svenwall20 · 3 months
Deities based on MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personalities offers a rich tapestry for game book narratives, as it ties the nuanced human psyche to the divine. Here's a conceptual framework for MBTI-based deities, weaving together the characteristics of each personality type with divine domains and attributes:
### ISTJ - The Keeper of Order
- **Domain**: Law, Tradition, History
- **Attributes**: This deity values tradition, order, and reliability. They are the guardians of sacred laws, the keepers of ancient histories, and the upholders of societal structures. Their temples are archives and courts, places where the past is preserved and justice is served.
### ISFJ - The Guardian of Hearth
- **Domain**: Home, Community, Healing
- **Attributes**: Dedicated to the protection and care of their followers, this deity embodies compassion, nurturing, and community spirit. They watch over families, heal the sick, and ensure communities thrive in harmony. Their shrines are found in homes and hospitals.
### INFJ - The Visionary Seer
- **Domain**: Prophecy, Dreams, Mysticism
- **Attributes**: With a deep connection to the unseen and a focus on the future, this deity guides their followers through visions and dreams. They are the bridge between the mortal and the divine, offering insight and wisdom. Their temples are places of quiet reflection and meditation.
### INTJ - The Architect of Fate
- **Domain**: Strategy, Knowledge, Innovation
- **Attributes**: This deity is a master planner, a being of intellect and foresight. They craft the destinies of mortals and deities alike, always thinking several steps ahead. Their followers are often scholars, inventors, and strategists, seeking the deity’s guidance in pursuit of innovation.
### ISTP - The Crafter of Elements
- **Domain**: Craftsmanship, Nature, Elements
- **Attributes**: Known for their mastery over the physical elements and the natural world, this deity empowers artisans, blacksmiths, and adventurers. They value freedom, skill, and the ability to adapt to any situation. Their sanctuaries are found in workshops and the wild.
### ISFP - The Muse of Harmony
- **Domain**: Art, Beauty, Peace
- **Attributes**: This deity inspires creativity, passion, and harmony among their followers. They are patrons of artists, musicians, and peacemakers, embodying the beauty in life and the arts. Their temples are galleries, theaters, and gardens, spaces of inspiration and tranquility.
### INFP - The Dreamweaver
- **Domain**: Imagination, Hope, Healing
- **Attributes**: A deity of boundless imagination and empathy, they weave dreams into reality and offer solace to the troubled. They champion causes of the misunderstood and the lost, bringing light to dark places. Their realms are those of fantasy, dreams, and healing sanctuaries.
### INTP - The Architect of Knowledge
- **Domain**: Logic, Innovation, Knowledge
- **Attributes**: This deity prizes knowledge above all, seeking truth and understanding. They are the patron of inventors, philosophers, and scientists, pushing the boundaries of what is known. Their temples are libraries and laboratories, centers of learning and discovery.
### ESTP - The Dynamo of Adventure
- **Domain**: Action, Challenge, Exploration
- **Attributes**: Vibrant and energetic, this deity thrives on excitement and adventure. They inspire courage, competition, and the pursuit of new experiences. Their followers include athletes, explorers, and warriors. Their shrines are found in arenas and at the edge of the unknown.
### ESFP - The Spirit of Celebration
- **Domain**: Joy, Festivity, Nature
- **Attributes**: This deity embodies the spirit of the moment, reveling in the joys of life, love, and beauty. They are the life of the party, the spark of creativity, and the patron of entertainers and artists. Their sacred spaces are in nature and anywhere celebration is found.
### ENFP - The Inspirer of Change
- **Domain**: Change, Freedom, Inspiration
- **Attributes**: A deity of boundless energy and optimism, they champion the causes of freedom and personal growth. They encourage their followers to explore, to learn, and to challenge the status quo. Their temples are open spaces, crossroads, and anywhere the spirit moves.
### ENTP - The Debater of Realms
- **Domain**: Innovation, Debate, Progress
- **Attributes**: With a sharp mind and a quicker wit, this deity thrives on the exchange of ideas and the challenge of debate. They push their followers to think critically and innovate, to disrupt the old ways and embrace the new. Their domains are forums, academies, and council halls.
### ESTJ - The Commander of Empires
- **Domain**: Leadership, Order, Achievement
- **Attributes**: This deity represents authority, organization, and hard work. They are leaders and builders, creating empires and establishing laws. Their followers are drawn from the ranks of rulers, executives, and anyone who values structure and discipline. Their temples are fortresses and city halls.
### ESFJ - The Herald of Community
- **Domain**: Society, Harmony, Support
- **Attributes**: Focused on the well-being of all, this deity nurtures social bonds and community welfare. They encourage cooperation, kindness, and mutual support. Their places of worship are community centers, places of gathering where all are welcome.
### ENFJ - The Beacon of Hope
- **Domain**: Guidance, Inspiration, Morality
- **Attributes**: This deity lights the way for their followers, offering guidance, support, and a moral compass. They are mentors, leaders, and compassionate friends, inspiring those around them to be their best selves. Their temples are places of learning and sanctuary.
### ENTJ - The Ruler of Destinies
- **Domain**: Ambition, Leadership, Innovation
- **Attributes**: A deity of unmatched ambition and strategic acumen, they command respect and inspire greatness. They are the patrons of leaders, innovators, and visionaries, driving progress and shaping the future. Their temples are grand halls and centers of power.
By matching MBTI types with divine attributes, you create a pantheon that reflects the complexity of human nature, offering players characters with whom they can identify and whose domains they can explore in their adventures.
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Hi. I'm a software developer. I like thinking up clever algorithms, ways so solve problems and so on, and I'm not bothered by complexity. My weak side is implementation: I literally get hung up on bringing ideas to life in this world because of arithmetic and similar "low-level" stuff. When working in team, taking charge, managing people and solving problems with no known solution is easier than implementing what is known. How do I overcome this downside? My type is xNTJ.
I have discussed these learning issues before because this is a common problem for Ns, see the section on Learning & Study. When learning, the typical N relies heavily on intuition to get by, for example, through: being a good guesser; only remembering information long enough to pass and/or practicing just enough to pass; believing that grasping the "gist" is good enough; only attending to information as long as it keeps one's interest; only performing as well as is necessary to look good in comparison to others; etc. In essence, they don't realize that their way of learning is very superficial and leaves them lacking a strong foundation of knowledge.
Not until they are properly put to the test is it revealed that they: have many gaps in knowledge; have a poor grasp of basic details/skills; don't know the methods/procedures inside and out like they should; have no reliable way to structure information and retrieve it quickly; don't know how to apply ideas and concepts; often waste too much time reinventing the wheel; etc.
A smart person should heed these warning signs and work to correct the N-S imbalance by better integrating the S function into their learning process. When you mentioned "low-level stuff", did you say it with a tone of impatience or disdain (as many Ns would)? If so, it might be revealing a bias against S-related learning.
Unfortunately, in reality, many people also have ego development issues exacerbating their learning problems. For example, some Ns get arrogant because they receive praise or feel rewarded for their bad learning habits. With unearned confidence, they double down on their bad habits. Experiencing multiple failures might push them deeper into denial of their shortcomings. Denial might lead them to stick to situations where they can show off their strengths and avoid situations that would expose their weaknesses.
This behavior reveals that they don't really care about real mastery but only the appearance of it. In the workplace, as long as they can keep weaseling their way into a better position, they can keep telling themselves that they don't have a problem. Having curated a false self-image over many years of being "quick", "intelligent", "insightful", "creative", or being "above mundane tasks", etc, they fear what might happen if they were to take the mask off. I am not saying you have this problem. I only mention it as a common obstacle to be aware of.
If you want to be an effective learner, you have to get rid of your bad learning habits, whatever they are. To really know your stuff seems like the harder path to take (that's why many choose to fake it instead), but the pay off is huge when you're eventually able to handle and adapt to any situation with ease. Personal growth is its own reward. It's important to note that the best learners care about personal growth and understand that humility and curiosity are vital to learning. Humility is necessary for acknowledging the full extent of one's ignorance. Curiosity is necessary for doing what it takes to fill in those gaps. This means arrogance and stubbornness are two big no-nos.
It sounds like, for reasons you should reflect on, you've put the horse before the cart. Learning is a complicated process. It needs to follow a particular sequence in order to maximize intellectual growth. But many people are impatient and want to do higher order tasks without properly mastering lower order tasks first.
For instance, the problem of "application" can be broken down and understood like this:
You don't possess enough foundational knowledge because you didn't put enough effort into memorizing all the important details, ideas, concepts, principles, etc.
You don't have a deep understanding of the subject because you didn't "make it your own" by taking the necessary steps to organize information properly into a comprehensive and coherent structure.
You can't apply ideas well because you don't have detailed knowledge of methods and procedures and/or you haven't put in the many hours necessary to practice and learn from practical mistakes.
There are several possibilities. It's possible that only #3 is the problem. It's possible that #3 is a problem because of #2. It's possible that #3 is a problem because of #2 AND #1. Whatever the problem is, go back and fix it.
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espiritogato · 19 days
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cognitivedoodles · 2 years
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Fun Fact : I submitted this for my visual art club assignment and made up a whole story without people knowing this is an interpretation of Introverted Intuition Function
Anyway i should give a lil bit of story
The Unconscious Mind
A special hidden part of the mind, hidden away from everyone else and can only be accessed by intuitive functions such as Ni and Ne. This dimension is abstract, barren, and doesn’t have much of a physical form. If any other function try to access this place they would likely fall into the deep abyss bellow.
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There is nothing there but a giant clock tower and pieces of debris floating in a dark empty space. The clock represents the flow of time in the mindscape, a universal clock if you will. This clock is how the user perceives time, you know how when you’re bored this clock will ticks slower and when you’re having fun this clock ticks a lot faster. So this “mind clock” doesn’t ticks the same way our real life time does, it changes based on our perception of time. Ni likes to hang around here, it’s very quiet here where other functions can’t access it and it also taps a lot into my own fear of running out of time. 
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Under stress many “Holes” opens up in this place as well. What are these holes represent? Perhaps the instability of the mind undergoing stressful times. I don’t really know where these holes lead into either.
You know how sometimes you just “know” things. Sometimes things comes intuitively to you. I pulled some inspiration from that definition of intuition that is
"perception via the unconscious"
and conclude there needs to be a place for the intuitive functions to make up these perceptions and ideas from.
Also a fun Reference sheet remade of Ni i made for this : 
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Intuitives and the Scary Wide World
I just graduated around 1 month and I've been at home for all this time. I've been anxious the entire time. Before I graduated, I have this dream and that dream, but right now it feels ever more like up cliff battle. Not just uphill, but up the cliff. There are so many things right now that I have to consider. So many inputs from people in my life that I feel like it's overwhelming. Every step I take to advance is like walking on the minefield. I held off job application for almost a month after I applied for the first place (which, of course, they ghosted me). It was so stressful, I felt like everything could go wrong under the radar - wrong format, forgetting some documents, speaking inappropriately. I did manage to get the first one going, then I ignored it for almost a month, indulging in food and pc.
Yesterday I posted on one subreddit of the country I plan to settle in the future. My aim was to build networks and all. The response was very, very positive they are VERY nice. But they also demonstrate how naïve I am. I am too invested in my vision (and effectively, in my head) that I don't look at the world in front of me. I didn't research as thoroughly as I should and ended asserting my naivety. I made a blunder and it made me feel horrible. Then I was thinking and thinking it again and again. I felt like it's disconnected, I can only see the picture, but isolated from the path leading to it. Kind of like an island isolated from the shore. And then I felt horrible and overwhelmed. I tried forcing myself to come up with the game plan, but it kept being incomplete. Why? Because I lack real world experience thus lack the resources to pull from. But I still tried forcing it until I couldn't and fell into panic.
Thanks to my ESTP aunt though, she told to just focus on the here and now instead. Since I know what I will do in the future, that's alright. No need to plan everything to smallest detail that far off. Just focus on the present and what needs to be done. That pulled me out of that planning rut. What I need to do now is to find a job, so I have work experience, hence a leverage to apply in that country. And there is no guarantee in this world, what we have to do is to not think and just do it. Apply for jobs, apply as many times as you could, within 100 applications, maybe 2 will contact you back. You won't get good salary, it might not worth the effort, but we have to do it, to survive. We need to force ourselves to do it, it is scary, I know. But unless we face it head on, how can what we want in life even happen? If you don't have experience or not having solid, practical knowledge, there is no way your dream can ever come true.
The real world is scary, but we have to face it. So, if you need to know more, research it. Don't fear that it'll prove your dream is impossible. Use that knowledge to find a way around it instead. To go out and live in the real world is scary and unpredictable. But we have to face it. Think about the thing so much more that you dream for the world, use it as a beacon and take a step. Think of all the people you will meet in the future, of all the change you and your people can bring. None of that will happen unless you face that wide, scary world. 
As for me, it's going to be hard, very hard. Maybe 5 years, 10 years, but I won't let my people, whose path will cross with mine, down.
So, fellow intuitives, if you fear to take a step, know that you are not alone. We are in this together and there are many who feel you.
PS. And do listen and talk with sensors in your life. They are much more skilled at making things happen that we are. Best listen to what they have to say. As for me, without my ISFJ friend, ESFJ mother and ESTP aunt, I doubt I would even take a firm step at all.
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mymidwestheart · 8 months
🖤💖 love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love 💖🖤
Aweeeee thanks!!! You are always, always, always one of my favs too. 😻
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mbtimes · 2 years
MBTimes Space Series Intuitives
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all of which are available on the redbubble store currently
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dfartproject · 1 year
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Performance: Live Painting de Jérôme Royer le 8 avril 2023 à 18h30 @jeroy94 Jérôme Royer dessine depuis son plus jeune âge, guidé par un oncle peintre. A l'école, il reçoit déjà la reconnaissance de ses professeurs et de son entourage. A cette époque, l'art est pour lui un passe-temps et un simple moyen de s'exprimer. Il continue alors ses études et se dirige vers la filière du bâtiment. Pour son Baccalauréat, il choisit l'option art. Il est l'un des rares élèves à recevoir un très bon résultat. Malgré tous ces indices, il continu son chemin professionnel. Il travaille dans une société de construction et arrête de dessiner pendant un certain temps. Les circonstances de la vie le conduisent à quitter cette entreprise, pour devenir dessinateur en bâtiment et en architecture. Les #réseaux #sociaux sont alors le déclencheur de son parcours artistique. Après quelques "posts" de dessins, il est encouragé par bon nombre d'internautes. Il dessine de plus en plus : un dessin par semaine puis un par jour, puis plusieurs par jour... Grâce à tous ces encouragements, il découvre enfin la peinture et plus particulièrement l'aquarelle. Lors de la crise financière, il travaille moins, cela lui permet de perfectionner sa peinture, de trouver des endroits pour exposer... Comme pousser par le destin pour devenir un réel artiste, sur la voie du #professionnalisme et de la reconnaissance. "Nous aurons le destin que nous aurons mérité." (A. Einstein ) Les #arts martiaux, particulièrement l'Aïkido et le #Tai-chi-chuan, sont très importants dans son développement artistique. Grâce à la pratique de ses arts, Il #perfectionne son #geste, manie son #pinceau avec détermination et utilise le #mouvement et l'énergie pour rendre vivant ses tableaux. Il jette la peinture d'un mouvement sec, fait glisser son pinceau sur la toile avec légèreté, #écoute son cœur. Jérôme #aime #mélanger une peinture fine et détaillée avec des courbes #stylistiques #intuitives et spontanées. #laportemaubec #larochelle #performance #liveperformance #exposition (at La Porte Maubec) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqlg0hgIUd9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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intj-writer · 1 year
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The Intuitive Thinkers: INTJ, ENTP, INTP, ENTJ
What is your type and which type do you get along best with?
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thevibrantcateye · 2 years
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Multiverse Faces by @thevibrantcateye
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mbti-notes · 1 year
I am an ENTJ and often feel alienated among my friends in terms of understanding culture - movies, art, books, etc. Mine are mostly N-domes, ENTPs, ENFPs, INTJs, but also ENFJs. At the same time, when someone articulates to me the deep meaning of a movie I like it, it would be great to have such deep understanding. Is this due to the N high in the stack in my friends? What can I do to improve my understanding?
The higher and more developed the N function, the more people rely on abstract data and information, the more likely they are to make abstract connections, and the more willing they are to entertain abstract meanings and a variety of possible interpretations. However, this natural Intuitive leaning does not automatically guarantee that one would be good at interpreting the deeper meaning of stories - cognitive processing and cognitive skill are separate issues.
To have a deeper understanding of fiction, one also requires some knowledge, skill, and expertise in applying methods of literary analysis and critique. It is often said that, subjectively, people can take whatever they want from art, which is true. However, some interpretations are objectively better than others, and not everyone possesses the background knowledge and analytical skills to understand that. This is why art history or literature majors look at creative works very differently than the average person.
With regard to being ENTJ (inferior Fi), I should mention that one's subjective experience of art is an important stepping stone to discovering its deeper meaning. Specifically, art is often meant to evoke certain memories, experiences, feelings, and emotions that help each member of the audience connect to a larger theme or universal truth. If you aren't very in touch with yourself and don't reflect very much on your identity, you'll find it difficult to connect with art on a deeper level. Also, cultural references/issues don't hit very hard when you're not aware of and/or don't care much about your part within the larger culture.
Thus, for ENTJs, this issue relates to both Ni and Fi development. Lack of development in either or both functions can present obstacles. Consult the Type Dev Guide about how to develop them.
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pazzesco · 2 months
Precision art lines and color spreads
I found the artist. Her name is Amika, she's an Architect, Artist and Entrepreneur.
"I had started The Oblivious Mind as a small business selling handmade products and making floral paintings. But over the years my art style changed drastically and I fell in love with abstract art. Now, I am a full time intuitive abstract artist whose happy place is around colours and paints. My art revolves around basic shapes, lines and dots with a touch of colour all combined together to create an intuitive composition. In this journey, ‘trusting the process’ has become my ‘mantra’ and getting lost in the creative process my routine."
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View another Amika video post on Instagram
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softwaring · 3 months
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we’re really out here living in an AI dystopian hellscape and this shit has just begun… the future is grim…
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kavaleyre · 13 days
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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curiositypolling · 2 months
pls reblog for sample size etc
follow for more occasional useless polls :)
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