#it happens every single time nothing changes i am so tired.
absentlyabbie · 1 year
going to bed before i burst into actual tears of helpless frustration because for the third time in as many weeks, my computer has decided that despite paying for 500mbps internet, i'm only allowed an oscillation between 2.4-40mbps for absolutely no valid reason, and whatever i did to somehow make it work again last time absolutely will not work this time
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sharpenote · 13 days
there's not always going to be an option to make things immediately better, but there will always be options to stop things from immediately getting much much worse, and you will always owe it to people less fortunate than you to keep things from getting worse, no exceptions
#doing nothing is never going to be an effective protest because you are not making it clear to the people in charge what you are protesting#or that you're protesting at all#if you have time to post about how you're not voting you have time to be making your elected officials' lives worse until they do something#ive accepted that im not gonna convince people to vote if they really dont want to#but if you're not voting AND you're not calling/protesting/blocking weapons shipments/etc#then you need to accept that you dont care about making things better#you care about being seen hoping things get better without having to inconvenience yourself at all#i am. SO fucking tired of people who are not doing anything acting morally superior about it#why are you not killing politicians yourself if you really think thats the only way things are going to change you fucking cowards#i swear to god trying to get people on this stupid fucking website to get off their asses and DO SOMETHING#feels the exact same as trying to get my reps to get off their asses and do something except honestly i think ive had more luck with my rep#like even just in terms of reblogging#WAY fewer people reblogged any posts from me that had info about where the ports were being blocked#than people who reblogged any 'here is another terrible thing that happened in gaza today' post#i cant bother every single person on this website into taking action#but i only have a few elected officials and it is very very easy to be extremely annoying to a small group of people
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bumblequinn · 6 months
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hi @sourpatchsquids! thank you for your question.
as an artist with ADHD, i know this struggle very well. unfortunately offering advice on this kind of thing can be tricky, because what works for me may not work for you (and vice versa!). nonetheless, i can try; take whatever works for you, forget the rest, or reshape any part of it as you see fit. :)
but before i offer any actual tools, i have one caveat. i want you to take a moment to reflect and consider if you should be:
changing expectations
the timing of this question seems fated, because just the other day i had a therapy session wherein i expressed my grief and frustration over struggling to work lately due to my seasonal depression. it's not fair that i'm struggling just because it got a little darker outside! i just want the spark i had in the summer! i was so much more consistent!
my therapist's response: nothing about human beings is consistent. we get sick, we get tired, we get hungry and thirsty (and thirsty) and sad and lonely and restless and stressed and overwhelmed. this all gets amplified for folks who are atypical in some way or another.
when my therapist compared our seasonal cycles to those of plants and other animals, who wilt and slow down and hibernate, i protested aloud that i wanted to be a perennial instead. at this she said: even perennials change with the seasons. rose bushes have to be pruned, sometimes down to half their height! it was a dose of perspective i didn't particularly want, but really needed.
so when you're struggling to work through executive dysfunction, burnout, or brain fog, it can help to first check in with yourself about a few things. what do you have the capacity for right now? do you need any accommodation? and if so, what changes you might make to accommodate yourself?
with practice and self reflection, i've learned a handful of specific routines that help me when i'm struggling with creative work, which i'll detail next. note that while your question is specifically about music and i am specifically a musician, i believe that all of these suggestions can apply to most any form of digital creative work.
with that in mind:
#1: work slower
when i'm at the top of my game, i can get a LOT done in a day. but when i'm depressed, fatigued, or distracted, i just can't go full steam. sometimes i'll try to convince myself that i can if i just push harder, but what actually ends up happening is that i'm just fiddling with settings and going in circles rather than moving forward.
instead of that, when i want to work a lot but can't, i try to work slow. how slow? however slow i need to. take four hours to figure out the melody for a single verse. take all day to figure out that drum groove. yeah, i take a lot of breaks in between. who says i have to be my Absolute Most Productive Every Day Or Else? that's the puritan work ethic talking. kill it. be kind to yourself.
i'm reminded of advice i once read about some super successful and prolific author (gaiman? king? pratchett?) who said they wrote only four hundred words every weekday. that's already less than the word count of this post, and i'm only—[travels into the future to check my final word count]... 22.8% of the way through writing it!
now, i don't think i could function that way, because ADHD means some days i'm hyperfocused like crazy, and other days i just have no steam at all (more on that in #4-6). but it seems to me that if even someone highly respected in their profession can achieve what they have with only a little bit of work on a regular basis, maybe i don't have to punish myself for not pumping out a finished work every single week.
doing less work per day means you're much less likely to burn out, which does a lot for working more consistently. if that consistency still doesn't look like a five-day work week, that's okay! as long as it helps you work even a little more often when you want to, it's something worth doing.
however, if you're still feeling truly stuck, all hope isn't lost. you can still try:
#2: switch projects
sometimes the reason i'm moving slow is because of a bad brain day, but sometimes the reason is that i just cannot muster the motivation to do the specific task i'm trying to do right now. ADHD is fueled by novelty and interest, and if i'm not interested in what i'm doing, or it's feeling stale, that's a sign that i need to switch gears.
this is why first it's helpful for me to have more than one project going at a time. this might mean completely unrelated works, or it might just mean related tracks as with the music for a game like SLARPG or susan taxpayer.
the idea here is not to start a dozen different projects and bounce around them like i'm playing whac-a-mole—though i have done that. (i don't recommend it.) the idea here is to have a manageable number of different projects i can be working on so that if i get bored or stuck on something, i have fallback options.
what that number of projects is depends entirely on the week. maybe right now it's two, maybe another time it's three. i would probably be getting carried away if i tried more than that, but that's just my own limit. maybe yours is different. that's something for you to think about.
but it doesn't have to stop there.
#3: switch focus
maybe there is this one project that i just HAVE to work on, but the task i'm trying to do at this stage just isn't coming to me. okay, well, why don't i try working on a different task?
let's say i can't figure out what i want to do with the melody in one part of the song:
what if i try jumping ahead to a different part of the melody? ...no, i'm stumped on melodies today. okay, how about working on the drums instead? ...hmm no, i think i'm just completely tapped out on writing parts right now. alright, what if i organized my tracks, making sure they're all grouped and named in a way that i can work with easily? what if i did a rough volume balance for the mix?
and so on. if that's not enough to shake the off stuckness, i might consider: what can i do to make this project more interesting to me?
what happens if i try using an instrument or effect that i almost never reach for? what if i try sampling something obscure? what if i bang out the drums using my midi keyboard instead of drawing it in on the piano roll?
any approach that breaks me out of my usual habits is bound to get that feeling of novelty and fun back when i need it.
or maybe i can't do any of that right now, and so i take the time to answer a question from a fellow musician instead. i consider that part of my work, too, in a broader sense. check in with yourself and figure out what you can do right now. the rest will still be there later.
but okay, let's say you try switching gears, and switching again, and again, and nothing is moving. you try new approaches, but that wall of awful is insurmountable in this moment. it happens! the next thing you might try is:
#4: learn something new
when you aren't able to make progress on your projects, you can still make progress on your knowledge and craft. i often find this stokes a flame of inspiration in me where there wasn't one before. and even when it doesn't, it still gets my brain out of that feeling of stuckness and dread and into one of thought and action. learning also benefits in the long term because it adds to the well of knowledge from which you draw for all your future works.
for all the awfulness that exists on the internet, it remains an absolute treasure trove of teaching. there's an endless ocean of videos, blog posts, and articles from which you might learn something about your craft. (and if you sail the seven seas, plenty of book PDFs as well. 🦜🏴‍☠️)
it's true that the quality and depth of information out there can vary wildly, but in my experience most resources get at least some things right. and the more you research, practice, and figure out what works for you, the better you will learn to differentiate between the advice worth keeping, and the advice to forget. (that goes for all of what i'm saying here, too!)
that said, since our shared focus is music, a few resources i would highly recommend are:
music theory and composition music matters, 12tone, charles cornell, music with myles, 8-bit music theory, and this introduction by andrew huang
mixing and production dan worrall (especially this series for fabfilter), kush after hours, red means recording, andrew huang, alice yalcin efe, in the mix
general inspiration nahre sol, ben levin, david hilowitz, game score fanfare, posy, jerobeam fenderson, open reel ensemble, and ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!
(if any readers have their own helpful resources for creating music or any other media, feel free to share in the replies & reblogs! 💓)
of course, on an especially bad day, it might be a challenge to seek out information, let alone retain it. that can feel pretty bad, but remember: be kind to yourself. the next thing you might consider trying is:
#5: consume art you love
not just music. books. shows. movies. games. illustration. animation. whatever moves and inspires you.
but do it intentionally. don't just pull up some random thing the algorithm suggested! check in with yourself about what you want (or are able) to engage with right now. choose accordingly. if you get a little way into it and realize it's not scratching that itch, hit the bricks. check in with yourself again. wash, rinse, repeat, until you find whatever it is that speaks to you right now.
and do it actively, if you can. don't just let it go in one eye and out the other! really pay attention to the work. what do you like about it? what are its themes and motifs? what makes it work so well? what are its flaws, and how much do they matter? what might you do differently? you can write notes as you do this if it helps, but even simply noticing and thinking goes a long way.
what you don't want to do is come at this with a lens of shame or envy. you're not here just to say to yourself, "ugh, if only i could do THAT." it's okay if it happens. use that thought as a springboard for curiosity: "well okay, how DID they do that? do i have the resources for it? if so, how could i apply that to my own work? if not, how can i adapt it, or what do i need to learn?" keep your mind open and approach the work with a sense of wonder.
as a creative person, it's very easy to think, "i should be making something right now, not watching a movie!" but that thought forgets something vital: your art is a response in a conversation. of course the "language" you use is your own, and maybe if you're lucky you'll invent a new word. but most of the words you use have been around long before you were born. you're just one voice in a dialogue that spans continents and generations, and that's okay. it's even the whole point.
none of us is an island. we are profoundly social animals. just as we can't live without eating, we can't make without learning. so half of making art is consuming it. consider this part of the process as well.
and finally,
#6: rest, and live your life
let's say you're in really dire straits. you've tried working slower. you tried changing focus, you tried changing projects. you want to take in new information or actively engage with your favorite art, but you're not in the headspace for it. what now?
take a nap. take a walk. take a shower. eat a nice meal, or an okay one. talk to a friend. maybe even do that chore you've been putting off (you know the one).
it's human to always crave making, but you're not a machine—and even if you were, machines need regular maintenance, too! you wouldn't drive a car that's completely out of gas, and you won't do yourself any favors treating your body that way either.
i know that when you take a break it feels as though you're not accomplishing anything, but you are: you're taking care of your animal self. and while you do that, your creative brain doesn't stop working! much like windows, it has countless background processes running at any given moment, with inscrutable names like "cbdhsvc_692da" or "Microsoft Edge Update Service." it's true, i checked.
when you're stuck on a project and you step away to rest, your brain is still chipping away at your ideas unconsciously. i like to tell people, "it's percolating." much like waiting for a pot of water to boil, that idea is still heating up, even when you take a step away. just be sure to check in on it once in a while. the time will pass, and it'll be boiling again before long. :)
before i go, i'll leave you with one last thing to keep in mind as you try all of these strategies:
be kind to yourself.
being human is just about one of the hardest things you can do. let alone being a human trying to survive capitalism while living with disabilities! the last thing you need on top of that is to overwork yourself, talk to yourself negatively, or treat yourself harshly. there are plenty of other people in the world who do that to you—don't be one of them.
i'm not saying that you shouldn't try to challenge yourself, to test your limits and go above and beyond your ambitions, if that's what you want to do. just remember that hard work and self compassion are not mutually exclusive. so be careful not to bully yourself. take pride in the progress you make, even when it seems small. encourage yourself like you would a friend who's going through a hard time. and when you challenge yourself, be your own cheerleader.
i hope you find this advice helpful! remember, this is just what helps me, so don't feel like you have to follow any of it exactly. maybe taking time to learn new information helps break you out of your rut more than working slowly, so you reach for that tool first. maybe having multiple projects going at once is too distracting for you, so you prefer to stick to one at a time. whatever your needs are, feel free to alter and adapt these ideas to fit you.
thank you for reading, and i wish you the best of luck in your creating.
with care, bee 🐦
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merchelsea · 4 months
sacrifice - lando norris
pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
summary: you and lando have a long distance relationship due to your hard work. you rarely have free time to attend to his races, the only one you actually attend every year is monaco's. you understand things will have to change when lando gets into a crash and that makes you want to be there with him at everytimes.
author’s note: i hate making myself go through this.
word count:
warnings: lets pretend lando crashed duriung the interlagos gp, not the LA one, for the sake of the plot :)
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"hey, babe!" you mumbled as you stirred from your nap. originally meant for a quick rest before the race, it turned into a marathon of sleep that spanned the entire duration of the race. checking the timing, you muttered, "shit."
"were you asleep?" he chuckled.
"yeah... I'm sorry babe. I was just trying to catch up on some sleep debt before the race. I am just tired..." you explained with a low rumble. lando always had a away of understanding things. "anyways, how did it go?"
"not so well, i am kind of glad that you didn't watch it, you would've freak out unnecessarely." he sighed
"why? what happened?" you sat up, eyes squeezed shut in alarm.
"it was nothing serious, just a crash." he reassured. the word 'crash' froze you, an unsettling feeling settling in your chest. "I'm fine now; I'm at the hospital doing some tests."
you didn't answer him and he immediately sensed your worry, it was your usual reaction whenever he had an incident. it was your own way to deal with stuff. "I'll have to stay here in brazil for some extra days. we don't want to rush things. everything is alright, but still."
"yeah, I know. how are you feeling? any pain? wasit bad? why are you at the hospital? is there anything they're worried about?" your thoughts rushed out, anxiety evident. you wished you could've been there with him, knowing how much he disliked going through hospitalization alone.
"calm down, baby. I'm fine, no pain. they gave me painkillers for my headache," he began, his voice carrying weariness and sadness. "the crash felt horrible from inside the car, but I've seen the footage, and it wasn't that bad. I don't think they're worried about anything specific, just my racing career," he added with a hint of self-deprecating humor.
"shut up. you know those jokes aren't funny, right?" you retorted, hating his tendency for such jokes. "anyways, I miss you so much. you have no idea." placing your phone on the bed, you awaited his response as you searched for your notebook.
"I know babe, I miss you like crazy too. and i won't be able to be home for some more days, as i told you. i hate it." you both sighed. "but it's okay, i'm glad you weren't here this time."
although you felt the honesty in his words, you could also know that it was pure bullshit. he wanted you to be there more that anything, and the fights you two had over the past weeks showed that clearly.
lando felt your support fading away and, as always, he talked about it with you, but there was nothing you could do, you could not just leave your work and follow him around the world.
your life had to come first. you couldn't be financially dependent. you had never wanted that for yourself.
"I love you, lando. you know that, right?"
"i know. I love you too." anuncomfortable silence lingered, more apparent to him than to you, as you were preoccupied with booking a flight to brazil. "look, I have to hang up to do some exams. I'll call you as soon as I can, yeah?"
"yeah, okay. keep me updated, for the love of god." he laughed and silently hang up.
as soon as you were able to, you called your boss, letting her aware of the whole situation, who, understandingly, granted you a week off, more than you needed. grateful, you expressed your thanks in every single way you could.
as you couldn't just fly there without someone knowing, you called lando's dad to let him know that you were going. he was thankful that his son had found someone who cared so much about him, and as so helped you through everything.
you would obviously be staying at lando's room with him, so you didn't need to worry about that, but there were things you actually needed to deal with and that's where he was an absolute angel, taking care of everything for you.
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the flight proved to be torturous; sleep eluded you, your mind consumed by worry for your boyfriend, presently hospitalized in a foreign country that held no appeal for him. the inability to communicate with him intensified your anxiety, and the endurance of such a long flight was a challenge unfamiliar to you.
the only thing keeping you focused on trying to sleep was knowing that you'd see lando soon and that you needed to be sane.
once you arrived in brazil, adam had already sent an uber to pick you up and drop you at the hotel. you were eternally grateful for him. your appreciation deepened when, upon entering the hotel, you found everything seamlessly taken care of, allowing you to reach his son without delay.
he drove you there himself, the casual conversation during the car ride centered uiquely around the topic most dear to both of you—lando's health.
every detail adam shared heightened your awareness; lando was okay, but not as well as he should be. the information failed to ease your mind, creating a lingering unease.
after reaching the hospital, the attending doctor informed you that lando was still asleep but encouraged you to enter. you opened the door to his room, and an immediate sense of tranquility washed over you. lando's peaceful slumber tugged at your heartstrings, and the sight of his features made you want to cry; you had missed him so damn much.
you took his hand, staying by his side as he slept. despite your exhaustion, the anticipation of his awakening kept sleep at bay.
lando woke up and confusedly stared at you for five minutes straight. in his head, he was trying to figure out if you were real or if his desperation had just made you up. you squeezed his hand and that seemed to clear his mind. you were in fact there.
"love?" he muttered, scared of being wrong.
"hey baby" you whispered to him, smiling softly.
"you're here? what are you doing here?" he hurriedly sat up, his expression filled with worry, like he wasn´t the one on a hospital bed.
"i'm here to see you." you extended your hand and let it travel through his face. "got the week off, couldn't leave you alone." his smile was priceless. he rushed his arms around your waist, since you were standing now, and pulled you closer to him, head in your belly.
when he told you he had missed you like crazy, he didn't define it well enough.
he locked his lips with yours as soon as he had a chance. you missed that feeling, you missed it too fucking much. you missed everything about him too fucking much, and maybe this misfortune was just what you needed to realize that something had to change. you couldn't miss him like this all the time.
it was literal hell, for the both of you.
adam entered the room after some time and, from his face, you could see he carried good news.
and you were right. "you are free to leave today, all the exams cameback with positive answers. you still have to stay in brazil, of course, a flight so long could jeopardize your health, so you'll have to stay for a bit longer, but you two can go stay at the hotel for tonight.
you and lando celebrate this little "victory" with each other and then you start talking about going home, anticipating what you'd do.
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the room was uncharacteristically quiet as he payed attention to the TV and you lost yourself in your own mind.
"I think I might quit my job." you let out with your head layed in his chest. he twists his head to look at you. "what?" he asks, clearly confused, in his head, trying to figure out where all of this was coming from.
yes, it's true that he didn't like to travel around the world every year and leave you behind, and it's also true that this past year, he felt your support fade away, but he didn't want you to leave your life in second place for him. he knew, and understood, how important for you it was to have your financial independence.
he had started to feel guilty, even though this was not his fault.
you thought and rethought about it during your flight, since it was the only thing you could do. of course you never wanted that, but you also couldn't bare the distance anymore, and his accident showed you that.
you wanted to be there, to be able to celebrate every single one of his podiums by his side and not over the phone, you wanted to be able to hold and support him whenever he needed you to do so.
six years into your relationship, neither of you envisioned it ending anytime soon. if it did, you had your savings, but for now, you craved closeness.
"seriously. i want to be with you. i think i never noticed how affected i was by your absence, but i am a lot." you admitted with a sigh. helistened intently. "I want to be able to be with you."
"are you for real?" he asked, concern in his eyes. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do that. I love you whether you're here or on the other side of the world."
"I know, lan. it's not like I would stop working. I just have to find something within my capacities that allows me to travel around the world with you. and it's not like you're going to break up with me, leaving me with nothing. I have my money."
"it's not like I'm gonna break up with you, period." he smirked. "we're a forever thing."
turning you around as if you were as light as a pillow, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I love you," you whispered against his lips.
"I love you too," he whispered back.
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meowordeath · 12 days
A/N: :3 I was inspired to make this because of another post I was reading. This is my first time publicly posting fanfiction, so let’s all keep an open mind if there are mistakes !!
Doppelganger? Francis Mosses x Reader
Warning: Angst? I think this qualifies as angst.
wc: 900+
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There is a routine, there has always been a routine. Why is today different, something is different, but what? Something feels off, but everything is in order, you’ve checked, double checked, hell you even triple checked, why does today feel… off? “Darling..?” His voice, did it always sound like that..? Did he always… look like that? He tilted his head toward you, as he slowly lifted his arms up to your shoulders. “Oh Darling. You must be tired. You’ve had a long day at work, rest, I can take care of everything else.” You sigh looking at him. His smile was warm exactly how Francis would always look at you.
“You’re right, I… I must be exhausted, nothing seems to be out of place. I’m sorry, I must look crazy.” You let out an airy laugh as you rub your face. He let out a quiet laugh, moving your hand aside and replacing it with his own. “It’s just one of those days, even if you do look loony searching the apartment.”
You lean forward, resting your forehead against his chest. When did this feeling of something off start to consume you? He didn’t move to embrace you, just letting your head rest on his chest. He slowly eases you off him, turning you around steering you toward the bedroom. “You should rest, whatever was wrong will be alright tomorrow darling.” He said softly. You nod walking to the room, he didn’t follow you.
Time felt as if it was moving extremely slow, the clock was ticking but was the time passing? Changing alone, that felt new, was Francis still wearing his Milkman attire?
The bed was cold, you hated the cold. Francis was warm, he… where was he? You just stared at the ceiling, beginning to darken as the sun had set. Left alone with your thoughts, acutely aware of every noise in yours and Francis' small apartment. Maybe an hour had passed when you heard the soft click of the front door. It’s night, where could he have gone, perhaps he wanted to smoke before bed.
You turn on your side, pretending as though Francis was there. “Today was rough, Francis.” your voice came out in a croak. Francis was facing you, laying on his side. “Mm, tell me what about it was so rough.” You sigh, rolling onto your back. “You’re why it’s rough, stupid man.” His chuckle is slightly loud, it sounds just like you remember. “Mm, really, I don’t remember doing wrong by you?”
You turned your head toward him looking into his eyes. He was still on his side, his face serene like he was madly in love with you. “You didn’t come home, how am I supposed to tend to our apartment by myself asshole.” Francis finally rolled onto his back. “Mm, I don’t know what you mean, I am home.”
You were pulled out of your daze from a click of the front door. Hastily you stand, making your way to the living room. It’s dark, you can’t see a single thing, you can see his silhouette though. Slowly you reach toward a lamp. “Don’t turn on the lights.” He spoke sharply, it wasn’t a request, it was a demand.
“Oh, darling, why aren’t you in bed.” He says exasperated. His silhouette stalks toward you. Your hand trembles, hovering right above the switch of the lamp. You make the move to turn it on lights once more. “You turn on that light, and you will die like Francis!” Your blood turned cold at what he said. “Do you want to die? Francis, sure didn't.” His voice spoke, you knew deep down, you knew this wasn’t Francis, you just were unable to come to terms with it.
His hand went over your own and you could feel a wet sensation on it. “Just go to bed darling, and nothing has to happen. We can forget about all of this.” He… It? It leaned in resting its forehead against your own. You were terrified and also mourning at the news It had told you. “Why… Why did you have to take Francis? My Francis…” You shook as you tried to hold in your grief. “Because it was easy. He delivered right to my doorstep, or well to my old identity’s doorstep. He was just supposed to be a snack, until I saw his memories. He lived in what is quite literally a temporary livestock farm for me.” It let out an excited breath, you could feel it against your face.
“I’d rather not kill you, it may give me away to the D.D.D, but if you don’t go to that fucking bedroom and go to sleep, I will.” It threatened you. You let out a sobbed, before covering your mouth. It had a tight grasp on your other one, it showed It meant it. “I can’t…” You croaked out. “You can, or you will die.” You shook your head violently, ripping your hand from his grasp, bringing them both to your face.
It sighed. “You fool, I gave you the chance to live, at least you’ll be reunited with your beloved Francis.” It says in a condescending tone. You can’t help but cry, both out of fear and anguish. “Before you die, don’t you want to gaze upon your beloved's face once more.” It clicked the light on, not even allowing you to answer. It ripped your hands from your face. You take in the bloodied sight of Francis face, you can’t help but sob once more.
“I’m so sorry Francis.”
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hope you like this :3
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Another request, hope it’s not bad.
But batbro!reader who was raised to be perfect. Who’s older than Damian bur younger than Tim. But I was thinking maybe Bruce and readers mum have split custody and his mum is very demanding, the reader doing things like music and ballet (I just love dancing bc I was a dancer) and their mum pushes them to be perfect, in that and schoolwork and belittles then if it’s not perfect.
Like they are worse than most of the family, not sleeping and always studying or pushing his body to the limits with practice.
The family is going to a dancing competition for Cassandra and the reader is performing but they don’t know, reader not getting first place and they see how his mother reacts badly, maybe belittling the reader, their reaction maybe.
Hope it makes sense, if you are uncomfortable with it dw🫶. I’ve seen so many assassin or killer ones.
Oh I hate those types of parents... Thankfully, my parents are not like this... Thanks mom and dad. Also, not a dancer so any inaccuracies are on me. Also, I don't know why this is so short???
Summary: (Y/N)'s mom is awful. Bruce finds out.
Warnings: the mom is awful, belittling, the fam is not having it and neither is the author, verbal abuse
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Standards are important in life. With the said standards you choose important things in life. Partners are one of the most important thing you need to choose by your standards, but there is no such thing as perfection. There is no such thing as being a perfect person in anything you can do.
Everyone makes mistakes.
But that's something that (Y/N)'s mother doesn't seem to understand. Both her and Bruce taught her that it's important to have standards. But they had different approaches.
(Y/N)'s mom wanted nothing more than perfection. Bruce only wanted (Y/N) to give him his best. And with sharing custody with his mother made things far more difficult for the teen. Bruce noticed how tired he was and how he looked like he was on the verge of sleeping every single time he sees (Y/N).
But the mom couldn't care less. She wanted her son to be perfect. And if he didn't achieve what she had in mind? Well, he would get grounded and shouted at.
(Y/N) didn't even want to remember all the insults she screamed at him over the years. He doesn't want to remember the fact that she was his mother. But he knew that the custody agreement wouldn't change.
They always favor the mothers rather than fathers.
The only thing where he could let go of those insults and thoughts was ballet. It was his biggest passion and it was supported by both his mother and Bruce. Bruce always tried to come on every single recital that (Y/N) had and he was always the loudest person in there.
However, (Y/N) was competing against his adopted sister Cassandra. (Y/N) didn't tell them, because his mom didn't want Bruce to know. She was often like that, trying to rob Bruce of a lot of things. (Y/N) didn't like that at all, but he couldn't go against her.
After Cassandra was finished, (Y/N) saw that he had a good competitor. He stretched behind in the wings, getting himself mentally ready.
He would really have to reach deep inside himself in order to win.
(Y/N) was happy with how he did and now they waited for the awards. Cassandra and (Y/N) knew that it would be a tight race for the first place.
One thing that he didn't expect to hear was that he got second place. He smiled, but his gut dropped. Oh no. No. Not happening. This can't be happening.
He accepted the award with a smile, but he could see him mom in the crowd. She was fuming. He looked to look at his father, who was smiling at him, showing him a thumbs up. That was a little bit comforting.
After they have finished, he changed into the normal clothes. He took a deep breath as he saw his mother.
" Second place? Do you know how you embarrassed I am? " She whispered harshly. Bruce congratulated Cassandra and then walked towards the duo.
" You are a failure. " She said and Bruce saw red. Not happening.
" (Y/N)? Please go to your brothers. " Bruce said, a tight smile on his face.
The said brothers were glaring at (Y/N)'s mother, ready to give her the piece of their mind. They welcomed (Y/N), saying that he did a good job. (Y/N) nodded, but he didn't really believe it.
Bruce was chewing his mom out and said that that he will have full custody of his son. No child of his will be berated.
" Hey (Y/N), you are going to stay with me from now on. " Bruce said, hugging his son.
" What about mom? " (Y/N) asked.
" Don't worry about her. I don't want you to go back to her. I don't want you to go through the abuse. And as soon as I can, I will file for full custody. Nobody deserves to be abused like that.
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minimoxha · 7 months
The actress (Bruce Wayne x Celebrity reader)
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Summary: You’re in Gotham for interviews, and you end up saying something on tv that interests the billionaire.
warnings: idk yet
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“We’ve all been dying to know, Who’s your celebrity crush?” The talk show host, Jackson Evans asked you while you sat on the couch waving at some of your fans in the live crowd. The question came out of nowhere really, the past questions were about your new and upcoming music and even the TV show you were starring in. A busy woman at her finest.
After thinking for a second, your mind immediately jumped to a man who had been in the media since before he coule remember. He wasn’t that much older than you but old enough to where you and a lot of the other girls in your class when you were younger had a crush on the young man— Bruce Wayne. “Actually Jackson, I did.” The crowd leaned in closer, eager to find out what you might say to the talk show host. “It was when I was younger but I liked Bruce Wayne a lot!” Unbeknownst to you, four boys and one girl watched the TV with wide gaping eyes. Every single one of them knew who you were— who didn’t? You had been in the media since you graduated college and came out with a single that took the world by storm when you were 22. Ever since, it has been you singing and acting on the occasion that has kept you famous as THE S.N. (Stage name or actor name, it could just be your name also it doesn’t matter find your own happiness <3).
“Holy shit,” Jason muttered, it was no reason why he was at the manor in the middle of the day as if Dick and he weren’t both adults but they both sat on the couch with their mouths gaped. Beside them, the three younger siblings who still lived in the house were also surprised at what was said on the TV. Sure it was a crush from probably years ago which she didn’t have anymore but it was still surprising nonetheless. “I can’t believe Bruce actually pulls attractive women.” Jason retorted, everyone laughing along with his joke. Everyone but Bruce who had walked in only enough to hear the Joke, had no context behind it.
“I attract all types of women, Jason.” Bruce retorts, making his way over to the couch. “And why am I the center of this conversation?” Instead of an answer, Dick rewinds the tv to show the most important bit of your interview. After seeing it, his eyebrow raised in wonder. You WERE pretty, and he wasn’t surprised another woman liked him he had pretty women like him all the time. But something was different about you…
After the interview, you sat in your Hotel room with your headphones in and listened to the nearest crime watches. Bring a celebrity with no Current projects for annoying really fast so you had to do something to sustain your hunger for action. That something was being a vigilante, only sometimes and only for fun. And yes, it might’ve been a bit morbid to sage people for fun but you were already rich and successful, you needed something bad to REALLY make you fit into your crowd.
Especially since you came into contact with some new superpowers a few years ago. Usually, you used your powers for your own personal things but a couple of months back, something completely snapped in you to jump to action. Quickly, you made a suit, name, and other things you needed to become a vigilante. This gave you enough time to be on the radars of a few heroes/vigilantes as your name spread throughout your city.
Tonight though, you weren’t in YOUR city. You were in Gotham for this interview, one of the most dangerous places in America and you were excited for the change of scenery. “When will we go- I’m tired of waiting.” Cece spoke in your mind. (Cece is somewhat of an alter ego? She takes over and you develop her powers but you are usually still conscious with her!)
“When something interesting decides to happen. Of course, nothing happens when I’m in Gotham but something else happens every other day of the year here.” You let out an exasperated sigh, spinning in your chair and waiting for something to come up. Your waiting goes from minutes, to an hour until
you’re about to shut your eyes and call it a night when something rings on the speaker. “Calling all units to Blue St! We have someone In all black- a woman in all black sucking things into a black hole!” The cop yelled.
A smile formed on your face as you allowed Rocky to take over and lead the both of you to blue street. However, when you got there she realized that she wasn’t alone.
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anundyingfidelity · 2 months
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Summary: After a tumultuous relationship and a hard break up, you get trapped in between your co-star and a casual one night stand. But there's nothing you regret about.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x female reader, actress!reader.
Word count: 1,076.
Warnings: implied sex like the morning-after-sex, nudity, some sexy time but no full smut, friends to lovers, language, idk just wrote this quickly.
Notes: AU where Jensen is obviously single, and reader is like 38 in my head don't asky why I like this number, I still have no idea. And I just love, and I mean, loooveeee getting obsessed with hot men over 40, can you tell?
>> disclaimer: i totally respect the private lifes of the actors and celebrities i use for my fanfictions, and of course their personal relationships. this is only fiction written for fun and nothing more.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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Opening your eyes, you stirred on the soft bed and noticed your sorroundings. This wasn't your hotel room. Your bare body hidden under the blank, messy bed sheets reminded you of yesterday's events. You smiled.
The other side of the bed was warm. His body pressing against yours felt perfect, and you wrapped your hand on his own, which was laying on your waist, like if he didn't want to let go of you. Your mind started remembering his touch on your skin, the way he would kiss every inch of your stomach, the trail of kisses he left all over you, and his love bites around your neck and chest. The burning between your thighs and the soreness let you notice it was as good as you imagined it to be, even before it happened.
"Whatcha thinking?" he asked, raspy and soft voice booming in your ears.
"Mmm... Nothing, just how great you felt last night," you teased, turning your head to see his face directly. Bare skin, disheveled hair, and tired but loving eyes met you. God, he was beautiful. He looked so fucked out in the best way possible one could describe it.
Jensen chuckled and kissed your cheek. Still, he never let go his embrace on you. He looked at you vividly for a long time, scanning every feature of your face, like he wanted to save all of you in just an instant. Your brows furrowed for a moment.
"What?" you whispered.
"We didn't fuck this up, did we?"
A sigh left your lips, your hand ran on his hair softly. You knew what he meant. You had a bad relationship and an even worse break up months before you started working together, and Jensen became a great friend as you tried to overcome it. And it was so hard not to fall for him when it felt like you knew each other for decades. He was someone you could trust your deepest secrets, pain and thoughts. A part of you did not want to cry on his shoulder for days once you got comfortable around him, nor letting him know how terrible you felt at the time. But he never judged you. He just was there, listening and offering a helping hand expecting nothing back.
But your feelings changed in the course. As months went by, an amazing, caring and loving friendship bloomed between both of you. Since the project was a long new TV series, you used to spend a huge amount of time together as your characters appeared to be in a slow building relationship. And now, the premiere was done, but the press tour barely started, so that meant you were not getting away from each other in a good time now.
"No," you finally answered. "Of course no."
"I mean, I know what you been through, and I- I don't wanna ruin anything-"
"Jensen, is fine," you cut him off. His eyes locked on yours, concern washed all over his handsome face. "I am fine with this, are you?"
"Absolutely," he said. "I always was. I mean, I liked you for a long time now," he laughed a little, making you smile. One of his hands now carressing your bare thigh, feeling the heat of your skin.
Jensen leaned down and pecked your lips softly, his lips slowly found its way to your neck, kissing and biting the flesh, exactly how he did last night. He groaned, tasting the saltiness, and you let out a soft moan as he flipped you around. You laid on your back, him on top. His tongue tracing your skin, stopping right before your breats. God, you were getting wet again.
Unlucky for you, your phone started ringing, breaking the moment and Jensen, with a disappointed look on his face, gave you the space to run and answer. By the way you were talking, he figured it was your manager, so he hid behind the covers, admiring you from afar. When you ended the phone call, you walked to him. His eyes kept lusting over your naked figure as you looked for your clothes all over the room. He sadly knew you were postponing until you had enough alone time together.
"I keep forgetting we're still on press tour," you kissed his cheek softly once you put on your underwear and grabbed your clothes to get decent to leave. "I'll be going now, sorry."
"It's fine," Jensen smiled, standing up and putting up some pants. He followed you before you crossed the door. "I'll see you later tonight then, how about dinner?" he casually asked, leaning down. "And then we could probably take care of some other things," he whispered in your ear. You bit your lip, eager to know what he had in mind.
"That'll be amazing, surprise me!"
You gave him a playful wink, and taking your purse you left his room with a wide grin on your face. You were so glad you stopped dating trainees to build a relationship with. Jensen was a self-confident, expert man, and you were more than happy to give it a shot.
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arabzian · 5 months
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Tags: sfw, fluff, reader tried to hide her pregnancy from nanami.
The positive test was right in front of you: You’re pregnant, there was no doubt about that.
Currently in the bathroom of a supermarket, you went out to buy a pregnancy test because you didn’t have your period this month and bingo: a baby was on the way.
You and Nanami had been in a relationship for a short time and last night he told you he was going to be away on a business trip. He’s been waiting for this opportunity for quite some time and if he knew you were pregnant, he was most certainly going to turn it down to stay with you and you didn’t want him to spoil that opportunity for you. It might sound absolutely crazy and irrational but you didn’t want to be a drag on Nanami’s career.
So you tried to hide your pregnancy from him. Yes, you keep the baby, but you’ll tell him later, after his trip. He was definitely going to be very angry but you didn’t want to get between him and his goals at work.
Unfortunately, your partner has a very observing nature and notice every little details. You couldn’t hide your pregnancy from him more than two days because something about you began to change. You always were on the bathroom and you were more tired and irritated than usual.
« Baby..? » Nanami came to see you in the bathroom, you were vomiting in the toilets. « Sweetheart are you okay? » he kneeled next to you and caressed your back.
« Yes i am okay » you breathed. « I ate too much earlier so I feel very nauseous » you lied.
« y/n, you were with me all day long and we didn’t eat that much, don’t lie to me. »
You became silent and you felt your face burning, you didn’t want to lie to him, he looked so worried for you, nanami is very honest and compassionate you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to his face.
You began to cry and it made your partner more worried.
« Hey, what’s happening ? » he proceeded to hug you. « Baby? Please tell me, I know there is something wrong. »
« Nanami I am so sorry, please don’t be mad at me.. »
« I would never be mad at you. I swear y/n » he cupped your cheeks in his large hand and he was looking at you in the eyes, proving that he would not be mad.
« Nanami, I am pregnant. » you cried more when you said that.
Nanami’s face collapsed, shocked and at the same time confused. He felt no anger but he just didn’t understand that you didn’t tell him.
« What? Sweetheart, since when do you know that ? »
« Two days ago, I am so sorry.. »
« Please stop crying I swear it’s okay. Why didn’t you tell me ? »
« Because you had a business trip planned and I didn’t-»
« Okay no. Listen to me » he rubbed your cheeks to wipe your tears, you looked so stressed and anxious it made his heart throb. « You are my top priority. Nothing’s above you or count more than you do. And certainly not work. I would never go on a business trip knowing that my wife is alone and pregnant. »
« But Nanami.. this is a opportunity to lift your career and-»
« Please y/n why did you think that a business trip would be more important than you? »
Your mind went blank. Actually, Nanami was your first healthy relationship so you thought that he was about to get mad at you for being pregnant and ruined his career but no. There is only you in his mind, you are his main goal and all of his project are built depending on you. He wanted a big and prosperous life for you two and he even wanted to propose to you after his business trip. Guess he has to accelerate the processus now that you are pregnant with his baby.
« I am so happy… » he breathed, kissing your hand. « y/n, I want to start a family with you. »
« Me too Nanami, sorry if it’s a bit early in our relationship… »
« Why are you apologising ? We made this baby together okay? I am going to take care of everything, I only want you to rest and be healthy. »
« Nanami.. » you felt yourself being teary again. « I am going to be so fat and irritated and sick and-»
« And I will love every single part of it. » He hugs you so warmly that you felt no more worried about anything. « I will kiss the floor where you feet lands, I will praise you so much y/n. »
Your grip on his shoulders became more intense as you felt reassured and valued. Nanami respects you and take care of you so so much, you know that now that you were pregnant he is going to be more protective of you.
« Now baby, come in the bedroom, I wanna make sure that you are really pregnant. »
And also, more handsy with you. The fact that you were pregnant turned him on so so much. Prepare yourself to have this man’s hands on you all the time and everywhere.
omg i really want him to have his little wife and family.. I am so so sad that nanami will never have this .. he would have made such a wonderful husband and dad💗💗💗
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staytinyville · 7 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: none, mentions of the previous chapters
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). Just know I am reading every single one of your comments and reblogs. I love them so much!
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You kept an eye on Jongho, who stayed quiet the entire trip back to the boys. You were glancing at him every so often, sighing when he just stared ahead. He didn’t bother to look at you, which left you a mess. 
It was way past the middle of the night by then, but the boys assured you it was not a problem. The one lantern they were using was enough to light the way. As you all pulled up to the camp, it was quiet until someone opened up their tent to take a look at what the noise was. 
“What are y'all doing back?” Hongjoong asked, walking closer to the four of you. 
“Plans changed.” Yunho sighed, pulling you off of his horse. As you walked into the camp, the others had moved to put their horses where the others were. 
San had gotten out of his tent, looking around and finding you waiting. He took notice of your tired expression, walking closer to you.
“You alright, Darling?” He asked, placing his hands on your arms. 
You tried to give him a smile, but you were too emotionally tired. “Yeah. I'm fine, San.” You told him.
“We're here if you need anything.” He continued, rubbing his hand along your sleeve.
“I know you are.” You whispered with a smile. “I appreciate it.”
“You wanna go to sleep?” San perked up, pulling you along. “You can sleep in my tent. Let's get you into some other clothes.”
You had a tired smile the whole time the man spoke to you. You allowed him to drag you into his tent, quickly moving about to find a clean shirt to give you. When he found what he needed, he handed it to you before moving back out the tent without a word. 
You were grateful for how gentlemanly they all were. They could tease you all they wanted, but they for sure knew how to respect others. It was something you found yourself admiring. They were not at all what one would dare consider criminals. At least not when you got to know them. It left a bubbly feeling in your chest to think about them at all.
When you had finished dressing, San walked back in, giving a closed eyed smile when he took you in. A blush was starting to settle on his cheeks as he enjoyed the sight of you in his clothing. 
“Thanks for the shirt.” You spoke up, moving to sit down on his bedroll. 
San watched as your shoulders dropped and you began to fidget with your fingers. He knew the tale-tell signs that you were stuck in your own head and it was making you emotional. 
“Hey, please talk to me.” San spoke up, kneeling down in front of you. “I know something's bothering you.”
Your bottom lip trembled as you tried not to cry in front of San. The man looked intimidating–seemed like he frightened just about anyone with how wide he looked. However, he was the sweetest man you had ever met. You knew he was someone who would listen to you. 
“I had a fight with my parents.” You softly told him.
“Those sometimes happen.” San scooted closer, moving to your side. 
Tears started to pool in your eyes once more, lips wobbling as you tried to speak. “Yeah, but not because they think you're a–a who-”
“You are not!” San stopped you from finishing. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, almost offended you dared to say that. “Don't ever think for one moment you are.” He shook his head. 
Your mind wandered back to earlier in the day, trying your hardest to justify what you had done. You knew that there was something wrong with what you were thinking. You were even honest with Mingi after he had kissed you. Not only that, you didn’t know which one of them you liked in a romantic sense and it left you in a dilemma. 
There was nothing wrong with liking multiple men, however in the end there was only one a woman could choose. But did you really want to pick just one of them? You were the kind of person who wanted to get to know someone before even thinking about them romantically. And you had spent enough time with some of the boys to know that you were starting to like them. 
And because of that, it made you think that your parents were right about you. Who in their right minds liked multiple boys? Who would dare to even tell them that?
“But-I kisses Mingi-” You choked out.
“What does kissing Mingi have anything to do with what you are saying?” San frowned. 
“Because I don't know what to do with my feelings for everything.” Everyone was what you wanted to tell him. However, that involved telling him that you liked them all. 
“Do you like Mingi?” San asked, looking at you as he waited for your answer. 
As you looked at him, everything seemed to flood in as you didn’t really know what to tell him. How were you supposed to answer him when he looked at you with kind eyes? He was a patient man who valued your words. You were a dead woman with how they all treated you. 
“Yes? Maybe. I don't know.” You groaned. “It's complicated.” Your shoulders dropped as you thought about what to tell him. “After he saved me, I feel like things changed.”
“Good or bad?” He tilted his head.
There was a fine line between knowing what was good and what was bad. You had your very obvious ones that made you look stupid if you didn’t think about it before. However, when it came to the feelings a human has, there were a lot of troublesome details that fell into it. 
Your feelings were your own, just as theirs were. In your head you knew it didn’t matter what others thought of it because it was what you wanted. They weren’t going to be the ones who supported you when things got tough. Perhaps your family was always going to be there, but if it was what made you happy, why would you give it up just to please them?
But they were still your family. They had taken care of you your entire life, up until that point, and will probably be the only people who knew better than anyone else. You cared deeply for their opinions, which left you with an aching heart over choosing your happiness or the safe route of staying at home.
“I can't answer that if I don't know.” You explained. “And the only reason I think that, is because I don't know if it's normal to think the way I do.”
“I'm sure you'll figure it out.” San patted your knee, humming.
You’ll figure it out? Figure out exactly what? That you were being pulled in different directions and didn’t know which one to take? You didn’t ever think that liking a man would be so troublesome. But then again, the first time you would ever like one, it just had to be multiple men. 
You had no idea what it was like to court someone, nor to have someone court you. You never really got past a first date with someone and didn’t get to experience the full thing of having someone listen to you, make you laugh, make you cry, save you. There was something about having someone do those kinds of things with you that made you regret not knowing about it sooner. 
However, thinking about it, if you had someone already there, would you have ever met the boys? They left you breathless because of how they looked at you. They didn’t make you feel like you were insufferable. It made you feel like you were on top of the world.
The problem in everything, though, lies in the fact that while you weren’t going to fall in a hole, the others were going to. What happens if in the end you could only choose one and the others are left to their devices? Were you really going to come in between them like that? You were being selfish.
“What happens when I do, though?” You sighed to yourself. “Someone is gonna get hurt either way.”
“Why would they get hurt?” 
“Because it's not normal-”
“Nobody will be normal, so long as one other person will think of you weird.” San frowned. “I still haven't found normal and honestly I wouldn't want to.” A soft smile crossed his features. 
“That would mean finding what everyone else thinks I should and should not be doing. I love what I do. And the others make it all the more better.” San turned to you. “Darling, no matter what you want in the end, we'll respect it. We'll respect you. Nobody is rushing you to find out what you want.”
You could remember Mingi had said just about the same thing. It made you wonder if they truly knew what it was you were talking about. You weren’t being completely honest and talked around the real problem. But it seemed like they knew you more than you thought. 
“Thank you, San.” You smiled, taking in his features.
“You're welcome.” His eyes closed as his lips pulled into a smile.
“Sweetheart, you're staying here?!” You and San turn to the entrance of the tent, watching Wooyoung pronounce into the space. “You look so adorable!” He cooed, eyes drifting over your body in San’s clothing. 
“The others have gotten you for far too long and I want to stay with you.” He made himself comfortable on the bedroll, pulling you down to lay next to him. “Sannie, come lay down with us.” He spoke up, calling for his friend.
You started to giggle as Wooyoung’s hands tickled you lightly, squirming away from his touch. San chuckled, scooting himself closer to both of you. “Coming, Woo.”
San and Wooyoung whispered to each other as you laid between them. They both seemed to be bickering, which caused laughs to quietly fall from your lips. They were like a married couple. Wooyoung would say something and San would try to agree no matter how stupid the boy sounded. It left a smile on your face as you drifted off to dreamland in their arms. 
You were baffled, though. There was so much you were missing in the picture–so much you didn’t know about them–that it made you worried about how much you cared about them. It was important to know the person you wanted to be with, even if in this time it wasn’t common. You knew that at one point you would need to separate yourself from them for fear of tearing them apart. 
But you wanted to be selfish just a bit more.
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki, @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory , @mommahwa1117 , @stvrfir3 , @sunnyhokyu , @cloudieclair , @araknoid , @starjoongi1117 , @chel-awingcherry ,
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demonpiratehuntress · 4 months
third time's a charm
Kaku x F!Reader
summary - he finds out you're Lucci's sister and is absolutely terrified of asking you out
warnings - none
a/n: more Kaku content because the Kaku fangirls are STARVED (i know, i am one)
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Secrets were common among the World Government's top agents. They practically lived on secrets, as their very existence was supposed to be hidden from the entire world. But amongst each other, they thought, there shouldn't have been any.
The only reason suspicion grew that there was a secret amongst them was when you spent an unusual amount of time with Lucci, something none of them had ever seen before.
And a certain square-nosed member was starting to get jealous.
Now, Kaku was by no means a jealous man. He was confident in himself, his skill, and his abilities. He had never had a reason to be jealous of anyone else. That is, until he started developing a bit of a crush on you - one that was now complete infatuation. He was usually wary of other men talking to you, but Lucci was an entirely different story.
He had been the most sought-after foreman in Water 7 after all. Almost every single woman in that town had thrown themselves at Lucci's feet, so Kaku was well aware of how attractive he was to women.
And so, naturally, his first conclusion was that you liked Lucci.
Which set him back quite a bit, if not completely.
You first noticed his change in behaviour when he couldn't look you in the eyes anymore, or when his eager and excited greetings became more of a necessary, formal "hello" and nothing else. It confused you, because he was normally so sweet and happy around you, and seeing him like this was strange. You wondered if you had done anything wrong to deserve these new, distant interactions.
That didn't seem right.
Tired of Kaku's inability to focus when you and Lucci were together in the same room as them, standing close or sitting next to one another, Khalifa decided to just rip the band-aid off and ask for the stupidly shy swordsman.
"(Name), you've been practically hanging off Lucci's arm these days. Is there something you're not telling us?"
Her question caught you off-guard, and you frowned for a moment, thinking that there actually was something you were supposed to tell them. Everyone looked at you curiously, interest piqued.
"You didn't tell them?" Lucci turned to you, raising an eyebrow.
"I...may have forgot," you laughed nervously, before turning to the rest of the group. "Lucci is my older brother."
Out of all the things Kaku expected you to say, that had been nothing close to what he thought he would hear. His eyes widened, both relief and dread filling him in that moment. He was relieved that there was no romantic connection between you two, but also...absolutely terrified about what this new detail meant for him. If he'd been nervous about confessing before, he was absolutely terrified of doing it now.
"You..." Jabra gestured towards you, then Lucci, "and you...are siblings?" He let out an obnoxious laugh. "Yeah, right. You're completely different."
Lucci rolled his eyes, exasperated, "Yes, can we move-"
"She's so much better-looking than you are!"
The room went dead silent. Kaku would have slapped Jabra himself for that inappropriate comment, knowing full well what he'd meant - and it was far from innocent. But, as Lucci's gaze travelled to Jabra's laughing form, he realised that Lucci also realised Jabra's explicit intent. And the look that he gave Jabra was a look you all knew too well.
"Dismissed," Lucci finally spoke, his eyes pinned on Jabra. "Except you, Jabra."
A million thoughts ran through Kaku's head. Was he to suffer the same fate if he just complimented you or called you pretty? And what on earth would happen to him if he decided to brave this and ask you out? Would he even live long enough to find out?
Your soft voice brought him out of his panicked mind, and he turned to see you standing there with the gentlest of smiles on your face. However, it didn't quite reach your eyes and it looked almost forced, turning Kaku's panic into concern.
"Yeah?" He breathed out, unsure if he could manage anything else.
"Can we..." You sighed. "Can we talk? I think we need to."
This made him nervous, but he nodded and followed you to somewhere quieter, anxiety bubbling in the pit of his stomach. What were you going to say? What was this about?
"Did I do something wrong?" You finally asked, looking up at him.
Kaku blinked. Wrong? No. You hadn't done anything wrong, so why were you-
"You're not the same," you cut his racing mind off. "You don't act like you used to around me." Your face seemed to fall. "I just wanted to know if I've upset you or anything, because if I have, I'm sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong, (Name)," he replied carefully, thinking of how to approach this situation.
"Then why are you different?" You asked.
"(Name)!" Lucci called from outside.
You sighed, looking down for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking right past Kaku. He had a half mind to just grab your wrist, stop you and show you exactly how he felt, but he let you go. He was afraid.
Not of you anymore, but of Lucci.
The first time Kaku finally worked up the nerve to ask you out, he was trying to mix it with an apology for his recent behaviour. He'd noticed you had also started being distant with him, and he didn't like it. So one day, he found himself standing in front of your room door, nervously clutching flowers and your favourite chocolate to his chest.
Cliche, maybe, but Kaku was completely new to this. And from what his research had told him, women liked flowers and chocolate.
You opened your door just as he was about to knock, surprise crossing your face, "Kaku?"
He swallowed thickly, about to open his mouth to say something until he heard footsteps approaching and turned, quickly hiding the gifts behind him when he made out Lucci's figure. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he shot you an apologetic look before rushing off, almost tripping in the process.
"What was that?" Lucci asked you when he stopped by you.
You watched Kaku retreat, amusement in your eyes, "I have no idea."
The second time Kaku tried to ask you out, he made sure to find a time when you weren't needed by your brother. He was so sure that this time would work, that this time he would finally tell you, but he was about to find out that it wasn't so easy.
He knocked on your room door again, and you answered with a smile.
"Kaku, come in."
He stepped inside, then saw who was with you and immediately shoved the giftwrapped box of jewellery into his pocket, his eyes going wide as he swallowed thickly.
"Kaku, what a surprise," your brother spoke, looking up. His gaze then shot to the bulge in Kaku's pocket, "Is something the matter?"
"N-no," the poor, panicked man managed to squeak out. His palms were getting sweaty again. "I'll-I'll just go." He was gone before you could protest, and you shot a glare at your smirking brother.
"He's trying to be a gentleman, you know!"
"I know. I just want to see how serious he is about dating you."
"You're horrible," you laughed, shaking your head.
"Maybe, but my sister deserves only the best."
Third time's the charm, right? That's what Kaku tells himself. Nothing can go wrong this time, he's sure. He even watched Lucci leave the building, so he would definitely not be in your room this time.
So Kaku approached your room more confidently this time, and knocked on your door with a sense of relief and satisfaction.
That changed when your bright smile nearly knocked his legs out from under him, and when your voice melted his brain along with every single thought he had.
"Hey, Kaku. Come in."
He did, and was so relieved to find that Lucci really had left. His tension eased, and he slowly sat on your bed after turning to face you. Then he held out the newly-purchased flowers and chocolates, as well as the smaller, giftwrapped box, to you.
"These are for you."
You blushed, taking them and admiring the effort, "Thank you, Kaku. This is so...this is really sweet." You felt butterflies bloom in your stomach.
He smiled, "Only the best for you."
You stilled at his words, eerily similar to Lucci's. But Kaku's were more...romantic. A different kind of feeling settled in, and your butterflies only seemed to grow as you turned to smile at your crush after setting his gifts down.
"That's even sweeter."
He took a deep breath, before standing up again, "(Name), I'm sorry for how I was behaving before...I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought...well before we found out you're related...I thought you liked Lucci." He sighed. "And then after, I thought Lucci would kill me if I tried to make a move."
You giggled at his explanation, moving closer as well, "He was just testing you these last few weeks. Overprotective as he is, he wanted to see how committed you are to me."
Kaku's heart almost stopped, "And is he...did I...?" He wasn't sure how to phrase it.
"Mhm, he's satisfied," you smiled. "That's why he's not here. He figured if you didn't try a third time, you weren't serious. But you did, so he left us alone for a bit." You moved even closer, so close that Kaku's familiar and knee-weakening scent filled your nostrils. Flustering you.
Kaku, in his relief, relaxed and gave you a warm but silly smile, "I was planning to try until he gave me a chance to be with you."
That's it. You needed to kiss this man.
You stepped forward and grabbed him by the zipper of his jacket, pulling him towards you. Forgetting he has a long nose. When it poked you in the eye, you giggled and pulled away.
"Sorry," he said quietly, his cheeks turning the cutest shade of red.
"It's okay," you smiled.
Then tried again. This time you angled your head in a way that would make it easy for you to reach his lips, and you smiled when they finally met yours. The kiss was slow, sweet, and passionate. Kaku pulled you close to him, showing his adoration for you by affectionately moulding his lips against your own. With a gentleness only Kaku owned.
"I like you too, Kaku."
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engeorged · 1 year
Aster's Maze
Follow up to Obi's Place and Santa’s Otto
Art by @badoobers
Words by @engeorged
I know it’s been over a year since I posted, but it’s been quite a journey for me. One I’m not even sure if I’m ready to talk about. The encounter with Obi changed me somehow and I’m not the same person I was. I can’t quite seem to settle anywhere for very long any more. I feel restless, and to be blunt, like I’m not quite fully present wherever I am.  My mind is always in a different place?
Let me go right back. By now, you’ve probably read about my encounter at Obi’s place. I’m not gonna lie, I was a wreck for a few days. It was like a hangover meets a sausage casing? The amount of food he’d packed in me took days to digest. I was swollen for 72 hours, not really able to do anything but sleep and go to the toilet. (I’ll spare you the details although I’m aware a few of you out there will want them you dirty bastards!!) I didn’t check my messages the whole time but after my last post, a lot of you had reached out to me. Turns out there’s quite a few of these guys around and they don’t fuck about! The pictures you all sent me were quite eye opening! (That's maybe for another post!)
The whole thing felt like a dream, but on reflection I realised it was a pretty good dream. I hate to admit it, but being able to eat that much food was quite a turn on. I tried for months to find him again and ask what he did to me. I’ve not been able to repeat it by myself, and trust me, I’ve tried. I can’t really even eat half of what he put into me. Every few weeks I would sit down in a restaurant or a buffet place and just block the afternoon out and eat as much as I could to see what would happen. Now I’m a big guy (and getting bigger!) and I could probably out eat most people if it came down to it but there’s just no way I can get as full as I did that morning. My belly is definitely increasing in size and capacity but still, without whatever magic he was using I can’t do it again. 
To cut a long story short, I ended up travelling. The few stories you sent me (that weren’t totally nuts) were fascinating, but from all over the world. I’ve been searching for trolls in Norway, piscies in the UK, dragons in china, tikoloshes in Africa. Nothing! Not a single bite. I was starting to believe that maybe it was a hallucination from being so over tired. Maybe the stripes on the road had hypnotised me as I drove or something. 
I’m currently living in Greece for a bit. I’ve pretty much run out and so I found a casual labour job on a building site in Greece. It’s a bit of a shit show to be honest,  but all I have to do is turn up and lay bricks for a few hours in the afternoon and I get paid! The extra bit of timber I’d put on means I break a sweat the second I get up, as even though it’s early autumn, here it’s still 24 degrees by midday! 
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It was coming up to lunch time on the site when I started feeling a bit faint. I realised I’d not had anything to drink for a few hours and I was super dehydrated. I grabbed my water bottle and when lifted to my lips, only a few drips came out, so I had a scan of the area and saw a guy with a cart selling gyros and beers. Usually the street food was pretty good around here so I headed over, still wearing my tight high viz vest. As I got close to the stand I started to realise how hot the guy was selling them, now I’m newly ‘out’ and so I don’t still fully know what my type is but I can tell you reader, this guy was everyone’s type. He was stacked, his arms were like ripe watermelons and as I got close I realised how huge he was. I’ve told you I’m 6’5, but this guy towered over me. He must have been 7 feet easily. His hair was everywhere and he had this crazy medallion around his neck with a symbol on it I recognised from somewhere. 
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Now, I know my story has ended up on some niche websites and blogs, so I know what you pervs are all waiting for. So here it is. His gut was potentially the hottest thing I have ever seen. It was huge. He was so tall it was practically oval. Firm and round and pushing against the buttons in his shirt. It was like he wasn’t even tempted to hide it. In fact, as I approached, he lifted his arms above his head to stretch which meant that there was a good three or four inches of furry dome poking out from underneath. He looked as stuffed as I was at Obi’s. As I got nearer I started to regret my decision to go over. I must have looked like an absolute state. I was wearing my battered work jeans and fluorescent jacket, covered in brick dust and sweat and I absolutely stank. A 280 lbs slab of man like me working in 30 degree heat is a recipe for funk, and I was dripping with it. He looked up and saw me so there was no going back, I committed and walked up trying to look cool. Something about him made me want to melt into a puddle. I said ‘Yasass’ in my best Greek accent and he replied with a bass filled ‘Hello, how can I help you’ in perfect English. His accent was vaguely British with a hint of Greek overlayed. The rumble of his voice made something shift inside me. I think I was in love. 
I ordered two beers and paid him. Lifting it to my lips, thirst took over and downed one on the spot. I didn’t really want to leave, I wanted to try and get his number or something. I downed the second beer and I could see it must have impressed him as he leant forward in his cart and offered me another. I ordered two and offered him one which he took. We stood chatting about the weather and what I was up to and as we chatted he started putting together a huge gyro full of amazing smelling meat. There was a hint of salad at the bottom but the thing was packed as tight as his shirt. He wrapped it up with his strong hands and offered it to me. I took it immediately and took a big bite, within minutes the thing had gone. It was the best tasting thing I’d ever had. When I finished I realised he’d just been watching me eat it, not saying anything. His dark eyes focussed on me making me feel very seen. He had very keen eyes that looked deep into my soul. (I know how pretentious that sounds, don't worry, but you’ll see I’m right in a minute!)
I jokingly said I could eat another one and before I’d finished my sentence he had one there in his large paw! I won’t bore you with the details because there will be a lot more later but suffice to say I ate 3 of his huge gyros. I was substantially full, my own belly was beginning to push out against my work clothes and I’m pretty sure I lost a button  I offered to pay but he wouldn’t take it. He just said he’d see me again. I went back to work on the site very full and very horny!
I stopped by for lunch every day for the next week and a half. In the evenings I discovered he owned a small but very cool restaurant bar selling the same food but with the addition of a whole selection of spirits and cocktails. It was a full two weeks before I plucked up the courage to ask him out. There was just something about him that drew me in. Reflecting back I don’t know if we actually spoke about much. Even now I know very little about him. All I remember is his huge belly, round and tight, every day staring at me. Perfection in a fursuit. I remember that he had a few piercings. The medallion round his neck had chains coming off it connecting to nipple piercings. He also had a heavy gold nose ring, which, if I wasn’t thinking with my dick, might have been a bit of a clue. I was looking out for whatever Obi was, not whatever he was. And is, I guess? 
On reflection, and with what I know now, he was strategically increasing my already substantial belly capacity for the game. (More on that later) Every meal, he would give me a little bit more food. A bag of stuffed vine leaves here, some baklava there, extra meat in the wrap, a special sauce, larger wraps. Before I knew it I was eating 6 of his gyros twice a day with whatever accompaniments he palmed off on me that day. Every evening I would spend bloated and swollen, nursing my aching stomach whilst thinking of Aster. (Oh I forgot, one thing I did get out of him was his name) I guess I should add that I didn’t twig what was happening in case that’s not obvious. I was bewitched by everything about him to the point where I didn’t realise he was testing me out for something much bigger. 
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A few weeks in I had a penny drop moment, I’d just finished my 6th evening gyro and he was making me one more to finish me off. My belly was huge, packed with the supply of food he’d been encouraging me to eat. I was wearing a now painted-on shirt and I was standing in the street at 5pm obediently stuffing myself silly with his street food. I’d gone past full a few gyros ago and it was now simply pushing and stretching my stomach more and more. The feeling of the stretch (as some of you probably know) is exquisite. I’d experienced it fully with Obi and I’d been chasing that feeling all over the world to get to that place of total engorged capacity and it dawned on me suddenly I was there again. Something about that day made me realise I'd met another one of these creatures. Aster wasn’t human. 
I swallowed down my last bite and took the next one from his massive hairy hand. I looked at him properly for maybe the first time. Looking past my own lust and attraction and I saw that he wasn’t quite ‘right’. His hair was shaped in such a way that hair didn’t really grow. His side burns were much more than a side beard and that ring in his nose was huge because his nose was so large and flat. And his belly! No human belly would ever be that size and rounded shape when it was that big. It would be sagging down over his belt, not sitting proudly on top of it defying gravity. I started eating the food he’d made me and asked him outright. ‘Who are you?’ He looked me in the eye and said with a slightly crooked grin ‘Obi said you could eat.’ 
I stood back aghast. He was one of them. I had so many questions. But before I could ask any of them he started packing up his cart. I found myself rooted to the spot while he packed away. I literally couldn’t move. As he grabbed the handles he turned to me and put his large hand on top of my distended stomach and winked. And that’s when I saw it. The little purple twinkle in his eye. With that, he was gone and I was finally able to move. The fullness I was not noticing yet hit me and I nearly sat down on the pavement where I stood but I managed to pull myself together and make it back to the site where I did very little work. He’d fed me as much as Obi had done but without me noticing. And I let him! 
I could hardly wait for opening time at the restaurant that evening.  Still full from lunch,  I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to ask him out or just demand some answers. When I saw him behind the bar, cleaning a glass with a tea towel I knew what I wanted. I marched right up to the counter but before I had a chance to speak he pulled out a single purple rose which he handed me. As I looked at him in the low light, I realised all his confidence had fallen away and he was genuinely a little nervous. Turns out he’d fallen for me too. He ended up asking me on a date. Who knew a 7 foot tall Minotaur would be such a hopeless romantic. (Yeah I just dropped that in. I didn’t know how else to say it really! It is what it is?) He told me that he finished around midnight but that he had somewhere he wanted to take me and would that be alright. I agreed, obviously! And parked myself on a table by the window to wait for him. 
Even though the restaurant was pretty busy, he found time to be quite attentive. Every hour he brought me another rose and a plate of something to eat. By the time it was midnight I had a vase full of flowers and a belly full of Greek food! Bear in mind I was stuffed from lunch and I arrived at the restaurant at 6. So do the math to work out how full I currently am. That’s important for the rest of the story! As the final customers left I watched as he whipped round the place lifting the chairs and sweeping up as fast as he could. It was kind of cute to see how keen he was. When it was all done he explained to me that he wanted to take me somewhere that was special to him, somewhere he thought I would enjoy. He looked a little sheepish but I agreed. We walked through town (slowly I might add, I was basically round at this point) as he held my hand. Not many people can make me feel small but walking around holding this giant's hand was quite humbling. At this point I think my belly was bigger than his but he was still over half a foot taller than me. Being near him calmed my stomach too. It was like I was just pleasantly full when I was near him, not dangerously packed to bursting. We chatted a little bit but we mainly walked in silence, happy in each other's company.
We arrived at a sort of park on the edge of town. There were a few ruins we walked past but we ended up at the edge of what looked like a small cave. In any other setting I would have run a mile but he has been so tender with me I just felt super safe. In the moonlight, at the edge of the cave we stood looking into each other's eyes. He slowly leant in to kiss me and I let him. As he leant back I felt myself rooted to the spot again unable to move. He started walking backwards into the cave and as the dark consumed him he winked again and beckoned me to follow him. After a minute the effects of whatever it was wore off and I was able to slowly walk into the cave. After a few steps I discovered that  it was lit all along by torches and it started to become more of a corridor. There was no sign of Aster but I carried on into the maze. As I walked I felt a little rumble in my stomach. I brushed it off as just digestion starting and kept going. After a few turns it saw a few petals in the ground. The massive softie had left me a trail to follow. 
Eventually, I came across a small recess in the wall with a little table set into it and a candle. I sat down on one of the chairs and Aster emerged from out of the darkness with two heavy cloched plates. He sat down and put the plates in front of us. He pulled the cloches off to reveal a sizeable plate of oysters. I smiled and he smiled back. I found myself inexplicably hungry and went to take my first one, but he leant over and stopped me. He picked up a large oyster and lifted it to my lips. I smiled and opened my mouth and titled my head back. If I’m totally honest I’ve never eaten oysters before but I’d seen it in films. I knew I was supposed to swallow them whole so fortunately I didn’t make a tit of myself. I don’t know if you’ve had them before but I’m not gonna lie, they taste good but they are like swallowing snot! Being fed them was hot though! Knowing I had the full attention of this slab of man was really doing it for me! He fed me a few and then sat back and I did the same for him! Watching his heavy Adam's Apple bob up and down as he swallowed was a surprising new kink I discovered in that cave! 
Suffice to say, it was like time worked differently in that cave. We’d only been there a few minutes and there were a fair few oysters on each of our plates. Maybe 3 dozen each? They didn’t really take long to eat but it felt like we were there for hours. I wasn’t counting the oysters but by the time we’d cleared the plates, my belly had advanced quite a way. Like way more than a few dozen oysters would have done. It was still tight and round but it was a lot bigger and heavier. It appeared that my tank top had ripped at the edges and so I just took it off. Even though we were underground it wasn’t cold so I was happy in just my jeans. 
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I looked at Aster and he had the biggest grin on his face. His own belly was beginning to blow out from our oyster binge. I could see even more of his substantial furry belly pushing out from his shirt. I wasn’t sure if he looked taller at that point? Everything about him was larger in some way and he was meatier and hairier too. (Yes every part of him was bigger. I won’t say more than that!) He was absentmindedly rubbing the underneath of his belly curve as he watched me readjust to my new bloated mass. His eyes were both kind and predatory at the same time. We stood there for a little while admiring one another until he winked and shimmered like Obi used to. With that he was gone and the chase was back on. I lumbered on further into the maze of tunnels, my swollen midsection slowing me down considerably. The path twisted and turned as I was led deeper in. 
I couldn’t tell you how long it was until I found him. At first, I began to hear running water and so, for want of any other clues, I followed the noise. The walls of the maze were beginning to look less constructed by human hands and more cave-like, I guess? Stone bricks giving way to actual stone. I even thought I saw a few flashes of gemstones here and there but I was more interested in my next meal. Even though I must have eaten a week's worth of food so far, I was still inexplicably hungry. I don’t know if I can describe how it felt. My insides felt packed full. Like totally solid. There was very little give to my belly. And yet I knew I wanted more. Actually I needed more. The stretched feeling I have when I’m around these guys is something I’ve never experienced before. 
Eventually, the water got louder and louder until I walked through a stone archway and found myself in a cavernous expanse. The sound of water turned out to be an underground waterfall, the water cascading down into a piercing blue lagoon. The ceiling was lit with some sort of glowing insects which were making a melodic rhythmic chirping sound. I searched around the expanse until I found him. He was sitting with his legs in the water next to a fire where he seemed to be grilling fish. It was the first time I’d seen his legs and they were indeed as you would imagine them to be. Covered in thick black hair. I couldn’t see his feet as they were in the water but I am guessing he didn’t have five toes at this point. It seemed that he was becoming more of his true self the closer we got to the centre. I made my way round and joined him sitting by the water. It was one of the most beautiful places I’d ever been. We sat there for a few moments in silence. Enjoying the beauty. I realised after a while that he was holding my hand.  He turned his attention to the fire and pulled out a perfectly grilled fish which he placed next to himself and he began to break off pieces of the succulent meat and began feeding it to me. The fish melted in my mouth. It was so succulent and tender. I ate the whole thing quickly and he brought a second fish over and put his hands back on the floor as a signal for me to feed him. I obliged, tenderly placing it into his mouth. We did this for a while until all the fish he was cooking had gone. He leant forward and I thought he was going to kiss me again but instead he plunged his hand into the water and pulled out more fish. I’m no expert but I know one of them was a Salmon, and a pretty big one at that. And I think there was a rainbow trout and something else sort of blue? We carried on eating and cooking and eating and cooking for hours. The time weirdness means I have no idea how long we were there or how many I ate at this point, but looking at the both of us we were both much bigger. I don’t know if it’s part of the atmosphere or I genuinely ate that much but there it was.  My own belly was enormous. Way bigger than I had been in the diner. His gut was spectacular. Round and hairy and now totally free from his shirt. Bear in mind he was nearly 8 feet at this point.
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He reached over and tenderly began to massage my own swollen stomach. His hands, surprisingly gentle, but firm. I closed my eyes and relaxed and basically let him do what he wanted to me. All of my senses seemed to be heightened, every little touch was like a wave of ecstasy flowing across my skin. His smell was heady, strong and potent and filling my nostrils. Eventually, I realised he’d gone but I stayed there for a little while longer. Partly because it was so beautiful but also partly because I could hardly move. 
I pulled myself to my feet, hauling my cantilevered belly up. It was still self supporting and jutting straight out from me into the air. I wished there was a mirror somewhere so I could have seen it properly. I saw an opening in the wall near the waterfall so I followed it through into a darker and more narrow part of the maze. The walls were closer than before and there were a few parts where I was worried I might not get through with my newly ballooned gut. After a while I started to smell the aromatic smell of cooking pork which made me instantly hungry again. I followed the smell and found three doors with a riddle written above it. I can’t remember the riddle but it was something about liars and guessing the way. You can probably guess that I’m not the smartest guy, I’m not dumb, but when it comes to stuff like riddles I’m out. My belly was rumbling loud at this point too so I was distracted. I decided to just listen at each of the doors. Door one I could hear a whistling noise which I reckoned was some sort of drop. Door two was a distinct growling snore. Although Aster was super stuffed I was pretty sure it wasn’t him asleep, and having met some of these guys I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a cute teddy bear behind there! I approached door three and had a listen. I could just about hear a sizzling sound and with the smell of pork I couldn’t handle it so I threw the door open. I wasn’t disappointed! 
The room was a small stone cell with a fire pit sunk in the bottom. On top of it was a decently sized pig on a spit. I couldn’t see Aster so I stepped in gingerly. The door closed behind me and as I turned it dissolved into the wall. There was no way out. I stepped into the room and looked into the shadows at the edges.  And there he was, taller than ever. As he stepped out into the light of the fire I could see he’d changed more. The first thing I noticed were the horns that had now sprouted from the top of his head. They weren’t massive but they were slightly curved and protruding from his thicker hair. The hair wasn’t just thicker on his head either. He’d now taken off his shirt and I could see the extent of it. He was pretty much covered in thick black hair all over his arms and sides. Virtually the only skin visible was across his bloated sphere of a belly. And that had a decent covering all along the bottom of the curve stretching up to a thick happy trail that snaked up to his hairy pierced pecs. The thick gold chain connects to his medallion. 
He spoke with a deep gravelly voice that I could literally feel in my feet. He told me under no circumstances was there to be any pork left before we left this place. Under any other situation I would have laughed. The pig had to be 200 lbs of meat. That would literally have taken any normal person a few weeks to eat. But here, with him, I knew right there that we would do it. I was apprehensive to think about how much my stomach would distend after that but I knew that whatever this place was it would be ok. I walked up to him and put my hands firmly on the sides of his thick belly and looked up. He looked down at me and bent his head to kiss me on the lips again. I smiled and sighed with contentment. Something special was about to happen. 
He pulled back and handed me a sharp knife, and took out one of his own and cut a slab of meat. The juices were rubbing down his arm. He pulled off the crackling and greedily began to eat it, crunching and swallowing it down. He offered me the meat and I eagerly opened my mouth to receive it. It tasted even better than it smelt and within minutes the whole slab had disappeared into me. We continued to feed one another the pork for a while, taking it in turns to slice off large chunks of flesh and sharing the delicious meat. We were soon covered in the stuff, our bellies continuing their rapid expansions. As we progressed, instead of slowing down we began to speed up. We even abandoned the knives and took to simply ripping off our next portions and guzzling down our haul. He fed me and I fed him and we ate ourselves. The boundaries of reality slipped away as we gorged on the meal together. (Yes I know that sounded a bit twatty but that’s how it felt. How many pigs have you shared with a fucking Minotaur?)
We didn’t take any breaks in our gluttony, the pig simply ended up inside both of us. I’d guess Aster ate more, simply because he is a good few feet taller than me but I didn’t notice him actually eating more. By the time the pig was reduced to bones we were both insanely swollen. My own gut was packed so big I couldn’t see anything else when I looked down. The skin tightly stretched over the vast quality of food it held inside itself. If I thought for a second about how much food I contained I’m not sure my brain could handle it. I looked like someone had slipped an air compressor up my arse and turned it on for a good half an hour. Physics had to be different in there because there was no way I’d have been able to stand up without some supernatural help. Looking at Aster, he was the same. Comically swollen, his huge abdomen surrounded by a sea of hair. The only difference between us is that you could still see some of his muscle definition.  The power and strength he contained was tangible when you looked at his animal-like frame. 
Covered in grease and bits of food we sat back admiring each other's new size. I wanna keep the story a touch modest, but he was clearly aroused by our efforts. I won’t go into details because I never kiss and tell, but fuck me he was a big boy! I’m glad there was magic in the site because after what we did next I could have ended up in hospital! 
After we had, erm, cuddled, we lay back with our heads next to one another. Our engorged stomachs stuck high into the air, solid and packed with food, unyielding in their size and volume. We stayed for a period of time and chatted about our lives. Aster clearly wasn’t wanting this to be a one off encounter. He was surprisingly affectionate and romantic for a half man half bull. He wanted to know all about me and my life and what my plans for the future were. It was such a tender moment I could have stayed there forever but Aster had one more plan up his sleeve. He pulled himself up easily and offered me a hand to help me up. I just about managed to get to my feet, helped by his superhuman strength I assume! Kissing me again he led me by the hand into the shadows where we found a new door. Fortunately, it was a double door as neither of us would have fit through anything smaller at this stage. We walked into a vast cavernous space. I didn’t think it was possible but it was even more beautiful than the underwater lagoon where we ate the fish. The glowing insects were back and this time other glowing creatures joined them. Small colourful lizards darted from rock to rock making patterns in the water that filled half the floor. Several smaller waterfalls fed this one, each framed by cascades of glowing plants with brightly shining flowers falling down.  Alongside the water was a long banqueting table covered with food. There were golden bowls and plates full of oversized fruits and bread. Huge slabs of roasted meats and wheels of cheese. At the end there appeared a large ornately decorated cornucopia which seemed to be the source of the food. Aster led me to the table and sat us both down in large oversized thrones. We’d made it to the centre of the labyrinth!
As we sat down, our swollen bellies resting on our legs I realised he had plans to carry on eating. Whatever magic was present meant I definitely felt hungry but there was no way I could physically move to get the food. I was practically pinned down underneath the sheer ridiculous size of my own belly. I was about to say this to Aster when I heard something move in the water. I looked across to see six men emerge from the water. I say men, we both know they weren’t that. If I had to guess I would say they were some sort of water nymphs? They had a pale bluey green tinge to their skin which had a faint shimmer to it as well. They were lithe and incredibly beautiful, their muscles and sinews visible underneath their skin. Their tight shorts left very little to the imagination and their eyes looked as hungry as I felt. They were here to feed us. 
I don’t know whether we were there for a few days or weeks or months. The food from the cornucopia kept coming and we kept eating. Non stop gorging, all enabled by the blue dudes. Their dexterous long fingers feeding us food and massaging our swelling bellies. We both ended up the size of trucks, our inhumanly swollen bellies stretching way past what was physically or morally possible. 
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At some point we were done and we were pushed or rolled to the edge of the water. I slipped in and sank heavily to the bottom. Whether I was magically able to breathe underwater or whether I somehow didn’t need to breathe, I’m not sure, but Aster and I were able to move freely under the water. We swam for a while through caverns and caves, snaking away from the maze. When we surfaced we found ourselves on a small island just off the coast of the town. Away from the magical influence of the labyrinth, Aster was back to his more human form and his belly was vastly reduced but still clearly swollen. I was the same, my belly was huge, but it at least was obeying the laws of physics. Again, I don’t want to make the story any more r-rated than it needs to be so let’s say we spent some time with each other there. We needed some time to digest and recover as well. 
Friends, I don’t know whether what happened was a dream or some sort of vision, but I do know I’ve gained 50lbs in a few days. I have a very definite and prominent ball belly now, which I’m not unhappy about. I also have a new boyfriend. Unlike Obi, Aster was happy to stick around, so I do know that something happened. I don’t really want to ask too many questions from Aster because I don’t really mind if it was real or not. I know he’s here and I know we ate a shit ton of food and I know he’s not going anywhere
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roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 9 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley counts down the hours until you return home. You try to dodge some appealing offers intended to lure you away from Top Gun. And then you break the news to Bradley about when your wedding will be.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, and swearing
Length: 3200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley was up early on Thursday morning, but he had to keep himself from texting you right away. The last thing he wanted was to cause a distraction. It was your big day. You'd worked hard for it. He wanted to give you plenty of space. 
He didn't like taking the back seat, but he knew now that sometimes it was necessary. Especially since you told him you understood now why he hit Josh back in June. 
He'd hit that asshole in the face a million more times if he had to. Thank goodness Jake got through to you about it, because Bradley wasn't going to back down.
"Shit!" he growled when he spilled coffee down the front of his flight suit. He was tired and cranky and unfocused without you at home, and even Tramp was giving him a weird look. "Mommy will be home in two days. We'll both feel better then."
Bradley mopped up the mess, and when he made his way out to your shitty car, he was surprised to find the sky looked like rain. You loved the rare rainy day in San Diego, and Bradley really wished it would hold off until you were home this weekend. Just thinking about a rainy Sunday at home with you was too much. Bradley could practically feel the luxury of your body against his, the cool sheets rubbing his legs as he listened to you sighing his name. He could almost feel your weight on his lap while you fed him Marry Me Rooster, the sound of the rain becoming your playlist. 
"Pussy whipped," he muttered, wrenching the driver's door open and ducking down into the car just as the rain started coming down. He gently slid the key into the ignition, but nothing happened when he turned it. "Come on," he groaned. The car had given him an issue every single day this week. He tried to crank it again. Nothing. "You're joking."
Dead battery. Okay, he could deal with a dead battery. He ran through the rain to the elderly neighbors' house and knocked on their door. They were sweet, and Bradley always pulled their weeds for them, so of course they would let him use their car to jump your battery. 
So he pulled their Buick into the driveway next to yours, and within a few minutes, he had your car up and running. 
But after returning their car and running back through the rain, he was soaked to his compression shorts. "Son of a bitch!" he growled, dashing back inside to change into a dry flight suit. He could still be on time if he left immediately, so he didn't bother drying off his hair.
He ran back out to the driveway and made it to his scheduled simulation with one minute to spare. 
"I am so impressed by you, Lieutenant," your boss told you while he helped you test the equipment that would be used during the presentation. You had about an hour until showtime, and you were more excited than nervous.
"Thank you, sir. I love what I'm working on right now. Please keep me in your lab forever."
Bickel chuckled and lined everything up behind the podium for you. "I'll be happy to have you as long as you want to stay. But I wouldn't be surprised if a more enticing opportunity comes your way. Something might even lure you back to Annapolis permanently."  
You pictured the Craftsman, and your backyard with Tramp running around. You pictured your car parked next to the Bronco in the driveway. You pictured your pretty kitchen, and the piano next to the sliding glass door. You pictured Bradley, cracking up and kissing your neck while you made dinner.
"No way. I'm set on Top Gun, sir."
"Well then, we'll keep you. And I'm going to submit paperwork for your next rank promotion come the January cycle."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you tried to speak, but he quickly added, "Assuming you don't blow this presentation. Which I know you won't. Now, let's get started."
You texted Bradley to let him know you would be shutting your phone off shortly, but you got an immediate response that made you smile. 
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw <3 <3 <3: I miss you too much. I'm counting down the minutes until I can pick you up on Saturday. Good luck. You're amazing. 
He was sweet. He was always so sweet to you. And he was probably having a lovely week without you, but still wanted you to feel missed. 
"They are about to introduce us, and then it's time to shine. Make me look good," Bickel told everyone. You made sure your hair was still in its bun, straightened your uniform pins, and then strode out to the front of the room to the polite applause. 
There were several hundred in attendance to hear all about the work that was done in your lab, most of which you had directly contributed to. So you breezed through everything, barely needing to consult your notes. And when it was time to take questions at the end, nearly everyone in your group was smiling. 
"How does your work relate to the portion of the pentagon budget used for the un-manned aircrafts?" asked a Commander who was seated near the front with a sour smirk on his face. "Or are you unaware of that competing research?"
You adjusted the microphone clipped to your shirt and thought about Bradley, Phoenix, Jake, Bob and Payback. You thought about Fanboy and Coyote and Maverick. 
"Our work is not related to the un-manned projects in any way, sir. Simply because we don't believe in naval aviation without naval aviators. That way of thinking is misguided and misinformed. And I'll be happy to explain it to you."
Bradley almost never had headaches. But he had one today. You'd apparently only had time to send him a thumbs up letting him know everything went well. He hoped you'd been swallowed up by a sea of admirals asking about your work. 
He also hoped your car would make it to the mechanic for him to switch it with the Bronco. He'd needed to have Nat help him jump your shit car again after work, but luckily he had a voicemail message letting him know that the Bronco was ready to be picked up. So he was planning on switching them and praying the prognosis would be that your car was not repairable. 
But as he crossed the bay bridge, Bradley could already hear you complaining that the car never ever gave you any issues, so it must just be him. He rolled his eyes so hard as he drove slowly through the pouring rain, nearing the far end of the bridge when the car stalled out. 
"What the fuck," he gasped, trying to pump the brakes and restart the engine. "A fucking death trap!"
Bradley guided the careening car to as safe a stop as he could manage, nudging the front end against the guide rail off the side of the road at the end of the bridge. He saw his phone lighting up on the passenger seat. You were calling him, most likely on your way back to your room after dinner. 
"Baby Girl," he said as calmly as he could when he answered, but his nerves were shot. 
"Roo! I've had the most wonderful day! Do you have a minute?"
He glanced around at the traffic that continued to drive past him through the rain, and all around the interior of your stalled out car. "Sure do, Sweetheart. All the time in the world, since I've got nothing else to do today except push your piece of shit car off the side of the goddamn bay bridge!"
"What happened?" you demanded. "You promised you'd be nice to it!"
"I was nice to it. It was not nice to me."
"I told you it gets finicky in reverse!" you reminded him. 
How reverse gear was supposed to help him drive across the bridge was beyond his comprehension at the moment, so he just took a calming breath and said, "Everything is fine here. Please, tell me about your day, Sweetheart."
You squealed. "Well I just got back to my room, and I spilled cocktail sauce on my dress at dinner, which was very annoying. But Sonya had a Tide to go pen in her bag, which was really helpful. But anyway, I nailed the presentation, Bradley. Like absolutely destroyed it! I even shut down an obnoxious officer when I took questions. I just wish you could have been there!"
"I'm proud of you, Baby Girl. And tomorrow night is the dinner you've been looking forward to."
"Yes! And then I get to come home to you and rest and relax! And I have a treat for you that I think you're going to love."
"You got me a treat?" he asked, picturing some new lingerie in his future. "Can I get one for you too then? How mad would you be if I bought you a new car?"
"You're being dramatic. I'm sure whatever you did to hurt my car's feelings will be remedied as soon as I get back."
He once again glanced around at the dead car. "Great idea. Just come back to me, and honestly everything will be better, okay?"
"I love you. I'll see you on Saturday, sexy." You hung up without another word, leaving Bradley to once again check under your hood in the pouring rain. 
"I hate you. I hope you know that," he told the car before pounding his fist repeatedly on the steering wheel.
Your green wool dress was the perfect thing to wear to dinner with the admirals in October in Maryland. You were feeling great. You rocked your presentation. Josh could go fuck himself. And you looked like a million bucks as you took a cab with your boss to a swanky restaurant. 
"So, how are your wedding plans coming along?" Bickel asked you, and you suddenly felt like you wished you could tell him more about it than just confetti cake. The funny thing was, he was there that first day you ever met Bradley, and really, he had been around for your entire relationship. 
"Coming along. Bradley has been really patient with my work, and once I get home, we're really going to nail down our plans. But something small, nothing crazy."
"Evelyn and I just eloped. Save yourselves some time and money," he recommended with a smile as he helped you out of the cab. 
The restaurant was lovely, and the dinner ended up being perfect. And by the dessert course, Admiral Jennings was probing you to see if you'd ever consider Annapolis for your career.
You'd had a glass of champagne and a few cocktails, and everyone was really enjoying themselves, but you just shook your head. "Honestly? Probably not, Admiral. I love Top Gun aviation. I don't know that I would find the same niche at the Naval Academy, even though your labs are impressive."
She just nodded at you and said, "You'll keep my number on hand? If you change your mind? Your presentation was excellent, and I would love to steal you from North Island if you ever wanted to leave."
You laughed and said, "Never say never. But I plan on taking over his lab someday."
Bickel pretended to glare at you, but you knew he really wanted the best for your career. 
When you eventually got back to your room in the barracks, you called Bradley since it was three hours earlier back home. 
He answered after one ring. "Baby Girl."
"Roo," you sighed, and he groaned in response. 
"We miss you too much. Flight lands at two? I'll be at the airport by one just in case."
"How do you manage to be deployed and not miss me?" you asked, tossing your dirty clothes into your suitcase and packing up your things.
"I miss you the entire time I'm deployed. It's just maybe a little easier to get through the day when I know there's no way I can communicate with you."
"That makes sense," you told him, stripping off your dress and admiring your tattoo in the mirror. "Are you excited about your treat?"
You heard him moan softly. "Is it something lacy that you can wear when we make another video?" he rasped, and you actually had to squeeze your thighs together.
"No.... but it could be combined with something that is," you replied, making sure you had a cute pair of clean underwear left for the morning. "Would you like that?"
"Absolutely, Sweetheart. I can't wait for my treat. And you."
When you ended the call, you spread some ointment on your tattoo and pulled on Bradley's UVA shirt for bed. You could shower and finish packing in the morning.
Your six hour flight was the only thing between you and Bradley at the moment, so you were anxious to take off. You settled into your window seat with the rest of your lab team across the aisle from you. You stretched out in your leggins and Bradley's huge UVA sweatshirt when you noticed newlyweds in matching Just Married shirts walk past. You smiled at them as you checked the time on your phone. 
Your lock screen was a picture of you and Bradey in front of the Bronco outside the Hard Deck. Phoenix had taken the picture, so of course you and Bradley were both mid-laugh because of whatever she had just said. The sun was setting in the background, and the San Diego sky had that magical, saturated look where every color was represented.
"Perfect for a wedding," you muttered, putting your earbuds in and selecting a playlist as the plane started to taxi. 
What did you even want for your wedding? Your dress was with you in a garment bag. You already had Carole's veil. You'd need pretty underwear and some shoes; you could remedy that in a day. Bradley could wear anything he wanted, you didn't care. Confetti cake was a done deal. You'd have so few wedding guests to invite, you could probably get away with a simple catering menu. 
Just that pretty sky in the background would be enough. 
You checked your phone calendar. Maybe November could work after all? You'd immediately loved the idea of having the same anniversary month as your parents and Bradley's parents. Your heart was beating a little faster as you considered it. 
Your parents would be out for Thanksgiving. You'd only have six weeks or so to make it all happen, but now that you could picture it all in your mind, you wanted it. And you wanted it next month. It would be perfect.
Bradley arrived at the airport an hour early. He managed to snag an empty bench near baggage claim, and then he continued with his research. He had about twenty tabs open in his browser, each one with information for a Hawaiian honeymoon. 
He had eliminated a few hotels already. Nothing seemed good enough for you, but he had found a few with nice perks. Like one with a private pool and hot tub. And another one with private bungalows where he figured you could get nice and loud. A butler to deliver room service so the two of you could stay in bed all day? Sounded like a necessity to him. 
God these places were expensive. But he just smirked, because you hadn't mentioned a budget, and he wasn't about to bring it up. 
A text from you popped up letting him know your flight had landed. He wanted to hold you in the worst way. He also had to break it to you that your car was in the shop with a plethora of issues. He didn't know if he should tell you that before or after he got you home, because you would definitely notice that it was missing from the driveway. 
When he heard the announcement for your flight, he made his way to baggage carousel F and waited. Finally he saw you weaving through people as you smiled at him. You were the most stunning woman he had ever seen in his life, and you were his. In fact, you were wearing his sweatshirt and now running towards him. 
"Roo!" Your voice made the biggest smile break out on his face as you dropped everything you were holding and let him scoop you up.
"I missed you, Baby Girl," he said just as your lips found his. Your kisses were gentle yet needy as you threaded your fingers through his hair. 
He held your hips while you wrapped your legs around him. "Is this what it feels like when you get back from a deployment, Roo? Because I feel like I've missed everything about you, every inch of you, and it's only been a week."
He rubbed his nose softly against your cheek and nipped at your lips. "That's exactly how it feels. Like nothing has ever felt as good as holding you."
You whimpered softly, and he kissed you harder until he heard the carousel start up. As you eased down his body until you were standing flush against him, looking up at him, he stroked your perfect cheek with his thumb. "Sweetheart, how did you come back with more bags than you left with?"
Bradley watched you nudge the thick garment bag with your toe as you casually shrugged. "Oh, this? In the garment bag? That's just my wedding dress."
His heart was pounding, and he was speechless. He tried several times to formulate actual words, but you just smiled and kissed his Adam's apple. "Cat got your tongue?" you asked softly as he held you tight. 
He swallowed a few times before he managed to ask, "You bought your wedding dress this week?" 
"Mmhmm. Well, my mom did. But that's it, right inside the bag. Texted photos to Nat and Maria, and they approved it as well."
Your tone was so relaxed, merely speaking facts to him, but Bradley could barely handle this information. "That's the dress? You're going to marry me in that dress?" he asked, pointing at the plain black bag as his feet. When you nodded, he scooped it up like it was sacred and hung it over his arm. "Don't leave it on the floor!"
You just laughed and pointed out your suitcase and one of your huge plastic tubs. 
Bradley gathered all of your equipment and your suitcase, but he refused to let go of your dress bag. 
"Can I see it?" he asked softly as you raised the handle on your suitcase. 
"Absolutely not, Bradley! Not until the end of next month," you said with the cutest grin as he laid your dress bag across the bins and picked them up.
He was afraid to ask. He didn't think his brain could handle any more information. But the smile on your face was goading him, and he wanted to know everything that was going on inside your mind at the moment. 
"What's at the end of next month, Sweetheart?" he asked as you took a small step away from him, wheeling your suitcase behind you. 
You turned back to look at him over your shoulder, that same perfect smile adorning your lips. "Our wedding."
She went and did it, made all his dreams come true. And he hasn't even seen his treat yet....that will be in the next chapter, promise.
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Step 3 : Don't Spend Time Alone (L.MH)
Word Count : 4.5k
Warnings : swearing, food mention, brief mention of alcohol, mention of a breakup, y/n is an idiot
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She stared at the table set for two in front of her, Minho’s words slowly processing in her mind. The candle burned slowly, the ice in the bucket holding the champagne began to melt, but they both just stood staring at each other.
            After months of her inviting other people to all the plans he made for just them two, he finally had her alone. He had to trick her, lie to her, to get her here alone, but he knew it would be worth it. He knew she would forgive him once she realized what this was.
            She had tried so hard not to feel the feelings bubbling in her chest. Tried to avoid the inevitable fall. Tried to change the trajectory of her life, of where her heart would land. Hoping that avoiding being with him alone would help her heart remember that he was her best friend, nothing more.
            But his affection still came in the form of gentle touches and heartfelt compliments whispered in her ear. Smiles meant just for her, his eyes following her every move. It gave her hope, hope she would crush with her own insecurities.
            She tried to brush it off as the heartbreak she was feeling in the form of a break up she never saw coming.
            “He broke up with me.” Her voice was tired and broken. Minho immediately took her into his arms, holding her as close as he could, telling her to let it all out. Whispering soft reminders to breathe when he could tell it was becoming too much. In between sobs, she explained what happened in broken sentences only Minho would understand. “No reason. Just bye.”
            Minho had trusted Seonghwa, befriended Seonghwa. He had introduced Seonghwa to his best friend, played wingman. He was in love with her, but he still set her up with someone else. Someone he trusted to care for her, to keep her heart safe. And now here she was, almost two years later, sobbing in his arms.
            Seonghwa had been acting off, he remembered her mentioning a week previous. But Minho chalked it up to him getting ready to propose, Seonghwa asking for his help in picking out the perfect ring.
            He had waited for the excited phone call from his best friend, the millions of pictures of the ring, but it never came. An apology text from Seonghwa came seconds before she burst into his apartment, leading them to where they are now; standing near the door, holding each other as if the other would disappear once they let go.
            He wondered what had Seonghwa changing his mind so drastically. From wanting to spend the rest of his life with her, to not wanting to be with her at all. But a part of him was happy. Not at the sight of his best friend’s tears, or the sound of her choked sobs and incoherent sentences. But at the second chance he was gifted.
            “Are we just going to stare at each other all night, or are we actually going to eat?” Minho had broken the silence, teasing her just like he always did. As if nothing had changed, as if fancy candlelit dinners were apart of their everyday life. “I know that I’m handsome, but I really am hungry.”
            She had to be going insane. Hallucinating or dreaming, she wasn’t sure. But this couldn’t be real. She spent so long avoiding this, finding comfort in their other friends, inviting them to every single outing she had with Minho. And still, she ends up alone with him, romance surrounding them, drowning them, suffocating her with the scent of the candle. And she dread the moment this would all be taken away with his words of friendship.
            “Please come with us!” She pleaded with Felix, giving him her best puppy dog eyes, hoping he was similar to Minho in the way he couldn’t say no when she pouted. Minho had planned a trip to Lotte World for the two of them, and she had quickly agreed to it, but as the day inched closer, she began to regret ever saying yes.
            He was her best friend, had been for as long as she could remember. Their childhood was spent attached to each other’s hip, barely seen without each other. They slowly drifted apart as they got older, but never for too long. New friends, new interests, significant others. They had been through it all together, life was ever changing, but the one constant was each other.
            That’s why when she realized her heart beat a little faster around Minho, realized she dressed a little better when they were hanging out, realizing she wanted him to see her in a different light, she tried to do everything she could to stop it. Minho was her lifelong friend, someone that has been by her side longer than anyone else and losing him would be like losing apart of herself.
            “I’m pretty sure he meant for the trip to just be the two of you, Y/n.” Felix sighed, removing her hands from his arms. He knew why she was acting like this, desperately trying not to spend time with Minho alone, but he also knew that Minho would get fed up quite quickly if their plans were always changed to group outings.
            “But who could say no to a group trip to Lotte World?!” It was hard to say no to Y/n, that was one thing al the boys quickly learned. They would tease Minho for giving into her so easily, but they all did it too. She made good points to bring you to her side, would look up at you with these eyes that just screamed adorable, and it had all eight of them giving in every single time.
            “You know he’s going to get fed up one of these days.”
            “He won’t. He loves hanging out with his friends.” Felix had wondered how she could be so blind to Minho’s feelings. He gave her the benefit of the doubt at first, seeing how smitten she was with her now ex boyfriend, but Seonghwa wasn’t around anymore. And Minho was still just as obvious.
            “Fine. But this is the last time. You’re going to have to talk to him eventually.” They both knew it wasn’t the last time. She asks them to jump, they all ask how high.
            “I figured a group trip would be more fun!” She exclaimed when their other friends met them at the entrance. The boys could see the clear disappointment on Minho’s face, but he just smile at her.
            “I was actually thinking about that. The more the merrier and all that.” Jisung had to hold back a laugh at the sad attempt Minho had made to make it seem like this is what he wanted the whole time. Hyunjin had quickly clamped a hand over his mouth, telling him to be quiet as they nine of them headed in.
            “We’ll try to sneak off and give you two some alone time.” Chan whispered into Minho’s ear, but Minho just shook his head.
            “If she wanted to be with me, she wouldn’t have invited you all out. So don’t worry about it.” Minho had the entire day planned. What ride to go on when, what food to get, taking pictures in matching headbands, and finally a confession.
            He stuffed his hands into his pockets, his fingers coming into contact with the rectangular box he was going to use for his confession. The necklace he had bought so long ago, the one that reminded him of her every single time he looked at it, lay inside, not to see the light of day. Again. Minho would just mark this as another failed confession.
            That same necklace was hidden away in its box that sat on the table. He had been trying for months to confess to her, planning elaborate dates he knew she always wanted to go on. Date ideas he had given Seonghwa while the two were together, but he had not used one.
            Lotte World, picnics, aquariums. He even took her on a weekend road trip and took her on a hike where they found a secluded waterfall. It would have been absolutely perfect had it not been for Changbin and Hyunjin tagging along. They took a separate car, leaving Minho alone with her for the drive, but she had spent the drive on facetime with Hyunjin so no one would miss out on anything.
            “There aren’t enough chairs for everyone.” She finally spoke, her voice a lot softer than she had intended. Minho would find her obliviousness annoying if she wasn’t so cute.
            “No one else is coming.” He admitted. “Please just sit down so we can eat. I worked really hard on this.” This was his final attempt. One last try before he gave up. A homecooked meal surrounded with romance. A candle lit in the center of the table, flower petals leading from the doorway to the table. He had debated adding a heart in flower petals on the floor around the table, but he thought that was too much, but now he’s thinking it might have been the one piece missing.
            “But you said-“
            “I lied! I lied so you wouldn’t invite them so I could finally get you alone. Don’t get me wrong, I adore our friends, but it’s been months since I’ve had you to myself and honestly, I’m going insane.” He took a deep breath before he continued. “If you don’t like me, just say that! You don’t need to invite our friends to all our outings as a way to soften the blow. I’m a big boy, I can handle rejection.”
            “What?” Minho looked up at her, his eyes softening when he saw the confusion in her eyes.
            “I’m in love with you and I’ve been trying to tell you for months.” She was stunned, her mouth going dry. She was sure now that this was a dream, convinced that this wasn’t happening, she wasn’t this lucky.
            “What?” Minho chuckled, shaking his head. She’s so cute, he thought to himself. How could one person be so cute?
            “I kept asking you out, but the group of dumbasses kept showing up.” He loved his friends, he did, and they knew he did, but they also knew Y/n wasn’t just a friend. She wasn’t just a best friend to him, and they knew he had been trying to tell her, but she’s so convincing when she wants to be.
            “So Lotte World-“
            “A date.”
            “The aquarium?”
            Minho was pacing at the entrance, his fingers fiddling with the box inside his pocket. He was going over what he was going to say in his mind, the words he wanted to say, the feelings he wanted to convey. And when he saw her approaching him, wearing a simple sundress, the most beautiful smile on her face, everything fell into place.
            He knew exactly what he was going to say, the words coming to him like the lyrics of his favourite song. In the tunnel, he was going to grab her hands, tell her everything he’s held back. The love he masked with friendship. “You look beautiful.” He was awestruck as he took in all of her.
            “Well thanks Minho. You don’t look too shabby yourself.” Record scratch. Glass shattering. He turned to see Jisung standing beside Y/n, a teasing smile on his face. Beside Jisung was Seungmin who looked like he was dragged here against his will.
            “I was with Jisung and Seungmin earlier so I figured I’d invite them. That’s okay with you, right?” She was in fact not with Jisung or Seungmin earlier that day. She had called Seungmin in a panic, talking a millions words a second as she went over thousands of excuses to cancel. Seungmin was with Jisung and they agreed to go with her if it made her feel more comfortable, despite both of them knowing Minho’s well thought out plan.
            Minho would just have to try again. “Of course.”
            “All the picnics?”
            It almost became a tradition with how often he invited her out for a picnic on the nicest day of the week. The other ideas were draining his wallet, not that he minded. He would spend his last cent on her if it meant finally getting out of this limbo of friendship and relationship.
            The others kept showing up, having been invited each time by Y/n herself. But he thought that since they were popular spots of friends as well as couples she figured it was meant to be another group hang out. But picnics? Those were romantic. They screamed date. And yet, the others would still show up.
            But he kept trying, hoping she would get the hint. The way he only asked her, insinuating that it would be just the two of them. The way each picnic was filled with only her favourite foods, enough for only two.
            This would be the time, he thought to himself. She will show up alone and see how romantically he had set up this picnic, and he will finally confess, placing the necklace he’s been carrying around for months around her neck, where it belonged.
            He double checked the set up as it neared the time she was meant to show up. The blanket laid out under a tree, the basket in the center showcasing all her favourites. He splurged this time, buying her favourite cake on his way. And the necklace was in his sweater pocket that he only brought to let her wear when the slight breeze made her shiver. He would let her find the necklace herself and when she did, he would confess.
            It was perfect, he thought. Straight out of a romance novel, one that she read from time to time, swooning at how sweet the main character is to the girl. How she wished someone would go to the efforts he did for her. Today she would finally see that Minho would. He would do anything to make her happy.
            But then he heard the familiar laughter of the maknae and his heart sank. Was she actually this oblivious or was she trying to reject him? He would have to try again.
            “Dates.” He chuckled.
            “The road trip?”
            He had the entire weekend planned, knew exactly where to go after spending week after week looking for the perfect place when he finally stumbled upon a hiking trail leading to a secluded waterfall. Almost as if it was straight out of a fairytale. It would be the perfect place to confess.
            He waited outside her apartment in his car, smiling to himself as he thought of the fact that he finally had her to himself. All it took was a road trip to a destination only he knew, though she didn’t have to know it wasn’t spontaneous.
            When the door opened and he saw her struggling with her bags, he jumped into action, exiting the car, and rushing to her side. “We’re only leaving for the weekend, how much did you pack?” He teased, taking all the bags from her.
            “A lot can happen in one weekend, Minho.” She explained before sticking her tongue out at him. He knew a lot could happen, a lot could change. And he was hoping it would. Hoping they’d leave as friends but return as a couple.
            “Yeah.” He agreed with a small smile. A smile that quickly disappeared when a car pulled up behind his, two familiar faces greeting him as they stepped out.
            “Looks like we’re just on time.” Changin said at the same time Hyunjin spoke.
            “Did you pack your entire apartment?”
            “A lot can happen in one weekend, Hyunjin!” She called back, sticking her tongue out just as she did with Minho minutes previous. He truly was just a friend to her, he noticed. She didn’t treat him any differently than the others, and that hurt just a little.
            But he remembered that she treated Seonghwa as a friend despite harboring romantic feelings for him, hoping he wouldn’t catch on. Remembered she was just as oblivious to Seonghwa’s feelings as she was to his own. And it’s what kept him going.
            “Follow close so you don’t get lost.” Minho said as he closed the trunk after placing her bags with his. “Would be such a shame if you were to get lost.” Changbin and Hyunjin could hear the sarcasm, hear the way he emphasized the get lost, but Y/n was clueless, smiling as she got into the passenger seat of Minho’s car.
            They had been driving for hours, sunset was closing in, and Minho was getting more and more annoyed at the two boys trailing them. Changbin had really meant to get lost on purpose, taking a wrong turn, or missing a turn, giving Minho the alone time he so desired, but Y/n and Hyunjin were on facetime together, and every time Changbin would fuck up the directions, Y/n would make Minho pull over as she directed them to their location.
            Eventually they pulled into a parking lot for a motel, all agreeing it was time for a rest. Minho knew the trail was walking distance from this motel. He still had a chance to see the waterfall with her, confess to her, but he’d have to be sneaky about it.
            “I saw a hiking trail not too far back. We should walk it in the morning.” Changbin mentioned as they walked to the office. Minho just sighed as Y/n agreed with a smile, and Changbin could tell he fucked up by the defeated look on Minho’s face.
            “We should probably get two rooms.” Hyunjin said. “I’ll room with Changbin since I’m riding with him.” Maybe it wasn’t the romantic waterfall Minho wanted to confess by, but he’s sure he could figure something out and confess before morning. He had the necklace, which was the most important part of his confession.
            “I’ll talk to Hyunjin, and we can pretend to sleep in so you can take Y/n on the trail just the two of you.” Changbin whispered to Minho. But Minho shook his head, telling him it was fine. She would find a way to get the two to join them regardless, either by waking them up herself, or convincing Minho to wait for them. “You know it doesn’t have to be special, right? She’ll love it no matter what.”
            He’s right. Minho knows that he’s right. Knows that he could just spring it on her in the moment, speaking from the heart without stopping, and she would find that just as romantic as all his failed plans. But he wanted it to be a moment to remember. Something they’ll look back on years from now, a story to tell their kids. If she accepts. That wasn't guaranteed, but Minho was hopeful.
            “We should probably sleep early so we can be well rested for the hike tomorrow.” Y/n smiled as her and Minho entered their room. “I’ll take the couch.”
            “Y/n, we’ve shared beds before. Just sleep in the bed with me.” Before. Before she felt butterflies when he looked at her a little too long. Before she felt her heart speed up every time she was with him. Before she realized that the reason Seonghwa had broken up with her was because he knew she could never love him the way she loved Minho.
            But she agreed nonetheless, not wanting to explain to Minho that the thought of sharing a bed with him made her nervous. How was she to explain that all she wanted was to curl into him and kiss him goodnight before falling into dreamland?
            The next morning came quicker than Minho would have liked. Sometime within the night, Y/n had wrapped herself around him, her head in his chest, one of her legs draped across his body, and her hands pressed against his body. He was woken up by this action, his heart speeding up as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her as close as he could.
            And he wanted to stay like that a little longer. Wanted to feel her this close for as long as he could, scared it would be the last time he could hold her. But she had woken up, apologized for being so close, and rushed into the bathroom.
            Her heart was pounding so hard she had to splash cold water on her face just to calm down. She didn’t allow herself to think about how it was the best sleep she’s had in years. Or that Minho was already awake by the time she woke up, running his fingers through her hair as he studied her. If she thought too much about it, she’d delude herself into thinking that Minho was in love with her. And that would just break her heart.
            “Okay listen. There’s a waterfall at the end of this trail that I want to confess to her at. So I’m going to need you two to fall behind and take your fucking time.”
            “You got it, boss.”
            “Okay I got water for everyone. Remember to stay hydrated. It’s supposed to be a hot one today.” Y/n said as she handed a bottle to everyone. Minho smiled as he looked at her, Changbin and Hyunjin exchanged looks as they saw the complete 180 Minho did, and they just hoped his plan would work so the pining would stop.
            “We should wait for them to catch up.” Y/n said as they neared the end of the trail. They were so close yet so far, Minho thought to himself. Just a little further.
            “We can wait for them at the end. No point waiting here when they’ll just fall behind again.” She looked up at him before looking behind them, still not seeing either of the boys, so she agreed.
            Changbin and Hyunjin were hidden behind a tree as they waited for the two of them to continue ahead. They knew the end was close, so they agreed to just wait behind this tree for at least fifteen minutes before slowly making their way to the end, hoping that would leave Minho enough time to say his long awaited confession.
            “Why is he trying so hard anyway?” Hyunjin asked.
            “Because it’s Y/n.”
            “It’s so pretty!” Y/n exclaimed once they made it to the end. “Definitely worth the hike.” Minho looked at her, watching the way she stared at the waterfall, a wide smile on her face, eyes flitting across the view that had Minho thinking of her when he first saw it.
            “Breathtaking.” He whispered, his eyes not moving from her. She was his prettiest view after all. “Y/n, I have to tell you something.” She turned to face him, reassuring him he could tell her anything when she noticed he was nervous. His hand wrapped around the box in his pocket as he took a deep breath. “You know you’re my best friend but-“
            “Whew what a view!” Changbin exclaimed as him and Hyunjin approached the couple. And he knew immediately they fucked up by the look on Minho’s face. “We’re tired though, so we’re going to head back first.”
            “Let’s all head back. I’m getting hungry anyway.” Y/n said, glancing over to Minho. “You’re my best friend too, Min.” She told him softly before joining Hyunjin and Changbin, the latter of which gave Minho an apologetic look.
            “I’ll do it eventually.” Minho reassured Changbin with a clap on his back, and the four of them headed back down the trail, talking about what they should do for lunch.
            “I was going to confess at the waterfall.” Y/n’s face went red as she thought back on the past few months, all the plans Minho made with her that she invited other people on, not realizing he had been trying to ask her out this entire time. Too focused on trying not to let him realize her feelings, hiding them until she could get over them. “I figured the only way to get you alone was to lie to you.” He chuckled.
            She remembered the way he asked her to dinner the other day. Don’t worry, I already invited the boys. He had quickly added with a smirk on his face. It was telling now that she looked back at it. “I’m an idiot.” She giggled to herself, finally taking the seat across from Minho. “I’m in love with you too, by the way.”
            “Well that’s a relief. Otherwise this would have been a waste of money.” He slid the box containing the necklace over to her, watching as she hesitantly grabbed it and opened it. Her eyes widened as she realized what it was, tears welling up in her eyes at the memories this very necklace held.
            “What the fuck, Minho. Where did you find this?” When they were younger, still in elementary and clueless to what love was, Minho had gifted her a necklace. It was homemade with beads he made his mom get under the impression it was for a school project, but she quickly came to the realization that her son had a crush when she saw him diligently place the beads on the string.
            He picked out each bead, laying them next to the string so he could make changes if need be. It needed to be perfect, convey the feelings even he was confused by. He knew she would love it no matter what, she was a sucker for homemade gifts, but he wanted her to proudly wear it for years to come.
            And she did. Wore it everyday until it snapped in middle school, leaving her a sobbing mess as she tried to pick up all the beads as Minho consoled her, telling her it was fine, it was just a silly necklace he made for her years ago.
            “I had it custom made.” He answered. “I remember how upset you were when the one I made you broke. But this one is gold and should last forever.”
            “Put it on me?” She asked, and Minho happily obliged, standing from his seat, and carefully clasping the necklace on her neck. It was finally where it belonged after months of being hidden away.
            “You know I almost went out and bought beads to make you a new one the day it broke.” Minho confessed as he sat back down. “You just seemed so heartbroken when it broke and I wanted to make you happy again.”
            “You make it sound like you’ve been in love with me since then.” She giggled.
            “Because I have been.” He answered simply. “I didn’t know it then because I was a stupid boy, but looking back, I think I loved you the whole time.”
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 14C: Where Do We Go Now?
Soundtrack: “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” Guns N’ Roses, 1987 [click here to listen]
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
- Guns N’ Roses, “Sweet Child O’ Mine” (1987)
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Tucson || July 1988
AA met every Thursday in a church hall not far from the studio. She’d borrowed Bobby’s Trans Am to drive Jamie, holding his hand the whole way, hearing about his chat with Alec – who had graciously agreed during their January trip to New York to be Jamie’s sponsor.
She kissed him when he went inside. Needing some peace and quiet of her own, in the car, as she waited.
She had tried NA off and on, but it hadn’t really clicked. She was so very happy that AA really worked for Jamie – it was always much easier for him to open up to perfect strangers – and she was grateful that he could get the support he needed, at a moment’s notice, in any city.
Not to mention that the Friends of Bill took the “anonymous” in Alcoholics Anonymous quite seriously – meaning, in those meetings Jamie was just Jamie the alcoholic, not Jamie Fraser the frontman of Print, not the rock star. Just a man who fought daily battles with addiction, who was trying to be better, who just so happened to have the number six record in the country today.
It was hard. It was always going to be hard. But he was worth it. The life they had together was worth it.
She pulled out the folded envelope. Smoothed the creases against the steering wheel. Reading and reading and re-reading the return address.
Listening to Guns N’ Roses and Def Leppard and Poison and Cheap Trick on the radio.
She didn’t see Jamie cross the parking lot. Jumped when he slid into the passenger seat, smiling, with a kiss.
She offered a tight smile. “Hey. How are you?”
“Much better.”
His gaze found the envelope.
He didn’t need to say anything.
She couldn’t say anything.
But now that he was here, she opened it.
Held out the single sheet of paper.
They read.
Dr. Claire Beauchamp
via Colum Laird, Broch Productions
Dear Dr. Beauchamp,
Thank you for your letter and providing a forwarding address. Three months ago, the BMC board unanimously voted to terminate your employment. For legal reasons we will not provide further details, and the board’s decision is final.
However, we have communicated to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that your medical license should be restored, with the provision that you no longer practice medicine in any kind of high-stress environment. You may contact the medical board at the below address to request a copy of…
Jamie watched Claire read and re-read and re-read.
“Sweet Child O’ Mine” played softly on the radio.
A long, long moment.
The song shifted to the bridge.
Where do we go now, sweet child? Axl Rose murmured.
Jamie took a breath. “Where do we go now, Claire?” he whispered.
She folded the paper and put it back in the envelope. Laid it on the dash. Reached beneath her shirt to pull the long chain up over her neck. Settled her left hand on Jamie’s thigh, skin hot through his jeans.
Jamie unclasped the chain, letting his grandmother’s engagement ring slide free. He slipped the ring onto her finger. Brought her hand to his lips, kissing so softly.
“I’d like us to have an extra day in Boston when we’re there next week. So that we can pack up my apartment.”
She was looking through the windshield, face turned to him in profile.
“Yes. What else?”
“I’d like a little house in the mountains of North Carolina. Not too far from The Ridge. It’s so beautiful and peaceful there. I’m sure Dougal and Gillian can help us find something.”
Gently he bit her knuckles. “Something small. Kitchen and living room. Bedroom for us. A room I can use for music. And a room for your medicine.”
She nodded. “I’ll transfer my license – I’ve already looked into how to do that. I can file the paperwork when we get to Boston. I don’t know if I want to be in a private practice, or just volunteer in a clinic, or maybe something else. We’ll get settled, and then we’ll decide.”
“We will. I – are you happy, Claire?”
She smiled tightly. “More…relieved. And yes, I’m happy, Jamie. Happy to be free. Happy to be marrying you.”
They sat in silence for a long while. Listening to the final notes of Slash’s guitar. And then the first two minutes of INXS and “New Sensation”.
Memory flared – the last time she heard this song was the one time she’d seen Jamie nude, changing into his leather pants backstage in Orlando, when she’d entered his dressing room without knocking.
She swallowed. “I want the house to have at least one spare bedroom.”
He laced their fingers. “Of course – for guests.”
She flushed. Finally met his eyes.
“Yes. And for children.”
He released a suddenly shaky breath. “Oh, my love. Yes.”
She squeezed his hand. “I’m never taking this ring off again.”
He leaned across the console and kissed her. Kissed her. Kissed her.
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