#it's not like (and I know how harsh that might sound) I owe anyone anything
WIP ask game, what's up with A Lot Like Devotion?
Aha! The one I've possibly talked about least!! A Lot Like Devotion is theoretically my submission for March's surprise challenge (Time Marches On) - five vignettes of my two OCs, Kuris Rix and Venna M'yava throughout their lives together. They're a complicated pair - friends, then business partners, then co-parents of a baby and only really lovers an awful long time later because they both not only suck at communicating but are also utter fucking cowards about putting themselves out there in case they get hurt (again). Anyhow here's an extended snippet from the 2nd vignette:
“Pol? Nah.” He snorted, acquiescing to the knee and settling on the floor instead, eyes focused on the now-blank datapad he’d grabbed before it could wind up hitting the tiled floor alongside him. “He has some ulterior motive- always does. That’s how he was raised.” With the intensity of his focus, it might as well have held the answer to life’s most existential questions. Harsh words - harsher than she was used to hearing from him - and here Kuris had always struck her as the forgiving sort, willing to do anything for anyone who just so much as asked. She’d presumed it was naïveté, or perhaps optimism but… maybe not. Once again, there had to be a reason he’d run away to Omega, even if it was something he’d never been inclined to share with her. “Be that as it may- this means you’re an uncle, doesn’t it? Maybe that ulterior motive is just having you know your nephew.” Clearly not, given his ensuing grimace.  Maybe, truth be told, the fact that she’d no contact with whatever family she had left was a blessing sometimes; hers definitely had no desire to reconnect, not after how she’d left them last, and that spared her from this shit, didn’t it? Spared her from whatever it was that’d driven Kuris all the way out here and which, unless she was much mistaken, would have sent him further if only there was a further to attain.  How smooth his plates were always took her by surprise but nowhere more than his crest - smooth as the metal that made up part of their composition and yet warm and flexible all the same. Her fingers found a familiar path, tracing the cracks between the blades that made it up with one fingernail. Up and down. Up and down- he rumbled lowly, relaxed just a little with his face hidden in the fabric of the sofa side. When she’d learned that it was just that easy to settle him, Venna wasn’t sure but damn if it wasn’t useful at times like this.  “Motives aside, do you want to reconnect with your brother?” She asked when, after minutes had passed and his mandibles had relaxed away from his jaw, it finally felt safe to carry on.  Maybe she’d been too hasty- with a solid clack they hit his bottom jaw once more. But at least the question was pondered, his head tilting to the side. More room for her to scratch the fingernail of her thumb against the leathery hide of his neck, finding the edge of where plate attached to it- and he took a deep, shuddering breath. “I guess… well, shit if I know.” And yet this wasn’t something anyone else could answer but him. His eyes slipped closed under her touch. “Pol and me? It’s… complicated. I owe him more than I can explain but I sure as hell don’t trust him either.” That, Venna suspected, was the sort of conflict that only made sense to close siblings. Or at least, closer siblings than she had. “It doesn’t have to go further than messages.” She pointed out, for what it’d be worth to him. “You throw yourself headfirst at everything, I know, but you can be cautious too- it’s easier to cut contact again than build it twice over.”  Shit if it didn’t sound like decent advice, no matter how little she truly believed in it. But, that’s what the dumb bird got for trying to go to her for advice and support about the other dumb birds he had the misfortune of being related to. If he wanted better, well, he’d have to find that elsewhere - preferably with his own species.  All her sage advice earned her in response was a grunt. A grunt- goddess was he an infuriatingly hard-headed creature. Just like the rest of his kind.
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dragonmuse · 1 year
YAY Ivan and Fang! What are their reactions to Lucius dating Izzy and how long does it take Izzy to be willing (and therapized enough) to sort apologize to them? He did it for Eddy, I feel like he'd end up doing it for Ivan and Fang as well.
(you got it!)
It took a few weeks before Fang was thoroughly convinced that Lucius could handle whatever was happening with Izzy. The man seemed none the worse for wear, was if anything beautifully obnoxiously pleased with himself. 
“Do you mind, sweetheart?” Lucius asked, belatedly, nearly a month on. “I didn’t think about that, I’m sorry.” 
“No need,” Fang assured him. They were going through closing rituals, the Swede sweeping behind them as they put up chairs.  “Your choice. Wouldn’t be mine.” 
“Man is a nightmare,” Ivan agreed.  
“Yeah, I can imagine working for him wasn’t fun,” Lucius glanced between them. “I’ll make sure he gives you both a wide berth.” 
That was fine by Fang. It wasn’t that he hated Izzy particularly. The man had been rough, crude and unnecessarily harsh, but no one in their line of work had been particularly cuddly or warm. Certainly Eddy had been just as capable of casual cruelty though she had generally been more fun on the day to day. Easy to hang out with, if not to get to know. Fang had learned more about her in the last few months than all the years working directly under her that was for sure. 
No, Izzy had kept them alive, made sure they all get paid not one dime less than what they were owed, and kept the place ticking over. But he wasn’t going to be your friend while he did it. He didn’t want to know what shows you’d been watching or how your mother was doing. But he wouldn’t use any other name than the one you said you wanted to go by, no matter what he had to print on checks, and he’d gone out drinking with them every weekend, arbitrated inebriated squabbles and usually kept anyone from doing each other permanent harm. 
“He was an asshole,” Ivan summed up when Pete asked him one night. “But he was our asshole.” 
“Yeah,” Fang nodded. “He was an asshole on our side.” 
“So you think he’s...he wouldn’t hurt Lucius?” 
“Don’t think so,” Fang frowned.  “He’d push us around sometimes, but that was just the way we did things. Don’t think he’d try that on a civilian. Never saw him do it anyway. ” 
“Me either,” Ivan agreed. “Might hurt his feelings though.” 
“Can’t do shit about that,” Pete muttered and they nodded along in sympathy. 
It was easy to forget it was happening at all after a few weeks. The bar kept on, Lucius was his usual self, and no one mentioned it. 
Fang was home with a cold the night that Izzy came back to the bar. Ivan had to tell him about it, but the man wasn’t  much of a gossip, so it had to wait an agonizing week before Fang got actual details. 
“Eddy just took him outside,” Frenchie told him. She flicked her brush at him, dusting gold over Fang’s nose. He always liked a little shine and Frenchie liked to anoint him when he stopped by to chat. “The rumor is that his ban’s been lifted.” 
“How solid a rumor?”
“Paper is off the cash register.” 
“Right? Is this guy the devil or something? Scarier than Eddy? I don’t get it.” 
“Not scarier,” Fang didn’t even have to think that one through. “Maybe the same amount in different ways.” 
Izzy was fast, but more final. Easy to predict too. Eddy could come at you sideways and you never knew when it would end. 
“Don’t love the sound of that.” 
Fang had no comfort to offer. He wasn’t sure the Revenge folk knew the kind of things he and Ivan had done just as easily as Eddy or Izzy. They seemed to know that they’d worked with Eddy once, but not followed that thought to its natural conclusion. Neither Fang nor Ivan sought to enlighten them on that point.  
It was nice, really. No one was scared of them here except the occasional rough bar patron. They weren’t in a rush to change that. Maybe Izzy wanted that too. Seemed unlikely, but hey, who was Fang to say?
So when Izzy came to the front door on a Friday night a few weeks later, looking ready to run off in the other direction, Fang just took a step back from the door and let him in. They said nothing to each other, strangers in this new strange place. Izzy went straight for the bar, picking the seat that Fang could’ve predicted he would: the barstool in the furthest corner, back to the wall with a few of the room and shadows to hide in. 
Ivan watched him from across the room then caught Fang’s eyes. They spoke into the silence, fingers and eyes and eyebrows. They settled on ‘Fine. Monitor.’  
Izzy sat, Lucius buzzed over to him, fussed a little, gave him a drink that didn’t look like anything Izzy would ever order, then left him there. 
And Izzy just stayed. He talked to no one, but he also bothered no one. He finished his drink. He watched the show. After, Lucius came down and flirted a little with him, brushed a kiss over his lips. Then Izzy stood up and left. 
Fang wasn’t sure if he was more relieved or confused. 
“Guess that’s done,” Ivan shrugged. 
But it wasn’t done. Izzy came back every few weeks. Every time, he just sat down at the bar and had his drink, watched the show then left. It went from being an event that caused ripples of talk and gossip to another quiet regular. There were a few like that, people who came in alone and spoke little.  
It was hard to say when the thaw came. It was probably Pete first, coming down still in makeup to ask Izzy something. Fang caught the moment already in progress, the two of them chatting amiably.  Or maybe it was Eddy herself, grabbing a bottle of water and giving Izzy an acknowledging nod. That turned into a more regular ‘hello, how goes?’ sort of thing, the two of them cautiously talking.
That was weird to see too. Once upon a time, the two of them had been thick as thieves and twice as mean to each other as they were to anyone else. But they both seemed to thrive like that, biting and clawing, teasing too hard, but still making each other laugh sometimes and seemingly reading each other’s minds on occasion. 
This stilted acknowledgement was almost painful to see. A well oiled machine, left to rust on the side of the road, abandoned, rotting and now trying to restart with a wheeze.  But it was running. That was something. 
Then on a very ordinary Friday night, Izzy didn’t leave as the bar closed down. He sat, quiet as anything, so still that Fang almost missed him. He was supposed to make sure everyone left for the night, but the idea of telling Izzy to leave felt insurmountable. They hadn’t exchanged a word in nearly a year now and it seemed bad to break that silence with a request to get the hell out. 
“It’s okay,” Lucius swung through before Fang worked up the nerve. “He wants to talk to you and Ivan, actually.” 
“....why?” he frowned. 
“Because it’s overdue. I’ll take care of the chairs. You want a drink? Think Ivan will?” 
They both got a beer and warily sat at the bar together. A short whispered conversation had produced no idea of what this might be about. They did agree that if he asked them to do anything like work that they would just leave. No need to argue. They could walk away now. 
Izzy turned to face them. He looked just the same and yet entirely different. There was something different about his face these days, some permanent tightness that had unwound. His clothes were all softer looking. He blended in better. Could’ve been anyone in a crowd. 
“You’ve both been....good. About not giving me shit being here.” 
“Why would we?” Fang shrugged. “Free country.” 
“You could’ve,” Izzy looked away. “Would’ve deserved that and more. Was a dick to the both of you.” 
Ivan elbowed Fang a little. Wild disbelief. 
“Uh, yeah. You were. A lot.” 
Izzy nodded. He rubbed his thumb over his fingertips, slow circles. “So. Sorry. For that.” 
Sorry. Could’ve knocked Fang over with a feather. 
“You are?” 
“Yeah, isn’t that fucking hysterical?” Izzy shook his head, not sounding at all amused. “You were good at your jobs. Better than the rest of them. Glad you found somewhere that treats you better.” 
“It does,” Ivan said quietly. 
“The free drinks alone,” Fang said, lifting his beer. “And less near death. Lot less. Been good for the ole body and soul.” 
Izzy nearly smiled at that, “Bit of a motherfucker, isn’t it?” 
It was, actually. Years of living the ‘high life’, thinking that nothing was better than running into danger and coming out richer for it and it turned out that it was far nicer to just stand by a door and gently usher out minors and drunks. It was so much better to go home at the same time every night and not think when you left for work ‘hope I make it home again’. 
“Fucking weird,” Ivan agreed. 
“To fucking weird,” Fang decided, raising his glass. 
Izzy lifted the glass that had the last dregs of some iridescent cocktail. The three of them clanged their glasses together and drank. 
It was still awkward for a while, trying to figure out how to talk to each other, but Fang at least said hello when Izzy came in and Izzy always said it back after that. One night, Izzy asked on his way in, 
“You still collect rocks?” 
And Izzy pulled out of his pocket a small stone, threaded in silver. 
“Found it on a rooftop. No fucking idea what it was doing there.” He held it out and it took Fang a second to realize he should hold out his hand. Izzy didn’t snap at him for taking the time to figure it out, just dropped the rock in once he did. “Mica, maybe.” 
“Yeah, maybe,” Fang held it up to study. “Thanks.” 
“Whatever,” Izzy shrugged. “Just a rock.” 
Fang held onto it as he watched Izzy take up his usual barstool, leaning in to receive a kiss from Lucius. 
It was not just a rock. Fang added it to the collection when he got home, putting it in a place of pride. 
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how does nines fall for gavin ;)
(better strap in pal, this went on a lot longer than i realized)
it takes him a long time to realize it, and even then it's hard for him to wrap his head around. For so long Nines has been repressing and hiding every emotion that would've made his superiors question his loyalty to the Empire, so anything other than that would've put him at risk.
He doesn't fully realize he's safe to Feel until Connor takes a moment to repeatedly say to him "You don't have to do that anymore."
But Nines blinked back, and responded with "I don't know how."
so it certainly takes a long time for Nines to finally be able to let himself feel and even longer for him to identify what his emotions are and how to process them. So when he realizes that he's fallen in love with Gavin? To say it blindsides him is an understatement.
Actually, the thought didn't even occur to him until Connor helped him figure it out.
But it starts off slow. Little things, small phrases, minuscule acts of kindness that Gavin would always deny. He's one of the first people to see Nines show interest towards something unrelated to the Empire, a simple decorative brace or tactical belt he caught a glimpse of in a market on some Outer Rim planet while on a job, and Gavin will fight tooth and nail if anyone accused him of going back to the stand and buying it for Nines.
Either way, it's one of the first things Nines owns for himself.
Gavin gives Nines a safe space to feel his emotions, some of the more ugly ones that he doesn't want Connor to see, and Gavin doesn't judge. He claims that he doesn't give a shit about whatever Nines is going through, but it's not easy to lie to a Force-sensitive. So Nines lets him have his excuses. Either way he's still thankful. And who is Gavin to condemn someone for feeling the same emotions he's felt himself?
They're competent together on missions, a deadly mix of trained precision and wild unpredictability with the added bonus of reckless plans and the skill to pull them off. It pisses off the Imperial officers and makes the troops fearfully spread rumors of the Dark Side User fighting for the rebels and his partner with a ship faster than a TIE Interceptor and a deadly aim you won't see coming. And over the missions, both solo and as a team with Connor, Hank, and Tina, Nines begins to find he enjoys sharing space with Gavin. His presence becomes a steady comfort, a reliability and certainty that no matter the mission, he knows that they'll find each other in the end. They're both too stubborn and bull-headed to leave the other behind and too adept in their skills to let something as simple as a unit of Stormtroppers stand in their way of the other.
And that's just how they are.
Often times when Nines has night terrors and can't find it in himself to fall asleep, he can't help but listen and search out Gavin's Force presence. And only after it's found is he lulled back to sleep. Nines finds comfort in Gavin's presence, his words (as crude or harsh as they can be sometimes they tend to hold some truth), his actions, and he appreciates the fact that Gavin doesn't think any less of him because of his past and of what he is. Don't get me wrong, he does at first, for both him and Connor. He could barely tolerate being in the same room as them after breaking Nines out of that Imperial prison. It was a favor to Connor and nothing more, and now they were even, so he didn't owe them anything anymore. But time and retrospect is funny in a way.
And it's not until one day Connor has to basically spell it out for Nines, that hey, I don't want to tell you what you're feeling, but I think you might be falling love.
Nines: I enjoy Gavin's company. He has a steady presence and it's comforting. I can't imagine what my life would look like without him in it. Connor, already suspicious: oh? Care to elaborate? Nines: I know how it sounds, and he may be crude and his words full of anger at times, but I feel happier around him. His presence is so bright and warm. Can't you tell? I fall asleep to it at times. He may seem to have a rough exterior but he is much kinder than he cares to admit. And i hate his reckless behavior and how careless he can be but he can also be equally careful and considerate. I'm sure you've noticed the injured Loth-Cat he's snuck into the ship. Connor: he, what? Nines: If anything were to happen to him, i am quite sure i would fall to the Dark Side completely- Connor: hey Nines: but yes. To restate my earlier point... I don't think i can imagine my life without him. And i never want to. Connor: .... So Nines...
but yeah, those are my thoughts essentially on how Nines falls in love with Gavin. Might have more thoughts later, but for now, i think this is good.
Gavin may have fallen harder, but Nines didn't fall at all. It grew without him knowing.
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karebear4499 · 4 months
You Are My Sunshine Chapter 5
Sunshine observed a page in the scrapbook before flipping back to the map. She remembered Poppy teaching her and the other trollings that shortly after the tribes reunited, some trolls decided to broaden their own horizons and live amongst each others’ tribes. It wasn’t unusual nowadays to see Country trolls living in Volcano Rock City or Funk trolls living in Symphonyville, for instance.
Maybe that was how she would find her family. There were bound to be other Pop trolls in the kingdom, not just in TrollsTopia.
She looked out at the expanse of water before her, almost too scared to even dip a toe into it. Techno Reef would definitely be the hardest region to explore, so it seemed like a good place to start her journey.
She took a few steps backwards and tried to swallow her fears, but she was already having second thoughts about taking this plunge. She had never been the best swimmer, and while she had visited Techno Lagoon before, that region was a puddle compared to the Reef. How easy would it be for her to lose her way, or dive too deep and not be able to come up for air in time?
She steeled herself, looking at the water’s surface with newfound determination. “I can do this,” she thought, “For my family.” Taking a deep breath and counting to three, she was just about to jump when…
“Whoa, that was close!”
King Trollex had appeared right as Sunshine’s feet had left the ground, catching her and bringing her back to the shore. “You can’t just dive in all by yourself like that,” he said, sternly, “Not trying to be harsh or anything, I just don’t want to see any kids get hurt.”
Sunshine felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. While she was upset at the sudden interruption, she knew the Techno king was right; she hadn’t put enough thought into what she would do when she reached the bottom.
“S-sorry, Mr. Trollex,” she said shyly, “I-I’m just trying to find my family. I don’t know if you remember me, but—”
“Oh yeah,” Trollex interrupted, “You’re the troll Poppy and Branch found in that storm years ago.” His fins drooped sadly as he added, “you still haven’t found your parents?”
“I haven’t really had the chance to look,” Sunshine replied, “until now. I know they have to be somewhere in Troll Kingdom.”
“Well, I’m afraid you won’t have much luck finding them here,” the king said, “Non-Techno trolls are pretty few and far between here.”
“I was afraid of that,” Sunshine pouted, looking at her map again. “Well, thanks anyway.”
“Wait,” Trollex called as she began to walk away, “Aren’t you gonna give Poppy and Branch a chance to catch up with you before you run off?”
She froze, her back turned to him. When she didn’t respond, he asked, “Sunny, they are here with you, aren’t they?”
She still didn’t respond, instead letting out a quiet sob. “They never would’ve let me do this if I told them.”
Trollex gasped in shock. “Oh, hun,” he said, “I’m sure that’s not true. They know how important this is to you, and they want you to be happy. Now they’re probably worried sick about you.”
Sunshine’s sobs began to get a bit louder. “You don’t understand,” she cried, “I have to do this on my own. I’m not letting anyone stop me.” She ran off before Trollex could say anything in response.
“Okay, let’s see if we have any luck here,” Branch said as he and Poppy approached the melodious sounds of Symphonyville. The Classical trolls were flying about among the clouds, some strumming harps and others playing various wind instruments. These tunes were being accompanied by a couple of Rock trolls on guitars and a Country troll on harmonica, the latter blending surprisingly well with the more traditional sounds.
“Ah, Queen Poppy,” Trollzart greeted as he approached the two pop trolls, “To what do we owe this pleasure?”
“It’d better be a pleasure,” Branch muttered under his breath. Ignoring him, Poppy told Trollzart of their predicament. “Do you have any idea where Sunshine might be?”
“I’m sorry to say I don’t,” Trollzart replied, “but I wish you good luck in your search.”
As they turned to leave, Branch and Poppy were suddenly stopped by one of the Country trolls and Beetrollven. “It just so happens,” the Classical troll began, “We came across a little trolling who was looking for her family.”
“You did,” Branch shouted, hopeful smiles spreading across his and Poppy’s faces.
“We helped her out where we could,” the Country troll, Cash, said, “But we didn’t have much luck.”
“Where is she now,” Poppy asked.
“Well,” Beetrollven sighed, “we don’t know. We figured you two would be worried about her, and we told her as much. For whatever reason, it seemed to make her very upset.”
“She hightailed it outta here before either of us could stop her,” Cash continued.
Poppy and Branch’s smiles quickly faded as they looked at each other with sadness and concern. Trollex had told them the same thing.
Branch turned away from his girlfriend and began storming angrily towards Cash and Beetrollven. Being so close to finding Sunshine only to be sent right back to square one seemed to have set something off in him.
“Did you even try to go after her,” he said, exasperated, “Or did you just let her get away? You can fly, for hair’s sake! You had a chance to stop her and you let her go off on her own?! She’s just a kid! I swear, if anything happens to her because of you, I’m gonna—”
He snapped out of his wrathful state as Poppy quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, stopping him from starting a physical confrontation. He hadn’t even realized what he was doing until he saw his raised fist and the two trolls cowering in fear. He slowly lowered his hand and sighed guiltily. “I’m-I’m sorry,” he stammered, “I just…”
“I know,” Poppy said, squeezing him a little tighter, “You’re worried about her.”
Trollzart flitted back over to them and placed a comforting hand on both of their shoulders. “I am certain that little girl is going to be just fine,” he said, pointing towards the setting sun, “But I recommend waiting until morning to continue your search. I’ve arranged some accommodations for you in the meantime.”
He clapped his hands together twice. “Trollieri,” he called in a sing-song voice. Once the beckoned troll arrived, Trollzart ordered, “Please escort Poppy and Branch to the nearest inn.”
“Of course, my liege,” Trollieri replied sarcastically. “I get no respect around here.”
… Poppy adjusted the pillow on her bed at least four times before getting it into an acceptable position (the way it had been before she started). “Good night, Branch,” she said as she closed her eyes. She opened them again cautiously when she got no response.
Branch was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring out the window at the clear night sky. Poppy could tell even though he seemed calm, he was out of his mind with worry.
“I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight, Poppy,” he said. He just couldn’t help feeling that something was going to happen, and he wouldn’t be there to stop it. “ I haven’t been this worried about her since she was five.”
Poppy sighed; that may not have been entirely true, but she understood what he was talking about. That had been the first and only time Sunshine had ever gotten sick, and even though it had been just a run-of-the-mill flu, Branch had refused to leave her side until she was better.
“Don’t worry, Branch,” Poppy said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “Sunny made it through that just fine, and she’ll do it again.”
“How can you be so sure, Poppy?”
“Well,” she replied, taking his hand in hers, “I’m not. But I trust her. You taught her everything she knows about surviving, and she’s got a good head on her shoulders. Everything will work out in the end, Branch.” She kissed him on the cheek and returned to her bed. “See you in the morning.”
The Snack Pack’s search had been just as unlucky as everyone else’s, if not worse. They had no means of navigation and hadn’t come across a single troll before night had fallen. Biggie had tried in vain to ask a giant spider for help, but that just ended in the group trying to keep the spider from eating Mr. Dinkles.
They were now all gathered around a campfire; Smidge was roasting a marshmallow with her hair, Satin and Chenille were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Tiny was doing his best to keep from breaking down in front of his dad. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was partially responsible for Sunny’s disappearance. The incident with the crossword puzzle hadn’t been the first time she’d called him annoying.
“Aww, I miss her, too, Mr. Dinkles,” Biggie said in response to the worm’s sad “mew,” “What do you think she’s up to right now?”
“Probably thinking I’m annoying,” Tiny blurted out.
Guy Diamond gasped. “Where did this come from, Tiny,” he asked, “You might get on Sunshine’s nerves from time to time, but you’re still her best friend.”
Tiny looked up at the night sky, unsure whether to believe him.
Meanwhile, Sunshine was struggling to find comfort in the outdoors herself; she had made no progress in her search for her family. The last place she searched before the sun went down was Volcano Rock City, and part of her was glad she hadn’t found her parents there. The Hard Rock life seemed much too overwhelming.
Despite her exhaustion, Sunny couldn’t get to sleep on the cold, hard ground she lay on. “Come on, ground,” she muttered, tossing, turning and punching the ground, “Get comfortable!” Finally, she gave up, and resigned to leaning up against a tree nearby.
“Geez, Branch makes it look so easy,” she mused out loud, remembering the little camping trips Branch had taken her on every summer. Then again, she had brought a sleeping bag with her then. She tried to fight off her homesickness by reminding herself that she was doing this for her mother. Gazing up at the sky, her focus was brought to a single star twinkling in the night.
One little star
All alone in the sky
Do you ever get lonely
As the twilight drifts by
Branch had his eyes set on the same star, hoping it was a sign that Sunny was okay wherever she was.
One little star
In the darkening blue
Do you long for another
Just the way that I do
Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Smidge, Guy Diamond and Tiny were admiring the star as well.
(Satin) Sky begins to fill
(Chenille) Darkness ends the day
(Tiny) Someone that I love is far away
Guy Diamond hugged his son close.
Biggie joined in next, Mr. Dinkles whistling in harmony.
One little star
Shining far in the night
While Smidge did not exactly have the most fitting voice for this song, she could at least carry a tune.
Do you shine on our someone
Are we sharing your light
Guy Diamond finished it off, Tiny shedding a tear.
Oh, one little star
Shine on us all tonight
“I wish I had said goodbye before I left,” Sunshine thought. “I wonder if they miss me as much as I miss them.”
She momentarily lit up as she wondered, “Maybe I can talk my family into moving to TrollsTopia with me. That way I don’t have to say goodbye.” She sighed sadly as she looked back at the star. “That is, if I can find my way back.”
One little star (One little star)
Shining far in the night (Shine through the night)
Do you shine on my someone
Are we sharing your light (Share your light)
Oh, one little star
Shine on us all
“Good night, Sunny,” Branch whispered to the star, “Wherever you are, please, please be safe.”
The song that I used in this chapter is “One Little Star” from Follow that Bird.
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
Common Assumptions of the Types
Evidently these range from ‚kinda true from a certain angle‘, to ‚sadly very often true but would get you into trouble if you assumed it was always the case‘ all the way to ‚sounds instantly silly when you say it out loud but often feels true‘; In the following, I will just be presenting them without comment beyond that it may help to ask yourself ‚is this really true in this specifi situation‘ or ‚Am I maybe being led astray by one of these traps without realizing‘
- impulses are not to be trusted & must be controlled
- duty is more important than pleasure – pleasure must be earned, or, it’s suspect. In some individuals the function of pleasure can get rather inhibited
- goodness & correctness come from the outside / live in the outer world
- perfection is possible
- its your job to fix everything thats wrong
- everything is meant as criticism
- youre the worst of all people
- all is fair in love and war, that is, anything is ok if it’s done in the name of love
- feeling is more important than, or more reliable than thinking
- its necessary to „make“ people like you or they just won’t
- „they couldn’t do without me“ & because of this, you get special treatment
- you know what everyone needs
- its in your power to make everyone like you so if they dont you messed up
- nobody cares about your true feelings
- you shouldn’t have any problems
- you’re no good if you’re not productive
- everyone is faking it – it’s the only way to survive
- nothing happens without you – and if your coworkers do manage while your on vacatio, it must be cause your useless
- if you stop going over the past, move on or let it go that’s the same as giving up or acting like it didn’t matter
- there’s something noble about suffering
- you’re owed compensation for how the world has mistreated you
- you’re not as good as others
- there isnt anyone else like you
- there is always something wrong
- it’s better to go at it alone
- most professions of love are fake & self-interested
- less commitments means more freedom and hapiness
- better to need little to avoid dependencies
- better to keep what you have in case you need it later – you cant eat you cake and have it, too
- if you let em have an inch, they’ll take a mile and you’ll be left with nothing
- you should be able to solve everything by thinking about it
- people cant be trusted
- you cant ever let your guard down
- if I can think of everything that might go wrong, i will feel safe & in control
- whatever can go wrong willgo wrong
- your intuitions and wishes are suspect
- power or proximity to it means safety
- the authorities, be they loved or hated, have great power, reach and influence
- optimistic bias: im great, everyone is awesome, the world is a wonderful place
- except authority, authority sucks
- if you can explain something away or avoid thinking about it, it will go away
- you need to have a plan
- you can do whatever you can get away with
- you deserve, and absolutely need to get what you want
- the best way to succeed is through charm and negotiation
- if you let the pain catch up to you, it will never, ever end
- the world is a lawless jungle/ struggle for survival
- to survive, you must be fearless and take risks
- what people call virtue is usually just hypocricy
- strenght & autonomy are good, weakness and needyness will do you in
- what restricts you and denies you satisfaction is your enemy
- nobody can tell you what to do
- there’s not going to be any fairness unless you make it happen
- the truth is obvious
- It’s ok to cause suffering in the pursuit of satisfaction or as compensation for past slights and reestrictions
(which maybe sounds harsh, but think of it like this: You must eat other creatures to live. It’s impossible to never offend anyone. Will you starve or shut up forever? It’s not possible to never slight anyone, so you might as well have steak and say your opinion)
- better not to think or worry too much about stuff to avoid suffering
- when in doubt, it may be better to conform and not rock the boat
- disagreement brings separation, so, the less conflict the better
- you should defer to the needs of others
- its not ok to further your own interest
- you cant know what you want
- youre nor important and your goals are probably not worth bothering about
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toothpastecanyon · 2 years
Human Again, Chapter 3
Sayaka Miki was worse than dead. She was lost forever, adrift, drowning in a sea of her darkest emotions... until she wasn't. She was a witch, and then she was waking up in Kyoko's apartment. This timeline is doomed, and for what? Sayaka has to find that out for herself.
A timeline where Madoka was able to trade her soul for Sayaka's in episode nine. Heavy TW for suicidal ideation and self harm.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
“I just thought of something… is it weird to bring you along to this? You know, considering you used to be a witch and all?”
It was overcast as Sayaka followed Kyoko up an old parking garage. Floors of asphalt stacked atop asphalt, a couple old cars, and endless stairways. Everywhere she looked, she could see the age, the cracks in the support, the rot. Trash lined the edges, and she glowered at it.
“You do this a lot nowadays, don’t you. I ask a question, and you act like you don’t hear nothing.” Kyoko turned; her soul gem pulsing intermittently in her hand, her lazy grin baring teeth. “Sooner or later I might start getting annoyed… heh, messing with you. But seriously, you off in your own daydream or something?”
Sayaka turned her scowl from the trash, to Kyoko. “No,” she said, finally. “Doesn’t bother me, hunting witches. Just feels pointless to tag along, is all. I'll only get in your way.”
“Eh, I like the challenge.” Kyoko took a bite of a bread roll, and turned around. “You know, uh… Madoka, she’s asking about you.”
Sayaka sucked in a breath at that.  Madoka.
“You know, your friend-“
“I know who she is.”
A pause. “I… uh, yeah. Her. So I told her, swing by tomorrow.”
“Yeah, you’re walking, talking… what?” Kyoko frowned at her darkened expression. “You think you can hide from her forever?”
She clenched her fists. “I don’t want to see her.”
“Well, tough. Look, you just walk over, you smile, you give a hug or whatever… she made a real sacrifice for you, Sayaka! You owe it to her, you know?”
Sayaka looked away. Looked at a crack snaking up the pillar.
“I said, you know?”
Looked at the trash, the cracks in this shitty world, and wondered why she had to owe anyone anything.
“Hmph. You really are starting to piss me off with the silent treatment. I know you can hear me; you just- whoa!”
A flash from her soul gem brought them both back to reality. Just ahead, nested in a web of cracks, there was a portal to something beyond this world. The labyrinth writhed and churned; they approached, and Sayaka heard its tortured, furious screaming.
And she grit her teeth.
“Ah, a little familiar.” Kyoko drew a long spear, and raised it. “Hmph. This one’s real young. Bet I could just…”
She thrust the spear inside, and the screaming raised to a deafening wail. The portal shuddered and shrunk; she drew her spear back, and a shuddering figure was impaled on the end of it, slopping off, dropping to the floor, gasping, fading, faded.
Sayaka stared at where it used to be. Stared, flatly.
“Why’d you do that. It didn’t drop a grief seed.”
“What was that now?”
“I said, it didn’t drop a grief seed. You wasted your energy and got nothing in return.”
“Nothing?” Kyoko‘s spear disappeared, and she crossed her arms. “What about all that junk about saving people? That was your whole thing, right?”
“It’s just that. Junk. I bet you saved someone, yeah… I bet you saved a guy who goes home and calls his girlfriend a bitch, laughs at her behind her back.” Her stare shifted, to a crumpled soda can by her feet. “I thought it was noble, back then. To risk my life for people. But really, it was just stupid.” She put a foot on the can. “They don’t deserve it. We don’t owe them anything.”
She crushed the can, and Kyoko stood there, still. Then, she laughed a little. A harsh, joyless sound.
“Don’t you think,  I fucking know that? You don’t get to lecture me about how I hunt!” She stepped closer. “Yeah! I was wasting my time! I’m not an idiot! I only did it ‘cause I thought you were gonna be all whiny about it, but if you don’t care, I don’t either!”
Sayaka stared down. Heard her take a breath. Saw her shoes take a step back.
“Whatever. This trail was a dead end. You coming or not?”
She saw the outstretched hand. The question, owed an answer. Everyone always thought she owed them something, didn’t they?
“Hey. I know you can hear me. Yes or no. Are you coming, or not?”
Sayaka opened the front door, and found a familiar figure perched on the counter.
“Do you know why Madoka agreed to my contract?”
Sayaka walked past him to the couch, but he followed.
“Oh. You don’t want company?”
“I don’t want  your  company.” Sayaka glowered at him, and switched the TV on. Turned it up… but it meant nothing when he talked in her thoughts.
“It seems like it’s not just me. You left your friend Kyoko out there, all alone.”
“All alone?” A snort. “Yeah, I think she’ll manage fine without me.”
“You’re probably right.” Even though Sayaka was pointedly looking away, she could feel his red eyes on her. “She does get lonely, though. She’s told me that before.”
Sayaka turned up the volume. Turned it up until she could feel the sound.
“It does seem lonely, being a magical girl. I’m sure she was just looking for a-”
She turned it off and faced him. “Okay, what?” His face was blank, impassive… mocking. She clenched her teeth. “I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to make me feel guilty for some reason, but it’s not working. I don’t owe her anything just because she’s feeling sorry for me.”
“Hmm.” His tail swished. “That’s a curious response. Why would I be trying to make you feel guilty, Sayaka Miki?”
“You tell me. You’re the one who keeps showing up even though I’m not a magical girl anymore, wh-, what do you want from me? What’s the trick here, huh?”
“Oh, shut up.” She clenched her jaw. “I know you have that line about how you’re not tricking anyone just ‘cause no one asked, but you are, and I’m not falling for it again.” Her throat got annoyingly tight. “You already took… you already took everything from me. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
She could feel Kyubey’s presence. His swishing tail, that stilled for a moment. His sigh.
“If you really want to believe I’m tricking you, then go ahead. It just doesn’t make sense, though. Humans make a perfectly voluntary contract with me, but get angry when they realise they don’t like it. I suppose it makes sense, in an irrational way; they’re looking for someone to blame, rather than themselves.”
“Go. Away.”
“I always hold up my end of the bargain, though. You know, when Madoka made that contract with me, I-”
Sayaka shoved him off the end of the couch, but he kept going-
“-did have an interesting choice to make, one I’d never had to consider before.” A pause, a silence. “You saw Kyousuke the other day, didn’t you?”
At that, her blood ran cold. She watched him hop back up onto the couch, and clean his paw.
“Wh… wh-what did you-”
“Nothing! I did nothing, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Even when you backed out of the contract, I kept my end. And you still think I’m the bad guy, don’t you?”
“I… well, why are you telling me, then? You don’t care what I think of you. You don’t care about anything!”
“I don’t have feelings, no. But I did want to tell you something.”
Sayaka glanced at his eyes again, and scowled. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like this.
“And what is that?”
“Well, I did restore your soul to your body. It belongs to you again.”
His tail swished gently. “And I just wanted to tell you, you’re not disqualified from offering it again, if the need arises.”
Sayaka heard that. She heard that, and stood. Walked towards the kitchen. Rifled in the drawers.
Drew out a knife, and faced him again.
“I said, go away.”
“Oh, Sayaka, you can’t kill me with that.”
“I don’t believe you,” she said, flatly. “I don’t believe anything you say anymore. So you’re gonna leave,” her fist clenched, “or I’m going to find out for myself. I’m serious.”
“I was just letting you know about your options! I thought you humans wanted me to tell you things; now I tell you, and you threaten me.” He gave a slow blink. “Obviously I don’t expect you to make a contract with me right now, but if you ever truly need a miracle, you know exactly what you’re giving up this time.”
“I will never, ever make another contract with you. I’d rather die.” She took a step forward. “Now go away.”
His eyes stared into her soul. “Do you know why Madoka agreed to my contract?”
“Go away!”
“Because you asked her to,” he said. His eyes stared, stared. “Do you remember, at the bus stop? When you told her she should fight in your place? And that was the last thing you said to her, wasn't it?”
Sayaka felt her heart thudding in her chest; she took another step forward, and then broke and dived forwards and drove that knife into his  stupid fucking face, and it went through like butter, it came out bloody and she stabbed again and again and again until he was a gory mess strewn across the couch and she realised she was screaming - she stopped, and it was quiet.
Quiet, but for her shuddering breath. But for her racing heart. Quiet, but for the melody that played in her head as she looked down at the blood on her hands.
A voice, behind her. Paws, padding across the carpet.
“She really did sacrifice everything for you, Sayaka Miki. Her soul, her wish, her chance at a normal human life… she must really care about you.”
Blood. On her hands. Sayaka remembered when she thought she was going to be a hero.
“That, or maybe you just guilted her into it. It’s interesting to think about.”
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dazeddreamerr · 2 months
I come on here to document my journey. I come on here and brain dump. I come on and ask for opinions and take polls because I appreciate the feedback. I come on here to get inspired or whatever. To talk to other writers hear their experiences and their story as a writer. I think writing is one of those things that it brings like minded people together who might not normally ever speak. I hear as my outlet for writing.
I share was much as I feel comfortable with sharing. And I would never ask anyone to share more than they wanted too.
I don’t want to sound like an asshole by writing this but I write for me. Whether it be my work in progress or writing here on this blog. This is my creative outlet. This is my self care. This is where I thought I would find a community of likeminded people. And I will not be made to feel like I owe someone (that I do not know) anything. That may sound harsh but it’s honest.
Up until this morning I’ve enjoyed coming here and unloading my thoughts. I liked looking through the different tags and learning new things just just about writing but in general. I will be taking a break from this app for a while. Some people are pressed about me and what I’m doing so they feel the need to be rube. It doesn’t make sense. It’s is what it is though. I can’t control how others act, I can only control how I react. And I’m not an argue over the inter type of person. I don’t have the time patients or energy. Also really confused as to why someone cares what a nobody like me is doing. Pressed is I can see.
Im going to take a break for this app.
Maybe I’ll be back or whatever :) <3
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barbarastreisandof · 5 months
13% of the Palestinian population is Jewish... where do you get this statistic from? I promise I'm not doubting it, I'm genuinely curious. I thought all Palestinian Jews (old yishuv and jews who arrived late 1800's to 1940's) became Israelis in 1948, and generally now live outside the West Bank and Gaza.
I think it's also dangerous to sell those facts as wholesale, I'll admit. Vivian Silver, one of the women who died in the attacks or in the crossfire, regularly helped drive Palestinians to hospitals within Israeli borders, and used her privilege to stand up for them at checkpoints.
Hi anon
I will post my original sources as soon as I'm able to find them. It's a bit of information I came across over the past year and not something I've had saved so I'm currently digging through old searches to find it again. To be clear, I'm not only speaking about people in the West Bank and Gaza - I am referring to all people who identify as Palestinian Arab and Jewish. I can't guarantee it's entirely up to date - it may be data from a decade ago - so it be lower now, say 10%, or could be slightly higher.
I'll remove it from the post for the time being till I can link to the source.
Also, more broadly, you're free to doubt me. I don't expect, or want, anyone to take what I'm saying as gospel. If anything I say sounds questionable or doubtful, by all means, doubt me and interrogate my points and research them or dig deeper. I'm not offended at being doubted - I'm a series of texts posts on a screen, there's little reason to trust what I say without critical thought or reflection and if something I post doesn't sit right, it makes sense to me to challenge it.
To your latter point, I am not saying there are no Israelis sympathetic to Palestinians. I am saying that the narrative that this is a problem of governments and not the people themselves is disingenuous when a majority of Israelis are NOT in favor of a single state where Palestinians are given equal rights and say in the governing of the land. To the point of Vivian Silver, I am not familiar with her specifically. What you've described, however, does not mean she saw Palestinians as equally human or deserving of liberation. It might sound harsh, but those facts alone don't communicate how she saw Palestinians as people or whether she would support true equity and liberation for the Palestinian people.
I personally know people who marched during the Civil Rights movement in the US and who supported black Americans at the time who currently oppose defunding the police and consider many outspoken black liberation activists to be too extreme and unreasonable in their demands.
Her actions and behaviors show a basic regard for Palestinian life that is often missing, but I want to be careful not to valorize those actions - those actions are part of what all Israelis owe to all Palestinians. It is not saintly or heroic for an Israeli to treat Palestinians with the same humanity and regard that they would show other Israelis. Beyond that, I can't say much because that alone is not sufficient information to surmise her politics, which from context I feel is what you're wanting me to comment on, i.e. "Here is an example of an Israeli leftist who stood with Palestine who was killed" which is not a sentiment I can agree with without knowing more about this person. Lastly, I will say, I have neither seen nor heard anything in all my reading or conversations to suggest that any Palestinian, including anyone in Hamas, would wish death upon her or want to kill anyone like her. I have seen and read and engaged in many conversations that assure me that there are many Israelis who would consider her a traitor and collaborator and want her dead for showing any basic decency to Palestinians. This is obviously subjective as I'm just reporting my own experiences, but nothing you've shared here compels me to modify any of my original points.
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Not My Type (Like You) ✧ Draco x Reader
Request: you should like do a one shot or even another mini series about amortentia/love potions in general. i’d soooo read that
italics are for flashbacks <3 i love them if you couldn’t tell 
Warnings: mean!draco, cursing, more mature themes/ideas, little bit of spice towards the end teehee but not too much bc idk how to write smut to save my life
Words: 4.5K
A/N: I saw a tiktok that kinda inspired this and i couldn’t get the idea out of my heaaaad if anyone knows which one im talking ab send it my way so i can show !!!! ALSO I LOVE THIS ONESHOT I LOVE DRACO AND I AM IN MY FEELINGS this might be my new favoriteeeee
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Draco Malfoy was insufferable.
The Prince of Slytherin was unbearable for many reasons, things you've been taking notice of since your first year at Hogwarts when you accidentally had the ”pleasure” of interacting with him when he called you stupid in a class for reciting a spell incorrectly. That day, a hostility blossomed. A hostility that ensued nothing but teasing, mocking, and criticizing that would sometimes go too far and you'd both have to be pulled away from each other by your friends’ before either of you said anything excessively harsh that had no return.
You often felt like Malfoy sought you out to bother you and only for that. You could be sitting in the Quad with friends, conversing and laughing like nothing in the world mattered, and a few minutes later you'd be hurling insults towards the blond across the courtyard after he would yell something infuriating to you with that smug smirk on his face and his goons laughing wildly beside him as if he just said the most hilarious thing they've ever heard. 
On the days you’d ignore him, not having the patience or the energy to deal with him, he would still somehow find a way to push your buttons. Little things here and there like passing you in the corridors and tugging at the ends of your hair gingerly like a child but enough to tick you off or sending you notes from across the class in the form a small fluttering bird with a lousy drawing of you usually with a message along the lines of, “Y/L/N, hopefully, this note finds itself in the nest of hair you have today xx DM.”
In all honesty, there wasn’t a day you didn’t encounter Draco and it’s been that way for seven long years. Neither of you ever gotten tired of mildly or spitefully bullying each other and neither of you ever dreamed of stopping. He was one of the few constants in your daily life, and you in his. It was like you both lived on annoying the other, and in the midst of all the chaos that you brought to one another; there was a small, teeny, tiny acquaintance - not that either of you would ever admit it. You may have noticed it the time you bet each other ten galleons for who would win in the Triwizard Tournament your fourth year and he bet on Viktor Krum while you on Cedric Diggory. (he’s very much alive i refuse to think otherwise.)
“So you’re telling me, your mother is the reason why you’re not at Durmstrang,” you scoffed. “This whole time I could have been saved four years of headaches.”
“You’re just jealous some of us have more opportunities than others,” he snarks back pompously. “Unlike you, I hardly believe you would be graceful enough to even be considered admission into Beauxbatons.”
You had gone to see the last task of the competition just like the rest of the schools, all packed tightly onto the stands and watching carefully the exit of the maze. Naturally, you had arrived with your own friend groups, but somewhere during the time of sitting there and even being a few rows behind the blond and his minions, the two of you had met in the middle bench after he was trying to prove something wrong to you. 
When Cedric appeared back in front of the stands with the glowing Triwizard cup held high over his head in victory and every Hogwarts student loudly celebrating, you had jumped up from your seat and shook wildly an irked Draco beside you. He roughly shrugged your hands off his stiff shoulder, looking up at you with a sneer that you met with a bright beaming smile.
“Pay up, Malfoy!” You held out your hand towards him, opening and closing your fingers to receive the bet money. “I believe it was ten galleons you owe me.”
He begrudgingly reached into his coat pocket and fished out the coins, counting them defeatedly before tossing them into your palm. “What a waste of galleons.”
“Hey, you made the bet,” you reminded him with a still very bright smile. You shoved the money into your pockets, keeping one of the gold coins in between your fingers, and gave him a small hair ruffle that he harshly recoiled from before you turned to jump back up towards the level of stands your friends were originally sitting at.
“Were you really sitting with Malfoy this whole time?” One of your friends questioned when you reached them, a goading smirk on his face.
“Ooooh, she definitely was,” another friend piped up, wiggling her eyebrows. “They’re obsessed with each other.”
“Shut up,” you smack her arm casually, showing the pair the one gold galleon you were holding. “We are not. I was only sitting with him to get my bet money.”
“Sure,” they drawled in unison, sniggering when you threw your head back in annoyance.
You looked down the rows to see the mop of white hair you just sent into disarray. He was slowly descending the stairs of the stands with Crabbe and Goyle following closely behind him. Almost as if he felt your eyes on his back, he turned back to look at you, his cold gray eyes gazing into yours. It was like everything around you went quiet, the only thing in your focus was him and all you could do was stare back. It wasn’t until your friends started stifling laughter and whispering “aww’s” that you snapped out of the short-lived and odd few second trance you were in. He waited for you to do something before he turned back around, and you did - by holding up both hands; the one golden galleon on your left and your middle finger on your right, grinning to yourself when he rolled his eyes throwing you the finger right back before he finally disappeared into the mob of people below.
You were briskly walking down the corridors, books held tightly to your chest with your friend at your side while you made your way to Advanced Potions with Slughorn after Snape finally made his way into the DADA position. It was an easy class, potions being something you had a knack for and it gave you enough leisure to mess with your “favorite” Slytherin who shared it with you. 
“Look there goes your boyfriend,” your friend teases, elbowing your upper arm roughly and nodding her head down towards the hall to the tall blond appearing around the corner and entering swiftly into the class.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you hiss. “I’m tired of everyone saying that. I hate him and he hates me, end of story.”
“You know when you say you hate him, it just sounds like the opposite,” she says tauntingly. “Besides, hate is a strong word and very misplaced. Maybe, it’s just years of built-up tension that both of you have been too nervous to do anything about.”
“Tension? Yeah, I want to strangle him,” you laugh to yourself at the thought.
“Not that tension, idiot,” she shakes her head, “I mean sexual tension...clearly.”
You gave her a horrified look mixed between being disgusted and being offended. You held your hand over your mouth and pretended to gag as dramatically as you could. “I am appalled that you would even say that. I would rather be locked in a room with Filch and Peeves and hear them argue and fight all day than to be with Malfoy like that.”
“Come on, think about it,” she encourages, stopping the two of you a little ways away from the classroom. “You guys 'hate' each other?” She finger quotes the hate, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “When you hate someone, you don’t go out of your way to talk to them every day.”
“It’s not like that,” you wave a hand dismissively. “Also, this isn’t a cliche, this is real life. We hate each other, that is all there is to it.”
You picked up the walk again, your friend to following behind you while letting out a deep and exhausted sigh. You couldn’t help but think about what she said, sure, perhaps at one point you thought Draco was attractive with his bright silver hair, his glittering gray eyes, his little button nose that he would crinkle up every other word he spoke in his charming haughty voice, or the way he’d tower over you in the middle of a conversation gone wrong and he’d be talking lowly to you but all you’d be able to focus on was the sweet scent of apples and cologne that radiated off of him.
“No,” you whispered almost silently to yourself, forcing yourself out of your thoughts and shaking your head from side to side as if it was going to get the image out of your head. He was mean, disrespectful, arrogant, and insulted you daily - even if you both laughed about it or gave props for the perfect jabs.
The first thing your eyes landed on when you walked into the dingy Potions classroom was Draco, his focus trained on the ceiling as if he was deep in thought. Just as his eyes were about to flicker down towards you, and sensing that he was about to, you quickly avoided his gaze and concentrated onto Slughorn who was waiting patiently by his desk with a bubbling cauldron for you and your friend to join the crowd in front of him.
“Great! Now that we’re all here,” Slughorn began excitedly, fixing the sleeves of his robes as he grabbed the ladle in the cauldron and began stirring it while continuing his lecture. 
You were trying to listen, capturing only the professor’s last sentence as he called on someone who raised their hand. All attention was thrown out the window when you realized Draco was standing near said classmate, a look of annoyance suddenly clouding his features when his pale eyes met yours.
“What?” He mouthed. You ignored him, trying to turn your concentration back onto Slughorn but nothing he was saying made sense, and right as you caught a word you did understand, a shuffling and an abrupt arm knocking into yours threw you right back out of the loop.
“Watch it,” you snap hushedly when you notice who it is. “Why are you over here?”
“I can’t say hello to my number one fan?” He whispers back, snickering slightly when you scoffed quietly.
“Fan? Says the one who shoved his way through the crowd to come over here,” you grumble, crossing your arms. 
“I hardly shoved,” he mutters. “I only moved because I couldn’t see Slughorn from where I was standing. Not everything’s about you.”
“Really? Because to me, it seemed like you came over here for my attention.”
He let out a breathy chuckle, a patronizing smile making its way onto his face. The type of typical boy smile where his mouth is half agape with his tongue smoothing over his teeth as he stared off across the room with his fingertips rubbing thoughtfully against his jawline as he thought of what to say. You stood still as he bent down, nearing his mouth towards your ear and whispering hotly, “you wish, darling.”
Slughorn sent everyone to their paired tables, and as everyone began moving and Draco sauntered off away from you, you stood stuck there, shocked with the lingering chills that were sent down your spine from your archnemesis’ comment.
“I told you, you’re into each other,” your friend sang expectantly from behind you, grabbing onto your sleeve and directing the two of you towards your table. 
You were working peacefully at your workspace, cutting up, peeling, and crushing the ingredients that your friend was sliding across the surface to you. In the table behind you was where Draco was working annoyingly quiet, tossing the stripped stems of the roses at you that you had to peel, tiny thorns pricking at your ankles through your socks since the bigger thorns had been taken off for the potion. As payback, you would throw back loose extra pearl dust you ground up, giggling tauntingly when he would frown at you for getting the coarse white powder all over his Italian leather shoes and most definitely inside of them as well.
When you, and seemingly the rest of the class, had finally thrown in all the ingredients and the potion promptly finished brewing, beautiful clouds of white and pink smoke began rising from the cauldrons, each one having a lovely scent of first; freshly pressed high-priced linens, then a faint smell of a brand new racing broom out of a box with a freshly polished wood handle that then quickly transformed into a sweet harvest of apples, green specifically, and finally...
“Ugh, gross,” you pinched your nostrils closed, turning your body around and sending a scowl towards Draco’s way. “Malfoy, we get it, your cologne is expensive, now stop spraying it. I was smelling all these wonderful things and you ruined it.”
He arched an eyebrow at you, looking at you as if you were crazy. “Are you mad? I didn’t spray anything, I think you’ve finally lost it.”
“Well you laid it on too heavy this morning then, it reeks in here.”
“You’re one to talk, Y/L/N. Did you bathe yourself in that dreadful perfume you wear just now? And that ghastly lip shiner thing you use,” He sneers, crinkling up his nose. “I can’t even think straight, I might vomit.”
“Lip shiner? It’s called lip balm, you prat,” you retort, crossing your arms angrily. “Either way, I haven’t used or sprayed anything either so-”
“For Merlin’s sake!” Your friend suddenly exasperated loudly from beside you making you briskly whirl around to look at her, a look of pure annoyance etched onto her face. “Are you two really that daft? Honestly? Have you been paying attention to anything other than each other? For instance, the potion we just made?”
This gained the attention of your classmates around you in the surrounding tables, turning their heads slightly but not obviously with small knowing smirks on their faces while they snickered quietly and listened. It was soundless as you reached towards the book in front of your friend, pulling it painstakingly slow towards you in fear of the words that were written on the open page.
“Amortentia,” you muttered glumly as you read the page, pushing it away from you dejectedly as everything began to click.
“The reason you’re both smelling each other is because you’re what the other desires and is attracted to. Wow, what a revelation! As if the whole school didn’t already know.”
You were afraid to turn around. You could feel the cold and hard pair of eyes burning holes onto your back and the immediate amount of whispers and giggles of the people around you. Luckily, Slughorn was busy at the other end of the room, working diligently with another pair of students who managed to mess up their potion. 
“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Draco announces finally.
“What’s so ridiculous about it?” You questioned, your heart falling to the pit of your stomach when you turned again and took notice of the way his lips were curling upwards as if it was the most disgusting thing he could have ever heard.
“Think about it, Y/L/N,” he deadpans. “Why would I ever desire someone like you?”
There had been occasions over the years when you were in this situation. None as drastic and as revealing, but there would be times when friends and others would poke fun and say the exact same thing your friend told you earlier. The usual, “they got the hots for each other!” and you would always brush it off and joke about how you could never, and he’d do the same. It was always amongst laughs and jokes, but as you looked at the Slytherin in front of you - there wasn’t a hint of amusement on his hardened face.
“Piss off, Malfoy,” you seethed, biting down hard on your lip to refrain from lashing out either in tears or in insults, you couldn’t decide. “If I’m so revolting, leave me alone from now on, I mean it.”
“I never said that,” he argues. “You’re just simply not my type.”
For some eerie, awful reason, the words tore into you like a sharpened knife going easily through butter. You were used to his insults, his mocking, his comments about your appearances - but this hurt, and you couldn’t explain why. You thought, for a second, possibly, that maybe your friend was right. Maybe there was a hidden attraction you had for the platinum blond that you buried deep away and one that he had for you. There was no way that was the case now, not at all. 
And for the first time in your life, you couldn’t be more sure of a simple little fact.
You hated him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
You don’t know how long you spent sitting in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, back against the cold tiled wall with your knees brought up to your chest. Your friends had tried to console you after the public rejection and humiliation, but their words only made you feel worse. You felt silly for being so bothered about being rejected by Malfoy, he wasn’t exactly someone you fancied, to begin with.
After dinner, you went off the grid and found yourself where you’re now sitting. The ghostly girl flew restlessly around you, popping out of her stall now and then to chat but then going back into her abyss of nothing when she learned you were still upset. You noticed it made her a little too pleased, considering the fact it was always her who was miserably wailing about her problems in the bathroom. She tried to hide it and let you talk to her about how you felt, but she gave terrible advice most of the time. 
“Well, if it was me, I would have never started fancying someone who was mean to me,” she mumbled. “Like when Paul Wighorn made fun of my hair for a whole year and laughed when I cried. I hated his guts then and I still do now.”
She had a point, but she was also Myrtle. Nothing about the overly dramatic ghost made sense.
“I don’t fancy him, It’s just weird,” you trail off. “I can’t imagine a day without him, even if he is a complete arse. We always joked about how we hated each other, but I didn’t think he actually meant it, I guess.”
“I think you do fancy him, though,” she whispers knowingly in your ear, making you flinch from her cold draft. “Stop denying it, it’ll only keep making you feel worse. Amortentia doesn’t lie, silly. Maybe when you drink it, but before that, all real feelings are there, whether you know it or not.”
You sat quietly, taking in her words before something came crashing down onto you like a wall of bricks.
“I suppose that means he’ll have to stop denying it too,” she adds thoughtfully. 
“Myrtle,” you rush to get up, smoothing your hair down profusely and fixing the wrinkles in your clothes. “You’re a genius.”
“I am?” She asks excitedly. “What did I say?”
You waved her off, giving her another thank you before rushing out of the bathroom and into the empty corridors. You were trying to go back to your dorm to sleep, hoping that when tomorrow came you would be bold enough to confront the Slytherin Prince but it was thirty minutes past curfew, something you didn’t notice until you were bustling down the steps in a rush and came face to face with the man of the hour himself doing his Prefect patrolling duties.
“Go to your dorm, Y/L/N,” he sneers. “I’ll take away house points, don’t test me,”
“I don’t believe you.”
“That I’ll take away house points? Watch me. Five-”
“No, you twat,” you groan, swatting his arm with your hand. “I don’t believe that I’m not your type.”
He stayed wordless for a moment, biting the inside of his cheeks and clenching his jaw as he peered down at you from his lanky height. “Why not?”
“Because I didn’t think you were my type until the amortentia made me aware of it,” you answer quietly. “Actually, my friend had a hand in it, but it was mostly the potion.”
Silence, again. Still and deadly. You could hear the large clocks around the school tick and tock, the hundreds of paintings snoring peacefully or chattering quietly. You avoided looking up at the boy in front of you, all of a sudden feeling small under his gaze until you felt cold fingers brush against your cheekbone and then softly through your hair causing you to finally look up into the soft wandering almost blue eyes. 
“I didn’t find out with the amortentia,” he muttered almost reluctantly as if it was the most difficult thing he had to reveal. “I’ve known I’ve liked you for a while.”
“How long is a while?” You curiously wonder aloud.
“I’m not telling,” he smirks. “Perhaps you’ll figure it out one day.”
Both hands came up to rest on your cheeks, slightly cold but soft and tender. It sent chills throughout your body as he took a step closer to you and then closer, backing you carefully into the diagonally ascending stone wall that went in the direction of the stairs. Your breathing was getting uneven, you noticed the way you accidentally switched to manually forcing yourself to inhale and exhale normally when he leaned down with his face now being mere centimeters from yours. It was torture, having your eyes closed and feeling the way his nose was brushing against yours, minty breath warm against your lips as he ghosted over them with his. He was so close, you smelt everything that was in the damn potion that got you here. It sent flutters of warmth down your body, trickling down and seeping deeply into every bone in your body as if this is was the remedy its been needing. This is what you’ve been missing.
When you finally felt a soft pair of lips being pressed into yours, it felt almost unreal that you were there. It was awkward the first couple of seconds, both of you wondering how in the world had you gotten yourselves in this position, but after you relaxed and he found his Prince of Slytherin confidence - it was magic. His lips moved languidly against yours, affectionately and full of longing. He kept his hands on your cheeks, still timid to move anywhere else while you kept yours resting lightly on his sides. It scared you a little, how fast and how easily you melted into each other, like if this was something you’ve been doing with him for years rather than torment the other for laughs. 
You hated the feeling when he pulled away, a gust of freezing castle air passing through the space between you and cooling your lips and face from his contact. His hands dropped down to his sides and he looked down at you with a small smile, a teeny bit smug, but happy. You wanted to feel the same way, but a question still loomed over your head, overpowering the giddiness you were vividly feeling.
“Why did you lie earlier?” You question softly, directing your gaze to the floor. “In class, I mean.”
He thought about his answer for a second, sighing deeply when he realized he had to uncover more truths about himself to you. You took a mental observation at that, he didn’t like to talk about feelings. “You didn’t say anything. Didn’t even look at me. I thought I’d beat you to it and reject you before you could reject me.”
“What made you think I’d reject you?” You coaxed. “Other than the fact that I made you a sworn enemy at eleven.”
“Exactly that,” he laughed lightly. “You’re unpredictable, Y/N.”
You smiled to yourself at the realization that he finally used your first name. “So are you, Draco.”
“Not really,” he grins. “Like in just a few moments, for example, I’m going to start snogging you.”
You opened your mouth to encourage him but shut it quickly when he closed the space between the two of you again, this time much closer than he was before. He was flush against you, and when you say you could feel everything; you could feel everything. You were almost begging for him to lean down and kiss you again by the time you felt his hands on you again, running delicately around the exposed skin of your hips when your shirt hiked up an inch on accident. He leaned down again, and with the advantage of his lowered height, you let your hands slide up his arms, biceps, and ultimately the nape of his neck where your fingers continued up into his hair. The breathiest gasp escaped his throat as you tugged at the ends gently, smirking to yourself when he closed his eyes in delight at the touch.
His lips came down onto your fast this time and hastily, pressing himself impossibly closer into you. You could feel his grip tighten against your hips, his hold moving upwards onto your waist as he continued to kiss you fervently. His teeth bit down softly on your bottom lip and you wasted no time in parting them slightly for his tongue to meet yours. You tugged at the platinum strands of hair again, feeling triumphant when a low groaning sound emitted from his throat at the sensation as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss further.
You knew you were done for when one of his hands slowly slid up your upper body, stopping first at your collarbones with warm fingertips fluttering over the skin, before he moved it upwards completely and he now had his large hand wrapped comfortably around your neck. You gasped in delight into the kiss, a swarm of butterflies going directly to your lower stomach as he squeezed against the artery in your neck meticulously, the coldness from his Malfoy family crest ring only adding fuel to the fire. He tore his mouth away from yours with his hand still clutched firmly around your throat and you were almost sent into orbit with the look he was giving you. A look filled with desire, adoration, and intensity - his pale gray eyes were much darker, almost a dark blue that resembled the starry night sky on a summer night.
Lips reattached themselves roughly and feverishly against your jawline, peppering long and tender kisses all the way towards your ear and then down towards your collarbones where he was beginning to undo the rest of the top buttons of your school dress shirt. You felt him smile against your hot skin when you’d writhe underneath him, emitting weak whimpers that you couldn’t hold back that he ended up having to clasp a free hand over your mouth as he whispered into your ear to stay quiet.
It didn’t matter that you were in the middle of a poorly lit corridor where anyone could walk past and see the frenzy that was unfolding, nor did it matter to Draco that his Prefect duties were long forgotten. Your friend was right, and everyone else for that matter; it wasn’t hate you felt for the blond at all, it was years and years of a craving and a hidden yearning packed with displaced tension.
And now, you were both exactly where you wanted to be; together.
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I'll Be Here
Oh boy I'm back baby. Here's a Derek Shepherd x Teen!reader bc I just started Grey's Anatomy. I'm well aware I've had stuff in my inbox for over a year, and frankly I'll get round to them soon. I hope this tides you over.
Derek Shepherd x Teen!Reader
Summary: Who'd have thought the child of Derek Shepherd would suffer with something even he can't cure?
A/N: I've been twitching a lot lately so this was a comfort write. Derek and Meredith don't have a relationship, and there's a bit of canon divergence.
⚠️TW⚠️ Talk and descriptions of twitching/tics
You knew the moment you woke up you were going to have a bad day.
Your alarm went off at the bright and early nine and as you made a move to turn it off, your arm twitched, almost pushing it off your nightstand. You let out a sigh, leaning down and managing to shut it off and sit up.
Until you neck starts to snap left and right, tensing and relaxing each muscle.
“Fuck’s sake,” you mutter under your breath, standing and stretching, well, as much as you can before your twitches start up again. You makes your way downstairs, finding an empty kitchen and a note on the counter. You manage to pick it up and read it.
Sorry, I got called in today. Let me know when you’re up
— Dad
You shake your head, whistling and shaking your hands. Great, so you're alone on a day where your twitches are worse than normal. You sigh and head back upstairs, almost losing balance on the stairs, and takes a quick shower before trying to style your hair. With difficulty, you get changed before reaching over and grabbing your phone. You grip it tightly, until it’s flung across the room.
“Shit,” you mumble, reaching down and picking it up. You open your messages, trying to text your dad.
Hi, up. Bad today
It’s short, and to the untrained eye, might seem pretty rude, but to you and your dad, is a warning. Heading back to the kitchen, you try to eat a bowl of cereal. Instead, you managed to spill the cereal twice, drop milk on the floor, and then poke yourself in the side of the face a few times with your spoon instead of eating.
Your phone buzzes.
Do you need me at
No. Just bad
Do you want to come
to the hospital? You
can stay in one of the
offices if you want
You think about it for a moment, though you don’t get too long before your phone starts ringing. You pick up.
“Hi—” you whistle “—hi Dad.”
You hear him sigh. “Hey kid. Do you want to come in today? I can make sure no one stops you and you can come straight to the office.”
You click, your neck jerking forward. “You sure? I’ve—“ you whistle “—never been there before. I don’t want—“ you click “—to become a case study.”
Your dad laughs lightly down the phone. “I won’t let them. Just make your way over, and keep your earphones in. Music helps.”
You nod, before your neck twitches to the side and cracks, making your dad wince audibly. “Okay. I’ll let you know—“ you whistle and sigh, clearly getting frustrated with yourself.
“I get it. Don’t work yourself up; it’ll only make it worse. See you soon. Love you.”
A ghost of a smile passes across your face. “Love you too, Dad.”
Derek hangs up and leaves the store cupboard, almost bumping into Dr Bailey as she marches past.
“Watch where you’re going, McDreamy,” she scolds and Derek smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Bailey narrows her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Y'N's coming here. They're having a bad day,” he replies and Bailey nods, immediately catching on. “No one else knows.”
Surprisingly enough, you haven’t met anyone from Derek’s work, except for Bailey and even then, that was an accident. You'd bumped into her on a bad day and Derek had to explain what was wrong. Ever since, Bailey’s had a soft spot for you.
“Not even the chief?” She asks and Derek shakes his head. “Did you warn them?” He nods. “Well, there’s not much else you can do.”
“They're texting me when they’re a few minutes away. If I get caught in surgery, can you meet them at the doors please?”
The two stop in the corridor, Bailey pulling him over. “I have my own schedule too, Shepherd.”
Derek nods. “I know, but you’re the only other person here they know, and you know how they can get in places they don’t know…”
Bailey looks around. “If you’re caught up, you owe me one.”
Derek smiles and nods, a look of relief on his face. “Thank you.”
You're walking down the street to the hospital, constantly readjusting your earphones so they don’t fall out. Your neck keeps snapping to the side and jerking forward, earning a few odd looks from strangers. You sigh, a few minutes away from the hospital, and pull out your phone. Before you can do anything, though, you promptly throw your phone on the pavement.
Thank god your dad bought you one of those industrial phone cases. You pick it up, dodging people as you go to call your dad. He picks up after two rings.
“Hi, I’m—“ you click “—a minute away.”
“Okay. I don’t think I’m going to be able to meet you at the doors. Just walk through, take the stairs to the fifth floor, and come down the hall. I’ll be in the break room, second door on the left.”
Your eyes widen; you're going to be by yourself? Walking through a hospital? Where no one knows you?
“O-Okay,” you stammer out and your dad sighs.
“I’m sorry kid. Everything’s going to be okay. I’ll see you in a bit.”
He hangs up and you take a breath, nodding to yourself. You pocket your phone and turn your music up as loud as it can be. Your dad was right, it does ease your twitching, though not as much as you'd like.
Fall Out Boy blasts through your earphones as you walk through the doors of Seattle Grace. You refuse to make eye contact with anyone, your neck twitch making it a lot easier to achieve. You click as you make your way to the stairwell, making your way up.
You don’t hear the calls of concerns from the interns following you, trying to catch up to you.
By the time you reach the fifth floor, the two interns have gone to find Dr Bailey to try and assist them, and Dr Shepherd who can help with the disorder being presented. They haven’t had someone who needs medical attention blatantly ignore them and go to a certain department before.
You lose your balance a little as you walk through the doors to the fifth floor, your neck jerking left and right repeatedly, muscles tensing and relaxing. Your hands are shaking and you walk like a new fawn.
You reach the door and push it open, whistling and clicking as you do so. At least you can see your dad today.
Derek knows immediately what kind of day is happening when you steps into the room. You're a jerking mess, neck and shoulders tensing and relaxing as though given electric shocks. You're whistling, clicking, and your eyes have recently started screwing shut, temporarily blinding you.
And that’s with your headphones in.
“Hey Y/N,” he greets, gently taking one earbud out of your ear and leading you to the seats. At least if you're sat, you have less of a chance of hurting yourself.
“Hi Dad,” you reply until a whistle comes back out. “S-Sorry.”
“Hey,” Derek places a firm but kind hand on your shoulder, “don’t apologise. None of this is your fault.” There’s a silence between you two, only broken by the sound coming from the removed earphone. “Fall Out Boy? Nice choice.”
Your neck snaps but you give a small smile. “Thanks.”
“Do you want something to eat? Did you manage to get some breakfast?” You sigh, your hands twitching and trembling, which tells Derek everything he needs to know. “Is it a bomb-site there?”
You shake your head. “I managed—“ you whistle “—to clean up. Took ages.” Your neck jerks forward. Derek sighs, putting an arm around you and pulling you into his side. You've always been wary; you never want to hurt your dad accidentally but Derek doesn’t care. You're his kid, and nothing will change that.
“You’re okay. Do you want some lunch? We can go to the cafeteria—they’ve got some pizza in there that’s actually pretty good.”
You nod, knowing anything you try to say will be interrupted by one of your twitches. You walk alongside Derek, trying your hardest to suppress your twitching as you make your way through the hospital and into to lift, where a few others are going to different floors. Derek notices, and leans into your ear. “You don’t have to hide it here, kid. Promise.”
There’s an audible sigh of relief from you as you let out a scatter of twitches, your neck jerking forward as you whistle and click. Your hands shake and flap and you let it all go. A few of the doctors and nurses turn around to look at you, but one harsh glare from Dr Shepherd makes them all go back to minding their own business.
You exit the lift and walk through the corridors to the cafeteria. You join the queue and you feel Derek keep an arm around you, trying to help you ease your twitches. You're grateful, though you both know there isn’t much either of you can do to stop them. You sigh, putting your earphones back in and blasting some music, this time Hozier.
Derek watches you struggle, sympathy panging through his heart. He hates that you've been cursed with this, and the worst part is they can’t find anything that’s causing it. It’s not like there’s a tumour or growth on your brain Dr Shepherd can operate on, you're just stuck with it.
“Dr Shepherd, good afternoon. Who’s this?” Lindsey, the server behind the food counter, greets. Derek smiles.
“Afternoon Lindsey. This is my kid, Y/N. They're joining me at the hospital today,” he explains, gently tapping you on the shoulder and causing you to take an earphone out. “Y/N, this is Lindsey.”
“Hi,” you greet, before your neck jerks forward yet again, cracking. The two adults give a wince and Lindsey gives you a small smile.
“What would you like, hun?” She asks. You look over, or does so as best you can. You can barely stay still long enough to read the menu. “We have a standard pizza or pepperoni pizza today. We also have some ham, chicken, or cheese sandwiches and salads. Or a few pastries we can heat up if you’d prefer.”
You give her a grateful smile. “Can I—“ you whistle “—have pepperoni please? And a—“ you click “—bottle of water?”
“Sure thing, and you Dr Shepherd?”
You put your earphones back in, trying your hardest to stop twitching. The problem is, the more you try to stop it, the worse it gets. It takes a few minutes for you to get your food, and when you do, Derek carries both trays to a table and sets them down. He takes a seat opposite you, giving a small smile.
“Thanks Dad,” you thank, pulling one earphone out so you can hear the conversation. You pick up the plastic fork and spear a few chips, but before you can eat them, your hand twitches and you throw it on the floor. You sigh but before either you or your dad can make a move to pick it up, someone else does it for you.
“You better be more careful. I don’t want fries on my shoes.” You recognise that voice anywhere, and smile as you look up at Dr Bailey. You let out a small laugh.
“Hi Dr Bailey,” you greet, whistling as your head snaps to the side and back. She smiles at you.
“Heard you were coming and through I’d say hello.”
“Guys, shut up,” Cristina hisses. “Do you see?”
“See what?” George asks as they quieten down. She nods her head and the table of interns turn around to catch sight of what’s going on. Dr Bailey is talking Dr Shepherd… and you sat with them. You're not dressed in any kind of hospital gown, nor are you wearing scrubs, so who are you? And how are you making Dr Bailey smile?
Meredith watches, catching sigh of your hair, and her eyes widen. She reaches over, slapping George on the arm.
“What?” He asks.
“It’s them,” she replies, “the person from earlier. Y’know, the one who didn’t check in at reception and took the stairs. The one who ignored us!”
George’s eyes widen too, and the two get up and start to walk over, ignoring the protests of Cristina and Izzie as they reach the table. You're struggling to get a sentence out, whistling and clicking as you try to tell Dr Shepherd about something.
“Dr Shepherd!” Meredith calls out, making the conversation halt between you. “Are you with a patient?”
She misses how you cringe. Dr Shepherd frowns, which only deepens more at the crack in your neck as it jerks forward. “Dr Grey, Dr O’Malley, how can I help?”
“W-We saw, erm, this kid walk straight through and up to neurology without checking in. Do you want us to check them in and get a better examination? We were going to come to you for a consult when we saw them anyway, but since you already seem to know them…” George trails off and Dr Shepherd looks between you, the interns, and Dr Bailey.
An awkward silence falls between you, only disturbed by the occasional whistle or click from you. “I can get a wheelchair if it’s easier.”
“No need,” Dr Shepherd cuts in. “They aren’t a patient, their name’s Y/N. They're my kid and they're accompanying me to work today.” The two interns look at each other, mortified. “Now, if you excuse us, we were just having lunch.”
Your hand flexes again, making you throw your fork on the floor (the second one in the space of fifteen minutes) and sigh. You go to pick it up, only for George to beat you to it. “Here.”
“Than—“ you click as your head jerks forward “Thank you.”
“Don’t you two have places to be?” Bailey asks, less than impressed with her two interns in front of her. They both nod and scurry off, back to their table to tell Cristina and Izzie about Dr McDreamy’s kid.
“I don’t know how they cope with it,” George muses as the group of four interns sit on some beds in the back corridor, waiting to be paged for something.
“Yeah, twitching all the time. God, I’d kill myself if I had them,” Izzie continues. “Would ruin my chances at both medicine and modelling. And a lot of other things, probably.”
“Do you think they wanted to go into medicine? Y’know, before they started twitching? Or have they always had it?” Cristina asks. “Or do they have a tumour?”
“For your information,” a voice cuts in, making all four jump and turn to the source, meeting the likes of Dr Shepherd, “Y/N wants to be a lawyer.” He walks down the corridor to them, everyone’s cheeks turning red a the prospect of being caught gossiping. “The tics developed about eighteen months ago, just before we moved to Seattle. It’s not a tumour, or any kind of swelling; in fact, we have no clue what set it off.”
“Have you done an MRI? CT?” Meredith suggests and Derek nods.
“We ran everything. It all came back clean.” He looks at Cristina. “They did want to be a doctor. When we realised we couldn’t cure them, they were upset for weeks. They—“
“Talking about me?” A voice calls down the corridor and Derek’s face splits into a smile, something that doesn’t go amiss by the others. You whistle, making it to the group and taking a seat next to your dad. You lean on him… until your neck twitches and you almost fall back. Derek’s hand shoots out, supporting you.
“We were just—“ Izzie tries to say before you cut her off, clicking in the process.
“Let me guess.” You whistle. “The doctor que—“ you click “—question and how I live with—“ your neck jerks to the side “—it.”
Your dad gives you a smile. “Ten out of ten for you,” he smiles. You nod.
“Well, I used to want to—“ you click “—be a doctor, until we found out this is incurable.” You whistle. “Pretty soul-crushing.” Your neck jerks back, and if it wasn’t for your dad’s hand, you would’ve hit the wall. “And we’ve learned to adapt to it. There are—“ you click “—days where I’m fine, with only a few, and days—“ you whistle and everyone can feel the frustration radiating off you. Still, no one chooses to finish your sentence, letting you get it out yourself “—like this.”
For a while, the six make general conversation, until, slowly but surely, you start to drift off. It isn’t until there’s an odd silence that Derek notices, and he has a smile on his face as he looks down at you, asleep on his shoulder.
“They look so… peaceful,” Izzie comments quietly, the others agreeing.
“Yeah. We’ve had a few rough days this week. God knows they need the rest,” Derek mutters. He shifts to look between the four. “Any of you wake them, I’ll make sure you’re banned from the OR for a month.”
Everyone’s eyes widen as they nod in unison; they’re all begging for a chance at more surgery. Carefully, Derek manoeuvres you so your head’s lying in his lap, body stretched out on the hospital bed. He carefully cards his fingers through your hair, detangling it as gently as he can.
The interns’ pagers go off, assigning them jobs and the four rush off, leaving Derek and you to rest. He smiles, getting himself comfortable sitting on the end of the bed, back against the wall.
“Get some rest, buddy. I’ll always be here for you.”
Hope y'all enjoyed. I know it's pretty different from what I usually write, but this is for my own comfort so...
Sorry not sorry
@breadsticks2004 @criminalsmarts @rororo06@ogmilkis@ssebstann@herecomesthewriterwitch @garcias-batcave @spidey-reids-2003 @lovelylaurens@sataninsatin@snarky--starky @mcntsee @averyhotchner @dindjarinsspouse @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love
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justauthoring · 3 years
The Long Wait
Prompt: Eventually, the hoping became too much to bare. Requested by: no one.
A/N: This is basically a remake of this fic -- upon re-watching the GMG arc with my mom, I couldn’t help but look back at this fic and realize how much more I could’ve done with it. Thus, this was born. Pairing: Gray Fullbuster x F!Reader
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“What do you mean you’re leaving?”
Keeping your gaze trained to the ground, you absolutely refuse to look up -- because you know that if you did, your heart would break all over again.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, words jumbled together, voice quiet that if the guild hall was so completely silent, they definitely wouldn’t have heard you. But they do, and they falter at the way you sound so absolutely broken. And of course, all of them were, but there was something different about the way you sounded -- it was like you were defeated. 
Macao steps towards her, you hear it rather then see it, and can imagine his hand stretched out towards you, trying to placate you. “Y/N, we understand--” and he halts, voice catching in the back of his throat. “We understand more then anyone how you feel, but--”
“It’s different.” You find yourself cutting in, voice sharp, and you wince at yourself because you sound so incredibly selfish and rude. Who were you to say that your pain was any different from theirs? Any worse? But, still, you continue, your emotions getting the better of you. “It’s just... different. I... I can’t be here knowing they’re... he’s gone.”
“Y/N-nee, we don’t know that they’re gone!”
Your eyes fall shut at the sound of Romeo’s voice.
“We have to keep searching for them,” he argues, defiant, adamantly shaking his head. “They’re somewhere out there, I know that. And Gray wouldn’t--”
“They’re gone,” you hiss, interrupting him and finally glancing up to regard your friends, your family. They rear back at your harsh words, and that guilt festers even deeper inside of your chest, with the way they’re looking at you. Jet and Droy look near tears, and you know they’re thinking of Levy. And Bisca and Alzack look in shock at your outburst, you’re usually so quiet and calm. Macao looks angry, and the rest just stare at you, varying reactions that all mesh together.
Because really, it’s the way Romeo looks at you, still so young, so full hope as your words basically slap him in the face.
But you’re too far gone now, and there’s no stopping you.
“It’s been two years,” you continue, voice softer but still cutting, still hurtful. “They’re not coming back. They’re never coming back.”
He’s never coming back.
They don’t respond. No one argues, even if some look like they might. Maybe they’re understanding, maybe they’re finally getting it -- it’s been too long now and no one from the island is coming back. You’d been hopeful at first, you’d been like Romeo -- you’d refused to lose hope. But your heart is broken and there’s no mending it and you can’t keep staring at those doors all day expecting, hoping, praying that he’ll walk through them only for him never to.
So, you turn, nothing but a soft, sorrowful, pathetic apology leaving your lips as you turn your backs on your friends and leave them.
And as you turn, you see his familiar face, the dark black of his hair, that drawling smirk on his lips, and his cold, but always soft when directed at you eyes looking at you, but when you blink, he’s gone.
You huff at the weight dropped around your shoulders, inhaling deeply when you see a familiar puff of blonde hair.
“Did you hear?”
You don’t need to ask what he means. It’s pretty obvious.
“Fairy Tail will be competing again this year.”
When you turn to look at Sting, he’s smirking -- all bright eyed and giddy, and you hold back your own snark as you regard him with a small nod. Sting was one of the few to know of the fact that you used to be part of Fairy Tail -- him and Rogue, given that they were the ones who recruited you, and then the master as well.
It wasn’t news you were eager for everyone to know. Fairy Tail was a laughing stock in all respects now, but Sabertooth seemed to have a particular fondness of mocking the way the guild had fallen. And it was easy to hide you’d ever been apart of it given you hadn’t been a particularly well-known mage back when you’d been a member. Your powers were relatively new, and with, regrettably, the help of the Twin Dragon slayers you’d definitely grown in aspects of strength.
Three years since you’d joined Sabertooth -- two years of training on your own, and three of being surrounded by much stronger mages had you adapting and constantly changing. You were practically unrecognizable.
You were known at Y/N of Sabertooth now, and it was like the Y/N of Fairy Tail never even existed at all.
“I’m surprised,” you hum, shifting as Sting moves to take a seat next to you, still whilst having an arm draped over your arm. You blink at the sudden arrival of Rogue, not having heard him, as he takes a seat in front of you, before continuing. “They weren’t in it last year, or the year before if I remember. After finishing last every year before.”
You hadn’t been apart of Sabertooth’s team, but you do remember watching.
It had been... hard, to say the least.
“Ah, well, this year they have a new team.” Rogue explains blandly.
“New members, you should say,” Sting smirks.
Brows furrowed, you shake your head at their words, confusion flooding at you at the particular gleefulness of Sting’s expression. He always got a kick out of embarrassing other teams, not even just Fairy Tail, but there was something different about the way his eyes sparkled.
Sting meets your gaze, and without wavering, adds; “or should I say, old?”
Your breath catches, and even as your mind starts spinning, you’re all too aware of the way both Sting and Rogue are watching you carefully.
You turn from Rogue to Sting, and absolutely hate the gleam in the latter’s eyes as he smirks down at you. Keeping a tight hold on you, he pulls you closer, leaning until he’s a breaths away; “it’s a good thing I managed to convince the Master to let you on the team this year, Y/N,” he grins widely, “you’ll get to reunite with your old pales.”
That... that couldn’t be possible.
They were--They were dead. They are dead.
“I... I need some fresh air.” Shoving Sting’s arm off of you, you ignore his calls and his merciless laughter as you stock out the guild doors, bypassing Minerva which you know will get you in shit later. You don’t really care in that moment, you can’t even think straight, you need air. 
You need to breathe.
Sting must be lying. He has to be lying. There’s... they were dead, it’s been seven years.
Seven years.
How... why now? Why after all this time?
And you convince yourself he isn’t lying. You ignore Sting every time he tries to talk to you, and focus on training. It would be no good if you failed since you were on the roster this year -- Master would kill you if you failed to impress him and keep Sabertooth at the very top. And it’s easy enough to do, spend all your time training, pushing yourself to the brink, until it’s a few days before the games and you realize, Sting wasn’t lying.
You’d been trying to ignore it, ignore the urge, but eventually you give in and find yourself in the city of Magnolia. A place you haven’t been in a long time.
Fairy Tail’s location had changed, but you’d made sure to keep tabs on them. You never showed your face, mainly because you knew that in the end, you’d betrayed your friends. In their eyes, you assumed, you were the enemy, a traitor. You’d left them, left your guild in a time they’d needed you most, and almost instantly regretted it.
But every time you tried to go back, every time you made your way towards those doors, you’d remember the words you’d said -- “They’re not coming back. They’re never coming back.” -- and, like a coward, you were never able to face them.
From the moment you’d left, all you’d wanted to do was go back but it was too late for that now. And so you settled for keeping tabs, helping them where you could, always in secret -- you knew how they owed money, and you didn’t have a lot, but you always anonymously send some the guild’s way in hopes of helping. Sabertooth would kill you if they found out, specifically Sting, but it was your way of repaying all the hurt you must’ve caused them.
It’s why you know their new location. And, without even being there for more then five minutes, you see them.
A blue flying cat, followed by a white one, a tuff of pink hair, red hair, blue hair, blonde and most importantly, him. His dark hair, the fact that nothing’s changed and he looks exactly like he had those seven years ago when you’d wished him good luck on the S Class competition, and pressed a shy, chaste kiss to his cheek, the two of you blushing madly as he left, waving you goodbye.
But, they were there. He was there.
“And last but certainly not least, is the team that came first in the preliminaries... that’s right, you know them, you love them! Now, get on your feet and scream for the most powerful guild in all Fiore! The one and only, Sabertooth!”
You wince at the cheering, two steps behind everyone else as Sting makes his grand entrance, looking thoroughly most pleased and proud of himself then anyone else. However, even you can see the smirk on Rufus’ and Orga’s face. 
If anything, it’s you and Rogue that don’t look all that excited.
And you, for a specific reason. One that stares you right in the face the second you walk into the arena.
Elfman, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, but more importantly, Gray all look at you the second your team arrives. You can even feel Fairy Tail team B, and the rest of the guild up in the stands watching you and only you. You also notice with disdain that Sting had purposefully made way for you to be seen, even if you hadn’t been that hidden, you would’ve rather remained in the shadows.
That, and you’re not exactly sure what to say as they all stare at you.
It’s Natsu who yells it, but it’s Lucy who steps towards you, baffled and confused; “Y/N, what’re you...”
But you only lower your gaze, eyes falling shut as Sting pulls you into his side, laughing loudly. “What a reunion!” He cheers, pumping his fist in the air, before turning to you. “Isn’t it so great to see all your old guildmates, Y/N?”
You meet their eyes, just as the announcer calls out;
“What’s this? A reunion? Could it be perhaps that Sabertooth’s own Y/N Y/L/N was once a member of Fairy Tail? What a twist on her debut in the Grand Magic Games!”
“This is so not man...”
Turning your head at the sound of Elfman’s voice, your breath catches in the back of your throat.
“Elfman,” Erza says sharply, pulling your eyes back on her and thus the rest of them, noticing with a thick swallow the way her eyes have never left your own. “I’m sure Y/N has her reasons.”
But as she stares at you, waiting for you to say something, you simply turn, walking off.
“I didn’t know you used to be in Fairy Tail,” Rufus drawls to you when you pass him, and your shoulders tighten.
That’s right... now, everyone knew.
“You never needed to know,” you say simply.
“It seems Fairy Tail’s Team A Gray Fullbuster approaches Sabertooth’s own Y/N Y/L/N, and the crowd watches in anticipation at the clear tension amongst the two of them--.”
Everything freezes. Shoulders tensing, you slowly turn, meeting Gray’s eyes -- the one you’d been specifically avoiding.
“We won’t lose.”
I know, you want to say. I don’t want you to, you want to tell him. I want Fairy Tail to win, you want to plead. But instead, knowing the eyes that watch you, you simply say; “neither will Sabertooth.”
This had to be some cruel joke.
Your punishment, maybe.
Sabertooth’s Y/N Y/L/N versus Fairy Tail’s Team A Gray Fullbuster
That’s what the board said, that what that God awful announcer calls with clear joy in his voice -- your first battle, the second day of the Games, and this way the turn out.
There was no way you’d win. 
Ignoring the fact that you had no doubt Gray was stronger then you -- you simply just couldn’t. You wouldn’t. Not against Fairy Tail and certainly not against Gray.
“Good luck, Y/N,” Sting calls as you move to make your way towards the arena. “Though I doubt you’ll need it.”
You hate his words, hate the way he knows, hate the way he seems to get such joy out of everything that had happened. This was his fault. His fucking fault that you were here, and that this was happening.
Though, of course, even you knew that was true.
“Sabertooth’s Y/N Y/L/N has never been apart of Sabertooth’s team, but we can expect something great from Fiore’s strongest guild, needless to say. Do you know anything about Y/N Y/L/N, Yajima-san?”
“I don’t know much about Y/’N now, but in her Fairy Tail days, she never really made a name for herself, but I do distinctly remember her powers being incredibly unique.”
“Ah! A mystery then. And of course, Fairy Tail’s Gray Fullbuster is a Ice Wizard, but after his performance in day one’s Hidden Competition, the crowd’s not too sure what to expect. Nonetheless, it should be an intense match between old guildmates now turned enemy’s.”
“Shut up,” you hiss to yourself, nails digging into the palm of your hands.
“Ah, I see you’re just as chipper as you used to be.”
Swallowing thickly, you inhale sharply as Gray comes to a stop a few feet before you. It’s closest you’ve been to him since that first day, and more importantly, then in seven years. You’d already known since that day, but he really does look exactly like he had that day. Hasn’t aged a day. You don’t know the story, you don’t know how he’s back, but you know you’ve heard the term ‘seven year blank’ echoing around.
That makes more sense as you stare at him now.
Still eighteen, you’re now older then him then a year younger like you had been before. 
Remaining silent, your head tilts back, where you know Sabertooth is, chest tightening.
Turning to Gray at the sound of your name, your lips part when you noticed the way his eyes have softened, even if only a little, like he caught something in the past moment you’d turned away from him. He looks so much more... concerned then he had the first day, and that was only yesterday. When he’d called for you, he’d looked so angry...
Now, he only looked worried.
“What happened?”
Swallowing thickly, you try to appear unbothered. “I left.”
“There’s more to it, I know there is,” Gray shakes his head, “the others told us about the day--”
Eyes clenching shut, a simply jerk of your head has Gray flying back. It causes a roar of gasps, surprise and anticipation in the thought that the fight is finally starting. But you know, unlike them, that it won’t get farther then that -- at least not from your end.
Gray hisses, slowly crawling to his feet, before he smirks at you; “you’ve gotten strong.”
“It’s been seven years.”
“Still,” he shrugs, stopping before you once again. “You have control now.”
You shrug, mimicking him with a smirk, “it’s been seven years.”
However, the facade falls all too quick when he takes a step towards you. Your body tenses, fists clenching as he continues to make his way towards you until he’s directly before you. He eyes you for a moment, quiet, carefully, and you nearly break then and there.
“It may have been seven years, but I know you best,” he whispers, voice low, “I know you’re lying.”
You shake your head, pushing his words away from your thoughts; “attack me.”
And he blinks, surprised; “what?”
“I need you to attack me,” you repeat, keeping your eyes trained downwards, refusing to meet his eyes. “I... I just need you to.”
And part of you expects him to -- you deserve it, you know, after all you’d done.
But, a second later, Gray’s stepping back, pulling your wide eyes on him as he shakes his head; “Fairy Tail doesn’t attack their own friends, Y/N. You know that.” And your breath hitches when his hand moves to raise.
“No!” You yell, before you can help yourself, eyes flashing a bright gold, like they had seconds before, holding Gray’s arm in place as he blinks back at you. Letting out a soft whimper, one you hope he doesn’t hear, you hold his arm in place, eyes falling shut as your own arm raises, the crowd falling eerily silent.
“I give up.”
And you knew, even as you feel the glares on your back, that there really wasn’t any other outcome that could’ve happened. You’d never hurt Gray, you knew, and you refused to hurt Fairy Tail anymore.
You were destined to lose this match.
“What’s so special about those fairies, huh?”
Wincing, you gasp at the squeeze on your throat, trying to suck in air that won’t come as your eyes fall on Sting’s own narrowed ones, glaring down at you. The brick of the wall behind you bites into your skin, and you know his grip will leave bruises, but even as you gasp for air and it feels like your vision is closing in on you, you have no regrets.
You never would, even if it’ll get you killed.
“What’s so fucking special about them?”
You refuse to respond, even if Sting wasn’t blocking off your air way you wouldn’t. Even if you could easily knock him away, send him flying, you don’t -- you’ll only pay for it more later.
“What’s so special about him?!”
He drops you then, and you fall to your knees with a thud, a cry leaving your lips as he sends a sharp kick to your gut, causing you to double over. It takes you a moment, a solid minute to catch your breath, and even then you’re still gasping, voice raspy as you raise your chin, eyes narrowing as you say the words you’ve been wanting to say to Sting for years.
“Fairy Tail is the guild Sabertooth could never be,” you hiss, your voice pathetic but your gaze menacing. “And Gray is a better man than you’ll ever be. All of them are. You’ll never be as good as Natsu.” You hit him where you know it hurts, the words having been on the tip of your tongue for years but you’d always held back in fear of what would happen.
Well, you’re no longer afraid. You’re too far gone now.
Sting’s eyes narrow and his face twists, ready to explode, before he breathes, and a smirk curls onto his lips. “You’ll never be apart of your pathetic guild again,” he hisses, “you’ll be stuck in Sabertooth for the rest of your life. Only, Master will make sure your life is a living hell.”
He sends another sharp kick at your side, but says nothing more as he turns, walking off with a huff.
It takes you a moment to gather yourself, slowly pushing yourself up to your knees where you stay, chest heaving, the pain radiating across your entire body, fingers finding your neck and touching the offended skin gently as you hiss in response.
You didn’t regret surrendering, but you couldn’t help but be terrified of what would happen when you walked into the inn that night.
You never should’ve left Fairy Tail. It was a regret you’d probably take to your grave.
“We actually have points thanks to you.”
Blinking at the sound of Gray’s voice, you slowly glance up at him, arm still wrapped tightly around your stomach as you stare up at him.
“I’m glad,” you whisper, smiling gently, “Fairy Tail deserves to win.”
Gray sighs, and stepping towards you, he reaches a hand out; “here,” he says softly, voice a mere whisper. You meet his eyes, before glancing at his hand for a moment, slowly slipping your own in it. He helps you to your feet, holding you up as you waver, hissing in pain, and then, before you know it, before you can even help yourself, you fall against him, forehead pressing against his shoulder as you let out a whimper.
“You know,” Gray says after a moment, “I still remember that kiss.”
Shaking your head, you let out a quiet, somewhat forced laugh.
“What happened, Y/N?”
“You were gone,” you whisper, finally answering. “You all were, but you were too. And... And I couldn’t handle staring at those doors everyday waiting for you to walk through them, only for you never to.” Pulling back, you meet his eyes, “I love you, I wanted to tell you that day, and it crushed me that I never did.”
Hands falling on your waist, Gray shakes his head; “no one would tell me where you were when we came back. It’s like every time I asked, this look would come over them and everyone would fall silent. When I learned it had been seven years, I wanted to see you first and tell you... tell you, I love you too.”
Biting your lip, “it’s too late,” you whisper. “The others must hate me and I... Sting will never let me leave.”
Gray’s grip tightens. “They don’t hate you, Y/N. Everyone misses you. I miss you,” and then, he shifts, cupping your cheek to pull your eyes on his own again. “I need you to come back.”
“But... Sting--”
“We’ll figure it out, Master will figure it out,” Gray argues, shaking his head. “The Guild needs you. I need you.”
Lips parting, you try to find the words, only to realize there are none. So, instead, you simply fall into his arms, holding him tight against you and hold on to his promise.
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sabababa · 3 years
They get hit by a quirk that makes them live their greatest fear headcanons
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Mirio Togata, Shota Aizawa x GenderNeutral!Reader
Warnings: Angst (Fluff ending), cursing, mentions of cheating, mentions of death, vague mentions of PTSD (Bakugou)
Part 2: Hawks
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Izuku Midoriya
He’s a nuisance to you
Izuku was running out of the dorms to get to class, but on his way there he bumped into another student
Izuku saw the world go dark, but to the student he froze for a moment with a glazed look in his eyes
The kid mumbled to himself, “oh shit,” and ran off, realizing what he’d done
Izuku’s sight came back, but the world seemed to be stuck in an eternal night
He looked around confused since he thought it was morning, but when he looked in front of him again, you were there with your back turned
“(Y/n)? When did you get here?” He reached a hand out to grab your attention
But when his palm touched your shoulder you recoiled from his touch and walked forward a couple steps, fists at your sides
“Y/n?” He squeaked out, worried that he upset you
“Just shut up!” You spun around with a look of annoyance on your face
“You’re so goddamn annoying!” You yelled at him
“I-I-” Izuku wanted to defend himself, but he was in such a state of shock from your outburst
“You talk too much, you mumble all the time, you obsess over All Might like he’s some god!” You started to rant as you took threatening steps towards him
He stumbled back when you got close to him, tears welling up in his eyes as you got dangerously close to his face
“And the crying! You’re such a cry baby! It’s so weak- you’re so weak!”
That was all it took as the tears fell down his face as he sobbed from your cruel words
“That’s right! Cry! Because that’s all you know how to do!” You yelled down at him as he fell to the ground on his knees
He was hunched over, sobbing out apologizes, and begging you to stop
“Tch, you’re not even worth it, I don’t wanna date a loser like you.” You crouched and glared down at him
“N-no, please! I-I’ll be better! I-I’ll change!” He wailed and begged as he looked into your cold gaze
“Izuku,” you growled out and placed your hands on his shoulders
You shook him as he continued to cry
He closed his eyes at the hateful tone in your voice and bawled. “S-stop! I-I-I’m sorry!” He held his face in his hands
“Izuku!” Your tone changed drastically. It was filled with care and worry
His head jerked up at the change and noticed how bright it was, it was morning again
He brought his tearful gaze to look at you and the expression on your face was different
Your brows were knitted in worry and your eyes were glossy as tears brimmed at the edges from seeing him cry
“Izuku, what happened?” You brought your hands up to his cheeks to wipe away the tears
He hiccuped, still fearful that this was all some trick so you could yell at him again “I-I’m sorry!” he wailed as he tried to pry away from your touch
“Why are you sorry? You haven’t done anything!” You fretted
Izuku’s eyes held confusion in them as he stared at you. “W-what?”
“I came out here and saw you crying on the ground,” You explained
He could feel how different this was and could see how genuinely worried you looked
Izuku sniffled as he rested his hands over yours, finally finding some peace. “I-it was dark and you were there-” he hiccuped once, “a-and you were saying these things about m-me and-and-and-” he cut himself off as he sobbed again at the memory
You brought him in for a tight hug as he cried into your shirt while you rubbed his back soothingly
“Whatever it was, it wasn’t real, and that wasn’t me,” you confirmed and gave him a squeeze
He eventually stopped crying and pulled away to wipe his messy face
Then, he explained in full detail of what happened and got choked up whenever he repeated the awful words you said
You stared at him in worry of why he would have a hallucination like that, did he really think that you would think that of him?
“Do you remember anything before that?” You asked gently as you placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him
“I-I ran into another student,” he explained, “that’s when it started,”
“Maybe it was some type of fear quirk?” You guessed
“M-maybe...” He sniffled one last time before getting up and then offered a hand to help you up
When you both stood, you pulled him in another tight hug and he returned it this time, squeezing you tight
“I’ve never thought those things of you, Izu,” his heart warmed at the nickname. “I love how passionate you are when you speak, I think it’s adorable when you mumble to yourself, and I admire how much you look up to All Might!” You replaced the terrible phrases fake you said with kinder ones, all the while you placed kisses all over his face which brought a smile to it
“I love you, Izu, don’t you ever doubt that.” You ended with a kiss on his lips
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Katsuki Bakugou
You stop loving him
Katsuki was heading back to his dorm when some extra bumped into him
His vision went black before he barked at the kid
“Hey, watch it, extra-” He turned to glare at the kid, but saw he wasn’t there, instead it was night which confused the hell out of him
He knew it was late, but didn’t expect it to be dark already
He quickly made his way into the dorm, fearing it was another villain attack
When he walked in he didn’t see anyone lounging in the common room like usual
It was also eerily quiet, which only worsened his fear, but of course he didn’t let it show
He took one last quizzical look around before trudging up the stairs to his room
He sighed as he closed the door, happy to be in a relatively safe area
He made his way to the bathroom to ready himself for bed and when he walked back out he saw you sitting on his bed
“When’d you get in, dumbass?” He said in a normal tone
“We need to talk,” was all you said, your gaze directed to your hands that sat in your lap
“About what?” He chided as he walked over to his closet to change, thinking that whatever it was it wasn’t worth getting upset about
“I’m breaking up with you.”
Katsuki froze as his eyes widened 
He watched as you lifted your head to look at him
Your expression was neutral, it held no remorse or sorrow for the words you said
It felt like a golf ball was stuck in his throat as he stared at you, but he managed to growl out, “what the hell do you mean you’re breaking up with me?”
“I don’t wanna be with you anymore.”
“Why the hell not?!” He raised his voice, getting angry now at your lack of explanation. “If you’re gonna break it off, you at least owe me a damn reason!”
“I don’t owe you anything.” You sneered, the first look of emotion you gave him tonight
His aura was threatening as he walked over to tower over you
“You’re not going anywhere until you tell me why.” He growled lowly, intimidating you, but you look unphased, you just scowled at him
You stood up, making him take a few steps back as you glared at him. “You can’t make me do shit.”
You turned from him to walk out, but he wrapped his arms around your torso and trapped your arms in the embrace as well
“Let me go!” You yelled as you kicked your legs
He couldn’t believe you were acting this way, he didn’t believe anything you said. Were you putting up an act because someone threatened you? Did the villains threaten your life and his if you didn’t cut yourself off from him?
Katsuki felt a harsh pull on his heart and released you as he fell back onto his rear
You didn’t love him?
You turned on your heels and glared down at him. “I hate you!” You dug the nail in harder. “I hate how you yell! I hate how the only emotion you know is anger! I hate everything about you!”
His lip quivered at hearing those words. He knew he was rougher than most, but you always reassured him that you knew him well enough to see past it
“Y-you don’t mean that,” he tried to sound like he believed those words, but from the way his voice wavered proved otherwise
“I do.” You crossed your arms as you continued to glare down at him. “It’s like you don’t even love me and I‘m tired of it!” You turned away and grabbed the door handle, turning it to open
“NO!” He reached his hand out before roughly slamming his forehead on the ground in a bow. “I’ll change! I promise! I’ll be a better boyfriend!” He begged as tears welled in his eyes. “I’ll stop yelling! I’ll make you food everyday! I’ll start holding your hand on the way to class! I’ll kiss you more! Just please don’t leave me!” He wailed as the tears flowed down his face and onto the floor
“Suki?” You said quietly
He jerked his head up at hearing his nickname, making him hopeful that you believed the promises he made
He noticed your confused expression and mirrored it as he took in how different his surroundings looked
The room had an orange hue to it now and was no longer dark, he turned his head to look out the balcony and saw that the sun was starting to set
He jerked his head back around at feeling your hands against his face, wiping away his tears
“Suki, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” You said worriedly, having never seen him cry before
He just stared at you with a stunned expression before more tears fell as he remembered his vows
“Please don’t leave me!” He begged as he gripped your shoulders tight
“Why would I leave you? Did you kill someone? I can help you hide the body,” You jested to ease the tension as you kept wiping away his tears
But his lip still quivered as he stared at you with pleading eyes. The air felt different now, it felt like something changed and he gingerly placed his hands on your cheeks
“Do you still love me?” His voice cracked
You stared at him with concern before giving him a firm look. “Of course I love you, I never stopped!”
He let out a sigh of relief and pulled you into his lap for a tight hug
He surmised in his head that everything he saw was fake and the (Y/n) in front of him was the real you
His heart slowed down and he felt calm finally as he let out another sigh
“So, what was that about?” You asked, tilting your head up at him
“I’ll tell you later, I just wanna hold you right now,” he pressed his cheek against the top of your head and gave you a firm squeeze
A few moments of silence went by before you spoke again
“Will you really make me food everyday?” You teased
“Tch,” he scoffed at your question, but remained in the same position, only holding you tighter. “Of course I will, dumbass.”
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Mirio Togata
He couldn’t save you
Mirio had a smile on his face as he walked down the hallway to meet you at your class
But as he turned a corner, someone bumped into him
He froze for a second as his mind went blank before finally speaking
“Oops, sorry, I should watch where I’m going,” he laughed, but then realized no one was there
And then looked around more to see all the students had disappeared
The lights were out too, so the setting was dark and creepy to him
His first thought was to go check on you to see if you were safe, but felt himself be held back
He turned his head around to find the culprit and saw Overhaul gripping his arm
Mirio’s blood ran cold at seeing the villain was loose
He threw a punch at him and he fell back onto the floor
Mirio took this chance to run before being stopped again by another Overhaul in front of him, his hands pushed against his chest to stop him from continuing forward
Mirio pushed him back and he fell to the floor too like the other
He turned around to take a different direction to your class before he saw your body laying in the middle of the hallway
With blood around it
You were facing away from him, so he couldn’t see your face, but he noticed you weren’t breathing
His heartrate sped up at the possibility of you being dead and as he took a single step forward, Overhaul morphed from a shadow to hover over your form
Mirio didn’t know how he was doing all this, but all he could think about was saving you
He ran at the villain as he shouted. “You bastard!” 
He punched him once again and he flew across the hall lying on the floor like the other one
Mirio knelt beside your form and gingerly picked you up
Tears welled in his eyes as he saw how lifeless your eyes were, a trail of blood left your lips
Your body was cold against his warm hands and he hated it
He wasn’t thinking rationally as he held you close to warm you back up
“Y/n...” He croaked out, the tears falling down his face now
“Y-you can’t be dead.” His shoulders shook as he held your head against his neck. “You can’t be dead!” He shouted
His eyes closed as he cried into your neck while he squished your body against him
“I failed,” he sobbed. “I couldn’t save you.” 
“Mirio...” he heard your voice speak against his ear
“(Y/n)!” He gasped in shock and opened his eyes
He quickly noticed how your body disappeared and it was bright again
Mirio looked up and saw you crouched in front of him with your hands on his shoulders, a concerned look on your face. “Miri, are you okay?”
He let out a broken sob as he wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you into him. “You’re alive!” He wailed
“Of course, I am, it was just some quirk, none of it was real!” You explained and hugged him back
Mirio looked around the hallway, trying to find the multiple Overhauls, but instead saw students circling around him, they had scared looks on their faces and he noticed a student being helped up from the ground with blood coming out of his nose. Another student had a bruise forming on his face
“D-did I do that?” He stuttered out as he pulled back to look at you
“I just got here, but from what everyone’s telling me, yeah,” You answered
“Oh,” he looked down. “Sorry.”
“Hey, don’t apologize, it was some weird fear quirk, you were just seeing things,” You pulled away from him to help him up. “Let’s just go back to your dorm, we can cuddle and talk about it if you want,”
You wrapped an arm around his and rested your other hand against his forearm, leaning into him reassuringly
He sniffled one last time and smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that,” he leaned over and kissed you deeply
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Shota Aizawa
You’re cheating on him
Aizawa struggled with the door knob as he jammed the keys inside, wanting to just fall onto your lap and sleep
He had bumped into someone on his way home and the mood around him shifted
Everything felt darker than usual, especially with it already being night
He pushed open the door finally and stumbled when his foot caught on something
It was a boot
Not one of his
And not one of yours
He looked closer and saw a similar boot nearby and then noticed clothes strewn across the floor that led to the bedroom
He recognized a few items as yours, but the other stuff didn’t look like anything you’d wear, they looked too big for you
Aizawa felt a heavy pit in the bottom of his stomach, he felt sick as he thought more on the extra clothes
It clicked in his head that you were cheating on him
He felt rage as he slammed the door shut, the noise surely woke you and your side piece
He stomped his way to your bedroom and swung the door open
He only saw you lying in bed, but more clothes were every where, and none of them were his
A pain surged through his heart seeing these foreign clothes
“Shota?” He heard your voice from your shared bed
Your head rose and you gave him a tired look
The anger he felt washed away once he saw you. No matter how angry he got he could never be mad at you
“Why’d you do it?” His hair covered his eyes
“What?” You said groggily, still trying to process waking up
“Am I not enough?” He asked
“What’re you talking about?” You sat up more more as you stared at him, the blanket fell slightly, and he saw that you weren’t wearing a top
His lip twitched in annoyance. “Could you not act like I don’t see the clothes everywhere?”
“Can’t believe the dumbass left his clothes,” you chided, mostly to yourself as you tried to keep the blanket up to cover your top half
Okay, now it really hurt that you acknowledged it
His hands balled into fists at his sides as he glared at the floor
“Why?” he walked closer to you
“You’re never here,” You answered and scowled at the wall in front of you as you leaned against the headboard, crossing your arms
Now that he was closer, he saw the hickies that littered your neck and collarbone
Another pain flashed in his heart at seeing someone else had marked you
“You knew what my schedule was like before we dated,” he gritted his teeth. “You said you didn’t care, as long as I came home to you.”
“Yeah, well, I changed my mind, I have a right to do that,” You grumbled back, still not looking at him
“So, you don’t want to be with me anymore?” He finally asked
“I don’t want to be with you anymore.” You confirmed
Aizawa fell to his knees in defeat
Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared blankly at the floor
“I’m sorry,” his voice cracked slightly
“Shota?” You questioned in a light and airy tone, a tone you used often with him to put him at ease
He lifted his head to look at you and saw you standing above him
You were wearing pajamas, the love bites on your neck were gone, and you had a look of concern on your face
He felt the air change again, he could breath easier now, he noticed, and seeing you in clothes and unmarked brought some hope to him that you were still his
He also noticed that all the clothes disappeared, the floor was clean
“Shota?” You spoke again and sat in front of him, holding his hands. “Can you hear me?”
He stared at you confused. “Of course I can hear you,”
You let out a sigh of relief and tackled him in a hug, causing both of you to fall over
“I was so worried! I kept talking to you, but it’s like you were having some one-sided conversation!” You hugged him tight and pressed your face into his neck
“So none of that happened?” He said aloud
What happened? What did you see?” You raised your head to look down at him
“I thought you were cheating on me,” he said and brushed his hand near your neck. “You had hickies all over you.”
“I would never cheat on you!” You shook him slightly as you were insulted at the thought
“I know, I know,” he put his hand over yours to reassure you. “I know you wouldn’t, I just have doubts about myself sometimes and I feel like you have them too.”
“Never!” You shook your head and pressed a kiss to his lips to which he gladly returned. “I love you, Shota, and I don’t care about your schedule,” you wrapped your arms around him again, “just keep coming home to me.” 
If you want to request some headcanons please go here for the rules!
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Taker - Sukuna
Step brother Sukuna is very different from step brother Itadori. Femme reader
Part two
TW: dubcon + noncon, pseudoincest, light degradation, forced orgasm, hitting(is this even the right tag lol sukuna hits you but it’s not impact play)
Ever since your mother married Sukuna and Yujis father, your life had been different. You moved into their house, your mother took the last name Itadori, and you gained two older brothers. They were twins in fact, but they couldn’t act more different from one another.
Yuji was nice and unassuming. He and his brother helped carry your stuff to your room, but Yuji didn’t complain the whole time. Yuji was quick to help you acclimate to your new way of living and he was always there if you wanted to talk about anything and everything.
Sukuna was brash and sometimes downright mean to you. Whenever he passed you in the hall, he called you a mean nickname and bumped you in the shoulder. He spent most nights out of the house, sometimes not coming home until a few days later with soiled clothes reeking of cigarettes. Sukuna made it clear he disliked you, and he would sometimes go out of his way just to annoy you.
He’d pull your hair, trip you, mess with your food and just other childish things he knew he could get away with. He never did anything too horrible, so the most your parents could do was talk to him and it would stop for a few days before returning with just as much force. Yuji tried to help as well, but it seemed nothing would change.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge room watching a movie, you thought you were free from Sukuna. He’d just come home from another stint of being who knows where, and usually that meant he’d shower and not emerge from his room during the day. But the familiar heavy footsteps coming down the stairs said otherwise.
“Hey twerp.” He smirked as he rounded the corner and saw you. Rolling your eyes, you ignored him. He could easily get a rise out of you and you were trying to prevent it. Leaving the room quickly, he came back with a bottle of water and hovered near your seat.
“What do you want?” You groaned, feeling irritated just by his presence.
“What, I can’t see what my dumb little sister is watching?”
“Step sister.” You were quick to correct him. Yuji could call you his little sister, but Sukuna wasn’t allowed.
“Whatever. Scoot over.” Roughly pushing your shoulder, Sukuna effectively squeezed himself between you and the arm of the couch. “Jesus, you leave a guy with no room!”
“You’re not even supposed to be here!” Pushing back, you were easily overpowered by him. Attempting to scoot over, Sukunas arms wrapped around your ribs and hoisted you on his lap. “Let go!”
“Stop freaking out.” He huffed, unfazed by the elbow that landed in his chest.
“Stop it!”
“God, you’re fucking annoying.” Growing tired of your fighting, Sukuna threw an arm over yours and pinned them to your side. Hooking his legs around yours as well, he reduced your fighting to useless squirming. “Now sit fucking still.”
“Why are you even here?” Reluctantly, you relaxed your body.
“I’m just trying to bond with my little sister!”
“Shut the fuck up with that bullshit.” Sukuna barked, and his hand landed with a loud smack on your thigh. “If that idiot Yuji gets to call you his sister, then so do I.”
“You don’t even like me.” Rubbing the sore spot on your leg, your shoulder jerked when he rested his head on it.
“Don’t make such assumptions, you might hurt my feelings!” Squeezing you briefly, Sukuna let out a hum. “We just need to get to know each other, that’s it.” You opened your mouth to say something snarky, but a swift pinch to your side stopped you.
Huffing, you tried to focus on the TV. There wasn’t anything you could do about Sukuna now, so the next best option was to just wait until he left of his own accord. His arms around your middle loosened up at feeling you finally relaxing, and for a short moment, it felt almost normal. Sukuna even took the blanket that you’d had over you and placed it back across your legs.
“So twerp, what’s this shit about?” Nothing lasts forever.
“Just shut up and watch.”
“Ouch, who knew you were such a bitch?”
“I am not!” Forcing your body to turn, you glared at him. As soon as Sukuna saw your angry face, he laughed, a deep and hearty sound rumbling from his chest. Feeling embarrassment burn your cheeks, you turned around and tried to ignore him.
Sukuna continued to laugh at your expense with his mouth right by your ear. Swatting at him, you tried to lean forward to get away from the sound. Feeling you sliding away, Sukuna slapped a hand onto your chest and yanked you back.
“Now where do you think you’re going?” His blow knocked the air out of your lungs and his chin dug into your shoulder. Unable to answer, a strangled noise left your lips when you realized his hand had landed right on your breast.
“L-let go.”
“What’re you getting so worked up about?” Rolling his eyes, Sukuna groped your breast harder. The fabric of your bra was stopping him from really feeling anything besides the shape but it didn’t stop him from molding the flesh in his hands.
“Stop it.” You whined, and Sukuna echoed it back at you.
“Stop!” He teased you in a shrill voice. “Let go of me! Why are you even here? God you’re so annoying!” Growing bored, Sukuna put his hand under your shirt and tugged your bra down, the hot skin of his palm meeting your chest.
“Sukuna!” A shrill cry of his name echoed in the living room when he pinched your nipple harder than anyone ever has. You dug your nails into his arm to try and get him to stop, but it only made him want more.
“Shouldn’t you call me big brother?” Nuzzling his nose into your neck, Sukuna massaged your breast roughly.
“No.” Shaking your head, you squirmed on his lap. Despite the rough treatment he’d given you so far, your body was flush with heat.
“No? But then, why does Yuji get to be big brother?” Sukuna pouted and his hand stopped moving.
“Because.” Was the only word you could get out, and you received a hard tug on your nipple. “Ow!”
“Because isn’t good enough. Try again.”
“Because...Yuji is nice to me! You’re such a bully!” Kicking your feet out for emphasis, it felt good to finally say it. You and Sukuna had exchanged harsh words before, but you never said it to his face.
“A bully, huh?” Falling silent, Sukuna nodded and withdrew his hand from your shirt. Grabbing the back of your collar, he pushed and pulled you off his lap, manhandling you onto your back on the couch with him between your legs.
“Hey, what the fuck!” Slapping his chest got your hands pinned to the couch cushions. Sukuna looked at you with wide eyes and an unsettling gaze. His lips slightly parted, his tongue darted out to wet them and you saw the flashes of a tongue piercing.
“If I’m so horrible, I might as well just take what I want then.” The words barely registered in your head before Sukuna descended onto you. His lips crashed onto yours and his teeth dug into you. Forcing his tongue into your mouth, his piercing smoothed over the roof of your mouth and bumped into your teeth.
His lips were demanding, not letting you go for anything. Every time you tried to break away to breathe, Sukuna would smother you all over again. Sucking your tongue into his mouth, he smirked at the muffled screams you were making.
Breaking the kiss, he pressed his lips against your neck next. Sucking the flesh into his mouth, Sukuna was sure to leave marks you would feel for days to come, and see with the teeth marks he indented into you.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Pulling back, Sukuna chuckled at your pathetic face. Tears had gathered on your lashes and your bruised lips were quivering uncontrollably, and it only made Sukuna want you more.
Putting his lips back on yours, he let one of your wrists go to find your breast again. Giving it the same treatment as earlier, his hips rutted into yours at the feeling. He groaned into your mouth, and his breathing was obnoxiously loud as he forced the air through his nose.
Dropping his hand to your waistband, Sukuna slapped your hand when you tried to stop him, but still he let go. Pulling away from your lips, he sat up on his heels and looked down at you with a smirk. Finally free from him, you furiously wiped away the tears that had fallen on your cheeks.
“I’m gonna tell dad!” You felt so childish, so helpless, saying that. But it was the only leverage you had against him.
“Oh yeah? I’ll call him right now.” Grabbing your phone from the coffee table, Sukuna waved it over your face. “I’ll call and tell him and your mom how I fucked your stupid little ass into the couch and how you were just begging for my cock.” You stared at each other for a moment and Sukuna knew he had won even from just a few seconds of silence. Tossing your phone back on the table, he grabbed your waistband.
“Don’t!” As Sukuna tried to pull your pants down, you held onto the fabric, desperate to keep it in place. Grunting, Sukuna lifted his hand and curled it into a fist.
“Do you want me to hit you so you fucking stop, or will you be a good little sister?” He didn’t need to glare at you, or threaten you any further. Staring at his fist and the taut muscles in his arms, you knew he wouldn’t hesitate to hit you, so you let go.
“I’ll be good.” You whispered, and Sukuna yanked your pants down to your midthigh. You craned your head up and away from the man above you, and your fingers itched to cover yourself as he stared at your cunt.
“All that fight, and yet you’re wet.”
“No I’m not!” His statement made you snap your head back to him, and he quirked a brow at you.
“Don’t lie to me when the truth is right here.” With two fingers he swiped up your cunt. His fingers dipped easily into your wet folds and he presented the fingers to you. “See? You fucking wanted this all along.”
“No I-” Your protest was cut off with a hard slap to the top of your thigh. Sukuna scoffed at the surprised shout you let out and put his fingers back at your cunt, swirling around your entrance.
“Just be grateful I’m doing this much. I could just fuck you without prepping you and make you fucking bleed.” Rolling his eyes, Sukuna pressed his fingers into you. You were too tight to let him in, and when he tried to force them past the tight muscles of your cunt, you started to cry.
“Stop, Sukuna! It hurts!” Pushing and slapping his chest, your thighs quaked with the desire to close them.
“God you’re such a fucking princess.” Abandoning his attempt, Sukuna settled his fingers on your clit. Watching your face intently, he pressed down and rubbed firm circles on it. Biting your lip, you fought to keep your face neutral but he could see right past you.
Moving his fingers just a little faster, Sukuna didn’t need you to make a sound to know that you were enjoying this. Tears might have been drying on your cheeks, but every so often your thighs would twitch and you’d look at him with those scared little eyes.
Putting more force behind his fingers, Sukuna broke out into a large grin when you made a tiny sound. It was barely above a whimper, not even a complete sound, but Sukuna took it for all it was worth and then some.
“C’mon little sister, don’t hold back! If it feels good, it’s okay to moan.”
“No.” Shaking your head, you clamped your lips shut and put your hands over them, effectively stopping any sound. Narrowing his eyes, Sukuna stopped his ministrations on your clit. His finger prodded at your entrance and found that he could now slip two fingers in without the same restrictions as before.
“Try to keep quiet all you want.” He grunted, curving his fingers up and fucking them into you. He set a quick pace, the arms in his muscles flexing intensely from the effort. Pressing his thumb against your clit, Sukuna let out a soft chuckle at hearing your muffled cries.
Despite your efforts, the sounds you made could still be heard even behind your hands. Hushed cries of ‘no’ and ‘stop’ mixed in with moans that you didn’t want to be making, but the pleasure Sukuna was forcing onto you was overriding your senses. It only took a few more snaps of his wrist to get you cumming and he let out a low groan at feeling your gummy walls pulse around his fingers.
Pulling his fingers out, Sukuna turned them over in the light so you both could see the mess of your release glistening on the digits. Locking eyes with you, his tongue lolled out of his mouth and he made a show of swiping his fingers across it and sucking on them.
“I can’t wait to feel you on my cock.” Hurriedly he undid his pants. Sukunas cock slapped against his stomach and you pushed on his chest again. The length and girth of his cock scared you, it was much bigger than the few fingers you stuffed inside yourself late at night.
“No, it won’t fit!”
“I’ll make it fit.” Wrapping a hand around his cock, he pumped it once before leaning in.
“Sukuna, stop!” You tried in vain to cover yourself, to stop him from trying to put the tip of his cock into you, but it only earned you a pinch on the arm.
“Maybe if you call me big brother, I won’t stick it in.”
“I-” The words caught in your throat, and your eyes roamed the room in thought. Unable to make full eye contact with him, you settled your eyes on his chest. “Big brother, stop it.”
“Nice try.” Yanking your hands away, Sukuna lined his cock up and pushed it in all the way. A shriek sounded from your chest and your hands scrambled to find something to hold onto, something to ground you in this moment. Catching onto his back, you raked your nails down his skin.
“But you said-”
“I didn’t guarantee shit.” He nearly shouted in your ear, his forehead pressed against the cushion. Sniffles and tears couldn’t be stopped now and you turned into a blubbering mess underneath him. Pulling back slightly, Sukuna gave you a blank stare.
“Why are you crying like such a baby?” Rolling his eyes, he grabbed your chin and made you look at him. “Tell me. Tell your big brother.”
“Y-you said yo-you wouldn’t! And it h-hurts!” Letting go of you, your head turned to the side. There was a large wet patch forming from your tears, and the sharp stinging between your legs refused to dissipate.
“You just have to get used to it, that’s all. Big brother's cock will make you feel good, promise.” Sinking his hands into the couch, Sukuna pulled his cock out gradually and pushed it back in. Your nails continued to almost draw blood on him and every thrust back in wasn’t making anything better.
“Aht, call me big brother or I’ll pound your ass.” His sharp glare stopped you in your tracks, and one of your hands dropped to wipe at your puffy eyes.
“Bi-big brother, please, it hurts too much.” Giving you a mocking pitying look, Sukuna put a hand between your bodies and found your clit again.
“Fucking princess.” He snarled, roughly rubbing your clit. It sent sparks of pleasure through your body and your tears stopped falling after a bit. Taking a few deep, shuddering breaths, you were able to relax around him.
Feeling your nails release him, Sukuna began to slowly hump you. He didn’t take his cock out nearly as much, opting for small little thrusts that didn’t feel like anything at all really, but he didn’t want you to keep crying and making so much noise. His thrusts remained short, and it wasn’t until you let out a sigh that he was able to really get into it.
Putting both hands on the couch, Sukuna drew his cock out further and slapped his hips into yours. The yelp you made sent a shiver down Sukunas spine.
The impatience he’d been holding back was finally coming forward, and Sukuna set a brutal pace from the beginning. Forcing you to split open on his cock, Sukuna couldn’t care less about if it hurt now or if he was going too fast for you. The only thing in his head was fucking you into the couch so deep that every time you passed by or sat down, you’d think of this moment.
“-other, brother!” You cried, and your nails were back to digging into his skin.
“Too fast, please-”
“Stop fucking whining.” He snapped, and he lightly slapped your cheeks. “Just take my fucking cock and shut up.” Grabbing onto your face he squished your cheeks together and forced your lips apart. Gathering the saliva in his mouth, Sukuna held his tongue out and watched it drip down and into your mouth. Forcing his tongue into your mouth shortly after, he mixed your spit together and pulled his lips away, watching strings of saliva still connecting you together.
Rocking your hips together, shame trickled into the back of your head at what you were doing. There was no way you wanted this to happen, Sukuna had forced himself onto you, but you couldn’t deny that you were enjoying it now.
“Big brother! Thi- ah, fuck - this is wrong!”
“Oh, you’re gonna tell me what’s right and wrong?” Slowing his hips down to a stop, Sukuna sneered at you. “You, who’s fucking impaled on my cock and creaming all over me.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You pressed, ignoring his words even though they burned you with humiliation.
“I gave you an out earlier, didn’t I? With your stupid little phone.” Starting up again, somehow he moved faster than before. “Didn’t I? But you didn’t take it!”
“You wanted this to happen, so cut the bullshit out! You wanted me to split you open on my cock, and now that I am you can’t fucking handle it.” Broken yelps and moans flowed past your lips at his rough treatment, full sentences unable to form from the onslaught.
Your back was beginning to burn from constantly rubbing against the cushions and so was your ass. The imprint of the fabric would be stuck on you for days, your skin being nearly rubbed raw.
“Cum, I’m gonna-” You gasped, feeling the beginnings of your orgasm start to build. Sukuna made a noise in the back of his throat, and dropped to his elbows above you.
“Gonna cum from big brothers cock?” His voice wavered, the only indication he could be close too.
“Yes!” Nodding frantically, you gasped when he grabbed your ass and angled your hips further up. “Big brother!” Squealing at the new angle, your feet dug into his lower back. Sukunas back bowed with the effort he was putting forth and even though his body begged for a break, he refused.
“Say you love your big brother's cock!” He demanded, and you were more than happy to oblige.
“I-I love my big brother's cock!” Nearly sobbing, you fell over the edge. Your head pushed back hard against the couch cushions as you came, a long drawn out moan coming from your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck-” Gritting his teeth, Sukunas thrusts stuttered, and he ground his hips into you as he came. His lips found yours, a frenzied kiss to go with the euphoric feeling of shooting his cum deep inside you, the tip of his cock kissing your womb. He coated your walls with his cum and you milked him for everything he was worth.
The house was deafeningly silent compared to the loud sounds you’d just been making. Breaking the kiss, Sukuna pushed his face into the cushions, and the only noise between you two was heavy breathing. Taking your nails out of his back and letting your legs fall down, your whole body ached from the ordeal.
“What a good little sister I have.” Sukuna mumbled against your ear, and he gave your cheek a kiss before sitting up again. “Oh, excuse me. Step sister.”
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aithorin · 3 years
An Exception to the Rule - All Smite x Reader (18+)
Summary: Now All Smite was by no means a hero. In fact, he was quite literally the opposite, but for you he might be willing to make an exception. 
Warnings: Mentions/threats of rape (nothing actually happens), Villain Au, Villain!All Might, Blood and violence, Threats of violence, Slight gore, hostage, Protective!All Might (i.e. he basically goes on a rampage cause someone tries to hurt you), Soft ending with hurt/comfort
Rated M for violence
Flying through the city, a smirk made its way onto All Might’s face as he heard a scream echo throughout the night. God, he reveled in the chaos. The chaos that he created. His very presence had allowed the chaos in Japan to fester and grow throughout, and thus every time he heard crimes being committed, his chest swelled with pride. It made his ego surge to watch the fruit of his efforts be harvested and taken advantage of. There was just something so immensely satisfying about it, knowing that every villain in Japan owed the success of their crimes to him. It provided a rush of gratifying adrenaline like no other.
Deciding he had a few minutes to spare, All Might quickly set course towards the sound of the disruption. At the very least, it would provide some entertainment. But, depending on what they were doing to the unfortunate soul, he might even decide to join in. It would be a nice way to unwind before going home to you. God knows how much fun he had seeing the way people cowered at the very sight of him.
Landing silently behind the group, he quietly observed the scene unfold, trying to decide if he wanted to step in.
“Eh this one’s a looker, isn’t she boys? Before the night’s over, I think I’ll use her for the whore that she is.” The one All Might assumed to be the leader taunted, stepping forward to tower over their victim.
Manic laughter floated throughout the air as the two lackeys accompanying him moved in to completely surround their target. “That sounds like a great idea boss! You always have the best ideas. Can we get a turn too? Please. Please. Please!” The one on the right begged.
“Maybe once she’s unconscious. You know it’s only fun for me when they’re awake so I can see the look of fear in their eyes. God, just the thought of it is giving me a hard on already.” The leader chuckled out.
”Pl-please,” A woman’s shaky, frightened voice whimpered out, “let me go. I-I have money. Just tell me what you want!”
At the sound of the woman’s voice, the blood in All Might’s veins turned ice cold. That-that was your voice. And just like that, the overwhelming pride he had been feeling moments ago withered away, consumed by something much more deadly-a feral rage. How dare they talk to you like that? How dare they even try to lay their hands on you? Fists clenched and shaking in anger, All Might stalked towards them, blue eyes blazing and filled with an unquenchable, seething bloodlust.
Unaware of their impending doom, a harsh slap echoed through the night as the leader thug slammed your head into the dumpster you were backed against. He looked down at you, sneering, “Shut up, bitch! You’ll be lucky if you make it out of here alive tonight. You should be grateful that I’m even considering it.”
“I’d leave the girl alone if you know what’s good for you.” A gravelly voice spoke from behind.
Turning around halfway, the leader scoffed, not even bothering to see who the person was. “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? This one’s ours, so why don’t you scram before I decide to kill you t-”
He was cut off as a hand shot out, quick as lightning, to wrap around his throat. Before he could even register what was happening, the thug’s eyes bulged as the hand began choking him. He felt himself being lifted 3 feet into the air, and soon came face to face with a set of flaming blue eyes. At the sight of them, his body went stiff in fear. The rest of the newcomer’s face was hidden by the shadows of the night, but just the sight of his eyes were enough to make the thug cower.
“Who….the….hell….are….you?” The leader gasped out, vision going spotty from his quickly draining air supply.
Letting out a sinister chuckle, the newcomer stepped into the light emitting from a nearby streetlamp. Seeing who it was, the leader’s mouth went dry as a sweat broke out on his forehead. His already tight throat closed up even more causing his breath to come out in wheezes as a chill of fear worked its way down his spine, causing his body to tremble in mid-air.
“Al-All...Might” He rasped out, hands pointlessly tugging on the one large hand curled around his throat.
A wicked smile crept onto All Might’s face. “Good,” He purred out, “You know who I am, so there’s no need for introductions. Maybe you aren’t a complete imbecile.”
Tilting his head to study his prey, All Might reconsidered, “Although it is hard to believe you actually possess a brain, considering you tried to steal something of mine.”
Nodding his head toward your shaking, huddled form a few feet away, All Might’s face hardened. “That girl over there belongs to me, and you just tried to touch her. Now if you remember anything about me, you should know that I don’t share. Do you want to know what happens to people who try to take things that belong to me?”
Eyes darting back and forth, the thug frantically shook his head as much as he could while being held in All Might’s grip. “Pl-please… I-I… didn’t know!”
Ignoring the man’s pleas completely, all the previous traces of being dangerously coy with the thug were wiped away as All Might murderously intoned, “They die.”
With that, All Might began to squeeze the hand wrapped around the man’s throat even tighter. Garbled chokes escaped the man’s lips as with each passing second All Might added more and more force. Reveling in the sound, a sadistic, twisted grin made its way onto All Might’s face. If he was feeling generous, he could have just snapped the man’s neck and been done with it, but that would have been too easy. The bastard had to pay for what he did, and so All Might made sure to drag it, delighting in the way the man’s neck slowly began to crack in his grasp as the life drained from his eyes. Sickening sounds floated into the air, mixtures of bone breaking and strangled gasps as the man gagged on his own saliva. His hands flailed, desperately clawing at the limb wrapped around his neck in a futile attempt to break free. Much too soon for All Might’s liking though, the thug’s efforts slowed before stopping altogether, his hands falling lifelessly back down to his side.
Letting out a sneer, All Might finally released him from his grasp letting his body carelessly crumple to the ground with a revolting thud. “How pathetic, he didn’t even last 2 minutes.”
Taking one last glance at the body, he kicked it to the side before turning his attention toward the two lackeys trembling in the corner. Blinded by bloodlust, he stalked toward them, licking his lips in anticipation and clenching his hands together, imagining their necks were in between them.
All Might was almost upon them when a flash of movement captured the corner of his eye. Momentarily ignoring his prey,  he shifted his body slightly and caught sight of you, shivering in a seated position with your arms wrapped tightly around your legs while slowly rocking back and forth. Gooseflesh had broken out along your skin from the chilly night air, only agitated by the cold sweat that had broken out upon your brow from the night’s events. Stray hairs stuck to your skin as wide, fearful (e/c) eyes looked up to lock with his own, and instantly All Might felt his bloodlust melt away, replaced by an overwhelming need to go to you.
Spinning back around, he addressed the two lackeys quivering in the corner. He pointed a disgusted, raging scowl at the thugs before thundering his ultimatum. “You have exactly 5 seconds to get out of my sight. Otherwise, you’re gonna end up like your boss over there.” He stated, throwing a finger back over his shoulder in the direction of the corpse.
Leaning down, he pulled both of them up by the collar of their necks. “And if I ever catch you even looking at this girl, trust me when I say you won’t live to tell anyone about it. But, feel free to tell your buddies about what happened here tonight. It’ll be a good reminder to everyone out there about what happens when you try to take something that belongs to me. Remember boys, I. Don’t. Share. So spread the word that this girl’s mine.”
Then, without another word, All Might threw them towards the opening of the alley. Not needing to be told twice, they scrambled back, hightailing it out of there. Watching them go, a small smirk passed over his face at their show of naivety. He’d let them go, for now. He had more important matters to take care of. But come tomorrow, they’d be dead. All Might was nothing if not a man of his word, and so they, too, would have to pay with their lives for trying to steal from him. He could see it now. The look of shock their faces would portray at his appearance tomorrow. The way it would morph into a look of fear as he approached them. And finally, the acceptance that would fill their eyes as he squeezed the life out of them, realizing, at last, that he had never intended to let them truly escape. Yes, tomorrow would be a very good day indeed.
Turning around, he started to approach you, making slow, small steps when your face darted up in fear, like a deer caught in headlights. Seeing that it was just him, All Might watched your tense body start to relax as you buried your head back into your legs. Reaching you, he squatted down to be eye level with you, hesitantly reaching an arm out to place it on your shoulder. Now that you were no longer in danger, All Might felt unsure of what to do. He didn’t know how to comfort someone in distress as he was much more used to being the one causing the distress. Finally, he decided to settle for asking basic yet somewhat obvious questions.
“Are you alright?” He gruffed out.
Hearing no reply, a worry that he tried to push away started to creep into his mind the longer you stayed silent. Were you hurt? Had he gotten there too late? Had they touched you? He started to become lost in thoughts until a sudden force jolted him out of it. Looking down, he saw that you had attached yourself to his body, clutching at him like your life depended on it. He debated with himself for a few moments before choosing to reciprocate the gesture, wrapping his large arms around you and encasing you within his body heat. At his touch, your body started to shake with silent sobs, tears from your eyes beginning to wet his shirt. You stayed that way for a long time, bodies holding onto each other as you tried to process the events from the night. All Might didn’t say anything, choosing to offer you support quietly for as long as you needed it. Eventually though, your cries subsided and your frame slumped against him, exhausted from everything that had happened.
Eyes heavy, you were vaguely aware of your body shifting as All Might stood up. Lifting you with ease, he placed you into both of his arms, saying “Come on. Let’s go home.”
Slowly being lulled to sleep by the rhythm of his footsteps, a feeling of warmth and safeness washed over you. Right before you drifted to sleep, an inkling of a smile crossed over your face as you thought of the irony that you felt completely protected in the arms of the number one villain. With him, you knew that he would always be there to keep you safe. Although he was a villain, if tonight had proven anything, it seemed that you were an exception to the rule.
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angelguk · 3 years
so much happens in this it’s such a huge mess omg. the return of the angst plot line of jock!jk (aka pretty boy universe please check ml for the other parts). this time featuring: Angst (with a capital A), miscommunication that makes you want to scream, chayoung’s true nature, namjoon catching stray bullets (figuratively), and lucas being a gem. also jungkook is somewhat semi-violent in this one (in terms of thoughts and some actions but no one gets hurt) so please don’t read this if that makes you uncomfortable. in general just an angry heartbroken boy. also oc is finally doing something good. listen to mess it up by gracie abrams + if we were made of water by banks + i will by mitksi + save room for us by tinashe. roughly 4.2k
titled — old friends, new foes
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The spring scavenger hunt is an enormous success, all thanks to your careful planning and Bina’s much needed support. While you excelled at organising, you heavily lacked in the social aspect, something Bina fulfilled with smart marketing and a bright personality that drew in a larger crowd than you thought would appear. It's partially expected–she was head of the Events Committee for a reason–but it felt a little strange to lean onto her instead of Jeongguk. He was the one who usually spearheaded that side of your event plans, more than anyone else, and while planning this one you felt his absence tenfold. Like a gigantic gaping hole excavating through your chest and leaving behind a lonely hollow.
That hollowness surges when you spot him meandering towards the third location at the university courtyard, his fingers tangled with Hyeri’s. You slowly turn away from them, heart aching with each thud against your ribs, hoping they haven’t seen you. Maybe Bina sees the fall on your features because she’s gently tapping your arm, leaning in with a graceful brush of her amber locks over her shoulder.  
“Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, feathering through the late afternoon breeze to reach your ear. 
You’re about to say it, the pained ‘I’m fine' that had become a part of your routine. But then you hear him, loud effervescent laugh hitting the air, the sound striking your false demeanour down. Your vision blurs before you could choke the word out and suddenly Bina’s arm is firmly around you, guiding your heavy feet far away from the presence evoking your pain. 
“I’m fine,” you finally manage to choke up, folding into yourself in the middle of a bench. She stares at you for a moment, before taking a deep breath and sharply clicking her tongue.
“You’re not.” Her eyes are gentle despite the harshness of her words. “I know this isn’t my place, but I do know why you stopped coming to committee meetings.” 
The scoff you let out is instinctive. The jarring sound is a stark contrast to the action of your hand hurriedly wiping away the stray tears staining your cheeks. Of course, you’d avoided committee meetings – why the hell would you go when the president was your ex?
“And,” Bina continues, pointedly ignoring your reaction. Her hand reaches out moving to intertwine your fingers. You focus on the image of her sharp stiletto shaped nails that glitter under the glow of the sun settling on your lap instead of the thumping of your heart as she speaks. “Judging from what I’ve seen, it hasn’t been easy for him either. I know you’re probably thinking that you were the only one who cared about him–about your relationship, but I’m pretty sure he did too. So it’s perfectly okay for you to feel like this, no matter how long it’s been.”
Two months and three weeks, you mentally add. A lifetime and a single blink simultaneously. 
“I didn’t need to know that,” you say, hoping to kill the hope fluttering in your heart. Bina squeezes your hand instead and gives it wings.
“You did. Also, Jeongguk’s kind of an asshole. Sorry if it’s too soon.”
It’s not, and you can’t help the tiny laugh that escapes from your throat. You glance up at her then, suddenly glad for the dazzling glossed coated smile that greets you.
“But,” she continues. “You’re doing the wrong thing too. I know you’re dating Lucas and it’s not fair to him when you’re still hung up on Jeongguk.”
“I know,” you admit. “And I’m going to fix that.”
She beams. “I hope you do. Don’t let him make you pick the wrong choices. You deserve better than that.”
Perhaps it was her words of reassurance that aided in getting you out of the house tonight. (Or it was Bina gingerly whacking your arm and insisting you needed to reward yourself for working hard). But a minuscule part of you is glad you heeded her advice. The music is louder than the words bouncing around your head, sound shoving your sorrow down as Chayoung hands you another drink. Everything is fast, bodies shifting wildly around you and the faint sound of a beer pong game capturing everyone’s attention. For a moment, you begin to forget. But then Lucas’s looming head materializes before you and guilt swarms your heart.
“Hey,” he offers, deep timbre sinking into your bones. You might just throw up.
You haven’t told him about Namjoon. You can’t bear to. But there’s something else more urgent that you need to say to him first.
Chayoung watches through narrow eyes when he leans forward to brush a light kiss on your cheek. He’s so sweet it makes your mouth turn sour. 
“Haven’t seen you around,” Lucas continues, slipping beside you. A steady hand settles at the base of your back. You almost jolt away. 
Chayoung’s face is hard, expression carved out of marble as she stares you down. You know she’s mad at you, rightfully so. Even Sieun hadn’t said anything for a few days after you’d told them about Namjoon. You were mad at yourself too. For what you did–for what you need to do to fix it.
“Been busy. Planning the scavenger hunt and all,” you say, gaze glued to a random lamp at the opposite side of the room. It’s easier than staring at Lucas, who’s still so warm and bright. Practically glowing like he’s got the Sun living in his chest. 
You hope you don’t leave him cloudy.
He weaves his hand into yours, a pleasant noise escaping past his lips. “I know. Great job, by the way. You should be proud.”
Chayoung slinks away at that, the glower on her features burning your blood. You haven’t told anybody yet because you don’t want their advice on this. But you do need to end things with Lucas. It wasn’t fair to him. Yet, it feels nearly impossible when you tear your eyes off the fading figure of your friend and glance up to find him staring at you with the softest smile.
All you do is hurt good people. 
It’s a terrible realisation but it forces you to croak out the words, a rip forming inside of you when that soft smile slips off his face at the sound of them.
“We need to talk.”
But the second they are out you feel something in the world click into place like you’re finally making the right steps toward the correct path even though you need to step on the hearts of others to get there. 
Lucas lets you lead him in silence, the weight of it sinking onto your shoulders when he closes the door behind him, the music giving way to the noise in your head. When he turns to face you, watching apprehensively as you perch yourself at the edge of the bed in the room, it all begins to feel like deja vu. Except you’re on the other side.
“So,” you start, eyes on the wall. The feeling of the mattress dipping as Lucas descends beside you pulls your gaze back to him, heartstrings thrumming when the moonlight leaking through the opened curtains pools into his eyes.
How could Jeongguk have done this?
“We need to end this,” you say, realising as the air leaves your lungs that he did it like this. Like he needed to breath. It feels like cutting an anchor off your ankle, head breaking through furious waters to finally find air.
Lucas pauses, blinking slow. You don’t fill the emptiness with more words, afraid you’ll pour salt into an open wound. He lets what you said ruminate, eyes shifting to the scene around you. A random room, bathed by the glow of the room, and two hearts opposing each other–one already poised to leave. One that was never really there.
“Why?” It’s said lowly. You know why. You owe him this admission, after dragging him around on a sinking ship. But the words refuse to part from your throat. 
“I’m not right for you,” you say instead, hoping he understands. By the flicker across his eyes, he doesn’t. “Like,” you try, your eyes dropping to where his heart lies. “You’ve got a lot of good in you and I don’t. We don’t match.”
Lucas cocks his head, staring at the ceiling. And this his gaze careens to you.
“You don’t think you’re a good person?”
“Well–” you splutter. But Lucas isn’t having it.
“You’re a lovely person, Y/N. With a lot of good in you too. You are kind of shitty for this though but every good person does shitty things.” It’s said factually like he needs you to understand this.
“I know that–”
“You don’t. You put yourself down too much. Why do you think Jeongguk loved you?”
Oh. That seizes that air from your chest, Lucas’s gaze slamming into your own with a surety that stings. 
“Why do you think I like you?” He adds. You don’t know what to do, nervous system spazzing at this information assault. “And I know why you want to end this. You could have said it. I understand, though. The two of you did fight together so well.” He gets up then, towering like a God dictating judgment. “I didn’t expect you to stop loving him immediately, you know.” He’s near the door now, not fleeing but parting a new path. There’s a weird smile on his lips, like the forging of his steps hurts as much yours does. It’s like it’s been hung there, not pulled from his heart like you’d grown used to seeing. 
“What did you expect?” You can’t help but ask.
He pauses, the door half-open. You could tell him to shut it, you could tell him to stay. 
You don’t want to.
“That maybe one day you would love me more than you loved him,” Lucas whispers. He sees the fall on your features, knows the answer on your lips instantly. “But it’s okay that you never could.”
And then he’s gone, honey blonde hair swallowed by the crowd even with his impossible height. He leaves the door ajar, the music seeping into the room. But this time your head is louder, surer. Because Lucas just let you know something you weren’t even aware of yourself. There was no room for anybody else except Jeongguk. And it truly wasn’t fair to offer him your heart when it was half a world away.
Half a world away is apparently glaring at the shrubs flanking the back garden. Jeongguk doesn’t know who’s house this is. He doesn’t care either because at the moment he’s considering burning it down. He’d just seen you amble into a room, Lucas trailing behind like a stupid dog and his heart clenching hard in his chest. It took two seconds after the door shut for him to shove Hyeri off his lap and mumble something about needing air.
(What he needed was you).
The coolness of the night ebbed at his boiling blood, but nothing could ease the ache. 
“You look like you need a drink,” Chayoung’s voice feels alien, creeping up his back. He turns to look at her, a polite comment on how he’d like to be left alone hanging on his lips. She interrupts it by handing him a cup, a tender smile gracing her lips. Jeongguk accepts it with a shrug, hoping the burn in his throat will be a distraction. It isn’t. But he forces another sip down as Chayoung slithers outside too, the room behind her glowing as if the building was on fire.
What store sells matches and lighter fluid in the middle of the night? And won’t ask incriminating questions? 
“Why the long face?” She asks, peering at him from the corner of her eye.
Jeongguk shrugs, the words in his head refusing to form into understandable sounds.
“Hyeri not cutting it?” Chayoung murmurs. His eyes snap to her, but she’s not staring at him, her gaze fixed on the dark sky. 
“What do you mean?” Jeongguk is baffled say the least. He thought his act with Hyeri was a little bit more solid proof. He liked her–somewhat. 
Chayoung turns slow, almost sinisterly, a glint in her brown eyes that unsettles him. “I just don’t think she’s in your league.”
The scoff that leaves Jeongguk’s throat burns. He hated that stupid idea of leagues. You should like a person for who they are, not where they stand in foolish social hierarchies. But Chayoung reads his response wrong, suddenly impossibly close, a stray finger trailing along his shoulder. Her nails are talons. He shudders, trying to hide it by leaning away. Chayoung just leans closer, alcohol tainted breath grazing his own. For a moment, Jeongguk considers fleeing back inside to come ask you to collect your drunk friend (a perfect excuse to finally say something to you after months of radio silence) but then he remembers that might potentially end with him walking into the room and finding you with Lucas’s tongue down your throat.
And that would suck. A lot.
But before he can think of another solution Chayoung’s fingernails are scrapping his neck, leaving his skin prickled.
“But then again, do you seem to always pick the wrong ones.” That bristles him and his eyes are suddenly hard and narrow.
“What do you mean by that?” He spits it out, a spark igniting in his chest when Chayoung shrugs. The smile on her face disgusts him.
“You know what I mean.” Her finger is sliding down his shirt and Jeongguk feels branded even through the material. “When you look like this, running around girls like that is honestly a little sad.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He’s hoping he’s hearing this all wrong. That she’s just drunk and acting stupid. But when her eyes lift to him he knows she means it. Every word of it.
“You could do better, Jeongguk. So much better.”
“Chayoung you need to shut the fuc–”
Her lips taste like vodka and cherry lip balm, which is sickening because that’s what you taste like–sans the vodka. Cherry lip balm was your brand. It always was, you’ve got like five of them scattered around your room and a couple more hidden in Jeongguk’s. He recoils instantly, acid climbing up his throat as his hands find something–anything to push away. What he finds are Chayoung’s shoulders and when he pushes he pushes hard. They break apart and the floor beneath Jeongguk cracks wide open, his head spinning violently.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He doesn’t know what else to say, the circuits in his brain frying. Chayoung’s tongue skips over her lips, now wet and a little plush from the force she used to slam her mouth into his. 
“Showing you that you can do better.”
He blinks, taken a large step back when Chayoung moves forward, a little sway in her feet. 
“You’re drunk and acting crazy. I think I should call Y/N to com–”
“Oh fuck Y/N. Such a whiny bitch. Do you really think she deserves you? After all the shit she’s put you through?” Chayoung’s eyes feel like knives, sharp and striking deep with every word. 
“Aren't you her friend? What the hell is wrong with you?” Jeongguk needs this to de-escalate. Chayoung wants to throw gasoline on an open flame instead.
“No–what’s wrong with you, Jeongguk? Moping around for a girl who never realised what she had when it was right in front of her? C’mon now.”
“You seriously need to shut the fuck up. You’re not gonna talk about her like that in front of me.”
“Why not? Cause you still love her? Even when she’s fucking Lucas?”
That stings, his heart bursting in his chest because Jeongguk didn’t know you were sleeping with him. He thought it would just be kisses or something. Not that–not Lucas touching you like he used to. But then Hyeri’s face flashes in before his eyes and he wilts. He can’t blame you for anything, not when he’s been doing the same horrible shit to you. And that makes him pause, the sudden realisation that he’s been hurting you smashing into his head. He didn’t want to hurt you–never. Not even if you were hurting him. He just needed a distraction, something to ease you off his mind. And maybe you did too, but all left you both with was gaping wounds that would never heal. And with other people hurt too.
God, this was a mess. And it dawns on Jeongguk that’s he’s made the worst mistake he’s ever made in his life. 
“You should hate her,” Chayoung continues, venomous. 
“I don’t,” Jeongguk returns, voice levelled. All he hates right now is himself. And Lucas (which is fair). Chayoung blanches, shaken by his firmness. “I really don’t, in fact, I need to talk to her. Right now.”
He moves fast, foot already past the threshold when Chayoung speaks again, her words aimed with intent to kill.
“She kissed Namjoon.”
He feels the nerves in his legs still instantly, before they nearly give way entirely, his grip on the door frame the only thing holding him up as his heart tears out of his chest. 
“I thought you should know,” Chayoung adds. And he hears it then, that vile smugness in her voice. She’s lying. She has to be. You wouldn’t do that to him. And he says that, storming back to Chayoung with his chest ripped open, his body thrumming with barely concealed rage. And fear. Jeongguk feels so scared right now because if you did that means everything he felt–everything he feared–could be true.
“She did.” Chayoung is immovable, standing tall and staring him down. “I’m not lying to you. Go ask Namjoon if you don’t believe me.”
Which, Jeongguk realises as his eyes fall shut that is going to absolutely do. And possibly break a nose in the process. He turns, trying to blink away the blurriness in his eyes, before Chayoung stops him with a single sentence again, this one said a little softer.
“Jeongguk,” she starts, eyeing him down, her brown eyes aflame under the moonlight. “I mean it when I say she doesn’t deserve you.”
Someone is attempting to break down Namjoon’s door. Which is bizarre considering it’s almost three in the morning. He has to drag himself out of the comfort of his warm sheets to figure out which maniac is attempting to smash through solid wood with only their fists because it seems like they’re almost succeeding. 
The maniac in question is Jeon Jeongguk, standing rigid when Namjoon swings the door open, moonlight bleeding over his features. He’s mad, staring at Namjoon like he wished his head was rolling on the ground instead of stationed square on his shoulders. But there’s something else there, doe eyes glossy.
“Jeongguk? What the hell are–”
“You kissed her.”
Everything stills, the two men fixated on each other. Jeongguk is so still he could have been mistaken for a statue. Almost as if he was waiting for the words that would break this moment, ease the tension seizing his muscles, tell him what he wants to hear. Namjoon can’t do any of that. Instead, he sighs, a muted, “Oh”, floating from his lips.
Jeongguk snaps the second he realises it’s true.
“Oh? You kissed her and all you have to say is oh?” Hands are digging into the soft cotton of his nightshirt and Namjoon’s feet are no longer on the ground. He’s apparently levitating, lifted solely by this hurt angry boy invading his apartment. His back hits the nearest wall with a thud that vibrates through his bones. When the hell did Jeongguk get this strong?”
“Whoa–relax,” Namjoon wheezes, his strong fingers guiding Jeongguk off him. But heartbreak tends to be enough fuel because Jeongguk pushes back with an ease that unnerves him. “Jeongguk, you seriously need to relax. Let go of me and we can talk about this.”
“Why did you do it?” That is what he gets in return. Jeongguk’s voice wavers, coloured a violent red in the velvet of the night.
“I didn’t do anything,” Namjoon returns, the words delivered gingerly.
“No–no you did. You kissed her. You–”
“She kissed me, Jeongguk. And I can seriously explain all of it if you just relaxed and we talked about it–”
“No, she didn’t. She wouldn’t do that to me–she wouldn’t.” And Oh God No, Namjoon thinks he just heard the sound of a heart breaking. It sounds like a weird mangled bird collapsing from the sky and its wing hitting the ground with a funny wet smash, fragile bones snapping like twigs. 
Jeongguk’s fingers peel from his shirt and bury themselves in his hair, yanking at the cropped strands as his face twists. 
This is far too much emotion for a single person to deal with in the middle of the bloody night.
“Hey–hey, calm down. It was a mistake, I promise you. She was just feeling a little all over the place and made a bad choice–”
“No–that’s the fucking point! She made a choice. She chose you.” Jeongguk’s staring at him in a way that hurts, like he’s attempting to transfer all the pain that’s writhing through his body into Namjoon’s from sight alone.
“What? What are you talking about?” 
Jeongguk is frantic, almost like he’s trying to stop himself from pouring out onto the floor. A flood barely contained. “She chose you first. I was there–I was always there. But then you waltzed in and she saw something in you that she didn’t find in me and she chose you.”
Namjoon cocks his head, staring hard at Jeongguk’s round wide eyes, slowly coming to realisations that he was surrounded by idiotic people.
“I still have no idea what you are talking about, but I have to ask, don’t you remember a single thing I told you the last time we spoke about Y/N? You’re the reason we broke up.” That halts him and Namjoon takes that as a moment to press onward, somewhat tired of being dragged into this awkward mess. “And I’ll say this in the nicest way possible but you’re an idiot if you think Y/N wouldn’t pick you over me any day–over anyone really. I could be drowning and you could have a scrapped knee and she’d check on you first. We broke up because I realised I was just a placeholder until she felt brave enough to tell you she liked you. You were rather intimidating for her to approach. Or have you forgotten your track record of girls? It wasn’t easy for her–especially when she was risking losing her best friend.”
The silence that follows aches, Jeongguk’s eyes flashing like he never considered that in the first place. 
“But why the other guys then? Why not just tell me after you?” 
Namjoon’s going to bang his head into the wall. “You’re her best friend–what about that are you not getting? What if you didn’t like her back and it ruined the most important relationship in her life?”
“But I did–I always liked her.”
“No,” Namjoon nearly groans out loud. “You didn’t. If you liked her you wouldn’t have fucked Chaerin in the back of your car and then gone to report it to Y/N with a grin on your face.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon returns. “Oh. That’s the exact day we broke up too. Such a stupid fight because she was crying and that’s when I put two and two together and realised I was never going to take precedence over you.” 
“I didn’t know I was hurting her,” Jeongguk murmurs, almost distraught. 
A strangled noise erupts from Namjoon’s throat. “You’ve hurt her a lot more than you’ll realise.” But the second he says that and Jeongguk’s face twists into something unrecognisable he wants to take them back.
“She’s too good for me. Maybe we are better off apart.”
“No, no. You’re so wrong actually. This break-up thing has been miserable to watch and I’m not even in the centre of it. I’ve just caught a bunch of stray bullets.”
“You’re not getting me,” Jeongguk’s eyes swing to him. “She came to you at the end of it all. Maybe we are better with other people. Maybe you’re better for her.”
“She came to me because she missed you. She just needed someone to lean on during your absence. I wouldn’t have to do that if you were there. You know, you should just talk about this with Y/N.”
“I can’t, she’s happy with Lucas. I think.”
Namjoon wants to bang both your heads together so bad. Maybe finally the fact that you love each other would get through your thick skulls then. 
“She doesn’t,” he says, instead. “And I know that for a fact. You should really go talk to her. Figure this whole mess out. And also finally get out of my apartment.” Jeongguk’s gaze withers. Namjoon shrugs in return. “It’s the middle of the night and I have a meeting in the morning. I really need to sleep.”
“Oh, fuck, I’m sorry.” He’s so meek like this, nursing a shattered heart and a confused head. It’s slightly jarring to the image he usually presents, so self-assured and unfazed by whatever gets thrown at him. Never exposed like this, every emotion he holds inside displayed across his face. 
“It’s alright. Just think about what I said and talk to her. Honestly. Not skirting over shit like the two of you tend to do. Okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, trailing towards the open door. Namjoon had registered a breeze billowing in, but he’d completely missed the fact that the door of his apartment was swung wide open. Jeongguk abruptly stops just as Namjoon’s sense of bearing returns, turning to face him with his face pulled down by shame. “I’m really sorry. For this whole thing. I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that I was just–”
“I get it. You love her and it feels like she’s slipping from your fingers. Just don’t do that shit again and stop trying to push her away. I’ll say it again–you were always her first choice.” He sees it then, a slight flutter through Jeongguk’s chest. A broken bird mending. 
“Yeah,” Jeongguk breathes. “Thanks.”
Namjoon sighs, offering a tight smile and shutting the door firmly when Jeongguk finally drifts out. He needs a drink before he hits the sheets again. A strong one.
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flowerypeaches · 3 years
“What is that?”
Hero stopped their approach, a positively bored expression on their face. “What are you doing?”
Their nemesis, who was currently pointing behind Hero with an incredibly overexaggerated look of surprise, rolled their eyes, “Uh, giving you your cue?”
“My cue?”
Villain sighed loudly, dropping the egregious pose. “You're supposed to turn your head, in a suitably dramatic fashion of course, search for what I was pointing at, only for it to be revealed a ruse, granting me the opportunity to strike you unawares so I may gain the upper hand in our skirmish.”
“Mhm, and why would I fall for something so stupid?”
“Because you are stupid?”
“Ow, okay, okay!” Villain held a hand to their nose, grimacing as it came back bloody from Hero’s rather crude punch. “See, this is what I was trying to avoid. No story, no drama, no excitement. What if I let you get a few good hits in afterwards?”
Hero replied by kicking Villain’s feet out from under them, knocking them onto the cold and cracked pavement. “Looks like I’m already getting a few good hits in.” They leaned over Villain, arms crossed. “Now, are we going to actually fight, or are you going to keep trying to direct your own personal soap opera?”
Hero waited for Villain’s patented snarky response, specifically about how soap operas are a valid form of art and Hero would be wise not to disrespect it, yadda yadda, but none came. In fact, Villain wasn’t even looking at them.
“Uh, Villain? You still with me?” 
Villain’s voice was barely above a whisper, “What is that?”
“Seriously? It hasn’t even been a minute and you’re really using the sa-”
“I’m not screwing with you, Hero, there’s something in the sky!”
Hero had to admit, Villain’s acting had gotten much better in the last thirty seconds, but no matter how real it looked, they weren’t going to fall for it. Villain might be messing around now, but Hero couldn’t forget that they were a criminal, and a dangerous one at that.
They reached down, pulling Villain, who was still staring into the sky, up by their collar. “Look, I get that you never got the lead role in the school play or whatever, and want to make the world burn because of it, but could you, just this once, take our fight seriously?”
“I think it's getting closer.”
Hero ignored them, “I’m tired of the other heroes telling me I have it easy because my nemesis would rather focus on projecting their monologue to all of the hostages than actually rob the bank they broke into to begin with.” Sure, Hero was thankful Villain’s obsession with the dramatic kept them from causing too much destruction, but they had their own reputation to uphold, and constant stalemates with the theatre school reject did not help! “Let me tell you what. If you go down to the station without a fuss, then maybe I can get you into one of the nicer cell blocks. You know, the ones with the view of the hills. Does that sound good? Villain? Are you even lis-”
Blinding light filled Hero’s eyes and ears, cutting off every train of thought and any plan of action they might have had before then. They looked up, and despite the harsh light making their eyes water, they could make out the vague shape of a disc floating directly above them.
Oh no.
“Told you.”
Hero looked back down to their nemesis, who looked much too smug for the situation at hand, and sneered, “Maybe if you didn’t insist on playing drama club, I might have actually taken you seriously.”
Villain had the courtesy to drop their grin, squinting up at the…  “Is it getting brighter?”
It was, and that meant it was too late for Hero to prevent what was about to happen. Familiar cold heat ran through their veins as their limbs locked in place.
A safety precaution.
Definitely not to prevent anyone caught in the beam from escaping.
“Hero? I-I can’t move.” Villain said.
They shouldn’t be here.
Hero’s eyes widened, realizing just how screwed they were. They tried to relax their hands, to let go of Villain, to shove them out of the beam, anything, but only managed to twitch their muscles, as if they were encased in a steel mold.
Villain seemed to be doing the same thing, though the trembling may have just been the fear. Any other time, Hero would have loved to see Villain’s mask slip. To force them to acknowledge that, yes, Hero was a real threat to their criminal livelihood. Instead, Villain acted as if Hero was a fellow actor, asking for Hero’s thoughts on new scenes they came up with, or excitedly talking about whatever had happened in their soap that day, a neon flashing sign that indicated they were in desperate need of friends. Did… did that mean Villain thought they were friends?
Not the time.
Hero gave up on their efforts, and let the looming dread wash over them. This wasn’t acceptance, no, they were just giving themself a moment to rest before they faced what was up in the ship. Oh, they weren’t ready.
Two enemies, encircled and entrapped in an ever growing light, locked eyes. 
“We’re so f-”
And as quick as it had appeared, the burning light and mysterious ship attached to it, along with Hero and Villain, vanished into the night.
Light surrounded Villain. The ambient noise of the city was replaced by a low, droning hum. Any sense of direction was lost as gravity no longer affected them. They were weightless, and, even in this world of superpowers, nothing made sense. Where did the city go? Why couldn’t they move? How were they floating? The light was all-consuming, and Villain would have thought themself lost in it if not for the deathgrip Hero still had around their collar. 
Slowly, the light faded, and Villain felt their own weight return to them. Their legs wobbled, and in an instant, whatever force that held them in place disappeared. They would have fallen if not for Hero, who still held them in their grasp.
“What just happened?” Villain said, though not really expecting an explanation.
Looking around, they could see they were now in a circular, silver chamber. Dials and switches and lights and symbols dotted the walls, communicating something or other, and the floor was, what was that, carpet? Villain shuddered. Honestly, it looked a lot like a cheap sci-fi set for a tv show that should have been cancelled three seasons ago than a futuristic aircraft capable of teleporting human beings.
“Oh, no, no, no.” Villain jumped at Hero’s voice, and stumbled as their anchor let them go to run over to a wall.
Not a wall. A window.
Villain blinked.
A window that showed… Earth? No, that couldn’t be right. If they were looking at the earth, that could only mean...
“Shit, we’re already in orbit.” Hero said.
Villain blinked.
They were in space. Space. That was impossible, right? They couldn’t actually be in space. But here they were, staring at the little blue marble with their very own eyes. Was the room spinning? Or was it the spaceship?
Villain ran their hands through their hair.
They were in a spaceship. A spaceship. That was impossible, right? They couldn’t actually be in a spaceship. But here they were, having been abducted by the UFO just seconds ago. By what? Aliens?
Villain forced their gaze away to keep themself from spiraling, instead focusing on Hero, who has since moved on from the window to the numerous switches and lights, tapping the wall and looking at the symbols that popped up. Villain didn’t understand what Hero was trying to do, it wasn’t like they could understand what any of it meant.
Three deep breaths, and Villain made the best plan ever made in 24 seconds. They stepped up next to their nemesis.
Hero’s hand was covering their mouth, muttering something to themself, and clearly not paying attention. Nevertheless, Villain continued, “Now, as much as I hate to say it, I think we may have to work together to get back on Earth.” Truth be told, in any other circumstance, Villain would have been ecstatic to work with their nemesis. Whether to defeat a worse villain or take down some other hero that had become corrupt, they would have welcomed the opportunity wholeheartedly. 
Why? Well, Villain would argue that it was more interesting, that their relationship, and subsequent fights, would have more dramatic tension. Definitely not because of any other tension that may arise from spending time together.
Villain puffed out their chest, “Lucky for you, I have decided to put aside our differences, and your lack of charisma, to take the initiative and save us both from peril. Yes, this does go against my better judgement, and yes, it may possibly be my most difficult role to date, but if it means I get to go back home in time to watch my soaps, then it’ll be worth it.”
Hero finally turned towards them, “Do you ever shut up?”
“Only for dramatic effect.” Villain said with an award-winning smile, earning an eye roll and a huff of annoyance. “So… what do you think we should do?”
“I thought you said you’d take the initiative?”
“Yes, the initiative in proposing we work together.”
Villain held up their hands, “Hey, hey, before you go punching willy nilly, why don’t you tell me what you were doing over here? Get anything useful from the flashing green triangle you were poking at?” They would have teased more, but Hero’s lack of response made them move on. “What are you thinking?”
Hero’s eyes flickered to the wall and back to Villain. “You need to leave.”
Villain blinked.
“Well, obviously we need to escape. We were abducted!”
Hero shook their head, “No, you need to leave. I’ll stay, and deal with-”
“What? And how are you going to figure out how anything works, huh? Even if you do, why wouldn’t you just come back with me?”
“It’s not that simple, I can’t re-”
A low, loud beep interrupted the enemies, and Villain turned their head in time for a wall opposite the window to open up and let someone through. Someone distinctly… humanlike. 
The person, an older woman by the looks of it, smiled brightly and opened their arms. “ .·°¯°·.·° .·°° ?”
That was distinctly not humanlike. It was like hearing someone speak through water, and an undercurrent of static scratched the inside of Villain’s ears. 
The woman—were they even a person?—walked closer, and Hero quickly stepped in front of Villain, shielding them.
She paid no mind, however, and spoke again, “ .·°¯°·.·° .·°° ,” looking expectantly at Hero, who, after a moment of hesitation, stepped forward. Her smile widened, and Villain was hit with a sense of deja vu. She pulled Hero close, and, were they hugging? Why was Hero letting her? What was happening? 
The woman whispered something to Hero, but it wasn’t like Villain could understand even if they tried. Hero turned back to Villain, giving them an apologetic smile before, “ ° .·°° ° .¯ .”
Villain’s jaw dropped.
Hero was replying to the woman. Which meant they understood her. Which meant they knew whatever language was being spoken. Which meant… which meant… Why were they abducted in the first place?
The danger presented itself fully to Villain.
They had been taken off the face of the earth by their mortal enemy, or someone who was well acquainted with them, at the very least, and had no possibility of escape. Villain considered themself clever, but trying to figure out how alien—alien!—technology worked was beyond them. They had to rely wholly on Hero, who, although Villain was loath to admit it, hated their guts. Hero could be plotting in front of Villain right now and they would be none the wiser.
Hero wouldn’t do that. Villain tried to reassure themself, because Hero wouldn’t send them off with some unknown alien being. They’d want to arrest Villain proper, right? Arrest and put them in some high security cell they’d break out of a month later. It was their thing. Villain didn’t want their thing to end.
Villain shook their head, they’d have to examine and repress that particular line of thought later, because the woman was suddenly standing in front of them, startling Villain out of their thoughts. She reached out, clutching Villain's jaw with cold fingers, turning them this way and that. As if they were being studied. Was Villain wrong? Was Hero really getting rid of them?
“ ¯ .·°°·°¯ .” She said. Villain’s ears itched worse now that the woman was closer.
Maybe Hero thought they were doing Villain a favour, sending them off on an adventure, letting them create their own melodramatic space opera. Or maybe this was punishment for all the dated Space Trek references. Both were a possibility.
Familiar hands pulled Villain away from the woman and into Hero’s chest. They were not blushing.
“ .·° .¯°·°° !” Hero’s voice was raised, clearly upset at whatever the woman had said.
She, however, was unaffected by Hero’s outburst, gesturing between the two enemies with raised eyebrows, “ °·.°·.°¯°·. .” 
Hero shook their head, and Villain felt Hero’s grip tighten ever so slightly, “ °·.°¯ .·°°·.°°¯ .”
A strange noise came from the woman, sounding almost like… bubbles? It was clearer than the other times she spoke, and it was the way she moved that made Villain realize it was a laugh. She was laughing at Villain. Or Hero. Both?
Hero’s hands were shaking, and Villain couldn’t tell if it was with anger or fear. 
“ ·° .·° .” Hero was curt with her, and Villain recognized the tone from when they threatened to blow up City Hall. The tone that preceded their fights.
The woman seemed to recognize the tone as well, as she backed off a little, holding her hands up in a placating way. She gave Villain a small wave before nodding at Hero, “ ·.°.°¯°°¯° .· .·° .” and left, the wall closing up behind her.
The pair stood in silence.
Hero let go of Villain, letting them step away. Except, they didn’t. In fact, they did nothing of the sort. Villain spun on their heels and stepped forward, “What on ear–ugh, what just happened?”
“There, um, might be a slight problem.”
“Slight problem? You call this”—Villain gestured wildly around them, narrowly avoiding hitting Hero in the face—”a slight problem?”
Hero leaned away from Villain, avoiding their eyes.
“Care to explain? Anything? At all?”
“Where do I start?”
Villain’s theatrics, for once, wasn’t uncalled for. “Oh, I don’t know, how about the fact that we were abducted? That we are in space? Or, or!” Villain backed off, giving themself room to pace around the circular room and project their panic to an audience of one, “That there is an alien speaking to you, Hero, in an alien language, because no human could actually sound like that, acting like she knows you, and you, you reply to her? As if you know her too?”
“Yeah, that would be my… mother.”
“Your mother.”
Hero nodded.
“Your mother who lives in a spaceship. Who speaks an alien language.”
“Who is an alien.”
“Who is an alien.” It took a good second for the words to sink in. “Your mother is an alien?! Like, an alien from an alien planet?”
Hero nodded again.
Villain felt their brain short-circuit. “Does that mean…”
“That I’m an alien from an alien planet? Yes.”
Villain felt lightheaded. This was okay. This was manageable. This world-shattering, insane truth of the universe was perfectly manageable, and they were not going to spiral, not for one second. Deep breaths. One… two… three… Villain stopped pacing, facing Hero with the calmest expression the latter had ever seen on the former. “Okay, so now that you’ve had your nice little family reunion, we can go back, right?”
Hero’s face was a cross between a smile and a wince.
Villain’s expression twitched, but held firm, “And why not?”
“Well, my mother-”
“The alien.”
Hero tried not to get annoyed, but damn, did Villain make it hard. “Yes, my mother the alien. She, erm,” They groaned, covering their face with their hands, “She may have made a fundamental mistake about the nature of our relationship.”
“And what mistake would that be?” Villain grit their teeth.
“She may, perhaps, think that, we’re… dating.”
“Louder, Hero. Speak so everyone in the audience can hear you.”
“She thinks we’re dating!”
Villain blinked, completing the rule of thirds and simultaneously breaking their composure. So much for not spiraling. “Dating?” Their voice squeaked.
“Dating,” Hero nodded, “And-”
“There’s more?!” Villain turned away, back to pacing and practically pulling their hair out from the absurdity.
“And, the reason we can’t leave yet is because she invited us to dinner.”
Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no no no.
“What’s wrong? I thought you loved drama.” Hero said, failing to lighten the mood. “Aren’t family confrontations and misunderstandings the bread and butter of soap operas?”
“My love of drama left me when we left the atmosphere.” Villain glared at Hero with enough ferocity to start a fire.
Villain walked up to the walls, flicking the switches and turning the dials, to see if, miraculously, they could make the ship go back to the city. The lights blinked mockingly in response.
“Uh, Villain?”
“There doesn’t happen to be an escape pod on this ship, does there?”
“Unfortunately not.”
“We’re really going to have to do this, aren’t we?” Villain said, turning to face their nemesis.
“Unfortunately yes.”
Two enemies, both flushed head to toe from frustration and embarrassment, locked eyes.
And Villain, lover of monologues and soliloquies, came up with the most profound, most thought-provoking line they could think of.
“We’re so fucked.”
Hero was inclined to agree.
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