#it just triggers my cant see blood or gore brain and makes me sick and squirmy
hekcle · 3 years
Rude anon 2, electric boogaloo
I honestly really just love her design, she's a very pretty woman and I'm not exactly surprised she's already being sexualized but atleast from m e talking I only try to look at her respectfully
I don't try to sexualize her I just genuinely think she's a pretty lady,,,
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coconutnunnicorn · 4 years
A Thousand Lives Begin with One
As Told by A Monster will be featured in several instalments, please make sure to block IoS and [from my results anyway] it should keep you from ever stumbling across IoS like content which often features the triggers above. It IS capital sensitive.
Bellowing aggressively through the cosmos, her voice rang with absolute finality, “You can pretend all you like, but I’m not delusional.” Quieter now, her ethereal sound whispered into existence a prophecy, “Someday you’re going to have to wake up, and when you do, I will be there. Hear me swear on my mark,” the sacred silver slid through greyish blue flesh, “when the Sky meets the Sea you shall awaken from your sacred seat. With your wake I shall take my place, across the land I will pass my judgment.” Smearing the shimmering ooze over the glass tanks surface. “We will meet again, you cannot hide from me.”
TW: Mentions of death, insanity, carnage, kidnapping.
Imagine if you could, a world where everything was made of light, a plane of existence where everything was in a constant state of peace. Could you picture what that would be like for a girl who absolutely despised a leisurely days stroll? Imagine cracking your own skull to scoop out your aching brain, and multiply it by a thousand. Boredom so deep it could, quite literally, make you cry. Now imagine meeting the most interesting person by absolute chance, an absolute open book of contradictions. A being who was not made of light, but rather a solid mass of dirt, flora, and fauna. Across the surface moved strange patches of white, imagine a creature that constantly made some kind of sound. A woman who smelled of what sunshine should in the mind of someone who dreamed of far off places, places this woman was from. 
Her name had been a sound that could never be put into words, but she said the little people that sometimes popped up inside her head would call her, Earth. The woman was accompanied by a slew of others, an ever exchanging mix, the only constants ever being the ones who called themselves, the Lunar and Solar Stars, or just the Moon and Sun. Earth had explained that she simply couldn’t exist without one or the other, both absolutely essential to her every waking moment. 
Imagine how easy it would be to fall in love.
“I am forever, I am eternity, I am life and death, I am the sky and the sea. I am the very thing that keeps these parasites alive.” a sickening gesture was made toward the odd smoggy coloured masses that had cropped up almost overnight. “I live in all times, at all time, sometimes it’s confusing and people dont always understand.” A pause, a chat over drinks turning serious, the Stars nowhere in sight, but they can still be felt lurking somewhere in the darkness. Low her voice would turn almost sinister, “But they understand power, do you understand power?” 
Imagine being a being of absolute light, and knowing you hold absolute power in this realm. You were literally called forth from the void by the will of the very Stars, Stars they claimed to be. Imagine realizing one day that you have absolutely no idea what is really happening around you, like some kind of awakening, imagine becoming aware that the very ground you live on belongs to something else. Something bigger, so much bigger than yourself that to be meeting another in person was enough to leave you reeling in confusion. 
“Do,” a rather  thoughtful pause, “you want to come with me?”
Imagine being given a day to think about a choice that would forever change your life in a way you had absolutely no control over. Imagine giving yourself completely over to an outside force, trusting it to protect and provide for you. Imagine being warned before you make your decision that things couldn’t ever be undone, you could never return home, you would have to live forever with this being so different from you. “Is that something you think you could live with?” 
They called her a Star snatcher, a World Eater, a conquer of Gods and Titans. Her mood ever-fickle, her loyalty always changing on a whim. It always depended on how she felt at the time, and if she was in the right place to make kind choices. To be merciful. Imagine never believing that.
Seeing first hand the kind of monster the love of your life could be, the bile you had never known before rising from the back of your throat. Think of the way your eyes would burn for the first time as the sick expelled itself before you. “Awe,” a soft tisking tone, “Are you not feeling well, do you want me to take you home?” Imagine the casual tone of a killer as they pull a cloth from thin air to clean your shoes with. The soft kindness in everchanging blue orbs that seemed to only exist for you, Imagine seeing the sharp contrast of red sprayed against pale blues, browns, and greens that made up the ‘flesh’ of your best friend. Over the years and time spent with you, imagine the way she would change to fit your expectations of life.  
A land covered in a vast expanse of wildlife, a world rich with nature and all its ethereal horrors and wonders. A world where trees touched the skies and rivers were so clear you could see the bottom of a bottomless pit. Imagine it being your new home, and knowing you can never go back to a world of light and pain-free bliss. 
Imagine still being in love.
Imagine it taking a catastrophic event for you to learn that you have almost absolute power here in the realm of the solid as well, the power of creation. The Sun had fallen to the Moon in an estranged reality, a deep falling out leading to the undoing of almost an entire eternities worth of existence. Imagine delving your hands into the waters of a dying planet while holding the actual heart of another Star, imagine suffering the searing heat of a dying Sun. The person Earth had turned into as she died was the ugliest you could have ever imagined, think about the moment you felt the free-falling fear of a chair slipping out from under you. Imagine racing through a land you could never hope to know better than your hunter, clutching a dying Star to your chest, throwing yourself to the edges of the pond you did at least know. Imagine doing that while the person you cared for the most hunted you down.
Resurrecting a Star isn’t easy, and it isn’t without its consequences. Everyone paid a price that day. 
Earth was never the same, to start there was now two, each a twisted mirror of one another, looking the same and yet disturbingly different. Neither choosing to actually address or acknowledge the other, they would make wishes or comments and the other would just move into action. It wasn’t always that way though, they regularly acted independently, one would wreak carnage unlike previously seen and the other would simply step in if they thought it was out of control and put an end to it.
Imagine constantly being addressed regularly by two people you dont know, who cant seem to see one another, but are constantly flocking and doting on you as if you’d vanish without their constant watch. Imagine never seeing the Stars or the person you loved the most ever again. Imagine watching one of your, now, precious pair being skewered by a beast you brought in from the outreaches of space. Imagine stumbling across them, “Go, Find Kayton, they will protect you.” Imagine finding that very person who had once coddled you with such absolution, and they simply look away as a figure you never thought you’d ever see again dragged you away to a place you never belonged. 
Imagine dying in a world where you can never really die. 
Imagine living a thousand different lives.
This Story can and will contain triggers such as mentioned below at certain times. 
Mentions of Death,  Death, Graphic Death, Carnage, Torture, Blood, Gore, Mentions of abuse, Abuse of most kinds [Some of this gets dark], Cannibalism, Cults, Deranged views
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