#it was fully signed over to sam. and it was signed in his dad's signature.
roadtogracelandx45 · 9 months
Runaway Bride|1| Supernatural Mafia AU
masterlist coming soon
“I promise Jo, it’s just a quick trip to New York and back.” Ellie Scott said as she put a few more things into her suitcase, her cousin Jo Harevelle was sitting on the neatly made bed glaring and folding her arms under her chest.
 “With your mother, it's never a quick trip.”  “I know but you know how she has been since Dad has been gone and Terry has been locked up.” “She has gone insane? This is the 4th time in 6 months that she has called and has expected you to drop everything and get on a plane.’ 
Ellie pursued her lips together tightly, at first she had been thrilled that her mother had started to be involved in her life more often but when it was trips to New York or Chicago to meet the sons of upper members of the crime family they belonged to. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be involved.
Angela desperately wanted her oldest daughter to solidify their spot in the family that had been floundering since her second husband had ended up in prison and they started losing clout. Her best hope lay with Ellie, a daughter that she sent to live with her former sister-in-law and her husband in South Dakota because she wanted to start fresh, and having Ellie there wasn’t the fresh start she wanted or needed. 
“You know she is just doing this because you are a young single female that can marry up in the family.” Jo started but she was cut off by Ellie waving her hand in the air, “I know Jo, just let me enjoy this pretend time right now. Okay? You have your mom and Bobby. I don’t have that.” 
“What are you going to do about Dean if this ends up being a marriage scheme?”  Jo interrupted, she wasn’t going to have the same fight she always had with Ellie about Ellen and Bobby being Ellie’s parents too. The only thing that had been missing was Angela’s signature on the paperwork, fully signing over custody.
Dean Winchester was the man that Ellie had been in love with since she was 16 and they had an intense relationship to say the least. One minute it was hot and then it was ice cold.  He said he loved her and then slept with another girl. She would get mad and sleep with Sam, his younger brother, or Cas, his best friend.  “I don’t know Jo, maybe it’s time I move on and stop being Dean Winchester’s plaything.” She said as she put a jacket on top of the clothes that she had just put in her suitcase. Jo couldn’t help it, she started laughing, “Honey, you two are in love. A fucked up love but still love.” “Don’t use that word. That word is evil.”  Still laughing, the younger cousin got off of the bed and hugged her, “Come on, I will drive you to the airport. The sooner you get there, the sooner you can get back and you can help me talk mom into letting me skip this upcoming school semester.” “Yeah, that would be the day.” Ellie teased before pulling away, “Come on before the boys get back from Vegas and I can’t leave for another week.” Jo was right the sooner she left the sooner she could get back and have her life back to normal.
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sobsicles · 3 years
"something wicked this way comes" season 1 episode 18 really Did That, huh? not only did they go the hag route, but they dived into j*hn's Unrealistic Expectations for dean as a ten or eleven year old child (and younger, but that's when it's set in the episode). fully just acknowledged that j*hn blamed dean for not looking after sam, treating it genuinely like it was dean's job instead of his own, and then treating him noticably different when, by his standards, dean "messed up". dean carried that mistake with him until it festered, and sam said it best in the episode. paraphrasing but, "i give you a lot of crap about taking dad's orders, but i know why you do it." and that's exactly it—dean does what his dad orders because he was literally trained to and made to believe anything he did outside of those orders, anything he did for himself, would end in fucking up. and there's something to dean not trying to force michael to be bait without him knowing first, as well as giving him the out if he changed his mind. dean said, "if you changed your mind, it's okay, you can tell me. i won't be mad," and ive just got to fucking wonder how it's an instinct for him to reassure a kid that he won't be angry if he's scared. almost like he knows what that's like, to be scared and have the adult figure around him get angry at him for it. hm. also never going to get over the fact that sam admitted that he wished he could have some innocence to him (aka not knowing about the life or monsters) and dean said, "for what it's worth, sometimes i wish you could, too." not himself. sam. it's never about him, and that's all he knows.
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witchywrter · 3 years
“Home” (Part 5/?)
Paul Lahote x reader
Part 4
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Summary: y/n returns from college in California to her hometown in Forks to find things are not as she left them. She soon discovers that a lot more things have changed then she initially thought.
Warnings: mentions of death, car accident, verbal fighting, cussing, i think that covers it
A/N: i am literally so sorry for not updating sooner guys lmao i’m trying to update all my fics now, especially this one bc i love it. i’ll get the next one out next week. love you all!_______________________________________________
You felt so much pain as you began to regain consciousness and could make out someone calling your name.
You turned your head to the source of the sound to see a Doctor at your side, his hand on your arm. He was very handsome. Not exactly your type, but still. He looked to be around your age, far too young to be a Doctor already.
“Hello Y/n, my name is Dr.Cullen. You’ve been in an accident”
Your head was throbbing and you felt pain radiating from your stomach and leg. You looked around to find that you were indeed in the hospital.
You looked down at his hand on your arm. It was ice cold, absolutely freezing. He must have noticed you looking because he removed his hand.
“How long have I been here?” you asked, looking back to the Doctor.
“About a day and a half. Do you remember anything?” he asked kindly.
“There was a man in the road, he came out of nowhere. I swerved to try to avoid him” you said trying to remember.
“Your car flipped four times and caught fire. A piece of glass punctured your abdomen and another your left thigh, narrowly missing your femoral artery. We were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize your condition. You’re lucky to be alive, if your friend hadn’t been there to pull you out when he did, you could have died” he finished, shaking his head.
“My friend?” you asked.
“He’s from the reservation, one of Jacob Black’s friends I believe” he said.
Well that didn’t exactly narrow it done much. Your car was totaled most likely. You’re dad’s car, the one thing you had left of him.
“You’ll be okay, but you need your rest. You can be discharged tomorrow morning and the stitches will dissolve on their own in two weeks” he said has he picked up your chart and began walking away.
“Oh, one more thing. Sherif Swan called me, if you still want that internship, send over your resume and you can start after your two weeks” he said with a slight smile on his lips.
“Thank you Dr.Cullen” you called out as he left to check on other patients.
You looked over to your side to see an array of gifts on the beside table and chair. There seemed to be something from everyone. Flowers with cards from Leah, Sam, Emily and even Charlie and his daughter Bella and a big card from Quill, Embry, Collin, and Brady with all their own little messages and signatures.
The huge, brown bear sat on the chair with a red ribbon around its neck didn’t seem to have a card accompanying it.
You grabbed your phone from the side table and unlocked it. There were a few messages from friends and one from your mom. You opened up your mom’s message and read:
“Why did I have to find out from the Sherif that my daughters been in a car accident. You know what it was like for me when your father passed and the fact that you’d put me through that again is appalling”
This was followed by multiple messages about how horrible of a daughter you were and how you have no excuse for ignoring her text messages.
She had no right to bring up your dad like that. As if you got into an accident to hurt her, as if you were unconscious and not responding on purpose.
Your dad was driving home one night after a long night at the hospital when he was hit by a drunk driver. He was pronounced dead at the scene. You never got to say goodbye. Never got to tell him you loved him one last time.
You turned your phone off and set it on the side table and laid back down. Although you were out for a day and a half, you felt utterly exhausted, mentally and physically. You pulled your blankets back up and closed your eyes, hoping for a full nights rest.
You woke up to the curtains flying back, sunlight flooding the room. Your eyes stung as you were blinded.
“Wake up loser, it’s time for a jail break” Leah said in a very cheerful voice.
“No Leah, I’m not dead and feel amazing” you say in a sarcastic voice.
“That’s exactly what i wanted to hear. Seriously though, are you okay? You scared the shit out of everyone” she said, her voice taking on a concerned tone.
“Yeah, just beat up. Should be at healed up in two weeks” you say, sitting up.
“Here, I brought these from Emily’s house” she said, tossing a long sleeve, pants, socks, undergarments and shoes onto the bed.
After you changed and signed the discharge papers, you and Leah headed back to Emily’s place.
“What a bitch,” Leah said with disgust as she climbed the steps.
“I know, I still can’t believe I’m related to her” you say shaking your head.
Leah opened the front door and you hear “Surprise!” as you walk through. Everyone but Collin, Brady, Quill and Paul were there for your second homecoming.
Jake ran up to hug you, but Leah stepped in front of him.
“You wanna rip her stitches dumbass?” she said like a mother correcting her child.
“Oh shut it Leah” Jacob said, but gave you a much gentler hug than he originally intended.
“How are you?” Jake asked.
“Well I think I might fall over and die if one more person asks how I am” you say laughing. You stop as a stabbing pain shoots from your abdomen.
Sam, Emily and Seth hug you as well before you finally make it to the couch to sit down.
“What happened?” Embry asked taking a seat next to you with Leah on the other side.
“I was driving back here and I looked down at my phone for barely a second and when I looked back up there was a man in the road” you said.
“Well you know what they say about texting and driving” Seth said but the joke fell flat as no one laughed.
“What did the man look like?” Jake asked in a serious tone.
“Pale I guess, black hair, I’m not really sure. Why?” you asked, confused.
“No reason, just wondering” he said looking over to Sam who was sitting on a stool by the counter talking to Emily.
“Do you know who pulled me out?” you asked Jacob.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Dr.Cullen said one of our friends pulled me out of the car before it caught fire”
“Oh, uh, Paul did” he said.
Paul. Of all of your friends you had thought it might have been, that was the absolute last person you’d think would save you. If anything he’d probably be the one to toss you right into the flames.
“Oh” was all you said.
The front door opened and in walked Quill and Paul.
“Well I’ve gotta get back to..work” Jacob said standing up.
“Me too” said Seth as he followed Jacob to the door.
“Heal up Y/n!” Jacob yelled over his should and he and Seth left.
Quill came over and sat where Seth had just been and gave you a hug and Paul went straight to Sam without even acknowledging you.
Not like it mattered anyway.
“How are y-“ Quill started.
“Fine” you cut him off.
Through the rest of the day, people started to leave one by one as they had work, school or other things to get to. Eventually Paul said his goodbyes to Sam and Emily and began walking out the door, again without saying a word to you.
You got up as quickly as you could without hurting yourself and momentarily excused yourself from your board game that you were beating Embry in. You walked out the door just as Paul was off the steps.
“Hey!” you called to him.
Paul stopped and slowly turned back to you.
“What?” he asked rudely, not fully meeting your gaze.
Instead of responding with the same attitude, you walked down some of the steps.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Jacob told me what you did” you said gently.
“It wasn’t exactly like there was a choice in the matter” he spat.
“Could you just not be a complete asshole for once in your life? I’m trying to thank you for saving my life” you said, anger getting the best of you.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” he said.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you ask, raising your voice.
“Nothing. I-I can’t do this right now, I won’t do this right now” he said, voice equal to yours now.
“No, come on Paul, let it out. Say what you need to say!”
Paul started shaking with anger and as much as you knew you should stop, your anger wouldn’t let you.
“Say. It.” you seethed.
“Paul!” you heard as the front door swung open.
You turned around to see Quill come running down and barreling into Paul, pushing him away from you. Sam came running out too.
“Get him out of here!” Sam yelled.
Quill grabbed Paul and pulled him out into the woods.
“What the hell?” you asked
“Get inside Y/n!” Sam yelled.
“You don’t tell me what to do” you said angrily
“Get. Inside. Now.” he said sternly.
You scoffed but turned on your heal and went inside and upstairs, waking right passed Emily and ignoring her as she called out to you.
Who did they think they were, telling you to get inside. Paul always had anger problems, this wasn’t anything new.
You hate him.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” replayed again and again in your head. You hated him for making you feel less than, for making you feel worthless.
Him saving you meant nothing. He was a dick to you your entire life and you didn’t care that Sam asked you to lighten up on him. No one bit.
As you laid down to sleep, not even bothering to take off your clothes or change, you wiped the single tear that escaped. You hated him and always would.
You were walking through the woods to get to your favorite spot again. It was the middle of the night, but Jacob asked to meet you there. The moonlight shown through the thick trees, illuminating your path.
Everything was so green and beautiful, you missed being home.
You walked a little farther when your foot hit something, stopping you in your tracks. You looked down to see a rock jutting up from the ground. It was the same one you fell on the other day. It still had blood on it, fresh and bright and not at all dried. That wasn’t right. You fell days ago, it should be dried or the rain should have washed it off.
You spun around. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, that same feeling of being watched returning. You shouldn’t be out here. Emily warned you.
You scanned your surroundings, but it was too dark. What happened to the moonlight? You squinted your eyes and saw him-it.
The man from the road, eyes blood red, skin pale as snow, hair dark as the night around him. He cocked his head to the side, watching you.
Where did he come from? Had he been watching you the whole time? Was he in the woods that first day?
You could try to outrun him, you didn’t know how far into the woods you were, you didn’t even remember how you got here. You went to take a step back but he was in front of you instantly and attacked, grabbing your arm.
You jolted upright, breathing heavily. You looked around. You were in your room, at Sam and Emily’s. You were safe. You ran your fingers through your hair as you looked out the window. It was the middle of the night.
There were things that weren’t adding up. Everyone has been acting weird, telling you to avoid the woods, saying that whatever has been attacking people isn’t animal or human, the man in the road, even Paul’s behavior has been worse than normal…something wasn’t right, you could feel it in your gut.
You knew what they told you, the warnings, but with everything that happened with Paul and your mom, you didn’t care anymore. You were gonna find out what was going on, no matter what.
A/N: hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! lots of stuff happened and i swear we’re gonna get more paulxreader interactions from now on. love you all❤️❤️
@that-animebitch @fangirlanotherjust @justdidabadthing @scuzmunkie @ccosmic-illusion
@xthefuckerysquaredx @destroyed-and-damned @classyunknownlover @hglyu @blackloveangel13
@champagnesugamama @bshelley322
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justkending · 4 years
Just Roommates. Chapter 32
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Series Summary: These two college friends have had years to grow together. Each being the others support system, adventure buddy, movie night partner, and dorky roommates. That is until things start coming to a new light in their relationship. At least for him… Is there something else there? Is it possible? Were these feelings always there?
Pairing: (Modern) Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: Fluff, Adulting, sexy-times mentions, language.
Word Count: 3600+
A/N: And ladies and gentlemen... This is the last chapter for this series. It’s been an absolute joy of mine to write, and will for sure being going down as one of my top ones. I hope you enjoy, I hope I did the end justice, and I hope it was everything and more for you all like I wanted. I also may or may not write an epilogue. I’m still debating. If I do, just keep an eye open for tags. Thank you all again for supporting and loving on this brain child of mine. Each and every comment, like, and piece of love sent my way was greatly cherished:) Now on to the next story that I have brewing!!!
Chapter 32:
“Hold still, Y/N!” Nat said as she tried to bring the last pieces of the wiggly woman’s hair together. “Jesus woman!”
“Sorry, I just need-” Y/N started as she reached over once again for another grape that she was currently stress eating. 
“You know, most girls would be starving themselves before they walk down the aisle to get that extra skinny look. Glad to know even your wedding day won’t change you,” Wanda laughed in the corner as she straightened the ivory dress hanging up. 
“It’s grapes. Grapes are healthy,” Y/N turned her head sending a playful glare her way.
“Stop moving!” Nat shouted again with a huff.
“Right, sorry.”
There was a knock at the door as Y/N shoved another handful of grapes in her mouth. 
“Hey, it’s Steve. I need Y/N to sign something for the marriage license before the ceremony.”
“Wait-” Nat started, but before she could finish, Y/N had already cut her off.
“Come on in Stevie!”
Slowly, and ever so carefully, the door opened with Steve sneaking in before anyone that might have been in the hallway could see in. 
“I’ll be quick I promise,” Steve started as he turned into the master bedroom where they were getting ready. But when he was fully looking at her turned in the chair where she was facing the vanity set up, he stopped in his tracks. “Wow.”
“Hey, Stevie. How’s it looking out there?” Y/N said casually with a smile on her lips and her arm resting on the back of the chair. 
“You-You look beautiful, Y/N/N,” Steve smiled not hearing her question. 
“Awe, thanks. I don’t even have my dress on,” she laughed standing and walking over to him. 
“Don’t need it to be beautiful when you’re you, doll,” he winked, giving her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Now, I know you’re going to be at the end of the aisle Steve, but I don’t remember saying yes to marrying you. You keep this up and I might have to,” she winked back.
“Bucky would kill me.”
“True,” she laughed. “So, what do I need to sign? I kinda have plans this evening I have to still get ready for.”
“Right! Here,” he pulled out a pen with the papers already on hand. “Just sign here to state that I can wed you both. I thought I had got all of it done, but when I was doing my checklist this morning-”
“Classic Stevie.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile before continuing. “I realized there was one more document.”
“Easy fix,” she did her signature quickly before handing it all back to him. “Wow, that’s going to be the last time I sign my name with Y/L/N. Hmmm…” she paused as if in shock. “That’s really crazy, isn’t it?”
“It’s pretty crazy,” Steve laughed. “But if I’m being honest I called this since day one.”
“Oh, shut up Rogers!” Nat shouted. “I was the one who called it, and you were the one that said, ‘Eh, he doesn’t deserve her.’” 
“Really now?” Y/N laughed turning to Steve with a raised eyebrow. 
“Ok, fine. But if I’m being honest he didn’t deserve you at the time. He had a lot of growing and soul searching to do,” Steve defended. “I’m happy to say that has been the case, and you was the one to help him along with that.”
“All true things. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a bride to get ready Steve,” Wanda intervene. 
“Right, sorry. Sorry,” Steve nodded looking back at Y/N and taking her hand, placing a kiss to it. “We can rag on Bucky after the ceremony. I’ll see you out there Sassy.”
“Thanks Stevie. I’ll see you out there,” Y/N grinned. 
With one last goodbye, Steve walked back out and the girls continued their makeover. 
“Hey man. You nervous?” Sam asked, clasping his hand onto Bucky’s shoulder. 
“I thought I was supposed to be,” Bucky said, adjusting his tie in the mirror. 
“Not necessarily. You’re allowed to feel however you want.” Sam countered.
“Yeah, yeah… It’s just surreal to me still,” Bucky said with a nervous chuckle.
“Because you’re marrying a beautiful woman who loves you for you, and would do anything to make you happy for the rest of your life? Yeah, I can see how that’s unbelievable.” Sam nodded.
“Hey!” Bucky said slapping his back.
“I’m kidding ok!” Sam laughed. “I mean usually I’m not, but-” another slap. “Ok, ok!” He paused looking at the strained groom as he threw on his boutonniere with shaky hands. “Here, let me.” 
Sam took over the flower problem and noticed how Bucky was still tensed. Steve would have been his best man, and still kinda was, if he wasn’t officiating. Sam was basically his second one since they were still rather close. Even though they were constantly harassing the other, they were best friends at the end of the day. Bucky was very happy to have him by his side on this day. 
“You know, I mean it though, right?” Sam asked. 
“Mean, what?” Bucky was clearly lost in his thoughts but still listening. 
“She loves you for you Buck. And that woman would absolutely do anything and everything to make sure you live a happy life. You picked a good one.”
“I did. Didn’t I?” Bucky smiled, relaxing his shoulders some. 
“And I know you would do that same for her.”
“Without a second thought…”
“Then don’t overthink it Buck. You two were made for this. Instead of being nervous, be ecstatic that someone wants to share the same love you have for them to you.”
Bucky paused taking in his words. He was right. He had nothing to be nervous about. Y/N was his person, and he believed he was her person too. This was a match made in the stars. 
“Thanks Sam. I needed that.”
“No problem. That’s what friends are for.” Sam smiled adjusting the last of his suit. 
Steve came in right in time. “Hey, you about ready to get hitched Barnes?”
Bucky looked at the men in the room and the nervous soft smile turned to a full excited grin.
“Yeah, let’s do this.”
“Ok, ladies and gentleman. Wanda and Sam first. Then Clint and I. After that, Vis and Maria. Then of course our beautiful bride,” Nat instructed as she lined everyone up on the back porch of the house just out of sight from the tree so there wasn’t any peeking. Y/N was in the back adjusting her dress and veil. 
“You look stunning Y/N,” Sam said as he looked back at the nervous bride to be.
“Thank you Sam. You look rather dashing as well,” she said with a deep breath. 
“I would like to second Sam’s compliment,” Vis smiled in a calming way.
“I’ll third it!” Clint shouted. 
“Moron, get back in line,” Nat swatted at him. 
“Ow!” Clint said, grabbing his arm. “What? I’m not allowed to compliment the bride?” All he got in return for that comment was a glare. “Ok, yes ma’am.”
“Ready?” Nat asked. Everyone nodded. She peaked around the crew and looked back at Y/N who was staring straight ahead. “Y/N, you ready?”
She paused and then a small smile grew on her face. “Of course.”
Nat gave a nod, and Wanda sent a reassuring smile her way. 
“Let’s do this then,” Nat smiled. 
Music began to play and the crew started making their way slowly to the tree where the altar was. 
Taking a deep breath, it was almost time for Y/N to make her way. She didn’t have anyone escorting her and that was playing in the back of her head as she closed her eyes. But as fate would have it...
She turned at the sound of her name, and saw a much older version of her brother who she hadn’t actually seen in person in almost 5 years.
“Hey sis,” he smiled coming up to her in his nice suit, and someone behind him that she hadn’t noticed yet. “You look absolutely radiant.”
“Thanks,” she said stifling back tears that were quickly forming. “What-what are you-”
“Hey Y/N/N,” another voice said. 
Peaking around her brother, she saw her older sister smiling in a lavender dress coming up to her. 
“Maebry. You guys made it,” she said with a small laugh to hold back the happy tears she was feeling. 
“Couldn’t miss the little sis’s wedding,” Maebry said. 
“Couldn’t miss my second big sis’s wedding,” Carson added. 
They pulled into a group hug with giant smiles on their faces. When they pulled back, Y/N fanned at her face to preserve the makeup. 
“I didn’t think you guys could make it,” she said with furrowed brows.
“Nothing too important to miss this kind of day.”
“Thank you guys. Truly, thank you.”
“Of course. We’re family after all,” Maebry smiled rubbing her hand up and down Y/N’s arm. 
“Uh, speaking of which… Did mo-” Y/N said sniffling back the few tears that escaped. 
“Actually,” Carson pulled out his phone that he had on the whole time without his sister knowing. 
On the screen were the faces of Y/N’s mom and dad with soft smiles awkwardly waving at her. 
“Oh my-” Y/N said, putting a hand over her mouth. 
“Hey Y/N,” her dad said. 
“Hey Dad,” she said after pulling herself together some.
“I-I’m sorry we couldn’t be there,” he said, clearly awkward tension radiating through the phone. 
“We had a convention out in California that we had already left for when we got notice the wedding was today. We would’ve flown out, but flights are cancelled thanks to a storm going on here,” Her mom added. 
“Oh,” Y/N sighed at a loss for words. 
“Listen, we don’t want to make this day more stressful than we’re sure it already is, but we want to say we’re sorry,” her dad sighed. “When we saw your engagement post we felt terrible… We saw how amazing you are doing there with work, life, and clearly your relationship. You’re our daughter and we shouldn’t have done what we did all these years.”
“Yes, and we know you’re about to walk down the aisle and you probably hate us, but we would like to watch the ceremony if you’re ok with it. Since we can’t be there in person we’d like to be there in spirit,” her mom added. 
Y/N took a minute to process this. Sure they had done something horrible to her when she was going off on her own, but she also never reached out or tried to make things right. They both had their pride that they were preserving. End of the day she did want them there. She still loved them even if they didn’t communicate much over the years. 
“Of course,” Y/N nodded. “I, um, I actually have to go now cause I’m already running late to my wedding,” she chuckled, fixing her hair with the veil, “But can we talk soon?”
“We would love nothing more,” her mom smiled. “Now, you go get married darling.”
Y/N nodded with a new smile on her face. Her whole family was actually going to be there for her wedding day. She started the day thinking none of them would. 
“Y/N, can I ask you something?” Carson asked as he handed the phone to Maebry.
“If you ask it quickly, yes,” she laughed walking toward the spot she was already supposed to be halfway to. 
“Can I walk you down the aisle?”
She stopped in her tracks and turned to her brother. 
“Only if you’re ok with it,” he rushed to say worried he overstepped a boundary. 
“Carson, I would love that,” she grinned. 
“I’m going to go find a seat, and keep mom and dad on the phone,” Maebry said, rushing past them. “And Y/N. Carson was right. You look absolutely stunning.”
“It runs in the family,” Y/N winked before watching her sister race to get a seat. 
Taking her brother's arm, they began their walk. Taking deep breaths and focusing on the walk ahead she was finally in sight of Bucky.
He was looking down and taking deep breaths of his own. Once she was at the end of the aisle the music changed and Bucky raised his head. 
As soon as they made eye contact, it was like the rest of the world faded away. You know that cliche saying where it feels like it’s just the two of them on the planet? Yeah, that was a real feeling and it was currently leaving them both breathless. 
Sending Bucky a grin she saw him break some. He choked up and quickly brought his hand up to cover his mouth not wanting the guest to see him fall apart at the sight of her walking toward him. 
Her dress was a sleek ivory gown. Classic and simple. Thin straps holding up the whole thing, and the neckline swooping down making her collarbone pop. Her hair was voluminous with hollywood style waves and her veil was sat in the back pinned by the crown that was on her head. The crown was subtle with stars and moons on it, and sat on her head creating a halo for the angel that she was to him. 
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“That man clearly loves you sis,” Carson whispered to her.
“And I’m very much in love with him too.” 
Finally, just steps from the makeshift altar, Y/N and Bucky never broke eye contact. The tree was canopying all around them creating shade for the little bit of sunlight left in the evening. The greenery mixed with the sun setting behind it made the altar all the more alluring. The tree that was going to be a part of their story.
The small crowd sat down, and Carson patted Y/N’s hand before placing a kiss to her cheek, nodding to Bucky who returned it, and moving to his seat next to his sister. 
“You look-” Buck started grabbing her hands and squeezing them while trying to hold back more of his own tears. “I’m sorry, there just aren’t words…”
“Same to you B,” she grinned. 
“You two ready?” Steve asked, smiling at the two. 
“More than ready,” Y/N answered. 
“Yeah punk. Get on with it so I can marry the girl of my dreams,” Bucky said, still looking at Y/N.
Steve rolled his eyes playfully as the crowd chuckled at the banter. 
A little less than half an hour later of vows and proclamations of their love for each other, it was time for the next chapter of life. 
“Do you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N take James Buchanan Barnes to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Steve asked.
“Wouldn’t want it any other way,” Y/N smiled, getting the lopsided grin from Bucky.
“And do you James Buchanan Barnes take Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Steve chuckled. 
“Hell yeah!” Bucky answered, getting the signature eye roll from Y/N.
“In that case,” Steve grinned ear to ear closing the book in his hand. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Before Steve could even say, ‘You may kiss the bride’,” Bucky had both hands on her face pulling her into him for their first kiss as a married couple. 
“You may now kiss the bride, I guess…” Steve sighed, shaking his head as the crowd erupted in cheers.
The reception went off without a hitch. Thanks to Natasha’s anal way about making things perfect, the string lights that were bought outside, perfectly illuminated the back yard and porch for a quaint party. They had a buffet of finger foods thanks to Wanda’s friend. There was a small photobooth on the porch. Music was playing at all times, and they even rented a small dance floor to make it easier to dance on the grass. 
It was late now. The sun had gone down and a few guest had left, leaving it with mainly just the crew, and a few family friends there. 
Bucky and Y/N had just finished talking to his family who were headed home now. His sister was taking his mom home while wishing the couple best wishes.
“Bye Bec. Let me know when you get home!”
“Don’t worry about me. You go dance with your wife,” she winked adding emphasis on the last word making Bucky smile grow. 
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Y/N was talking to her sister and brother who were also packing up. 
“Thank you again for coming. It truly meant the world to me that you guys were here, and that mom and dad, well… You know,” she grinned at her siblings.
“Don’t thank us. You’re friend Wanda was the one who called Mom and Dad telling her about everything,” Maebry said.
“Wait, what?” Y/N said shocked. 
“Well, we told mom and dad about it, but didn’t know if there was space to convince them. Little did we know they were actually already considering it, but Wanda was the one who gave them the idea to facetime and such. She supposedly updated them on everything with Bucky and what’s been happening in your life recently. Some stuff we didn’t even know.” 
“She didn’t tell me-”
“She wanted it to be a surprise and clearly it worked,” Carson said. “Don’t think too much about it, and just be happy about the outcome.”
“I am. Thank you guys. Really,” Y/N nodded very thankful for how everything unfolded. 
“Congrats, sis. We love you.”
They got in a big huddle of hugs before grabbing their things. 
“You guys headed out too?” Bucky asked, coming up and wrapping an arm around Y/N’s waist.
“We are,” Maebry nodded. “It was a pleasure to finally meet you in person Bucky. Thanks for taking care of my sister after all these years.”
“No need to thank me for something I love doing,” Bucky waved off. “But thank you for coming. I know it’s a trip for you guys, and I know Y/N really wanted it. As did I.”
“Of course. Now you two be safe, and enjoy your honeymoon. We have a flight to catch,” Maebry smiled. “Welcome to the crazy family, James.”
“Glad to be a part of it,” Bucky winked, giving her a hug.
“You’re a brother, so you know what I’m about to say.” Carson reached his hand out to Buck. “You take care of her or you’ll have me to deal with.”
“If it ever came down to it, I would hope you would kick my ass,” Bucky laughed.
“Good to know,” Carson said with a wink. 
“You guys get home safe, ok?” Y/N said smiling at the conversation. 
“Will do. Love you Y/n/n!” And with that they were on their way. 
“I’m glad they could come,” Bucky said as they watched them get into a car.
“Me too,” Y/N agreed doing the same. 
“You didn’t get to tell me much about your parents calling…”
“A tale for another time. Nothing to worry about at all though. I’m actually really happy with what they said, and we’re going to talk once you and I come back from our honeymoon,” Y/N nodded turning back to Bucky.
“Sounds good, doll. Now, I have been instructed by my sister to dance with my wife,” he said with a cheesy grin and eyebrow wiggle. 
“I always have another dance saved for my husband,” she said with a wiggle of her own as she grabbed his hand and moved to the dance floor. 
Y/N and Bucky were saying their goodbyes to everyone as they left. Steve and Peggy being the last to go. Usually there would be a send off for their honeymoon, but considering they had the wedding at their own home, and their flight for their vacation wasn’t until tomorrow morning, no point in doing a send off. 
“You guys are sure you’re ok with staying here and watching Alpine while we’re gone?” Y/N asked. 
“Positive,” Steve answered. 
“It’s actually 5 minutes closer to my work, so I don’t mind at all,” Peggy added. “Plus, Alpine is the absolute sweetest. You don’t have to ask me twice to look after him.”
“Perfect,” Y/N said leaning into Bucky’s side as he wrapped his arm around her. 
“Well, we’ll leave you guys be,” Steve said holding Peggy’s hand. “We will be here tomorrow after you leave.”
“Great, and you guys have a key?” Bucky asked. 
“Still have the one you gave me when you first moved in. Now stop asking me questions and go enjoy your wedding night punk,” Steve laughed going to the car. 
“Drive safe!” Y/N shouted.
“You guys be safe on your trip!” Steve waved after opening the door for Peggy who gave a final wave too, getting in the car. 
Once they were out of sight, Bucky turned to Y/N.
“What do you say we enjoy our wedding night, Mrs. Barnes? Alone…” 
“Don’t have to ask me twice, Mr. Barnes…” she smiled walking up the steps of the porch with a sway of her hips still in her wedding gown.
“Oh, come on now… You know what that does to me,” Bucky growled chasing after her. 
“I know. That’s why I do it.”
Before she could reach the door, Bucky picked her up bridal style getting a giggle fit out of her.
“This is the tradition right?” Bucky said, rubbing his nose on hers. “A start to our new beginning?”
“To our new beginning.”
Just Roommates:
@starfirerules​​​​​ @buckys-blunders​​​​​ @alexxcorona113​​​​​ @tcc-gizmachine​​​​​ @vrgelivvvv​​​​​ @nighttwingg​​​​​​ @firefly-in-darkness​​​​​ @mizzzpink​​​​​ @poppunkdork​​​​​ @nerdygirlwithacrush​​​​​​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​​​​​​ @ellaenchanted91​​​​​​ @sebbbystaaan​​​​​​ @prplprincez
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you​​​​​​​ @heyiamthatbitch​​​​​​​ @zeilenkrieg​​​​​​​ @lizzymacy555​​​​​​​ @iheartsebastianstan​​​​​​​ @srrymydood​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​​​​​​​ @lauravic​​​​​​​ @traceyaudette​​​​​​​ @kakakatey​​​​​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​​​​​ @laneygthememequeen​​​​​​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​​​​​​ @sandlee44​​​​​​​ @thorne93​​​​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​​​​ @thefaithfulwriter​​​​​​​ @marvelfansworld​​​​​​​ @essie1876​​​​​​​ @greyeyedsmile14​​​​​​​ @capsiclehan​​​​​​​ @naomi02hook​​​​​​​ @xostephanie​​​​​​​ @averyrogers83​​​​​​​ @awesomenursingstudent​​​​​​​​ @gh0stgurl​​​​​​​​ @cs-please​​​​​​​​ @carls1022​​​​​​​​ @jjlevin​​​​​​​​ @rainbowkisses31​​​​​​​​ @carls1022​​​​​​​​ @anise-d-castle6​​​​​​​​ @deannotmoose​​​​​​​​ @their-bibliophile​​​​​​​​ @kitkatd7​​
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roseyserpents · 5 years
A Taste of California
Part one: Just A Taste
Summary: you were forced to leave your life on the beach in Los Angeles California and trade it for a life in a cold, Midwestern town of Hawkins Indiana. But one person there reminds you of your home.
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
Word count: 2,319
A/N: sorry this is a little late! I hope you guys like it! The taglist is open!
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You really didn't want to leave LA.
It had everything you could ever want, beaches, plenty of stores, tourists to laugh at, and a school you ruled. You could always be found on the beach, tanning, surfing, or sitting in the edge of the beautiful crystal blue waves, or at someone's house party with a red solo cup. At school everyone knew your name and you had boys waiting in a line to go on a date, even if the most you did was spend the night with them.
All of that was ripped away from you when your dad told you you were leaving for a town called Hawkins in Indiana at the end of the week and to pack your things. To say you flipped out was an understatement. After throwing everything off the coffee table you took off to the beach, sitting and watching the sunset over the ocean and letting the water wash over your legs. You had so many memories in this city. Your entire life you've lived in LA, you didn't know anything else outside of it. You knew the city like the back of your hand, but this new place you were supposed to go to you didn't know anything about. You didn't know anyone or anything there, no one there knew you existed. You couldn't even put together a world where you only had four days left of living near a beach, near any body of water.
The day of moving seemed to come all to soon, you sitting in the passenger side of the car with a sour face and your jaw clenched as your dad drives you and the U-Haul connected to the back of the car across the country and to your new and very unwanted changed life.
To say the first day of living in Hawkins sucked is an understatement. Not only did you have to spend the entire day unpacking, the only thing remotely close to home was a bush that slightly looked like the shape of a palm tree. You stood out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else with tan skin and sun-kissed hair sitting on your head in beach waves; the closest thing you'll have here to a real beach.
The next day was your first day at your new high school and you were determined to find your place at the top. As soon as you walked in people whispered and looked at you, watching you walk confidently down the halls with a lopsided smile. You made your way to your new locker, dumping your books from your bookbag in. You grab one off the top of the stack before walking to your first class.
It hadn't taken long for word to spread about the new girl from out of state, the news spreading like wildfire. You'd quickly made your connections and through them found your first party at this hell hole of a town.
"Go go go!" People around you chanted as you chugged your third can in a row of beer. You finish, running a hand through your hair and letting out a yell with a grin. You jump off of the table you were standing on, walking back into the house and weaving through the crowds of drunk teenagers, getting into the kitchen before grabbing a solo cup and filling it with more alcohol.
"Who's she?" Tommy asked, leaning against a pillar outside. He stood with Billy, Carol, and a few more basketball jocks.
"Looks like there's a new girl." Billy smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he takes a sip from his beer.
"You two look like you came from the same town." Carol comments, all of them watching you through the open glass door.
"If you're not gonna talk to her I will." Trey says, starting to walk towards the house after a few moments of silence amongst the group.
"Wait a second," Billy stops him, holding out a hand. "I could use a little taste of home."
"Something tells me he's gonna have more than a little taste." Tommy jokes as Billy walks away.
"I thought I'd be the only one from Cali here." A voice says behind you. You quirk a brow and turn around, looking the boy in front of you up and down. He was a few inches taller than you forcing you to look up to see his face fully. He had dirty blonde curls cut in a mullet, one of the locks falling into his face as he stared back at you. His piercing blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean back home stared at you with hunger. He wore a smirk similar to the one you used to walk through school and the same one you used on boys.
"This town seems to draw a lot of us." You answer, leaning against the counter and crossing your arms over your chest. You put on your own slight smirk, picking up your cup and downing the rest of it's contents without breaking eye contact.
"'Names Billy." He says, not changing his stance as he examines you, eyes lingering a little to long on your body.
"Y/n." You reply. You could tell just by the way he held himself, the way he flexed and stood tall he was at the top. He expected every girl to drop at his feet and give themselves to him. But he was the one who came to you, not the other way around. You weren't going to let him get what he wanted that easily.
"So what do you say we head to my car, take a ride?" He says, closing the distance between you both and placing his hands on your hips. You stand on your toes, one hand holding his jaw as you leaned close to his ear.
"Might have to try a little harder than that." You whisper before pulling away, waiting just in time to see his smile fall before you walk towards the front door, extra strut in your steps as you feel Billy's eyes drill holes into your back. You grin to yourself knowing you'd officially gotten under his skin, knowing you would have fun messing with him, the king of Hawkins high school.
"If you don't have a job by the end of the week you can go sleep on the curb!" Your dad yells, getting in your face but you hold your ground. "If you're gonna continue running around and being a whore you're gonna start pulling your weight!"
You run out through the front door, walking with your hands balled into fists and your jaw clenched as you walk through town looking for a place that's hiring. After walking for about an hour you find the community pool with a large "HIRING" sign in the office. You step inside and you talk to the people lounging around the desk who were in a few of your classes and get the job. They give you the uniform and the fanny-pack telling you you start tommorow. What a great way to spend your first summer here, sitting on a wooden chair and watching the town's locals.
You notice the posy of moms fix up their appearances, trying their best to look presentable and desirable. You're confused for a moment before you see the giveaway mop of blond curls slowly walk to the life guard chair on the other side of the pool, sending a wink their way. Of course you and Billy just had to work at the same place at the same time.
"I guess they just hire anyone who can swim huh?" You say loud enough for him to hear. He turns to you with his signature smirk, running a hand through his hair.
"Or anyone who looks good in the uniform." He replies. You roll your eyes, turning your attention to the pool though you still feel his gaze on you.
About two hours later you both climb down from the chairs for your breaks, calling everyone out of the pool. You walk into the small office, putting a crinkled dollar bill in the vending machine that sat in the corner. Your bottle of water gets pushed to the front before it falls, abruptly stopping as it gets stuck between the glass and metal spiral.
"Goddamnit!" You yell, pounding on the machine but the water doesn't budge.
"The trick is to kick the side." Billy says from behind you, walking next to the vending machine. He kicks it once before hitting it with his hip, the water bottle falling. You give a slightly impressed look as he leans against the machine watching your every move, trying to find an edge in getting to you. To him you were an object of curiosity, the only girl here who'd denied him, and a girl from his home state. You were confident and knew how to mess with people and get what you want but the rest about you was a blank book and he wanted to fill in the pages.
"Thanks." You say after grabbing the water bottle, sitting down behind the counter in the main area of the pool where the people waiting for it to reopen use the vending and ice cream machines.
"So what made you come to the pool?" Billy asks, sitting down across from you. You prop your feet up on a small table, taking a sip of your water before answering.
"My dad told me I needed a job." You say. "Plus we literally get paid for sitting around all day. And it's the closest thing I'll get to the ocean."
"Yeah, pool noodles totally beat surf boards." He says, a smile forming on your face. "Where did you come from?"
"LA." You sigh, a pang of saddness hitting your heart for your old home. "You?"
"One things for sure, California is a lot better than Indiana." You say, crossing your leg over the other and setting down your water.
"It also makes some hot people." He smirks, you rolling your eyes.
"Keep dreaming, Hargrove."
It didn't take long for everyone in school to know your name. The Y/n Y/l/n right off the beach. You'd gone through your fair share of the boys but made sure not to do anything with Billy enjoying the fact he wanted you but couldn't get you.
"Billy, you're missing out." Sam says as he walks up to the boys locker. "Y/n is amazing."
Billy clenches his jaw, slamming his locker shut. Why the fuck were you messing with him, trying to get under his skin? Why wouldn't you just let both of you run your routine and let it be over with? You were basically all he thought about all day, trying to think of a way to just let this run its course and be over because it was driving him insane he couldn't get what he wanted. He'd never been denied a girl before, usually them just dropping at his feet, you were the same with boys and somehow he fell into your trap, waiting for you to want him, it was driving him absolutely mad and there was nothing that he could do about it; he was at your mercy and you weren't showing any.
He watched you walk out as your shift ended at the pool, watching the way the red one piece hugged your body. Heather walked out to take her shift but he didn't notice, watching you all the way to the office.
You gathered your stuff after changing into your normal clothes, a pair of jeans shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Wishing silently you could have a car like Billy's blue Camaro you walked home and were immediately hit by the smell of liquor. You hear your dad stumbling in the kitchen towards you, signalling for you to run to your room. Just as you turn the lock he starts to pound on it, yelling for you to let him in or get your ass beat. You blocked out the noise by blaring your radio, nodding along to the music and finding escape in it's melody and words as your alcoholic verbally abusive dad tried to get to you seven feet away.
A few weeks later you'd gone to a party at Peter Newell's house, looking for relief from your dad and getting drunk. You stood in the crowded kitchen holding your almost empty cup, and using the wall to support yourself. You might've been a little more drunk than usual, trying to forget a lot at once with the bitter taste of alcohol.
"Hey Billy." You say with a grin as he walks into the kitchen, grabbing a can of beer. "You look hot." He seems surprised for a moment before he smiles, stepping closer to you. One of his arms snake around your waist as the other runs through his hair. One of your hands rest on his bicep that flexes under your touch, a giggle falling from your lips. The bitter smell of alcohol radiated off of both of you in your close proximity, the smell burning your nose.
"You're a try hard, Billy Hargrove." You say, looking up at him. "A very hot, very sexy try hard." You'd leaned up while you were talking, your lips ghosting over his. His free hand comes up to hold your chin and pull you into the kiss he'd been waiting so long for. You deepen the kiss, nipping his bottom lip forcing a moan from the back of his throat. One of your hands goes up to his curls, tugging at them and efficiently making his grip on you tighter. You both pull apart, staring at each other with swollen and glossy lips.
"Are you just gonna leave me like that or should we ditch this place?"
Taglist: @arromite @bukoandcoconutsarelife @90sb1tch
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granpafrisbee · 5 years
Truth or Dare Part 1
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Warnings: Cussing                    
Word Count: 3,752 (it’s gonna get longer tho)
Pairing: Bucky x OFC           
Summary: After going to Italy and avoiding any romantic relationships for pretty much all her life Joey comes back to the U.S. to move in with her life-long best friend, Sam Wilson, and his two closest friends from college. Joey’s met Steve but is apprehensive to meet the elusive Bucky, whom she’s always missed despite having visited Sam consistently throughout college. Once she meets him, however, she wonders how she’ll be able to run from love when they share a bathroom.
A/N: Hey, so I'll be updating this most Wednesdays. I'll try my hardest to stay regular. 
I wrote this using an OFC bc I cannot work my brain to replace my name with fucking Y/N and I know I'm not the only one. (I always end up reading it as fucking "yuuhnnumm"). I am fully in love with Zazie Beetz so our OFC is completely based on her except maybe a lil chubbier because why not. Really for the apartment just picture the layout of the New Girl loft.
I always have a confusing time picturing characters in fics so I'm gonna lay it out for y'all. Steve is full nomad, them honey brown locks and the full beard. Joey's hair is natural like Zazie so often wears it. Bucky is just Seb in fall/winter 2017 because I am weak for the I, Tonya press tour look. Sam is Mackie's classic look. The rest of the characters can be left to the imagination.
Also  I mention good music so listen to that if you want. Please let me know if you like this and follow my hot garbage tumblr.
Special thanks to @buckybarnesxoxo for asking to be tagged!
the AO3
Stay Sexy
It’s the bathroom that really impresses Joey. She believed Sam when he said the apartment was nice. On seeing it for the first time when moving in, she discovers that her best friend is distinctly incorrect. A working sink is nice. A proper heater is nice. A nearby laundromat is nice. This loft, this four-bedroomed palace, is exquisite in comparison to her previous abodes. The kitchen has all its necessary appliances. There are a washer and dryer in unit. The walls are thick enough that if Sam was stabbed in his neighboring room, she would maybe hear it. Four bedrooms with their very own closets. All of these have her speechless as she tours around. However, as stated above, it’s the bathroom that is killer. The idea of sharing said room with three men is maybe one of the more foreboding aspects of her new sweet digs, but once she sees the giant clawfoot shower and tub, she is sure the positives will heavily outweigh the negatives.
She immediately slides down into her new porcelain palace. She’s a medium height at 5’6”, and even she has to point her toes to touch the far end of the tub. She sighs comfortably and is already planning an essential oils combination for her first real bath when the door swings open and her fantasy is interrupted by one her new roommates. He’s the one she hasn’t met yet but Sam and Steve have shown her plenty of pictures. His hair looks soft and well-coiffed and he wears a tank top under an unbuttoned striped short sleeve button down. Rather than judgment appearing across his abnormally handsome face, he smiles like there was nothing else he could have expected when entering the bathroom.
“You see I specifically told Steve to get a bathtub that doesn’t come with a human.”
“Oh no, you got it all wrong. I’m actually a ghost here to haunt you but hygienically. Instead of boo, I say floss.” She says without a beat and he nods, very seriously, in response to this.
“You know I’m pretty sure I just carried in a bed to our fourth room that might be more comfortable than the tub, but who am I to judge one’s preferred sleeping arrangements.” His quip is followed by another fantastic smile, and based on the past ten seconds of her life Joey is absolutely sure that this is her kind of human.
She smiles back and extends her hand from the tub. “Joey.”
“Bucky,” He shakes her hand and nods again.
“You guys brought up my bed? I told Samuel to let me handle that shit.”
He laughs and scratches his beard, “Ah just gave me another opportunity to show Sam how much stronger I am than him. And Steve the chance to show up both of us.”
Joey chuckles and silently appreciates how Bucky balanced his dig on Sam with some light self-depreciation of himself. Although it would be unrealistic to pretend that anyone was stronger than Steve. The man is built. “Seriously though, I’ll come help y’all out. I’m not gonna be the useless roommate.” She gets out of the tub and starts out the door.
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that, I think Sammy’s got that title covered, Darlin’.” He follows her out and therefore doesn’t see her face cringe at the pet name.
She considers calling him on it when Sam yells from the front door, “I know you’re not in there besmirching me to my very own best friend Barnes,” He enters view sweaty and smiling, “And I especially know she wasn’t participating, because she is my best friend and therefore automatically on my side.” He wraps his arm protectively around her shoulders causing her to shrug away from him with her nose scrunched.
“Consider our friendship on sabbatical until you take a shower, Wilson.” Joey continues backing away.
“Jesus I always knew your personality stank but I guess the inside always comes out huh.” Bucky mirrors Joey’s disgusted face as he walks towards the door.
Sam rolls his eyes, “Not funny.” Although the involuntary “Hah!” Joey lets out at Bucky’s comment seems to contradict his statement. Sam just flips her off.
“Thank you, Doll. You see Sammy, even your best friend thinks I’m right.” Bucky mocks as he heads back outside.
This time Sam sees her face twist in reaction to the nickname. Misinterpreting it he grumbles, “Oh come on there’s no way you can smell me from over there.” He starts to head to his room, presumably for deodorant.
Joey follows Bucky downstairs to help with some more furniture moving. Steve is outside their building, ass in the air, bent over picking something up. “Damn Rogers,” Joey calls out appreciatively, “If I knew I’d be getting a view like that I would have shacked up with you years ago.”
He stands up, holding up an entire bookshelf on his own, further challenging the poor under armor shirt that is being stretched to hell on his giant frame. “Hey killer, thanks for joining us.”
She picks up a lamp and smiles at him, “Well I figured you guys needed the extra muscle.”
His smile is bright against his beard as he walks into the house with the ease of a man who isn't carrying a bookshelf.
The four of them finish loading their sporadic furniture into the loft and the afternoon fades to early evening. An old but amazing and huge high-quality leather sectional provided by Steve’s mom. Sam’s flat screen, whom he’s named Esmeralda, and may or may not have a near sexual attraction to. Bucky’s records and a player that’s older than any of them, plus a big wooden dinner table his Dad handmade. Steve’s varied level of completed canvases and paint stuff. Joey’s shelves and chairs she found on the side of the road her senior year in college. A mix of plates, bowls, and utensils have been loaded into varying drawers and cabinets. As well as cooking instruments, although, beyond Joey’s waffle iron and an old cast iron from Steve, it’s all Sam’s. Everyone’s personal boxes and furniture is piled in their own rooms.
Joey sits on the kitchen island as the boys lean against it, all sipping the cheap beer Joey bought as penance for them carrying her bed in. She takes that moment to appreciate the weird chain of events that got her where she is now. She and Sam have been friends since grade school. They went to different colleges but remained good ol’ buddies throughout. When they graduated Joey traveled around and did an apprenticeship with an Italian glassblower. Sam went to Culinary school, and when he graduated the second time around Joey was offered a job with a world-renowned blower (god she will never get tired of calling her profession that) stateside. After little luck finding a two bedroom inexpensive enough for the two of them, Steve, one of Sam’s old college buddies Joey had met many a time during visits, mentioned his friend's dad owned a couple lofts in the neighborhood they were looking in. Sam toured with Steve and Bucky and the three of them signed the lease that day. Sam called Joey that night and announced he was so confident that he forged her signature. He was insistent that it was the best option they’d find, all Steve is a good guy and fellow artist, and even Bucky is sometimes bearable but don’t tell him that. Steve paints and sketches in his free time and works as a personal trainer to pay the bills. Joey knows he isn’t passionate about it, but with his perfect body and matching attitude, she is sure he is fantastic at his job. Sam is starting at a new restaurant with a name Joey can only pronounce thanks to high school French. A plus for living with Sam is that he brings work home with him. Although Joey had visited Sam plenty over the years and even struck up a solid friendship with Steve, she always seems to have missed Bucky. They had never met but she knew he was a language major with a focus in Eastern Europe and Russia. Sam had told her Bucky translated English books into Russian and vice versa and made more money than he should. Earlier Joey had heard him curse in some sort of Slavic tongue when Sam “accidentally” dropped his end of a coffee table on Bucky’s foot. She also had heard a few stories about Steve and Bucky’s childhood, the rambunctious troublemakers lived up to every tall tale. As the four nursed their beers she felt confident that this was going to be a very important group of people in her life.
“Joey?” Sam snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Barnes suggested we get more beer and pizza and invite some friends over. Are you down?” The three men looked at her expectantly.
“I say hell yeah. Who are we calling?” She looked down at her watch and was surprised to see it was only 6:30.
“Well there are the couples, Nat and Wanda and Thor and Bruce,” Steve suggested.
“I told Shuri I’d pay her in alcohol if she set up all the tech shit,” Bucky adds.
Steve nods, “Now that you mention it, we should probably invite Tony, he’s the reason we got this place.”
“Tony means at least Rhodey and probably Pep, Clint is a must, and if we invite Wanda we should call Pietro too.” Sam finishes his beer and scrolls through his messages.
“Brunnhilde and Okoye are in town too.” Joey hops off the counter and recycles the empty bottles collecting on the island.
“Alright you guys decide who to invite, and I’ll go get libations and sustenance,” Bucky grabs his keys.
“With the list we’ve got you’ll need some help, I’ll come with,” Joey volunteers.
Bucky smiles vibrantly and nods towards to Steve, “You okay babysitting Rogers?”
“As long as Killer doesn’t mind your unreasonably picky ass,” Steve’s retort is so quick that Bucky and Sam raise their middle fingers simultaneously at their aggravator.
Joey and Bucky decide to start off to the pizzeria three blocks away and pick up the beer on the walk back. The walk begins in mildly uncomfortable silence.
“So… you’re picky?” Joey asks to spark some sort of conversation.
“Nooo..” Bucky’s defensiveness creates an endearing drawl, “Those two pompous asses just don’t understand that I like my pizza simple. Margherita pizza is a fucking gift. Who am I to screw it up with a bunch of American bullshit?” He gestures widely as he speaks.
“You’re kidding right?”
Bucky’s must have misinterpreted her smile as he quickly responds, “Alright I’ve been judged enough in my life, I know you lived in Italy and-”
“No, no, Bucky!” She grabs his forearm, “Margherita is my favorite! I ate it all the time in Italy, judgment-free.”
“Jesus Christ Doll, where have you been all my life?”
She smiles and they continue a brisk pace to the pizza place. “How did you know I lived in Italy?”
“Ah, I know plenty about you. Sammy talks about you non-stop, has since I met him. Steve even thought he was secretly in love with you until he hung out with you in person.”
This makes Joey raise her brows, “Really? Wow. What, if I may ask, ultimately caused him to accept our relationship as extraordinarily platonic? Was it the sibling-like side hugs? The lack of sexual tension in our banter? The fact that I knew him during his first mustache phase?”
“Are you telling me there was a skinnier mustache than the one we know and mildly tolerate?”
“I’m talking Prince but pubescent. It was so thin models asked his mustache for dieting tips. It was so thin his first girlfriend thought he had an eyelash over his top lip. I mean you would’ve thought he drew it on with a ballpoint pen. In fact, it’s very possible it was. Just because I never saw doesn’t mean he never-”
Bucky is laughing uproariously, “Please, please, you’re killing me. I’m gonna need pictures as soon as possible.”
“No can do. I will recite the epic of the mustache homer-style until the day I die, but any physical evidence shared will prompt an all-out war between Samuel and me. That is just something I can’t afford.”
“Oh now I have to see them. What’s your secret shame, sweetheart? Bangs? Braces? Please tell me it was an emo phase,” As he lists off he starts walking backward, the goofy smile didn't dim once.
“I’ll never share, but trust me when I say if you find something behind my back, I’m sure Steve will be more than willing to share some pictures of your past. Emo phase is a good guess, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say that was a projection, hmm?”
That does a good job of replacing his smile with pursed lips and a quirked eyebrow, contemplating his next move in this battle of embarrassing adolescence. “Steve would never betray me.”
“Don’t be so sure, all men have their weaknesses,” She smiles deviously.
“Oh yeah, you gonna seduce him for a picture of me in eyeliner?”
“First of all, I would seduce Steve for much less so thanks for confirming my emo theories. Secondly, I may not know Steve like you do, but I know him well enough to see that seduction would hardly prove fruitful.” She holds the door open for him and they both bask in the practically orgasmic scent of the pizzeria, “Steve is so suspicious of anyone who wants to sleep with him that he’d see through me. My method would be to trick him to do some sort of high school ‘Where are they now?’ portrait. He’d be so inspired he’d paint your lined eyes and black, I’m guessing, over parted hair in a second.” The line is moving slowly and he admires how she never lowers her volume or hides from strangers eyes.
“Damn, Doll, you’re good.”
“I minored in manipulation.” The store isn’t too packed for Saturday night and Sam Cooke is playing lightly in the background. She’s nodding her head and he’s mouthing along to words and when they both realize this they share a smile at the music.
“So Steve is a suspicious mind in your book?” She chuckles at his reference.
“I’m not the biggest drinker and neither is Steve, so when Sammy went hard when I visited, Steve was always good for a tipsy talk. The poor guy has the same self-esteem he must have had in high school. Unlike us three cool cats Steve will show me pictures of his past self. I know you were there through it all, but just because the outside changes doesn’t mean the inside follows suit. I have seen the most dedicated and gorgeous women throw themselves at him and yet he remains sure that she was ‘just being friendly’. It’s actually impressive.”
“I know what you mean. To be fair though a lot of that is just his college girlfriend. She really did a number on him.” He runs a hand through his hair but doesn’t hide his contempt for whoever she is.
Solemn surprise covers Joey’s features, “I never knew. Never met her on any visits.”
“She wasn’t big on him talking to other girls, probably hid him anytime you came around. Although that isn’t my story to tell, I’m sure the punk will tell you about it sometime.” She follows his eye line down to his shoes. He’s drawing stars with the tip of his shoe, a tic she’s just noticing.
“What about you? You have a girl hiding you away, distracting you during your collegiate years? She the reason our meeting was so unluckily delayed until today?”
He thinks about the answer for a second or two. “Nah, no anchor to this ship. At this point, I’m just convinced Wilson just didn’t tell me you were around because he knew you would like me more than him.”
“Well turns out I like Steve better than both of you.”
He puts his hands up and reassures her, “I don’t need to be first, Sweetheart, just as long as I’m on your radar.” As he lowers his hands the song changes and they simultaneously recognize the song, both begin humming the initial notes. “Penny & The Quarters fan huh?” He asks.
“Nobody, baby, but-” she sings before quickly turning her attention to the cashier, “We’ll have two large Everything Pizzas and one large Margherita.” Facing Bucky again she smiles and drops another line that makes his heart race, “Just for you and me, huh?”
The pizza is out quick, and a trip to the local gas station provides them with more than enough beer. They continue discussing music, Joey is surprised at their similarly irregular taste. He describes his favorite Etta James songs, but can’t forget the Simon and Garfunkel song that he thinks is his first love encapsulated. He lists his top three favorite rappers after ranking contemporary folk bands. She adds in her opinions sporadically, and he apologizes twice for dominating the conversation when they get in the elevator.
She is being honest when she says, “There’s nothing I want to hear more than whatever you’re going to say right this moment.” He thinks that every lyric in every song he’s just listed doesn’t have shit on that sentence.
He’s about to tell her so when an alarming large hand last minute catches the elevator as it closes. The doors open to the Thor and Bruce. The couple is the lynchpin of every good party, from rager to kickback. Thor is the greatest hype man in history but is never hammered, probably because it would take two handles of tequila to get him there. Bruce is much more chill but a secret god at beer pong, not to mention he always has weed. Bucky’s favorite part of their presence always happens when Bruce is particularly high and begins a lecture on some sort of subject no one else understands. He isn’t exactly captivating, especially not to anyone far from sober although his passion is palpable, but Thor will plop down on the couch next to him and watch him like he’s the only thing in the universe (while rubbing Bruce’s neck to keep him from getting too wound up). Bucky loves those guys.
“Looks like we arrived just in time, wouldn’t you say Thor?” Bruce shakes Bucky’s hand and smiles at Joey.
“Of course! I was worried we got too much pizza, but now that you’re here Thor I’m sure you’ll help us with any surplus.” Joey sets the pizzas down before Thor pulls her into a bear hug.
“Joey, you know I never leave a damsel in distress,” Thor agrees as he sets her back on her feet.
Joey’s eyebrow playfully shoots up, “Who are you calling damsel, Odinson?”
“In this case, definitely Sam. I’m surprised he even let you order out.” Bruce answers for his boyfriend.
“My love is right in my insinuation. Never ever have I seen you anywhere near damsel status Joe.” Bucky watches their interaction with curiosity.
The elevator dings and Bucky asks, “This may seem like a dumb question but how do you guys know each other? Just through Sam?”
Joey picks up the pizzas as Thor holds the door open, ”Thor’s siblings and I were all in a group home together as teens. I’ve known this big lug long before he was the Nordic party god we see before us.” Thor laughs and he and Bruce go to greet everyone inside.
“Are you telling me Thor hasn’t always been a blonde beefcake?” Bucky whispers in Joey’s ear as they set the pizza and beer on the counter.
“Sadly no, he’s looked like that since I met him. I just like making that joke because he’s too humble to care.” She makes note that he doesn’t question the foster home part of her story. She wonders just what Sam has told him about her past.
People start to crowd the food and drinks, so Joey and Bucky greet everyone who has arrived. Nat is there sans Wanda, who is at home sick. Bucky knows this means Nat will be leaving early. Pietro made it despite his ill sibling, but he still looks pretty sick of the conversation in front of him. Shuri and Clint are mid-argument about the chicken and the egg when Bucky thanks them for coming. Clint gives him a smile and points to a fake succulent on the table and mumbles, “Got you guys a housewarming present,” before returning his attention to telling Shuri that the Chicken is the obvious choice. Shuri tells Bucky she set up the wifi and the apple tv and Clint doesn’t even register that she’s talking over him. Bucky kisses her cheek and hands her a beer.
Steve is sitting with Bruce and Thor on the couch, all of them engrossed in conversation and pizza. Sam is chopping fresh onion for his pizza when Bucky asks, “These are the few you could bribe to get here?”
“These losers are the only ones without any plans on a Saturday night,” Sam says without looking up.
Clint and Pietro both look up and say a simultaneous, “Hey!” Before turning their attention back to their conversation.
“T’Challa and Nakia are in Paris. Brunnhilde has a gig tonight. Okoye hung up on me when I said pizza and beer. Parker has an exam. Tony named six events he was invited to tonight and would’ve kept going if Steve hadn’t hung up. Pepper and Rhodey are probably plus thing one and two wherever Tony ended up at. Thus, this motley crew is all we got.” Sam sprinkles his diced onion on top of his already spilling slice and when he bites into it his groan stops the conversations surrounding the apartment.
“Lame. Your intestines are not going to be thanking you for that monster you are devouring under the alias of pizza.” Joey makes a face as he continues to stuff his face.
“Like eating just mozzarella and basil is enjoyable at all,” Sam dismisses her and joins the rest of their crew.
“Heathens,” Bucky dramatically admonishes their friends, “You ready Doll?”
This time he catches the tightening of her expression at his comment, ”Born ready.” They both grab a piece of their untouched pizza and taps crusts in cheers.
Part 2
Part 3
Thanks for reading!
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serahsanguine · 6 years
The Experience of London Film and Comic Con
I will be writing this a blog typestyle. Starting from the beginning of the day and ending up with the journey home. All spelling mistakes are my own and probably has punctuation missing.  I am hoping by writing this it helps sink in or so I have a documented record of what happened for a future purpose. (also I was asked) so the morning was a very early start 3 o'clock wow lol. the train from Derby to London was pleasant either if the steward/stewardess was sick there no freshments/ drinks on the journey there.   so when I arrived at St Pancras international finding which tube was slightly stressful as I get so confused by maps, it's unreal. but I asked for help and they were lovely, telling me where to go and it helped so much as I was a nervous wreck (The first time of many throughout the day)   when I finally arrived at Paddington station, around 8 the beautiful Mags @Magdalena357569 helped me out and find the bus route to Olympia which in its self-was a nice journey going past the Winston Churchill pub with some beautiful flowers on and around the building but I did wonder how they kept them all so vibrate with this heat wave we have experienced. arriving at Olympia was fun even though me and mags had no clue where we were going we arrived near the gold passes entrance and were told to wait there to be moved around to gate H, it was sunny and warm I honestly thought I was going to burn because of that's what I do in the sun.   anyways that was an s shape zigzag thing which took a good half hour before we were moved to gate H. when we actually got into the Olympia who would have guessed more queuing, we picked up our diamond passes which were by the first letter of Surname (There should have been signs!) so we had to queue twice.  when we finally got our David Duchovny Diamond pass we got our day passes scanned and more Zig-Zaging through at least this time it was moving well for a time anyway kept stopping every known and again but never mind. that took another 30 minutes to get through before we actually got into the venue. once in the venue the was a quate little coffee shop over to your right where we met half the hang of ladies that we were going with. once accomplished we no cat Caroline Poole @CarolineRPoole Sam @medicaldoctxr Elaine myself and mags and Elaine's dad  (Who is amazing by the way with a great sense of humor) we went to find David Duchovny signature place and oh boy was that fun. The Olympia if you have never been, is huge and I mean huge the maps available are very misleading. so we worked our way upstairs to find where most of the signatures were being held and guess what no DD so we asked a steward who hadn't a clue so we walked around like lost puppies not having a clue where to go. We walked through to where the photo were being held still no DD we kept asking steward's who hadn't a clue so, in the end, we got very very lost and hot and sweaty.  (There should have been a map to tell you where everything was just saying!. I was told there were maps but I never found them)   after about an hour of looking, (and a Very angry me) we finally found DD signature stand (Finally) we had lost some of our group oops lol. anyway, we were waiting for the queue to get that (Now me sam and Elaine) where I was able to get a copy of Miss subways (OMFG I finally got a copy) the line for the autographs wasn't that long. The actually autograph what a buzz first off I was so nervous, shaking everything but wow what an experience, David talked to me like we actually had a conversation he asked who was the signature so I said, Sarah and he asked with an h now I must have pronounced the h weird because he pronounced h differently to me obviously him in an American accent and me in a British accent or something like that. (later sam told me its because he couldn't get over it was with an h lol) but I was like yes it Sara with an H and we laughed about it.   let me tell you it was a surreal experience actually talking to the man that is your idol. for as long time. he was so nice and his voice was slightly deeper then I was expecting but soothing at the same time. and he was very pleasing to the eye if I don't say so myself.   Then I waited for Sam you had an amazing Brick Photo and he was stunned that it was his dog and he signed it to Samantha from Brick - David Duchovny and omg was she happy we got out of the enclosed both and she was having a meltdown in true sam style. we waited for Elaine and then had to sit down and calm down from our adrenaline rush (one of many).   once we had finally calmed down I needed to go outside. And wouldn't you know it? Me and Sam got lost again (They Need to sell Damn Maps just saying) so we finally got the exit and got stamped and were told we could come back in the same door (Yes i believed the lie)  so we finished up outside to find out we could not go back through the door we came out off and had to go back around to the start gate H bagged searched and stamp recognised with had to do the damn zig-zag thing again (oh the joy) luckily lot fewer people so only took us about 10 mins. we meet back up with Elaine and her dad we got the message that our friend and not so stalked dd on video which was so funny because he didn't realize (some bodyguards they were) so it was becoming near the time for photos (We got lost again) once the photo booth were found we had more queuing and more panicking and more adrenaline pumping through our systems.  and more zig-zag snake things (a regular occurrence) me and Sam were so excited and nervous but it was so fun. I got asked several occasions where I got my bag from and if it was for sale I am sorry guys I did it my self. one in the photo booth square we gave our bags to the photo people and waited for our time to have a photo taken. I was talking to Sam about I would just be happy with a hug all I wanted and then it was my turn.  when he spotted me he was like it Sarah with an h I was like yes it is. he asked how I was, I said I was great and asked him how he was. And we had our photo taken. His arm (Those arms are to die for) around my shoulders (i'm small) has hand touched my X-file tattoo (which at the time i didn't realize) and I put my head on his pectoral muscle/shoulder/neck area it was so warm and amazing (True Fan fic style) when finished I said by and went and waited for Sam and got my photo and bag and left the photo booth area. he was wearing dark jeans grey top black trainers with orange laces. (Wow damn he was hot)   So me and Sam (we lost Elaine)  talked about what happened and he remembered her because of the Brick photo and she tripped on his shoe (only sam) and she doesn't like her photo but in my opinion, she looks amazing. we live streamed (which can be found somewhere on my twitter profile.) to try and calm down and breath and because I promised I would we eventually found Elaine and her Dad and a hotdog stand yay. by this time we realized we had 4 hours to kill (WOW). food eat time to find an exit for some fresh air. we got lost again and if it wasn't for Elaine's dad we would have been lost a long time, we went past some of the best cosplay I have ever seen. I even found the TARDIS which for me as a Doctor Who fan was amazing, there were Daleks and everything including Cybermen cosplay. once done with our outside actives and back in we went in the search for merchandise and we found @underthefloorborads stall with @chimera work and yes i bought one and omg it amazing I also found a pop store with Fox Fricking Mulder (very rare indeed) and I found another beautiful poster for the X-Files and I even got an MSR pillow (no blankets I really want a blanket)  that killed about an hour - two hours looking for everything and getting lost so many times and a damn sight lof of walked we found somewhere to sit down and just rest.   so after this, me and Sam went to the talk and were in the third row I cam to know the Deadpool, Orville, the x-files trailers by heart waiting for David to appear on the screen. and wow what a talk it was so many good questions asked like Gillian question, would he work on other project directing, writing. what genre of work he finds scary or hard. different ways his name been pronounced, and if he had any European work coming up, Insta questions I have one complaint tbh and it's not David's fault but where the talk was placed was horrible and the sound of the questions plus the sound of David was not very clear. so basically the speakers were terrible. but all in all I got some good photo and David made me laugh and he's swearing is so funny and erotic he honestly so nice and sweet and one amazing person in general. I have meet so many people off twitter that was amazing to finally meet people that I have talked to over social media was surreal and amazing. so all together it was a long and exciting day meeting David was a dream come true. he nice and amazing. just an amazing all around person. the con its self-was amazing some amazing stalls. some amazing people met, amazing items being sold and very exciting and fulfilling journey. home-bound well I got my very first uber like that its self is an x-file especially after seeing David it gave me season 10 flashback.  that was nice and pleasant and quite cheap tbh. so i arrived at Paddington subway and had an anxiety attack (joy not) all sorts of stuff going through my head about missing train etc. but once arrived at St Pancras International I seemed to half calmed my self down I was 45 mins early for my train. so I waited and waited and finally got on the train home. I had a table all to myself I'm a lucky girl like that and it kind of hit me but I'm still not fully there even today writing this. i heard one of his song on Spotify and cried because i had actually met him (i think it was tiredness it had been a long day. I got home about home at 10 pm.   so that's
me recall of yesterday thanks for reading. any question just ask me on twitter or tumblr.        
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spidcr-man · 6 years
birthday brunch ↬ t.h
Tumblr media
not my gif
summary: tom wants a relaxing birthday with his family, his closest friend and of course, you. pairing: Tom Holland x Reader notes: IT’S TOM’S BIRTHDAY! I thought of these hcs all last night this morning at around 2am so please forgive me if they are messy! also this is my first post so that’s pretty cool and also very fitting! warnings: mentions of sex (later in the list) and a little language but mostly cute stuff???
staying up until twelve the night before so you could be the first one to tell him ‘happy birthday’
harrison beating you in text by a solid half a second
letting tom sleep in until whenever he wished
taking care of tessa while he’s sleeping
taking the little princess on her morning walk 
stopping at the small grocery store on the way home for some last minute ingredients 
even though tom’s mother said she was going to make a cake, you couldn’t resist picking another one up
it was so cute and would go quite well with the table spread you had in mind
struggling to not wake tom up when you came home from walking tessa because she was so excited to see her dad
tessa being sad, seeing the door to you and tom’s room was still closed 
trying to keep her occupied while you let him sleep
“just an hour longer, princess”
it turning out to be more than an hour more
getting a card from tessa to tom because you’re just that extra
“tessa… what does your signature look like?“ 
eventually settling to draw a picture of a dog paw in place of her actual signature
can you even imagine giving a dog a pen?? two words: stained carpet
getting started on the family brunch
you and tom discussed what he wanted to do for his big day beforehand and got to the conclusion that he wanted an easy, relaxed birthday with his family and his best mate, harrison
“oh, and you too, babe!”
you fixed strawberries, blueberries, waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs and laid out water, coffee, milk, tea, and of course, fresh orange juice 
well, it was fresh this morning you bought it
do you know how long it takes to squeeze oranges???
having everything laid out beautifully on the dining table and almost crying when no one was awake or there to see how good of a job you did
sending harrison texts about the table and how well you did
even taking the time to put his favorite mug at his place setting
praying to a higher power that sleeping beauty would wake up because his family would be arriving soon 
it’s about eleven when tom finally decided to grace you with his presence
"darling, this looks absolutely amazing”
if he had slept any longer, you and the hollands would be having a birthday brunch without the birthday boy
greeting him with a hug and a big kiss before sending him off to get dressed because his family was coming over soon
“love, it’s my birthday, I can do whatever I want”
“uh-huh, tell that to your mom when she walks in the door”
speaking of moms, a beautifully dressed nikki with children, paddy, harry and sam as well as husband, dom arriving with flowers for the table and some gifts for tom
greeting them all with open arms and cheerful smiles
everyone gushing over how nice the table and rest of the flat looks
harrison not far behind them, teasing you about tom’s age
in truth, he was older than you, but only by a few months
“how does it feel to be with an older man, (Y/N)?”
“would you shut up??”
tom coming out of your shared room dressed in a black t-shirt and gray sweats, giving you a kiss on the forehead before greeting his family
tom picking up a strawberries off the table as he stood around talking to his brothers
mrs. holland giving him dirty looks because she didn’t raise her son to not use a fork and plate
putting the last dish on the table
“shall we eat?”
everyone taking their seats in an orderly fashion before digging into the delicious food
not having a single left over left on any of the plates
the entire family helping clean up, even tom no matter the amount of protests that came from the group
finally being able to do the cake 
if you were honest, tom should have probably been the only one allowed to sing — joking
eventually crowding into the living room so everyone could watch him open his presents
him reading the cards to himself because he felt as if handwritten cards / notes  are a personal matter
smiling from ear to ear whenever he got new collared golfing shirts 
a lot of  “WOW, thank you!”
then came sam, harry and paddy’s present to him
it was a cologne that he’d been using for years now — one that you particularly loved
“are you telling me I smell?”
“we’re not NOT telling you that you smell good.”
then came harrison’s gift
it was an iron-spider action figure which tom then placed on the bookshelf after receiving it
it was extremely cool, even for the man who played Spider-Man
“that’s fucking amazing. thank you, haz”
nikki giving him a ‘language’ kind of look
him also receiving the headband connected to the punching ball (it’s all over his Instagram)
okay but his Insta story where he blindfolds himself with the headband and tries to hit the ball with his fists is literally me, trying to fight off feelings for this man child
tom literally NOT being able to put that thing down for a solid fifteen minutes
then came your gift, which was a lot more practical, but equally as thoughtful and loved
a beautifully crafted watch that he put on immediately and would cherish forever
“almost as gorgeous as my girl”
attached the watch was a piece of paper that said ‘LATER ;)’ and tom immediately knew what that meant
ya boi was gettin’ it good tonight, folks
tearing the paper off and shoving it back into the box so no one else could get the chance to read it
everyone just talking for about two more hours
“and so when are you two getting engaged?”
knowing nikki was just joking around but it still sent tom into immediate sweats
though he planned to propose at some point, he wasn’t sure if that’s what you wanted long term… what did he know? you might not even be ready to get engaged
news flash, it is definitely what you wanted long term
tom’s family leaving around three
tom wrapping his arms around your torso as you two said your last goodbyes
harrison staying, helping you clean up a little bit more
tom and harrison taking seats on the couch to play a video game while you sat in their company
having a really easy take-out dinner
thank you harrison for going to get it!
it was quite the sophisticated birthday, especially for a twenty-two year old
wondering if he would have rather done something else like go to a club — something a little more exciting than just brunch with his family
harrison eventually leaving, so it was only you and tom
“can I open my last present now, love?”
laying in bed, cuddling afterwards
tom not being able to shake his mother’s comment off from earlier
not really thinking, yet fully thinking
“do you ever want to get married?”
“did you just?”
“i guess I did.”
“ask me again tomorrow”
smiling like a damn idiot because WE LOVE A MANS
can you hear me crying in the club???
“i love you.”
“i love you too.”
sure did.
sure did.
but he wanted to do something more special so it was more ‘thinking ahead’ than anything else
the two of you knew you wanted to be with one another for the rest of your lives but you also knew the right time would present itself when you were both ready
sure did.
a month later you were both ready
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geekyzelda · 7 years
((This was intended to be a small poem thing and it grew into this. Sorry. Until next time, GeekyZelda))
If you say Goodbye today, I'll ask you to be true. 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.
The morning they received the news from the healer Silas and Sarah couldn’t leave the bed. Tears from both pooled on the pillow as he ran his hands through her hair and she clung to him like a boat in a storm. They lay between the sheets until the sun set, neither sleeping, simply appreciating the other’s presence. No plans were discussed that night, no thoughts of the future. Just their last lingering shred of hope as it was blown out the open window.
The next day, they called a family meeting.
“All Heap children in attendance, please. We have something to tell you.”
The formality of the letter spooked them all.
Simon and Lucy rushed straight to the family homestead first thing that morning. Sam and Marwick traveled through the queen’s way as soon as possible. Edd postponed a date with a cute ordinary wizard. Erik paused in the middle of a three day spell. JoJo left the sanctuary of the Grotto. Nicko sailed straight home from the Port. Jenna cancelled three meetings with foreign dignitaries. Septimus took the first day off of his career.
That afternoon, no later than 2 pm, all Heaps and associated spouses were crammed into the room behind the big red door. The feeling of safety and comfort that usually permeated the space was overshadowed by an ever increasing anxiety. Sarah sat at the head of the table. Silas served a pot of tea and stood behind his wife, his hands on her shoulders. Everyone held their breath as she loosed her news.
“I’m dying kids.”
Time stood still. The noise of the moat vanished outside. The untouched tea on the table grew cold.
William broke the silence. “Grandma, what do you mean?”
And the tears began.
Together, the family cried as the news sunk in and took hold.
“Oh Mum!” “Of all the people.” “How long have you known?” “Too little time.” “There must be something we can do.” “Incurable disease, the healer said.” “How long do you have?” “Six months.” “I love you all so very much.”
Someone mentioned dinner. No one felt like eating.
The family sat together as they scrambled to formulate a plan on how to handle the coming months.
But there is no way to prepare yourself for the death of your mother.
Eventually, the kids left the room behind the big red door feeling like wet noodles. Heavily drained and one big wobbly mess.
Everyone had different ways of dealing with the announcement.
Septimus scared Tod, and most of the Wizard Tower, half to death by blasting a wall with magyk. He glared at the burn left next to Alther’s frying pan clock before Septimus fell to his knees and broke down crying. Tod wrapped her mentor in a hug as he bawled. “I feel like I’m ten again. I’ve only just found her and now I’m going to lose her.”
Edd got home and laid on the floor of his room in the Wizard Tower. He didn’t realize time was passing until someone knocked on the door. Edd ignored it. They knocked again and kept a continuous strain until the man some how pulled himself off the floor, stumbled to the door, and ripped it open. Outside was the ordinary wizard he was supposed to go out with. She smiled sheepishly and held out a glass dish wrapped in plastic. “The tower is buzzing with the news that the Extra Ordinary Wizard’s mother is sick and, well, I thought you could use some company.” Edd stared blankly at her. ”So, is that a no?” “Ah! No, please, come in.”
Erik went for a long walk in the forest. He left the Castle as soon as the bridge was down in the morning with no food and no plans of returning until sunset. He wondered all day long. It was little short of a miracle nothing attacked the man. Absorbed in thought, before he knew it, Erik was lost in a deep, unfamiliar part of the woods. He was beginning to worry about finding his way home when a rough voice sounded behind him. “I was beginning to believe none of my grandchildren would visit me again.”
Two nights after the announcement, Rupert Gringe found Nicko laying in the bottom of a boat they were patching in the yard. Rupert recognized the bottle of whiskey at Nicko’s side as one of the finest the Port could afford to import. It was worth a pretty penny and how Nicko got his hands on a bottle was beyond Rupert. Now, there was little more than a shot’s worth in the bottom. Rupert leaned on the boat. “Where’s Snorri?” Nicko shrugged. “‘Sleep I ‘ssume.” Rupert shook his head at the man’s slurred speech and climbed in with his friend. “Any whiskey left for me?” Nicko took one last swig, draining the bottle. “No.” “... Whatcha staring at?” “Andromada. Cassiopeia isn’t out for another month.” “That’s a morbid constellation, Nik.” “‘It’s morbid times.” Nicko was quiet for a moment before, “I’m gonna miss her so much.” “Yeah.”
Simon accidentally exploded a vial while at work. Marcellus swept it up, claiming it was nothing while side eyeing his apprentice the whole time. When it happened a second time Marcellus pulled Simon away from the work bench and told him to go home. “You need to be with family.” “There has to be a cure. There has to!” “Simon, there wasn’t one five hundred years ago. If they haven’t found some treatment by now, I don’t know if they ever will.” “Then I’ll just have to be the one to find it.”
JoJo accidentally knocked over two fully stocked shelves at the Grotto. When his co-workers came to investigate, they found JoJo picking glass out of his palm. “I dropped the Ghost Friend in a Jar.” “All three hundred of them?” “Yep.” “... JoJo, do you want a drink?” They still don’t know if the glass embedded in his hand was accidental.
Sam dragged a chair outside onto the deck of the Keeper’s Cottage and watched the sun set. He only moved when Marwick dragged him inside for bed at night. Marwick woke the next morning to find the bed empty and Sam back in the chair. On the fifth day of this, Marwick went out to see Sam wrapped in an old knitted blanket. “Sarah make that for you?” “Yes, ages ago.” “She’s a good person. A great Mum.” “The best. She doesn’t deserve this, Mar. Not one bit.” Sam rested his head on Marwick’s shoulder and watched the sun rise, just like his Mum always had.
Jenna’s feet carried her straight to the manuscriptorium. Perhaps the scribes thought it unnerving when the Queen burst into the main room and strode straight to the Hermatic Chamber with tears in her eyes. Perhaps the scribes were confused when the Chief walked out a few minutes later and demanded they all take the rest of the day off. However, years of living in a place as wild as the Castle had hardened their curiosity, besides you never say no to the boss. A few of the older scribes who were close to Beetle expressed concern but were waved off with little explanation. Once the manuscriptorium was empty, the front door locked, and the ‘Closed for emergency’ sign flipped, Beetle led Jenna to his apartment above. There she explained everything, wrapped in his arms, cuddling on the couch. “I can’t do this. I can’t just watch her die. I have to do something.”
A week later, Jenna called her brother’s and sister in law to the Palace. The siblings gathered in a side room, looking more disheveled than they ever had in their lives. Sep forwent his signature robes and opted for a simpler purple tunic and leg wraps under his belt and Ankh amulet. Simon hadn’t shaved and his beard was longer than ever. Nicko smelt like booze. JoJo smelt like smoking greens. Sam’s usually immaculate clothing was rumpled and worn. Edd had his shirt on backwards and wore mismatched boots. Erik was so sleep deprived he could barely stand straight.
All eight siblings looked dead on their feet and hurt in the heart.
Jenna stood from her couch staring at her brothers, Marwick, Beetle, and Lucy. She tried to put on a strong face as she said, “I called you all here today to-” Jenna stopped to take a deep breath and Beetle put a hand on her back. “Discuss our circumstances.”
“Geeze, Jen. Your job sure has made you rigid,” JoJo commented.
Jenna tried to glare at him and failed. He was right. Here she was among family. Jenna sat, dropped her queenly air, and ignored the ugly feeling as her face scrunched and she sobbed.
“I don’t know what to do. I don’t know and it’s killing me.”
“Tell me about it,” Septimus muttered. Simon sighed and nodded at the same time.
The other Heap boys eyed each other. It was rare to see the most headstrong of the siblings acting so forlorn.
“We have to be there for her,” Sam said quietly. He made eye contact with each sibling as he spoke. “We visit her. We help her with the medication. We all go to weekly dinner. We are going to make these the happiest 6 months she’s had.”
“Yeah,” Edd said. “We hang out with her. We read to her. We bring her food.”
“We can’t forget Dad,” JoJo pointed out in an undertone. “We have to be there for him too.”
“I’ll take him fishing,” Sam said.
“I could show him some new spells,” Septimus suggested.
“I’ll go walking with him in the forest,” Erik said.
“We are going to be there for our parents,” Simon said. “They did everything for us. Sacrificed so much for us. It’s time we repay the favor.”
“I just wish it wasn’t so soon.”
Everyone was quiet before Jenna suddenly burst out laughing.
“Do, do you guys remember the fried fish incident?”
Grins spread across faces as memory sparked.
“The what?” Lucy asked looking at Jenna.
“Oh no,” Simon muttered. Lucy gave him a funny look.
The younger girl gave a loud laugh as she sputtered out, “Mum and Dad went out on a date, I think Simon was fourteen at the time. Anyway, they left him in charge of feeding us and he was trying to fry fish but-” Jenna broke off, unable to continue she was laughing so hard, sending Nicko and the twins chuckling.
Simon rolled his eyes and said, “The grease in the pan caught fire and I was so shocked I screamed.”
“Like a little kid,” JoJo interjected with a mischievous grin.
“The neighbor came running,” Simon continued. “She put the fire out but she forbade me from the stove for the rest of the night. When our parents came home, Mum was inspecting the charred fish when Maxie used her lap as a stepping stone to jump on the table and he ate the fish. Gobbled it right up.” Jenna was laughing so hard she had stopped making noise and the rest of the boys chuckled.
“Oh, oh!” Sam cried. He pointed at the twins and practically yelled out of excitement, “Do you two remember when you put a fake poo in Mum and Dad’s bed?”
Erik grinned wide. “And she refused to sleep in the bed for a week? Yes.”
“She had us washing the laundry for a month after that. Until I ‘accidentally’ added the wrong soap,” Edd laughed.
“I knew that was intentional! You ruined my favorite socks!” Nicko said.
“Or, when Sep first experienced Mum’s old switcheroo,” Simon grinned at his youngest brother.
“Oh, no, don’t,” Sep protested, although the smile on his face said otherwise.
“Aw, come on little bro!” Nicko clapped Sep on the back. “Mum had that tunic off you, wiped down, and hanging out the window in ten seconds flat.”
“We’ve all experienced it, even Dad,” JoJo sighed and the boys shuddered.
“Not me!” Jenna said proudly. “I never spilt on myself.”
“Maybe not, but do you remember when Mum accidentally started the rumor that you were dating Joe Mali?” Sam asked.
“Oh, don’t even bring it up.”
“No, I want to hear this one,” Beetle grinned at Jenna and the girl shook her head. Sam was more than happy to oblige.
“Jen used to have the biggest crush on Joe.”
“I was six years old!”
“You couldn’t talk to her without her bringing him up. Joe wore green today. Joe cut his hair! Joe this and Joe that.”
“I am going to throw a pillow at you!”
“How very diplomatic of you.”
“Shut it, Nicko.”
“Mum never let her live it down. I think she still keeps tabs on the boy, no offense, Beetle.”
“None taken.”
“I don’t know why you’re poking fun at her love life, Sam,” Simon stated. “Do you remember when you came out to us?”
Sam shook his head. “I was so stupidly nervous.”
“And all Mum had to say was-”
“‘Took you long enough to realize!’”
“And she went right back to cooking!” Sam yelled sending another round of laughter through the siblings.
“I remember the first time Dad took me fishing,” Septimus started.
“Uhg, what a disaster,” Nicko groaned.
“I never asked, what happened?” Jenna said.
“I fell in the river,” Septimus said.
“No, no, no,” Nicko interrupted. “He’s simplifying it.”
“Nuh huh, they are hearing this. Sep was sitting there on the rock, his pole in the river, book in the other hand, like you used to do, Sam.”
“Hey, we are related!”
“Sep felt a tug on the line and called Dad and I over. He reeled it in and, I shit you not, Septimus caught a 50 centimeter river bass. His first time fishing and this kid catches a gigantic fish without even trying.”
“Where’d it go?”
“Just wait,” Sep said and he buried his head in his hands.
“I’m getting there. Dad tried to help him take the hook out of the fish but Sep insisted on doing it himself. He pulled the hook out when the fish jumped. It whacked him across the face so hard he rolled off the rock and fell straight into the water!” Everyone burst out laughing and Septimus smiled from under his fingers.
“When we went home, I was soaked to the bone. Mum asked if I had tried to catch the fish with my mouth,” Septimus laughed.
The giggles faded and the room was quiet.
Almost to himself, Septimus muttered, “I couldn’t have asked for a better family.”
“Aw, little bro! Was that a confession of love?”
“He really does care about us!” Edd and Erik teased.
“Shut up you two, of course I love you idiots,” Septimus flicked in their direction.
“Hey! No magyk in the house,” Jenna cried.
“Now you really sound like Mum, Jen!” JoJo said. Jenna stuck her tongue out at him. “Ah! There’s my sister back.”
“When was the last time we all just, hung out?” Sam asked, half laughing.
The group was quiet as they thought about it.
“The last time we were all together,” Simon began slowly. “Was in the Tower infirmary after you were hurt in the ancient ways five years ago, Sam.”
Sam frowned and the mood in the room dropped.
“We really need to lean to pick better times to get together,” Nicko half-joked earning a few chuckles.
The siblings reminisced into the night, laughing and teasing and poking fun at each other in a way they never truly had. Once in awhile, the weight of their situation would bring itself down upon someone’s shoulders, but the constant laughter banished it away. There would be time for tears and time to hurt. For tonight, the Heap kids just wanted to be happy.
However, like time, happiness is fleeting.
The night Sarah died, she was alone with Silas. The day was a Sunday and the whole family had met for family dinner. There were smiles on faces as eyes avoided acknowledging how fragile Sarah had come to look. Her disease had not been kind and her body was giving up. After a pleasant dinner with a side of concern and a hidden helping of unease, the children left their parents with plenty of time to prepare for bed.
Sometime in the night, Sarah shifted which woke Silas from his restless sleep.
“Do you need something?” Silas asked. His eyes raked his wife’s face, looking for a sign of something wrong. Sarah shook her head and he relaxed a bit.
“I want you to know, I wouldn’t change a thing about this life we’ve made together.”
Her voice sounded weak to Silas’s ears.
“Will you do one last thing for me?”
“Anything, love. Anything.”
Sarah’s eyes searched his face as she said, “Miss me.”
Silas’s voice cracked when he finally found it. “Of course. Every day, for as long as I live.”
He hugged her close and kissed her head. Sarah held on to the front of his night shirt and took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the man she had given her all to. Of the first and only man she had ever doubtlessly loved.
“The hardest part of all of this… Is leaving you.”
“I love you, Sarah. With all my heart.”
“I love you, Silas. With everything I have and more.”
Silas didn’t sleep that night.
He didn’t move when her breath left her in one final gasp and her fingers released his shirt. He held her body in his arms as he watched the sun rise with tears in his eyes and his heart broken cleanly in half.
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nothisis-ridiculous · 7 years
Proxy Cosmos
(An alternate reality where Alec Ryder lived, and both twins were awake during the events of Andromeda.)
Chapter Five:
"So Vetra, about that offer to find me sp-" "Already ahead of you, Ryder," The Turian rumbled, swiveling the chair around, "I found a group back on the Nexus that will grow whatever you need. Apparently, your spice collection means a few more plant species brought to Andromeda from the Milky way." Elsee beamed, "I knew leaving behind my stuffed animal collection was a good idea." The Turian snorted, "you could get all the stuffed animals you wanted from even a pinch of saffron." "Anymore than that would ruin a dish anyway." "That does mean giving up some of your collection." The Tempest lurched nothing like being thrown from their feet but enough of a lull forward to break the monotony of a usually smooth ride. Vetra and Elsee's attention turned to their Omni-tools for a diagnosis of the problem. When nothing came, Vetra pushed out of her seat, and Elsee started for the door. "Another impromptu upgrade from Gil?" "Not enough screaming is coming from the flight deck for that," Vetra murmured, following her lead, "and you Dad reamed Gil the last time that happened." "He's so friendly."
"Better than your old man getting you kicked off of your home world." "Fine, you barely win this round," she teased the Turian.
Vetra's soft chuckling drew the attention of everyone, the somber mood turning sour. Bright green lights flooded the cockpit, six eyes that dwarfed the Tempest threatening to devour them at any moment. While the smaller t-shaped ships loomed in a blockade, curving around the ship so that it could not maneuver around them. Elsee didn't need to see what was behind them to know they were trapped. "They are scanning us, Pathfinder." Alec's face contorted, and Elsee rose on her tiptoes to try and see more. Liam's bulkier figure protecting her from the full view. Mostly obscuring the figure that projected onto the video screen, only able to seem some of the cream-colored bone that made up the crest. Kett. "Where is the one who activated the Remnant?" The slightly mechanic voice demanded, "their DNA signature is there. Answer me." Alec was not at all pleased, his voice barring none of his irritation, "You're the one in my way. Who are you?" Elsee attempted to push passed Liam, earning a gentle shoulder grab to stall her attention, "El," shaking his head, a corner of his lip raised. He did not like this; she had activated both pieces of Remnant technology, whatever he wanted was not good for her survival. The ship moved as if it had been yanked from a box by a grabby child. Luckily the ship, in this case, had caught against something and resisted the first initial pull. "They've locked navigation!" "We're being steered into their ship!" Alec slammed his fists into the console, "Just tell me what you want!" "I am not interested in your-- Ah." Alec pivoted to the familiar presence of his daughter, her face curiously going between the screen and him. Whatever this Kett wanted obviously focusing on her, instead of anything else they could offer. He would never get it. The Pathfinder's arm stuck out in front of Elsee so that she could not move any closer. "What do you want?" Elsee's bold question answered with a harsh glare from her Father. The Kett seemed a little more willing to share his thoughts, "I won't explain what you can't understand." "I actually know a lot about the Remnant," her pluckiness just intensified the glare, but damn if it wasn't the few more seconds SAM needed, "we should compare notes." "Enough!" it was interesting on how that struck a note with the alien, he must have been some high ranking member to hate the idea of collaboration, "your defiance is naive and reckless. This day marks the beginning of your greatness." Elsee grinned wide, that was her favorite compliment. Usually mentioning that to her made it a challenge to try and defy previous expectations of naive and reckless. So much that the thought made her chuckle in the face of the enemy that could very easily eliminate them at any given moment. The lights began to turn on around them, screens returning to their normal messages. With the Kett no longer looming above them, the crew relaxed a little. Suvi and Kallo sending each other glances to confirm that the ship was back under their control. "SAM," Alec questioned. "I have plotted a potential course through the Scourge." "Do it!" The Tempest took a tight turn that left everyone with little time to hold on. Alec pressed Elsee into the round bars, before gripping to the central portion himself, "Report!" "Enemy destroyed. Damage to aft sensors!" At least a positive came from Suvi's mouth. "Scourge got it?" Suvi affirmed. "It will be tight," SAM warned, as the scourge seemed to press in closer around the ship. Taking out something with each little bump that sent the crew swaying. But Kallo was adept at flying through these dangerous clouds, exclaiming loudly as they reached open space, "Yes!" "Nice work, kid," sincerely breathed Alec, "but who the hell was that guy?" "A major dick," huffed Liam. "Pathfinder, we've got trouble down here! You need to find us a port, now!" Gil interrupted over the comms. "Great," Alec's eyes rolled, "where did we end up?" Suvi attempted to corral the computers into giving her a better response, but it wasn't happening, "Sensors are damaged, but I think we are at the vault's co-ordinates." "You think?" it wasn't good enough for him, but it was likely all he would get, "Gil, give it what you can. We're settling down." The planet from first look did not seem promising. Rivers of lava carved into what looked like cooled lava didn't appear to be the place to land a burning ship. But where there was one fire, another always seemed to crop up. "We're being contacted." Six ships pinged on the sensors, forming around them as the ship broke the atmosphere. "We need to land," Alec's fingers drummed against the metal, "open a comm." "Tove jajalesh do!" shouted a voice. This was the perfect time to meet a new alien race, while every minute resulted in another error message. "Tove jajalesh do," did he imagine that it sounded more irritated? Elsee looked over Suvi's typing, a wide grin starting to form on her face. Her eyes only glancing to her father after he failed to respond to the alien voice. "We're visitors from another galaxy. Our intentions are peaceful," Alec didn't convince his daughter, earning the same sideways look Ellen used to give him all the time when he was about to be an ass. It wasn't a secret he was uncomfortable around new people and had a difficult time around the ones he knew. "Paav, nele set do," the voice replied as another ping uploaded to the Tempest. "They've sent us a nav point," Kallo reminded, stirring the crew's attention from their individual thoughts. Alec nodded, diverting his attention to the patch of green amid the black and yellow background surrounding it. An oasis in the desert. "It's beautiful," Elsee murmured, straining on her toes as if it would let her see more of the green landscape before them. "Team, suit up, we need to be careful," Alec ordered, most the of the crew already heading for their gear. "Suit up?" Elsee questioned his command, "really?" His head titled at her curiously, the team gossips that they were remained to hear this out, "and why not?" "They already didn't shoot at us, unlike the Kett, so point one these guys, and," Elsee formulated her words, "we're the ones running to them in a burning ship. I don't think showing up fully plated and loaded is a smart idea. We need this to go right." "I'm the Pathfinder- first contact is on me," he corrected, his face returned to a scowl, "and if that means getting shot at I'm doing it on even ground." "Spoken like a hardened N7," Elsee muttered, arms folding across her chest, "not someone known for making friends." Alec huffed, bringing in air to puff out his chest, "no gear, no leaving the ship. Got it, soldier?" ====== Elsee's first mistake had been in confronting him in front of the crew. Alec was already wired from running into the Kett, his temper already at a dangerous low from being stuck in the med clinic while his daughter got to traverse around Eos. Now the frustration multiplied as the packed bay grew stale and awkward, each member taking turns with giving him a look. Scott was oblivious to particular circumstances as he was caught in engineering with Gil during the encounter, but he read the room well. The absence of his sister another telling sign of the events he missed. "If anyone would like to object, you may stay behind, and we can drop you off at the Nexus at our earliest convenience," Alec snapped at the group after Cora lingered for too long in his space. Vetra's mandibles wavered, Cora and Scott remained silent and still. Liam looked through the glass window that revealed the hallway. He looked close to saying something or running, but for now, his emotions remained in check. His finger tapped on the gun, debating with it inwardly cheeks puffing in and out as he avoided anything other than ignoring the Pathfinder. The boy shared much in common with his daughter, and the two were often found together, a fact that had not escaped his notice. He didn't know which one of them was the worst influence on the other. For now, Liam remaining obedient to the loose ranking system was enough. Alec rolled his head from side to side, fingers following the grooves of the Paladin pistol- the chosen weapon for this encounter. Glancing at the others in turn in the last check to ensure that they were ready for this. A twist of anxiety with a twinge of excitement brewed in his gut, mixing with the restlessness that always inhabited him. The door opened into a brighter world, the rushing of waterfalls filling the air around him. The fresh smell of air filtered by an abundance of plants- something none of them had naturally experienced since leaving their homes. The large plants reminding him of a tropical ecosystem, but that was something his daughter would know more about. The creatures coming at him with guns and armed to the point of covering their heads. The helmets looked similar in design to his own, but the wide neck covering was strikingly different. They also had broader and meatier chest, leaving the rest of the body to continue out without any other major flares or dips. This amount of observation only coming after his gun aimed back at the aliens. The ground team following the Pathfinder's lead. In combat, he found, it was either very loud or silent. This was the latter of the two. The strange species sights set on them, their separated index finger hovering just above the trigger. The team behind him collectively hold their breaths, waiting to see who would move first, them or the strangers. They moved first, a blue light attached to something like an Omni-tool scanning over the Pathfinder, but at a safe distance. Alec felt this was enough to lower his weapon, not take it out of his hand, but to lower the pistol. The four behind him followed as the species began to call back and forth to each other. A stray alien unmasked to reveal flaps of skin making a sort of mane around their heads, ran for the rest with a long gun held tightly in his hands. The rest didn't notice him, as they continued the chattered between them. They continued to ignore him, even as his scope focused on the strangers at their port. The shot missed. Elsee yelped from behind him, pulling his attention to the smoldering metal. He couldn't bring himself to quite yet face his disobedient child, his hesitation granting her time to move. The block preventing his temper from rising disintegrated with the misfire that was an infinite time more insulting than a shot taken at him. If these -people- fired at an unarmed civilian they could never work in peace. His pistol pulling from his hip, much more rapidly than lining up the shot to hit the zig-zagging alien. With another breath, the trigger released. His mind pictured the grey-blue streak of alien falling to the ground in a pool of his blood, but what manifested were muted brown eyes and a streak of identically colored hair. Armored in nothing but a layer of cotton and other blended materials, she took the full impact. Or rather her right shoulder shattered. Sending her tumbling to the feet of the aliens, so paralyzed by the pain to realize the predicament she was tossed into. The alien previously holding the scanner shouted something, and the entire squad moved away from the writhing human. Gil, Suvi, and SAM screaming in his ear ignored for his instinct to pull his offspring out of trouble.
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paradoxicalca · 5 years
(OC) Don Cherry Drafts the Toronto Maple Leafs (An Alternate Reality)
(Previous parts of this series include: Tom Wilson-Proofing the Penguins, Dundon DIYs the Hurricanes, Re-Chiarelling the Oilers, Moneyballing the Sens, Covertly Tanking the Wild, and Frenchifying the Canadiens.)​This is way longer than I thought it would be - turns out 2004 is longer ago than I thought.~~~~~~~~~~~Part INobody remembers exactly how it happened.According to the contract, it was the 20th of December, 2003. The Maple Leafs had just defeated the Montreal Canadiens 4-2, their fourteenth consecutive game without a regulation loss. General Manager John Ferguson Jr. was riding high, and he didn't care who knew it. He was just months into his tenure with the Leafs and he was already almost certain to be the first GM to bring a Cup to Toronto in 36 years. So he decided to celebrate with friends and a few bottles of wine at the best restaurant he could think of: Wayne Gretzky's, just a few blocks away.Half-remembered through the haze of cigar smoke and wine, it was one of the best nights of Ferguson's life. The soirée was a who's who of hockey royalty - incredible stories were being passed around over freshly microwaved meatloaf and cheese-sprinkled nachos. But the life of the party was CBC's Don Cherry. He had regaled the group with anecdotes about Ferguson's father - "one of the toughest guys you'll ever see in the National Hockey League, and he could put pucks in the net! Ya don't see that much these days!" But he also had a lot of concerns with the direction the league and the Leafs had taken - drafting gutless players who'd never win a Cup like Alex Steen in the first round. "If I was in charge of scouting", he assured Ferguson, "teams wouldn't be excited to be playing the Leafs I tell ya!"The next morning, Ferguson awoke with a splitting hangover and checked his answering machine. Don's voice bellowed out:"Hey Johnny, glad we could work things out last night. I won't let you down I'll tell ya that much!"Ferguson had no idea what he was talking about until he received the email from Cherry's lawyer. Attached was a picture of a hand-written but impeccably worded contract with both men's signatures on it.The signing parties of this legally binding contract recognize the following stipulations: 1. That Mr. Donald Cherry be vested with the full and final power to decide who the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club drafts in the first round of the National Hockey League entry draft. 2. That the Toronto Maple Leafs not trade their first round pick in the NHL Entry Draft without the express permission of Mr. Cherry. 3. That the Toronto Maple Leafs not trade players that Mr. Cherry has drafted without the express permission of Mr. Cherry. 4. That the existence of this contract not be disclosed to the public unless the Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup or the contract is violated. 5. That the violation of the above stipulations will result in the payment of $50,000,000 CDN to the estate of Mr. Cherry. 6. That the above be valid each year for the remainder of Mr. Cherry's life, regardless of changes made to management or ownership. To their horror, the Leafs' lawyers could not figure out a way out of this. From that day on, Don Cherry was the most important scout the Leafs had.Part II2004While Cherry was tempted by the notion of receiving Brian Leetch from the Boston Bruins, he was keen to make a swift impact on the Leafs' future. With the 24th overall pick, the Leafs selected G David Shantz of the Mississauga Ice Dogs. When he asked if this pick was solely based on that fact that Shantz played for the OHL team Cherry owned, Ferguson was assured that Shantz is a beautiful kid and a hell of a goalie, and always willing to sacrifice the body to block shots.2005When the Leafs' scouting department told Cherry that they wanted to pick some Euro named Tooka Rask, he was amazed that a guy as smart as Ferguson had hired those morons. They wanted to pick a goalie outta Finland? Guy probably had never even faced a slapshot before! Not to mention that Shantzy was already their franchise goalie of the future. Instead they drafted a real big kid with #1 defenceman potential: D Matt Pelech, a 6'4 member of the Sarnia Sting. He may not be an offensive guy, but 74 penalty minutes in 31 games? This guy's a Hall of Famer in the making.2006The Leafs barely missed the playoffs, in large part due to bad goaltending. When Cherry heard that Ferguson had tried to trade Shantz to Boston for Andrew Raycroft he was mad. When he heard that his scouts wanted some guy named Yeery Taloosty outta Checkaslovakia he was furious. You gotta beautiful kid like LW Chris Stewart on the board and you're gonna take some wuss? Ridiculous.2007The backstabbing son of a bitch tried to do it again. What is it with Ferguson and these Finnish goalies? You wanna give up a first for Vensa Toksala? Unbelievable. He told Cherry that it was a shallow draft and that the pickings would be weak at 13th overall. Ya wanna call LW Colton Gillies weak to his face? Here's a beautiful kid, big kid, 6'4 207 with size and a hell of a shot, plays the game the right way, nephew of a good guy: Clark Gillies.2008Ferguson was fired in January, and Cliff Fletcher was hired as his interim replacement. The team finally had a top draft pick, and Cherry was ready for a fight. Luckily, everyone could agree that they had to pick up a beautiful kid named D Luke Schenn. He can hit, he'll drop the gloves, and his tendency to ice the puck will give Cherry plenty of opportunities to complain about touch icing on Coach's Corner.2009Chris Stewart, Luke Schenn, and Colton Gillies made their NHL debuts and boy did they look big out there. Viewers of Hockey Night in Canada wondered why Cherry was constantly advocating ferociously for the Maple Leafs to call up David Shantz from the ECHL. New general manager Brian Burke, when informed by his predecessor of the Cherry contract, was completely non-perturbed until he realized it would stop him from trading away first round picks.The 7th overall pick demands real reflection: so many beautiful kids available. You got Jared Cowen, Zack Kassian outta Windsor - now there's a guy who stands up to his teammates. And then there's Kadri. TALK ABOUT HEART this kid is a hardworker, gets to the tough areas, God love ya. Cherry decides to let Burke take C Nazem Kadri.2010No way in hell is Don gonna let Burke trade those precious picks for some American guy who doesn't even defend. The Leafs, led in scoring by Chris Stewart, finish second last in the NHL. Brian Burke invests a full month trying to convince Cherry to let him take Tyler Saygenn. But it's no use. Sure Seygen's flashy, and Cherry's sure he's a nice kid, mum and dad raised him well, but when you've got D Erik Gudbranson on the board you're taking the 6'5 defenceman every day of the week.2011Another big season by Chris Stewart keeps the Leafs out of the basement but the rebuild continues. By the end of the season they end up with the 7th overall pick. Cherry tells the scouts he's considering two players: Sam Couttserier and Dougie Hamilton. The scouts try to sell him on the Bathurst product but it was never really in doubt: Hamilton is a beautiful kid, plays the game right, big shot from the point, 6"6, and plays for the Ice Dogs. D Dougie Hamilton is the guy. Fortunately for Hamilton, his parents unwittingly helped his career prospects by concealing his love of reading and museums from Cherry when they met at the CHL Top Prospects Game. Cherry also fully supports Burke's picks of RW Tyler Biggs and D Stuart Percy.2012At this point, Cherry can hardly watch a Leafs game without bursting into tears at the beauty of it. Kadri and Stewart at forward, Schenn, Phaneuf, and Gudbranson on defence. Sure the team is absolutely terrible, but they're losing the right way. The Leafs end up with the 3rd overall pick, and appear poised to draft talented centre Alex Galchneeyuck. Instead they pick up a real good guy: D Griffin Reinhart.2013With Stewart falling off a cliff and no offensive star to replace him, the Leafs do not make the playoffs in 2013. Instead, they draft LW Max Domi at 10th overall, good kid from a great family, an absolute beauty, you know his dad, his dad always left it all out on the ice, still a good friend, loves the troops, good stuff! The scouts don't even bother trying to talk him into taking a Russian guy named Valerie.2014Shanahan is now in charge and is furious that nobody mentioned this arrangement to him before he promised fans a full rebuild. William Neelander was never gonna be Cherry's guy. It's LW Nick Ritchie. He’s 6-foot-3 and 230 pounds. Only three players scored more than this guy. He is tough. He can score. He has beautiful hands. Leafs have enough weak wingers.2015The Maple Leafs take a guy with size and skill D Noah Hanifin with the 4th overall pick, and Cherry almost dissociates at the thought of drafting an American over a beautiful Ontario kid like Marner.2016The Leafs finally bottom out. Shanahan begs Cherry to take a guy from the Southern USA who plays in friggin Switzerland of all places, Austin Matthews, 1st overall instead of LW Matthew Tkachuk. Beautiful kid, and what a family I tell ya what I REMEMBER yknow Keith now there's a hockey player they send him down to the desert, what a disgrace, there's a great player!2017With the 10th overall pick, the Leafs take D Cal Foote, big kid from a beautiful family, his dad, Adam, big friend of the show, always finished his checks, and that's why, yknow that's why he's got those rings! These goofs really wanted some girly looking Euro called Timoth Linegren, forget about it. Cherry is really starting to hate these hippy pinkos in charge of the Leafs.2018Leafs go off the board and select C Ryan McLeod outta Mississauga in the mid-1st round instead of trading down for Rasma Sandy (again with the Swedes? It's a nice place to visit sure but quit sending us hockey players!). John Tavares chooses to sign with the San Jose Sharks, a contender, instead of the mediocre Leafs. Desperate for a 2nd pair left defenceman, the Leafs sign Jack Johnson to a 5 year, 4 million AAV contract.EpilogueThe Maple Leafs now have this lineup :​Matthew Tkachuk - Max Domi - Zach Hyman Patrick Marleau - Nazem Kadri - Andreas Johnsson Tyler Ennis - Brandon Leipsic - Josh Leivo Tyler Biggs - Dominic Moore - Leo Komarov Noah Hanifin - Dougie Hamilton Jack Johnson - Erik Gudbranson Griffin Reinhart - Luke Schenn Fredrik Andersen Garret Sparks Shanahan decides that enough is enough. Bringing his new General Manager Kyle Dubas with him, he summons Cherry for a meeting in the Maple Leafs war room. Grapes mockingly wears a pink three piece suit dotted with Shanahan's face."Don, we're here to negotiate. We need to get out of this contract.""Oh THAT'S what this is about then eh? Ya need more Swedes and Soviets out there? That's not how ya win a Cup!""We're willing to offer you 25 million dollars in cash right now to void the agreement."After a couple minutes of thinking, Cherry realizes that could buy every team in the QMJHL and fold them for that money. "Awright ya punks, you gotta deal. But these team's goin' nowhere if you pack it full of Euros and weaklings." He stares directly at Dubas and barks "Kids, you gotta always keep your head up out there or you're gonna get hit""Are you threatening him?""He knows I'm kiddin' around! I swear, these guys out here, can't take a joke anymore. Ya know Shanny, you were a real good player hard in the corners good Irish kid God love ya. Dunno why ya went so soft."Shanahan shakes his head "Don, the game's changed. You need speed and skill, not just big tough guys out there to win. It's not like when you were playing anymore."Don gets up and walks towards the door, but turns around before leaving. The old man's face is as orange as the jersey Bobby Clarke used to wear, now there's a player, eat your heart out yknow when we used to play the Flyers ya had to watch out for that guy because he's small sure but what a warrior he'd drop the gloves no questions asked. He has tears in his eyes."Yeah whatever Shanny. This isn't the first time I've gotten in trouble for putting too many men on the ice."~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next time: The Islanders accidentally give Mike Milbury a second chance. (OC) Don Cherry Drafts the Toronto Maple Leafs (An Alternate Reality) Source
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