#it’s momo’s head and kidos hand 💔
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
do you have any headcanons about harutaka's cat(s)?
i think they have 1 spoiled as hell cat and my only supporting reason for it is haruka falling in the fountain. listen if ur gonna introduce a character thru "he fell in the fountain bc he was so determined to pet a cat" i am GONNA give him a cat.
i think harukas dreams in life are 1. not die 2. have cat and when she's settled in with takane post str hes like moaning and sobbing about how much he loves cats and takanes like then lets get one lol we can afford it and harukas brain rewires like Holy shit i am an adult with my own place I CAN GET A CAT???? and its Awesome
i think. cat is subject to his paintings for a long time. i think their place has paintings of the cat bc haruka keeps painting it. i think thatd be funny. i also think hiyori visits a lot to see the cat and also bc she and haruka have a sibling thing going on (both feel responsible for konoha being gone sry i got so many feelings abt this)
as for takane i thought maybe she'd be like Dads and the pet they said they didnt want but no wayyyyy like shes ene... they fucking love that thang. takane and cat having same personality and harukas like Wow when one hisses at me i can just go cuddle with the other this is awesome
i also think kano has like 5 cats though and the number keeps growing. i love kano just being a cat lady. seto is always fostering dogs plus is always hanging out with animals. mary has a service dog. shintaro has his bunny and continues raising bunnies. what i am trying to say the pics of the dan gc are awesome.
hibiya complains about all the cat pictures 1 time and gets hated so bad he has to beg on his knees to be added back to the gc 💔 as for kidomomo i think kido would want a cat but momo is into small ugly dogs and they fight abt it. thoughts??? wait this was a harutaka ask.
um They have a cat idk man i think they treat it like an actual kid. id say haruka and takane never have kids bc Have you seen them but also ratio + konoha reborn as their kid BEST headcanon the fandom ever came up with like OUGGHHKONOHA GETTING AN ACTUAL CHANCE AT A NORMAL LIFE OUGGHH srry the way its always compared to a kid gets me man... and konoha as an actual silly kid... sniff sniff also i think older dan spmehow finding out its konoha irl for reals is so hilarious to me. like how did you even DO that. shintaro kinda knowing bc of past timelines rubbing his hands together like The reveal never gets old. a lotta ppl have designed kid konoha but i wanna make my own too and give it so much nonbinary epicness (holds head) wait why am i talking abt this. oh yeah i had a point harutaka projecting all their insecurities of omg we will never have kids lol!!!! *put cat in crib* anyway spoiled as hell cat.
sorry i kinda talked about 1 million things but whatever haruka and takane have a spoiled cat and its awesome
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hibihiiyo · 3 years
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uh oh
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