#it's all good my heart is normal and my lung pressure is good
too-much-tma-stuff · 6 days
Finally Getting Help (pt 13)
Danny was holding Jason’s hand so tight he felt like his fingers were creaking but Jason wasn’t about to say anything. They were waiting in the doctor's office for Danny’s first ultrasound and Jason was accompanying him as promised, if Danny needed to squeeze his hand that was what Danny needed to do then so be it, it was better the bolting, which it looked like he was considering. Leslie didn’t usually make people wait long but when she had an emergency she had an emergency, it didn’t matter that Bruce funded her clinic, and was sitting awkwardly in one corner, they could wait.
It had been decided that as Danny’s guardian and maybe boyfriend? Bruce and Jason would be the ones to go in with him, with Danny’s agreement of course. Jazz and Dick had both wanted to come too but they didn’t want to crowd the room or overwhelm Danny so it was decided they would stay close by but not come In. Just then they were waiting together at a cafe across the road in case they were needed.
“Alright, I’m sorry to keep you both waiting but you know how Gotham is,” Leslie said a little grim-faced and still stripping off bloody gloves as she walked into their room and tossed them into the trash can. “So, Danny right,” Danny nodded. “Will you come with me into a private room for your examination?” She asked, because of course she did, the phrasing too was carefully worded to not put him on the spot so if Danny was feeling at all threatened or uncomfortable about Jason and Bruce being there he wouldn’t be blamed for following her. 
“You don’t have to,” She added quickly when Danny looked panicked and clung to Jason so tight Jason couldn’t help wincing. “We can move forward with the appointment if them being here makes you more comfortable?” 
Danny nodded quickly so she nodded as well and sat down at her desk, opening a file on her computer. “So, you’re here for an ultrasound right?” She glanced over and Danny nodded again, he seemed to be feeling really shy, Jason had never seen him so nervous, Bruce looked worried. “But it says here you haven’t had a check up in years so would you mind if we do a general exam first? I would like to make sure that You are healthy before we move on to the babies.”
“Yes that’s fine, but you know I’m not fully human right?” Danny asked, she paused for barely a moment. 
“I was told you had some differences,” she confirmed gingerly. “What should I expect?”
“Well, my heart rate is naturally slower than it used to be, and my body temperature is lower. Like I get to ‘healthy human’ temperatures when I have a bad fever. I don’t know what else has changed, honestly. I’ve been avoiding the doctor ever since my accident because I knew how my parents would react,” he said sounding tired and resigned.
“Well then we’ll take today as a paceline and monitor changes. If you’re feeling well today?” She suggested, she probably would have liked to get a baseline before Danny was pregnant but obviously that was impossible. 
“Ya that’s fine, my heartrate is probably a bit fast because I’m nervous but I’m probably healthier then I’ve been in a while. I haven’t been getting into fights and I’ve been eating regularly after all!”
“Alright. I understand but there’s no need to be nervous. This is a safe environment, I won’t do anything that’s not medically necessary.”
“I know, if Bruce and Jason didn’t speak so highly of you I wouldn’t be here. They don’t seem to see eye to eye on much so if they both trust and like you you must be good,” Danny said with a little smile though he was still tense and pale. That anxiety wasn’t going anywhere fast. In the corner Brace gave a sort of strangled cough that had Jason glaring at him even though he didn’t really know what it meant.
“Alright, then let’s get started,” She said before she started Danny’s check-up, all of the normal things a doctor would do if a bit more thorough. Checking eyes, mouth, ears, heart and lungs, and reflexes, circulation and blood pressure. His heartbeat was slow and his blood pressure was low but Danny thought that was probably normal for him? She gave an unconvinced hum. “We’ll have weekly check ups and check it again then. If it’s sustained and doesn’t affect you then we can say it’s normal for you.” She agreed. 
“Alright, well based on the information you’ve told me I think we’ve established a baseline and you’re healthy. Are you ready for your ultrasound?” She asked and Danny took a deep breath, Jason, still standing next to Danny, squeezed his hand gently.
“Ya, as ready as I’ll ever be,” Danny agreed. 
“Thank you, just lay back and pull up your shirt please,” Dr. Leslie requested and Danny did as she’d asked as she pulled up the little monitor and set things up. In the background Bruce shifted so he could see the screen better. “There won’t be much to see,” Leslie warned, shooting Bruce a look as she applied the ultrasound gel. “It’s still too early.”
She put on a fresh pair of gloves and grabbed the wand, “Alright, let's have a look.” She said, pressing it carefully against Danny’s stomach. 
Danny had let go of Jason’s hand while he lay down but now he grabbed around for Jason again, without looking away from the screen now showing inside his abdomen. Jason stepped closer and grabbed Danny’s hand, looking at his face rather than anything else, monitoring for signs the trepidation there might be getting to be too much. He knew Danny was nervous, but they didn’t want this to progress into a panic attack. 
“There they are. Oh! Two, twins. You’re further along than I expected, 10 weeks by the looks of it?” She asked glancing at Danny who nodded. 
“Ya, I’ve only been carrying them for 6 but they’re test tube babies,” he confirmed, his eyes fixed on the screen. 
“Ah,” She sounded, nodding her understanding. “The little round things below their hearts are odd. Do they have two hearts? No, those ones aren’t beating…”
“Those are their cores,” Danny murmured before it seemed to hit him and he looked at Jason, his eyes wide with panic. “Oh my god I AM actually pregnant, it’s not just the cores, I’m pregnant, oh my god I’m pregnant,” he was starting to hyperventilate. 
Dr. Leslie pulled back and Danny practically threw himself into Jason’s arm who held him tight as Danny hid against his chest and trembled. “Do you want us to call Jazz?” Jason offered softly as he held Danny and let him cry.
“No don’t go,” Danny hiccuped against Jason’s chest. 
“I’ll call Jazz,” Bruce added, of course. He would want to help, he did care, but he never had any actual idea how to help. The emotionally unavailable bastard. 
“Do you want me to leave?” Dr. Leslie asked gently. “I would like to have a better look at the twins to check on their development but if you need time I can come back later, or even another day.”
“Just-just give me a minute, please,” Danny sniffled as Jason rubbed his back.
“Of course. I know this is overwhelming,” Leslie said gently. 
Jazz barged into the room and immediately hugged Danny a well, sandwiched safely between her and Jason. “Scruff him, it’ll help,” she told Jason, who nodded and squeezed the back of Danny’s neck. 
He shuddered and then started to relax between the two of them, basically letting the two taller, and trusted, people hold him up. His sobs turned into sniffles and then a few deep breaths. “Okay, okay I think I’m ready. I want to know that they’re okay too. I know their cores are developing well but if they have human bodies, we need to make sure those are healthy too right?” 
“Right. Do you want me to stay, or do you want Bruce to come back in?” Jazz asked gently. 
“No, you and Jason stay please,” Danny said softly. He had thought it was right for Bruce to come in as his guardian, but it was Jazz who had really been looking after him for years. “There’s not much to see right now, just little blobs. We’ll tell him how it goes.”
Danny took another breath and then squirmed out of both of their arms and went to lay back on the table, pulling up his shirt again. Jason stood next to the examination table, taking Danny’s hand again, Jazz went and sat on the table by Danny’s head and stroked his hair while Dr. Leslie applied fresh jelly to his stomach since it had been worn off during his panic attack. Jason might have to change his shirt after this.
“Alright, let’s have another look shall we?” She said with a warm smile as she pressed the wand against his stomach again. She found the babies again fairly easily. “They seem to be sticking pretty close together,” She said with a little smile. “They’re active little things! It’s far too early to tell anything else about them but from what you’ve told me they seem to be on track and developing properly,” She said, pulling back and offering Danny a cloth to clean the gel off his stomach.
“Do you mind if we call Bruce back in? As your guardian I’d like him to be here for you treatment plan?” She asked.
“Sure, makes sense,” Danny agreed with a nod. 
She nodded back and looked at Jazz, who nodded as well and ducked out to get Bruce. “While we’re mostly alone I want to know, do you know all your options Danny? You know you don’t have to carry them. They’re just embryos right now, not even conscious. Your health and safety comes first,” Dr. Leslie told him gently. She knew Jason was firmly pro-choice.
“No, I know,” Danny said with a little smile and a nod, looking down at his stomach and gently caressing it. “I know I don’t Have to do this. But I do want them. I’m already attached to them, you know?” He said looking up at her, worried that she would judge him. He hoped he was making the right choice, that he wasn’t ruining his life at 16 or something. Fuck he could be on that trashy tv show! 
“I understand,” She assured, no hint of judgment on her face. Of course not, if she could treat rogues without judgment she sure as hell wasn’t going to judge a teen parent. She glanced up as the door opened again and Bruce and Jazz entered. “Right,” Leslie said, sitting down at her computer and starting to type. “You’re still a little malnourished so I’d like to get you taking prenatal vitamins immediately,” she said, glancing up to see Danny nod. “With your unique condition I’d like to see you more often than usual, weekly visits would be best for now. Once we’re sure you and the babies are okay we can go down to every other week.”
“I don’t think we need to do that,” Danny said, shifting nervously. “I mean you say the human side is looking good, and my ghost doctor says they’re developing well on that side, if slower than usual. I don’t need to come in every week,” He said looking hopeful. 
She hesitated for a moment, organizing her thoughts and considering his words. “Even so, there’s clearly some bleed over that makes it hard to tell how healthy you are. I would feel better if you came weekly, at least for the first month so we can establish a true baseline.” 
“Alright,” Danny said, drooping again, looking back at Bruce. “Can you make the appointment? I want to go home.”
“Sure Danny,” Bruce agreed, pulling out his planner to check their schedule. 
“I’ll take you back to the manor,” Jason assured, using his grip on Danny’s hand to help him up. 
“I’ll go back to the cafe with Dick, we were having a good conversation, I wouldn’t mind continuing it,” She said, giving Danny a smile. “Unless you want me to come?”
“No, that’s alright. Have fun Jazz,” Danny said, leaning against Jason and letting him usher Danny out of the clinic. Jazz waved as she crossed to the cafe where Dick was waiting, looking worried till he noticed them, then he smiled and waved. Jazz waved back and jogged across, about to tell Dick all about the twins no doubt. 
Jason led Danny to his bike, and got on first, pulling Danny onto the seat behind him. Danny wrapped his arms around Jason and pressed against his back, half hiding from the world. Jason didn’t try to talk to him, he needed time to process. He would talk when he was ready to.
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hinakazino · 20 days
Royal Reverse Harem, Gojo/Reader
#1 Continuation of the Royal Reverse Harem series! This'll be a mini series, just with interesting scenarios with JJK. <3 Warnings: Obsessive Gojo, mean gojo, toji/reader & gojo/reader.
When you'd first transferred into the novel, you were in a state of shock. The fancy bedroom, the beautiful decor, the utter amount of respect you were given, and the overly expensive food was awesome. Reality didn't really hit you until after a week or so.
You felt so stupid, you had wasted a week doing pretty much nothing except enjoy your new lifestyle. Sure the maids, butlers, and EVERYONE seemed terrified of you but all you really thought about was being nice to change their opinions.
Your idea of "I'll just be good and live my life happily watching my favorite characters" came completely crashing down when Gojo decided to pay you a visit. By now, thankfully you already set in motion your plan to change public opinion but Satoru had other ideas.
Satoru was stunning, a majestic being. He looked like an angel who had been sent from the heavens, sculpted by the gods themselves. His soft white hair and striking blue eyes, and oh goodness, his soft lips. It was a little embarrassing, how much you admired him.
When you first saw him, there was no doubt in your heart why the villainess loved him so much. Satoru was fascinating, not just in his standing but his mere presence demanded respect. You felt the air leave your lungs as you sat at the dinner table.
It was quiet for awhile, which made you feel awkward as Satoru himself was the one who requested your attendance. However, what you didn't know was that Gojo was just as confused with your silence. Normally you'd be speaking to him, in your confident haughty mannerisms.
He couldn't quite understand what was different today, you seemed, nervous? He didn't know, but what he did know was that at the moment he was fed up with your schemes. It was just too bad, he didn't know you weren't the actual villainess!!
"I don't understand why you're so silent, especially when you of all people should know why I'm here," he stated. Oh, now you were panicking, because you honestly had no idea what he was talking about!!
Silence seemed the best choice but this had only angered Satoru more. As the night progressed he had begun shouting at you, violently clattering plates to the floor, and commanding you to simply stay away from him.
It was a traumatizing experience, safe to say, after that Gojo Satoru did not look the same to you. Now whenever he was near you, whether it be just passing by or due to political, social, or marital reasons you tended to shift away whenever possible. Even when you were pressured by your family, which sucked, Gojo wasn't interested anyway so you snuck away most times.
In the end, you decided on a divorce, it was also the best step to ensure you stayed alive, which you asked for two weeks later after your dinner session with him. Satoru, although surprised by your request had asked whether this was a tactic to gain his favor.
"No, I truly want this divorce," you responded quietly, eyes not being able to meet his as you glanced everywhere but forward. You didn't know what to say to him anymore, it was not longer a feeling of awe and captivation anymore with him. Now, you simply wanted to be as far away from him as possible too.
Gojo on the other hand was delighted, had quickly signed the papers, and had pressured his father, the emperor, to confirm it a week later. Everyone was caught off guard by the sudden divorce, and word spread like wildfire.
Can you believe that the crown prince and, well, previous-to-be princess divorced? , I saw it coming from a mile away! That witch would've ruined this empire. , What does this mean, could it be that the rumor of the crown prince having a secret lover is true? Who is it? , Oh, I feel so sad for poor (y/n), she really is a kind woman, have you even spoken to her before?
The last statement made you proud when you heard of it from your lady-in-waitings. At the very least, public opinion had changed for you to some extent. You intended for it to continue turning positive for the better. Now that you stayed with your parents, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.
What you didn't realize was that after 3 months of divorce Gojo was beginning to rethink his choices. Firstly, he was annoyed because despite the divorce being official his father still pestered him on the daily. The truth was evident, the emperor did not approve of a commoner becoming the future empress (that said commoner, the female lead).
The emperor only agreed on this divorce because Gojo did make some sense, and, he didn't want to lose the support of one of the highest nobles in his empire. That being said, he either now expected Satoru to find another noble lady (many available) or crawl back to you (honestly emperor has given up on trying to be civil).
Due to these factors, Satoru has still be thinking of you. However, he wasn't that interested until just about the 2nd month after your divorce with him. See, the reason was that he had eyes on you anyway, his spies in your estate told him anything they deemed necessary. What were you going to do? Go after the female lead again?
It was all too predictable, which was why when Satoru's father yelled at him for not doing anything he was confused. "What is it now father?" he responded, irritated. "YOU FOOL. (Y/N)'S ALREADY COURTING OTHERS, THE ZENIN, SOUND FAMILIAR? Oh.. you're a lost cause now..." his father had responded, tired and exhausted of his son.
That was when Gojo was informed by his spies, that you, in fact, had been in much contact with Toji much recently. Then, when Gojo asked why his men hadn't reported anything, they stated that they had mentioned it once already but nothing important seemed to come up other than you both being acquaintances. Plus, the rumor was everywhere anyway, they'd assumed he'd heard.
Now, Satoru began to watch you more intensively, peaked even higher when at a social party just 2 days later, you were dancing with Toji. Both of you so friendly, even Gojo was dumbfounded as to how. Didn't Toji not like you?
After Toji, there was Geto, Gojo's best friend turned into one of the Empire's sole enemies. A true tragedy that was, and yet, you were spotted with him as part of reports following his activity! Which occurred to everyone considered an enemy of the empire, but you? What were you doing with him?
Then there was the flirting with Choso, and your newfound friendship with Yuki. You were on a roll of drama, being front and center on stage whilst promoting good deals which pleased all classes on the social hierarchy. Gojo was at a loss and at the same time, thrilled? No, maybe jealous, not of you but those associated with you.
He hadn't seen you like that before, you looked genuinely happy now. You were having fun at social gatherings, not having a care in the world. Despite your obvious scandalous behavior, you were no longer committing acts of evil and, no longer glancing at him. Which didn't feel right!!
Gojo Satoru hated to admit it, but if this was another one of your games it was definitely working. Only a couple months after separation, and he was watching your every move. Even beginning to reconsider his choices, thinking how the female lead wasn't as interesting anymore to him.
Sadly, it was a bit too late now but Gojo has decided, he wants to win back your favor. A crown prince, a noble lady previously wed to him, what could potentially go wrong?
© 2024 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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nar-nia · 7 months
back massages, forehead kisses
jake x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: none (but jake uses nicknames like princess and baby)
When you woke up the world was a perfect place. The sun was softly shining through the slightly opened blinds, the arm of your boyfriend was wrapped around your shoulder, his lips murmuring a soft good morning against your neck. But when you stirred to turn around and answer him, your world shattered. The only thing you could feel was a sharp pain in your back, the air temporarily getting knocked out of your lungs as tears trickled into your eyes.
"Y/n?" You heard Jakes question, only able to shake your head as you tried to breathe the pain away or make it disappear somehow.
"Is everything okay? Are you in pain?" All he got in return was a nod.
"Can you tell me where?" You pointed at your lower back, hissing when you felt Jakes hands on the right spot. He softly began to move his fingers over it, applying some pressure to ease your tensed up muscles, his whole face scrunched up in worry. "Does this help?"
You nodded again as your breathing finally returned to normal, the sharp pain dulling down to a feeling of discomfort.
"Thank you," you mumbled. "I don't know what happened."
"Maybe you made a wrong move?" Jake replied. "You scared me."
"I scared myself too." You pouted. "Let me try again."
"No no no." Jake softly pushed your shoulder back down so you couldn't turn around, a stern tone in his voice. "No more moving for you. Let me take care of you today."
You hesitated for a second. You didn't want to be a burden, surely you could handle a bit of pain if it came back… but on the other hand you really didn't want to risk it coming back, and Jake taking care of you sounded like heaven…
"Okay." You pouted again. "Thank you."
"You're so welcome." You couldn't see Jake but you didn't have to to know that he was looking at you with a wide smile, eyes lightning up with happiness. He loved when you allowed him to take care of you, when he could do little acts to make you feel better or loved. And if you were being honest you loved it too.
You felt the bed shift behind you, followed by tiny hurried footsteps, before you saw Jakes widely grinning face in front of yours. "Morning."
Seeing him like this made you smile too, the pain almost forgotten. With one hand placed on his cheek you pulled him closer, eyes automatically closing as your lips connected. "Good morning," you mumbled against them, not fully ready to let go yet.
"So what would my princess like to do today?"
Jakes words made you blush, your heartbeat speeding up. "I don't know…"
He grinned again and you almost had to look away, feeling like you would lose your mind if you looked at him any longer, or as if your heart might explode. He always knew how to make you flustered, and he didn't hold back to use it against you sometimes, especially if it was something as simple as a nickname.
"What do you say about a nice breakfast and then we'll sit outside for a bit? The weather looks great today, and you need some rest."
"I would love that," you mumbled before you pulled him in for another kiss.
"Me too." Jake smiled, his lips pressed against your forehead before he picked you up. "No walking or moving for you today, my princess. I am here for that."
"Stop itttt~" you whined, hiding your face in his neck.
"Never." You suddenly heard Jakes voice right next to your ear, a low tone that had shivers run down your back. "I will take care of you."
"Making my heart explode isn't taking care of me though…"
"Oh? Sorry baby." You could swear his grin only kept getting broader with each word that left his mouth. And it seemed that way when he pressed a couple kisses against your forehead again, each accompanied by a little sorry. Not like it made the situation any better though, your cheeks were tinted in a deep red by now as he sat you down on the counter. "What would you like to eat?"
It took you a second to realize he was talking to you, and another for you to decide. Two seconds in which your boyfriend was getting smug again, you could just feel it.
"Pancakes please."
"Pancakes for my princess, of course." He winked before he got all the ingredients he needed, placing them on the counter next to you. "Guide me through it please."
"You know how to make Pancakes though."
"Do I? I suddenly forgot."
You shook your head, but you couldn't hide the small smile on your face. Jakes smugness might have been a tiny bit annoying, but it was also very endearing. You wouldn't want to miss out on it.
So you complied, telling him what to do while he followed your orders with a content smile. He was patiently waiting for you to speak up after every step, eyes resting on your figure while he did. And yes- you enjoyed it a lot. It made you feel included, and it also made you momentarily forget about the dull pain in your back. Maybe that was exactly what Jake had planned.
"Try one please." His face suddenly appeared in front of yours, a fork with a piece of pancake on it.
"Oh-" You smiled. "Aaah."
Another grin spread on Jakes face as he pulled the fork backwards, hand raised. "Here comes the airplanee~"
"No-" you managed to say before he had already stuffed the pancake into your mouth, effectively shutting you up.
"You were saying?"
You couldn't help letting out a little giggle, grabbing Jakes wrist as he attempted another airplane flight as soon as you swallowed. "I'm not a little kid Jake, I can feed myself."
He was struggling to keep moving his arm, trying to keep feeding you, but all he did was accidentally hitting your face with the next piece, making it stick to your cheek.
"I-" You were speechless. "What was that."
"I'm so sorry." Jake stared at you with open eyes, but you could see the corners of his mouth trembling.
"Don't you dare laugh now." You tried to stay serious as you pulled the pancake off your cheek, but one look at Jake and it was over for the both of you, both bending over with laughter. "I can't believe you hit me with a pancake!"
"I'm so sorry," Jake laughed, wiping some tears away from his eyes. "You should have seen the look on your face!"
"Maybe I should just feed both of us," you huffed. "Give me the fork."
Jake happily complied, and you had just started that little airplane flight when he suddenly turned his face, resulting in another pancake piece getting stuck on his cheek.
"Now we're quit!" he grinned. "And I can go back to peacefully feeding my girlfriend."
You let out a quick laugh. "You're so-"
"Funny? Handsome? Charming?"
"You're so lucky I love you." Before Jake could react you had already pulled him closer and pressed a quick kiss onto his lips. "Mwuaah."
"Oh." Jakes face turned into a light pink tone, his eyes wide open. "You're so cute."
"You are. Mwuaah." You gave him another kiss. "What do you think about eating the rest outside?"
Jakes eyes lit up as he placed the plate with the rest of the pancakes into your hands, before he picked you up again. "That sounds perfect. Let me get you there."
You used one arm to hold onto him while you tried to balance the plate in your other hand. Thankfully the way was short and only a minute later Jake sat you down on one of the chairs, making sure you'd have enough pillows for comfort there.
"Can I feed you again or do you already have enough?" You were close to say no, but Jake had put on his best puppy look, effectively removing any parts of complaint from your memory. How could you say no to that?
"Only if you feed me normally. No more airplanes."
"Jungwon loves that," Jake huffed. "But okay."
"Go and feed Jungwon then," you chuckled. "Thank you."
Jake had a small pout in his face but he complied, and so piece after piece of pancake disappeared between the two of you.
"They were amazing," you smiled after giving him another kiss. "Thank you Jake."
"You're welcome." His cheeks got tinted in a pink shade again. "Perfect pancakes for my perfect girlfriend."
"And my perfect boyfriend." You were almost melting at his words, your smile shining almost as bright as the sun. "I love you."
"I love you most."
"No you don't."
"Yes I dooo~" Jake laughed, eyes focusing on you. "Sit up please."
"Oh? Why?" You were confused, but you complied, eyes curiously looking up at Jake.
"I still want your back to feel better. Let me try to help."
You nodded as you watched him sit down behind you, his hands softly placed on your lower back. "Tell me when it hurts please."
"I will," you almost whispered. Jake applied some pressure, hands wandering all over your back without inducing any pain. You let out a small sign when he reached the spot that had previously hurt you, but his hands kept moving so softly, somehow applying exactly the right pressure to make the pain disappear.
"You're perfect."
"You are even more, princess."
You wanted to disagree, but his hands just felt so good, and you didn't want him to stop. You also felt yourself getting more and more tired with this, almost dozing off.
"Is this good?" You could only hum in agreement, your eyes almost closing by themselves.
"You can lean against me and sleep a bit, my princess," you heard his voice mumbling into your ear. "I will keep you safe."
"I love you," you managed to answer, but only a minute later your body slumped against Jake, sleep taking over you.
i need a jake because i'm only 2 weeks into my training and everything already hurts. i can barely stand up 🥹
anyway, i hope you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated<33
permanent taglist: @maeum-your @suneonu @hoonsmarsbar @soobin-chois @sjyuniverse @taekbokki
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kk095 · 3 months
Alice was 27 years old, standing at 5’4 with a slimmer build. She had shorter, dark brown hair with bangs that came just above her shoulders, and brown eyes that were normally behind a pair of glasses. Alice was the cute, shy, artsy, eccentric type, who was beautiful in a unique sort of way. She enjoyed and partook in pretty much any creative medium, and lived a more unconventional, bohemian type of lifestyle. Since Alice wasn’t quite like most girls, it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to believe that her time in our emergency department was quite unusual and memorable.
It all started last night. Alice was sitting on the trauma room table in the upright position, stripped down to just her bra and underwear. She had EKG electrodes stuck all over her chest, IV lines in both arms, and a nasal cannula in. She was breathing rapidly, taking deep, dramatic breaths, almost gasping at times. She had one hand on her chest, and a visibly pained, uncomfortable look was on her face. Alice squirmed around somewhat on the table, clearly distressed from the onslaught of symptoms that developed seemingly out of nowhere for her. She experienced shortness of breath, chest pains, heart palpitations, indigestion, and pain in her back between the shoulder blades. The heart monitors chirped and beeped loudly, displaying abnormal vital signs. Alice’s heart rate was in the 150s, her blood pressure was 80/45, and her oxygen saturation was surprisingly normal considering her most glaring, obvious symptom was shortness of breath.
“hi, I’m Dr Lindsay. What brings you to our emergency department tonight?” Dr Lindsay asks in a calm tone, entering the trauma room and approaching the table where Alice sat. Alice was wide eyed, trying everything she could to fight whatever was going on inside her body. She looked over at Dr Lindsay, and attempted to reply. “my… my…chest…” Alice told Dr Lindsay in a breathy, winded tone. “your chest hurts?” Lindsay asked, trying to confirm. Alice nodded. “it… it really hurts…” Alice said weakly. “I feel… I feel like….” Alice continued, but paused, feeling a bit lightheaded and dizzy. “you feel like what sweetie?” Dr Lindsay asked, wondering where she was trying to go with that statement. “like I’m going to die…” Alice replied, looking Lindsay right in the eye. “well, myself and our ER team are here to try our best and make sure that doesn’t happen, ok?” Lindsay said to Alice, to which she nodded in acknowledgement. “so can I ask a couple questions?” Dr Lindsay asks, to which Alice nods. “good! Let’s start off with an easy one. Can you tell me your name?” the doctor asks. “Alice…” she replies in a labored, weakened voice. “anna? That’s my girlfriend’s name.” Lindsay said. Alice was shaking her head no. “AHN. YUH.” Alice cleared up for Lindsay, still having a tough time breathing, let alone talking. “oh, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding! Alice. It’s nice to meet you! Just wish it wasn’t here in the ER of course. Anyways, how about I ask some other questions?” Lindsay continued, Alice nodding in response. “ok, great. So do you have a history of asthma, breathing problems, or lung problems?” Dr Lindsay asked. Alice shook her head, indicating she did not. “alright, good. What about any heart problems?” Lindsay asked. Again, Alice shook her head to tell the Dr no. “ok ok. What about blood clots?” asked Lindsay. Alice couldn’t muster up enough power to get the words out, but she mouthed “no” to Lindsay. The questions didn’t seem to get any tangible info the ER team could use. Lindsay asked more questions such as: “any medications?” “any allergies?” “any use of illegal drugs?” “any chance you’re pregnant?”. Even though Dr Lindsay didn’t get any helpful answers, she ordered the nurses to draw labs to be sent off to the lab for analysis. The tests she ordered were a CBC, BMP, toxicology screening, HCG, d-dimer, and a cardiac enzyme test. In the meantime, there was only so much that could be done. Nurses Heather, Lin, and Nancy stuck around to push meds to treat symptoms and keep an eye on the monitors to make sure there weren’t any changes to Alice’s vital signs.
A little while went by without any major changes or updates one way or the other. But then out of nowhere, things went completely sideways. Alice started gasping, her breaths becoming more shallow. Her eyes started to roll back, and she struggled to remain conscious. “Alice? Stay with us sweetie!” nurse Nancy shouted, doing a firm sternal run on Alice. The patient groaned in response, drifting in and out of consciousness. “I’m getting Dr Lindsay back in here.” Lin said, exiting the room with a pep in her step. The heart monitors showed more worrisome vital signs, showing that Alice’s heart rate was in the 180s, and her blood pressure was taking a nosedive. “P…please…” Alice uttered weakly to nurse Nancy and nurse heather. “d-don’t let me die…” Alice continued, having to put in maximum effort to get her words out. “it’s gonna be ok sweetie, we’re gonna take care of you.” Nurse Nancy told Alice in a calm, soothing, reassuring tone.
It didn’t take long for Dr Lindsay and nurse Lin to come back into the room. Everyone gave Dr Lindsay the update on what was taking place, and also explained that the labs hadn’t come back yet. While discussing what the next move would be, Alice’s eyes rolled back, and let out a calm exhale. Her tense, squirming body fell limp. Her rapidly rising and falling chest was completely motionless. “Alice? Alice?!” nurse heather asked anxiously, doing a sternal run that received no reaction from Alice. Nancy took a carotid pulse, placing 2 fingers on Alice’s neck. “no pulse Linds.” Nancy called out, shaking her head. Lindsay paused and looked up at the monitors. “pulseless v-tach. Lower the bed and start CPR! Get her intubated, then we’ll shock!” Lindsay barked, taking charge of the hectic situation that was developing.
The bed was lowered, and Alice’s bra was snipped off, allowing her perky b-cup tits with pierced nipples to spill out. Nurses Heather placed the heel of her hand on the middle of Alice’s chest, beginning to push down hard and fast repeatedly. At the head of the bed, nurse Nancy had a laryngoscope and 7.0 ET tube, which she carefully navigated into the young lady’s airway, securing it in place with a blue tube holder once she confirmed the correct placement. Lin got the defibs and meds from the crash cart set up for the doctor. But post intubation, a weird development occurred. Alice’s eyes opened slowly, then blinked a few times. Her eyes scanned the room, looking at the chaos unfold around her. She felt something on her chest and looked down, seeing Heather performing chest compressions. Alice moaned, horrified at this sight. “Huh?” Heather uttered, thinking she saw Alice blink and look around the room. “hey, let’s pulse check. I think I saw her blink.” Heather announced. “ok ok. Hold CPR.” Lindsay nodded in approval. CPR was halted, and Alice’s body went completely limp, her eyes wide open, completely glazed over and devoid of life. “no pulse, still v-tach on the monitors.” Nancy replied, taking a carotid pulse, also ambu bagging. “alright, let’s shock her. Charging paddles to 200. Everyone…CLEAR!” Lindsay ordered, readying the defibs paddles, pressing them up against Alice’s bare chest, sending the first shock of the night into her body. Alice grunted, her body tensing up and flopping on the table in response. The first shock didn’t eliminate v-tach, so the paddles were gelled, charged to 250 joules, and the next shock was delivered. KA-THUNK! Alice’s chest shot up, and her back arched, her eyes remaining wide open, staring helplessly above. “still nothing, resume CPR.” Ordered Dr Lindsay.
“…5…6…7…8…” heather counted out under her breath, getting the ball rolling on the next cycle of compressions. “MMMPH!!!” Alice tried to yell, one of her hands reaching towards her mouth to pull the tube out. Everyone was taken aback. “what the?!” nurse Lin said, not sure what to think of what she was looking at. “Calm down sweetie!” nurse Nancy told Alice, gently nudging her hand away from the breathing tube. “hold compressions!” Lindsay shouted. Heather promptly stopped CPR. And just like that, Alice’s muffled moans and shrieks stopped, her body falling limp again, the same deadly rhythm present on the monitor, along with no pulse. “let’s shock again. Charging to 300!” Lindsay shouted out. The paddles were gelled, charged, and pressed back up, another shock being delivered. Alice’s body was effortlessly thrown around on the table, the electricity running through her body in an instant. “damn it, she’s in v-fib now. Going again at 360. Everyone…CLEAR!” Lindsay commanded, shocking the patient again. Alice’s toes scrunched at the far end of the bed, showing off the matte black nail polish on her toes and the soft, delicate, velvety wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 7 feet. This shock failed to restore a heartbeat, so Lindsay delivered another shock immediately afterwards. “MMMMMPH!!!” Alice yelled, feeling every last bit of that shock. “still no pulse, resume compressions.” Lindsay ordered, placing the defbs back on the crash cart. Heather restarted CPR, and it didn’t take long for Alice to realize. Alice blinked a few times, her eyes scanning the room, watching the team work on her. She moaned and groaned, her eyes becoming teary. Alice’s eyes locked with Lindsay’s. The doctor was taken aback. “can you understand me?...” Lindsay asked a bit nervously. Alice held eye contact and nodded “yes”. Alice then reached out with one hand, holding onto Lindsay’s hand for dear life. “hmmmph….” Alice tried to say something to Lindsay. “we’re gonna do everything we can for you, ok?” Lindsay replied, holding the young lady’s hand. Alice nodded, still holding Lindsay’s hand and maintaining eye contact. Nancy gently stroked Alice’s hair. “it’s gonna be ok sweetie…you’re doing great.” Nancy said in a calm, reassuring voice.
After a few cycles of chest compressions and a dose of epinephrine and atropine, Dr Lindsay felt it was time to shock again. Compressions were held, and the right grip Alice had on Lindsay’s hand loosened, and Alice became unconscious once again. The paddles were charged to 360 joules, and she was defibbed again. THUNK! Alice’s torso bounced around on the table, her pretty brown eyes wide open. No change was noted, so Alice was defibbed again at 360 joules. Her shoulders shrugged and her body tensed up, before relaxing a split second later. Alice received another shock, but unfortunately she deteriorated into PEA, so CPR was resumed.
Heather had restarted chest compressions, and medications were injected into the IV line. Alice regained consciousness almost immediately after CPR resumed. Alice moaned, her arms flailed, freaking out at the sight of her own cardiac arrest. “stay still for us!” Lin stepped in, gently restraining Alice’s arms. Alice’s screams were muffled from the breathing tube, but the absolute terror she was experiencing was all over her face. Alice looked down, seeing Heather do CPR. Alice saw her chest cave in, her tits bounce around, and her belly ripple out. “mmmm!!!” Alice moaned, tears beginning to stream down her face. “it’s on sweetie…” Nancy told Alice, gently stroking her hair again. Alice cried hysterically, watching her chest get pumped violently.
Several minutes went by with no changes, and another dose of meds were pushed into the IV line. The tension was absolutely palpable in the room. The team had seen everything, but never this. “linds… I have a question…” heather asked, still pumping away vigorously. “go for it Heather.” Replied Lindsay. “with all due respect, what the hell is going on? She’s ya know… technically dead, but she’s looking right at me blinking…” heather asked, continuing CPR, Alice making eye contact, clearly listening to the conversation. “well, it’s something I only read about…” Lindsay said to heather. There was an awkward pause in the room, Alice’s eyes looking back and forth between Lindsay and heather, wanting to know the answer herself. “go on?...” heather asked in response, not satisfied with Lindsay’s incomplete answer. “I read a case report in Denmark or somewhere like that where a guy went into cardiac arrest and regained consciousness mid code. They said it was because the chest compressions created good enough perfusion and blood flow to the brain to restore consciousness.” Explained Dr Lindsay. “so how’d the guy in Denmark do? Did he make it?” heather asked, still going to town on Alice’s chest. There was pause. Lindsay sighed. “no. I think the guy died…” Lindsay reluctantly said. Alice’s eyes widened after hearing that, a look of fear all over her face. “it’s ok Alice! We’re gonna do everything we can for you!” Lindsay replied in a nervous, but somewhat reassuring tone.
The code continued with no progress whatsoever. Alice’s rhythm had deteriorated from PEA to agonal over the next little bit. She was still receiving chest compressions and wide awake during them. She had calmed down a bit, her crying stopped. She was holding Lindsay’s hand tightly, her eyes scanning around the room. Heather was absolutely gassed from all the CPR she performed, so she swapped with nurse Lin, hoping she had the magic touch. There wasn’t really a pause during the swap, and Alice never lost consciousness. “hmmp…” Alice tried to say something, looking up at Lin starting CPR. “it’s ok, Heather is just tired. Normally we switch who does CPR every now and then in situations like this. This is completely normal.” Lindsay explained, holding Alice’s hand, trying to keep her calm. Heather stood off to the side taking a breather. “man… they don’t teach you this shit in nursing school…” Heather said under her breath, referencing the events of Alice’s code up to that point.
A lot more time had went by, and Alice’s rhythm had deteriorated from agonal to asystole. Nonetheless, Alice stayed conscious the entire time. “meds in.” Heather called out, injecting another dose of epinephrine and atropine. “that’s the last dose of meds we can use. She’s maxed out on meds…” Lindsay explained. “what do we do?!” Lin asked, still doing CPR, Alice listening and watching. “let’s see if the meds kick in over the next little bit and go from there.” Lindsay replied, hoping and praying that these meds got a shockable rhythm back. But each minute ticked by, one more tense and anxious than the previous, asystole still on the monitors. The room was eerily quiet, Lin continuing chest compressions. Time continued to tick by with no change, and the team knew deep down they’ve done all they could, but there was a dilemma on what to do since Alice was still clearly conscious. Lindsay decided to break the silence. “Alice?” Lindsay asked. Alice looked over at Lindsay, making eye contact, her head bobbing gently from the force of the chest compressions she was receiving. “Alice… we’ve done everything we could for you. We’ve shocked your heart, given you the maximum amount of medications possible, and did CPR for almost 40 minutes, and your heart still isn’t beating. Unfortunately, there’s nothing more we can do…” Lindsay explained. Alice was terrified, beginning to cry and moan, shaking her head “NO!!!” at Dr Lindsay. “I know… I know…” Lindsay replied, trying to sympathize. “we’ll stop whenever you’re ready, ok?” Lindsay said, trying to offer some sort of compromise in the horrible situation. Alice cried hysterically, shaking her head passionately indicating “No!”.
Alice tried to buy herself as much time as possible, avoiding all eye contact with the members of the ER team. Alice cried, looking around the room trying to process the fact that she was experiencing her last moments. A teary eyed Alice regained some semblance of composure after several minutes, reestablishing eye contact with Dr Lindsay. Alice gently placed her hands on top of nurse Lin’s, nodding at Lindsay, indicating it was ok to stop CPR. Nurse Lin held CPR, and the monitors immediately went flat. Alice’s eyes glazed over completely, but still looked right into Lindsay’s. Nurse Nancy detached the ambu bag and turned off the heart monitors. Lindsay sighed. “time of death, 8:21pm.” Lindsay announced, stunned from the events she just witnessed. The EKG electrodes were then disconnected, and the defib gel was wiped off of Alice’s bruised, battered chest. The IV lines were taken out, and her body was covered up, hiding the haunting gaze on her face. A toe tag was filled out and placed on the big toe of her left foot. The tag dangled against Alice’s cute, wrinkly soles. Alice was a one in a million, unique girl, and unfortunately, she died an equally unique death in our emergency department.
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cosmicmagicgirl · 1 year
Do you trust me? - Comfort/Hurt/Fluff - Luffy x F/Reader.
@littleblueeyedmoon request: Hi! I saw that your request are open, and i thought I’d give it a try. Could i request some comfort/hurt ending with fluff with an insecure reader about her value with Luffy?
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First he found her on that island, and obviously protected her from the Cidre Guild's attacks. It wouldn't be enough to just fall in during Empress Hancock's bath, Luffy also had to be oblivious to all the woman's advances. Not that you could get too mad at him, his laid back and innocent personality is what won you over in the first place.
Loving Luffy is not hard, in fact, it is the easiest thing. It's like breathing, you just do it. He was the sun itself, which is slightly ironic since his ship is the Thousand Sunny, but it's the truth, Luffy was easy to love and warmed the heart of anyone who was in his presence. However, being in the presence of someone like that makes you question your own worth, not that this is your captain's fault, but it is because he was an amazing human being in every sense of the word, it is true when we say that everyone is capable of loving Luffy to some level. That included all kinds of people, especially women.
This intensified after the two years you were apart, you trained hard, but not being by Luffy's side when he lost Ace made you feel terrible, you didn't want to imagine the extent of his pain...
And it only got worse when you learned that during this whole process the famous Empress Boa Hancock was present, and had a crush on your captain. You wish you could have been there, hugged Luffy and dried all the tears that might have run down your face during the nightmares of every night, but you weren't. You just buried it in your chest and moved on knowing that Luffy wouldn't take any of it from you, it seemed such a petty thing to feel jealous of the Empress at that point, and it was his order even that you all get stronger and get back together again two years later.
Would you be something after that time? Not that you had labeled your relationship, but before it was obvious to everyone in the crew that you were together. Was it a normal relationship? Definitely not, because nothing with Luffy could be normal. However, you knew he was with you and you were happy, but now what?
When you met again you decided to keep deep down that little insecurity that had settled in your mind during the period when you were apart.
But it has been a bit hard for you...
Luffy was never one to flirt with anyone, so that was never something you would worry about. The problem is that he was too oblivious and too kind for his own good....
You wanted to have been happy that Luffy had found the invitation to the Pirate Festival, but the interaction with Hancock looped through your mind, so nothing the crew talked about made you feel excited. However, you knew how to fake it well, you were always good at hiding your feelings, you just didn't know how far you could mask your insecurities.
So when Luffy smiled and announced "Let's set sail, our destination is Delta Island" you put your best smile on your face and agreed.
Well, the Festival couldn't have been worse for you, I mean, you even tried to have fun with the girls and Chopper while shopping, but your mind was away. However, nothing is bad enough that it can't get worse, that's what you thought when you were thrown to the other side of Delta Island by Douglas Bullet when you tried to protect Usopp and the treasure that would be Luffy's. You fell straight into the sea, and blacked out.
You woke up with Nami calling you and putting pressure on your chest.
- Thank God you're awake! - she sighed with relief. - What a fright you gave me!
You got up quickly and let all the water out of your lungs.
- I'm sorry - you forced a smile. - Is everyone all right?
Nami smiled and handed you a towel.
- Yes, I mean... Luffy is still fighting that thing - she pointed to the other side of the island.
You got to your feet with some difficulty and tried to hand the towel back to Nami.
- I should get back? - you said.
- Look! It's Shichibukai Empress Boa Hancock! - you heard Bartolomeo shout.
Nami and you looked in her direction from a considerable distance.
- Listen up! No matter what I do, the whole world will be at my feet. Do you know why? - said the woman. - Because I'm too beautiful!
Nami rolled her eyes.
A Navy captain shouted some order, but received a nervous response from the Empress.
- Shut up! - she shouted. - Where is Luffy?
Your body tensed, and you gripped the towel in your hands tighter when you saw Hancock heading toward where Luffy was supposed to be fighting.
Nami looked back at you and grabbed your hand.
- Hey... are you okay? - she asked worriedly.
When your friend touched your hand you automatically made a mental note to hide your reactions better, so you blinked at her and gave her a big smile.
- Yes, thank you for saving me, Nami - you shook her hand back. - I'll help with the Navy ships.
She frowned.
- I thought you were going back to help Luffy.
You forced a laugh from your lips.
- I'd only be in the way, the Captain doesn't need my help. - you tried to soften your voice as much as possible. - I'm going now.
- Hey, wait! - Nami shouted, but to no avail.
You were already gone.
It was no surprise to you when they said that Luffy had destroyed the Eternal Pose for Laugh Tale, it was just his style to do that. Everyone went back to the ship, Usopp was still sleeping because of his injuries, but in the end everyone was safe and sound.
It was quite an adventure.
And just when you thought you could finally calm your mind since the events with Boa Hancock and the Cidre's Guild, you couldn't be more wrong. The Empress decided to sail her ship side by side with Sunny for a few days, that meant she would be by Luffy's side the whole time and her dear captain wouldn't do anything about it, of course he wouldn't, why would he? Were you really something? Did you compare in beauty and strength to the great Shichibukai? God, you were sure you didn't.
Having to see all the moments when she declared herself and showed her affection for your boyfriend, while he just smiled and continued to play with Usopp only dug an even deeper hole in your chest.
It was here that you realized that your mask was about to come off, and it would be awful to have someone ask about it, you felt like such an idiot for letting your feelings get the worst of you. But gosh, it was so painful to think that you would never be enough for him, it would be easier to just feel an emptiness inside - like you felt before you met Luffy.
Looking at your pictures together in your little notebook reminded you of when you first met the straw hat. Meeting Luffy was like spending years in the desert searching for water and finding an oasis, it was like receiving a warm, cozy lap after spending years in a snowstorm alone, and most of all it was hope. Thinking about losing Luffy to someone who would probably be much better than you only made the shame of yourself increase - you were pathetic.
So you did what you thought would be best, you isolated yourself. As long as the Empress remained, you would avoid leaving the room and take any task that would get you away from everyone. Your insecurities took over your mind, and the last thing you needed was for any of your companions to feel sorry for you or just try to comfort you. You loved them, but you couldn't handle it now?
That's what you thought at least.
You walked up to the crow's nest and spotted the one you were looking for - Zoro was sleeping as usual. You kicked his feet gently to wake him up.
He opened one of his eyes.
- I was awake, you know.
You rolled your eyes and laughed.
- I just wanted to make sure - you said as you crossed your arms. - You can go to sleep, I'll pick up your shift.
Zoro raised one eyebrow.
- Again? - he said, getting up.
- Yes -  you answered bluntly. - Don't you want to go to sleep?
This time the green-haired man crossed his arms.
- You've been taking all night shifts for three days now, and I ask you, don't you want to go to sleep?
You sat down with your back to him and stared at the Empress ship through the window.
- No, I'm fine -  you stretched and picked up the new book Robin had given you as a present at the Festival.
Zoro stared at you, and scratched the back of his neck.
- You want to talk-
You interrupted him.
- Good night, Zoro -  and began to read the book.
The swordsman sighed and walked away, leaving you in the company of silence and your newest book.
-Y/n! - called Luffy, smiling. - Come here!
You smiled and went toward Sunny's head, Luffy's favorite spot.
He stretched out his arms and wrapped them around your waist, and pulled you up.
- Luffy! - you exclaimed. - Careful, we might fall!
He laughed with a toothy grin.
- Shishishi - he hugged you tight. - I'll never let you fall, y/n! Don't you trust me?
You were surprised at his words, but then you smiled at him with all the affection your heart could muster.
- Of course I trust you, Captain. - you took his hand in yours. - The future King of Pirates would never let me fall!
And he smiled even wider as you watched the sunset.
You could already see the sun rising over the horizon, so you knew that Sanji would be waking up to prepare breakfast. Knowing this you dispelled the memories that hit you, went downstairs and straight to the kitchen to have your coffee before everyone else, and then stay in your room for the rest of the day.
As soon as you entered the kitchen Sanji welcomed you with a gentle smile.
- I see you've picked up the watch again -  he said, handing you a cup of tea. - May I ask how long you will be doing this, sweetie?
You smiled at your friend thanking him for the tea.
- How long will I be taking shifts? - you played dumb.
Sanji went back to the stove and had his back to you.
- He can be pretty stupid most of the time - you smiled. - But he's not stupid, you know...
You picked up one of the muffins he had put on the table.
- Thanks for breakfast, Sanji -  you finished drinking your tea and eating, and got up to put them in the sink since Sanji would never allow you to wash them.
And so you made your way to the girls' room.
Nami had probably already got up to take her shower, so she was not in the room, but Robin was.
- Picked up the watch again I suppose? - she said in her soft voice.
You put your things on the table, got into bed and covered yourself up.
- I wanted to read that book, so this is the best time - you replied. Robin agreed.
- Luffy asked about you all day yesterday - she reported. - But I told him you were asleep, because you spent the night on watch.
  Your body froze.
- Right... - you curled up even closer under the covers. - Thank you, Robin.
  Robin walked over to the table and picked up the book you were reading, you had read fewer pages than usual, she concluded by marking it.
- Perhaps you would like to know that the Empress will be leaving with her ship soon? - she stared at you, but you didn't move. - Perhaps tomorrow.
You sat up in bed.
- God, this is so ridiculous. - you rubbed your face. - It's so obvious to all of you, isn't it?
- Well, isolating yourself might not have been very subtle. - Nami's voice came, she had just entered the room.
- Maybe I'm just tired of being subtle - you muttered.
- It's about time, finally then! - she exploded.
Robin laughed.
You threw yourself back on the bed.
- You have to tell him. - Nami said.
You snorted.
- That's pretty obvious, Nami, thanks -  you said ironically. - It hadn't even crossed my mind.
- Apparently it didn't even cross your mind since you're avoiding him like a plague! - she said nervously. - Consequently driving us all away together.
You sighed.
- I know, I'm sorry...
- Just get rid of whatever's bothering you - Nami ordered. - You always keep everything to yourself, if you don't want to talk to Luffy about it yet, at least talk to us. We're your friends.
Robin agreed.
- I feel so stupid about this. - you admitted. - I hate feeling this way, it's frustrating - you started to feel your eyes sting. - I just don't feel that I'm worthless to Luffy, not as someone special...
- Like a girlfriend -  Nami concluded.
You agreed.
And it was a good few minutes of you pouring out your insecurities about how you felt compared to the famous Empress, and it didn't help that Luffy didn't seem to show any romantic feelings about you. Nami and Robin were kind enough to wipe away your tears and hug you to stifle the sobs that insisted on coming from your lips.
They stayed there until you fell asleep.
Nami looked at Robin and sighed in annoyance as they both left the room.
  - How long do you think she has been feeling like this? I mean, it's a long time if it's been on her mind since our separation.
Robin paused for a moment to think.
- If it came up because of the Empress, then yes, it is since our separation. I'm not surprised she's like this - they approached the kitchen. - It's a long time feeding these insecurities.
- It's understandable that she doesn't want to see them - said Nami.
- Who doesn't want to see who? - a voice behind them asked.
Nami and Robin were startled.
- Luffy!
The boy let out a laugh.
- So, what were you two talking about? - he turned his head to the side in confusion, his typical confused expression.
Nami stammered.
- I was talking about a new book I bought at the Festival - Robin answered. - It's a novel.
Luffy stared at them for a moment and then agreed indifferently.
- SANJI!!! FOOD!!! - shouted the captain.
Everyone was already in the kitchen, ready to attack the food Sanji had prepared.
However, as soon as Luffy went to take the cookies to his mouth, he stopped for a moment staring at all his companions as if looking for something.
- Where is y/n? - he asked confused.
Everyone was silent.
Luffy blinked a few times in confusion, then Sanji spoke.
- Our dear y/n-swan has already had breakfast - he brought the cigarette to his lips. - She was watching last night. 
Again silence reigned in the room.
- Again? - asked the captain. - Wasn't it Zoro's turn?
Everyone was surprised.
- She asked to take my place - said the swordsman, taking another piece of cake.
Luffy frowned and his face became serious.
- Is she having trouble sleeping? - asked Chopper. - She needs rest....
The poor reindeer seemed to be the only one besides her captain who didn't know what was going on.
- Y/n-san asked me yesterday to take my next shift - said Brook. - And my shift is tonight...
Luffy got up without even touching his food and went towards the kitchen door.
- Luffy! Wait! - called Nami. - She's tired, we let her sleep. Talk to her later, okay?
Luffy didn't stop and left.
Nami sighed tiredly, and Robin smiled.
- I hope they work things out - Usopp said with his mouth full. - No one can contain Luffy like y/n, he's been hard to keep up with these days.
- But with the Empress here, suuuper not cool! - Frank was sincere. - Poor y/n... our captain is very oblivious.
- Yo-ho-ho-ho - laughed Brook. - The Empress Boa Hancock didn't leave him alone for a second.
- That idiot! - Sanji whined with envy.
Luffy was determined to find you and find out why you were avoiding him, he could be very distracted at times, but it had been a while since he felt that you were becoming more and more distant from him. He was a straightforward guy with simple conclusions, so he just waited for you to talk to him about whatever was bothering you.
The thing is, you didn't do that, you just smiled back at him as you normally did, and that made him think that you were better. But he realized that he was a fool to think that, of course you were faking it, now what he wanted to know was why you did it. Did you no longer trust him? Did you not like him anymore?
Luffy was not an insecure boy, in fact, he was quite confident. That changed a little when he thought he had lost his crew and after Ace died. But he managed to turn it around and focus on coming back stronger to fulfill his dream and protect his crew - and protect you.
However, at this very moment a small spark of insecurity arose in your mind, could it be that you had grown tired of him? I mean, he knows that he is an energetic and difficult person to keep up with, but you always seemed to enjoy his antics. Why then would you show that you were okay, if in fact you were not.
He felt a little betrayed, as if everyone knew what you had - except him.  
As he crossed the deck to head toward his rooms, a voice called out to him.
- Luffy! My darling! - Boa Hancock and her passionate eyes came toward him. - Good morning! How are you?
Luffy ignored it and went on his way - he had too much on his mind to listen to the Empress at the moment.
Boa Hancock froze, she seemed to have been deeply hurt.
- Luffy? - she called out in confusion.
As he turned the knob to go to the bedroom hallway one of Hancock's sisters shouted.
And a thud hit Sunny - they were firing cannonballs.
Everyone came out of the kitchen and took their posts.
Luffy was annoyed, he would have to talk to you later.
It was two Marine ships, the Marines cornered them and soldiers stormed Sunny's deck. The Empress' ship was dealing with one and the Straw Hats with the other.
You woke up when the ship rocked and you rolled out of bed.
- Oh, shit! - you rubbed your lower back in pain. - What the hell was that?
That's when you heard Nami scream.
- Fucking Marines!
You ran out without even putting on your shoes, and when you opened the door to the hallway you found chaos on the deck. You joined Nami's side, knocking out one of the sailors who was trying to attack her from behind.
- Looks like you woke up just in time -  she said, smiling.
Another thud hit the ship, and you almost lost your balance.
- We need to get out of the crossfire, Nami -  you said.
She agreed.
- Frank! - she shouted.
One of the Marines aimed at you from a distance and fired, and you managed to dodge it just in time to knock him off the ship.
You looked directly at the bullet now lodged in Sunny's wood and thought it strange. You reached up and took the bullet by the fingers and were startled.
You turned quickly and ran to warn Nami, but she had already changed position, everyone was scattered and with the cannon noises it was impossible for anyone to hear you.
That's when you heard Luffy's scream, he was about to take down a dozen sailors, but he didn't see when the navy captain had a gun pointed at his back.
Time seemed to have stopped, your throat knotted and your heart seemed to have stopped for those seconds. You didn't think for a second, your body moved on its own and your legs ached from the force you exerted on them, but you had to - you had to get to him in time.
When the sound of the gunshot reverberated, you screamed.
- Luffy! - throwing yourself on him.
- Y/N! - he smiled, thinking that you were happy to see him, but his smile disappeared seconds after he realized what had happened. - What did you-
Zoro watched as Luffy braked as he looked at one of his hands, he immediately set about knocking down the man who had tried to shoot his captain.
Luffy saw red, her blood now trickling down his hands as he tried to cover the wound on her back.
- CHOPPER!!! - he shouted. - FAST!!!
Luffy's chest filled with a fear he hadn't experienced in two years. He was terrified, you weren't opening your eyes and your breathing seemed weaker and weaker.
It was all over as quickly as it started, the Marines beat a retreat and the Straw Hat crew ran to see what had happened. Chopper picked up your unconscious body and ran towards the infirmary - everyone was left waiting for what would happen next.
- Why would she do that? - whispered Usopp. - After all Luffy is bullet-proof...
Everyone was silent.
No one dared to speak to their captain at that moment, not even the Empress, he seemed as angry as he was desolate. It had been almost an hour since Chopper came in with you, and no news had arrived.
Until the door to the infirmary opened and a gloomy reindeer came out.
- She's out of danger now... - everyone's breath seemed to have caught, as everyone let out a sigh of relief. - But there is no prediction for when she will wake up...
- Was it that bad? - asked Robin.
Chopper's voice came out apprehensive.
- The bullet passed close to the heart, if it was only a few centimeters to the side... - he swallowed dryly. - I couldn't save her...
Everyone choked.
- Another thing - Chopper stretched out his paws and handed a piece of cloth to Usopp - It's made of Kairoseki...
The relatively thick bullet was there stained with his blood.
Luffy stood up and stroked the reindeer's head.
- Thank you, Chopper... - he went towards the infirmary. - But I need to see her now.
Chopper agreed.
You didn't know how much time had passed, the last thing you remembered was your captain's panicked face and his voice calling you from afar, he seemed so far away - how tragic.
You felt your whole body burn for a few moments, and everything seemed to hurt. You opened your eyes and saw the clear ceiling that appeared to be the one in Chopper's ward, you tried to sit up, but the pain stopped you. So you just turned your head to survey the place.  
Your breathing stopped when you saw Luffy's body sitting on the other side of the floor against the wall, he appeared to be asleep. You smiled with relief, he was okay after all.
Your sigh of relief was louder than intended, as Luffy's head rose from his sleep - he seemed surprised to see you awake.
- You're awake! - he smiled. - I'll go get Chopper.
A few days passed, and Luffy never left your side. Apparently the Empress had been on her way from the time you crawled into the infirmary until you woke up. You had slept for two days.
You were doing better, although Chopper insisted that you remain under observation. So, to distract yourself you began to read the book that Robin had given you, and Luffy listening intently - he insisted that you read it to him too.
- In exchange for your help, he said, I offer you something very valuable - you read aloud. - My freedom? asked the man. - You paused to watch the reaction of the young man next to you, he was involved in the story. - Freedom can be taken away from us, as you well know. I offer you my knowledge.
Luffy wrinkled his forehead and made a pout with his lips that you found adorable.
- They shouldn't have their freedom taken away - he complained.
You laughed.
- Well, I guess you're right. - You closed the book.
Luffy stared at you for a moment.
- I'm sorry - he whispered.
You looked confused.
- For what?
- For letting you get hurt -  his voice came out so low you couldn't tell it was Luffy speaking. - I thought...
You touched his hand gently and your thumb made affectionate circles in his palm.
- Hey... - you warned him. - There's no reason for you to apologize, you know. I'd do it again to protect you.  - A loving smile appeared on your lips. - After all, I love you...
This made Luffy's heart leap and he smiled.
- Do you love me...? - asked Luffy as if he had discovered something incredible. - Really?
You laughed at his reaction.
- Of course I do, you silly... - you put your hands on his face and stroked his cheeks. - Why so surprised?
Luffy leaned into the touch of your hands.
- You were avoiding me... - he said. - I thought you didn't like me anymore.
  His hand stopped and you widened your eyes, surprised this time.
Your heart ached, he looked so desolate when he spoke. After all that had happened you had forgotten your insecurities, they had been replaced by the physical pain and worry that Luffy was hurt.
But now, all that came back again, the anguish you felt. You knew you should have talked to him about it, now he was the one who thought you didn't feel the same way. God, what a mess.
- Everyone seemed to know what was wrong but me. - he said in frustration. - I was going to talk to you that morning, but the Marines came, and - His voice broke. - And I almost lost you…
- Luffy, I...
- Don't you trust me anymore? - his eyes looked pleading, and it hurt your heart to see him so distressed. - You didn't look happy...
- Of course I do! - you answered immediately. - Of course I trust you, Luffy. I just... - you sighed. - This is so embarrassing...
Luffy looked confused.
- Then why didn't you talk to me? - he asked.
- Because I was afraid... - you replied, but before he could think it was his you answered. - Afraid that I was right.
- Right? - he turned his head in confusion, he was annoyingly cute.
- Luffy... - your voice came out fearful. - Are you my boyfriend?
He made a confused face and then shook his shoulders.
- “Boyfriend" is a stupid word, I'm not your boyfriend -  he said. Your heart seemed to break, and then he continued. - What we are can't be labeled with words like that, even friends don't come close.
Your heart raced with anxiety.
- We are much, much more than that! - Luffy exclaimed. - You are going to be my pirate queen after all.
He smiled. Oh yes, he smiled, and may God have mercy on you, ‘cause that man was your sun. Your eyes filled with tears and you began to cry instantly.
Luffy became desperate.  
-Oi! why are you crying? - he tried to wipe the tears from his face. - Did I say something stupid?
You laughed.
- No, it's nothing like that.
Luffy snorted.
- Don't scare me like that, y/n! - he crossed his arms as if in a tantrum.
- Sorry, Luffy... - you laughed as you dried your tears. - It's just, I thought you didn't want me anymore.
Luffy changed his posture.
- Why would you think that? - he said seriously.
- I thought you liked Empress Boa Hancock... -  you admitted embarrassed. - I felt so weak and ugly compared to her. She's so beautiful and you always paid attention to her, and...
Luffy was silent.
- I wasn't there for you when you lost Ace - you cried again. - I wasn't strong enough on Delta Island and you didn't seem to be attracted to me anymore. I thought I wasn't enough, I never would be, you are amazing..., but she.... She is, and...
- Stop - Luffy's voice sounded more serious than usual, his gaze was fixed on you. - I think you're amazing, y/n! You wouldn't be my person, my future pirate queen, if I didn't! I would never change my mind about that, well only if you didn't want to be... - he rambled.
You were silent, your heart beating so fast.
- I love you! - Luffy shouted. - And you're strong as hell! And well... - he scratched the back of his neck. - I think you're so beautiful, and your smile... I love to see you smile.
Your eyes widened, Luffy had never complimented you like that, you were embarrassed, your cheeks were probably red.  
- I chose you, I don't want anyone else, and I decide that I will love you! Always! - he said determinedly.
Tears again streamed down your face, but this time they were tears of joy. You smiled and agreed with your beloved captain.
After Chopper gave you your pain medicine, you lay down to sleep, but not before asking Luffy to join you. Now here you were, with your head resting against the chest of the man who owned your heart. You lifted your head to look at his face, and then your eyes met, and he kissed your forehead and smiled kindly.
You snuggled back into his arms and in a clearly harmonious, almost predestined harmony, your hearts beat as one, you closed your eyes and laughed to yourself - we are all fools in love. Whatever your insecurities were, they vanished like dust in the air.  In that moment in Luffy's arms, all you felt was how loved you were.
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itsthestutterforme · 1 month
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Summary: When Bucky brought you to the hospital and the doctors tell you that you have mild dehydration, forcing you to have a tough conversation about Steve. Once you were discharged, you were scared to go home so you asked Bucky if you can stay at his place.
Notes: all mistakes are my own, angst, character death, character mourning, Bucky being soft
The doctor tries asking you some questions but his voice sounded far away. Like he was whispering through a tunnel at you.
You blinked owlishly, your eyes closing at different paces as you fought your drowsiness.
“How long has she been like this?” The doctor questions, shifting his attention to Bucky.
“At least a week,” the doctor hums in response, lifting your eye lids to shine a light into them.
Your eye functions were normal, however your blood pressure and your heart rate was low.
“Judging by her vitals, she’s been moderately dehydrated for at least two weeks.” “Two weeks?” Bucky reiterates, his ears perking at the sound of the soft wheezing in your chest.
Soon after, you let a loud cough wincing when you pulled a muscle in your abdomen. The two of them watched as you fell back asleep at the drop of a hat.
“What was that?”
“The wheeze comes from her low blood pressure. There’s not enough oxygen is in her blood stream. Her brain is telling her to take deep breaths but the muscles around her lungs were be restricted from the lack of water. Hence the wheezing,” the doctor explains as he wrote down a few notes on your chart.
“I’ll get a nurse to start her on a drip. And I’ll prescribe her some anti inflammatory medication. But before I do that, I have a question for you.”
Bucky lifts his hand for the doctor to continue.
“Her stomach is completely empty which suggests she hasn’t eaten in a week. My question is, do you suspect that this was self inflicted?”
“Well I.. what happens if it was?”
“We’d have to do a psych evaluation and keep her here for suicide watch for at least twenty four hours.”
“Jesus,” Bucky wipes a hand over his face, covering his mouth as he ponders.
“She’s not crazy, alright? She just lost her boyfriend and she’s taking it really hard.”
Your wheeze caught his attention again.
“Can you please just bring a nurse in here?” The doctor nods and leaves the room. Bucky sighs, staring at your sleeping form.
Your chestnut skin looked a shade lighter than your normal tone, making the silk, dark blue head scarf you wore seem darker than it actually is.
His stomach twists when he began to realize how sick you made yourself.
Steve made him promise to look after you and he’s already failing his best friend a week in.
He’s thankful that your diagnosis wasn’t fatal. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if something happened to you.
His shoes squeak when he made his way next to you. Taking the chair from the wall, he turns it so he’s able to look out the window and sit by your bedside.
His pants were damp and already starting to moisten the fabric of the chair.
Given, it was not the best idea to hold you in his arms under the frigid shower water to then walk outside in the crisp, fall air.
Only for it to start raining on the ride to the hospital. Bucky watches the rain drops race one another sliding down the window when he hears a faint knock.
His eyes slide to the opening door to a curvy, red headed nurse with a tray of items.
“Good afternoon, my name’s Sadie. I’m going to be inserting her IV.” She introduces, setting the tray down and making her way over to the sink in the room.
She washes her hands to slide on a fresh pair of latex gloves while Bucky’s eyes narrow at the IV needle.
Shaking his head of his memories from HYDRA, he clears his throat and stands from the chair.
The nurse made her way over to your sleeping form, pulling your arm so you were flat on your back.
She rips out an antibacterial wipe and smooths the wipe along the pulse point of your inner elbow.
“Not a fan of needles, huh?” The nurse sparks conversation, noticing the way Bucky’s breathing pick up when she takes the IV needle out of the packaging.
“Not really, no.” You grunt when she gradually pushed the needle into your arm, puncturing the vein.
Your eyes remained closed but your lower body started to turn away from the nurse. “There you go, sweetheart.”
She applies tape over the needle and hangs the fluid bag on the metal cart.
“When will she start feeling better?” “Within the next hour or two,” she answers with a warm smile, crossing her room to throw away the packaging and her gloves.
“Let me know if you need anything,” with that, she left the room with the tray in her arms.
Bucky settled back in his seat, tuning out the mechanical beep of the heart monitor and chose to listen to your heart beat straight from the source.
Th-thump.. Th-thump.. Th-thump..
Bucky peers over your shoulder at the sound of soft groans and the sheets rustling.
Pulling away from the window, he turns around to face you. “Hey, doll. How are you feeling?”
“Like my head is going to explode,” Your tongue darts over your dry lips as you gingerly sat up in the cot.
“How long was I out?” “Five hours,” your eyes met his and you let out a long breath.
“I’m sorry if I worried you. And.. sorry that I’m the reason you’re all wet.” You apologized softly, breaking away from his gaze.
The door opens again and the doctor re-emerges. “Good. You’re awake. Are you feeling rested?” He greets with a warm smile.
“A little,”
“Does anything hurt?”
“My head is pounding. And I’m pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my back. But other than that, I’m okay.” You explained, pressing a hand to your forehead.
“Are you feeling hungry at all?” “M’starving,” “That’s great to hear,” the doctor scribbles down more notes on the chart.
“There’s something serious I wanted to discuss with you.” “Okay,” you hesitate.
“We’re discussing whether we should give you a psych evaluation because we are under the assumption that this diagnosis was self inflicted.” The doctor explains.
“Should we be concerned, Ms. Y/L/N?” He adds after you went silent for a moment.
“No, I.. I’m just coping. And I know it’s an unhealthy way to do that.” You trail off, your gaze fell to your lap.
“I’m not suicidal, if that’s what you’re insinuating. If I need a psych evaluation to prove it, I’ll do it. I just want to get out of here,”
The doctor tucks the chart under his arm, nodding as he did so. “I was told you lost your boyfriend,” you nodded softly, a shaky breath left your lips.
Bucky wanted to take the doctor by the collar for making you cry.
“I’m sorry for your loss. The psychological evaluation won’t be necessary. You’ll be discharged within the hour,” he finalize, giving you and Bucky a nod before leaving.
Silence settled in the room and Bucky leans against the window sill with his arms crossed.
You found yourself staring at Bucky who lifts his gaze from the floor when he feels your staring at him.
The two of you stare at each other like you wanted to say something but didn’t know where to start.
“Sorry if I’m staring. You just remind me a lot of him.” You said softly and he nods in understanding.
“Steve told me what you did for him. That was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen someone do.”
“Maybe. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one to blame for my own suffering,”
Bucky remained silent.
“Is he actually..?” You croaked, fighting to steady your tone.
“He’s gone. I’m so sorry, doll.” “Oh God,” a sob bubbled in your throat.
“Before Banner sent him through, he told me ‘take care of my girl for me’.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as the tears flowed freely down your cheeks. Sniffling softly, your throat started to burn.
You weren’t sure if it was from the tears or if it was bile threatening to crawl up your throat.
It very well could have been both.
“I feel awful, James. He tried to call me and I didn’t a-answer. He probably felt so unloved.” You croak.
“That’s not true at all, Y/N. He knew how hard it was for you to make that decision. You didn’t let him go because you didn’t love him. It’s because you did.”
Pulling your knees into your chest, you slowly rocked yourself in the bed.
“I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t have.. anybody. Tony is gone. Nat’s gone. I have no idea where Thor or Wanda is. And now Steve is-“
Your body shook as your sobs restricted your breathing. “I don’t have anyone.” you choked out.
Bucky’s eyes softened as he cautiously approached you.
It was refreshing for him to know that someone understood how he felt all his life. He’d just wish it was under better circumstances.
Even before HYDRA wiped his memory, he’d felt like a loner. Cast aside for the important people.
It’s partially why Steve and him were friends for so long. Steve was a loner himself and loners tend to stick together. But only in small numbers.
“You have me,” he reassures, “I can only imagine how you must feel. Losing your best friend.” You croaked, sniffling with every other word.
“I didn’t think anyone could understand how much. But you do.”
He spied a tissue box next to the sink and crosses the room to get it.
Setting the tissue box in front of you, you reached out to touch his metal hand.
“Thank you, James.” You say genuinely, more tears left your eyes.
“Call me Bucky,”
Slowly trailing after the male nurse who wheeled you out of the hospital, Bucky fiddles with the car keys in his pocket.
Once you were outside, you stood from the wheel chair. You shuddered when a breeze blew right through your thin pajama top.
“You should be all set. Have a good rest of your day.” The male nurse comments before returning back into the hospital.
Bucky pulls off his leather jacket and drapes it over your trembling frame as the two of you walked towards his car.
“I know you ate that sandwich earlier but I was wondering if you wanted to swing by someplace before I take you home.”
You froze when he said home. You stopped in your tracks and pulled his jacket closer to your body.
“I don’t think I’m ready to go home,” you admitted, too embarrassed to meet his gaze.
“Do you.. want to head back to my place?” He offers, watching you nod in response.
“Okay,” he hesitates. The car chirps when he clicks the unlock button on the key fob.
His apartment isn’t exactly homey. All that’s in it is a love seat couch and table in the living room and a full sized bed in his bedroom that he barely sleeps in.
He’s been sleeping on the floor next to the couch since he moved in.
He’s starting to feel a little self conscious about that fact. “I uh.. I don’t have anything in the fridge so we’ll have to go grocery shopping.” He says as he opens the car door for you.
“That’s okay,” you slide into the passenger seat and he closed the door.
His car still smells brand new even after a few months of him having it. He hops into the driver side and press the push to start button to turn over the ignition.
You bit your lip anxiously as you contemplated telling him why you didn’t want to go home.
“I want to get over this. So I don’t have to burden you anymore, Bucky. But I’m scared I can’t.” You anxiously scratched at your pajama pants.
“You are not a burden at all, Y/N. I just- I haven’t taken care of someone in a long time. And I’m still getting used to everything.”
He lets out a sigh, not finding the words he wanted to tell you.
“I want you around, Y/N.” He finalizes, keeping the car in park until the situation was settled. He peers over at you as your lips part in surprise.
You weren’t expecting him to say that.
“I want you around too,” you said after a long pause.
“Are you comfortable with wearing my clothes for the night then?” “I don’t mind that at all,”
Bucky nods a moment then shifts the car into reverse to peel out of the parking lot.
You leaned your head against the headrest and let out a long sigh of frustration when you make the realization.
“What’s wrong?” He takes his eyes off the road to glance at you.
“I need my hair stuff,” you said in defeat. “Okay. Well, are you comfortable with packing a quick bag then leaving? I could come up with you or?”
He waits for your response, turning to find you looking out the window as you contemplated.
You’re not a runner, Y/N. You repeat to yourself in your head.
“I think I’ll be okay with going in on my own,” you said with a nod as if you were trying to convince yourself.
“You sure, doll?”
“I’m sure, Bucky.” He examines your face a moment before giving you a soft okay.
Moving over to the left lane, he makes a u turn since your apartment was on the complete opposite side of town.
In fifteen minutes, Bucky pulled into the parking lot next to the car you and Steve shared.
The mere sight of the empty car served as the first reminder that Steve was no longer here.
Bucky glanced over at you when he noticed your heart rate pick up.
He followed your gaze to Steve’s car and his eyes softened when he looked back at you.
He opened his mouth to say something but you opened the car door and stepped out before he had the chance.
You readjusted your feet in the disposable slippers the hospital gave you before you walk up the stairs to your apartment.
You stopped at the end of the hall, staring right at the apartment door with 221 etched in gold numbers.
Tugging the sleeves of your top over your hands, you cautiously walk towards the door and slowly opened the door.
Tears pricked your eyes when you were instantly met with Steve scent of sandalwood and embers.
It was a cologne you had gotten him for his birthday. Once he smelled it for the first time, he fell in love with it and made it his every day scent ever since.
Had this been any other day, you would have opened the door when you got home from work to see Steve sitting on the couch with a book in his hand and 60’s music playing from the Spotify playlist you made for him.
The TV would be turned on but just low enough to be background noise without it being distracting.
When he noticed you opening the door, he would have closed his book and made his way over to you.
He would take your purse and phone from your hands, setting it on the counter before gathering you in his arms almost immediately.
Giving you a warm kiss, he would take you to the couch and place you between his legs with your back pressed to his chest.
He pulls your hair out of the tight bun you had it in, smiling when you shake your head to let your curls free relaxing from the absence of the tension.
“Tell me all about your day, sweetheart.” He would whisper to you, taking your shoulders into his hands and massaging the tense muscle.
But it wasn’t any other day.
You wiped away some stray tears, letting out a shaky breath as you crossed into the bedroom.
Taking a weekender bag from the closet, you packed about three days worth of clothes.
In a frantic attempt to pack things you needed so you can get out of here as fast as you could, you knocked over the hamper.
Jumping at the loud clatter on the hard wood floor, you knelt down to gather all of the clothes when you noticed Steve’s favorite black fall jacket.
Taking the material into your hands, you smooth your thumb over the buttons and slowly brought the jacket up to your nose.
Your eyes started to burn from the scent but you continued to hold the jacket close to you, falling to your knees.
Sobbing into the material, you pulled the jacket into your chest as you gently rocked yourself. A sob choked out whenever you tried to take a deep breath.
Noticing your body starting to get heavy, a wave of lethargy came over you.
“I can’t be here right now,” you croaked, shaking your head of the dark suspicions.
You stood on shaky legs and tossed the jacket into the hamper. You crossed the apartment once again to grab your hair products and toothbrush.
Once everything was packed, you took the weekender bag in your hands. You hesitate leaving the room and look back at Steve’s jacket.
You grabbed it and draped it over your forearm before leaving the apartment, following Bucky’s boot prints on the floor leading you on the way out.
Your phone vibrated on the kitchen counter but you didn’t bother turning back for it.
Bucky had heard you crying to yourself earlier but chose to stay in the car to respect your space.
You slid back into the passenger seat with the weekender bag in your lap.
Bucky’s eyes fell to Steve’s jacket and he clenched his jaw as Steve’s faint scent spread in the car.
“Okay, I’m ready.”
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sweetheart09 · 10 months
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"Wake up, wake up little bird"
Part one
Warnings: This story contains: Mention of killing, mention of affair, mention of Student/ Professor relationship, mention of death and torture, mention of sexual behaviour.
~read at your own risk also please keep in mind that english is not my first language, so be kind ^^ ~
Runa woke up drowsy and sleepy. Her head pounds like crazy and it was hard not to fall into unconsciousness again. Time went by and Runa snuggled back into the soft mattress and pillow. It was comfortable and just to good to wake up now. At first Runa did not noticed it….the unfamiliar scent….and the way the room was just too quiet....it was not Carols scent…like normal….or the sweet and fresh scent of Runas own laundry soap. Runa groaned as she rolled over….hoping to feel Carols warmth on her arm…but nothing. Runa sighed….she was maybe up again….doing work…or cleaning the apartment. Carol Danvers was always a organized and controlling woman….she always made sure to make the bed fresh, to clean the kitchen when Runa was over. She does not want her Husband Clive to know that she was having an affair with one of her college students. It would ruin her…it would ruin both of them....their life, her carrier…but still….the taboo….the secret Carol needed to keep, It was just to good. Runa loved it too…the affection….the little secret…the sex. It was all just too good. She opened her eyes….everything was blurry…and the bright light made her headache even worse. Like a hurted animal…she whined and turned around again to shut out all sources of light again. Thats when the girl noticed it…the small rustling and the tightness on her wrist….chains. They were warm against her wrist from her own body heat. Did Carol used handcuffs last night? Not that Runa can remember…and normally Carol was removing everything after the little hours of fun. Runa was confused…her heart skipped a beat…as a feeling of unwellness overcomes her.
The headache…the sleepiness…it was not normal for Runa to be that sleepy….to not get up for hours….She was normally a great morning person... She took a deep breath….it was nothing to worry about….maybe Carol was in the bathroom or already in the kitchen prepairing late night snacks or even early breakfast. Runa tries to keep calm...sleep overtook her soon again....letting her drift away in her own little world...in her own little memories...dreams of the next days in college...with her few friends....and then the evenings with her professor. The way Danvers would touch Runa, kiss her....the way Carol fingers would gracefull- Suddenly Runa gasped for air, as something or someone took her by her neck and squeezed her throat tightly....Runa opened her eyes wide in reflex...starring at the bright light bulb hanging from a grey concrete ceiling. The light is bright like the sun, burning in her eyes and making them water....the pressure increased and Runa tries to free herself from the choking grip...only to realize that she was still cuffed onto the bed.
"Wake up sleepy beauty" A raspy and deep voice chuckled. Runa looked frantically around the room until her eyes landed on a dark figure beside her. The womans face was halfway covered from a dark mask, only her green orb like eyes can be seen, shining sadistically. Runa wimpered in fear as she sees the dangerous, sociopath like glint in her eyes. Red lock bounced as the woman continues to choke Runa. Runas body arched as the lack of oxygen slowly became to much. Soon the students eyes began to flutter, her face was red....and her body stopped struggeling....but before Runa can fall unconsciouses again....the woman let go. Runa choked, breathed and even drooled slightly as the fresh oxygen burned in her lungs. It was salvation, the air filling up her starving lungs like it was their last meal. Runa coughed hardly as drool escape her lips and slips down her chin and cheek. The other woman chuckled like it was fun to her to bring people on the edge of death..
"Was fun, wasn´t it. Finally you are awake..took you long enough..." the woman chuckled again. Runa was in distress....trying to look at the womans figure but also trying to keep her breathing on a normal level. The woman walked gracefully and silently like a predator towards the tied up student. Runa trembled as the Stranger came towards her. Runa wanted to speak, to ask her who she was and what she wanted from someone like her...but Runas mouth was dry and speechless. "Such a pretty thing.." Natasha cooed and stalked towards the defenseless student. The Black Widow carefully climbed up the bed and leaned over the still breathless Runa Jones. "So pretty....with all the marks.." Natasha purred dangerously and softly touched Runas neck. Dark purple marks starts to appear from the past choking....fingerprints of abuse and pleasure. Runa looked at the Woman on top of her...she tries to squirm, hoping to get as far away from the others body as possible. But it had no use...Natasha grabbed Runas shoulders to keep her still and pretty.
The Woman smiled...it is even noticeble with the black mask on. Her eyes glint with pure ecstasy and even pleasure. Runa whined as the woman suddely pulled a knife out of one of her thigh pockets...holding it up in the air. The dull light of the bulb above them glistered in the sharp metal blade. "no..please.." Runa whimpered with multiple thoughts in her head. Everything spins and fear creeps up her bones. Will the woman kill her? The woman chuckled again...and softly pulled up her mask...Runa would have gasped at the beauty of this woman, if she was not in such a dangerous situation. Forest and dark green eyes, fire red and curly hair....her lips are plum and lookes soft. Runa would have been stunned by the womans appearence....if there wasn´t the frightening and murderous glint in her eyes. "So pretty when you beg..." Natasha wispered and with steady hands guided the sharp blade closer to Runas chin. Runa whimpered as the cold metal scratched her skin...it does not hurt..but still feels uncomfortable.
The tied up woman tries to stay still...letting the Assassine do whatever she wants... "You know...if you would not be so pretty....i would have killed you right away..." The assassine wispers slowly letting the blade run up and down Runas chin...softly slicing away any small hairs. Runa did not dare to breath....she did not even dare to think... "Beg for me again....now" The woman commanded sternly but also with a tiny sadistic smile.
Runa swallowed and opened her dry mouth to speak.. "Please...no...do not hurt..me" Runa croaked out and was embarassed of herself in this moment. The Widow seems to be satisfied by the small amount of words and softly removed the blade from her victim...even if iNatasha wanted more. Natasha would love to slice her Name right away into Runas shoulder....or ven stomach...but she waits first....maybe another time.
Natasha leaned down watching Runa like a prey...before leaning down and kissing her lips softly. Runa tries to lean away...but strong hands keep her still. Runa tries to not lean into the soft and plum lips of her kidnapper....but she can not lie...the kiss was good.
Runa was to suprised to think straight in this moment...she just let it happened. Adrenalin and also fear rushed through her vains....but still she somehow enjoyed the kiss. The collage student was glad that the assassine did removed the blade from her breakable neck and was now a bit more gentle. With a little tuck Natasha pulled away, leaving Runa breathing for air- Questionable...she was missing the kiss...her lips..and tounge. Natasha chuckled as she saw her victim out of breath and still being tied up. Her long fingers slowly start to caress Runas neck and went futher down Runas chest and under her shirt. Runa sucked in the air, being uncomfortable with being touched by the woman who took her.
"Now, be a good girl and hold still.." Natasha breathed out before she lowered her head towards Runas neck...softly starting to nipple the sensitive skin. "I will have so much fun with you..."
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babytarttdoodoo · 7 months
in the end everything collides
((Winner of Whumptober Poll #2 | Day 6 | Made To Watch)) 
The whole evening had taken such a blindingly bizarre turn that even with the sound of fists meeting flesh and hysterical giggling filling his ears, Sam couldn’t process what he was seeing.
It had started out normally enough. He had been finishing some paperwork at Ola’s after closing, something he had been doing more and more of in the off-season to take at least a little pressure away from Simi.
He had been having fun, even, thanks to Jamie’s unrelenting commentary on anything and everything that popped into his head. His teammate had dropped in for a late dinner and hung around long after closing to keep Sam company when he learned of his plans.
The offer had been gratefully received and only curdled to regret when Edwin Akufo strode in like he owned the place.
His competing restaurant was not faring well, apparently, and that was obviously entirely Sam’s fault. How dare he have competent staff and a talented head chef?
Sam had sighed inwardly when Edwin’s security goons had spread out around the restaurant, gauging how much egotistical posturing and property damage he would likely have to put up with before being left alone again.
He hadn’t really considered what would happen if he fought back because he had no intention of doing so. Jamie, on the other hand, swung first.
Of course he did.
To his credit, he landed more than one solid hit before a bodyguard got hold of his arms and twisted them behind his back. Edwin had teetered between incredulity and rage for only a few moments before manic glee stole over his face.
It was not a good look on him.
“Let him go, Edwin, he doesn’t…” Sam barely started voicing his protests before he was grabbed too, held in place at the silent order of the billionaire, flicking a hand in Sam’s direction like he was an unimportant nuisance. Forgotten in the wake of this new entertainment.
“Ah, ah, what do we have here? Who are you to jump to Obisanya’s defence, hm? Another nobody with delusions of grandeur from kicking a ball?”
Jamie’s face screwed up to one side and Sam’s heart sank.
“Eh, ain’t nothing delusional about my ball-kicking, mate. Get a bit closer and I’ll show you.”
Edwin threw his head back and laughed, loudly. It was wildly out of place in the tense atmosphere and deeply unsettled something in Sam’s gut when he abruptly cut off.
“I do not think so, Obisanya’s friend. But Curtis here is more than happy to get up close and personal.”
‘Curtis’ was well over six feet tall and at least half as wide. Like all of Edwin’s cronies, he was dressed in a fine suit, though the addition of several bulky rings on his fingers seemed unique to him.
“Edwin, please,” Sam tried again, panic and desperation making his voice thin and reedy. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I do not have to do anything,” Edwin crowed, rocking back on his heels, delighting in Sam’s obvious distress. “I choose to do this, just like you chose to so rudely turn down my very generous offer. And your friend here chose to interfere. These are consequences, Sam Obisanya. A lesson for you both to learn.”
Sam pulled helplessly on the arms holding him firmly in place as Curtis cracked his knuckles and advanced on Jamie. The footballer was waiting with a smirk and raised brow.
“Am I supposed to be scared, like?”
The first blow snapped his head to the side. Sam cried out as if it had been meant for him.
Jamie just laughed, licking blood from his lip as he casually straightened up again. “C’mon, put your back into it, lad.”
The second hit slammed into his jaw, sending his skull backwards with such force that the man holding him barely avoided a broken nose.
Jamie took slightly longer to recover, head lolling forward for a moment before he looked up with bloody teeth. “You wanna really swing your hips, mate. Get a bit more momentum.”
The next punch sank into his stomach, forcing a pained grunt out of his mouth along with any air he had in his lungs. He coughed, gasping, and started to laugh again.
“My old man hits harder than that and he can barely piss standing up half the time.”
Curtis glanced back at Edwin with a raised eyebrow, clearly unsettled by his lack of impact on Jamie’s confidence. If they were waiting for him to back down, Sam realised, they would be here all night.
That was not a pleasant thought.
“What are you looking at me for? He told you to hit harder!” Edwin pointed out, annoyed but also eying Jamie’s grinning, manic face warily.
Sam couldn’t say how long it went on for; Curtis continued hitting Jamie and Jamie just kept up a running commentary, getting more and more delirious as it ran on.
There was a horror to it. A numb, dreadful feeling in Sam’s chest as he shouted and pleaded himself hoarse but the violence didn’t stop.
Until it did.
All of a sudden, Edwin flicked his hand again, a deep frown on his face that Sam had no mind to be concerned about. Both he and Jamie were released unceremoniously and he was moving to catch his friend before any other thought had time to form.
Jamie slumped into him, knees given out, still mumbling obscenities and casting aspersions about Curtis’ mother.
Edwin observed them both, making no move to stop Sam from grabbing a nearby chair.
“Your friend is clearly disturbed. You should get him psychological help.”
Sam barely acknowledged him, too preoccupied with holding Jamie up to dignify that with a witty response. The billionaire straightened his jacket with a scoff and beckoned to his entourage.
As quickly as the intrusion had sent the night to absolute hell, they were left alone again. Or, almost alone.
“Francis, I am not in the mood right now,” Sam warned the hovering man when he didn’t seem to be moving on.
“That is fair.” The evening’s events had rocked him so deeply that Sam couldn’t even summon surprise at hearing the handshake aficionado's voice for the first time. “Mr Akufo is leaving the country tomorrow. He is closing his restaurant. This… It is unlikely we will meet again.”
Francis cleared his throat, looking awkwardly out of character from his usual cool, collected demeanour. Not a violent man, Sam realised.
“Goodbye then. You can let yourself out.”
He gave Sam a firm nod, Jamie a lingering look, and did so, leaving them in peace at last.
“Jamie, are you familiar with the concept of self-preservation? At all?” Sam asked urgently, trying to judge how unfocused his eyes were. “Why did you do that?”
“I’m the only one who gets to be a prick to you,” Jamie slurred, struggling to keep upright. “‘Sides, he really didn’t hit that hard.”
Sam was justified, he thought, in finally letting himself cry.
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theknightmarket · 3 months
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"I'm glad it was you."
In which Dark and the district attorney finally unite, for good. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - AO3 TW: cursing Pages: 20 - Words: 8,000
[Requests: OPEN]
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Your return to the manor was not marked with fireworks or cheering or parades. Nobody met you at the door and welcomed you in with fruit baskets and wine. The place was just as drab and cold as it always had been, but that was fine by you. You radiated your own heat now, with a living, physical body that you could walk with, talk with, control to your beating heart’s content. The grin stretched across your face was your own slice of heaven. You hadn’t been able to keep your hands still since you left Mark’s house – the bastard that you beat, so you weren’t afraid to say his name anymore. Your fingers brushed against the curve of your cheek and danced along your sides. 
Even the rotting wooden handle of the manor’s front door was welcoming. A rough texture to remind you it was there as you pushed the creaking thing open. The empty foyer failed to dissuade you while you strutted in. 
You were confident. You were excited. You were so goddamn happy to be alive. 
“Dark!” you called, hearing the sound of your very own voice echo. It echoed! You could barely believe it. All of this felt like a dream, but you refused to accept that. You deserved this after so long, you wouldn’t let a little doubt creep in to spoil your fun. 
The air flexed around you alongside the arrival of someone new in the room. He peered round the corner of the kitchen archway at first, but within seconds he was in front of you. The ribbons of red and blue danced around his figure, the same you had seen through the barrier of a screen for weeks before and was now standing in front of you. 
Dark spoke simply, “Hello.”
And you replied, “Hello.”
You tried to hold back; you really did. The records would show that you restrained yourself for a full five seconds before you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around his waist. You savored the smoothness of fabric beneath your fingertips, but you cherished the squeeze of Dark’s own arms around your shoulders more. There were no tears, not this time, because you reminded yourself that you weren’t going to lose this. Should he let you, you would gladly spend another century in this position. 
But you were sure there were other important matters to tend to. It didn’t make you pull away, but you were aware.
“You’re very cold.” Words muffled by the jacket collar against your mouth, you gladly forfeited the joke for the comforting pressure he provided. 
“Does that bother you?”
His laughter was music to your ears. Deep, genuine, dare you say, dark. You were slightly mad that you weren’t strong enough to swing him around, but you settled for a comical squeeze.
“You are warm,” he muttered, a coat of confusion on his statement, as though he expected you to be as cold as he was. Unbeknownst to you, he did.
“Does that bother you?”
“Of course not.”
You stayed like that for another ten seconds without shifting. This was good. You liked this. You pushed the idea of moving away back like it was an incessant dog. The normality of your old life was long lost to you, but it reminded you of knowing you had to get to work but wanting to stay under the blankets for that much longer. The height of winter, the sun not yet risen. 
You sighed, “My legs are getting tired.” And, while they were, the dull pressure rising from your knees, neither of you made any attempt to cut the contact. This wasn’t how it had gone when you first escaped the mirror. You were springy and enthusiastic back then, so this ache was likely psychosomatic, a possibility you relied on in order to stay right where you were. 
“Are you,” Dark started, then he stopped to swallow. Being this close didn’t make you a mind reader, but his nervousness was obvious either way. “Do you feel like you can talk about what happened, because I have many questions.” 
Did you? You supposed after effectively beating the hell out of Mark, you had calmed down enough to go through some of it. It was the best you would get from him; you weren’t about to get a written and signed apology. 
Gently, you pulled yourself away from Dark, but you thought it best to keep your hands on his shoulders when you saw a spark of guilt in his eyes. 
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, I have a lot of questions, too, but I’ll answer what I can.”
Dark nodded.
A second passed.
And then another. 
Dark cleared his throat. 
“Oh, you mean now.” He nodded again. “Sorry, I forgot what we were doing.” 
The chuckle you drew from him was worth the slight embarrassment. 
“That’s perfectly alright. I expected nothing else.”
When you had left the manor, you had been in a haze of bloodlust. You were prepared to burn the house down with Mark in it. Now, with your mind clear, you noticed that the few things had changed since your disappearance. The foyer that you walked through, towards the staircase, was full of more rubble than furniture. The most obvious was the pile of wood that had presumably fallen down from the landing above, but you were well aware of the splintering support beams and steps that you took to the second floor. It was almost disappointing to see the damage the place had sustained. From your perspective in the mirror, despite only being able to see a small portion of the rooms, you never saw any real effects of time. It was as though it was frozen, just as you had been, but everything caught up to it at once, leaving you to see a ruined temple instead of a magnificent manor.
When you reached the last step, you glanced along the hallway. “Is Wilford around?”
Dark hummed. Not even he could keep track of that man. “Possibly,” he answered, similarly vague as the topic was. “You’re back, that’s something interesting to lure him in, but then again, it is Wilford that we’re talking about.”
The one consistent thing about Wilford was his inconsistency, no rhyme or reason to his appearances. You thought about asking after Benjamin for a second, but spite had gotten you this far, so both the comments about your outfit were ones you decided to carry with you.
Beside the peeling wallpaper and the shattered console tables, the door to Dark’s study looked completely untouched. You couldn’t say that you weren’t surprised. It had seemed a focal point in the recent events, sweeping in and out, pushing and pulling the handle, and yet it was as good as new. Time barely touched it. 
Dark sidled up next to you and opened the door to the room. Just as it was before. The sight of it alone, outlined by sunrays streaking through, instilled a tiredness in you, though the added relaxation made it feel like getting into a warm bed instead of forewarned fatigue. You felt comfortable before you set foot across the doorway.
There was already one chair parked by the window you were facing, so Dark moved the one from his desk into place next to it. A simple gesture towards the pair made you lightly comment, “How gentlemanly.”
“I do try.” 
You enjoyed seeing him like this. When you were in the mirror, it was rare for you to see him smiling, and even rarer for it to be in your direction. You’d seen the perk of the corner of his lips when he reached whatever paragraph of the book that he enjoyed – you were always tempted to tell him to just laugh, it was obvious he was holding back the smallest chuckles. You never found out why, but, now, he was being unabashed with his happiness. 
While you were enjoying the moment yourself, a worry gnawed at your heart. You weren’t here to stare at Dark, you were here to answer questions, and hopefully, get some answers to your own. Still, you felt guilty, knowing that the peace had to be broken, and the hammer rested between the two of you.
Dark was the first to pick it up.
“Ah, well, to business,” he spoke calmly, a guise he was proud of. In truth, he was just as disappointed as you were to move on. You were smiling, too, though he wasn’t sure if you knew it. It was all the better for him because there wasn’t a barrier between you, glass or distance or memory; he could see the way your smile bent into your cheeks as clear as day. He could reach out and cup your face if he wanted to.
To business.
“I have to ask,” he began, settling back in his chair, “how did Mark get you out of the mirror?” 
Your reaction was immediate and volatile. That smile turned into a grimace at the mere mention of that man, so Dark was quick to continue.
“I know the circumstances on your end, but I had only just found a way to take down the mirror’s barrier, let alone get you out, and that was with Celine’s help.”
You sighed. It felt good to breath, as weird as it was to say, in a confined space. You drew as much comfort from that as you could.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know specifically how he got me out, but, when he did, he just snapped his fingers—” You copied this action, and the click reverberated against the walls and molded with the small rings of light emanating from Dark, “—and I was gone.”
That was what he had feared. Mark hadn’t needed a book; he hadn’t needed anything but the experience of the void in order to bend it to his will. He could do anything, and had done something, on a whim. Having been a part of the void was not the same as practice, it seemed. That thought scared him.
“Do you know why Mark did this?”
Your simple answer was, “Bragging rights.”
Dark knew that. When Mark had appeared in his office, he told him. Flaunting, he had called it, and teased him with the fact that taking you didn’t matter to him while it meant everything to Dark. Despite all the proof, there was still something inside him that hoped it wasn’t true. He didn’t want you to just be a pawn on the chessboard, caught in the middle and then captured because it was convenient – because that meant that if he had not talked to you on that fateful night, you wouldn’t have gone through any of that.
The undertone of pleading was hidden by a groan. “Anything else?”
“Why would there be.”
You sat in silence for the rest of that moment, thoughts overcoming you in a way that got on your nerves. Against your will, they latched to the image of Mark beaten to the ground. What was he doing now? Was he planning? Was he recovering? Or was he doing what you largely suspected; getting ready for his next scene in a makeup chair to cover up the cuts and bruises, not a goddamn care in the world. Because the villains always lost and the heroes always won, and it wasn’t a mystery which role he saw himself in. He would find solace in thinking – knowing – it would turn out right for him in the end.
You felt a pressure on your hand. The one that lay on the arm of the chair was now covered by a gray one. Just yesterday, that might have seemed unnatural, but, this time, it reminded you to take a deep breath and look at Dark. He was calm, so you should have been, too. In and out.
You nodded with a small, tired smile for him to continue.
“You’re warm.”
“Yeah, we’ve established that.”
“No,” he laughed lightly, “as in you’re not cold.” His fingers curled around yours, as though having more contact would help him to figure out this confusing aspect. “Whose body is that?”
You hadn’t considered that. Getting you out of the mirror was one thing, but your old body was, well,occupied. But, after a second of thought, you were pretty sure you had an answer. You brought your legs up and your hands to your eyes, not enough force to drive the balls of your thumbs into your sockets, but enough that you could ground yourself.
“Well, it’s not mine, that’s for sure. Someone Mark deemed unimportant, which, in his eyes, could be anyone.” You felt Dark coaxing your hands away. You let him, until they were in your lap again, and he was holding them tighter than before. “But he wasn’t caught, so it can’t have been anyone socially important, either. I-I don’t know.” 
His thumb brushed yours. You put one foot on the ground and tucked the other under your knee.
“And you have needs?”
That hit you like a freight train. 
“I’m sorry?”
Dark didn’t look phased. He had the slightest tilt to his head and his hands stayed right where they were. Given his thought process, it made sense.
“You need to eat, drink, sleep?”
“Oh!” You weren’t given enough time to fluster, taken from one to one hundred and back to one, so you wasted no time in confirming, “Yeah, yeah, I do, and so does Mark.” 
This was the most perplexing part of you to Dark. The whole pseudo-dying and resurrection, he understood that, he had gone through it himself. However, you were much more human than he was. The taste of food in his mouth was lost to time for him, and yet you needed exactly what anybody on the street needed. You fit in well enough with them, while he was confined to the manor. The entity that made him who he was kept back everything else. His humanity. Earlier in his life, he would have appreciated it.
The patter of rain drew his attention to the window. A gloomy day to suit the topic of conversation and the moods you had both been moved into. It was difficult to confront it all, but you had to, and you knew that. You had to move forward with everything, but the concept was warred over in your mind.
“It’s a pity Celine doesn’t have any books on necromancy,” Dark said, “I wish I could be of more help to you.”
Whether it was the time spent in the modern world or the century since you’d used your manners, you found yourself barely stifling a laugh and eyeroll. “Are you serious?” A glance towards him told you he was. “I’m the one who was missing a batch of their memories, you can’t be the one to forget our conversation.”
He didn’t respond in the pause you gave him, so you sat forward further to look him directly in the eye.
“The self-loathing, Dark, it’s not good for you. You’re also just wrong.”
You held your clasped hands higher between you. “Without you, this wouldn’t be happening. I’d be locked behind glass or trailing after Mark like a puppy. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the one who got me out, even if you don’t believe it.”
All it took was lifting his hands slightly for you to lean down and kiss them. On your end, it was an appreciative gesture that occurred to you from somewhere unknown. On Dark’s end, he froze, meaning you were the only force to lower his hands to where they originally were. His eyes flitted around your face, like a bee searching for a flower. He never found the confusion or regret that he assumed he was going to find, only honesty, and he didn’t know how he should react. It was no secret that he wasn’t the best with social cues, and neither were you and neither were any of the others in the manor. The only thing that he felt right doing was letting slip the little smile that danced at the corners of his mouth. So, he did.
The emotion behind it changed when you asked, “But, uh, do… do you think Mark’s able to put me back?”
You were scared, and that smile softened to a comfort, as best as he could.
“After the state you left him in, I don’t think he’ll be able to put himself back.”
That image flashed in your mind again, your eyes losing focus and your jaw clenching.
Dark rushed to continue, “It doesn’t matter. He’s not going to get the chance. Now when you’re here.”
Albeit unspoken, he hoped you understood; not when you were with him.
“You’re right, it doesn’t matter. Look, this is my first real day of being out, and I think I’d rather do anything than keep talking about Mark, so could we…?”
“Whatever you want.” He hadn’t expected to get even this far with his questioning, and there wasn’t much else he thought you would know. At least, nothing worth drudging up the experience again. “Though I can’t promise a sunny stroll through the gardens.”
The raindrops were pelting the glass even faster now, a group of storm clouds swept in with it. Weather like this didn’t worry you, but you wanted to spend some time with Dark, and he wasn’t about to go dancing in the rain with you for himself. So, you sat and thought for a few seconds, and then an idea struck you.
“I know what we can do.”
Despite you keeping the plan to yourself, Dark got up when you did and followed you into the hallway again. It didn’t take long for you to wind up at the door to the library, and his hesitance catching up with him was just as quick. You had already seen the carnage he left behind in there – why you would want to get close to the room, he didn’t know, but you gladly strutted in regardless with your arms spready out wide.
Did you think things would be different? No. You knew fully well that it was going to be as bad as it was when you had searched for some memories. Dark’s frown made it obvious he wasn’t going to repair anything, and the thing about being dead was that you couldn’t touch anything, so that ruled out Benjamin. Wilford wasn’t around enough to devote any time to a project, if he was able to stay focused long enough, anyway. And who did that leave?
You spun around, back against the wall and hands settled on your hips, and announced, “Cleanup duty.”
Grabbing one of the more intact books that was within your reach, you stepped forward and threw it to Dark. He caught it without a second thought, though not yet done processing the situation.
“Can’t make a new start without fixing the old one, right?” you said as you moved towards the first bookshelf that needed de-toppling.
Your companion watched you, hands clutching the book. The leather binding was bent away from the pages, and some of those were shedding from the glue. The knicks and gouges were a feature of every book that he saw, but this one had three sizeable dents in the sides, and, when he opened it, the first paper was labelled at the twenty-seventh. 
And yet, he couldn’t help but concede, “If this is what you want to do.”
Your bright smile was all the push he needed to place that book to the side and help you to reset the room.
It was an endeavor, to say the least. The shelves and cases were heavy, but it was harder to avoid stepping on the remains of encyclopedias and journals. Paper was strewn on every inch of the floorboards, and you were not proud to say that you almost slipped over once or twice. A side-table had to be made right, and, underneath, you found the missing pages of the book you had thrown to Dark. With them all in one place, you safely moved the copy to the salvageable pile. Somewhere along the way, roughly half an hour in, you had developed a system. The utterly destroyed books were packed in one corner, ready for an unknown future. Dark felt the rush of guilt whenever he added to the steadily growing mound. 
Then, there was the stacks of the aforementioned salvageables. The only important thing was that they had most of their pages together; the covers could be remade, but the contents were what mattered. They were in the first corner you had cleared, as though a protective ring were summoned around them. And that was another positive of the inhuman inhabitants of the manor! There was no dust for you to clean up beneath the papers.
Nevertheless, it was only right that the survivors, the very few books that might have sustained a scratch or tear, were placed in the hallway on a console table. Only the ones that had been stashed far into the bookshelves were of that nature, but you still felt prideful when you fished one out.
Your merry pair of cleaners was an hour in by the time that Dark picked up a book that was very literally hanging by a thread. He shifted it carefully in his arms to avoid agitating the binding, barely moving in a centimeter, but it didn’t work. The connection snapped and the bound pages drifted to the floor in a heap, like feathers after a bird was shot. Dark kneeled next to the remains and, with a gentler hand, he picked one of them up.
“Unfortunate, really,” he spoke, noticing you begin to crouch at his side, “I rather liked that one.”
It was true. In all of his years in the manor, he had the option of doing two things; either he could follow the trail after Mark that was undoubtably going to run cold, or he could read. When things got too much, or Wilford forced him out of his office, he would end up scouring the shelves of the library. His library, technically, because Celine was the only one to ever use it. All her early occult guides were on one side, while the other held the recreational books. Non-fiction, mystery, horror… The Lady in the Lake had come from one of those shelves, and so had the one that Dark looked down at.
He was only drawn out of his regret by your shifting. You glanced at the first few lines, then to the mess of papers that joined the rest of the graveyard, and finally to the door. Dark looked at you when you got up and left, barely processing what you were doing without an idea of what you were going to do. 
Luckily, he only worried for a minute at most, before you were back in the library with a picture frame in your hands, and his worry melted to confusion. It had lay in the hallway, empty now, as it had once held a distasteful photo of Mark and Celine. Dark sat tight while you popped out the back and handed him the glass and wood.
He blinked.
You nodded.
Restraining whatever strength might have torn the page more, he placed it facing into the frame and reattached the back, slotting the clasps into place. Your hands moved it out of his own grip as you got to your feet. Dark followed suit so that he could see you setting it onto one of the upright shelves in the neater corner.
And, just like that, you went back to inspecting more books and readjusting the furniture.
Dark didn’t know what to do. That seemed to be happening a lot today, but he was getting no more use to it. Maybe it was because the last century hadn’t been action-packed, but he was being surprised and confused and simply flustered recently, all by the same source.
You were a variable in his life that he hadn’t planned to plan for. Getting you back was the goal, and, when he passed that goal, it was done. End of the story. Except it obviously wasn’t because there you were, fixing the mess he’d made of the library, surprising him with every movement you made and every emotion you made him feel, even when it wasn’t an emotion he could name. The warmth you exuded, body and soul, he had never felt it before. Normally, he would immediately distance himself from any kind of uncertainty, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. Leaving you again, when you spooked away ennui like a nightlight in blackness, was impossible for him. He wasn’t going to deny that he needed you – though, it might have been harder for him to accept that he wanted you. This situation was one fate had plotted since you had first stepped across the threshold of the manor.
“I don’t suppose you know what’s happened while I’ve been gone?”
Dark snapped his head towards you.
“How do you mean?”
Your back was turned to him, eyes focused on stabilizing the wooden plank in front of you. “People aren’t wearing suits and smoking everywhere anymore. How have times changed?”
Dark huffed a slight laugh as he rearranged the paper of another book. “To be quite fair, I’m not all that up to date either,” he forewarns, separating one of his favorite pages from the rest of the brutalized chapters. “From what Wilford has told me, a lot is different. I was… unaware of the earlier years—” You didn’t need to know the explicit, dehumanizing, jarringly goopy details of his first ten years, when he was barely holding himself together as a creature instead of a person, “—but there were more wars, some hot, some cold. We got to the brink of annihilation at one point, but Wilford glossed over that fact. He was more focused on the disco in the 70s and 80s, he still is.” You shared a breathier chuckle with him. “If I may ask, what have you seen in the last month?”
This was where he had you caught. You had asked what was different solely to get a grasp on where you were. Wilford’s time travel talk was going to need to be backdropped with the current events, after all. However, in your time with Mark, you had seen some things, and being asked about them pushed your preparation to the back of your mind.
“Hollywood got big,” you stated immediately, “I saw a lot of movies, for obvious reasons, and every single one was,” you took in a breath, spending it on another giddy laugh, “they were beautiful. They had these special effects and computer-generated imagery and, Dark, they could take people’s voices and replay them over and over again, and they’d never run out. They put normal people in space or in Ancient Greece.” You abandoned your current task to bounce towards your friend. “They even put people in the 1920s, and you could see the color of their clothes! Everything was bright and expressive; I’d love to show you.”
Dark hadn’t seen many, or any, movies. You would expect that to just be during his time in the manor, but that did include all of his time as him. He had vague memories from Damien and Celine’s theatre experiences, but all of them were clouded over with time and fatigue. The way you described these new ones, though, had him joining your smile regardless, and helpfully disregarding how your proximity to him and your hands on his upper arm made his breath labor. 
“I’d love to be shown.”
And ignore that, when your smile spread further, his did, too, and his eyes darted around your face from your sparkling eyes to your grinning lips to your cheeks flushed with excitement.
Meanwhile you fully accepted the rapid beating of your heart with open arms, not only because you now had a heart to beat. Dark cared, no matter how much he tried to hide it, he cared. He did things with you that he wouldn’t do alone in a million years. He paid attention to you when nobody else did and he made up for the time that he didn’t, twice-over. He saved you because he cared. How could you not love him?
Was that the right word for it? You hadn’t felt like this in so long, you never had to put a name to the foreign feeling. But when you looked at Dark, saw him smiling back at you, face to face with nothing but the smallest gap of air between you, you couldn’t think of anything else to call it.
In total, repairing and cleaning the library had taken three hours. The shelves were straightened, the curtains were replaced, and the books were sorted. All you needed to do now was wait for the next day to get out into town, so that you could go on your hunt for supplies and a manual on how to actually fix the books.
While you stood next to Dark in front of the door, staring at your project so close to its finish, your heart ached at the thought of waiting. The hands on your hips clenched and you inwardly groaned. In your humble opinion, you had done enough waiting for multiple lifetimes. 
You spun on your heel to face Dark, who looked pretty happy with himself. Good.
“What else needs fixing up?”
He glanced at you like he hadn’t expected you to say anything. “My dear, I do think you should take a break.”
“You’re one to talk.”
As hypocritical as he may have been, even Dark could see what state you were in. Your breathing was fast, blood rushed to your face, you jumped from one task to another.
“I’m not the one who has needs.”
“Y’know, I’d love for you to not call them that.”
“You have to eat,” he stressed, not letting you deflect another time.
You took a step towards him and reassured, “And I will.” You appreciated the concern but the idea of slowing down at all make your stomach churn. “I don’t want to waste all this energy.”
“You won’t lose it, I can assure you.”
Thinking of a last resort, you huffed, opened your mouth to retort, and then stopped. Had you not just said this was why you loved him? Because he cared? And who were you to ignore him, a man whom you trusted with your very life? Being out of that mirror was bringing you back into some bad habits, it seemed.
In the end, you nodded and pulled open the library’s door.
“Fine,” you groaned with no real annoyance, “but I am coming straight back.”
“Where are you going?”
“No offence, but anything that’s been left in the kitchen is going to be well past its expiration date, if they even have them. I’ll drive down to a fast-food place, pick something up and be back by eight.” 
Your promise was exchanged for Dark’s confused expression, making you chuckle to yourself as you moved halfway out. That confusion shifting to blunt worry stopped you.
He didn’t know what two of those things you mentioned were, but he knew that it meant you were leaving the manor. An hour at most, but leaving, nonetheless, into the outside world, where he could not go.
“I don’t have to go, I could—”
“No, no, you should,” Dark cut you off, steeling his emotions for however long it would take to convince you and himself. “Go, just stay safe.”
A smile and a squeeze of his hand.
“Straight back,” you reminded softly. 
And he repeated, impossibly more so, “Straight back.”
He watched you leave into the hallway and then walk down the staircase in his line of sight. This was okay. He watched you make it to the foyer and open the door. This was fine. He watched you shoot him one last look before closing the creaking wood behind you.
He lasted all of thirty seconds until fear seeped in through the floorboards and window cracks. The pacing started at the forty-five mark, as though his legs had decided that, if he couldn’t go with you in person, he would in spirit. But you said that you would be straight back, and he had to trust you. It wouldn’t do to start this relationship off with assuming the worst. You were able to take care of yourself. The best he could do was patiently wait for you to get back, safe and sound, like you’d promised.
That thought did little in of itself to get him to calm down. Regretfully, Dark was never good at convincing himself of the bright side, and, yes, he understood the joke. What helped him was catching a glimpse of that frame again, all of the backboard now plastered with pages from the best of the collection. He trotted up to the shelf until it was within arm’s reach, but he didn’t take it off just yet. He simply looked at it.
Was this too much? Did this domesticity suit him? It felt good to slow down for once and take a breath. Mark was on the backfoot, you were safe in the manor, there wasn’t anything else to do. Dark had forced you out because you were so keen to keep working, but there he was, clenching and unclenching his jaw. It felt good, but that itself felt wrong. He wasn’t built for this. He hadn’t been brought into the world as an innocent child, he was the amalgamation of three different beings that shambled around in the rough approximation of a man in order to carry out the singular shared goal of vengeance. 
The wooden frame was smooth against his fingers.
It didn’t matter if he was destined for this peace, he was choosing to enjoy it. The slow moments, with you, were better than the volatile decades of constant hypervigilance.
If he had to guess, he would think that the affinity was coming from Damien’s side of the family, but he also liked to think that this was just himself.
The frame in hand, Dark walked from the library down to his office, the lack of surfaces giving him few options – the desk or the windowsill, really – but that was obvious enough to give him only one. He secured it next to the lamp on the left side, the light igniting the ink with a white sheen.
He left the room within the next minute, barely a glance over his shoulder. He didn’t need to; he knew it was right, and he would be seeing it every time he sat down to work. He would be reminded of when he read those books, and of who gave those books back to him, and of why he couldn’t wait to find more copies so he could share them with you.
That went further than he thought it would.
Benjamin wasn’t in the kitchen when Dark entered. He’d made himself quite scarce since you got out of the mirror, but the comments you had exchanged with each other didn’t leave you on the best of terms, so perhaps it was the wisest move. Nevertheless, the smell of baked goods helped relax him to the point that he didn’t look any different from your departure when the front door opened again.
Sitting at the island gave Dark a good view of your approach, a white, plastic bag of presumably food in one hand and twirling your keys with the other. A few questions popped into his mind – what a fast-food place actually was and whether you really had a valid driver’s license – but he brushed them aside when you waltzed through the kitchen’s archway.
“I made it through that lawless wasteland,” you joked. He thought you would go straight to grabbing a plate, but, after placing the bag on the counter, you casually ducked down and kissed Dark on the cheek. That was the first surprise, though not unappreciated, while the second was you finding two plates. “And I know you don’t eat, but I picked something up for you, just in case.” 
You were smooth, apparently. One hundred years in a mirror didn’t disadvantage you any. He was immeasurably grateful that your back was turned so that you didn’t see the warbling of the red and blue lines. They stretched and thinned like waves in the ocean, breaking upon the counter and only normalizing when he redirected his attention to the bag. You said you’d gotten him something. That was more important than the completely unexplainable and extremely unnatural effect your simple actions had on him.
You dished out what you bought, two identical meals, onto those plates before pushing one towards Dark. You sat side by side on the stools by the island, thinking less about how much of a change from the status quo of the 1920s this was and more about how hungry you were. 
“Thank you. I appreciate it,” you heard Dark reply, sounding surprisingly dazed, not that you paid attention to it when you were eating food and conscious of it for the first time in decades.
You missed this. You readily admitted that this kind of scene was something you had imagined many times while you were in the mirror. The food, the freedom… the only addition – which surfaced during the latter days – was the man who sat beside you. You were always alone in your fantasies. Call you a love-struck idiot, but you were so happy with this outcome, even if it took kidnapping and near-murder. This was good. You were good. Dark was good.
The patter of rain developed into a downpour as you made your way through your food. Dark was lagging behind, if only because he had trouble figuring out how to eat at the beginning. The first bite he swallowed entirely whole and somehow avoided choking, but he got the hang of it in time. You were finished when he was halfway through, giving you time to watch the patio doors. It was completely dark outside, illuminated by the few rays of moonlight that dodged the tree line. They hit the surface in specific places, one bouncing off the water feature, another the stone walkway, and a third breaking into the manor itself. All of them were interspersed with the pelt of rain, as if someone had flicked a paint brush onto a gray canvas.
A wistful sigh bullied its way out of your throat.
“Go on.”
Your gaze flashed to Dark, who stared right at you. Surely, he didn’t mean what you thought he meant. If not for the water damage the old house would sustain, he definitely wouldn’t want to risk getting it all over his suit.
But he saw the way you looked outside. He wasn’t about to stop you from fulfilling a whim, especially after so long. Briefly, he wondered how many times you thought about the weather. Such an unimportant thing, a problem in some cases, but he knew you relished it.
So, Dark nodded again. “I don’t control what you do.”
Like firing a bullet from a gun, you were off, shoving back from the island, almost foregoing remembering to open the door, and slipping out on the stones. Immediately, you were drenched. Your clothes stuck to your skin and made everything flash in the light of the moon. You looked like something he would find in the pagan books Celine had. A nymph or fae. Given that he had eaten your food, he supposed he was never allowed to leave. What a poor, unfortunate, regretful fate for him.
Regardless of the dramatics, he didn’t think he was against that thought, as long as you stayed with him, of course. He imagined he could do anything at your side, and he would do anything to stay at your side. He wasn’t going to fool himself. He wouldn’t be able to handle losing you again. He had only just gotten you back; your return pulled him out of the pit of misery, and, were you to leave for good, he was sure he would fall again, further than he had before, than he had thought possible.
Dark dropped his head into his hands, elbows rested on the island.
He wished he had someone to ask. He usually kept his own council, both figuratively and literally, and reaching out was a skill he’d long since abandoned. It would be so much easier to find an answer to this feeling if he had someone else, who could explain why his breath quickened, his waves flickered, his smile widen like he had received the best news he could ever hope to hear. Nothing made sense, and yet everything did. The logic was thrown out of the window and replaced by emotions that he never relied on, but it felt right, and he didn’t know why, and nobody was telling him what to do or what was going on. A being that couldn’t feel was feeling. He had never made a plan for this kind of situation, leaving him high and dry. Benjamin was less social than he was at this point, he had seen how Wilford’s situation had turned out, and obviously you weren’t an option, because you were the person Dark loved!
Well, that certainly solved that dilemma.
There was really only one choice he could make here. 
Dark got up from his seat and made his way to the linen closet, where he pulled out the softest towel he could find. None had been used, so it didn’t take long to get back down to the kitchen with it in his hands. Slow and steady. He split his attention between walking forwards, keeping his aura in check, and the growing headache at the back of his mind. He knew exactly what that was, he was just electing to ignore it, despite that very specific third of him trying to veto his decision. Slow. And. Steady.
You, meanwhile, were trying not to trip on the wet cobblestone. The grooves and divots of the stone made perfect targets for your feet as you danced around. The rain was a great thing, wasn’t it? Droplets ricocheted off your clothes when you spun and slid down your skin when you stilled. Your impromptu performance was a mix of graceful twirls and jagged strikes of your body. Not a care in the world for the inevitable squish of the fabric when you stopped, you embraced the adrenaline and continued to go about your business until the patio door slid open in the corner of your eye.
The infectious smile you sported as you dashed to the cover where Dark now stood spread to him. You slid to a stop in front of him, dripping head to toe.
The towel he wrapped around your shoulders had you grinning even more.
“We don’t want you to catch a cold, now, do we?”
That little joke – which wasn’t really a joke – was the end of it, leaving you both to watch the rain fall. It lightened and strengthened at a gust of the wind. You leaned against a wooden support beam, face barely peaking below the edge of the cover, and Dark stood next to you with his arms behind his back.
“I don’t remember it raining before,” you muttered. In the weeks you’d spent with Mark, every day was blasted by sun.
“It has been quite a while.”
The silence enveloped you again. It was comfortable, knowing that you could move around without limit, that Dark was right next to you.
His quiet admittance broke the quiet. “I don’t think you’ve stopped smiling this entire night.”
“Why would I?” You shifted to look at him, softness breaching your eyes and his when they met. “Look,” you gestured to the gardens of the manor, “look at all of this.” You hand made contact with the wooden beam; one side was wet from the spray of rain. “And this, this, I can— look.”
Your other hand darted forward without your thinking and grabbed Dark’s before raising it between you, much like how you had done earlier. He briefly thought you might kiss it again, and you the same, but then you stopped and swallowed the words you had meant to say. Something about how it felt, surely, but then another train of thought came to mind.
“I didn’t think I was going to get the chance to do this, ever,” you whispered, “I thought that I was going to stay in the void, watching the world go on without me until somebody broke every mirror in the manor.” What a purgatory that would be. You hated that you could easily imagine it. “But I was wrong. I’ve never been happier, and you know how much I hate being wrong.”
You clasped your other hand around Dark’s remaining one. Earlier that day, when you had pledged to admit your feelings, you didn’t think it would be this difficult. You had been running on adrenaline and fumes. Now, your mind was catching up to you and made you fear the consequences if all of this went wrong.
But you could ignore it all for a moment longer. You had to, or you would never get this out.
“And if anybody was going to talk to me in those weeks,” you continued, a shake in your voice that you tried to breathe through, “I’m glad it was you. I don’t think I could take time-travelling talk or another insult to my outfit.”
Dark was still smiling, that was good. Nothing to stop you now. You had to take the plunge.
“And I meant to say this earlier, but—” no going back now, “—I love you.”
Dark froze. You felt him freeze. He stopped like you’d knocked the life out of him.
So, you rushed to speak, words flooding out of you to rival the onslaught of rain that battered the ground. 
“I understand if you don’t love me, or have any feelings for me, I just had to say it or else I’d lose my mind about it, and I did not like it when I was close before, so—” 
Your rambling stopped. Not only because you physically couldn’t speak, but because your fears were abandoned in a second. Even as Dark had stepped closer, even as his lips melded against yours, you were both smiling. His coldness and your warmth meshed together, like steam rising from dousing a fire, calming the initial thunder of your heart that made up for Dark’s lack. Despite that, you felt the waves of red and blue clash against your skin, absorbing at some points and bouncing at others. You sighed into the kiss as your hold on his hands severed, only to let you grip at his waist. It was significantly dryer than yours, half the reason why you felt the pressure of Dark’s hands at your jaw and cheek. The other half was so that he could lean further in without pushing into the rain. The touch grounded you in reality, as much as it the entire situation made you believe you were dreaming, and so you kept your position, although your lips parted.
Barely an inch from your, Dark whispered, “I reciprocate your feelings.” It took a moment for him to recognize the hoops he was jumping through, and he amended, “I love you, just the same, if not more.”
“I’ve seen this before; we’re not doing that.” The whole I-love-you-more-no-I-love-you-more was overplayed and tiresome. You were happy with your shared confession.
The inch was covered, and your lips met again, moving in tandem like waves breaking on a sandy beach. A rhythm took over as you stood at the back of the manor. Everything that had happened, stretching back to that century, seemed worth it. You were certain in that fact.
You separated again, not for the last time, for Dark to ask, “What are we doing, then?” “Well, as you keep saying, I have needs.”
The alarmed expression on Dark’s face was all the entertainment you needed, though, inwardly, he was certainly not opposed to any suggestions you might have had. He felt your breath on his lips as you reprimanded quietly, “I’m talking about sleeping, Dark.”
Your spark hadn’t been lost, that was for sure. He doubted that were possible. Your amused laughter chimed in his head, chasing out any possible worries about you, about himself, about the future you would share together.
One hand in his, you tugged him forward and captured him in another kiss, the rain returned to a comforting song in the background. 
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[And there we go! The final part to what was originally a single chapter! Thank you, everyone, for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the ride. Of course, this was meant to just be a fluffy chapter, but, this is me, so I had to put some angst in it, and that final joke was a literal flip of the coin of whether I should include it. Nevertheless, again, I hope you've enjoyed reading &lt;3 ]
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kingsofneon · 7 months
bra 👉👈 or corset or both
lolol this one's easy. if gold could burn random kink shit haha
Sabo breath whistles out of him as the last thread is pulled tight, chest compressed, and his hand flutters to the boning, trying to feel the normal rise and fall of his lungs. It's barely there, forcing him to take tiny inhales, the top of his chest the only part that has any movement.
"That's nice," Ace murmurs, and Sabo shifts with a whimper, rubbing his thighs together. To be complimented already? Fuck, how wonderful. Ace's broad hand touches his shoulder, pushing him to turn, and Sabo does as he's told on shaking legs, catching just a glimpse of Ace's smirk. He knows what's coming next, and his body is singing in anticipation, heart beating faster, but it's making him woozy too, the lack of air available giving him tunnel vision. Or maybe it's just the thought of getting Ace's pretty cock again; that's a definition of tunnel vision, wanting something with single-minded determination-
"Bed," Ace orders, and Sabo quickly scrambles for the edge, sitting like a good boy with his back straight and his legs spread. Not that he could slump, though. The boning keeps him poised and pretty. Ace almost purrs at how quickly Sabo obeys, and Sabo licks his lips, pushing his legs wider and trying to hold back tears. He hates waiting, but Ace likes taking his time, likes making Sabo beg and sob for it. The sight seems to delight him, and Sabo would do anything to delight him.
Ace pushes him down by a hand in the middle of his chest, and Sabo goes easily, breathing a slow sigh with his eyes closed when Ace follows after. "Please, Ace," he whispers, pressing his lips together as body heat sinks against his skin, Ace still not touching, but then there's fingers, pressing into him with little preamble, and Sabo moans.
"I don't want to wait," Ace says, nipping at his neck and the bite-mark scars he's scored into Sabo's skin. "You look too pretty, little whore. You knew I'd be desperate, seeing you dressed up, didn't you?"
"Nn-," Sabo tries, panting at the rough graze of Ace's touch, the too-fast movement of too-many fingers, but he's well-used to Ace being rough, and his body's craving the sweet fullness of Ace's cock. He hates being empty. "Y-yeah. Please-"
"It's your fault, isn't it, that I can't wait?"
"Yeah! Please, Ace, come on-" Sabo tries to arch up, panting, but Ace's hand just presses him down again and Sabo makes a muffled noise as what little air he's managed to keep gets shoved out of him. He whines, his vision swimming, and catches the flash of Ace's fangs.
"There's my good boy," Ace murmurs, and then Sabo's howling, full, full, full, blissful and short-circuiting. Ace doesn't stop till their hips are pressed flush, but the new resistance makes Sabo squirm, hiccups of panic escaping his lips. Ace's voice, however, is one low drawn-out moan, and Sabo squeezes his eyes shut at the sound, his cunt throbbing. "Oh Sabo," he says, decadent and willful, "you're so fucking tight."
It feels tight, too. Feels so much more, when Sabo had almost been getting used to Ace's beautiful cock. He feels shoved full. His guts are aching, little breaths all he can take, and then Ace's hands moves from his chest to his belly, hidden under the pulled-tight corset, and he pushes-
For a second, Sabo's sure he's had an orgasm. His body spasms, vision frizting like he's cum, but there's no dizzying soar of heat or Ace's subsequent follow-up. Fuck, he's so aware of it, bulge already placed under pressure, and then suddenly Ace is pulling back and Sabo finds himself sobbing, the sudden release of all that aching fullness enough to make him cry. "N-no-" he begs, trying to claw for Ace's shoulders, breaths now deeper but already envisioning how Ace is going to pound back in and deprive him of air, and he can't-
"It's like you're squeezing me," Ace says in his ear as he moves forward. Sabo's air is gone again, shoved from the few spaces Sabo's got left. "It's so good, Sabo. You're normally such a good fit, but this is just- perfect. You're so fucking tight I can barely fuck you."
He whines, the sound all he can manage. Deprivation slowly pushes him to the edge as Ace picks up the pace, and tears make his voice hiccup. Shit, it's so hard to catch his breath. So hard to feel anything but Ace's rough, forceful pace, the way Sabo's body won't bend to accommodate, laced tight into his corset. He aches, body protesting even as pleasure swamps his senses.
The noise he makes is pathetic; just a whistle of needy desperation, and Ace chuckles. "Can you feel me Sabo? You're like a toy. I could just pull these laces and feel you tighten up. Keep you all laced up like a doll."
If Sabo's limbs weren't so weak he's sure he would squirm at the words, heat in his stomach and in his eyes and on his face. As it is he just jerks, twitching uselessly as his cunt throbs. "'ce," he says breathlessly, the name slipping out on the little air he has, and then Ace presses them close together, grinding into his cunt and pulling the threads of Sabo's corset tighter, tighter, tighter-
Sabo's sight turns grey, turns black, swimming, tingling in his fingertips, and then Ace's warmth fills him and he has a moment to take a better breath, colours flooding into his sight again. His whole body is singing in pleasure, but muted, and so delightful to know Ace has used him so well, with no care to his own comfort. What a good toy he was, dressed as Ace's doll-
Ace rolls him over before he pulls out, Sabo's weak limbs barely able to push his face out of the pillows, and he whimpers. Then, Ace's hands are braced against his back, looped in the last few inches of thread, and he pulls. Cum squirts out of him, sticky and hot on his inner thigh, and Sabo buries his face in the blankets with a wrecked sob, feeling Ace's pull slowly force cum from his guts. His hips and spine are aching.
Ace finally ties it, demonic strength pulling it so much tighter, but Sabo's cunt starts to throb again at the reminder of Ace's power, so he barely notices that he can't breathe.
"Keep that on, will you?" Ace asks, running a hand down Sabo's spine in a slow petting motion as he pulls out. "You look good. And," Sabo can hear the smirk, even if he can't see it, "you feel even better, whore."
"Ace," Sabo wheezes, and hears the answering hum, "p-please, I can't-"
"Can't wear it?" Ace asks, a hint of displeasure entering his tone, but Sabo shakes his head, trying to cant his hips up.
"Nn- p-please- empty? I want-"
"Oh," Ace says, delighted, and Sabo hears him move away quietly. He can't think, drifting on a haze of exhaustion and oxygen deprivation, so the moan that comes out of him when Ace comes back with a toy is all instinct. Slowly, Ace fills him up again, inch after inch of Sabo's biggest toy pressing into his pussy, fighting against the corset lacing. Normally it isn't enough to sate him, not big enough to mimic the feel of Ace inside him, but right now he's so tight that it brings him a sweet comfort, feeling like Ace's cock, buried deep and sweetly aching. Sabo's limbs spasm again, eyes fluttering closed as it finally pops into him, Ace patting his side in congratulations of a job well done. "So pretty," he says, and Sabo drifts off, content in the feeling of fullness, and cum dripping out of his cunt, and barely holding onto conciousness.
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
Will Halstead- Role Play
This was requested by @zaidatorcuatomorgado
I hope I understood the assignment as there is a slight language barrier but I hope you enjoy.
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I’ve been training to be a doctor for the last year now and I’ve got an exam coming up. The only problem is I learn better on the job, not looking at textbooks. Thankfully my boyfriend Will has been helping me out. Right now I’m lying in bed while Will has his stethoscope around his neck
“Ok you have a patient come in complaining about pain all over there body, yellowing of the eyes and skin they also have frequent infections. What would your first thought be?”
“Well the yellowing of the skin can be liver cancer, but with the pain and infections I would be leaving to sickle cell anaemia”
“And how would you test for that?”
“I would do a blood test and a genetic test”
“Well done. Ok next let’s take your blood pressure” Will puts the cuff around my arm and turns the machine on “what’s the top number called?”
“Systolic number and the bottom is the diastolic number”
“Good. So your systolic number is 113 and your diastolic number is 72. Are you low, ideal, pre high or high?”
“Ok if your low, what can you do to help?”
“Get up slowly. Eat small meals but more frequently and drink more water”
“Your gonna pass this exam with flying colours” Will says helping me sit up “let’s get some food and we can continue to practice. You can even practice on me” Will wiggles his eyebrows
“I do like a man in a white coat”
“Oh really” he wraps his arms around my waist while I wrap my arms around his neck “maybe then I should wear my coat before bed”
“You telling me you have a doctor patient kink?” I say making Will laugh shaking his head
“I have a you kink”
“Eww” we both laugh heading to the kitchen and getting some lunch.
After lunch Will asks me if there’s anything I need help with
“I do need help with 1 thing in particular”
“What’s that?”
“Doing auscultations. I know what I need to look out for but the actual sounds confuse me”
“Ok well that’s something I can help with. Take off your shirt”
“Not the first time I’ve heard you say that” I laugh
“Won’t be the last. But come on if you want my help” I take my shirt off and Will places the stethoscope in my ears “ok ready?”
“Yeah” first I listen to my heart and describe what I can hear. Will then listens
“Your hearts racing”
“Always is when I’m with you” I then I listen to my lungs. Then he moves the diaphragm to my back making me shiver a little at how cold it is. I listen as I take in a deep breath. This goes on for the rest of the evening, Will helping me through more things my exam may cover.
The following day when Will gets home from work he notices my ankle looks swollen
“Hey go sit down for a minute”
“No it’s ok don’t worry”
“YN go and sit”
“Fine” I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch and sit down. He grabs a cushion and placed it on the coffee table then gently placed my foot on to the cushion
“What happened?”
“Must have gone over it or something. It doesn’t hurt”
“Will hurt tomorrow most likely. Let me get you some ice” Will walks over to the kitchen and takes out an ice pack and brings it over to me and places it on my ankle
“You need to be more careful”
“I know I know. Can you help me again later with my exam”
“Of course. Just rest up for now and I’ll get you something to eat”
“Thank you. I love you Will”
“I love you too”
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dustyoo10 · 3 months
Very tired and I can't sleep, this thought is stuck in my head and normally I just bottle it up and let it fester but I have an outlet now where I can talk about these sort of things, so might as well. Hopefully it'll help me sleep.
Warning for discussions about death and some pretty serious stuff:
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In 2022 I lost my cat Bailey. This was easily the most painful time in my life, and it was my first real experience with loss. I had lost relatives before, pets too, but never like this. It was about 2 months of excruciating pain and anxiety.
We would let her out and she would usually hang in the backyard or front yard. She loved to sunbathe. Part of me blames my dad for her death but I feel any one of us could have made this mistake, I still struggle with it. I should have looked, too. He didn't check to see if she was inside when he set out her dinner. She was stuck out there all night during a heatwave.
When I woke up in the morning and noticed she wasn't inside, I tried to see if she was outside, I found her at the side of the house on the hot concrete, barely awake. She was struggling to breathe and her skin was loose and saggy. I picked her up and brought her inside and told my dad something was wrong with her. He insisted she was fine and that her raspy breathing was actually "purring". She could hardly move. I woke my mom and told her what was happening, and I had to convince her to take her to the emergency vet. It felt like no one saw she was dying except me.
After a checkup and some shots she appeared to be doing better, I believe they said it was dehydration. I had stayed up all night and I stayed up even longer watching her. That's what hurts the most. I was awake during the night when she was out there on her own.
Regardless, this marked a complete turn in her health. She was in good shape for 14, but that drastically fell after that day. I didn't go to our family reunion so that I could watch after her. Honestly, I don't know how my family was fine with her being alone for several days whilst dying. Even if I didn't care for her as much as I did, I wouldn't leave anyone like that.
I struggled to get her to eat anything other than sips of tuna water, and it seemed like she never slept. She couldn't, she was too weak. I couldn't sleep either. I've always had bad insomnia, but this was much worse.
A few weeks later I convinced my mom to take her to the vets again. I was adamant that if we just took her to the vets they could fix her, even though a part of me deep down knew that wasn't true. The morning we were supposed to go I was in the restroom when I noticed that I didn't feel anything in my chest. my heart wasn't beating. I had a vasovagal response, it's when your blood pressure drops rapidly due to immense anxiety, which had never happened to me before. It was a good minute before I nearly collapsed downstairs. I was pale and struggling to breathe while my mom was trying to help me recover.
The vet ended up being closed that day, and we only learned whilst we were in the car with Bailey, who was extremely distressed. I think it was a good thing. If they were open it would've served no more than to prolong the inevitable and to keep her suffering. There was no fix for this. I believe she had air in her lungs, from the post-mortem scan. Some sort of cancer or disease she had from being a barn kitten. So there really was nothing we could do. Well, there was something I could do.
When we got back home I sat and thought, and I decided to take initiative for once rather than waiting for something to happen, or hoping some miracle would fall down from the sky. I went to my mom and told her she needed to be euthanized while tearing up. My mom didn't say it, but she already knew this. She went along with my idea that something could help her so as to not upset me. At the vet she'd either have been euthanized there, or told that she doesn't have long regardless.
She called a mobile vet so that she could be put to sleep her at home. We brought her out to the deck for the last time, and I sat with her, constantly wiping snot from my nose, and trying my best to enjoy that last moment with her. At this point she was falling apart, she could hardly keep herself concious.
The vet came and put her to sleep. When the syringe went it she bit down on my hand, leaving a mark that's still there. Then her eyes just sort of glazed and she began to drift. She couldn't get the euthanasia needle into the right spot in our house, so she took Bailey to her RV and did it there. She let us come see her one last time and I regret that. I put my ear on her chest and felt nothing, so I left really quickly after that. My mom came over to me while Bailey was leaving our driveway to be cremated and hugged me, and I started sobbing while she held me.
I went inside, got in the shower, curled up and started crying harder than I ever had in my life. I wasn't good enough to her, there was a lot of things i didn't do right, and that was the first day in my 19 years of life that it truly dawned on me that people will die. You don't get an infinite amount of time to make up for your mistakes, and you don't get infinite time with them.
In a way it was both sad and relieving. She was in pain for so long. Now she could finally sleep, and so could I. I no longer had to worry about waking up and finding her dead, or laying in bed restless because I didn't want to leave her alone. She died on September 6th, 2022.
Over a month later, I got B.B. after much convincing from my mom. Bailey was originally my sister's cat, but my mom ended up taking responsibilities for her since my sister was only 14, although i had to convince her that I was older and more responsible. I had lived the majority of my life with a cat, and a part of it was just empty without her. B.B. wasn't meant to fill that hole in my heart that Bailey left, but to give me something else to love, and this time I would do everything right.
Apologies for anyone who didn't want to read something like this.
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the-lights-are-loud · 2 months
Betraying Me
I've been told many things.
"It's just a short drive. You'll be fine."
"They'll understand, you have a good reason."
"It looks like it is gonna be a rush today."
"Have you applied to those scholarships yet?"
"Look at all these letters from colleges!"
I know it's happening,
I know I'm being irrational.
But I feel
my heart
Like a pinprick of fire through my chest.
My lungs filled with lava.
"Next up for presentations."
My stomach is in knots and full of butterflies and jumping off cliffs and splat landings. 
My throat feels full of thick cotton, muffling every attempt at life. 
I can’t breathe
Or swallow.
My jaw, wrought and wrapped in iron, 
And the headaches it brings.
My shoulders are as hard as the boulder on my back.
My brain screams into the dark,
Every scenario runs through my brain at Mach 10.
“Is something wrong? Are you okay?”
I know that I don’t have to worry, but I do. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t worry. I need to know every detail, to have it repeated to me. 
Over and over 
and over and 
over and over. 
Nothing can be a surprise. Surprises are a bad ending, a mistake, a miscalculation. I can’t plan for them. Without a plan, I’m lost. What if I can’t fix the problems around me? What if something really happens and I can’t do anything about it?
My backpack is so heavy, filled with unused defenses. A giant box in my car, unused emergencies. An overflowing mind of unused plans. 
“Why are you so freaked out?”
I have to ask, 
over and over 
and over and 
over and over. 
Do you really love me? Or are you lying just to spare my feelings? Is the care you show me a facade? Am I just a pile of emotions that you have to take care of?
This sense of impending doom, it never leaves. Every approaching milestone, every idea that I can do better, locked behind that growing dark cloud.
“If caffeine makes it worse, why do you drink it?”
Am I addicted to this painful rush, an adrenaline-fueled spark that lights my heart on fire? I don’t want to feel this way, but it’s all I have ever known. Does it help to know that this pressure expands in the same way that it might shrink?
Do you know that my rushing heartbeat makes me panic? Each thudding, thundering pulse is a reminder that I can’t calm down, no matter how much I try. Every time I cry in bed because I can’t sleep each rushing possibility collides in my mind like a lightning bolt, striking the vulnerability in me.
“Stay away from what bothers you.”
When the world is the issue, how can I escape? When everything and nothing drives you to the brink of insanity, would you feel hopeless too? When it’s inescapable, and the world relies on you to function normally, would you not worry?
Am I annoying? Do you get sick of my worries? Do you know I’m just as sick of this hassle that is the attempt to reassure me
my heart, 
my racing beat, 
my mind, 
my crowded thoughts. 
I’ve done these things before. They aren’t strange or new, 
but I still overthink. 
Something always goes wrong. 
Why can’t I get a break from my own prison? 
Why can’t this ache fade?
I hate it.
I feel like I hate myself.
This anxious cry 
of my brain 
betraying me.
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shiftingparadise · 2 years
I absolutely adore your levi x novle reader!!! Would it be okay to ask for another part where reader is pregnant with baby n 2 and Nowa is scared that they won't love him the same? Don't feel pressured! 💗
Aaah, thank you so much :3 I really hope you like this one too 🤍✨
Hope you guys have had a great day and that life's treating everyone well. Enjoy reading!
Word Count: 1664
‘I don’t want a little sister or brother!’, ‘Nowa-‘. 
You hated this, to see him upset like this. It wasn’t what you expected, nor did Levi, but this wasn’t planned. You… getting pregnant again. You were just as shocked as Nowa when you found out. 
‘No, I don’t want to be a brother. I barely spend time with you, you won’t even bother to look at me anymore’. 
Tears were streaming down his cheeks, his sad eyes fixed on Levi. 
‘You know I try to spend as much time as possible with you and your mom’, Levi slowly put down his fork, his appetite was gone anyway. ‘It’s not enough!’. ‘Nowa’, you widened your eyes when he pushed his chair back. A tantrum of a 12-year-old was something you’d rather avoid. ‘Don’t start to defend him! It’s like we don’t exist!’. 
If it was possible, you would’ve heard Levi’s heart break into pieces. It was written all over his face. The way his crescent-shaped eyes were hanging low, his hands balled into fists… This wasn’t fair. He did his best, he tried to be there for Nowa, as much as possible. He would give it all up in a second if the Corps didn’t need him so badly. 
‘Enough Nowa. I can’t believe you're being this selfish. Your father and I have done everything we could to raise you right, to give you a good life. Why do you think your father works so much? He wants you to grow up in a world without war’. 
Your whole body was shaking. This was the first time you got angry with him. You never raised your voice, you never punished him for something, but you’ve had enough. 
Levi didn’t respond, seeing you like this was something new to him. You ignored the surprised look in his eyes, waiting patiently for Nowa to respond. 
He didn’t, however. He just looked at you with a betrayed look in his eyes before storming off. 
‘N-nowa wait!’, you quickly stood up, wanting to follow him. ‘Let’s give him some space’, Levi’s soft hand wrapped around your wrist, holding you back, ‘He’ll come around. Sit down, you can’t get worked up over something like this’. ‘Like this? You don’t think it’s important for him to be excited?’. ‘What did you expect?’, Levi slowly stood up, a tired look in his eyes, ‘He’ll come around, don’t worry. I’m going to my offi-‘. 
Not again. You wouldn’t let this happen again. 
‘The last thing I need right now is for my husband to distance himself again’, you smiled before wrapping your arms around his waist, nestling your head against his chest, ‘Nowa is just scared, don’t let it get to you’. ‘It seems like he’s always angry with me’, Levi let his cheek rest on the top of your head, his arm tightly wrapped around you. ‘He’s just scared, that’s all… I’m scared too’. ‘Scared? What for?’, Levi immediately pushed you away from him, concerning eyes gliding to your stomach, ‘I’ll protect us, I won’t let anyone touch yo-��. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, leaving Levi confused. 
‘What? Why are you laughing like that?’, an annoyed sigh left his lungs. ‘You’re so cute when you’re being protective’. ‘Tch’, he rolled his eyes, not bothering to answer you, ‘I’m going to Hange, let me know if you need anything’. 
‘He still doesn’t talk to me’, a lump in your throat. It’s been days since your little outburst, but Nowa didn’t even look at you, no matter what you said. ‘So that’s why he came to my office today’, a soft smile on Levi’s face, ‘He normally hates it there, but today he was fairly talkative’. ‘See?’, you closed the book that was resting on your lap, ‘He hates me!’. ‘He’s just as stubborn as you are, it’ll pass, and then you can be the favorite parent again’. 
Levi softly wiped the tears from your cheeks before placing a swift kiss on the tip of your nose. 
‘Let me enjoy this for as long as it lasts’. ‘Stop smirking like that!’, you playfully pushed him away, ‘She’ll probably cling onto you like a little monkey’. You placed your hand on your stomach, ‘Girls always like their dad more than their mom. She’ll probably idolize you or something’. 
‘S-she?’, Levi’s eyes went round in surprise, his lips slightly parted. 
‘Hm, I’m almost certain we’re having a little girl’. 
Levi hoped with all his heart that it would be a girl. He loved Nowa, but something deep down inside him always wanted a daughter. He always imagined how amazing it would be to have a little you run around. She’d probably have your big and curious eyes; she would carry the same kindness in her heart as you … 
‘I can’t wait to see Nowa hold her. If he’s anything like me, he’ll be far too protective over his little sister’, Levi chuckled, gently placing his hand on your stomach.
‘Where’s your mom?’, Levi frowned at Nowa, who was eagerly flipping through the pages of his book. ‘Hange told me they were going to the market’. ‘Want to surprise her today?’, Levi slowly stood up from his desk, studying the expression on Nowa’s face. ‘No’, Nowa frowned, his lips pressed together. 
Ah. Levi knew that expression like the back of his hand. Too stubborn. He was just too stubborn to back down. 
‘She misses you, you know that, right?’. ‘She was the one who yelled at me’. ‘Because you’, Levi paused to stroke through his son’s hair, ‘Were acting like a brat.  Besides, you need a haircut’. 
‘S-sorry for yelling at you. I guess I can spend some more time with you in your office’. 
Just like her. He’s just like her. The way he can’t look me in the eyes, the way his arms are folded, his little nose slightly wrinkled… 
‘Come on, let’s get your mom some flowers’, Levi signaled Nowa to follow him, ‘We’ll talk about it along the way’.
‘Levi, have you seen Nowa? He isn’t with the cadets’, you sighed while hanging your wet coat on the wall, not bothering to look across the room. ‘I’m soaked. I didn’t expect it to rain so much today’. 
Levi took a sip from his tea, a content smile on his face, ‘Go on, show your mom what you got’. 
‘H-huh?’, you widened your eyes when you saw Nowa walking towards you. ‘Sorry I behaved like a brat’, a stubborn expression on your son’s face, ‘I got you these’. 
Nowa reluctantly held out the flowers he got you, his head turned towards the wall next to him. 
‘A brat?’, you smiled while looking at Levi who shrugged his shoulders in response, a smug look on his face while he sipped from his tea. ‘Asked your dad to help with your apology?’. 
‘Come here’, you opened your arms, waiting for the familiar feeling of his embrace. ‘I was never mad at you, Nowa. I was hurt, but that doesn’t justify the fact that I yelled at you. I’m sorry’. 
Nowa didn’t respond, but the way he nestled his head against your stomach, his hands tugging at the back of your shirt… You knew he wasn’t mad anymore. 
‘I-I just don't want you to love me any less when the baby is born’. You frowned when you heard him sob against you. ‘Oh Nowa’, you frowned while looking at Levi, hoping he was going to say something to calm him down. 
Naturally, you couldn’t count on your husband. Feelings weren’t exactly his forte. So, he just sipped some more from his tea while pretending to read his newspaper.
‘We’re not going to love you any less, are you crazy?’, you gently stroked the back of his head, ‘We’ll still read together, your dad will still take you to his garden… Nothing’s going to change, except that over time, someone else will be joining us’. ‘Promise?’. ‘Promise’, you smiled while holding him tighter, ‘No one’s going to take your place, Nowa’. 
‘Want to hold her?’, you looked at your son who seemed too stunned to speak or move, his eyes fixed on Levi. ‘Hm’, he nodded with wide eyes. ‘Careful, okay?’, you whispered when Levi handed her to him. 
Levi would lie if he said he didn’t have to hold back tears when he saw her in his Nowa’s arms. The way his son softened his eyes once he held his little sister, the way he held out his finger for her to grab… He thought his life was complete when Nowa was born, but he was wrong. This. This was it. His son holding his sister as if it is the most important thing in the world. He knew Nowa would protect her, no matter what, he could see it in his eyes. No matter how scared he was that he needed to share his parents' love, no matter how much he vowed to hate his sibling … All that fear and anger disappeared when he held her, Levi could see it in his son’s eyes. 
‘So tiny’, Nowa whispered, ‘S-she looks like you, Mama’. ‘Told you’, Levi smiled while sitting down on the bed next to you. ‘My looks, but your character’, you stared at the ceiling, ‘She barely sleeps, just like you’. 
Levi chuckled at your remark. It was true, Nowa never had any difficulties with sleeping. He slept through everything, like you… But she was something else. Ever since she was born, she barely slept. Often driving the two of you crazy. 
‘H-huh?’, Nowa widened his eyes when his little sister started to cry, ‘H-here Mama’. 
Nowa slowly stood up, wanting to give her to you. 
‘Don’t bother’, you sighed, ‘Give her to your dad. He’s the only one that can stop her from crying’. ‘Just like you…’, Levi gently took her away from Nowa, ‘Only stopped crying when your mom held you’. 
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hiswordsarekisses · 7 months
My Aunt posted this and it’s really good! I hope I remember this if I ever need it! I know when I have had problems with a racing heart (I wake up from dreams with it out of control sometimes!) I have learned that if I bear down a few times (for a good bit of time each time) it helps, so I can imagine how this coughing thing would help a heart attack!!!!!
“Have you thought about ❤️
❤️If I’m alone and have a heart attack. What am I gonna do then?
One rarely good post that can't be shared too often:
1. Pause for 2 minutes and read this:
Let's say that it's 5:25 pm and you're on your way home after an unusually hard work day.
2. You are really tired and irritated.
All of a sudden you start to experience pain in the chest, which begins to radiate into the arm and pain in the jaws, a knife in the chest and into the heart. You're just a few kilometers from the nearest hospital or home.
3. 3. Unfortunately, you don't know if you'll make it.. .
4. Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person who took the class didn't tell you how to do it on yourself.
5. How to survive a heart attack when you're alone, because many are alone when they have heart attack and are helpless. A person who starts feeling weak and her heart beats hard has only about 10 seconds before he/she loses consciousness.
6. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Take a deep breath for each cough, and it has to be deep and lingering, like coughing mucus from the bottom of the pelvis. You have to repeat breathing and coughing every second until you get to the hospital or until the heart starts to beat normally.
7. Deep breathing makes it possible to get oxygen into the lungs, and the coughing movements strengthen the heart and blood circulation. The pressure on the heart also helps in regaining a normal heartbeat. This way, victims of heart attack can come to the hospital to receive proper care.
8. Let's say that many others are interested in this topic. You can save your own life!!
9. Cardiologists say that if anyone who receives this message will send it to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
10. Instead of posting jokes, please help save lives by copying this message.
❤️ COPY (hold your finger, on the text, and select copy, go to your own page and where you normally want to type, put finger again, and paste ❤️ YOU ❤️ MAKE ❤️ THE ❤️ DIFFERENCE 🙏❤
if this helps save one life it's worth the repost.”
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lab-rats-obsession · 2 years
What are some of the drawbacks of the bionics in your "half a human" au? (if you haven't already answered that.) always love a good bit of angst >:3
Ohohoho-ho, good question! The show doesn't really show us any medical problems the kids might have due to bionics which is a pity, it would make for a good episode(s).
But this question is about my AU, where I can make things better (or worse), so (btw most of these stem from canon even if none of them was ever mentioned in the show)-
Adam has dry eyes and has to always have some eye drops on himself. This is the result of his laser vision and sometimes when he overdoes it he also gets a headache. Growing up was a hell on him, it just hurt everywhere, he had it much worse than his siblings in this regard since his bionics (and Bree's too to an extent) directly affect his muscles and bones. He has to exercise often to keep his muscle mass constant.
Bree has a very sensitive skin. Growing up also wasn't easy on her, but at least it was just legs. Her knees would hurt almost constantly and she would get horrible cramps in her legs way too often, still gets them sometimes. Her heart beats so quickly Mr. Davenport had to make a special digital blood pressure monitor (as english is not my language I don't know how is it called in english so I googled it, if this isn't the correct name I'm sorry) just for her. She has to do a lot of breathing exercises because her lungs work differently from normal human. (I'm actually so angry they gave Adam the, idk how its called, super breathing, because it would make so much more sense to give it to her, but no let's not give Bree any cool power- anyway we are getting off the topic)Her throat also hurts when she talks in a different voice for too long and sometimes she even loses her voice.
Chase - suffers from sensory overloads and migrenes. He probably has it the best out of the three of them, but it still isn't great. He is extremly light (he's underweight) despite eating as much as his siblings (Mr. Davenport stoped worrying about it years ago), but it means it's very easy to throw him into the air or at villains. He hates how often his siblings (and later the elite force) use this fact to their advantage. Some medical equipment doesn't work on him (MRI).
Leo - he got his bionics late which means he avoided most of the bad stuff. However, he still gets cramps in his arm (and later his leg). He also feels really cold after he throws that ball of light out of his hand (I forgot how it's called).
Most of the students at the bionic academy have been given bionics as babies, but they weren't design for it so they had to go through several surgeries to make using bionics more comfortable for them.
All of them aren't able to go through a metal detector without triggering it. Electricity is a huge weakness for them because it really messes with their bionics, so they try to aviod it as much as they can. Parts of their body are metal (at least the chip ports) and as we all know metal doesn't grow, but babies do. It hurt a lot.
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