#intersex lit
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
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Middlesex tells the breathtaking story of Calliope Stephanides, and three generations of the Greek-American Stephanides family, who travel from a tiny village overlooking Mount Olympus in Asia Minor to Prohibition-era Detroit, witnessing its glory days as the Motor City and the race riots of 1967 before moving out to the tree-lined streets of suburban Grosse Pointe, Michigan. To understand why Calliope is not like other girls, she has to uncover a guilty family secret, and the astonishing genetic history that turns Callie into Cal, one of the most audacious and wondrous narrators in contemporary fiction. Lyrical and thrilling, Middlesex is an exhilarating reinvention of the American epic.
Mod opinion: I've read this book for a college course on trans stories and I didn't really like it (the other book we read in its entirety for the course was stone butch blues though, so it had tough competition, but I really did not enjoy middlesex because it treats the intersex character horribly). Also note that this book is heavily criticised by intersex activist for its interphobia and fetishization of intersex bodies.
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intersexbookclub · 3 months
Summary: Chapter 4 of Critical Intersex
For many of us, Chapter 4 of Critical Intersex (2009) turned out to be a particularly rich source of information about intersex history. So I (Elizabeth) have decided to give a fairly detailed summary of the chapter because I think it’s important to get that info out there. I’m gonna give a little bit of commentary as I go, and then a summary of our book club discussion of the chapter.
The chapter is titled “(Un)Queering identity: the biosocial production of intersex/DSD” by Alyson K. Spurgas. It is a history of ISNA, the Intersex Society of North America, and how it went from being a force for intersex liberation to selling out the movement in favour of medicalization. (See here for summary of the other chapters we read of the book!)
Our high level reactions:
Elizabeth (@ipso-faculty): Until I read chapter 4, I didn't really realise how reactionary “DSD” was. It hadn't been clear to me how much it was a response to the beginning of an organized intersex advocacy movement in the United States.
Michelle (@scifimagpie): I could feel the fury in the writer's tone. It was a real barn burner.
Also Michelle: the fuckin' respectability politics of DSD really got under my skin, as a term! I know the importance, as a queer person, of not forcing people to ID as queer, but this was a lot.
Introducing the chapter
The introduction sets the tone by talking about how in the Victorian era there was a historical shift from intersex being a religious/juridical issue to a pathology, and how this was intensified in the 1950s with John Money’s invention of the optimal gender rearing model. 
Spurgas briefly discusses how the OGR model is harmful to intersex people, and how it iatrogenically produces sexual dysfunction and gender dysphoria. “Iatrogenic” means caused by medicine; iatrogenesis is the production of disease or other side-effects as a result of medical intervention.
This sets scene for why in the early 1990s, Cheryl Chase and other intersex activists founded the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA). It had started as a support group, and morphed significantly over its lifetime. ISNA closed up shop in 2008.
Initially, ISNA was what we’d now call interliberationist. They were anti-pathologization. Their stance was that intersexuality is not itself pathological and the wellbeing of intersex people is endangered by medical intervention. They organized around the abolition of surgical intervention. They also created fora like Hermaphrodites With Attitude for the deconstruction of bodies/sexes/genders and development of an intersex identity that was inherently queer. 
The early ISNA activists explicitly aligned intersexuality in solidarity with LGB and transgender organizing. There was a belief that similar to LGBT organizing, once intersex people got enough visibility and consciousness-raising, people would “come out” in greater numbers (p100).
By the end of the 90s, however, many intersex people were actively rejecting being seen as queer and as political subjects/actors. The organization had become instead aligned with surgeons and clinicians, had replaced “intersex” with “DSD” in their language.
By the time ISNA disbanded in 2008 they had leaned in hard on a so-called “pragmatic” / “harm reduction” model / “children’s rights perspective”. The view was that since infants in Western countries are “born medical subjects as it is” (p100)
Where did DSD come from? 
In 2005, the term “disorders of sexual differentiation” had been recently coined in an article by Alice Dreger, Cheryl Chase, “and three other clinicians associated with the ISNA… [so as] to ‘label the condition rather than the person’” (p101). Dreger et al thought that intersex was “not medically accurate” (p101) and that the goal should be effective nomenclature to “sort patients into diagnostically meaningful groups” (p101).
Dreger et al argued that the term intersex “attracts the interest of a large number of people whose interest is based on a sexual fetish and people who suffer from delusions about their own medical histories” (Dreger et al quoted on p101)
Per Spurgas, Dreger et al had an explicit agenda of “distancing intersex activism from queer and transgressive sex/gender politics and instead in supporting Western medical productions of intersexuality” (p102). In other words: they were intermedicalists.
According to Dreger et al, an alignment with medicine is strategically important because intersex people often require medical attention, and hence need to be legible to clinicians. “For those in favor of the transition to DSD, intersex is first and foremost a disorder requiring medical treatment” (p102)
Later in 2005 there was a “Intersex Consensus Meeting” organized by a society of paediatricians and endocrinologists. Fifty “experts” were assembled from ten countries (p101)... with a grand total of two actually intersex people in attendance (Cheryl Chase and Barbara Thomas, from XY-Frauen). 
At the meeting, they agreed to adopt the term DSD along with a “‘patient-centred’ and ‘evidence-based’ treatment protocol” to replace the OGR treatment model (p101)
In 2006, a consortium of American clinicians and bioethicists was formed and created clinical guidelines for treating DSDs. They defined DSD quite narrowly: if your gonads or genitals don’t match your gender, or you have a sex chromosome anomaly. So no hormonal variations like hyperandrogenism allowed.
The pro-DSD movement: it was mostly doctors
Spurgas quotes the consortium: “note that the term ‘intersex’ is avoided here because of its imprecision” (p102) - our highlight. There’s a lot of doctors hating on intersex for being a category of political organizing that gets encoded as the category is “imprecise” 👀
Spurgas gets into how the doctors dressed up their re-pathologization of intersex as “patient centred” (p103) - remember this is being led by doctors, not patients, and any intersex inclusion was tokenistic. (Elizabeth: it was amazing how much bs this was.)
As Spurgas puts it, the pro-DSD movement “represents an abandonment of the desire for a pan-intersexual/queer identity and an embrace of the complete medicalization of intersex… the intersex individual is now to be understood fundamentally as a patient” (p103)
Around the same time some paediatricians almost came close to publicly advocating against infant genital mutilation by denouoncing some infant surgeries. Spurgas notes they recommended “that intersex individuals be subjected (or self-subject) to extensive psychological/psychiatric, hormonal, steroidal and other medical” interventions for the rest of their lives (p103).
This call to instead focus on non-surgical medical interventions then got amplified by other clinicians and intermedicalist intersex advocacy organizations.
The push for non-surgical pathologization hence wound up as a sort of “compromise” path - it satisfied the intermedicalists and anti-queer intersex activists, and had the allure of collaborating with doctors to end infant surgeries. (Note: It is 2024 and infant surgeries are still a thing 😡.)
The pro-DSD camp within the intersex community
Spurgas then goes on to get into the discursive politics of DSD. There’s some definite transphobia in the push for “people with DSDs are simply men and women who happen to have congenital birth conditions” (p104). (Summarizer’s note: this language is still employed by anti-trans activists.)
The pro-DSD camp claimed that it was “a logical step in the ‘evolution in thinking’” 💩 and that it would be a more “humane” treatment model (p105) 💩
Also that “parents and doctors are not going to want to give a child a label with a politicized meaning” (p104) which really gives the game away doesn’t it? Intersex people have started raising consciousness, demanding their rights, and asserting they are not broken, so now the poor doctors can’t use the label as a diagnosis. 🤮
Spurgas quotes Emi Koyama, an intermedicalist who emphasized how “most intersex people identify as ‘perfectly ordinary, heterosexual, non-trans men and women’” (p104) along with a whole bunch of other quotes that are obviously queerphobic. Note from Elizabeth: I’m not gonna repeat it all because it’s gross. In my kindest reading of this section, it reads like gender dysphoria for being mistaken as genderqueer, but instead of that being a source of solidarity with genderqueers it is used as a form of dual closure (when a minority group goes out of its way to oppress a more marginalized group in order to try and get acceptance with the majority group).
Koyama and Dreger were explicitly anti-trans, and viewed intergender type stuff as “a ‘trans co-optation’ of intersex identity” (p105) 🤮
Most intersex people resisted “DSD” from its creation
On page 106, Spurgas shifts to talking about how a lot intersex people were resistant to the DSD shift. Organization Intersex International (OII) and Bodies Like Ours (BLO) were highly critical of the shift! 💛 BLO in particular noted that 80-90% of their website users were against the DSD term. Note from Elizabeth: indeed, every survey I’ve seen on the subject has been overwhelmingly against DSD - a 2015 IHRA survey found only 3% of intersex Australians favoured the DSD term.
Proponents of “intersex” over “DSD” testified to it being depathologizing. They called out the medicalization as such: that it serves to reinforce that “intersex people don’t exist” (David Cameron, p107), that it is damaging to be “told they have a disorder” (Esther Leidolf, p107), that there is “a purposeful conflation of treatment for ‘health reasons’ and ‘cosmetic reasons’ (Curtis Hinkle, p107), and that it’s being pushed mainly by perisex people as a reactionary, assimilationist endeavour (ibid).
Interliberationism never went away - intersex people kept pushing for 🌈 queer solidarity 🌈 and depathologization - even though ISNA, the largest intersex advocacy organization, had abandoned this position.
Spurgas describes how a lot of criticism of DSD came from non-Anglophone intersex groups, that the term is even worse in a lot of languages - it connotes “disturbed” in German and has an ambiguity with pedophilia and fetishism in French (p111).
The DSD push was basically entirely USA-based, with little international consultation (p111). Spurgas briefly addresses the imperialism inherent in the “DSD” term on pages 118/119.
Other noteworthy positions in the DSD debate
Spurgas gives a well-deserved shout out to the doctors who opposed the push to DSD, who mostly came from psychiatry and opposed it on the grounds that the pathologization would be psychologically damaging and that intersex patients “have taken comfort (and in many cases, pride) in their (pan-)intersex identity” (p108) 🌈 - Elizabeth: yay, psychiatrists doing their job! 
Interestingly, both sides of the DSD issue apparently have invoked disability studies/rights for their side: Koyama claimed DSD would herald the beginning of a disability rights based era of intersex activism (p109) while anti-DSDers noted the importance in disability rights in moving away from pathologization (p109).
Those who didn’t like DSD but who saw a strategic purpose for it argued it would “preser[ve] the psychic comfort of parents”, that there is basically a necessity to coddle the parents of intersex children in order to protect the children from their parents. (p110) 
Some proposed less pathologizing alternatives like “variations of sex development” and “divergence of sex development” (p110)
The DSD treatment model and the intersex treadmill
Remember all intersex groups were united that sex assignment surgery on infants needs to be abolished. The DSD framework that was sold as a shift away from surgical intervention, but it never actually eradicated it as an option (p112).  Indeed, it keeps ambiguous the difference between medically necessary surgical intervention and culturally desired cosmetic surgery (p112). (Note from Elizabeth: funny how *this* ambiguity is acceptable to doctors.)
What DSD really changed was a shift from “fixing” the child with surgery to instead providing “lifelong ‘management’ to continue passing” (p112), resulting in more medical intervention, such as through hormonal and behavioural therapies to “[keep] it in remission” (p113).
Cheryl Chase coined the “intersex treadmill’: the never-ending drive to fit within a normative sex category (p113), which Spurgas deploys to talk about the proliferation of “lifelong treatments” and how it creates the need for constant surveillance of intersex bodies (p114). Medical specialization adds to the proliferation, as one needs increasingly more specialists who have increasingly narrow specialties.
There’s a cruel irony in how the DSD model pushes for lifelong psychiatric and psychological care of intersex patients so as to attend to the PTSD that is caused by medical intervention. (p115) It pushes a capitalistic model where as much money can be milked as possible out of intersex patients (p116).
The DSD treatment model, if it encourages patients to find community at all, hence pushes condition-specific medical support groups rather than pan-intersex advocacy groups (p115)
Other stuff in the chapter
Spurgas does more Foucault-ing at the end of the chapter. Highlight: “The intersex/DSD body is a site of biosocial contestation over which ways of knowing not only truth of sex, but the truth of the self, are fought. Both intelligibility and tangible resources are the prizes accorded to the winner(s) of the battle over truth of sex” (p117)
There’s some stuff on the patient-as-consumer that didn’t really land with anybody at the book club meeting - we’re mostly Canadians and the idea of patient-as-consumer isn’t relatable. Ei noted it isn’t even that relatable from their position as an American.
Having now summarized the chapter, here's a summary of our discussion at book club...
Opening reactions
Michelle (M): the way the main lady involved became medicalized really made my heart sink, reading that.
Elizabeth (E): I do remember some discussion of intersex people in the 90s, and it never really grew in the way that other queer identities did! This has kind of helped for me to understand what the fuck happened here.
E: It was definitely a very insightful reading on that part, while being absolutely outraging. I didn't know, but I guess I wasn't surprised at how pivotal US-centrism was. The author was talking about "North American centric" though but always meant the United States!!! Canada was just not part of this! They even make mention of Quebec as separate and one of the opposing regions. I was like, What are you doing here, America? You are not the entirety of our continent!!!
E: The feedback from non-Anglophone intersex advocates that DSD does not translate was something that I was like, "Yes!" For me, when I read the French term - that sounded like something that would include vaginismus, erectile dysfunction - it sounds far more general and negative.
M: the fuckin' respectability politics of DSD really got under my skin, as a term! I know the importance, as a queer person, of not forcing people to ID as queer, but this was a lot.
E: it was very assimilationist in a way that was very upsetting. I knew intellectually that this was going on. There was such a distinct advocacy push for that. The coddling of parents and doctors at the expense of intersex people was such a theme of this chapter, in a way that was very upsetting. They started out with this goal of intersex liberation, and instead, wound up coddling parents and doctors.
M: I feel like there's a real ableist parallel to the autism movement here… It dovetails with how the autism movement was like, "Aww, we're sorry about your emotionless monster baby! This must be so hard for you [parents]!" And it felt like "aw, it's okay, we'll fix your baby so they can interface with heterosexuality!" [Note: both of us are neurodivergent]
E: A lot of intersexism is a fear that you're going to have a queer child, both in terms of orientation and gender.
E: You cannot have intersex liberation without putting an end to homophobia and transphobia.
M: We're such natural allies there!
E: I understand that there are these very dysphoric ipsogender or cisgender people, who don't want to be mistaken as trans, but like it or not, their rights are linked to trans people! When I encounter these people, I don't know how to convey, "whether you like it or not, you're not going to get more rights by doing everything you can to be as distant as possible."
M: it reminds me of the movements by some younger queers to adhere to respectability politics.
E: Oh no. There are younger queers who want respectability politics????
M: well, some younger queers are very reactionary about neopronouns and kink at pride. they don't always know the difference between representation and "imposing" kinks on others. In a way, it reminds me of the more intentional rejection of queer weirdos, or queerdos, if you will, by republican gays.
E: I feel like a lot of anti-queerdom that comes out of the ipso and cisgender intersex community reads as very dysphoric to me. That needs to be acknowledged as gender dysphoria.
M: That resonates to me. When I heard about my own androgen imbalance, I was like, "does that mean I'm not a real woman?" And now I would happily say "fuck that question," but we do need an empathy and sensitivity for that experience. Though not tolerance for people who invalidate others, to be honest.
E: The term "iatrogensis" was new to me. The term refers to a disease caused or aggravated by medical intervention.
M: So like a surgical complication, or gender dysphoria caused by improper medical counselling!
The DSD debate
ei: i think the "disorder" discussion is really interesting. in my opinion, if someone feels their intersex condition is a disorder they have every right to label it that way, but if someone does not feel the same they have every right to reject the disorder label. personally i use the label "condition". i don't agree with forcing labels on anyone or stripping them away from anyone either.
M: for me, it felt like a cautionary tale about which labels to accept.
ei: i'm all around very tired of people label policing others and making blanket statements such as "all people who are this have to use this label”... i also use variation sometimes, i tend to go back and forth between variation and condition. I think it's a delicate balance between being sensitive to people's label preferences vs making space for other definitions/communities.
We then spoke about language for a bunch of communities (Black people, non-binary people) for a while
E: one thing that was very harrowing for me about this chapter is that while there was this push to end coercive infant surgery, they basically ceded all of the ground on "interventions" happening from puberty onward. And as someone who has had to fight off coercive medical interventions in puberty, I have a lot of trauma about violent enforcement of femininity and the medical establishment.
ei: i completely agree that it's psychologically harmful tbh…. i was assigned male at birth and my doctors want me to start testosterone to make me more like a perisex male. which is extremely counterproductive because i'm literally transfem and have expressed this many times
Doctors Doing Harm
M: for me, the validation of how doctors can be harmful in this chapter meant a lot.
E: something that surprised me and made me happy was that there were some psychiatrists who spoke out against the DSD label. As someone who routinely hears a lot of anti-psychiatry stuff - because there's a lot of good reason to be skeptical of psychiatry, as a discipline - it was just nice to see some psychiatrists on the right side of things, doing right by their patients. Psychiatrists were making the argument that DSD would be psychologically harmful to a lot of intersex people.
ei: like. being told that something so inherently you, so inherently linked to your identity and sense of self, is a disorder of sexual development, something to be fixed and corrected. that has to be so harmful
ei: like i won't lie i do have a lot of severe trauma surrounding the way i've been treated due to being intersex. but so much of my negative experiences are repetitive smaller things. Like the way people treat me like my only purpose is to teach them about intersex people …. either that or they get really creepy and gross. I’m lucky in that i'm not visibly intersex, so i do have the privilege of choosing who knows. but there's a reason why i usually don't tell people irl.
M: intersex and autism have overlap again about how like, minor presentation can be? As opposed to the sort of monstrous presentation [Carnival barker impression] "Come see the sensational half-man, half-woman! Behold the h-------dite!" And like - the way nonverbal people are also treated feels relevant to that, because that's how autism is often treated, like a freakshow and a pity party for the parents? And it's so dehumanizing. And as someone who might potentially have a nonverbal child, because my wife is expecting and my husband and she both have ADHD - I'm just very fed up with ableism and the perception of monstrosity.
Overall, this was a chapter that had a lot to talk about! See here for our discussion of Chapters 5-7 from the same volume.
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queerfox-tales · 10 months
Okay, I'm not sure what my question is specifically but hopefully someone can help guide me. I'd prefer if those who answer the poll are actually intersex or have heard directly from intersex people but I cannot actually control the internet so.
Anyway, so for a book series I'm starting, I want to have some representation for intersex people. Except I'm not sure how. The character, so far, is a secondary character, part of my "good guys" cast. I don't usually describe bodies in detail so I'm wondering what I can do. Do I just casually find a way to bring up they're intersex and that's it? Do people want to see some of (our) societies issues and discrimination brought up? Do you want details to narrow down which subgroup(?) of intersex they are (I hope that makes sense. I'm not sure how to word it. I've only heard people say that there are many ways to be intersex)? Or do you only want to see deep personal stories of an intersex main character and would actually be offended or something if I made a character happen to be intersex? I have no plans to describe the experience in detail as I know little to nothing about it. I just want to give some representation in some way as I do want to hit several groups in that series that tend to be ignored or portrayed terribly 98-100% of the time.
Also, if you want and feel comfortable to expand on an answer or give me other options, please do. I would love to know and understand more. I tried to learn more recently, moreso cuz I questioned my body due to something I won't share, but wow the lack of info available. ... So ya, comments are very welcomed. DMs to lecture me if maybe you'd like me to go a little personal on the character and you want it accurate and honest (though the story society won't be exactly the same as our world, I will keep some bigger crappy parts). Or maybe you just like teaching people things. I am open.
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lgbtqfiction · 5 months
Requiem of the Rose King
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author: aya kanno
format: manga (with an anime adaptation disliked by fans)
premise: set during the war of roses, this is a loose adaptation of the shakespeare plays henry vi and richard iii, casting richard as an intersex man. haunted by visions, his father his only light, and believing his place to be on the battlefield, we follow richard through his childhood and adulthood as his goal changes to become the english throne, as well as following a large cast of side characters, caught up in unsteady alliances and unfulfilled romantic feelings.
tone & rating: dark, 16+ (nudity, violence)
setting/genre: historical
disclaimers: period-typical homophobia, intersex discrimination, and misogyny (i assume typical, not being a historical expert)
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Hey, can I request an intersex Nat where she accidentally got R pregnant? And then she decided to hide the baby from Nat because she didn't want to burden Natasha or something (idk, you can change the reason), and then 5 years later, Nat was shocked to find R with a child. She did a computation and some research to know that it was her child too! Fluffy ending, please? Sorry for rambling, I just love single mother AUs rn and idk why?? Thank youuu!!
It's never over.
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Warnings: y/s/n (your son's name), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise kink
Pairings: Intersex Natasha x fem reader
Word count: 2.5k
A/n: It has actually been a hot minute since I posted. I'm sorry, but I'm ready for this writing grind to return. This fic is my apology. I'm getting to it if I didn't get to your request. Trust me, I've seen it and probably already started writing it.
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"Fuck baby, I don't have a condom," Natasha tells you while hurriedly taking off her shirt.
You moaned quietly and muttered, "It's fine." Your hands go to Natasha's sweatpants to pull them down. "Just pull out, okay?"
Natasha lets out a low groan in reply to you, and her hands promptly find their way to your bra. In one swift mention, your bra was unclasped and thrown somewhere in the dimly lit bedroom.
Her hand soon came up to your face, tracing your face. Her eyes were glued on you, on how beautiful you were. Her face comes intact with your neck, kissing you slowly. Her lips dragged down and down. Soon, meeting your pelvis. Her head slowly moved back up to look at you. "So pretty baby, love you so much," she muttered. Her fingers traced down your body 'till they got to your clothed cunt. Her middle and index finger glided over your clit, and a soft whine erupted from your mouth.
"Please, Tasha, need you."
"Yeah, baby? I got you, okay?" She murmured out to you. A small kiss was left on your forehead. Natasha's two fingers pulled your panties to the side. Her attention was now on your pussy.
"So wet for me." Her lips curled upwards, forming a proud smirk. She didn't even do anything to you, and she had you dripping.
Her fingers dipped themselves in your hole, and a small gasp left your mouth. You threw your head against the pillow that lay beneath your head.
"Look at me, y/n, how good I'm making you feel." She mutters out to you, immediately drawing her fingers away from your cunt.
"Need your fingers, please." You moan out to her, your head shooting back up to see her in front of you, her two fingers up to her mouth to taste you.
"Taste so fucking good." she sighs out to you. "Need my fingers, baby? How bad do you need them?"
"Really bad, Natasha." Your hips start to buck forward, trying to relieve that ache you had in your core.
Natasha's hand comes to your hips, pushing them back down into the bed. You know you can't do anything about it. She's so much more potent than you. A force of one hand has your hips pinned down.
"Sorr-" Your plead is cut short when you feel her fingers entirely make their way into you. A languid yelp leaves your mouth. Your head shoots back once more.
"Feels good, huh? Bet my cock will feel better, though."
You can't respond back to her, too focused on her fingers that are curling in you. Her fingers pump faster, lewd sounds of your wetness caving the room, echoing every now and then.
Natahsa's free hand moves up to your clit, circling the bud just like she did before.
"So good, Nat, don't stop p-please."
"'M not gonna stop, baby."
As you lay, you feel the muscles in your legs tense up, and your feet shift slightly as your legs come together, creating a subtle but noticeable closure.
"You close y/n?" She whispers in your ear, her body leaning onto you ever so slightly, but enough to feel her hard-on press onto you.
Your voice quivers as you let out a mournful "Mhm." You reach out and grasp her shoulder, fingers digging into her skin. The pressure of your grip is tight, as if you're trying to hold on to something slipping away.
As you near your high, Natasha pulls her fingers out of you. A high-pitched sob leaves your mouth. "N-no, Natasha."
"Shh, it's okay, my love. I gonna make you feel so much better." She mumbles out to you. Her body moves off of you and onto her knees. The tent in her boxers is more noticeable than it was before. Your gaze is fixated on the intricate network of veins coursing down her pelvis, descending further and further out of sight.
She let out a low groan as she moved her boxers down, sliding them off and tossing them somewhere in the room. Her cock sprung out of the piece of clothing, precum leaked from her tip.
"So fucking hard for you, baby, I just want to feel your pussy so bad."
A shattered breath left your mouth as you heard Natahsa's explicit words. Her hand slowly moved up and down on her cock, lowering her head down to use her spit as lube.
She slowly inched her hips closer to you, grabbing ahold of her hard cock. Her tip rubbed in between your folds, teasing for a few more minutes.
"Already feel so good." She sputters, her tip finally coming down to your hole. She takes her time easing into you, her eyes looking at how your pussy takes in all of her cock.
Once Natasha had bottomed out in you, she stilled her hips, giving you time to adjust to her length. "Tell me when I can move, baby, okay?" She softly tells you.
After a few minutes of waiting, you finally adjusted to her.
"O-okay, I'm ready, Nat."
Natasha needs to hear no more, her hips thrusting rhythmically.
"Th-that feels good, Tasha." Your breathing is labored. You can feel the deliberate slowness and shallowness of Natasha's thrusts, as though she is deliberately holding back from unleashing her full power upon you. It's as though she is carefully testing your limits, teasing you with the promise of what could come if she let go.
"Can I do this?" She asks, her eyes filled with anticipation. Her back straightens, and her hands move ever so sneakily, reaching out to grab your thighs.
The silence in the room was palpable, broken only by the sound of a small head slowly nodding.
Her hands pushed your thighs back for a better angle. Her thrusting resumes and her cock hits new depths. Loud moans left your mouth as Natasha's hips grew in speed, her cock aimlessly hitting the spot that you love.
The way you clenched around her had her in a trance. The grip she had on your thighs tightened. A grunt came out of her mouth, and she snapped her hips faster into you. Your hands were trying to search for a place for stability.
"So fucking tight and warm, y/n. C-could be in you forever." She moans out to you.
"Fuck, I'm close, nat." a whine left your mouth as you closed your eyes and focused on all of the pleasure.
"Let me cum inside y/n, please."
You quickly nodded, trying to hide the knot that was forming in your stomach. The overwhelming feeling of unease made it hard to process anything else.
"Gonna cum!"
"Comon, do it, my love, cum for me." She reassures you. You can tell she's close to releasing by how her hips start to, for their own pace, a rhythm. With a few more strong thrusts from Natasha's hips, your orgasm came crashing down. Your back arched off of the bed as you felt Natasha shoot her load into you.
She lays down on top of you and catches her breath. She quickly rolls off of you and moves herself next to you on the suitable bed. Her side is slightly turned so she can look at your face.
"Did so good for me y/n." You feel her soft breath on your face as she leans in and gently presses her lips to your forehead, letting out a soft murmur.
You couldn't help but smile as you turned to face Natasha. She slowly lifted herself off you, her eyes fixed on yours as if trying to decipher your thoughts.
After standing up, she gracefully slips back into her boxers, her every move exuding confidence and poise. She walks into your bathroom with purpose, her eyes scanning the room until she spots a towel, which she swiftly grabs and wets under the tap. She returns to you, her gaze unwavering, and gently cleans you up with the damp towel, her soothing and reassuring touch.
As you lay on your bed, you hear a soft call of "Y/nnn." Turning your head, you see her standing there, a smile forming as she catches your gaze. Closing your eyes, you feel her hands gently cleaning you up, making you feel refreshed and cared for. Soon after, she hops onto the bed and wraps her arms around you from behind, holding you close in a warm embrace. It's a moment of comfort and intimacy that makes you feel safe and loved.
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As you were lost in thought, you were suddenly jolted back to reality by boisterous laughter. You quickly checked your phone to see a message, only to find your son standing before you with a half-eaten Rice Krispie treat in his hand.
"Hey, buddy!" You bellowed out to him. His face lit up as he heard you talking to him.
He looks up at you with a beaming smile and says, "Hi, mama!" His little hands reach up toward you despite your close proximity, signaling his desire to be held in your embrace.
You bend down slightly to pick him up, even more laughter erupting from his tiny body. You quickly pick up the phone you put on the counter to take a picture of y/s/n. Your eyes get lost in the notification on your screen. You quickly forget about it and take a picture of the both of you in your matching Patagonia jackets, hoping you could post it to your Instagram later.
As you set him down on the ground, you turn to him and ask, "Would you like to go get some ice cream?" With a quick nod, he excitedly runs towards the door, nearly stumbling over the scattered toys that litter the floor. You can't help but chuckle at the sight as you make your way over to the accent table where your car keys are displayed.
As you two drove, the car was filled with the loud beats of y/s/n's favorite YouTube music, his laughter growing increasingly raucous as he found something particularly amusing. After a few minutes, we arrived at the ice cream shop, but getting y/s/n out of his seatbelt proved difficult due to all the kicking and squirming.
As you both stepped out of the car, you noticed the small ice cream shop across the street. You helped him out of the car and walked towards the shop. As you entered the tiny shop, the aroma of freshly made waffle cones filled your nostrils. The colorful display of ice cream flavors made your little companion's eyes widen with excitement. He carefully picked out his favorite flavor and waited patiently for you to pay. As you handed over the money, his tiny head looked up at you with gratitude and back at his ice cream, watching it drip from the cone onto his hand. The sound of his happy slurping filled the air as you both savored the moment.
Walking around the ice cream, you turn to your son and say, "Come on, let's find a table." You take his hand and navigate the large crowd, scanning for an available booth. Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening catches your attention. You freeze when you see the girl who just walked in. She looks familiar, like someone you used to know. She stands tall with a confident posture and a mess of long red hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. A few strands fall across her face, framing her sharp features. Dressed in a sleek compression shirt and shorts, she just came from the gym.
As you both stand in the ice cream shop, your eyes meet with a woman scanning the room. Suddenly, her gaze locks onto yours, and you feel a jolt of electricity pass between you. Her eyes slowly drift down to the child standing next to you, and she can't help but notice the resemblance between them. You're unsure what to do, but you feel frozen in place as you stare at each other. When your child tugs at your pants, reminding you that his ice cream is melting, you snap out of your trance and slowly start to move away.
"Mommy, ice cream!" he says loud enough for the girl you know to hear you.
"O-okay, y/s/n, follow me." You quickly find a table. As soon as you sit down, your son is on his tablet, watching PBS Kids to entertain him. And that's when you finally remember it was Natasha. She has changed a lot since you saw her 4 years ago.
Before you can get together to talk to her, she's already at your table. Your son quickly looks up at her and looks back down; his attention is on the ice cream and TV show.
"Y/n?" She whispered out to you. Her voice sounded the same, just as you remembered.
"Hi Natasha, I know that thi-"
"You have a kid now?" Her voice is a little shaky now; if you have to be honest, you feel bad for her. And now that you're face to face with her you start to regret your actions.
You stayed silent for a minute trying to find the right response to tell Natasha.
"Why didn't you tell me y/n? I've waited so long for you."
"I...I don't know Natasha." Our hands touch your face, rubbing it harshly, trying to process what was happening.
"Is he mine, Y/n?" You could tell her nervousness, her breath quickening as she awaited your response. The only thing you could do was nod your head up and down.
"have a seat, Nat." She hesitates momentarily before slowly taking a seat, her mind racing with mixed emotions. The air around you is tense as you wait for her to speak.
"You know I wanted to tell you."
"Why didn't you then? I was never able to get over you, y/n."
"I guess I...I guess I was too scared, Natasha. I didn't want you to ghost me, and I felt like a burden like you wouldn't want to be with me anymore." You looked down at the table, trying to hide your watering eyes from Natasha.
You feel her body shifting gently as she moves closer to you. Her arm gracefully wraps itself around your back and pulls you in closer. You respond to her embrace, feeling your entire body pressing against hers with a sense of comfort and warmth.
"I don't think you are a burden. I would've been so happy if you told me we would have a kid together. You know that I will always love you."
You do a slow nod into her chest. Natasha's face turns every once in a while, looking at the toddler across from her.
"What's his name?"
"Y/s/n. It made me think of you when I first gave birth to him."
Natasha's delicate fingers gently touch your chin, lifting your face towards hers. As you meet her gaze, a radiant smile spreads across her lips, illuminating her face with a warm glow.
"Do you wanna come back home with me, Nat?" you whisper just loud enough for her to hear.
"Yeah, actually. I want to catch up with you and my son."
You find yourself unable to do anything but return the smile of the person in front of you. As you gaze into her eyes, a flood of memories from your past together comes rushing back. You feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the new chapter that is about to unfold in your life.
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queeryouthresources · 3 months
Tumblr Blogs To Follow For Queer Youth
If you would like to be added to or removed from this list please let me know!
I tried to sort by the blogs' main purpose so people can easily find what they're looking for, but there's obviously some overlap. If you think your blog is listed under the wrong category please tell me and I'll move it.
Community/Safe Space Blogs
@our-queer-experience and similar "our _ experience" blogs (masterpost here)
Advice/Resource Blogs
@transfloridaresources (usa, florida)
History Blogs
@makingqueerhistory (website here)
Sex-Ed Blogs
@hellyeahscarleteen (website here)
Political/Activist/Org Blogs
(currently mostly usa-based blogs)
@itgetsbetterproject (international) (website here)
@queeryouthassemble (usa) (website here)
@queerliblib (usa) (website here)
@transformationsproject (usa) (website here)
Queer Literature Blogs
@lgbtqreads (website here)
Just finding these blogs was difficult and I'm only one person so if you run/follow any helpful queer blogs not on the list already let me know so I can add them!
Especially blogs in the sex-ed category or the political/activist/org category that aren't usa-based.
Edit: Someone in the notes tagged some queer literature blogs, so I added a category for queer lit.
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wandagcre · 8 months
my pumpkin | sam carpenter 🔞
(Sam Carpenter x AFAB ! reader)
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Sam wants to try something new with you.
WARNING: smut, dark dom! ghostface! sam, dark sub!reader (they're both crazy), can be interpreted as intersex!sam or cumming strap-on sam, mentions of blood and murder, knife play, possessiveness, breeding kink, slight degradation & humiliation, aftercare +18 / men & minors dni.
Words: 5.5k | [ AO3 ]
In the middle of your night routine, you hear a thud somewhere in the apartment. Deciding to investigate, you left your glass of water in the kitchen. Like on autopilot, your feet already dragged you to approach towards the living room, and your gut was right: there was a tall figure that had caught your attention and a smile made its way to your lips with ease.
There stood Sam, in your unlit living room, her dark thick robe pooling by her combat boots and she was taking off the bloody Ghostface mask. Her hair was haphazardly tied up and she's left with her wifebeater tank top and dark sweatpants — bronze skin currently dripping with sweat. Sam had a blank expression on, maybe a hint of bloodlust glint that lingered on her face, which turned you on — imagining how it must've been so good to see her in the act, especially this one.
You spot a few bruises and cuts on her upper body. You already expected this, walking away for a second to retrieve the first-aid kit and mentally taking note to ice some of her bruises later. 
Sam's hazel eyes lit up soon as she met yours, arms opening for a hug.
"Love. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?"
"You too, Sammy." You affectionately murmur and nestled deeper in the embrace and Sam tightens her grip in return. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
There you were with Sam in the small bathroom in your shared apartment. She sat quietly by the closed toilet, her arm brought up to you. Moments like this were your favorite, having to tend her cuts and bruises. There was something about Sam appearing as both vulnerable and vicious post-murder during the ungodly hours.
"Wanna tell me how it went?" You start as you wipe the remaining blood on her skin then you dab the cotton with alcohol feather light. The curiosity was eating you. 
In return, Sam smiles at how your eyes twinkled as you asked, she pulls away slightly, her hold on you moving to your waist to pull you closer in between her legs. The faint smell of peaches and cigarettes immediately filled your senses.
She sighed, "He was all talk. Pissed me off a bit with that foul mouth he got running whenever he saw a woman..." Sam’s grip by your soft waist tightens at some thought, "It made me think of how rude and disgusting he must have been to you, princess. And that angers me so much."
"But you took care of it, I know you did good." you respond with much appreciation in your tone, as if the conversation that had transpired was casually about the weather. Your hands find their way on top of Sam’s hair, your thumb gently caressing through them.
The corner of Sam’s eyes crinkled. "Anything for my baby. He squirmed like a useless pig." 
The cold room was filled with laughter. It was easy to say that the two of you were truly match made in heaven. The person in question was your boss, who thought he was being sly with his provocative comments and uncomfortable staring at you while at work. He was insufferable to say at least. Even the last interaction you had with him was you trying to play along with one of his nauseous comments because God knows given your position, he’ll always have his way.
Sadly for him, he doesn’t even know it'll be his last day to live. 
Because you didn't even have to tell Sam because she was there to witness, right outside your workplace to pick you up and his sleazy gestures unfolded in front of your waiting girlfriend. Your boss just had to outwardly say that ‘he can’t get enough of your good and shapely presence’ within Sam’s earshot.
Now? He's nothing but a fresh butchered meat fed to a bloodlust Loomis.
You left your girlfriend in the bathroom for some privacy. For a few minutes, you heard water running.  To your surprise however, as you plop down to your shared bed, Sam was across you and there was a pensive look on her face as she leans by the door frame. Her hair remains to be haphazardly tied on, her hands a bit wet.
“I wanna try something on you, baby.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What is it?”
Sam retrieves a familiar dagger from her back – it was the one you managed to get your hands on and gave it to her as a birthday present. Back then, you didn’t know yet whether the Ghostface version of her had existed yet; but you did this anyway after she opened up about her previous encounters given by the reputation that precedes her, to provide her with some sort of an easy to carry and hide of a self-defence weapon. With her words and the dagger on her hand, you were confused to say at least.
“I need you to elaborate, Sam.” you ask, to which Sam bit her lip and sauntered towards you. 
"I’m going to mark you with it. Nothing too deep and crazy, trust me. And you can also say no! I promise I won’t be mad. It’s only a thought, baby.”
“Alright.” You exhale, sitting with crossed legs, looking up to her and see Sam visibly becoming relaxed. “But can I ask why you want to do it? I genuinely just want to know your reason behind it. And how…exactly?”
Sam’s eyes softened as her eyes were pierced onto yours, "It’s basically just carving a small thing to your body. I… I want to mark you in a way that’s personal and close to who I am. Also, I want to remember us – this being my first kill for you.”
You understand now, pulling Sam by her thighs who still stood tall in front of you for a hug. The scent of peaches and cigarettes fill your nose once again, it was oddly addicting and comforting. It was distinctively very Sam.
"So, it's about owning me... in your terms?"
“Yes.” she whispered.
You decide to lighten up the mood, “And you’re sure this is your first kill for me? Not my old friend from my hometown?”
Sam frowned, almost not getting get your joke – but soon she heartily chuckles as the realization dawns upon her. There was another case you suspected, an old friend whom Sam felt very territorial over you when you told her that they confessed when you returned home. Suspiciously, they disappeared, but you find out a year later that they only travelled on a spontaneous trip.
“No. But... maybe I almost wanted to.”
You bite your bottom lip and Sam nudges you with her finger by your shoulder, motioning for you to make space for her in the bed. Now she joins you beneath the sheets, standing on her knees, looking down as she’s still towering over you.
“That’s hot.” 
Sam shakes her head and closes the distance between you two, “Only you would say that…” She holds the dagger on her dominant hand, the sharp metal pointed away from you.
The cold night is coming to a close, barely feels like one, as the room starts to become heated. Especially with your girlfriend’s eyes unashamedly trailing over your body, like you were a delicious prey served as a five-star meal just for her.
“And that’s exactly why you love me.” You say with ease, lips now ghosting near hers, feeling her ragged breath increasing. 
"Exactly, baby. No one compares.” 
Sam tucked a stray hair behind your ear. Your face heats up at the gesture. You didn't feel any different around her, like any other day around her you remained to feel safe. Secured. Not even her retelling stories of her vivid killings can even change that. Perhaps, you were as sick as her, but you couldn’t give a single fuck about it.
With an exhale, you give her the green light. 
"Okay baby. I trust you."
A wolfish grin appeared on her lips, changing so quickly like a mere switch. With that sight, a shot of arousal started to stir on your stomach.
"Remember your colors, baby. Say red and we’ll stop immediately. How do you feel right now?" 
The dagger made its presence known as Sam dragged the pointed end on your bare right thigh with slight pressure startled you – not enough to draw blood – yet it was sharp and daunting, completely contradicting the gentleness in her tone. 
"G-green," you stuttered out. 
“Good girl.” Sam says and tilts your chin up using the dagger. “Now strip for me.”
Your breath hitches once again. The lust is heightened as you feel Sam’s piercing eyes on you, watching you wiggle off your skimpy shorts first, eyes following and so attentive to the growing damp spot on your underwear. Her dagger remained on your chin until it was time for you to strip out of her old loose shirt that you chose to wear earlier and Sam audibly groaned when she found out that you weren’t wearing any bra at all, she zones out in the sight. You feel her scoot on the sheets closer to you – to say that she was a big fan of your tits would be an understatement.
“Fucking irresistible,” Sam lets out a groan and starts to busy herself, already moved onto a different agenda – mouth and teeth getting involved as she marks and sucks all over your tits, your skin becoming thoroughly wet and littered with hickeys. For a few minutes she stayed on worshipping your upper body. While it turned you on, the ache in your cunt was also becoming an issue, making you squirm. “That’s already an appetizer and dessert for me, shit, you’re just so good…” 
Now her thighs have your almost naked body trapped,  Sam remains hovering above you as you laid down. You get a closer look of her taut muscles flexing through the wifebeater she wears as she moves, a few scars coming to light on her body. You realize that she’s about to take you while in her post-murder outfit, making you squirm your legs once again trying to find ease in your arousal. She’s still sweaty and sticky but you honestly can’t care any less. Not when you have her sculpted body ready to pounce on you at any moment.
“Aren’t you supposed to shower first?” You joke and her expression didn’t falter.
Sam only smirked. “We were going to change the sheets, anyway. I planned on having you either way for tonight.” Her hot breath was so close, tickling your exposed skin.
Your body felt warmer, opposed to her cold free hand that slightly startled you as she roughly palmed a cupful of your tits, giving it another good squeeze. 
“Fuck…” you moan, her moves to affect you were rapidly increasing.
Sam teased again by her slow hands going for a sharp tug on your nipple. “We’re getting into it, princess.” 
She lowered herself and finally met your lips for a kiss, the slow and softness of a start quickly dissipated as she grew hungry for more. Still kissing you, both hands trying to cup your face, occasionally darting her tongue on your mouth. Sam moved fast and rough, as though she was quenching her thirst and your lips were the only water left for her. You wouldn’t be surprised if your lips actually bruised. You were starting to feel breathless and lightheaded, trying to match her pace and she pulled away to tug on your bottom lip. She swiped it with her tongue for good measure. You don’t feel her close anymore and yet you still tried to chase her lips again, only to find out that she looked smug as soon as you opened your eyes.
“Just for me.” Sam murmurs to no one.
You dazedly acknowledge her, “Yes, only yours.”
“God, If you only know how you endlessly drive me mad...”
Sam had her palm pressed on the mattress, resting on the side of your head. You meet her halfway by having your elbows propped up, carrying your upper body’s weight. Yet, you don’t know how long it’ll last – not with Sam’s mouth leaving open mouthed kisses on your body; from your cheek, affectionate and soft, to your neck where her nose tickled you and mouth that met where your jugular vein rests – lingering to suck and bite. You don’t even try to conceal your moans to your girlfriend’s delight, the sounds loud enough to make her eager as ever. Your eyes roll on the back of your head, immediately lost to the sensation. With the tip of the knife pressed on your plush stomach all at once and scratching you lightly, though lifted quickly, it made your stomach twitch and you whimper.
You feel unbearably soaked, clearly wanting for more. Completely certain that you're damp enough for your Sam to smell your arousal. Your girlfriend smirks in confirmation and when she moves her hip low enough for yours to meet. When you pushed your core closer against your girlfriend's, Sam already has your ass cupped, squeezing your flesh, and it only made you grind hard enough to feel something hard — 
You feel her.
The walls of your cunt started to rapidly clench on nothing. Sam detaches her hips away from you after a little teaser and your fingers make their way to her hair, then caressing on Sam's nape and your girlfriend arches her neck, groaning in response. She moves lower, wanting to give you wet kisses placed on the soft rolls of your stomach which slightly tickled you in the process. You were about to protest, beyond needy, but it seems that Sam has already read your mind.
"Here it comes." 
You take a deep breath and feel the sharp knife moving in ragged curves as Sam draws with it. She pushes it down a few millimeters more on your stomach. You groan in each line she makes, it stings a little as she continues marking.
"Wanna know what I marked, princess?" Sam regains your attention by tilting your chin up to look at her using the knife, you open your eyes, seeing the metal now painted with red specks of blood.
"It's the first letter of my name. So every time you take a look in the mirror naked, you'll always be reminded that you're nobody else's but mine."
"Oh fu- fuck, fuck!" you whimper, although now you feel turned on more than anything. 
The knife resumes in contact with your freshly marked area again, Sam drags it as if she's tracing it for the second time on your skin. your eyes are screwed shut — you can't explain the sensation, walking in the line between pain and pleasure. It stings yet it's so addicting. You think that a huge chunk of it was maybe because it was Sam doing it with her honeyed voice and dark tunnel gaze onto you.
"You're doing so good, baby." She praises you, voice deeper than ever.
Sam crawls down lower onto you and you try your hardest to keep your eyes open, curious of her next move. The spot now feels wet as you feel your girlfriend licking your fresh wound and you let out a strangled moan in response.
“Oh god!”
When you made eye contact with your girlfriend, her eyes were heavy lidded more than ever. It’s evident even in the room that’s barely lit, only the lamp on, and you see her wet lips tugged in a smirk. The color red is slightly evident from having to sucked off the trail of blood that trickled out of your fresh wound.
Sam meant it when she said that it'll leave a scar enough for you to see even right after this session. In theory, you should be terrified of how precise your girlfriend is with the weapon, but you aren't at all. You are thrilled in reality, as you know that Sam is using a special dagger to brand you, different amongst the one she uses to kill her victims; this one was shorter and unused, not actually meant to kill. For you and only you.
After all, who doesn't like being proved to be her princess and a special exception?
The aftermath of the knife's stinging hasn't left just yet. As you reel into the sensation, you feel the mattress dip and you see Sam adjusting.
“Sit up for me.” Sam orders and you quickly scramble into position, legs folded, facing your girlfriend. “Color?”
“Still green.” you whisper, eyes becoming watery. “Can you please touch me now?”
Sam doesn’t respond. Instead, there was the dagger, the side of it being dragged across your tits down to your pelvis. Your girlfriend had set your underwear aside. You close your eyes again to flutter out the teariness, then something plunges inside of your core. The object feels foreign against your spongy walls and it's coming in fast and intrusive. It makes you moan unadulteratedly loud, heat spreading all over your body. It was the most relief your cunt has received had felt this entire session; evident in the way your wetness seeped more, yet you’re becoming slightly embarrassed of the sloshing sounds that fills the room as the thing continues to move in and out of your flesh. 
"I wish I had recorded this, princess. Look at you taking it all in..." Sam murmurs huskily and her words feel hot on your body.
Your girlfriend tilts her head, “Maybe next time,” She winks at you.
You’re a putty mess under her touch. Sam finds utmost joy seeing you unravelling into this form, unable to form coherent sentences as she has her way with you. You meet her entranced look – mouth quirked up and eyes more lust filled. As your eyes trail lower over Sam, you notice that your girlfriend’s dominant hand has the dagger’s flat base carefully held – the handle being plunged in and out of your pussy. The bed creaks more.
"Your pussy is so fucking greedy, taking my dagger so good... I can feel you pulsating in it. Maybe I'm gonna fuck you right after then cum inside of you, as a reward, huh?" she changes the angle of the dagger’s handle, pushing deeper and faster into you and you feel yourself leak even more, grasping on her hair. 
"Oh yes! yes! A-anything you want, S-Sam!"
"Knew you'd agree. My princess who's a whiny slut for me," Sam continues her ministrations, hand remaining precise, and you feel her free arm snake around your soft waist, as if she's trapping you. "you're making a mess in the bed, honey. Are you not embarrassed?"
You feel a twinge of embarrassment, realizing you were lost on riding your girlfriend’s dagger alone while she was simply thrusting the dagger’s handle in and out of you, all with ease, looking like a desperate whore while dripping and making a mess on Sam’s hand at the same time as your pussy overflowed with wetness. 
"N-No, because I love being a slut for you," you whisper truthfully, now growing desperate to chase orgasm. "I'm so so close,"
“For me only.” Sam growls in response, making her thrust it more forcefully as if she was actually stabbing. 
You let out a throaty moan and your hands moving so frenzied to alleviate the release by clawing all over Sam's back – anywhere you can reach and balance upon. Sam deliciously grunts at the action.
Like a cold bucket poured down on your then burning body, Sam dislodged the handle completely from your desperately soaked cunt. Now you’re back to clenching onto nothing, the ache between your legs becoming a real challenge for you to hold yourself for much longer.
"No, no, no! Fuck, I was about to cum, Sam..." you complain, feeling sensitive, tears running on your cheeks.
Sam comforts you, cupping your cheeks and wiping the tears away with her thumb. 
"Patience, baby." your girlfriend hushes you and you find her looking completely lost as you are, giving you comfort. She had her free hand sprawled on your lower stomach. "Suck this for me first. Then I'll let you do whatever, baby."
Sam then raises the knife that was glistening off your own wetness from earlier, making your cheeks heat up. Goodness, it’s coated ridiculously with a copious amount of wetness... which you're supposed to suck. Not that you were new to this – sucking something off for Sam – but the thought still makes you a tad shy.
You’re starting to think Sam enjoys humiliating you this much.
"All of it. C'mon, baby, get to work so we can finish you sooner." 
It's affecting Sam so much based on her raspier voice now. You comply with her order, making sure to put on a show; your free hand gripping on her shoulder and lips now on the handle of the knife, sucking all of your wetness that once coated it. You made sure to look directly at Sam's heavy lidded eyes, who was now completely hazy and her mouth open to your delight. You wanted her to lose her mind as much as you did, making sure that your cheeks were hollowed and moaning along the action, even making your tongue twirl around it. Your girlfriend exhales loudly at the sight you presented her.
“Fuck. You’re teasing me back, princess?” Sam tilts her head, questioning you. She discards the dagger, object clanking, and now somewhere on the floor. 
You were more than happy to see that it got onto her. “Just putting on a show for you…”
Sam has enough, having a taste of your arousal as she grabs you for a bruising kiss. She seems to savor it as her tongue gets involved, as though she’s eager to taste her favorite flavor. "My little slut. Still green?"
"Does it hurt?" Sam traces lightly the now marked letter S wound that resides on your lower stomach.
"No," Your girlfriend smiles at your response and you close your eyes. The ache between your legs makes itself known as you squirm over Sam’s touch. You bit your lower lip in frustration. "Want you inside of me now, please, Sammy."
“Okay. I’m going to make you choose,” She looks you straight in the eye, “Do you want to lay down or to ride me?”
A moan already escaped your throat, “W-what would you like?”
“Don’t answer me with a question, baby. I am asking you.” Her voice is deep and stern, waiting for you.
You look at her still completely dressed – unlike you, all bare for her. You start to feel a little conscious so you decide to immediately change that up.
“Want to undress you and ride you.”
You were more than ecstatic, seeing Sam nod in agreement – you absolutely waste no time in removing her wifebeater tank top, sweatpants, and boxers immediately, appreciating all of Sam’s muscular and sweaty glory. It doesn’t help that she’s got a few specks of blood still somewhere on her body, the eroticism of it all is not lost on you. Her tits were hypnotizing and to see it paired with her hard on, makes you lick your lips in anticipation. You start to understand more why your girlfriend loves body worshipping so much, because you feel just the same as her.
Sam was amused at your dazed expression, so lost that she has to snap you to reality by pressing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Ride me now, pretty girl.” She rasps out and you quickly get on Sam’s lap. Her length is pressed against your stomach, making your breath ragged and she isn’t even inside you yet.
You align yourself onto Sam, who glides her cock first into your wet folds. Your hands were on a deathly grip, squeezing over your girlfriend’s broad shoulder, and Sam is becoming more unrestrained with you. She huffs, snakes her arm by your waist then to your hips – continuing her motions until she is satisfied with how your wetness thoroughly coated her cock. 
“Fuck, I’m going in now, baby…” Sam’s hazel eyes peer over you, searching for any sign of discomfort. She was only met with your lust filled eyes and opened mouth, easily one of her favorite sights when it comes to you. The tip teases your clit making you moan and finally, she pushes inside of you, making you both groan at the sensation. She's big and girthy, even if it’s only half of her cock that was fully in, and your walls were still adjusting to accommodate all of her. Sam understood this, hence her careful movements, afraid of hurting you by accident. 
“Tell me whenever you’re ready, princess.”
You profusely nod your head in appreciation, “Y-yes, shit, give me a minute.”
As your walls were processing her length, Sam soaks in the feeling of being inside of you. It was so warm and comfortable; both of your single nerves felt like it was throbbing and clenching, and by God, the fucking clenching — you were gripping her cock in a way that felt delicious and so par with her possessiveness — the entirety of you, soul and body, are no one’s but hers. It was a feeling that Sam would never get tired of. 
You’re now fully sinked into Sam’s entire length, eyes getting teary in pleasure.
“You can move now,” 
Sam presses a kiss on your cheek and doesn’t waste a minute to move; Both weights being unminded given the position, the bed creaks louder than ever as you ride her. Your pussy is sopping, feeling soaked as a waterfall. In comparison to your throat, it feels dry with all the screaming you’ve done for Sam, already anticipating that you'll sound hoarse later. Maybe you won’t even have a voice to speak at all.
For a split second you think about the complaints you'd get the next day.
But being sunk deep in your girlfriend's cock, the thought vanishes quickly and you’re filled with so much desperation, hips rolling along with Sam's movements — so fucking close. The burning feeling of the cock against your walls soon dissipated, evident with the faster pace, the skin to skin slapping vibrates throughout the bedroom, your sheets are definitely mixed with wetness and stickiness.
One of Sam's hands was steadying you by holding on your soft and plush sides, the other kneading roughly on your tits. When you look at Sam, you see her eyes moving down and up in appreciation, drinking in your sight. you only moan louder as the sensations in tandem were driving you dripping and insane.
"Gonna fill you to the brim and paint your walls white," Sam’s promise vibrates delectably against your neck, the skin to skin slapping resonates louder than ever and she was pulling half and pushing in the whole of her cock in a rigorous motion. You feel helpless and reduced to a piece of dumb moanings.
"Look at you now, baby. fuck I’m gonna breed you. Not a single drop is going to drip out of this pretty pussy. I bet you'll like that, huh?"
"Y-yes, yes, yes!" 
"With the sounds you're making alone, shit, ‘m gonna cum. You're driving me mad, baby,"
Sam’s fingertips were hard and rough in circle motions against your engorged clit. It was enough to drive you to be equally mad as her, you already know that you’ll be driven over the edge. She indeed filled you to the brim, your pussy welcoming all of her now. The knot in your lower stomach finally untangles – which was much deserved – you had cum hard with Sam’s relentless thrusts, and the relief immediately washed over your body. Now you're heaving on your girlfriend’s shoulder, trying to catch your breath, yet she hasn't stopped her actions still. With a few more thrusts and grunts, you feel your girlfriend finally shoot ropes of warm cum inside of you.
"Don't move just yet." Sam moans against your neck, but it's more of a command. you still feel your pussy pulsating like crazy from your high, thinking that Sam is only doing it to ride it out, squeezing all of the cum that both of you have to release. To your surprise, she only picked up the pace and started to thrust her cock onto your pussy once again. 
"F-fuck, fuck, Sam! I'm still sensitive!" You try to slightly push her away by the shoulder.
Sam won't budge, knowing you'd say your safe word if it were the case.
"Shh. I know you can do more, princess,”
Your eyes were screwed shut and your neck thrown back, lost and savoring the pleasure. You feel how Sam's completely using your body for her pleasure, as she pulls almost her entire length out, tip of her cock still in, only to sink all of her suddenly in a fast manner. Your pussy walls were clenching, afraid that you’ll actually grow another type of heartbeat, as the pressure flows deliciously into you. You seep more wetness in the process. With Sam’s unforgiving pace, you can’t even say that you didn’t like that, being responsible for such insane fueled lust, so you let her.
The cum inside of you from earlier was getting messy as it was starting to leak along with the damp of your wetness in the sheets. If Sam's goal was to actually break the bed, you fear that it'll come to fruition as your girlfriend only continues to move her cock in and out rougher and faster than ever.
"These fucking pretty tits… all for me," Sam says in stupor, licking her lips at your sweaty and red figure. She lets her thumb and forefinger roll and tug on your nipple, then meets your mouth open in pleasure to swallow all of your moans.
Your grip on her moves to her tangled hair, barely tied now, tightened and tugging on her scalp to her pleasure. Sam grunts as she meets your hips rolling, now messy and slowly becoming uncoordinated, and gives a final few thrusts. Soon again, a relief washes over you so soon and you feel so full and insanely warm — Sam had just cummed for the second time inside of you and you just released your high as well.
"I told you," Sam huffed out, lips smirking as she looked up at you. "That I was gonna fill you up like crazy. What do you say about me marking you more, with a heart beside my first name letter this time?"
The feeling of the dagger both it’s sharpness and how she plowed it inside of you flashed quickly and familiar, the sensation still fresh. Your pussy throbs at the thought.
"You're insatiable." Sam chuckles at your words, combing your sweaty mess of hair as you whine half-heartedly at the equally messy appearance of your girlfriend’s suggestion. "And so cheesy. Like, a heart? Seriously?"
Although Sam wasn't affected at the jab in the slightest. She raises an eyebrow instead.
She cups your ass closer to her pelvis, as if there remains to be a distance between the two of you. Your cunt couldn’t help it but pathetically clench around her.
"Says the one who won't get off my cock still." Sam cockily retorts at you as she feels you adjust.
You remain in that same position until Sam notices that you're startled as she brushed her thumb against the fresh S wound. 
She exhales and affectionately pats your plush thigh, "Let's get up before another round, princess. We have to clean that mark up, just in case."
You tighten the grip of your thighs now wrapped around her sweaty lower back refusing to get up.
"Don't wanna. I'm comfy in here." 
You make it a point by keeping yourself snug as she's still inside of you and you clench your walls once again on her cock. Every time you do the action, the mixed fluid inside of you gushes even more, making a squelching sound and you drip a little more not only at the sheets, but as well as Sam’s thighs. Sam moans at this, her neck arched as she reels onto the feeling.
"C'mon you little tease. Say, I'll lift you through it?"
You look at her eyes seriously, "you'll stay inside?"
"Yes, doofus."
From a distance, you hear the television. 
Man, 48, was found dead and stabbed twenty-six times, suspect remains unconfirmed but suggests the Ghostface’s brutal pattern….
“I guess no work for me tomorrow…?”
“And more time for me to ruin you. It’s totally a win-win.”
Sam laughs heartily at your joke and you find yourself joining along with her. You pay no mind, letting your girlfriend scoop you with ease as you make your way towards the sink and she takes care of you. It was safe to say it wouldn't be the last time that they'll be playing with the knife. 
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(please practice safe-sex!)
do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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hypnoneghoul · 1 month
Down To The Ground
WC: 5k
Relationship: Swiss/Mist
Tags: Murder Ghouls, Blood and Gore, Violence, Injury, Intersex Mist, Tentacle Dick, Anal Sex, Dubious Consent, Blood As Lube, Vaginal Sex, Intoxication, Toxic Cum, Gill Play, Come Inflation, Scratching, Multiple Orgasms, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Thigh Humping, Objectification (if you squint), Size Difference, Cock Bulge
Swiss had finally gotten a chance to get fucked by Mist. It's a wild ride.
Notes: Commission for @sexy-sea-basss. Thank you for your support and letting me absolutely run with this heheh
Read under the cut or on AO3.
Swiss has had his eyes on her for ages. From the moment he had met her—about a year after he was summoned, because she had been away with the Ministry’s business—he had immediately known he had to get into her bed. She was beautiful and intimidating and there were so many things he wanted her to do to him. He had thought he would do anything she would ask him of. So he had waited. 
Respectfully, of course, he was not an animal, but he had been waiting for a chance for months. During those months, his desire for her had only been fueled by various stories from the ghouls that knew her the longest. With some of them Swiss had no idea if they were real or made up just to scare him. Or to turn him on.
Anyway, he had waited patiently until an opportunity would come up. It was unexpected when it did happen, but it was exciting nonetheless. He had barely even spoken to her properly before that day, but when she stormed into their common room—looking sick and stripped bare of her usual stoic demeanor—Swiss’ eyes lit up and his lips curled into a grin.
“Who’s up for a hunt?” Mist asked, her voice barely above a growl and her eyes wide.
The multi ghoul’s hand shot up, but Dewdrop sitting next to him kept him down with a jab in the ribs with an elbow. “Ow, what!? You hunt all the time. I hunt all the time.”
“She’s not offering a hunt, Swiss. It’s a hunt with her and you are not up for it. Especially unprepared, trust me,” the fire ghoul muttered into his ear, so fast the words were all jumbled together and barely understandable. Mist was waiting, after all.
“Oh, come on. I won’t break. I am up for a little fun,” Swiss shrugged and got up from the couch before Dewdrop could actually stop him. Mountain sitting on the armchair opposite from them was hiding behind a book, staying silent and not drawing any attention to himself. The multi ghoul walked up to Mist and she grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the common room with more strength than she should possess, considering her size.
The moment the two disappeared behind the corner Mountain lowered his book and looked over at Dewdrop, both of them sighing exasperatedly. “It was nice knowing him, I guess.”
In the meantime, Swiss was struggling to keep up with Mist’s pace as she dragged him outside the Abbey, anticipation warming him up from the inside.
“Uh, so…” the multi ghoul started, after clearing his throat, “what exactly does a hunt with you entail?”
“Killing something and fucking in it’s blood,” Mist growled, her sharp claws digging into his arm.
“Color me excited,” Swiss mumbled as pangs of both anxiety and arousal shot through him. Neither of them uttered any more words for a while after that.
Only when they were deep inside the woods did Mist push Swiss down to his knees and spoke, “You’re going to run and find me food. It's out there, they let it out for me. Bring it down, but don’t kill. Wait for me.”
“Yes, m– ma’am,” the multi ghoul muttered, not daring to look up at her. She didn’t really do anything to him—yet—but he was already out of his mind, cock rapidly chubbing up in his pants. Mist grabbed his horn and tugged with a growl, so hard something in his neck cracked.
“Get moving, then. Run.”
And run Swiss did, scrambling up and tripping over his own legs and roots curving up and out of the ground. He started running with no regards to the direction just yet. Mist said something was let out for her. Prey.
When the multi ghoul ran far away enough so that he was sure the ghoulette could not see him anymore—unless she had been following him—he paused, panting. He shucked off his shirt and as soon as he caught his breath again, he focused on all the scents surrounding him. There was so many layers, all the trees, animals, rich ground, the creak, and–
The smell of fear reached his flared nostrils, raw human fear. They must have known why they were there and they must have known their fate. The ghouls were a cautionary tale to the siblings, after all. Swiss doubted this one was a sibling, though. It could have been—if they had committed a crime—but such stupid ones didn’t come along often. More likely it was someone smuggled from the city, someone who didn’t deserve a quick or a peaceful death. Usually it was rapists. Sister Imperator was not stupid, she knew that in order for the hellish beasts—quite literally living in her basement—to not turn on her and the Clergy, she had to let them indulge once in a while. A deal with dirty men in power from the cities closest to the Abbey was her way to execute that.
Swiss took off running again, following the now clear trail of the human’s stench. He wasn’t far from them, it would take him mere minutes to bring them down, fly them open and–
And wait for Mist.
The multi ghoul’s cock kicked in his pants —which reminded him he still had them on—at the thought and he slowed down, crouching down by a trunk of a thick tree. He took a deep breath and let it out with a growl on his lips. They were close.
He got out of the fabric prison and let his glamor float away a bit more. He stayed down, reduced to instinct now that the human’s fear was so close and smelled so potent and delicious. Swiss slowly stalked closer and closer to the source. It must have been clueless. It probably stopped, tired of running and already knowing there was no way for it to escape.
Swiss narrowed his eyes as he looked around, peeking from behind a tree in an attempt to gain a visual of his prey. He succeeded.
It was sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree, slumped, shaking and whimpering. The multi ghoul’s fangs throbbed and his mouth watered as he began to approach, staying close to the ground. He was not especially well attuned with his earth part, but it was enough to feel her rumbling, her heart beating, as if encouraging him. She could not wait to feel warm blood soaking into her. After all, she had to get a snack once in a while, too.
The next few moments were a blur, as usual. Instinct and adrenaline taking over, Swiss pounced at the human curled in on itself. It shrieked and the multi ghoul wanted to silence it by ripping its fragile little throat out with his fangs, but Mist had ordered otherwise. He dug his claws into its neck instead, crouched atop it on the ground. Not enough to damage, but more than enough to stop it from squirming as they waited for the water ghoulette.
They did not have to wait long. She appeared out of nowhere, suddenly just there.
Mist growled with her teeth bared, and Swiss backed up before she got the chance to maul him, too. He let out a submissive chatter as he scrambled to the side and knelt, his eyes hung on the other as she started the meal. There was not much thought left in the multi ghoul’s brain by now, but he still hoped he had get to eat some, too.
He was drooling down his chin and onto the ground as Mist sliced open the human’s abdomen with one claw. Its scream was like music to their ears. It did not scream for long, though, because next came its throat, ripped out with one rapid movement of the water ghoulette’s arm. She shoved her hand into the bloody fountain that was the human’s midsection and pulled out its insides, throwing them to the side. Her other side, far away from Swiss. He wasn't a fan of the guts, but he would rather have those than nothing.
Mist threw out all that she deemed not to her taste—all while growling and snarling, seemingly without a shred of humanity left in her—and on the last pull the heart came out. She stared at her price panting with wide eyes as blood trickled down her forearms and dripped down onto the ground from her elbow. Swiss whined like a kicked puppy at the sight, need and hunger twisting inside him nearly painfully.
The water ghoulette’s head snapped to the side and for a moment Swiss thought his heart would end up in her other hand and his throat in her mouth, but instead Mist had ripped off the human's leg and threw it to him. The multi ghoul grabbed it greedily and sank his aching fangs into the meat, moaning as blood flooded his mouth.
After a moment, Mist stood up and walked over to him, the human’s heart still in hand. She put her other hand on Swiss’ head, dying his locs with blood, and pushed down with so much strength the multi ghoul had no chance to not go down with the force. He braced himself on his forearms and continued gnawing at the leg as Mist grabbed his tail next and pulled it up so hard it hurt his spine. Swiss got the hint, though—even with his brain leaking out of his ears—and pushed his ass all the way up, arching his back.
His body started shaking as he waited. Naked, face down in the blood-soaked foliage and ass up in the air, his tail hooked up high over his hip. Presenting and ready for whatever it was Mist wanted from him. He heard her behind him, chewing and growling over the obscene noises of herself devouring a heart. The blood splashing. The muscle ripping.
Out of nowhere something warm and sticky hit Swiss’ ass. He was plenty wet by now, but when he realized Mist had just spat the human’s blood onto his hole, another glob of slick leaked out of it, mixing with the gore.
Fuck in something’s blood, she had said.
Then, the ghoulette was on him, claws raking down his back and settling at the fat on his hips, digging in just as he did earlier to their prey’s neck. Swiss was feeling so empty since it had started, but then there was something cool and slimy wiggling against him and–
Right. Mist was a water ghoul
That was her tentacle.
He moaned at the realization and pushed his own claws deep into the damp and soft ground below him. The tip of the water ghoulette’s tentacle pressed against his asshole and with no more preamble kept on pressing without any regards to his squirming and submissive whining. She held him still with unbelievable strength as her cock reached places inside him not even Mountain had ever reached. Neither had Aether with his quintessence. He felt so full, like she was in his throat and in his veins and between his bones.
One thing about the multi ghoul was that he liked pain. He loved it, even. He also loved being pushed to his limits and tested. Filled so full it hurt with how his insides were stretched was his idea of heaven. It was as close to heaven as any ghoul would ever get.
Swiss could barely breathe, there were tears in his eyes and blood on his tongue and he was out of his mind. He lay there as Mist’s tentacle kept going, curling and unwinding, tensing and loosening, bunching up and lengthening. It stretched his hole impossibly and it stung, even though he was so slick it was a miracle the tentacle did not keep slipping out. Only thanks to how long it was and the suckers that kept catching on his rim.
The multi ghoul barely had any idea on what was happening, panting and letting out debauched noises one after the other as his insides were being thoroughly explored by Mist’s tentacle. His whole body jostled when it thickened even more, as if it had bent in half snd twisted around itself inside him. The tip of it pressed against Swiss’ prostate and he wailed at the feeling of what—he could have only guessed—was the suckers sticking to that little, but magical, bundle of nerves inside him. He had never felt such a thing, not even with Rain.
When the tentacle seemed to have found its purpose, Mist started actually fucking him. She pulled back—the tentacle stretching—only to slam back in and push Swiss forward on the ground with the force of it. It stayed attached to him on the inside so the water ghoulette could thrust as wildly as she wanted and not risk slipping out and pausing Swiss’ torture for even a second. The constant pressure on his prostate provided him with as incessant pleasure that was only being spiked with each slam of Mist’s hips. His hole kept stretching around her cock as it bunched up to reach its maximum—Swiss hoped—thickness and filled him to the brim on every single thrust. It was maddening and there was no way the multi ghoul was coming out of these woods alive.
The water ghoulette was, seemingly, even more gone, overwhelmed by whatever animalistic instinct it was that had taken over her that day. It looked like a rut, but if she was in one, Rain should be too and he was not. It was not important, Swiss supposed, as long as he was getting fucked and, oh, was he getting fucked.
Mist pounded away into the ghoul under her with abandon, snarling and snapping her teeth over him as he moaned and whined like he a bitch in heat being at the very least skinned alive.
Well, there was not much skin left on his back. And he was a bitch.
With another particularily sharp thrust Swiss’ elbows gave out and his face ended up buried even deeper in the dirt, his chest now, too, as his back arched further. It hurt, both his muscles and the mauled skin, but it also felt good. So, so good—all of it—that the multi ghoul would jerk off to the memory of that day for years to come.
He whined and moaned and groaned and whimpered as Mist fucked him like nobody else ever had. He was out in space and deep down in the ground at the same time and the water ghoulette had really just begun. The pressure inside Swiss was pushing his brain out of him and there were no words, nothing coherent, left in his head. All he could do was pray to Lucifer that Mist would take her time, let him enjoy his torture for as long as possible. And maybe fuck him like that again in the future.
The multi ghoul’s cock was abandoned, hanging heavily between his legs and wagging with the power of Mist’s thrusts. He would come untouched and there was no doubt about that, because the tentacle latched directly onto his prostate was more overwhelming than any vibrator he had ever put up there. And he had put a lot of things up his ass.
Mist fucked him like a cheap whore, skin slapping against skin and all the wetness between then creating the lewdest sounds, accompanied by all the debauched noises falling from the wrecked multi ghoul’s mouth.
Soon enough the water ghoulette’s own grunts and moans gained in volume and pitch and she stayed inside for a little bit longer with each thrust. Swiss’ body, more than his mind, recognized it as Mist getting close to cumming, so he—as helpful as ever—clenched down on her dick with all his might, making himself shudder.
But Mist did groan loudly one last time and then Swiss felt himself get filled with something that most definitely was cum, but it felt a lot different. More slimy, thicker. And cold. Not really cold, but it was like… the first thing that came to his mind was menthol. The coolness spread inside him, as if it was absorbed right into his bloodstream. It felt weird—nothing like he had ever felt— but not necessarily bad.
Not bad at all, actually, and the way this strange thing filling him up pushed him to the very edge of an orgasm was proof of that. He felt so full, there was so much pressure inside him and it was maddening. The multi ghoul knew that if he were to look down he would see his belly all distended.
The thought made him whimper and his insides swoop, so look down he did, and sure enough he looked fucking pregnant. Swiss moaned like a true whore at the sight and clenched down like a vice on Mist’s cock again as he started cumming.
His orgasm was soul crushing. His vision went white, his whole body spasmed and debauched noises kept spilling from his lips with no filter whatsoever. The multi ghoul spilled copious amounts of cum down onto the ground and if his eyes would still cooperate with him he would see the pearly liquid mix with the still wet blood under the two of them.
Swiss was shaking. He could barely hold himself up, but he did not dare collapse while Mist’s hands were still gripping his hips tightly. He panted with his tongue lolled out, his eyelids drooping as he swayed, aftershocks rocking his body.
Thankfully, the water ghoulette let go and pulled out soon enough. Swiss felt pitifully empty out of nowhere and another whine left him at that. He also felt that strange cum-like substance slowly leaking out of him, mixed with his own slick and the dead human’s blood. Mist pushed at him and he fell to the side limply, nothing more than a ragdoll. She snarled down at him as she pushed and pulled his body—so much bigger than hers, after all—to her liking, putting her into whatever position it was that she wanted him in.
Swiss sobered up a little bit as his back suddenly hit the trunk of that fallen tree and it must have been completely shredded by now if pain that erupted all over at the impact was any indication. Mist’s unglamored claws were as sharp as knives and they left angry red welts in their wake every single time she touched and manhandled him, so it was no surprise, but he did not worry too much. Mountain would patch him up, as usual.
Everything was spinning, his nerves were on fire, there was lava in his veins and the multi ghoul was so out of it, drowning in sensation, that he barely felt Mist straddling his thigh and drenching him in all the wetness that came with it.
It was obscene, but Swiss never once failed to go insane about the famous water ghoul slick. It was addicting and if he could, it would be all he wouls drink for the rest of his eternal life.
Mist’s tentacle was wiggling around in Swiss’ lap, brushing against his sensitive cock now and then. It seemed to have a mind on its own, not caring about what its owner was up to, as the water ghoulette started humping his leg, grinding down purposefully. Her groans resonated in the relative silence of the woods and the multi ghoul was drinking them down like the finest wine.
For a while—or maybe just a moment—it went on like this, as peaceful as it would get. Mist was taking her pleasure and Swiss was… well, he just was. Laying there, so fucked out there was no brain at all in him.
At some point Mist leaned forward and Swiss went cross eyed looking intently at her tits right in front of his face. They didn’t seem to be the reason for the shift in the water ghoulette’s position, though. She reached out over his shoulder and dug her claws into the tree trunk as she curled over him.
“Gills,” she snarled, “lick ‘em.”
The multi ghoul’s brain short-circuited.
“Y– yes, m– ma’am,” he slurred and surged forward, closing his mouth over Mist’s neck. He sucked lightly, pulling the delicate flesh of her gills in between his teeth and dragging his tongue along the thin, damp slits. Mist moaned and it reverberated through him, making his spent cock kick. It was rapidly filling up again, no time to waste.
Especially with how the water ghoulette’s tentacle kept teasing his dick, slithering up and down its length, flicking the head and going back down to loosely wrap around the base and squeeze. Only to let go, then, and go up again.
Swiss was not worried about that, though, as he was making out with Mist’s neck, licking into the gills and suckling on the little fins along the openings. There was no brain left in him, but gills were his third most favorite meal both Topside and in the Pit and the multi ghoul was not a wasteful person.
Mist seemed to be enjoying it, though, and her noises and near desperate—if Swiss did not know any better—way in which she was humping his thigh were only fueling the multi ghoul’s high. 
Swiss did not know if it was seconds or hours later, but at some point there was a gush of liquid over his leg and a high and wrecked moan filled his ears. Mist came again and this time it was not from her tentacle cock, only her cunt. The multi ghoul heard and felt her breathing heavily above him and he paused the ministrations of his mouth, leaving just a few more delicate kisses over the sensitive organ. If the circumstances were any different, it might have even been considered a cute gesture on his part.
The water ghoulette stood up and Swiss was not sure if the string of slick and cum linking his thigh with her sex was real or a hallucination. Both options were possible at that point, but he did not have much time to think about it, because in the next second Mist grabbed his horn again and pulled, throwing him down onto the ground fully, and then pushing his side with her foot to turn him onto his back.
Swiss was very much out of it—dizzy and basically blind and deaf—and he did not realize what the water ghoulette was doing until her wet cunt slid all the way down onto his cock, rock hard again. He sputtered, choking on air as he gasped at the sudden cool tightness and a wrecked sound left him when Mist started moving right away—no time to adjust for either of them—bouncing and grinding for her own pleasure. Her hands were clenched tightly on his thighs and the multi ghoul felt blood trickle down his skin from all ten of the small, but deep, puncture wounds.
He lifted his head clumsily, but it was too much effort to hold it up, so it lolled to one side and then another before he let it thump back against the ground below. The woods were so loud, he had never noticed it before.
Swiss lay there, sprawled out on the blood and cum soiled ground, and stared up at the trees. They were thick, the branches and the leaves, but some sun did shine through the gaps. It was pretty, although the multi ghoul would most definitely enjoy it more in different circumstances. He would have to ask Mountain out for a walk-in-the-woods date night.
Mist was bouncing away and groaning as his cock filled and stretched her out nicely. There must have been a bit of pain to it, Swiss’ cock was not small by any means, and the water ghoulette was truly tiny.
That gave the multi ghoul a thought—a rare thing nowadays, it seemed—and he tried once again to lift his head. It took a while for him to channel enough strength to the suspiciously loose muscles in his neck and even a longer while for his eyelids to go up and his eyes to clear, but once they fixed on Mist—on her stomach as she rode his cock furiously—Swiss’ vision went white again.
Every time the water ghoulette dropped back down, there was a noticeable bulge protruding from her otherwise flat and muscled stomach. Bulge caused by Swiss’ massive dick buried deep inside her cunt.
The multi ghoul gurgled, nowhere close coherent, and whined loudly as he felt another orgasm suddenly hit him like a freight train. Intense pleasure washed over him and he could not do anything about it but lay there and twitch his way through it, as his cum pumped into the water ghoulette.
The water ghoulette who did not care about it in the slightest.
Mist was fucking herself on his dick with his cum leaking out and down his shaft and balls, and Swiss was nothing but means to an end for her. He did not complain and, besides, his body felt too far away from him to have any control over, his hips could not even twitch. He did feel it all, though, and it was pure insanity. It hurt, he was as sensitive as ever, but it was glorious.
Swiss did get a chance to actually take some more active role in their… endeavor when the water ghoulette grabbed his limp hands and brought them up to her ribs, the underside of her tits. Her gills.
The multi ghoul was a little worried that he was too out of it to do anything meaningful and got scared that she would rip his throat out if he did not manage to be of any use. He would certainly try, though. And try he did.
Swiss swiped his thumbs over Mist’s pebbled nipples and squeezing her tits lightly before dragging them down and running his calloused fingertips over the little frills of her gills. He stroked up and down along the openings, focusing all his remaining willpower on steadying his big hands. He doubted that Mist would really mind getting hurt a bit, but he would rather not be the one to tear one of the most delicate parts of her just because he was cumdrunk. Even if she would not kill him for that, then Alpha surely would.
The water ghoulette let out an uncharacteristically soft sound—nearly a pretty, blissful sigh—when the tips of Swiss’ fingers dipped into her gills. They were tighter than the multi ghoul remembered Rain’s to be, but again, the size difference was significant. Mist rolled her hips, clenching down on Swiss’ cock at the added stimulation and his fuzzy brain took it as a sign to go on, press in deeper.
He had had enough practice for his gill fingering skills to be muscle memory already, so the multi ghoul let instinct take over. Not that he had much choice, he felt like he was dying. His arms were sore and tingly, like pins and needles, but he did not care, he tried so hard to focus. It was getting increasingly harder with every movement of the ghoulette on top of him.
Swiss curled his fingers, half of them sunken in to the second knuckle in between Mist’s ribs. The membrane there was leathery, but impossibly soft, and, most importantly, slick. So, so wet and slimy. The multi ghoul felt his throat vibrate as if it was his turn to groan, but he did not hear anything come out from his mouth, nor did he intend to do so.
He fingered her gills slowly, but with precision he did not expect he would be able to muster up at this point, petting inside in gentle back and forth strokes and thrusting softly in and out as Mist was grinding down on him, giving up bouncing in favor of receiving this undisturbed, delicious stimulation from her gills.
“Close,” she growled not much later and the word all but surprised the multi ghoul. They have not been doing much talking lately, after all. He also was not sure what it was that the water ghoulette was expecting him to do with that information, but he willed his throat to let out a noise in acknowledgement. 
Swiss noticed something else moving around his legs, touching him. He thought Mist’s tail was doing something to him, he thought he felt it over his thighs and lower at his asscheeks, against his hole. He was not sure about anything, anymore, though.
He thought his head hurt. So did everything, but it was—mostly—a good pain, twisting and dancing with pleasure. He did not feel much else, though, less than half conscious. His control over… anything, really, was gettin even worse, as if he was high on the worst drugs known to man.
He felt his whole body sag, his hand drop from Mist’s gills, his head loll to the side and his tongue fall out of his mouth, suddenly too thick for it. He slowly blinked up at the water ghoulette once more and she looked like she was enjoying herself, so he let his eyelids droop. The last thing he remembered was Mist’s high moan, resonating over that incessant static buzz in his brain.
Hours later, Dewdrop and Mountain were cuddling on an armchair on one of the balconies facing the woods, enjoying a nice, warm and peaceful evening. It was getting dark, but something in the distance caught their eyes.
That something was Mist walking out of the woods and back to the Abbey with Swiss—a ghoul three times her size—thrown over her shoulder. The latter was definitely passed out and the both of them were drenched in blood and covered in dirt and Lucifer knows what else from head to toe.
“We did tell him that the cum from her tentacle is toxic, right?”
“I should go get him patched up, shouldn’t I?”
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nunalastor · 8 days
So context
I've been dming dnd for quite a few years in my original setting and at some point I said "would it be cool or what" and decided graduate my elves from "humans with pointy ears" to "fucked up intersex fairy people who lay eggs and pupate before reaching adulthood "
Anyway, it happened to be that in this version the first stage of elven life is *a freaky vaguely cat-looking carnivorous thing*
And it hit me
Cursed cat alastor.
It's not an offspring - it's a "caterpillar"
I can seamlessly translate Al into elven shadow magic sorcerer/warlock
I dunno what you just said but okay lit
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
For FicMas or whatever you gonna call it 🤭
So I still can't get these two out of my head but Headmistress Maria Hill and Vice Headmistress Yelenas Belova. They run a huge Private College in Paris. The college students have to wear uniforms but they don't care if the boys wear skirts or the girls wear pants they just have to wear the college colors and the college symbol. Reader is one of the top students studying culinary. She's close with Maria and Yelena since they used to tutor Reader when she was younger because she had a hard time learning then. On Winter break Reader asks them if they would like to join her and her family for Christmas and they said that they were busy with stuff as the Headmistress and Vice Headmistress of the college but Reader begged them to go with her and they finally gave in and agreed. Reader's family welcomed the two in with open arms and treated them like family. The three spent all week together until it was Christmas and they watched Reader open all of her presents before giving her a small box (necklace or bracelet I don't care which) and then they have Christmas dinner and laugh and chat about stuff.
You can decide whether or not there's smut at the end of it. If there is you can also pick if they're Intersex or not!!! 🤭
Trapped by Snow
Pairing: Headmistress! Maria x Vice Headmistress! Yelena x Fem! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: After finally convincing your headmasters to join you for Christmas, a snow storm has a mind of its own. 
Warnings:Comfort, No Warnings | 1.8K
AC:I hope you enjoy this!! It was really fun and something different to write xx
Holiday Special Masterlist
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"Have a great Christmas break everybody! Stay safe and have a wonderful Christmas!" your culinary professor said with a smile as they dismissed the class for the much-awaited Christmas break. You packed up your belongings, the class was a rather relaxing session of theory catch up allowing you that extra time to get those extra marks that you wanted. Being one of the top students in the class was something your parents where very proud of, you weren't always great a schoolwork but if it was something you were interested in, you were able to get some of the top marks for said class. 
You threw your backpack over your shoulder before making your way out the door, leaving the thought of your studies behind. The hall was crowded with other young adults making their way to the doors of stressless freedom. Fridays wishing you a happy holidays in passing as you made your way through the people and turning the corner. Unlike everybody else, you weren't aiming to get out of the building, instead you were on your way to the headmaster's office. 
"Good afternoon, Y/n!" The receptionist greeted you with a warm smile. 
"Good afternoon Alice! Excited for the Christmas break?" you asked as you took your backpack off and pulled out a container of freshly baked Christmas cookies. 
"4pm couldn't come quick enough" she chuckled. 
"Well, hopefully these can help you pull through the next hour" you replied as you handed the small container to her. Her eyes lit up, everybody loved your baking as well as your cooking and you couldn't bring yourself to leave the college without spreading a little Christmas joy to those who have been working so hard over the year. 
"You're a gem!" She complimented as she snuck a cookie and closed the lid, almost melting with the taste exploding in her mouth. "These are delicious!! Thank you" she added with a smile. "You're welcome! I'm glad you like them, is Maria and Yelena in?" You asked. 
Headmaster Maria Hill and Vice Headmaster Yelena Belova have known you since your parents made the big move from the States to Paris so you could attend the college without the stress of being in a different country alone. At first, it was a rocky start. Trying to fit in somewhere and understanding a whole different concept of learning had eventually taken its toll on you and the two women were always there to make sure you were okay. They even tutored you during the first 2 years of your studies, you grew pretty close with the two women and decided to invite them both to join you and your family for the holidays. 
"They sure are, go on through" Alice mumbled with a mouthful of cookies. You thanked her and wished her a happy holiday before making your way to Maria's office, knocking on the hard wooden door. 
"Come in" you heard Maria's voice softly travel from behind the door. You opened it slowly to be sure you weren't interrupting anything before making your presence known. Both women were heads down at their desks in paperwork. 
"You know you're supposed to take a break every hour" you spoke, gaining the attention of the two headmasters. Maria smiled while Yelena just chuckled. "I wish, we have so many new enrolment forms that we have to get done before the next of the week!" Maria explained, running her hands through her hair to adjust it. You took a seat on the large leather sofa that the headmasters had in their office for decoration, making yourself at home. 
"Well, you're going to have to take a break because it's Christmas break and I am inviting you both over for Christmas!" You said full of confidence. Yelena looked up at you as if you were joking, "you know we can't" she replied earning a nod of agreement from Maria. "You can't or you don't want too?" You challenged the blonde, a cheeky smirk tugging at your lips, "it'll be fun! plenty of food, games and my parents would love to have you both over" you added. 
"As much as a we would love that honey, we just have way too much to do before the end of the year and getting things ready before you all return after Christmas" Maria replied. Yelena chuckled knowing full well that you weren't going to take no for an answer, she watched as you pulled out another container of freshly baked cookies and began to munch on one. "I mean it" Maria added as she playfully shook her head at you while you chewed on the Christmas treat. 
"So do I" you replied shortly after, "come on, it's one day! There's plenty of food, trust me! My family can really cook up a feast, then after, we open some gifts and may I add, I did put a little something under the tree for you both as a thank you for a wonderful year and again, did I mention my parents would love to have you both over?" You added knowing you had already won Yelena over minutes ago. The room went silent, strong eye contact between you and Maria was shared before a defeat sigh came from her lungs, "Alright, we'll be there" she broke causing you to give her a rather big and very proud smile. 
Christmas morning came faster than you could blink. You woke up to the sight of snow covering the front lawn of your home, a warm smile tugged at your lips as you grabbed your robe and raced down the stairs to greet your parents. "Merry Christmas love!" Your mother hugged you tightly, your father just gave you a soft nod as he was still downing his coffee and adjusting to being awake in such cold weather.
"Merry Christmas guys!" You smiled at the two of them. 
"There's a snow storm coming in so I thought while I was getting lunch ready, you and your father would go out back and make sure everything is secure" your mother went on, already in her traditional Christmas apron. Although it was a little after 10am, your mother was always cooking early on Christmas day. "I'll just have a tea and go change into something else" you smiled before making your way over to the kettle. In the background, the daily news gave updates on the coming snow storm that you knew your mother would have on all day, your father wasn't one to worry so much about these type of things so he was a little more laid back. "Do you know when Miss Hill and Belova are arriving? I sure don't want them to get stuck out in the snow!" Your mother asked with concern.
"Uh, I did say we have Christmas lunch around 1pm so I think they mentioned something about being her around midday" you replied, pouring the boiling water into a mug. Your mother nodded and returned to her cooking while you took a seat next to your father and enjoyed the warm drink in your hands. 
After helping your father in the backyard you took a shower and got ready for the ready. You could hear the chitter chatter from downstairs that told you that your two guests had arrived and you were rather excited to give them their gifts after Christmas lunch. 
"You guys made it! Merry Christmas!!" you smiled as you greeted the two headmasters in the living room with a hug each. "Just! The snow is just getting worse!" Yelena replied.
"Lunch isn't too far away, please make yourselves at home" your mother inserted before you could say another word. You offered the women a glass of eggnog before the three of you sat around the living room talking about the school year. 
After lunch it was time to open gifts, this was your families usually tradition, lunch then gifts. The smile on your lips grew with anticipation to give the headmasters the gift you've had wrapped under the tree for weeks. It was almost impossible to even talk to them the way your parents were talking to them! They loved them, especially your father who thought it was great that you were still close with them or maybe it was the hopes deep down you'd learn plenty of leadership skills from them the two. 
"Roads are now closed due to the conditions of the snow storm, officials advise everybody to stay indoors until further notice!" The news reporter's voice caused the living room to turn silent. With the different conversations and plenty of shared laughs over lunch, the snowstorm was forgotten about. You looked outside the window which was already half covered in snow. 
"Well, it looks like you two will be staying here until it's safe" your mother said, "I'll set up the guest room a little later, I hope you both don't mind sharing a room" she added. 
"Don't stress, it'll be fine, thank you" Maria smiled. 
You grabbed Maria's gift from under the tree and handed it to her before going back to get Yelena's. "Y/n! you didn't have to get us anything!" Yelena spoke as she kindly took the gift from your hands. "I know, but I wanted too"! You replied with a smile and returned to your seat to watch them open their gifts. Maria started first, slowly she peeled the Christmas themed gift wrap off each end of the present and pulled out a book you knew she was looking for. 
"Oh my! Y/n, I have been looking everywhere for this!" She looked up at you, "where on earth did you find it?" she asked. 
"I was able to find one online, took me forever to find it!" You replied knowing she loved the present. 
"Thank you so much! I am lost for words, you shouldn't have!" 
Yelena began to open her gift next, her eyes widened when she saw the ghostface action figure that she wanted for her collection. "How did you know?!" She asked you but you just chuckled and playfully shrugged your shoulders. 
Maria rose from the sofa and handed you a gift, "this is from both of us, you're worked really hard this year, and we are both really proud of you" she smiled as you kindly took the gift. 
"Thank you!" You smiled before you slowly began to open the gift. A silver bracelet with an engraved quote in a fancy font sat gracefully in the black box. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Read the quote as you picked it up to read. "This is so beautiful, thank you!" You smiled once more before getting up to hug the two friends. 
Even though being snowed inside for the holidays wasn't on the list of things you wanted to happen, you were rather glad it did. You got to enjoy plenty of time with those you loved and cared for the most.
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possumsinpeoplesuits · 5 months
So, every once in a while, I have to rant about something online before I just start blabbing to some poor unfortunate Wendy's employee about niche internet pornography. Sometimes in the middle of that rant I realize I might be onto something, and have to share it with others who might benefit.
Today, that subject is the Omegaverse, and the squandered potential for worldbuilding therein.
Now, this post is gonna have some very broad generalizations about the genre, because while I'm certain there's plenty of authors who do put a lot of thought into the pedantic details I'm about to have a Category 5 Autism Event about, it's been difficult to find them amongst a sea of painfully mediocre fics.
For every stellar Locked Tomb Omegaverse fic set in a modern day Taco Bell (Seriously, I want to engrave Double the Meat onto a satellite and launch it into space so that extraterrestrials can see the peak of human civilization) there's like... a million and one Alpha Male/Omega Female pairings written by Conservative Mormon housewives that dare to ask such questions as "What if a man and a woman could have a baby?" and "What the hell is consent?"
But I'm not here to be mentally ill about yet another space being drowned in heteronormativity. Nor am I gonna be a dick about the first fics written by teenagers who're just dipping into fan communities, because my terminally online since the age of 11 ass would be a huge hypocrite for that.
No, instead I'm here to talk about genitals, and deliver just enough sciencey technobabble to justify my passionate opinions about the potential of what is, ostensibly, werewolf porn.
So, for those who've somehow gotten through all these paragraphs but have zero idea what the Omegaverse is, the basic gist is that there are three sex categories that're separate and occur within the usual sexes that humans already have. Effectively, this means that male, female, and intersex individuals can also be Alphas, Betas, or Omegas.
So, to understand these categories, there's a pretty simple rule. Alphas can get Omegas pregnant, regardless of physical sex. Sometimes Alphas are bigger than normal, and Omegas are more petite, but that's not quite as much of a core "rule" to follow, and more just dependent on people's tastes. Betas usually follow standard human dimorphism, though I have seen some people headcanon them as a sort of halfway point between Alpha and Omega.
There's some more details, too, like the presence of knotting (where the base of the penis swells and prevents pulling out during orgasm), heat cycles and rut (where the mating instinct goes into fucking overdrive in the most literal sense), pheromones, bite marking, and sometimes that whole... imprinting thing from Twilight.
So, taking this all into account... Omegaverse fiction has the potential for a BARE MINIMUM of 6-9 SEXES before even taking the vast spectrum of gender identities and presentations into account.
Do you see what I'm on about now? When our society is still struggling with the concept of being nonbinary, and barely ever even acknowledges intersexuality as existing, any Omegaverse setting would be radically different on a biological, psychological, and sociological level.
Can ya see now why I get frustrated when it gets stripped down to compulsive heterosexuality with wolf dicks?
Now, with all the standard tropes laid out like this, we get back to the question that started this all, the question that should be a no brainer when it comes to smut... What them genitals look like? What does a female Alpha, or a male Omega have down there? I have three concepts in mind, and explanations on how they could work from a scientific perspective that's just barely not bullshit enough to overcome suspension of disbelief!
So, the first thought, and the one that initially appeals to me as a nonbinary person... they just look trans. This concept is really simple to work with, because we can just look at real life trans people and just tweak things a little bit. Maybe primary and secondary sexual characteristics operate independently naturally, or maybe there's HRT for it. It's a pretty common method, too, and I enjoy seeing it... but it feels like it needs something more?
Don't get me wrong, this one's basically my personal gold standard for shorter Omegaverse stories, especially fanfiction, but it's also just... swapping parts around. Great for ease of access, but hard to differentiate from the trans experience. Definitely a go-to if you want to play with transition in an alternate society, though.
For the other two, I have to explain a bit about fetal development and reproductive organ equivalents. Also a bit of genetics, too, because it's where we're gonna fuck around and build a lot of theoretical bullshit around a little bit of real knowledge.
So! Some of you may have heard that every fetus starts as female, but might not know some of the mechanisms at work when that changes, and how finicky they can be. This is also fun to throw at TERFs, because ambiguity throws a wrench in the simplistic arguments of reactionary bigots. :)
So, the usual arrangement of sex determining genes is often simplified to XX=female and XY=male. This leaves out other variations like Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) which affects 1 in 500 people under the AMAB umbrella, causing some degree of infertility, autism symptoms, and a somewhat androgynous body shape. (I've been checked for this one! It came up negative, but reading about it was enlightening.)
Now, the presence of a Y chromosome (usually) causes the proto-organs to change function, and develop into the male-aligned reproductive systems at roughly, say... 6-8 weeks? (Unless, of course, there a deficiency in the 5α-Reductase enzyme, which causes a delay in some of this process, resulting in a child that appears female, then just... grows a dick during puberty when the higher levels of testosterone overcome the deficiency and finish off the primary sexual trait development.)
Hey, wanna know the fun thing? Even that is an oversimplification. The whole Y chromosome doesn't mean shit unless the sex-determining region Y gene is in the right place. It can just... fuck off and attach to the X chromosome. If this mutation occurs in XY individuals, it causes Swyer's syndrome, resulting in a female aligned reproductive system that just doesn't include functioning ovaries, just purposeless ambiguous gonads. Pair that fucky X chromosome with another X chromosome, and you get a male with XX chromosomes.
Plus, if someone has a faulty androgen receptor? Well, partial androgen insensitivity can leave things ambiguous, but if it just doesn't work at all? Yeah, everything will develop along the female blueprint, despite the fact that the gonads are testes.
I swear this is still about the porn.
So, with the information we have about these real, existent conditions, we have a good idea of reproductive development, and the mechanisms at play. Now, there's still some theory that's not been definitively proven yet, but the current consensus on the primary sexual equivalents are as follows:
The clitoris forms into the penis, while the vaginal canal doesn't form.
The ovaries become testes, or stay as undefined gonads.
The salpinx become the vas deferens (these are the tubes that transfer eggs or seminal fluids, respectively. More on this later.)
And finally, and the most theoretical, the uterus is believed to become the prostate. (There's sometimes a little pocket, or divot in the prostate, and the arrangement makes sense, but it's still up for debate.)
But how do we use this for our fuck fics, you ask? How do we take your failed medical career, and translate it into Destiel's babies ever after? Well, it's quite simple! We just have to add the bullshit!
So, most alterations to the SRY gene or the androgen receptor tends to just wholesale alter the whole array, and the midway point usually results in infertility and difficulty with sexual function, but what if we could change this? What if, for the purpose of our fiction, we can mix and match everything, and somehow make it all functional and neat? Well, fasten your fuckin' seatbelts, because we're finally at the theories I made while delirious due to a combination of sleep deprivation and the after effects of eating an entire ice cream cake to myself over the weekend.
So, the firmest idea, and the idea I'll be using because I am WAY too deep into this to not write Omegaverse unironically, is what I've dubbed the Primary/vestigal system for f!A and m!O characters.
So, this theory would require that we shove two things into suspension of disbelief. One, we have to completely fuck with androgen and estrogen receptors to mix and match the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Two, I have absolutely no idea how you'd be able to tell when this is going to occur. Maybe genetic testing, or maybe it's just a surprise? Depends on your style of story.
Effectively, we'd base this off the delayed primary sexual characteristic development mentioned above. Alpha Females would operate similar to the real thing, being born looking typically female, before puberty hits and the Alpha genes take over for the genital development, while secondary characteristics still follow a feminine shape. Maybe the gonads stay inside, but function as testes? Sure, sperm production is more effective around 1-2 degrees lower than normal body temperature, but it doesn't stop entirely.
For Omega Males, the process would occur in reverse. Maybe the testes just change course and go back into the abdomen to become ovaries, or maybe they don't descend at all and the first clue this is happening would just be finding a vaginal canal forming?
I like this one primarily because it feels like a less 1 to 1 allegory for being queer, but still feels kind of relatable? You can, of course, still have the end result resemble the first method mentioned waaaaay up past the sciencey bits, but I kind of like the idea of there being a vestigial remnant of the birth parts left behind. I like the ambiguity, and the chance to explore how this would affect someone appeals to me.
Now, my last theory is mostly for the lulz, but this must be DOCUMENTED for POSTERITY'S SAKE.
So, Omegaverse started with m/m shipping with mpreg, right? Well, a lot of the earlier fiction just... describes typical cis male anatomy, with zero explanation for exactly how this is all occurring. There's just... anal sex, and then that somehow forms babby.
Well, what if I told you that I've figured it out? See, remember how I mentioned that the prostate is theoretically what became of the fetal uterine tissue? Guess where the prostate is? Guess. GUESS.
So, we just have to bullshit the prostate back into a functioning uterus, but leave the placement in close proximity to the anus. Now, the other problem is that that would mean that there's an opening leading to the colon, which... look, I have no idea how birds and lizards keep their cloaca from getting infected, but connecting other tracts to the asshole doesn't usually end well.
So, we have to find a way to seal it up when not in use. Now, the cervix serves this purpose in the real world, opening to let in fluids, or let out discharge or, y'know... a baby, but that's really expensive so most of us settle for having a breeding kink that we never act on, and instead impose on our favorite blorbos who don't have to pay for health insurance.
But still, even with a butt-cervix, bacteria's still likely to get in, so we need a firmer block. I've suggested a little flap like the epiglottis in the throat as a second line of defense. If it can protect your trachea from wayward chicken nuggets, then hey! It might not be terrible for keeping sepsis at bay!
Unfortunately, layering extra protection over the bussy business zone ain't gonna cut it. Hell, as self cleaning as the vagina is, infections happen all the damn time, even if your hygiene is good. So, we need to take that self cleaning nature, apply it to the bussy business zone, and crank it up to eleven. Just constant mucousal discharge, pushing all the bad back out.
So, yeah. Your favorite Omega Man'll have a rectal womb covered with a secondary internal assflap that's constantly discharging a steady stream of slime (just consider it free lube!), but if you can make it past that, you can live your dreams of gettin' that bussy mpregged by cumming in they gay ass. Then they'd just kinda... poop out the baby, presumably.
So there you have it! Three in-depth explorations of how Omegaverse genitals can work! I'm gonna go take my psych meds and fucking SLEEP.
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Hexenblut by Suskas Lötzerich
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Suskas Lötzerich erzählt in seiner autobiografischen Graphic Novel humorvoll, offen und ohne Umschweife von seiner wilden Jugend als Punk, den Verletzungen, die das Leben einem Menschen wie ihm zufügen kann, und vor allem von seiner Suche nach sexueller Identität. Ein Comic, schnell und rau wie ein Punksong.
Mod opinion: This is a short comic exploring the intersection of transness and intersexuality. It's fun.
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intersexbookclub · 3 months
Summary: Chapters 5-7 of Critical Intersex
After our first foray into academic intersex studies, people were curious for more, so for November we read a subset of the edited volume Critical Intersex. It was published in 2009 and was edited by Morgan Holmes, an intersex sociologist. We read Chapters 4-7. 
As it turned out, Chapters 5-7 were all fairly similar - they all went over the modern-era history of intersex from a legal/bureaucratic perspective in The Netherlands (Ch 5), and Germany (Ch 6 & 7). Chapter 4 was on the history of the Intersex Society of North America.
We’re gonna split the book/discussion summary into two posts - this one for Chapters 5-7 and a separate post for Chapter 4.
First, some quick summaries of the chapters:
Ch 5: Do I Have XY Chromosomes? By Margriet van Heesch  
This chapter provides a history of how AIS has been treated by doctors in the Netherlands from the 1880s to the 2000s. Treatment models changed several times during this time period, affected by shifting scientific understanding of the basis of sex as well as social changes in the late 20th century towards greater informed consent 
An important shift happened in the 1960s: a new treatment model for intersex emerges, led by John Money at Johns Hopkins University in the USA. This posits that gender identity is a result of genital appearance and parenting in the early years’ of an infant/toddler’s life. They believed that the clinical goal should be to “erase all doubts about the sex of children with intersex conditions” (p123) 
All three of the chapters talk about this paradigm, but none of them use a pithy name for it. As it turns out there is a name for it; its practitioners called it the optimum gender rearing model, or OGR model.
Heesch explains how the OGR model led to a dynamic where Dutch doctors would “protect” AIS women from learning that they have XY chromosomes. Women would AIS would still sometimes find out, by accident or through a lot of digging, and Heesch’s chapter focuses on interviews and life stories of women with AIS who were treated this way.
Interestingly, John Money himself argued “‘in all cases of genital deformity, whatever the diagnosis and whatever the rearing, it is psychologically advantageous to be straightforward and honest in talking with the child about the facts of his or her condition’” (p 133) - emphasis ours.
This part of Money’s treatment model did not make it into Dutch practice. Money was fairly accepting of homosexuality, whereas Dutch doctors openly declared a “wish to make intersex children into happily married adults … Medical prevention of homosexuality became disguised as the medical prevention of social problems.”
Heesch also interviewed women with AIS and relays their life stories. The stories are fairly grim and the usual sorts of stories about AIS (e.g. removing “cancerous tumours”). Notably, the women who did find out about being intersex expressed a desire to meet other women with the same condition (p138) in contrast to doctors’ approaches to hide information and connections from their patients.
Ch 6: Intersex, a Blank Space in German Law? By Angela Kolbe
In Germany, “there is no law to define what a man is, what a woman is, or how many sexes exist. the legal system simply assumes an obvious distinction between male and female, and structures laws to acknowledge only two sexes.” (p147)
As such, you cannot register a baby as as intersex, rather than female or male, on a birth certificate. 
Interestingly, German law used to include a category for altvil, which Kolbe translates as “hermaphrodites”. The altvil were in German law as early as the Sachsenspiegel of 1230. The Sachsenspiegel encoded that “hermaphrodites, dwarfs and imbeciles could inherit neither land nor titles” (p149).
Kolbe then goes over a history of different laws and what they had to say about intersex people. Overall the picture is that intersex people had more limited rights than perisex people. Multiple historical laws set forth a “preponderance rule”, to assign intersex people to a binary gender based on the preponderance of sex characteristics; these laws encoded who was to make this determination and when. 
Some laws (such as a law in 1794 Prussia) granted a right of choice: the intersex person (or their parents) could choose which binary gender they should be, and make a blood oath binding them to this gender. (Some laws penalized breaking this oath.)
After going through the history, Kolbe then explains the present situation in Germany.  The legal challenges from intersex people, and the unwillingness of the German government to deal with it.
Kolbe describes a court case in Colombia that set a new standard: they denied the parental right to consent to surgery on intersex infants. “The court found that the parents did not really understand the implications of the operation on their child’s life.” (p159) and created a new model of “qualified and persistent informed consent”. 
This Colombian model was a compromise between abolishing infant surgery and allowing parents to consent to surgery on behalf of their children - it required doctors to provide detailed information to parents, and it needs to be authorized in stages that are spread out to give “parents time to establish bonds with their child the way s/he is, and not to make a prejudicial decision based on shock at the baby’s appearance” (p159)
Kolbe discusses the Colombian model as a possible way forward for Germany, and then discusses other possible ways forward for Germany - should they make a legal third sex category? Or try to abolish gender categories in the law entirely? Kolbe details how gender is currently involved in German law and how it could be removed.
Ch 7: Who Has the Right to Change Gender Status? Drawing Boundaries between Inter- and Transsexuality by Ulrike Klöppel
In post-war Germany, the standard was to let intersex people pick their gender assignment - for infants with ambiguous sex at birth, they were given a provisional assignment. There was a clear commitment to defer plastic and hormone surgery until the intersex patient could decide what they wanted.
Klöppel documents how the “subject orientated” policy emerged in the early 1900s. Klöppel gives a history of medical treatment models in Germany, and how the subject-oriented model eventually lost out to the OGR model promoted by John Money.
Klöppel then provides a history of how trans people have been understood by German doctors, and common ground in how both trans and intersex were negatively impacted by laws that required all Germans to have a binary and unchangeable legal sex marker. 
Klöppel discusses the role doctors have played in pushing back on these laws, the relationship between the law and medicine, and the history of relevant legislation in Germany in the 20th century.
Shifting now into our book club discussion...
High-level Reactions To These Chapters
Elizabeth (Eliz): I already knew the basic timeline of the social construction of sex, so that wasn't new to me. But it was new to me that the Netherlands and Germany would be so different. The doctors lying to their patients was really something. And then the Germans being like, "yeah, the intersex person gets to pick their gender!" I wasn't expecting such differences between such similar countries.
Michelle (M): I come from a medical family background, so medical ethics are familiar to me, but the concept of simply not telling a patient what they were diagnosed with is horrifying to me.
ei: i honestly didn't read very much, and there wasn't anything in particular i wanted to discuss. mostly just interested in listening in on you guys' discussion!
Eliz: The chapters were emotionally difficult to read; reading about doctors being paternalistic is never fun. It was interesting that John Money, the guy associated with infant surgeries, advocated being open and honest with the intersex children and what had happened to them. I still don’t know what tests were done on me as an adolescent and it’s been a barrier in my care to this day.
Eliz: Another thing about the chapters is the importance physicians have on surveilling intersex people. The DSD model frames intersex as a lifelong model that requires surveillance and intersession by a team of healthcare workers.
ei: doctors HATE when intersex people are queer or trans or "weird" in another way. They expect us to all be cishet and as "normal" as possible, and that ofc includes forcing "treatments" to erase our intersex traits! I hate when i look up my variation and get hit with "men with (variation)"
Eliz: yeah doctors have appointed themselves into the job of surveilling intersex people to make sure we never deviate
M: it's gender as a police state. "You're already a recidivist. Don't you dare worsen your condition!" It's probably why doctors hate when patients band together in case "these intersex people get wrong ideas."
ei: yeah. my gender has always been seen as a medical issue, specifically one to be "corrected". i've fought consistently against so many medical "treatments" that are meant to make me more similar to a perisex person
Eliz: yeah I noticed how in one of the chapters (Ch 5) the author was like “why didn’t the doctors tell the patients how to connect with people with the same condition?” given all the evidence it’s beneficial for intersex people to do so, and how the people that author had interviewed had - upon finding out they were intersex - immediately wanted to meet others with the same condition. I don’t know if the author had been asking rhetorically but it feels like the answer is because doctors are scared if we talk to each other we might realize we’re being mistreated.
ei: I think also, they don't want intersex people to feel like their variation is okay. they want to maintain the Medically Fucked Up narrative, and they don't want us meeting other intersex people because we might realize that being intersex is normal, natural, and okay.
Eliz: yeah doctors don’t want to give up control. I liked this line in Ch 6: “in current legal and political developments the issue of intersexuality, although still quite unknown, has stepped out of the silence into which medical science had banished it”
Ableism and Eugenics
Eliz: I thought the link between intersexism and ableism going back so long was fascinating. Like how in the 1200s, people who were intersex or disabled couldn't inherit land.
M: And like, with intersex people, I think there's a fear that - forgive the ableist language - we could "breed more freaks!"
Eliz: it’s super eugenicist
M: It always comes back to eugenicism!
Surveillance and Technology
Eliz: these chapters have a big theme of surveillance. The DSD model putting doctors in the role of surveilling us intersex people to ensure the conformity of our genders and sexual orientations. And this was interesting for me because that this isn't the issue I'm used to thinking of when it comes to surveillance and intersex. So many surveillance technologies like facial recognition or whatever assume a sex or gender binary, so technologies don't work right on intersex people because they're not designed for us. There's just ways in which a lot of technologies assume a binaristic, dyadic view of humanity that are quite hurtful.
Eliz: Chapter 7 reminded me of this paper I have really ambivalent feelings about, by a Science and Technology Studies (STS) named Mar Hicks. The paper is about how the computerization of the British Census made gender more difficult. For a long time, you could write whatever gender you wanted, and no one could reaaaally keep track. So if you transitioned, and presented yourself as a new gender when you moved, there weren't really birth certificates; people just had to take you at your word. The paper shows how technology changed this. I have mixed feelings about Hicks’ paper because there is zero mention of intersex people in it. Hicks is trans. It’s really frustrating to me how intersex people just don’t exist at all in the minds of perisex people, and this is a really frustrating oversight in Hicks’ work.
Questions about the authors
Eliz: I did wonder how many of the authors of the book chapters were intersex; they read more perisex because of referring to the intersex community with "they" and "them" language instead of “our”. If the authors of these three chapters were intersex they were doing a weird pretend-distancing thing that I dislike seeing in academic writing. It's also possible that the book wasn't as intersex-authored as you'd expect from the title.
M: not me forgetting that academic textbooks have multiple authors!
Eliz:  I don't know why so much of this scholarship is German! More Germans! Why? But I'm fascinated. What led to Germans being the leaders on intersex studies?
Jurisprudence, law, and politics
Eliz: Thinking of the chapters that were saying in the premodern era intersex people were just asked to decide what they gender wanted to be, and do a blood oath, like "this is my gender now!" As opposed to slotting you into female or male FROM birth, and experts need to be called in on which way you're going to go. The emphasis on trying to predict gender from birth feels so deeply counter productive. And because it’s so flimsy it requires all this extra work to enforce it.
Eliz: The Columbian compromise was surprisingly reasonable. There were still surgeries on children, but it was more acceptable, so I was kind of impressed. Good job, legal jurisprudence system.
M: You were adequate!
Eliz: One thing -getting more into ch 4 - there are a handful of countries that have banned intersex surgeries - like Greece - and I'm really curious to know how that happened, especially after ch 4, about the history of American intersex activism. What happened in Greece and Spain that was successful, in a way that hasn't been in these other countries, is something that I'm really itching to find out.
M: My feelings about the chapters were that there was a real simmering fury about sexual binarism in Germany. It seemed like a good opportunity for nonbinary and intersex people to have kinship and allyship there. I've come to identify more as a nonbinary person; I've always hated the word "woman," and that feels very connected to my intersexuality.
Eliz: there was this idea in the chapter that intersex people were just casualties of sexism that I didn't really like. I would have liked a lot more about the path forward with an X or I marker, rather than just removing gender categories altogether. I was also a bit "ehhhh" about the author dismissing Affirmative Action?! It's controversial, people don't like it, but it works! I felt that needed to be fleshed out more
Eliz: By the way, I looked it up, and Germany did legalize same-sex marriage in 2017.
M: that feels late!
ei: crazy that people think europe is like so progressive but then germany didn't even legalize gay marriage until after the united states
Germany since 2009
Bnuuy, who is German, gave us a very detailed update on what has happened in Germany since the book was published in 2009. Here’s a very brief summary of Bnuuy’s infodump, which you can read in the #23-11-critical-intersex channel on our discord:
Some court cases led to the courts ordering changes to the system to improve things for trans/intersex people, but German legislators absolutely failed to uphold the spirit of the constitutional rulings. The politicians have created a system that does the bare minimum of what the court ruled that in practice makes it incredibly difficult for trans & intersex people to change their gender markers. 
Legal sex marker change for trans people still requires sterilization and to sue to have a court recognize your gender change. The government is not allowed to out you as trans if you go this route. Whereas if you go the pathway intended for intersex people, this right isn’t there; the government can out you as intersex. 
The intersex pathway to sex marker change requires a doctor to write in your favour, and the government can’t check it. A diagnosis is required, and it’s not even for “intersex”, it’s for the German translation of DSD.
So a lot of trans people use the intersex pathway, since the doctor can write down ANYTHING to make it count as “intersex”. For nonbinary people it’s a real roll of the dice in the courts, and generally easier to go the route of “intersex”. It’s a super broken system. 
Bnuuy conveyed a deep feeling of frustration with German politicians for failing to do right by their trans & intersex constituents, and the frustration in more progressive politicians making big promises to fix the system and then not delivering at all.
Bnuuy also had an important PSA to make which is when you hear news that a foreign country has made some legal/political victory for queer people actually read about it - too many people see that Germany has blank and “diverse” on the books for gender markers and think these options are actually available to genderqueer & intersex people, but they’re not actually.
Our discussion continues here for chapter 4.
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okaima · 11 months
Karelian language - Gender and sexual identities
Homo, homoseksuallińe - gay man Lesbo, lezbijanka* - lesbian, gay woman Biseksuallińe, bijanka - bisexual person Panseksuallińe - pansexual Aseksuallińe - asexual
Transsugupuoline - trans person Intersugupuoline - intersex person Muunsugupuoline - nonbinary person Cissugupuoline - cis person
Seksuallizus - sexuality Sugupuoli-identitietta - gender identity
Sugupuoli - gender or sex
*In Republic of Karelia, the word lezbijanka has negative connotation and lesbo is more commonly used
In modern times most karelians use these loanwords based on anglosphere views on gender and sexuality.
Traditionally speaking the views on gender and sexuality have been somewhat different, and words used have been more poetic and descriptive in many ways. Gender is seen as one role among others and as such, "mother" and "man" for example are not roles that contradict each other in any way, even if it is less common than being "woman" and "mother".
Without going into too many details here are few examples:
"On ukonvembelehes aliči käynnyh." - lit. "has walked under the reinbow*" - person who has changed their sex and role (gender) in which they live. Roughly speaking a trans person.
Example sentence: "Ozutat ilokkahambale nygöi gu olet ukonvembelehes aliči käynnyh." - "you seem happier now that you've transitioned." "Olen ukonvembelehes aliči käynnyh," - "I am trans person."
(*the association of rainbow is rooted on Karelian belief system in which person who passes from under rainbow has their sex changed, and the fact that rainbow is western lgbt+ symbol is coincidence.)
"eule yksis ruutois" - lit. "isn't in one (set of) traditional clothes" - person who travels between and beyond two genders, a "nonbinary*" person.
Example sentence: "En ole yksis ruutois." - "I am nonbinary."
*"gender binary" should be used in very loose relation to karelian traditions as "man" and "woman" are not seen as opposite ends of binary (or any other) scale any more than birch and spruce are only trees in existence or opposites to each other. Traditional views of karelians are rarely if ever linear.
Kaksńeuvoni* - lit. "person with two/many of advice/guiding/ instruction/ tools". A (visibly) intersex person.
*Please note that some people find this term offensive due to its similarity to old Finnish slur for people with ambiguous genitalia.
Example sentence: "Rodivuin kaksńeuvozenna." - "I was born intersex." "Olen kaksńeuvoni briha." - "I am intersex man."
Miehii suačii mies, brihoi suačii briha - lit. man who loves men
Example sentence: "Miun velli on miehii suačii mies, vai miehii suačou." - "My little brother is gay man, he is only interested in men." "Olen miehii suvaičii mies, a dai naizii suačen." - "I love men, but I'm also interested in women."
Buzaniekka - Man who wears pearls, man who loves men.
Akkoinpaimoi, akkoinpäiväińe - lit. wives' herder, wives' sun. "Feminine" man, man who prefers working with and spending time with women
Ristivellet - lit. cross brothers. Men who have exchanged their neck-crosses or other similar tokens. Can mean deeply close friends or male couple
Naizii suačii naińe, neidizii suačii neidińe - lit. woman who loves women
Karžuniekka - woman who loves women. Has also meant unmarried woman with implication she doesn't wish to marry a man.
Lepänakka, tabakka-akka - lit. alder's wife, tobacco-wife. "Masculine" woman, woman who prefers working with and spending time with men
Rističikot - lit. cross sisters. Women who have exchanged neck-crosses or other similar tokens. Can mean deeply close friends or female couple
"Kävelöy kahtel puolel." - lit. "One who walks on both sides." - person who loves others regardless of gender, roughly bi- or pansexual.
Example sentence: "Kävelen kahtel puolel, ollou mies, naine libo ei yksis ruutois." - "I am bi-/pansexual, I don't care about gender." "Häi on kahtel puolel kävelii, kaikkie suačou." - "They are pan-/bisexual, they don't care about gender."
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impishtubist · 9 months
There seems to be a level of symbolism being lost in the Tall Sirius debate that I think we need to address because it's A Problem. You don't need to have read the books or watched the movies to hear me out here.
This debate, at its core, isn't pettiness about whose HC is correct or better. It's an issue with gender representation in the way this character is being written over and over again in blatantly misogynistic and often transphobic ways.
Taking any character from any fandom or any original work and making them tiny, defenceless, hysterical, out of control, incapable of independent thought, born only to find love with a Good man, and valuable only for their attractiveness or sexual willingness is misogynistic. These are long-standing, harmful, and very gross tropes used to belittle women-identified and femme people for centuries in Western lit. There are real life consequences to believing these things about women-identified and femme-coded people, even in fiction.
Making that character exist only for the purpose of being sexually desirable to a strong, emotionless, cool-kid bro dude in need of being cared for and fixed and healed - and who is too Good and too smart and too perfect for the fucked up little femme character whose fault it is for making his life harder - is inherently harmful. To everyone.
That relationship dynamic isn't healthy and, frankly, seeing it over and over again scares me and makes me worry for many people in this fandom when they step away from the screen. This is like DD:DNE levels of fucked up but there are no tags for us to avoid it because many people don't see it for what it is.
This is like 1940s rom-com shit. We pick these representations apart all over social media, so why is it okay in this fandom? Writing these things isn't cute or romantic or funny, and it shows that some of us aren't the feminist, queer, and trans allies we proudly say we are.
On top of all of this, taking an already very queer-coded character and writing them with the above tropes while they are trans-coded, gender bending, crossdressing, non-binary, androgynous, and/or otherwise gender non-conforming adds the extra layer of transphobia frosting to an already fucked up cake. It's spray-painting the trans-as-mentally-ill-fetish tag all over this fandom and, as a trans person, it hurts me very deeply to see this. I only read fics recommended to me by friends now because I Cannot Deal with the distress this causes me any longer.
These representations are harmful to everyone regardless of sex, gender, or sexual identity, but especially so for trans, non-binary, intersex, and gender queering folx.
We don't give a shit if Sirius is tall in your HC (even though he is in canon). The problem is that it's a red flag for the rest of this very fucked schemata of woman-, queer-, and trans-bashing that it seems many people aren't seeing or questioning. You can write harmful things even if everyone in the fic is gay for each other.
I don't have much to add to this (I'll let everyone else tear each other apart in the reblogs/replies while I eat a bag of popcorn lmao) except to say that YEAH, short Sirius in fics is now a red flag to me. And it shouldn't be! It didn't have to be this way! But now I don't trust a fic unless it's written by someone I know or it's recommended to me by a trusted mutual.
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Can you please do a fic where there is angst and smut like scenario, Natasha is always busy with work and always ignoring R which lead them into an big argument and nat got a little bit carried away and slap R but then she realized what she has done and want to show R how much she loves her
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Pairings: Intersex Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader
Warnings: Angst, cunnilingus, one tiny slap, idk, small? Mentions of Natasha having a dick
Word count: 2.2k
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11:45 was the time your girlfriend entered the city apartment. The atmosphere was dim and moody as all the lights had been turned off, except for the TV that illuminated the room with a random show in the background. As she entered, Natasha carefully placed her computer bag on the floor and slipped off her shoes before proceeding to the living room. She scanned the area, searching for a trace of your presence on the inviting white couches.
Not being able to find you Natasha finds the Tv remote and stops the show that's playing.
With a faint sigh escaping her lips, she takes a few steps down the dimly lit hallway, her heart pulsing with a mix of hope and trepidation. As she approaches the entrance to your shared bedroom, she can't help but wonder if you'll be there, awaiting her arrival with open arms. Natasha slowly turned the doorknob to the side to see your sleeping body on the mattress, a smile engulfing her face as she watched your body move up and down slowly.
She was happy to see you still in the bed. Your relationship had been rocky for the past two weeks. It took a toll on both of you in the long run.
Natasha made her way to the closet to change out of her uncomfortable work clothes. She opted for a comfortable compression shirt and cozy sweatpants. She returned to the bed and noticed that you were already resting peacefully. She quietly crawled into bed beside you, wrapping her arms around your warm body. The feeling of your presence gave her a sense of comfort and security that she desperately needed. These small moments of closeness were what she cherished most about being with you.
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As you gradually stirred from your slumber a few hours later, you instinctively turned to your side and noticed the vacant space on your bed, prompting you to groan in disappointment. you quickly got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to begin your morning routine. You meticulously brushed your teeth and hair, feeling revitalized and refreshed. Splashing some cold water on your face, you headed out of the room to try and find Natasha.
After a couple minutes of trying to find her, you see her in the home gym she designed for you two. She was wearing a White wife beater and blue Nike tracksuit pants. Natasha was doing pushups with the workout video displayed on the Tv in the room.
You slowly enter the room, pushing the transparent door open and looking down at her.
"Where were you last night." You ask her, with a serious tone, not being happy with her at the moment.
"Oh, I was still at work. Fury gave me more paperwork to do as soon as I was packing to go home. I'm so sorry baby." She replies, looking back at where you were and standing up to go and hug you.
You scoot back from the hug and look up at her face. "Natasha, i'm always so sick of you never being here. You know it affects me too, right?" You ask her, your eyes tearing up because you missed her so much.
"Yes- I know that y/n. it affects me too, you're not the only one getting hurt by it." Natasha responds back to you, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes.
"You know, why are we even fighting right now y/n? It's 8:37 in the fucking morning y/n. 8:37!" She says to you, walking away to go take the weights off of the barbell she was using.
"I don't know Natasha - maybe it's because I miss my girlfriend, but she's never here when I need her the most." You say back to her, covering your face with your hands and letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Well, I honestly don't know what the fuck you want me to do y/n. Do you wanna go talk to fury for me? Tell him to cut back my fucking hours at work? Huh?" She asks, anger building up in her voice as she drops the weight, she was holding to look at you.
"Are you even listening to me right now Natasha!?" You tell her, a small smile coming over your face as you were in disbelief with what she was saying.
"Are you even listening to me y/n? I love you and I do want to spend time with you, I do. I just - don't know what you want me to fucking do." She yells back at you, walking a little closer to your body and standing infront of you.
"It's not that hard to do what i'm asking Natasha. To spend time with me? Okay yes, maybe I do want you to come home early one day. What's wrong with that? You're literally gone for so many days of the week and i'm always here wondering about how you are, if you're okay, worrying over you. And then when you do come home, I never get to see you - spend time with you! It's not fair Natasha." You yell back out to her, tears falling down from your eyes now.
"And you know what Nat-"
You were cut off when you felt a stinging sensation come over your face. Your hand immediately going to touch the skin that had been touched.
"What the fuck Natasha." You tell her, your eyes widening as you looked up at her once more. The skin now turning red from where her hand made impact.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. Please I'm sorry." She says before bringing you close to her body. Her eyes watering up thinking of what she just did. You didn't hug her back, you couldn't.
"No Natasha what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" You ask her as you walk away to the door.
"Wait-Where are you going y/n? Please, I'm sorry y/n."
"I'm gonna go stay at Wanda's for a few days Natasha." As you spoke to her, tears streamed down your face and you had to pause to catch your breath between each word. Leaving the gym to go pack a bag.
Natasha stood still in the now quiet gym, her mind consumed with thoughts about the recent events that had just transpired. The weight of her actions seemed to weigh heavily upon her heart, and a solitary tear trickled down her cheek. She never intended to cause any harm to you, and the realization of what she had done filled her with disgust and remorse.
You on the other hand got a random bag you found in your shared closet and threw some clothes In there. You already texted Wanda about what had happened between you and Natasha. Once you were done packing you immediately left through the front door, grabbing the car keys off of the accent table and unlocking the car.
After the incident with Natasha, you sat in the car, completely motionless. Tears flowed down your face, and you couldn't help but feel hurt by her actions. Although you knew she didn't mean to hurt you, you couldn't understand why she acted the way she did. Being around her at that moment was an unsettling experience, and you couldn't shake off the feeling.
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"Shh, it's okay y/n. I promise." Wanda tells you, holding you close as you cry in her arms.
"I-I just don't understand Wanda!" You seem to convey to her, lifting your head to meet her gaze. Your eyes are swollen and discolored due to the extensive amount of crying you have gone through.
"I think she really is sorry y/n. She keeps on texting you and trying to call you. I know Natasha would never want to hurt you on purpose, y/n/n."
"I know, I know. I don't know what to say to her after that."
"Well, stay here for a couple hours, huh? We can watch some movies and order some, okay? But you have to talk to her y/n.
After quiet contemplation, you slowly and carefully shift your weight, gently lifting yourself off Wanda's body. As she rises from her bed calmly, she extends a compassionate hand towards you, guiding you towards her bathroom. She helps you delicately wash your face, ridding it of any traces of stubborn, dried mascara that stubbornly clung to your delicate skin.
"Feeling better?" She asks you, playing with your hair on the couch.
"Mhm. I'm gonna start heading out Wands." You tell her, shifting from your comfy position on her couch.
"You want me to walk you out?"
"No, it's okay; thank you so much, Wanda. I'll text you later.
"Of course, Y/n. It's gonna be okay, I swear.
As you leave Wanda's house, you lower your head and take a slow stride toward your vehicle. The memory of Natasha invades your thoughts, causing a wave of longing to wash over you. You can't help but admit that you miss her dearly, despite the difficulty in comprehending her actions.
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As you approach the entrance of your shared apartment, you can feel your heart rate increase as nervousness courses through your body. Your gaze shifts down towards your phone, noting the time displayed: 9:34. As you unlock the screen, you are greeted with a barrage of missed calls and messages from Natasha, causing your attention to shift towards the digital notification center.
With a heavy sigh, you inhale deeply before grasping the key that had unlocked the door and stepping inside. As soon as you entered, you noticed Natasha sitting at the bar, her delicate frame perched on a high stool. Her hands were clasped on her head as if deep in thought, and she looked up as soon as she sensed your presence.
"Y/n?" She asks to you. Her face was filled with red. You could tell that she had been crying a lot.
You remained silent, your body motionless in the hallway.
"I, I'm so sorry y/n. Please."Natasha approached you with a hint of distress in her demeanor. Her arms wrapped around your frame as she drew nearer, seeking comfort and solace. In response, your arms naturally embraced her, offering a reassuring and supportive presence.
"Please y/n."
"I know it was an accident, Natasha; it's okay, Nat, I forgive you."
You perceive the sound of Natasha's sniffles and experience a dampness on your shoulder caused by her tears.
"I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you, baby, please." Natasha continues to weep inconsolably while you offer a comforting embrace. Your gentle touch caresses her back in soothing circular motions, providing a sense of relief from her emotional pain.
"Natasha, you're crying in my arms right now."
"N-no, please."
Before you can respond Natasha starts kissing up your neck. A low moan escapes your mouth.
She quickly drops to her knees and pulls down your sweatpants. She kisses up your thighs, her fingers making their way to your clothed clit. Rubbing the sensitive muscle slowly.
"Please let me show you how much I love you. Please y/n."
"Mmm-okay..." You tell her, Natasha takes that as her sign and pulls down your lace panties. You were already soaking wet. A grunt leaves Natasha's mouth as she moves her face to your cunt. She sticks her tongue out for a second before licking your folds. One of her hands returns to your clit and starts rubbing again, this time faster.
"Natasha!" You moan out, your hands coming to meet her head. Taking a hand full of red hair and pushing her closer to your cunt. Natasha lets a small whine and pushes her nose beneath the hood of your clit. She shakes her head left and right, moaning at how you taste.
She starts to move her hips back and forth, humping the air. Her cock grows each time she hears one of your pretty moans. The hand holding your thigh moves down to her loose boxers. She quickly grabs her cock and moves her hand up and down, wanting to release it whenever you do.
"Feels so good, Nat, mm!" Your head was thrown back as your hands gripped her hair harder.
"Could e-eat you out all day."
"Fuck! Natasha, I'm so close." You moan out to her, her finger stimulating your clit moves even faster. Her head moves closer to your cunt. Her grunts and groans add to your stimulation.
She's lost in eating your pussy. Her hips move faster, and so does her hand, a sign that she's also close.
"Gonna cum!" Your hips buck into her face. The finger on your clit moves to your hips to keep them stable. Natasha's hand moves faster and faster in her boxers. Loud grunts leave her mouth as she looks up at you, your face contorted in pleasure.
With one more guttural moan, you come undone on Natasha's tongue. A whine erupts from her mouth as she shoots her cum in her boxers simultaneously with you.
She pulls her face away from your cunt. The bottom half of her face is filled with your juices. Her full face is covered in red. The silent room is filled with your loud breaths.
"Fuck, come here."
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