#ira nornir
lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Watch calls Martha her companion and if the Doctor tries to be like "actually she's my companion" Watch just looks him dead in the eyes and says in the darkest voice "Then start fucking acting like it."
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zac-hurakan · 4 years
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❄🐺🩸FENRIR🩸🐺❄ ¿ Cuando termina de crecer el rencor acumulado tras una traición?. Criado entre y por Dioses, alimentado por sus propias manos y... ¿PARA QUÉ?. No fue mi destino decidido por las Nornir, si no por los mismos que ahora temen porque antes actuaron, desconociendo que decidieron su muerte con su propia ignorancia... Cobardes, mentirosos... ¡MISERABLES!. Nunca quise confiar del todo, nunca pude creer por completo en sus palabras, pues mi instinto me decía que ocultaban algo... ¡MIEDO Y MENTIRAS ES LO ÚNICO QUE TENÍAN PARA OFRECERME DE VERDAD!. Aquí me hallo ahora, atado por finas cuerdas hechas con materiales extintos, o a eso huelen al menos. Traidores ellos e iluso yo por confiar a medias en sus intenciones y seguir mi orgullo. Pero... aún tengo el sabor a sangre en mi boca y los huesos del gran farsante, ahora manco, en mis fauces para recordarme las deudas pendientes y las pagaré , ¡LAS PAGARÉ CON CRECES!. Cuando termine de crecer mi odio, me liberaré de su engaño y daré rienda suelta a todo aquello que me mantiene vivo... Ira, rabia, orgullo, ¡SED DE VENGANZA! Engulliré la luz que ilumina los nueve mundos y entre mis colmillos crujirán los huesos del tuerto y cobarde “padre de todos.” Temblarán los Aesir al ver caer a su patético líder y a todos aquellos ilusos que le sigan hacia su fin, su sangre bañará los rostros de sus hijos y esposas y el miedo derramado en forma de meados en sus piernas y lágrimas en sus ojos se recordará a través del tiempo. ¡PATÉTICOS CONDENADOS!. ¡LLORARÁN LAS VALKIRIAS COMO BEBÉS ASUSTADOS ANTE MI LLEGADA! ¡¡¡GRITARÁN LOS EINHERJAR COMO SUCIOS ANIMALES AL PARTIRLOS EN DOS Y ESPARCIR SUS ENTRAÑAS POR TODAS PARTES!!! Solo tengo que esperar, y cuanto más espere... ¡MÁS GRANDE SERÁ MI ALZAMIENTO Y MÁS TERRIBLE SU ANIQUILACIÓN! 🐺🩸🐺🩸🐺🩸🐺🩸🐺🩸🐺🩸🐺🩸 ❄🩸EL RENCOR DEL LOBO🩸❄ Texto de Turnar. Finalmente Fenrir👏👏👏😉😉😁😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDYsEg0JiLR/?igshid=13kw9ydp9m3gi
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
The Lazarus Experiment except it's with the Watchmaker and Martha extended her plus one to her only, so Watch and Martha are fake dating and flirting while solving the mystery, while in the background the Doctor is attempting increasingly ridiculous ways to get into the gala and keeps getting caught and escorted out by security.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
🖊+Watch and 🖊+Hestia!
Watch: Okay so I’ve talked about this a few times before, but it doesn’t make sense to me that the Doctor could be the ONLY Time Lord/Gallifreyan left in the whole universe, besides the Master. Like, a whole planet full of people, and there weren’t any who escaped, or just ran, or just happened to not be on the planet when the Doctor destroyed it? Makes no sense to me! A huge planet, and there wouldn’t be at least a handful of survivors? 
Anyway, the point is that I’ve been playing with the idea that Watch was part of a secret underground organization whose priority was getting people off the planet. Civilians, children and families, people who wanted to escape. She was a key part. As the Watchmaker*, Watch made pocket watches that could work as a chameleon arch without the need for the machine itself, thus making it easier for people to have their memories and biology rearranged so they could hide on other planets. She also made watches that could hide a person’s biology without removing memories, and cloaking devices, and all sorts of tech that were useful in hiding people and getting them off-planet. The plan was for those running the organization to remember those who had been chameleon-arched and needed reminding of who they were.
When she’s reunited with her brother, Watch doesn’t realize that the Doctor doesn’t know about this for a long time. Until he says that they’re the only ones left, at which point she realizes that he doesn’t. And she tells him, and it’s a very happy moment for them both.
*the DW verse contradicts itself about Gallifreyan names so many times but I want the Watchmaker to be a given title, as well as a name for a renegade or a name she chose herself. A planet of time travellers? time pieces would be very important. Hence, Watchmaker.
Olympus and Asgard don't have a good relationship. To make a stronger alliance, Zeus and Odin decide to arrange a marriage between their two people. Odin, of course, can't marry Loki off because he's still waiting for him to maybe be useful for an alliance with the frost giants and he can't send him off to Olympus, so he asks Zeus to find a suitable bride for Thor. Zeus can't use any of the actual Twelve Olympians because they're all useful, so he chooses the goddess who isn't one of the twelve but is still technically an Olympian, Hestia, the eldest of the six elder gods. She’s perfect - she’s one of them but she’s technically not, and she’s unimportant enough as a god that there’s no real loss by marrying her off. None of the other Olympians handle this very well. Hestia, being the rational one who wants to keep the peace, is the only one who is even slightly okay with it. This makes everyone angrier.
So then a while later, after this is all talked out, Thor and Odin go to Olympus to meet the future bride. Hestia is not one to dress fancily like her siblings, so she’s dressed rather plainly, and she’s doing what she normally does, which is tending the fire in the throne room as she waits for the arrival of her future husband and the Allfather. When Odin and Thor arrive, Odin tells her “tell the king the Allfather is here.” Hestia says “he’ll be here soon” and Odin gets a little huffy about being spoken to like that.
It’s at this moment that Hestia realizes they’ve mistaken her for a serving girl. 
Despite not being a trickster, she DOES want to see what the two of them, more importantly Thor, are like when they’re not impressing anybody important. So she plays along and continues tending the fire, and playing as a cheerful servant, strikes up a conversation with Thor. And he’s... something. Arrogant, sure, but she gets the sense that he’s not a bad man, just a bit loud, a little oblivious. But he’s reasonably polite to her while they make small talk even though she’s “just a servant”, while Odin ignores her altogether.
A few minutes later, Zeus walks in and totally oblivious to what’s going on delightedly announces that he is so pleased Hestia and Thor are getting to know each other already! At which point Odin actually looks at her and Thor does a double-take and she. just. smiles. And doesn’t say anything about their mistake.
Odin is pissed at her “trickery” but does not show it because it would be hella rude to admit he assumed she was just a servant and acknowledge how rude he was to her. 
Thor thinks it’s HILARIOUS. 
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Watch the whole time she's with the Doctor and Rose:
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Summary: The Watchmaker saving Rose from falling off a cliff brings up some memories from centuries ago for the Doctor. Not very good ones, either. 
Characters: The Watchmaker (my OC, the Doctor’s elder sister), Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Warnings: Watch falls off a cliff (but is caught), memories of watching someone drown (supposedly)
It all happened almost too fast for the Doctor to process. One moment, he and Watch and Rose were running along a cliffside - at least he and Rose were, too excited to see everything to walk, while Watch was behind them, too slow to be jogging but too fast to be walking - with the Doctor stopping to take samples of the strange purple moss growing off of the rocks. The next, he heard Watch shout something, Rose shriek, the sound of rocks crumbling, and he turned just in time to see the cliff under Rose’s feet fall away. 
A yell was rising in his throat, but then Watch grabbed Rose’s hand and pulled her back to solid earth. 
The momentum of her pull had Watch in Rose’s place before he could blink. 
Suddenly it was Watch losing her balance, her foot slipping off the crumbled remains of the cliff, falling back, her hair a cloud around her face. The look on her face was one of mild surprise. A look that was too familiar, a situation too similar to previous events. 
Someone screamed Watch’s name, and he realized it was him at the same time as his stomach hit the ground and his hands encased his sister’s wrists.
He probably would have been dragged over the edge right along with her if it weren’t for someone grabbing onto his legs. Rose, he realized distantly, when he heard her calling his name as though from a great distance. Strange, since she was right behind him. 
He would be looking back at her, making more of an effort to help her pull the two Time Lords back onto solid ground, but he was transfixed, looking down at Watch’s face. She was staring up at him, relief and shock mingling on her face, and below her was the bottomless canyon she had nearly plummeted into. He could see her feet swaying in the open air, and he saw the shoes she had put on that morning. They were light blue and they stood as a stark contrast to the pitch black depths underneath. 
The Doctor remembered what she had been wearing that day, all those centuries ago, when he hadn’t caught her in time. When she had been reaching her hand out to grab his so he could pull her up out of the path of the tidal wave heading for her. A bright red scarf had been wrapped around her neck, matching the dress she had pulled out of the closet in the TARDIS. He remembered searching for that shade of red in the churning waters for hours before Sarah Jane had taken his hand and he had to accept the truth. He couldn’t sense her anymore, the comforting presence of his older sister in the back of his mind had disappeared, and the TARDIS couldn’t find her: she was gone. 
Except she wasn’t. She had been on Earth the whole time. He had failed her. 
“Doctor,” Watch said, loudly, “you’ve got to pull me up.” 
He had failed his sister. 
“Doctor!” Rose shouted. “Doctor, I can’t hold on for much longer!” He could feel her hands wrap tighter around his legs, trying to pull him back. 
Watch met his eyes. Then she said his name. His true name. She said it only slightly louder than a whisper, but he heard it. 
That snapped him into action. Wiggling only slightly so Rose wouldn’t lose her hold on him, he managed to pull back enough to balance easier so his entire torso wasn’t spilling over the edge. Watch gained some footing on the cliffside and pushed herself up. The Doctor gripped her wrists even tighter and struggled with the awkward angle he found himself stuck at. If it weren’t for that, he could pull her up on his own. 
“Rose,” he gasped out, “I’m fine, come and help!” 
Rose released his legs at once and scurried to the edge, reaching her hand down. Watch grasped it and with Rose helping, they pulled her back up to them. The Doctor got on his knees and that helped, and then he yanked as hard as he could and Watch was pulled right over the edge and into his arms. Watch held him tight, breathing shakily. The Doctor just grabbed onto her, clinging as tightly as he could. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the panic crawling throughout his whole body, the coldness that had burrowed deep inside him, ignore the memories flashing through his mind of Watch’s face, a different face, disappearing under violent waves with her fingers just inches from his. That spot of red vanishing from view in the depths of the flood. 
“Oh my god,” Rose said hoarsely, breaking the silence. “Watch, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Watch said after a moment, breathing in deeply. “I’m alright. Rose, you okay?”
“Yeah, I am. Doctor?”
The Doctor didn’t respond. He squeezed his eyes tighter and clung even harder to Watch. 
“Doctor?” Rose said again, softer. “You okay?”
“I’m good,” he gasped out, even as he didn’t open his eyes. “I’m alright.” His voice shook.
“Doctor,” Watch said. He felt her hand on the nape of his neck. He pushed his face into her shoulder. “Doctor, I’m safe. You got me. I’m fine.”
“I know,” he said weakly. He didn’t let go.
“I didn’t, though,” he said when she didn’t say anything. 
“Didn’t what?” Watch said, starting to run her hand over the back of his head. He remembered her doing that when he was a child and crying over something. Out of their siblings, Watch was the one to go to when he was upset.  
“Didn’t catch you,” he said so quietly that without their Gallifreyan senses, she wouldn’t have heard. 
“You caught me, Doctor, I’m right here,” she said, and why didn’t she understand?
“No, I didn’t,” he whispered. “Not that time.”
Her hand stopped mid-stroke for a second before she started again. “Oh. That time.”
“I didn’t catch you before. I failed you. You died. I lost you.” He had watched his sister die and then left. He had left her behind. He hadn’t caught her and he had left her. 
“But you found me again,” Watch said. “Look, I’m right here. You found me. You didn’t catch me before but you found me again and you caught me this time. I’m right here, Doctor. Look at me.” 
She pushed him back, forcing him to let go, and her hands were on his cheeks, cupping his face. “Doctor. Open your eyes. I’m right here.” 
He slowly opened his eyes, and Watch, The Watchmaker, was there, sitting right in front of him, her eyes soft and worried as she looked at him. 
“See?” She gave a tiny smile. “I’m here.” 
The Doctor nodded. “I know.” His hands, still dug into her shirt sleeves, didn’t relax at all. “But if I hadn’t-”
“But you did,” Watch said firmly. “And you pulled me back up. You saved me. You both saved me.” She looked up at Rose, who had been hovering worriedly over them. 
The Doctor looked up at Rose. She smiled weakly, fear still in her eyes, and his stomach squirmed for making her worry. 
“You okay?” Rose asked gently. 
After a moment, he nodded. He slowly released Watch’s arms and smoothed out her sleeves for her. He looked down at his tie and busied himself straightening it and brushing the dirt off of his front. 
Watch didn’t get to her feet until the Doctor stood up. He gave Rose an extra tight hug, which she returned with an even tighter hug. Watch observed, and when they released each other she pulled Rose in for a hug of her own.
“Thanks,” Rose said, squeezing Watch. 
“Any time,” Watch whispered back. They let go and Watch stood up straight, clearing her throat. “I think we should end this trip for now.”
Neither Rose or the Doctor made any arguments, and the Doctor took Rose’s hand into his own as they headed back for the TARDIS. Watch led the way, although they stayed as far away from the cliffside as they could on their path back. 
The Doctor glanced down at Watch’s hand and, with his free hand, reached out and took hers. She glanced back in surprise - did he not hold her hand enough? - but then gave it a tight squeeze. 
We’re talking later, she told him through their mental link. He winced, but decided not to argue. He could handle the awkward, uncomfortable discussion he’d have with her. Just as long as she was here. 
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Watch: If you see the Doctor, give him this message. [Makes neutral face] He'll know what it means.
Jack: Watch told me to give you this message. [Makes neutral face.]
Doctor: [sighs] The neutral face of displeasure.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Watch: Being married to Martha is so nice! I never knew relationships were supposed to make you feel good about yourself.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
The Doctor: One of us has to kiss Martha-
The Watchmaker: I’ll do it. 
Doctor: I didn’t explain why yet.
Watch: I know why I have to kiss her and I’d do it even if I didn’t.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Martha: *lists the bones of the hand off the top of her head*
Watch: I have literally never been more attracted to anyone in my whole life.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
I was thinking about the reveal that the Doctor gave the rest of the time lords their regeneration abilities so was the "first" time lord I guess and how Watch and the Doctor would talk about it, how they would deal with it, how Watch would be like "You're my sibling no matter what you dumb bitch", how the Doctor would feel knowing that Watch either knew about it or was manipulated as well
And what I think Watch would be most concerned with is whether or not she's still the older sibling or if the Doctor technically is.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Have I planned The Watchmaker's fic yet? No, but I have planned a running joke where no matter where the TARDIS goes, if it's somewhere on earth within the last few centuries, Watch will know someone there.
Victorian Scotland? She recognizes one of the Queen's soldiers as a kid she babysat a few times.
1950s England? A little girl who runs down the street will grow up to be someone who regularly visits Watch's shop because she keeps breaking her clocks.
1930s Manhattan? She may have had a brief fling with that singer, but she doesn't kiss and tell.
And when the TARDIS brings them to the end of time, it's right after they've been stuck in the 60s because of the weeping angels and Watch had to make sure not to run into herself or cause any paradoxes because she had lived in the same area at that time (her past self was on holiday so it was mostly okay).
Martha jokes that at least now, at the end of time, they won't run into anyone Watch knows.
Watch laughs and opens the door. Then she stops in the doorway. "Jack?"
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Mickey 🤝 Watch: always being annoyed by Rose and the Doctor
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Watchmaker vs. the Master. And Marianne vs. Loki. Who wins each of those fights?
Watch vs The Master:
Okay so first thing to know is that Watch has thought of the Master as A Bad Influence™️ on her little sib ever since the Doctor came home and was like “Look Watch I’ve got a new friend!!!! :)” when they were kids so that plus you know, everything else means that Watch has personal stakes in this fight and has been waiting for an excuse to kick the shit out of them. 
No weapons, just a straight-up fight - Watch wins. She trounces them. She’d just kick the shit out of them and it would be GREAT. Unfortunately, the Master being who they are, they’d probably start laughing madly as she does so, and she’d get frustrated by it because it’s not as satisfying when they’re laughing. 
Master sneaks a weapon: a knife or gun or something, and they managed to catch her by surprise, they’d win. She’d probably do her best to try and strangle them or something before she collapsed though. She’s got a lot of rage for this bastard. 
Marianne vs Loki
Loki with his tricky witchery vs Marianne with her telekinesis... I think Loki would win after a lengthy fight. She’d knock him around and rattle him a lot (kind of imagine Hulk-level throwing him into the floor), but he’s adapted to lots of kinds of magic and sorcery so he would know how to deal with it and trick her. It would be close to a tie though.
This is tricky because in my heart of hearts I feel like Marianne and Loki would be "secretly keeps knives on their person” solidarity. That and, depending on which Loki it is (more likely the Loki from Thor 1, 2 or 3), Marianne may succeed in stopping the fight by just asking him in a sincere voice if he’d like some tea and a chat and he’d be like “... sure” and whoops, Marianne’s adopted a thousand-something-year-old god.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
B: "Truth or dare?" A: "Truth." B: "How many hours have you slept this week?" A: "Dare." B: "Go to sleep." A: "I don't like this game."
I love this quote it speaks to so many of my faves 
The Watchmaker: "Truth or dare?" 
The Doctor: "Truth." 
Watch: "How many hours have you slept this week?" 
Doctor: "Dare." 
Watch: "Go to sleep." 
Doctor: "I don't like this game."
Wanda: "Truth or dare?"
Kris: "Truth."
Wanda: "How many hours have you slept this week?"
Kris: "Dare."
Wanda: "Go to sleep."
Kris: "I don't like this game."
Khadija: "Truth or dare?"
Kris: "Truth."
Khadija: "How many hours have you slept this week?"
Kris: "Dare."
Khadija: "Go to sleep."
Kris: "I don't like this game."
(kris is a disaster.)
Marianne: "Truth or dare?"
Erik: "Truth."
Marianne: "How many hours have you slept this week?"
Erik: "Dare."
Marianne: "Go to sleep."
Erik: "I don't like this game."
Fuck it, send me some incorrect quotes and I’ll tell you which OC it matches with.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
6, 23, and 32 for Watch; 12, 22, and 37 for Hestia, for the OCs Asks please!
6. What’s a movie they can quote from start to finish?
Probably most movies because she’s got that Gallifreyan/Time Lord Mind. I think she’d remember some really old movies that are more unknown now and she’d be like “how can you not know about [random old movie]??? I saw it in theatres and it was fantastic!” and recite the whole thing. Also, all of the Lord of the Rings movies, which is probably more of an accomplishment because all of them are three whole hours long. 
23. What’s the most important object they own?
A pocket watch from Gallifrey she managed to hold on to throughout the Time War and kept hold of after returning to Earth. Of the few things she kept on her person throughout the war, it’s the only thing she was able to keep hold of to the end. It’s the only thing she has left of Gallifrey. It was also one of the first things she was able to snag from her old house upon being brought back to fight before the house was destroyed. 
32. If they could swim in any liquid what would it be and why?
Watch would swim in NO liquid because she has a fear of swimming and drowning.
12. What’s a skill or craft they would like to master, but haven’t?
Sometimes Hestia would like to learn to fight since she was never a warrior and it seems like it would be a way to take part in the culture of Asgard. She doesn’t really want to fight, and she has other ways of defending herself (goddess of fire, baby!). At the same time, she has her insecure moments about not being a fighter because of how Asgardian culture is so based around fighting and being a warrior and Thor practically personifies these values. 
As for a skill she wants to master, she’s still working on truly harnessing the Celestial Fire of both Olympus and Asgard. Olympus, she’s pretty much mastered, because it’s apart of her. As the goddess of the home and hearth, the Asgardian Celestial Fire is also apart of her, but she hasn’t fully grasped it yet, and she’s trying to find a balance between the two flames and the two homes. Is that a skill or craft? Whatever it’s what she’s doing.
22. If they were given a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl that they couldn’t sell, what would they fill it with?
Most likely she wouldn’t do anything with it because she wouldn’t get what either of those things are, so it would be a one-minute-long empty slot. If she HAD to fill it with something, it may just be a minute-long Mr. Rogers-esque segment of her just talking to the audience in an affirming, gentle manner. 
37. What do they think is a conspiracy?
She thinks it’s SUPER SUSPICIOUS of Odin calling a Celestial Fire “the eternal flame” as if it’s NOT a Celestial Fire, aka the heart of civilization. She also thinks it’s suspicious that he keeps it locked away in the vault instead of celebrated and honoured by the people, the way it is on Olympus. What are you playing at, Odin? Why are you keeping the heart of your kingdom away from the people? Why aren’t you telling anybody what it really is? 
(I’ve got some of my own worldbuilding going on here.) 
Thanks for asking! Feel free to send more :)
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