#intermezzo: a love story
colorhollywood · 27 days
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Leslie Howard as Holger Brandt, and Ingrid Bergman (1915–1982) as Anita Hoffman
Film: Intermezzo (1939)
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
“Ugh, but opera’s so bORiNg, it’s not about anything”
I am, at this point, BEGGING you. To watch/listen to a modern opera. Something made this century, or the end of the last one. It is no longer a request, it is a demand.
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farnwedel · 1 month
Jahresrückblick/book rec 2023
Das Leben braucht mehr Schokoguss
Autor*in: Ella Lindberg
Inhalt & Kommentar: siehe hier :D
Empfehlenswert für: Zugfahrten, Wartezimmer usw. - leichte Lektüre für zwischendurch, manchmal ganz charmant.
Something to Hide: A Lynley Novel
Autor*in: Elizabeth George
Inhalt: Eine junge Polizistin stirbt nach einem Schlag auf den Hinterkopf. Ein Teenager versucht, seine kleine Schwester vor FGM zu beschützen. Zwischen den Fällen gibt es Schnittstellen und der Fall schlägt Wellen, da er nicht nur für das Team um Lynley, Havers und Nkata Fragen zu strukturellem Rassismus und Integration aufwirft.
Kommentar: Beklemmend. Manchmal vielleicht zu oberflächlich, was die gesellschaftskritischen Themen angeht. Lynleys persönliches Drama nimmt mich überhaupt nicht mit. Havers' sprachliche Entgleisungen sind bemerkenswert. Winston Nkata ist ein Schatz.
Empfehlenswert für: Fans der Reihe; Fans englischer Krimis (wobei manche Beziehungen und Anspielungen im persönlichen Umfeld der Ermittler*innen verwirren können)
The Night Gate
Autor*in: Peter May
Inhalt: In einem Dorf in Frankreich stürzt ein alter Baum um. Zwischen den Wurzeln wird das Skelett eines Luftwaffe-Offiziers mit einem Loch im Schädel gefunden. Zeitgleich wird ein paar Häuser weiter ein Galerist aus Paris brutal ermordet. Enzo Macleod, Polizist im Ruhestand, ermittelt und stößt auf Zusammenhänge, die in der Vergangenheit liegen - genauer gesagt, in der Verlegung der Kunstwerke des Louvre während des Zweiten Weltkrieges.
Kommentar: ...ja. Eigentlich mag ich Peter Mays Romane ja. Aber dieser hier...uff. Erstens spielt er nicht in Schottland, und auch wenn May selbst in Frankreich lebt, das Land kann er nicht so gut rüberbringen wie die Hebriden. Zweitens ist es ein Band aus einer Reihe, die ich nicht kenne, weswegen mir Enzos Hintergrundgeschichte fehlt und er und seine Familie mir nicht wirklich am Herzen liegen (oder sonst irgendeine Figur aus dem Buch, die sind alle recht wenig sympathisch). Drittens habe ich ein massives Problem mit Mays Art, von Deutschen und Deutschland zu schreiben - sowohl in der Gegenwart (er benutzt für eine Figur ständig das Wort "Mitarbeiter", als wär das eine aussagekräftige Berufsbezeichnung, gibt Menschen Anfang 20 Namen wie "Hans" und "Lise" und lässt sie astreines Englisch sprechen, Enzo dann aber mit "Herr Macleod" ansprechen) als auch in der Vergangenheit (vielleicht ist das die German guilt, aber ich würde nie so oberflächlich und unkritisch über Wehrmachtssoldaten, Göring und Hitler persönlich schreiben??).
Empfehlenswert für: Tha mi duilich, Peter, aber das kann ich wirklich niemandem guten Gewissens empfehlen.
Autor*in: Rebecca Gablé
Inhalt: England, 13. Jahrhundert. Adela of Waringham und ihr Milchbruder und bester Freund Bedric Archer werden getrennt, als Adela an den Hof von Prinzessin Eleanor und ihrem Gemahl Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, geschickt wird. Bedric hingegen hält die Unterdrückung, die er als Leibeigener erfährt, nicht allzu lange aus und flieht nach London. Er ein freier Mann, sie eine verheiratete Hofdame, treffen sie einander doch immer wieder und werden in die politischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Montfort und seinem Schwager König Henry III hineingezogen.
Kommentar: Rebecca Gablé schreibt einfach toll und schafft es, auch wenn sie gewisse Muster und Tropen wiederholt, einen immer wieder in die Welt der Waringhams hineinzuziehen. Man jubelt und zittert mit den Figuren, kann das Buch kaum aus der Hand legen und lernt nebenher noch so einiges über die englische Geschichte.
Empfehlenswert für: Fans der Reihe, aber auch Fans von historischen Romanen im Allgemeinen - dieser hier ist das zweite Prequel in der Waringham-Reihe und kann daher nicht so oft mit Bezügen zu früheren Ereignissen verwirren.
Silberner Mond über Venedig
Autor*in: Kate Hardy
Inhalt & Kommentar: siehe hier
Empfehlenswert für: wann auch immer ihr mein Hörbuch brauchen könnt. :D
Edinburgh Love Stories
Autor*in: Samantha Young
Inhalt & Kommentar: siehe hier
Empfehlenswert für: Flughafenwartebereiche oder so, idk
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sgiandubh · 7 months
When clueless, silence is golden
I was just browsing around while looking for something completely different and stumbled upon this quintessential Mordorian POV:
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Disclosing a username is crass and I usually never do this, unless really necessary and relevant. So spare me the ad hominem argument you usually fumble around with, Disgruntled Tumblrettes. Yet, for all its intellectual paucity, this is interesting dissection material, since clearly this person hasn't got the slightest idea of what she is so confidently talking about.
First scenario at play: The Tasting Alliance, 'a company no one has ever heard of', booked and paid for the suite.
Not necessarily booked, nor necessarily paid, madam. In the real business world you are so clueless about, these arrangements are seldom - if ever - monetized. It's rather all about barter.
That company no one ever heard about - except, perhaps, #silly and totally irrelevant Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemicallef/2023/04/13/the-tasting-alliance-and-reserve-bar-are-set-to-launch-top-shelf/?sh=b45f7085f6f1) - is the parent company of the San Francisco World Spirits Competition (SFWSC), largely acknowledged as at least one of, if not the world's leading spirits award contest. Google is your friend, you should try it some time:
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The operative info here is that this evaluation comes from the Beverage Trade Network, a professional portal for spirit dealers. Having determined this, Tasting Alliance's IG number of followers is completely irrelevant, since we are talking about two very different targets, here. Its real leverage and weight on the global market does not really need the boost of an aggressive social media presence and the kind of events it hosts are not your favorite junior hockey league or elementary school cake and bake sale.
Let's look a bit further. It takes one click to get on the Tasting Alliance's website (https://thetastingalliance.com/). Granted, not all the information you need to understand its business model is right there and I had to go dig a bit (not without some help - merci encore!) to even get a grip on how these wheels are really turning.
The way they sell themselves is sober and confident. And completely disinterested in social media impact, to be honest:
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So, in lieu of glitz and sequined bras, we have a success story in its own right, which started in Frisco in 1980, then continued in 2000, with the addition of the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Further expansion followed in 2018, with the New York World Wine & Spirits Competition and 2019, when Dias Blue set a firm foot on the emerging Asian market, with the Singapore World Spirits Competition.
I doubt an explanatory drawing is needed as to the why of this expansion choice: it's all about baijiu, the old/new Chinese sorghum spirit and the everlasting love of the Far East for anything fermented. Lao-lao, the unspeakable Laotian homemade rice whisky, comes immediately to the mind of this blogger: the last bottle I saw, somewhere along the unexploded ordnance ridden Route 13, had a plump snake inside, as a naïve Viagra of sorts. Took a mouthful and thought I was going to die - but when spending the night in a longhouse with the Tai Lü people, you can't afford a faux-pas, can you? /end of travel memories intermezzo
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By all my estimations, The Tasting Alliance is very profitable business. Let's unpack ( for current fees, see source: https://callingallcontestants.com/contest/2023-san-francisco-world-spirits-competition/):
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Considering the 500 USD fee /entry (550, in 2023) in the competition and the fact that in 2022 there were approximately 5000 entries in the Frisco spirits' competition, we have a very rough turnover estimation of 500x5000= 2.5 million USD. That figure is just for one of the spirits competitions, mind you, and does not take into account what the winners probably pay for the right to mention their medals on their bottles (I am yet to see them on the SS gin bottles, btw), nor the multiple sidekick profit (e-shop sales, consulting and/or other distribution deals, etc). So, at the end of the day, I would comfortably multiply that base by 4, assuming a similar scale for all the other events they organize, which takes the yearly turnover at around 10 million USD and keeping in mind this is very probably a conservative estimation. I also assume costs are negligible, taking into account the discretion with which major players traditionally operate on that particular niche. Real expenses are probably limited to the activity of a handful of offices, sparingly and intelligently staffed. Advertisement is probably bartered and social media, well... you just saw the effort, haven't you?
But then there's the brand's real power on that market and this is the right time to talk about influence and impact. Perhaps this recent (2021) Men's Journal article will help us see better: https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/inside-the-san-francisco-world-spirits-competition
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With a bit of luck, this could happen:
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Sounds familiar? Of course and I bet that was S's strategy. If you imagined him doing the same exhausting booze tour every year (groping on top and seriously cringe on the sides), I think you might want to reconsider. I told you Sassenach Summer was a sandbox for more serious things to come and until now I have no reasons to change my mind. He did it for a reason and, mind you, that reason is not that the booze did or does not sell. It does. Restaurants start to feature it. Podcasts are being produced. The press starts to mention it (that recent New York Times article is evidence enough). This is not Lucky Luciano dealing in bootleg alcohol during the Prohibition and making obscene money over a fortnight. This is a serious business project that was delayed by COVID. That's all. And it takes time and patience and consistence. We know he has all those aplenty.
We also have the totally inane take on production costs for that podcast. It suddenly made me remember again my media expert past. It is with complete and educated confidence that I tell you: a potential 5K USD extra cost for renting that damn suite for the day is peanuts, even for a two-minute clip (let alone, in reality, a podcast interview, and I stand corrected if wrong), if such costs are covered by The Tasting Alliance. But my money is on a barter with The Shutters on the Beach, which would be, again, common business practice.
Second scenario: 'Shutters comped the room for free promo (...) for an actor most people haven't heard of.' You can throw timelines down my throat as many times as you wish and tell me he already stayed there several times and yell and screech, but here is what I think. Shutters didn't comp that suite for S, an actor most people haven't heard of, a decent, hard working start-up entrepreneur. If so (I doubt it), it would be logical to think Shutters comped that suite for The Tasting Alliance, which has a long documented history of partnerships with hotels that host their competitions:
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So Shutters might have comped that room for a major player of the alcohol lobby world, happy that S, a returning client, picked them out of several possible options, because it was convenient. I don't believe for a second he stayed there.
This guy knows what he's doing and C's gin success completely depends and I bet will rely on that relentless networking effort. If anything, the Keepers of the Quaich recent development is only confirmation of all the above. But that's another story - very soon on this page.
IYKYK. The rest is uneducated cackle. But Mordor people were never the brightest bulbs in the fandom's chandelier, were they?
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sircesimblr · 4 months
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Good-day to you Watchers, Authors and Readers! I, Miss Manon de La Haye, have come to you with a little story about love. Don't we all know a little about it? Don't we all seek it?
Well, it came to my attention that Miss Rachel Murray, one of the dearest sweetest sims around, needs a little help. So I guess, that's reason enough for my Watcher, to pull me out of the quiet and comfort of my Praaven home - I run the county's orphanage, so it isn't all that comfortable and quiet, I can tell you, wasn't I plucking my little nibbles from the ground left and right to finally get them in, or at least near, the classroom, right before I ended up on this windy, desolate, what is this here anyways, an atoll or something? - to present to lovely Rachel and her Author @kimmiessimmies a few, fine, fine, exquisite gentlemen from my Watcher's saves, to get to know, and maybe, in the future, grow to love.
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Aww, love...
It's all too late for me - well, not entirely my fault, it's the men, the gentle-men in Praaven of course, not me, they're all either bastards, philanderers or straight up empty-headed nutcrackers, OR they are so devotedly and faithfully married, that a woman like me melts at the sight of such a pair, I won't even think of breaking up such a..., well, I won't, no, I have my little nibbles and that's enough, that's love too -
But it isn't too late for Rachel! This young, sweet, intelligent woman with a heart of gold, set up a profile on an inter-net da-ting-site - whatever that might be - to find someone. And of course we'll help, and maybe you will too? Click here - I really have to say "click here", goodness me, I have no idea why, though - to see and contact her.
So, with due pride and joy, I hereby present: The Gentlemen!
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Oh! Oh, they're not from Praaven! Oh, my! No, they're definitely NOT from Praaven! Well, that's a good thing, Rachel, they're... They are...
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... absolutely charming!
(meet them tomorrow, in the next episode of this intermezzo AU mini story!)
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Hey! Are there any fics where Aziriphale and Crowley are already together but people / someone doesn’t know and like they find out? Thank you🤍
Hello! Here are some fics where their secret relationship gets found out...
A Tale of Two Professors by Aziwaphale (G)
Professor Fell teaches English Literature, he's the students favourite, kind and warm and always putting his students first.
Professor Crowley teaches Botany and tends to scare the first years when he yells at his plants.
They're both married, but the students can't seem to piece together that they're married to each other, not different people.
Better With You by WordsInTimeAndSpace (M)
Due to a petty feud between their respective department heads, Crowley and Aziraphale have been hiding their friendship for months. When they’re suddenly stuck in lockdown amidst a pandemic, Crowley is not coping well. Thankfully, Aziraphale is there for him - but their changing relationship means that keeping secrets from their bosses only becomes more of a challenge.
A Game of Rivalry by Spaceytrash (M)
Aziraphale Seraph and Anthony Crowley are both CEOs of their respective tech companies, with an age long rivalry to boot. At least that’s what the media thought. In reality their rivalry was nothing more than a game but what happens if the press finds out about that?
From Eden by allonsy_gabriel (T)
The first time Mr. Asa Z. Fell met Mr. Anthony J. Crowley, it was the twenty-first of October, 1872, they were both fourteen years old, and the latter boy had just climbed his way up onto Asa’s balcony with a slanted grin and said, “Well, that went down like a lead balloon."
A story about friendships, willow trees, anonymous letters, and discovering love against all odds.
Intermezzo by FeralTuxedo (E)
Music critic Aziraphale Fell is trying to break into the world of television, when he is signed to make a documentary about former-rockstar-turned-composer Anthony Crowley. It’s been eleven years since Aziraphale’s disastrous review of Crowley’s debut opera nipped his classical music career in the bud. He can only hope that Crowley will get over his admittedly justified grudge to make the TV show a success.
A classical music sex comedy. Yes, really.
The Big British Baking Bash by Caedmon (E)
Crowley (and Fergus) are hosts of the Big British Baking Bash, the most popular baking show on television. Aziraphale is a baker who has been selected to compete, and everyone is quarantined for nine weeks because of covid.
What on Earth is going to happen?
- Mod D
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Underwater Love
~ Chapter 5 ~
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Before, when and after Ji Ho got bitten by a Vampire
(my nightmare chapter!) We were just peacefully doing our stuff when it happened and it turned the story upside down. We are still - and will always be - affected by this.
Contains the short chapters: (in chronological order)
When Ji Ho Got Bitten By A Vampire
A Dayout to Plumbite Pier
Ji Ho Leaves
The Duel
Claiming Ji Ho
'He say I know you, you know me One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together, right now, over me'
Come Together - The Beatles from the Abbey Road Album (which cover we were about to recreate when Ji Ho got bitten...) (this song is so so good)
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 5-1
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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feraltuxedo · 1 year
A navelgazing 2022 Fic Review in Tropes
I wrote and published 13 Good Omens fics in 2022, so I thought I'd have a somewhat self-absorbed look at the tropes and tags I used the most in my writing:
Alternate Universe - Human (13/13) No surprise there. I've never written a canon-compliant fic. Maybe that will change with the release of Good Omens 2 this summer? I doubt it, but who knows...
Smut (7/13) I wrote 8 E-rated fics last year, so clearly one of them has not been properly tagged... I definitely leaned into the more smutty side of fanfic in 2022, and even challenged myself to write one fic that was very smut forward indeed (Intermezzo).
Getting Together (5/13), Casual Sex (4/13) and Meet-Cute (5/13) Turns out, I prefer writing stories of first meetings rather than established relationships. Especially my shorter fics are much more likely to end before any real romance has the chance to develop. The one that leaned most into this trope is probably Something Borrowed, which starts with a one-night stand and ends with a wedding, but not in the way you're imagining right now.
POV Crowley (6/13) The result of a conscious decision to write more from his point of view. I still haven't written a long fic that wasn't POV Aziraphale, so that's a goal for 2023. I did, however, experiment for the first time with dual POV in First Thing In the Morning
And finally, some popular tropes and genres I checked off my bucket list last year: Kid Fic (Fledging), Coffeeshop (Served Cold), Historical (All My Heart Is Yours), Dystopian and Sex Worker (both Summer's End).
And some that I am hoping to indulge in some more in 2023: Historical (two of my current WIPs are set in the past), Rom-Com (the cheesier, the better), and Established Relationship (because I love a challenge).
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queeerpoetssociety · 11 months
things i am looking forward to that will keep away (and fuel) my depression that's working the graveyard shift
here we go again - april 2
funny story - may 14
the pairing - august 6
when haru was here - september 3
intermezzo - september
heartstopper vol. 6
dune part two - march 1
young royals forever - march 18
d-day: the movie - april 18 and 20
the idea of you - may 2
turtles all the way down - may 2
joker: folie à deux - october 4
recipe for love
i wish you all the best
mary and george - march 5
queen of tears - march 9
young royals s3 - march 18
hope on the street - march 27 onwards
ripley - april 4
heeramandi - may 1
agatha: coven of chaos
heartstopper s3 - october
hope on the street vol. 1 - march 29
found heaven - april 5
the tortured poets department - april 19
hit me hard and soft - may 17
reputation (taylor's version)
debut (taylor's version)
"closer than this" by jimin - december 22, 10:30 am
"wherever u r" by umi (ft. v of bts) - december 30, 10:30 am
fri(end)s - march 15, 9:30 am
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Human, All Too Human
In praise of Ingrid Bergman. By Sarah Kerr "The Billy Rose Tribute to Ingrid Bergman" Museum of Modern Art, New York City Dec. 22, 1997-Jan. 11, 1998 Ingrid Bergman had the greatest downcast eyes in history. That's what I concluded, anyway, when I first fell under the spell of old Hollywood movies and started making up trivia questions about actors and actresses as if they were the Brooklyn Dodgers. I'm not the only one who feels this way, either. Mention Bergman to a female cinephile and she'll let out a sad, admiring sigh. Barbara Stanwyck and Bette Davis had more zing, Carole Lombard and Katharine Hepburn were wittier, Joan Crawford had a certain compelling insanity, but Ingrid Bergman felt. She got her greatest effects in Casablanca and Gaslight and Spellbound and Notorious by swooping her eyes down to the floor and darting them back and forth, as if watching a mouse scurry across the room. She was the classic example of an intelligent, dignified woman turned by love into a big fluttering nerve.
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O n the basis of triumphs like A Woman's Face, David O. Selznick brought her over in 1939. When she refused to pluck her eyebrows and had trouble slimming down (with a rather charming lack of vanity, she binged on ice cream and cookies to calm anxiety), Selznick introduced his new Swedish export as a wholesome Greta Garbo--what Garbo might had been like if she'd grown up on a jolly farm. There followed striking performances in a string of heavy-handed movies (Intermezzo, 1939; For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1943; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1941) and then Casablanca (1942), which went so badly during the filming that everyone involved was sure it would be the bomb of the year. During the entire shoot, no one ever told Bergman whether her character, Ilsa, was supposed to be in love with her brave, freedom-fighting French husband (Paul Henreid) or with Rick (Humphrey Bogart), the American she used to love, who had turned into a bitter cynic. Bergman was naturally frustrated and confused--she considered leaving the picture--but her uncertainty translated on-screen into a gorgeously accurate portrait of the way lovers swing back and forth between longing and the fear of too much pain.
The story behind Casablanca is so often told that it wouldn't be worth retelling if frustration and uncertainty did not become the hallmarks of Bergman's high-Hollywood style. Sadly, perhaps, she was at her best playing a woman in love with a man who won't let her know where she stands. In Gaslight (1944), she was a loyal wife to suave Charles Boyer, who slowly poisoned her and led her to believe she was going mad. In two collaborations with Alfred Hitchcock, she helped nudge the filmmaker toward his darker, late style, which pivots around a self-possessed heroine whose resistance to love needs to be broken down--often brutally. Like a piece of fancy candy, Bergman had a tough and shiny outside and an inside of bubbling goo. In Spellbound (1945), she was an overly intellectual psychiatrist who loses her cool when she falls for a colleague (Gregory Peck) who may be an insane killer. But her greatest role was in Notorious (1946), as Alicia Huberman, a self-loathing, hard-drinking daughter of a German spy who gets coerced into espionage herself by a U.S. agent (Cary Grant). He's too proud to admit that he loves her, so he encourages her to prostitute herself and risk her life by marrying the head of a Nazi conspiracy. The ending, in which he realizes she's in danger, breaks into the Nazi's mansion, and finds her rotting with poison (but beautiful as ever in the haunting chiaroscuro), may be the most romantic scene ever committed to film. It's typical Hitchcock and typical Bergman: The heroine must be tortured before she can get her reward.
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Were the movies she made with Rossellini worth this nightmare? Sort of. Rossellini didn't believe in such hidebound concepts as "plot" or "dialogue" or "acting." For their first film together, Stromboli (1950), he asked Bergman to play a sophisticated war refugee who marries a poor Italian fisherman and feels trapped by his backwardness. He sent the actress to a tiny, parched island; surrounded her with amateurs; and told her to make the whole thing up. The result was simultaneously poetic and dull, natural and pretentious. The sound quality was terrible, the dialogue flat and awkward. But Stromboli was a little like an early personal computer: It was clumsy and painfully slow, but in its scriptless wanderings, it hinted at a powerful new freedom. A generation later it was cited as an inspiration by pioneers of the French New Wave.
Bergman made four more films with Rossellini; the two I have seen are intriguing and dull. Then they split, and she survived by performing on the European stage until the United States finally allowed her back in in 1956. She made a number of Hollywood films, a few of which MOMA showed, most of which are charming but disappointingly lightweight. Because she was so unfairly punished for the Rossellini affair, there's a temptation to elevate the reputation of her less celebrated films, to point out the bounty of interesting work that Americans have missed out on or ignored in favor of chestnuts like Casablanca. But I think she did her best and most unique work in 1940s Hollywood. When Bergman arrived, leading actresses were superwomen, admirable but hyperstylized, like Garbo or Hepburn. After 1949, the year she left, they tended to split into two equally fantastical categories: big-breasted bimbos (Lana Turner, Marilyn Monroe) and anorexic princesses (Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn). In the middle was the supremely human Ingrid Bergman, sane but soulful, vulnerable but always able to attract and hold the love of men and audiences, for the simple reason that she deserved it.
Photographs of: Bogart and Bergman in Casablanca from Corbis-Bettmann; Bergman and Grant in Notorious, Bergman and Rossellini from UPI/Corbis-Bettmann.
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colorhollywood · 26 days
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Leslie Howard as Holger Brandt, and Ingrid Bergman (1915–1982) as Anita Hoffman
Film: Intermezzo (1939)
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missameliep · 2 years
I'm going to cheat by not telling you anonymously and mentioning my four faves: Netflix and Cafuné, If I Fell, Intermezzo, Somewhere In Time. In no particular order because I can't choose 🫣 all these stories show different sides of Hamid x Elizabeth and I love all of them.
Honorable mentions to Bad Liar and Rapunzel just because (I told you I'd cheat 😁)
Have a lovely weekend, Dani ❤️
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Awww, Loriiiiiiii! You can cheat all you want if you're gonna drop this many compliments ❤️
Thank you soooooo much!
A lovely weekend to you too, amiga! 😘
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tuiyla · 2 years
I don't have much thoughts on s2 comhet that you won't, but what about post-outing Santana? Why does she still comment on how attractive man are all the godamn time?
Would love if you touch on that in your long-awaited essay.
So I actually won't touch on that in comphet part II as I have a rather strict "stick to season 2" policy. Trust me, it will be long enough and I feel that bringing in later seasons stuff would make things messier. BUT, I do think it's an interesting topic to bring up in relation to Santana's comphet so thank you, Anon.
To keep a long story short for now and maybe return to this in the form of an intermezzo or an epilogue of sorts (just let me know and we can talk about all the instances case by case), I don't hate all the examples of Santana commenting on men in later seasons. Mainly because they have the easy Doylist reasoning of "how do we get across that this guy is really hot" and I don't take them too seriously. I think it's sometimes the fans who take things Santana says literally and take it to mean that she genuinely is attracted to Mall Santa or whatever. Were the writers being dickheads, sure, but it's easy enough to dismiss these.
Sure, I loathe the Sam body roll example from 3x08 but I think something like her Biff one from 5x12 is so clearly a joke. Does it have unfortunate connotations and are those worthy of exploring if that's something you guys wanna read, yeah. And I think there were better ways of going about that but that joke to me is prime example of the fans taking something too seriously, as in believing Santana when she's on her bullshit. There are other instances of misinterpretation that annoy me more, such as people believing her when she says she's a badass. Not to be That Fan, but girl is deeper than she seems and often doesn't say what's actually true.
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(rewatching this scene made me remember that right after this Mike introduces himslef as "Asian dancer" so... yeah)
Don't get me wrong I think there is a comphet reading to these Anon and I'm appreciative that you pointed it out, but I find these comments mostly easy to dismiss. And because we have to do all the work with Glee, I can even find a strange sense of empowerment for Santana in them. I dig deep when it comes to her.
I think season 3 and post-outing Santana in general is worth talking about but I feel it would be less about comphet and more about... writers' incompetence and Santana's continued sexualization as framed by the male gaze even as an out lesbian. And trust me there's a lot to be said about that, I just think it's a different topic.
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marblecarved · 2 years
@wuhlfruin sent a letter to minerva mcgonagall: ‘‘ it’s good to be home. ’’ 
prompt: intermezzo, a love story.
Home. Her words prompt Minerva to turn her head and direct a smile at her — however, busy as she is with pouring tea into both their teacups, it comes out more as a distracted hint of one.
❝ Well, ❞ Miss Reed... ? No, Lyra ? It is going to take some time for Minerva to remember that her interlocutor is no longer a student of hers, but rather a colleague, and there is no longer a need for such formalities. But ❝ Miss Reed, ❞ will do for the moment, and the hardness with which she pronounces the dee makes her hesitation in referring to her by her first name more apparent. ❝ It has been a long time, ❞ now that both teacups are full — Minerva places one in front Lyra with a quiet here, and the other in front of herself before taking a seat anew in a swish of emerald. Between the teacups is a sugar bowl, a small pitcher of milk and a plate full of treats that Minerva, clueless of her tastes, hopes she will like. ❝ But I, for one, am quite glad to see you again, ❞ another smile — this one not as distracted as the former. ❝ Welcome back to Hogwarts, Miss Reed. I look forward to working with you this year. ❞
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kevlarcrack3d · 4 months
I swear to God the Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana is a piece I discovered in August and holy shit does it make me cry. It sounds like each and every great love story in the history of mankind, tragic or happy, toxic or functional, fictional or real, playing in the background 😭😭😭.
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bestmattressbedonline · 5 months
A Symphony of Love: Our Harmonious Wedding Bundle Collection
Planning a wedding can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. From choosing the perfect venue to selecting the most exquisite flowers, every detail contributes to the harmonious symphony of your special day. At the heart of this symphony lies our exclusive Wedding Bundle collection – a carefully curated ensemble of elements designed to orchestrate a seamless celebration of love. Join us as we explore the crescendo of emotions and elegance in each section of our bundle.
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The Overture: Introducing Our Wedding Bundle Collection
Embark on this musical journey with the grand overture of our Wedding Bundle collection. Each bundle is a harmonious composition of essential elements that bring together the symphony of your wedding day. From invitations that sing with sophistication to stunning decorations that dance with enchantment, our collection is a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled. The Wedding Bundle is not just a package; it's a melodic narrative of your love story.
The Prelude: Invitations That Set the Tone
The first note in our symphony is struck by the wedding invitations. These aren't just pieces of paper; they are the prelude to the grand celebration of love. Our Wedding Bundle includes meticulously crafted invitations that set the tone for the entire event. With designs ranging from timeless elegance to modern chic, each invitation whispers the promise of a magical day to your guests. The Wedding Bundle ensures that the melody of anticipation begins long before the ceremony itself.
The Allegro: Attire that Dances with Elegance
As the tempo rises, the Allegro section of our Wedding Bundle takes center stage. This is where the bride and groom find their attire – garments that dance with elegance and reflect the unique rhythm of their personalities. Our collection includes wedding gowns that billow like the notes of a romantic sonata and suits that resonate with the refined harmony of a classic symphony. The Wedding Bundle ensures that the attire is not just clothing but a key player in the majestic composition of your wedding day.
The Crescendo: Decorations that Echo Romance
The crescendo of our Wedding Bundle resonates in the decorations that transform your venue into a breathtaking masterpiece. From floral arrangements that echo the sweetness of a serenade to ambient lighting that bathes the space in a warm glow, every detail is designed to amplify the romantic crescendo of your union. The Wedding Bundle turns your venue into a visual symphony, enveloping your guests in the enchanting melody of love.
The Intermezzo: Capturing Moments in Melodic Photographs
Amidst the jubilant celebration, our Wedding Bundle includes an intermezzo – a moment to capture the melodic memories. Our photography package ensures that every note of joy, every tear of happiness, and every smile is immortalized in a visual symphony. Our skilled photographers use their lenses to compose a story, creating a harmonious blend of candid and posed shots that narrate the tale of your special day. The Wedding Bundle ensures that the intermezzo is a timeless pause in the melody of your wedding.
The Finale: Culinary Delights That Taste Like Love
As the symphony reaches its peak, the grand finale is a feast that tantalizes the taste buds. Our Wedding Bundle includes a culinary experience that is nothing short of a gastronomic symphony. From delectable appetizers that tease the palate to a main course that satisfies every craving, our catering services are the crescendo that completes the celebration. The Wedding Bundle ensures that the finale is a harmonious blend of flavors, mirroring the diverse and beautiful notes of your love story.
Coda: The Everlasting Echo of Love
As the final notes of the wedding day resonate, our Wedding Bundle leaves you with an everlasting echo of love. The coda of this symphony is the beginning of a new chapter, and our bundle ensures that every detail is a harmonious memory etched in the hearts of all who attended. The Wedding Bundle isn't just a collection of services; it's a masterpiece that elevates your wedding day into a timeless symphony of love.
In conclusion, A Symphony of Love: Our Harmonious Wedding Bundle Collection is not just about the products and services it offers. It's about curating an experience that orchestrates the most beautiful day of your life, turning it into a melody that resonates with love, joy, and everlasting memories. With our Wedding Bundle, your wedding day becomes a harmonious masterpiece – a celebration of love that echoes through time.
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