#it just proves my theory that that all the ‘elders’ in the series are immortal
hanmajoerin · 3 years
What the fuck kind of preservatives did Inu no Taisho put into that lipstick 😂😂??? I can’t even get my lip scrub to last longer than two years and Izaiyo’s lipstick is out here working on year three-hundred.
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spiritionary · 7 years
This post will be about a fascinating reach of creatures that I have encountered known as the Celestials. I had interactions with one over the course of years. They are a very benevolent race that seems to form symbiotic relationships with other races. They are an interesting mix between friendly and fierce.
Basics and Identity:
Celestials are known for living in a plane that I have come to refer to as the Celestial Plane, purely because the one that I gleaned information off of, did not seem to have any particular information on what others would call it. This particularly makes sense, knowing that the very nature of Celestials would seem to have them remaining unknown. The reason being that they are guardian-type spirits. They will attach themselves to mortal races and will act as guides to help them overcome adversity. You are chosen from birth when this happens, as they know the details of your life (insofar as what it would be like without them) and, for the spiritually unaware, appear often as merely a conscience and a muse.
Were I to personally identify them, they do not seem to be a part of any more well known spirit, although they are known for taking many forms. The one that I talked to could not particularly identify anything that she thought her species was like. It is worth mentioning that she was not my guardian, nor do I seem to have one. In my conversation, I noted that she claimed that they will always have a gender that is compatible with their charge and that charges preferences.
A typical day for them would often involve protecting their charges from any potentially bad dreams, doing their best to help their charge overcome various adversities (Such as, perhaps, if parents berate that charge, they might whisper something encouraging in their ear that helps them keep on). They would impart their charge with knowledge and advice that would prove beneficial. Celestials are pretty benevolent towards most all races. Even if they happen to be with a charge who tends to feel an unhealthy amount of hatred or disdain, they seem pretty adept at persevering.
Culture and Society:
Celestials only prefer to hang out with their own when they are off the job. Given the time and a relaxed circumstance, they might enjoy their own company, but the one I met seemed to hold a great deal of curiosity to get to know her own charge and other beings native to where we were. As she is the only one I knew directly, I imagine that they seem pretty fond of each other between charges. They do not seem to hold any long-lasting affection for their homeland or friends, as I will come to explain later.
We had many discussions of her home, which she showed me through a series of visions. Her kind fought for sport a great deal, it seemed to be the main entertainment of those of less scholarly pursuits (She told me that they mostly squirrel themselves away, developing new magical techniques and researching new technologies). The impression that I had of her culture was that their technology was fueled more by magic by anything else and that was first and foremost the thing they focused most on. Technology did not seem to hold a terribly great value, according to her.
One of the more fascinating quirks of her people was that they had no written language. They spoke and seemed capable of telepathy, so it seemed that they had developed, instead, crystals that conveyed emotion and thought. Another thing I was fascinated by was their societal structure. They would spend roughly a human lifetime training for their job, alongside whatever hobbies they picked up, at that point, they would receive their first charge who they would then attach themselves to, leaving their world entirely.
Those who had been on a certain number of missions or had somehow distinguished themselves would become elders. Elders were key in the selection process. There was an implication that there was something existed above their elders that was helping determine who got what assignments. I was unable to clearly identify what they might be, I got the sense that she herself was connected to one such being, but she seemed unaware of it and I ultimately had to drop the subject, having nothing to go on and nowhere I could get. There seems to be an unspoken taboo amongst them of causing greater harm for their charges than good. Unlike the Floralings, these beings were highly intelligent and self-aware, leading me to believe they were capable of considering it and she felt bad when her charge suffered due to a mistake on her part.
The offspring are one of the most fascinating parts about Celestials. They have no inherent appearance. It has no relation to the parentage or even their personality. It seems incredibly random. I tried to pin a pattern to it for a long while, but could ultimately find none.
Spirit Biology:
Celestials feed on various types of magical energy, according to the ones I’ve studied. Their lifespan is yet another thing that I found fascinating about them. By all accounts, I have heard, they are immortal, or at least capable of living lives that would seem to be such. They have bodies that are incredibly durable, even for those with no natural armor or defences. The injuries I have seen them recover from defied imagination. They still required a healer, but it seemed as if they could thrive for quite a while even with a body that that has received what most races may consider mortal injury.
I dare to speculate that their lifespan is an unnatural blessing, specifically given to them by their deity. My reason for believing such is as follows. A Celestial loses their immortality when they reproduce. The process of which was rather interesting. Time almost appears to stop for their charge in some cases, where others this happens in dreams. Should the Celestial and the charge feel romantic enough inclinations for one another, their souls will be taken to a site of significance to them (I haven’t really gotten much information, only that it involved a black space with white writing, which is unusual, because Celestials supposedly have no written language).
Every Celestial (the one I spoke to was pretty young and seemed quite informed, backing up her claim of this) knows of the ritual, the words and what to do. They will hold hands and the information on what to do will be poured into the charges head as they chant a prayer of some sort to their deity. During this process, the deity has some means of testing their love, as she explained it. Not much detail was given on that particular part, it was suggested they just know or the very act of the chant is a test.
I have no information of what failure is like, however, success would have them granted with an egg. The egg quickly hatches after an unspecified amount of time (implied to be quick). From it will hatch the young Celestial. The parents will often leave them with some bit of advice or maybe a tool of significance. The child will, before long (again, unspecified amount of time), depart for the Celestial Plane where it will be communally raised. Children are considered a blessing amongst their society and it is considered a privilege to take part in helping them grow into a functional member of their race. It should be noted that age is not really a factor in how quickly Celestials find love. Some take long enough that they become elders, others, like her, barely get into their first assignment before falling for their charge. After completing this ritual, they lose their immortality and will expire when their charge does.
Speculations and Conjecture and Misc.:
The information I initially got was that Celestials are incapable of reproduction in any form but the above mentioned one, but I got conflicting information later on. It is likely that the particular place she found herself in (The Forest) was responsible for it, but she was capable of reproducing. That said, I think that when she lost her immortality, she might have had this defect removed. It is similarly possible that another Warden took certain steps to ensure that she was capable of reproduction. It doesn’t seem too large a logical leap that some of them had studied such matters and found a way around it.
I observed a change in her general nature after her and her charge had a child. They were small things, but she was no longer as stressed about accidentally messing things up with her charge. This gives some credence to the notion that perhaps she lost what made her a Celestial. She was not exclusive to her charge, either, she was capable of loving others, but he always seemed to be at the fore of her concerns, to some degree.
It is worth noting that three generations of the Wardens in a row had a Celestial amongst their ranks. I have a hypothesis in which they have been a long standing part of that particular fight for generations. It makes sense in the context of the fact that they are a race of gentle-hearted warriors. The Celestial for the current generation of Wardens seems to have expired, by all accounts.
There were numerous theories that the Celestial race also has some way of replenishing its numbers, should one die before they are capable of reproducing. This was never something I was able to confirm, but the ones who brought up the suggestion that it happens seemed fairly knowledgeable about a wide variety of creatures.
I would have listed this above in Culture and Society, but it doesn’t necessarily fit that as I am not able to confirm this with a terribly great degree of certainty. Starting with what I can confirm (Which is to say, it came from a reliable source, the Celestial I knew), Celestials spend what seemed equivalent to a few years studying their charge. I am incapable of discerning what they might not understand or might be confused by with human society as they are trained to see it as natural, if their charge is a human or to interact with humans. This, at the very least, would seem to imply that they have greatly flexible minds that lack xenophobic tendencies.
submitted by @gavre-eon
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