#its just all been so bad. and yeah so this is unfinished too but i have to post something
liauditore · 8 months
cw// implied character death, double life nonsense
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because you are love itself.
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shiny-jr · 9 months
how to steal a heart (I)
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[ a dummy's guide on how to steal the heart of a poor pathetic man ]
- Warning: Yes, this is still a yandere thing. You have been warned. Female reader. 
- Note: This has been an idea (heavily inspired by Howl's Moving Castle) I had in my docs since fall 2022. I was talking to a mutual about how writing on Tumblr vs Quotev feels very different. If I leave something unfinished on Quotev, I feel incredibly guilty which prevents me from posting new stories. However, on Tumblr, I don't feel as guilty. Not sure why. Anyways, I know most of my followers here don't care for my ocs, and I've been wanting to post this for so long. So instead of posting on Quotev, I'll post it on here just to get rid of the urge to share this story (might delete this later). This is the same story I posted that little screenshot of not too long ago, and that screenshot was basically just the prologue chapter. So yeah. Hope you enjoy?
Black smoke concealed the window like a thick veil as the walls around her shook. It was a sure sign that the train was inching by. The screech from its whistle and clanking against the railroad tracks, so loud that it must’ve been heard over a mile away, only confirmed her guess. Her hands continued to cut smoothly through the linen fabric, separating enough to fulfill another order placed this morning. As the young woman worked to separate the colors and gather more material, the corner of her eyes caught sight of the smoke concealing her perfect view. 
The train’s fading motion and clanging against the tracks was eventually replaced by chatter just outside her workshop. It all became background noise, as she began to utilize the sewing machine. Lines formed over the cloth, blending it and connecting so they formed an article of clothing. Needles, pins, and scissors cut and dug deep through the cloth. Buttons of all shapes and sizes were neatly organized in little boxes, so she could easily take what she needed. Time just seemed to fly as she worked so quietly and efficiently, oblivious to the hours ticking by. Any other noise fell on deaf ears, even as a knock resounded on the firm wooden door that happened to be wide open already. 
A pause before the person tried again, knocking a little louder again. “(Y/n)?” 
Snapping out of her efficient trance, the tailor snapped to attention and straightened her sitting posture. Gazing at the door and back the window where the sun was much lower than before, it took her a moment to figure out what exactly was going on and what time it was. It was later in the day, and the woman at the door was Dalena… Well, everyone called her Ma Dalena because she was a kind older lady who tended to see the young female tailors as her own children. At least, most of the tailors. 
“We closed up five minutes ago. You can go now.” Ma Dalena gave an encouraging smile that displayed the dimples on her skin, showing signs of age evident by the wrinkles. Judging by her long dress and small woven handbag hanging from her wrist, it was probably safe to assume that she had evening plans. “Why not spend the rest of the day with us?” 
Us. Correct she was again. As welcoming as the invitation was to join Ma Dalena and the other tailors, she wasn’t willing to join them anymore. Not after the first time when she dared to venture with them. After shifts, the tailors had a tradition of going out into town. Not that it was a bad thing. But they used their time cafe hopping, searching for flirtatious men to satisfy their need for affection. Oftentimes, they would get caught up with the pushy kind. And ever since some troops from the military have returned from their duties, well… encountering a bunch of men who hadn’t felt the touch of a woman in months, was not ideal. At least for her. 
Taking her foot off the pedal to pause her work and silence the sewing machine, she pretended to consider the invitation before mustering a polite smile with a shake of her head. “Hm… It sounds nice. But I promised the client I would finish this so they can pick it up tomorrow. So I’ll stay, but have fun. Have another drink in my place, alright?” 
Ma Dalena merely nodded in understanding, her polite smile turning somber as she turned on her two-inch heels and began walking to the front entrance. The chatter of the other tailors ready and eager for the rest of the day off, went quiet as she announced, “We’re leaving now. Hurry now if you’re coming!” 
The chatter resumed, accompanied by the sound of more heels tapping quickly against the wooden floors in an effort for the straying members to catch up with the group. They complimented each other's outfits they spent days making by hand, discussing various fashion trends, gossiping about clients and others in town. 
In a way, she did and she didn’t regret accepting the invitation. It may have been nice to have good company for once, but it never felt right when she was present within their clique. It was as if she were trying to forcefully add a puzzle piece to an already complete puzzle, which is why she stopped forcing it. She wouldn’t want to sit there awkwardly during tea, unsure what to say as they spoke so confidently and loudly. It felt as if she were an imposter, someone trying to disguise themselves to blend in. It was why she worked in a small separate room, away from everyone else. That, and because she was the fastest tailor there. Part of her wondered if Ma Dalena was beginning to dislike her since she turned down invitation after invitation. But how was she to explain what she was feeling, when it would only sound like whining? 
Drowning out her thoughts with work to occupy the space in her mind, she pressed her foot against the pedal and began sewing once more. The loud hum of the machine filled her ears as it worked against the red cloth under her fingertips. This was the way it was supposed to be. Mindlessly spending her waking hours working at a craft she didn’t excel at, but was decent enough to earn wages in. All while wondering what could’ve been, and secretly hoping that maybe soon there is something that can be–– 
“Look! Look out there! It’s Reyes’ temple!” 
“Where? I don’t see it!” 
“There! Over the hill!” 
Now that was something you don’t see everyday. Everyone retreated back to the window, desperate to catch a glimpse, even Ma Dalena. Halting her work once again, (Y/n) too was the tiniest bit curious. 
In truth, magicians failed to interest her, not that she had an opportunity to see them much anyways. But all those in Etére knew to be cautious of two particular magic wielders: La Bruja de Bruez, the Witch of Bruez, and Reyes Ladrón de Corazones, Reyes the Thief of Hearts. The pair were like the local boogeymen, tales of their horrendous deeds spreading and becoming bedtime stories for children in order to scare them into good behavior. 
Ever since her youth, she heard stories of La Bruja de Bruez. It was said that she was a wicked woman who’s lived for over a hundred years. A slight against her is taken seriously, and she curses those she comes across. But she was no mere fairytale. The witch has been a thorn in the country’s side for a long time, as she terrorizes the towns she visits. There hasn’t been much action taken against her, because she’s so powerful that hardly anyone stands a chance and she’s so elusive. Besides, the royal family don’t particularly care if the witch curses a random citizen every month or so, as long as they don’t have to risk pawns in their own arsenal of magicians just to take her down. 
Only a few years ago, a second magician with fearsome spells and a horrible reputation, appeared. Reyes Ladrón de Corazones, or more commonly known as Reyes, was another brujo many feared, although not as much as his counterpart from Bruez. There were rumors, yes, but they were more lighthearted with little evidence to ever back up the claims. While the Bruja de Bruez spared no one, it was said that Reyes chose to pursue only young beautiful women. If you asked around town, half of the population would consider him a threat, while the other half would giggle and whisper about his rumored good looks. Maybe that’s how he lured them in? With charms. Either way, he was a cause for concern. It was said that at a young age after abandoning his position as apprentice under the royal sorceress, the most powerful known magician, he not only challenged her but won and stripped her of her powers. Of course, no one can neither confirm nor deny it, as the king kept a tight lid on the situation and supposedly those who approach Reyes meet a terrible fate. But his abode was proof enough of his sheer strength. It was like a castle, a temple wandering on mechanical legs, rumored to not only be fueled by magic but also made of it.
Through the mist and low hanging clouds, just over the rolling hills on the horizon she could make out the distinct shape of a temple. A magnificent temple that appears so small from so far away. But she knew that it was a beast, a titan wandering the wilderness where very few dared to venture. It prowled around on its mechanical legs, spewing black smoke as the only trail it left behind. Reyes’ moving temple disappeared behind the clouds, seemingly vanishing from sight. Onlookers within the tailor shop could only awe and wonder aloud what the brujo was like, what was true and what was not, their minds creating horrible fears and outlandish fantasies that would take root as rumors. 
Lowering her gaze back to her work, she resumed once more, but the rumors overpowered the hum of her machine until their words reached her. The other tailors proceeded back to the front entrance, marveling about what they just witnessed. Was he hiding from soldiers practicing their flights just outside the town? Did you hear that he literally steals the hearts of women, but only beautiful ones? Someone said that a pretty waitress on the other side of town had her own heart torn out and stolen by Reyes just last week! 
The door was shut and she was alone, left with her work and the noise outside. Swiftly she worked, able to repair tears and wears with ease and create other things. Able to get lost in the work for much longer, until she felt the ground shake and the screech of another whistle. The afternoon train. It’s smoke covering her window once again. It was getting late already. Not wishing to waste the rest of the day by continuing work or go to bed with a book she had already read twice, she switched off the machine and organized all the tools back into their places. Brushing off all stray strings from her dress, she then rearranged her completed work thus far and prepared to have a different kind of day. 
Today, she would try to make it a can be sort of day. Even if it meant just visiting a close friend like Lía at the bakery. Just putting out the effort to go out today was more than she was usually willing. Although wishing it would be something special, a proper can be day without even trying, was like wishing to be acknowledged by a person you admire but never once talked to, it was much like winging it on a test without studying and praying you would get a perfect score even though knowing that it’s almost near impossible. But it isn’t statistically completely impossible, so you cling to that thin shred of hope that’s as taut as a piece of string. 
The whirring of small planes buzzed overhead, the flying machines brandishing their flags like the proud and numerous soldiers. On nearly every home and business, there was the flag hanging over the door, a symbol of patriotism and support of the war effort. (Y/n) quickly crossed the streets and reached the trolley station that would take her further into town. Right now there was not a soldier in sight, but that was sure to change the closer to the center of town she got. She only prayed that there wouldn’t be any trouble with them. 
The trolleys were full, people all going towards the center of town, in the same direction the planes overhead flew towards. If she had to guess, most of the people within the trolley were likely friends or family of returning soldiers. All giddy from the victory high of a major battle just won. 
While watching the scenery go by, she wondered how Lía was fairing. 
It was because of Lía and her family that she now worked in a tailor shop. (Y/n)’s parents had met an unfortunate end while traveling outside the kingdom. They were doctors dedicated to a good cause, determined to stay in dangerous war torn lands to heal and treat the poorest of folks. While she was busy with school and often alone but checked on by family friends, her parents were saving people an ocean away in a faraway land where Milavi’s war had spread. They had been too close to Milavi claimed territory, likely mistaken for doctors healing rebels, and were thus punished for their good deeds. With no one left to turn to, her family’s closest friend, Señor Obregón, adopted (Y/n) and treated her as one of his own. 
Señor Obregón was a quiet but respectable man that spent his time either working or with his family. He was the one that taught her how to sew, knit, and tailor, after she became curious of his skills. There were two other girls, Lía and Cova, a few years younger than (Y/n), which is why she became the oldest sibling. Lía was the beauty admired all throughout their childhood and still beloved to this day. She most resembled her mother, but she wasn’t half as vain. Cova was the youngest and somehow the smartest, as she was able to quickly grasp the concepts from lessons even in (Y/n)’s class, despite being a few grade levels apart. She mostly resembled her father and his own wits. Then there was her, (Y/n), who had… whatever was left. Of course she never held any resentment toward her sisters, since they were always well behaved but perhaps a bit annoying with their squabbles. Lastly, was Señora Obregón, Rosita, who she just called Tia Rosa for short, was never rude or dismissive to her. Tia Rosa was actually very outgoing and talkative, but she was the sort of woman that wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something from last season. She desired the finer things in life and settled for no less, which is probably why Señor Obregón ended up in an early grave due to working himself to death just to try and afford the luxuries his wife craved. 
Immediately after the funeral, while they were still dressed head-to-toe in black and their eyes were puffy from crying, Rosita sat all three of her daughters for a conversation about the future. It would be impossible for her to keep them all in school, especially considering she hadn’t worked a day in her life. However, she wasn’t cruel enough to just toss her young girls out into the streets with nowhere to go. So, she devised a plan for each girl. Cova would be able to best utilize her smarts in a challenging field full of promise, which is why she was sent to a good witch in the next town over, to become an apprentice in magic. Lía was already very popular around town, she would thrive in a social environment like the bakery on main street where to this day men constantly asked for her hand. As for her, (Y/n), she would stay here in Obregón’s tailor shop, where Tia Rosa deemed was best fit. Afterall, she did know how to carry on the business, she had even helped their reputation grow substantially as more people came in every day and profits increased. Although, she hardly had the time to spend the earnings on herself, that’s what Tia Rosa was there for. Rather, never there for. She’d collect earnings from the business (Y/n) ran and would disappear for weeks or months at a time to another town or city. But that's besides the point… 
By now, the trolley she was on was near the center of town that happened to be within blocks away, the streets became crowded with people walking on foot. On roads below bridges, there were lines of military tanks rolling by. Not much further in, the sidewalks were jam packed with hundreds, upon thousands, of people. Confetti rained down, banners and flags were strung from every corner and door. Every window was occupied as citizens cheered and waved at the parade of temporary victors, a show of military strength. Soldiers in their crisp uniforms marched in unified lines, cavalry on horseback carried large flags. 
As the density of the crowds increased, and the volume of cheers and the parade along with it, she felt her heart beat louder. This was too much, it was too loud, she couldn’t even think…! But she had come this far, to go back home now when she was so close would be a little pathetic. Avoiding the commotion like a plague, she decided it best to take the maze of alleyways to calm her nerves. There were hardly any people on those backstreets, just the occasional stationed soldier. Focusing her gaze on the war propaganda posters on the brick and clay walls underneath window boxes filled with colorful flowers, she pretended to carefully study them as she increased her pace from a calm stroll to a quick speed walk, examining the items as if they were the most fascinating objects she ever saw. Really, she’d rather not make awkward eye contact with the soldiers on guard that watched her like a hawk, which is why she hurried along until they were out of sight.
Now that she was alone, with the crowds and their entertainment separated from her by walls of homes and businesses, she felt relief as the once loud sounds melted into background noise. For now she could concentrate on the address scribbled out on the folded piece of paper in her hands, and her anxiety could be replaced with confusion as she attempted to navigate these small hidden paths. This was only the second time she was on this path, since (Y/n) barely had time to ever go out due to work and her own incompetence. The first was on a holiday some weeks ago when the shop closed early, which granted her a few hours to venture on the main roads to the bakery where her friend worked. This was the second time, and she’s never taken the back roads, which was why she couldn’t tell left from right here. 
Just in time, she looked up from her note to stop her feet from moving, as she came face-to-face with an obstacle. It wasn’t another dead end, this obstacle wore clothing and golden pins, and had a head that could easily look down from his height and see the top of her hat. Immediately she stiffened up and took a step back, hesitantly forcing her eyes to look up at the smiling soldier that casually leaned against the wall. 
The young man only appeared amused as she jumped a step back in surprise. (Y/n) noticed that delighted sparkle in his eyes, as if her skittish self and startled reaction was his entertainment for the afternoon. Before she could open her mouth to mutter an apology and force her head down to continue ahead, the man leaned just a few inches closer to get a better look at her face hidden by the rim of her colorfully embroidered sun hat. “Huh, just like a mouse. Are you lost?” 
A mouse… A skittish field mouse. Would that then make him a rat or a predator? Holding her tongue so not as to speak her mind, she merely shook her head. Offending a soldier would not be good. Not that she had the confidence to say the quick comeback that came to mind anyways. “No… I’m not lost.” That was a lie. 
The young soldier persisted, refusing to move off the path as he continued to block her way. “You look lost. Say, what do you say to an invitation to tea? Afterwards, we can go over directions and escort you to where you’re heading.” Even his partner in patrol, an older gentleman, also a soldier but likely more experienced by at least a few years, moved from his post and approached in curiosity. 
As the second man stepped closer, she could distinctly hear his polished shoes tapping in a steady rhythm as he stood beside his friend. Her own heart rate easily outpaced his steps, and it wasn’t increasing due to excitement, it was due to growing unease. Yes, she knew rationally that these soldiers likely meant no harm and merely wanted to flirt, but her mind could only conjure up the worst possible scenarios as she reminded herself that they outnumbered her, they were stronger, and they had their long firearms strapped to their backs. Keeping her head down, she replied, “Thank you, but no. I’m supposed to be meeting up with someone.” 
Just like the first did, the second soldier bent down a bit to peer at her features. Just like his accomplice, he wore an amused smile as he shook his head and remarked. “A mouse? That’s not very nice. Don’t worry, you’re much better than a simple little mouse.” 
Rolling his eyes, the younger soldier only continued, “If you’re old enough to drink, we can go to a bar if that’s more your style? Do you live around here?” 
This was getting ridiculous. Did they never learn to accept rejection? No means no, even children could comprehend that. But for now, she was at their mercy, no one would come to help her here. It would be up to them to decide she was no use for any fun and let her go, or continue to persist for their selfish desires. “No. Please let me pass.” 
Barely phased by her firm reply, the younger of the two turned to his partner and scoffed, “See? I told you the girls don’t like the beard you’re growing out. It scares them.” 
It’s as if her plea went through one ear and out the other, not swaying them in even the slightest bit. The older gentleman merely rubbed the stubble on his chin, “It makes me look better. Besides, I’m sure she doesn’t mind. She might even prefer a man with facial hair.” Actually, the word gentleman did not describe him well. 
In that moment she was wondering, would she truly risk it all just to snap back in reply? It must’ve felt so satisfying, but was it necessary? Later, would she come to regret her decision or revel in it? Would she seriously use this sprouting frustration, minimal not only compared to her current fears but also in the grand scheme of things, to temporarily push past her anxiety and say something…? Probably not. As annoying as these men were, like the constant buzz of a pestersome fly, they hadn’t caused any harm except to waste a bit of her precious free time. 
“Ah, there you are, mi corazón. I was worried about you.” A smooth and silky voice interrupted.
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bucknastysbabe · 9 months
Here’s a little blurb from an unfinished western I was writing featuring Bucky❤️❤️❤️
Down By the River - B. Barnes
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Western!Au, Outlaw!bucky, the reader has a bounty on her, but they fall in love DUH, dirty sweet talk, dry humping, somno for like 2 secs, vaginal play, sweet sweet orgasms for all, INNOCENCE KINK
A/N: Figured I’d just post since it’s been a minute and it’s sitting in my notes
You awoke early, still dark outside. Listening out you could only hear the usual wind and flowing water. Steve was snoring lightly a tent away. You shifted and gasped in shock. Bucky enveloped you further, tucking his stubbled chin on the crook of your neck. His very, oh lord, hard member was plump and hot against your behind.
You shifted again, earning a soft moan. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt arousal but desperately wanted to make the big bad wolf come undone by the lamb. In a slow slide you rolled your ass against his thinly clothed cock. You were in a thin dress yourself.
He groaned again, clutching at your belly tightly. Bucky’s breathing sped up slightly but he was still out to the world. Your cheeks felt hot at the sinfulness but couldn’t find to care as you rutted harder. He let out a softer noise this time, mumbling, “Darlin’ too soon, oh god, don’ stop.”
The pair of you were rutting like dogs in the dirt now. Your breathing had reached a staccato from arousal and excitement. Bucky was whimpering— the quietest little ones but sweet as pie. He whined, “G-gonna, fuck, lamb!” He whined lowly through his nose, seed wetting both of your garments. You could feel him grinning against you now, goosebumps trailing up your spine.
“That’s a nice wake up call,” he rumbled with little kisses to your shoulder and neck. You stammered, “Ooh- I- I don’t know.” He grinned against your sensitive skin, stubble rubbing it raw. Bucky crooned into your ear, “Lemme pay you back sweetpea.”
You turned to face dark blues and a smirk.
“Jus’ keep quiet, Stevie’ll throw a fit, the old maid.” You whimpered softly as a calloused hand made its way up your thighs. You had no underwear on, the undergarments set out to be washed later. He chuckled, “Good girl.” You bit your lip when thick fingers swiped through your weeping slit.
He moaned, “Oh sweet girl, you’re all wet for me. Bet it aches, don’t it?” You nodded profusely, whining his name with need. Those thick fingers slipped deeper into your cunt, delving into your tight hole. You bit down on your knuckles at the stretch, hiding back a yelp. Bucky cooed and pressed sweet kisses to your cheek.
He murmured, “Oh you’re a tight one. We’ll get there sweetheart, lemme show ya’ something fun. Praying away those needs huh.”
You gasped and squirmed as his slickened digits settled in a vee on the apex of your pussy, sliding the swollen nub between his fingers. A jolt of white-hot sensation zipped up your spine, the cry almost not caught by Buck. “Ssssh, I know it feels good baby girl, shhh.”
He slowly worked you up into a frenzy just lazily sliding back and forth until tears pricked at your eyes. You whimpered, “James, please? I- I’m so achy.” His blues rolled back and the brunette cooed, “Oh poor baby never had her pretty kitty played with. I gotcha, don’t worry about a thing. Sweet little lamb.”
He directed his two fingers on top of your swollen bud and circled quickly. Your mouth fell open, strangled gasps and whimpers exiting. Involuntarily you hooked a thigh behind Bucky’s, spreading yourself open. The sensation was amazing, like your body was lit up all from the singing nerves between your thighs.
“Atta’ girl, you’re shaking for me. Is my pretty doll baby gonna cum for me Hm? Make me wet yeah, c’mon, I can feel you so close.” You gripped his metal hand and held tightly, convulsing around nothing, Bucky’s talking working you through this precipice. You bit into the meat of his neck when you felt like your entire body melted away.
You shook and whined, gushing on his wrist and hand. All you could do was whine his name and stutter ‘oh my, o-oh my.’ Bucky flipped you around to face him, grinning like a predator. His metal hand caressed a cheek as he kissed you gently, pulling back. He murmured, “Gorgeous angel. I oughta lap you up by the river, cumming so pretty like that.” You shyly thanked him, asking about what he meant by ‘lapping’.
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artistcollectives · 8 months
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(Y/N)’s Pov
I sat on Spencer’s couch while reading some gossip magazine I picked up earlier at a convenience store. Spencer had been working on a new sculpture and had just finished putting it together. “Check it out (Y/N). My robot sculpture is finally complete.” I put the magazine down and walked over to him while he showed off his creation. “That’s pretty sick man!” I said with excitement as I looked it over. The sculpture was made completely out of old plastic bottles and what looked like foil and other random objects. “I just need to capture the perfect photo of this bad boy.” Spencer moves his camera around, trying to find a good angle to take a picture.
I had known Spencer and Carly for nearly a year now after I had moved into the same apartment complex as them. We had only met because Carly and Sam were doing whatever one day after school, and Sam had accidentally skateboarded into my apartment and nearly ripped my door from its hinges. Spencer came by not too long after to apologize and assess the damage and we just naturally became really good friends. I was also a starving artist which Spencer noticed when he saw all of my painting supplies and unfinished work surrounding my apartment. Since then it was pretty common for us to hang out at each other’s apartments. Typically I would be over at Spencer’s place though since I was on the floor below them and it was easier to keep an eye on the kids at his place.
“I have the perfect idea!” Spencer blurted out with excitement and ran off. I watched as her somehow climbed up to his ceiling and hung off of a wooden beam connected to the ceiling. “Dude! What are you doing?!” I asked as I freaked out. Spencer was way to spontaneous for his own good. “Don’t worry (Y/N) this angle captures my sculpture perfectly!” I back away a few feet just knowing this was an awful idea. “Let me at least move the couch over so you can land on it.” Before Spencer could respond, Carly walked in the front door. She looked at me and smiled as she waved and sat her backpack down. “Hey kiddo! Just taking some pics of my robot sculpture.” Spencer called out and it obviously shocked Carly as. She quickly jerked her head up to see where his voice was coming from. Spencer angled his camera down toward his sculpture. “Smile! Yeah.” He said with focus as the clicking of his camera rang out. “You know, if most eight grade girls came home from school and found their twenty-six year old brother hanging from the ceiling, and his twenty-four year old friend watching as he took pictures over a giant robot made out of soda bottles, it’d be weird.” Carly said with a grin on her face as she watched us both. Spencer let his head hang down as he faced Carly, upside down. “You’re saying we’re abnormal?” Spencer asked feigning shock. “Do I need to say it?” Carly laughed out. I smiled as I watched their interaction but also nervously kept my eye on Spencer. “Alright Spence, come down before you hurt yourself.” I told him as Carly lightly nodded in agreement. “No worries you two. I got my legs wrapped around this-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Spencer came falling down from the ceiling and landed face first against the floor. Carly and I both took a step back in shock. Spencer laid there for a moment before groaning out. “Please help me stand up.” I quickly kneeled down helped him get a grip on my arms so he could hoist himself up. “Are you alright?” Carly asked him with concern in her voice. “Yea- Nope.” Spencer stated as he grabbed his shoulder. “Did you dislocate your shoulder again?” I asked him as my own shoulders hung down. This is sadly a common occurrence with Spencer. He winced as he nodded in my direction. “Don’t do it Spence.” “One sec.” We both said simultaneously. Spencer then jumped completely in the air and slammed his entire body weight into his hurt shoulder. A loud cracking noise was all that was heard and Carly and I stared down at Spencer in disbelief. Immediately Spencer sprang back up as if nothing had even happened. “Yeah, that fixed her.” He said as he swung both his arms around. “Good. So listen, I need a favor.” Carly said as Spencer sat on the edge of the couch holding an extra bottle in his hand. “I have to film some auditions for school.” “Fun.” Spencer responded. Carly shook her head. “Yeah, not really.” Spencer looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. “Anyways, would you let me borrow your video camera?” She asked him. “I would.” He responded blankly. Carly grinned at him. “Awesome!” Spencer quickly cut her off. “Though I can’t” I looked at him confused. “Why not” Carly asked. Spencer leaned over the couch and pulled out some monstrosity. “I made it into a squirrel.” My eyes widened and I let out a laugh. “That’s what that thing is?” Spencer nodded his head proudly.
It had been a few days since I had been to Spencer’s house due to being busy with work and Spencer helping Carly with schoolwork. Today I had decided to clean around my apartment to help motivate me to work on some new paintings. After a few hours of cleaning and taking tv breaks, I finally was done and tied up my last bag of trash. I stood back and looked at my new clean apartment, proud of my accomplishment. “Now I have to haul all this junk outside.” I said to myself as I looked down at the two large bags of trash.
After carefully dragging both bags towards the elevator I waited for the doors to open. Soon enough the doors open for me to enter, and standing in there waiting was Spencer. “Hey Spencer. What are you up to?” I asked him with a smile on my face as I started to push my trash bags in the doors. Spencer quickly took both bags in his hands and pulled them in the elevator for me. “I was actually about to check the dumpsters for any new sculpting materials.” He said excitedly as I stepped into the elevator with him. “Well I’ll make sure to let you browse around before I throw my trash in there. I doubt dust bunnies and paper plates are what you’re looking for. Right?” He shrugged his shoulders and I laughed.
I watched as Spencer jumped into the dumpster behind our apartment complex with no hesitation. “That thing has to stink in there dude!” I called out to him while he rummaged around. “It’s all for the sake of art (Y/N)! You should understand this better than anyone!” He yelled out and I rolled my eyes. “Sure Spence but next time you need to wear gloves or something.” I was starting to sound like Freddie’s mom. Suddenly I heard Spencer move around aggressively. “I’ve hit a jackpot (Y/N), you’re never gonna believe this!” He shouted with excitement. I tried to peak inside but the smell was too much for me to handle. Finally, Spencer’s head popped out and I could tell he was pulling something out. As Spencer got out of the dumpster he pulled out two pieces of what looked like a mannequin. “Who had that in their apartment?” I asked out loud as Spencer jumped down beside me. “Who cares this thing is awesome! It’s gonna be perfect for my next sculpture.” He responded as he proceeded to throw my trash in the dumpster bin. “Help me carry this inside (Y/N).” Spencer asked as as he picked up the lower half of the mannequin. I let out a sigh. “Fine but only because you helped me with my trash.” He turned back and grinned at me while I picked up the upper portion of the mannequin and we made our way to his apartment.
“Hey! Look what someone left in the dumpster!” Spencer shouted as he ran into his open apartment. I followed behind him and saw Carly, Sam, and Freddy all standing in the kitchen talking and eating ham. “Hey kids.” I waved to them as I sat my hand off the mannequin down next to Spencer. “Isn’t this amazing?! (Y/N) helped me find her.” Spencer continued on. The kids all ran up to us excitedly. “Hey can we use the third floor as kind of a TV studio?” Carly asked Spencer. “Well I don’t know—“ “Thanks!” “You rock!” “Later!” The kids all hollered out as they ran upstairs towards the third floor. “Wait, I didn’t say— why do you need— okay, later!” Spencer shouted but the kids were already long gone. He turned and looked at me in confusion but I only shrugged my shoulders in response.
Later that week while the kids were upstairs doing whatever they needed that floor for, Spencer and I were just sitting around talking about random ideas for projects. “What if I make lifelike sculpture of myself?” Spencer suggests while moving some of his tools and material around. “That sounds very normal. What’s the twist?” He laughs at my question. Before he could respond the elevator doors open to the kitchen and the kids come running out and go straight to the computer on the counter excitedly. I look back at Spencer’s and shrugs. “Here it is!” Freddy shouts excitedly as the quick tapping of his finger on the keyboard can be heard. “How many?!” Carly asks with excitement in her voice. “37,000!” All three of them begin to scream and cheer. Spencer and I both silently look at each other before immediately running over to the kids and jumping and cheer with them still not fully sure what was happening. After a few moments Spencer stops abruptly. “Why are we happy?” He asks and I look at Carly nodding. “Cause our very first web show rocked!” Carly informed us. “And was watched by over 37,000 people!” Sam followed up. “Get out!” Spencer said very seriously which caused my to grin and raise my brow at him. He immediately lost his serious tone and had a goofy grin all over his face as he pulled Carly into a hug. “My baby sister’s a web star!” He said dramatically. “Hey, we should have a party, you know, to celebrate. Sam suggested. Carly and Freddy immediately agreed. “Yes we should.” Spencer said acting serious once again. “But it shouldn’t be a normal, regular party.” He said as he began pacing around the living room. “Oh no.” I said jokingly. “It needs to be something different, something…wonderfully random.” Spencer abruptly stood still as he made his suggestion. “Crazy hat party?” Carly asked and Spencer and I both looked at her with grins on our faces.
Spencer let Carly invite everyone who had performed on her ‘talent show’ show to come to the party and then some other people as well, as long as they wore a crazy hat. There was even a goat in the living room. Spencer and I both supervised but kept our distance so Carly could enjoy her moment with her friends. Spencer wore a gold and green jester hat, while I wore a striped hat like wha the Cat in a Hat wore. We watched proudly as people asked for Carly and Sam’s autographs. “They’re good kids.” I said as we watched a little girl hug Carly excitedly. Spencer nodded in response. I watched as two boys around their age came up and started talking to Sam and Carly. Both girls looked at each other blushing and smiling ear to ear. “Nuh-uh no boys.” Spencer said protectively and was about to go separate the kids. I was about to intervene when suddenly some kid ran past us running and laughing maniacally as he held half of Spencer’s mannequin in his arms. “Hey! Hey, stop that!” Spencer shouted at the kid as he immediately chased after him. “Put her down! She’s not for you!” He chased the kid around the kitchen table repeatedly going in a circle. “Get off! How pitiful! Who invited you?!” He continued to chase this kid through the entire apartment while I stayed to keep an eye out on the rest of the kids as they all danced around to the music that was playing.
This is my first time writing on tumblr so hopefully I did well. Feel free to comment any suggestions if you have any. I’ll try my best to update frequently, at least once a week if I can. Sorry if my grammar or wording isn’t the best, I tried writing this while watching the episode so it was as accurate as possible. This will probably be a slow-burn story so expect it to be many chapter.
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ariundercovers · 4 months
Roundabout (When Paths Cross, Pt III - Javier Peña x Reader)
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Afab!Reader (No use of y/n!)
Length: ~2.8k words
Series Summary: Chucho's been like a father figure to you since he helped you out of a sticky situation on your second day in Laredo. What happens when you finally meet his son, the former-DEA agent, who just happens to ignite you in a way that you haven't felt before?
Chapter Summary: The next Sunday. Fluff, flan, and the great beyond.
Chapter Warnings: its all fluff anf plot, no porn this time, Javi being a needy demon, spanish nicknames, idk what else its honestly pretty chill
If you're so inclined, please drop a like and a reply/reblog! I live for your feeback, and it keeps me going and keeps me writing. Did you like it? love it? hate it? I want to hear all of your thoughts!
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Javi does, in fact, meet you for lunch that week. Twice. And then dinner on Friday. He’s a perfect gentleman, picking you up from your apartment and driving you to the restaurant. He holds every door for you, makes sure you’re seated first, tells you he’s paying and that he wants you to order anything on the menu you’d like. 
Normally, you’d take that kind of chivalry as a bit of an offense - some kind of lingering patriarchal worldview that you’d have absolutely no interest in - and yet, with Javi, you’re not opposed. In fact, you find that you genuinely enjoy it. Something about that shocks you even more than the way you jumped into his bed that first evening did, and even more than the warmth that blooms in your chest when he presses your knuckles to his lips. There’s just something about him, you think. Something you can’t quite put your finger on, but you already feel like you can’t live without.
Okay. It’s been a week. Get it together.
It feels like you’re in high school all over again, falling head over heels for anyone who showed an interest in you, no matter how bad they ended up being for you, or how much they annoyed you at first. 
Yeah. You’re falling. Hard. 
You’re getting ready to head over to Chucho’s for another Sunday meal when your phone rings. Picking it up, a beautiful baritone voice speaks into your ear that makes your knees a bit weak and a warmth bloom in your chest.
“Hola, Muñeca.” You sigh, like a lovestruck teenager, and move to sit down at the little armchair you keep in the corner of your room.
“Javier.” You can practically hear his smirk from the other side of the phone line, your own face graced with one to match.
“You’re coming tonight, right?”
“Like I always do, every Sunday. Unless… you don’t want me to?” You’re suddenly struck with a pang of worry in your gut, fear that perhaps things were moving too fast, that you’ve assumed some kind of exclusivity that the two of you have never discussed. You hadn’t stopped to think about what this might do to alter your standing weekly dinners at the Peña ranch. Javi chuckles in your ear and you settle immediately, reassured in an instant.
“No, darlin’, of course I want you to be there. I just thought I’d ask if you want to stay again? Maybe with a bit more planning this time? Doesn’t have to be with me, if you don’t want. We’ve still got the guest bedroom made up.” You smile and sigh, once again affronted by this gentlemanly way he has about him. Somehow, it’s not what you were expecting from a man like him. You were expecting something gruffer, with unfinished edges. Something more… machismo, really. He throws you for a loop at every corner.
“Yeah, of course. I’d love to. Any excuse not to come back to my empty apartment is a more than welcome one.” You can hear a little chuckle come through the receiver and then a heavy breath.
“Good. Can I come pick you up?”
You scoff and respond quickly. “I can drive myself, Javi. You don’t need to go out of your way for me like that.”
“It’s not out of my way if it means I get to spend more time with you, muñeca.” Sighing, you stand, pinching the phone between your cheek and shoulder as you start to pull out whatever clothes and items you’ll need for an overnight stay.
“Really, Javi. I’m alright. But I appreciate the offer. I’ll see you soon, okay? I’ll be out of the house in like… half an hour, I think.” 
He sighs lightly in the background but his words are laced with a touch of disappointment when he answers. “Hope you’re bringing some more of those pastelillos. Pops and I ate them all in less than 24 hours.”
“Ha! Of course you did. No pastelillos but something just as yummy, in my opinion.”
“Good. See you soon, then.” You pause your motions and smile softly to yourself, holding the phone once again.
“Yeah, See you soon. Bye, Javi.”
“Adios, muñeca.”
The receiver clicks off and you put down your phone, sighing dreamily as if you just stepped into a romance novel. He so successfully melted you by doing so little… it should really be more concerning to you, you think. 
Hastily, you pack up your bag and head to the kitchen where your homemade flan is cooling in the fridge. Pulling it out, you flip it onto the dish and scoop out the remaining caramel, grabbing up a can of dulce de leche and stuffing it in your bag before wrapping up the flan carefully and tightly. You flit around the house for a few minutes, tidying things up and making sure everything was in its place, lights were off, and cleaning up the few dishes lingering in the kitchen sink properly.
Taking a moment to visually scan the apartment, you open the door, hands very full, and shut it behind you before deadbolting it shut.
~ ~ ~ 
With the way your mind has you lost on some daydreaming tangent that is no doubt Javier-infused, it's no surprise that it feels like you blink and suddenly you’re standing in front of Chucho’s front door. You still blink back at it for a while before raising your hand to knock and being greeted by the old man, himself.
“Mija, I’m so glad you made it. Oh, here - let me take something, yes?” He takes the flan out of your hands and heads into the kitchen with it as you let yourself into the house, closing the door behind you. “Javi’s just finishing up a few chores around the ranch. He’ll be back in soon, I’m sure.”
You smile at Chucho and take a seat at the dining table as he brings you over a glass of water, taking the chair next to you. “Okay. No problem. You know he’s not the only thing I came here to see, right?” Chucho shrugs, a smirk on his face as he leans over and squeezes one of your hands with his own.
“Well… given the way he’s been moving around the house over the course of the week, I think I might’ve been knocked out of first place already.” You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks again, looking down into your glass in slight embarrassment before he quickly continues. “I don’t mean to make you feel embarrassed about it, mija. I’m glad, actually. He’s been so much less mopey. Much more pleasant to be around.”
“You noticed that in a week?” You’re shocked, to say the least, thrown a bit by Chucho’s admission. You knew how much you felt for Javi already, but you were surprised to hear he might be feeling similarly, to put it lightly.
“I did. Doesn’t take very long when it’s the right person.” The warmth in your cheeks spreads and you look back down before he squeezes your hand once again. “Mija… look at me, please.”  You do as he asks, looking up at him with wide eyes. “I want you to be careful. He went through a lot down there. I won’t pretend to know the extent of it, but… I don’t want to see you hurt, either. Just… just be careful. Okay?” 
Your brows scrunch together slightly and you nod, somber, but agreeing. “I will. I promise, Chucho.”
Naturally, it’s then that you hear the front door open and you turn in your chair to see one sweaty Javier Peña in his tight jeans and a pair of muddy cowboy boots, yanking them off and throwing them on the porch before he steps inside. He smiles at you immediately.
“Muñeca. Pops. ‘M gonna go shower. Be back out in no time.”  He squeezes your shoulder on his way to his room and your eyes follow him down the hallway as Chucho speaks up to you again.
“You’re good for him, mija. I just hope he’s good for you, too.”
~ ~ ~ 
Dinner goes by relatively uneventfully. You spend some time recounting your weeks - Chucho talks about the ranch and the problematic bull he’s been fighting for some time now, Javi talks about some of the things he’s been tinkering with on the property, especially the fences he’s been fixing up. You give them the low-down on what work’s been like over the last week and you can tell that they both listen very intently, even if they’re not up to date on museum lingo. You do your best to explain as needed.
When you’ve all finished, Javi gathers up the plates and you follow him into the kitchen, reaching into the fridge for your very precious flan. As you’re reaching forward, fingertips just grazing the plate, suddenly there are a pair of arms wrapped around your midsection and a set of lips attached to your neck. Your body shivers involuntarily and you squeak, surprised. 
“Javi!” You almost shout, just barely holding it back into a whisper in time. “You could’ve made me drop the whole thing!” He chuckles in your ear and presses a kiss behind it. His voice is sultry, hushed whispers in your ear as he speaks.
“But I didn’t. Been waiting to get my hands on you all night, muñeca. Making me wait a whole week has been like a living nightmare.” You chuckle at his words and press back into his embrace as his lips drop to the junction of your shoulder and neck. 
“Well you’ve gotta wait a little more, Javier. I am not risking Chucho turning over his shoulder and seeing anything.” You push him off of you and turn around to a dejected look on his face, like a kicked puppy dog. You roll your eyes at him and reach up to press a kiss on his cheek. “You’ll survive, I promise. Couple hours, tops.” He sighs back at you but acquiesces, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
“Yes, yes, whatever you say, muñeca.”
You walk the flan back out to the dining area, setting it on the table as Javi follows behind with a set of plates, forks, and serving implements. You dole out a portion to each of you and sit down with a hesitant smile, waiting to see what they think of it. Chucho’s face lights up with the first bite, a smile on his lips that warms your heart.
“This tastes much like my wife’s did, mija. It’s wonderful.” 
You stop, tilting your head slightly at him as you study his expression closely. He’s never really talked about his wife before, at least not with any substance. You don’t know much about her, but you can certainly tell how much he loved her by the glimmer in his eyes at his admission.
“I’m glad you like it, Chucho. It’s always been one of my favorites.” Javi studies Chucho’s face similarly critically, and you think for a moment that you can see a twinkle in his eye that matches Chucho’s. If it didn’t feel overly intrusive, you’d consider asking them about her. You’d truly love to know, but it feels wrong. Like you’re sitting in on a moment that was never meant for you. You hold yourself, promising that you’ll bring it up sometime on a later date. Now isn’t the time.
Chucho eventually goes for seconds, as does Javi, and then you spend a few moments cleaning up from dessert. You’re standing at the kitchen sink, washing dishes with care, when Chucho comes up to you and rests a hand on your shoulder. 
“Mija, you know you don’t have to do those.”
“You tell me every time, Chucho. I always do them. It’s my pleasure.” He smiles at you and gives your shoulder a light squeeze.
“Alright. Well, I’m off to bed. This old man is tired, and I think the two of you could use some time without me lingering.” You stop, turning to him.
“You don’t have to do that. We’re fine. I’ve seen Javi, oh… four other times this week?” You laugh, but he just smiles back at you and nods.
“I know. Still. I’m off to bed.”  He leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead before he’s walking in the opposite direction toward the master bedroom. You shake your head in slight disbelief and turn back to the dishes.
A few minutes later, Javi is pulling up beside you with a rag, taking each dish from your hands and drying it before putting it away. Between the two of you, you get through it all rather quickly and in no time at all you’re drying your hands and turning around to Javi’s arms caging you in against the countertop edge. Your eyes go wide and you take in a sharp breath, suppressing what could have easily been a squeak, but you manage to keep it down.
“Hi,” You say, like a doofus.
“Hi.” Javi responds.
His smile grows impossibly wider then, as he shifts further into your space, wrapping your lips up with his own. You hum into the kiss automatically, hands lifting to find his hips and then the center of his lower back.
“Has it really only been a week?” He asks in between kisses. You sigh, closing your eyes softly as he works his mouth down the side of your neck. It feels like heaven on your skin.
“Yeah. Just a week. Feels like it's been ages longer than that, though.”
Javi pauses and chuckles for a moment. “Oh, good. It’s not just me, then?” You laugh lightly at him in response and lift your hands to either side of his face, pulling his face up to look him in the eyes.
“Definitely not.” He swoops in then to kiss you once again, a warmth blooming in your abdomen that feels like it's been settled there all week long. You do not understand how you’re falling so hard, so quickly, for this man. It’s unnerving.
Suddenly your world feels upside down for a moment as he leans down, picks you up to set you on the counter, and presses his body further into yours as his hips come forward to meet the edge of the countertop. His lips never leave yours, keeping you firmly connected to him as he moves you. You wrap your thighs around his hips, pressing your chest tightly into his, and you melt into the kiss. 
It’s impossible not to.
When he pulls away, he has a starry look in his eyes that melts your heart into an even bigger puddle than it already is. One finger pushes a piece of your hair to the side, away from your face, and he offers you that big, dumb, lopsided grin of his.
“Before we get too carried away, there’s something I want to show you.”
You smile curiously at him and answer, “Oh, yeah?” 
He nods and sets you down off of the counter for just a moment before he’s grabbing your hand and leading you toward the backdoor. Pulling you onto the porch before he shuts the door behind you both, he takes a seat on a small bench near the grill and pulls you into his lap, angling you so you can look up towards the sky.
“You probably don’t get this kind of view in the northeast, I don’t think. It’s one of the best things about Laredo.” You don’t really know what he’s talking about at first until you really take a moment to take in your surroundings. In front of you is the most brilliant sky - the night is clear, with no clouds to obstruct your vision, and you can make out every tiny pinpoint of light in the distance as you look out over the river into the endless sea of stars above you.
“Javi… this is- oh wow.” You’re in awe of it - you’ve never seen so many stars, taking up so much of the sky above you. You’ve never had the pleasure of looking out into the great expanse of the universe like this. It makes you feel infinitesimally small, almost meaningless, but then Javi’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist ground you back to him, back to this moment. Back to everything you’re feeling for him all at once.
The two of you sit there just like that for a very long while, wrapped up in the embrace and in the vision above you. You actually see a shooting star cross nearly from one side of your peripheral vision to the other, lacinand you lace your fingers into his, squeezing tightly as his other hand rubs soft circles into your thigh.
“What do you think, muñeca? Think you can see yourself staying in Laredo for a while?” You smile at his question and lean back into him a bit further.
“Yeah, I think I can.”
~ ~ ~
a/n - next part should be out sooner than this one! Already working on it! love yall so much.
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 1 month
Unfinished Fic: "Sometimes, a bit of rain is all you need"
(Jackson Storm centered fic)
Written sometime in December 2022.
I was never able to finish this story, mainly because I couldn't come up with a proper ending.
This story takes place in an au where magic exists, also the cars are humans too. I never got to flesh it out properly. Maybe next time.
In this au, some people are born with magic, Jackson has the ability to manipulate the weather through his emotions. Basically Peppa from Encanto. I was inspired by greendreamer's fantasy cars/ttte au.
Inspired by a oneshot on ao3 where Jackson had weather magic. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it was called :(
Oh yeah, his real name is supposed to be Jackson Ian Rivera (🇺🇸🇵🇭)
⚠️TW/CW⚠️: Implied child neglect, emotional ab*se, panic attacks.
'Put your cloud away'
Is a phrase he's been told more times that he could count. 
The Rivera family is not unfamiliar to weather magic. It's been said that they're a family that has practiced this sort of arcana for generations. They are said to be able to summon winds and clouds, to make it rain at will. A Stormbringer is said to be able to control an average area of about 30 meters in diameter surrounding them. The more powerful mages can control the winds up to a mile away. The more refined the user is in their magic, the stronger and more controlled it is. 
They are a proud family, not to mention rich and wealthy. Proud to display their powerful and unique arcana. Majestic eyes of the storms. Something Jackson is not. 
Arcana. How he despises it. The magic has brought nothing but misery and pain in his life. 
Unlike most of his family members, Jackson was born with a curse. A curse in which his arcana is deeply intertwined with his emotions. Arcana in its very nature, is heavily intertwined with one's thoughts and emotions. Losing control of how one feels means losing control of one's connections with their magic. But Jackson's case is different. 
Whenever he's happy, skies are clear, as the breezes are light. Whenever he's not, rain begins to pour, as the thunder claps loudly. Not to mention, how unusually powerful his arcana is compared to most of his family members.
'Put your cloud away' they'd say. They would tell the young child that whenever he would misbehave in their eyes. Whenever tears swelled up in the corners of his retinas as small raindrops began to fall, dampening his once neatened clothes and hair. 
'Put your cloud away' they'd say- whenever the boy would feel frustrated, perhaps even angry, and would throw tantrums. Whenever lightning flashed, when he felt like they didn't understand him, why even felt that way in the first place. 
'Put your cloud away' they'd say- when dark skies and strong winds would cover almost every square inch of their large mansion.  When the boy tried… he tried so hard, yet failed and 'couldn't keep his emotions in check' according to them. 
It wasn't his fault though… was it..?
There's a reason why Jackson failed to connect to other people. They were either deemed not good enough to be his friends, or they would make fun of him and his interests. His family was of no help to those issues.
Honestly? He found it hilarious how shocked that so-called family was when he decided to finally cut them out of his life once IGNTR found him.
Despite having them out of his life, he could never rid himself of their, and subsequently, his views on his arcana. It's part of him, and he hates it. No matter what he did, it was always there. Continuously taunting him, whilst being just out of reach.
Despite them being gone, he knows better than to have a cloud constantly follow him whenever he's in a bad mood. 
Jackson hopped out of the car, panting as sweat beads dripped from his forehead. He turned towards the large monitor and growled, unsatisfied with his results.
" '214 mph'. You're doing good." Ray said, crossing his arms.
Jackson scoffed, wiping his sweat with an arm. "Not good enough…" Thunder crackled, as faint drips of water fell down from above him. 
Ray took note of this and sighed. He patted Jackson's shoulder and said, "You did good today, Storm. Take it easy." 
Jackson glared at him, but immediately tore his gaze to the small cloud that loomed above him. He gritted his teeth, wanting to curse it out but instead heaved a sigh, closing his eyes. 
"Put your cloud away… Put your cloud away…" He whispered to himself, taking deep breaths. He repeated this process until the rain stopped, the thunder ceased and the cloud disappeared. 
He opened his eyes. He turned away from the simulator and began to leave the room. "I can do better… I will do better…"
"Your powers are great, but far too unstable… Keep your cloud away… 
You could kill someone with that lightning bolt."
Jackson stared at the large monitor that stood tall above the stadium. His breath hitched, eyes widened in shock. 
"I… I…" 
It wasn't his name that took first place. But instead, McQueen and his little costume girl stole the win from him. Little shit appeared out of nowhere and stole the win for herself. 
His grip on the steering wheel tightened. He felt a vein almost pop. 
"FUCK." He screamed. He nearly got into a tangent when the sound of thunder crackling grabbed his attention. A mass of large clouds seemed to have manifested out of nowhere and had covered the stadium, blocking out the starlight from reaching the people. 
"What's this Darrel? It seems like rain clouds have appeared out of nowhere."
"It looks to me like someone's arcana is going haywire! Hopefully things will calm down before they get crazy. And it's already been a pretty crazy day!"
Jackson swallowed a gulp. 'Shit. Not now—!' 
Turning his car on he quickly made his way to where his trailer was. The paparazzi wanted his attention, but thankfully security kept them out of his way, lest someone gets injured due to getting in the way of his car. He quickly drove into the trailer and shut the door, not wanting to face the public. Not wanting to face Ray, McQueen, the other racers, and especially not that costume girl. 
He was panting, breaths were heavy and uneven as the reality set in. He lost. He lost to a random street racer. He lost his cool and almost killed someone, again. He lost his calm and now his storm—
He stiffens. That cloud. It shrouded the whole area. It was massive.
Jackson slowly backed into a corner, hugging himself. His back slid against the wall as he began chanting the words.
"Put your cloud away… put your cloud away… put your cloud away… put it away… just fucking put it away…"
He didn't know how long it took for the dark clouds to disappear; he fell asleep on the floor. But they did disappear just moments before he closed his eyes. Luckily before any raindrops fell and spoiled the day for the racing fans.
Jackson was pacing back and forth, still chanting about how his cloud needs to 'go away'. He just wrapped up another training session, and had stormed off to IGNTR's back gardens when he failed to break through 214 mps. 
He gripped his hair, yelling out in frustration. His clothes were soaked, not only from the sweat from training. The rain cloud above him thundered, flashing a bit of lightning once in a while. Jackson tried to swat it away, despite his futile efforts. 
Ray watched him from a window heaving a sigh. He was worried. Jackson's storms seemed to be getting worse each time he lost a race, whether it was against Cruz or a different racer. He knew Jackson was a perfectionist at heart, and has tried multiple times to get him to understand that it's not just about winning, but each time, his pleas would fall on deaf ears. 
He knows the boy has it in him to change. But Jackson's mind is clouded in poor judgement, and it pains him to see him this way. That's not even mentioning Jackson's terrible coping mechanisms.
Ray sighed, crossing his arms. "There's no need to force your cloud away…" He mumbled. "There's nothing wrong with a bit of rain every once in a while…" He watched as Jackson seemed to have given up, and just seemed to be standing there, underneath the ever growing storm. 
"I just hope you can realize that one day…"
Jackson didn't know how he was dragged into this situation. He was at a party. A party to celebrate the success of the latest race. He won the race (thankfully) of course, but he absolutely despised going to events like these. 
Too many people here. Possibly drunkards just partying it up with A-list celebrities and fellow racers. 
Ray somehow managed to convince him to go. Says he "needs to make peace with the other racers'' or that "he has to try to be nicer to them." He doesn't understand it at all. It's been this way for years. Jackson's already used to it. But nonetheless, he managed to reluctantly drag his ass here. 
It took less than five minutes of just standing around in the middle of the room for Jackson to immediately say 'fuck it' and make his way onto the rooftop of the building, away from where everyone else is at. 
He sighed, elbows propped up against the concrete railings. Ray would be disappointed, but he could just lie and say nobody wanted to talk to him. Well technically, it wouldn't be lying when that's exactly what happened. Nobody knew he was here, and thus nobody could talk to him.
Until someone else made their way to the rooftop as well. 
Jackson sharply inhaled, the winds howled, the cold breezes blowing past his face. He knew who that voice belonged to. 
"Brr. Really chilly here, huh?" She joked, rubbing her arms as a means to keep warm. Jackson attempted to ignore her, staring off into the distance, a can of cranberry flavored Sprite in his hand. 
"Hey um. Would you mind if I stayed here for a bit?" She asked, walking up right next to him. Well, she lingered just away from him, but just close enough where she could talk to him. 
Jackson groaned, lightly crushing the half empty can in his hands. "What do you want, Ramirez?"   
[Unfinished Ending]
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rose-above-dark · 2 months
Tbh now that side order has been out for a bit I feel like I can speak my piece now, spoilers ahead!
Is anyone else. Just kind of disappointed with side order?
ITS NOT BAD!! It’s not bad, it’s good actually. But I just kind of.. expected more? It’s a 4 star meal not 5. It kinda feels unfinished? Like there was meant to be more to it, but they couldn’t do so for whatever reason. The story was just. Not enough, order I just don’t think should have been the final boss. We get no info on him before hand like with tartar, we just get one cutscene with order for the intro and that’s it. That’s all we get. Sure we get more dialogue when we replay with different pallets, but it just dosent have the same thematic impact as tartar had. And I like smollusk don’t get me wrong!! I just wish there was more to it, that instead of a distant threat we
marina should have not been the first boss. She dosent play enough of a role for it to feel satisfying. The trailers had hinted to something big, something major with her. That she will play a key part in the gameplay and story, that you should always keep her in mind. But no. Instead we get order, who wasn’t even hinted to in the trailers or anything.
In octo expansion, we get to see background on her through her dialogue in the form of logs, and while we get that in side order too through the dev diary, it just feels like an afterthought this time.
The music is.. alright? I LOVE THE BOSS THEMES don’t get me wrong!! But the final boss theme, order / smollusk feels too minor to really be anything. It’s no fly octo fly, and even ebb and flow, the final theme, dosent hit the same as octo expansion’s ebb and flow.
And then the bosses. I just. Don’t like the bosses. They feel too short, or in case with the pinball one, too long. And the fact that there’s only 3 of them? In a game you’re meant to replay? It all feels the same after a while.
and then there’s the agent 4 problem, my biggest gripe.
Why isn’t agent 4 in side order again?
They seriously had so, so much potential. They were originally on team chaos, they were meant to be the protecter of the system, they could have been as good as agent 3 but with a different twist. Instead they get called a nobody and never show up again. “Wait, this is Pearl and Marina, they don’t know agent 4!”
Marina had designated agent 4 to be the protecter.
God I wish they were in side order, it would tie in thematically with everything, agent 3 in octo expansion, agent 4 in side order, agent 3 in this main story mode, agent 4 in the dlc this time.
Without them, everything just feels so disconnected, yeah I get that’s the point but I don’t think it’s a good point.
The gameplay itself is… eh? My brain began to melt after the 4th pallet. Again it all just feels so samey, and the weapons I actually want to play I only play once before there’s no reward and I’m just wasting my time. It makes me not want to replay it, it’s all the same.
Sorry this is incomprehensible I’m tired
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utilitycaster · 4 months
you getting push back on that post is crazy to me isn't it enough to watch and get invested in something for what it is currently rather than what it will be? I have so many unfinished projects in my own life it'd be crazy to demand polished completion from everything I watch/read. my unfinished sketches and embroidery and abandoned dnd campaigns still brought joy and growth without having a polished thing to present at the end
So what's funny to me is like. I have referenced this before here and elsewhere but like, as a child, I was SO bad at ambiguous and sad endings and my mother was like, not unkind about this, but neither did she coddle it, and I think that laid a groundwork that was really necessary.
My tags, which got lost bc I did NOT expect that post to break containment, do actually touch on how Netflix and other streaming services canceling things to avoid paying people a fair wage fucking suck but yeah here's a list of creative endeavors I participated in or watched/listened to/read that do not as of this posting have endings and I still liked, and many of them aren't even directly attributable to capitalism because this is just a fact of life and art.
As mentioned, both A Song of Ice and Fire and the Kingkiller Chronicles.
Multiple D&D campaigns for sure (I actually don't make D&D characters without a game in mind and find it weird that people do and so I'm like why am I the one arguing for the beauty of the incomplete).
Multiple fics, both mine and others.
King Falls AM, a podcast I binged in like 2018-2019 and despite being a mystery never actually completed bc the creators couldn't agree.
I think Battlestar Galactica 2003 is one of the most brilliant shows of its era and also the finale, which happened when the creators intended it to, is really dumb, and that doesn't undo the fact that I loved everything else.
How I Met Your Mother ends really poorly in a way that arguably undercuts the whole series, but like, I still liked that too.
Ditto for Chuck, which also struggles in that it was on the chopping block most seasons so they kept ending in ways that probably weren't true to whatever the original vision may have been.
I saw Firefly on DVD after it had already been canceled, I think Serenity is good but I don't love all the choices, and Joss Whedon has since been revealed to be a dick but like, I enjoyed myself greatly while watching it.
As mentioned, Heroes. I didn't watch much TV until my teens anyway because we didn't have cable and our reception sucked and we were very much a book household, and this was one of the first series I recall watching from season 1 and it's also the first TV series where I was like yeah I don't care anymore, and it went on for 4 seasons and I think I gave up either late S2 or early S3.
I didn't watch Supernatural, Game of Thrones, nor Grey's Anatomy but all of those are famous for outstaying their welcome, sometimes it's better to burn out than fade away, etc.
I had already long outgrown Harry Potter and started to see its limitations by the time Rowling's transphobia became public but like, now it's not something I would ever recommend to my friends' kids or anything, and that doesn't undo the fact that I did greatly enjoy it as a child and teenager; it was indirectly the reason why I was introduced to the superior fantasy of Diana Wynne Jones, which I do still reread from time to time. (I think the "well I never liked it" mentality about works from artists who end up being terrible people is tied into the "I can't get invested in anything that might end in an unsatisfying manner." Tumblr University's media studies grads are not the brightest stars in the firmament, that's for sure.)
Like, cancellation (let alone cancellation specifically because of the unique shittiness of streaming services) is just one of the many reason things might end in a way you dislike or become difficult for you to enjoy at a later date, and that's just talking about television. Are you really going to deny yourself the joy of anticipation and watching a story unfold in real-time because the thought of something not satisfying you at every single turn is so unfathomable?
(oh, and because this is, as we know, a CR blog much of the time, I should add that this mentality is really pervasive which is wild because your average 3-season canceled Netflix show is probably the equivalent of maybe 9-10 CR episodes; thinking about how many people who now claim C2 is terrible watched 141 episodes and also the person who is iconic to me who unironically asked me what the point was in getting invested in characters who will die re: Chetney)
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127tyong · 1 year
hi can you pls write a jungwoo one shot ??
enemies to fwb to lovers at a university ??
happy ending ajdhx
let it be there SMUT, fluff and angst 🤭
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A/N: bb im in the hospital rn lol so if this feels unfinished its bc it very much so is but this thing has been in my drafts since u requested it, it was supposed to be like 10k words but im TIRED of this, so fuck it, here you go, have some smut.
Pairing: Jungwoo X Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst... fluff? for 2 seconds at the end
Warnings: non-con, jungwoo is mean, reader is meaner, loss of virginity, public(ish) sex
Word Count: 3.8k
Freshman Year of High School -15 years old
“...And, um, I just really like you! I promise I’ll be a good boyfriend!” Jungwoo shoved a bouquet of flowers at you. “Will you go out with me?” Jungwoo’s cheeks were a bright red, his friends behind him, cheering him on. 
You? Jungwoo? Not a chance. First of all, that fucking bowlcut is absolutely atrocious. Secondly, Jungwoo’s a nerd. The average engineering student. Truly, the whole nine yards. And lastly, who the hell asks someone on a date by buying her flowers? What the hell is he trying to prove? He’s got to be overcompensating for… something else.
You glanced at your friends behind you, trying to hold back your laugh, before flipping your head to Jungwoo. “You’re into me?” You laughed in Jungwoo’s face. “Sorry, but I don’t really go for guys who are packing a clit instead of a dick.” You pinched your fingers together, gesturing how small Jungwoo’s dick is. “I like dicks that are bigger than a tube of lipstick.”
You walked away with your friends, giggling at the thought of even dating Jungwoo.
And that’s how you met Jungwoo, and how he’d become the death of you.
~ Sophomore Year of High School -16 years old
“I promise I’ll be a good boyfriend!” Your friend presented you with imaginary flowers, like how Jungwoo did the year prior.
“Of course I’ll date you! I’ll love you and all 2 millimeters you have!” You gushed into her arms, laughing.
It turned out that the year after Jungwoo confessed, you and him ended up in the same homeroom. Everyone knew he confessed to you, like really, who buys a girl flowers to ask them out anymore? A few people thought you went too far, but most other people only talked about you for gossip.
Jungwoo was only focusing on his homework, trying to ignore you all with his earbuds in. 
“Hey!” Your friend ripped Jungwoo’s earbud out. “Have you ever even kissed a girl?”
“Of course he hasn’t!” You laughed at him.
“That’s not funny!” One of his friends tried to stick up for him. “It’s not like he can help it!”
You bursted out laughing. “He can’t help it! Isn’t that just admitting defeat?”
Your teacher slammed the door open and pointed at you. “My office, miss.” You, of course, got detention, but you still didn’t stop teasing Jungwoo.
Junior Year of High School -17 years old
“How the hell did he get a girlfriend before me?” You hissed, applying lipstick in the mirror in the school bathroom.
“Maybe because everyone’s scared to ask you out.” Your friend was brushing her hair next to you.
You smacked your lips together and put your lipstick away. “How? Aren’t I hot?” She smacked the hairbrush onto the sink counter. “You realize you humiliated Jungwoo when he tried to ask you out, right?”
“Yeah? So? He’s ugly anyways.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, come on, it really was just the haircut that was bad. Besides, it’s how you’re known now. You and him still don’t get along, and let’s be real, he did manage to pull, when you haven’t in 3 years! Everyone thinks you’re a bully!”
“Ugh!” You zipped your backpack and went to class.
That little blonde girl was sitting in your seat, next to Jungwoo, practically drooling over each other. You really didn’t see what Jungwoo saw in her. Her lipstick was not her color, and that cakey makeup did not help her pores at all. Pore-filling primer exists!
“Get out of my seat.” You stood over her, slamming your backpack on her desk.
She shrieked as if she saw a spider, jumping up in the seat. “You scared me!” She screamed.
“What the fuck is your problem!” Jungwoo stood up, holding onto her arm and hugging her.
“Class is starting.” You rolled your eyes, pulling the chair out behind Jungwoo’s girlfriend, forcing her to stand.
Jungwoo sat back down, but not without his girlfriend climbing onto his lap, hugging him, whiningly crying. 
“Jesus Christ!” You groaned, sitting down. “I slammed my backpack down! I didn’t fucking punch you!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Jungwoo yelled back at you. “Oh, so you can defend your girlfriend but can’t fight back when it’s about you?” You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. “How pathetic.”
“Yes, because unlike you, I care about people other than myself!”
You stood up and grabbed his girlfriend by her arm, pulling her off Jungwoo’s lap. “How about you go back to your seat?” You let go of her, pushing her back. You stood over Jungwoo. “Get a fucking grip, I’m only acting nice because I actually want to get into college.”
Jungwoo’s girlfriend transferred out of your high school that week, and as much as he tried to blame you, the other students vouched for you, saying she was overreacting.
~ Senior Year of High School -18 years old
“Fucking whore.” One of Jungwoo’s friends snickered at you as you walked past him in the halls.
You grabbed him by his backpack. “You wanna repeat that?” You glared at him.
“Let him go!” Jungwoo yelled at you. 
You pushed him away from you. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it, lipstick dick?”
“And how would you know, you fucking whore?” Jungwoo snapped back at you.
“Yeah? At least I’m getting some, unlike you! Can’t even pleasure a girl if you tried! Maybe you should learn how to find the clit instead of playing League!” At this point, your friends were pulling on your arm, trying to get you to leave.
“You, and you.” A teacher pointed at you and Jungwoo, fuming. “My office, now.”
~ After being scolded for being loud and disruptive, you and Jungwoo were left to “reconcile” alone in the office.
“This is your fault.” You scoffed. “I haven’t even teased you since sophomore year.” “And you’re only doing that so you can get into college.” He rolled his eyes at you. “And do you really think I can’t find the clit? Please, you know I fucked my girlfriend from junior year, right?” “No.” You sighed. “Do you know I’m still a virgin, right?”
Jungwoo sharply exhaled. “Yeah.”
“Come up with an insult more creative than “whore” then.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
Jungwoo stood up and unzipped his pants.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You hissed, trying to not scream.
“Well, while we’re getting it all out there…” He began to pump his cock in his hand, hardening it, precum already dripping.
He was fucking huge. It wasn’t even 2 inches, more like 12. Breathy gasps left Jungwoo’s throat, getting himself off in front of you.
“Come here.” You hissed at him. He did as you told him. “Wipe your fucking hand.” You grabbed a tissue off the desk in front of you, handing it to him. You began to lick the precum off his cock, then slipped his cock in your mouth. You moved quickly, trying to not get caught. Jungwoo’s moans let you know you were doing well, and you just kept bobbing your head on his dick, not caring about the tears running down your cheeks and the saliva dribbling down your mouth and onto your throat.
Finally, Jungwoo came down your throat, prompting you to swallow.
“You owe me.” You snarled at him as he zipped his pants up and you wiped your face. “Give me your phone number.”
“I guess I can really call you a whore now.” He sat back down next to you, laughing.
“You’re smart, right? I need your help applying to colleges.” You asked Jungwoo, calling him a few days later on the weekend. He hummed. “Come to my house, my parents aren’t home. I’ll text you my address.” And just like that, you were sitting on Jungwoo’s bed, on your phone, having him apply to all the same colleges he was.
“You know, usually “help” means I assist you, not I do everything for you.” Jungwoo snarled at you.
You clicked the power button on your phone, angrily tossing it to the side. “And what?” “I mean that you should be helping me, at least!” Jungwoo spun around his desk chair to look at you. “I don’t even know your address! How am I supposed to write a personal essay when I can’t be very personal!”
“Just write whatever you want!” You groaned. “It’s not that big of a deal!” “What are you even majoring in?” Jungwoo punched his desk, scaring you.
You sat on Jungwoo’s lap, trying to calm him down. “I don’t know, I’m not interested in anything!” “We go to a technical high school! You’ve been studying mechanical engineering for 4 fucking years! I’m saying you’re majoring in mechanical engineering, fucking dumb slut…”
“Fucking dumb slut?” You slid under Jungwoo’s desk, unzipping his pants. 
“You know that’s not what I meant!” Jungwoo hissed.
You rolled your eyes, Jungwoo’s dick hardening in your hands either way. “Shut up and stop pretending you invited me over when you’re home alone just to work.” You dove in, nose pressed against Jungwoo’s stomach. 
“Wait, I’m not… Fuck.” Jungwoo’s last effort to lie to himself ended. He knew he wanted you. 
Your throat sloppily sucked off Jungwoo, his hands in your hair.
“Stop.” He pulled your head off of him. “Get on my bed, at least.”
“Wait…” You crawled out from under Jungwoo’s desk. “I told you I’m a virgin, I mean…”
Jungwoo pushed you onto his bed, making you lay on your back. “You’re right, I didn’t invite you over just to help you, so don’t act surprised now. You knew I was going to fuck you, right?” Jungwoo reached under your skirt, pulling your thong to the side. “Only a whore or a girl planning on getting fucked would wear a thong under her skirt… You want me to believe you’re not a whore, so that only leaves one other option…”
A finger slid inside you, forcing a moan out of you.
“Aw, look how wet you are! Admit it, you want to fuck me!” He slipped his middle finger out of your cunt and into your mouth, making you taste yourself.
“Fine! I want you to fuck me! Is that what you wanted to hear?” You gently bit down on his finger.
“Even while begging me to fuck you, you’re still a fucking bitch.” Jungwoo’s plump lips kissed your cheek, then trailed down to your neck. His fingers went back inside you, thumb rubbing your clit whilst his fingers pumped inside you.
“Ugh, hurry up and do it.” You whined, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You really think you can take it without even a bit of foreplay?” Jungwoo scoffed, licking his fingers. “Fine, I’ll do what you want this time, I guess I should have a sense of responsibility since I’m taking your virginity.” You felt the head of Jungwoo’s cock on your pussy lips. “I’ll put it in all at once, okay?” He quickly kissed your forehead, hands on your cheeks.
“Okay…” You closed your eyes, trying to stop yourself from getting worked up. At first, all you could feel was pain, then the feeling of being filled with Jungwoo’s warmth. 
Jungwoo looked at your tear-filled eyes, trying to gauge your pain level. “Does it hurt?” 
“You fucking asshole.” You gritted your teeth, tears falling down. “How dare you cum inside me right now!” You smacked his chest. “So mean, always so fucking mean to me…”
“Sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to, I seriously…” Jungwoo kissed your nose, letting you warm up to him.
“I hate you so much, so, so much…” Your hands pushed against his waist, digging your nails into his sides.
Jungwoo laughed into your neck, his lips trailing down your neck and landing on your shoulder. “I think I hate you more.”
You scoffed. “You say that but you’ve already came inside me… Whatever, you can move now, by the way…”
 “As you wish.” He was slow at first, but his speed rapidly quickened…
You didn’t know if he was that mad at you, years of hate and resentment building up into this moment, or if he just needed to fuck someone so badly that he was willing to do it to you, but either way, you would be lying if you said it didn’t feel good… 
His lips licking and sucking on your neck, one of his hands kneading one of your breasts, the other gripping the sheets above your head.
“Jungwoo…” You moaned out, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Slow down a little…” You felt like you were panting, tongue sticking out.
“Too cute. You know how much I hate you and you still are about to cum on my dick?” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Please please please…” You looked up at him with tear filled eyes, not even having to say anything for him to know what you wanted.
“Good girl.” He bottomed out, his whole cock deep inside you, cumming again.
You pulled Jungwoo’s chest towards yours as you reached your own high, kissing his lips.
“So good…” Jungwoo pulled away. “Felt so good around my cock.”
You pushed him away, sitting up. “You need to buy me plan B.” You kissed Jungwoo’s cheek.
“Hi!” Jungwoo waved at you at school the next day.
“Dude, what the fuck?” One of Jungwoo’s friends slapped Jungwoo’s arm. “Since when do you talk to her?”
“Literally!” Your own friend looked at you. “What’s going on?”
You pinched your nose bridge. “Jungwoo, come here!” You grabbed Jungwoo’s arm and yanked him into the janitor’s closet.
“What’s wrong with you?” Jungwoo hissed. “Now everyone probably thinks we’re dating!”
“They started thinking that way when you waved at me! Like we’re some stupid enemies to lovers trope!” You smacked Jungwoo’s arm, pushed up against him to avoid getting your uniform dirty from the chemicals in the closet. “Listen, you can’t just talk to me during school! Pretend you still hate me or something!”
“No.” Jungwoo’s body was completely against yours now, his boner pressing against your womb. “That pill is supposed to last a day, right? So it’s okay if I cum inside you?”
The late bell rang. “Jungwoo, I have to go to class…”
“We’re already late… let’s just ditch.” Jungwoo pushed you against the door. “Good. This door locks from the inside.” Jungwoo twisted the lock. “You have to be quiet still, but at least other students won’t come in…”
Jungwoo hiked your skirt up. “You’re wearing a thong again?”
“I… I have to do my laundry…” You bit your lip, silently cursing yourself.
“You’re pathetic, you know that?” Jungwoo moved your thong over to the side.
You pushed him away from you, pressing your back against the door. “Can’t we at least wait till we get home?” “Do you not find me attractive anymore?” Jungwoo’s head fell onto your shoulder. 
“When did I ever say that? All I’m saying is that you should do this kind of stuff with a girl you actually love…” You hugged Jungwoo, your arms around his neck. 
“But I-”
Suddenly, the door unlocked. “You two?!” A teacher opened the door.
“So… Jungwoo started crying and you were comforting him?” You were sitting in the same office you had sucked Jungwoo off in just a few days ago. “Last week you were at each other’s throats, and this week you’re ditching class- which I might add you have nearly perfect attendance- to comfort him?”
“I guess we… suddenly grew up.” You bit your lip, hoping it would cover for you two.
The teacher sighed. “I hear you both applied for the same colleges.”
Jungwoo nodded. “Yeah.”
“And you’re both going into mechanical engineering?” You felt like the teacher was interrogating you, rather than punishing you.
“Yeah.” You replied. “Can we leave?”
“You two are lucky that it was me who caught you and not your principal!” The sentence made you roll your eyes. 
Jungwoo stood up. “I don’t care anymore, I’m leaving.” He held out his hand. “Come on.”
“Oh… sure.” You grabbed your bag and followed him out of the school.
“So, you said my place?”
And that was the start of Jungwoo’s obsession with filling up your womb…
You got a text from Jungwoo. “Come over to my place now.”
You knew that could only mean one thing… He wants to fuck you. But you would still be there in less than 30 minutes.
“Jungwoo?” You unlocked the front door with the key that he gave you when summer started. 
No response, so you slipped your shoes off and walked into Jungwoo’s bedroom.
His aura let you know how mad he was. “Get on the bed.”
You scoffed, putting your phone on his nightstand. “Come on, Jungwoo, you know that’s not how we do this… At least tell me what’s wrong-”
“Get on the bed where you belong, you fucking slut.” Jungwoo’s hand wrapped around your neck, slamming you into the wall behind you, his lips on your ear, his heavy breath the only thing you could hear.
You furiously nodded. “O-okay.”
“Good girl.” He let go of your neck.
You started undressing, taking off your skirt.
“Fucking-” Jungwoo shoved you onto the bed then took something out of his nightstand. 
The shiny metal let you know it could only be one thing… “Handcuffs?”
He handcuffed your hands together, pinning them above your head. “You look prettier like this. You’d look prettier if I could cover your mouth with duct tape.”
“Please, just talk to me…” You whispered. “Tell me why you’re mad.”
“Last night, I went on a date, and you know what I thought about?” Jungwoo glared into your eyes, quickly pulling out his cock from the band of his sweatpants and lining it up to your cunt.
“What?” You croaked out.
He thrust his whole length inside you, just like how he did the night he took your virginity. 
“But… why?” You felt yourself adjusting to his length, cunt getting used to the constant abuse Jungwoo led you to believe was normal.
“I fucking hate you so much, you made my life hell, and I don’t even like looking you in the eyes… but you feel so good around my dick that I can’t help but to forgive you.” Jungwoo began thrusting inside you, wet noises coming from in between your legs.
“Jungwoo, get off me.” You cried out, not really knowing how to feel about the situation.
“You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, I fucking hate you.”
“If you hate me so much, just push me away… We don’t have to do this…” Tears fell down your cheeks, not even able to wipe them with your hands restrained.
With a deep sigh, Jungwoo brushed your tears away, pulling out. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No… I still want you to cum inside me.” You sighed, letting yourself give into Jungwoo’s wishes.
He thrusted his length back inside you with a sigh. “There’s the little whore I know you as.”
“Cum inside me…” You whined, letting Jungwoo use you however he wanted.
“I fucking hate you, this is all you’re good for…” Jungwoo pulled your shirt up, exposing your breasts, biting onto your nipple.
“Cumming!” Your back arched, feeling Jungwoo’s load fill you up.
“You’re so perfect.” Jungwoo whined onto your chest. “So good. So perfect…”
1st day of classes -19 years old
“Jungwoo?” You saw Jungwoo walk into your first class.
“Ugh. I thought I was going to survive the school year without having to see your ugly ass everyday.” Jungwoo sat next to you, rolling his eyes.
“Do I need to remind you that I sucked your dick last night?” You scoffed at him.
“Good morning everyone! Welcome to NCIT!” The teacher’s aid spoke loudly, his voice echoing in the room.
“Fuck, I don’t wanna be here.” Jungwoo sunk onto your shoulder, his arm around your waist.
“I’ll be sending you all an assignment online for today! We’ll just be doing icebreakers for now, so get into pairs or groups of 3!”
“Me and you?” You asked Jungwoo.
You logged into your laptop and looked at the assignment. “Kim Jungwoo.” You typed in his name. “Okay, when’s your birthday?”
“February 19th. Did you not know that?” Jungwoo looked at you, silently judging.
“Do you know my birthday?” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest and looking away.
“It’s in… spring? Or fall?” Jungwoo’s smile dropped when he saw how sad you looked.
You slapped Jungwoo’s arm off you. “Wow, I’m hurt.”
“I’m joking, Jesus Christ! Your friends always made a big deal about your birthday on social media, how could I not know!”
“Good.” You intertwined your fingers with Jungwoo’s, unsure about why the statement made you so happy.
You let Jungwoo wrap his arm back around your waist, his rings digging into your skin, his silence making you feel uneasy.
“So, got any plans tonight?” You broke the silence.
“Yeah.” Jungwoo raised his head to look you in the eyes. “You.” ~ Usually, when Jungwoo says he wants to “do you”, he means he wants to fuck you. So, it was weird to be stuck sitting in Jungwoo’s dorm room at night with a sock on the door just… eating dinner with him.
“I hope you like kimchi stew. It’s the only thing I know how to make besides kimbap.” Jungwoo handed you the bowl of soup.
“...Yeah.” You felt silly sitting there with your panties soaked, sticking against your cunt as you sipped the broth. “I think this is the first time we’ve actually eaten with each other.”
Jungwoo sighed, eating. “It’s not like we’re friends. Or dating.”
“Isn’t that weird to you?” You looked up at him, slamming your spoon back into the bowl. “You took my virginity!”
“You gave it to me.” Jungwoo dropped his spoon. “I never asked you for anything. I told you I like you so many times! You’re the one who pushes me away!”
“I… fuck.” You stood up. 
“Where are you going?” Jungwoo followed you to the door. 
You ran your hands over your face. “I just… Need air. Or…”
Jungwoo wrapped his arms around your waist, forcing you into a hug. “Stay. Please.” “Why? Don’t you hate me?” You dropped your arms and rested your head on Jungwoo’s chest.
“I never, for even one second, could let myself hate you. I always liked you, and I still do…” Jungwoo’s grip around your waist tightened. 
“Do you love me?” You looked up at Jungwoo, your chin on his chest.
Jungwoo leaned down, his lips kissing yours, his hands in your hair. “Of course I do.”
“I love you too.” 
Jungwoo laughed, spinning you around to bring you into a back hug. “Can I buy you flowers?”
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squibbles-gubwee · 11 months
Sgshsvsb Well!! It's been a slow day at work so i worked on this lmao. I hope you enjoy. @tmntredline @0ddbugs @coffinpal
"Who's this little friend?"
Cool eyes blinked and looked up, spotting a particular peachy furred mutant. She smiled at Rook, and he looked back down, studying the tangerine-coloured leg being stitched onto the green body. He pulled the needle through, before prodding the seam with thick fingers and frowning. He doubled back to take care of the too-large holes he left behind with messy stitches.
"Hello again, Master Splinter. I uh… It's a cattywampus..."
"A cattywampus?"
Splinter sat down, a chair's distance between the two as she watched the man pick up the needle back up and immediately poke his thumb. The mother had snuck off this way when she spotted the blue haired human, and…well, while she wasn't using him for his access to tea, she wouldn't deny her appreciation for it. 
Her eyes flicked over towards the two paper cups from the concessions full of hot water. One was already steeping with an oolong, and there were three tea bag sachets laid out for her to choose from. 
…Did he expect her to follow him? Or was this just in case she surprised him with a visit?
(Honestly, she was a bit surprised herself. She hadn't known their group was watching this competition as well!)
"Yeah! It's, um…well, growin' up, it was like…a mish-mash monster. A beast of broken parts. I had one with floppy ears and six legs that my grandmother made for me. Lots are made from old torn up stuffies, instead of throwin' em out." The wonky, unfinished plush was lifted up, and its boxy head flopped to the side. Rook's nose scrunched in thought. "Probably for the best that it's uh…kinda messy. I think the last time I'd sewn something was in my teens…"
"How do you keep finding these breakrooms you aren't likely supposed to be in, hm?" Splinter gave a wry grin as she slid a cup closer and grabbed the cinnamon rooibos chai.
The bulky man gestured vaguely to his faux leg. "I just say I need to remove it and people give me space. Mais…I, uh, do need it off for a bit. It's killing my hip. Are you alright with…?"
Splinter waved the notion off quickly, and the human sighed in relief as he released the prosthetic limb, removing it and setting the leg on the chair opposite of him.
"Thanks. I guess a storm's coming."
"It's no trouble, do whatever makes you feel comfortable."
The two lapsed back into quiet, the fawn-furred lady taking in the moment of quiet as the navy-haired therapist turned the toy this way and that. Tang Shen took a sip of her tea, frowned, and allowed it to steep a while longer. She wished she had a bit of milk to pair with it, but it seemed fine without.
Rook liked that about Master Splinter. Normally he was painfully awkward around other folks his age. Working with kids and teens all day every day did that to you. But she was quite easy to talk to. The silences weren't harsh, and he had no real pressure to talk. She laughed when he said something about rug time instead of sneering.
(It's why he decided to just keep quiet about what he saw in that hall. He hadn't meant to find her, and instead decided space would be what the distressed woman most likely need. So, he kept quiet, and he would keep quiet.)
"So, why a cattywampus?" 
If she were closer to the human, she'd tease him for the red that bloomed on his face. 
"Well…They're sorta like gargoyles."
Her whiskers twitched at that. "Oh? How so?"
"Well, gargoyles are supposed to protect places and ward off evil, no? It's why they're on so many old buildings and stuff. Catawampus are kinda like that. They're supposed to protect their owners by scaring off bad spirits because they're tataille- creepy little monsters."
"He's going to be a pretty poor cattywampus, then. He's adorable."
Rook snickered at that. "Eh, I think he'll do just fine. I also stuffed a satchel of lavender in his belly. Put a silica pouch in it to keep the buds dry."
"Oh my, I thought that was your tea!" She gasped, gingerly taking the little beast. "How cute. He's sure to make one of your sons happy."
The red haired woman heard a choked noise and looked back over, laughing a bit at how Rook seemed to get embarrassed again. "I-T-gh. Th. They are not my sons."
"Aren't they?"
"No. Heaven's sake, miss, I'm just their therapist."
There was a knowing look in the woman's eye, but she opted not to say anything. After all, no therapist she knew of would do something like let their patients take them on an interdimensional trip to watch a bake off or a hockey game. Instead, she acquiesced, and quietly sipped her tea, brushing a strand of ruddy hair from her face.
He'd figure it out eventually.
"Still. Whichever one that's for, he's sure to love it."
The human hummed as he doubled back and reworked another seam of the half-stuffed creature. He still needed to make sure to put the rest of the fillings in later. He'd hide the fill seam with the bat wings he did up. "I hope so. I worry it's a little too childish…"
"Well… I like him," Splinter hummed, the tip of her tail hooking around the strap of Rook's bag and pulling it closer to him when she saw him reach. "I think he's a charming gift! You put a lot of care into him. Besides, I don't think something is childish just because it's a cute toy."
Rook smiled a bit as he fished out the large buttons he found that he thought would make good eyes. "Yeah…I guess you're right."
Days later (Days? had it been days? time moved so strangely in these places...) while she was heading back to the locker room, Tang Shen spotted her sons behaving perfectly normally. Leonardo was reviewing dance moves, Michelangelo was talking about baking and ratios with Donatello, and Raphael was wrapping his knees. Perfectly normal.
Perfectly suspicious.
Narrowing her eyes some, the mother stared for a moment. Leo started bouncing his leg. Mikey smiled wider. Donatello's eyes widened a bit, looking more innocent. Raphael turned his head away and went to wrap his other knee.
Perfectly guilty. They were up to something. Shen would find out what it was after she changed into some clothes she could bake in-
She could smell lavender.
Deft, clawed fingers opened the metal latch of the locker-
…only for her vermillion eyes to lock with large, slightly skewed, butterscotch yellow ones. A smudge of red below each one made her think of the red lines she and her sons were so well known for (apparently), and the tangerine stripes on the thick plush tail matched the mismatched legs.
Delicately, Master Splinter plucked the cattywampus plush up, looking over the stitches that made up the zig-zag mouth on his mint-coloured head. He was much fuller, with a bit of a pleasing heft to him. Her heightened hearing could pick up the soft, rain-like sound of small beads tumbling over one another in part of his belly and legs. The floral smell was much stronger now, but not unbearably so. She opened the velcro hidden under his tiny wings and found where Rook had tucked away the pouch of dried buds.
How utterly sweet.
"I have the perfect name for you," Splinter hummed, lifting the creature up so she could look into those yellow buttons and jaggedy smile. The big eyes gleamed in the fluorescent lights, and her own crinkled from her smile.
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masterwords · 25 days
only fools rush in
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Summary: After a custodial interview with Vincent Perotta drags up some of Hotch's well hidden childhood trauma, he takes Morgan on a little road trip into his past. (They also have quite a bit of sex.)
Pairing: Hotch/Morgan
Words: 13.3k
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse & child death among others...they are all on ao3 but that's the biggie.
Notes: First off, this is long. Like super long. Like probably should have broken it up into chapters but I have too many of those in progress right now and I just wanted to stamp something as finished. Second off, this is probably the best story I've written in recent months. I've been posting updates to multi-chaps but my writing has been dogshit lately and I feel like this one...isn't. It turned out nice. I'm proud of it. Third! It's basically a really long headcanon dump. And beyond that, it almost fits into the Chicago universe but not quite so if you notice some similarities...that's why. Ultimately I wanted to keep the sister thing separate though.
“He looks too happy,” Derek said quietly to Hotch as they stood outside the one way glass. In the small room, with its banged up gray walls and dirty tiled floor, sat Vincent Perotta. A few years older than they’d last seen him but all things considered, he looked no worse for the wear. His hair was kept as short as ever, his features stony but content, his eyes void of compassion. “I don’t like it.”
“I’ll make it quick,” replied Hotch, though the twisting aching mess in his gut told him it wouldn’t be that easy. Derek was right, he looked almost happy sitting there. Like he was ready to receive a visitor, not an interrogation, not questions pertaining to a murder.
“You think he knows anything?”
“I do. I think he was way too good at what he did to be kept in the dark.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. You think he’s glad Russo’s dead?”
“Absolutely. He may have ordered the hit himself.”
Derek turned to Hotch, eyes wide. “You really think that?”
“He blames Russo for putting him here. Always has. Russo had to have betrayed him. He already had Jimmy before we found him, so in his mind, all of these years, it can only have led him to the conclusion that Russo was working with us. Our visits to Russo sealed the deal.”
“He’s got connections on the outside.”
“I’ll bet they’re limited, he’s a relic, but they’re reliable. And whomever it was that hit Russo is likely to be someone Perotta trusts.”
“That smile…” Derek muttered, unable to escape the shiver it sent up his spine. Hotch squared his shoulders.
“He’s going to take a swing at me personally,” Hotch said, knowing what he was about to walk in to. After his last conversation with Perotta, there was nothing else to make of that smile. Perotta had done some digging and planned to share his findings. “I’d prefer if it were only you standing here.”
“Why’s that?”
Hotch bit the inside of his cheek nervously for a moment, trying to weigh his options. They weren’t good no matter which side of the scale he was on. He was walking into a well-laid trap. A small voice told him to bail, that he really didn’t care who killed Russo or why. Russo was a bad guy who did awful things and he got what he deserved...that was the easy part. But murder is murder, and that part of Hotch that believed in his oath couldn’t abide by his murder going unsolved. Not if he could manage it.
“He and I have unfinished business,” was what Hotch settled on. “In his mind.”
“How so?”
“I left him hanging on a point that he wanted to discuss. He’ll have gathered plenty of talking points, judging by the look on his face.”
“He’s going to say things I’d rather not have an audience for.”
“You want me to turn off the cameras?”
“No.” He thought about Derek in the interrogation room, Derek being faced with the realization that his colleagues were about to uncover a secret he’d done everything in his power to bury for good. Hotch had been careful then not to say anything, once he figured it out, once he saw that frightened angry look in Derek’s eye. He couldn’t turn off the camera then and he wouldn’t ask Derek to do it now. Derek’s secret had remained between the two of them and Gideon, nothing in the paperwork, nothing in any files, nothing in the trial. Buford was tried for murder, Derek didn’t have to give details and Hotch planned to keep it that way. He had a feeling Derek had since shared it with some members of the team, after going through therapy, after working through it, but that was for him to decide when and where and if he did it at all.
Hotch looked into that room and knew Perotta would give him none of the same courtesies. If he could only have one thing, if he could just not walk out of that room to an audience, he could manage. He’d be okay. That would be enough.
“You ready?” Derek asked and Hotch nodded, setting his jaw. “Good. Let’s get this over with and go home.”
Hotch grabbed the door handle, setting his palm against the cool metal and pressing down just hard enough to push it inward. He squared his shoulders and walked in with as much confidence as he could muster, given the roiling storm in his stomach.
Read the rest on AO3!
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mako-neexu · 1 year
everytime i remember the lostwill episode for guda, i turn into a glitching and screaming bocchi.
illusion!da vinci saying “it’d be bad if you’re not in top shape to take down the lostbelt. replacements are common as to be practically worthless but youre the last master. oh yeah anyways we have kadoc, youre a spare now” and illusion!mueniere going “you can stop being a master now. you’re just a civilian so youre not needed anymore”
illusion!holmes’ “theres no need to worry about your sins. all those people who knew are gone now” and illusion!goredolf’s “theyre merely simulations. there is no need to feel sympathy over them. we are the winners and they are the losers”
chaldea has relied on guda so much that the weight of it cannot be measured. that’s their only purpose now. to be a Master. and to be a Master, they need to push forward the longer this kind of suffering got. “to live” they still want that, believe in that. but that meaning gets muddled everytime the tears mixed with your bloodstained hands, with the same hands you used to hold your friend yaga’s hand with, to eat with the little girl from scandinavia, to get a high five from the twins from olympus, to reach out to the people you lost.
then to holmes and goredolf’s lines: its meaningless, so why try? why try indeed... a way to have guda’s will collapse, the antithesis of what the’ve been doing in the lostbelts all this time. “its already hard for you so why dont you give up? your efforts are meaningless” they’ll disappear in the end no matter what.
isnt life meaningless? how, in the end, we’re all going to die anyways. and the only thing we can do... is to give our lives purpose. to find meaning because thats what everyone has been doing ever since the beginning.
guda thinking “relax. what does it mean to relax? someone dying in front of me, a body torn topieces in front of me... training those legs that are desperate to flee, training to clear my mind...i cant recall any other way of life now” but theyre still hoping that they’ll be able to move past the blood after all of this is over
and to live... is to live without regrets. to move forward because you still have that ‘something’ to hold on to and reach towards. 
just like he said.
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stillness138 · 3 days
visual/art things in the Hades 2 technical test i don't like
it was said and is being said already that most of the character sprites have less dynamic poses, or that Aphrodite's face looks, for the lack of a better term, yassified,... it's actually quite a frequent topic in the tag. and i think looking closely despite the excitement is a good excercise! so let's.
i've seen a sentiment that everyone has been made (more, in some cases) conventionally attractive, and i disagree with that a little bit. depends on your definition of convention, but while it's a look popular with many, i wouldn't say Hecate's abs for example are necessarily mainstream. another point i've seen was that Demeter looks younger. i kinda agree, but i don't think it's intentional, because it's quite subtle. she's mostly just missing the defined cheekbones.
the thing about this game's art seems to be that it's a little less sharp, the lines are thinner, shadows are smoother. i think it's an attempt to look more detailed and realistic compared to the first game. i'm not sure how i feel about it. i understand the want to improve or change up, but at the same time the lack of hard shadows and highlights, while it might come across as more realistic, also leaves the sprites a little bland. and i was going to bring up Poseidon as an example where the newer style fits in with visibly older sprites, but he still feels noticeably different in how he's shaded compared to say Moros.
i also agree that the poses are simpler and in most cases less dynamic; Mel is fine and the fact she can change during dialogue adds to it, Hecate looks good too. Nemesis is justifiable since she seems to be standing guard. i think they're simpler maybe because now everyone has a detailed environment backdrop as well, it's especially bold in the olympians' case, but i do hope characters revealed in the future have more dramatic or interesting poses. Selene gives me some hope.
Artemis is definitely unfinished. her sprite lacks any bolder linework or shadows, the coloring is very dull. it really sticks out like a sore thumb as of now. but her boon icons having those letters, likely placeholders too, make it more apparent that she's not finalized yet.
now, this might be controversial, but...i don't like Apollo's design that much. in his case, i definitely wish he had a cooler pose, for his bow/lyre to be a lot more prominent. the outfit is fine, i'm kinda on the edge about it. on one hand, all the colors and shapes work, on the other, maybe not together? but what makes it all bad for me is his actual appearance. i wish his hair was wilder, actually committed to it, and brighter. i wish he wore either more elaborate jewelry or more of detailed armor pieces. i wish he had heavy freckles, vitiligo or some other skin condition to reference the surface of the sun. i think in part this is definitely a case of being spoiled by fanart, but yeah. i'm not vibing with him as much as i hoped i would. i like this design because while the outfit isn't detailed, the freckles and pose make up for it. the hair, choppy like irregular sunrays, is cool too. this one i like too, it's less crazy but still has its own flair, distinct from the rest of the first game, and the lyre/bow design is beautiful. this one is a bit out there but it's pretty cool as well imo, with apparent callbacks to Artemis in hair texture, birthmarks/crests, and the shoulder pelt.
lastly though, Aphrodite. the good! referencing Ares's warpaint is sweet. i like the armor pieces. in general the pose is tasteful, and the long ass banners coming from her spear kinda add some needed drama to it. the spear and shield themselves have nice designs in line with Aphro's overall aesthetic. but the bad... i don't like her face all that much either when compared to her sprite from the first game. there, i liked that her lips aren't exaggerated in any way. compare that to Athena (her shade of lipstick is absolutely amazing tho). but it felt more, i dunno, like trying to convey some natural beauty? in 2, she got that barbie doll treatment. reminds me of witcher 3 female npcs' faces and that is not a good thing. people have said that she looks thinner - her arms definitely do. and maybe because of that they also seem a bit too long to me. she suffers from the lack of hard shadows and highlights a lot, putting both her sprites next to each other really shows the difference in approach. like, overall it's a pretty and perfectly fine sprite, but...there is a but. a part of that but is definitely our expectations and uncertainty about the new direction the sprite art seems to be going in. to give nuance to the other side, we're also still in a pre-early access stage. on the other hand, the other olympians we've seen don't look unfinished the way Artemis does and it's quite likely these sprites is what we'll go into full release with. there was no reason to change Aphrodite's face, and we're allowed to not like it. leaving well-meaning feedback can be effective! and i would encourage it. with emphasis on well-meaning.
i also think the icon for gold in Hades 2 should be just a single coin, because a little hoard of them looks too much like the moly flower icon from a distance.
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seirindono · 1 year
Hi everyone!
It's been a while, hasn't it?
For some of you, this may be the first time you've actually seen me on your feed since I'm on my annual hiatus so... Hi! I'm Seirin, your friendly skeleton lover and author of The Missing Scarf, that one Undertale comic (o´▽`o)
If you were not aware, this blog is usually only active in the summer and/or during the holidays as I'm a student, but I figured I should still write a little smth as I really haven't given any news for a long while now.
So, um, this blog is still very much alive, and so is TMS!   DEMON AU TOO
Truth is, I didn't anticipate back in September the sheer amount of work I'd have to pull off this year as well as the crazy schedule, house mouves, and many, many group assignements... I've always managed but this year is just rough, both physically and mentally (that was new). I had a serious slump around new year and didn't even have the motivation to draw or open social medias for a while. 
But you know me, always ranting that health comes first and that I’ve seen enough burned out artists to know not to go beyond my limits. (* ̄▽ ̄)b  So knowing that I had this 30 pages+ lore doc, unfinished sketches and pile of unanswered asks just waiting for me whenever I wanted to work on TMS, I knew I wasn’t up for the task and had to put it off for later. And later. Again and again. 
That's about it for the venting section.
As of today, I'm still short of time but I've got some of my energy back, enough to write this anyway. But also *drum roll* to work on the next part of TMS! 
And this is where the real announcement comes in: while I'm still on hiatus, I'm planning to adjust the publication schedule a bit for this part. Until now, I'd post a chapter (1 page per day) only after I finished drawing it in its entirety. For this part however, I've decided to try a monthly (or bi-monthly) publication, to give me some leeway, and for you to have actual updates.
We'll see if I can keep up with this pace, but it seems much more satisfying for everyone  ( ´ ▿ ` )
So there you go. Sorry again to those who kept sending me Asks and dms I never got to answer. I just kinda turn into a hermit when overwhelmed or don’t notice them at all (I feel extra bad when I eventually do but every drop of energy needs to be salvaged for irl emergency), but I really appreciate the thought! And, yeah, I haven't disappeared into thin air. I’m just... Lurking here and there.  
Thanks for your patience and I'll see you soon!
Updates will be on the 1st of each month (and occasionally on the 15th)
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pweewee · 1 year
i see that requests are open so in that case... can i get some genji fluff? i have nothing specific to ask for, im just in dire need of genji lmao
genji fluff!!
Gender neutral reader
warnings: none <3!
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Genji fluff headcanons
- Genji tends too hold a movie night for the both of you, with your favorite snacks and drinks.
- he always tries to make a pillow fort but, he instead ends up getting stuck in the blankets. He has to wait for you to help him.
- he ALWAYS puts on disney movies. Its a must <3
- you guys have watched The little mermaid 6 times now…
- if he catches you sleeping during the movie, he’ll do the classic feather and shaving cream prank.
- he’ll feel bad after so he cuddles with you <3
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It was 1 in the morning and you were getting ready to go to sleep, when you got an unexpected call “who the hell is calling me at this ungodly hour...?”, you groaned. You wearily picked up the phone and a familiar name popped up ‘green cyborg ninja dude’ you immediately perked up and answered it.
“Is everything ok?”
‘Yeah I’m ok’
he pauses.
‘Except this one tiny thing.’
“And that is?”
‘I may or may not have been trying to build a pillow fort for movie night but have gotten stuck in the blankets.’
“It’s ok I’ll come over and get you out.
‘Thanks, I love you.’
“love you too idiot.”
You hung up the phone and got ready “Why is he setting up a movie night right now?”, you wonder. As soon as you arrived, you opened the door and saw Genji rolled up in a purple blanket next to an unfinished pillow fort, “Finally you’re here!” he let out a sigh of relief.
You chuckle to yourself and roll him to the other side, “Heyyy what are you doing?” Genji mumbles. “Making sure you stay in that blanket forever, I’m gonna watch The little mermaid all by myself” you teased. “Noo please!” he pouts, “fine, but only this one time”. You roll him out of the violet blanket, and he hugs you. “Thank you i thought you were gonna leave me in there all night” he fake cries, you feel a smile forming on your face “you know I never would do that Genji”.
“Yeah you love me too much”, he grins, you roll your eyes, “Now can you help me finish building the pillow fort, I wanna watch tangled with you.” you agree instantly. After a long 15 minutes of struggling and confusion, the fort was completely set up, it had both of your favorite snacks, drinks, pizza and some stuffed toys, “Finally we can relax” he crawls into the fort and sits down, you follow along and sit next to him, laying your head in his shoulder. He eagerly opens up the movie and moves closer to you with your hand in his.
As the movie went on you slowly drifted into sleep and of course, genji noticed, he decided this was the best time to take revenge on you for teasing him. He carefully placed you onto the stuffed toys and began to initiate his “brilliant” plan, he came back with a feather and shaving cream from his room. Genji sprayed shaving cream onto your hand and tickled your cheek with the feather. “what is that”, you mumble, half asleep, but you continued to disregard it anyway. He tickled your face even more until you couldn’t ignore it anymore and scratched your face, only to be met with a weird foamy texture. “What the hell genji!”, you yelped with the shaving cream now covering half your face. Genji bursted out laughing when he saw the look on your face while you glared at him, “You have to admit it was funny!”, he smiled, handing you a towel. you snatch the towel away from him and wipe your face. “You’re a coward and history will forget you.”, you huffed. “I’m sorryy!” he said, kissing your forehead, “I’ll give you cuddles to make up for it.” Genji said, making him self comfortable in the blankets. “I would like that…” you said, in a tired tone. he kisses you again and wraps his arm around you, pulling you under the covers, falling asleep with you as the movie kept playing.
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AAA THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A REQUEST. hope i did well <3 and i certainly hope this meets your standards!! Ty for requesting.
(so sorry if theres any punctuational errors or grammatical errors <\3)
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curejiraiya · 4 months
Thinking about it, fashion dreamer would have been a FANTASTIC $10 game. We're in the time of crazy inflation so really $25. I could see a greedy company pricing it at $35. Any more thought and it's just not worth it.
I love fashion dreamer, but there's not a lot of content. What is there is fun, but in like Style Savvy even without the story you'd still get to do characters hair and makeup and nails and pick out bags for them and scarves and bracelets and give them a WHOLE look. In fashion dreamer you JUST give them outfits.
The scoring system in fashion dreamer IS REALLY bad like it's not at all clear what counts for what category. Which is frustrating when it was crystal clear in style savvy.
The UI is clunky.
WTF were they thinking with "Type A" and "Type B"???? I'm not the only one to complain about this. But seriously it was done so poorly. It's clearly just men and women but late in development someone said "fuck make it gender inclusive". but they didn't change anything but the wording used. Ideally they would have not had types at all. But if they wanted to keep types they needed to make two versions of every item when modeling them. Some misinformed people are saying this isn't possible or is more work. But news flash, every item in this game was made from scratch. It was THEIR CHOICE to make completely separate items during modeling. They very well could have had their employees make two versions of each piece. Someone on the directors board didn't want it that way. Yeah they can't change it NOW but it's frustrating that they're pretending to be inclusive when it's very clear that from the games launch this wasn't in its design.
The game lags when you get more items, but also encourages you to get as many items as possible, but also has a 5000 item cap because of the lag.
I hate the online component lol I wasn't expecting this to be a 100% social game where you're missing content if you're not online ig. I just do notttttt want to interact with strangers in a game like this.
At the same time customers are currently pissed because the first event broke the servers so they took it down and it's been weeks and it's not back up. IMO limited events in a full price game like this is FUCKED, but they're ALSO online mode exclusive (that's so fucked!) so I can't even access the content.
It kinda seems like the reason it's not back is because staff went on Christmas break. If so ..... ooof
ALSO items from the event are fucking SINGLE USE. ?????????? this is a paid game what the fuck. Why are their single use anything? Why are events time limited? If you buy the game late you'll never get these items despite PAYING for them.
I wasn't really expecting much from the updates but really we should treat them like they don't exist. The first one just had two QOL features that should have been at launch. And with that in mind this is not a full priced game. It's not worth more than $25. This isn't the first time we've gotten a shallow, unfinished, and presumablypresumably rushed game from marvelous. and it probably won't be the last. I officially do not trust that team whatsoever. I doubt synsophia provided anything for the game other than the fashion itself, and maybe the NPCs, because the rest of it doesn't feel like their product in the way style savvy or PriMagi arcade does. I wish they didn't partner with them.
Like obviously me and everyone else wishes this was a style savvy game instead. But even without that, I wish this game had more soul. I also wished it felt finished? The actual gameplay loop feels finished but the UI does not. Not having all of the basic sort functions from Style Savvy (color / Item type / style) makes the game feel like a beta test. I stopped playing because someone will ask for red shoes and I have to scroll for 45 seconds to find them while I watch everything slowly pop in.
The removal of money and buying items in quantities is a blow to depth too, because in Style Savvy someone would ask for a cool shirt and you have to hope you still have one in stock. Meanwhile in fashion dreamer this is only a problem for the first hour before you have enough of everything.
Like style savvy had more AND had a story. frustrating. Again I don't mind no story, I get that that's better for modern audiences. But they lost me because of lack of depth everywhere else. ugh
I don't hate this game! I think it's a cute small play once a week or once a month pickup for 2 minutes game. But that's NOT how it's priced. I also think they're REALLY REALLY REALLY fumbling how they're handling events. If they wanted to handle events the way they are right now they game needed to be free to play.
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