#it will have to be for very brothy soups not a dense soup
milk-boy · 5 months
i truly believe getting older is a privilege and the idea of making it to 35 is very exciting to me. i love age i love my body i love changing and growing. i love getting through difficult days i love remembering nice moments i love nostalgia. and on a november night i am lucky enough to be smelling the brothy soup that simmers and wait for my love to come home, reflecting on the difficulties we have, are and will overcome together in the name of love, listening to beautiful music, it's a prayer and in this prayer i remember the fearful hopelessness I once held, sometimes hold, that will visit me again, and i thank the stars that i can get through it, that with everything happening i will never fall into the trap of thinking i can't survive, and if i die i will die knowing it was only once that i didn't survive a day out of years of living and loving and hurting and begging and looking and seeing and touching and smelling and life is dense dense dense dense, a lot, close close close, closer than we think, closer than we know
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hotontopnow · 11 months
Different Types of mushrooms and their distinctive flavors with nutritional benefits
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How Different Types of Mushrooms Can Boost Your Health
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Are you a mushroom lover? If so, you need to know that different types of mushrooms are available in various shapes, sizes, colours and tastes. From common button mushrooms to more exotic truffles, the mushrooms are commonly used in many cuisines around the globe. The texture, taste and scent of mushrooms may differ between different types. In the article below, we'll look at the various types of mushrooms and their distinctive flavour and texture. Introduction Mushrooms aren't just delicious, however; they also offer many health benefits. It is low in calories, rich in fibre and high in minerals and vitamins. They also are a fantastic source of antioxidants and possess anti-inflammatory properties.With so many types of mushrooms to choose from, it can be challenging to decide which one to include in your meals. This article will provide an extensive guide to the different kinds of mushrooms as well as their distinct tastes and textures.Mushrooms come in various shapes sizes, shapes, and tastes. The most well-known mushrooms that are known for their delicious flavours include chicken of the woods truffles, morels and truffles, porcini, shiitake, as well as portobello mushrooms.The edible mushrooms possess an earthy, meaty, slightly woodsy taste and are among the foods that have umami, the fifth main flavour. Umami is described by chefs as a flavour that is a savoury and brothy flavour that spreads over the tongue and remains in the mouth. Since it is a predominant taste, it's distinct and can't be created by mixing different tastesWhite button mushrooms make up among the most popular mushrooms consumed throughout the United States. In comparison to gourmet and wild varieties, white button mushrooms have very mild flavours. They're also incredibly versatile and simple to prepare.They can be cut raw and served in salads, marinated, pickled and cooked on skewers, grilled, coated with breadcrumbs and then fried or sauteed before being added to stews, soups and saucesCremini mushrooms can be described as a type of brown which are cultivated between portobello and white button mushrooms. They have a slightly stronger flavour than white buttons and are frequently used in stews, soups and sauces. Portobello mushrooms are huge meaty mushrooms that have a dense texture and delicious, earthy taste. They are commonly utilized as a vegetarian replacement for meat in sandwiches, burgers and wraps. Oyster mushrooms are a soft consistency and a mild salty taste that, when cooked, can be a little reminiscent of seafood. While they are delicious raw, they're most delicious cooked in sauteed form, roasted or cooked. Chanterelle mushrooms are a wild mushroom that has a pleasant fruity aroma with a nutty taste, as well as a trumpet-shaped shape with a gilded texture running along the stem and beneath the cap. They are commonly hunted and used in sauces, soups and rice dishes. Hedgehog mushrooms possess a spicy taste similar to chanterelles but with more smokey undertones. The texture is a little more crunchy than other mushrooms, and they are frequently used in stews, soups and sauces The different types of mushrooms with their distinct flavours and Textures Button MushroomsThe button mushrooms make up the largest and most common variety of mushrooms that you can find in grocery stores. They possess a mild, slightly nutty taste and an extremely firm texture. Button mushrooms are adaptable and can be found in a myriad of recipes, including soups, stews, sauces, and stir-fries.Portobello MushroomsPortobello mushrooms are huge meaty mushrooms often used as a vegetarian substitute for steak. They possess a rich earthy taste and chewy texture. Portobello mushrooms are usually baked or grilled and are served as burger patties or a topping for pizza.Shiitake MushroomsShiitake mushrooms make up a very popular ingredient in Asian food. They are renowned for their strong, smokey flavour and meaty, chewy texture. Shiitake mushrooms are frequently utilized in soups, stir-fries and noodles.Oyster MushroomsOyster mushrooms possess a mild, delicate flavour and a delicate texture. They are frequently utilized in vegetarian dishes to substitute meat. Oyster mushrooms also make an excellent addition to stir-fries and soups, as well as salads.Enoki MushroomsEnoki mushrooms are delicate, small-sized mushrooms that have a light, slightly fruity flavour. They have a nutty texture and are frequently utilized in soups, salads as well as stir-fries.Chanterelle MushroomsChanterelle mushrooms possess a delicate taste, with a sweet and nutty aroma and a soft texture. They are frequently utilized for French and Italian dishes and are a common ingredient in risottos, sauces, and other dishes.Morel MushroomsMorel mushrooms are characterized by an earthy, rich flavour and a soft, sponge-like texture. They are frequently utilized in soups, sauces and stews. Morel mushrooms are an ingredient that is popularly used in French cuisine.Porcini MushroomsPorcini mushrooms possess a distinct earthy, earthy taste as well as a firm texture. They are commonly utilized in Italian cuisine and are a common ingredient in pasta and risotto dishes.Truffle MushroomsTruffle mushrooms are among the priciest and most sought-after varieties of mushrooms. They have a distinctive earthy flavour and a sharp scent. Truffle mushrooms are typically sliced or grated on the pasta in risottos and salads.Maitake MushroomsMaitake mushrooms have a nutty nuanced flavour, as well as an incredibly meaty texture. They are frequently utilized in Japanese dishes and are an essential ingredient in stir-fries, soups, and noodles.King Oyster MushroomsKing oyster mushrooms possess a mild and nutty taste and an incredibly meaty, firm texture. They are frequently utilized as a substitute for meat in vegetarian dishes. They are an essential ingredient in soups, stir-fries and stews.Lion's Mane MushroomsLion's Mane mushrooms possess a nutty, sweet flavour as well as a meaty, stringy texture. They are frequently utilized as a substitute for meat in vegetarian meals and are a common ingredient in stir-fries, soups as well as salads.Matsutake MushroomsMatsutake mushrooms are characterized by an earthy, spicy taste and an incredibly firm and meaty texture. They are commonly utilized in Japanese food and are an essential ingredient in stews, soups and rice dishes.Coral MushroomsThe coral mushrooms have a light taste, a little sweet and a soft, crisp texture. They are frequently utilized in stir-fries, salads and soups.Yellowfoot MushroomsYellowfoot mushrooms possess a rich earthy flavour with a tough, meaty appearance. They are commonly utilized for French and Italian dishes and are a common ingredient in risottos, sauces and sauces.Black Trumpet MushroomsThe black trumpet mushrooms possess a delicious, smoky taste and a firm texture. They are commonly utilized in French cuisine and are a common ingredient in soups, sauces and stews.Hen of the Woods MushroomsHen of the Woods mushrooms are nutty and earthy in taste and a soft meaty texture. They are frequently utilized as a substitute for meat in vegetarian dishes. They are an essential ingredient in stir-fries, soups and stews. The nutritional benefits of different types of Mushrooms and how they can Help Improve Your Health Mushrooms are usually thought of as a vegetable, but they're actually a form of fungus. They are available in a variety of shapes size, sizes, and colours and are a great component of many meals. Did you realize that mushrooms are loaded with nutrients that will help your health in numerous ways?Mushrooms are calorie-free but are rich in nutrients, making them an ideal supplement to a healthy diet. Here are a few major nutrients that mushrooms provide:1. A wealth of Vitamins and MineralsMushrooms are a fantastic source of a variety of minerals and vitamins, including:Vitamin D: The mushrooms are among the very few foods that contain vitamin D, which is vital to maintain healthy bones and teeth.B Vitamins The mushrooms are a great supply of B vitamins that play an important role in the metabolism of energy.Selenium: The mushrooms are among the most effective foods that contain selenium, which is a mineral that functions as an antioxidant and is essential to the thyroid's health.2. In the low range of Calories and CarbohydratesThey are extremely low in carbohydrates and calories and are a perfect food option for those trying to lose weight or are following an eating plan that is low in carbs. One cup of mushrooms cut into slices is only fifteen calories and two grams of carbs.3. A high content of antioxidants.Mushrooms have a wide range of antioxidants. These include glutathione and ergothioneine. These aid in protecting your body from damaging consequences from free radicals.4. Could Boost ImmunityCertain kinds of mushrooms, including maitake and shiitake, have beta-glucans. They have been proven to improve immunity by triggering the production of white blood cells.5. Could Possibly Have Anti-Cancer PropertiesNumerous studies have indicated that mushrooms could contain anti-cancer effects. For instance, some research suggests that mushrooms can stop the growth of cancerous cells and also prevent the development of blood vessels which feed cancerous cells. The benefits of different types of mushrooms that can improve your Health We've now looked at the health benefits of mushrooms. We can look into ways they can benefit your health more thoroughly.1. Help to Improve Heart HealthThey are a great source of potassium, which may aid in lowering blood pressure as well as reducing the risk of developing heart diseases. They also have fibre, which may help lower cholesterol levels.2. Supports Brain FunctionThey are rich in nutrients that are essential to brain function, such as B vitamins, vitamin D and the amino acid choline. A few studies have suggested that eating mushrooms can aid in improving cognitive performance and lower the risk of developing neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer's disease.3. Boost ImmunityAs we've mentioned before, certain kinds of mushrooms have beta-glucans which help in boosting the immune system. This may help safeguard you from infections and other ailments.4. Help Manage Blood Sugar LevelsMushrooms are extremely low in carbohydrates. They also contain the fibre known as beta-glucans. They can assist in reducing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This helps to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar which is helpful for those with diabetes.5. Aid to digestionMushrooms are an excellent source of fibre in the diet, which helps to support the health of your digestion and avoid constipation.6. Can Help Prevent CancerAs we've mentioned before, there has been some evidence that mushrooms might possess anti-cancer properties. However, more research is needed in this areaAlthough more research is required in this field, some studies have yielded positive results. One study, for instance, found that regular consumption of mushrooms is associated with lower risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women.7. Can Help reduce inflammation.Chronic inflammation is associated with a range of health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Certain kinds of mushrooms, including cordyceps and reishi, have compounds that are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce inflammation within the body.8. Could Enhance Athletic PerformanceCertain kinds of mushrooms, including cordyceps, have been found to boost athletic performance by boosting oxygen consumption and increasing endurance.9. Might improve skin healthThe mushrooms contain a variety of nutrients that are essential for the health of your skin, such as antioxidants and vitamin D. A few studies have suggested that eating mushrooms can aid in improving skin texture and decrease the signs of ageing. Frequently asked questions Are mushrooms edible raw?Yes, certain kinds of mushrooms are edible raw, including portobello and button mushrooms. However, others, like shiitake and maitake, are usually cooked before consumption.Can mushrooms be harmful?Although the majority of mushrooms are safe for consumption, however, certain kinds may be harmful. It is important to consume only mushrooms that you're certain are safe to consume.How should mushrooms be stored?Mushrooms must be stored within the frig in a plastic bag or container with a lid. Do not store them in plastic bags because this could cause them to get slimy.How can I incorporate mushrooms into my diet?They can be found in many recipes, including stir-fried soups, salads, soups and Omelets. Also, they can be baked or grilled and served as a dish to accompany a meal.Can mushrooms be used to make an alternative to meat?Yes, mushrooms can be utilized as a substitute for meat in a variety of dishes, including tacos, burgers or spaghetti sauce. They have a meaty flavour and are seasoned to impart flavour.Are there any health advantages associated with mushrooms?Mushrooms are low in calories, high in fibre, and rich in minerals and vitamins. They also are a good source of antioxidants and possess anti-inflammatory properties.Can all mushrooms be consumed?Certain mushrooms can be poisonous and be fatal if consumed. It is crucial to consume only the mushrooms confirmed as safe to consume.How should mushrooms be stored?Mushrooms must be kept in a bag made of paper in the refrigerator. Avoid placing their contents in plastic containers since they may turn slimy.What is the difference between wild and cultivated varieties of mushrooms?Wild mushrooms can be found in their natural habitat, whereas the cultivated ones are grown in controlled areas. Cultivated mushrooms are usually cheaper and more readily available than wild mushrooms. Conclusion Mushrooms are a nutritious and delicious food that can improve your health in a variety of ways. It is low on calories yet packed with nutrients, making them a great option to add to your diet. They're a rich source of many minerals and vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamin D and are rich in antioxidants, which can help defend your body from the effects of free radicals.They also may have anti-cancer properties, improve immunity, and boost brain and heart health. So, the next when you're at the shop, make sure you purchase some mushrooms, and then start to incorporate them into your daily diet!Mushrooms can be found in a variety of tastes and textures, which makes them an ideal ingredient in all kinds of food. From the typical button mushroom to more exotic truffle, every type of mushroom comes with its own distinct features. If you're a veteran mushroom fan or just beginning to discover the world of edible fungi, there's an edible fungus for all.Try some new things, then learn about the many varieties of mushrooms, as well as their distinctive tastes and textures for yourself. Read the full article
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rosalinastan · 2 years
I am MAKING a capybara soup bowl so that I may observe the creature soaking in a bath of my delicious broths and stews
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it just has to dry and bisque and then... I will paint her :)
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olivieblake · 4 years
Do you have any good tips/recipes for eating a healthy and balanced diet? I’m trying to lose fat but giving up pasta is proving difficult. I loved the ‘Olivie Blake in the kitchen’ episode of your vlog!
aw thanks anon! answered in this video and here are some other recipe ideas you’ll find me eating frequently:
farro bowls: I don’t necessarily stick to all these steps (I hate radishes and I sometimes substitute sautéed broccoli or kale for zucchini) but I really like farro and jammy eggs are a game-changer. also I LOVE the dressing in this
arroz caldo: I know it’s hot out right now, but this filipino chicken porridge is very simple and easy to alter to your tastes. I use chicken thighs (skin on, bone in) and toss in a pot with onions, garlic, and enough chicken broth and water (about 2 parts chicken broth, one part water) to cover all the ingredients, plus salt and pepper. boil for about 40 minutes uncovered. remove the chicken and set aside; add 2 cups rice and bring back to a boil for about 20 more minutes, stirring often. (I typically soak the rice while the chicken is cooking.) when the chicken has cooled, tear it into pieces and add it back in. I also like to add spinach or kale, salt to taste. the rice should be gummy, like, overcooked, and add broth or water if it looks like it’s soaking up too much broth (depends if you prefer it brothy, like soup, or a little thicker.) top each bowl with lime juice and fish sauce to taste. typically this is cooked with ginger but I hate ginger. if you want a more authentic recipe, search one online! there’s lots
pasta w/vegan cream sauce: I don’t love this exact recipe, but if you miss the homey feeling of cheesy pastas, you might want to experiment with “cream” sauces that are made with pasta water and beans/chickpeas. like I said in the video, feel free to try whole wheat pasta or black bean pasta to add other nutrients
brothy pasta with chickpeas: ditto this recipe. the chickpeas make it filling, but you might want to experiment with ways to enhance the flavor. I don’t love rosemary so I used basil instead, and I added a bit of calabrian chili for flavor. I think I might also like it more if I sautéed some crimini mushrooms along with the onion, but I haven’t tried that yet.
kale pesto with whole wheat pasta: this is very one-note, so although it’s good, I recommend adding something... cherry tomatoes, maybe, for some pop? or serve with a protein, like a simple chicken katsu 
mr blake’s peanut butter thing: I know this won’t sound good, but trust me, it is. dice up sweet potatoes, chicken breast, and apples. sauté the chicken until just brown, then add the sweet potato and sauté those, then ditto the broccoli until very green and tender, and then add the apples at the very end, just for a minute or so. serve, then melt peanut butter and drizzle over the mixture. I promise, super good, very easy
spicy pork bowls: bon appetit has a better bulgogi recipe with more ingredients, but this keeps things simple. I don’t love the carrot and kale mix—personally I prefer to use broccolini
summer greens + potato salad: this is dense and delicious (I use baby spinach when I don’t have other greens) and the eggs give you some added protein 
fyi, for my morning meal I keep things very simple: multigrain toast + 2 eggs, one bowl of plain oatmeal with agave syrup to sweeten + 1 egg, smoothie with frozen fruit + protein powder + spinach leaves, that sort of thing. I mostly spend my time making dinners to ease my cravings, hence the recipes above
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unwritrecipes · 3 years
Chicken Meatball Soup (Gluten-Free)
I’m not exactly thrilled that the weather has turned colder, especially with all the indoor restrictions this year, but I am pumped that Soup Season is in full swing!! Particularly when there are such yummy ones out there like this Chicken Meatball Soup which is not only quick and easy to prepare but also gluten-free. If you’re looking for a delicious and healthy way to warm yourself up, you need to get a pot of this bubbling away on your stove, pronto!
Guys, this is total comfort food, but without any guilt! Not only is it chock full of veggies (and you could feel free to add even more variety) but the meatballs themselves are made without any breadcrumbs. And they are absolutely delicious! If you’re following a gluten-free diet for health reasons or just trying to cut down on your carbs, I promise you won’t miss out on anything here ‘cause they are loaded with flavor and have a lovely dense-sort of consistency that balances out the light brothiness of the soup.
I also love that this recipe makes a nice big pot so you’ll very likely have leftovers which reheat amazingly well and make the perfect light take-to-work or stay-at-home lunch.
Every spoonful is loaded with flavor and down-to-your-toes warmth! Stay warm, my friends!!
Chicken Meatball Soup
Makes about 10 servings
Prep Time: About 1 hour (much of this is hands-free)
For the meatballs
2 pounds ground white meat chicken
1 small onion, minced
2 large eggs, beaten
3 garlic cloves, minced
Large handful of fresh parsley, minced
Large pinch or two of kosher salt and black pepper
For the soup
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped finely
2 garlic cloves, minced
4-5 carrots, peeled and cut into rounds
2 potatoes, peeled and cut into small chunks
8 cups (64 ounces) chicken stock or broth, you may find you need more, especially for reheating purposes
Pinch or two of kosher salt
5 ounces baby spinach, roughly chopped
Freshly grated Parmesan for serving (optional)
The Recipe
1. Mix all of the meatball ingredients together in a large bowl and set aside.
2. Add the olive oil to a large pot and heat over medium heat. Cook the onion for about 5 minutes, until softened, stirring every now and then. Add in the garlic and stir for about 30 seconds. Then add in the carrots, potatoes, chicken stock and salt and bring to a low boil.
3. Wet your hands and form the meatball mixture into balls and carefully drop them into the pot. You can make them any size you like--, rewet your hands if the mixture becomes too sticky.
4. Let the soup cook, simmering for about 30 minutes and then check to see if the meatballs are cooked through. If not, cook for a little longer. If they are, stir in the spinach and cook for a few minutes until it has wilted. Ladle into bowls and serve.
5. Bring any leftovers to room temperature and store in an airtight container in the fridge for 4-5 days.
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