#inu inu no mi
bollitolyn20 · 9 months
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lgbtally4ever · 1 year
So eloquent in its writing and characterizations. So touching, deep, and sensitive. So wonderfully filmed, scored, acted, directed, and, of course, written.
Thank you 🙏
Werner du Plessis &
Inu Baek.
Thank you, Producer
Jeong-Hyuk Moon.
Thank you 🙏 Stars
Im Ji sub &
Oh Jun taek,
Lee Mi ra, et al.
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
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The Fox and Little Tanuki Vol 2
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writesailingdreams · 1 year
Appreciate the wolf devil fruits because I get
Fairy tale wolf shenanigans with trickery & guile
Protective helpful wolf, with emphasis on deification & respect. Also, my guy gets it so yay! 🥰
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lover-cook · 26 days
Thinking so Hard about my therian inspired aus.... so I'm gonna talk about the newest one :} So I have an au for Ray, my One Piece self insert, where they end up ending a Zoan type Devil Fruit ! Specifically a Inu Inu No Mi : Shepard Model or a Mutt Mutt Fruit Model Shepherds Breed ! Basically a Zoan fruit that's a combination of a bunch of Shepherds dog breeds but taking visually from Australian Shepherds ! Basically everything is the same except when Ray left the Marines it was due to them eating a Devil Fruit and their super strict superior kicked them out and they found their way to the Baratie. They end up keeping being a Devil Fruit eater a secret until about Water 7 when Jabara calls them out for being "like him" and Ray freaks out, particularly because this happens in front of Sanji and Zoro two people who's opinion Ray holds very high, and that isn't really resolved until the Post Water 7 arc. Theirs a really sweet scene particularly between Luffy, Chopper, Robin, and Ray with the three of them welcoming Ray as another Devil Fruit eater in their group. They're very warm and inviting and especially Chopper is ecstatic to have someone who also ate a Zoan Devil Fruit type like he did and someone to bond over being part human part animal. The two are animal buddies! And after that Ray kind explains some more the Crew and apologizes to Zoro and Sanji in particular for that situation happening in the first place as it 'wouldn't have happened if I had just told you all'. But nothing went wrong and ultimately what's important is everyone came out of it safe.
After that point one of the new things is that Ray does is spend a bit of time in Human-Beast and Beast form. Often when the crew needs a quick scouting of an area and they don't want to draw any attention Ray is sent out in Beast form to look around. For a while the Marines think the Strawhats have gotten a pet dog with their pet "raccoon dog" kslknglksdn And the idea of like. Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp being super fascinated with Ray's Beast form makes me giggle a bit just like grabbing their tail and ears being like "Woahhhh". Eventually they get comfortable being in all three forms pretty casually even to the point of napping in Beast Form or going out in public in Human-Beast form. Can you tell this is a bit wish-fulfillment for me ksdlknndg It makes me sooo soft. I've also ben thinking about Yamato even though I'm no where CLOSE to Wano but wehheh I've kind of got a crush and the idea of a Big Celestial Dog and Little Dog puppylove romance makes me whehbkasbjsehehbefheh <3333 But that's for later me !
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timmurleyart · 3 months
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Japanese mementos. 🇯🇵⛩🌋
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daseindigital · 5 months
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-Despues de varias lunas cumplidas haciendo lo mismo me has preguntado ¿Qué hago cada noche en este claro? Sin embargo sigues viniendo a mí, noche tras noche sin falta.
El platinado soltó un suspiro antes de continuar al no recibir respuesta de la pelinegra.
-Soy un demonio, Miko, no uno cualquiera sino un Inu Daiyokai. Está fuera de mi naturaleza hablar de sentimientos y yo jamás doy explicaciones, sin embargo hoy lo haré por ti así que pon atención. ¿Sabes cuál es la razón por la que dejé a Rin en tu aldea y a Jaken a su cuidado?
-Para que esté segura.- Respondió Kagome afirmando, pero su voz delataba un poco de duda.
-Sabes tan bien como yo que estando a mi lado nada le habría pasado jamás. - Corrigió él y la joven no pudo evitar fruncir levemente el ceño porque esa misma idea ya le había cruzado por la mente, pero jamás la exteorizo. - Sabía que a Rin le dolería al principio acostumbrarse a la vida con los humanos, dejar a Jaken era su garantía de que tarde o temprano regresaría a visitarlos. Yo tomé la decisión de dejarlos en tu aldea porque soy un hombre que aprecia y valora su privacidad, y sin embargo aquella noche llegaste tú a este mismo claro interrumpiendo mi soledad. Llegaste tan rota, llorando inconsolablemente por un desaire más por parte del híbrido, parecía que ya te encontrabas harta de lo que te ofrece, él no se dió cuenta de que como tú no hay otra. - Un intenso sonrojo se apoderó de las mejillas de la sacerdotisa. - Esa misma noche te acercaste a mí y te refugiaste en mi pecho, yo simplemente no tuve la fuerza para retirarte a pesar de que el olor de tu tristeza me abrumaba. -Kagome bajó la mirada avergonzada pero los dedos largos y finos de Sesshomaru le hicieron levantar el rostro cuando fue sostenido por el mentón para que le mirara nuevamente. - Para mi sorpresa la siguiente noche volviste a aparecer, esta vez te veías más repuesta, me sonreiste tímidamente y descubrí que eras experta en las noches frías, porque las vuelves cálidas con tu sola presencia. Día tras día luchaba conmigo mismo intentando no volver más, y sin embargo caía en la tentación de venir sabiendo que tú llegarías en algún momento, hasta que dejé de pelear con el descubrimiento de que mi pensamiento se rehusa a ti pero mi cuerpo te adora. Adora la sensación que me produce tocarte, el que roces accidentalmente mi piel ya es ganar para mí. Y es que tu cabello negro, la figura de cuerpo que decidiste tapar con ese traje de sacerdotisa que no te queda porque esta no eres tú, y tus ojos azules color del cielo son algo que no puedo sacar de mi mente en ningún momento del día... Ahora he respondido a tu pregunta, Kagome.
-Sesshomaru... -La joven analizaba cada palabra dicha por el platinado, su corazón estaba acelerado temiendo entender mal porque en verdad deseaba significar algo más que la ex enamorada de su medio hermano.
-El Kitsune ha despertado y te está buscando.-Dijo él invitándola a retirarse, deseaba estar con ella pero si el pequeño zorro venía a buscarla, todos sabían a dónde iba Kagome cada noche y tan bella rutina podría verse afectada.
Ella había aprendido a descifrar sus peticiones mudas así que entendiendo lo que quería y decidió retirarse.
-Kagome.- Le habló antes de que se pusiera en pie y ella volvió a dirigir la mirada a él. -Te espero mañana, ven e interrumpe mi soledad.
Crédito Anny Sarabia
Mil gracias a Anny Sarabia por este bellísimo escrito para está imagen. En verdad es un deleite leer tus escritos, un honor y placer poder tener algo tuyo.
Ojalá nos sigas enamorando con más de tus escritos Sesshome ❤️
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kiawren · 5 days
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Wren is finally taller than kia/we!!!!! Kiawren if they were doomed by the narrative... or maybe not becuz kia/we won't d word in this au... wren is wearing a hanfu and has qilin horns, he also has the inu inu no mi model: tiangou (mythical dog that eats the sun & moon), so like ya/mato but a black colour palette instead of white... kia/we obviously has the mera mera no mi and instsad of the asce tattoos I gave him a traditional one he'd have but it's pretty rough...
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Wren's designs are quite different throughout the aus.... and kia/we is just:
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irlkisukeurahara · 6 months
Releasing a new product ✨
Devil Fruit Baskets featuring the Inu Inu no mi model Okuchi no Makami, Gamu Gamu no mi, Mera Mera no mi, Hito Hito no mi, Bara Bara no mi, and the Hana Hana no mi!
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$25 for a whole set. Also available to do custom orders, such as different Devil Fruits ; We can exchange the fruits for any Devil Fruit available on RedBushido's page on Cults3D!
1-3 weeks processing time.
If you're coming to WasabiCon 2023 you can order this online and pick it up at our booth for only $20! And if you buy anything else at the booth while you're there you'll get a 10% discount for it! Mom and Hop's Anime Shop! DM if interested<3
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megashadowdragon · 2 months
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one piece theory the secret behind v . nusjuro
Today, in this theory, I will explain what the Secret of V. Nusjuro, who may be a Diamond Dog and his role in the story.
🔍 To answer this question, we'll go through 3 main points.
Venus and Diamond stone
Venus is a Dog demon
Venus cursed Wano and Kuina
Venus and Diamond stone
Did you know that in Hindu mythology, Venus was associated with the Diamond stone?
In the same mythology, Saturn is associated with Blue Sapphire, which is Oda's reference in the story!
Is V. Nus associated with the Diamond stone?
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This would be no surprise as Mr. 1 told Zoro: "Are you going to cut through a Diamond next?" Will Zoro cut through Venus' Diamond next?
Cutting through a Diamond seems to be a difficult task. as Mihawk himself struggled to cut through Diamond Jozu.
2. Venus is a Dog demon The Five Elders are inspired from Chinese mythology - Saturn (ox) = ox demon (Ushi-oni) - Jupiter (sheep) = Shepherd Ju Peter - Mars (fowl) = bird/fowl - Mercury (pig) = boar - Venus is associated with a dog
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The Five Elders also seem to be inspired from Japanese Folklore. Each Gorosei matches a Yokai (Japanese Demon). - Saturn (ox) = Ushi-oni - Jupiter (sheep) = Nuppeppo - Mars (fowl) = Itsumade - Mercury (pig) = Baku - Venus could therefore be a Dog Yokai
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Venus could be the Inugami (犬神), the Dog Yokai (dog god/spirit).
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A manga series named Inuyasha (犬夜叉) depicts a half-demon (Inugami), half-human swordsman. - Inuyasha is a swordsman, like Venus. - Inuyasha even has a Diamond sword that can throw diamonds (Venus = Diamond) Is Venus a half-demon dog half-human swordsman, like Inuyasha?
Yamato ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami - The guardian dog
Did Venus eat the Inu Inu No Mi, Model: Inugami - The vengeful dog Panini @writingpanini · 18h
Venus cursed Wano and Kuina
Yamato's Devil Fruit, the Makami, is considered Wano's Guardian Deity.
Did Venus, the Inugami, curse Wano? Panini @writingpanini · 18h Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro seems to be from Wano as "Juro" is included in his nickname.
Zoro's nickname in Wano was Zoro-Juro! Panini @writingpanini · 18h Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro is known as the Warrior God of Finance
Wano was known as the country of gold!
Did Venus, the Inugami, curse Wano? Panini @writingpanini · 18h A very popular Japanese novel talks about the Inugami curse, Venus' curse?
Did the Inugami Venus bound to the swords through some dark ritual or curse, influencing the wielders, driving them toward acts of violence or revenge?
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Panini @writingpanini · 18h Did Venus curse the Shimotsuki family in Wano to get their gold? Panini @writingpanini · 18h Maybe Kuina herself died because of her sword that may have been cursed by V. Nusjuro.
Ginny died because of Sapphire Scale (Saturn).
Law's family died because of Amber Lead (Ju Peter?)
Did Shimotsuki and Kuina died because of Inugami/Diamond Curse (Venus)? Panini @writingpanini · 18h This may trigger a confrontation between Zoro and V. Nusjuro if V. Nusjuro is the one who indirectly caused Kuina's death! Panini @writingpanini · 18h As a conclusion:
Venus may be associated with Diamond
Venus may be associated with Inugami
Venus may have cursed Wano by cursing swords to steal their gold
Venus may have indirectly caused Kuina's death
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shibarulata · 12 days
~URL Song Game UwU~
Hey y'all! @esotheria-sims nominated me in their URL Song Game Post and I'm gonna play it >:3 Had to search through, (not to flex but) my 5,360 liked songs in Spotfiy. This was hard to do since I had to see which made me resonate and want to sing out loud ahahaha.
S - Sakura Nagashi - Hikaru Utada H - Heaven - Ayumi Hamasaki I - Inochi Azukemasu - Keiko Fuji B - Burn my Dread - Yumi Kawamura, Shoji Meguro A - Ashita Tenki ni Naare - Daisy x Daisy R - Reflection - Lea Salonga U - Unbroken - Aeralie Brighton L - Long After - GEM鄧紫棋 A - Anata ni Aitakute - Seiko Matsuda T - The Moon Represents my Heart - Teresa Teng A - Another Day of Sun - La La Land Cast
Fun Fact: The "rulata" part in my username is based on my original character (from my still WIP book), Serrulata. Her name is based on the Cherry Blossom tree's scientific name, Prunus Serrulata. You can see how much I love cherry blossoms hehe... and shiba inus.
Erm, I have to mention 10 right?
@nonsensical-pixels, @profesionalpartyguest, @brattyful, @oceansmotion, @cora626, @beatricecrumplebottom, @i07jeuu, @applewatersugar, @thebigcj, @spell-bloom
(I can't boop on tumblr, but there are a lot who booped me so here's mi revenge :3) Nyahahahaah
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
some random cpns. 🍫
from this candy round up where i mentioned the same trousers. he is really wearing it everywhere in this press tour. what does this all mean. 👀 i don’t even know if it’s usual for stylists to do this, since after all, it’s a pretty staple black and then he just changes his top. but still. also the 🦴 is hidden but we can see that he has it on.
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in the live broadcast yesterday ( with the cutie never ), they sold 850,000 tickets which is yibo’s number. today, it’s 330,000. lol. Who is 33? Who is picking these numbers? 85 makes sense for Yibo but not 33.
Their recent studio photo seem to be interchanged too, ZZ is green and WYB is red. I���ve also been eyeing Yibo-officials’s shtick of updating about the weather during their evening posts. Is this something the character of Ye Mi does in the film? It honestly reminds me of LRLG posts, with them talking about the weather — specifically when it will rain.
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lastly, people talking about how wyb was handling never so well. it’s like someone who knows how to take care of a dog. but not one with a long hair, cause notice how he messed up never’s hair. lol. so here we go again with the fostering a shiba inu cpn. i’m just cackling cause we all have the same braincell and popular cpns just keep popping up when we see something connected to it. i don’t wanna overthink it, at the very least, it was a really cute yibo moment.
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archeamajuar · 2 months
Někdo by si možná řekl, že když se dostanu trošku blíž k člověku, o kterém píšu povídky, tak mi to začne být blbé, bude mi kokotno a psát přestanu.
Inu, po pracovním callu s Ivanem Bartošem musím říct, že má chuť psát Bartošan je snad ještě vyšší :D Sice mě v rámci práce irituje, ale jinak je neuvěřitelně cute <3
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
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The Fox and Little Tanuki Vol 1
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dalsimoravskyblog · 3 months
Už je zase technicky pondělí, tedy logicky ho začínám Nemocnicí na kraji města. V tomto díle se stalo hrozně moc věcí a zároveň vůbec nic. Pokud vás to zajímá, pojďte dál.
mezi minulým a tímto dílem došlo k nespecifikovanému časovému skoku, každopádně začíná tím, že se narodí to dítě, o kterém jsem vám minule říkala; intenzivně se řeší, že Štěpánková je záměrně svobodná matka, ale slovy naší hlavní hrdinky Elišky Balzerové, „ten muž mi tam vůbec neschází“ #feminismusneironicky
Balzerová je vůbec velmi zaměstnaná, pracovně i romanticky: Němec, s kterým platonicky chodí, ji požádá o ruku (ne, nedali si ani pusu, to bylo specifikováno) a babyboy Viktor Preiss, její pacient, jí vyzná lásku (jsem tým Preiss)
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(už jsem vám dlouho neukázala hezky osvětlenou Elišku Balzerovou, mohlo by vám to chybět!)
s Preissem jsem měla velmi awkward soukromý moment, o kterém vám musím říct – vyjmenovával světové metropole, kde působil, pak zmínil letiště v Praze a můj mozek automaticky přešel do módu „nice, Czech reference“; ty vole, dalšímoravskýblogu, koukáš se na českej seriál...
dosud jsem vám zatajila existenci Hanzlíka v roli řidiče sanitky, protože se vyznačuje nulovou zajímavostí, tak ten se prosím vás na konci dílu oženil s Blažejovou ex, která z toho měla radost asi jako by před ní topili koťátka; na druhou stranu měla pěkný svatební šaty a to se počítá
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(fascinuje mě, že jsem stejný kytky viděla v sobotu v HMku; každopádně Inu jsem vám ještě neukazovala, plačte za její ubohé obočí)
celou dobu čekám na zlodušství doktora Cvacha a zatím je jenom smutný sledovat, jak se snaží natřikrát napíchnout žílu, Janžurka se mu u toho pochechtává a nakonec to stejně musí udělat Kopecký; jasné poor little meow meow vibes
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(what do you mean i have to do doctor shit, isn't it enough that my hair is on point??)
no a nakonec se na scénu vrací mladý Sova, který je ve svém emo období, a do nemocnice přiváží rodinnou hospodyni Emu (tato epizoda se po ní jmenuje), která si myslím, že stejně zhyne (dám vědět) a zatím jsem ji nikdy nezmínila, protože mi je mírně protivná a neměla jsem potřebu to ventilovat
kolem a kolem velmi Sova a Štrosmajer light díl, doufám, že v dalším díle bude té homosexuality víc budou víc
🚑 ❤️And that's what you missed on Nemocnice na kraji města, díl 7/20 ❤️🩺
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vera-simik · 1 year
Krakonošovo tajemství shrnuto v bodech:
Aspoň tentokrát korespondují účesy s ošacením
Běží to asi deset minut a už jsme doma zvládli odhadnout dva zásadní příběhové body, yay!
Týpek, co hraje Krakonoše, je velmi esteticky uspokojivý
Že by Sokol pro jednou nepřehrával tolik?
Prachař překvapivě v roli kretýna. Koho to ještě udivuje, nechť hodí kamenem
Jejda. Pohádka se s tim nesere
Hlavní hrdinka trpí... inu... syndromem "Spot the main character" (a taky "Blasphemous hair and make up")
Zajímalo by mě, co má mladá-vdova-která-to-ještě-neví s Lídou za problém?
Chaloupka je naprosto boží. Takový bych chtěla letní sídlo
To kde vzali tu počítačovou krysu?
Konečně pořádná reprezentace šílených účesů cca 40. let 19. století??
Doufám, že Adam dostane trochu na budku, aby se hezky rychle probral z těch panských pitomin
Líbí se mi ta kontinuita, že teď už má Jiráček brýle, co mu nespadnou
Jana z Hůrky si ale teď dost vytáhli ze zadku
Co tam píše? "Bláňo, do kláštera tudy?"
Takže instrukce ke Krakonošovi jsou basically "Jděte k šípku"?
For real tho, mít tu chaloupku, úplně klidně bych vstávala i velmi brzo ráno
Já se tak vidím na té verandě, zabalená v ovčině, hezky s teplým čajíčkem... To chcu. Tak.
Prachař-krkavec se rozhodl změnit kariérní dráhu a spontánně se stal netopýrem
Nebo to je, že z toho oznámení jakože chcípl?
Máme teorii, že si Liduščina mama zaskotačila s Krakonošem
Ha! Konečně Lída už nemá syndrom hlavní hrdinky a vizuálně respektuje čas a místo
Ale beztak nemá korzet, tch
Je odteď Jiráček nový Krakonošův spolubydlící (nebo... "spolubydlící"?)
Pošťáka bych skopla ze zahrádky, neděkujem, vypadněte
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