#isaac's whole 'i may not have the power of God or anime on my side but i DO have a broom' energy is just unmatched truly
Dazai: If Arthur and I were drowning, who would you save?
Isaac: You idiots can't even swim?
Arthur: It's a hypothetical question! Now, who would you save?
Isaac: My time and effort.
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exxar1 · 3 years
Chapter 14 “The Miracle of Easter, Psalm 139
Psalm 139: 13-16 (NKJV)
“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.”
           I honestly don’t remember exactly where, when or how I stumbled onto this psalm. It was sometime in the last couple weeks, and I remember being immediately captivated by David’s poetry of God’s perfect knowledge of mankind. Just a few verses before the passage I quoted above, David asks his creator where he can flee that God will not find him? Whether heaven or hell or the highest mountain or the uttermost parts of the sea, David marvels that God will always find him and be with him, no matter what. (This brought to mind that children’s book where a small child asks his mother if she will still be able to find him no matter what animal he becomes and where he hides. The mother answers that she will always find and love her precious son, no matter what.)
           Then I read the four verses that I quoted above, and I had to stop short. I read them again and again, soaking in the words that were at once familiar and suddenly brand new. Somewhere in my early childhood I had memorized verses 13 and 14. Now, pairing them with verses 15 and 16 I was struck by David’s message, especially in verse 16. In the KJV translation, that verse reads, “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” This verse was new to me, but I had a pretty good idea of what David was saying. But, to get a better idea, I reached for my MacArthur study Bible which is published in the NKJV translation. As soon as I read verse 16 there, I smiled to myself. Yes, I was right.
           For the last two weeks I have not been able to get this verse out of my head. God knew me before I was even conceived. He had numbered all my days, had written my whole life from beginning to end, before I was even born. I have been trying to wrap my puny, finite mind around this inconceivable, quantum-sized yet massively cosmological concept. How does a being that exists outside our known space and time, a being that has always been and always shall be, a being that knows my entire life’s story before it’s even begun, a being more vast and omnipresent than the universe He created, have any interest at all in the comparatively insignificant, finite, puny beings that He created but who then immediately disobeyed and rejected Him?
           God could have started over. He had no obligation to Adam and Eve whatsoever. He could have wiped them from existence with a single, spoken word. And, in fact, a millennium or so later, He did wipe out all of the human race and started over with just Noah and his family. And even then, mankind has still behaved towards God with great rebellion and sin. In my own life, I declared a long time ago that God didn’t exist. I even said at one point to myself, in the deepest dark of my teenage despair that I hated God. I hated Him for the way He had made me.
           And yet, according to Psalm 139:16, God knew every word, every action, every rebellious thought that I would hurl at Him before I was even born. He also knew the day I would raise my eyes to the night sky behind the neon streetlamps six months ago and whisper a sinner’s prayer of forgiveness and surrender. He knows the exact time and day of my death or if I’ll still be alive the day that His son returns in the clouds to rapture the believers home. He knows my every choice, my every thought, my every deed before I make any of them, and He has always kept me wrapped in His arms my whole life, patiently waiting until I was finally ready to wholly and completely surrender to Him.
           I have been trying to understand not only the very existence and nature of God, but, more importantly, the depth and power of that kind of love. I have failed at both counts. Instead, I have only been able to quote verse 14 over and over. “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” My soul understands what my frail, limited mind cannot: that God, my Lord and Creator, my Great Savior, loves me in spite of my sin nature; in spite of all I have said and done against him; in spite of all my failures, both past and future.
           He loved me enough to provide a way for my salvation.
           Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. It’s the day we who believe in God and what His son did for us on the cross celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and His victory over death. This is a Bible story that I have known my whole life. I have sat through countless sermons and Sunday School lessons and family devotionals, and I have listened to my parents, my teachers, and my pastor expound on the greatest truth found in God’s Holy Word. This is the foundation of our faith, the only reason and sole hope of our frail, finite human existence. I know the timeline, the major events starting with the last supper, to the Christ’s anguished, desperate prayer to His heavenly father in the Garden of Gethsemane,  to the moment of death and the earthquake that tore the temple veil in two. I know that Peter denied his Lord three times, that the trial was a mockery, that Christ knew that Judas would betray Him, and that Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the matter after his wife told him she suffered a restless night of strange dreams about this particular Jewish rabbi.
I know about the crown of thorns, the beatings, the piercing of His side, the blood and vinegar that flowed from the wound, the nails that were driven into his hands and feet, the excruciating pain and extreme suffering that he endured while hanging there for many hours. I also know about the two thieves – one who acknowledged the lordship of Christ, and the other who stubbornly refused to believe in spite of the evidence right before his own eyes. I know that Christ finally gave up the ghost by raising His weary, bloodied head to the darkened sky and crying, “It is finished!”
I know that He was laid in the tomb after being wrapped carefully and reverently by his followers as they wept with great sorrow and grief. I know that on the morning of the third day, when Mary and Martha came to the tomb, and when they found the stone rolled away and Jesus’ body gone, that they were both afraid and thoroughly confused. I also know that the angel of the Lord asked them, “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, for he is risen as he promised! Go, and tell his disciples the good news!” And so they did.
I have known that story my whole life, every gory and heartbreaking detail. I have memorized many verses from the four gospels that speak of that great story. But, until this year, I have never known it in my heart and soul.
The God that David speaks of in Psalm 139 has known all my comings and goings, all of my thoughts and words, all my choices and heartbreaks, all my joys and accomplishments, all my times of deepest sorrows and despairs, before I was even conceived in my mother’s womb. He knows me from the very molecules of the protein strands of my DNA to every spiritual corner of my soul. His fingerprints are stamped into my genetic code, and He has loved me always.
I cannot fathom this, and my heart breaks as I contemplate the act of sacrifice that His son made on that cross on Golgotha’s Hill two millennia ago. Just writing those paragraphs describing the story of His death and resurrection has caused me to weep for what I did to send Him there. He bore the sin of ALL mankind – past, present and future – on that cross. That glorious, wonderous, terrible cross. He died for you, and He died for me.
Three months ago I started to expand my Apple music library with new albums and songs by current Christian singers and songwriters. One of them, Chris Tomlin, has a song called “The Wonderful Cross”. It’s his own arrangement of the hymn by Isaac Watts titled “When I Survey The Wonderous Cross.” I have been playing this song over and over during my daily commutes to work for the last few weeks.
When I survey the wonderous cross/On which the prince of glory died/My richest gain I count but loss/And pour contempt on all my pride
See from His head, His hands, His feet/Sorrow and love flow mingled down/Did e’er such love and sorrow meet/Or thorns compose so rich a crown
And now Chris’ own chorus:
Oh the wonderful cross/Oh the wonderful cross/Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live/Oh the wonderful cross/Oh the wonderful cross/All who gather here by grace draw near and bless Your name
This verse by Watts is what gets me every time:
Were the whole realm of nature mine/That were an offering far too small/Love so amazing, so divine/Demands my soul, my life, my all
           I come before you, O Lord God, a sinner saved by grace. I recognize that I am not worthy of Your love, Your mercy, or Your forgiveness. But You loved me so greatly and so deeply that You sent Your only son to be born of a virgin, to live as one of us, and then to die by our filthy, vile hands so that we could all be washed beneath His pure blood. By this, you gave us a way to salvation, and all that I have to do is accept this gift by praying and believing in Your name. There is nothing that I could ever do on my own to attain this, and I promise you, O God, that for as long as I live, as long as You give me the ability to draw breath, that I will give You nothing less than my soul, my life, and my all.
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We stayed at the cabin for a few days. Wings had healed.... Healed, I mused at the word, humans healed from wounds, Wings had given his all to save me, his body, his grace. He wasn't human, and my Angel wasn't himself. I catch him lost in thought, searching? But for what? When my arms wrap around his waist, for a brief second, it's as though he isn't there, then he comes back on line. That stunning smile, the warmth that only an Angel can give. His hands slip over my skin, he turns in my arms, his eyes dip to the faint outline where his handprint was. My fingers lift his head, so he doesn't dwell.
 A mistake, a nightmare..... A recurring one.... Each night we’d been here. The healing grace that was left in my body ran through my veins, unlike before healing, calming, pure. Now it was like an asteroid burning through the atmosphere, reacting to Wings. My arms again wrapped your waist; your smile appeared, my lips pressed against the skin of your shoulder. 
“Should we go for a walk today?” Perhaps it was all in my head; maybe it was cabin fever. It could all be leftover from your rescue of me, perhaps too much. Fresh air, wasn't that always the answer?
*Like each night before, last night was no different. Awakened by some undeniable force. Something telling me to fight for everything I have. It scared me to no end. Something was off with the universe and ever since my grace was back up and at full strength, I could feel that magnet pulling me into the chaos. But then there was your arms, my anchor. My true north. I held onto you a little tighter these last few nights. You grounded me when everything threatens to spin me out into the unknown. 
Was it the smell of you? The feel of your arms so securely around me? Words said as promises and my heart taking them as whole truths. Even though I knew you were okay, my eyes now in the habit of checking where I laid my hand upon you and almost consumed your existence with my inner flame. Something I used to aid in finding you, fighting those who dare stand in my way, now it puts your life in danger. I put your life in danger. Yet you were still here with me. My arms reach up to bring my hands around the back of your neck, fingertips playing into your hair. I smiled and nodded at your question as my eyes met yours. My heart always beats a little stronger when your eyes look into mine. I never wanted to forget that feeling.* 
A walk would be nice. We should do that. 
I hoped the walk would bring Wing’s mind from out of the place it had been receding. While you dressed, I went into the kitchen, made a flask of coffee so we would be able to sit for a while and drink coffee. My own mind full of thoughts, worries, answers to questions I didn't want to voice. Once the glass is made, I stood for a few minutes, closing all the doors in my head. I wasn't going to make this worse by bombarding you with questions. You’d assured me nothing was wrong. Fucking werewolves was my last thought on the subject.
I opened the front door, a small rucksack thrown over my shoulder with the flask and two plastic cups in and my handheld out for yours. Everything seemed brighter somehow, more defined. The clouds fluffier, whiter. The sky bluer. The trees greener, the grain on the bark more pronounced. It was as though God had switched from standard to high definition overnight. I looked over at you, my eyes met yours, and your lips broke into a smile; mine automatically did too. We walked down the steps, then followed the trails we’d followed last time we were here. This time no snow; new life reached from the soil instead. Spring flowers bloomed around the bases of trees. “I love you, Wings.”
*I can hear the coffee brewing as I stare into the Mirror instead of getting dressed like I'm supposed to be doing. What the fuck was happening? I turn on the faucet and splash some water over my face before slipping into jeans and a T-shirt. I wanted to tell you everything. But how do you tell someone something that you yourself cannot understand yet? I knew you were worried. If you weren't catching me staring off in a daze, I was snapping myself out of one. I close my eyes, standing here just breathing in the smell of fresh coffee. You really do think of everything. 
I head out and join you, slipping my hand into yours. The way our fingers fit together so perfectly there was no denying that we were meant to be. All around us on our walk, nature had come to life. Everything was alive with promise. Budding on the trees, the grass bright and green, flourishing after last evening's rainfall. All of that failing in comparison to the beauty of these words when you say them to me. My heart swells each time and it was something I could feel so deeply.* 
I love you too, Ewan. 
*How do you tell someone you love that every moment could be our last? The mere thought made me tear up, forcing me to swallow down that lump in my throat. I held your hand a little tighter. Something was nagging at me. I didn't know what it was but it felt like hell could consume me at any moment so I was going to savor this walk and my time with you.*
Our conversation mixed in with the bird's chorus; they seemed as happy as always. If anyone had seen us, hand in hand, laughing, conversing, we would have seemed like any other loving couple out for a walk on a spring day. You'd need to know Wings well to see those small lines at the corners of his eyes, the way his eyes sparkled with each chuckle. The way his shoulders relaxed every time he was around me. People he knew well. 
This wasn't that Wings. This was an unsettled Wings. His shoulders held tension; his laughter didn't reach the faint lines around his eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes didn't sparkle. My fingers held your hand tightly, lending you my strength, trying to give you back what you'd given to me. I wanted to hold you in my arms and never let go, protect you from everything. Assure you I would stand side by side with you, face anything. I wasn't going to rush you. I stopped, which meant your arm jerked as you stopped too. There may seem normal to some also, but not me. You were always aware of me, aware of every movement.
“Shall we sit and have a coffee?” I pulled you to me, a hand cupping your face, those eyes not so sparkling, trying to speak to me, but your mouth that didn't want to yet. My lips brushed yours before you could answer.
*Of course I wanted to sit and have coffee with you. I answered in my mind because when you pull me against you, I must have forgotten how to speak. The touch of your hand against my cheek made my eyes meet yours. There were so many clouds in those eyes. Your eyes went through stages. Sometimes the most beautiful shade of amber, the lightest of brown that it's almost translucent. But once in a while they get this grayish blue, the worry in them was silently screaming at me to tell you everything was going to be okay. 
I let my arms slip around your shoulders and lean into your lips with mine, I couldn't help but smile. I loved you so much it made my heart ache. I never knew a connection like this was possible for a being like me. Love isn't something that comes easily. Even for humans. Some never find that core shaking love that changes everything. And for Angel's, it's something we never seek out because it's not becoming for us. I gave into that hunger right there, kissing you in a way that I hoped would tell you everything I felt inside. You meant the world to me and if this happiness is fleeting, I would cling to every second with all the power inside me.* 
As our lips met tenderly, I felt the love emanating from you. My arms slipped around your waist, the kiss deepened. Not an erotic deepening but one of need, desperation. A goodbye kiss? Your heart is beating against my chest, not the slow pattern, as usual, beating as though you'd ran a marathon, the type of beat as though you feared something. A goodbye. I lifted a hand; my palm cupped the back of your head as I slowly, gently moved my lips from yours, looking down at you. “Wings...” The tone of my voice questioning but not demanding of an answer. I would never do that. I wasn't sure what was happening, but something was. “I'm not going anywhere, by your side...” I pressed my lips to your forehead, hiding my frown as I did. By the time I looked back down at you, the frown had gone, replaced by a smile. 
I poured the coffee after we sat, handing you a cup. The outside of my thigh touched yours; you seemed to need it. The assurance I was there. “I think we should go back to the bar tomorrow; what do you think?”
I wasn't trying to cut our time short but getting you out of here back to normality was maybe best for you. You'd healed, and filling that brain of yours with things to do, friends and normality would perhaps help with the memories of what we had been through.
Earth hasn't changed much since the last time I was down here. The smell of despair and disappointment was thick in the air. I had a job to do and then I would be back where I belong. It was times like these that reminded me how much better than these animals I really was. I had quite a mess to clean up so I better get started….
*My jaw clenches as I feel the shooting pain in my head again. It wasn't blinding like before but it made itself known. I held in as much of it as I could, not wanting to alarm you any further than you already were. Your words replayed in my mind and they serve as my anchor, bringing me back from whatever mind fuck was going on inside me. When I came back around and focused back on you, there was a fresh cup of coffee in one hand and my other hand was resting on yours. Coffee. We had settled to have coffee. You said something and I searched your face trying to remember what it was. The bar. Yes. That's it.*
Ah yeah, I think that might be a good thing. Get back into a routine and all that. 
*I glanced down to where your thigh was against mine. I didn't even remember sitting. I smiled up at you before taking a drink of my coffee, brushing the back of my hand over your cheek.* I'm man enough to admit this, and I expect you'll fight me.. but you should come live with me. The last time you left my apartment you were taken and I'm afraid my heart cannot take that again..
I pressed my cheek into your touch; that hadn't changed. It still made my skin heat. I listened to what you'd asked. For a second, I didn't reply; it wasn't like we weren't practically living together anyway. Since we’d met, I’d only ever gone home for clothes. We had spent our nights laughing on the rooftop, curled up in each other's arms in bed, singing and dancing. Our time began right here; my eyes looked around the trees, then back to you. The strain across your nose, the look in your eyes far away even though you sat right in front of me looking into my eyes. There was more; I lifted my hand and covered yours, something I couldn't put my finger on.
“Yes...” I laughed. There was no point in fighting it, no point in arguing, no point denying the inevitable. “We can stop off at the apartment on the way back to the bar; you can come in with me to make sure I come back out.” A hint of amusement in my voice. I entwined my fingers in yours and led both of our hands to my thigh while the other lifted, and I took a mouthful of coffee. 
There was something wrong with Wings of that I was sure and one way or another I was going to get to the bottom of it.
*I knew you were teasing me, I laughed and gave your hand a squeeze. Right now I felt as if I would rather die than to let you out of my sight. If something happened to you again I don't know if I could handle it. The rage could consume me and then I'd be done for sure. I glance down at our joined hands, sipping on my coffee and thinking about how I found you. Your mind was shattered and you didn't even see me when I was standing in front of you. I try to not let my mind wander too much to what they put you through, my pulse races and I have to break the daze I'm in.* 
Letting you out of my sight is out of the question, Ewan. *The panicked way my words came tumbling out caught me off guard. I didn't mean for it to sound like that.* I mean.. I just want you safe by my side. I can see you, touch you, feel you. 
*I brought my eyes back up to meet yours, my smile brightens as I look upon your face. I had to cool it or you would probably think I'm crazy.* 
I grinned, looking over at you, squeezing your hand this time. “That's music to my ears.”
And it was, I didn't want to have to use excuses to stay, not that I’d had to before, but the way Wings had been acting, anything was possible. Once we’d finished our coffee, I packed the rucksack again and stood up; I held out my hand and pulled you up too. The air was fresh, not yet scorched by summer heat; that was the wonderful thing about spring. “When we get back, why don't we have a rooftop memorial? We can invite the usual crowd, talk about her, laugh, remember. Have a dance in her memory?”
I was pretty sure everyone would appreciate that, and Wings would get busy; his mind would be full of things we needed, something to be done. I hadn't been back either since the loss; it would be good to see everyone. The bar would be glad to see Wings, listen to him sing.
“We can tell Jason where we plan to go next; I'm sure he will appreciate that.” I laughed, pulling you closer as my arm slipped around your shoulder.
*My mind took in all the things you were saying but it was slow at tabulating a response. And we were back on our feet again, your arm around me pulling me close. It was like I was missing patches of time. I wasn't blacking out or anything but damn, I was starting to think I was losing it. My arm slips around your waist and I nuzzle my face against your neck. Soft kisses left behind on your skin as I hummed.* 
I think everyone would really like that. And having you there. You're a part of their family now too, Ewan. 
*I pulled back and smiled up at you, a mix of the flourishing woods around us and your musk had captured my senses. That was intoxicating and I would bottle that up if I could and save it for when I needed reminding of how perfect this moment was with you.* 
As we began to walk, my arm still around you, I smiled; I couldn't help it. The bar had become my home since we’d been together until I was taken. I shook my head; that wasn't a memory lane I wanted to revisit. It seemed Wings was already lost down there, so I needed to stay off it so I can make sure my Angel doesn't stay there too long. The water in the small stream lazily flowed past us as we reached it; fish swam by, and if I was one of the ranger types, I could catch one, gut it, descale it and cook it for lunch. I wasn't. 
“Hey, shall we head back to the cabin? Rustle up something to eat?” I lowered my head to kiss your cheek.
*I wasn't in the least bit hungry but I nodded in agreement for going back. My eyes close as I felt your kiss to my cheek. It made me smile.* 
And what would my Tallman be hungry for? *I brought your hand up to kiss along your knuckles. I felt my mind let go of the mess for now and just focus on spending this time we have left at the cabin with you. Devoted to just making you feel my love for you. Before pulling your hand away, I bite at the pad of your thumb with a smirk as I look over at you.* I think this walk was just what I needed, handsome. This fresh air got me all frisky now. *I wag my brows, stopping and pulling you against me as my lips claim yours.*
My stomach had been making some small rumbles as we walked when you replied, I smiled. Turning us around to walk slowly back the way we had come. I laughed louder as you confessed your friskiness, then my body came to a stop, your lips landed on mine, for mine to happily receive them. My lips opened against yours, my tongue sliding into your mouth as my arms wrapped tightly around you, lifting you. One hand stayed wrapped around your waist; the other moved up your spine until it reached your head. My tongue brushed against, around, along yours, your taste beginning to fill my mouth again. Our lips opened and closed our breath in sync, our hearts beating as one. The forest around us, the rippling water faded away until there was us. Just us. I have no clue how long we stood there, lost in us, but eventually, a crow’s song broke through the bubble. I pulled away slowly and looked up, frowning; I swear it was looking at us. A shiver ran down my spine; I had no clue why. 
I shook it off, returning my attention to you. “Let's go and eat.” I placed your feet back on the floor, my hand in yours, and headed back the way we had come.
*The moment was serene. As peaceful and all consuming like most of our kisses turn out to be. Everything in the background fades until there's just you and I. At some point I had wound my fingers into your hair, my other arm secure around your shoulders. It made me feel incredible when you lifted me up, in your arms, you had me. And I knew you always would. The kiss slows and breaks when that dumb crow squawks at us. How rude. 
You set me back down and we continue back to the cabin hand in hand. I glanced back to see where that bird was, confused when it seemed to have just vanished from its perch. My eyes come back to you, wondering if you had noticed it as well but didn't say anything. It wasn't too long and the cabin began to come into view, remembering that you never answered me.* 
Want me to make some sandwiches and we can just sit in front of the fire. I want to enjoy that one more time before we go back home. 
I smiled as I replied to you. “That sounds perfect to me; we can put one of your favourite movies on.” I chuckled. My mind, though, is still back in the forest with the weird crow. Had it been looking at us? Did birds look directly at you? Wild birds. The cabin came into view, exactly as we had left it. Perfect. “While you make the sandwiches, I’ll build us that fire. I untwined our fingers, but before I did, I kissed your hand. “Let me grab some logs.” 
The logs were stored next to a small wooden shed that contained the axe for cutting them and some other tools that could have been for anything. I loaded myself up with logs and walked back around the cabin; you’d left the door ajar for me, and I couldn't help but smile. As I entered, I heard you in the kitchen but went straight into the living room. My Angel wanted to curl up in front of the fire, then that's what we would do.
Isaac's apartment smelled of that shifter. A chair where he had tied up and tortured answers out of that other creature was soaked with the stench of blood. With hardly any effort, I made all of that disappear. Just a little clean up. Nothing wrong with wanting things tidy. The added bonus was erasing any scent of his shifter as well. Bonus for me at least, not having to smell his aroma in my son's apartment was a good start…. 
*I felt the blood trickle down from my nose as I stood over the counter making us sandwiches. It was warm and something I wasn't used to. I grabbed a towel and caught it before it dropped down, cleaning myself up before you got back with the wood for our fire. Another couple drops and the bleeding seems to have stopped. I finished cleaning up and tucked the towel away so you wouldn't see it and went back to making our lunch. 
It wasn't long before you were coming back with your arms full of the firewood, I smiled as I watched you. Secretly I hoped this wasn't some cosmic side effect of all the grace I had used up. Angel's aren't supposed to use it how I've used it. Surely the elders looked down on me for everything I did. To them my existence was a betrayal that they couldn't control the outcome of, always infuriating them to no end. I couldn't let my life be meaningless. That had to count for something. I plated our food and made my way into the living room where you were getting the fire all set up for us.*
I bundled kindling into the bottom of the great, some of the smaller branches, it was pointless putting logs on it too early. We would end up smoking us out. I was crouched down, one hand against the rough brick around the fireplace watching the flames; they consumed the kindling, licking at it, caressing it then consuming it to nothing but ash, moving on to the small but sturdier branches. I heard you enter the room; I turned and smiled at you. You looked better than you had yesterday; that made my heart give an extra thump of happiness. There was still something, though. I couldn't put my finger on it yet, but I would.
I gave the fire one last look and got up, walking over to you. “They look almost as good as you to eat.” I chuckled and kissed your forehead, slipping a plate from your fingers as I did.
I would not be opposed to you having a nibble of me for dessert. *It was a remark I was unable to hold back. Sometimes my tongue is much quicker than my brain. With a cheeky grin, I take my seat on the rug in front of the fire, you join me shortly after and we enjoy our lunch together. Both of us knew something was off. We could see through the idle chit chat we filled the time with but neither one of us wanted to broach the subject at the moment. Right now we just savored our time here together. Lunch, in front of this fire. Neither of us close enough to the flames but we had no clue how the truth would burn us, consume us if we really knew. Whatever this was I wanted to keep us safe for as long as I could. I knew that I would do anything within my power to see that promise through.* 
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ssaori · 4 years
I meant to post this a long time ago, but I never got around to do it. Now, it’s @tiedtogetherwithadagger Kat’s birthday, whose prompt inspired Not Playing by the Rules. So this is the perfect opportunity to post this awfully premature episode from the sequel I might never finish at this point. :D Enjoy!
"So, what you do is to try to roll twenty or above, and bam! Suck it, losers!” Stiles explains as they turn into the driveway. He knows he should be more worried about the whole meeting with the parents thing. Technically, that’s not why he’s going, Isaac invited him for his birthday party the Hales are throwing him and Stiles just happens to be Derek’s boyfriend. It’s really not a big deal. Stiles met a couple of parents in his career. He can handle this. Totally.
“You’re freaking out, aren’t you?” Derek asks, ignoring Stiles’ gushing about beating a powerful warlock last week.
“No,” Stiles drawls out, holding up a finger, “but are you sure this shirt looks okay?”
“No, it’s horrible.” The ‘wolf rolls his eyes in a familiar fashion. Stiles sighs.
“I knew I could trust you to give your honest opinion. Best shirt ever.” It’s a baby werewolf blowing out candles. It’s adorable. Derek is just saying that because he has an image to uphold. Stiles gets that. Grumpy werewolves don’t melt at the sight of a baby werewolf.
“Please take it off, I brought you a button down for a reason.” Derek glances in the rearview mirror to the pressed, white button down in the back seat.
“Isaac will totally get it, you’ll see.” Stiles grins as they slowly come to a stop in front of the house. Stiles whistles. It’s three story, off-white and could be a mansion if Derek wouldn’t bite Stiles’ head off for calling it that. “How many of you will be there again?”
“The whole pack – my family, Scott, Isaac, some other betas.”
“I have no idea what that means but it sounds like a party. Let’s go!” Stiles is giddy with nervous energy as he reaches for the door handle, ready to step out of the sleek car, but Derek stops him with a hand on his arm.
“Wait. Before we go inside…” Derek takes a deep breath. “You know how you think I’m faking the whole ‘wolf thing?”
“Oh! Wait, your parents don’t know? I was under the impression they’re playing too.” He frowns. “Weird. But I get that, totally.” He grins. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“No, it’s… It’s the opposite, actually.”
“So they know!” Stiles bounces in his seat. “Cool! Awesome, no secrets, I dig it. Can we go now? I’m about to pee my pants.” Derek lets his head drop back on the headrest, closing his eyes and massaging the bridge of his nose.
“You have no shame, do you?”
“Absolutely none.” Stiles shakes his head. He takes a calming breath and puts his hand on Derek’s thigh. The other man tenses under his touch. “Look, you’re right, I’m nervous.” He sighs. “I’m meeting your parents for the first time, we’ve been together for only a few months, and we haven’t seen each other much since I went back to uni. It’s a lot, okay? Meeting you again in person is a lot in itself, now I have to get to know a bunch of new people and Isaac is having his birthday party for the first time in forever, so he’s probably freaking out, so I have to be there for him, and—”
“You’re overwhelmed.” Derek cuts him off impatiently.
“Yes, to sum it up, I am. I know you like to be all impatient and grumpy and whatever with me, just… could you tone it down a little bit today? This is a big deal. I need you to be my Wolf-man and not Grumpy McQueen.” Derek rolls his eyes taking a deep breath, then nods.
“Okay. Fine.”
“Two words.” Stiles purses his lips. “That’s awesome.” Derek sends him a flat look, which makes Stiles grin. “Are we ready, Wolf-man?”
“Sure.” Derek pushes open his door, but before he can leave, Stiles pulls him back.
“Hold up, I forgot one more thing.” Derek turns to him with his eyebrows raised. Stiles leans over the control and kisses him on the lips. Before he can pull back, Derek takes hold of the back of his head, pulling him deeper in, sneaking a little tongue into it as well. They part with equally satisfied sighs.
“Please lose the shirt?” Derek whispers in the space between their mouths.
“Keep on dreaming, Wolf-man.” Stiles whispers back, then gets out of the car with a wide grin on his face. Isaac is waiting for them at the front door with his own grin.
“Finally! I was about to drag you inside myself.” He calls, then him and Stiles meet on the bottom of the stairs, hugging each other tightly. “The whole house heard your freak out.” He whispers in Stiles’ ear.
“That’s impossible.” Stiles whispers back like he’s sharing a very important secret with a child. Isaac just shrugs, pulling away.
“Are we ready?” He asks, looking over at Derek. Stiles frowns at his boyfriend, reaching over and tugging his necklace that Stiles gave him, out of the shirt’s neck. He pats the Pietersite claw satisfied. Derek’s jaw clenches as he looks at him darkly. Stiles grins.
“Everybody gotta know who gave that to you.”
“Have you ever heard the phrase, don’t poke the sleeping bear?” Isaac wonders out loud. Stiles shrugs with his whole body. Isaac laughs, then runs up the stairs. “Come on, they’re all out back!” Stiles doesn’t get the opportunity to see the house, because Isaac is rushing them through it to get back to the party. As they step through the back door, Stiles freezes. He knew a lot of people were going to be here, but… that’s a lot of people. Like seriously.
Scott is chatting with the girl Derek first came in with, so that is where Stiles is going to go to, but just as he turns in their direction, Derek hooks a finger in the back of his shirt, pulling him back.
“Mom first.”
“Right.” Stiles adjusts the collar of his shirt, following Derek to a group of older people. They’re all beautiful. Seriously, Twilight lied. Vampires? Pfft, try werewolves. “Hi!” He grins at them when the woman in the center of the group stops chatting to look at him. She looks a bit like Derek, Stiles supposes, with her square jaw and strong nose. She smiles at Stiles, reaching out a hand.
“Hello, dear. You must be Stiles, Derek’s new friend, we’ve heard a lot about you.” Friend? He looks over at Derek, who’s rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed. Friend?
“Yes, hi, Derek, you wanna do this, or…?” Stiles looks between the woman and Derek.
“Yeah. Mom, this is Stiles, my boyfriend, Stiles, my mom.” The woman visibly pauses at that, watching Derek. From the corner where Stiles saw Scott earlier, comes an ear-piercing shriek.
“Your what?!” As Stiles turns, startled, he sees the girl Scott had been talking to – Derek’s sister, if Stiles remembers correctly? – looking at them wide-eyed. Stiles assumes Scott, although with strange accuracy, was just telling her about Stiles as well, that’s why she had such a perfect timing at crying out.
As Stiles turns, there’s a strange, animal-like growl coming from behind him, then Derek steps in front of him. Stiles is going crazy for sure, but are Derek’s shoulder’s wider than usual?
“Enough!” Derek’s mom calls out. As Stiles turns to look at her, he immediately takes a step back, because. Her eyes. They’re… glowing red? Stiles frowns as he bumps into Derek, who reaches out to steady him. As Stiles looks down at the hand holding his elbow, he sees… claws? At the end of Derek’s fingers?
“Are you okay, Stiles?” Derek’s mom is quick to step forward with a concerned expression. As Stiles looks down, Derek’s fingers are normal, like there were never claws there. What the hell?
“Uh, I think… There might be something in the punch.”
“You didn’t have punch yet, Stiles.” Scott says. Stiles looks up at him, he’s standing to the side, looking at Stiles like always, completely normal. Oh, thank God, Stiles wouldn’t be able to handle if his best friend grew pointy ears or something. Well, he could. Actually, that would be… that would be awesome.
“I definitely saw claws at one point.” Stiles says faintly. Scott frowns at him, then looks down at his own hands.
“Claws?” Derek’s mom asks with a tight smile.
“And red eyes.” Stiles stares at her eyes.
“It must’ve been the sun.” She says.
“Or not?” Stiles glances heavenward, where the sky is heavily clouded.
“I’m sure it was just... your senses playing with you.” She nods, but Stiles doesn’t miss the look she sends towards her son. As Stiles looks back at Derek, he’s glaring back at his mother.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Stiles asks, utterly confused.
“Nothing, it must be–”
“I meant to tell you before we came in.” Derek states defiantly, still staring his own mother down. Stiles is slightly intimidated by that look, even though it’s not directed at him.
“Derek, no. Not now.” His mother sounds stern and Stiles watches them like a tennis match.
“It’s okay, mom. He basically knows already, this would be just... Some extra knowledge.”
“Don’t I get a say in it?” Scott asks from the side, taking a step forward.
“Wait, don’t I?” Stiles asks as well, looking between the three of them now.
“You may not want to push it.” A female voice whispers in his ear. Stiles shrieks - very manly shriek, mind you - and steps away from Derek’s sister.
“I’m the alpha, Derek.” His mom says. “I get to decide who we tell it.”
“We’re werewolves.” Derek says, raising his chin rebelliously. Stiles raises his eyebrows.
“Yes, Wolf-man, we’ve been over this a few times I think.”
“No, dude.” Scott sighs, turning to Stiles with a sheepish expression. “It’s like, for real.”
“Yeah, for real.” Stiles nods. “You’re werewolves, I’m a level fifty warlock--”
“For fuck’s sake.” Isaac steps between the lot of them, his face changing. Stiles watches with wide eyes and open mouth as his eyebrow bones thicken, as do his cheekbones, hair spurs from his sideburns and jawline, fangs grow over his teeth and claws emerge from his fingertips.
Everybody seems to hold their breath, Stiles included. He watches Isaac’s changed face for a long time, just taking it in. Nobody comes closer and nobody’s touching Stiles. They all just... stare.
Finally, after what feels like hours, Stiles takes a deep breath, and whispers:
“Fucking awesome, man, I totally need that special effects for the shop next summer.”
“For crying out loud.” Derek grunts, stepping in front of Stiles. He takes hold of his hand, brings it to his face, and so Stiles can feel the bones changing, the hairs growing out. It’s so strange, so alien and fascinating at the same time... All Stiles can do is stare. Then, without any warning, he promptly throws up on his boyfriend.
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dfroza · 3 years
“we come closer to God and approach him with an open heart,
fully convinced by faith that nothing will keep us at a distance from him.”
A line from Today’s reading from the book of Hebrews that illuminates a pure treasure.
with the whole chapter in The Passion Translation:
[Christ’s Eternal Sacrifice]
The old system of living under the law presented us with only a faint shadow, a crude outline of the reality of the wonderful blessings to come. Even with its steady stream of sacrifices offered year after year, there still was nothing that could make our hearts perfect before God. For if animal sacrifices could once and for all eliminate sin, they would have ceased to be offered and the worshipers would have clean consciences. Instead, once was not enough so by the repetitive sacrifices year after year, the worshipers were continually reminded of their sins, with their hearts still impure. For what power does the blood of bulls and goats have to remove sin’s guilt?
So when Jesus the Messiah came into the world he said,
“Since your ultimate desire was not another animal sacrifice,
you have clothed me with a body
that I might offer myself instead!
Multiple burnt offerings and sin-offerings
cannot satisfy your justice.
So I said to you, ‘God—
I will be the One to go and do your will,
to fulfill all that is written of me in your Word!’ ”
First he said, “Multiple burnt-offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice” (even though the law required them to be offered).
And then he said, “God, I will be the One to go and do your will.” So by being the sacrifice that removes sin, he abolishes animal sacrifices and replaces that entire system with the new covenant. By God’s will we have been purified and made holy once and for all through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus, the Messiah!
Yet every day priests still serve, ritually offering the same sacrifices again and again—sacrifices that can never take away sin’s guilt. But when this Priest had offered the one supreme sacrifice for sin for all time he sat down on a throne at the right hand of God, waiting until all his whispering enemies are subdued and turn into his footstool. And by his one perfect sacrifice he made us perfectly holy and complete for all time!
The Holy Spirit confirms this to us by this Scripture, for the Lord says,
“Afterwards, I will give them this covenant: I will embed my laws into their hearts and fasten my Word to their thoughts.”
And then he says,
“I will not ever again remember their sins and lawless deeds!”
So if our sins have been forgiven and forgotten, why would we ever need to offer another sacrifice for sin?
And now we are brothers and sisters in God’s family because of the blood of Jesus, and he welcomes us to come right into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm—boldly and with no hesitation. For he has dedicated a new, life-giving way for us to approach God. For just as the veil was torn in two, Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to him!
And since we now have a magnificent King-Priest to welcome us into God’s house, we come closer to God and approach him with an open heart, fully convinced by faith that nothing will keep us at a distance from him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity and we have been freed from an accusing conscience and now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out!
So now we must cling tightly to the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises! Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.
For if we continue to persist in deliberate sin after we have known and received the truth, there is not another sacrifice for sin to be made for us. But this would qualify one for the certain, terrifying expectation of judgment and the raging fire ready to burn up his enemies! Anyone who disobeyed Moses’ law died without mercy on the simple evidence of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you suppose a person deserves to be judged who has contempt for God’s Son, and who scorns the blood of the new covenant that made him holy, and who mocks the Spirit who gives him grace?
For we know him who said,
“I have the right to take revenge
and pay them back for their evil!”
And also,
“The Lord God will judge his own people!”
It is the most terrifying thing of all to come under the judgment of the Living God!
Don’t you remember those days right after the Light shined in your hearts? You endured a great marathon season of suffering hardships, yet you stood your ground. And at times you were publicly and shamefully mis-treated, being persecuted for your faith; then at others times you stood side by side with those who preach the message of hope.
You sympathized with those in prison and when all your belongings were confiscated you accepted that violation with joy; convinced that you possess a treasure growing in heaven that could never be taken from you. So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward!
You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full. For soon and very soon,
“The One who is appearing will come without delay!”
And he also says,
“My righteous ones will live from my faith.
But if fear holds them back,
my soul is not content with them!”
But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!
The Book of Hebrews, Chapter 10 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 16th chapter of First Chronicles that includes the words of an ancient song written by King David:
The Levites set the covenant chest of God down in the middle of the tent David had built for it, and they made sacrifices and burnt offerings before God. When David finished these rituals of burnt offerings and peace offerings he blessed the people under the Eternal’s authority. He gave a loaf of bread, a date roll, and a raisin cake to every man and woman in Israel. He appointed some of the Levites as servants of the covenant chest of the Eternal, as officers to commemorate, to give thanks, and to give praise to the Eternal One, God of Israel. Asaph was the head of the servants, next Zechariah, then Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, and Obed-edom. Jeiel was over all instruments, including a ten-stringed harp and lyre, while Asaph played the cymbals. Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests played trumpets regularly before the covenant chest of God. That day, at the end of the parade, David gave this first song of thanks to Asaph and his brothers:
Give thanks to the Eternal, and call out to Him.
Teach the people His deeds.
Sing to Him! Sing praises to Him!
Talk about all His wonders.
Brag about His holy name;
let your heart rejoice in following the Eternal.
Always follow the Eternal,
His strength and His face.
Remember the wonders which He did,
and the judgments which He spoke.
Seed of Israel, you are His servants;
sons of Jacob, you are His chosen.
He is the Eternal One, your God.
His judgments fill the earth.
Always remember His covenant,
the word He commanded to 1,000 generations
Which is His covenant with Abraham
and His pledge to Isaac,
His statute with Jacob
and His covenant with Israel forever:
“I will give the land of Canaan to you,
a territory as your inheritance.”
When He promised this, you were a diminished few,
mere strangers in the land.
You went from nation to nation
and from one kingdom to another,
But He did not let those nations oppress you.
He reproved the kings:
“Do not strike My anointed people
or do evil to My prophets.”
Now, sing to the Eternal, all the earth!
Announce the good news of His salvation each and every day!
Enlighten the nations to His splendor;
describe His wondrous acts to all people!
For the Eternal is great indeed and praiseworthy,
feared and reverenced above all gods.
For all gods are worthless idols,
but the Eternal plotted the vast heavens.
Honor and majesty precede Him;
strength and beauty infuse His holy sanctuary.
Give all credit to the Eternal, families of the world!
Credit Him with honor and strength!
Credit Him with the glory worthy of His magnificent name;
gather your sacrifice, and present it before Him.
Bow down to the Eternal, adorned in holiness.
Fear Him, all the earth.
For the earth is firmly rooted; it cannot move.
Heavens, be glad; earth, rejoice.
Say to the nations, “The Eternal One reigns.”
The sea roars, as do its creatures.
The field rejoices, as do its crops.
Then will the forest and its trees cry out
before the Eternal, for He comes to judge the earth.
Give testimony about the Eternal because He is good;
His loyal love lasts forever.
Say, “Save us, God of our salvation.
Gather us and free us from the nations
To thank Your holy name,
to boast in Your praise.”
Blessed is the Eternal One, God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
People: So may it be! We will praise the Eternal.
So David left Asaph and his brothers at the covenant chest of the Eternal to serve it continually, performing the daily rituals. Obed-edom and the 68 brothers served, with Obed-edom (son of Jeduthun) and Hosah as the gatekeepers.
Zadok (the priest) and his fellow priests lived before the congregation tent of the Eternal in the high place at Gibeon to burn offerings continually to Him upon the altar in the morning and evening, as God had commanded Israel. With them were Heman, Jeduthun, and the rest of those who are chosen and recorded here who gave testimony about the Eternal, whose loyal love never ends, using clarions, cymbals, other instruments, and songs. The sons of Jeduthun were assigned to be gatekeepers at Gibeon. Once the congregation tent was prepared, all the people returned to their homes, and David returned to bless his own house.
The Book of 1st Chronicles, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for friday, january 15 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons about pride vs. humility:
The tragic story of Pharaoh reminds us how pride can blind the heart. As Abraham Heschel said, "In a controversy, the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for truth and have begun striving for ourselves." The truth needs no defense. If we find ourselves getting defensive or hostile, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves what we really believe... If we seek to use truth as a weapon, or as a means to rationalize our self-will, then we are not "in the truth," even if our facts in the matter may be correct. We must be careful not to find ourselves using the truth for our own agenda. Yeshua's words haunt the heart: "Without me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).
Kierkegaard notes: "The proud person always wants to do the right thing, the great thing. But because he wants to do it in his own strength, he is fighting not with man, but with God." Indeed, how many people seek visions, dreams, and private prophecies while they forsake the Spirit as it broods over the hearts of those around him or her? How many seek to "know God" as a matter of the pride of heart?
The Koretzer Rebbe was asked for instruction how to avoid sin. He replied, "Were you able to avoid offences, I fear you would fall into a still greater sin - that of pride" (Hasidic). The antidote to pride is the “fall of the soul,” that is, those besetting sins and painful failures that (hopefully) bring us back to reality - namely, to the place of brokenness and our need for divine intervention... When we get "sick of our sickness" we enter into holy despair, and then the cry of the heart for lasting deliverance can be truly offered. [Hebrew for Christians]
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Shalom chaverim... Though the meaning of God's Name (YHVH) was initially revealed to Moses as simply eheyeh (אֶהְיֶה), "I AM," or "I WILL BE" (Exod. 3:14), it is wonderful to realize that His Name was also revealed as eheyeh imakh (אהְיֶה עִמָּךְ), "I WILL BE WITH YOU" (Josh. 1:5,9; Isa. 41:10,13; John 10:28; Matt. 28:20, etc.). Just as the LORD is called Elohei ha-ruchot lekhol basar (אֱלהֵי הָרוּחת לְכָל־בָּשָׂר), "the God of the breath of all flesh" (Num. 16:22), so He is the Source of your breath, the One who exhales to you nishmat chayim (נִשְׁמַת חַיִּים), the "breath of life" that enables you to live (Job 12:10). Indeed the Name YHVH (יהוה) first appears in the Torah in regarding imparting the breath of life to Adam (Gen. 2:7). Note further that each of the letters of the Name YHVH represent vowel sounds (i.e., breath), suggesting again that God's Spirit is as close as your very next breath. Like the wind that cannot be seen, so is the spirit the essential part of your identity. Yeshua breathed on his followers and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
January 15, 2021
Whosoever Will
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:17)
One could not imagine a more clearcut invitation to receive God’s free gift of eternal life than this final climactic invitation of the Bible. Anyone who is thirsting for the water of life may come and drink freely, for Jesus said, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink” (John 7:37). Whosoever will may come! “There is no respect of persons with God” (Romans 2:11, plus about seven other references), and the Scriptures abound with “whosoever” assurances.
“Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). “Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:26). “Whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins” (Acts 10:43). “Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God” (1 John 4:15).
“Jesus Christ the righteous:...is the propitiation...for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:1-2). Therefore, “by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life” (Romans 5:18).
Such promises as these (and many more in the Word of God) make it very clear that the substitutionary death of Christ is sufficient to “[take] away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), that salvation and eternal life are offered as a free gift of God’s grace to anyone who will accept it, and that anyone who will may come! It is only the voluntary act of our own wills that is required, but there are many of whom Jesus must say: “Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life” (John 5:40). HMM
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kallyjadestilinski · 6 years
Yellow Strings (Stiles Stilinski AU) Chapter 5
This update came a little sooner, and I am very happy to say that my upcoming chapters will hopefully become longer chapters so I really hope y’all keep reading! I love everyone who actually reads this from the bottom of my heart. @fangirl-moment-x
Stiles sat in class thinking back to the kiss, the way they looked at each other when they pulled away, and how beautifully green Jade’s eyes looked. They continued to stay there together watching movies, eating popcorn, and learning about each other. They may have been drawn together by some supernatural force, but they also loved their time together. Their personalities complemented the others so very well. Telling the pack was the next step, and so he texted the group chat saying it was urgent. Later, once at Derek’s apartment, he paced back, and forth waiting for Kira and Scott to show up the whole time Derek’s eyes watched him with an angry/confused expression. “Would you stop pacing Stiles the nervous energy is getting annoying.” Stiles was fast to retaliate, “back off sourwolf I’m freaked out okay!” Derek stood up quick as if he was going to approach Stiles, and the single human of the pack threw up his hands in surrender and sat on the couch. His leg bounced up and down far faster than it should have. Before Stiles had a chance to even see what was coming his way the pencil Derek was holding in his hand nailed him in the side of the head and he let out a very over dramatic “ow” in response. That is when Kira and the alpha walked through the door, and Stiles immediately took the floor. “So guys I have some kinda odd news.” Stiles stated scratching the back of his neck nervously while looking at the ground refusing to look further up. “Jade is a vampire...and my soulmate, and no I don’t mean in just that overly stupid teen movie kind of way. I mean her soul, and mine were literally made to be put together.” From there he began the task of explaining everything he knew so far. Full of nervous energy he rushed the whole explanation, and got through the whole thing much faster than he thought possible. Every pair of eyes in the room was glued to the one person they have never seen act shy or nervous in their life, which is saying a lot for Stiles. He explained it all, the kiss, the vampire powers, and what he knew about being a ‘soulmate’. Which much to his dismay was not a lot at all. He finally finished his explanation, and simultaneously took what felt to him as his first breath since he began. “That’s actually kind of beautiful,” Malia spoke from the corner where she sat cross legged on a table, “if you consider practically being unwillingly made into someone's property beautiful.” Stiles felt a wide sting of anger/pain and narrowed his eyes at the coyote, “it’s not like that. You don't understand. It’s the most insanely great feeling to have this person who I belong to, not in a possession kind of way, but simply someone who I was made for and was made for me.” The pack watched Stiles as he got this goofy little grin on his face, and it did actually made made Scotts day a little bit to see his best friend so excited. The pack continued to talk, and go on with regular business that would come up in a meeting. Just as the meeting was fixing to wrap up someone knocked on the door of Derek’s apartment. Stiles gets up, clapping his hands together, “that’s her guys. Please for the love of God be nice...or at least decent.” Derek made sure to let it be known that he made absolutely no promises, only causing everyone else to laugh while Stiles simply let out a breath and shake his head while scratching the back of his neck. He opened the door to let her in, and watched the group welcome her, they have known her for just as long as he has but now they were seeing the girl through new eyes. She wasn’t just the new girl in school, now she was the new supernatural girl, she was one of them now not just another person they felt the need to protect from the world they lived in. They watched the girl as she immediately embraced Stiles, and had absolutely no hesitation in wrapping his arms around her, and kissing her softly. Kira and Scott looked at each other and smiled seeing just how happy their friend truly was. Derek was the first to speak and ruin the sweet moment, “what do you eat? I need to know you are safe for the town.” Stiles let his jaw drop, and he turned toward Derek. “Oh nice one Derek, cause that’s totally a normal question you ask to get to know someone. What’s next, wanna ask her if she sleeps in a coffin too?” Everyone but Derek and Stiles laughed, but Jade was fast to step in and calm down the tension between the pack members. “I do not feed off of humans, I eat animals. Think Twilight, but not as dramatic, no different eye colors, no weird coven that calls themselves the “government”, and just overall a lot more normal.” She laughed out loud before Isaac commented, “what exactly about us do you consider normal?” Which caused the whole group the chuckle, and even Derek let a smile cross his lips. Jade explained all she knew, and told them what knowledge she had about what she was. Every pair of eyes was set on her as she allowed her eyes to change to the set of emerald green that Stiles had become so used to seeing. She smiled and allowed her fangs to show, and Stiles watched in almost awe the girl whose soul belonged to him. “So you can turn it on and off the same way they do?” Kira questioned motioning toward the group. “Ya, pretty much. I only really use it when I’m hunting so I honestly don’t use it much at all.” Lydia finally spoke from where she was standing with her head resting on Derek’s shoulder, “how often do you have to hunt anyway?” Jade shrugged with her answer, “if I have a big hunt then I can go longer without, but if it was a small hunt, like last time, then I have to hunt again, soon.” They all looked at her in a way that easily said they were worried, but also understood. “How soon is soon,” Scott asked from across the room. “Honestly, I was thinking of going tonight.” Stiles looks her way before walking over to her, “how about you come over after? We have plenty to talk about, and you will feel much more up to it on a full stomach.” Jade smiled and kissed the cheek of her soulmate before nodding in agreement. Scott watched his best friend, he had known Stiles since they were four years old and Stiles had tripped into the sandbox to help him build what they believed to be the biggest sand castle ever. Scott has seen Stiles go through more than his fair share of trials, from losing his mom, to unsuccessfully chasing after Lydia, to him and Malia not working out only for her to instead fall in love with Isaac. The poor guy got possessed for crying out loud, but now he seemed so different. He seemed content, happy, and even whole. Maybe the soulmate thing was true, and he really was just missing out of a half of himself all these years.
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Stray notes after watching The Last Jedi
Or: why does this movie just keep getting worse whenever I remember it?
The notes are after the cut just in case someone hasn’t seen the film yet or doesn’t want a long ass bullet point post in their dash. Some of them are serious and well thought-out, some are nitpicky and some are there just for the heck of it.
“Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” - Why, that’s just peachy, Rian! Too bad the future your selling is a little shit.
In general, Rian Johnson doesn’t seem to have much respect for the past. See tathrin’s post about all the things established in TFA that were turned upside down in this film, but I think Johnson doesn’t have much consideration for the original trilogy either, reducing Chewbacca to a background character and trying to replace “May the Force be with you” with some other, less inspired line.
Seriously, why are they saying “Godspeed”? Did monotheism reach a galaxy far, far away and they now, suddenly, have a notion of God? And, while were at it, why is “treacherous snake” a thing, now? Are there snakes in the Star Was universe? ‘Cause, so far, all animals have been on the fantastic side of things. What else is there? Do they have kittens??? That’s an important question...
The movie had A LOT of hamfisted comic relief. Of course there were some honestly funny scenes (I will forever laugh at Rey feeling the Force with her hand), but most of the jokes felt very out of place. For instance, the first scene, with Hux and Poe. I laughed my ass off at that interaction, but that’s an SNL sketch, not a Star Wars scene. I was half expecting Matt, the radar technician, to show up.
Seriously, someone should tell Rian Johnson that he isn’t directing Guardians of the Galaxy. In more than one scene, the excess of jokes killed what should’ve a truly great, emotional moment.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much indifference do I feel towards porgs?
The ammount of queerbaiting that went into promoting this film was insane. Look, actors on franchises like this one have media training, so whenever, say, Oscar Isaac ran his mouth about the possibility of Finn/Poe being canon, he was at least authorized by Disney to do so (worst case scenario, he was instructed to sell this narrative). I didn’t particularly care about the ship and I think Poe Dameron could’ve died in TFA without any harm to the franchise, but to hamfist that non-sensical romance between Finn and Rose after feeding the fans’ hopes for a gay pairing was, in my opinion, downright cruel.
And don’t even get me started on Poe and Rey’s meaningful gaze at the end of the film, with Poe going all “I know” as if he’s Han Solo or some hot shit like that! Poe/Rey is the worst possible ship to become canon. Yes, the worst. Yes, you heard me, worse than Reylo.
Speaking of Reylo: after TFA, I said that I low-key shipped them ‘cause that’s the kind of fucked up ship I like. Look, there are people in this website who like to wear diapers and want to fuck Pennywise, so, screw you, I’m not apologizing for wanting to read fics about a fictional pairing made up of two adults. HOWEVER, this is not the sort of thing I want to be canon. From the get go, my opinion on Rey’s official love life has been “either she ends up with Finn or she ends up alone”. That being said, I think they handled the relationship between her and Kylo Ren very well in this film. I’m glad they didn’t deny the fucked up sexual tension that was going on there, especially coming from Ren’s side, and chose to play into it. A failed redemption arc fits them perfectly and Kylo Ren’s “please” when he asks Rey to rule beside him was a great moment for the character and one of the few truly emotional moments of the film.
But that thing were they get to hit on each other through the Force, sharing sad stories and touching hands? Yeah, I’m pretty certain I’ve read that fic. Actually, I’m pretty certain I’ve read about three fics like that.
Let’s keep on the Kylo Ren track for now, then: he did get some very nice character development in this film. The Last Jedi was more his than any other character’s, even Luke. For a minute there, before the movie came out, I thought they were going to make some changes to him due to the whole backlash, but they went full “overgrown angsty kid” with him in a way that actually made him more compelling. I like the way Luke’s fear ended up pushing a conflicted teenager into the Dark Side and that Kylo is still very much stuck at that moment. As usual with Sith and Sith by-products, Kylo Ren is moved by anger, and his anger feels much more real after this little bit of backstory.
Who is Snoke, though? Are they going to explain that in the next movie? It feels like they should’ve done it in this one, but I hope they at least give him some context before the trilogy is over.
Sooooo... Did your conflicted antagonist cladded in black, with black hair falling all over his face, just trick his bald, deformed Dark Lord by using his occlumency powers? *Owen Wilson voice* Wow.
“The Supreme Leader is dead. Long live the Supreme Leader.” - A perfect example of a really amazing moment botched by comic relief, ie, Snoke’s little tongue falling out of his dead body.
After the film ended, @robogigante​​ complained a lot about Hux’s transformation from an actual, threatening villan into a punchline, and, you know what? He’s right. There’s a scene there that looks like a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I hate evil, square-headed BB-8?
I’m sort of glad Rey’s parents aren’t anyone important. Star Wars relies too much on heritage and it’s a nice change having a hero who isn’t Space Jesus or Space Jesus’ direct lineage. Her scene in the cave was incredibly beautiful.
They did point to something else in TFA, though, implying heavily that her origin was important and that Kylo Ren already knew about her. That was some Moffat level of badly written plot twist right there.
There’s something Emma Watson-y about Daisy Ridley. This is neither a compliment nor a complaint, just something I hadn’t noticed before.
Both Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver grew a lot as actors since the last movie, especially Driver. Even though it’s still hard to take Kylo Ren seriously sometimes due to Driver’s cry-baby face, he’s way more convincing in his rage and intensity than he was in TFA, where his acting felt a little too mechanical.
However, some of the other actors aren’t living up to their potential. John Boyega’s charisma is extremely underused and I know for a fact that Domnhall Gleeson can do a lot better than what he was given here. In a couple of scenes, even Hamill and Fisher seemed a little uncomfortable in their roles.
“Shit, we’ve already signed Lupita’s check! Gotta shove her in here, somewhere!” - I’m so sorry, honey. You are so beautiful and talented... You deserved way better than that.
Kelly Marie Tran is adorable and I absolutely love her in interviews and such. She seems like a delightful person. However, her character was completely unnecessary. Her only purpose was to serve as a future love interest to Finn, and I’ve made my thoughts about that pairing quite clear already.
“...it’s saving the ones we love...” - BITCH, YOU’VE KNOWN HIM FOR WHAT? A DAY?
As a matter of fact, all of that storyline felt completely unnecessary. It was as if the writers didn’t know what to do with Finn so they gave him a spunky sidekick and a pointless mission just to kill time. I found myself wishing he had spent the whole movie in a coma, and that’s really sad, because I really like John Boyega and was hoping he would become a strong protagonist for the franchise.
Another thing @robogigante​ pointed out (and I’m quoting him ‘cause I know he’s not making a post of his own) is that Holdo had no reason whatsoever to hide her plan from Poe or anyone else in the Resistance. She just... didn’t like Poe Dameron that much...
Excessive jokes aside, casino planet was okay and helped flesh out the Star Wars universe a little bit more. However, much like Phasma, Benicio Del Toro’s character (whose name I already forgot) was just another Boba Fett, all flash and no substance, and I particularly hate that “squeaky clean abused little children representing hope” crap. It’s one of the tackiest tropes in existence.
I did get the feeling that that kid is going to join the Resistance on the next movie. Like they’re going to do a ten year jump to justify Leia’s disappearance/death. It would also help the Rebels to get their shit back together, Kylo Ren to gain more control over the First Order and Rey to learn some more about the Force in order to meet her fate. The existence of that child is still horrible and that ending was so over the top I can’t even put it into words, but it’s a good hook for a leap that, if handled well, could be very good for the story.
I also got the feeling that they originally inteded to kill one member of the original trio per film. That would’ve been cool. Too bad Leia will have to die off screen.
Was it just me or is the timeline in this movie really weird? Poe’s plan seems to take place entirely in a day, maybe two, while Rey apparently spends at least a week in Luke’s island.
I’m glad Carrie Fisher got to have at least one badass Force user scene before dying. Her flight among the debris of the Rebel cruiser was a beautiful reminder of how powerful the Force can be, on par with Luke’s astral projection, not to mention a gorgeous scene in its own right.
Holdo and Leia definitely had a torrid love affair after the Organa-Solo divorce came through. No one will ever convince me otherwise.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I love the crystal foxes?
There was a preoccupying absence of wipe transitions and epic soundtrack inserts. Actually, I don’t even remember hearing any music at all. The editing was way too conservative. It didn’t even feel like a Star Wars movie, sometimes.
How is it possible that The Force Awakens was basically a remake of A New Hope and still felt more daring that The Last Jedi? Look, we already know you’re not killing any of the characters ‘cause they have to come back for the next installment, but raise those stakes a little bit, jeez! Give Kylo Ren and Snoke more conflict before their face-off, give Rey an opportunity to actually scare Luke with something that matters, give Finn and Poe a mission that actually means something to the Resistance, not a MacGuffin to keep them busy... Anything!
The Last Jedi is actually an okay-ish movie, to be honest, but, in a way, I think I disliked it even more than the prequels. Sure, The Phantom Menace is objectively a much worse film, but at least it had soul. George Lucas’ midichlorian and CGI packed soul, but soul nonetheless. The Last Jedi has nothing. I know Star Wars movies are all about the money, let’s not delude ourselves that this is in anyway high art, but this one just felt like the biggest money grabber of all. There is no personal investment in it whatsoever and no sign of what makes Star Wars Star Wars in the first place.
When’s Lando coming back?
BONUS: I am never watching a fucking 3D movie again in my life. The background always seems out of focus, it’s too expensive and I hate putting glasses on top of my glasses. I don’t care if I have to wait a month to watch the next Star Wars, I don’t care if I get spoilers, I’m not watching anything in 3D ever again.
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
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It’s 2018 AD and 67 year-old Indian film Super Star Rajinikanth (the "Super Star" must be included in all of his films’ advertisements, according to his contract) has starred in two of the most energizing films of the year. "Kaala," the first, is a relatively sober, socially realistic gangster drama/musical that also features impressive slow-motion fight scenes, rousing agit-prop chants ("Educate! "Agitate!"), and some dancing in the streets. "2.0," Rajinkanth's sequel to the loopy 2010 Isaac-Asimov-influenced robot-superhero blockbuster, is a bit more unhinged. 
"2.0" is one of only three 2018 films to be shot in 3-D (the others being Russian fantasy sequel "Viy 2" and the James-Cameron-produced/Robert-Rodriguez-helmed "Alita: Battle Angel"). "2.0" is also a superhero film about climate change, the dangers of cell phone use (according to the film, they have been linked to abortions?), and political corruption. Rajinikanth plays robotics scientist Dr. Vaseegaran, a sagacious egghead who revives his Astro-Boy-like creation Chitti (also Rajinkanth), the titular robot, just so Chitti can fight a sentient tsunami of cell phones that sometimes takes the shape of a kaiju-sized bird of prey thanks to the animating spirit of a pissed-off climate-change activist Pakshi Rajan (Akshay Kumar, who is, as always, down for whatever) who hung himself from a cell phone tower and, in the process, became a bird-man-god thing. Also, Chitti helps to mobilize an army of robot clones—some the size of cell phones—so that they can fire guns and make hilariously grim threats to Kumar's bird villain. Roll over, Sylvester Stallone: there's a new elder statesman of Not Aging Gracefully But Still Somehow Making it Work, and his name is (still) Rajinikanth.
Not a lot of this gonzo scenario immediately makes sense, but that's ok: "2.0" is all about energy, so you'll know whether or not you'll love this film within minutes of watching it. Still, good energy is also literally (and not coincidentally) what "2.0" is about. A mysterious animating force takes control of India's cell phones, ripping them out of their dumb-founded users' hands and forming an animated, sometimes-tweeting, sometimes-buzzing digital cloud. Vaseegaran is called on to help fix this bizzaro situation, but for a while, "2.0" is more about the Cell Phone Cloud, which we will later learn is an instrument of Rajan's revenge—FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE. Vaseegaran even delivers an illustrated speech later on that explains how Rajan managed to use his very powerful, very evil aura to turn a whole country’s cell phones against them. Thankfully, the only thing that can match Kumar's crazy-high energy—he devours almost every scene he's in, sometimes while wearing a big ol' bird costume—is Rajinikanth, Rajinikanth, and more Rajinikanth.
No, seriously, there's a lot of Rajinikanth in “2.0.” The marquee-topping star may pull a Stallone and make (some) room for co-stars Kumar and Amy Jackson, the latter of whom plays Nilla, a sexy lady robot who cracks wise and sometimes appears to let Chitti save the day. But seriously, there is a LOT of Rajinikanth in "2.0," like how Vaseegaran sometimes punctuates declamatory thoughts by yelling "DOT" (another way of saying "Period") as well as the hectoring but weirdly affecting tone of any scene where Kumar's character laments that birds are being inadvertently killed by cell phone radiation just because cell phone users are lethally apathetic ("Every individual who owns a cell phone is a murderer"). 
There's also literally a lot of Rajinikanth in "2.0": thousands of Chitti's robot clones swarm the Rajan-controlled cell phone horde, the latter of which looks shockingly ferocious in good-/expensive-looking set pieces. An army of mini-Rajinikanth robots sing some of the goofiest normcore 2018 disses you'll hear this side of the new Eminem album (my favorite of Chitti’s boasts: "I am six feet tall/you are a radish, that is all"). But only after hundreds of man-sized Rajinikanth robot clones form a giant soccer ball, and fire a barrage of automated rifles at the Big Cell Phone Bird (and into the stands of a massive soccer stadium, sometimes barely missing innocent bystanders). This last stunt is basically a repeat of a scene from the first “Robot” movie, but that doesn't make it, or the many other ways that Rajinikanth knowingly weaponizes his ego much less endearing or insane. At one point, Rajinikanth literally pats himself on the back when Chitti thanks Vaseegaran for creating him. This movie has chutzpah for days!
I can't lie: I've got Rajinikanth fever, and it's thanks in no small part to the rowdy crowd of Indian film buffs that filled last night's late-night (9:30pm), original language (Tamil), opening night screening of "Robot 2.0." They roared whenever Rajinikanth did anything funny, vaguely boastful, or flat-out crazy, like when he—as Chitti, wearing a silver lamé suit, roller skates, and the kind of clunky sunglasses that went in and out of style back when the original "V" was originally on the air—gets attacked by a giant robot-bird monster. Some moviegoers were, uh, skeptical, so they talked back to the screen (though often in hilarious ways befitting of a 42nd Street screening). But even the most skeptical moviegoers sang along and shouted happily at almost every action beat. Me too: against all reason—against all common sense—“2.0" works, and in a big, big way.
from All Content https://ift.tt/2PaN48f
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seven-oomen · 4 years
So today’s moments of random thoughts (and attempts at including links) are brought to you by the fact that today they replaced the back office computer at work that controls the store’s music, so it was uncomfortably silent for several hours, meaning that my brain suddenly had to provide the soundtrack again, and that’s always a total craps shoot.  Will it be 48 hours straight of “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher”?  Will it be some surreal all day medley of AC/DC, Rihanna, and the South Park version of “Pokerface”?  Will it be a non-stop Disney sing-a-long?  Who knows?  Everyday is an adventure with an ADD brain jukebox. 
One of today’s tracks of choice was “Little Red Riding Hood” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, a favorite since long before I was old enough to understand the implications or subtext.  And since you enjoyed the last terrible porn scenario so much, why not throw out another classic?  Because there is NO WAY they haven’t done this one.  Like.  Just no way.  Oh no, will the brave and daring young hunter woodsman manage to subdue the wily Alpha wolf, or will poor innocent Omega Riding Hood be devoured by the lustful lupine?  (I think the only correct answer here is yes to both.)  And because part of me wondered if such a thing even existed (I just had to know if I could bring in the plaid), I searched Google and found this (for a more casual approach) or this (for if they’re feeling fancy) for Noah, preferably paired with some tall black combat boots, perhaps (also, just saying, both would be a great option for a chase night).  For “Grandma”, I was thinking something along these lines (theoretically demure, yet also highlighting the collar bones, especially if unbuttoned slightly and allowed to slide off one shoulder.  Perhaps in the blue to bring out his eyes. XD ) because it comes across innocent in all the ways Peter would very much not be at that point.  All Chris would really need is his tightest jeans, deepest v’d henley, and maybe a nice denim or suede trucker jacket.  (Have I spent WAY too much time thinking about this?  Probably, but in my defense it kept me from snapping at all the idiots out without masks who refused to properly distance.  So.)  And because why the hell, not, I haven’t confused my Google search enough yet, here’s a couple of options for Chris that are a little more classy, as far as such a thing can apply to an outfit like this.  I mean if the other two are getting nice, quality outfits in that scenario, dammit he deserves the same.
Oh, and to briefly segue it back towards the more serious (and god, I really hope this comes out the way I mean it to, I am legit terrible at trying to word stuff like this), I would just like to say that frankly this version of how the physical/biological/however you want to phrase it aspects of the male/female vs alpha/omega spectrums play out makes so much more sense than a majority of the a/b/o I’ve seen.  I may not read it often, but I’ve been in fandom too long (and in a few too many small ones) not to have read a fair amount.  There have been a number of times where I just end up going “…his body has/did what now?…"  Whereas with yours it’s just like "oh, cool, that makes total sense”.  It’s natural, logical, and easy to understand, unlike my first few experiences back in the day when I kept having to Google the whole Omegaverse concept (a TERRIBLE idea, btw) to try and figure out how things worked.  So, yeah, I, at least, am a fan of this variation/interpretation/whatever.
Anyway…having hopefully managed to avoid cramming my whole entire foot into my mouth, would you care for some more assorted headcanons?  Maybe one day Stiles and Noah are in the attic working on sorting and organizing some things (Stiles is about 14 or 15 at this point), and after going through a couple boxes of Claudia’s sketchbooks, he finds one that contains a few mangled pairs of fishnets, a mesh shirt or two, maybe a pair of extremely short black cutoffs, some studded bracelets and collars, and he’s just like “man, Mom was a little more hardcore than I would have guessed."  After a couple moments of pointed silence, Noah finally offers ”…that’s not your Mom’s stuff, Stiles" while very determinedly not looking his son’s direction.  Cue a hysterical sequence of microexpressions of shock and horror contorting Stiles’ face, culminating in a brief full body flail and ending with him shaking his head with all the intense desperation of someone trying to clear an Etch-A-Sketch, before he just quietly goes back to sorting through the other boxes and they just never speak of it again.  Alternately, I would accept this same scenario for Chris and Allison (thinking the box had belonged to Kate), because I feel she would have the next best reaction faces to Stiles (less grimacing, but more internal screaming), with basically the same end result.  Or perhaps both had an incident like this, and they use it as some sort of bonding moment.  They’re an odd family after all.
 Don’t think I didn’t notice that the preview changed again.  Just going straight for the feels this time, huh?  God, poor Peter.  I feel so bad that he’s missing out on all the cuddles (familial and romantic), but I’m sure they’ll all be more than willing to make it up to him later.  Really hope he was doing that super speed thing on the way back to the hospital, or the Sheriff’s station might get some strange reports of a naked man running through neighborhoods.  
On the subject of the kids and education, I would vote BioChem for Allison.  It would be useful in learning about all the stuff hunters use, and figuring out ways to combat them, as well as potentially offering some overlap with Lydia’s degree.
I’d vote Criminal Law for Jackson.  It would be both a nod to his adoptive dad in the show having been the D.A. and offer a connection to the traditions of the family he’s just now learning about.  And I suspect that it’s entirely possible that if Stiles went after a Criminal Justice degree (or similar, I’m not entirely sure what it would be called), they’d likely have some overlapping classes, which would just piss Stiles all the hell off.  So win-win, really.
I think Malia could do really well with either type of Engineering.  I want to lean more towards Mechanical, particularly for the auto repair aspect, but part of me really wants Electrical for the Ant-Man connection (speaking of high Intelligence, low Wisdom…)  I think she would hate it while she was getting the degree (WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME THERE’D BE SO MUCH MATH???!!!), she’d be so proud once she’d graduated.  I feel like I could see Derek partnering with her on the shop (he’s working on a Master’s in Business.  Anything Law just felt too close to what he’d lost, but he also couldn’t bear to stray too far.  So, business.  Eventually I think he’d join in with the artsy side of the family and go after a degree in Design, so he could help build up the shop that way, as well.)
Totally agree on the other two.  I can also totally see Kira and Malia coaching some sort of intramural sport for kids one day.  Soccer (football), Little League, Lacrosse, doesn’t matter which.  They absolutely love it, and the kids love them (they totally get the smaller Pack kids involved, too).  Eventually they talk Isaac into creating a team for some of his kids that are looking to socialize more (they make sure that the experience is 100% positive for any of them that play.  They refuse to tolerate any bullying or poor sportsmanship of any kind.)
Hmm…not sure about the others, either, but I like the idea of Boyd ending up as a professor of Mythology and Folklore.  He was the one that actually thought about whether he wanted the bite, and whether it would be worth it in the long run.  He seemed the most interested in the reality of being a werewolf.  I can see him learning as much as he can about the supernatural from Peter and Noah (and some of the other side of things from Chris), and utilizing that in getting his degree (and eventual Doctorate).  And let’s face it, after dealing with the Pack’s shenanigans over the years, college kids aren’t intimidating in the slightest.
And before I forget, may I just say that “People buy it because it’s Tumblr, why wouldn’t two gay dads run a wolf rescue?” had me laughing so hard I started snorting.  Moving on; I know you recently shared a post that featured shots from the episode where Stiles gets his dad drunk to distract him from reopening the Hale case (I have Opinions about that black shirt, and how disappointed I was that it Never Showed Up Again, so I notice when it pops up in Tumblrs I check, okay?  Don’t judge me.), and some of the other blogs I try to keep up with have shared some pics of J.R. in glasses, and now I can’t help but wonder if that becomes like a Thing for Peter at some point.  Like, once they start to get a little older (once Chris has grown out his beard again, and maybe Noah has retired [my uncle was a cop and retired in like his mid-forties, I think] and started letting his hair get just a bit shaggy again) and his husbands start occasionally wearing glasses for reading, or fine detail work, etc.  (I would not judge him if it did, because, uh…, hard same.  I blame too many years of anime.)  Like, they slip them on and his brain just immediately starts going to more terrible porn scenarios.  Stern librarian, called to the principal/headmaster’s office, courtroom shenanigans.  Actually, if Peter is supposed to have been a lawyer they probably do that one anyway.  The Prosecution and the Defense take turns attempting to sway the Judge/Jury Foreman in their favor.  Who is who just depends on their mood at the time, and who feels willing to put on a suit (god help Peter if he gets both his mates in well cut suits and at their persuasive best.  He can barely keep it together long enough to stay halfway in character.  They are fully aware of their power, and file the information away for use in anniversary/graduation/other celebratory settings.)  Wow…that kinda got away from me.  Again.
Anyway, I tried to do the reader poll thing, hope my responses went through/made sense.  Hope the assorted links I’ve attempted work, I’ve never tried adding them to something before.  I probably still have the tabs open if I need to try again, unless my computer randomly decides to close them, which I have had it occasionally do.  Glad that you are feeling somewhat better, and that it doesn’t appear to be anything serious (and possibly even somewhat positive, in the long run, at least?  If it’s a sign of things trying to heal?)  Sorry in advance if some of this makes assisting customers difficult tomorrow.  XD  I feel like it should just be implicit, like my brain just compels it’s own warning in general.
I think I’ve read through this at least ten times because it’s just so good. I don’t really have the energy to reply to everything, but I do want to leave you with some headcanons of my own. 
Mainly Hogwarts houses:
Ravenclaw: Lydia, Melissa, Natalie, Julio, Stiles
Gryffindor:  Noah, Derek, Kira, Allison, Boyd
Hufflepuff: Scott, Chris, Jordan, Ben, Isaac
Slytherin: Malia, Jackson, Peter, Danny, Erica
Ben’s super cute playfulness as a wolf pup
Peter definitely wears a pair of wolf ears during sex, although he’s a little sad that he can’t mark up Chris and Noah as he used to. He liked to bite hard and draw blood, but with him as an Alpha, that’s just not an option anymore. Although there are plenty of other ways he can mark them up and he enjoys finding new ways. Even if they’re not as visual and permanent.
Peter also makes time for each of his kids and enjoys being a father. He revels in the role and loves reading bedtime stories to his younger kids, PTA meetings (he rises to the top of the rank really quickly, starts a turf war with a Karen but gets backed up by Mack’s mom. So it’s all cool.) And With his older kids he finds new ways to guide them through life as young adults. He’s there for every homework assignment, every break-up, every report card, and all the little moments he’s had to miss out on.
Also when Noah is pregnant, he’s closely monitored by Melissa and his licensed midwife. (He’s given birth to Malia and Stiles at home, he’s planning to do it again. Chris too, only has had homebirths, although Ben had to be rushed to the hospital because the doofus swallowed amniotic fluid during birth and turned blue after ten minutes. (Which is based on a true story, my brother had that complication after homebirth. Homebirths are very common in my country which is why I put them in my fics.)) And Peter and Chris go into protective overdrive. He keeps working for as long as he can but at four months pregnant with twins, he has to take a step back and only work desk duty until he’s 7.5 months along. He takes some time off after that and gets time to recuperate and rest. 
Chris for his last pregnancy also chooses to have a homebirth, Julio comes to work for him to do his arms deals and meetups while Chris takes a step back and works from his office until the day he goes into labor. And even then he’s still trying to get this deal done while breathing through contractions.
Also, imagine Peter getting to experience both of his mates being pregnant again. I like to imagine the smile on his face when he hears the heartbeats for the first time, how he just knows when his mates are pregnant, he recognizes the scent change now. He knows Chris is pregnant before Chris does. With Noah it’s a bit more of a tie since Noah can pick up the twins’ energy signatures and heartbeat at 4-5 weeks. Which is when the scent change happens.
I imagine the three of them curled up together after the youngest has been born, all tuckered out and completely passed out. The new baby curled up in the cosleeper next to the bed. Malia sneaks in without waking her dad and starts snapping pictures for the family album. And at one point during the night, Ben and the youngest twins end up sleeping in their parents’ bed as well. It becomes a routine until Ben is ten and generally likes to sleep alone. (Unless he’s upset, then he comes running.)
Also, the mere image of Chris wearing glasses and Noah wearing his police sunglasses (or regular glasses), like yes, sign me up. Also, Peter shows solidarity and starts wearing glasses later in life too. Which doesn’t only do wonders for their sex life (though that was never bad, to begin with) but also every single parent at Ben’s high school and the twins’ elementary school suddenly have the hots for the three extremely hot dilfs.
It also helps with getting justice for Ben when his son is being bullied at school and Chris has to convince Peter not to kill anyone, Noah shows off the sheriff’s  badge and starts suggesting a few things, and Chris likes to remind people that his son (Jackson) is now the youngest DA in the country and works from Beacon Hills and his other son (Stiles) is now an FBI agent who certainly wouldn’t mind digging into the past of whoever is bullying his little brother. (Not that he ever has to get that far, usually he smiles warmly and charms the principal or the teacher with his trademark smile and within a day Ben’s bullies are disciplined by the school.)
I have no idea where I’m going anymore as I’m pretty tired at this point. But these were stuck in my head and I had to share.
(Once again, I adore every single headcanon you’ve send me. <3)
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dailybiblelessons · 5 years
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Revised Common Lectionary Proper 10 Roman Catholic Proper 15
Complementary Hebrew Scripture from The Torah: Deuteronomy 30:9-14
And the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all your undertakings, in the fruit of your body, in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your soil. for The Lord will again take delight in prospering you, just as he delighted in prospering your ancestors, when you obey the Lord your God by observing his commandments and decrees that are written in this book of the law, because you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Surely, this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too hard for you, nor is it too far away. It is not in heaven, that you should say, “Who will go up to heaven for us, and get it for us so that we may hear it and observe it?” Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, “Who will cross to the other side of the sea for us, and get it for us so that we may hear it and observe it?” No, the word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe.¹
¹These verses are partly paraphrased in Romans 10:5-13, where Paul makes the point that salvation is for all.
Semi-continuous Hebrew Scripture from The Twelve Prophets: Amos 7:7-17
This is what he showed me: the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. And the Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said,
“See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel; I will never again pass them by; the high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.”
Then Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, sent to King Jeroboam of Israel, saying, “Amos has conspired against you in the very center of the house of Israel; the land is not able to bear all his words. For thus Amos has said,
‘Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel must go into exile away from his land.’”
And Amaziah said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee away to the land of Judah, earn your bread there, and prophesy there; but never again prophesy at Bethel, for it is the king's sanctuary, and it is a temple of the kingdom.”
Then Amos answered Amaziah, “I am no prophet, nor a prophet's son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees, and the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’
“Now therefore hear the word of the Lord. You say, ‘Do not prophesy against Israel, and do not preach against the house of Isaac.’ Therefore thus says the Lord: ‘Your wife shall become a prostitute in the city, and your sons and your daughters shall fall by the sword, and your land shall be parceled out by line; you yourself shall die in an unclean land, and Israel shall surely go into exile away from its land.’”
Complementary Psalm 25:1-10
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I trust;  do not let me be put to shame;  do not let my enemies exult over me. Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame;  let them be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.
Make me to know your ways, O Lord;  teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me,  for you are the God of my salvation;  for you I wait all day long.
Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and of your steadfast love,  for they have been from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions;  according to your steadfast love remember me,  for your goodness' sake, O Lord!
Good and upright is the Lord;  therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right,  and teaches the humble his way. All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness,  for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.
Semi-continuous Psalm 82
God has taken his place in the divine council;  in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: “How long will you judge unjustly  and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to the weak and the orphan;  maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy;  deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
They have neither knowledge nor understanding,  they walk around in darkness;  all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
I say, “You are gods,  children of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like mortals,  and fall like any prince.”¹
Rise up, O God, judge the earth;  for all the nations belong to you!
¹Jesus quotes the first part of this verse in response to those who plan to stone him. The episode is in John 10:22-39.
New Testament Epistle Lesson: Colossians 1:1-14
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,
To the saints and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
In our prayers for you we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. You have heard of this hope before in the word of the truth, the gospel that has come to you. Just as it is bearing fruit and growing in the whole world, so it has been bearing fruit among yourselves from the day you heard it and truly comprehended the grace of God. This you learned from Epaphras, our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf, and he has made known to us your love in the Spirit.
For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
New Testament Gospel Lesson: Luke 10:25-37
Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind;¹ and your neighbor as yourself.²” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.”
But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
¹Deuteronomy 6:5   Leviticus 19:18
Year C RCL Proper 10, Catholic Proper 15, Ordinary 15 Sunday
Bible verses from The New Revised Standard Version, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All right reserved. Selections from Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, copyright 1985 by Consultation on Common Texts. Image Credit: The Good Samaritan by Vincent Van Gogh, Vanderbilt Digital Library [retrieved July 2, 2016]. Original source: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JxomvlRi2uo/SDTc3ruAVoI/AAAAAAAANxw/L07CjJU2AOo/s512/The%252520Good%252520Samaritan%252520by%252520Van%252520Gogh.jpg, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0
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dfroza · 4 years
we have received an invitation to welcome grace into our lives
but not all respond to it.
this is documented in Today’s reading from the book of Matthew:
[Matthew 9]
Jesus got into the boat and returned to what was considered his hometown, Capernaum. Just then some people brought a paraplegic man to him, lying on a sleeping mat. When Jesus perceived the strong faith within their hearts, he said to the paralyzed man, “My son, be encouraged, for your sins have been forgiven.”
These words prompted some of the religious scholars who were present to think, “Why, that’s nothing but blasphemy!”
Jesus supernaturally perceived their thoughts, and said to them, “Why do you carry such evil in your hearts? Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or, ‘Stand up and walk!’? But now, to convince you that the Son of Man has been given authority to forgive sins, I say to this man, ‘Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk home.’” Immediately the man sprang to his feet and left for home.
When the crowds witnessed this miracle, they were awestruck. They shouted praises to God because he had given such authority to human beings.
As Jesus left Capernaum he came upon a tax-collecting station, where a traitorous Jew was busy at his work, collecting taxes for the Romans. His name was Matthew. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said to him. Immediately Matthew jumped up and began to follow Jesus.
Later, Jesus went to Matthew’s home to share a meal with him. Many other tax collectors and outcasts of society were invited to eat with Jesus and his disciples.
When those known as the Pharisees saw what was happening, they were indignant, and they kept asking Jesus’ disciples, “Why would your Master dine with such lowlifes?”
When Jesus overheard this, he spoke up and said, “Healthy people don’t need to see a doctor, but the sick will go for treatment.” Then he added, “Now you should go and study the meaning of the verse:
I want you to show mercy, not just offer me a sacrifice.
For I have come to invite the outcasts of society and sinners, not those who think they are already on the right path.”
The disciples of John the Baptizer approached Jesus with this question: “Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast regularly, but not your disciples?”
Jesus replied, “How can the sons of the bridal chamber grieve when the Bridegroom is next to them? But the days of fasting will come when the Bridegroom is taken away from them. And who would mend worn-out clothing with new fabric? When the new cloth shrinks it will rip, making the hole worse than before. And who would pour fresh, new wine into an old wineskin? Eventually the wine will ferment and make the wineskin burst, losing everything—the wine is spilled and the wineskin ruined. Instead, new wine is always poured into a new wineskin so that both are preserved.”
While Jesus was still speaking, an influential Jewish leader approached and knelt before him, saying, “Help me! My daughter has just died. Please come and place your hand upon her so that she will live again.” So Jesus and his disciples got up and went with him.
Suddenly, a woman came from behind Jesus and touched the tassel of his prayer shawl for healing. She had been suffering from continual bleeding for twelve years, but had faith that Jesus could heal her. For she kept saying to herself, “If I could only touch his prayer shawl I would be healed.”
Just then Jesus turned around and looked at her and said, “My daughter, be encouraged. Your faith has healed you.” And instantly she was healed!
When Jesus finally entered the home of the Jewish leader, he saw a noisy crowd of mourners, wailing and playing a funeral dirge on their flutes. He told them, “You must leave, for the little girl is not dead; she’s only asleep.” Then everyone began to ridicule him.
After he made the crowd go outside, he went into the girl’s room and gently took hold of her hand. She immediately stood to her feet! And the news of this incredible miracle spread everywhere.
As Jesus left the house, two blind men began following him, shouting out over and over, “Son of David, show us mercy and heal us!” And they followed him right into the house where Jesus was staying. So Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I have the power to restore sight to your eyes?”
They replied, “Yes Lord, we believe!”
Then Jesus put his hands over their eyes and said, “You will have what your faith expects!” And instantly their eyes opened—they could see! Then Jesus warned them sternly, “Make sure that you tell no one what just happened!” But unable to contain themselves, they went out and spread the news everywhere!
While they were leaving, some people brought before Jesus a man with a demon spirit who couldn’t speak. Jesus cast the demon out of him, and immediately the man began to speak plainly. The crowds marveled in astonishment, saying, “We’ve never seen miracles like this in Israel!” But the Pharisees kept saying, “The chief of demons is helping him drive out demons.”
Jesus walked throughout the region with the joyful message of God’s kingdom realm. He taught in their meeting houses, and wherever he went he demonstrated God’s power by healing every kind of disease and illness.
When he saw the vast crowds of people, Jesus’ heart was deeply moved with compassion, because they seemed weary and helpless, like wandering sheep without a shepherd. He turned to his disciples and said, “The harvest is huge and ripe! But there are not enough harvesters to bring it all in. As you go, plead with the Owner of the Harvest to thrust out many more reapers to harvest his grain!”
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 9 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments with Matthew 9 is Numbers 32 where the tribes of Israel were preparing to enter the land promised to them:
[Numbers 32]
Now it so happens that a couple of the tribes (the Reubenites and Gadites) had an exceptionally large herd of livestock. They observed that on this eastern side of the Jordan, in the regions of Jazer and Gilead, there was some excellent grazing land. So the heads of the Reuben and Gad tribes approached Moses, the priest Eleazar, and other of the community’s leaders.
Reubenites and Gadites: This territory, which the Eternal One has already enabled us to dominate, is for livestock land; and we have livestock. If it is pleasing to you, may we settle here instead of crossing the Jordan into the promised land? We’d like this territory to be ours (Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sebam, Nebo, and Beon) rather than laying claim to any territory across the Jordan.
Moses: You’re missing the big picture. How can I let you settle here on this side of the Jordan, while your kinsmen on the other side of the Jordan may have to go to war in order to possess the land? Why would you dishearten the rest of the people today just as the spies did who disheartened the people in the last generation after I sent them from Kadesh-barnea and they saw the Eshcol Valley and the surrounding land? Remember how angry the Eternal became with them that day? He declared that even though that particular land had been promised to the Israelites beginning with Abraham, then to Isaac and to Jacob after him, the whole generation that left Egypt when they were 20 years or older would have to die, wandering aimlessly in the desert, before God would allow the community to enter that great land. Only Caleb the Kenizzite (Jephunneh’s son) and Joshua (Nun’s son) out of that generation would be allowed to enjoy settlement there because they followed Him completely. Now you dare to propose this—you’re as sinful as your predecessors! The Eternal will surely loose His tremendous anger against us again. If you decide to stop following God’s plan for the land, He will abandon the whole congregation out here in the wilderness, and it’s you who will be blamed for our people’s destruction.
Reubenites and Gadites (approaching Moses): What if we lay claim to the land here, but then proceed with the others west across the Jordan and into their land? We would fight alongside all the other Israelites, but we wouldn’t take any of that land for ourselves since our inheritance is on the eastern side of the Jordan. Only after we’ve seen to it that everyone else is safely settled there would we return here to take up our lives as residents of this place. We could set up preliminary dwellings now for our sheep and livestock and towns for our women and children. The towns should be fortified, since there are still inhabitants in the land who would like to run us out. We really feel that we’ve found our home here, east of the Jordan.
Moses: If you keep your word—to fight with us before the Eternal One Himself until by our warfare God drives out His enemies and that land becomes undeniably ours—then, yes. Then you will have satisfied your responsibilities to the Eternal and to Israel, and you may count this land as your own. But if you fail to follow through, your sin against the Eternal will follow you. Wherever you go, it will go badly for you. Then go ahead and build the enclosures you need for your flocks and the cities for your youngsters that you’ll leave behind. But don’t forget to live up to your promise.
Reubenites and Gadites: We are your servants, our lord, and we’ll do as you tell us. Here in Gilead, we’ll get our women and the little kids settled along with all of our animals. Then you can count on us, armed and ready to battle for the Eternal. We will obey your orders and see to it that the other families successfully gain their own territory.
Moses gave instructions to Eleazar the priest, Joshua (Nun’s son), and the heads of the other extended families of the Israelite clans.
Moses: If indeed the Gadites and Reubenites fight in front of the Eternal One and beside the rest of you to successfully dominate that land across the Jordan River, then you must honor their desire to return here to have this Gilead land for their own. But if they don’t take up their weapons and go with you into battle, then their ownership of this territory is null and void, and they shall be assigned land in Canaan along with the rest of the Israelite tribes.
Reubenites and Gadites: Exactly as we understand this to be the will of God, we will do it. We’ll arm ourselves and fight with you under His direction in Canaan, but with the understanding that our home is right here, on this side of the Jordan River.
With this agreement established, Moses gave the Gadites and the Reubenites, along with Manasseh (half of the greater Joseph clan), King Sihon’s Amorite land and King Og’s Bashan land, including the cities and their neighboring towns inside those boundaries. The Gadites immediately got to work rebuilding the cities of Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer, Atroth-shophan, Jazer, Jogbehah, Beth-nimrah, and Beth-haran with strong defenses and enclosures for their livestock. As for the Reubenites, they rebuilt Heshbon, Elealeh, Kiriathaim, Nebo, Baal-meon, and Sibmah. They gave names to each of the new cities and changed the names of those they rebuilt. As far as the Manasseh family goes, Machir’s clan overran the Amorites in Gilead, so Moses gave them that land to live in. Jair’s Manassite clan also captured settlements for themselves and named them Havvoth-jair, and Nobah took over the former Kenath with its surrounding villages and renamed it Nobah, after their own clan.
The Book of Numbers, Chapter 32 (The Voice)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Wednesday, june 24 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
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