#italian version
pochiperpe90 · 10 months
In the Italian version of the scene "love that accent" Homelander says to Becca "sei fortunata" (you're lucky) in the sense that she's lucky to be with Butcher~ The Italian version wanted Butchlander canon u.u
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thelastattempt · 9 months
it’s not starting out but it is a new chapter 🖤
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shambelle97 · 9 months
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spilladabalia · 4 months
Renato Zero - Sgualdrina
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John Gregory Bourke - Gli Sporchi Rituali - Guaraldi - 1973
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jerrylewis-thekid · 1 year
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From today the graphically updated version of Dean and Me - A Love Story is available in Italy. The Italian version is enhanced by two moving, amusing and entertaining prefaces written by the sons of the duo (Gary Lewis and Ricci Martin) in a world exclusive for Sagoma Editore.
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jadenoryuu · 2 years
Going Merry Go? 👀 (from one piece? 👀👀)
Ding ding ding!
We have a winner!
That's one of the WiPs I have in Italian! You get mochi points!
Anyway yes, that's about our beloved defunct ship from One Piece.
In particular the WiP is narrated in her PoV and describes her last day before the Viking Funeral (I stopped writing just when the Strawhats jump from the Bridge of Enies Lobby to reach the Merry, but the intention was to end the WiP at her death.)
After the cut there's a snippet both in English and Italian as a bonus.
I minuti in cui combatté strenuamente la forza della natura si trasformarono in ore, prima che il mare si calmasse quel tanto da farla rilassare un poco e farla concentrare esclusivamente sulla velocità e non su quale onda avrebbe potuto sfasciarla.
In quei momenti di relativa calma si ritrovò a pensare a quella ciurma pazza e sconclusionata. Chissà cosa stavano facendo in quel momento?
Prima che Iceburg la trovasse, aveva sentito un secondo treno fischiare in lontananza. Forse erano loro…
Se solo fosse stata più forte, sarebbe stata lei ad accompagnarli…
Se solo fosse stata più forte, il suo scafo non sarebbe stato ridotto in quel modo e i suoi due nàkama non si sarebbero sfidati a duello per colpa del suo stato…
Uno sbuffo di vento un po’ più forte degli altri fece cigolare il sartiame e una delle porte non chiuse a chiave sbatté, riscuotendola da quegli oscuri pensieri.
Sì, poteva essere colpa sua, tuttavia lei aveva fatto tutto quello che aveva potuto per poterli portare perlomeno in quell’isola.
Aveva resistito così tanto soltanto per essere sicura che loro riuscissero a cavarsela anche senza di lei, che fossero al sicuro.
Ora però che erano stati separati così brutalmente, quel diritto le era stato tolto, soprattutto visto che la ciurma era stata divisa e sparsa.
Era dunque suo compito rimediare a questa faccenda.
Fece un fischio lungo acuto e penetrante, come per chiamare i nàkama dispersi, come per avvisarli che stava arrivando. Chissà se qualcuno l’aveva sentita…
The minutes where she fought hard against the force of nature turned into hours, before the sea calmed down just enough for her to relax a little and focus solely on her speed and not on which wave could have smashed her.
In those moments of relative calm, she found herself thinking about that crazy, rambling crew. Who knows what they were doing at the time?
Before Iceburg found her, she had heard a second train whistling in the distance. Maybe it was them…
If only she had been stronger, she would have accompanied them…
If only she had been stronger, her hull would not have been reduced that way and her two nàkama wouldn't have challenged each other to a duel because of her state …
A puff of wind a little stronger than the others made the rigging creak and one of her unlocked doors slammed, rousing her from those dark thoughts.
Yes, it could have been her fault, however she had done everything she could to at least bring them to that island.
She had lasted so long just to make sure they could get by without her, that they were safe.
But now that they had been separated so brutally, that right had been taken away from her, especially since the crew had been divided and scattered.
It was therefore her duty to remedy this matter.
She made a long, high-pitched, piercing whistle, as if to call for the scattered nakama, as if to warn them that she was coming. Who knows if anyone had heard it …
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unspokenmantra · 9 days
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music-in-my-veins14 · 2 months
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girlonthelasttrain · 10 months
There are several NGO-funded ships currently operating in the central Mediterranean Sea with the specific intent of saving migrants from what has been for years one of the deadliest migration routes in the world. Here is partial list:
Geo Barents (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Ocean Viking (SOS Méditerranée)
Aurora, Sea Watch 3 and Sea Watch 5 (Sea Watch)
Life Support (Emergency)
Open Arms and other ships (Open Arms)
Another important resource for migrants in distress at sea is the hotline AlarmPhone.
Since 2016 these rescue missions have become more and more onerous to fund as EU countries have progressively strengthened the Frontex program while at the same time criminalizing NGO-led search and rescue operations. (Italy has been at the forefront of this trend, and a shipwreck on the coast of Calabria in late February this year only managed to strengthen the resolve of the current government to make it even more complex for NGOs to try and rescue migrants.) So while it definitely won't solve the root issue, donating to these NGOs still has a tangible effect.
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thelastattempt · 9 months
oh my god. his little red cap. his expressive little face. his little corner chair on the tour bus. ❤️‍🩹
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shambelle97 · 9 months
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spilladabalia · 4 months
Mita Medici - Nella vita c'è un momento
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Arthur Guirdham - Ossessione Diabolica - Tattilo - 1974 (italian edition)
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
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Arrived a little while ago. The rare Italian version of The Total Film-Maker, 1971 version. I waited for months waiting for the price to decrease, hoping that no one would buy it. I finally managed to buy it with the price more than halved.
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skullfragments · 13 days
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soooo i've been real busy this past month and change working on this monster of a painting! it was originally for the GO Ref library study club but clearly took much longer than i anticipated😅
for those of you who don't recognize it, this is based on one of my favorite historical paintings, Judith Beheading Holofernes (1620) by Artemisia Gentileschi. i love the Baroque period and this painting (as well as her other works) makes me insane. here it is Good Omens style so maybe all of you can be insane with me <3
"Aziraphale (and Crowley) Beheading the Metatron"
(non-bloody and non-glowy versions under the cut)
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