#is it too late to join in the charater analyizing club?
sherbet-shark · 3 years
My Essay About What Makes Ace Trappola, Ace:
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The following essay has spoilers for all the main chapters, personal stories, has my hc’s down below, speculation on the dynamics of the Trappola family and his ex, many people underestimate Ace and with good reason to back it up, he’s an ass. He’s stupid but I’ve decided to shed some light on this misunderstood character. I am not a simp for him nor will I ever be but I do respect him and wish for others to see what I see. Let’s get on to the essay shall we?
Author’s Notes: I can’t believe I made this in the span of 2 hours yesterday and continued to add things this morning. Has a word count of 2.7k Reblogs, Comments, and Likes are appreciated! I am using the Fandom wiki page and Shel_BB’s translation videos as my references.
He's intelligent– yes, we all know he's done a lot- no massively stupid things in the game. Still, people forget that he is bright when the situation calls for it, for example, in his personal SSR uniform story ROOK. ROOK HUNT praises this little asshole for how quickly he took to the hedgehog language (and another language, but I forgot). Even Rook said that this language was difficult for him— A FUCKING 3RD YEAR ACE’S SENIOR THE CREEP OF THE SCHOOL SAID THIS! All in all, he’s an intelligent young man but only uses his intellect to save his ass. He learned that language to prevent Riddle from kicking his ass for losing his hedgies. Ace just needs the MOTIVATION to show off when nothing is in it for himself.
A.) There are multiple instances where the game and he in question uses his smarts in small ways. At the beginning of Chapter 5, when the trio first finds out about VDC and the prize money, he does the math exceptionally quickly—at the same time, leaving Deuce and Grim in the arithmetic dust. Again as I’ve said for this point, there are times when he shows his smarts but in one of two ways, small ways or when he’s out to save his skin.
2. Ok, let’s address the elephant in the room. His emotional intelligence, while it fluctuates, as ordinary teen boy’s are, he is shown to be well… a fucking asshat to Deuce, especially in Chapter 5, but we must talk about Chapter 1 and Ghost Marriage—
A. Ace bluntly puts it to Riddle both verbally and physically that his dorm leader was taking things way too far, and he knocked sense into his senior. He goes on to acknowledge that what Riddle’s mother did was wrong, and treating her son as if he was some trophy was wrong. It didn’t mean what Riddle was doing was right or that it worked for the others.
It led to Rosheart’s Overblot, yes, but afterward, he still makes a point that Riddle, while crying, still needs to apologize to his dorm-mates fully and that crying won’t fix anything, for example, the garden or the trauma they most likely have. (Listen, you can’t tell me that fighting the equivalent of a magical mental breakdown with your senior + dorm leader as a boss to fight isn’t traumatic.) While this is very mean or insensitive, it also serves as a lesson to Riddle to what I believe, to make Riddle not a cry baby or shed crocodile tears to get out of acknowledging what his actions be them in the past or the future. And how to properly apologize. Ace demands a redo of that Unbirthday party, and Riddle cheers up and is lenient, even pulling a trick on his Heartslabyul students.
B. As we explore further into the Ghost Marriage Event and in the heat of the last Battle between Chubby (I wished they did better on my man’s name. The dude’s suffered the “I’m happy [Girl’s name] will be happy with her ideal man, but I won’t say my feelings.” trope so bad for eons, and they saddle you with this? C’mon. That’s mean. Anyway.)
He lectures Eliza on how her “ideal prince” does not exist. He is blunt to a fault, but this is what the fallen princess needs/needed to hear. He tells her that your “ideal prince” shouldn’t be based on outrageous appearances or what they have or don’t have, or their abilities are. What matters is that you laugh, you cry together, you fight together, but you make up with each other.
Nothing about what his ideal girl or s/o would look like. Most of us irl have this idea of their s/o, or what traits they must have as our dream girl or s/o. He knows that if he makes the “My Dream Girl or S/O” list, that girl or person, that idea of them/her will stray further and further away from reality.
Let’s be honest, what Eliza listed off for her ‘one and only’ is outrageously naive and something a young child would say. At this point, even before her death, she should’ve been told that he would never be real. That she needed to be brought back down to Twisted Wonderland and have someone suitable for her, not someone she wanted in the beginning but what she needed. But even, in the end, Eliza lives in this fantasy until Ace wakes her up with the truth.
To me, this shows a tremendous amount of his emotional intelligence and that he’s not stupid or naive to believe that his “princess” is out there. This life is not a fairytale, and he knows it. He wants someone to share those things with him, to laugh with him, to cry, to fight, but also makeup. And how he would be content with the small stuff with his S/O.
C. But let’s also talk about what else we learned about him in this event. Despite him being emotionally mature here, he is also shown as still immature. On this note, I will talk about Ace’s Ex-girlfriend and their messy break-up. According to Ace, he broke up with her because she got boring and didn’t want to go on Roller Coasters.
(I will admit this made me dislike him more because of how easily I could put myself and my former crush in this situation.) He does not elaborate on what she was like or other potential reasons for their breakup, but this is my headcanon (and me projecting a bit, but). They are inferred to be extremely young, maybe preteens or in the young teenage range, and let’s be honest.
Dating at that age is incredibly new, awkward, strange, fun. This leads me to believe that he and his Ex were each other’s 1st’s on the dating scene and thus made everything messy. I have reason to believe that he simply fell out of love with her and wasn’t sure how to say it to her, and that made his ex and her friends go after him. He fell out of love, and that’s something everyone has experienced at least once in their life.
Romance often falls short on every platform. How one can say politely that you’ve fallen out of love with another without some soap opera to go along with it. And at that age, you’re not sure what you’re feeling along with puberty and young love. Things at that age catch the fire of desire quickly but also dies fast.
Now I’m not saying what he did was right on any front because it wasn’t, but we can try to see the situation with this new information with clearer eyes. He and his girlfriend were young, that we know. What we probably know is that they were each other’s 1st. First love is messy, and I doubt that Ace will ever forget her, and as he ages, he might grow to regret how he did things and ended it. Thoroughly in all, this shows that his teen years, like all of us, have ups and downs, some things that when we look back on when we’re old to have wished we've done differently, and that’s a human trait I like in his character— self-reflection. The potential of his growth, be it in fanfics, art, or canon information.
3. Let’s get onto more of his personality. As I’ve said, he’s authentic and blunt, uncaring of the fantasies the person in question wants to hear or not: his loyalty, humor, and bits of Tsundereness.
A.) Loyalty— At the beginning. Yes, he’s not a martyr of this value. Again he’s out to save his own ass. Still, as the game progresses, especially in Chapter 4, he, along with Deuce, come literally running to Yuu and Grim’s rescue from a small distress signal. If Ace never valued this relationship he forged, then he would never have given them his number or have cared to go through that rigorous journey of transportation from the Rose Kingdom to Night Raven College. For reference, Chapter 5. If this doesn’t melt your heart even a bit, my eyebrow is arched at you. Now the question is if his loyalty comes from self-interest or how he views his relationships. That I don’t have an answer for, but this leads to my next point.
B.) Tsundere vibes, baby 😎
He is a sixteen-year-old anime boy with pride that will forever drown me if it were put in liquid form along with every other Night Raven College student and Staff member. This dude, this teenager, this bastard. As I’ve said before, I will say again. His emotional maturity/intelligence goes up and down like those roller coasters he loves so much and thus makes him apprehensive and “uncool” to admit the “cheesy” things, even when Yuu says to Ace and Deuce put on the “We didn’t care.” Act, but their actions speak volumes.
This is not the 1st instance where he does something that contradicts his words, but this little bit of information we need to dig deeper into the game.
Ace says that Grim was causing a stir whenever Yuu isn’t around and that they need to keep a better eye on the furball. This, however, calls into question that if Ace does some bits of supervision on Grim, I say yes, but again it’s more subtle, and once more, he needs the motivation to do something. He does make sure Grim doesn’t give Yuu too much stress and, on occasion, is seen scolding the rock-eating rat bastard.
C.) Humor— Ace’s humor varies from making others the butt of his jokes to at the expense of others. While it’s hurtful, I will say that one scene at the end of Chapter 4 where Ace goes full toddler made me die. Most of his jests are either unintentionally or intentionally mean-hearted, but he doesn’t in his mind believe them to be inherently hurtful. This is where a potential S/O might step in and tell him to either knock it the hell off or scoff a little. His humor does a lot with his age, and he might or not grow out of it. *Looks at my brother’s friends that still laugh at fart jokes* for the S/O’s sake, I hope.
4. How family made a significant change in who he is today. He talks of his father and brother in some of his personal stories, and in the Main story, I can’t remember the exact times, but one was when Yuu and Grim first met him. He talks proudly of them, while he’s not ignorant to sibling fights or parental involvement, this shows that he knows and values family.
A.) He talks of how his older brother attended Night Raven College 7 years prior (making Ace 9 prime age for idolizing brother dearest.) But within multiple primary and personal stories, he tells that his brother taught him how to lie, and pretty good, I’ll admit. His brother told him always to mix the truth with the lie, so it's not an outright lie. We can also infer through the evidence above that their relationship is sibling rivalry or the typically older and younger sibling dynamic. Meaning they've been into fights, older brother if I remember correctly, did lock Ace in a closet?? (I might be morphing another character’s background to Ace’s, but I do remember Ace’s brother did something like this.) Ace’s brother got more excited for Ace than his parents because of the invitation to NRC. If this doesn't speak volumes of their dynamics and relationship, I don't know what will.
B.) His relationship with his Father, while we know that his father has no magic (defeating the idea of Ace making fun of Yuu being magic-less. But instead finds it amusing the lack of “basic history.” Our equivalent of hearing someone not knowing how the founding fathers founded your country.) He views his father as an equal and as someone that’s his parental figure, and he’s admitted to watching his father’s card tricks and making them his own. Ace shows how much he cares for his father and doesn’t see him as any less of an equal because of his lack of magic, unlike how Riddle made fun of Yuu for being magicless. (https://youtu.be/7AOOLYJEg30 Timestamp: 1:29.)
This made Ace punch Riddle, and again this is a personal headcanon, and it might be true that those with no magic, i.e., his father, have faced discrimination for lacking something the person had no control over.
Those doing the bias commonly are powerful mage’s unsympathetic to those without that gift—making Ace incredibly sensitive and willing to jump into action whenever faced with a situation where one person with magic is discriminatory towards another. I have no doubts that once Ace, or his brother, was old enough to understand what his father might’ve been facing, they both wanted to step in and stop it.
C.) Mother? Or Step-Mother? As far as I know, Ace makes no effort to speak of his mother, for example, openly, Deuce and his mom. Deuce reveres his mother as a patron of kindness and patience, while we have no idea or information of Ace’s mom or if his mother sadly passed away. While the idea of his mother passing would contradict my previous statement and evidence, this might show how Ace and his mother may not have a good relationship. While, of course, they love and care for each other, I have the feeling that they butt heads many, many times.
D.) A new addition to the family part— but after thinking, his value for the small things, Laughing together, crying, and fighting might have occurred with how his parents are with each other, we have no idea of what Ace’s parents’ personalities are. Still, I believe that his father and mother did just that. Fight, cry, laugh. But they still made up. The interpretations of them are up in the air, but how would Ace get that idea from himself, an immature 16-year-old boy? His parents. Fighting in front of children is often frowned upon but not unheard of, but they still have a healthy relationship implied.
E.) And this makes me think of how Ace treated Riddle after the latter’s overblot, that his parents instilled into their boys how to apologize and make up with each other appropriately. Ace doesn't strike me as the type of person to accept a tear-filled apology rather have actions speak for themselves; his parents may share this trait with their youngest son and probably their eldest son too.
Have actions speak louder than words. This is further backed up with my previous comments and the evidence in the game. This also may back up the idea of Ace being uncomfortable with saying “cheesy and uncool” things because his household never had that. Or the tsun vibes are too strong.
That’s all, folks. This is my essay on Ace. Yes, it has four bullet points I’m well aware of, but my blurps backing up this character, I think, is well put without much OOC or fan service.
By creating this essay, I am in no way, shape, or form trying to make Riddle a racist or demonize him. What I wish is to shed light on Ace’s good and bad qualities. Everyone in this game of Twisted Wonderland has flaws and good traits. Riddle is a good character, and I feel for him too, but I am in no way trying to attack his fans or kins. Riddle needed to be woken up from his stupor, and in the words of a discord friend, “Someone needed to be the necessary evil.” So this is Sherbet Shark signing off and on to make an overdue payment.
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