#intention 101
kitchenwitchery72 · 1 year
Herbalism 101: Bay Leaves
EP. 2
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Bay leaves are one of my absolute favorite herbs when cooking with intention. They are delicious and very common in tons of food cultures. On top of this, they are quite easily accessible.
Properties: Protection, healing, success
Uses in the Kitchen
Bay laurel, more commonly referred to as Bay leaves, is a very versatile plant. I often use it in cooking to flavor stocks or pickled goods. With such an aromatic flavor, it tastes great in hearty or acidic dishes. Tying a bunch together with bay leaves, rosemary, and thyme is a great way to add flavor to stock.
Uses in Healing
Bay leaves have a number of benefits when used in herbalism. Bay leaves do have many digestion related benefits. They can help with bloating and gas, in this case I usually use them to make a tea along with peppermint. The leaves are also good for treating certain skin ailments that do not involve broken skin, such as dandruff! Adding bay leaf oil into your hair care routine would be a good option.
Uses in Witchcraft
Bay leaves, particularly in witchcraft, are extremely versatile. One of the most common uses is setting intentions. The easiest way I have found to do this is to use a marker or candle wax to write out your intentions or a sigil onto the Bayleaf itself. I will often use this in simmer pots or cooking (if you are cooking with it, make sure it is a safe marker for that use). Some other ways to use this is burning they leave or putting it in your shoe to carry with you throughout the day.
Tips for Growing at Home
Bay leaves come from a tree called Bay Laurel. They can be grown inside and pruned to be kept at a certain size, but because they are a slow growing tree they can ultimately reach very large sizes when grown outdoors. If you are attempting to grow it inside the most important things are well draining soil, the right amount of humidity, and lots and lots of sunlight. 
Bay leaf tea
In order to make this tasty and beneficial tea, you only need a few things: 2 bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick, and hot water. Steep the ingredients as you would any tea and enjoy while hot. I drink this when I'm having stomach issues or I'm feeling a bit on edge.
As always, this is not medical advice. These are helpful home tips and remedies, but they will not cure diseases.
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lesbiankordian · 1 year
Dazai's farewells - beast and ch 101
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(doesn't matter if he thought chuuya was going to die or not - either way he believed chuuya was worth saying goodbye to)
I'll never get over this speech and the panels in which he showed emotions 😊😊
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enchantedwitchling · 9 months
Crystal Magic for Beginners: Embarking on an Enchanting Journey
Crystals, those dazzling gems of the Earth, have a mystical allure that captivates the hearts of many. If you're new to the world of crystal magic and eager to explore the wonders these stones hold, you've come to the right place!
Welcome to the enchanting realm of "Crystal Magic for Beginners," where we embark on a magical journey to discover the immense power and wisdom these precious gems can bring into our lives.
1. Choosing Your First Crystals 🌈🔍
With countless crystals to choose from, finding your perfect match can be a thrilling adventure. Begin by exploring the most common crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz. Allow your intuition to guide you as you feel their energies and pick the ones that resonate with you the most.
2. Setting Your Intentions 🌟🌌
Crystals are like cosmic companions, amplifying our intentions and desires. Before you start working with them, take a moment to set your intentions—whether it's enhancing love, boosting creativity, or finding inner peace. Infuse your chosen crystals with these intentions to create a powerful connection.
3. Cleansing and Charging 🌬️🌞
To awaken the full potential of your crystals, give them a refreshing cleanse to clear away any previous energies. You can use running water, moonlight, or smoke from sage or palo santo to purify them. After cleansing, bask them in the light of the sun or the glow of the moon to recharge their energies.
4. Creating Sacred Spaces 🏰🌠
Designate a special place in your home to honor your crystal collection. Arrange them on a crystal grid, an altar, or simply display them on a beautiful cloth. This sacred space becomes a portal of inspiration and connection with the magical energies they embody.
5. Crystal Affirmations and Meditation 🧘‍♀️💎
Embrace the serene world of crystal meditation and affirmations. Hold your chosen crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and allow its energies to wash over you. Recite empowering affirmations to align yourself with its energy, awakening your inner magic.
As we embark on this journey into the wondrous world of crystal magic, remember to embrace the process with an open heart and a curious mind. Crystals are not merely rocks; they are cosmic allies ready to guide you toward self-discovery, empowerment, and healing.
So let us embrace the enchantment of crystal magic, where the sparkle of each gem mirrors the brilliance within ourselves.
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shirtdraws · 1 year
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Red Camellias
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rottentiger-art · 9 months
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This is the vibe the car entrance was giving me
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bowserbabe · 1 year
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law & order criminal intent - one
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hiswitchcraft · 1 year
im still very confused about one thing, can you just bullshit any setup to perform any effect and intention is all that binds it together? or are there some rules that always apply like "red roses mean love" or can i use a red rose to do something completely unrelated? can i grab the setup for a healing spell and craft a narrative of "this will cause my computer to magically recognize the intended function of my spaghetti code and execute it" and poof, its that kind of spell now?
Is Intent All That Binds a Spell Together?
There are probably some witches who believe intent is all you need to do successful spell work or that you could craft that narrative. I don't entirely believe that. Just like how I urge people away from general substitutions like quartz can be used for any crystal, when y'all ask me questions like this I'm going to answer based on what in my opinion will get you results. Of course I am biased towards my beliefs just like anyone else. You are welcome to decide to believe whatever you want as long as it's not harming anyone. However, I will be continuing this post without exploring the idea that intent is all you need for successful spell work. 
Intent is important but I don’t think it’s all that binds a spell together in effective spell work. I think it is a combination of solid intention but also solid spell selection, preparation, method and ingredients that makes a spell work. If you’re not familiar with manipulating energy these steps and a good physical source of it will help guide you and make sure you don’t exhaust yourself. 
I wouldn't say any certain rule always applies, but it also isn't as simple as intent is everything you need. You need methods. You need correspondences. These things will give the spell energy. But what those are? That will vary a lot depending on tradition, beliefs, culture, etc. For example a lot of other cultures have very different associations with color, or ideas about how the elements work. This will change their view on spell work, especially if they approach it the way a lot of books on modern witchcraft and Wicca do. They put a big emphasis on these things and many others that vary. 
Yes you can use roses for love. But all plants are complex, roses have other correspondences. Other cultures may have other associations and I think those are valid.
You could craft that narrative. No one is going to stop you. But I'd argue the methods wouldn't carry the same symbolism that you need. And likely a vague list of ingredients needed for a love spell would be very different than for a specific technical goal like that in many traditions. If crafting that random narrative is valid, going to work or not, and how you draw the line on all that is up for debate and going to depend on the witch.
I know you probably want a straightforward answer but as someone that's been writing spells for years, they're not straightforward. I’d love to give you that answer but spells are complicated and that’s why I love them and writing them. I hope this ramble helps anyways.  The most straightforward answer I can give is this: There are going to be rules, but they're flexible and dependent on what you were taught and believe. Only you can decide that and that's what makes witchcraft so wonderful and overwhelming! 
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dazaistabletop · 2 years
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ladyelainehilfur · 16 days
Goodnight to everyone but the people who profit off uncompensated, voluntary fan labor, not mentioning the CEO of Fandom by name or anything
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
Candle Spells: Unlocking the Power of Intention
Shaina Tranquilino
August 25, 2023
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Candles have been used for centuries in various spiritual practices and rituals. They hold a special significance in many cultures, symbolizing illumination, purification, and divine connection. But did you know that candles can also be used as potent tools for spellcasting?
Candle spells are a form of sympathetic magic, where the energy generated from burning candles is harnessed to manifest specific intentions or desires. This practice taps into the power of focused intention, visualization, and symbolism to create positive change in our lives.
Choosing the Right Candle
The first step in candle spellwork is selecting the appropriate candle colour based on your intention. Each colour holds its own vibrational frequency and corresponds to different aspects of life. For instance:
- White candles represent purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.
- Red candles embody passion, love, courage, and strength.
- Green candles signify prosperity, abundance, growth, and healing.
- Blue candles bring tranquility, calmness, and communication.
- Yellow candles symbolize happiness, confidence, and intellectual pursuits.
These are just a few examples; there is an array of colours available with their unique properties. Trust your intuition when choosing a candle or refer to correspondences found in books or online resources.
Setting Up Your Sacred Space
Creating a sacred space helps establish an environment conducive to spellcasting. Cleanse the area by smudging with sage or burning some incense to clear any negative energies. Arrange crystals or other meaningful objects that align with your intention around your workspace.
It's essential to set your intention clearly before beginning any ritual work. Spend a few moments meditating on what you wish to manifest through this candle spell. Visualize your desired outcome as vividly as possible.
Preparing Your Candle
Once you've chosen the right candle colour and established your intent, it's time to prepare your candle for spellwork. Carve symbols or words into the wax that represent your intention. For example, if you're seeking love, you might carve a heart or the name of your desired partner.
Anointing the candle with an appropriate oil further enhances its power. Use oils like lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, or cinnamon for prosperity. As you anoint the candle, visualize your intent merging with the oil and infusing the candle with energy.
Candle Spell Ritual
To begin your candle spell ritual:
1. Light some incense or smudge yourself to cleanse your aura.
2. Place your prepared candle in a fire-safe holder and light it.
3. As you light the flame, recite an affirmation or chant that reflects your intention clearly.
4. Sit in front of the lit candle and focus on its flame while visualizing your desired outcome.
5. Feel the energy flowing from within you and connecting with the flame's energy.
6. Repeat affirmations, prayers, or mantras that align with your intention.
7. Stay in this meditative state for as long as necessary until you feel a sense of completion.
It's important to note that candle spells are not meant to control others but rather to enhance personal growth and manifest positive change within ourselves and our lives.
Closing Your Ritual
Once you feel ready to conclude your ritual, thank any deities or divine forces you invoked during your practice. Extinguish the candle using a snuffer instead of blowing it out to preserve the magical energy generated during the spellwork.
Allow the candle to burn completely if possible, symbolizing the fulfillment of your intention. If extinguishing is necessary before it burns out naturally, relight it whenever possible until fully consumed.
Remember that patience is key when practicing spellcasting; results may take time to manifest fully. Keep an open mind and be receptive to signs and opportunities that align with your intention after performing a candle spell.
Candle spells can be a powerful tool in your spiritual practice, helping you manifest positive change and align with the energies of the universe. Just remember to approach them with respect, integrity, and always work for the highest good of all involved.
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Gather 'round, folks!
It's time to fact-check your blorbo's prostate. In the Real World, he would NOT cum like that. Friendly reminder that we can be self-indulgent (and horny!) with our little meow meows and be perfectly realistic too. There's a lot of fictional sex misinformation (...mis-sex-formation? LOL!) so don't let your guard down, okay? DANGER DANGER DANGER DA-
Happy reading/writing! :-)
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chocnoire · 2 years
reblog to manifest a romantic self-love morning with me in Paris
read as if it were true and living it right now
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I woke up feeling so relaxed and well rested. I have never felt more in peace in my life. I had the entire wide California king to myself. I have never felt anything as soft and fluffy as my bed, my body sank in and it took every ounce of strength to get myself out of bed. I slept to my window open, watching the Eiffel Towel in all it's glory blinking away from across the water.
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The tower hadn't moved, it only looked less festive. Room service had actually rung my door to deliver a call-in breakfast order from a mysterious man. It took me what felt like 2 mins to move from the bed to the door because of how spacious my executive suit was. It was so lush, and I never felt more expensive and regale in my life.
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The batches of pink roses from my date the previous night also brought a smile to my face. I had bottomless mimosas, eclairs, croissants, grapes, cannolis, Arabian coffee, cheese and some mary jane. All of a sudden it starts raining, I open the balcony to dance in the rain after I hit a couple long ones. After the shower, I removed everything and got into my comfy robe and ate and drank like a Queen. Halfway through the meal I noticed a small note that was handwritten and signed with a name, number and email: "It was lovely meeting you the other day, I haven't stopped thinking about our encounter! J"
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I turned on the TV and watched a french classical film without subtitles and I understood everything. I am so impressed by how far I've come with my languages. I fell asleep, and my alarm woke me up to remind me that I need to get ready for tonight's gala. I allowed myself 3 hours to get ready while I mentally prepare myself to stay sharp and do my best.
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I had a really good time, made some very great networks. They had a lot of champagne and oysters. I am a little buzzed. It was really good champagne.
As I am writing this, I am getting ready to fold in early so I can enjoy my all-day spoiling me day sponsored by #mrperfect for my birthday...a fully paid, all-inclusive spa session that'll take about 5 hours ending with deep tissue massages. After that, I have an unlimited card to do some damage on.
I feel so lucky and blessed!
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jacksintention · 1 year
I can't with the previous post. It's just so good applied to Levi, Lacie, Oswald and even Jack.
Levi has his hands tied by the Baskerville system that is a sort of scam by the Jurors‚ like every Glen. But he says "let's just create a change" and gives a will to the Core. And he does so with the full intention of changing the narrative, if just to avoid the boredom of spending eternity watching the same thing happen over and over again from a sit in someone else's mind.
Lacie goes along with it because of her desire to ease the Core's loneliness, but in her idea of the children of misfortune being a consequence of this loneliness and her feelings of doubt or reservations, perhaps, revealed even before the tree scene in the scene in which she talks about this with Oswald, we could interpret this as her desire to end the existence of the children of misfortune and thus the cycle.
Jack plays into this in his attempt to take the "real" world to the "Abyss" world, but when he most consciously twists the narrative the Jurors had settled was when he intently made the decision to take the power from the Baskervilles. And I do think it has to do with ending the very system that doomed Lacie and Oswald and he deemed cruel and like torture, but mainly it is so that no one would interfere with him in the future.
Oswald tries to destroy the new narrative Jack has or is creating first by trying to stop him, but later on by trying to stop Levi's schemes before everything happened, resettling the narrative he was controlled and doomed by, serving still as their tool. And then he literally faces the truth, in the most explicitly way no one ever has been told this in that "real" world before, and threatens to kill the instigators of that narrative. And then just renounces, in a lack of action that is him at his most active ("not with a bang but a whimper", how fitting is that?!!!).
Ultimately there is a middle ground but the narrative is changed for good. For better or worse. With uncertain future consequences. But it is changed, and it feels kinder. And as a thank you the source of every narrative, the ink and paper of the narrative, lulls someone who shouldn't have existed but changed the world to sleep by telling him a different story. Because that's it. They're stories, and Oz deserved to go with a kinder one, because the ink and paper of the narrative loves him. And it's so interesting how that works metanarratively too. The author tells the story, but the author tells the reader a story about the stroy telling a softer version of the story, so that the reader too will get it alongside Oz. That works on several levels and it's so so interesting.
#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#I was thinking a couple of days ago about how Lacie states that to Oswald in chapter 101 and how it seems to hint towards her choosing#to go through it not just in an attempt to ease the Core's loneliness but also trying to end the cycle if the children of misfortune really#originate from that. Ultimately it doesn't seem to work because even after Vincent there had kept existing new children. It could be argued#that perhaps it's due to the Will's own loneliness and isolation‚ or to the Core now being more sure about what loneliness is‚ or maybe#the author just didn't think of it further. Even after everything that happens the existence of the children of misfortune is necessary to#access the Core‚ that will now speak through Jack's body‚ Jack's mouth. So maybe Lacie's theory is true. And I like to think it is‚#but I'm biased bc I like how it works narratively and I love the concept of the children of misfortune being like emanences of the Core#and the parallelisms drawn from it. Like with Jack. Lacie's attempt to ease the Core's loneliness + chance the cycle works so well with#Jack's own intention and methods but in a twisted way‚ which works so well with how he misinterpreted her desire in his will to keep living#The Core gaining a certain sense of personhood through Lacie works very well with Jack both gaining first and then losing it for the same#The Core having a vague feeling of loneliness that Lacie recognises and knowing to acknowledge it thanks to Lacie works well with Lacie#learning to do the same through Jack‚ and with both Jack and Lacie recognising that loneliness in each other and feeling some kind of#connection and understanding due to that‚ yet not knowing it in themselves until facing the other. How that dooms them both in some ways#And now it's the typical Core/Lacie/Jack parallelisms that get a thousand faces and mirages through the story#of which I always talk and that makes me end up talking about pretty much every character in the manga and Cantor's transfinite numbers#so I will shut up already. I've already talked a lot. And sorry for the post but I couldn't fit everything in the tags#and I don't want to lose the idea‚ I want to keep on thinking about it more thoroughly#Pardon also my denomination of the worlds. Understand the " in the nietzschean sense please#Also that goes to my future self if I forget but I think I'll understand what I mean with that#I'm myself after all‚ if slightly altered‚ and live inside myself#I think there was some other clarification I wanted to make and perhaps some correction but I can't recall right now#It doesn't matter much because this is a draft for future personal pondering‚#but I hope it's not too grave as to confuse my future thoughts or that at least I will catch it later on
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
look, I know I’m echo and kyliz first and foremost, but when I say I’m looking the most forward to whatever they do with Kybel (I mean he’s taking his shirt off in that room) next episode, like dying for it
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