#it has that slightly uneasy-but-still-kid-friendly vibe and i love it
ifjgh · 4 years
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So, I played Psychonauts for the first time last night...
...and I’ve already adopted two children. Dogan won me over first, sorry Raz. I kinda zoned out when I attacked the squirrels and hearing a 10 years old aggressively murder them brought me back in. This is a good game.
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roseamongroses · 4 years
W.A.L: “Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing,” (12)
Summary: Eden was the lowest of the low, a monster, hardly human, and was set to be executed. Roman was on trial, perpetually stuck in time until it was time to atone for his families sins.
Neither cared much for staying trapped.
So when a Stranger offered freedom, offered peace, offered power, it was hard to say no.
Even if it put them on the wrong side of history.
Vibes/ Tags:time is irrelevent, homophobia who?, magic and beasts, demigods
Warnings: Imprisonment, Mentions of execution, Blood/ injuries,  Mentions of past Death, minor character death/suicide,  repression, cursing,
Characters: Deceit(Eden) Sanders, Remy Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Emile Picani
Ship: Roceit
1) (2)   (3)  (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Emile wasn’t overly fond of the Chambers. 
Some might even describe him as immensely uncomfortable by it’s endless, blinding whiteness. One might even make the presumption that he even disapproved of its almost deafening solitude and how it could silence even the loudest and unruliest prisoners with the flash of a key. But those are assumptions, ones that relied on the opinion that Emile sought the best for his prisoners, which he did under certain circumstances. 
He strolled across that emptiness, the only indicator that he was moving being the distinct clacking of his leather oxford shoes and the jingle of his thirteen keys in hand. He passed the occasional Council member, but they didn’t talk or linger. Not even the passing nod. It wasn’t like Emile wasn’t on friendly terms with other Council members it was simply the Chambers. It was not a place for passing nods or chit-chat, it was oppressive with the crimes of the prisoners and the ones who turn the keys.
Emile took his keys, feeling their weight even as he flipped through them effortlessly. Their weathered metal warm as he raised one key to the blank expanse and turned a lock clicking. A door opening. 
Inside was more blankness, but of a different kind. A bright face now materialized in front of him, the Guard’s shadow’s sinking into reality. 
“Dr. Picani!” The Guard greeted him, his words muffled. 
Emile regarded the Guard, uneasy, noting the stubble patching across their blank face and the slightly asymmetrical tilt of their head. Almost like they had a personality. 
 They must be new here. 
“Oh, hello, “ Emile answered politely, gesturing to the white door beside the Guard, “He hasn’t been giving you any more trouble, has he? He’s rash from what I’ve heard from the nurses.” 
The guard shook his head, face still an unreadable mask,  but movements lively, “No, no--well I mean,” He scratched his head, “Deceit’s a tricky one, kinda rude too--Do I sound like a middle-aged Divorcee who ignores their kids' concerns in favor of idealizing the adoration I received from them when they were younger? Do you think that’s what my past life was?” 
Emile ignored the question, “Deceit?” he frowned, “I’m afraid I don’t know them?”
The guard caught on, “Oh that’s what we call him!” he explained, scratching his jaw, “He doesn’t respond to any names and he changes faces often, both girl’s n’ guys--Though he doesn’t like changing his pronouns all that much--- ”
“Interesting,” Emile sighed, “Anyways... I’m here to do the interview, so if you may…” he nodded stiffly towards the door.
The Guard’s eyes widened as he nodded quickly in agreement, knocking on the door.
The White Door swung open, the Guard was now gone. Emile stepped inside, the door disappearing soon after leaving him in silence.  
Deceit sat in the corner of the room, perfectly silent as well, and almost blending seamlessly into the room if not for the soft glow of his slitted, yellow eyes.
Emile did not let this unnerve him. He did not falter, striding the room in front of where he presumed them to be and waving a hand, a chair appearing.
Emile sat down, throwing on his brightest smile, “Do you how do, I’m Dr. Emile Picani and I’ll be conducting your interview for today,” His fingers twitched and a second chair appeared right across from him, “It’s nice to finally meet you son.” 
Deceit watched from the floor. 
“Now, I know we’re strangers, but I doubt that's comfortable,” Emile raised a playful eyebrow and Deceit stared impassive, “Now, son… I understand, this,” He gestured to the Nothing, “ Is a lot to take in, but I’m here to discuss your options not to interrogate you.” 
“Then why won’t y’all tell me where Roman is?” Deceit said, squinting unimpressed.
“Roman’s situation is different from yours,” Emile explained softly, “His family’s activity is concerning and requires an investigation. An investigation that needs the Heir’s full cooperation, but as you might have seen… Roman has remained uncooperative.” 
“Yeah,” Deceit snorted, “No shit, “ his eyes floated from the corner of the room, not yet sitting down, but at least he was standing. He was...pacing?
Emile clicked his pen, “Would it make you comfortable if I answered any other Roman related questions first? While I can’t promise I can answer all of them I--”
All at once, Deceit appeared in the chair, “Where. Is. He.” He growled, all teeth. 
Though Emile was certain they weren’t his, the form he’d taken flawless at first glance--almost identical to the head nurse Mrs. Tae. Yet anyone who’s seen her on the daily would recognize the foreignness of the dimples in her cherub cheeks and how Deceit’s anger seemed to bleed and sharpen her soft shoulders and intensify her doe, brown eyes. 
“He’s safe,” Emile said immediately, Deceit’s relief hesitant, but visible, “Normally he’s kept at the estate, but his latest… escape has put a strain on his already pre-existing health conditions. He needs supervision and he needs to recover.” 
Deceit slumped in the chair, “He’s… sick?” Deceit’s face soured, but mostly he looked...confused, “Was he always…?” he swallowed thick. 
“He’s been sick for a very long time,” Emile said, “Though it isn’t my place to tell you any more than that,” Emile pulled out a small notebook and began writing. 
“So what can you tell me?” Deceit said, disgusted with how small his voice sounded, with how he felt everything draining away from him all at once. 
“That he’s being cared for,” Emile offered, “And that we’ll take care of you too, as long as you cooperate,” 
“And why would you do that?” Deceit scowled. 
He didn’t trust it one bit.
“You could say I feel personally responsible,” Emile admitted, “I’ve known the Stranger and his...habits for a long time. Longer than most. I should’ve stepped in earlier…” Emile sighed, “He has put you through a lot hasn’t he?” he said, “And… you’re young, Deceit. You still have a chance, while he threw him away a long time ago. He’s paying for that now. You’re safe and I want to make a deal with you.”
“Cause that worked out so well the first time around.” Deceit drawled, rolling his eyes. 
“And that,” Emile gestured with his pen, “Is precisely why we must try again.” 
Dr. Picani’s training hall was simple compared to most other Council Members. Most preferred to… borrow the aesthetics of a significant, war centric historical period, but Dr. Picani’s was relatively modern if that word had any real standing. 
Meaning that there was electricity, but it didn’t work the way that you thought it should. There were weights and showers, but none of the fancy computers you could normally find in “Younger” council members. Dr. Picani did have a preference for pastels and an obscene amount of windows, but at least it wasn’t a fucking collesium. 
Virgil ignored his throbbing headache, strapping on his leg braces. He ignored Logan and Patton as they came in---Logan because fuck him and his stupid note.  Patton because Virgil was still terrible and couldn’t muster the courage to apologize like before. They all went through their warm-up routines. 
 It was suffocating. Virgil’s skin crawled thinking about how dinner was going to be, but he didn't linger on that thought for long as the doors opened with a flourish, the distinct tap of Dr. Picani’s shoes following as he strode into the room looking all too bright for this early in the morning. 
“Good Morning lovelies!” He cheered, “Did you all get a good night’s rest?” Various groans responded, “Fantastic. Well, today we’re doing something special,” Patton excused himself to get water, “Think of it... like a bit of challenge…” Virgi’s face fell flat, scowling, “Some friendly competition.” Logan cursed. 
“Oh don’t be like that, “ Dr. Picani scolded, smoothing his collar, “My surprise guests aren’t that bad...And,” He looked between Logan and Virgil critically, “You are in the need for a bit of bonding. It’ll be great!” 
Virgil’s eyes turned predatory, spotting his face rapidly as small beady orbs, “The sonofabitch Kai set me on fire, Picani. Fire!” he hissed from his corner. 
“No name-calling, Virgil,” Emile frowned, “And Kai...he apologized.”
“I don’t even know why they keep him around, it’s obvious he hates this place--”
“Virgil, that’s none of your business, be nice,” Emile said, ignoring Virgil’s hushed mocking, he turned his attention to Logan, “Any opinions you want to express before our guest is ready?’ 
Logan sucked in sharp,  “Kai also set me on fire,” he said, finishing up his stretches,  “It was unpleasant. I’d prefer to avoid a repeat,” 
Emile deflated, “Yes of course…” he muttered, “Deceit, come in.” 
“You called?” A voice said.
It took a few seconds for them to register the fact that space next to Emile was no longer empty. A short, black-haired…. Girl…? Glinted into existence all at once, her frayed black dress seemed to swallow her. 
Virgil was the first to recover, “Who the fuck is she?” he bit out, peeling himself from the wall
Deceit flipped him off. 
“Not she,” Emile corrected, pushing Deceit’s hand down, “This is Deceit. He will be staying with us for a few...days.” 
Logan and Virgil exchanged exasperated looks before Virgil caught himself. Virgil crossed his arms, “Is this the same Deceit you picked up from the Stranger?” he raised an eyebrow, “Y’know, the same one we--” He scoffed, “they found canoodling with Roman Sanders, y’ know the criminal.” 
“Canoodling?” Deceit echoed, confused. 
They ignored him, “He’s technically not a criminal,” Logan corrected, “He’s never gone to trial, so it’s an odd classifica--”
“What? Now you're defending him because his little boyfriend’s here,” Virgil sucked his teeth, not amused, “Grow a pair.”
“Virgil,” Emile warned. 
“That’s...highly uncalled for,” Logan looked defeated.
“So was leaving me behind,” Virgil snapped, “You didn’t even bother telling me to my face--you just left,” 
“I left you a note,” 
“I left you a note,” Virgil mocked, unimpressed, “I’m getting water,” he said stiffly, leaving before Emile could protest. 
Logan looked over to Emile to ask him if he should go get them, but Emile was already gone with a flash of light. Leaving Deceit and Logan alone.
I guess that’s their cue to spar. 
“Do you know the rules?” Logan said, settling into a stance on the mat.
Deceit stretched his arms, an audible crack echoing, “Rules?”  
Logan pursed his lips, “Yes, rules,” he said, “What? Did the Stranger not train you?” 
“He trained me, “Deceit said, words clipped “Not with humans though.” 
“I’m not human,” Logan snapped.
Deceit took the time to look at him. 
 Exceedingly practical in every meaning of the word with the same generic gym clothes Emile attempted to give Deceit. His eyes were silver in the same way Roman’s were, but his hair wasn’t as bright. The dull, red locs the faintest of grey at the ends--odd considering he was younger than Roman. Even more odd was the fact that Deceit could see scars. 
He may not be human, but he was certainly more human than Roman. 
“Sure. “ Deceit said, falling into a stance easily mimicking Logan’s own, and Logan tensed, “Easy now, darling I don’t bite. “ he rolled his shoulders carelessly, “What are these rules?”
Logan relaxed a bit, “Yes, well, first of all, there is no biting,” he recited, the familiarity of the words comforting, “You can use any limb at your disposal, but try to refrain from drawing blood or being unnecessarily cruel. Whoever pins the other for 30 seconds is the winner.”
“Oh, vague. Perfect. Magic?” Deceit asked, glancing to the side a bit surprised.
Logan followed his gaze, “It’s allowed, though it isn't the purpose of these--” 
Deceit had already disappeared. 
 Logan focused, ignoring everything and listening to everything. Watching. Waiting. Going over what he did know about Deceit. 
Logan knew Deceit’s shifts were imperfect. If only Logan had a stronger connection to the Goddess then he’d know exactly what that imperfection was with a glance. Not even a glance, he would just know. The ability to Know was something he wasn’t naturally gifted in, but he trained. He mimicked with books, with knowledge, and anal attention to detail, but you couldn’t fake a bond that strong, he couldn’t be Ro--No, focus. 
He watched the long, creeping shadows in the training room. 
Then he struck. 
Logan caught the raised fist of Deceit. The air sparked, Deceit’s scales glinting angrily as Logan twisted their arm behind them. Deceit struggled. He was relentless and Logan grunted, digging his heels in, trying to shift his weight enough to pin him. 
Deceit twisted unnaturally, their head reeling back and slamming into Logan’s. Pain shot hot across his forehead and Logan gasped, sprawling back as Deceit stumbled out of his grip. Logan staggered to his feet, eyes dotting with black and glasses askew. 
Deceit caught himself fast, but his shift still suffered, the dainty shoulders now broader and all-around less human. His pinched face now a fuzzy mess of splotches of scales and skin. 
 Someone that size shouldn’t be able to knock Logan off his feet without finessing, but Deceit did not finesse. He smashed into Logan without hesitating like he could afford to take the hit. Deceit was stronger than Logan thought, even without magic. 
That was fucking concerning. 
Logan assessed, then reassessed as Deceit’s form settled. Still short, even though he easily could gain an advantage with both height and his natural strength. Logan made a quick and likely bullshit assumption that Deceit probably didn’t have much experience being tall and that he didn’t want to throw off his center of balance too much. Which meant that Deceit had to get used to these bodies. Which means Logan had a chance.
Logan didn’t let Deceit have any more time to think. He got in close and swung, Deceit nearly catching his fist with his teeth. Deceit dodged, just barely, hooking his fingers into Logan’s shoulder and pulling the other to the ground. The two hit the mat, the fight dissolving into something rather juvenile if Logan were, to be honest. 
In the End, Logan was on top. 
Sure he was slick with sweat, aching all over, and was certain that if his lungs didn’t collapse surely his heart would do its due diligence, but he fucking won. Deceit, having returned to the first form, was pinned.  Logan normally wouldn’t use this specific pin on someone this small seeing as in most circumstances it would surely be overkill, but for Deceit it was infuriatingly necessary.
 Logan gripped them tighter as if to emphasize this, leaning down, “Do you--” he needed to catch his breath, “ yield,” he asked.
Deceit snarled, “Fuck you,” Though his face was equally red, chest heaving. 
“You’ve been pinned. It’s been 31 seconds. I win.” Logan decided, peeling himself from Deceit, feeling all sorts of bones crack, “Now scurry along, wash up and go back to the Chambers.” he mumbled. He had a hot shower waiting for him
Deceit didn’t seem to move he seemed rather amused, somehow managing a sharp grin as he sat up rubbing his red, raw wrists. 
Logan felt an unmistakable sense of dread, “What?” he asked, “Do you enjoy losing?” 
“Oh, it’s--” Deceit snickered, eyes wide and innocent, “It’s funny. You think that’s a good thing.” he cocked his head, voice snide, “He didn’t tell you, did he? That seems to be a trend with these mentors, but Me,” he pointed to himself dramatically, "And Dr. Picani made a deal.”
Logan closed his eyes and inhaled, “And what was that deal?” 
“So, what you’re saying is…” Deceit clasped his hands, “That if I beat your little prodigy the council won’t fuck with me,” he laughed, “As if I’m going to believe that.”
“So you won’t do it?” Emile asked.
“W…” Deceit paused, taking a look at the bare walls that weren’t even walls. And there was no point in staying here if Picani was telling the truth and Roman wasn’t being kept here.  
Emile’s a bastard at he knows it, 
“Fine, fuck it,” Deceit relented, “But it’s only going to embarrass you.”
Emile twirled that little pen of his, “And it’s only going to show you that you still have a lot you can learn. If you don’t win, you’ll become my apprentice, a proper apprentice. And you’ll be Logan’s partner in this year's Offerings.” 
This had to be a joke. Logan always missed the punchline of those, this was a joke that this-this, criminal was pulling and Dr. Picani would clear it up. 
He just had to talk to Dr. Picani. 
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jj-ktae · 5 years
Erotica - Part 5 - (M)
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Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader Genre: SMUT Summary: You’re a rookie porn actress on the rise and everything goes well until you get offered a role in a big-budget porn movie, starring the most famous actor in the porn industry. Words: 3772 Warning: Read at your own risk
A.N: It’s the last part! I don’t know if I should write an Epilogue or no so please let me know and i’ll take your opinions into consideration! 
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Epilogue -
Part 5 
You’re not the least moved when you enter the studio for the last time. The staff brought snacks and drinks, something they call a ritual every time they’re done filming a movie.
“Our main is here!” The director has a glass of champagne close to his lips yet doesn’t let you slip through the crowd. You bow shyly, feet going back to hide in the dressing room until everyone’s ready to film the last scene.
You’ve never been so eager to leave. A lot of things are messy here and from the moment you signed your contract for this movie, you didn’t stop freaking out.
But now, as Im Jaebum enters the studio and greets everyone coolly, you feel like disappearing into the ground.
You sigh, relieved when the director directs his attention to a smiley Jaebum. You faintly hear what sounds like greetings in the middle of the busy room before stepping backwards, hands on the wall to help you fly away from the situation.
Thank god the dressing room is empty. It’s calm and clean, the detergent filling your nostrils as you sit on the couch.
I wasn’t acting
You shiver at the thought, trying to blink black the memory of a cocky Jaebum, all smiles as he articulates the words.
What’s happening? Why is he acting this way? Is he playing with you? He does seem to have a rather dominant side but something is off. His friend was rather exasperated when he talked about Im Jaebum’s mediocre love and sexual life. Maybe he is actually a pervert? What if he takes advantage of the situation to really enjoy the sex?
You snort. Who are you kidding. He doesn’t look like a damn pervert and even if he was one, he gave you some of the best sex you ever had. If anything, you’re the one who’s enjoying this.
“You’re not joining the party?” You snap out of your inner conflict, eyes meeting a puzzled Jaebum, hair wet and yawning.
“Hi to you too.” You sigh, leaning against the couch. You don’t even know if you should be friendly or not.
Jaebum tilts his head, lips smacking as he stops to smile. “I did greet you, before you ran away to hide here.” He takes a seat on one of the chair and leans over his knees, an arm supporting his way too heavy head. “Are you okay?”
You bite your lip, hesitant in front of a determined Jaebum who is waiting for your answer. How can he not know what is wrong? Of course you’re not okay!
Why are you even disturbed by that, anyways?
You hate it when you betray yourself which is why you refuse to admit how pleasant it is to be physically intimate with him. You had it all well-defined in your brain: Im Jaebum was a douche who was friendly enough to make this filming bearable and nothing good could happen from being around him except big money for a job you hate.
But now, now he looks normal, like a guy you’d meet in any other occasion, a guy who is simple and does a job he doesn’t particularly seem to enjoy, yet stays professional.
Everything you built went crumbling around you yesterday night, right when you noticed how high your heart-rate went when he told you he was being honest and not just acting.
It means he did all this out of pure will and not duty.
Jaebum observes your face, sighing when you don’t answer. “I’ll see you later.” He gets up and sounds irritated but you’re too caught up in your own battle to notice the way he walks away.
Jaebum knew he should have kept quiet. He is so bad when it comes to being cool and throw killer dialogue. He had tried so hard to maintain a cocky and arrogant image, only to give everything up in a moment of weakness. He spoke the truth though, Jaebum is no coward when it comes to admitting whatever he did or not. As much as he was annoyed by how this rookie actress turned him into some fool, he had to say it.
He enjoys being around you.
If he didn’t know himself so well, he would have blamed it on the amazing sex. He doesn’t get to have this type of chemistry whenever he films and it’s exactly the reason why he is a porn actor who only does hard-core. Hard-core porn is nothing like the reality of what he enjoys and it’s better that way, because it draws a limit between his professional and personal life, the sex too different for him to enjoy it truthfully. He liked the fact that he could pound into whoever he was filming with and cum on demand, because it doesn’t reflect his own self and doesn’t make him feel uneasy.
But with you, it all feels too real to be ignored. It was a mistake to accept filming this bloody movie, yet Jaebum isn’t even mad at the situation. He is mad at himself for being so clueless when it comes to real relationships.
Jaebum is not the thoughtful type of guy, his days are more focused on laying around his house or meet with his friends. He doesn’t have a very active personal life and he is fine with it. Sex is something he does for a living so it became difficult to fully enjoy a session of sex outside the studio.
He hates how destroyed his libido is.
Then you appeared with your doe eyes and angry baby face. You talked about how disgusting he was and how you’re doing this because you must and it pays well.
But most importantly, you awoken something dull, something Jaebum had drawn a cross over.
Jaebum faintly greets more staff, slightly worried about the last scene.
“So, it’s the grande final!” You nod at the director’s last speech. “We had numerous meetings about this so I won’t repeat myself but we need to feel the extreme tension, the bursting feeling and amazing chemistry between you two. The editing team is already working on the movie and said you did a great job.” He claps his hands and everyone follows.
You force a smile. Extreme tension, he said.
Jaebum walks toward the bed as soon as the director goes back to his spot behind the screen. His bathrobe falls on the floor as he silently sits on the bed and you exhale, air shakily going out of your mouth as you follow him.
You remove your own bathrobe and jump on the bed, doing your best not to be bothered by how exposed you suddenly feel. Jaebum is waiting, leg shaking impatiently and when you approach him, you don’t know where to look. Both are dangerous, from his face to his body. You keep your gaze low, even when your thighs touch his.
Why do you even have to do face to face sex? You grunt inwardly, manoeuvring your body so it can sit right in front of him, legs entwined to stick your chest as close as possible.
You both wait for the director to signal the beginning of the scene.
It starts slowly. Jaebum’s hand are soft against your shoulders, gauging the level of intensity before they go lower. The air momentarily blocks in your lungs, making you close your eyes in frustration because why does this affect you so much?
Jaebum doesn’t let his hesitation get the best of him and suppresses a shudder when he feels the tender skin of your thighs against his fingers. He must take it slow and it’s the first time he feels frustrated.
He could show you so much more.
You shiver, arms wrapping around his neck to slide even closer. He welcomes you silently, slightly hesitant yet firm as he dips into your neck. You adjust your legs so they rest on top of his, allowing you to face him without tiring your muscles. Jaebum handles you with care, hands in a warm hug while he pecks your shoulder. The cameraman focuses on your position before filming your face and you know it’s the moment to act like you enjoy the warm lips and burning puffs of air against your skin.
But you don’t even need to act, eyes fluttering shut and head jerking back to expose more of your neck. Jaebum takes the hint, tongue sliding until it reaches your throat, where he sucks softly. The sounds are delightful, just like his semi-erratic breath.
Jaebum travels up, lips against your jaw before he waits for you to focus on him so he can kiss you. You almost refuse, not liking the idea of staring into his eyes but you sigh inwardly before tilting your head back.
He is already staring at you when you open your eyes. You blink a couple of times, your palms still against his gigantic shoulders – you never truly noticed how broad they were until now. He does the same but his arms tighten around you, silently.
And you’re lost.
Jaebum has seductive eyes. Not the usual I’m going to bang you until you collapse eyes, but the type that can make you feel things without trying. His parted lips are shiny, enhancing their dangerousness and sending luscious vibes. He seems relaxed though, almost oblivious to what he expresses because he stares like he is expecting you to do something out of the ordinary. His hair is still neat, inviting and cupping his oval face with a flattery you never expected to notice now.
Why are you even analysing his features, why are you even liking what you see?
You both hear the director coughing which probably means you’re taking too long staring but Jaebum isn’t moving, not even showing any sign of wanting to keep on. You hope it isn’t one of his scheme to make you feel ridiculous and mock you once you’re done. But he merely presses a hand against your cheek to keep you focused on his face and you understand now. It makes perfect sense.
He isn’t acting.
He wants to see if he can keep on being honest or if he should stop and go back to his full professional and arrogant self. Surprisingly, it doesn’t take much for you to decide on your next move and while you thought you’d hesitate, you don’t.
It’s not a surprise to feel Jaebum flinch when you plunge, lips crushing against his in a passionate kiss that seems to relieve the whole staff. Your hands find his hair, granting your inner wish to destroy his perfect image as a sign of your willingness. He wasn’t expecting anything but when he feels you, strong and very naked against him, he understands.
He can show you exactly what he wants to.
What started slowly accelerates from here. The silent agreement and promise of genuine sex turns the room messier than it ever was, your lips crashing and hands grabbing. Jaebum become adventurous and even starts playing with your shivering thighs are he runs his fingers over the smooth skin. He stills right before he reaches your core, lips turning into a smirk when he hears you grunt against his mouth.
You stop kissing him when he keeps on teasing, trying to focus on his body to make him as impatient as you are. It’s crazy how everything disappears, from the annoying cameraman to the bright lights and the noises coming from around you. Now is only about Im Jaebum, warm and needy as you’re playing with the tip of his cock.
He jerks, his previous attempts at staying stoic long gone and head against your shoulder, praying not to make any embarrassing noises.
Jaebum is seriously going crazy. He has no idea why everything intensified, but he is sure you’re doing this because you want to. You seem fierce, needy yet teasing and slightly excited, if not totally horny. He wants to moan, to fully be himself because how can he act when this is all too real?
A particularly strong pull on his dick makes him look at you accusingly. Are you for real now?
He is bewildered, flustered as you’re stroking him, eyes focused on your task and you look mesmerising as you lick your lips at the sight of his painfully throbbing length.
So he goes back to your neck, taking advantage of the hidden spot to make sure he isn’t assuming things.
“Are you acting now?”
Somehow he has to know. Part of him is sure you aren’t and is merely trying to gauge your reaction yet he sucks when it comes to these things. Your hands don’t stop. This guy is seriously stupid.
You roll your eyes inwardly when he tries to kiss you again, grabbing the opportunity to lean against his ear.
“We’ll talk later.”
Jaebum snorts, completely done with you yet not ashamed to lean even closer. His hands wander on your legs, tentative. He decides he doesn’t want to drag this on and teasing is useless when he can simply touch you like you obviously want him to.
His fingers make you jolt on the bed, surprised by his sudden assurance and bluntness. Jaebum chuckles from his now favourite spot on your collarbone, teeth out to grave the skin and make you shudder. He acts like he is the one taking charge, but deep down he is dying from the firm grip around his shaft, creating pearls of pre-cum and destroying his brain cells.
He feels warm against your folds, tracing invisible patterns and careful not to be too harsh with your skin. It takes a couple of movements for him to spread your wetness around your core, coating and exposing you to the cold air.
Jaebum feels even more aroused now. How can he not when you’re damn wet and spread in front of him, moaning because you enjoy his ministrations and not because of a damn tacky scenario?
A wave of passion brings his hand to your chin and tilts your head until you can feel his lips against yours. He doesn’t rush it or make it too hurried, though. Jaebum is painfully stiff but the longing is real and burning, which you feel from the way his hands bring you closer with each stroke of his tongue.
You want him to go faster, though.
And Jaebum doesn’t know what’s happening for you to grab him and impale yourself on his now satisfied penis. He lets you stick your pelvis against his, legs circling his waist despite the sitting position. He never thought sitting face to face could be so hot.
So he releases your lips, his face astonished yet breathless and lips a tad reddish. Your eyes are closed and under any other circumstances, Jaebum would have been fine with it.
But he isn’t.
He wants to see you. He wants you to look at him and tell him how good he is giving it to you. You’re here, panting and sweaty, hips shaking to wrap yourself deliciously around his painful erection and he is losing it.
Jaebum thinks he is literally crazy.
He has no idea why he pulls on your arms to wrap them against his neck again. His own hands fall on your bare butt, pushing on it to thrust deeper and finally, your eyes snap open, gasping at the sudden feeling.
You lose track of the time the moment you notice Jaebum’s eyes, studying yours.
 He can only breathe, air erratically running in and out of his mouth while he observes your nervous glance, half pleasured half nervous.
Why does he look so damn attractive and serious?
You offer a couple of sweet pecks between moans and shivers which are gladly welcomed by your co-actor. When your orgasm hits, you have no choice but to reach for his lips again and suck on the flesh to muffle your embarrassing and way too realistic moans.
Jaebum lets you ride all the waves, your breasts rubbing against his and even your nipples feel amazing against his chest.
He gasps for air when you contract around him, head thrown back and breaking the kiss to focus on himself. His orgasm his building awfully strongly. It’s brisk yet slow, painful yet delicious.
He almost pushes on your hips too hard when he cums, eyes tightly shut and blinded by pleasure. He lets a tiny whine escape from his mouth, not the least annoyed by the action. He feels your mouth against the exposed skin of his neck, your sweet lips kissing every weak spot – and at some point, his whole body is a giant weak spot.
Jaebum falls back on bed when he is done, his penis sliding out of you easily and making a mess on the sheets. He doesn’t give a damn.
You crawl above him, still somehow needy and as much as Jaebum wants to cuddle, he lets you rest atop of him, completely spent
“CUT!” The staff claps and everyone is happy to be done. Jaebum barely raises a hand to give them a thumb up, smiling tiredly.
“It’s a wrap! You did amazing!” They all become loud, too busy to let you both enjoy the rush of endorphins.
“Let’s celebrate!” Your manager arrives when you get up from an exhausted Jaebum, not even reading the mood and clapping his hands. He gives you a robe. “Food’s on me.”
You nod, shrugging.  That guy is act like a little shit again so you might as well move on with your life. He is unmoving, not even looking at you and it makes you boil with frustration.
Im Jaebum is a total bastard, a fucking sex-addict-
“Food’s on me.” Both your manager and you stop to look at a yawning Jaebum, still naked and reaching for his bathrobe. “And by food’s on me I mean, we’re both,” his hand moves from you to him, lazily. “going out eat. Thank you for your offer.”
You tilt your head before you can argue but Jaebum is already pulling you by the sleeve, dragging you behind him and leaving the manager shocked.
He smirks at you when you turn around to apologize silently and you know you’re doomed.
“When did I agree to go eat with you?” You cross your arms over your chest, ignoring the fact that Jaebum is already naked and showering.
He can’t be real.
“You don’t want to go?” he asks like your answer is obvious and you want to smack his head for being so arrogant again.
“What if I don’t?” You tease, eyebrow raised. “It’s not like I owe you any-“
Jaebum sighs, shutting your mouth. He starts rubbing his body and it’s hard for you to focus on his eyes. “Would you like to go eat with me?” he tries his sweetest voice, slightly annoyed at how you’re making him do weird shit already.
You pinch your lips together, holding a smile. All negative thought disappeared and you don’t care. “Yes.” You utter.
Jaebum wants to ask why you acted like you were annoyed if you agreed so easily, but decides to drop the matter and barely snorts. “Great, now go take a shower.”
That guy is not the same one you’ve been filming with. Im Jaebum is apparently a quiet guy who enjoys peace, and picked a tiny place where you’re the only customers, along with an old couple.
It’s not like you expected him to be noisy. He was awfully quiet the other night with his friend and Jackson, but you thought it was only because Jackson tends to gather the attention with his idiotic behaviour.
In reality, Jaebum is a chill person. He has his usual giant clothes and munches on the food like he is starving. It’s comfortable but now is not the time to stuff your face.
You need to know a couple of things. “Why did you say you weren’t acting?”
Jaebum wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and almost choke. He looks up, puzzled. “Because I wasn’t.” he stops eating, head tilted and finally giving you his full attention. “You never answered my question.”
He isn’t disturbed. Jaebum sounds and is relaxed, head now resting on his elbow like you were not all over each other an hour ago.
“I don’t get it,” You start. It’s irritating in a way. You want to answer but you don’t even know if he means it the same way you do. “What do you mean by that?”
Jaebum hawks, confused. Are you stupid or are you trying to make him say things he is not really ready to say? “What do I mean?”
“Yeah. I don’t know if you’re saying this to make fun of me or if you really enjoy…” you fidget on your seat, slightly flustered.
Jaebum sighs yet again. “Why would I even make fun of you? And why would I be here if I was?” He looks frustrated, annoyed even.
It makes your anger rise “I don’t know!” you forget about the place, the food, the movie. You don’t even know why you agreed to come. From the start, this guy has been nothing but a jerk. There’s no way he would suddenly be nice or even harbour any type of positive feelings toward you. “I feel like you hate me but when we film you’re different and maybe it’s me who is stupid and too serious but,”
You feel so stupid.
“maybe you enjoyed it. Maybe that’s what you meant when you said you weren’t acting, because I wasn’t either.”
Jaebum opens his mouth, shocked. Of course that’s what he meant. He isn’t that deep, he won’t go as far as make fun of someone, as bad as his relation used to be with that person.
So he decides to explain clearly before you become stubborn again. “How can you even think I wasn’t enjoying when I was pretty much very hard earlier today?”
He has a weird way to put things and you’re glad the place isn’t crowded, but you enjoy where this is going.
“I’m just going to say it bluntly because I feel like this will go on forever.” He looks strung out, like you exhausted him. “I like being around you. Can you please finish your food? Just so we can get out of here and I show you how I don’t act, rookie.”
You shiver at the thought, not sure about what he wants to show but very eager to know more.
Instead, you smirk. “I’m done already.”
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sweetlysilent · 6 years
Apartment 509 (Part Eight)
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Paring: Roommate!Fuckboy!Tom x Reader
Summary: Everyone has two sides.
Warning: Some mentions of violence.
Side Note: Text written in italic are a flashback.
Apartment 509 (Masterlist) | Main Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Part Seven 
If you’d like to be tagged for this mini-series feel free to shoot me an ask, or you can add yourself to the Apartment 509 Tag list + Feel free to add yourself to my permanent tag list if you’d like! Happy reading! :)
Harrison twiddled his thumbs anxiously, his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth as he nibbled on the now raw flesh. He didn’t want to be here, hell, he wanted to be anywhere else than be where he was right now. 
His eyes flickered around the waiting room, observing the people passing by the door occasionally, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He attempted to read a magazine to help soothe his nerves while he waited, his head perking up a bit when the door to the main office opened.
His eyes landed on the girl exiting the room, her hair a bit messy, her eyes bloodshot from crying, her hands clenching and unclenching as she made her way into the waiting room. She flashed him a faint smile, nodding at him, as if letting him know he’d be okay. That if she could do it, he could too. He returned the smile, nodding his head back at her, before focusing his attention towards the door.
A younger woman exited the office, her blonde hair tied up in a neat ponytail, a black tablet in her hand as she glanced over at him. “Ms. Johnson is ready to see you now.” She gave him a sympathetic smile, stepping aside from the door as Harrison rose up from his chair. “Thank you.” He mumbled, scrunching his lips up into an uneasy smile as he turned the cold golden knob on the door, stepping into the room.
His eyes immediately focused on the brunette haired woman sitting behind the dark wooden desk. He quietly shut the door behind, visibly swallowing his nerves as he stood there awkwardly, not knowing if he should move or not. Ms. Johnson sensed his uneasiness, the vibe coming off of him strongly, making her feel sad for the poor boy already.
She inhaled a breath, a friendly smile appearing on her face as she looked up at him. “Please dear, take a seat, you don’t have to stand.” She motioned towards the tan colored couch, as Harrison nodded in response, making his way over and taking a seat.
She rubbed her lips together in thought, before turning her attention to the paper below her. “Harrison correct?” She spoke up, her eyes flickering up to his as he nodded once more. She let out a hum in response, checking a few things off her paper, before turning to face him completely. The action causing Harrison to panic a bit.
“It’s okay to be nervous Harrison, but just know you don’t have to be, everything that is discussed in this room stays in this room, it will always stay between us.” She reassured him, noticing his stiff posture, a common reaction for new clients. He stared at her blankly, his hands shaking a bit as she gave him a faint smile.
“Okay, lets just dive right on in.” She cleared her throat, already making a mental note that he was going to be a bit tougher to get to open up. “So, Harrison, what brings you here?” She questioned, looking over at him as he sat in silence. She clicked her tongue in response, nodding slowly to herself. 
“You know, some people who come here have a lot of courage, they’re ready to talk to someone, but then there are others that are the complete opposite and have a more exasperation response.” She explained, her hands moving around as she spoke. “There are also some who come into this with nothing but pure apprehension.” She stated, tilting her head a bit as Harrison bit his lip. 
“So, what I’m saying is everyone reacts differently, it’s completely normal to feel however you’re feeling.” She further explained, exhaling some air through her nose as she shuffled a few items around on her desk.
She grabbed a pen and a pad of paper before refocusing on him once more. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to ask you some questions, and take notes about what you say so I can keep it fresh in my memory.” She explained calmly, “Oh, and feel free to interrupt me at any time or steer the conversation to where you need it to go.” She added on, a faint smile on her lips as she leaned back in her chair a bit.
“So, lets start over shall we?” She smiled, “What brings you here today Harrison?” She questioned once again, her voice calm and collected when she spoke. Harrison shifted in his seat awkwardly, coughing a bit as he made eye contact with her. “My friend brought me here. Thought it would be good for me.” He mumbled, chewing on his lower lip as she nodded in response, jotting down a few things on her pad of paper.
“Have you ever seen a therapist before?” She asked, tilting her head a bit as he shook his head no in response. His eyes watched her jot another thing down on the paper, his nerves building the more he saw the pen moving. “Are you going to be writing down everything I say?” Harrison blurted out, his face becoming pale from his outburst. “Only the important things.” She smiled, tapping her pen against the pad of paper in thought.
“So, Harrison, I’m pretty sure you’re aware everyone has a different perspective on what the problem is, and who or what the solution is. The point of therapy is to help listen and create positive chances in your life.” She paused, making sure he understood before continuing, “That being said, how do you see the problem? Or to put it simpler, how do you define it?” She questioned, tilting her head a bit as she studied his movements and body language.
Harrison was hesitant to answer the question, he knew if he did everything would spill out like word vomit. He wasn’t sure he was ready for some stranger to know all his deepest darkest secrets and life issues. 
But, at the same time, wasn’t that the whole point of him being here in the first place? To have a safe place to express his emotions and how he’s feeling? Maybe Tom was right after all. Maybe he really did need to just talk to someone and let everything out that’s been holding him down for so long. It was time to be a new Harrison, it was time to be open, vulnerable.
Harrison licked his lips nervously, his eyes flickering up to hers then back to the floor, “I tend to get angry and act out my aggression.” He spoke, his voice quiet as he now focused on his hands. “Are there any specific people in your life causing problems for you?” She questioned, as he slowly nodded his head in response. 
“My parents, my ex-girlfriend.” Harrison mumbled, shifting on the couch a bit. “How do you get along with them? Do you get along with people at your school? I’m assuming you’re a high school student correct?” She questioned him, leaning forward a bit against the desk as he took a deep breath.
“I get along with my parents okay, we don’t have the best relationship. They don’t really care about what I do as long as I do well in school.” He paused, chewing on his bottom lip, a bad habit he’s always had since he was a kid. “In a way it’s like they care more about my educational status and getting scholarships for college. They don’t care about everyday things, I’ve never even been asked how my day was.” Harrison sniffled, his eyes focused on the ground.
“I remember I came home one day and I was the happiest I had ever been, I had asked this girl to homecoming that I really liked and she said yes.” He looked up at Ms. Johnson, a faint smile on his lips recalling that happy moment, only for the smile to quickly vanish. 
“I began to tell my parents all about it and not even halfway through me telling them they cut me off,” Harrison paused, wiping his eyes, “I remember their faces clear as day, they had the most disappointed and annoyed expressions I had ever seen on their faces.” He let out a bitter laugh, “They told me that I shouldn’t waste my time going to a silly high school dance, that I should be focusing on my education instead.” Harrison rolled his eyes restating what his father had told him.
“But it didn’t end there, no, my father had the audacity to tell me right to my face that the girl I had asked probably said yes out of pity. That she most likely didn’t even reciprocate the feelings back. That the girl could do so much better, could have someone better than me.” Harrison choked out, wiping his eyes once again.
“That’s not even the worst part though, what he said next was what really hit me hard.” He sniffled, “He goes, I raised you to be smart, intelligent, to make the right choices in life, but right here, right now, you just proved to me that you’re nothing of those things. Just a disappointment.” Harrison choked out, his body shaking with sobs as his cheeks turned a deep shade of red as he cried.
Ms. Johnson watched the blonde haired boy sadly, her lips turning into a slight frown as she opened up one of her desk drawers to pull out a box of tissues. Without saying anything she stuck her hand out to offer the box to him, which he appreciated greatly. Ms. Johnson felt deeply for the boy and waited a few minutes for Harrison to calm down and regain his composure.
“I guess from that point on something snapped within me, I wanted to make them proud, to make them happy, to make them love me. But, I’ve been doing that for the past three years and it’s still the same, and it’s taken away a part of me, and I guess that’s where all the rage and anger comes from.” Harrison admitted, his brows furrowing slightly as everything was starting to make more sense now that he finally talked about it.
“I’m making a note to come back to this topic to talk over with you, but before we run out of time for today, you also mentioned an ex-girlfriend.” She spoke up, flipping a page back in her notes, marking some things down on her paper, “If you feel comfortable sharing, what happened between the two of you?” She questioned, noticing his fists clench in response. “It’s alright if you don’t want to talk about it, we can move onto something else if you’d prefer that.” She offered, but he shook his head in response.
“No.. I need to talk about this.” Harrison mumbled, shutting his eyes tightly as he recalled everything that went down earlier this year. “I was dating this girl named Adriana, my mate Tom introduced me to her at a party we went to our Freshman year.” Harrison began, fiddling with his fingers as a faint smile re-appeared on his lips at the memory. “We were together for two years, and we just recently broke up at the beginning of this year.” He explained, leaning back against the couch cushion.
Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a breath of air as his eyes flickered up to meet hers. “Please don’t hate me after what I tell you.” Harrison pleaded, his eyes full of sorrow as Ms. Johnson motioned for him to continue. 
“I had suspected during our second year together that she secretly had feelings for someone else, but of course she always told me that I was just being paranoid.” Harrison waved his hand in the air, letting out a strangled laugh. “A few more months pass by and we became a bit more distant from each other, I tried my best to find out why but she just said it was because of school.” He rolled his eyes, remembering it all clearly.
“So, a few weeks go by and then one evening we finally go out to dinner, we had a great time, like nothing had changed, and then right as I dropped her off at home, she broke up with me.” Harrison spoke angrily, his fists clenching together at the memory. 
“She told me that because we were both going to end up at different colleges that it was for the best if we broke up now so we wouldn’t have to do it later on when it would be tougher to do.” Harrison chuckled darkly, shaking his head as he spoke.
“Of course I was broken, I just lost the one thing that made me the happiest.” Harrison mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. “I eventually drove home, my parents yelled at me like usual, and then I cried myself to sleep that night.” Harrison frowned, glancing up at her as she listened intently. 
“Next thing I knew my alarm was going off and I was out the door to go to school, and when I arrived I saw the last thing I ever wanted to see.” Harrison gritted his teeth hard as he saw the picture clear as day in his head.
“Standing right in front of the school was Adriana kissing this other guy, the guy who I had assumed she had secret feelings for.” Harrison all but growled out, “And that’s when I snapped.” Harrison breathed out, his crystal blue eyes darkening as he spoke. 
“In a split second I felt my body completely shut down, and a wave of pure rage and anger took over. Next thing I knew I was throwing punches into the guys face while Adriana was screaming at me to stop, but I didn’t. I was too angry to hear anything else around me, all I knew was that I wanted to kill this guy.” Harrison confessed, tapping his foot against the floor as he spoke.
“I eventually felt like he had, had enough and I turned to face Adriana, who was crying, shaking with fear from my outburst. She began to hit me, telling me that what I did was uncalled for, pretty much just shouting at me. But I was still so consumed with rage, that I ended up hurting her too. 
I bruised her so bad, and it still haunts me.” Harrison sniffled, “I ended up sending both of them away in an ambulance, the guy had to get twenty stitches in his face and they had to bandage up some of Adriana’s bruises.” Harrison whispered out, his expression saddening even more.
“I remember walking into the school after, my knuckles were all busted up, blood all over them as my mate Tom ran up to me, asking me what happened and if I was okay. Of course I told him what happened, but I never told him what happened to Adriana, I knew if I did he’d never look at me the same.” Harrison confessed, guilt taking over him as he looked up at Ms. Johnson.
“I never meant to hurt them. I never want to hurt anyone, I’m not a fighter.” Harrison whimpered, covering his face as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. Ms. Johnson watched the boy breakdown right in front of her, her heart breaking a bit. She knew Harrison wasn’t a bad kid, he just wanted what everyone else had, he wanted to feel loved, important.
“I believe you aren’t a fighter either Harrison.” Ms. Johnson spoke up, catching his attention as he rose his head up. “You want to know what I think?” She questioned, as he nodded his head in response. 
“I think you’re an intelligent young man who has grown up in a toxic household that made you believe no matter what you do, you won’t be good enough for anyone. That being said, with that mentality, whenever you don’t do well in school, you lash out, you become angry and take it out on whatever you can to get an emotional response.” Ms. Johnson began to explain, as Harrison listened quietly.
“So, for example, your breakup with Adriana, when you saw her with that other guy, your mind was immediately telling you that you weren’t good enough for her, which is why she broke up with you. With all that emotion building up you felt betrayed, angry, wanting to make them both feel how you were feeling. Hence why you lashed out and ended up hurting them.” She explained further, as Harrison continued to listen quietly.
“That being said, I don’t think you want to hurt people Harrison, I think you’re a boy who’s broken and lost on the inside trying to find where you belong. And when you think you’ve finally found it and end up losing it you become unstable and do things you wouldn’t normally do.” She frowned softly, as Harrison’s eyes began to get watery.
“I just want you to know that you coming here and talking this all out is a big first step, you might even feel as if it was a weight being lifted off your shoulders.” She smiled softly as Harrison sat up straighter, rolling his shoulders back. “I’m proud of you for doing this, I know it’s hard, but I have faith in you Harrison. I’d love for you to come back so we can continue to talk, that is if you’d like to.” Ms. Johnson offered as Harrison sat there for a moment, contemplating the offer.
“I-I think that’d be great.” Harrison spoke quietly, suddenly feeling tired, as if all his energy had been drained from his body. “Alright great.” She smiled, flipping over her pad of paper before focusing on her calendar. 
“How does next Tuesday at three p.m. sound for you?” She questioned, as Harrison nodded his head, “Sounds good.” He faintly smiled, as she nodded in response, marking him down on that day. “Perfect. I will see you next Tuesday then Harrison. It was nice meeting you.” She smiled, standing up and walking over to him, sticking her hand out.
Harrison stood up, staring at her hand, but went in for a hug instead, catching her off guard, before she hugged him back, patting his back softly. “Thank you.” He mumbled, his eyes shut tight as she smiled softly down at him. “I’ll always be here if you need to talk Harrison, always know that.” She reassured him, as he nodded in response, letting go of her before exiting the room, inhaling a deep breath and letting it out as he made his way out of the waiting room.
A part of him felt lighter like Ms. Johnson had said, as if everything he had been holding in for the past three years were no longer weighing him down. He smiled faintly to himself as he made his way out of the building, seeing Tom pull up in his car, waving to him. Harrison waved back, a smile on his lips as he jogged down to the car, to his best friend, the one person who always had his back, someone that actually cared about him.
“So how was it?” Tom questioned, looking over at his friend as Harrison buckled himself in the seat. “I can say much, but what I can say is that you were right, I really needed this, I have another appointment next Tuesday.” Harrison admitted, as Tom smiled at his friend. 
“I’m proud of you mate, I’m glad to see you caring about your health.” Tom patted his shoulder, then refocused on driving, pulling away from the building while Harrison stared out the window, his gaze lingering on the tall brick building.
This was the start of a new beginning for him, and he was more than ready to get his life back.
- ❁ -
You had managed to recompose yourself enough to return back down stairs, taking a seat back on the couch as you curled up in a few blankets. Harrison was too preoccupied writing his paper to notice your hesitance which you were thankful for. Your heart was no longer racing but your mind was, you had called Tom less than five minutes ago and you knew things were going to get ugly quick.
You attempted to distract yourself by eating some of the food left on the coffee table, doing whatever you could to make yourself seem normal. You weren’t sure how long it would take Tom to get to Harrison’s apartment, but you were pretty certain it would be a lot quicker than normal.
You continued to stab your fork into the box, your eyes widening slightly when you realized you ate all the food, your nerves beginning to take over once more. You were about to grab another box off the table when a loud knocking echoed throughout the apartment, causing your head to snap over towards the door. 
Harrison’s head lifted up, his brows furrowed in thought as he removed his laptop off his legs. “I’ll go see who it is darlin’.” Harrison smiled softly, kissing the top of your head as you shut your eyes tightly, swallowing thickly as you heard Harrison’s feet patter over towards the door.
You knew shit was about to go down.
Harrison however had no clue who was at his apartment, last he checked he hadn’t invited anyone over and he knew you hadn’t either. With a shake of his head Harrison opened the door, his jaw clenching when he saw Tom standing before him. “What’re you doing here mate?” Harrison spoke through gritted teeth, as Tom narrowed his eyes at his friend. 
“I’m here to see Y/N.” Tom stated bluntly, crossing his arms as Harrison let out a dark chuckle. “She doesn’t want to see you, remember? You fucked her best friend mate, as if she’d want to be around you after that.” Harrison spat, a smirk on his lips as Tom squinted his eyes in response, nodding slowly.
“We all make mistakes Haz, you surely know that don’t you?” Tom counteracted, a smug smirk on his face as Harrison glared at his friend. “I know that you’re not welcomed here, so get the fuck out of my face.” Harrison growled out, attempting to slam the door shut but Tom was quick to stop him, placing his foot between the door frame and the door. 
“I don’t think so mate, Y/N called me, and I’m here to get her the fuck away from you.” Tom snapped, shoving his way through the door, causing Harrison to get pushed up against the wall as Tom stormed in.
“Y/N!” Tom shouted, running over to you as your eyes widened, your body jumping up off the couch as you ran into his open arms. “You came.” You breathed out, your voice weak and strained as Tom held you close to his chest. 
“Always.” Tom muttered into your hair, kissing the top of your head gently as his arm stayed tightly around your waist. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my girl?” Harrison shouted, storming up to Tom as you flinched at his tone, but Harrison was too riled up to notice.
“I’m protecting her from you!” Tom shouted back, his eyes full of rage as Harrison breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his eyes flickered between you and Tom. “Protecting her? From me?” Harrison repeated, laughter leaving his lips as Tom studied his friend, while you clung to him for dear life, afraid he might vanish. “If anything I’m protecting her from you.” Harrison snarled at Tom, his body stiff as he stared his friend down.
“For what? Sleeping with her friend? That’s nothing compared to what you’ve done.” Tom spat at him, his jaw clenching at the thought of Harrison laying a hand on you. “What are you talking about?” Harrison demanded, his eyes full of fire and rage, his fists clenching and unclenching rapidly. “I said what are you talking about!” Harrison yelled, taking a step towards Tom and you, causing you to whimper into Tom’s chest.
“I know what you did mate, what you did to Y/N, and I know you do too, but you’re too afraid to admit it.” Tom stated, his voice calm as Harrison’s expression changed rapidly, trying to understand what his friend was implying. He kept trying to make excuses in his head, but deep down Harrison knew what his friend was saying, he just really didn’t want to believe it was happening all over again.
“Please.. Don’t take her away from me.. I’ll change..” Harrison pleaded, his face falling as Tom gave him a sad look, “Y/N is all I have mate..” Harrison whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as you looked up at Tom, your eyes pleading for him to get you out of Harrison’s apartment. “I’m sorry Haz, but it’s for the best, for Y/N’s safety.” Tom spoke quietly, his arm still firmly wrapped around you as he leaned over to grab your laptop and a few of your other belongings.
He carefully maneuvered his way around Harrison, bringing you to the front door as he handed you your things, telling you to wait in the hallway while he went to grab the rest of your belongings. You nodded your head hesitantly, afraid that Harrison might open the door and grab you, but you trusted Tom, you knew that he wouldn’t let Harrison hurt you, not anymore.
“Why are you doing this?” Harrison sniffled, his eyes becoming bloodshot as Tom gathered up your clothes. “You know exactly why Haz.” Tom muttered, packing up your clothes into a duffel bag before entering the bathroom to grab your cosmetics. 
“I know that she’s into you.” Harrison whispered, completely catching Tom off guard as a tear trickled down his cheek as Tom’s head snapped over towards him, his brows furrowed. “What?” Tom breathed out as Harrison nodded sadly, a broken laugh leaving his lips.
“You can’t honestly tell me you don’t see it?” Harrison tilted his head to the side a bit, brows furrowing as Tom shook his head no. “There’s this unspoken connection between the two of you, and no matter what you both always end up back with each other, almost like it’s fate.” Harrison smiled sadly, wiping away the few tears on his cheeks.
“I tried so hard to get you out of the picture, to help her erase her feelings for you, and for a brief moment it worked, I really thought I had won her over when you had fucked her best friend, but yet, here you are once again.” Harrison motioned to Tom standing in the bathroom doorway, a faint frown on his lips. “I was never going to be good enough, not when I was always being compared to you.” Harrison smiled sadly, raising his eyebrows as he let out a shaky breath.
“I guess that’s what triggered it, my rage.” Harrison confessed, taking a seat on the edge of his bed as Tom leaned against the door frame. “I got too into my head, and before I even knew what I was doing I was lashing out at her, just like I did to Adriana.” Harrison sniffled, holding his head in his hands as Tom looked at his friend sadly. “God I’m such a mess, no, scratch that, I’m a fucked up person, that’s what I am.” Harrison choked out, nodding his head as Tom quickly made his way over to his friend.
“Hey, no you aren’t Haz, stop talking like that.” Tom placed his hands on his friends shoulders, forcing him to look at him. “You’re my best friend, I know things are a bit rocky right now between us but I’m always going to have your back no matter what, I’m always going to be here for you.” Tom reassured him, as Harrison his head slowly in response. “Thank you Tom..” Harrison whispered, a tear slipping down his cheek as Tom observed his broken friend.
“How about you get some rest and we can talk some more tomorrow yeah?” Tom questioned, as Harrison nodded his head once more in agreement, climbing into the unmade bed. Tom quickly finished gathering up the rest of your belongings, bidding Harrison goodbye and telling him to get a good night's rest, before locking the door on his way out of the apartment. He let out a breath of relief when he saw you in the same place he left you.
“Ready to go sweetheart?” He hummed as you nodded eagerly in response, clutching your few belongings while Tom carried the rest. You both eventually made it down to his car, placing your things in the back seat, before slipping into the passenger's seat. 
You both sat in silence for half of the car ride, both not knowing what to say or even how to start a conversation after everything that had just went down. The silence was eating you alive, you needed to say something, anything.
You cleared your throat, your eyes flickering over to him as he kept his focus on the road. “Thank you..” You mumbled out, chewing on your bottom lip as Tom’s eyes snuck a glance over at you. Tom nodded his head in response, unsure of what to say back, a part of him was nervous to be around you, and another part wished to have you back in his arms. Pushing all that aside though, he was more than happy just to have you back, to know that you were finally safe again.
After a few more minutes of being in the car, he finally pulled up to the familiar building, noticing your eyes light up the second he pulled into the parking garage. You were quick to unbuckle your seat belt, grabbing the few things you could before you were sprinting to the main entrance. Tom let out a chuckle, shaking his head in amusement as he grabbed the rest of your belongings, locking up the car before heading into the building after you.
He had to admit, you definitely were a fast runner, by the time he arrived at the shared apartment you were already inside, your arms wrapped around Jacob tightly as he hugged you back. 
Tom let out a chuckle, seeing Jacob mouthing for him to help him get you off of him, but Tom only shook his head, mouthing ‘what?’ back to him, earning a glare from him in response. Jacob tried to pry you off of him but you weren’t budging, you hadn’t seen him in months and you were sure as hell going to get your well deserved hug.
“Y/N you’ve been hugging me for the past seven minutes.. I think you can let go now.” Jacob laughed, patting your back once more as you let out a dramatic sigh, letting go of him as Jacob let out a breath of air. “You may not look like it but you’re strong as hell Y/N, remind me never to get on your bad side, you could knock someone out.” Jacob teased, causing you to roll your eyes playfully in response. 
“I missed you.” You smiled, poking his cheek as he swatted your hand away. “I’m now re-deciding if I missed you too.” Jacob teased, earning a gasp from you in response. “Kidding! Kidding!” Jacob laughed, raising his hands up as you smiled, not noticing Tom watching the whole thing from the kitchen.
“You guys are morons.” Tom chuckled, earning a pout from you while Jacob gave him the finger, causing Tom to smile innocently. “The only moron in this room is you Tom.” Jacob grinned, as Tom mocked him, making you smile at the two of them. 
You had forgotten how much you missed them, they never failed to make you laugh. “I’m not dealing with you and your ridiculousness right now Tom, therefore, I’m heading to bed, goodnight Y/N.” Jacob smiled, ruffling your hair as you whined, slapping his hands away as he laughed, disappearing down the hall.
You couldn’t help but glance over at Tom, seeing that he was already staring at you, causing a light blush to rise on your cheeks. “You good Thomas?” You questioned, a faint smile on your lips as he sipped his beer. 
“I am now.” He smiled, sending you a wink as you bit your lip, trying to hide your smile. “Good.” You squeaked out, shaking your head slightly as you picked up your duffel bag of clothes. “I think I’m going to head to bed, long day.” You sighed, giving Tom a soft smile as he smiled back, “Goodnight Y/N.” He hummed, watching you carry your belongings back into your room.
He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you enter and close the door, seeing the light glowing from underneath the door signifying that there was life on the other side, that you were on the other side. You were finally back where you belonged, and for once in the past few months, Tom was finally going to be able to get a good night’s sleep, something he hadn't had since the day you left.
You on the other hand were pulling all your clothes out of the duffel bag, launching them all into your laundry basket as you grabbed a clean pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt. 
You let out a sigh of relief when the loose clothing was covering your body, you already felt more relaxed, but there was still one more thing you needed to do for you to be fully relaxed. Within a few seconds you unhooked your bra, tossing it into your laundry basket as well, making cheering sounds as it made it in. You were such a nerd sometimes.
Letting out a yawn you decided you’d just tidy up a few more areas of your room, having left it a complete disaster. Once deciding it was ‘clean enough’ you plopped down into your warm bed, turning your lamp off and then sinking into the comfortable mattress, pulling the blankets up to your nose while you shut your eyes. 
You were exhausted, you were craving sleep, but now that you were finally able to, your mind wouldn’t let you. Flashbacks from earlier played throughout your head like a movie, causing you to twist and turn every so often.
Eventually you reopened your eyes, a frown on your face as you checked the time, only for an annoyed groan to escape your lips. You had been trying to fall asleep for the past hour, but nothing was working, there was no way you were going to be able to fall asleep when all you saw when you shut your eyes was Harrison. It just wasn’t going to happen.
Sitting upright in your bed you thought about your options on what you could do. On one hand you thought about cleaning up the rest of your room, on another hand you thought about making yourself a late night snack and then watching a movie on Netflix, but then another idea popped into your head, and you knew it wasn’t a good one, but you didn’t really have any other choices. After internally arguing with yourself for what seemed like forever you managed to finally leave your bed, turning your lamp off before exiting your room. 
As quietly as you could you tiptoed down the dark hallway, doing your best not to cause any creaking in the floor, or to bump into anything. Your heart was already pounding in your chest, you knew this was a stupid idea, you really did, and yet here you were standing right in front of Tom’s door. You needed sleep, and you knew deep down this was the only way you were going to get a good night’s rest.
Attempting to give yourself a motivational speech in your head, you took a deep breath, nodding to yourself as you continuously mumbled ‘you can do this, you can do this’ before turning the knob on his door, opening it quietly to see he was already asleep. 
A smile made its way onto your lips as you heard soft snores leaving his mouth, causing your heart to flutter. You quietly shut the door behind you, hesitantly walking over to his bed as you stood there awkwardly, your eyes scanning over his face.
He looked peaceful, relaxed, something you hadn't seen for a long time. Not wanting to disrupt his state of sleep you decided to just climb on in next to him, praying that when he woke up he wouldn’t be mad that you snuck into his bed with him. 
You made sure to face away from him, your back turned to him as you pulled the covers over your body, the smell of his cologne filling your nose as you breathed in. You had always loved the scent he wore, it’s what made him, him.
You couldn’t help but snuggle more into the warm covers, a content sigh leaving your lips until you felt your heart stop beating for a split second, your breathing coming to a halt as Tom moved in his sleep, his arm draping over your stomach causing your eyes to widen. Did he know what he was doing? Was he awake? Was he aware you were right next to him?
You hesitantly stole a quick glance over at him, letting out a breath of relief when you saw his eyes were still closed, soft snores beginning to leave his mouth once again. However, now he had his arm over you and you weren’t sure what you were going to do. Your stomach felt like it was on fire, the warmth from his arm soaring throughout your veins as you laid frozen in place.
Licking your lips nervously you placed your hand on his, slowly removing it from your body as you placed it gently next to his pillow, before re-positioning yourself to get comfortable. Your body and mind finally beginning to relax as you listened to the sound of Tom snoring, the sound helping you fall asleep. 
You could feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into the depths of sleep when all of a sudden you were being brought back to reality, causing an angry grumble to leave your lips.
“Y/N?” Tom whispered groggily, rubbing his eyes a bit as he looked down at your curled up figure facing away from him. “I couldn’t sleep.” You mumbled, your eyes continuing to stay closed as you felt the bed shift a bit, assuming Tom was now sitting up. “So you..” Tom’s voice trailed off, his eyes lingering on you as you let out a sigh. 
“I didn’t want to be alone okay?” You whispered, letting out a small huff as you turned on your other side, now facing him as your eyes slowly fluttered open. “Every time I closed my eyes I saw him, and I just- I couldn’t do it Tom.” You whispered, your voice cracking as Tom’s eyes softened. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m glad you felt like you could come to me.” Tom cooed, brushing a strand of hair out of your face as your eyes trailed over his face.
“I just wasn’t expecting to turn over and find you laying next to me s’all, I could’ve kicked you or somethin’ darling, I’m a reckless sleeper.” Tom chuckled lightly, causing a smile to appear on your lips as you rolled your eyes in response. 
“Trust me, I know, the second I slipped into the bed you were already moving around.” You teased, earning a smile from him in response. “Well, since you’ve already witnessed it, don’t be afraid to move me if I end up laying on you.” Tom chuckled, as you let out a snort in response.
“Oh I will, don’t you worry.” You winked, a laugh leaving your lips as you closed your eyes once more, a content sigh leaving your lips as your body began to relax once again. You could feel Tom shuffling around next to you, causing the bed to move around a bit. With the bed constantly moving you knew you were never going to be able to fall asleep, so, you did the only thing you could think of to get him to stay still.
In one swift motion you turned on your side, your back now facing him as you pressed yourself up against his chest, grabbing his arm gently as you draped it over your stomach, your hand intertwining with his. 
You could feel his heart pounding in his chest and you were sure his eyes were wide in surprise, but in this current moment you really didn’t care, you were sleep deprived and all you wanted was to go to sleep.
“Y/N-” Tom began, his voice quiet but you were quick to cut him off, “Go to sleep Thomas.” You whispered, pressing your lips gently against the back of his hand, sending chills up his arms as you buried your face into the blankets. 
Tom let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding in, before he finally began to relax, letting his head rest against his pillow, only for it to end up being buried in your hair, the faint smell of cherry blossoms filling his nose before his eyelids fluttered shut and everything went dark.
You woke up the next morning a bit confused, having forgotten you were back at your home and not at Harrison’s. You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you observed your surroundings, your eyes widening when you realized you weren’t in your room, but instead were in Tom’s. 
You lifted your head up a bit to see the space next to you empty, your brows furrowing in curiosity as to where Tom could be. With your mind getting the best of you, you forced yourself out of his bed, opening the bedroom door slowly and peaking your head out.
You scrunched your nose up as you smelt the air, the familiar scent of eggs and bacon filling your nose. As quietly as you could you made your way down the hallway, entering the kitchen where Jacob was sitting at the table, and Tom was busy cooking breakfast. 
You couldn’t help but observe Tom, your eyes picking up on the smallest things, like the way his hair was a lot curlier and a bit fluffier than usual due to his bed hair, and the way his black t-shirt clung to his body, defining his toned chest a bit more than when he wore his white one, and then there were his gray sweatpants.
You could feel your face heating up just looking at them, they were hung loosely on his hips, which you knew he probably did on purpose, but that’s not what got you all hot and bothered, no, it was the fact you could faintly see the beginning of his v-line.
You felt the blood creep up into your cheeks, causing you to look away immediately before you got caught staring. 
You knew you shouldn’t be feeling any of these emotions, Tom was just your roommate, he hooks up with girls for fun, he’s not into committed relationships, and even though you kept reminding yourself of these things, you couldn’t help what you were still feeling on the inside. Your heart was telling you one thing while your brain was telling you another, and you had no idea which one was right.
Deciding to finally make yourself present you made your way over towards Tom, grabbing your mug out of the cabinet where you had left it, and then pouring yourself a cup of coffee. You blew on the steaming liquid, before raising the mug to your lips, about to take a sip when Tom cleared his throat, glancing over at you. 
“I thought you put two sugars in your coffee?” He questioned, raising a brow at you as you stared at him in surprise. “You remember that?” You smiled softly, noticing a light tint of pink rise on his cheeks as he licked his lips. “Of course I do, you had it pretty much every morning.” Tom chuckled, flipping a few pieces of bacon as you sipped your drink.
“I always made sure to set out the black coffee for you because I knew if I didn’t you’d kick my ass, and no offense or anything, but you’re scary when you don’t have your coffee.” Tom chuckled, earning a playful glare from you in response. 
“And then once you’d have your cup you’d always add two sugars.” Tom continued on, not realizing he had been talking the entire time while you stood there in amazement. “I never realized you did all that for me.” You admitted, leaning your back against the counter as his eyes flickered over towards you then back to the food.
“Are you lovebirds done in there? I’m starving.” Jacob complained, earning a scowl from Tom while you choked on your coffee. “Fuck Y/N, are you alright?” Tom questioned worriedly, placing his hand gently on your back as you coughed, your eyes watering a bit as you regained your breath. 
“Yup! I’m good! Great!” You spoke between breaths, wiping your eyes as Tom’s soft ones scanned over your face. “You sure?” He questioned, his voice a bit quieter this time as his thumb wiped away a tear that was trickling down your cheek. 
Your eyes widened a bit, staring at him in surprise as your breath hitched in your throat. “Not anymore.” You mumbled, your eyes flickering down to his lips for a split second, which he noticed immediately, causing his body to tingle.
“I’m gonna..” You motioned over towards the table, scrunching your face up a bit as you grabbed your coffee, “I’m gonna go sit down, mhm, that’s what I’m going to do.” You nodded, giving him a nervous smile and a thumbs up as you hurriedly made your way over towards the kitchen table. 
You sat yourself across from Jacob, your eyes squinting at him as he gave you a knowing smirk. “When are you just going to admit you feel something for him? It’s so obvious! It almost hurts me how obvious it is!” Jacob ranted in a hushed tone, causing you to swat your hand at him. 
“I don’t know what I feel okay? My emotions are all over the place at the moment.” You hissed at him, as Tom made his way over to the table, setting down a plate for Jacob, himself, and you.
“I heard the chef made this with a lot of love so I know it’s going to be exquisite.” Tom grinned, pinching his fingers together before kissing them and blowing it off into the air. You couldn’t help but laugh at how dorky he was, while Jacob just snorted at how stupid he was being. 
“I never knew you could cook Tom.” You stated while placing a scoopful of eggs into your mouth while Jacob was chewing on some bacon. “It’s because I’m lazy, I can cook, I just don’t ever feel like doing it.” Tom shrugged, taking a bite of his bacon as you nodded in response.
You all three eventually finished eating, Jacob was done first due to the fact he had a meeting, thus leaving you and Tom alone. You were helping him clean up the dishes from breakfast, a tenseness between the two of you. “So can we talk about last night?” Tom finally brought up, breaking the ice as he heard you let out a sigh. 
“What about it?” You questioned, trying to play it off. “Oh I don’t know, just you sneaking into my room and y’know climbing into my bed, oh and the fact that you literally pressed your body into mine and kissed my hand?” Tom named off each thing, then turned around to face you, his eyebrows raised.
You sucked in your bottom lip, chewing it nervously as he waited for you to answer. “It’s like I said Tom, I just didn’t want to be alone s’all.” You shrugged your shoulders, drying a pan as you avoided eye contact with him. “Bullshit.” Tom stated bluntly, placing his towel down on the counter as you looked up at him. 
“Excuse me?” You questioned, placing one of your hands on your hips as Tom looked you up and down. “You heard me.” He replied, a smug smirk on his face as he crossed his arms. “Are we really going to do this? Right now?” You questioned, licking your lips as you raised a brow at him.
“Depends if you give me an honest answer or not.” Tom shrugged his shoulders, a glint in his eye as you let out a small laugh. “What do you want me to say Tom?” You raised your brows, almost taunting him as his brown eyes darkened slightly. “That you want me as bad as I want you.” Tom stated simply, a smirk on his lips as your mouth dropped open in shock. 
“As if I’d ever want you!” You scoffed, shaking your head as he let out a chuckle. “Oh please, I saw how you were looking at me earlier! Don’t think I didn’t see you look at my lips!” Tom stated, taking a few steps towards you as your face flushed a light red color.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You whispered, turning your head to the side as he grinned at your response. “Oh but I think you do.” He hummed, now standing right in front of you, trapping you against the counter as his hand gently gripped your chin, turning your head to face him. 
You could feel your heart rapidly beating in your chest, your eyes wide as Tom looked down at you, his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth, his brows furrowed in thought. You weren’t sure what overcame you in that moment, whether it was due to the fact that he had you trapped against a counter, or that he just looked insanely hot with his lip between his teeth.
You just knew one thing for sure, you wanted him, right here, right now.
“Fuck it.” You muttered, wrapping one of your arms around his neck, your hand finding its way into his curly hair as your other cupped his cheek, as you pressed your lips against his in a fiery passion.
There was no going back now.
- ❁ -
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