#it's far past 999 now
taurusreads · 10 months
what do they want you to know?
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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messages from spirit, a significant other,
passed loved one, etc.
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pile one
overall energy: king of swords
im sending masculine energy straight off the bat here. that doesn’t mean that the person is male per say, just that they give off more masculine energy than feminine. i think this could be someone that you used to talk to, and are possibly talking to again, or someone that you’ve just been having more contact with as of late. this person could have heavy air placements.
i think that there could have been a falling out at some point, and the blame is more so coming from their part. they feel guilty, and want you to let them back into your life. i think they could want a second chance if they get close enough, whether this be platonic or romantic. i think at some point during your separation you had a leveling up, and they definitely noticed that.
i think this is more of a message to say call back your power. if there was a choice that your gut has been forcing you to make, or an idea that won’t leave your head, then go for it. trust the voice in the back of your head when it tells you something. the only opinion about you that should be important to you is your own. the only person who you should need to be happy for you and routing for you is yourself. your own thoughts and opinions will make you feel more than anything anyone else says.
channeled messages: purple, black, self help, self sabotage, relationships, 555, masculine, karmic, meditate, reading, educate, progress, air signs, air placements, family, reliance, love, hugs,
pile two
overall energy: the tower
i think that you might have just come out of a hard period of your life. whether that be coming of age, heartbreak, grieving, etc. you’ve been through it for a while now, but you’ve finally come out of the worst end of it. i feel light, like a weight was taken off of my shoulders finally.
i think you should take some time to take care of yourself right now. stay in this unbothered phase for as long as you can. take note of how you feel, how your body feels, your emotions, etc. how do you feel day to day when you feel this good? enjoy it because i feel like there was a period when you wanted something so bad that you couldn’t let go of it. not being able to let go is going to be your worst enemy. the outcome you want will come so long as you affirm it. if you believe it will happen, then it will happen. don’t cry over spilled milk, there’s better things in store. step into you masculine energy. we all have it in us, there should be an equal amount of masculine and feminine. you have to balance out yours now. you may have gotten what you wanted, but thankfully, the work doesn’t stop here. start figuring out what it is you want out of life next.
you’re starting to take the time to figure out what it is that you want out of life exactly. you’re leveling up in a new way because you’re starting to learn what it is that life means to you. this beautiful energy needs to be accompanied by hard work though. it’s time to put in the extra work to get the things you really want.
channeled messages: yellow, release, 999, “leave the past in the past and start anew”, empath, meditation, manifestations, “you ask and you shall receive”, friends, self love
pile three
overall energy: the hierophant
i think you’re a very patient person. your someone who values their work and education heavily, you may even be interested in teaching as a profession. i feel like you’ve been in a beautiful time of your life for a while now, and you’re happier than you’ve ever been. there’s a certain relationship that could use some work possibly, as far as communication goes. im getting masculine energy from this but of course, that does not mean they are a male.
i think you’re protective over your energy in a very healthy way. it’s very hard to get into your inner circle but that’s because your energy is so special that you can’t afford to give it away that easily. i think someone around you really admires that. they love the way that you can stay unbothered and keep pushing forward towards your goals. you just seem to keep going up up up and they’re soooo proud of you. i honestly think you’re a little surprised by yourself as well. but soak in this feeling. enjoy the fruits of your labor. treat yourself, have fun. you DESERVE IT.
you don’t have to be so humble. you did something that many aspire to do, and many don’t have the courage to. you faced your demons and used the newfound strength to build yourself up into a new person. you didn’t change who you were, you just became assured in who you were. but i’ve never said that it was wrong to be a little vain sometimes. we all get to have our moments, you included. it doesn’t make you mean, it doesn’t make you stuck up, it just makes you confident. now im not saying flaunt it all the time, but do things out of the ordinary that are tailored to YOU and what YOU need. have a whole day dedicated to the things you want to do and how you want to take care of yourself. you deserve to enjoy the rewards you reaped from working so hard.
>>:((((( SPOIL YOURSELF!!!!!
channeled messages: green, 111, princess, lighting, mother yourself, follow your heart, you’ve made it, believe it, spoiled, im seeing the pinterest core with the sparkly dresses and designer handbags but it’s blurry and shit, solo dates, find inspiration, we’re all routing for you :(
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! Im new to the tarot community here on Tumblr and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation!
The Reading of the Day is: Encouraging Words from Your Higher Self ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through angel #'s that are right below this text! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile if you feel called too!
✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like right now🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- 999/10's
PILE 2- 555/666
PILE 3- 333/222
PILE 4- 777/888
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING THESE TYPES OF READINGS:
depending on how the reader chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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You're closing out cycles LEFT and RIGHT! Which is causing you to see, feel, think, etc SOOO much more differently and with expanded perspectives and more emotional depths than you ever had before. This is a good thing....yet its also bittersweet, sad, and happening SO FAST! Almost causing this faint sense of whiplash. This is good....this means you're growing and that may be scary-- BUT DONT GET STUBBORN AND STAY STAGNANT! LEAVE THAT COMFORT ZONE AND START TRULY LIVING, BREATHING, AND GETTING EXCITED ABOUT LIFE AGAIN!
Find time for self reflection, self care, and self celebration to better hold on during this wild time in your life while you figure things out for yourself, balance out your priorities, and while you ALSO have some FUN!!
Hold yourself accountable for your mistakes, missteps, and anything that held you back in the past so you have a solid list of what to keep OUT of your life and what to DO differently in your life to keep feeling great and going after what you desire WITHOUT feeling held back by things or people!
Set aside time for paying attention to your body, mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions, ANYTHING you feel YOU NEED to be paying attention too, to feel better about yourself and your choices. DO NOT FORGET TO CELEBRATE HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME AND HOW BRILLIANT YOU ARE AND TREAT YOURSELF TO PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS THAT UPLIFT YOUR SPIRIT AND ENERGY!!
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Right off the bat your higher self is STRAIGHT-FORWARD as he|| :
It seems you recently suffered a set back, either of the emotional or financial kind and its messing with your flow and your head....and your confidence in yourself.
And that's okay....the clear message here is to change the way you view your situation, have compassion for yourself, and make sure you're being aware of other people's struggles too! It's not just you going through a tough situation!!
You're not alone pile2, you can get yourself warm and optimistic again! But you will have to make a plan first! Whether this was a financial, emotional, or etc-- kind of setback, you have to move on from this situation soon so you are able to see the light again! Dont stay stuck because of stubbornness, greed, or lack of awareness!
You have the ability to see what will help you gain more abundance.....you just have to be honest and truthful with yourself about what behaviors, people, patterns, habits, situations, routines, etc NEED TO STAY or NEED TO GO!!
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This is my pile of gentle giants, gentle hearts, gentle creatures.....just gentleness and kindness😭 ( im crying channeling & being in your energy because its so warm and inviting, thank you pile 3 for allowing me to be in this energy for a bit)
With all that being said pile 3, 😭😭😭 yall really need to protect your precious energy more. There might be things ( or people...👀 ) that are draining your energy and you dont even recognize it because you're so used to giving away your kindness and compassion to people, you dont even see or feel yourself being drained.
Its time to take a step back and give to yourself for a moment while also celebrating what YOU do bring to this world and how your lifes energy has the capability and capacity to heal others ( and it already has before🥺 ).
Look i dont know you guys at all, and i KNOW the correct people will see this, but all i can say is : Y'all are abundant with opportunities, self-awareness, goodness, light energy, positivity, luck, personal drive, compassion, kindness, love, confidence, warmth, gentleness, passion, determination, strength, E T C --
so please sit with yourself and integrate these inner qualities/skills into your personal belief system(s) so you NEVER forget who you are and no one can EVER shake you to your core;
Really take a look and make a list of people, places, things, etc that dont match up with the future plans you have for yourself! Friends and Family INCLUDED!!!!
Your Personal Belief System(s) is a trusted source of stability, confidence, and safe space for yourself to go back to when you are feeling low about your life or self esteem because YOOOU made it that way...so make sure you cultivate it to be a gentle, nurturing, and uplifting so you can handle the negativity in your brain and in the outside world around you.
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This my pile of bad@&&'s, dreamers, lovers, lil weirdoooos(mean that so lovingly and endearingly), and creative peeps alike♡
Hiiii, helllooooo, y'all's energy speaks to me so vividly and dream like.....even though i feel and see the heartache, past indiscretions, inner turmoil + feelings of loneliness, missteps, dreadful childhoods, ETC-
y'all still are choosing to keep going and keep pursuing your dreams/goals! And for that i commend, honor, and find you so admirable and inspiring pile 4.
you're doing such a great job keeping yourself up and on the path you see for yourself. Moderation is the name of your game and you're teaching yourself patience and discipline to FULLY grasp and integrate the concept of Temperance inside yourself.
and thats bad@&& ASF !!!! Your pile was staright forward and short, and i love that because that means you have solid plans, and ideas to go after what you want......the only thing holding you back is.....
so.....just start!! dont be fearful of your own success and dont doubtful of yourself and abilities!!!
you got this pile 4!! I believe in you♡
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me to keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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calware · 1 year
how did you get the little hal gif there on your tumblr website? ive never really messed with css or html or whatever its called lol
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1. download the desired image
2. go to imgbb.com (or really any image hosting website)
3. upload the image
4. right click and hit "open image in new tab"
5. copy the following text:
<img src= "
6. go into tumblr and click Edit Appearance under your blog
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edit: the Edit Appearance section is now called Blog Settings
7. scroll down to the Custom Theme section. make sure you have it enabled and then click on the Edit theme button
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8. click Edit HTML
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9. find the line that says </head>
10. start a new line and paste the text you copied
11. go back to the last tab you opened of your image (from step 4)
12. right click the image and click "copy image address"
13. go back to the HTML editor and paste the url onto the line you're working on
14. paste this text:
" height="100" style="position:fixed;bottom:200px;right:200px;z-index:999"/>
you will probably want to change the numbers for height, bottom, and right. the height value is how big the image is. the bottom value is how low the image is on the screen. the right value is how far right the image is on the screen. keep in mind that different screens have different resolutions and proportions so it will look different on everyone's computer. play with the values until you like how it looks
it should look something like this:
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(ignore the line that starts with <!-- in the screenshot. that's just a label i made)
hopefully that works! feel free to ask any other questions if i forgot to cover something or if it isn't working out
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pochapal · 2 months
Hi! Umineko Question!
What do you think Epsiode 2 of Umineko will be about?
i think since it's looking like episode 1 is due to end on the witch's revival that episode 2 will not be a direct continuation of the mysteries we've been dealing with thus far. my thoughts on this depend on whether or not we're going to keep directly following battler/the ushiromiyas after this episode. given the amount of unresolved threads and the amount of knowledge held in the people still alive, i'm inclined to think that we're not going to be done with rokkenjima that easily - as of right now there are basically no leads on how to solve the epitaph and since that thing seems pretty idiosyncratic to kinzo/his family i don't necessarily know we'll be able to make headway with that through different people and a different place. like we still need seven more episodes of murder mysteries to go through and even if they take place on rokkenjima again i don't see how it could compellingly tie to the history of the island and the ushiromiyas built up through episode 1.
also like. we do need to see beatrice in action and episode 1 has spent a great deal of time showing us how her existence is fundamentally connected to numerous members of the cast so again it wouldn't be very fun to have a revived golden witch outside of the ushiromiya context. i think the two options are either a kind of 999-style "many routes" structure where we see different choices/outcomes for the weekend of the conference and we learn new things down each "branch", or a wider generational cycle structure where we see future/past generations of ushiromiyas also gouging and killing each other in the name of the historical constant of beatrice. something like a retelling of the collapse of the main ushiromiya branch that led to kinzo's inheritance through a witch narrative lens or something like a story set in the future with family head ange's offspring repeating the cycle. i think the former makes a little more sense given that it would allow us to examine/understand crucial characters who died early on (and is also kind of just a common way visual novels like to do things, especially ones with metafictional leanings) but i need it on the record that i think a multi-generational witch narrative loop would be cool as hell to see pulled off.
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group L Round 2: #L1 vs #L2
#L1: Normal Girl™ accidentally joins Kansai’s biggest criminals
#L2: Girl turns into a tanuki and learns about racism
Details and poll under the cut!
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#L1: Akudama Drive
After the fall-out of a war between the Kanto and Kansai regions of Japan, citizens of Kansai now live in a dystopia. Criminals are bigger and badder than before, resulting in a specialized Execution Division rising to combat these ‘Akudama.’
An ordinary person accidentally wedges herself into the midst of a gang of the worst of the worst, and now she’s on the run with Kansai’s top Akudama to fulfill a cryptic mission. Her goal was to get back to her normal life, but one thing leads to another and she gets trapped, bound by her sense of morals to stick with her terrible team.
The team in question consists of a Brawler with a need to find the toughest opponent to fight, a Doctor who toys with lives, a Hacker who has run out of games to play, a Courier who always gets the job done, a Cutthroat with a kill count of 999 bodies, and a Hoodlum who was set for a prison sentence of 5 years. Joining them is the Black Cat, their mysterious recruiter, who promises great wealth to the Akudama.
Akudama Drive is an anime produced by a video game company, and it’s amazingly a single standalone piece, unlike their other projects. The three people who lead the creation of the Danganronpa series (character designer, story writer, and music composer) came together and produced something so different from their usual pattern and it pays off.
The character designs are so fun, the music vibes hard, and the story is better than anything seen in DR before since (no offense meant) the cast all get fleshed out as individuals beyond a single trope. Everyone is depicted as morally grey, and it’s such a fun experience to watch the madness break out and root for the bad guys or the bad guys.
Every scene is so pretty, and you can see the color theory SLAPPING THE SCREEN, it’s so pleasing to look at. The voice acting is also top tier! The character evolution can literally be heard in the voices 🛐 The anime is a fun show with cool stunts and epic battles, but it’s still got some interesting social commentary if you’re the type that loves dissecting that madness. There’s a little something for everyone!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Rape/Non-Con, Self-Harm, Constant Flashing Lights and Screaming
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#L2: BNA: Brand New Animal
Throughout history, humans have been at odds with Beastmen—a species capable of changing shape due to their genetic "Beast Factor." Because of this conflict, Beastmen have been forced into hiding. Anima City serves as a safe haven for these oppressed individuals to live free from human interference.
During a festival celebrating the town's 10th anniversary, Michiru Kagemori, a human who suddenly turned into a tanuki, finds that Anima City is a far cry from paradise. After witnessing an explosion in the square, she is confronted by Shirou Ogami, a seemingly indestructible wolf and sworn protector of all Beastmen. As they pursue the criminals behind the bombing, the two discover that Michiru is anything but an ordinary Beastman, and look to investigate her mysterious past and uncanny abilities. Could she turn out to be the missing link between Humans and Beastmen?
This is one of the first few anime I watched when I was getting into it, so I'm rather fond of it. Though the show is only one season, overall it's pretty solid and ties everything together at the end. I also really like how they utilize color in the animation (it especially makes fight scenes more interesting to watch). The worldbuilding they have with the beastmen is pretty neat as well. This anime is good if you're looking for something quick to watch.
Trigger Warnings: There is some violence, and since the characters are animals, that may fall under animal cruelty. There are a few parts in the show where the colors get pretty intense, so that could be considered flashing lights. There is racism, as the beastmen are discriminated against by humans.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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pttucker · 5 months
I began walking towards the 'Secretive Plotter'. "…Kim Dokja?" I heard [999] call out to me, but I didn't look back. I undid the [Miniaturisation], and my eye level changed rapidly. The black coat [999] placed on my shoulders wavered along with every step I took. [< Star Stream >'s Probability is now shifting!] [Stream of the great main scenario is now dwelling in you.] Past the canopy of the vine-covered forest, the sea of stars of the < Star Stream > could be seen. On one side of the sky, stars were emitting bright light, while on the other side, ominous-looking galaxies alongside the [Great Hole] were quietly flowing about. Half of it, light, while the other half, darkness. Soon, the final war would begin. And most likely, I would have to stand on one of the sides to witness the end of the world. [Your second Modifier has been decided.] A small star flickered on the far side of the sky. I stared at it for the longest time, before slowly reverting my gaze back to the ground. The 'Outer Gods' were now looking at me. I returned their gazes and finally chose the side I'd stand. [Your second Modifier is the 'Watcher of Light and Darkness'.]
We have a Modifier!!!
Lmfao I jokingly said what it should be a few posts back, and I was both (understandably) way off and actually kind of not? It’s got two opposing parts just like I said! And at this point I’ll take even that as a win since I haven’t known what’s going on for like ten chapters now. I’m just along for the ride.
It's a very Dokja Modifier, just like his first one. Of course when given a choice between A and B, he chooses C. He will watch both sides. He will be both a Demon King and a savior.
And Dokja has officially decided not to follow his own plan. Right after Secretive Plotter got done pointing out that Joonghyuk also hasn’t been following his plan to destroy the Star Stream…
So I assume we're gonna see one final Kim Dokja Scheme. 😁
Though, actually, does it even need to be a scheme considering he seems to be shifting Probability around himself??? Is he the one actively deciding the Main Scenario now????? Not just the “Main Scenario” but the great main scenario, aka what I assume is the goal of the entire rest of the story they’re in?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! What is happening!
I mean, it makes sense if that’s the case. He has been creating revisions of the novel as he’s gone along, not to mention everything that’s been going on with the whole concept of “he didn’t like the ending that he saw so he decided to change it” with Secretive Plotter coming back onto the frontlines and Dokja knowing how TWSA ended and wanting to give everyone a better one and even the mention of how maybe the author disliked the ending of TWSA and wanted to change it waaaay back in the Peace Land arc iirc and and and…
Also, I just now remembered that Dokja never actually read that final revision.
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alexthefly · 1 year
Just In Case
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My first ever attempt at the @flashfictionfridayofficial challenge. It's a bit ropey, but it's a thing that exists, so yay progress!
Fandom: Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds Are Go
Word count: 999
Rating: teen
Warnings: Kissing, brief mentions of alcohol and poor mental health.
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“Now boys, promise me you’ll be good for your mother. Mind your manners, do your chores - all that good stuff, okay?”
An enthusiastic chorus of “Yes Sir”s - together with Scott’s attempt at a salute - and Jeff was compelled to bend down for one last hug with his two tiny Tracys. For a moment he soaked in the smell of soap in his sons’ hair, the feeling of little arms wrapped around him, and of sticky wet kisses on his cheeks.
His heart ached.
Finally he rose again. “Alright boys,” he said, clearing his throat, “to your duties. Dismissed!”
And with that they were gone, racing past their mother on their way to whatever adventure Scotty had convinced Virgil to go on with him today.
“Stay in the yard you two,” Lucy called after them before walking over to Jeff, holding his hold-all. “I packed your father’s penknife for you,” she said, “just in case.”
Jeff took the bag and kissed her on the cheek. “You didn’t need to do that, Honey. Lee's got all the tools we could possibly need on board.”
“I know,” she replied, shrugging. “It’s just in case.”
He chuckled. 
Her favourite phrase.
“Alright then; just in case.”
“Promise you’ll write?” she asked as they got to the front door.
Jeff turned back, eyebrow raised.
“Write? Is this Victorian England? We have holo’s; I can just call you.”
“I know,” she said, nodding. “It’s just it’s so far, and comms can be unreliable-”
Jeff laughed. “Those same comms you want to send emails through?”
Lucy scowled up at him. “Don’t be an ass, Jeff! I just meant you’ll be so busy, and trying to match up Moon/Earth timezones and stuff, it’s easy to miss each other. I just thought… just in case… it might…”
She huffed and looked at the ground, as if the right words might be scattered down there, and he felt a fresh wave of love for his remarkable, bewildering wife, whose brain was so much quicker than her mouth; who got flummoxed and tongue-tied even as she was thinking circles around you. Trying to keep up with her was like trying to keep pace with a whirlwind. 
But god didn’t he just love trying?
His clever, clever Lucy, unfathomable and completely fascinating. 
Gently, he reached out and brushed her flushed cheek, willing her to look at him.
“It might…?” he prompted.
Brown eyes met grey. Something brief and inscrutable passed across her face, then she smiled.
“Well…” She cleared her throat. “I just thought it might be something to look back on one day, when we’re old and grey, remembering when we were parted lovers. Like those love letters you see in movies sometimes.”
“Uh-huh. And you thought I’d be ‘leading man material’, huh?” He grinned, puffing out his chest.
“Shuddup,” she grumbled, batting his arm. “Remind me again, how are you planning to fit that ego of yours inside that tiny rocket?”
“Ouch. Kick a man on his way out the door, why don’tcha?” He staggered, clutching his chest and feigning a grievous wound, eliciting giggles. 
“Oh yes, definitely got the ‘leading man’ theatrics down!”
“I’m telling Lee you called his rocket ‘tiny’, by the way.”
She gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”
An eyebrow. “Try me.”
She went to bat him again but this time he caught her and, holding her in his arms, kissed her softly, tenderly, committing it to memory.
As they finally pulled apart, he saw the flush in her cheek was back. Not ready to completely let her go just yet, he cupped her face in his hand to admire it. He thought of the cherry blossoms in the orchard, just beginning to bud, and how the pair of them had walked together amongst them as he’d shown her the deployment papers. He’d lamented the fact he’d miss the full, floral display this year, even as he thought about what else he would miss...
“Alright Honey,” he said, holding her close, “if you write to me I promise I’ll write back. Write and tell me everything that’s going on at home. I want to hear all about what Meryl was gossiping about at the car-wash, or how much pork has gone up at the market, or exactly how much of an idiot Sheriff Buckley made of himself at the county fair.”
“You’re making fun of me,” she said, pouting.
“I promise I’m not, darlin’.” He took her face in his hands and looked her square in the eye. “I want to know everything. Tell me how Dad’s making a nuisance of himself trying to fix every fencepost around the place. How Mom won’t stop bringing you casseroles and you’re running out of places to hide ‘em.”
Lucy choked back a giggle.
“Write and tell me about every adventure and every scrape the boys get into. Let me know every single thought that goes through that beautiful mind of yours. I want to hear everything. Every moment. Don’t miss out a single thing - write it all. And one day we’ll read them together, side by side in the nursing home, surrounded by grandkids. Okay?”
All was quiet in the villa. Padding softly over to check the lock, Jeff returned to his screen and, after gathering himself together, brought up the hidden file.
The last time he’d looked at it, he’d not been in a good place. There had been whisky. It wasn’t… It was a mistake.
He was better now. His boys had pulled him through. 
Together they’d found a new purpose.
It was time.
Taking a deep breath, he opened the file. 
“Dear Jeff, how are you doing? I hope Lee isn’t driving you too mad yet. Virgil cut another tooth today…”
One last gift from his clever, clever wife, who’d known that not every love story ends in the nursing home. Who’d realised that one day one of them might need something to help remember the good times.
A contingency plan.
Just in case.
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gb-patch · 2 years
Are there asks that the team choose not to answer due to potential spoiler (ex. questions regarding baxter's character and dlc), and will they be picked up once it's the right time? I'm curious since I'm really fond of Baxter and think of him as a comfort character-- which makes me want to discuss / ask questions about him, but I'm unsure what questions I may ask.
The team at large doesn't answer questions, I'm afraid. There isn't a way to send an ask to one of the artists or a composer or anything. It's just me, and I'm the lead writer/company runner. There are asks that can't be answered for spoiler reasons or just because content isn't far enough along to say for sure one way or the other. However, they won't be answered at a later date.
Unfortunately, I get far more asks than I can sit down and respond to. To be entirely honest, I've pretty much lost control of the ask box over the past months. To keep it from going over 999 questions I have to delete asks every day that I know I probably can't or shouldn't answer. There's no room for them. The rest are ones I theoretically could answer if I had the time and so I feel bad deleting them.
But I probably should go to the bottom and start deleting the months old ones at this point. Now that the Derek DLC is nearly done I will hopefully be able to take some time to get that back under control at least a little. I'm very sorry to everyone who sent something in and never got a reply.
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calchexxis · 2 years
War Looms As Zaun Abandons The League of Legends!
Arden Olifant -- The Clockwork Herald
Judica 37; 999 AN
In a shocking twist that has rocked the many nations bound together by the League of Legends, Zaun has officially withdrawn from the Rift. The act of brazen defiance of national opinion comes in the wake of a brutal attack on our ally, the ancient and honorable kingdom of Demacia, by none other than the Zaunite terrorist known as Jinx.
Zaun announced its withdrawal with the discarding of markers held by the city’s chosen Champions—so many that Zaun could no longer field the required number on the Rift to qualify for membership. It is an act that has no precedent. Most nations scoured their territories high and low to find those of suitable power and repute to be made eligible for the League, so never before has a nation purposefully divested itself of such a thing. This act has left the public asking itself in hushed tones: What now?
After all, the League’s foundation rests upon the ideal that peace can be maintained if all agree to settle their differences through the might, wit, and magic of their Champions, and in this way, the horror of the Rune Wars will never be relived, as the magical arms race that led to the Wars’ greatest, continent-rocking catastrophes would no longer be necessary. Moreover, the matches of the League became a form of popular entertainment across Runeterra, bringing together even the most disparate nations as they cheered on their nation’s Champions! War as a thing of the past was finally in view, and so, of course, it would be Zaun who would drag us regressively backward into the bloody-minded past.
Most shocking of all, of course, was the brutal defection of one of Demacia’s own trusted Champions. Luxanna Crownguard—now disowned from her family name—betrayed her family and her nation when she assassinated her own aunt, the honorable High Marshal Tianna Crownguard, murdering the legendary swordswoman in cold blood before siding with ‘Loose Cannon’ Jinx during the madwoman’s psychotic attack, announcing her venomous new allegiance in an unmistakable manner.
When the Herald reached out to the Demacian Throne for comment, Prince Jarvan IV had this to say:
“We honor our allies from the City of Progress and thank you for your quick aid and response despite the great gulf that exists between us. Know that when the time comes to prosecute your just and righteous war against the filth of Zaun, you will have our full support.”
How much support they will be able to offer, however, remains to be seen. During the Loose Cannon’s rampage, it became known that a notorious criminal, Sylas of Dregbourne, was loosed from captivity. Sylas was accused of high treason and placed in a maximum security prison after inciting a rebellion among the mages of Demacia. Already the border colonies and townships of Demacia have seen civil unrest, although the military might of the Kingdom has thus far been able to keep things in check.
All of the above has led the Council of Piltover to petition the League to enforce some manner of rule over Zaun, but the Summoners, unfortunately, remain steadfastly neutral, emphasizing that it is not their role to impinge on the sovereignty of participant or non-participant nations, although how much sovereignty a place such as Zaun can ever lay claim to is a subject of much debate.
Regardless, the Summoners have made their standing clear, and so Piltover now faces the potential of a greater and darker uprising from below. Councilor Talis had this to say on the matter;
“We must not fall prey to our fears. The Chembarons of Zaun have always been open to negotiation. War need not be our only recourse. If we commit ourselves to war, we are committing our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters, to a terrible conflict against an enemy whose strengths, numbers, and technology are largely unknown. We must sue for peace at any cost.”
Despite Councilor Talis’ hopeful words, the more hawkish members of the Council have overruled his propositions at every turn, and with a growing level of public support, it’s not hard to see why. Councilor Medarda responded to the Herald’s request for commentary on the matter of Zaun’s actions and of her more recent votes against Talis’ propositions despite historically being a longtime ally of Talis.
“Zaun has forced our hand by leaving the League. They have given us no other choice but to answer their repeated and flagrant acts of chaos and destruction with violence. I respect Councilor Talis deeply, but his ideals have begun to diverge from the hard reality of the situation. He wishes for peace, and that is admirable, but we must not mistake fantasy for reality. If Zaun wishes for war, it will not find us unprepared.”
Councilor Medarda, who, as we all know, survived the horrific massacre of the prior Piltovan Council along with Councilor Talis, has lately become a rallying point for the citizens of Piltover. Anger and weariness at the oppressive threat of Zaun’s criminal element has reached a boiling point, and her popularity has soared as she has put forth more bills before the Council to expand the authorities and funding of the new military cadres.
Piltover has never before had a standing military only because it has never needed one. If Zaun believes that this is a sign of weakness that it can capitalize on, it will find, to its woe, that we are not sheep for the slaughter.
They will know, if they provoke us, what happens as Piltover rises.
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sakura-otome · 1 month
Currently Playing
Matsurika no Kei -kEi - Tenmeiiniden
マツリカの炯 - kEi - 天命胤異伝
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The game is marketed as Sino-fantasy and “Mature” romance. It takes place in this fictional country Gekka no Kuni (月下の国), quite simply the “country under the moon” and, the surrounding unnamed countries and small villages and peoples. It’s sort of like the greater Han Chinese culture plus the small ethnic groups like those in Mongolia, if we were to make real life comparisons. The vibe is very much an ancient society that is brutal and shit’s unfair, but that’s how it is. The caveat is that magic is real. Mystical Beasts are very real and known to exist, as well as people called Senkou (仙虹), or Sages, who are ordinary humans who, through many years of intense training and study, become very long-lived or immortal and gain essentially magical abilities. 
The creation story plays a pretty big role in the story as a whole, with different individual components being highlighted in each of the routes (that I have done thus far). The creation story says that 999 years ago, the land was being terrorized by Shikyo (四凶), or the Four Calamity’s, which are Mystical Beasts. They were defeated by the Shiseijuu (四聖獣) or Four Holy Beasts, also Mystical Beasts, who worked hand in hand with a great sage Ko Unyou who went on to create the country. 
Now, our MC, “Naya” is from a small and very mystical village “Matsurika”, which lies just outside of Gekka no Kuni in the mountains north of the capital city. This village is very unique, being hidden behind a strange mist deep in the mountains, only accessible to the villagers and a special merchant who has the official seal of a Flame Merchant. Anybody who doesn’t fit these requirements would simply get lost in the mountains if they walked past the line of Red Jasmine Flowers and into the mist. If you try to take the Jasmine that grows there out of the village, it turns to dust the moment you step past the line of Red Jasmine. It only grows in Matsurika village, and nowhere else. 
In this village that is shut off from the rest of the world, they don’t worship the Shiseijuu. Instead they worship Keisei (蛍聲), who dislikes fire, which makes it so that it’s impossible to start a fire in the village. Due to this, they must purchase fire from the Flame Merchant every three months, as no matter what they do, the flame always dies out after three months. As they don’t have money, they barter with uncut gemstones referred to as Hougyoku no Genseki (宝玉の原石), which can only be differentiated from ordinary rocks with the use of the Keigan (炯眼), which are essentially magic eyes (think Naruto). The Keigan is an ability that only manifests in the girls of Matsurika village, and there is only ever one user at a given time. It is not genetic, and if the current holder dies, it will be passed on at random to any of the other girls of the village. It is our MC that has the Keigan.
I think it’s very fantastical, and feels a lot like I’m reading the inner details of a mythological story. All of the characters feel very much “of the setting”. Naya, the MC, is raised in a very safe and sheltered village receiving a lot of love and care growing up, but the outside world is harsh and unforgiving. Gender roles are deeply embedded in the culture, and the importance of marriage and having and raising children is just a part of life. A small village like hers needs all the people they can get, and they all celebrate and raise children as a village. 
On the other hand, Gekka is a very big country with many people and places within the country that suffer from the usual: poverty, illness, starvation, cruelty, discrimination, etc., and it isn’t uncommon for children to be abandoned or sold. 
I really feel that they did a very good job of incorporating the reality of the kind of deeply held beliefs and prejudices that lead to awful treatment of people for unfair, but very human reasons. The people of Gekka regard tribes and people like the White Wolf Tribe and Matsurika Villagers who don’t worship the Shiseijuu as “Kizoku”, who are essentially heretics or “unbelievers.” Matsurika Village has a belief that “mixed blood” children – children born from a Matsurika woman and an outsider – bring calamity and curse the village. They are taught from childhood to never ever mingle with outsiders or leave the village. They chase both mother and child out of the village, should it happen, and they have a deep disgust and fear of this. 
I will say, the overall tone is very serious which given the setting is understandable, but I kind of wish they incorporated a little more humor and lighthearted moments. There just aren’t very many mental breaks from the harshness of life. 
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System Default Name: Naya
She is one of five young women in Matsurika Village to become 18 and reach the age of majority at the Keisei Festival. As the holder of the Keigan, her job is to assess the stones gathered for valuable gemstones, which is essential for Flame Trade. She has a lot of pride in this position, and a deep sense of responsibility, as her mother was the previous Keigan holder, before she passed away in childbirth and passed the Keigan on to her. This is noted to be very unusual, as the Keigan has never been passed directly from a mother to her child in this manner. She was raised by Agedo, the village leader alongside his children, one of which is the game’s LIs, Fei. 
I think her design is very cute, and I love the aesthetic of her and Maturika Village’s tribal attire. I’m not generally into heterochromia, but it doesn’t look bad at all on her. She’s not particularly headstrong, but she’s a sweet and earnest girl that outside of her magic eye is honestly just an average village girl. She honestly deserves better, oml. 
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Age: 21 VA: Okamoto Nobuhiko Route Restrictions: Must clear Ruwo, Seirin, Zebenera, and Enrai routes.
The main man. His route is locked behind the four other LIs, so you know it’s a big deal. He is the only son of the Village leader, and apparently harbors some secrets/fears regarding his duties as a man of the lead family that makes him hesitant to act on his feelings towards Naya. 
Personally I find his design to be the most appealing, and it’s interesting to see Okamoto play a character that’s more ~ fresh ~ and youthful, rather than deep, threatening and smexy loll. 
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Name: Ruwo Age: 23 VA: Yamashita Seiichiro Route Restrictions: None
The Flame Merchant, and the only outsider permitted to enter the village on a consistent basis. He’s very friendly and flirty, but he keeps people at arms length and doesn’t want to let anyone close to him lest he lose his drive to accomplish his goal. As a player of Twisted Wonderland, I very much compare him to Ace because of them having the same VA, and they have the same easy going attitude. I like his design fine, but I’m not particularly struck by it. It’s ok.
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Name: Zebenera Age: 25  VA: Hatano Wataru Route Restrictions: None
The King of the White Wolf Tribe, who live in the snowy mountains north of the mountain where Maturika village is. He bears the burden and responsibility of keeping his dying people alive. He’s generally a quiet guy who isn’t good at conversation, but you can see that his actions all have a deep underlying kindness. I generally love white haired characters, and I think his fit is cool, and while I feel his design is good, it’s nothing special.
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Name: Ko Seirin Age: 17  VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke Route Restrictions: None
The one and only prince of Gekka no Kuni. He appears to be very sheltered and naive to the ways of the world, as Naya first meets him getting in trouble for having accidentally stolen food from a vendor because he didn’t know that he needed to pay for it. However, he has deep self awareness of what is expected of him and his place in the political landscape, and struggles with a deep sense of loneliness. I’ve never found the beautiful type characters immediately attractive, but I don’t dislike his design. It’s very ethereal, and the voice acting does a great job balancing that soft lightness and hints of darkness. 
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Name: Ku Enrai Age: 27  VA: Horie Shun.  Route Restrictions: Must clear Ruwo, Seirin, and Zebenera routes.
The head of the Ku clan, which is a powerful family with the longstanding trust of the Imperial Ko family. He is the designated educator of the prince, Ko Seirin. He is a very intense guy with deep loyalty to Seirin, and wishes to see him become a great leader and King. His clan has an old, long standing desire that is very close to being realized. I wasn’t that into his design at first, but it grew on me pretty quickly. Also has major Sasazuka vibes, with him being an asshole and a manlet.
The story begins with the approach of the annual Keisei Festival, and the sudden inexplicable extinguishing of the flame just one day after it was purchased. Naya, having a map given to her by Ruwo, makes the decision to go to the capital of Gekka breaking the rules of her village, to buy another flame and come back before this incident is discovered by the rest of the villagers and in time for the Kesei Festival. 
From there we begin to branch out into two major story flows, which further break down into the individual routes. One gets her involved with the Imperial Love Interests, and the other has her leading into the rest of the routes.
Without revealing too much, Naya ends up fucking really going through it. Like it’s super fucking depressing. The end of common route is just. Man. If you want to feel the full impact of it though, I suggest going through either Zebenera or Ruwo first. It still happens in the leadup to Seirin's route, but it just isn't as visceral and personal as it is in the lead up to either Zebenera or Ruwo routes.
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Gemma rescues Phoenix AU: part 1
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch
So... I was rereading an older part of the series and got carried away with an AU. This is entirely not what I'm meant to be doing right now but ah– oops? Oh well.
This is the start of an AU that diverges after Crucifixion part 1, where Electrocus doesn't come to rescue them. Instead, Kai's retired mentor stumbles across them months later.
CWs: aftermath of crucifixion, past impaling, restrained, ambulance, near-death experience, immortal whumpee, past non-con stripping (non-sexual), implied resurrection
Gemma hums as she slams the van door shut behind her and adjusts her satchel. From what she's read, this shouldn't be too hard a job. They're losing water slow enough that it's not pouring out into the street, it's just the abandoned warehouse that for some reason is still standing.
She thinks the Hero League might've owned it once, well before her time.
Anyway. From the documents alone, this doesn't look like too hard a job. But documents can lie.
She unlocks the warehouse. Or, well, doesn't, since it isn't locked. That's not too unusual, this part of town isn't well cared for, but she feels an eery prickling down her spine, one she came to rely on during her time as a hero. She enters warily, turning on her torch – the sun doesn't really reach in here.
The far end of the warehouse where the dripping pipe sound's coming from is partially in shadow, and Gemma frowns at the outlined form. A crucifix? Why would anyone put a crucifix up in an old warehouse? Complete with a model body too.
Wait. Something... something else is dripping. Not just water. It's dark and slow, like treacle, maybe she imagined the drip. But that stench. Metallic and dirty. She tenses. Something's wrong here.
Then there's a hoarse scream and the body arches forward slightly.
Oh. Oh god. It's a person, and they're alive.
Gemma runs forward, pulling tools from her satchel, switching back to her old hero mindset. She can't lower the cross on her own, she'll have to remove the victim.
She wishes for a moment that she had Morfydd's vision, or Lian's elemental powers, or Kai's telekinesis. Any of them would be useful. But wishing won't do any good now, and she pulls out a small saw. Already their vision's glazed, but she can see a small frown in the bright light of the torch.
"This might hurt. I'm sorry."
She cuts the ropes holding them to the cross and then carefully saws through the blood-drenched wood by their left wrist, making sure there's enough left to keep the nail in. The amount of blood loss caused by removing all four nails would be disastrous. The wood's soft and bad quality, starting to rot, and it's an easy break. This isn't the best environment to keep wood and she's grateful.
They scream again as their arm falls down to their side, voice cracking, and Gemma does her best to ignore it, cutting through the rest of the wood in quick succession. As the cross sways in the rope harness holding it upright, the victim falls forward and Gemma catches them, looping their floppy arms around her neck. God, they're so light. How are they so light?
They're barely conscious now. She pulls out her phone and carefully dials 999, hands slick with the victim's blood. They whimper quietly in her arms, and she wishes she could just take them to the Hero League medics but she's retired. She can't even get into the building anymore.
"Which service do you require?"
"What's the nature of your emergency?"
"I've got someone here who's been crucified. I've taken them down, they're alive."
"Location?" Gemma rattles off the address of the warehouse. "Are they conscious?"
"Just about."
"Okay. There'll be someone there as soon as possible, and I'm sending out police as well. Are the puncture wounds open?"
"No, I just cut them down, didn't remove the nails. Lots of blood loss though still."
"Right. If you can get somewhere easily visible for the paramedics and wrap them in something warm."
"Right." Gemma hoists the person further into her arms and strokes their matted hair as she exits the building. There's a spare fleece in her van that she hasn't been wearing and she drapes it over them, sitting down in the cab. It's warmer than the cool March air which must be biting for the barely-conscious person on her lap.
Then she takes her first proper look at the person she's rescued.
They're young. Really young. Their hair's matted, the ends bloodied, and they're barely wearing anything. God, she wasn't expecting someone quite so young. This is brutal.
"Hello?" asks the 999 operator, making her jump almost out of her skin. "Have you done it?"
"Yeah. Yeah. They're a kid," she says quietly. "Or maybe not quite, but they're very young. God. I didn't get a good look inside, it was too dark, but they... god. I'm sorry, I..."
"It's okay, you're doing an excellent job. This isn't the sort of thing you expect to find. Talk to me. What were you doing here?"
"Investigating a water leak. I'm not sure what it was in the end, I didn't have a chance to check." She looks up at the sound of sirens. "I can see an ambulance. Is that ours?"
"I expect so."
"Well, thank you. I'm going to go now." She cuts off and stands, waving shakily to the approaching ambulance with one hand. She hasn't been this freaked out for years. Hero training and years on the job made sure of that, but... not today, and she's not sure why.
The ambulance pulls to a stop and the paramedics jump out, rushing over to them. Gemma meets them halfway, the kid whimpering breathlessly with her movements.
"Bring them in and lay them on the bed. Crucified, you said?"
"Yep." Gemma brings the kid inside and one of the paramedics starts strapping them down.
"No. No, please... please no." They start bucking slightly and Gemma rests her hand on theirs.
"It's okay, it's an ambulance, no-one's hurting you. Easy, kid."
"Nononononono," they whisper hoarsely.
"Shit," murmurs the paramedic. "I'm going to have to sedate them. Do you know if they're allergic to anything?"
"I don't know them at all."
The paramedic nods and busies himself with a syringe, and Gemma comes to a decision. She already knew she wasn't leaving the kid until they were safe, but surely if someone had reported them missing, if they were looking, they'd have been found by now. That warehouse wasn't exactly hidden. Which means that it's likely no-one is.
She hopes to god she's wrong.
If she's not, though, if the kid really has nowhere to go, she'll take them in. At least while they recover from whatever surgery will be needed. With her credentials as a retired hero she can do that.
Someone snaps their fingers in front of her face and she looks up.
"We need to leave now. Are you coming with us?"
She looks at the kid who, even unconscious, is practically glued to her hand, and nods.
"Great. Strap yourself in then."
Gemma moves her hand slightly to sit down and the kid follows it, nuzzling her, desperate for the touch. Not sedated to complete unconsciousness then.
She almost smiles at the movement, heart melting. Yeah. If this kid has nowhere to go, she's definitely taking them in.
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friendbreakfast · 10 months
new cool videosgame idea by me to you
a killing game-based visual novel kinda deal (think 999: nine persons, nine hours, nine doors, danganronpa, your turn to die, etc) where a bunch of people are trapped and are forced to participate in like, a similar setup where the participants kill each other, have to discover who the murderer was through discussion or a trial or something of the sort, and then the murderer gets punished by death.
there's a mastermind; a shadowy person that only appears through screens and when they do, its only their shadow, with maybe their eyes shining to make them cooler/scarier-looking, that is in control of the facilities and the killing game itself, etc.
the idea for the beginning of the game is a similar setup to the first case of Danganronpa V3; the main character and a helper who is also a participant in the killing game make a plan to discover who the mastermind is in order to put a stop to the killing game before it has a chance to begin, and the main character secretly ends up killing the person they believe to be the mastermind without their helper being in the know of that - the player, also, has no idea that the character theyre controlling has done that, unreliable-narrator style.
so the first discussion/trial/whatever arrives - which obviously means the main character and their helper failed to stop the killing game - and in the place of the mastermind, instead, there are two AI characters. it is assumed by all characters that the mastermind was only supposed to "welcome them" to the killing game, and would only make rare appearances at important points, leaving it all to the AIs, so nobody questions that the mastermind disappeared and theres two AIs in their place.
so yeah, the main character is discovered as having been the murderer, and theyre executed, the main character place being taken by their helper (this time, a girl - somewhat of an inversion of Danganronpa V3, though the "main character" who is guilty could also be a girl in the first place. this is not a parody or satire, just taking inspiration from the basic setup)
up to this point it HAS been pretty siimilar to V3's first case, with the exception of the two AI thing of course, although obviously the way all events happen is different, just the same basic idea - but heres where it gets WAY different.
so, uh. the person they killed? it was ACTUALLY the mastermind. they didnt get it wrong, the mastermind didnt trick them into killing the wrong person, the main character did what they set out to do FLAWLESSLY and got rid of the mastermind, without anyone knowing so, all under the impression the mastermind is still alive behind the scenes.... but here's the catch; the two AIs that were mentioned before?? now are grieving their dead creator, and continuing the killing game themselves in order to honor their creator's death - maybe making the killing game WAY more brutal than their creator would have done, due to now feeling genuine anger at the participants of the killing game.
so yeah, the AIs are evil, doing evil stuff, continuing their creator's evil actions, but its all for a very heartfelt reasons from their perspective, and most of the story theres hints of the AIs going through stages of grief while all participants keep killing each other and keeping the game going as is usual on these kinds of games.
the last case of all would then be all about the new main character revealing these truths; the mastermind actually having died at the beginning, the AI's grief over their death master, the mystery of why the killing game was made in the first place, everything  coming to a close - but the biggest focus, is how the AIs confront their grief and finally get over the death of their master and accepting their emotions and finding better reasons to live.
anyway yeah that was the idea - im probably never gonna make this since it seems a REALLY difficult thing to pull off, at least for me, but i did at least wanna write it somewhere!! ill maybe add onto this if i think of ideas for specific characters or any further story ideas and stuff; feel free to also do brainstorming with me, itd be fun to imagine this story with more detail even if im never ever able to make it reality!
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zecretsanta · 1 year
To: @kayzero
From: @wherestarsarestillasleep
Hi! The prompt I went with was “Aoi and Hongou during 999 while Junpei is solving the incinerator puzzle. (Akane optional.)” I hope you can enjoy it!
As you push the cold metal barrel harder into the back of his skull, you have the weirdest thought. You’re keeping him on such a short leash, there’s a disgusting kind of intimacy to the moment. You can track the tired old rhythm of his breathing, smell sweat drowning out expensive cologne.
Things you don’t want to know, too average human, too mundane. It’s bizarre. Almost disorienting. You’ve dreamed about having a gun to his head or a knife to his throat for so many years. You’ve thought of this so many times while he’s been far out of reach.There’s a grounded level of reality in the irrelevant minute detail that only makes it all the harder to connect in your mind, semi-hazy with disbelief of the moment you’re in.
Hard as you worked for this, some part of you saw it as a fantasy storytale, that you’d make it to this point someday, that this future would become your present. All the times you swore it over to each other. Same promise you’d always made. You’d be her Santa. Whatever she needed to believe in.
All that time selling the story to Akane, did you ever really buy it yourself? It’s surreal.
But here you are. All three of you standing outside this door, Junpei and the others locked in that incinerator, loaded gun in your hand pressed to Gentarou Hongou’s head.
God, you want to pull the trigger so fucking bad. Every unfiltered instinct you have’s telling you to do it, take the chance, take the shot. And you could do it. Right here, right now. You could do it. You picture it now, in that weird fuzzy headspace. All you have to do is squeeze your finger and he’d be dead. Fall heavy to the floor by your hand, the blood’d leak red and wet and metallic out of his head and you’d leave him to rot. Your body stays steady, but your mind’s having trouble computing the reality.
Felt the same way when you kidnapped him. Sometimes you’d take on the mask and grab ‘em, sometimes Akane. You did the whole Nonary Board, much as Akane wanted to herself, just to completely ensure it. That however this would all end, there could be no rewriting the reality of those bastards being put in a death game with four very real bombs in their stomachs. You broke into where he lives, past all that CEO security, gassed him so anticlimatically, and took a moment to just look down at his body crumpled defenseless below you. To take in tossing a grenade was all it took, and you had him physical and mortal and meat you could cut through right then and there.
But it’s not up to you. Some other world, you’d have set yourself on a bloody nauseous revenge quest to murder him yourself. But you’re not doing this for you.
You’re not the man that passes judgement, you just help carry it out. You’re a servant, or an assistant, an extension of her will. You’re a guard dog, and that’s how you feel right now. The need to keep him away from her is visceral, hair on edge electricity fight or flight, having the bastard near her you hardly blink. But your sight falls on her past him now.
It’s an experience to watch on her face as Akane slowly loosens the mask, June stepping off the stage. The way it drops carefully in stages from innocence to hatred, shining in her eyes like the moon reflects on blood or the chapal’s candlelight off your gun. Her skin’s clammy and her breathing uneven, she holds herself up with one arm on the wall, looking up through loose hair. There’s a curl of triumph in her mouth, some kind of exhausted exhilaration in her eyes where they fall on Hongou. Most of all, you see hate.
She wants him to suffer even more than you do. That’s why she chose for him to get out of here alive. You want him dead and gone and his name meaningless but Akane wants it tarnished, she wants him humiliated and wretched and aging in a cell. The idea of leaving him alive in the world crawls on your skin, of having him right here right now and walking away, letting him live on.
But if anyone should get to decide, it’s her.
So you cattle-stick prod him onward, and you don’t take your eyes off him until he’s bound in the trunk, and you slam it down together with your sister, leaving him in darkness.
And you leave him behind.
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basicsofislam · 3 months
ISLAM 101: Existence and Oneness of God Almighty: One True God: Part 5
The existence of God is too evident to need any arguments. Some saintly scholars even have stated that God is more manifest than any other being, but that those who lack insight cannot see Him. Others have said that He is concealed from direct perception because of the intensity of His Self-manifestation.
However, the great influence of positivist and materialist schools of thought on science and on all people of recent centuries makes it necessary to discuss this most manifest truth. As this now-prevalent “scientific” world-view reduces existence to what can be perceived directly, it blinds itself to those invisible dimensions of existence that are far vaster than the visible.
Let us reflect on one simple historical fact: Since the beginning of human life, the overwhelming majority of humanity has believed that God exists. This belief alone is enough to establish God’s Existence. Those who do not believe cannot claim to be smarter than those who do. Among past and present-day believers are innovative scientists, scholars, researchers and, most importantly, saints and Prophets, who are the experts in the field. In addition, people usually confuse the non-acceptance of something’s existence with the acceptance of its non-existence. While the former is only a negation or a rejection, the latter is a judgment that requires proof. No one has ever proven God’s non-existence, for to do so is impossible, whereas countless arguments prove His existence. This point may be clarified through the following comparison.
Suppose there is a large palace with 1,000 entrances, 999 of which are open and one which appears to be closed. No one could reasonably claim that the palace cannot be entered. Unbelievers are like those who, in order to assert that the palace cannot be entered, confine their (and others’) attention only to the door that is seemingly closed. The doors to God’s existence are open to everybody, provided that they sincerely intend to enter through them.
The most important factor leading many, especially those under the spell of materialistic science and its worldview, to fix their eyes on the apparently closed door is causality. Causality leads to the vicious chain of cause and effect, for each cause is also an effect. Moreover, the effect is totally different from the cause. All things and effects are usually so full of art and beneficial purposes that even if all causes gathered they would be unable to produce one single thing, let alone their simple immediate causes.
In order for a cause to produce an effect, it has to be able to produce the whole universe in which that effect takes place, for that effect cannot exist without the whole universe. Nor can they exist separately. Materialist scientists imagine powerless, dependent, and ignorant causes to be responsible for the existence of beings and things, and thus fancy them to possess absolute qualities. In this way, they are implying (tacitly believing) that each of those causes possesses qualities that only can be attributed to God.
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merlinsbbeard · 1 year
Pity Taken A wolfstar fic.
Words: 999.
Remus sits in the shadow of self-inflicted misery while everyone around him enjoys the last rays of the sinking sun, his brain refusing to evict his fruitless crush on a certain siren-like boy.
Was how Remus felt, perched on the edge of the pool, legs swaying in the uncertain water.
Remus, Sirius and Peter had upheld the tradition of spending the summer at Potter Manor—which they had done since the Potters all but adopted Sirius in fifth-year—despite having graduated Hogwarts months past. They had grown closer to Lily and her friends Mary, Marlene and Dorcas ever since James and Lily started dating in April, becoming practically attached at the hip. This was why the group ended up at the Potters’ pool house, located on the more private side of the property, to enjoy the day forecasted for endless sun. One last hurrah, before they were to be drained of their vigour by The Nine-To-Five, as Dorcas had kindly put it.
Remus had quickly opted out of swimming—an unwelcome opportunity to show off his scars, silver thistles that knotted his skin—and the others had settled for him dipping his toes in while they splashed each other and leisured on the floats Lily had supplied.
The saltwater pool was a lot nicer than the Black Lake, Remus noted, yet he was cheerless.
He sat waiting. For what? he was unsure. Something to change his mood, perhaps. The amber liquid in his plastic cup certainly hadn’t lived up to his expectations in that regard. Beetle Berry Whisky was usually reliable for getting Remus’s mind off of things. It was also a surefire way to a killer headache in the morning.
Laughter, carried by the balmy breeze, reached Remus’s sensitive ears, and he twisted his head to face the source. It was Lily, sidled up to James on the grassy hill. He could smell the blades, freshly ripped from the earth, that littered their hot, wet skin and bathers. Not far away, Marlene and Dorcas were whispering and giggling in each other's ears, blushing feverishly, which they would later reduce to sunburn.
Remus felt a lurch at the base of his stomach. He swivelled back to face the glimmering, tantalising, ripples that lapped at his ankles, his hands suddenly unsteady. The earlier homemade party pies and sausage rolls, sent along with James from his mother, Euphemia, now threatened to make a reappearance.
A deep breath to steady his rapid heart and settle his stomach. No way was he going to chuck up in the pool; he would not hear the end of it.
With nothing to distract him, Remus begrudgingly let his mind slip back to Sirius. Back to Sirius and Mary. Back to when Mary was dragging Sirius inside under the guise of ‘escaping the sun.’
Want to come with? Sirius had asked. He was just taking pity on Remus, not wanting him to feel left out, the latter was sure of it.
Remus shook his head, but his best friend knew better than to leave it at that. You’re sure?
Wait inside, I’ll be fine, Remus had said with what he hoped looked like indifference.
Sirius winked and then he was gone. Disappearing into the pool house, hand-in-hand with Mary.
I guess I’ll sit outside…while you change your mind. The words were absent in the air.
That was roughly an hour ago now, by Remus’s calculations. The sun would surely start to dip below the horizon soon, and bask the scenery in pink and orange hues.
The music coming from Sirius’s too-loud record player was blaring—sure to wake Peter from his sun-stroke-induced slumber—in Remus’s ears, and at that moment he would do anything to go upstairs where it was quiet, where he would be able to hear his thoughts. Upstairs…
But upstairs they were still making out.
That antsy feeling that never really went away resurfaced, and Remus suddenly felt hot under the collar—and not from the sun. His cheeks flushed and his eyes pricked and his heart yearned.
I guess it's just my luck, Remus thought to himself. Crushing on the most-angelic, most-alluring, most-undeniably-into-girls-and-snogging-one-right-this-second boy in Hogwarts. Not to mention he was also his best mate.
There it was again. Best mate, best friend, whatever you want to call it. There it was, an unspoken but indisputable Friend Zone. One which glued him to his place on the porch, waiting.
What am I waiting for? Love? Not possible. Not for Remus—he had figured that long ago. Friendship? He had James and Peter and…Sirius. Friends who broke multiple laws in order to help him manage an unmanageable situation—his Furry Little Problem as they liked to call it. What more could he ask of them? Nothing, surely. They had already given so much.
Wait inside, his own words echoed his head once more. I'll be fine. It was the most untruthful thing he had said to Sirius since fourth-year when a particularly nasty full moon landed him three days in the Hospital Wing as opposed to the usual half. I’m fine, Remus had insisted, though it took everything in him to keep his voice steady and his eyes open and alert. Sirius hadn’t believed him then, why did he believe him now?
“Guess I’ll sit outside,” Remus told himself once more. He didn’t dare think about Sirius changing his mind, detaching his lips from Mary’s plump pink ones, detangling his hands from her soft hair—or perhaps they were on her breasts—and leaving her. He didn’t think about Sirius hurrying down the stairs two-at-a-time, and, having realised his unwavering love—not love, desire—for Remus, marching right up to him and kissing him.
He did not think about how Sirius’s meticulously manicured hand would feel as it cupped Remus’s softly stubbled jaw. How their lips would become seamless, their mouths unrelenting. How the air would become hot and thick, and how their hands would roam. How breaths would become moans, thoughts would become feelings, and logic would become redundant.
Wait. Inside. Remus had said, and he was kicking himself for it.
I’ll be fine. Remus had said, and Sirius had listened.
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lightphieric · 11 months
Virtue's Last Record: The Border
(Ok quick context: In order to get myself out of a writing rut, I decided to finish up these little pieces I started writing a while ago that are kind of my VLR and ZTD versions of the pieces I wrote for 999 week. Since they're short I thought I'd post them directly to Tumblr in addition to AO3, like I did in September)
To Akane, the inside of the armor is its own bizarre world. Title from the Wandersong OST CWs: None AO3
Akane is no stranger to that threshold between death and the living world. She spent nine years a phoenix, perpetually burning until she rose fighting from the flames. These past forty-five years, she’s been a zombie, casually sharing a universe with her own beheaded corpse in its desert grave. She has not known what it is to be fully alive since childhood, and as the third Nonary Game approached, she settled comfortably onto that delicate tightrope once more.
What she doesn’t expect is what it feels like to occupy the edge of her identity.
She has always been Akane Kurashiki, to those who mattered, at least. To those few, to Aoi, Carlos, Sigma, Akane Kurashiki was special and powerful. A half-living miracle. Kyle Klim is all of those things, as well, even if he never wanted to admit it, and even if he does look pitiful as Luna carries his sleeping, unarmored body to the garden. Akane has heard his woes, listened sympathetically as he screamed at her about being nothing more than a cheap replacement for his father. He is wrong to feel that way.
But even with his existing insecurities, Kyle will be spared from confronting new ones today; the amnesia will make sure of that, clouding his mind even before it is decided who should be wearing the armor.
For Akane, the duality strikes the moment she pulls on the first boot. Kyle’s leg is already inside. Not taking up physical room, no; it doesn’t feel like trying to squeeze her own dainty foot in besides his hulking one. But she feels the idea of his leg, the heaviness of his footfalls, the way he tends to shuffle his soles gloomily along the ground as he walks.
The same happens with each new piece of armor she dons. Kyle’s stomach growls as she locks on the chestplate, reminding her of how little he has let himself eat these past few months. His fists clench under the gauntlets, angry at nothing in particular. And the helmet swims with confusion as he fails to remember who he truly is.
He is scared, in a way Akane hasn’t been since she was twelve.
It would be silly let herself be affected by these phantom feelings. She still has vivid memories of Phi and Sigma incapacitating Dio and rescuing her, and until those start to fade, then Akane is alive and the one inhabiting the suit, while Kyle sleeps peacefully and safely. She will be monitoring the Nonary Game from the inside, directing it towards its intended conclusion. No one has anything to fear.
Of course, that stabbing pain in her chest still exists. Until Sigma and Phi choose to explore the crew quarters, Akane is dead. Flashes of her own demise are nothing new to her, but she has never experienced a version of the world where she is fully nonexistent. Kyle is forcing that to happen.
The participants in the Nonary Game are rightfully afraid here, as the benevolent force that would have guided them is dead. They are abandoned, and they feel this way accordingly. This is how her games make her victims feel. It isn’t good. She recognizes the fear in Clover even as she sleeps, curled up fetally on the AB Room floor; she is so attuned to being used that she can already tell something is wrong.
Of course, even if this were enough to make Akane question her behavior, it’s far too late to turn back now. When the time comes, she scoops Clover into her arms and leaps from the hatch, into the throng of participants, all of whom it is necessary to make suffer.
They all react with shock and suspicion to her robotic appearance. The hurt and embarrassment that washes over her in response is mostly her own, as she always strides to make her appearance as pleasing as she can. Kyle doesn’t seem to care so much, at least not the part of him that she can feel. This breaks Akane’s heart more than anything else, that he’s so used to looking monstrous. Still assuming she’ll survive this game, she makes a vow to do something very nice for Kyle afterwards. Perhaps she’ll get him a gift. As she desperately pretends to be him, she tries to take advantage of her closeness to his self to divine what he would like the best.
Their consciousnesses split too soon. And unfortunately, Akane is so far removed from herself that all she can think is that Kyle deserves a nice new bracelet.
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