#it's friday the 13th and i'm woefully behind schedule
notesbyash ยท 2 years
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Incapable of focusing on work in their own residence this Friday the 13th, the MCR fan dons their customary garb (eyeliner and an all black outfit) and departs to partake in the well-known custom of coffeeshop studying. This capitalistic ritual is especially popular amongst college-aged students, of which they are one. Overpriced pastry and double-shot iced Americano obtained, they sits down to finish the presentation that was due yesterday but which they have thankfully received an extension on. Note how their study playlist consists of a single song on repeat. They have not stopped listening to it since it released nearly 24 hours ago.
The to do list today may appear short but donโ€™t let it fool you; I'm incapable of rational thought due to a certain new musical release. If I finish these slides it will frankly have been a miracle.
๐ŸŽถThe Foundations of Decay - My Chemical Romance
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