.
With a simple “yeah, I’m home” text, he started to mentally prepare up for when you got there.
It is not clear why we choose the fire pathway Where we end is not the way that we had planned
The Knock on the door filled him with equal amounts of shame and excitement. Kirishima’s heart leapt inside his chest when he heard your soft voice calling his name with a waver in it.
Opening up and seeing you there, covered in rain with your lower lip trembling was all it took for Kirishima’s resolve to come crumbling down .
“Eiji...” A sob interrupted whatever you would say, the emotion swirling inside of you choking the air out of your lungs. Closing your eyes tightly as you entered the home, still mindful of not messing the carpet, you circled his waist with your arms when you were in the middle of kicking off your shoes.
Your entire body rocked with heavy sobs, and Kirishima could feel a tight fist shattering his heart as if it was made of wet sand, collapsing into itself with painful stabs.
Words seemed to leave both of your brains when your chests were tightly pressed together, so Kirishima scooped you up in his arms, noticing how cold your skin felt. He walked into his room and you wasted no time to burrow your forehead into his neck, nuzzling your nose into the soft skin of his clavicle. Your vanilla scented shampoo infiltrated into his nose and he remembered all the times he woke up to an empty space next to him, where the lingering familiar smell on his pillow was the only proof he had that it wasn’t a dream.
His chest throbbed for his own heartache this time, and for once in his life he tried to prioritize himself other than you. He left you on the ground and couldn’t meet your eyes.
He Loved you, but in that exact moment, the self pity was almost consuming his whole mind. A frown settled itself into his face and his eyes found your bare feet, glistening with the residual rain that had soaked your shoes as you ran all the way to his house. He could almost feel your watery eyes gazing estranged at him.
“Eiji...?” He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply through his nose upon hearing his nickname. “Are you okay?”
He was not okay.
He couldn’t reply honestly. His heart was torn in two. “Selfish” was the only adjective that seemed to fit him. He felt selfish if he ignored your broken state and he was selfish if he gave into his infatuation, ignoring the fat you had someone waiting for you at home. A home where he had no place in.
It took him several moments to recompose, too lost in his mind to snap out of the spiraling gloomy thoughts. The only thing that successfully brought him out of his stupor was the icy touch of your fingers cupping his cheek.
Surprised, Kirishima’s head snapped up, and he found your eyes boring into his face, jumping around his features trying to decipher what was wrong. He needed to push you away, kick you out and send back to your loving husband and then spend the next three days under the steaming hot rain of the shower trying to scrub the reminders of your touch from his skin.
It wasn’t healthy. He could feel the guilt taking a toll on his body, adding years to his appearance and pain to his joints, almost as if the heavyweight of it sinking his heart was physically too much for the great Red Riot to whisthold.
His mind never failed to remind him that cutting ties with you was the way to go, the most reasonable decision. But every time he pictured the conversation in his mind, with your eyes misting over with hurt and his big boy words getting tangled in his tongue, he couldn’t help the sneaking thought of “Maybe...”.
Maybe it wasn’t that bad. Maybe Kirishima could stand being the lover for a while, maybe you would finally confess your feeling towards him and just maybe you would finally get divorced.
But then again. Maybe he was just being foolish.
I will ask you for mercy
I will come to you blind
Kirishima’s hand enveloped your own in a loose grip and he removed it from his face.
“Please don’t...I-I’m Sorry but...” swallowing down the knot in his throat, he forced his eyes to meet yours. “I don’t think I Can keep doing this (y/n).” He groaned internally over how weak the sentence came out of his lips.
Taking a step back, you watched him intently without responding at his statement. His pulse rang in his ears as he ran a hand through his crimson locks. He pressed his lids together with forced when in a flash images of you and your husband flooded his mind. He was desperate to make it go away, but it was too late, his consciousness was reminding him of every single picture of the two of you together that was ever posted online, with your loving eyes gazing up into a pair that weren’t Kirishima’s and the gentle smiles he would never have outside the four walls that surrounded his bedroom.
“Hey...” You said, with a tone he had used many times before when trying to coax someone he had saved. He hated that tone in your voice, it made him feel weak and helpless, which in this situation he knew for a fact he was. “Eiji... Talk to me.”
He gazed up into your face, waiting to find pity swarming in them, but he found nothing other than concern.
“It’s just I-...” How could he say what he was wishing out loud?. His actions and hopes were not those of a hero. “I...” He struggled again, and when his throat failed him you brought him into your embrace.
“Shh... It’s okay, we can discuss it later if it’ too much...” He wanted to hate you for how you had bewitched him, if he hadn’t known you for so long, he would’ve believed your quirk was some kind of mental control over feelings. That was the only logical explanation to his behaviour.
Kirishima nuzzled hi nose against your neck, cheek pressed in your shoulder, feeling the warmth of your skin returning to you. Sighing softly, he tightened his hold on you.
What you’ll see is the worst me Not the last of my kind
If he was seeing the whole situation from outside, he would be disgusted by it all.
It wasn’t unusual that someone cheated, and many people were in his same position, not going too far he knew a few of his friends were also the receiving end of a taken person’s affair, but that didn’t ease his heavy heart.
He was afraid of what you would think of him. Did you see him as nothing more than just your lover? Someone to rely on when the things in your marriage got boring and plain?
He hoped that wasn’t the case, “devastated”. couldn’t beging to express how he would feel. The thought of you only liking him as nothing more than an object to release your sexual frustration on made his stomach drop.
“I’m sorry...” His voice was muffled by the wet fabric of your shirt. “I Don’t know what came over me...” He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes as his vision of your skin blurred.
“Hey, Don’t worry Eiji,” Your hand went into his hair and tangled in the locks of his nape, massaging his scalp. “You’re allowed to be upset babe...”
Goosebumps erupted in his skin when the pet name slipped from your lips. You never called him anything else besides Eiji or Red Riot, and it felt like a caress to his torn soul.
He separated from you and without a breath to catch he crashed his lips into yours, earning a startled moan from your lips.
Kirishima blocked the outside world with your mouth, and he was relieved when you melted into his touch.
Ooh In the muddy water we’re falling Ooh In the muddy water we’re crawling Holds me down
How the both of you ended in between his sheets, even when he was convinced he had met up with you to only end whatever you two had was a question he didn’t want answered.
Your clothes fell to the floor and in the blink of an eye he was on top of you, skin flushed and lips swollen from your kisses.
Kirishima hesitated for a second above you, his arms on each side of your head locked up and the air got stuck inside, his eyes adverted yours, skin crawling with doubt. Sensing his turmoil, you grabbed his neck and brought him in for a searing kiss that evaporated almost every thought that didn’t revolve around you from his mind.
His body fitting like a puzzle piece against your own was a bliss.
He tried not to think if your spouse fit in the same way, but the thought was gnawing at the back of your mind. His chest felt tight, as if a building had fell on top of him, and his quirk was futile to protect him .
The tears never abandoned is eyes, and now they were even more close to pour from him. He didn’t want you to see him like that, so he hid his face in between your breast, holding his breath until he could see black dots invading his vision.
You knew him like nobody else, and without the need for him to voice over his concerns, with strength that came with being a pro hero you flipped the positions with ease.
Imprisoned by your legs on each side of his hips Kirishima could only stare with wide eyes full of adoration how you leaned down and peppered feather like kisses onto his face, showering him with affection and love he so much needed .
the only problem was that your affection only made him love you harder, and his love for you was killing him.
Ooh, I will ask you for mercy
I will come to you blind What you’ll see is the worst me I’m not the last of my kind
The minutes kept passing, and the temperature in the room rose steadily.
With his hands buried deep into your hair and his lips tightly pressed against your pulse with a passion that turned your knees into jelly, Kirishima plead to whoever deity that was watching to have compassion.
He was just a man in love, but he knew that was no excuse.
He could never feel proud of his actions, but the deep need inside of him that always seemed to drag him back to you kept driving him through the frenzy of desire that always startled him when both of your lips met his
Hours passed and only when the both of you had used all your energy and were left with short panting breaths and tremor recorring your bodies, on a pile of sweating limbs and sticky skin, Kirishima collapsed on top of you.
Flashback of every time he woke up to an empty bed planted the seed of fear once more in his chest. He didn’t want the story to repeat itself, like a broken record. He wished he could have you in the way he longed for. To wake up next to you and have coffee together, and maybe some pancakes Bakugo taught how to cook. Just spending a lazy morning sprawled next to you, his black sheets covering you, and maybe even have your own toothbrush in his bathroom, so you wouldn’t have to be insecure about your morning breath. The showers the both of you could share, him massaging your scalp with that heavenly vanilla scented shampoo you loved so much.
Kirishima could feel your breath slowing down, the lazy rising of your chest lulling him to sleep. With a foggy mind and exhausted emotions, his arm circled your waist with a vice grip, subconsciously trying to make you stay forever by his side. Kirishima nuzzled your shoulder and his leg went on top of yours, holding onto you like a lifeline he needed in the sea of despair he seemed to float around for a while now.
“Don’t go...” He mumbled with a small whiny voice, half hoping you would listen and half hoping you couldn’t notice how needy he was for a piece of your heart. He didn’t hear a response from you, slipping into the void of slumber, he never noticed the stop in your breath or the way your hand found his in between your chests.
Ooh Don’t fail me now Put your arms around me and pull me out
The soft morning light entered through his open blinds, heating up the skin on his bare back
His brain was groggy, and he felt his legs burn with a familiar ache. When he acknowledge the rest of his body, he remembered the moments you two had spent together the night before and he refused to open his eyes, not wanting to see the empty space next to him.
Sighing, he shifted in bed, his arm reaching across the bed to prove his theory right, desperately hoping he was wrong. The only thing he could feel under his fingertips was the deserted pace you had occupied when he had fallen asleep.
If his soul still had a little part unbroken, now it was simply shattered, the pieces of his heart falling to the ground at the same pace his tears cascaded down his cheeks.
He tried to contain back a sob, but he no longer had the strength to do so. The sound of his ragged breath was drowning the outside world. He was a pro hero who was crying over being a second choice. That wasn’t manly at all.
He felt so ashamed now, his desperate pleads for you to choose him had fell on deaf ears. You had left him once more alone to pick the broken pieces of his being that you threw into the ground without a second thought.
The creaking of the door opening snapped his attention. If a thief had entered, he had no will to fight him off, the most precious thing for him had left once more.
His bloodshot teary eyes met yours and he gasped.
You stood there, a tray with two mugs of coffee and a plate of pancakes in your hands. His shirt pooling over your body covering your exposed skin, bare legs peaking from under it. Your hair was a mess, but it was the prettiest mess he had ever seen in his life.
Because it was a mess that had stayed the night and now was pampering with breakfast in bed.
Kirishima sat up in the bed fast as lighting, blood rushing down making him dizzy, his eyes going black for a second, not able to see you and he could almost feel the panic rising up his throat, Kirishima was afraid that if he lost sight of you for only a fraction of a second you would vanish.
When his eye functioned again, there you were, kneeling besides his side of the bed. The marks on your neck he had left with his sharp theet a furious shade of red, just like his hair. Your expression hold concern beyond measure.
“Hey... Baby what’s wrong?” You cooed, stroking his cheeks and taking the messy locks of hair away from his face. “Eiji...?”
His brain had short-circuited. He now understood the downside of Kaminari’s quirk. He felt dumbstruked under your eyes that shone under the morning light.
Kicking the sheets off of his body, he knelt down in front of you and held you close to his chest. The tears kept falling, but now they were those of relief.
“You stayed...” He whispered against your hair.
Nodding your head, you separated a little to see his face.
“Yeah... That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about.” You started, a small smile dancing on your lips. “I’m starting the paperwork to make the divorce official. I sat down yesterday and talked to Michael about our marriege and be both agreed it was the best solution...” Your looked timidly up to him.
“What...?” Was he dreaming? Thi couldn’t be real “Why...?”
“Come on Eiji... I thought I made it pretty obvious.” Your eyes cast to the side, a nervous tic he had learned to recognize. You took a leveling breath and grabbed his hands. “I’ve been in love with you for quite some time now... and I just couldn’t keep this up, I want all of you Kirishima, not just a few hours a month.”
If you were waiting for a verbal response, he oudn’t give you one.
The only thing that felt right was envelop you in a bear hug and guide you to the bed once more, the tray long forgotten on the floor next to the bed.
Ooh I know I’m found With your arms around me, oh save me now
As the both of you were sprawled on his couch, Kirishima felt lighter, almost as if his body was filled with clouds and he could just float away with a single breeze. It was a good change from the previous month where his shoulders weighting the world.
You were sitting on the couch with his head on your lap, running your fingers through his hair as you scrolled through social media. His arms imprisoned your waist and his face was pressing against your stomach. The scent of his detergent had replace the one you used and the giddy sensation he got from that single fact made him blush.
Thinking back at the months of shared affairs, he noticed how far the two of you had come, and how much he endure just to maybe have what he did in that exact moment with you.
“Hey... (Y/n)?” He softly asked. When your hum filled his ears, and your phone was discarded to give him your full attention, he pronounced the words he had stuck in his throat for years now. “I love you.”
A soft smile pulled the corner of your lips, and Kirishima rolled onto his back to get a better look of it. Extending his hand and caressing your face, he noticed how easier it was to breathe.
The time he spent in that cold and ugly place was worth it, because in the end, you were there, pulling him out of the muddy waters that threatened to drown him.
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buginateacup · 3 years
So I finally figured out the best way for me to plot Rings is to write it out like I did before ie like you;re telling a rapid story/juicy gossip which stops me from writing the same scene in different angst/fluff/horny versions
so spoilers for the next few chapters under the cut if you’re interested
So the first night of the honeymoon is...fine. They spend most of it laughing over whatever the fuck was today and agree that staying married is really not an option. Megamind has conveniently forgotten that he agreed to be a superhero and Roxanne winds up laughing in Megamind's arms as he proves that he can in fact dance like Fred Astaire on the balcony of their suite. Its a remarkably fun night all things considered until Roxanne goes to push open the door to what she assumes is the other bedroom of the suite and finds the kind of closet that she's been dreaming of all her life and that means...
There is only one bed. Fuck
Cue panic
And Roxanne getting stuck in her dress 
But Megamind has also been having just a hint of a breakdown because dancing with Roxanne made him realise that oh no he's in love with his wife and he hasn't wished he was human for a long time (not true) but it does mean that she's probably not going to be okay with tentacles which is the kind of thing you should probably tell a prospective partner BEFORE you marry them so he's going to sleep on the couch far far away from temptation. And Roxanne is an absolute horny mess because she is absolutely hiding her feelings behind her libido but Megamind is being very considerate of not being THAT KIND of villain which means she feels like he doesn't want her and nothing kills desire faster than not being wanted so that’s its own problem.
Except the couch is kind of squeaky because its leather and he can't sleep and eventually Roxanne comes storming out and demands he come to bed so they can both sleep because he's keeping her awake too.
And they do.
Just sleep
And wake up tangled together on Friday morning.
That's not awkward at all
That's also the morning they find out they have the suite for the rest of the weekend, which, delightful. Divorce can definitely wait a couple of days while they ruin Wayne's credit rating. There may be a bit of a moment where Megamind catches Roxanne trying on his mantle over her pjs that will either be incredibly angsty or incredibly hot but that that is not part of the plan we're just pretending that didnt happen, or it did and that is how they decide to be married for the weekend (IDK, working on it). In the mean time there are casino heists to plan and chess and scrabble to be played and evening brings Megamind back to bed with Roxanne because its just easier at this point. And when he wakes up because UNFAMILIAR in the middle of the night he plays with Roxanne's hair at her askance for an hour until they both fall asleep.
Roxanne is more than okay with having someone permanently willing to play with her hair on tap as all people should be.  
On Saturday Roxanne is awake first and spends some time thinking about how tired Megamind looks and how he should really take some time off and they can go to the beach or something after they get back. This should probably have been a clue about her feelings but hey, leave a girl her river in egypt.
This may or may not be the day she also glues him to the headboard of the bed with the decoupage setting on the de-gun while she has a shower.
Megamind genuinely considers gnawing off his own arm because she didnt quite manage to close the door properly and that is its own kind of torture.
They have a bet about paper airplanes and landing them in the fountain. Megamind wins so Roxanne has to show him a trick (Roxanne is not thinking about that thing she can do with her throat nope not at all) which is how he finds out his wife is a master at throwing cocktails and they get more than a little tipsy and he shows her how to fire the degun which is adorable and a little hot and they wind up slowdancing on the balcony to the Something for Kate cover of When the War is Over because I love that freaking song and I'm very attached to that mental image right now.
The second night, they know its all over by tomorrow and they spend a while talking in bed in the dark which is where I will probably make all of you cry with how lonely being the last one is for Megamind and it breaks Roxanne's heart a little to and they have the kind of thing that you just do not talk about in the light of day because if what happens in vegas stays in vegas then what happens that night is like the what happens in vegas stays in vegas of what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
Look it makes sense in context okay
They also both stay clothed so chill.
Sunday morning brings them to the foyer and its bittersweet and lovely and they just want to hold one another but they CANT because there is a PLAN and of course they shouldn’t stay married but oh shit the divorce desk doesn’t open until 11 and its only ten and their chauffer is waiting for them to take them home so shit, that is an issue but its fine because there's a form you can fill out and they will post you the divorce papers.
So great. They head to the airport and get on the plane and oh look there's yesterdays paper and why is there a photo of their wedding certificate on the front page?
And when was megamind going to tell Roxanne he was becoming a hero?
And Megamind had genuinely forgotten about that. Oops
So it turns out all of Metro City has been waiting for this day for YEARS. The paper is full of happy articles and letters to the editor saying we knew those crazy kids had it in them and Carlos has won a considerable amount of money in the pool and has taken his family to disney world.
And well they cant stay married obviously (can they?) but everyone is clearly expecting them to come home as a couple so sure they can fake it for a while before quietly separating except Megamind is not okay with the idea of Roxanne getting kidnapped by anyone else because no one else will be careful enough. And Roxanne is very unimpressed that the defenders council are trying to replace her with an official damsel. She is staying damsel thank you very much Gerry.
This may also become the fic where Roxanne finally sets up a damsel's union.
So they have a bit of a talk and yep practice kissing is definitely a thing they need to work on
a lot
that moment where the copilot walks in on them is a little embarrasing
but they land and oh look there's a car waiting for them to take them to
The Scott's are throwing them a party after all
So Roxanne gets dressed by Minion for the second time in a week which is where she finds out that "Oh sir was always so worried that if he ever found someone the tentacles would be a dealbreaker"
Prehensile or?
Oh for fucks sake Roxanne you dont even know what they're for stop it
No but seriously where are they?
Megamind on the other hand has just found out that Roxanne has a tattoo from Metro Man of all people and there is a very awkward/sexy/funny moment in a butler's pantry where Megamind finds out exactly where Roxanne's tattoo is and Roxanne has it confirmed exactly what those tentacles are for after all.
Great so add that to the list of things we're thinking about like his shoulders and his hands and his eyes instead of our feelings.
Roxanne takes great solace in her libido as it is far easier than arguing with her head or her heart.
Or she would be if she was getting laid.
And SURPRISE this party is not the intimate dinner they were promised but a full on party with Megamind's prison uncles set up on a webcam in a theatre which is a lovely cute scene and Roxanne is definitely getting baby stories out of these men.
Megamind uses her as a human shield. Its force of habit and has nothing to do with how much he's blushing at all.
And they get asked to make a speech and Megamind tells everyone exactly how much he loves his wife and Roxanne is almost in tears because what the hell where was this when it was just the two of them? He cant mean any of this clearly and wow that fucking hurts.
And then Roxanne's great aunt helen shows up because of course family was invited and she is an unpleasant woman at the best of times and Roxanne goes full "Fuck off Helen he's my husband and I love him"
she does doesnt she?
Nope straight back to denial on that one. Cannot think about that right now
Because he clearly doesn't feel the same way or he'd have told her personally, not to a crowd of people. And Megamind thinks she was exaggerating because he’s also thinking where was this in vegas? And Roxanne is forcibly reminded she can't be the damsel if she's married to the hero so she is never going to see him again unless its for an interview which means she has to spend the rest of her life chasing him down in the van with fucking hal and ow ow ow
So they leave the party and Megamind drops her home only for Roxanne to find her apartment full of boxes as she is also being kicked out of her apartment as she is no longer acting damsel.
So she grabs a bag and tracks down the lair and oh hi husband can I live with you or not?
Hi wife yes please say (stay forever please stay forever) which is where we get the SECOND there was only one bed because half the lair was demolished in the last big battle and there is no space for another room right now and of course they have to keep sharing a room or Minion will get suspicious
this bed is much smaller than the giant orgy sized one in vegas
good thing they’re already getting used to waking up in one another’s arms
Roxanne does manage to ask for a small room to use as an office because she needs somewhere to cry and she's used to living alone but wow does this feel like moving in...
And that brings us to chapter 6ish?
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My dearest darling partner in crime, you know I have a mighty need for "Shannon actually divorced her husband instead of leaving him hanging for two years" S2 FWB Buddie if you are so inclined...*bats eyelashes*
Aha okay so this is now a multi-chapter mess. I have no plan. I don’t know where this is going or how I’m organizing this. But these stupid stupid boys won’t leave me alone, so here we are. Part one of what is sure to be an annoyingly feels-filled saga. You can also read it here on Ao3.
The first thing Buck thinks when he sees the new guy is oh no, he’s hot. The world seems to go into slow-motion. He swears he hears music.
The second thing Buck thinks when he sees the new guy is what the fuck is he doing in my station.
Okay, so maybe he’s a little cranky because with some encouragement from Maddie (who arrived in town yesterday) he and Abby had a proper talk for the first time in weeks and officially broke it off. Buck’s not exactly inclined to listen to Maddie on all things, since she did up and be good as gone from his life for years—thanks, Doug—but she was only telling him what his mind had already been whispering.
Doesn’t mean that the break up doesn’t hurt.
So he’s cranky, sure. And Eddie Diaz (that’s the fucker’s name) is confident, and handsome, and funny, and fine as hell, and daring, and pretty, and dedicated, and sexy, and…
It’s a lot for a guy to handle, okay?
Buck’s spoiling for a fight, and the confusing dance his stomach does whenever Eddie looks at him gives him the perfect excuse to be a brat, and even though Chim and Bobby and everyone else is giving him the side eye, he just can’t seem to stop. He fell in love, really in love, for the first time in his life and once again he was abandoned, and he just wants someone to yell at. And if it provides the added bonus of Eddie’s near-constant attention, well. Icing on the cake.
Except Eddie’s not playing back. He’s not posturing, he’s not snapping. Buck feels almost like a dog getting rapped on the nose with a newspaper. In the gym, Eddie doesn’t lose his cool. He seems almost amused. Like he knows what he’s doing to Buck, like he knows Buck’s drowning and just swinging his arms wildly to see who he can punch, like he knows his stupid pretty face is making Buck’s entire body squirm and heat up.
Maybe he’s being a bit of a jerk. Just a little.
A bomb isn’t exactly what most people would call a meet cute or a place to bond, but Buck can tell Eddie warms to him after that. And he can’t help but feel a bit warmer himself, basking in Eddie’s smile.
“You can have my back any day,” Eddie says, and Buck knows it’s probably nothing, but it sounds like more—or maybe he just wants it to be more, since he’s lonely and hasn’t had sex in months and he’s realizing he likes Eddie being pleased with him.
“Or you could have mine,” he blurts out, throwing in a bit of sauciness, just to see, just to test.
Eddie’s gaze flickers, maybe—just maybe—his eyes get a little darker, and Buck wonders if maybe there’s another way to get out all his frustration.
 “Another story to tell the family, right?”
They’re stripping down in the locker room, and Chim’s rolling his eyes because they all know how he used to steal their stories for Tatiana.
“I don’t think Karen will want to know about this one,” Hen says, grabbing her stuff. “Have a good night!”
Buck waves at her, then turns to Eddie. “What about you? Anybody to impress?”
Eddie shakes his head. “My kid’s too young to hear about that kind of thing.”
A kid. Buck glances down, tries to be subtle. No wedding ring. “You got a kid? I love kids.”
Eddie pulls out a picture of a smiling, golden-haired boy. Buck can feel himself grinning. He really does love kids and this guy’s adorable. “His name’s Christopher.”
“He’s cute.” Buck hands the picture back. “What about his mom?”
Eddie tucks the picture away and grabs supplies for the showers. “She’s… not in the picture. Divorced.”
“That sucks, man.” Eddie’s single Eddie’s single Eddie’s single—
“It is what it is.” That’s a shut door if Buck ever heard one, but he’s an expert at prying things open. After all, he’s a firefighter.
Eddie heads for the showers and Buck…
Carpe diem.
Buck follows.
“So nobody to brag to, huh?” he asks, quickly stripping off his clothes so he doesn’t get them blasted with water.
Eddie glances over his shoulder, and the look on his face seems to be trapped somewhere between are you fucking kidding me and oh this is adorable. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys who uses heroic stories to get into people’s pants.”
Not anymore. “Nah, I just bat my eyelashes.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet that works wonders.”
“Y’know, I do know sarcasm when I hear it.”
“Do you?” Eddie turns to face him fully and it hits Buck like a delayed webpage loading that oh, yeah, they’re both naked.
Go big or go home. “So are we going to do something about…” He gestures between them. “This? Or are we going to keep ignoring it?”
“What, the obvious alpha male posturing?” Eddie asks. “Or the fact that you want to sleep with me? Because I’m gonna tell you I got enough of the former while I was in the military and as for the latter, we’re coworkers.”
“Nothing against coworkers having a little fun.”
“I have a kid.” Eddie puts his hands on his hips and oh, okay, nope, eyes up top, Buck. “I just moved here. The last thing I’m looking for is complications.”
“Well lucky for you I’m a simple guy. As anyone around here will tell you.” Yeah, he’s aware of the joke about his intelligence, but whatever. “I’m great at keeping things uncomplicated.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, then reaches for him. Buck’s heart races—
—and then skips a beat as he’s blasted with cold water. He yelps, ducking out of the way as Eddie finishes turning on the showers.
The look of smug satisfaction on Eddie’s face is not attractive. At all.
“Real funny.” Buck wipes his face off and gets the water out of his eyes.
“Oh, hilarious,” Eddie agrees seriously. His eyes crinkle up at the corners when he smiles.
Buck stands there, not quite sure what to do. The water’s warm, now, feels good, and it sure as hell looks good, sliding down Eddie’s body. Eddie’s not saying or doing anything, but he’s not kicking Buck out, either.
He debates for about ten seconds before he thinks, fuck it. He did the mature thing and waited for sex and did everything right and it still got his heart dashed to pieces. Why not be a little reckless? “You saying you’d object if I wanted to blow you?”
Eddie inhales a mouthful of water and splutters fantastically for a few seconds. The look he gives Buck when he’s finished is impressive. “You really have no shame, do you?”
Buck shrugs. “Don’t have the time for it.”
And he really wants to get his mouth on Eddie’s cock. Like, that’s kind of all he’s been able to think about since the grenade.
Eddie’s eyes narrow, and for a second Buck’s certain he’s going to get hit with a talk about sexual harassment from Bobby in the morning, but then Eddie plants his hand on the tiled wall and says, oh so casually, “Well, if you’ve got your heart set on it.”
Oh hell yes.
Buck’s been very diligently restricting his ogling to Eddie’s face and shoulders (what, they’re great shoulders, broad and tan and perfect for biting during sex), so it’s not until he sinks to his knees—carefully, the floor’s tiled and this is the only pair of knees he’s got—that he looks at Eddie’s cock and realizes it’s hard.
Playing it cool and casual and this whole time he wanted Buck just as much as Buck wanted him. Buck is never letting him live this down. He looks up at Eddie through his lashes, a trick he’s learned works wonders when he’s about to eat someone out. “And here you are acting like it’s such a big chore to get your dick sucked.”
“Maybe I just like the idea of your mouth being too full to talk.” Eddie’s hand comes around to cradle the back of Buck’s head, his fingers combing through the short hair, tugging oh so slightly to get Buck’s head in place.
A shiver works through him. Jesus, that feels good. He hasn’t had a dry spell like this since he first discovered what sex was, and just the intimate touch of another person has his cock rising and his blood singing.
He leans in, nuzzling Eddie’s thigh, savoring the scent of another person, the feel of skin beneath his mouth again. And maybe he’s, ah, delaying things just a little, as he eyes the rather impressive dick in front of him, because. Well.
Here’s the thing that Buck kind of didn’t mention to Eddie.
He’s never given a blow job before.
But like hell he’s going to let it stop him now that they’ve reached this point. And besides, he knows what he likes, so it’s just a matter of remembering what that is and replicating it. This’ll be a breeze.
“You’ve never done this before, have you?” Eddie asks.
Buck glares up at him. “Have so.”
“You sure you’re twenty-seven? Because you sound like a five-year-old right now.”
Buck promptly takes as much of Eddie’s cock in his mouth as he can. He nearly takes too much and just barely saves himself from gagging, but Eddie makes a choked noise above him in response and that’s all that fucking matters.
“Ten points for enthusiasm,” Eddie mutters, and oh, it is so on now. He’s going to blow this guy’s mind.
Turns out, sucking dick is simultaneously eager and harder than he expected. Easy? Sucking. Holy shit. He could do this all day, he’s eaten ice cream cones that were more trouble than this.
Figuring out what exactly he’s supposed to do with his tongue? Difficult. Very difficult. It’s not until he has the bright idea of, hey, what if he treats a dick like a really big clit, that he starts to get the hang of it.
He’s never had a woman complain about his oral skills, after all.
Eddie’s hand tightens in his hair and he swears under his breath. “Again,” he orders, a bit breathless, and Buck repeats the little twist he did with his tongue against the slit of Eddie’s cock. He shivers at the order, at the implications of it.
“Oh.” Eddie’s voice is like a revelation. “Oh, you like that. You like when I tell you what to do?”
He can’t really nod right now, so he hums.
Eddie’s grip tights further. “Suck.”
His voice is a full-on growl and Buck’s cock jerks in response, electricity zapping every one of his limbs. Jesus, turns out there’s one place he really does like to be given orders.
“Jesus Christ, you should see yourself.” Eddie’s still growling, and now his hips are thrusting a little into Buck’s mouth, and Buck just lets his jaw go slack, lets Eddie use him. Eddie swears violently at that and speeds up, just a little, like he’s trying to hold himself back so he doesn’t hurt him, doesn’t go too far.
Buck feels like there’s a cat in his chest, purring, like he’d wag his tail if he had one, on his knees and being good and giving someone what they want. His jaw aches and his mouth is stretched but it feels so good, and if he’d known he would like sucking dick this much, hell, he’d’ve done it years ago.
He can feel Eddie tense up, his cock jerking against Buck’s soft palate, and Buck tries to open his throat to get ready—only Eddie pulls Buck off his cock and turns, spilling into the spray of the shower, the evidence washed immediately down the drain.
Buck’s voice is raw when he tries to speak. “I was gonna—you didn’t have to do that.”
“I didn’t want to assume.” As if he’s trying to make up for showing some softness and consideration, Eddie hauls Buck to his feet, a sly look in his eyes. “Now, what are we going to do with you?”
There’s a promise in his voice that Buck really, really hopes he’ll deliver on. He shamelessly plasters himself to Eddie’s front, lets Eddie feel his erection, and combs his fingers through all that thick, dark hair. Buck would kill to be able to run his fingers through it when it’s dry. Eddie’s hair always looks unbearably soft.
“Fuck me?” he says hopefully, grinding slow against Eddie’s hip. “I mean. I get recovery time, so… we can just make out until…”
Eddie’s hands find his waist and Buck whines, trying to catch Eddie’s mouth in a kiss. He wants that tongue counting his teeth, dammit.
“I’d let you,” he says, because oh, God, he would, he really would. Even though it’s reckless to let a guy you just met fuck you when you’ve never done it before. Buck’s gotten pretty far by being reckless.
“You’d let me,” Eddie says, something sparking in his eyes, and the next thing Buck knows, he’s been turned around and pressed face-first against the wall.
“You really think I’d fuck you here?” Eddie’s voice is dark and utterly filthy and Buck’s fucking trembling. “Hell no. If I fucked you, I’d do it right, get you all laid out on a bed and really take you apart. And you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Buck’s nails are scabbling at the wet tile, trying to find a purchase that isn’t there. He’s never felt this raw in his entire life and he vaguely wonders if this is what drugs feel like because if it is, he understands how people get addicted.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s lips are right at the shell of his ear now, his voice a heated whisper. “One look at you, boy, and I fuckin’ knew it. You just want someone to destroy you.”
Fucking yes he does.
Eddie bites at his ear right as his hand find’s Buck’s aching cock and oh, oh fuck. Eddie’s pace is brutal, going from tight and hot to feather light, the tips of his fingers dancing up and down, drawing Buck to the edge and then leaving him there.
Buck’s real glad that he got good at being quiet because of Abby’s mom, otherwise the entire station would probably hear him moaning and begging right now.
Eddie’s plastered to his back, his free arm around Buck’s waist like a band of iron, and Buck feels like everywhere they touch is on fire. “Jesus.” Eddie sounds half in command, half in awe. “You really fucking need this, don’t you?”
“So do you,” Buck fires back. “Or you wouldn’t have said yes to me.”
Eddie growls and bites his neck, like a wolf holding down another so he can mount him, and Buck goes lightheaded with lust. He twists his wrist on the upstroke, sucking on Buck’s skin, grinding against Buck’s ass like he might actually fuck him after all, and Buck comes so hard he goes deaf for a second, his ears going silent and then buzzing like a nest of hornets.
Buck rests his forehead on the cool tile and Eddie licks apologetically at the spot he bit, his grip loosening. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on with you, why you want someone to put you in your place, but next time, maybe try talking to a therapist instead of propositioning your coworker.”
Buck snorts. “I’ll take it under consideration.”
He turns, leaning back against the tile, as Eddie grabs the soap. “Does that mean I can’t come to you? After you made all those promises about… what was it… taking me apart?”
The look that Eddie gives him is incredulous. “You realize what would’ve happened if someone walked in here, right?”
Buck grins. “Ah, but nobody did walk in here.”
Judging by the eye roll he gets in return, his comment is not appreciated.
“This?” Eddie gestures back and forth between them. “Was a one-time thing. We’re not doing this again.”
Buck nods, swallowing the disappointment that’s hot and acrid in his throat. “Sure thing.”
 Well, obviously by ‘again’ Eddie meant ‘in the station’ because one week later they’re in the back of Buck’s car and Eddie’s mouth is attached to his neck like he’s a fucking vampire.
A car isn’t exactly the best place for maneuverability, so Buck’s not getting the fucking he was sort-of promised last time, but he doesn’t really care when he’s got a leg wrapped around Eddie’s waist and they’re grinding against each other like teenagers in the high school parking lot.
He rucks up Eddie’s shirt, gets is hands on all that smooth, warm skin on his back, and digs his nails in as Eddie gives a particularly hard thrust. He’s so fucking turned on he’s seeing stars and he should probably, y’know, suggest they take this somewhere else but he can’t, he can’t—his cock’s trapped underneath Eddie’s body, inside his pants, and Eddie’s mouth, and his hands, he’s—
His orgasm gives him vivid flashbacks to the less-than-glamorous trysts he got up to as a sixteen-year-old, but he doesn’t care because it feels so damn good. Eddie groans and thrusts harder, frantic, and he once again bites, this time Buck’s chest, as he comes.
Buck’s lying down, but he’s still dizzy. “I demand a proper bed next time.”
“There’s not gonna be a next time.” Eddie’s authority is somewhat diminished by the fact that his face is mashed into Buck’s shoulder.
The next moment, Eddie’s leveraging himself up and off of Buck. “We shouldn’t even have done that this time.”
“Why?” Buck follows him, sitting up, and nearly bangs his head on the roof of the car. “We’re two guys who don’t have time to date—I don’t even want to fucking date right now—you’ve got a kid—why not just use each other, y’know? I’m here, you’re here, I’m hot, you’re hot, our schedules line up, I’m not seeing a downside to this.”
“Of course you don’t see a downside,” Eddie mutters.
They regard each other for a moment, and Buck knows this is a serious conversation, but also his pants are soaked and they’re gonna start feeling tacky and gross any second now. “Look, I get it, you want to be smart. But I’m offering you a no-strings-attached-free-sex-whenever card so.” He shrugs. “If you ever decide you want to help me test out my new mattress, you know where to find me.”
Eddie’s dark eyes watch him for a second, his fingers tapping on Buck’s knee—Buck’s pretty sure Eddie’s not aware he’s doing it—and then he pulls back. “Yeah, I do know where to find you.”
He backs up and out of Buck’s car, and it’s a good thing Buck didn’t have any dignity to start with, otherwise he’d be feeling pretty undignified right about now.
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