shizukais · 4 years
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Clamp in Wonderland.
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Ch5 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Warning this story is M bordering NSFW
Chapter 5:
SlayerYesterday at 9:51 PM
Inuyasha knew that if his brother really wanted her he would catch them. He was banking on Sesshomaru  just not giving a damn. But when he felt the swell of Sesshomaru's power, and the earth moving force of him chasing after them his heart dropped.  His bastard  of a brother wanted HIS Kagome.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:53 PM
Now, Kagome and he may have agreed that they were better off as friends, but that didn't mean that he'll hand her off to his brother. That's just wrong. Actually, imagining anyone with Sesshomaru is just wrong and gives him the heebie jeebies.
 SlayerYesterday at 9:54 PM
And she was still HIS Kagome.
"Can you hold a solid circular barrier around us?" Inuyasha called over his shoulder.
Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:57 PM
All he had to do was make it to the well. Just up ahead. He could see the clearing. The old stones that made up the base. It was so close. Kagome nodded, "I can try!" Her reiki blossomed into a barrier, but for some reason Sesshomaru was able to reach right into it. "Miko."
She trembled.
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:01 PM
Too late, she came to the realization that the barrier didn’t work on Sesshomaru because, deep down, she didn’t really want to escape from him after all.
 SlayerYesterday at 10:01 PM
She solidified her barrier, but just as it became solid a huge paw slapped them away from their destination. 'Great now we have a 50 foot dog playing ball with us.'
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:02 PM
Sure, in the dark, somewhat high part of her mind, she imagined playing fetch with Sesshomaru, but not like THIS!
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:03 PM
"You're going to ruin the goods, Sesshomaru! Stop!"
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:04 PM
Kagome felt green as Sesshomaru swatted them for the fifth time. More like Pinball at this point instead of regular ball.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:06 PM
Apparently the 50 something foot dog had SOME sense because now he was looking down at them, actually her, in a somewhat contemplative way. She didn't like that head tilt. Nothing good came out between her and dogs tilting their heads while looking straight at her.
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:07 PM
“Kagome, drop the barrier when I tell you to. I have a plan to get us out of this mess,” said Inuyasha as his Tetsuiga started to turn Hot Pink.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:09 PM
Oh. Oh good lord no, his tail was wagging. No no no no that can't be good, he's happy about something no no no. Ever so hesitantly she dropped the barrier.
All hell broke lose and nothing went right.
 SlayerYesterday at 10:11 PM
Sesshomaru  still in his true form, lunged for her, completely  ignoring Inuyashayelling out a new attack. Next thing he knew he had some type of metallic  confetti going up his nose, which unfortunately caused the huge dog to sneeze. Right on Kagome.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:12 PM
That was one strong sneeze because it blew the first layer of Kagome's kimono right off and now she was on her hands and knees trying to get up from the blow.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:18 PM
Dripping with snot, Kagome shouted, "Dammit! I just want to stay clean for half a day!" She flung out her arm, pointing right at Sesshomaru and his wet nose, "I thought you were trying to help me by taking me from the shiro, but you just wanted to torture me!" She wiped her face with the back of her sleeve, getting emotional with how tired she'd become. Sunlight peaked over the horizon, and she sniffled, "I just want a bath and my fluffy robe and sham pajamas and my bed..."
 SlayerYesterday at 10:20 PM
Seeing the little priestess dissolve  into tears made both dog demons tuck their ears and look at the ground.
"Ah Kags dont cry! Damn it you asshole look what you did!" Inuyasha yelled at his older sibling.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:27 PM
Sesshomaru's massive paw pushed Inuyasha into the dirt. They all knew if Inuyasha hadn't of stuck his stupid face into the middle of things, this would never have happened. With a whirlwind of power, Sesshomaru was back looking like his two legged self, covering HIS miko's shoulders with moko moko.
"Everything can wait until morning, let's get you a bath first. I look forward to washing your hair." Hair so black it gleamed blue in the sunlight, and wildly unruly, so unlike his own. He had to admit, to himself alone, how curious he was about her human but timeless attributes.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:31 PM
They were already well away from Inuyasha's muffled screaming and right in front of a small spring when Kagome's frazzled brain finally caught up to what Sesshomaru just said, "Wait what?!"
 SlayerYesterday at 10:39 PM
"Come now we will get you clean fed and to bed and we can talk in the morning."
"You're not staying while I bathe!"
"But I am Miko. Your requirements were love security and marriage. I can easily give you two of those things. I would like to try to foster the third. That means we spend time together." Sesshomaru started the massive work of unrobing his Miko. 'My god how many layers did mother dress her in."
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:42 PM
"Sesshomaru!" She tried to slap his hands away as her obi fell to the ground and he began removing the outer layer. The silks were glued together by his giant dog snot. She pouted, "This is all your fault..."
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:44 PM
It was a long and tedious process because he would not wish to scare her by ripping the clothes off of her but he was patient. For a while. It was on the last layer that Sesshomaru nearly threw his hands in the air and bash his head against the wall. His mother all but places a chastity belt on the miko and it would not come off unless the one wearing it takes it off herself.
 SlayerYesterday at 10:46 PM
"Remove your last layer and get in the water. This Sesshomaru  shall not peek." He turned away from the nearly naked Miko and scanned the trees wondering if his idiot of a half brother was going to show up.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:59 PM
As soon as his back turned a loud splash resounded with a laugh he knew all too well. "InuKui! Get your hands off my miko!" He growled, turning on his heel. The sight was disturbing. InuKui had her arms around Kagome's naked body, rubbing noses. 
"Uh...InuKui...if you don't mind...some space?" Kagome's face, neck, and chest were flushed red.
 Walter205Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Turning around, Sesshomaru took in a eyeful before noting that Inukui was at least still wearing her blue robe of the water hamster.
 imjaneeesToday at 12:11 AM
Inukui, as completely uncaring of other people's comfort to appease herself as her mother is, merely grinned at the miko.
"Don't you know, you're our sister now! Mother said you and big brother would give us new pups. Mother has been rather melancholy lately, I think she misses having pups around the shiro since there hasn't been one since I came along. But now you're here so everyone would be happy! How often can humans give birth per century though? Mother told me to ask you about this."
Good lord the girl meant well so Kagome couldn't really get mad at her, not to mention that she reminded her strangely of Rin with a feminine Inuyasha face. This was weird.
revangToday at 1:05 AM
“I- I’m not giving anyone pups!” Kagome squeaked with a furious blush. “We’re not even in love! I’m going to bathe and go home away from all of this nonsense. And when I get back, we’re going to resume our hunt for Naraku and the Shikon like we should be doing!”
 Walter205Today at 9:59 AM
Later that night, Sesshomaru lay against the great tree of time, staring up at the countless stars of the night sky accented by the crescent moon. Kagome was sound asleep by his feet, taking full advantage of the furry softness that was Mokomoko in the absence of her beloved sleeping bag. Inuyasha was above him in one of the tree's limbs keeping watch, while Inukoi was curled up next to Kagome, where Shippou would normally be at. 
 Everyone had settled down remarkably well last night after the miko's declaration that she wouldn't be bearing pups for anyone in the hot spring. At that point everyone had taken a giant step back as they realized Kagome had gone through too much in too short a time period and that she was being driven away by their actions. After letting her bathe in peace they had fed her the fish on sticks Inuyasha had brought to the cave earlier. 
 While she was eating they had discussed backing off considerably on their plans and ambitions for the time being as the Miko had a lot on her mind and a lot to talk about, to all of them along with her mother in the present. It was decided to let her return home in the morning but since it was late at night she would stay with the three of them nearby before departing. 
 They had paid their respects to the graves of Kikyo and Kaede, the latter having passed on almost a year ago, not of old age as many thought would happen but in one of the many battles against Naraku, the Trash Prince having killed her in order to taunt Inuyasha about Kikyo's death along with hurting all of them emotionally. Kaede's death hadn't been in vain however as she had prevented Naraku from learning about the secret of the Bone Eater's Well.
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Ch4 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Warning this is M bordering NSFW
Chapter 4:
Clutching the thin cotton sheet towel to her chest, her bare feet slapped against the cold stone floor. Wild eyes glanced back over her shoulder. 
InuKimi's laughter filled the corridor. Her sharp teeth glinted in the natural light. 
Her chin tilted up, and her laughter abruptly ended. 
Why? Kagome's heart pounded, breaths quickened, and smack! Her hands hit something soft and hard all at once. Shocked blue eyes took in the firm planes of a heavily muscled chest.
Walter205Last Wednesday at 2:11 PM
Her eyes continued to widen as she looked up the oddly familiar chest before she stepped back upon seeing the face of Bankotsu looking down at her in bemusement. 
 "Bankotsu!" she cried in sudden fear and amazement. 
 "Well well, so this is one of the candidates that your mother brought me back from hell for? And here I thought doggy boy had you all tied up, I guess he couldn't pass muster after all," Ban replied with a shit eating grin on his face. 
 "Brought you back from hell? What's going on?" Kagome asked incredulously as she half turned to glance back at Inukimi. No way was she turning her back fully on the former leader of the Band of Seven. 
 Inukimi looked rather sullen as she glowered at Ban before replying, "My necklace contains a portal to other dimensions. I was browsing through your history the other day to look for suitable candidates for my daughters. Bankotsu, she is off limits to you and I thought I told you to wait in your quarters? I'm afraid I'll have to impose a penalty on your eligibility," scowled Inukimi before dismissing him from the area. 
 "Please tell me you didn't bring back an associated member that was height and esteem challenged?" Kagome asked in a suddenly even greater fear. 
 "No, he was the only one from that group that I found sufficiently suitable. Although there are...others...," Inukimi replied with a smile.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 2:15 PM
"It's of no matter my dear now back to the dressing room for you." Inukimi grabbed Kagome's  wrist and drug her back into the room with all the kimono and accessories
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 2:34 PM
She was held hostage until thoroughly layered like some silk mummy. Kagome winced after the eighth layer was added, "I'm not sure I can walk like this..." 
InuKimi shrugged, "Who needs to walk?"
And so the servants continued.
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 3:22 PM
The servants were still adding, removing, and fitting garments when Kagome felt another presence behind her. She looked up into the mirror as she heard a growled warning coming from Inukimi before the female version of Inuyasha suddenly appeared close behind her. 
 "Hummm, you do look so much better now and your skin has a much more...appealing quality to it now," Inukui said before leaning forward and sticking out her tongue, making contact with the nape of her neck before tracing around to her lower right ear lobe. Kagome blushed furiously as she thought that the intimate contact had no business being anywhere near as hot as it was weird, but for some reason it was. 
 "Hunh, hey, what do you?" Kagome tried to stutter out as words seem to fail her over the sensation she was now feeling. 
 "Oh you taste so good. I wish I could just scoop you up and take you far away from here," enthused Inukoi with a smile on her face. Kagome couldn't tell if she was being serious or playful and what scared her most is she couldn't decide whether she was more afraid or anxiously excited at the prospect. It had to be that she was the female lookalike of Inuyasha, it just had to be. 
 Inukoi let out a slightly pained 'eeep' as Inukimi strode forward and grabbed ahold of one of her ears, dragging her youngest away from the prospective Kagome. 
 "Daughter dearest, whatever am I going to do with you? You know I prefer to see you with a proper man, how else are you to be properly pupped with my grandchildren?" Inukimi admonished with a frown on her face. 
 "But ma I don't like men, women appeal to me so much better. Besides there's plenty of adoptable orphans that need care, do these newcomers and your eldest not have some of their own?" Inukoi protested in a huff. She pouted for a moment before huffing 'fine' and stomping out of the chamber.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 3:28 PM
Kagome turned and looked at Inukimi. "You know maybe I do like females....." her cheeks were as red as Inuyasha's  legendary fire rat robes as she watched his half whatever sister walk out of the room.
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 3:33 PM
"Oh hush dear that's just your untouched nature speaking. Spend some time with a male that wants something more from you then just being a backup option and you'll find yourself in bliss, I'm quite sure of it," Inukimi gently admonished with a reassuring nod. 
 Forty layers later, they finally found the right combination of five layers that accented her in all the best ways possible. Inukimi didn't say anything about how good she looked in the outfit but to see Inuyasha's mother looking at her such a hungry look while licking her own lips, while having shown no previous inclinations at all towards being interested in other females, let Kagome know just how good she must look at the moment. 
 After taking the time to recover, Inukimi placed a hand to still her overactive heart. 
 "My...I think this will do quite nicely."
 revangLast Wednesday at 6:05 PM
Blushing, Kagome asked, “I look okay? I don’t really think these kind of clothes suit me very much.” 
“Of course dear! You doubt your mother?” Inukimi scoffed, bringing her to a full-length mirror. “See for yourself.”
Kagome almost didn’t recognize herself. Who was that elegant, traditional beauty gazing back at her? They were right, even her skin seemed to glow in a way it never had before. Somehow it made her stand straighter and move with more grace, like she had seen in the movies.
The spell was broken as a loud growl came from her stomach. When was the last time she had even eaten? 
Inukimi laughed delicately. “I suppose I have held you captive here long enough. You are ready to be presented. You look positively prime for mating,” she hummed in appreciation.
Feeling equal parts beautiful and awkward, Kagome was finally sent back to the banquet hall.
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 7:05 PM
The debut ceremony was nothing short of an astonishing spectacle in of itself. With all of the prospective males and females now present, it was time for Inukimi to present the first eligible mating partner that she had chosen herself. Previous to Kagome's arrival, Blood Hound Dog Demons had played trumpets, Fox Demons had spun their magic into fancy displays of fireworks and other spectacles, and some of the female servants dressed up as gypsy dancers had performed before pixies came in laying down rose petals. An honor guard of a dozen half ogres deployed before an imp appeared, to some at first it looked like Jaken, but it was actually Juken, Lady Inukimi's personal retainer. 
 "Ladies and Gentleman, Demons, Half Demons, and Humans alike, please rise and pay homage to the first eligible mating partner, Miss Kagome Higurashi of Edo!" declared Juken before standing aside and bowing. 
 A few dozen startled gasps were drawn from the occupants gathered within the banquet hall as Kagome entered the room at full blush, followed by a smiling Inukimi. 
 "Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, please present yourselves as eligible suitors," asked Juken. 
 Kagome gulped nervously as both of them approached with hungry looks in their eyes.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 7:23 PM
Sesshomaru reluctantly stood in the large room amongst the riff raff his mother thought to sully her home with. She had taken it upon herself to present Kagome as some sort of trophy mate, along with a circus. He doubted that she had been asked beforehand, and, if past experiences with her told him anything, he doubted she wanted this attention. As Juken presented her, dolled up in his mother's finest silk, he narrowed his eyes. He preferred her in the indecent clothes she usually wore, the green things. While they were strange and inappropriate, they suited her. Before him, she was dressed as a stranger. His fists curled to keep himself from reaching out and ripping the costume from her trembling form.
 revangLast Wednesday at 7:54 PM
Kagome flushed from all the attention. In the back of her mind she was mortified to be put through this spectacle, and involving Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru as “eligible suitors”?? Soooo embarrassing!
It was hard to focus much on these thoughts though. On top of the sheer mental and physical exhaustion from all the craziness of the past few days, her blood sugar was dangerously low. She just needed to get through this so she could eat. 
Her body wafted on trembling limbs.
 imjaneeesLast Wednesday at 8:12 PM
By the end of all the introductions, nothing was accomplished other than making her even more hungry. She didn't even bother remembering the names of those presented to her other than the ones she already knew. Though she was bound to remember the face of that one guy with rainbow coloured hair. Very memorable. Guy's probably highly poisonous with all that colour. She didn't even notice she was being talked to until she noticed that Inukimi was looking at her expectantly, but not in the kind of was that she would urge to agree.
So she went with her guts and answered, "Umm, no?"
The triumphant glint in Inukimi's eyes made her want to go back a few seconds back just to change her answer.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 8:41 PM
"There you have it suitors!" InuKimi clapped her hands together, "She said she can't wait, so we won't keep her waiting any longer!" Jukencame out with a short scroll, "You have until the sun sets to bring Lady and Miko Kagome of Edo nourishment, judgement will be based purely on her preference." InuKimi snapped, "Well, get to it! Her stomach is growling!"
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 10:27 PM
"Keh, all right, finally a chance to hunt!" yelled Inuyasha excitedly, throwing Sesshomaru an arrogant smile before running out of the banquet hall and jumping off of the Sky Castle to head down to the forest floor below. 
 Sesshomaru waited until he had jumped before using his poison whip to snatch a smoked salmon with marmalade glaze plate off of a server's tray fresh out of the kitchen, catching the dish in his hand without spilling or disrupting the contents in any way, holding it before Kagome while offering a fork. 
 "Sesshomaru wins the nourishment contest," announces Juken, to the cheers and laughter of the audience present.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Thursday at 3:30 PM
"But I didn't..." Kagome glanced from Sesshomaru, to his mother, and to Juken. 
His Mother shoved a bite of salmon into her mouth, "It was written all over your face how impressed with my son you are." Her chuckle sounded even more arrogant than Naraku's, "Obviously you and Sesshomaru are two lights in the sea, coming together, to make me grandpups." She sighed.
Complaints were being filed with Juken. From foxes to horse demons, they all felt special privileges had been given.
Kagome swallowed hard, "Is she always like this?" 
"This is no where near as awful as it could get." His gaze went to his Mother, "What do I win?"
"Oh, that I will leave up to the Miko. Make it something private and on all fours if you would dear."
"Uh...you get to...take me home?" Kagome shoved another bite into her mouth as InuKimi's eyes flashed red.
 Walter205Last Thursday at 5:53 PM
The flashing of the red eyes was accompanied by the releasing of the sudden boiling of anger at what Kagome had requested, thinking she could slip out of Inukimi's grip so easily. Her aura grew and became menacing, warning any and all not to approach her, even as she approached the two of them. 
 "My dear, perhaps I misheard. What was that you said again?" Inukimi asked in a icy tone of pure death promised. 
 "My Lady, perhaps we could move on to presenting the next AUGH!" yelled Juken as he was fried by her aura while approaching with his suggestion. 
 Before Kagome could answer, Sesshomaru placed a finger over her lips before half turning to mother. 
 "Hnn, you would present me to your parents?  Very well," Sesshomaru said curtly. As what he said was processed through Inukimi's mind she calmed down back to normal as the entire room returned to their normal breathing patterns. 
 "Ah yes, of course. We must arrange a bridewealth and dowry before things proceed to far," Inukimi nodded while fanning herself. She seems to have become quite heated for some reason. 
 "But...," Kagome started to protest, but Sesshomaru swiftly swept her up into his arms and took off for the village. He knew what she really wanted was to get out of this mess, but he knew mother would have none of it. Now that they were away from the Castle they could honestly talk about what was going to happen next.
 imjaneeesLast Thursday at 6:54 PM
Kagome has never been more thankful to be so high in the air, regardless of whose arms, or arm, she was in. In her embarrassment, her mouth started to run itself, "Good Lord, that was embarrassing. How is your mom again? Why's she so desperate for grand babies? And did you hear what that horse youkai said? He should write a book on what comes out of his mouth. I can already see the title, 'How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less'. And then make a higher scaled sequel, 'How to Ensure You're Lonely and Miserable for the Rest of Your Life'!"
 Walter205Last Thursday at 7:19 PM
Her appeal to him dropped lower and lower every second that she continued to prattle in such a nonstop fashion. If he were mated to her Sesshomaru knew that this was something that he would have to put up with. All of her vices in addition to her lovely virtues. 
 His hands twitched as she continued, he needed to make her stop but couldn't take either of his arms from around her. 
 "And what was up with that Jaken lookalike? Juken? What are toads and dogs a thing now? Do you guys pond dive for all of your retainers?" 
 Sesshomaru's eyes started twitching red. 
 "And Inuyasha never told me he had two sisters! Can you believe that there's one each of a full demon and half demon and that they're half sisters? It's just like you and Inuyasha! And you know what else?"
 His lips smashed down upon hers at that point.
 revangLast Thursday at 8:30 PM
Kagome’s eyes grew wide as he suddenly kissed her. Though it shocked her too much and was too brief for her to respond in any way, she did feel a slight spark between them.
“Sesshoumaru- what..?”
“Your chatter is most vexing, Miko.”
Her hackles raised at that. Her eyes flashed and her face darkened, and unseen flames seemed to rise up behind her dangerously. ���So you thought you’d just sexually harass me into silence??? What the hell is wrong with you? I always respected your intelligence but apparently I was wrong! If you thought I’d be quiet after that you have another thing coming! I swear! This is worse than the time Inuyasha hugged me just to get the jewel from me! At least that he did trying to protect me. You didn’t think to just ask me to be quiet? No, you just had to jump straight to that! You think just because you won some stupid little food contest you can just do whatever you want? I’m not actually presenting you to my parents or going along with any of this other craziness either!”
“Hnn.” Perhaps that was ill-advised on my part. Truthfully, he had known she was rambling due to her great embarrassment and upset over what had occurred at the palace, and her distress was giving him an unfamiliar, discomfited feeling. He had wanted to calm her somehow, but clearly that had backfired.
Noticing their direction, Kagome narrowed her eyes dangerously. “Where are you taking me, anyways? Edo is that way.”
“I have a cave hidden behind a barrier not far from here.”
“Excuse me???”
“I am merely getting away from Mother’s ridiculous scheming, though she certainly won’t leave us alone for long. But the barrier will keep her from spying so that we may discuss what to do about all of this.” He gave a small exhale, which she was pretty sure was the stoic demon’s version of a sigh. “You have my word that I will not touch you in such a way without your consent again.”
 imjaneeesLast Thursday at 8:37 PM
Understanding dawned on Kagome's eyes, "Ahhh, I see. We really didn't have any chance of getting away from your mom without doing the dirty, did we?"
She sighed, then pouted, lower lip jutting out adorably, "Why do these things always happen to me? Who did Kikyo piss off before that it's all chasing me until now?"
 Walter205Last Thursday at 8:57 PM
Once again the miko had set herself apart from the normal women you would find in these days and lands but this time it had worked against Sesshomaru's benefit, unlike the view of her legs he used to have with her odd garments. Normally it would be easy to sweep a woman off her feet and wow her with such a display but the odd way she used the terms 'consent' and 'sexual assault' suggested that Edo was a much different place apart from the various villages and towns that dotted the Western Lands.
 Another sigh from him then, this one fully internal. He had gotten such a sensual taste of her flavor from the brief kiss that he now longed to plunge his divining rod back past the sealed lips of her crass cavern and battle her cherry picker for dominance amongst the ridges of her tantalizing teeth. 
 It seems that such things would have to wait now.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 3:08 PM
"So, what are you proposing?" Kagome asked, once they settled into his cave that was somehow more bare than the one Kouga had taken her to. She leaned against the rock wall with her arms crossed, annoyed that she hadn't gotten to eat more than a couple of bites of food before being whisked away. Tired, cranky, and still hungry, she blamed Sesshomaru for the situation as much as she blamed his mother. "Just tell her I'm barren, all this will go away, and I will be able to get some rest." 
"You reek of fertility, your egg is readying for fertilization as we speak. My mother may be ridiculous, however she is intelligent enough to know that would be a lie."
She covered her lower stomach and glared at him, "Keep your nose out of my bodily functions."
 imjaneeesYesterday at 7:59 PM
A white brow raised in such a  miniscule scale it was almost unnoticeable, "Are you suggesting I refrain from breathing, miko? Your fertility comes off of you in waves, it is impossible for anyone with senses such as mine to overlook. Though I suppose we can steer clear of her until your fertility period has come to past. How soon will this end and come again so that we may plan ahead if you wish to avoid my mother's attention?"
Okay now she was just embarrassed again. Face beat red, she turned her eyes at anywhere but the youkai holding her," Errr, that may be a bit difficult because I'm fertile for a whole week every month?"
And she was greeted with silence.
 SlayerYesterday at 8:02 PM
Sesshomaru  turned and stared at her, "Miko are you telling  me that humans have a fertility  cycle once a moon?"
"Ah yeah. Every 28 or so days it's slightly different  for different  women. But I am regular  as a clock every 27 days." Kagome looked down and blushed. She could not believe  she was having this conversation  with him of all people.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 8:29 PM
It was a problem of mass proportions, Kagome thought back to her backpack and the giant box of condoms that had once, pre-Jaken's theft, been in her possession. They could have come in handy at a time like this. Not that she wanted to be banging anyone to appease his mom, it would have been a nice peace of mind to have.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 8:34 PM
Call her old fashioned but Kagome had plans on how her first time would go. It would preferably be when she's already married, actually had a well paying job and fully equipped to raise possi le children. Doing it for the sake of appeasing what seemed to be a steadily growing senile mother of her best friend's half brother wasn't even on her plan z.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 8:53 PM
"So..." She shook out her hands and let her courage rise as she looked up at said half brother, "I refuse to have any children without being in love, for one, and very much secure. I also won't be doing any breeding activities until I'm married, so honestly, your mom is barking, quite literally, up the wrong tree." His stolid mask fell into disarray. He didn't look mad, so much as surprised and possibly constipated. "Why don't you help me get your sisters to mate someone, and have pups, then your mom will be sated." The more she talked the less happy he looked. "What's wrong with you?"
 SlayerYesterday at 8:55 PM
The look on his face was something  she had never seen before it made her feel weird and warm.
 Walter205Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Never before had he felt so conflicted in such a short time period. When the odd Miko had mentioned that she would be in heat a full week once a month, he had become very excited at the prospect of renewing his lifetime dream of Supreme Conquest since he could pump out a full litter of pups once every nine months and have a veritable legion of litters under his command by the time she reached her birth-able expiration date. 
 But now she was piling on all of his nonsense about love and suggestions of him looking elsewhere, I mean with the knowledge he had gained he could round up a full harem of human women for his army of moldable offspring but there were none quite like her, she was unique, clean, and very powerful to boot. 
 This would require some deep thought.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:05 PM
Also, Kagome didn't know why, but she felt like she had to mention it. "Also, just so you know, multiple babies are a common thing in my family. I have an aunt who had two sets of twins, and an uncle who had quadruplets. And that's just my mom's side of the family. My dad's have an even bigger one."
They say that the way to scare a man off on a first date was to mention babies. Could the same thing be said about demons though?
 SlayerYesterday at 9:08 PM
Now his wheels were turning. Surely his great and terrible father had had a plan to keep his little human princess beside him.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:09 PM
If he could only extend her lifespan, the future would be limitless.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:13 PM
Oh she did not like the way he was suddenly giving her the elevator eyes and staying too long on her breasts and hips. No no no no, this was Sesshomaru! He's supposed to be dead waist down! And so she said the age old certified way of deflating a man's sex drive, "Just curious, but have you ever caught your parents while doing the dirty? I mean, your mom doesn't seem to be all that against displays of, errrr, affection."
 Walter205Yesterday at 9:14 PM
What were a few false platitudes of love compared to the limitless potential that her body would offer his ambitions? 
 But then, there was the annoying little trait called honor. 
 Perhaps he could twist the love of what she could do for him into her believing that he loved her for all of what she was? He would need to channel his inner Trash Prince for this scheme to work.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:15 PM
Suddenly Sesshomaru, all powerful badass ice prince of the west, turned green at the memory flashing through his mind.
 SlayerYesterday at 9:17 PM
He remembered listening to his mother's  screams as she struggled to bring his youngest sibling  into the world. He had nearly lost his mother to the birthing bed that night.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:20 PM
Kagome's brows furrowed, she didn't know why but it popped in her head all of a sudden and she never really got the answer she was looking for. Maybe Sesshomaru would know, he was old. Not really noticing the sudden green hue to the youkai's features, she pressed on, "Umm, Sesshomaru? I know youkai live really long, but they still grow old too right?  What does it mean when a youkai says that someone is immune to time?"
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:28 PM
Immune to time? It couldn't be... Sesshomaru caught her by the hand and brought her wrist up to his nose, "So that is why you smell so delectable..." Kagome let him pull her closer as his nose drew along the underside of her wrist. Her breath caught and her heart began to pound. His warm lips caressed her palm and fingers. "It means you belong with one that will not die for many centuries."
"Oh?" She was caught up with images of very naughty things having to do with him and his mouth, and that hot breath on her skin.
 SlayerYesterday at 9:31 PM
"Hnm." He drew his tongue  across her wrist and then scraped his fangs against it, drawing the faintest traces of blood. He tasted it. Pondering at her unique  taste.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:34 PM
Her sharp gasp did things to his nether regions, but now was not the time for that as she needed to be handled with care. "I wish to sire your pups, state your conditions once more." Pups so powerful couldn't be passed up.
 Walter205Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Their series of awkward conversations and moments came to an abrupt end when a crack and fizzling sound indicated the collapse of the barrier sealing them off from the world outside. Into the cave entered Inuyasha, Red Tetsuiga in hand and bearing some cooked fish on sticks in the other hand. 
 "Sesshomaru you bastard! I saw you take off from the Sky Castle above with Kagome! So, you thought you could kidnap her for your own nefarious plans eh? Keh!" yelled Inuyasha as his sword changed from red to a deep blue color. 
 "Inuyasha! Please, take me home, take me away from this madness back to my REAL home!" yelled Kagome. The mention of 'Real Home' in that odd tone distracted Sessohomaru just enough that Inuyasha's attack slipped past his guard. 
 "Freezer Barrier Sealer Reaver!" yelled Inuyasha as shards of icicles emerged from his sword, striking Sesshomaru and encasing him within a solid block of ice. All he had to do to break out of it was to release his demonic energy, but by the time he had done so they were out of the cave and heading in the direction of Edo. 
 "I let you keep the Tetsuiga little brother, but in taking my Miko and ambitions along with it, you have officially signed your death warrant, half whelp," Sesshomaru growled, eyes glowing red as he exploded out of the cave in his true form and took off in pursuit.
28 notes · View notes
Ch3 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Chapter 3
 Edit - Warning borderline NSFW and violence.
Completely in a different plane of residence, Kagome felt an odd disturbing tingle in the back of her head. Kind of like that stranger danger feel you get. This was one of those times she wished she was home lying on her fluffy pink bed, away from all the crazy kidnappers lurking about, attempted murderers and what not. And she's not even getting paid for all her good deeds here.
Today was honestly turning out to be one of the most eventful days in all her time in the past, and that was saying a lot. All she had wanted was to relax in the hot spring. Yet here she was, pack half-empty, shoeless and wearing only a makeshift fur dress, speeding through the air in Sesshoumaru’s arms. 
She twisted a bit in his hold, trying to meet his eye. “Um, Sesshoumaru? Thanks for saving me back there, but where exactly are we going?”
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019
Sesshomaru held the miko close, his arm tense around her middle as he thought about his next move. Rin and Ah Un needed to be fetched, while he knew his Mother would be expecting them. Leaving her waiting would only cause more problems. He scowled. "To Rin."  She was his ward, and as such, a priority over his Mother's antics.
Kagome managed to bite her tongue before 'That's great and all but why are you taking me with you?' got the chance to slip out. She just got saved by someone who may have come to her aid a number of times, but tried to to kill her just as much as well. She was also quite aware that they were well above the ground and she really didn't want to splat because she ran her mouth off.
Unnoticed  be her she had actually muttered those words. Sesshomaru  looked down on her and raised one eye brow. He could tell she hadn't actually meant to say it out loud, but her defiance, her seemingly untameable mouth did something to him.
They arrived back at the campsite but Sesshomaru was somewhat dismayed to find it empty. No sign of Rin, Kohaku, Ah-Un, or his Mother. He already knew from the arrow earlier that his retainer wouldn't be present, for that he would give him a good stomping later. 
 Lifting his nose into the air, Sesshomaru took in the scents as Kagome took a step forward in front of him, glancing around at the cold fireplace. He growled, causing her to glance back at him in worry, as he caught the scent of his mother's debilitating poison, knowing it meant that she had knocked out the others and used Ah-Un to carry them to her sky palace. 
 A deeper inhale confirmed her and Ah-Un's scent mixed with the others heading into the sky...but what was this other scent he smelled now? It was so fresh and...pure. Was this the miko's scent his mother had mentioned earlier? 
 Sesshomaru took a step forwards and wrapped his arms around Kagome, securing her in place as he bent his head to confirm his suspicions. Yes, there it was as he inhaled around her neck, past the smelly fur pelts from the wolves and the remaining taint coatings from Naraku earlier, he smelled her spice and she was everything nice. 
 Kagome was beet red as she was pulled into Sesshomaru's embrace and held by him in a seeming hug as he sniffed her neck. For several moments she could form no words but that quickly changed as the hug continued.
Her heart was beating so fast and hard that she thought it was going to fly out of her rib cage and run away out of sheer embarrassment. 
Painfully aware that all she was bearing was what the daiyoukai had given her, she cleared her throat, "Ummm, I though we were going to Rin-chan?" she congratulated herself for sounding more confident than she felt.
Inukimi allowed herself the smallest of smiles as she watched the two of them through the seer's orb embedded within her ring, her labors up until this point finally providing some fruit on her quest for grandpups. 
 A shame the whelp of a stepson in front of her had spent so much time pining after the lost affections of the undead while mostly shunning the living, she would've been receptive to receiving grandsons from him as well but it seems he has squandered any romantic chances with his longtime companion over the years during their adventures together. 
 Still, he would surely be jealous of any relationship that developed between the miko and her true son, something that she would be able to twist to her advantage. For now she just needed to make him and his companions stay put for a while longer. 
 "My dearest stepson, won't you and your companions please stay and be my guests for a while? Your companion and others are coming to join me here and then I can tell you all the reason I've inv...gathered all of you here. In the meantime, please feel free to help yourselves to the banquet in the great hall and rooms are being prepared for you all as we speak," said Inukimi as she turned around, clearly dismissing them as she watched her son and hopefully his soon to be intended resuming their flight to her sky palace.
Just as suddenly as he had embraced her, Sesshoumaru stepped away, his face the same stoic mask he always had. “Hnnn. Yes, it would seem Mother is playing her games again. We shall have to follow to her palace.”
“Mother???” Kagome asked in shock, still trying to calm her beating heart. What the heck was that just now? “You have a mother? I mean, of course you have a mother but- nevermind.” Realizing his other words, she snapped to attention. “Wait she took Rin? Is she okay??”
“Hn. Come, Miko.” 
He gathered her up again and took to the skies. Kagome didn’t think about their positions, just worried for the little girl. She clutched her bow tightly.  Whatever they were about to encounter, she’d fight to keep her safe.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 5:03 PM
While Miroku salivated over a heaping plate of food and the prospect of what he considered to be an impromptu tryst vacation with his wife, Sango was busy glaring daggers at him. "What are you doing? This could be poisoned for all you know." She snapped. Mere centimeters from his mouth, she slapped a chicken wing from his hand. Inuyasha eyed the youkai claiming to be Sesshomaru's Mother. She certainly seemed bastard-y enough to be the asshole's mom, but what the hell did she want with him?
 Walter205Last Monday at 10:30 PM
"Half son of the West though you may be, you are still of the line and thus need to be properly taken care of for the good of the future ruler over the Western Lands. Although your half breed nature makes you unsuitable for offspring, there are still many tasks in serving the Royal Family that one of their own blood would be the most well suited for," said Inukimi, drawing Inuyasha's hackles as well as earning side glares from his companions present.
 "Keh, so you're telling me Sesshomaru gets to have all the fun then? And why bring my companions along?" asked Inuyasha as his voice dripped with sarcasm. 
 "Some of your companions can provide ample advice and demonstrations for mating and childbirth/raising for when the rituals arise, particularly if my son chooses someone who is...less than full demon. Others provide ripe candidacy for being mated. And as for Sesshomaru, do you think my two sons are the only offspring I have?" Inukimi asked coyly. 
 As if summoned on cue, two younger female Inu dog demons appeared in the banquet hall, taking up positions on either side of where Inukimi sat. One seemed very much like Sesshomaru in appearance, but with longer hair, softer facial features, and a much more voluptuous appearance. The other appeared similar to Inuyasha but was a tad more petit and curvy in nature. 
 "Allow me to introduce my two daughters, my full daughter Inuemi (Beautiful Dog) and my half daughter Inukui (Ugly Dog), the former born soon after Sesshomaru was, the latter the result of a revenge affair after Inuyasha was conceived, which proved most disappointing on my end," stated Inukimi as she gestured to each of them in turn.
 imjaneeesLast Tuesday at 12:45 AM
Before Inuyasha could even get a single word out, there was a very loud, "RIN-CHAAAAAAAAN!" heard from way above.
They all turned up to see Kagome, dressed in what seemed to be Sesshomaru's clothes, snuggled quite comfortably in the daiyoukai's arms. One arm was over the Western Lord's shoulder while the other hand was pointing an accusing finger at Sesshomaru's mother and apparently his sisters, "You! The ones who look like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in drag! Where's Rin-chan?!"
She wasn't normally like this, no. But she was stressed, a little hungry, a lot molested and tired. Also, she loved children, more than that, she loved Rin, the girl was adorable.
 SlayerLast Tuesday at 3:23 PM
"Rude!" Yelled the female who looked similar  to Inuyasha. 
"Yeah well I have had a day lady so dont push me!" She pushed herself out of Sesshomaru's  arms and walked up to the female. And poked her right in the boob. 
Inukimi glared at the feisty little human and growled at her older brother. "Make her stop Sesshomaru."
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 3:36 PM
InuKui pushed Kagome's finger away from her chest with a wave, "Don't get all uppity about Mother's antics." Frowning, she took a well loved scroll from her kimono, and began walking away, bored, "Mother, next time you summon me, be sure it's not for something so stupid." 
InuEmi tilted her head, "Can she do that?" 
Sesshomaru's jaw ticked, already sick of the situation. "Mother." 
"What" InuKimi snapped, but behind her fan she was smiling devilishly.
 revangLast Tuesday at 4:19 PM
“I tire of your games. Where is Rin?” Sesshoumaru asked, sounding unconcerned.
Ignoring him completely, Inukimi approached the feisty young miko with interest. “So you are the one whose wholesome scent was emanating from that strange cat garment.” Kagome’s face changed instantly from one of determination to a look of utter mortification. She had seen her panties?? And smelled them??? “Though now it is hard to catch beyond the disgusting scent of wolves. We shall have to take care of that, come along.”
Too stunned and embarrassed to protest, she felt herself being led away by Sesshoumaru’s mother’s light but firm grip on her arm.
“Cat garment?” Miroku asked, exchanging a mystified look with the others.
“Hey! Bitch where are you taking Kagome??” Inuyasha called, gripping Tessaiga and starting after them.” 
“Don’t bother,” Inuemi sighed, shaking her head and putting an arm out lazily to block his path. “Once she gets something in her head there’s no stopping her. Especially when it comes to making someone her dress-up doll.”
“Dress-up doll? What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he growled.
Sesshoumaru huffed. “Clearly she means to put the miko into some proper clothes, or are your senses so weak you could not tell she was wearing a mere fur beneath the haori this one lent her?”
“Yeah, hey what the hell? What was Kagome doing with you? What did you do to her, you bastard?” Inuyasha snapped, moving around Inuemi to threaten his prick of a brother.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 9:15 PM
Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha, deciding whether to deign the half breed with a response, but it wouldn't be very courteous to have a fight break out in the banquet hall, so he answered, albeit in his normal short and to the point monotones. 
 "I came upon your wench while she was being attacked by an incarnation of Naraku. I repelled the attacker and brought her here to be reunited with her companions," he answered simply. 
 "Keh, why was she wearing nothing but fur pelts?" Inuyasha asked again. 
 "That little brother would be up to your discretion to find out, as you've claimed time and again to be her protector," Sesshomaru sarcastically replied before turning to walk out the door. 
 Inuemi placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. He turned to see a look of pity on her face as she glanced from her slightly older brother to the younger one. 
 "Don't worry, she remains untouched and I'm sure we can ask her ourselves once she is properly cleaned up and clothed. For now, perhaps we could enjoy some food over the exchanging of tales. I'm most eager to hear of your adventuring, younger brother," said Inuemi, very specifically leaving off the half- part with a warm smile on her face. 
 As the now subdued Inuyasha would come to find out, while Inukui was every bit as brash and arrogant as he was, Inuemi was the polar opposite to Sesshomaru in personality and interests. The only supreme conquest she was interested in was knowledge and was a bit of a book and scroll worm, although she was looking forward to the possibilities in starting a family.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 10:11 PM
Noticing things settled down, Miroku pulled his currently not pregnant wife into a closet. "Miroku! What are you thinking!?" 
He waggled his brows, "Since we aren't needed, I was hoping to squeeze in a little alone time before having number four." His hand skated over her backside, and her face flushed. 
"Ahhh, here!?" A broom fell between them, and she huffed, "I require more than a servant's closet to get in the mood you know!"
Far back in the opposite wing of the shiro, Rin and Shippo were using their calligraphy paints to draw funny faces on the nanny Shippo had tricked asleep. "She will look so funny with a curly beard!" Rin giggled.
"Serves her right for trying to teach us calligraphy." Shippo snickered.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 10:29 PM
Sesshomaru was walking outside when the skies began to darken ominously, a familiar scent appearing that elicited a growl from him before a cloud of miasma appeared. 
 "Lord Sesshomaru, please pass along a message to the others, if they feel so emboldened to face me then they shall suffer the same fate as this one," came the unmistakable voice of Naraku from the miasma cloud as a pair of objects fell from it. 
 The first was the head of the wolf demon known as Kouga, before his body plopped down next to it. Little holes dotted the places on his body where his five jewel shards had been located at previously. 
 Sesshomaru had just drawn his sword when the miasma cloud vanished. Sheathing the Bakusaiga, he pulled Tenseiga instead and attached Kouga's head to his shoulders before reviving him. 
 "Unnhhh, what? Naraku, where are...You?" stammered Kouga as he looked around before setting eyes on Sesshomaru. 
 "Wolf, go bathe," stated Sesshomaru before sheathing Tensiega and going about his way.
 revangLast Tuesday at 11:10 PM
Reaching what seemed to be the family wing of the palace, Inukimi pulled Kagome into a chamber partitioned off from a large indoor spring. Eyeing her up and down, she said, “While you do look good in my son’s colors, it simply won’t do for you to be going about the palace in such attire. Take off that filthy pelt. I am sure you are worn from your travels- please make use of my private baths. There are an assortment of oils and potions here you may use to your pleasure. Sasako will assist you, and when you are finished, come to me. We will get you into some proper clothes.” She indicated the quiet servant who had followed them into the room, and left with a cunning smile.
Still reeling from the whirlwind that was Inukimi’s overwhelming force of personality, Kagome stood blinking for a moment in the center of the room. She did have to admit she felt pretty disgusting. On top of just normal travel filth, she had been in the process of bathing before this all began, still halfway dirty, and then that wet grime had only gotten worse, attracting all kinds of dirt and debris as she fled sopping wet through the forest. Sleeping in a pile of furs in a cave certainly hadn’t helped, plus who knew where this pelt had been before she had it right against her bare skin as a makeshift dress all day. 
She was definitely not going to say no to a bath and some fresh clothes. She could put up with being made plaything for a noblewoman for the time being. Plus it was Sesshoumaru’s mother, who apparently existed and also did not kidnap Rin after all- not in the true sense of the word anyways- Kagome couldn’t be rude to her.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 10:31 AM
"Well," Kagome couldn't repress her grin, since InuKimi wasn't the child snatching monster she'd believed her to be, "I can't decline a nice hot bath." She had reservations about being a dress up doll afterward, but any clothes that didn't stink sounded amazing at this point. Her matted hair hung as she bowed a thank you. 
Suddenly screams and giggles barreled through the door, revealing two familiar children. Though, Kagome mused, last she'd seen them, they had not been covered in splotches of ink.
InuKimi glared at the Nanny, who sported a fancy drawn on mustache and goatee. "What is the meaning of this?!"
The Nanny caught both children by the back of their kimono before they could run and hide, "You ordered me to care for two children!"
"Yes?" InuKimi's brow quirked. Usually she wouldn't tolerate this sort of behavior from a lowly staff member, however  her interest was piqued. 
"These are not children!" The Nanny cried, "These are little hellions! I refuse to take care of two bratty, malicious, beasts!"
"They are not bratty, beasts!" Kagome shoved her finger under the Nanny's nose, "You must not be competent enough to care for them. Which doesn't matter anyway, because they are mine!"
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 11:41 AM
"Really one would think a being of your station would know not to speak badly of a mothers children right in front of her." Inukimi said as she snapped open her fan. "Why dont we send the children to their father , uncle, and aunts."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 11:50 AM
"Rin dear? Why dont you and little Shippo go to the dining hall  and eat." InuKimi smiled down on the children completely disregarding the nanny standing there with her mouth hanging open.
Once the children had run off she turned her calculating golden eyes on the stork youkai she had been assured could handle the children.
"As for you you are dismissed from the employment to this house you have 12 hrs to collect your belongings and leave." Inukimi looked back on Kagome and gave her a dazzling smile. "I am afraid she came highly recommended but she simply will not do for keeping my darling grandpups in line now will she? Let's get you cleaned up my darling daughter and into some more suitable clothing." She led Kagome down the hall and into a huge bathing house
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 12:05 PM
Wide eyed, Kagome let her -Sesshomaru's Mother lead her to the bath. She'd have to ask Sesshomaru what the heck she meant by 'darling daughter' and calling Shippo one of her grandpups. Things were getting weird. The day settled on her heavily, and as soon as InuKimi left her alone, she sank into the water and closer her eyes. "Back to square one."
Her eyes snapped open as soon as something warm and wet dripped on top of her head. Fingers massaged her scalp, taking her back to Tokyo and getting her hair done at the salon. Claws lightly scratched. She sighed. Too tired to complain about the servant suddenly washing her hair, she let them do their job. She deserved a little pampering after all the hell she'd been put through.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 12:08 PM
Kagome was washed massaged oiled and had her feet done and nails buffed before she was allowed to leave the bathing area. It seemed that Sesshomaru's  mother had a day spa all her own in this odd floating castle.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 12:27 PM
"Oh!" InuKimi clapped her hands together as the servant ushered Kagome into her rooms. "Look at that! Even human skin can glow like a Goddess's with proper care." 
Kagome blushed, not sure exactly what to say in this type of situation, "Um, thank you?"
His Mother twirled her finger in the air, and the servant turned Kagome in a small circle. "My, my, you do have nice hips. It's a wonder no one has pumped you full of their young already." Her lips made a thin line as her attention snapped to Kagome's face. She grabbed her chin, peering too close for comfort, "What are your flaws?"
"Well...It's not like no one has offered." Her jaw clenched, and she pushed InuKimi's hand away from her face, "I mean I'm sure I have flaws... but that's not why I'm not barefoot and pregnant."
"Ah..." It clicked very quickly in her mind, "So you prefer attention from females then, that does pose a problem, though only a minor one."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 12:35 PM
"WHAT?! No I dont prefer the attention of females.....not that there is anything wrong with that. I just havent been interested in any of my 'suitors' either they are rude and crude too soft and sweet or they smell bad." Kagome supplied
"Definitely  not having sex with a jerk or a pansy and who wants a stinky male sweating all over them yuck." Kagome made a disgusted face.
 revangLast Wednesday at 12:42 PM
“Besides, I’m only 18, and we’re still running all over Japan battling Naraku!” she huffed. “Wait why are we even taking about this??”
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 1:07 PM
"18!?" InuKimi shouted, "You're practically a grandmother's age for a human!" She shook her head, completely ignoring most of what Kagome had said, "No, no, this just won't do at all. I have to find someone for you quickly, before you become decrepit and die."
Kagome's eyes were wide, "No, thank you?" Sesshomaru's mother was seriously crazy, there was something wrong with her. Obviously the years were wearing her brain thin. "I'm good, so if that's all, I'm just going to get dressed and go..."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 1:22 PM
"Nonsense  girl. You need a mate. A mate will care for you and give you pups and protect you from all harm. We shall simply have to find the right male.....it is a male you want yes?"
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 1:45 PM
"Well...yes..." Kagome cringed, "But I'm not ready to settle down. I'm fighting Naraku, and have important things to do."
"Yes, I'm sure you do." InuKimi nodded while shoving a stack of silk at an uncomfortable looking servant, "Get matching obis for these, color coordinate everything. Honestly why am I having to tell you this?" She waved the servant away with her fan, and looked back at the miko in her possession, "Now those very important things include finding a suitable Mate, and giving me grandpups. Your Mother will not be around forever you know, I expect many grandpups from you." 
"You? My mom?" Kagome shied away, backing toward the door the servant had just rushed out of. 
InuKimi's smile made Kagome cringe, "Oh yes, my darling daughter. You are part of my pack now."
The door swung inward. The servant rushed through with more piles of silk. 
Kagome bolted.
25 notes · View notes
Ch6 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Warning this story is M bordering NSFW
Chapter 6:
Stormie Like Weather08/10/2019 Kagome looked back at Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and InuKui. Standing by the well, everything felt so final. Things had been quite peaceful that morning. No pushy mating requests, no inappropriate licking, and surprisingly Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were not fighting at all. Not that they'd said a word to each other. She ran her hand over the fluffy mokomoko around her shoulders, Sesshomaru told her to keep it with her until she returned, but she felt hesitant. The well. She had not used the well since returning after three years of being away. It had not worked at that time... There was a chance she'd never return to the past after plunging back through time and into the future. Noticing her reluctant, Sesshomaru grabbed the fur on either side of her and pulled it a little tighter around her small frame, "Take mokomoko so that you do not forget who you will fall in love with." The ridiculous notion was a key factor in their supreme children ever being born, he couldn't have her fawning over some random disgusting human. Mokomoko had to remain with her. Her cheeks dusted red, blue eyes looking up at him full of concern. "What if I can't return? Then how will you get it back." "You will." She didn't feel convinced, even as Inuyasha hollered, "Hurry up so you can get back already! Jeez!" With a tilt of her head and a smile, InuKui grinned, "If you'd rather stay and warm my bed instead of Sesshomaru's that can be arranged." Sesshomaru growled. Kagome laughed. Blinking back tears, she took the step toward home. She jumped into the dark recesses of the well, and "Ahhhh!" Hit the bottom with a sickening crunch of her ankle.
Walter20508/10/2019 A couple of villagers emerged from the tree line after hearing Kagome's exclamation. A moment later Sesshomaru jumped up from the well with Kagome in hand, carrying her bridal style as he landed next to Inuyasha and Inukui.
"Oh my Lady Kagome and Lord Inuyasha, it's been some time," greeted Hakubo as he and his wife walked up to the foursome and bowed in greeting.
"You didn't perhaps try to jump down the well again, did you? It hasn't worked in years, that's why we've dug a new well on the other side of the tree. It works just fine for disposing the remains of minor demons that threaten the village. We've even added a shrine to keep it safe, thanks to protection spells from your Kit," explained Hakubo's wife as she pointed to the northeast of their position.
Rounding the tree, the six of them saw the new well house with the well inside. Turning pink at not having seen it the previous day or last night, Kagome nodded her thanks to the two villagers. But as she was in no condition to jump through the well with a busted ankle, she would need help on the other side. Inuyasha approached to take Kagome from him, but sensing a chance to test whether the well worked for him or not, Sesshomaru jumped in with Kagome before his half brother could say a word.
Blue light enveloped the both of them before Inuyasha and Inukui stared down in amazement where both of them had just been. Muttering a curse about his brother, Inuyasha jumped in after Sesshomaru and Kagome and also disappeared. Inukui decided, in for a yen, in for a yuan and jumped in as well, only to land on the bottom in a pout.
Stormie Like Weather08/10/2019 Kagome didn't curse often, but as soon as they erupted from the well and saw Izayoi making out with her dog demon friends' dad, she said, "Oh my fucking kami."
Walter20508/10/2019 She barely remembered what Inuyasha's mother looked like and even then it was a faint resemblance because of that unmother demon Sesshomaru had so cruelly employed against his half brother five years ago, shortly after Kagome met them for the first time. The fact that there was no roof over their head and it was obviously still in the past, combined with her looking very much like the real deal, gave Kagome a very bad feeling.
"Father," Sesshomaru breathed, causing the two of them to look up at the...two of them, eyes wide in surprise. Inutashio dropped Izayoi to the ground from where he had her bent over backwards with a startled 'eep' coming from the human woman as he stared in shock at the sudden amount of aging his eldest had done.
"Sesshomaru? How? And who is that with you?" asked Inutashio as a range of emotions flickered across his face in a span of a mere moment. His eyes were drawn though to the bechanting female by his side, her beauty dwarfed that even of Izayoi, whom he considered to the most beautiful amongst all these lands.
"Well, back go, now!" Kagome rasped at him in a desperate whisper, one which Sesshomaru agreed most feverently with, even though his father was right there in the living flesh.
His father wouldn't let them leave so easily however, jumping in after them and grabbing ahold of Kagome just as the blue light enveloped all of them.
Moments later, they jumped out of the portal into the well house, leaving Inukoi gaping as her long dead stepfather suddenly appeared along with Kagome and Sesshomaru.
"Ummm, where's Inuyasha?" she asked while continuing to gape at Inutashio, who returned the stare equally slack jawed.
"What, we left him with you," replied Kagome. After a quick back and forth they realized that while he had gone into the portal after them, his destination had been somewhere entirely different.
Slayer08/10/2019 Inuyasha jumped from the bottom of the well and saw that he had made it to somewhere. He looked around puzzled. He saw his mother sitting in a heap next to the well. He could have sworn he felt Sesshomaru  and Kagome go back the other way.
Walter20508/10/2019 As Inuyasha looked around for Sesshomaru and Kagome, Izayoi grabbed ahold of his robe, glancing up at him in both love and confusion.
"Dearest?" asked Izayoi in a hopeful voice.
"Yes, I'm...," Inuyasha answered, as he was indeed going to confirm that he was her dear little son, before she leapt up and kissed him on the lips, her tongue trying to get to his own as she blubberingly assailed him with hungry abandon.
At first Inuyasha was confused and dismayed, he went to push his mother off of him but then stopped as he didn't want to harm his own mother, but then the kiss started to feel really good to him. He was confused, she seemed to be confused who knew what was what? He would just return the kiss for now, who knows; perhaps that's even how human family members greeted each other just before he was born.
They broke when Izayoi needed more air then her nose could take in. She looked at him longingly, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand as she gazed into the depths of his soul through his eyes.
"You changed so much, what happened to you after you in jumped into the well, Inu...," she whispered, before he placed a finger to her lips.
"Hush now, everything will be all right mother, I'm here now," he replied.
Izayoi's eyes widened and she froze up after what he said registered to her mind.
Slayer08/10/2019 "Anyway yeah gotta go see you later." Inuyasha gently pushed his mother away and jumped back into the well.  'I will just forget that kiss ever happened man am I one sick puppy.'
revang08/10/2019 After traveling through the blue lists of time once more, Inuyasha stood confused at the bottom of the well. He could still smell the same scents from before of the clearing and his mother.
Leaping from the well, he found her in the exact position she had been in the last time he came through, in a heap on the ground near the well.
She peered confusedly up at him. “Dearest?”
“NO.” he said, perhaps a little too forcefully, for she flinched back from him a bit.
Inuyasha had no idea what to think now. Had the previous events been some kind of dream or vision from this new well?
Walter20508/10/2019 "If I can't have you, then no one can have you, least of all some demon. Hhhuuuaaarrrrggggghhhhh!" came the yell of a oddly familiar human male followed by the long drawn out sound as if someone was trying to break the firm grip that constipation had over them.
Izayoi seized up in fear and Inuyasha in turned just as Takemaru emerged from the tree line in full sprint, decked up in his red samurai armor with katana held back ready to strike. Inuyasha stood his ground as he arrived and swung his sword. Inuyasha blocked easily with the back of his hand, Takemaru drawing but a thin line of blood before the half demon knocked the latter back across the clearing.
"Blade of Blood," said Inuyasha as he gathered the single drop of blood that had gathered over the already healing minor wound and sent a single red ring of energy at Takemaru, decapitating the samurai instantly. Normally he would be against killing humans but this one time he would make an exception.
"Oh dearest," exclaimed Izayoi as she snuggled back up to Inuyasha's leg. Looking down at Izayoi and realizing he was probably trapped in this time with her, he sighed as he accepted his probable fate, eyes brightening up however when he had an idea.
"My dearest, my memories are troubled by my jumping through the well. Have we consummated our love for each other yet?" asked Inuyasha, deepening his voice on purpose.
"No my love, not yet, we were just about to do so," replied Izayoi. Inuyasha smiled as he thought to himself 'So she's not my mother yet. Sweet Kami, things are looking up for me now' before glancing back down at her.
"My love, we shall remedy this problem right away, but first know this, the name of Izayoi is not befitting a beauty such as yourself. From this point on you shall go by the name of Kikyome and I shall be known as Inuluckiro," declared Inuyasha, before gathering Kikyome up into his arms bridal style and taking off for the nearest cave that he could find.
Stormie Like Weather08/10/2019 "Sesshomaru..." Kagome nervously asked, "I know you hate Inuyasha, but we really need him here in this time."
"Just who exactly is this...Inuyasha?" Inupapa asked with a quirk to his brow.
"Well, you see..."
"No one!" Sesshomaru snapped, "Kagome stay with InuKui..." He flashed his father a glare, "Keep your hands off my miko."
"Oooo, brave puppy going to take on his daddy?" Inupapa mocked. He wasn't expecting Sesshomaru to slice off his pony tail with one extension of his claws.
"Touch her and your crotch will be missing its length as well."
InuKui giggled behind her hand, "Mother wasn't wrong, he IS incorrigible, and HOT!"
Kagome glanced from InuKui to Inupapa and winced, "But he's so old...and I thought you were into women?"
"Distinguished. And I'm into anyone that pretty! Too bad he's lost all that hair," InuKui grinned devilishly. "Of course brother dearest, I will watch her."
Reluctantly Sesshomaru leaned down to where Kagome sat on the grass beside the well house, and kissed her ear, "Keep your guard up around these two."
"O-oh..." She blushed, touching the ear his warm lips had just teased, "I will..."
He stared at her for a full minute, frowning, before jumping back into the well and the flow of time into the past.
Easily, he tracked his foul smelling brother to a small cave. The smell of toadstools and stale water filled the area so much so that he almost missed the pungent smell of Inuyasha's arousal.
Upon entering the cave, Sesshomaru found Inuyasha making out with his own mother and cringed. Perhaps he should leave the bastard here...
"Oh, Inuluckiro! You've gotten even better at kissing, I'm so happy!"
With Izayoi's exclamation, Sesshomaru decided he couldn't let the hanyou sully their bloodlne further by proceeding with this tomfoolery.
"Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru growled as he stepped out from the shadows and grabbed his idiot half brother by one furry ear, "You're coming with me. Now."
Walter20508/10/2019 "What were you thinking, little brother?" asked Sesshomaru. He was entirely sure he wanted to know what was going through the whelp's mind but in the end curiosity got the better of them as they reached the cave entrance to the outside.
"I couldn't jump back through so if Pops was trapped on the other side, who would sow the oats of my youth apart from me?" Inuyasha asked innocently, but Sesshomaru could smell the deception wafting from the half breed's insolent mouth.
"Hnnn, the only way a pure enough half breed of your ilk could be created is only if father or I...," Sesshomaru stopped as he turned back to glance at Izayoi. She did bear an interesting amount of resemblance to Kagome...
Gone, banished were such thoughts from his head with a shake before they could continue down such a treacherous path. But then another idea occurred to him.
Leaving Inuyasha where he was, Sesshomaru turned and walked back to where Izayoi was lying at the back of the cave. He was walking with a purpose and both of them grew apprehensive as he came to stand over her.
"I hadn't realized until just now, what an opportunity there was to correct the mistake that has stained the pack's honor for generations," Sesshomaru said icily before extending his hand open palm towards the human female.
"Sesshomaru, don't you dare...!" yelled Inuyasha as he started forward, but it was far too late as his older brother's poison spray rained down upon his mother, her horrible screams soon replaced by silence aside from the horrendous sounds of dissolving flesh and bone.
Then as Sesshomaru watched, Inuyasha dissolved into dust that faded away, leaving behind nothing but his sword and the robe of the fire rat.
In the near future, Inukui suddenly let out a startled scream. Everyone turned to her as she suddenly turned to dust and faded away.
Slayer08/10/2019 With a heavy sigh Sesshomaru  turned around and dispatched the minions of the underworld over the pile of goo that had become of Izayoi. Before his very eyes she reformed and drew breath once more. He hoped that Inuyasha would be back in their correct time once more. He turned to the weak sniveling  princess.
"Woman when my father returns you will insist that he brings you to his ancestral home you will stay there and bare his children and raise them correctly! Am I understood?"
The teary eyes princess nodded her head. Sesshomaru  walked away with out a backwards glance wanting nothing more then to return to him Miko and his plans on getting her to agree to breed with him. He jumped into the well and let the time slip carry him back to his bitch.
Walter20508/10/2019 As they watched, Inutashio was enveloped within a blue light as the time eater's well began to glow the same color.
"I guess this means my time here is up. It was nice to meet you...daughter," he said to Kagome with a wink before he vanished.
Up from the well came the three forms of Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Inukui, the latter two looking confused as they landed on the forest floor.
Kagome teared up before running and embracing her lover turned best friend, before also turning to hug Inukui who she had seemingly see die before her just moments ago. The latter gratefully returned her hug. Lastly she turned to hug Sesshomaru for bringing them back, only to see him walking away from the group towards the forest.
"Sesshomaru? Where are you going?" asked Kagome, surprised to see him leaving her and the others behind after the events of the past couple of days.
He turned to glance back at her and she gasped as her eyes widened when she saw the pained look of regret that shone from his eyes.
"This Sesshomaru gave in to temptation to commit a great wrong against you and your friends, as well as his pack. He must leave you all for now and head into a self imposed exile," he said before turning back forward as the light of his flying sphere started to gather around him.
Slayer08/10/2019 "Hey wait everyone  is back where they are supposed  to be and alive right? So don't go." Kagome ran to him and grabbed his sleeve.
Walter20508/10/2019 The light faded as he heard her words and felt her grab his sleeve.
Turning fully to face her, he got down to one knee and bowed his head, not wanting her to see his face.
"It's all right then, if I stay?" he asked, with more emotion then what he ever thought he could have at one time.
Jaf Jaf08/10/2019 "Sesshomaru..." Kagome's hitched just a moment, before her fingertips reached out and brushed aside the soft fringes of his bangs. The blue crescent on his forehead and the golden flicker of his eyes beneath long lashes now just barely visible. "You don't need permission for that."
Slayer08/10/2019 He  wrapped his arms around her waist and burried his face into her stomach. "Yes I do."
Jaf Jaf08/10/2019 "Oh." Kagome felt a faint flutter in her chest, before she found herself lightly running her fingers through the long strands of his hair. She didnt answer him at first, only content to hum soothingly while she shifted her fingers through the snowy strands.
Slayer08/10/2019 "What happened?" Kagome said softly.
"DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HAPPENED WENCH," came Inuyasha's  yell breaking up the touching moment.
Sesshomaru  turned his face toward his brother and snarled.
Walter20508/10/2019 “The last thing I remember was jumping in after you two and then I came out with him and Inufoi over there and now you’re being all cute and cuddly with him!?!” Inuyasha demandingly asked as he stared daggers at Sesshomaru.
Slayer08/10/2019 "Inuyasha where did you grow up?" Sesshomaru  asked sternly.
Walter20508/10/2019 Sesshomaru silently let loose a breathe he had been holding in since they got back. He had been dreading Inuyasha spilling the fleas on what he did in the past but fortunately the whelp’s memory of his past misadventures had been erased. Sesshomaru rose from his kneeling position now that he no longer had any need to (publicly) be ashamed of his actions.
Slayer08/10/2019 "Can we just go somewhere not filled with insane parents?Please?" Kagome begged up at Sesshomaru  and tugged on his sleeve. "I am just a little overwhelmed about everything. It's been a really weird couple days."
Walter20508/10/2019 His light started to form again, this time encompassing the both of them. “I have heard tales of a great land far to the east of here, across the seemingly endless sea. I shall take you there, no matter how long our journey lasts,” Sesshomaru promised as they started to lift off.
Slayer08/11/2019 "Hey dog breath!" Came the unmistakable voice of wolf prince Kouga. As he ran in to the new clearing with the new well.
"Hey fluff butt. How's my favorite  wolf doing?" Inuyasha said as he walked over to Kouga and bent him backwards and planted a passionate kiss right on his rough wind chapped lips.
Walter20508/11/2019 “You will remove yourself from my mate at once,” ordered Inuemi, as she entered the clearing bearing Kouga’s mark upon her neck.
Slayer08/11/2019 "What do you mean mate? Kouga...?"Inuyasha's  ear plastered to the top of his head. "I thought..."
Walter20508/11/2019 “Hey Inuyasha no need to be sad,” said Bankotsu as he entered the clearing as well, with Hiten and Ryuura in tow, “I may have lost the mating competition for Inuemi, but I fully intend on making the most of my new lease on life by starting up a new Band, this time one of 13,” he said as he looked first to Inuyasha, then appraisingly to Inukui, “You two in?”
Slayer08/11/2019 "We aren't going to be evil are we?" Inuyasha asked. If there were no evil plans he could really use some time away. This whole thing really screwed with his brain.
imjaneees08/11/2019 There weren't a lot of things Sesshomaru didn't like about himself, why would he? He's perfect. But sometimes, his enhanced senses were a bother. Like now.
Walter20508/11/2019 “Heck no, been there, done that. I’d just planned on roaming around, having fun, maybe trying new things...,” Bankotsu said as he got right up into Inuyasha’s face with a big grin.
Slayer08/11/2019 "Good let's  get the fuck out of here then!" Inuyasha grabbed his sister's hand and off they went.
Stormie Like Weather08/11/2019 Not long into their flight east and Kagome had fallen asleep against Sesshomaru's pointy chest plate. She had to feel uncomfortable. Before they made it off the island, he saw a refuge on the Eastern most coast. A large, but abandoned sea vessel. Accommodating enough for her nap. It helped that Sesshomaru himself was rather fond of boats.
Walter20508/11/2019 The Chinese Junk looks to have been abandoned not too long ago and why it was on Japan's Eastern Shore was a mystery to Sesshomaru, he remembered only his father's description of such vessels back when he had helped to repel the elder Hyoga's Mongol Invasion of Japan in the 1300's.
As if answering his thoughts, specters arose from within the depths of the vessel, dead spirits of the ship's former crew, which turned out to be a mix of Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese alike.
"We were a trading ship in the inland sea, we were swept out into the ocean by a powerful storm, we will consume any who dare impose upon our resting...Aughhhhh," the ghosts were cut off mid-monologue by Sesshomaru as he sent all of them to the afterlife with a single swing of Tensiega.
After putting Kagome to bed in the captain's quarters, Sesshomaru ran an inspection of the vessel itself and found it to be in seaworthy shape. After spending some time studying it he managed to figure out how to work the sails and used his true form to shove the vessel off the beach and set sail heading south.
Where they were going he had no idea, for now he just intended for them to cruise south along the coastline, maybe find a river to head inland with his thoughts of heading across the vast sea to foreign shores long forgotten in the face of his new goals of Supreme Boating.
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