#its ok to be sad
pebble-of-gold · 2 years
Hey you are allowed to be upset when a person you like does something wrong.
I really loved John Mulaney, I never thought he was wrong for divorcing his wife and having a baby and stuff because people change and theur relationships change. But giving his platform to a transhomophobe is wrong. ACTUALLY wrong this time.
Ezra Miller was a wonderful actor in my opinion I genuinely thought they were fantastic. Plus they have pretty person privalage and They were relatable because im non-binary so I was biased to start with. Then they started terrorising people... and I dont think I need to explain why thats wrong.
Needless to say ot hurt to find out people I'd been enjoying, were doing wrong things. I was upset because I looked up to them, angry because they were SUPPOSED to be good, and guilty because I'd liked them.
You are allowed to be upset. You're allowed to not immediately renounce your love of those people and you don't have to unfollow them as soon as the drama starts. You can continue to consume their media (the more free the better but not always possible) and enjoy what they WERE doing. You can say you don’t want to hear about it. You can be hurt. It hurts when you realise a person you looked up to was a bad person
But, that doesn't mean defend them against all odds.
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sunnyb-0-y · 8 months
I cut my right hand off yesterday night
because it was the last part of me that touched you,
although I should have cut my head off a long time ago
since I’ve been touching you with my mind everyday.
you’re the stranger I know best.
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lifeonkylesfarm · 1 year
failure and laziness are literally human invented concepts. they are not inherently real. our concept of failure, at least in the western world, is entirely based on capitalism. you've "failed" if you don't meet productivity standards. you're "lazy" if you are not productive enough. success is a similarly invented concept.
trust me, you have not failed in life. no matter what anyone says. you are not a failure, nor are you lazy. you have many valid reasons to be relaxing. this world makes us tired. succeeding is not what society says it is. success is what you make it. if you work every day to be your best and do your best, you have not failed, you are not lazy, and, damn, I'd call that success! and if you haven't what you think is your best, that's ok too. it's ok to be tired.
this world is tiring, and it's ok.
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tamala3 · 9 months
Je OK nebýt OK.
Je naprosto v pořádku se občas cítit špatně. Život je jako horská dráha. Někdy jsme nahoře a někdy zase dole.
Pokud se zrovna teď necítíš dobře, nenadávej si za to. Řekni si jo, teď se cítím mizerně, pojmenuj svoje pocity a přijmi je. Vybreč se, zakřič do polštáře, obejmi se, vyběhej se, dej si čokoládu, zabal se do deky, podívej se na film. Udělej prostě to, co v té dané situaci potřebuješ. Není dobré potlačovat svoje emoce. Dej jim čas a oni pomalu odejdou.
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mstudi0s · 1 year
🍍shed your tears🍍
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You are allowed to be upset. Please remember to hold space for yourself whenever you need to. At the end of the day we are still human and there are things that are going to upset us and make us feel down and it is ok to ne upset with those things and give yourself that time alone to just release those emotions in whatever way best suits you. Whatever way, get those emotions out and bring you back to a state of peace and remembering that you are still valued, loved, worthy, and enough no matter what you are going through. No matter how much time you need to he alone, whether that an hour, a day, a week, or then some, take it. The world can wait. 🍍🍍🍍
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strrbxy · 6 months
if you think about it, none of it matters. yet somehow, everything matters all the time.
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and today I want to tell you that it’s okay.
it’s okay if you always love more than you are loved.
it’s okay if your heart is open to those that only ever take from you.
it’s okay if others use you only to learn about their own faults.
it’s okay if people give up on a chance at love with you.
it’s okay if you want more than what you’re always given.
it’s okay if love has only ever left you sad and lonely.
it’s okay.
and I hope tomorrow, when you feel the weight of lost love pressing into your sternum, you remember that it’s okay.
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nurphysblog · 1 year
Bu kadar kötü bir insan mıyım ben? Kendimi neden hep bu soruyu sorarken buluyorum. Neden insanlara hep iyi biri olduğumu aşılamaya çalışıyorum. Neden? Bu psikolojiden çıkamıyorum. İnsanlara kendimi kanıtlamaya çabalarken buluyorum kendimi. Hep yaşanan şeylerde suçlu olarak gösterildim. Sanki ben olmasam her şey daha güzel olucakmış gibi lanse ediliyor. Gerçekten de öyle mi acaba. Gerçekten ben olmasam daha mı mutlu olucaklardı. Ben mi bu mutsuzluğa sebeb oldum. Ben bunları düşünmekten yoruldum artık dayanamıyorum. Keşke hiç var olmasaydım. Keşke benim yüzünden bunca acı çekip bu aptal mutsuzluğa kendilerini haps etmeselerdi. Gerçekten neden böyle tanrım neden böyle bir kısır döngü içerindeyiz. Ne zaman mutlu olucaz ne zaman huzura kavuşucaz.
Hep yaşadığım şeylerin beni büyüttüğünü eski halime nazaran değiştiğimi düşünürdüm. Böyle düşününce kendimi daha mutlu hissederdim. Tam şu an fark ediyorum ki yaşananlar beni ne büyütmüş ne de değiştirmiş. Ben kaybolmuş bu girdabın içindeymişim. Sadece kendimi kandırmışım bunca zaman. Ne acı de mi bu? Ne acı bunca geçen zamana. Ben kaybolmuşum. Kontrolümü kaybetmişim.
Bu kargaşanın içinde nasıl kendimi bulucam ben. Nasıl yaparım? Bunun için zamanın var mı yoksa her şey için geçti mi? O kadar karmaşığım ki hiçbir şeyin cevabını bulamıyorum. İnsanlar bir sürü soru soruyor ama ben gelişigüzel cevap verip hayatıma devam ediyorum. Her gece sancısını çektiğim buymuş demekki. Ben kontrolü kaybetmişim. Her gün bu ağrıyı çekip yatmayı göze aldım ama asla neden böyleyim diye bir cevap aramadım. Bugün farkına varmak ne kadar canımı ağrıtıyor bir bilsen. Değişim kolay olan bir şey değil nasıl yapmayı planlıyorsun. Böyle yaşamaya devam edemem. Buna yaşamak denirse tabi. Kendinin farkına varmadan yaşamak ne kadar anlamlı ki bu hayatta. Anlamsızlıklar içinde sürükleniyorum. Uçurumdan aşşağı düşermişçesine. Düşmemek için tutunacak hiçbir şey aramıyorum oysaki. Kabullendim mi bu olanları. Erteledim ben hep oysa insanlara hep derim insan duygularını asla ertelememeli diye ne kadar komik başkalarına verdiğim tavsiyeye kendimin asla uymayışı. Yıkıkıcağımı bile bile bu yolda devam edişim. Ben sanırsam gerçekten kötü biriyim bunun en büyük kanıtı da kendime yapmış olmam. Bir insan bunun bile farkına bu kadar geç varıyorsa belkide gerçekten kötüyümdür. Bu hikayede belkide gerçekten rolüm olmaması gerekiyordur.
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finding-me-xx · 2 years
It only hurts IF YOU LET IT. remember that. Go be a bad bitch.
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twentynow · 2 years
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It’s ok to be not ok. Hang it on the wall! High quality digital download. Etsy link in bio.
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faerose1521 · 2 years
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rainninpain · 1 year
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sunnyb-0-y · 8 months
anything that ever existed, can never truly disappear:
their essence will remain in the things they have proven, touched, met, said.
she's not gone, if you still think about her smile before you go to sleep.
that message is still there, if you remember the way you felt when you read it.
the you from the past is still you, they just went to sleep.
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moonlightpersephone · 2 years
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life is a delicate pair of wings stitched to our lungs so that we might draw air and breathe although we are drowning
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kizzyanel · 2 years
Yesterday was challenging. It was my first solo flight home without Tuna.
I felt her absence going through security.
I felt her absence in the terminal: no visiting the pet relief area, no awkwardly scrambling in the bathroom, no being worried about her being at the bar.
The grief hit me stone hard at the gate where I saw a lady with her dog. I cried. I was anxious and sad and it hurt.
I felt it when we had turbulance and I didnt have sneaking her snacks to distract myself. I guess it is fitting they dont seem to serve Fruit and Cheese platters on those flights anymore.
I felt it at disembarking. We didnt take the selfie together announcing our landing. I didnt juggle her through another trip to the bathroom or visit the grassy park unique to the PS airport which Ive always loved specifically becuse it caters to her.
I felt it when my brother picked me up and I didnt hear him greet her.
I felt it when we got home and she was not there to greet my brother's dog.
Duece asked to go outside. I wonder if he noticed she didnt eventual follow, I wonder if he knew she wouldnt, I wonder if her did it anyway to honor the ritual.
I brought her ashes with me.
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sincerelyyours4 · 1 year
Dear stranger,
I think you might be busy, or stressed right now but I need you to know that you are fine.
You know one problem me and I believe even you and alot of people have gone through is not believing in yourself or thinking you are not good enough. But I want you to know that even if you are in a big mess right now or maybe you are at your best but still don't feel like you deserve, or did it , it's okay.
I need you to know that this huge planet has alot for you, and if you think otherwise just know that this planet is there, and you are here , and you are here for you. Just be yourself and stay fine okay??
Feel like you gotta talk to someone? We all are here. Trust me on this one <3
Sincerely Yours.
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