guerrilla-operator · 5 months
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danzameccanica · 4 years
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Damned in Black è stato il primo “vero” album black metal che ascoltai. Intendo di quello più cazzuto senza tastiere. Era il 1999, avevo 14 anni e frequentavo il primo anno di liceo. Sarà stato novembre-dicembre quando mia mamma mi portò con lei a lavorare ad una fiera di antiquariato e io, per smorzare la noia, comprai alcune riviste musicali in edicola, fra le quali Grind Zone. Nella quarta di copertina c’era la pubblicità dell’imminente Damned in Black, in uscita a gennaio 2000. Tutto mi affascinò di quel mondo allora sconosciuto: le borchie, il face-painting, la cotta di maglia, gli stivali. In quel preciso momento decisi che mi sarei lasciato allungare i capelli e ci sarebbe stata una rivoluzione nel mio guardaroba. Corso a casa, con l’aiuto di Napster, rimediai questo album prima della sua uscita ufficiale, me lo misi in cassetta e me lo ascoltai ripetutamente per quei mesi.
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Per quanto sia uno degli ultimi album degli Immortal ad essere ricordato, forse per la sua componente heavy/thrash troppo presente, per me rimane un disco incredibile, tagliante, graffiante, come all’epoca solo gli Abyss Studio riuscivano a fare. Confesso che continuo a preferire At the Heart of Winter (e ovviamente i primi due) ma tutto questo album si è spalmato nella mia testa e ne conosco ogni minimo dettaglio e variazione sonora.
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Anche se la maggior parte dei riff sono thrash con quell’appeal heavy, gli Immortal riescono a creare una specie di fratello minore dell’album precedente; abbandonando tutte le vene progressive, la durata dei brani si accorcia e solo l’ultima omonima traccia contiene un’atmosfera epica e potente che richiama i fasti di “Mountains of Might”.
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Anche se, da questo momento i poi gli Immortal diventeranno dei pagliaccioni con un attitudine sul palco a metà strada fra ubriaconi, macchiette dei Motörhead e circensi borchiati, alle porte del Duemila erano ancora capaci di insegnare qualcosa e di rinnovare le proprie sonorità.
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nihil08 · 3 years
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Necrophagia - Goblins Be Thine
Black Attakk  #1
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svenson777 · 7 years
IMMORTAL "Demonium" (Album: Sons of Northern Darkness, 2002)
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wknc881 · 4 years
Band of the Week: Abbath
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Photo by Courtney Breen @chewing.glass on Instagram
Abbath (the band) was formed in Bergen, Norway in 2015 by Abbath (the person; Abbath Doom Occulta). Their genre is Black Metal,  but their sound is not that easy to nail down (no pun intended). They are definitely Black Metal. Yet, they fuse German Thrash and symphonic to form a blistering, crushing sound. Combined with the howling, screeching, rasp of Abbath's vocals and devastating guitar playing, they are definitely distinct in the metal scene.
Abbath (the person) is Olve Eikemo (a.k.a., Abbath Doom Occulta). He, along with Harold Naevdal (a.k.a. Demonaz Doom Occulta), were the founders of the legendary Black Metal band Immortal. As one of the groundbreaking artists in the dark world of Black Metal, Abbath worked with the giants of the genre; drummers like Hellhammer, Armagedda, Horgh, Padden, and Grim; guitarists like Demonaz, Tore Bretsath, and Varg Vikernes; and bassists like Apollyon, Iscariah, Ares, and Saroth; and bands like Bathory, Celtic Frost, and the band the began it all, Mayhem.
Abbath (the band) has had so many different members in it’s short life that only Abbath (the person) is original – the original “Creature” (drums), and a couple of drummers donning the “Creature" mask, bass players like King Ov Hell and Mia Wallace, and several great guitarists (too numerous to mention). As of this writing, Abbath (the band) is: Abbath (the person – guitar, vocals), Ole Andre' Farstad (guitar), Rusty Cornell (bass), and Ukri Suvilehto (drums).
It is this lineup that I witnessed a few months ago when Abbath (the person and the band) came to Raleigh with Obituary (check-out my show review). H.O.L.Y C.R.A.P! What an awesome stage performance by the band, and an unforgettable performance by the person! Now, if you’ve never seen them, Abbath (the person) reminds me of a much darker, more evil, bringing the hordes of Hell with him, Gene Simmons. Not only the face paint (“corpse paint” for Abbath), but the stage persona and presence is incredible. The band was not overcome by this, however, as each was truly impressive in their own right.
Abbath (the band) has two studio albums, Abbath (2016) and Outstrider (2019). I know that Black Metal is an acquired taste, but Abbath do it well. Especially live! If you get a chance to check them out, recorded and/or live, do it! You won’t regret it!
Stay Metal, 
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metalkilltheking · 9 years
Immortal - Wrath From Above
2000. Damned in Black
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blastfest2016 · 10 years
It's Saturday night, it's Dead to this World kicking all ass there is to kick!
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guerrilla-operator · 5 months
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nihil08 · 3 years
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Iscariah, 1998.
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torumekiathewarlock · 10 years
Just came up with a really nice sounding black metal bass riff and I think I feel a song writing session coming on c’:
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metalkilltheking · 9 years
Immortal - Damned in Black
2000. Damned in Black
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