#it's a sad day to simp fellas
bbakizz · 7 months
Just watched bsd s5 ep11 and i have alot of words.
Second of all,
Asagiri are u slash ess arr ess or slash jay you couldnt even give them a day of peace what the shit man
Who the dog was that floaty dude also fukufuku realness i knew fukuchi was a great character u fukuchi haters are such meanies give a silly old man a chance
Chuuyas teeth r gonna be spiky forever he was so silly this episode i genuinely couldnt breathe watching that bit
Chuuya ur a great actor wow you had the whole fandom fooled
This means that dazais gay ass speeches were literally for no reason and he was just being a little simp for no reason this is hilarious
Also someone please go help sigma
I bet fyodor isnt really dead though or sigma finding stuff out abt him will be pretty damn pointless if his ass is already dead
Akutagawa changing his clothes???? Is this a dream????? Also howd he change in 2 hours where did he get that shit from
So happy kunikida and tanizaki are alive
I teared up a lil when teruko started crying shes so sad i wanna hug her :(((
The flashbacks of them as kids got to me they were such little guys who jus wanted to be happy asagiri ill never forgive you for this why
Seeing kenji and techou made me happy so ill forgive this episode for now but ill definitely be cryjng about it later
ANYWAYS i was squeeling like a schoolgirl this whole episode so all in all pretty satisfied
I winder if the manga will be the same or if that was just an anime only ending
I hope this doesnt mean that theyr all actually still dead or ill literally end it all
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theangrypokemaniac · 1 year
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Several reasons, @iloitse.
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1. He's hated mainly for replacing Brock, and every following complaint is rooted in that, but it was a different situation to now.
We never knew Pokémon could last this long, how bad it'd get, and that one day, lineup changes would be expected.
This was the first time it happened.
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All this talk of 'together forever' and 'you will always be my best friend', that the bonds formed on the road, from hardship and isolation, are eternal, and then they pull this on us!
It comes from nowhere: Oak asks them to visit Ivy, then Brock suddenly decides to stay.
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Ten kids who needed him are left to his feckless, wandering old man, but a grown woman and three teenage nerdettes can't even bloody sweep up after themselves.
We lost Brock for no noble reason, just to simp for Ivy whilst working himself to death keeping these idiots alive.
Sod that, Brock! Come and run free with us!
It cheapened him. Someone devoted and supportive was now dumping Ash and Misty, two children, to their unknown fate, so he could perv on an old bird, begging for her 'gratitude'.
Therefore Tracey represents the sad, pathetic and degrading exit Brock got.
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It's temporary only in hindsight.
For all we knew, Brock, someone we cared about, was gone for good, and I suspect that'd be the case had we immediately rolled over and accepted Tracey.
Anger at his loss should be seen as a sign of his value, when we couldn't imagine the anime without him.
Complaint got Brock back, which is a lesson to keep in mind.
Whenever they piss you off, don't just shrug and fall into place because 'it's like that now'.
Resist, fight back, withdraw all financial support, and they'll cave first.
If more if us had done that, we wouldn't be in this mess.
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2. The Lost Lapras:
In his cack-handed introduction, (that is, if he's meant to be liked) Tracey, a complete stranger, imposes himself upon Ash and Misty, informing them he's their new travelling partner, about ten minutes after they've met.
Since they know Professor Oak, he insists on tagging along too, whether they like it or not.
Misty even says:
"Hey, you can't just invite yourself."
But he does! And her resentment of it, however fleeting it was, grants us permission to feel the same, as she and Ash don't want him either.
He's not only forcing his presence on them, but on us too, one episode after Brock left, fans still in a state of disbelief, insisting it's somehow a mistake.
Him showing up, determined to take his place, killed those hopes.
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Now the rest of the episode intends to make up for it, proving he's not such a bad fella after all, but the damage was done.
Anyone who 'broke' the original trio was up against it, but to be so forward, presumptive and overconfident just got on our nerves.
Well too bad. I'm here now, and you'll just have to accept it.
I don't think so, love. That's why much of the original fanbase walked away at this point.
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3. He's unfortunately something of a bland personality, with no stand-out moments or mannerisms anyone remembers.
There's a restraint and almost subdued quality to how he's written, as if consciously held back from fully taking part.
I don't remember Tracey generally being arrogant and selfish, but that was our first impression of him, and no other defined traits ever turned up to help him shine.
Therefore, having nothing else to grab, the idea he was secretly 'like that' underneath remained.
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4. His 'thing' of drawing Pokémon, whilst harmless, isn't particularly interesting, either as an occupation or viewing experience.
We all drew Pokémon. That's our job. He ought to do mad stuff beyond us.
It works for an episode, perhaps even stretching to a mini-arc like Todd, but not for the whole region.
Ash, Misty and Brock had dreams needing a hands-on approach with Pokémon, which leads to action in fights, adventures, getting out and to hell with the risks.
Whereas Tracey's quest is entirely dependent on keeping back, staying quiet and still.
That's no good!
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5. The Joy of Pokémon / In the Pink:
Tracey draws Joy and Jenny, and finds the latter attractive, so probably likes both.
If Brock's successor had been a fun, unique presence, he may have won converts in time.
Yet not only does Tracey bring nothing to the team, he's now leeching off his predecessor for character traits, and even that's a passing hint soon discarded.
What's the use in getting rid of Brock then?
Not that this is so damning now, since Cilan, Clemont and Kiawe all replaced Brock, and all were blatant rip offs.
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6. Brock came in as a solid, tough parental substitute, and retained that sense of authority.
Here was a comforting father figure who always came through in a crisis.
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If there's trouble, he'll take care of you.
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Tracey doesn't have that safe, reliable aura. No one looks to him for protection.
We were all children then. Having the 'adult' taken away, to make room for a boy you can feel isn't up to it, feeling it in that unspoken, primal level children do, is frightening.
Quite a bit of the vitriol against Tracey came from the age-old terror of losing one's parents and being left vulnerable and alone, which most of the main cast have experienced, and now, in a sense, it'd happened to us as well.
It's telling that when returned, Brock remained throughout Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, usually in the background, but that was enough.
Once retired, every following male was older than Ash, cooked and healed, shared knowledge about Pokémon, and constantly worried about a brother or sister.
Now we have Goh, who's useless, we have to stay at home.
It's too scary out there without Brock.
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7. Brock has a sympathic backstory which immediately invites pity and good will.
Fans love that. Now they can ponder over all the things never said and theorize how the past shaped him.
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Tracey came with NOTHING.
We don't know his family, hometown, or nationality even.
Just a pad, pencil, Venonat and Marill, and that's all yer ever getting, to this day.
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(Although given the looks of this lad I suspect he's from Johto.)
Anyone willing to give him a chance is sabotaged before they even begin, as there's no material to work with, no substance to love in the first place.
How could we like a character who wasn't truly there?
Incidentally, someone on an old fansite attempted to supply him with a past.
They'd decided he was ashamed of his relatives for being 'hicks' who 'watched Nascar', so that's canon to me.
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8. The Power of One:
The end of the world is imminent.
Had Tracey played a crucial role in its salvation, that would give him something, a footing to plead his case to viewers.
But he does eff all!
The writers ignored him, the dub cut his lines, so now even the production on both sides of the globe don't like him either!
This effectively condones our resentment, and perhaps it's a clue they'd listened and given up on Tracey by then, which is certainly more humble and responsive than they have been lately.
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The most he does do, in pulling Ash and Misty to the shore, is just him in the right location, and unlike the rest of the cast, isn't motivated by any hidden depths.
• Ash ran into danger because he's a hero.
• Misty dived into the sea because she loves him.
• Team Rocket sacrificed their lives because they have good in them.
Not only could Tracey's action here be given to anyone, even a Pokémon, it's not based on any known quality.
You can't say it's love for his friends pushing him on, as that was never displayed previously, at least not so notably it was his stand-out trait.
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9. There's just three Pokémon on the team.
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Of them, only Marill has any popularity, and wasn't used enough.
Not until Hoenn did any Pokémon besides Pikachu and Togepi wander around freely, but Marill should've too and had interactions with them.
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Boys liked Scyther, but it's a praying mantis, so girls didn't, and as they dominate the 'fandom' part of fan bases, their revulsion stuck.
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Venonat was an odd choice. To me it looks fluffy and cuddly, but that's not an opinion too many share.
It's an endless circle: Tracey isn't 'present' enough to give his Pokémon the screen time to be lovable, and if they're not around, we can't warm to him as their owner.
This is the integral flaw in Tracey's existence:
When the spotlight's on someone else, he's boring and does nothing important.
But if he's the star, he's depicted as deeply unpleasant, suggesting that's how it'd always be were he given more to do.
I don't understand how the writers got it so wrong. I almost suspect it was deliberate.
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10. Tracey Gets Bugged
You all know what's coming.
I remember him for two episodes.
He's a complete arsehole in both.
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Team Rocket are minding their own business when Beedrill bursts the balloon and a scarred Scyther attacks them with its knife arms.
I used to be a Jessie maniac. What they did to her caused me supreme upset.
When she swears vengeance, we're expected to sympathise with the swarm, even though:
• Girls hate Scyther (my mother especially).
• It's a load of giant insects, i.e. the stuff of nightmares.
• The scarred Scyther who cut Jessie also beat Tracey's Scyther half to death, simply for being old and tired, so it could become leader.
• All the remaining Scythers (as in, the family of Tracey's Scyther) accepted this and left it to die.
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Aside from his debut, this is the episode with the most Tracey coverage. We learn a little and watch him catch a Pokémon.
Every part of it offends me.
• Bug Pokémon are his favourite (freak).
Boys tend to develop an insect fixation to torment girls.
• He belittles Misty's fear of them.
• He jeers at Jessie's hair.
I like Ash and Misty so they're let off, not that they were at the time, but at least they haven't usurped Brock.
Any cheek is banter with old enemies, the same as they mock one another. Tracey never earned that right.
• He directs Scyther during battle, effectively ordering and intending What Happens Next.
• Scyther is rewarded for its behaviour by joining the cast, serving as a constant reminder for this picture:
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All these years on, when I've not seen the classic era for a while, and the last four generations have destroyed what I felt for Team Rocket, besides soiling my memories of how they used to be, for now I know how it ends, and realize loving it was a waste of my life.
Even after all that, merely looking at this image awakens the distress I experienced as a child.
I HATED this episode, and refused to watch it again for years. When I did, I still closed my eyes at that point.
They might be burnt, blown up and electrocuted regularly, but it's cartoon damage and impossible to take seriously.
But getting slashed with a sharp implement feels much more serious as it's realistic.
There's a cold malice in it, intending to ridicule Jessie and James.
Here's a pair obsessed with their appearance, so we'll humiliate them with near-baldness, knowing it's the worst punishment.
That's the most graphic injury Meowth ever had.
I think he's been shaved, between the eyes, but as it's from a blade, it looks like part of his face was sliced off.
Skinned alive, even.
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And we're supposed to consider this a happy ending 'cause Tracey's Scyther earnt the respect of the vicious monster who almost murdered him.
This, remember, is Tracey's starring episode, and what's the result?
Alienating the entire fanbase!
• Brock fans hate him for replacing a better character.
• Ash and Misty fans hate him for spoiling all the shipping potential by being there.
• Team Rocket fans hate him for delivering the most violent attack they ever received.
I know, I know, it'll be gone by the next installment, but in that moment, he disfigured them.
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11. From a distance, Tracey appears the worst companion of them all, if one measured the negative coverage each is given.
This is very unfair. Later ones deserve it much more than him. But he was introduced at time when people still spoke their minds and were open in their dislike.
Nowadays everyone remains silent and puts up with stupidity for some reason, meaning the real bastards get away with it.
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12. The most we know is Tracey was created to pander to Americans.
You can't come back from that.
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I can never convey how much I hated Tracey back in the day, in that irrational, full-blooded and brutal hatred only children possess, but it's all gone now, even if I've dipped into it here as the memories flood back.
Can't hate Tracey now I've known Max.
Can't hate Max now I've known Iris.
And sometimes I go insane and imagine I can't hate Iris now I've known Goh.
Every single time, I think it's the worst it'll ever be, and it always gets worse.
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ultfan · 6 months
@ofhope sent in: I know I've only just followed you, but holy MOLY the way I !!!'d at your guidelines (in a positive way, of course)! I LOVE whenever people don't boil Komaeda down to "he's a widdle misunderstood fella"; he has SO many layers of depth to his character that you can, quite genuinely, spend days dissecting and still not fully grasp his character. It's so incredible to see that, and I'm excited to see your portrayal!!! <3
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YES!!! oh i'm so glad. i will be honest i was scared about writing him for a long while because i was worried people would be disappointed/critical if i didn't align my portrayal with fanon but... i can't stand him being done dirty like that it made me so sad. he's my widdle fella but yknow in a fucked up way. "little guy" (derogatory). my "little guy" who creates an elaborate scheme to kill everyone on the island because he hates them for of something they literally don't even remember and he won't tell them about. he's so silly what the fuck is wrong with him.
i feel like every time i go in the tag komaeda is either portrayed like this 🥰😊😇😅 or this 🥴🥵😍🥺 and i'm like ??? who is that it's so strange to me. fuck baby komaeda and simp komaeda i want komaeda to be a little esoteric freak whose vibes are so rancid that you can't help but be uncomfortable around him even if he hasn't technically done anything wrong yet.
if you want snippets of my komaeda hot-takes i'm really proud of these posts: feelings on makoto, feelings on mikan, feelings on izuru, why i hate the anime.
also these ones are tiny, mostly jokey posts but they make me laugh and show off my mindset when writing him pretty well: problem causer, despair-inducing jokes, problem causer 2.0, jfc why is he so mean
#someone gotta stop the the komaeda propaganda#people are like “oh komaeda wants the shsl students to use him so he must always be desperate to help them and will bend to their whims”#and i'm like “komaeda literally turned down kozumi's handmade breakfast because he wanted toast. while he was being held hostage.”#man thought he had the right to be picky#man turned down a generously given breakfast for plain toast#also like... YES he wants to be used as a stepping stone for their greatness#of course he does#but we gotta keep in mind how komaeda believes hope becomes stronger#by overcoming despair#he lifts them up by creating conflict for them to overcome and grow from#when he asks the shsls to use him he's asking to help them with a murder#“use me as a murder victim so we can make a near-perfect crime”#you know#make the murder game harder#because it should be a challenge#if they can't solve such an air-tight crime how the fuck are they supposed to become capable of overcoming any despair huh#smh#komaeda said “use me to make more problems”#also yknow if that does happen he is creating problems for both sides#the partner in crime has to get away with it#like what the fuck is he doing to help#people are at risk either way#komaeda is rarely genuinely being helpful#komaeda has gone through MULTIPLE trials#in canon#knowing FULL WELL WHO THE CULPRIT WAS#and just kinda shrugging through it all and only helping by just off-handedly dropping info in a way that can easily be overlooked#komaeda claims to be the killer when he knows damn well he failed#HE IS HERE TO CAUSE PROBLEMS#HE ONLY SIDES WITH WHOEVER HE WANTS TO WIN
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Hey what about these demons?
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They are my favs
I would show more but tumblr does not allow
Oh yeah, absolutely! I was gonna go over the sea critter demons in subsequent posts... but I guess I could leave some thoughts here-
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I have no idea what these two are but they're Very Silly. The big ole ruffles and hats/sleeves contrasting their skeletal bodies give them a fun look. Guessing they're from Greed, since it's also green and circus themed? But they don't resemble any kind of hellborn demon we know, nor are they sinners, since those can't access other rings. I think that means there are a lot more local species in Hell than we've been shown! (Still waiting to see those "possessors" whose existence was suggested on the mafia sharks ref sheet. There's also "dealmakers", I think? We're on to season two and stuff like this is still super unclear. Pretty sad.)
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This is Limón and I love him. He looks so chill. The type of guy you'd smoke weed with. You can observe another case of "compulsively giving characters chokers" syndrome but he makes it work. And I like his hairstyle too. In conclusion, he's a cutie.
I just can't understand the people simping over Chaz when this dude is literally right here. I mean, c'mon.
(My only gripe is the fleshy gap around his arm like a chewed apple core. It makes him look... zombie-like? Bones occasionally sticking out of shark demons is one thing, but this makes him appear less demonic and more undead. Also raises all sorts of questions.)
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Fella on the right is Turkoyz and they're nonbinary! Ain't that nice representation. Especially when it's a background character you'll miss entirely if you blink at the wrong time and has no in-episode indication of their identity whatsoever.
...Okay, that was salty. I just feel like, for a queer show, they could use to have at least one openly nonbinary character.
But I like their design. Funky stripes and color scheme. Nice tank top and collar. As for the jellyfish, they're cool and delightfully creature-like, but there happens to be another jellyfish demon that I prefer...
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I just think she's adorable. The flower is... a bit weird, with the pentagram detail (it's small, yet intricate, which makes it stand out amidst the otherwise broad and simple shapes), but she's just an armless girlie in a big ole ball of jelly, with tiny horns. Which is so real of her. I also like the purple.
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Ah, Alessio. The guy everyone and their grandmother ships with Crimson. I think he's alright. Colors are alright, shapes are alright. (The red was inevitable.) Dude's got neck for days, too, which makes him stand out.
Took me way too long to realize that the tapeworm protrusions on his tail are actually a hook lodged into it. Distracted me for a hot moment, but I suppose it's fine.
Stu also has the red. I'm a bit "meh" on that particular red with his pinkish skin, but I do appreciate him overall. He's a succubus hybrid, which is neat. However he should NOT have hair. It looks so weird. Let him be bald.
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Cool clowns! I like their desaturated outfits. First one is very shaped with the curves vs triangles. I worry for the second one, though... where are your feet?!
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And Stella's rich asshole friends. Felt compelled to not separate the pair, partly because I like the lady's curves (she's not big, but just about the closest we'll get) and the sort of Cleopatra hairdo she has going on. In any case she's more refined looking than the guy, who's quite scruffy and gangly, but fun nonetheless. (Not as fun to animate, I imagine, with that many individual feathers... good thing he only gets a handful of shots to his name.)
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hello i hope your day is swell this time around too. I have no clue where you may have gotten even the slightest idea that i have any connection whatsoever to the individual tagged in your response, but total loss of my dignity aside, yes, we're mentally ill. If you write "william afton x reader" into the sites search bar and you can freely observe all those who dare admit their love for the ourple dude in their natural habitat. its a little crazy out there. don't ask how i know this. For slenderman i actually have a weird(?) theory. i think for many it helps that he doesn't have a face. many neurodivergent individuals struggle with looking at faces for one reason or another. i think tall tentacle suit-and-tie guy might just have an advantage in that regard. also he has a suit. and tentacles. no comment. (+ lets not forget creepypasta culture(?) in general iykwhatimean)
i send my regards to you for having to see NSFW to conduct your study. i think it comes with being involved in this field or reasearch. i am also sad(?) to announce that i highly doupt any of us like these evil dudes without any sexual attraction being involved, tho this is just a theory (not to exclude aces tho, im sure there are some fucked up fellas in there too, that attraction might me more complicated or fanon-based maybe?). Belos (and maybe Bill?) excluded cuz he luckily got relatively lots of screentime and backstory, he is like a legit person, not just a cardboard cutout that does evil things/fanon ver.
Well anyway thank you for sacrificing your free time and sanity for lil ol' me. greatly appreciate it. its nice to talk about weird stuff like this without feeling like a demonspawn lol. In case you find anything new/intresting or have anything to comment about my observations, i'd love to know. Sorry if i said anything weird/offensive
Love, -🌿
Yes it is actually thank you. Hmmm of course you're not @annathesimp,obviously /joking. Thanks for the advice,i'll take a look at that tag some time. Huh yeah i guess it is related to that and yes i know what you mean (i have seen some things scrolling through the slenderman tag. also i've participated in jeff x slenderman stuff before so that explains how i know). Thank you,it's appreciated. Yeah it's indeed truly sad,there's not that many platonic simps in the william afton/slenderman fandom which forces me to look at nsfw of them whenever i look them up on here. I agree. You're welcome :] and yeah it is,i enjoyed my time researching stuff for you (i like belos and bill in a platonic way so it was quite fun for me). Nah you didn't,you're good man :].
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maryapricc · 3 years
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So some peeps wanted smoking Michaels and ofc I wouldn't miss a chance to draw them, so here they are (first one was done like a month ago? but ye, it's the intention that counts askjdnajs)
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Azusa Mukami x male! reader
This is part 2 of "Angel"...and not so platonic anymore
And also not so innocent hsfgishfgdio
There you go
TW: implied kidnapping (Yuma&Ruki hints at doing it in a conversation), mentions of selfharm (imagining (Y/N) does it to him), possessiveness?
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
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Art is mine!
The Angel's Return
It's been a few weeks since the first time Azusa and (Y/N) met. Way too long in Azusa's opinion.
Numerous times has he walked that same path again, catious of where he ends up this time. Only when he could see the city buildings in the distance he stood still. Usually he'd just look around to see if he could spot his favorite human somewhere, but to no avail.
Everytime, he returned home with a disappointed expression on his face, if only he could look deeper. His anxiety prevented him to do so, sadly.
The thought of (Y/N) being the one looking for him made him feel less bad about it though.
Just imagine...His angel returning to him with a bright smile, talking about how much he missed him, how bad and lonely he felt without him...
Azusa can't help, but smile at that thought.
And that was one of the signs that made Kou curious about what his little brother has been doing the past few weeks.
The teal-haired never responded. Kou being Kou though, he quickly guessed what it was, exclaiming it loud and proud during dinner one day, "Our Azusa found himself a human!"
The vampire in question only responded with, "He's an angel.", ignoring most of the questions his brothers threw at him.
"Why not bring him here then?", is pretty much the only thing Ruki asked.
Azusa stared at his plate, sadness clear in his eyes, "I can't find him..." "Huh? Then we'll look for him! You remember his face and name right?", Yuma suggested.
"Yes, but..."
"But what?"
"I know he'll come to see me...He said it himself."
The brothers were a bit skeptical about that, but this was Azusa's human, so it was Azusa's desicion.
Yuma clicked his tongue, "Fine then. But when he doesn't show up soon, we're ready to get him here."
And at the same time, at another place...
"You sure you want to go? Alone?", Akito asked, frowning at his friend who was just talking exactly about what Azusa hoped for.
"Yeah, why not? I mean, I don't have to go inside. We could just take a stroll around.", (Y/N) responded, while scrolling through his Google Maps history to find the vampire's address.
"...", Dakota stared at the (Y/HC)-haired, "You know...being the dumb and naive one is my job in this friend group."
Akito nodded wildly, "He's absolutely right! When did you turn into such a dumbass, dumbass!?"
(Y/N) pursed his lips, "He's cute, alright??"
Akito and Dakota froze.
They froze for a long while.
"SIMP!!! SIMP!!! SIMP!!!", they chanted simultaneously, while pointing their fingers at (Y/N).
"Shut up, would ya!?"
And they did.
But that didn't stop them from following their friend to the mansion, though.
They were really suspicious of that Azusa guy. Sure, he seemed like having his own problems and such, but what happened exactly to make (Y/N) so fond of him??
He can't possibly be that cute right?
Dakota, a bisexual, wanted to find out, 'vibe check' him as he called it.
They ended up agreeing to take that as an excuse to stalk (Y/N) all the way out there. Not because they were scared something might happen to their dear friend, no-
If (Y/N) found out about that, he'd be pretty mad. He hates it when people think he couldn't stand his own.
Yeah, he might seem like a nice and gentle guy, and he is don't get me wrong, but he can bite when he has to.
That's why he wasn't scared to pay his acquaintance a visit by himself. It was just meant as a friendly gesture anyway, he told himself while pushing other thoughts about Azusa to the very back of his mind. He was kind of embarrassed he had thoughts in that direction, honestly
The (Y/HC)-haired made himself ready to knock on the big front door. It didn't feel like a long time since he stood infront of it for the first time, eyes gleaming with interest and amazement.
He's still amazed about the fact he met someone who lived in a dang mansion. And that he never came across it before.
After taking a long breath, he finally knocked, stepping a few steps back as he waited for an answer.
He was hoping for Azusa to open the door, honestly.
If he remembered correctly, Azusa said he lived with his brothers. So there was a chance of one of them answering the door instead of him.
And well, (Y/N) wanted to dodge that awkward feeling he'd feel while introducing himself and asking for the teal-haired.
Because there was no guarantee Azusa told his brothers about him and well...Wouldn't it be weird to open the door to a stranger who claims to have helped their little brother find his way home, which is also the reason he has their address-
Now that (Y/N) started overthinking, he began to think this was quite the bad idea.
But well, he already knocked so-
His train of thought was interrupted by a black-haired man opening the door.
It's not Azusa...great.
Ruki's cold blue eyes looked the human up and down in slight interest. He certainly didn't expect a random human at his door...so it might be-
"U-uh, hello! I'm (Y/N) and- uh- I was wondering if Azusa was home?", that alone was enough to confirm Ruki's suspicion.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), his friends hid behind a tree and watched him from afar. They were too far away to be able to hear anything, but close enough to see their movements clearly.
Ruki, however, noticed them staring intensely at the two of them.
"Did you come here by yourself?", he asked, without even introducing himself before.
"Yeah, why?"
The vampire kept looking at the male infront of him, staring him down for a few seconds before accepting his answer as not a lie.
(Y/N) grew nervous under his cold gaze, but he stood his ground. This wasn't his first staring contest.
"Wait here."
Ruki went back inside, closing the door behind him as he did so.
The moment the door made a click sound, the (Y/HC)-haired exhaled a breath he didn't notice he was holding in.
"Holy shit...", he muttered to himself, "That was intense."
A few moments later, the door reopened. But instead of revealing that scary looking black-haired, it was a bashfully smiling Azusa who peecked his head through the door.
"(Y/N)...", he greeted with a voice full of longing. It made (Y/N) feel like the two of them had a much deeper connection than they actually had for a second. Why else would the shorter one be so happy to see him again?
Anyhow, the human smiled brightly at him, "Hi, Azusa!", he went to scratch the back of his head nervously, "I hope you don't mind me showing up at your door so suddenly."
"I don't mind...", he looked up at (Y/N), who was talking about how he was starting to overthink all this. As the vampire did so, he ran his fingers up and down his new scars on his left arm.
(Y/N) didn't see it since everything, but Azusa's head, was covered by the thick wooden door.
Azusa blushed slightly as he thought back to what he was doing earlier. He started to wonder if the human would really do what he imagined him doing to him if he asked nicely.
Does (Y/N) like pain too?
Either way, he didn't want to cut straight to the chase, as much as he actually wanted to, since he liked the thought of his angel keep coming back to see him. So he pulled down his sleeves and pushed back the urges to ask the taller one if he wanted to see his knife collection or anything of that sorts.
This was the first time he was so obssessed with the thought of being together with a human, having that human all to himself.
The vampire didn't want to ruin his chances and risk (Y/N) saying that he hated him before saying that he loved him. Not that Azusa would ever want (Y/N) to hate him.
Yes, his mind already went that far and he didn't mind it at all.
After pulling at his sleeves a bit more, he opened the door further, revealing the rest of his petite body. "I'm so happy you're...here.", Azusa reached out and grabbed one of (Y/N) hands in both of his.
The other was taken aback by that, both by his words and the physical touch, but he said nothing about it. He just chuckled, "I'm happy seeing you doing better, bud."
"Hmm...", Azusa wasn't really fond of that nickname, but he let it be for now.
Meanwhile behind that tree...
Akito frowned, "Alright, that's sus."
Dakota nodded in agreement, "Yes, very sus."
And back to the other two...
"So...uhm...Do ya wanna join me on my stroll?", (Y/N) tilted his head to the side, waiting for a response. And he didn't have to wait long since Azusa immediately stepped outside and closed the door behind him, "I'd love to..."
"Great!", (Y/N) responded back a bit stiffly. He certainly wasn't expecting Azusa to jump in on it so quickly. Almost as if he knew this was coming.
Or maybe he was hoping for it. Longing even.
Either way. the two of them started to walk, leaving Akito and Dakota behind them.
(Y/N) has yet to notice them, unlike Azusa who got the info from his brother. Azusa really hoped they would just go away and leave them be.
But the two teens acted against his unspoken wishes as they continued to follow their friend and his soon to be lover acquaintance crush.
Azusa was getting a little fidgety, feeling their gazes on his back. He couldn't even listen to what (Y/N) was saying properly. It was clear to him that they didn't trust him completely. He wasn't mad about it or anything, he was actually kind of glad (Y/N) got friends who cared for him like this.
But he didn't like it in that moment.
Azusa wanted to be alone with his angel and just enjoy these moments with him. He missed that certain feeling of being watched over and being taken care of by the (Y/HC)-haired.
And he really didn't want them to interrupt and ruin it by making him feel judged or anything of that sorts.
(Y/N), of course, noticed the pink-eyed starting to fidget with his fingers and lowering his head, "Hey, you okay?"
"Hmm...", Azusa stood still, making the other halt as well, "I feel like...someone is following us..."
The two of them turned their heads to look behind them, startling Akito and Dakota which caused them to trip before they could hide again.
"Wait...is that...?", (Y/N) narrowed his eyes at the two teens in the near distance, "You gotta be kidding- I- Imma be right back-"
(Y/N) speedwalked over to the two idiots, getting ready to scold the shit out of them.
Meanwhile, Azusa watched the scene, starting to feel a bit better if he's being honest. He knew (Y/N) was trying his best to make him feel comfortable. And (Y/N) damn well remembered how uncomfortable Azusa was when Akito and Dakota came over to check out what happened.
It was basically watching someone you like remove some kind of insect from your wall.
Or tell some bullies to fuck off.
And Azusa liked that very much. He was really grateful as well since there were only a few people who actually cared about his well being before. Three to be excact. And that being his brothers.
He watched with his pink eyes how the two teens left and how his angel returned to his side. Azusa was carrying a small smile on his face.
"Sorry about that...I swear they really don't mean any harm.", the taller one apologized as he bowed down infront of the vampire.
Azusa, again, took one of (Y/N)'s hands in his own. This seemed like a gesture he will recieve quite a lot, is what the (Y/HC)-haired thought.
"Thank you...", the vampire's voice was full of gratefullness and adoration. (Y/N) was starting to think he didn't deserve to recieve anything like that.
The human didn't do anything that noteworthy to make anyone feel so thankful towards him. Or maybe he did and just didn't realize it.
"Hey, no need to thank me, okay?", (Y/N) chuckled nervously, giving the male infront of him a bright smile, "That's what lovers friends do right?"
The moment these words left his mouth he widened his eyes in horror and began to stutter while a blush slowly crept onto his face, "I'm sorry, I didn't- I mean- I- uhm- It's just a way of saying-", he just kept on triping over his own words and it made him more and more embarrassed.
It wasn't quite the word he had in mind himself, but...
Azusa looked up in (Y/N)'s flushed face, right before (Y/N) covered it up with his hands to hide it away.
...it was enough for now.
"I'm happy...to be your friend."
(Y/N) slowly parted his fingers to be able to see through them, "Huh?"
He didn't get an answer, just a sweet little smile and a tuck on his hand, urging him to keep walking.
I swear, saying (Y/N) was confused about absolutely everything would be an understatement-
Azusa, anyhow, knew he wasn't going to let his angel leave anytime soon.
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lehouxnap2 · 3 years
SNK characters as world of warcraft players
Eren - Fury Warrior (Human, worgen)
Has 2 mains, human and worgen. Eren thinks human is the superior race even though everyone knows is the most boring. He's the typical alliance player that rages at you. "You horde scum" Not so good at first. Gets better at playing with time. Always in war mode.
Mikasa - Arms Warrior (Human)
Top dps and she's really good at pvp. Overall a natural good player. Eren always asks her do to duels and she always kicks his ass. Not interested at anything, just wants to play with Eren. Does RBGs with him.
Armin - Frost Mage (Human, Female Draenei)
Big nerd that knows all the lore and is pretty much always raid leader, he's really nice when players don't know the mechanics. Always trying to do achievements. Too scared to do pvp. Does freaky shit in rp moonguard.
Jean - Guardian Druid (Worgen)
Every worgen player i've met was a little bit of a simp im sorry. But Jean is genuinely a good guy, he just wanted to get a girlfriend when he was younger then grew out of it when older. Started as a feral until he realized being tank helps to queue faster in dungeons. It's raid leader when Armin can't make it. Main tank
Marco - Holy Priest (Draenei)
Think of the nicest player that ever helped you, that's Marco. He helps new players when they don't understand or get lost. Big patient fella, if you need gold he's gonna help you in that too. Top healer in raid. Sometimes switches to Shadow. Does random bgs with Jean just to have fun (doesn't like it much because it can get toxic)
Sasha - Marksmanship Hunter (Pandaren)
She used to be those hunters who ruined your day by tanking with her pet getting everyone wiped. But learned how to properly play and now she's top dps. She met Jean when he was tanking with his bear and raged at her in the whispers. They are besties now <3 Loves doing cooking proffesion, that's how she met Niccolo.
Connie - Enhancement Shaman (Dwarf)
He think dwarves are a funny looking race that's why he chosed them. Average player who just wants to have fun. Regardless of what he's doing pvp of pve he never rages. As a shaman he let's the elemental pets do all the work and gets overconfident, the reason why he loses. Fools around a lot with Sasha
Reiner - Protection Warrior (Orc)
Used to be Worgen and be part of the same guild as the rest but changed to Horde because of race benefit (everyone does that nowadays) He only did it because his friends did, so he feels sad about it. His new guild is called Marley. Top and main tank of the raid. Still talks with his past guild but Eren is pissed at him for leaving the Alliance and always attacks him when he has the chance.
Bertholdt - Fire Mage (Troll)
He likes trolls because they are tall and chill, just like him. Same story with Reiner. Being a Fire mage pretty much makes him top dps and someone you don't want to fuck with. He could be one of the best pvp players but prefers to keep it low and have fun. Does R Arenas with Reiner.
Annie - Windwalker Monk (Blood elf)
Same story with Bert and Reiner. She's one of the best pvp players, and does R.Arenas. A lone player, when not doing pvp she works in her proffesions and enjoys the beauty of WoW. Her dad showed her the game when she was young. Reiner and Bert asks her to do stuff together but she rejects them. Likes the company of Armin or Bertholdt alone.
Historia - Discipline Priest (Voild elf, Vulpera)
She has 2 mains. Void elf to be with her guild, and Vulpera to be with Ymir. She's always nice and helping other players but most of the time she wants to do achievements with Ymir and do holiday events. Has the BEST transmogs of them all. And pretty mounts.
Ymir - Affliction Warlock (Nightborne)
Amazing pvp player, but not a big fan of it. Specially because it can get really annoying and childish. At first she carried Hisu in dungeons because she was a "noob" giving her advice on how to properly play. Ymir when really bored likes to troll others and sometimes camp them until Historia tells her is enough.
Levi - Assassination Rogue (Gnome)
Known as one of the best players in WoW. Big fanbase. Kenny, his uncle, teached him since he was a kid to play the game and ever since then he mastered it. He chosed Gnome as his main because even though gnomes are always the butt of the jokes he thinks getting your ass kicked by one is satisfying. Used to play with his two friends until they quit the game, then had his own guild and they also quit the game. So he feels nostalgic sometimes.
Hange - Beast Mastery Hunter (Night elf)
Geek. Knows all about lore but also is really good at being BM hunter. You just can't escape their traps ;). Big big fan of WoW, you are not sure how long have they been playing this game. Never misses Blizzcon events. They are always with Moblit who remindes them to take a break from the game and go have some rest. They have a lot of rare objects and mounts. Likes to hang around with Levi.
Erwin - Retribution Paladin (Human)
Do I even have to say something? He's a human paladin. Guild Master of Survey Corps, used to be really active when younger but as he got older doesn't appear much. He did a lot of pvp, one of the best. Was raid leader along with Mike and Nile. Just like Eren he believes in the Alliance and knows a lot about lore. Ask him anything.
Porco - Feral Druid (Zandalari troll)
He thinks zandalari are the coolest race blizz has ever thought of. He's an average good player. Played a lot with his brother Marcel. Until the later quit the game to focus on other stuff. Used to make fun of Reiner for being bad at it, but now they play mythics+ together.
Pieck - Guardian Druid (Tauren)
Average good player, she's calm and trust her teammates in raids even when things might not look so good. Second tank. Loves being a druid because she can carry her party members in deer and bird form. At some point she met Jean and exchanged tips
Zeke - Elemental Shaman (Pandaren)
He's that player that frustrated you so much you wanted to throw your computer at the floor because he wasn't doing the mechanics right or in bgs. And you know he's doing it on purpose. That troll motherfucker that ganks you even when hours passes and you wonder why people like him exist. Has a monkey pet named as "Monke" that he takes everywhere. Has macros where he says weird shit before you kill him. But he's actually a really good player when serious. Raid leader of his guild. If there's one player Zeke won't fuck with, is Levi.
Falco - Restoration Druid (Tauren)
He and Gabi are new players but learn fast, Falco likes to enjoy the game slowly appreciating the stories, characters, and overall have a good time with his friends. Ends up stressed healing Gabi's ass since she keeps tanking without a care. Tells her she should listen to Reiner's advice as a tank.
Gabi - Protection Warrior (Orc)
She saw the way Reiner played and wanted to be just like him. Gabi levels up really fast with war mode and dungeons. Problems comes she lacks experience so she needs Falco by her side healing her. Eren once saw her in war mode not giving a crap she was a low level and ganked her.
Floch - Unholy Death Knight (Human)
Level 58 DK. That dude that all he does is complain in the chat. In bgs he shits at everyone for not doing their job while he has low dps. In trade chat you are always gonna see him having a discussion about how the game is dead, everything sucks, back in the day "when classic was good". Always joins Eren's RBGs.
Im sorry this was so much fun to do. I didnt plan this
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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acciostorian · 3 years
what friend you are in the friendship group based off your fave sge character
tedros of camelot
-you give me the kind of vibes that you text the group chat about you midnight food order in all caps
-*sends picture of random person to the groupchat* omg they/she/he are so fucking cute ejdjcjd
agatha of woods beyond
-you have to be persuaded to leave the house
-*rings up friend* is that thing still on today?... yeah?.... FUCK
-everyone hates that you wear all black during the summer, you’ve probably been told that looking at you is making everyone else hot
sophie of woods beyond
-you get jealous when someone else in your friend group starts liking something you like (ifykyk)
-“hottie at 3 o’clock. everyone smile and wave.”
-you pick where the group goes to eat. no one else is allowed to choose.
hort of bloodbrook
-you either send the weirdedest fucking messages, or you send really blunt, troubling messages to your friends at 3am whilst their sleeping with no follow up
-always getting left on read, or no one wants to go out with you because your idea is really weird
-the ultimate third wheel
nicola of woods beyond
-you have all the group chats on mute unless stated otherwise
-will not say anything in the chat for ages whilst it’s popping off, then’ll read all the messages and add something really funny and just leaves for another decade
-“no i won’t join the video chat. i’ve been fucking working on the project. what have you been doing? failing you fucking physics exam.”
chaddick of foxwood
-you’re good at sport and you always have matches so all your friend get pissed and are like “whhhhyyyy cant you come on friday? is it because if your sporting event? :/“
-either have to have the dirty jokes explained to you or you’re the one explaining the joke
-have some sort of catchphrase and/or you’ve said something really stupid in the past and your friends bring it up whenever they can
beatrix of jaunt jolie
-WHY ARE YOU UP SO EARLY???? stop fucking messaging the group chat at 5am. get help.
-you’re either healthy and you try to get everyone to get good habits or you have TERRIBLE habits and everyone’s just really concerned for you
-you’ll repeat something stupid someone said in the group chat but you’ll type it LiKe ThIs
rhian of foxwood
-you’ll go ia for DAYS and then you’ll come back and everyone will be like “where the fuck were you??” but you always have an excuse
-you’ve got some sort of god complex/call yourself a god/have really good self esteem
-you bully your friends in front of others but if one of them were to trip you’d be the first one to ask them if they’re okay etc etc
reena of pasha dunes
-the pretty friend. don’t deny it. some many people ask your friends to put in a good word for them and all that
-SO MANY REACTION IMAGES. instead of typing something or something, you’ll instead send like the fucking eddy hearn reaction imagin thats like “let’s say, hypothetically, that everything was okay” (ifykyk)
-please stop being so late to events.
kei of foxwood
-you constantly screenshot the funny moments and just scroll through your camera roll when you’re sad (honestly same though)
-you’re the kind of case where it’s like, you’ll say something at like 5am and everyone would be like “are you up so early because you went to bed really early or because you haven’t even gone to bed at all?”
-stop throwing your phone from hand to hand, it’s making everyone really uncomfortable
kiko of neverland
-you can’t start a message/conversation normally. it’s constantly “what’s up fuckers” “hello fellas” “what’s popping” “hey mamas” “hola amigos” “GOOD MORNING SIMP NATION”
-you’ll say bye/goodnight to the chat really early but then you’ll be caught active at 3am on instagram
-you’re so loud when you’re outside with your friends. please stop shouting things out of context.
japeth of foxwood
-stop sending people pictures of the sun rising. we get it. you sleeping schedule is absolutely fucked.
-you’ll send those ‘how well do you know me’ quizzes to your friends and block the ones that got the lowest
-sends something scary into the group chat at like 2am and scares the shit out of everyone
millicent of maidenvale
-*likes the message and just ends the conversation there*
-you just constantly spam the group chat with animal videos
-made friendship bracelets for your friends and were happy that they all wore them
aric of bloodbrook
-you’re that fucker that’ll be on a facetime to all your friends really late at night and then you’ll just scream down the mic.
-you’re the worst texter. so blunt/spelling things wrong/still have caps on for some fucking reason/SENDS THE LAUGHING CRYING EMOJI
-“i know it’s late, and you’re all probably still asleep. but i really need to tell you that i accidentally blew up [instern friend’s name here]’s minecraft house”
yara of avalon towers
-texts in full sentaces, proper punctuation, but still no caps
-always have such aestheticlly pleasing recent emojis???
-*sends screenshot of someone being disrespectful in someone’s comment section* will you please help me shut down this racist/transphobe/homophobe/fucking idiot
hester of ravens wood
-will be on a call with friends at like 4am then’ll say “hold up whilst i go down stairs real quick and make a coffee.” like what the fuck bro
-“who wants to play a horror game with me??? no i don’t care if it’s 2am and you’ve got school tomorrow, i wanna play five nights at fucking freddy’s 4”
anadil of bloodbrook
-only sends voice messages, too lazy to type
-you’ll go to sleep really early and then complain the next day that you missed out on the chaos in the group chat
-when you go to someone’s house your immediate reaction is to ask to see their pets
dot of nottingham
-*sees cat in the corner of someone’s photo* send up a picture of the fucking cate [insert friends name here]
-keyboard smashes, so many keyboard smashes
-“i’ll bake cupcakes, but i’ll put mustard in a few of them so it’ll be a fun game of who’s gonna be sick first?”
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superjennysunshine · 4 years
Day 17: Simping for MonsterGirls and Debbie Simping for Eggs.
Tumblr media
Can I just be honest? You’re free to judge me to the fullest extent but like...
Monstergirls are hot dude.
Like look I’m a well known alien fucker (you can thank Garrus Vakarian for that one), but like Monstergirls don’t get enough love.
Lamia’s? hell yeah! Snake women are hot, Medusa is like the most primo ass gorgeous maiden the world has ever not looked at directly.
Slime Girls? Fuck yeah! It would probably be kinda gross tbh but like I could have Seth Rogan from Monsters VS Aliens as a girlfriend?!?!? BAD ASS!
Demons? Yeah sure why not If hell exists I’m definitely going so I might as well find the love of my afterlife there. I always imagined I could get a pretty casual position in hell too like the bible makes it sound bad but I bet it’s not that bad Satan’s probably chill as fuck.
anyway that was weird but I wanted to talk about Monstergirls cause I think they’re hot.
I’m gonna talk about Pokemon now.
I like Pokemon, it makes me happy so I wanna talk about 5 Pokemon that make me particularly happy.
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God I love Golurk. Just look at him!!! He looks weirdly huggable yknow? Like if you were traveling as a trainer and you had one of these on your team he’d be like the groot of the party. The big fella that’s weird but sweet and endearing. DEFINITELY my favorite Ghost Type for sure, AND it’s ground and I LOVE ground types. I want one irl so bad.
“In the Galar region, Golurk is often seen standing on building ledges, firing off energy beams at intruders.” Imagine you’re in the Galar Region and you just see a man get fucking sniped by a giant automaton on a roof.
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Torterra is just such a LAD. Imagine a little Caterpie just living it’s life and eventually it evolves into a Butterfree and flies away only to find out it was on the back of a massive Torterra it’s whole life, and the Torterra just watches it as it flies away with a big grin like “Good to see you finally friend!” OH MY GOD I LOVE TORTERRA SO MUCH. They’re like Mother Nature Pokemon just supporting lil lives on them.
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We all have that one tiny lad Pokemon that just latches onto our hearts and stays there forever. That’s Cyndaquil for me. Cyndaquil is like a campfire and a mouse all wrapped up in one. He makes me feel safe. Like If i was sad it would crawl into my lap and flair it’s little flame vents a little and I would just focus on the glow and the warmth and feel all better again. Goddammit I love Cyndaquil.
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Blastoise is like the Homie. Like fuck the shellfish Pokemon hell nah It’s the Homie Pokemon. Look at it. It’s looking back at you. You can almost hear it saying “I got this one Brother! You make sure you eat your Vegetables!” All im saying was If i was at Frat Party Blastoise would sit down with me while I had a panic attack from too much social interaction. he’d be giving me breathing exercises and calling me an uber he is such a bro.
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I’m not here to talk to you about Quagsire. Not in general anyway.
The summit of MT Silver. You and Red are locked in the greatest Pokemon duel the world would never see. You try to process your thoughts as freezing rain barrels down onto you like sub zero bullets digging into your skin and gnawing at your soul. All but two of your Pokemon have Fainted. But Red only has one left. You stare at the Blastoise at the other end of the field, it looks at you with a determination you know all too well. A stare that says “I will bring down this mountain before I lose. You order your Espeon to bite it, it does, the damage appears to be minimal, and the Blastoise doesn’t flinch. It retaliates with a horrific wave that topples over the field, drowning your Espeon into unconsciousness.
It’s all up to Debbie.
You throw out a Pokeball and emerging from the pale red light is a simple Quagsire. It stares blankly at the opposing Blastoise and prepares to face the fight of it’s life.
Debbie gets beaten to a pulp, surf after surf pummels her body as you throw out potion after potion just trying to keep her alive, waiting for that one opportunity to strike to turn the tables.
The rain suddenly stops.
You go on the offensive, using a surf of your own, doing medium damage to the Blastoise. It retaliates with the same move but Debbie takes it defiantly. You give a look to her, a look that can only say “Lets do this.” and the look she gives you back, the look you didn’t know you needed until this very moment was,
“I. Like. Eggs.”
She uses surf again, stabbing the Blastoise who sends another back in reply, this goes back and forth, hurling wave after wave at one another in a bloody war of attrition until... The Blastoise falls.
You did it, you won. You beat the elite four twice, stopped Team Rockets nefarious plans, took on 16 Gyms, and beat Red.
All thanks to a Quasire named Debbie, who really liked Eggs.
Thank you Debbie.
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chilewithcarnage · 4 years
the whites have stolen simp from us now, it's sad day in hood fellas
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