magicallyhurtful · 5 years
„Immer die zweite Wahl, immer nicht gut genug, immer eine Freundin aber nie seine.
Immer verletzt werden, immer abgeschrieben werden, immer diejenige an die du denkst, aber nie diejenige bei der du bleibst.
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edenslittlecloud · 2 years
quiero comer
quiero comer
quiero comer
el dolor en mi estómago quema y me pide atentamente que busque algo con que llenar ese vacío que tanto me lastima…
pero no quiero
no debo
si logró dejar que esto pase sin llenarlo de comida o agua, tal vez y solo tal vez así pueda retomar lo que alguna vez fue mío.
ese peso ideal que me fue robado por mis propias avaricias y gula
eso peso que tanto he deseado recuperar no importa cuánto me cueste
ese peso con el que todos me querrán de nuevo
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ithinkiwoulddie · 7 years
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I've got to get a move on with my life. 💔
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queendemonkitty · 7 years
Special Fuckin Snowflake
I managed to sprain both of my wrists in one go and I don’t even know what I did. I’m really fuckin special man.
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sofar-lostinmyhead · 5 years
this guy is a fucking joke.
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with-guns-and-roses · 7 years
I'm not made of stone, it hurts...
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i-mpureness · 7 years
não adianta ser gentil com alguém que não se importa com você
não adianta ser gentil com alguém que não liga se você está sendo
o melhor que pode ser e insiste em te colocar em chamas
não adianta demonstrar amor para alguém que não sabe lidar
com a sua intensidade
não adianta fazer de tudo por alguém que você quer bem de todo
o coração mas que finge que isso não importa
essa pessoa nunca vai merecer sua gentileza, paciência e carinho
se ame primeiro.
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thestupenduos-blog · 7 years
Hearing him over the phone saying "You're just an option."
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ladymediocrity · 7 years
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Embrace the broccoli life #modelmaterial #jelz #itfuckinghurt
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clockworkfall · 6 years
ok so i was tagged by @smolphaniel tyty
Name: wylan
Nicknames: uhh wy and wyvern
Gender: genderfluid 
Star sign: leo
Sexuality: pan
Dream Trip: uhmm probably just like a world tour thatd be really cool
Average hours of sleep: like 3 - 6 or somethin like that
Why I made a tumblr: i dont actually remember cause i made it like a year before i started actually using it
Dogs or cats: c a t s
Followers: 204 (wow that is a lot how did that happen)
Reason for URL: it sounded cool to me i guess? and i was in like a steampunk mood so the clockwork thing
aaand i tag: @jazzyanathema @sapphicglover @the-original-black-sheep @ow-itfuckinghurts @itsnotmydreamdaditsyours
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rodnarz-blog · 7 years
“ Maybe they call it starting a new chapter, but I can never seem to finish the last one in time, now the book keeps moving forward and I am always stuck one page behind”
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lobo-muerte · 4 years
It fucking hurts. The hole in my chest that will never close until I find you. Day and Night obsessing about where you can be, what did I miss, or what I could change. What if I didnt work 11 hour shift that day, would you still be here? If I didn't buy a new house, would you have not escaped? What could I have fucking done differently because it is still tearing me apart a year and a half later. I haven't and will not stop looking for you. You were my best friend. You are my family. You are my dog. Please come back.
#imissmydog # itfuckinghurts
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icariaeridani-blog · 6 years
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• | 0 | • loss of another heart, another soul. one more tally on a reaper's book, one more chorus for an angel. the heart wrenching, suffocating, blood red pain that's also white hot and so fucking loud that your ears bleed and your eyes flood and you just want it to stop 'cause your brain is screaming it hurts itfuckinghurts but it doesn't because why not, why the fuck not and it demands it's existence to be acknowledged and you're there floating in the wake of chaos thinking that maybe this is all the pain that there is in the world down my throat, being forced into my gut and into my toes but it isn't, it isn't all the pain that there is in the world and you know it but you're just not willing to actually believe it. #poem #poemsporn #poetry #poetrymonth #words #wordgasm #wordporn #quotes #quotestagram #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writing #poetryporn #thoughts #words #write #writinglife #writings #2018
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