#ios gaming
sublyte-san · 1 year
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I'm working on a video review of Marvel Snap at the moment and I was hoping to get some feedback from people who have played it. I've played it myself obviously but I would appreciate your input as well regardless of if your opinion is positive or negative, as long as it's honest then I'm interested.
If you could answer the following I would appreciate it.
Are you okay with me referencing your input in my video?
What is your general opinion of Marvel Snap?
In your opinion did it deserve to win Best Mobile Game at the 2022 Game Awards? To refresh your memory the other Nominations for Best Mobile Game were Apex Legends Mobile, Diablo Immortal, Genshin Impact and Tower of Fantasy.
Roughly how much time would you say you've spent playing Marvel Snap?
During your time playing have you experienced any bugs or glitches? If so are you able to describe them? (I would like to try an replicate them for the video)
Do you play any other deck building mobile games? If so which?
What is your opinion of micro-transactions?
Any other comments related to Marvel Snap?
Thanks in advance!
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sonianevermind · 2 days
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Crying and sobbing emulation is finally here. Testing it out with one of my favorite games ever and currently going through memory lane 💕💕 also incredibly happy it works with the apple keyboard which is a bonus. Although kinda miss the cute pink skin when not on touchscreen…
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universo-nintendo · 1 year
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El Año Nuevo 2023 traerá nuevas versiones especiales de personajes como Ash, Elm, Panne, Askr y Embla a Fire Emblem Heroes.
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32bitter · 1 year
Backbone One iOS controller $75 (25% off) for Black Friday
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at Best Buy, Target, Amazon, etc. both black (Xbox) and white (Playstation) versions on sale.
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whatsupspaceman · 4 months
we could have mobile games like cool math duck life and papas pizzeria and bloonz tower defense and old masterpieces like original angry birds and jet pack joyride and small online games like webkinz home before dark and polar bear plunge and flash games like holeio and snake and we could have barbie dress up and horse riding and we could have them all without thousands of shitty 2 minute ads and microtransactions and unskippable popups and imbedded app store links and we could have new games new incredible story based adventures, puzzles, well designed mini platformers, we have an entire universe of unexplored medium right here in the palm of your hand! we could have REAL games! real wonderful games not misleading not clickbait we could have everything in the whole wide world and we could have them them on the phone! WE COULD HAVE THEM ON THE PHONE !!!!!!!!!!! DOES IT NOT MAKE YOU SICK???? DOES IT NOT SHATTER YOUR HEART !!!!
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baneshake · 2 years
A Brief-ish History of Assassin’s Creed - Black Flag’s Aveline DLC pack, Pirates, and Freedom Cry
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briseise · 3 months
hi honey!! how about cat + gem for the hermit swap ask gam? <3 love from tuna
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u want kitty gem? meow meow meow meow? =^. .^=
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napo-con-fritas · 4 months
saw this picrew in a post and I loved the styleee
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here/here (there's different body types!)
tagging, no pressure: @ailec-12 (feliz casi navidad), @faroresson, @chaoticconstellation, @paddooo, @any-way-the-sun-goes, @lesbitorte, @sarahsedserio and anybody else who wants to!
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coldshrugs · 11 days
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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vierapril day 10: breath
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galedekarios · 15 days
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manonamora-if · 2 months
Interactive Fiction Showcase 2024
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Showcase your Game!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is a year-long "jam" meant to collect and showcase Interactive Fiction games completed in 2024, and show how diverse the Interactive Fiction scene is! And maybe: build more bridges between the community, help people finding their new favourite game/author...
Whether it is long or short, an easy adventure or a complicated puzzle, a strange experiment, a quick creation, or a years-in-the-making game, come show off what you've made!
Are you more of a player? Then, come check this page regularly for new submissions! Maybe leave a rating or a comment too :)
This is an unranked event.
The Showcase is open to IF games in all of its forms: kinetic, choice-based, hyperlinks, parser, visual novels... As long as it is Interactive Fiction (there is interactivity and the focus of the game is on the text), the entry will be accepted.
The Showcase is open to IF games in any language.
Entries must be playable and in its complete form when submitted. Completed games in 2024, whose demo was previously public, are welcome. Games submitted to other events (jams/competitions) are welcome.
Entries can include NSFW content, as long as it is indicated in the submission.
Entries should not include any generated AI content - or it will be removed.
Spam or hateful content will be removed.
Creating Interactive Fiction:
Interactive Fiction is a text-based narrative medium, where players can interact with the story in some fashion (input commands, click a link/button, press key). There are many different ways of creating IF, and many different programs to do so. You can find some mentioned below:
Primarily HyperText/Choice-Based: Twine,  Ink, ChoiceScript, Dendry
Primarily Parser/Input: Inform 6, Inform 7, PunyInform, Adventuron, ADRIFT
Other: Bitsy, Binksi, Ren'Py
and many more can be found listed in the IF Wiki.
If you are looking for other Interactive Fiction Events, discuss general IF, or ask question, you can visit the IntFiction Forum. (we also have monthly IF events over at @neointeractives)
Interactive Fiction Database and Archive:
The IFDB, or Interactive Fiction Database, is an IF game information catalogue, creating a historical record of the IF landscape. The database is a community project, updated by its members, by adding titles to the directory, ratings games, writing reviews... If a listing has not yet been created for your game, please consider making one!
IF Archive
The IF Archive is an archive of Interactive Fiction games, and IF-related elements (walkthroughs, interpreters, articles, collections...). The Archive’s mission is to preserve the history and practice of interactive fiction and make it freely available to the public. If you wish to, you can upload a copy of your game to the IFArchive, through the IFDB listing of your game (recommended) or directly to the archive.
The IFDB and IFArchive, as well as the IntFiction Forum and Twine, are managed by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. These programs are funded through individual donations.
Visual Novel Database
The VNDB, or Visual Novel Database, is a community project that strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels. The database is updated by its members, by adding titles to the directory, ratings games, writing reviews... If a listing has not yet been created for your visual novel, please consider making one!
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sonianevermind · 2 days
Genuinely in love iOS emulation is finally a thing 🥺💗”now” Feels nice to relieve your favorite games on the go and just have more options. The best app honestly is bimmy because it allows me to see my son Kirby again 💕💕just a little sad it was removed by the dev almost immediately so hope they change their mind. Like no ads, no tracking, and works with the apple keyboard which is like heaven.
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universo-nintendo · 1 year
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El nuevo Holiday Tour 2022 de Mario Kart Tour agrega un nuevo corredor, más trajes Mii y unas cuantas novedades para Navidad.
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englishotomegames · 3 months
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Love and Deepspace (恋与深空)
Release date (Android, iOS) English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean: January 18th, 2024
"As the brand new installment of the popular Mr. Love series, Love and Deepspace allows you to step into a sci-fi world where love knows no bounds. With immersive cutscenes, 3D storylines and interactions, love is truly within reach!
[First-Person Perspective] Dates via 3D cutscenes. Step into a 3D world from a first-person perspective, where romance and adventure unfold before your eyes. The unique viewpoint design brings you closer to those heart-pounding moments you share with your love interest, blurring the line between reality and fantasy.
[3D Interactions] Interact with him all you want. Real-time 3D rendering ensures lifelike interactions. Experience intimate moments like never before, watch as your actions provoke unique responses, and savor unforgettable dates, sweet voice messages, and more.
[24/7 Companionship] He's always there for you. Each day with your love interest is brimming with intriguing intimacy. Snapshots, Claw Machines, Kitty Cards... It's never a boring day in Linkon City.
[Fight Together] You can fully trust each other in battle. As a Deepspace Hunter with the superpower of 'Evol', you will fight against the onslaught of mysterious alien creatures, together with love interests. Along the way, your paths intertwine, and the secrets about your fates and humanity's future will be revealed.
[Profound Immersion] Choose your voice and look. Delve into an array of customizable features, from dozens of appearance details and hundreds of makeup choices to personalized timbres, all yours to explore."
This is a freemium mobile 3D visual novel / action rpg / gacha game! You can download it for Android or iOS here.
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sinsofsinister · 3 months
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For seven days your crew weathered the storms before finally breaking through the clouds. They couldn't have made it this far without you. What began as a chance encounter with a girl named Lyria became a journey to reach the ends of the skies and now, a new chapter in that story is about to begin.
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tqngled · 4 months
Come ti chiami
Percentuale batteria del telefono?
Ti piace leggere?
Ti piace scrivere?
Cosa che tutti amano fare ma a te non piace?
Cosa tutti odiano fare ma tu ami?
Hai amicizie a distanza?
Hai tanti amici?
Hai mai letto libri in inglese?
Guardi mai film in inglese?
Pratichi qualche sport?
Se no, che sport ti piacerebbe?
A casa hai il calendario dell'avvento?
Ami fare le foto?
Ami farti le foto?
Hai tanti amici, o sei più una persona solitaria?
Ti piace cucinare?
Sei ordinat* o meno?
Che cellulare hai?
Hai mai scritto una lettera?
Pregi e difetti del posto in cui vivi?
Vivi lì da tutta la vita?
Che lavoro fai?
Ti piace il tuo lavoro?
Se non ti piace, quale vorresti fare?
Frequenti l'università?
Se studi all'università cosa studi?
Hai conoscenti all'estero?
Hai mai pensato di lasciare il tuo paese/città?
Cosa ne pensi della frase "gli amici sono una seconda famiglia?"
Che rapporto hai con la tua famiglia?
Guardi mai film in streaming?
Ti reputi una persona tecnologica?
Preferisci thè o caffè
Preferisci dolce o salato?
Preferisci fare allenamenti a casa o in palestra?
Stagione preferita?
Cosa diresti a te stess* di 10 anni fa?
Vai spesso in discoteca?
Ti hanno mai ricoverato in ospedale?
Descrivi il tuo stile d'abbigliamento abituale.
Colore preferito?
Di che colore è la tua camera da letto?
Descrivi la tua camera da letto
Parli ancora con le stesse persone che hai conosciuto 5 anni fa?
Perché hai deciso di aprire un blog di Tumblr?
Da quanto tempo hai Tumblr?
Come sei venut* a conoscenza di questo social?
Ti reputi una persona molto social?
Sei fidanzat*
Se non sei fidanzat* quali caratteristiche la tua persona del cuore dovrebbe assolutamente avere?
Film Disney preferito?
Preferisci comprare online o in negozio?
Quale regalo di Natale vorresti ricevere?
Sei molto unit* alla tua famiglia?
Vivi nella regione in cui sei nat*
Cosa ami di più delle festività natalizie?
Cosa odi di più delle festività natalizie?
Cibo che tutti amano, ma tu odi?
Cibo che tutti odiano ma tu ami?
Vorresti dei figli?
Se si, che nomi daresti a loro?
Hai animali?
Se si, come si chiamano?
Se non possiedi animali, li vorresti?
Numero fortunato?
Hai qualche brutto vizio?
Cosa ami di te stess*
Cosa odi di te stess*
Programma preferito?
Serie TV preferita?
Hai un paese/nazione nel cuore?
Intraprenderesti mai un viaggio da sol*?
Un gioco che hai sempre voluto da piccol* e che poi è finalmente arrivato?
C'è una lingua straniera che vorresti assolutamente imparare?
Ascolti molto i consigli degli altri?
Ti piacciono i giochi da tavolo?
Come trascorri la giornata di natale?
Vivi da sol*
Sito che visiti più spesso durante la giornata.
Che effetto ha su di te il giudizio altrui?
Hai degli hobby?
Esci tutti i sabati sera?
Ultimo posto in cui sei andat* in vacanza?
Ultima volta che sei andat* al cinema? Che film hai visto?
Pesce o carne?
Segui una dieta particolare?
Senti di avere difetti particolari?
Fai amicizia subito con le persone?
Ti piacciono le leggende?
Paese che hai sempre voluto vedere?
Hai i buchi alle orecchie?
Hai tatuaggi?
Se si, hai in programma di farne altri?
Canzone preferita?
Consiglia 4 canzoni
Consiglia 4 film
Consiglia 4 serie TV
Dove pensi incontrerai l'amore della tua vita?
Sei sposat*
Sei mai stat* in campeggio?
Film che tutti amano ma tu non capisci perché?
Film che tutti odiano e ma tu non capisci perché?
Hai mai fatto un falò?
Festeggerai Capodanno?
Hai dei buoni propositi per il nuovo anno?
Hai mai inviato un SMS alla persona sbagliata?
Sei brav* a dare consigli?
Sai dipingere?
Qualcosa che hai sempre voluto fare, ma che non hai mai fatto per paura?
La tua più grande paura?
La tua più grande passione?
Porti gli occhiali o le lenti a contatto?
Porti l'apparecchio ai denti?
Descrivi la tua casa dei sogni
Hai mai pensato di aprire un canale YouTube?
Oggetto che ti ricorda la tua infanzia?
Cibo che ti ricorda la tua infanzia?
Ultimo messaggio inviato?
Ultimo messaggio ricevuto?
Cosa stai facendo adesso?
Cosa stai aspettando adesso?
Ti piace il sushi?
Un piatto tipico della tua regione?
Che ore sono adesso?
Vivi in una regione dove c'è il mare?
La tua colazione tipo?
Ti piace stare in pigiama a casa?
Usi pantofole o calzini a casa?
Hai un animo infantile?
Ti senti soddisfatt* di ciò che hai ottenuto dalla vita fino a ora?
Che cosa cambieresti della tua vita ora?
Che cosa diresti al te adolescente?
@tqngled (Mar 12.12.23 h 01:00)
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